bandfanforever · 2 years
Sweets and Treats
Chapter One: The Start of it All
Pairings: 22 yo Eddie Munson x (gn)reader, 18 yo Dustin Henderson x (gn)reader
Summary: You work every summer at your Dad's ice cream and candy shop. Your two regulars come in all the time. You're oblivious to their feelings for you until...
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: This is the first time I've even tried writing a fic so, let me know how I did. I figure this will be multiple parts.
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It was the summer of 1989.  You were back at Sweets and Treats, your dad’s ice cream and candy parlor.  Every summer you picked up shifts to help.  You stocked shelves, built displays, scooped ice cream. You pretty much did everything.  The best part of the job was interacting with the customers though.  Summer had the store slammed and most of your time was spent at the shop.  You really didn’t have time to go out with friends, much less date.
You had just finished setting up the display for the brand-new Hershey’s Symphony Bars when your two favorite customers came in with a chime of the bell on the door.  They came in at least every other day this summer, if not every day. The younger boy wore shorts and a Northwestern University t-shirt with his classic thinking cap.  You remember when he got his acceptance letter.  He came in with the biggest smile and asked for a scoop of whatever your favorite flavor was.  The older boy wore black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, and a red flannel with the sleeves rolled up just enough for a couple of tattoos to peek through.  His silver rings shined as the sun streamed through the windows. The usual leather jacket and battle vest were nowhere to be seen.  He looked…different.  You weren’t sure whether it was a good different yet though.
You moved behind the counter, anticipating the usual banter and purchases. Dustin picked up a laffy taffy and flipped it over. As he read over the joke you heard a short laugh.  
“Y/N! What happened after David had his ID stolen?”
“I don’t know.  What happened?”
“They had to call him Dav!”
You both giggled while Eddie perused the shelves stealing occasional glances towards you as you conversed with his friend.  You knew he’d only come up with his regular purchase of clove gum. 
“Are you guys getting ice cream today?” You shouted across the small shop.
“On a day like this? Of course!” Dustin replied.  Eddie gave a small nod. It was unusually warm today.  Yet, Eddie still had his hair down like always. 
Just like you had predicted, Eddie placed a packet of clove gum on the counter.  His brown puppy eyes briefly met yours.
“Uh…chocolate please.” You could see beads of sweat on his skin.
“Eddie, why don’t you ever wear your hair up?  You’d probably be a lot cooler in this heat.” He looked back up at you.
“Oh, um, I don’t know, I –“
“One scoop of blue moon please,” Dustin requested as he handed you a box of nerds. He saw Eddie grab his gum and hand you a few dollars.  “Did you know that that brand of clove gum was discontinued in 1978 and brought back just four years ago for something called a nostalgia campaign?” As he looked up at you and Eddie his smile faltered. “Oh, sorry! Continue.”
“I did not know that” you smiled. “I was just saying, Eddie should wear his hair up more often.  Try something new.” You handed Eddie his scoop of chocolate and his fingertips briefly met yours.  You could see a hint of blush creeping up on his cheeks as he quickly turned away.
“Eddie?  With his hair up?  That’d be a sight!” Dustin handed you cash in exchange for his ice cream and candy.
“Maybe it’d look good?”  You pondered the thought of Eddie with a messy bun. Dustin snickered as he looked at his older friend. As they walked out the store, the shorter boy smiled at you and waved goodbye.
“See you later Y/N!” He yelled as the bell on the door announced their exit. 
“They really have no clue, do they?” Dustin asked Eddie as the two of them left Sweets and Treats. 
“Absolutely not,” he answered.
“Maybe I’ll just have to be more explicit next time.”
It was unbearably hot today as you flipped the sign on the door to open.  It was only set to get warmer too.  You knew you were going to be scooping a lot of ice cream today.  You headed to the back to turn on the new air conditioner and set up the fans for the day to circulate the cool air and keep the ice cream and chocolates from melting before they’re sold. 
You heard the bell from the backroom.  “I’ll be right with you!” You shouted as you left the back and headed to the front of the store.
“Take your time.” You looked up at the familiar voice.  He took your suggestion and took it further.  This time with his ripped jeans, he had on a faded Metallica tank and his hair was up in a low messy bun.  He still had on his rings.  You thought for a second maybe he was trying to impress you or something and you could feel your face start to heat up in the cool shop.  That couldn’t be it. He looked good though. Your thoughts were interrupted by the bell again.
“Morning Y/N!”
“Morning Dustin!”
“I’m in the mood for something new today.”
“Is that so? Do you have something in mind?”
“How about your number?”  You were taken aback.  You still had not realized he had been flirting with you this whole summer. You could see Eddie watching from the classics section out of the corner of your eye.
“Oh! Um sure!”  You pulled out a napkin and pen and wrote your number down for him.  You had just moved out of your dad’s house into the tiniest apartment in town and the first thing you bought was your first phone.  Not that it got much use as you were never really home.  Dustin turned to see Eddie.
“Woah! Looking good man!  I’ve never even seen that shirt.  Y/N was right! You should try something new more often.” Eddie scratched the back of his neck and smiled.
“Yeah,” you piped up.  Eddie looked at you and gave you a smirk.  Something was in the air today.  These boys were acting stranger than normal.  Bolder than normal.  You weren’t really sure how to take it.  Was it obvious you were a little flustered? 
The bell on the door chimed once more and a large group of what seemed like middle schoolers came rushing in.  You could just see the two men leaving as your counter was bombarded with candy.
“Ha! Success! Now I just need to ask them out properly.  Do you think they’ll say yes?”
“I think if they gave you their number then they would probably say yes to a date.” Eddie thought about what it would be like to take you on a date.  He had thought about it a lot actually.  You just made him so nervous he couldn’t get up the courage to do anything about those feelings.  Even talking to you was difficult.  You made him blush so easily, he knew he’d get himself caught if he wasn’t careful.  He was kind of envious of his little friend’s spirit.  He resigned himself to living vicariously through Dustin in this situation.  Or maybe not.
The next day was cooler but, not by much.  You hadn’t gotten much of a break all day and your two favorites hadn’t shown up.  You must’ve scooped well over a hundred scoops of ice cream and your arm hurt.  It was almost time to close up shop, so you graciously started to put away the ice creams.  You heard the door open and groaned.
“No more ice cream for the day!” You stated.
“I’m not here for ice cream.”  You hear Eddie put something on the counter.  You turn and see two items in front of you. Some Reese’s peanut butter cups and a dollar with a slip of paper.  You ring up the treat and take the bill and paper.  It took you a moment to realize there were numbers on the paper. You looked up to meet his deep brown eyes. “I mean, I just figured, maybe we could hang out or talk some time but, only if you want you know, I don’t know, maybe you don’t want-“
“Eddie, I’d like that.  Thank you.”  You could see a sