#based on a video I saw on Instagram
pandagirl45 · 2 years
[High School something IDK]
Tiberius Stone: *messing with Tony* 
Tony: *looks up being known as the quiet kid* *stands up*
Clint: *holding up his phone*
Steve: *getting ready to intervene*
Tiberius: you should sit down before I-
Tony: *punches Stone out cold*
Rhodey, Bucky, Natasha, and Thor: Oooh that dumbass is floating in the air, how can his hands do this
Sam: Someone get him out the air *kneeling posing with his hands in a pray by a knocked out Stone*
[They all got after school detention, Fury is going bald quickly]
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shadow-von-vamp · 6 months
shadow falls asleep while watching baby silver and silver just uses his psychokinesis to cover him up with a blanket or something and leaves to go eat some concrete
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crumbing-elysium · 5 months
The great bloated corpse of a creature washed ashore
She is battered, flesh beginning to peel or fall away in the mouths of scavengers
Taupe water washes over her with the tides, and gushes from her teeth as it pushes against her towards the shore
Her throat ripples with its force, the sand begins to pull her in, burying her in its expanse
Her eyes are closed, vacant in the sea
Seagulls fly above, she is insignificant to them.
They live, she is simply a mass of meat and tissue
What regards could a bird have for a pile of flesh?
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lewisvinga · 2 months
his lucky charm | carlos sainz x fem! reader / daughter
summary; even during the most stressful moments of football, carlos needs his good luck charm, his 6 month old daughter, in his arms.
word count; 630
warnings; ? idk pero hala madrid siempreeee
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03
note; [requests are closed] I HAD TO DO THIS😫 i’m weak for madridista carlos and i saw a video of a guy holding his daughter while watching benzema score a penalty and it reminded me of carlos ! but also, el clásico win tdy w bellingol winner tho🤭🤭🤭
masterlist !
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“Carlos, you know you can set her down in her crib, right?” Y/n asked again for the second time in 10 minutes, looking at the sleeping baby in her husband's arms.
“Ahorita no, mi amor.” [not now, my love] Carlos quickly shushed his wife as he kept his eyes on the screen.
Sometime around the second half, he had picked up little Catalina in hopes it would calm down his nerves over the Real Madrid and Manchester City match. However, when the match went into overtime, his nerves just became worse.
He was so nervous that he couldn’t help but rock back and forth which made his daughter fall into a deep slumber in his arms. It made Y/n laugh to herself. She was a fan of the Madrid-based team but not to the extent of Carlos who lives and breathes Real Madrid.
Her father-in-law even made a joke once that the Sainz’s bleed white, the team's official color. Sure, she was nervous because it was a knockout match for the top competition of club football but not nervous to the extent of her husband.
“Carlos, I really think you should put Catalina down before-“
“She’s my good luck charm!” Carlos exclaimed, holding the 6-month-old close to his chest. She even was wearing the white Real Madrid kit his father gifted them when she was born, making her even more of a ‘good luck charm’
Y/n playfully rolls her eyes at her husband's antics. She gets up to go to the kitchen to grab her phone and a bottle of water. When she walked back to the living room, she saw him biting his fingernails and kneeling on the floor instead of sitting on the couch.
“Carlos, what are you…” Her voice trailed off. She wore a confused expression as he held a now awake Catalina in one hand and the other hand kept running through his hair.
“Penalties, mi amor! Penalties!”
Y/n sat back down on the couch and held her phone up so she could record his reactions. They were down to the last penalty, the 5th one. If Real Madrid made it then that means they would pass.
Even Catalina, who doesn’t even understand what is going on, was focused on the screen as #22 for the Madrid-based team took his spot. Y/n noticed her husband holding his breath as the player swung his leg back and kicked the ball. The ball makes it in causing her husband to let out a cheer.
Carlos immediately stands up to his feet and holds Catalina out. “Mi gatita! Ganamos! Vamos a los semifinales!” [my little cat! we won! we’re going to the semifinals!] He loudly exclaimed to his 6 month old daughter who gurgled in reply. “Te dije, Y/n! [i told you] She’s our lucky charm!”
He holds her close and leaves kisses all over her chubby cheeks. Catalina squeals at the sensation of her father's beard scratching her face. She plants her hands on his face as he continues to kiss her, letting out fits of giggles.
Y/n’s heart melted at the interaction between her husband and their daughter. She knew he’d make the best girl dad the moment she found out she was pregnant. She was right, he is the best girl dad.
She couldn’t help but burst out into laughter when she heard Carlos start to sing the anthem of Real Madrid to Catalina who kept gurgling at her father's antics.
Y/n stood recording and quickly uploaded the video of her husband and daughter to Instagram, captioning it ‘a Madridista and his lucky charm🤍 hala madrid!’. She knew people would immediately fawn over their favorite driver cheering to his daughter, but for now, she was just enjoying the show he was giving with his not-so-perfect singing.
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adriennebarnes · 1 month
Can You Be My Boyfriend?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N is Ferrari’s social media manager and when one of the mechanics doesn’t take no for an answer, she pretends she’s dating a certain Ferrari driver.
Warning: grammatical and spelling errors cuz I don’t proofread
A/N: i just wanted to say thank you so much for the love y’all gave “Prince of Ferrari”, it means a lot to me as a new Charles Leclerc writer. I hope y’all like this one too, just like Olivia Rodrigo, I am so American,
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Y/N walked into Fred’s office.
“Mr. Vasseur, I had an idea for a new C2 challenge.” Y/N said.
“What did you have in mind, Y/N?” Fred asked.
“I was thinking we make dishes from each place we go to. Like Cuban food from Miami, Texas barbecue ribs, paella from Spain, and we have Charles and Carlos match the dishes to their flag. I personally think it would be fun, you know? Or we could do a video where the drivers tell us from which Grand Prix the photo was taken.” Y/N suggested.
“Those are very good ideas, Y/N, see if the boys are up to it, will you? Figure out when the best time is to film that.” Fred said.
“Yes, will do.” Y/N said and left his office. She walked to the living room (does the hospitality have a living room? I don’t know) to see Carlos and Charles chatting to away.
“There she is! Como has estado, hermosa?” Carlos asked Y/N, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek.
“Ha estado súper bien, un poquito cansada, pero nada que no se puede arreglar con un café.” Y/N said, her and Carlos laughed.
“I understand half of that.” Charles said.
“Now you know how I feel when you speak French.” Y/N said. “Anyway, as your social media manager, I had an idea for an upcoming challenge, we have to make the most of this season.” Y/N said.
“We hear you, mon ange, what’s the idea?” Charles asked.
“Can you guys guess what Grand Prix this is based off the picture?” Y/N asked, showing them a picture on her phone.
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“That’s when I won in Monza.” Charles answered.
“Good, this is your challenge, guessing Grand Prixs based off a photo.” Y/N said putting her phone away. “It’s not much, but it’s different from what you guys have done in the past. You could also match dishes to their countries.” Y/N said.
“Sounds like a fun challenge.” Carlos said.
“Good to hear. I’m gonna be with the photographer, he’s taking photos of the new livery and I need to approve them before I post them on Instagram. See ya later, okay?” Y/N said, stepping into the garage where she sees the photographer looking over the photos on his camera.
“Y/N! You’re here, tell me what you think, and be brutally honest. Do you think they came out to blurry?” The photographer, Daniel, asked. Y/N started looking them over.
“They look great, honestly, it matches Ferrari’s instagram feed, you did a good job. Can you upload them to the computer?” Y/N asked and Daniel said that he could. He left Y/N alone on the garage and that’s when one of the mechanics, Ruggero, approached her.
“Sei bellissima, a more mío.” Ruggero told her. Y/N rolled her eyes,
“Grazie, Rugge, what do you want?” Y/N asked.
“You are very hostile towards me, you know? I might be able to forgive you if you go out with me.” Ruggero said.
“Not gonna happen, Rugge, aren’t you tired of getting rejected?” Y/N asked.
“I bounce back. Come on, amore, why won’t you let me take you out? You think you’re too good for me?” Ruggero asked.
“What are you talking about? Oh my god, I don’t think I’m too good for you, where the hell did you get that from?” Y/N asked, so confused at the turn this conversation took.
“Well that’s the only thing I could think of, you come from the states, you clearly think you’re better than Europeans.” Ruggero said and Y/N had enough of this nonsense.
“I have a boyfriend! Que pesado eres, me cae.” Y/N said.
“Really, who’s the boyfriend?” Ruggero asked. Y/N saw Charles walking into the garage.
“Muñeco, there you are!” Y/N said loudly, walking up to Charles and kissed him. Charles widened his eyes in shock but kissed her back and they both pulled away, Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his chest and Charles rubbed her back.
“Congratulations, does Fred know?” Ruggero asked.
“It’s private right now, we’re just seeing how this goes.” Y/N replied and as soon as Ruggero left, Y/N pulled away from Charles. “I am so sorry! Ruggero wouldn’t leave me alone so I had to tell him I had a boyfriend and honestly whoever walked through that door was going to be the victim of my lie but I am glad it’s you and not Carlos, mainly because Ruggero knows Rebecca is dating him.” Y/N explained quickly but Charles was still distracted, thinking about the kiss Y/N gave him.
“I’m sorry, what?” Charles asked.
“Can you be my boyfriend?” Y/N asked.
“I Don’t think we could pull this off, Y/N. We work together.” Charles said.
“We would only have to pretend we’re dating around Ruggero, no one else has to know, I promise.” Y/N said.
“Okay fine.” Charles said, him and Y/N were walking back to the main area (I don’t know how this works) and Carlos was standing next to Fred and Ruggero with a smile.
“Congratulations, cabrón,” Carlos told charles, hugging him. “You two are adorable.” Charles turned to look at Y/N with a look that said ‘no one will know, yeah right’
“I didn’t know you two were dating.” Fred commented.
“It’s still new.” Charles replied, putting his arm around Y/N.
“As long as it doesn’t interfere with the social media posts, it should be fine.” Fred said before walking away. Ruggero smiled before going back to the garage.
“Now I know why you always called her ‘mon ange’, que coqueto saliste, eh charles.” Carlos said, leaving Y/N and Charles alone, Y/N pulled away to face Charles.
“Well so much for that plan, I really am sorry, Charles.” Y/N said.
“You know what? It’s alright, it’s okay, pretending around here should be easy enough, this can’t get worse, right?” Charles asked.
“I Don’t think it can. How about I buy you lunch for getting you into this situation? I swear I did not mean for this to happen.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, sure let’s get lunch, where do you want to go?” Charles asked.
“Well since this lunch is my treat, you choose where we should go.” Y/N said. Charles and Y/N walked to the parking lot together and Y/N was walking towards her car when Charles grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards his car. “Seriously?”
“Well what kind of boyfriend would I be if we went to lunch in different cars?” Charles asked.
“Yeah, makes sense, Ruggero is watching through the window too, let’s go.” Y/N said. Charles opened the passenger door and Y/N got in, he close the door behind her, ever there gentleman, and he got into the driver seat. He turned on the car, and gave Y/N his phone so she can choose the music.
They arrived at the restaurant and like always, there were fans recording Charles and Y/N in the car, leaving the car, eating at the restaurant, talking, laughing, within the hour, Charles and Y/N were trending on Instagram, Twitter (X), and TikTok. As they waited for the check, Y/N was scrolling on TikTok when she found a video of her and Charles in the car.
“Charles, i think our ‘relationship’ went public.” Y/N said, showing him her phone. Charles’s eyes widened.
“Cant say I’m not surprised, I just thought videos wouldn’t be posted until later, you know?” Charles said and Y/N put her phone away.
“We haven’t even been ‘dating’ two hours and now everyone knows. You have no idea how sorry I am, I feel so bad for dragging you into this.” Y/N said.
“None of this wouldn’t have happened if Ruggero understood the word ‘no’ so you are fine, I’m glad I was able to help. But what was that thing you called me? ‘Muñeco’? Why did you call me that?” Charles asked.
“So ‘muñeco’ means ‘doll’, you have a pretty face, everyone says you’re good looking, you know you’re good looking. So muñeco just suits you, okay, especially with those dimples.” Y/N said, Charles smirked a little.
“You think I have a pretty face?” Charles asked teasingly.
“Great, I boosted your ego, like your head wasn’t big enough already. You literally said in one of those C2 challenges when Carlos had your photo that if you were a woman, you would be in love with yourself.” Y/N said. The waiter came in with the check and Y/N was going to take it but Charles was faster. “Dude, I told you I was gonna pay.”
“It would look good if you paid, there are cameras everywhere apparently.” Charles said, placing his credit card with the check. The waiter took the check.
“Then I’ll Apple Pay you. You gonna train today?” Y/N asked.
“Yes actually, come with me? You could post it to my story.” Charles asked. The waiter came back with Charles’s card.
“Yeah, I can do that. But we gotta go to Scuderia Ferrari for my car.” Y/N said, getting up from the table, Charles getting up as well.
“I think it can stay there overnight.” Charles said.
“You want me to spend the entire day with you? You’re insane.” Y/N commented as they were leaving the restaurant.
“Maybe, but it is to keep up appearances.” Charles said.
“I guess, but how long do we say we’ve been dating?” Y/N asked, getting into Charles’s car, he does the same.
“4 months seems good, don’t you think?” Charles asked.
“I guess that’s plausible.” Y/N said, Charles starts the car and drives off.
“Do you miss New York?” Charles asked.
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked.
“You travel a lot with us and you moved to Monaco for work, but do you ever miss New York? Your family? I know I miss my family when I’m away for races.” Charles said.
“I miss the food in New York, I can’t get decent tacos al pastor in Monaco, I gotta wait til the Mexican Grand Prix for them.” Y/N stated. “But yeah, I do miss New York.”
“You should ask for vacation time so you could go.” Charles said.
“I Don’t think they’ll give it to me, but thanks.” Y/N said.
For a week, Y/N and Charles have been spotted together everywhere, at races obviously, with Joris, Andrea, Doni, and Victoria, even with Charles’s family. Right now Y/N was with Charles at a club in Monaco. Y/N was at a table with Charles was at the bar getting drinks. Y/N noticed a girl flirting with Charles, touching his hand, before he pulled away with two drinks for him and Y/N.
“Charles, can we talk for a second?” Y/N asked.
“Sure, what’s on your mind, mon ange?” Charles asked, the nickname still causing butterflies in Y/N’s stomach.
“If you wanted to hook up with that girl, you can. I don’t want to have you tied down for a fake relationship.” Y/N said.
“I wasn’t interested in her at all, you know.” Charles commented.
“Really? What happens when the next girl that hits on you is more your type? I don’t want to hold you back, we are friends after all.” Y/N said.
“I have a confession to make.” Charles said, Y/N nodded her head for Charles to continue. “I’ve liked you for a while. Before you kissed me, it was a little crush, I thought it would have went away, but being with you this past week made my crush grow stronger. You don’t have to feel the same way, I just wanted to get this off my chest.” Y/N was shocked. Charles usually went for Instagram models, but he actually likes her, this was her dream come true.
“I’ve liked you for a while too, I just never thought you would see me that way.” Y/N said.
“I’m going to kiss you right now, okay?” Charles whispered, getting closer to Y/N, looking at her lips then back into her eyes, Y/N nodded, leaning in until their lips touched. It was a soft, gentle kiss, until Charles gained more confidence to do more. They pulled away. “Will you be my girlfriend? For real, this time?” Charles asked.
“Yes I will.” Y/N responded, they kissed again.
The End
Was this good? I think it was good, the pacing is weird, but I had no idea where this was going, just saying. Was it just as good as “prince of Ferrari”? Probably not, but I hope y’all liked it, should I keep writing Charles Leclerc fanfics?
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inkdrinkerworld · 29 days
i saw this on instagram and felt it was very much in line with your blog's aesthetic rn!!!
could you please do a fic for spencer based on it 🥺
its okay if you are too busy :)
oh this is such a cute comment and such a cute video! spencer would so let you do it!!!
"Spencer, lay still." you're the only one of the two of you moving as you both lay on a picnic blanket.
Spencer's reading his Russian novel and you've gotten bored with your own and transitioned to picking daisies and fitting them in his hair.
He says your name softly, reverent like a prayer. His brown eyes lift to yours and find you smiling, a cheeky smile on your face as you spin a daisy between your fingers.
"How many are in there?" he asks, not wanting to reach a hand up and risk having them all fall out.
"About thirty," you hum, reaching for your phone on the picnic basket to take a picture to show him. "Here, look." Spencer's eyes lighten as he looks at the picture, a smile gracing his own lips.
"There's so many," Spencer turns then, his neck aching from his previous position. "Can I lay in your lap?" he asks, slotting his bookmark between his pages as he twists a little on the blanket.
"Course you can, that's optimal hair flowering position." Spencer chuckles, laying himself carefully in your lap and sighing. "Are your eyes tired, Spence?"
He hums, "A little, I think I may have to transition to my glasses again." you smile secretly, not so opposed to him wearing his glasses again as Spencer is himself.
"Really? The brown ones?" Spencer knows what you mean to ask. He nods all the same. "Those make you look even more handsome!" you compliment, earning a chuckle from Spencer as you weave another flower into his hair.
"I think you're the only one who thinks that. I'm just old now, I'm thirty three and I need glasses now more than ever."
You hum, "Imagine what your prescription would be like if you weren't anti-technology." Spencer laughs again, shaking some of the flowers free from his hair, but you don't mind. It just gives you more time to weave even more into his hair, till it's all just daisies and hardly hair.
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citrussushii · 2 months
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Based on this video I saw on Instagram 💀
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lovingmattysposts · 5 months
Do you think he knows?
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summary: you just became popular on YouTube and you just moved to LA and you were invited on one of your favorite podcasts, The Zach Sang Show. Everything was great until he brought up a little crush of yours that you gushed about that the beginning of your career, which caused you to light up in embarrassment hoping to god he never saw anything you’ve said about him.
warnings: Just fluff, mentions of drinking/ being sober
"Next topic" Zach said through the microphone. I just smiled and looked over to him as he looked down at the sheet in front of him.
My friend, Sarah and I had been growing rapidly on youtube and our podcast that we had. We made vlogs and just filmed some funny moment that happened throughout our lives, and people actually tuned in and listened. Which shocked me. 20K viewers turned in 100K viewers and we were now sitting at almost a million subscribers on youtube and an average of 800K-1M views per video.
We had just offically moved to LA a month ago and were still settling into everything. It was all very exciting and this was the first time were appearing on someone else's podcast and I was nervous to say the least. When we were first invited on the podcast, The Zach Sang Show, of all places, I debated on going or not, but ultimately we decided it would be best to further our career. So here we were, sitting here doing someone else's podcast.
The first few questions were easy. Just basically talking about the come up of our career, how we got here, how we met, etc. I felt better having Sarah here by my side, I didn't know what I would do if all of the attention on me. I was just happy not too many personal questions were asked so far.
"Chris Sturniolo" Zach said directing his attention to me. I took in a breath, attempting not to show on my face the embarrassment that began to arise.
I was so excited when we first started blowing up. I never really thought we would go anywhere, just making silly little videos to look back on, so that persuaded me to say whatever came to mind. Including my huge crush on Christopher Sturniolo. In our earlier videos, I would go on and on about how attractive I thought he was. How funny I thought he was. How I would marry that man in a heartbeat.
This caused many of the Sturniolo triplet fans to be directed towards our videos. Clips of me gushing over new instagram posts of him, going viral on TikTok. The comments being filled with their fan base saying things like, "She gets it" or "Me too girl".
Once we started to blow up even more I started to calm down my obsessive tendencies. I knew that since our faces were starting to pop up around more and more, I would die of embarrassment if Chris came across any of those clips. I wasn't stalker-obsessed. I'd seen a few of their videos, seen a few clips on TikTok, which like many other girls across the globe made me start taking an interest in Chris.
I didn't know everything that's ever happened in his life or anything. I just saw his face, seen him say some funny shit, and was like "Yep love of my life" and that was it. Kind of like people's crushes on Liam Hemsworth and Jacob Elordi. It didn't go far past seeing funny or attractive clips of them.
To this day, I still didn't know if Chris had seen anything i've said about him and honestly I really didn't want to know.
Sarah looked over at me, raising her eyebrow a smile on her face. I shook my head and looked down, feeling my face start to burn up.
"You've been pretty open with your past relationship history in your videos, which is why many of your fans love you guys. For your open and honest thoughts" He said looking down at the sheet in front of him.
"y/n, you've never actually been in a relationship before?" He asked looking at me. I sighed and nodded. "I've been in positions of potential relationships before, but they all treated me like shit. So i've just kinda voided the whole thing off. I don't think it's ever gonna happen for me. I've definitely been hurt enough in the past to where I'm not even looking to be in one" I said honestly nodded. Zach nodded smiling.
"You know we just had Chris on the show" he said. I sighed looking down smiling and shaking my head. "He had an answer very similar to yours" he stated. I looked over at Sarah who was smiling and biting the straw on her drink.
"Look" I breathed into the mic. "Chris is a very attrative young male, but I don't know anything about him really. He could be in a relationship for all I know. I'm not into stepping on anybody's toes" I laughed awkardly looking at him. He nodded looking down.
"You've mentioned in some of your past videos that you thought he was the most attractive man to walk the planet" Zach said making Sarah bust out laughing and push the mirophone out of the way. I hit her in the shoulder and shook my head.
Zach raised his eyebrows and looked at me. I avoided his eye contact attempting to wipe the smile across my face. "Do you still think that?" Zach asked looking at me. I pursed my lips. I took a deep breath as I leaned into the mic.
"Okay, I know I was a little obessive there for a minute, but I swear it wasn't in a creepy way. I just saw a cute guy popping up on my feed and was like "oh heyy"" I laughed into the mic.
"I don't even really know the guy that well" I shook my head. Zach smiled raising his eyebrows. "Are you sure? You’re blushing a little bit over there" He laughed. I shook my head smiling.
"Hello? Have you seen the guy? I still stand behind everything I've said. I just don't want to get attack by the fan base, I'm honestly scared of them. I really haven't seen that many of their videos" I said shaking my head.
"She plays their videos to fall asleep at night" Sarah said leaning into the mic. I glared over at her smiling. "She's lying!" I said shaking my head. "I'm kidding" Sarah laughed shaking her head. I was now blood red.
"Have you met him yet in person? I know you guys work with the same merch company" Zach stated. I smiled and nodded. "Wow you really did your research" I laughed. "That's my job" he said smiling. I shook my head.
"No, I haven't met him in person and If i'm being completely honest I think I'd run and hide. My 17 year old self had no filter" I laughed shaking my head.
"So what makes you feel an attraction to Chris rather than Matt per say?” Zach smiled and leaned back in his chair. I sighed. "I feel like from what I've seen Matt and I are very similar in the fact with dealing with mental health shit and kind of letting everyone else talk and being shy" I said looking at him.
"So I feel like Chris is like a breath of fresh air of not seeing myself in him. I wouldn't really want to be with someone exactly like me" I stated.
"Not that I think Matt isn't attractive or a great person, oh god i'm so scared of their fanbase" I shook my head quickly. Zach laughed. "In full honesty Nick is my favorite" I laughed. "But I don't know, In a weird way I feel like them being sober and me being sober and everything, It would just be nice to have someone like that especially in the LA scene where I feel like everyone is the same" I sighed. He nodded.
"So this is y/n’s offical application to be Chris Sturniolo's girlfriend" Sarah said into the mic. My eyes went wide and I pushed her. "It is not!" My face went red. Zach laughed.
"But yeah they are all attrative, clearly" I said holding out my hands and looking around. "But I think they are like genuine people, which is hard to find" I sighed. They nodded. "I agree" Sarah said into the mic, I nodding looking over at her and smiling.
"If you could go back and delete some of those clips of what you said about him, would you?" He asked looking at me. I took a deep breath before leaning into the mic.
"No, I wouldn't. As fucking insane as I sounded--" I laughed. "That's one of the main things that made us blow up, being relatable and such. Plus it made alot of his fan base find us, and I wouldn't give that up just to save myself future embarrassment. I also meant everything I said, I was young growing up--but it didn't mean I didn't feel the things I was saying. I think it's kind of sweet looking back and seeing those clips and seeing the emotions of it all. It reminds me of when I would obessive over bands and stuff when I was a kid" I smiled nodding.
Zach nodded smiling. "That's a sweet way of looking at it" he smiled. I shook my head laughing.
"Okay, now bring out Chris Sturniolo!" He yelled holding out his arm towards the door. My eyes went wide and I screamed covering my face with my hands, making Sarah and Zach laugh.
"I'm kidding. I'm kidding" He said into the mic. I looked up feeling my face heat up. "Zach, we're not friends anymore" I bit back a smile shaking my head, making him laugh.
"Next topic, please" I said shaking the smile off my face.
"How do I look?" Sarah asked running her fingers through her hair. I smiled at her. "Good, really good" I said looking her. She smiled letting out a breath. She looked over at me looking her up and down.
The Zach Sang episode went out last week, and low and behold the clip of me talking about Chris went viral. Out of everything I talked about, that's the one topic that gets millions of views. It helped out our fan base quite a lot actually, we gained almost 100K after that video posted, so I couldn't be that mad. I just could never look Chris Sturniolo in the eye and I was okay with that.
"You're not nervous at all?" She asked looking at me. I shrugged and then shook my head. "They are just people Sarah, just like us" I laughed as she nodded and took a deep breath.
It was our first ever influencer party ever. Familiar faces i've seen online crowded the room. It was weird seeing people I used to fan girl over in the same room as me, even speaking to me. It was something I never even imagined myself doing. But here we were.
I wasn't nervous it was weird. Maybe it was because we had just as many followers as some of the people around us.
"Did you see Vinnie Hacker was over there?" She gushed before closing her eyes and covering her mouth in excitement. I shook my head looking at her. "Calm down, this isn't a meet and greet. We're here to make connects so calm down" I said through gritted teeth. She took in a deep breath before nodding and smiling.
"Okay, Okay I'm calm" She nodded looking at me. I raised my eyebrows. "I am--I am look" She said pinching her fingers and taking in a slow breath and letting it out. I smiled and shook her as she attempted to mediatate in front of me.
She opened her eyes before they trailed behind me and she froze. I just looked at her. "What?" I asked. She stood frozen, staring behind me. "Did you see lil huddy or something?" I chuckled, but she didn't smile. "Sarah what?" I asked again looking at her. She glanced down at me, dropping her arms.
"The triplets are here" She said quietly. I felt all the blood leave my face. "What?" I asked quickly looking at her. She glanced behind me before quickly looking down at her feet. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" she said quickly placing her hands against her face. My heart started to beat out of my chest.
"Sarah what?" I whispered quickly. "We made eye contact, they are walking over here" She said looking up at me. My mouth dropped at I stared at her in disbelief. "What? No--Are-Are you sure--" I whispered looking at her. She lifted her head, before a smile came her face.
"Shut up, shut up" She whispered quickly under her breath as she raised her eyebrows, her attention turning to the people walking up to us. I stared at her, my eyes wide and anxiety filling my whole body.
I heard a male's voice say. I reluctantly looked up to see Nick staring down at her. I smiled up at him, slightly star struck from standing this close to him. I glanced over and saw Matt standing next to him and Chris standing next to Matt, all looking at me.
This was my worst nightmare.
"Y/n and Sarah right?" Nick smiling pointing between us. I took in a breath looking over at Sarah with wide eyes, she wore the same expression. Unfortunately. I wanted to say.
"Yeah" I nodded smiling. "I'm Nick" He said holding out his hand for me to shake. I looked down at his hand. Maybe he's being humble. I obviously knew who they were. I took his hand anyway shaking it, before he extended his hand to Sarah, who shook it smiling.
"This is Matt and Chris, my brothers" He said motioning to them. I looked over at Matt who smiled nodding at me, and then to Chris who smiled slightly. I swallowed looking down at my feet. Oh my god.
"We love your videos" Nick said making me snap my head up. I looked at him furrowing my eyebrows. He just looked at me. "Like--" I said looking over at Sarah who was just looking at me.
"Like our videos?" I asked motioning between me and Sarah. Nick laughed. "Yeah, we watch you guys like every week" He breathed. I just stared at him, my mouth slightly parted trying to figure out is he was serious or not.
"Like actually?" Sarah asked looking over at Nick. "You guys are funny as fuck" Matt said chuckling. "We live for the shit talking saturdays podcast" Matt said looking over at me. I smiled closing my eyes.
"You guys--" I said looking between them, trying so hard to not keep eye contact with Chris. "Are the funniest people i think i've ever seen" I chuckled looking at them. They all smiled.
"Thank you we appreciate that" Nick said looking up at me. I glanced over at Chris, who has yet to say a word, to see him just looking at me. I glanced away from him quickly looking back at Nick.
"I know that we have a lot of them same fan base--" Nick said looking between us. "Would you guys maybe want to colab sometime?" He asked raising his eyebrows looking at us. I looked over at Sarah who looked at me, attempting to send me messages through her eyes, before shrugging. I looked back at them.
"It doesn't have to be for a whole pod episode, I know you guys just did that--" Matt started to say, making me close my eyes and scrunch my nose. Fuck. I took a breath, reopening my eyes. It's fine. It's fine. You're fine.
"It could just be like a regular video, I know our fans would love to see it" Matt explained looking between us. I took in a breath and looked over at Sarah, who shrugged and nodded. I looked back at them, my cheeks slightly red.
"Yeah, we'd love that" I nodded. Nick smiled at me. "Great, can I get one of your numbers?" He asked looking between us. I nodded before pulling out my phone and handing it to Nick. Nick looked down at the phone, making silence come between the rest of us.
I just looked down at my feet.
"I like your shoes"
When I heard his voice my eyes shot up. Chris was looking at me. I looked down at my shoes and then back at him. "Mine?" I asked. He chuckled and nodded. My face lit up in what felt like flames.
"Oh! Thanks. I actuatly just got these--They were like super expensive for like no reason, they are just like tan shoes like why are they so fucking---" I stopped myself biting my lip. Fuck, I'm word vomiting. I paused looking at him and he was staring back at me waiting for me to finish.
"Expensive" I breathed looking at him. He smiled and nodded. "They're sick" He said glancing back down at my shoes. I smiled and looked away from him, just in time for Nick to hand me back my phone.
"Just text me whenever you're free" He smiled before walking past us, watching Matt and Chris following along after him. I let out a breath.
I looked over at Sarah.
"He definitely saw it" I groaned closing my eyes. Sarah looked over at me. "He definitely saw it" She nodded looking over at me. I looked over at her. "How embarrassing was I?" I sighed rubbing my hands over my hands. Sarah shook her head looking at me.
"No, no you weren't I promise" She said looking down at me. I cringed looking up at her. "Maybe a little red--" She squinted. I sighed and looked down. "But definitely not embarrassing" She said putting her hand on my shoulder.
I looked over to see the triplets moved across the room, just in time to see Chris look back at me. I turned away and grabbed Sarah's arm. "That's enough embarrassment for one night" I mumbled as I dragged her away.
"I'm gonna go talk to Vinnie" Sarah smiled up at me. I rolled my eyes. "Sarah, you've had too many drinks. You're gonna embarrass yourself" I chuckled pushing her drink down. She rolled her eyes.
"Liquid confidence" She cheered before moving past me. "Sarah" I said looking at her as she smiled and winked at me and made her way across the room. I sighed once she finally made her way over to him and he looked down at her.
Sometimes I wondered how it was so easy for her. To just go up and talk to guys. Sure I was confident online with my podcast and everything, but when it came to real life situations--I wasn't the one talking first or being the loudest one in the group.
This resulted in Sarah having multiple flings with people, pulling guys wherever she went and me being the girl who just creppily talks about a triplet and runs away from him. God.
I glanced away from the interaction from Vinnie and Sarah and looked up to see the same blue eyes I was just thinking about staring down at me. I turned slightly to see if anyone else was around me that he could possibly be talking to, but when I saw no one I turned back to look at him. He smiled and shook his head at me.
"Hi" I breathed looking at him. Chris. glanced down at my cup. "What you sippin on?" He asked. I looked down at the cup in my hand and then back up to him. "Oh! It's like this herbal-tea thing. It's suppose to help calm you down, but not in like a drug related way---Like in a herbal tea way--" I chuckled slightly.
"But it's really not that good, if i'm being honest i'm having to choke it down, because it is not working--" I said shaking my head looking back up at him, a smile just on his face.
"Not! That i'm super nervous or anything, I just--It's my first influencer party and I don't really know anyone except for Sarah--Who is--" I said looking over and seeing her lips attached to Vinnie's. I scrunched my nose and looked back at Chris who was also taking in the sight himself.
"Sucking on Vinnie Hacker's face currently" I chuckled slightly looking back at him. He chuckled and nodded. "But don't mind her, she's not normally like this. She's just drunk and nervous which is why she's making out with a famous twitch streamer" I shook my head. He just nodded smiling at me.
"Not--that i'm judging her for drinking or anything. That's totally okay with me--It's just not for me, you get what i'm saying? Sometime I like being the DD, but only if it means no one is puking in my car. But she never usually gets to that point, I also love how she doesn't judge me for not drinking even though we're in LA, because sometimes peer pressure is just like---" I said looking around and then meeting his eyes again, pausing as he looked down at me. I sighed closing my eyes.
"I'm....talking a a lot aren't I?" I asked opening my eyes looking at him. How could I possibly have gone on a tangent this long from the simple question: What are you drinking? God If I could crawl into a hole right now, I would.
He chuckled and shook his head. "No you're fine" He smiled looking down at me. I took a breath and looked down, feeling my face betray me and light up. "I'm sober too, I think it's cool that you're sober" He said pointing at my drink.
"Think i'd rather be drinking alcohol than whatever herbal ass this is" I joked looking down at my drink, my hand slightly shaking. He laughed. He laughed, making me look up at him and take a real breath. He shrugged.
"Yeah maybe sounds really gross" He breathed looking down at me. I took a breath as we stared at each other. Not believing that we were genuinely speaking right now.
"I saw that you said you were working on a jewelry brand" He stated looking down at me. "That's really fucking cool" He smiled looking at me. I smiled and nodded.
"I'm really excited about it. T-shirt and sweatshirts are whatever, but like making a genuine brand that people who aren't a fan of my content can wear is really cool" I said looking at him. He nodded.
"Yeah I think it's pretty cool that you can decifer yourself and what you want to do, from Sarah's. I feel like I kind of a hard time doing things without my brothers" He stated looking down at me, like I was a normal person and we were having a normal converstaion.
"Yeah well, I feel like before all this social media stuff, Sarah was kind of the one who made all the plans, was always invited somewhere, always had more friends. Mainly because she was more outgoing than me--" I said glancing over at her, still kissing Vinnie. I looked up at Chris who was watching them.
"Clearly" I chuckled and he chuckled and nodded. "And also with the fact that she drank and I didn't" I sighed. "I guess they just felt awkward inviting me to places where there would be drinks, like I was allergic to it or something" I said shaking my head. He nodded, like he was understanding what I was saying.
"I would never say this to her, but taking the step to doing something by myself that I feel people would love is like the biggest deal to me ever. Especially since I feel like when people look at the two of us, they usually like her more" I sighed. Chris nodded and his eyes didn't leave mine as I spoke, like he was really listening.
"Which I guess it's not her fault, but it's how I feel" I shrugged. He let out a breath and glanced over at Sarah who had finally come up for air. "Sarah's cool" He stated. I looked up at him nodding. He glanced back down at me.
"But she's not as funny as you" He whispered slightly leaning down, making me start to shake slightly. I chuckled and shook my head. He leaned up and smiled down at me. We just looked down at me for a second.
"Sorry I'm not really good at this" I said looking at him, he furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He asked crossing his hands over his chest. I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes at him.
"I don't know this?" I asked shaking my head. He smiled and licked his lips. "What flirting with me?" He asked looking down at me, making my eyes go wide. He raised his eyebrows and smiled. I scoffed, feeling my face go red.
"I am not flirting with you" I said attempting to bite back my smile as he looked at me. He shrugged and looked down at me. I sighed looking down and swallowing my pride.
"You've seen the clips haven't you?" I asked scrunching my face and looking up at him. He smiled and shrugged. "Maybe a few" He laughed lightly. I swallowed shaking my head, suddenly regretting everything i've ever said. I groaned placing my hands over my face.
"Oh god" I said looking up at him. He shook his head. "No, don't be embarrassed. I think it's flattering" He chuckled. I shook my head. "No Chris, it is embarrassing" I laughed off the awkwardness of this conversation.
"I think it's cute you think my eyes are bluer than the ocean" He chuckled. I shook my head holding up my hands. "Stop stop" My face just got redder by the second. He laughed and stepped towards me grabbing my hand that was in the air. I looked down at our hands and saw him looking down at me.
"Maybe you weren't flirting with me, but maybe I wanted to flirt with you" He stated running his thumb over my hand and then letting it fall. I glanced up and blinked at him, as he looked down at me. Was I dreaming? Was this real life? I didn't believe the words falling out of his mouth.
"What?" I whispered. He took in a breath sighing and looking to the side. "My brothers would never shut up about the things you've said about me, reminding me almost everyday--" He started looking back down at me. I didn't speak I just looked at him.
"and maybe I mentioned that I thought you were cute" He smiled down at me. My mouth parted. Dreaming, definitely dreaming. "And ever since I said that, they haven't shut up about getting us to meet each other--Since they love your videos so much" He said quietly looking down at me.
"They love?" I asked smiling up at him. He sighed rolling his eyes. "We love" He stated smiling. I blushed and shook my head. "Sorry" I whispers running my hands over my cheeks that were out of control. He shook his head, his eyes not breaking mine.
"No it's okay" he smiled. I smiled up at him. "So...you think you'll do a video with us?" He asked quietly. I took in a breath. "i'll have to check my schedule" I teased looking at him. He licked his lips and nodded.
"You think you have time in your schedule for a date?" He asked smiling. My smile dropped as I looked at him, seeing if he was serious. He raised his eyebrows looking at me.
"Like actually?" I whispered looking at him. He smiled and nodded. "Dinner? My place?" He asked looking at me. I opened my mouth and then closed it just staring at him.
"Are you seeing someone?" He asked due to my silence. I shook my head quickly. "No" I stated. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Will you go out with me then?" He chuckled. I took in a breath before smiling, getting ready to respond but I was too nervous so I turned to the side.
I glanced over seeing Sarah leaning against Vinnie's shoulder, groaning with her eyes closed. I sat up straighter.
"Shit" I breathed. I looked back at Chris. "I'm sorry I have--" I said looking at him. He shook his head stepping back. "No go, you're fine" He said shaking his head. I took in breath stepping away from him and starting towards Sarah, but I paused turning back around to meet Chris's eyes again.
"Dinner. Your place. Saturday night work?" I breathed smiling. He started to smile. "Y-Yeah that's perfect" He nodded. I smiled before leaning up and kissing his cheek and then leaning back seeing I was no longer the one who was red in the face.
"You're sweet" I whispered. He just smiled at me, before I turned and headed off towards Sarah.
tag list:
@rac00ns-are-c00l4 @miastromboli @secret-sturniolo @sturnsclutter @sturniolodreamz @paper-crab @chrisolivia4l @mwah0mwah @recklesssturniolo @ejswift @kitaysworld @meg-sturniolo @nickmillersn1gf @fr3shl0ve @adrianaturnedpretty @oversturn @ghostgurlswrld @flowerxbunnie @ilytrinsworld @lustfulslxt @kiarastromboli @gemofthenight @blahbel668 @haunted-headset @sturnybabes @bethsturn @d3adlyclassrat @sturnybabes @mattsbitch @chrisluvbot @nickenthusiast @sturniolossmut @biimpanicking @iloveneilperry @chalametbich @dsmja @bernardsleftbootycheek @lovingsturniolo @aoxash @idrkk-123 @gingerbreadgodofhyperdeath @babagurlrichey @d3adlyclassrat @iammattsturniolo @1201pm @urfavstromboli @that-chris-girl01 @lovingsturniolo @aoxash
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moviecritc · 19 days
Hi I don't know if you write about Charles and Alexandra, but what about something based in obsessed by olivia rodrigo, in a more sapphic way, maybe reader and alex can make out or something. also if you can mix it with smau would be super cool 💕
obsessed ⋆ charles leclerc, alexandra saint mleux
pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader (various fc) x alexandra saint mleux
warnings: some bad words for the three of them (it was for the sake of the plot, nothing to harsh)
a/n: i made her a singer to add more drama. also i loooved this idea, i've been wanting to write something like this so much, thanks for requesting it <33
Remember that requests are open 💕💕
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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yourusername just posted!
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, charlesleclerc and 145,824 others
yourusername some visuals from the Paris music video 💜🩷💙
view all comments
user1 i felt so seen in the first verses of the song, i'm also a sucker for gossip
charlesleclerc 💜😍
user2 so dry
user3 what is someone so cool like yn dating someone so boring and simple like charles
user4 graduated in cuntology with a master in slayfication and cum laude in mother is mothering 101
sabrinacarpenter princess of glittery gel pen songs 💜💜💜💜
user5 that i might stop breathing
user6 yn using paris as a joke bc charles is monegasque is beyond cuteness
user7 GOALS.
user8 imagine having YN LN as a gf and NOT POSTING HER leclerc you better watch out
user9 it's giving taylor and joe
user10 THE HEARTSSS never beating bi allegations
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When Y/N saw the Instagram notification, curiosity got the better of her. Just curiosity. She and Charles had been dating for almost six months, and this was the girl he had been with before her, so she simply wanted to know who she was. She scrolled through her posts, seeing the life she had after breaking up with Charles; she worked at a museum in Monaco and at the same time was an influencer.
Looking at her photos, she realized she was very beautiful. Very, very beautiful. Her hair was healthy, long, and a gorgeous dark brown, her body was perfect, the clothes fit her great, and she had a very sweet voice. She wondered why Charles had ended things with Alexandra.
Then, as she scrolled through her highlighted stories, she accidentally liked one. Y/N immediately threw her phone down. "Shit," she said, grimacing. "Shit, shit, shit." She picked up the phone again and saw the red heart on a photo of Alexandra in a bikini with a beautiful sunset in the background. Y/N stared at the photo for a moment and then removed the like.
She ran her hands over her face, feeling like an idiot. Alexandra would still see the notification, then she would see that Y/N had removed the like, and she would probably think she was weird. Or worse, she could message Charles, asking what his girlfriend was doing stalking her profile.
Charles was at the Grand Prix of Canada at that moment, she was in Monaco. The time difference was huge, and she wasn't going to bother him with this nonsense. So she decided to message Alexandra directly.
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Y/N couldn't stop thinking about Alexandra for the rest of the day. She found herself a couple of times staring at her pictures, she knew that Alex lived in Monaco and that they could bump into each other anytime. That idea felt amazing. She seemed like a gorgeous person, and the little chit chat they had felt really comfortable, even when Alex was her boyfriend's ex.
Y/N didn't mention any of this to Charles, he probably just make a big deal of it and they would have a discussion. And she was too lazy to think about arguments.
So she wrote a song. For the nexts days she focused on the lyrics and when Y/N handed the papers to her producer, they loved it. As soon as they could they recorded the song.
When Charles came back from the race, he found Y/N staying after midnight in the studio so she could finish the song. And he didn't complaint, because he really thought the song was about him.
yousername just posted!
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liked by yournamehq, alexandrasaintmleux and 583,981 others
yourusername 'obsessed' is now yours, with the mv starring @alexademie 🍒🍸💎
the comments have been restricted
alexademie so proud of this project 🤧💙
sabrinacarpenter MISS? i was not expecting this at all and it was so so good 😩😩
gracieabrams QUEEN. in capitals and screaming.
chappelroan so cunty, so hot, so sapphic.
laufey ok now IM obsessed with YOU.
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She didn't even think it was a bad idea until she saw her. They had decided to meet at a private club in Monaco; Alex wore a black satin dress that fit her extremely well, with her hair loose as she had seen so often in photos and a sparkling gaze. Y/N felt stupid for only wearing a white top and jeans.
"You showed up," Alexandra said with a smirk.
"You thought I wouldn't come?" she asked, matching her expression. Alexandra lowered her head, saying nothing and tucking her hair behind her ear. Y/N went to the bar and ordered a round of shots, although she didn't need to get drunk to do what she was about to do.
She drank one and then watched as Alexandra imitated her.
"Where did you leave Charles?" Alexandra asked, pulling her to a sofa area. The club wasn't very crowded, but more people would start arriving soon.
Y/N clicked her tongue. "Charles is the last person I want to talk about right now, honestly."
"You're right," Alexandra agreed as she nodded. "Let's talk about the song, then."
Y/N looked at her with a silly smile, trying very hard not to feel embarrassed. Although she knew she had nothing to be embarrassed about, she could see from Alex's expression that she had liked the song.
"What did you think?" she asked, sipping her cocktail.
"I loved it. I never thought someone would write songs about me," she lowered her gaze a little and then Y/N noticed how she had the tip of her heel circling around her foot.
"Did Charles ever dedicate any of his piano songs to you?" Y/N asked, furrowing her brow a little.
"Charles never even dedicated time to me," Alexandra looked away a bit.
Y/N nodded, perfectly understanding what Alexandra was talking about. Charles was too focused on his career, and unless you asked him, he could completely ignore you for weeks or change plans you had been planning for months because he had to train. That was the kind of person Charles was. At first, it had been a dream, accompanying him to his races and spending time with him, but when you scheduled a tour to be able to attend most of his races and he didn't show up at almost any of your concerts… It affected you.
"Men," Y/N said simply, rolling her eyes.
"Exactly! They're unbelievable, in the worst sense of the word," Alex spoke, slightly laughing.
They fell silent for a few moments, not breaking eye contact. The music had been turned up, and they were bathed in purple and green lights, moving around the room. Alexandra almost glowed for Y/N's eyes; under that lighting, everything seemed unreal. She leaned toward her, but didn't make the final move, wanting Alex to take that step.
Alexandra smiled mischievously and pressed their lips together. It was a calm kiss, not too long but their lips touched enough to explore them calmly, and for Y/N to remember the slight scent of red licorice from Alex's cologne.
As they separated, Alexandra got as close as possible to Y/N, resting her head on her shoulder. "Are you drunk?" Y/N questioned, fearing for a moment that it was all an act of alcohol.
"No," she denied vehemently.
Y/N didn't think much more about it, discreetly grabbed her phone to text Charles that it was best for them to end their relationship. She and Alexandra kissed a couple more times that night.
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Five months later
alexandrasaintmleux just posted a story!
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[caption 1: opening night 🍒 @yourusername] [caption 2: best view 💖]
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mikaleialt · 6 months
Ride It!| Bada Lee
Bada Lee x Reader
Fluff, suggestive, smut, drabble
Synopsis: In a random instagram live, your newly found fans after SWF 2, started asking you random questions about what do you think of each team leaders. For a quick background, you are one of the team leaders in SWF 2, but sadly your team got eliminated after the Crew Battle Mission, after getting defeated by Mannequeen on the elimination round along with Wolf'lo and Lady Bounce.
C/w: based off of this post by @westwoodsvivi. Honestly I just wrote this to finally end my writer's block as I have been gone for more than a month now.
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Street Woman Fighter 2 is finally over and although your team didn't make it to the top 4, you still continued to support the other teams until the end, especially when the winner of SWF 2 is the team leaded by your girlfriend.
And now here you are, preparing for the On the Stage concert. All of the teams are in one place again, practicing the dance routines they've performed during SWF 2.
You were finally on break and some of the dancers of each team started goofing around with each other, filming tiktok dances together with Redy who seem to just stand in the background of every video. You laugh at how Redy looks like a lost child standing behind Che Che, Debby, and Yoonji as the trio dance.
Bored in your own world you decided to set up your phone as you sat in the corner of the studio, and finally hit the 'Go live' button after getting permission from the staffs who told you that it is fine as long as you don't spoil anything about the concert.
Viewers immediately flooded the comments and you tried your best to greet everyone. The viewer count goes up by the second.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii 🤎"
"Hi from 🇦🇱"
"Ano ba tayo, Y/n 😩 (what are we, Y/n)"
You read each comments from fans greeting you, to trying to make you say a phrase in their language, to asking you how you have been.
"I'm doing good, as you all know, we're preparing for the upcoming concert. We're actually on a break right now and everyone is doing their own thing. And here I am, in my own space." You picked up your camera as you show the empty dance practice room that you are in right now.
"Honestly, I got bored during our break so I went live" you chuckled. "Everyone has been really busy these days, and I miss talking to you guys." You sent the viewers a flying kiss, which made the comment section go wild.
You immediately got embarrassed as you are not used to giving out fan service or acting cute for other people. You give it a few seconds for the fans to finally calm down once again.
"Hmm, there's still much time until we go back to practicing again, what should I do? What do you guys think?" You read the comments once again as each viewers suggest something for you to do. After a few more minutes you finally settled to do a Q and A.
"What is today's TMI?" You read one of the comments as you ponder to yourself what could you share to your viewers . "Hmm, today I arrived at the studio crying because I was watching that one video of that kid from My Golden Kid." You giggled. "It was a very sad clip, I was crying the whole time while I was on my way here."
A few more question pops up after that and you tried your best to answer each one. "Who do you find attractive among the SWF 2 leaders?" You read another question.
"Me, of course" you flip your hair sassily before laughing to yourself. "No, in all honesty, it's gotta be Kirsten or Bada. They're both really charismatic." You answered.
"What part of them do you find attractive?" You read the follow up question.
"For Kirsten, it's probably her hips. I'm not gonna lie, when I saw Kirsten dance for the first time, my whole attention was on her hips..." you shyly admit to your viewers.
"...as for Bada... I really like her nose" you said without any explanation as memories from a few nights ago came back to you.
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡
"A-ahh Bada" your breath staggers as you move your hips, grinding your wet core on your girlfriend's face.
It was the night after BEBE won SWF 2 and you told Bada that you'll do whatever she asks for if they win, which leads you to the situation that you are in right now.
Bada's only wish from you as a reward is for you to sit on her face as she eats you out, which you did without any hesitation.
"That's it ride my face, baby" Bada speak against your pussy as she continues to eat it like a starved man.
You couldn't help but moan louder as your clit presses on the tip of Bada's nose. You continue to grind your puffy clit against it, each movement makes you shiver, as your girlfriend's tongue fucks your cunt relentlessly.
"I-I'm gonna—hah" your eyes roll to the back of your head as the pleasure in your stomach builds up. "Yeah that's it, come for me baby" Bada said as she continues to eat you out.
Soon, a loud moan escapes from your lips as you finally had your release. Your legs were shaking as Bada continues to lap up your juices, each movement of her head under you, the tip of her nose touches your clit.
"So good to me baby, can you give me one more?" Bada sucks on your clit before diving back again into fucking your cunt with her tongue...
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡
"Ok let's get back to work" Funky Y announces as she enters the room which snaps you back to reality.
"So yeah anyway, that would be all. See you at the On the Stage concert everyone. Byeeee" You immediately pressed the 'End live' button, before putting down your phone.
"Oh Y/n, so you're here all along" The rest of the dancers enter the room one by one.
"Unnie, why is your face so red?" Sowoen pointed out your face. To which made you turn red even more. The whole time you are reminiscing about that night, you were blushing like crazy.
"It's nothing, I was just feeling hot." You excused yourself, but little do you know, a certain someone was actually watching your live earlier.
Bada approached you as she whispers something to your ears.
"So you like me nose huh, why don't you ride my face again once we got home?"
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A/n: it's been a while omg, I missed writing. I'm slowly regaining my motivation to write again finally!!! I hope you like it, sorry if its not as good as you guys thought it would be. This is just a quick drabble to finally break my writer's block, I did not proofread this.
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filmofhybe · 8 months
when enhypen sees a beautiful fan ( hyung - line )
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pairing -enhypen hyung line ! x reader genre -idol! x fan! , fluff warning - none 400-450 words per member
> masterlist of my other works
> maknae line
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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희 승 heeseung
He saw you at those idol and fan interviews if ykyk
but if you dk is basically an idol and fan bonding and talking to each other, sometimes doing some activities
you were a famous gardener (among the engene fandom) and you thought it was just a normal interview with a company
But than your bias heeseung walked in.
You were shocked like you froze and than you greeted him with a bow.
But heeseung on the other hand.
BRO WAS WHIPPED. He did not know he was going to learn how to arranging a flower bouquet WITH such a pretty girl
And the fact he knew your bias was him, his heart was going 60 mph💀
The interview as well as the interaction was so calm
He would ask you lots of questions which made you blush
“How old are you?”
“What made you interested into gardening?”
“ I saw lots of engenes bring flowers from you to our fansigns. Is that true?”
Sometimes even look at you when you were focusing
The director and producers (basically everyone) was literally giggling behind the scene
After he finished arranging his flower bouquet, which he was so happy about he GAVE IT TO YOU.
“Your as pretty as these flowers.” He wasn’t lying though.
You giggled thanking him before waving bye to the camera.
everyone behind the scene was watching a live kdrama.
You guys took pictures together WITH HIS ARMS AROUND YOU and cute Polaroids for Instagram
You guys looked like a couple🤭
When the interview dropped. Everyone was freaking out and posting about it
“Luckiest engene out there.” “I see why he would like her.” “IDK IF I WANT TO BE Y/N OR HEESEUNG?!?” “Heeseung move is my turn with y/n”
Your business was so successful after that interview
Heeseung will secretly ordering a flower bouquet from you and gifting it to you cuz man was in love😞
박종성 Park Jeongseong
You know that one en’o’clock episode where enhypen was working at a café
that’s where this is gonna base on
You and your friend didn’t know enhypen was gonna be there AT ALL
so when you walked in and saw cameras everywhere it caught you off guard
But what you caught off guard the most was in front of you were enhypen.
Your friend was freaking out but calmed down after sitting down.
She was too shy to go up and order so you peer pressured you into it instead
You walked up the the cashier and jay was right there
When he saw you, bro was stunned by your beauty
Bout to risk it all for you😭
“H-hi can I please have uh green tea mocha and ice americano with strawberry shortcake and carbonara plea-please?” Bro you were stuttering cuz your bias is right in front of you. Like I would too.
He smiled at how cute your voice was like he was down bad
“ of course that would be 245,000 won please” you tapped your credit card WITH HIS PC covering the credit card on the card reader.
He saw. And bro was about to faint. WDYM a pretty girl like you is a fan of him?
“I love the pc by the way.” He smirked hoping to catch your attention
“Oh-oh thank you haha..” you were embarrassed for sure but you were glad he talked to you
“thank you for supporting me beautiful.” HE DID IT. THE MIC PICKED IT UP AS WELL. EVERYONE HEARD.
Bro your legs was giving up after that and you can’t even speak
Decided to deliver the food to your table and wrote his number on the napkin.
Again he was not slick about it cuz fans saw the black marker stain on the napkin on the video.
And the way he stared at you when you were ordering
I want to be you so bad rn.
He was just so happy he met you and didn’t care about how his members was literally teasing him after you left the café that day.
심재윤 Sim Jaeyun
the type to flirt with everyone during fansign.
But when you arrived, he lost it.
cuz you were that gorgeous it made his mind blank.
“Hi Jake how are you?” Bye. His heart full on stopped. He would listen to your voice every single day if he could.
“I’m-im doing well how about you?” He was trying so hard to maintain eye contact with you. Cause you looked like a Angel sent from heaven. (you are :p )
“I’m good! I Hope you enjoy the gift I gave you!” You flashes the sweetest smile he had ever seen.
He didn’t even realize the gift you put on the table for him cuz he was that mesmerized by your beauty
When he saw what you got him ( fifa 24 ) a card and a gorgeous necklace from his favorite brand
He fell in love. He was about to risk it all for you.
I don’t make the rules cuz man was trying so hard to get his hands on that game and than a beautiful engene just gifted him it? And the necklace? Just wait until he wears it every time on stage as his lucky charm.
“Oh my gosh thank you so much!” He was as happy as a child on Christmas Day. If only you were his he would’ve gave you the biggest smooch on the spot.
“Your welcome!! I’ll always gift you things you love!” You were happy he loved his gift. You don’t even know your bias jake, that’s in front of you rn has a massive crush on you.
He than held your hand while talking to you and asking questions. He was literally admiring you while rubbing your hands.
When is time for you to move to the next member. He didn’t want to let go of you.
Like he held onto your hand while you stand up
But the staff have to separate the both of you sadly which made him so depressed
but guess what. He wrote his number in your album. So you can text him.
That’s so fantasy but like HE WOULD
Fans at the fansign saw both of your interaction and was so jealous of how he looked at you.
The interaction was all over Twitter
“Ugh how do I be her?”
“Stop she must be so pretty to get JAKE to stare at her like that”
“Bro was about to RISK IT ALL FOR HER😞.”
“He probably gave his number to her as well.”
“Jake I am not your strongest soldier”
I mean everyone wants Jake to look at them with so much love in his eyes right?
성훈 Sunghoon
idk if anyone knows this but like idols would visit a bunch of girls in a company and they will take a group pic with the idol. (The girls around him would go crazy ykyk)
Bro let me tell you everyone in your company was looking forward to seeing him
I’m not even joking everyone was so jealous of the girls who were going to sit beside him
Especially you cuz they know how pretty you are
When sunghoon walked in, he greeted everyone politely
The girls was squeaking from excitement
When sunghoon sat beside you and looked over him
He was im shock. Like his mouth literally opened a bit.
You greeted him with a smile but your heart was beating so fast
Your bias is sat right beside you rn.
Girls around him was tryna get his attention but later on realized he kept staring at you
Icl they gave up atp
But after he took a group picture with you guys
He sat there just processing the fact such a beautiful girl is sat beside him
Like he couldn’t believe it
All the girls was dismissed back to work after the picture and when you were about to leave
And let me tell you bro doesn’t do this unless is with some professionals
Like you hit the jackpot
Girls in your company was talking about how he was staring with you and how you were so stubborn to even realize it
“I want to be y/n so bad like the way he was staring at her ugh!!”
When the video of him visiting dropped fans of him was also going insane about you two
Saying how your so pretty and hope there’s more interaction between you both
How he should’ve bagged you before he left
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a/n: maknae line will be out tmr!!
taglist : @surefornext @skepvids @spilled-coffee-cup
comment or reblog to be on the taglist :)
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ethelcained · 2 months
fashion killa (chris sturniolo) ⋆。°✩
he’s a fashion designer and she’s a model (-: the characters are based off of my wp book that’s linked on my pinned post, check it out if you’d like!! this is specifically for my lover @carvedtits !! 💐💐💐 (my irl sarai)
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liked by feliciathegoat and 1,901,804 others
saraiarielle chella ‘24 is one 4 da books🌟🌟🌟
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lanakang i’m fr a freak just lmk..
saraiarielle you’re insane 😭
freshestlovers11 @matthewsturniolo come get ur girl..
lanakang my pretty stargirl 🪽🌠!!
saraiarielle my sunshine!!! 🐇🐇
edensgarden served in every outfit.
sturniolofike the chris n sarai pic ☹️☹️☹️
mazzyedstar they’re everything ever (,:
jialovesm333 the groups coachella content is just chris latched to her side or him looking at her with adoration
saraisangellll @jialovesm333 don’t mind the rustling it’s just me grabbing this noose XD
sarahfadelina god i am not ur strongest soldier 🤲🏽
freshlove My favourite smile
freshlove The prettiest star 💫
greediest love has made u corny gang☠️
arlosocamp fr bruh😭😭
freshlove @arlosocamp Acting like you don’t follow Nick like a fucking puppy!
saraiarielle @freshlove clock it baby 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
tarayummy hottie 💋
https.jia can’t believe lana dedicated video games to you😍😍
saraiarielle STFU😭😭😭😭
nicolassturniolo Slayed this post and you can only see my shoe 🚮
saraiarielle exit my page twin
babydollsaraii Nick is so unserious 😂
matthewsturniolo Frank Ocean
radvxz congrats you can read x
dominicfike 🤓🤓
saraiarielle love u sm
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liked by saraidipity and 11,468 others
teamsaraiarielle Sarai via @freshlove’s Instagram!
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ellalovesjia they’re adorable 🥹🥹
freakychrizz Need what they have
bamboleo345 fr!!!!!
mericanpsycho he be posting her more than himself
serena777 like it’s bad for him
sawyerpaintmepls ^^
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liked by matthewsturniolo and 1,354,268 others
freshlove If we arguing and I stutter Imma smack the fuck outta you
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greediest was locked tf in the whole show bruh
missdarage Saw the videos, bro was focused ‼️‼️
saraiarielle 🐺🐺🐺
saraiarielle losing all of my senses
saraiarielle you better not shave till i see you boa
freshlove Yes ma’am 🫡
christitties22 gotta love obedient chris
lanakang my pupu (,: LOOK AT OUR GIRL!!!
arlosocamp You really got that shit on cuz
freshlove 💯💯
sza the show was amazing, fits were everything 🦋
nicolassturniolo Freaky meter going crazy 😝
nicnicnic23 y’all need to get serious
222.sturniolo insane
bellamellami 😂😂
billieeilish hardddd
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298 notes · View notes
menderash · 7 months
hi, happy halloween. last night, israel bombed a refugee camp. over 500 innocent refugees were killed in one night by israel. even more are missing under the rubble. i saw a boy kneeling over the charred body of a male relative, screaming hard over and over again in horror and grief while other survivors try to pull him away from the body to safety.
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in another video, we see a man run around the rubble screaming 'my family, my family,' screaming their names at the top of his lungs to no response. he is seen frantically checking the faces of the many dead bodies scattered around the refugee camp. in a brief close up, his eyes are full of tears.
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there are several videos of adults holding the crushed remains of their children after being pulled from the rubble, i can't post them all, especially censored for tumblr. here is a girl who was lucky to survive. she screams in fear, pounding her fist against her male relatives back.
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why did the israeli military might rain down on a camp full of refugees and children? because they heard a rumor that there may have been a single hamas leader in the area. 500 dead. children's bodies mutilated beyond recognition. based on a rumor. right.
meanwhile, OUTSIDE of the gaza area where there is zero hamas activity, where IOF troops are on foot, they are currently kidnapping civilian men and boys from their homes, tying them up, stripping them, kicking their faces and spitting on them, then torturing them. to my knowledge, there is no reason being given for this, especially since there are no. hamas. there. i have seen a video i can't post of a palestinian civilian having his genitals mutilated while he's still alive.
in this video, bound and blindfolded palestinian civilians, some minors, are thrown onto a pile of others naked bodies. some are moaning, but others are still, hopefully just beaten unconscious but it's impossible to tell. one of the men or boys is moaning 'i can't bear it, please, i can't bear it' over and over.
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the man in the front has his tied hands in front of his face. the IOF soldier filming kicks the helpless man in the face, then SPITS on him. another soldier grabs the man by his feet and violently drags him out of view as he screams in terror. these are civilians, not hamas. these are civilians and some of them are just teenage children.
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this all happened either last night or this morning, of halloween in the west. this is still happening. the man in pink is either still searching for his family at this very moment, or crying over their remains. the children with their skulls crushed and their swollen brains leaking out are being kissed goodbye by their mothers right now as i type. the boy who was screaming, clinging to a corpse is currently digging more corpses out of the rubble. the bound men outside of gaza are being sexually tortured right now. i don't believe all the bound men in the above screenshots are still alive. i genuinely hope for their sake they've passed before the IOF can torture them further.
500 innocent lives mercilessly slaughtered in one night. Even more missing. Thousands more who have to live with the unimaginable trauma inflicted on them for the crime of being born arab in the wrong place. and just the night before, safe and wealthy israeli settlers partying and singing songs about killing all arabs and making tiktoks of themselves in racist caricature. happy halloween.
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all of these videos are from shaun king on instagram. he has given his account to palestinian journalists. all these videos are posted in real time, as they happen. please look at his page and share as many as you can, even the disturbing ones. especially the disturbing ones. do not look away from their suffering at the hands of the fascist hyper right illegal aparthied settler state of israel. down with colonizers.
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rainbowpuppet · 15 days
based on an absolutely insane video I saw on Instagram earlier
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the one comment is Gaz telling him to shut the fuck up btw
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breeloveschris · 4 months
If Only You Knew pt 5
Pt 4 Pt 6
Pairing: Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Summery: Y/n has the biggest crush on Matthew Sturniolo but Matt doesn’t know she exists until Y/n’s video goes viral and everyone tags him in it
Warnings: cussing
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Y/n’s pov:
I have the best idea, I just don’t know how the triplets will react to it. Nick looks at me with a smirk before yelling “well let it out already” with a little laugh. I sighed, “you know that tik tok sound? The one that says “I do not give 1 fucks 2 fucks red fucks blue fucks”?” I said with a shy smirk. Nia gasped loudly pointing at me. “Do it!” She said while standing up. “I’m gonna, but I think we all should be in it to show that obviously what happened wasn’t that deep between us.” I said looking at the triplets with hope.
Matt stood up shaking his head. Oh no. He didn’t like it, I just thought it would be funny. I sighed looking away. “Nah, we’re doing it on my account” Matt said with a big smirk making me smile and run up to him wrapping my arms around his shoulder while his hands snaked around my waist lifting me up a little. “Oh my god, I thought you were about to tell me you hated the idea” I said with a heavy smile making him shake his head with a laugh.
“Nah I actually love that idea, I mean I did the same when everyone saw who I was following on instagram” Chris said with a laugh as me and Matt pulled apart. “Yeah and I thought it was the funniest shit ever” Nick said pointing at Chris with yet another laugh. I laughed and grabbed Matt’s hand shaking it “we should do it now” I said looking up at him while he was looking down at me with a smirk. “Alright let’s do this” Matt said pulling his phone out of his pocket.
Matt sat his phone on the kitchen counter after finding the audio. He put the 10 second timer on and Everton stood in the camera me and Nia being in front. Me and Nia were kinda crouched so that the camera could see the boys and us perfectly. When the audio we all started to sing it out loud with dramatics. As the audio ended we all fell over laughing at how we were all in sync.
We ended up redoing it like 6 times due to me and Nia both hating how we looked and getting yelled at by the boys for taking forever. But we finally both agreed on one and Matt left it with no caption and just posted us making us all let out a laugh due to how chaotic this could be. I know I’m still probably gonna get hate not only because of what happened today but also because I’m standing in their house. But for Matthew Sturniolo it’s so worth it.
Chris ended up wanting to show Nia something in his room and Nick went upstairs to get ready to post today’s video because it was already 5. Which left me and Matt in the living room all alone. This is what makes me nervous. Being alone with him. I was jumped out of thought when Matt started talking. “Wanna look at the comments with me?” He asked looking at me from beside me a couple feet away. “Yeah, sure” I said while scooting down closer to him.
Matt opened his phone and went on tik tok going straight to the tik tok he posted 20 minutes ago. “Someone said that they were waiting for a post like this” Matt said laughing, “I don’t blame them, it’s ridiculous that I’m getting shit on for this” I said laughing while shaking my head. “Look someone asked why’d you let a freak in your house. Oh my god they called me a freak” I said throwing my head back with a laugh. These comments had me rolling.
I could feel Matt looking at me so I turned my head to the side noticing how close we were. I looked down at his lips seeing him smile I looked back up with a soft smile “what?” I asked softly still looking in his eyes. “I’m just impressed, like you’re not letting a single one of these comments get to you and I’ve seen some nasty ones” he said shaking his head. “Yeah well, when one of them come up to me in person and says it to my face, I’ll start taking these comments seriously” I said shaking my head. “These people don’t know me, they’re basing my whole personality on a video that got cut up” I continued with a shrug.
Matt shakes his head with a smile. I let out a small laugh, “I mean seriously? A freak? They can come up with better let’s be for real” I said with a laugh. Matt just shook his head pulling out his phone and opening tik tok. The first video on his fyp being an edit of me making me grin. “So, you’ve been watching edits of me?” I asked grinning. He just shrugged, “so many people tag me in them saying “look Matt it’s your girl” and now they’re all over my fyp” Matt said with a small laugh.
“Your edits are on my fyp too not even gonna lie” I said looking everywhere but him. I really need to go and delete my “babydoll 🤤” folder. I can see that he side eyed me from the corner of my eye, “why the hell are you side eyeing me” I asked with a raised eyebrow still not looking at him. “Because you won’t look at me” Matt said with a smirk which I just shrugged too. Matt grabbed my chin and pulled my face over so it was facing his. He just woke up the zoo in my stomach.
My eyes widened and my face turned slightly red making Matt smirk, his hand still on my chin. “Yo?” Chris yelled, turning the corner of the stairs making Matt drop his hand looking back at Chris. “What?” Matt said in a monotone voice, “what the fuck was that?” Chris said with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk. “Why the fuck were you in your room with Nia for so long?” I said moving my head to the side with raised eyebrows so Matt didn’t have too. “At least we didn’t look like we was about to kiss” Nia said raising her eyebrows.
“Okay and what’s on your neck? Yea okay, don’t talk” I said with a smirk making her blush and look away. Matt and Chris let out small laughs. “We should really be getting home” Nia said with a sigh. “I don’t wanna go” I said with a pout. “Aye fix that bottom lip” Chris said pointing at me making Nia and Matt laugh. I threw my body to the side so I was laying down side ways on the couch. Matt patted my leg before speaking, “cmon guys I’ll drive you guys to your car” he said while standing up. I just groan and sit up.
“Do we have too” I said crossing my arms while standing up. “We didn’t even get to say bye to Nick” I said with a raised eyebrow. “Why don’t you wanna leave” Nia asked with a laugh, “i don’t know, I just like it here” I said with a shrug making Matt smile and Chris let out a soft laugh. “It’s not gonna be your last time here Y/n/n” Chris said with a sweet smile which I rolled my eyes at that. “Your only saying that cause your gonna invite Nia back over so y’all can makeout or whatever the fuck again.” I said side eyeing him.
“Uh oh, sassy Y/n is back.” Matt said with a grin making me let out a breath. “And you will for sure be back, Matt’s crushing hard” Chris said sending a wink to Matt who rolled his eyes. “Ignore him, he’s a bit delusional” Matt said sending a glare to his brother who was still smirking. I just let out a small laugh walking over to my shoes. “But you will be invited because Nick already loves you and I think you’re pretty cool” Matt said with a soft smile. I just smiled in return and put my shoes back on.
The four of us walk downstairs to the garage, Chris and Nia having small talk behind Matt while I was trailing behind them. I knew I was thinking way too much about the looks Matt was giving me. But honestly I’d rather be friends than nothing. So being in the friend zone is where it’s at i guess.
YIPPIE 🙌🏼  (I pranked y’all)
Taglist: @stuniolobbg @iloveneilperry @freshloveforthefit @keira324 @nicksmainbitch @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosreads @novasturniolo03 @robins-scoop @jennss23 @hearts4chris @creamoncreamoncream2 @tcvazq @bunbunbl0gs @honestlybabymiracle @lacysturniolo @chrisloyalgf @anonlovesyouall @lilsstvrn @youaremyfiveever @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturniozoey @xxloveralways14 @alaniiifreshlove @gnxosblog @cupcakebrisblog @scentedgardenerkingdom @qinnroki @annamcdonalds67 @1blowyourmind @ilovedasturniolos @bellbottombaby @stvrniolollover
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alonetimelover · 11 months
pairing: Harry Styles x tennis player!reader
summary: sometimes it is not meant to work out, no matter how much you and everyone else want it to. or is it?
a/n: so before wimbledon ended (before Iga lost her quarterfinal), I made this. its like fiction within fiction, ya know?
masterlist (with more tennis player!reader)
i love harry and yn | babiesharry
guys... just a quick thought. we haven't seen any pics of yn and harry together for a whole month. there are no interactions online, and there are no acknowledgements during concerts or after matches.
do we think its the, you know, end?
3k likes 1,04k comments 3,4k replies
lot tour 23 | aliceeeee
it is a little bit confusing. in the latest interview yn, when asked about listening to music before a match, she answered only with Taylor (before she also was saying Harry)
so that's it...
2k likes 1,44k comments 2,4k replies
saw harry in vienna | lovingharry
harry is also not as bubbly as he made us used to see him, last night he wasn't even doing all the stomps during satellite, no funny dances or backbends...
1k likes 1k comments 3k replies
yn is the best | lovingtennisyn
let's not speculate about them and just support our idols. yn has a very difficult tournament before herself and harry is almost done with touring. best we can do is applaud them for their work, their private lives shouldn't be our concern
4k likes 1,5k comments 5k replies
harry my love | byebyenyc
i fear the worst... yn is in london and none interaction with Harry, his family, or friends? it is not an accident
2k likes 1,7k comments 0,9k replies
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liked by ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 15 302 others
view all 2 402 comments
lanastyles IT WAS MINE!!!!!
⤷ hArrysbtch omg! what were the charms??
⤷ lanastyles i did harrys and yn's names with flowers and hearts! but i don't think he really liked it
⤷ harrysmoustache oh no, why do you think so?
⤷ lanastyles after he read what was on them, he showed it into his trousers' pocket
⤷ ynsmybestie no no no no no, the rumours are getting more true with each day
harrysfan84 i love him, man
harryswift he knows that speak now tv is coming, he dressed for the occasion!
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmybestie and 18 301 others
harrylot "I don't think that anyone is perfect. you meet a lot of people during your lifetime, never knowing which one is gonna turn up being your person. huh? im sorry I cannot hear you. give it up for Lorine!" HARRY INTERACTING WITH A FAN TONIGHT
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harryshoee i saw multiple videos from this interaction and the fan was soooo loud. he just didn't want to answer the question
⤷ ynshands what did they ask him?
⤷ harryshoee i believe it was "have you met your person?" and people around the fan screaming yn's name
harryupdates guys, don't assume anything based on one interaction
ynsmybestie that is concerning, but maybe he just doesn't want to be so public about it?
⤷ ynandhmyparents they were literally making out in the park in London and kissing on TV after yn won French Open. they didn't care, why would they now?
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liked by ynupdates, harryshoee and 23 301 others
view all 5 301 comments
yntennisfan SHE FUCKING WON THIS MATCH !!!!!
ynupdates i had five heart attacks during this match
harryupdates she's so good at coming back to her good game!
ynshands AMAZING! I couldn't watch and just listened to the commentary on the radio. they were going crazy!
ynsmybestie she's unbelievable! sooo good
hArrysbtch i love tennis
harrysmoustache she's playing so differently to what she made us used to see
⤷ ynsmybestie i fear its because of that possible breakup
⤷ harrysfan83 harry didn't upload anything about the match like he used to, and he knows how grass is yn's the least favourite surface to play on
⤷ ynupdates can you guys just be happy about her win and stop bringing her relationship back up? thank you.
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liked by tennisfan82 and 2 301 492 others
enews No. 1s in the tennis World - YN YSN and Carlos Alcaraz were spotted enjoying each other companies after YN's winning match in Wimbledon. YN has dated Harry Styles for almost three years before they broke up just a month ago. Moving on so quickly? More pictures in our link in bio.
view all 24 201 comments
ynupdates they are friends! can't they have a meal together?
ynsmybestie how i love you people ruining friendships... pathetic
ynshands celebrating her win can't only mean dating, you know?
harrysmoustache sooo, they really broke up? 💔
⤷ hArrysbtch nothing is confirmed, let's just wait
⤷ hArrysbtch yes, I am delusional
liked by ynsmybestie, harrysmoustache and 34 402 others
ynupdates YN VIA HER IG STORY...
view all 7 402 comments
ynsmybestie nonononononono not them, please god no
ynshands jesus, even my breakup didn't hurt me as much as this one
hArrysbtch im a child of this divorce
harryupdates let's give them space to be
harryshoee no, my parents. please let it not be true. please.
ynswiftie guys, maybe she's just celebrating a Spek Now TV release?
⤷ ynsmybestie couldn't she do it with enchanted???
ynandcarlos well, Carlos has a tan skin too
⤷ ynshands oh shut up, respectfully
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liked by hArrysbtch, ynupdates and 65 407 others
harryupdates I MET HARRY IN LONDON JUST NOW. do you think he's attending wembley final today?
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ynupdates you finally met him? congratulations darling!
ynupdates and I think he's attending. why would he come back from spain to london?
hArrysbtch he better attends and stop all those ridiculous rumours (yes, i am delusional)
harrysmoustache he looks so good, he can't be single (yes, i am delusional)
harryshoee yn crocheted that hat, i know it (yes, iam delusional)
⤷ ynupdates well, yn does know how to crochet so it is possible
harrysfan63 i also met him today!!!
⤷ harryupdates did you ask him about Wimbledon?
⤷ harrysfan63 yes! he just said "what's that?" with a smirk
⤷ harrysbtch this fucker, he's playing us
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liked by ynupdates, ynsmybestie and 82 230 others
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ynupdates the world is healing
hArrysbtch thank you, harry. thank you, my man. I can still sing to london boy and think about you both
harrysmoustache so, they still together?
ynsmybestie thank fucking God!!!!!!! my parents are still together!
harryshoee my bitches are back!!!
ynandhmyparents i can still shamelessly use my username hehheh
user492 it would be hilarious later getting to know that they are, in fact, not back together
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liked by ynupdates, harrysmoustache and 90 201 others
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yntennisfan it basically went like this: after winning the Wimbledon final yn was giving an interview. during it one of the fans screamed "MARRY ME, YN" and after a little laugh that the audience had yn responded with "I'M ALREADY ENGAGED, ACTUALLY"
yntennisfan the way people screamed!!!!! and then they showed smirking harry!!! does anyone have a picture??
ynupdates she is engaged... she won Wimbledon... oh god
harryupdates engaged... woah
harrysmoustache harry is engaged, do you hear it people?
ynsmybestie love is real, yn won her least comfortable tournament, god is a woman. yes.
harryshoee couldn't imagine a better partner for harry. she is so sweet and cute. they're perfect.
ynshands eat shit you haters that believed in every little rumour
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liked by yourinstagram, harryupdates and 17 402 939 others
harrystyles good morning, wimbledon champion fiancée
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yourinstagram hiiii, fiancé
harryupdates how do I react when Harry is posting his partner on main????
hArrysbtch PARENTS
⤷ yourinstagram harrystyles first child is here
⤷ harrystyles that's... fast
⤷ hArrysbtch guys, WTHFKSJEBJDE
annetwist beautiful, beautiful girl ❤️
ynsmybestie still processing the win and engagement and you're killing me with this post, harry. thank you.
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liked by harrystyles, ynupdates, taylorswift, hArrysbtch and 16 930 493 others
yourinstagram my waves meet your shore, ever and evermore
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harrystyles well, it was enchanting to meet you
ynupdates i can't get used to them using taylor's lyrics to express their love for each other
taylorswift Congratulations on the Wimbledon win and your engagement! You are welcome at any of the concerts. Just text me the date you're available!
comment liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 132 302 others
harryupdates congratulations!!!!
hArrysbtch mum, dad
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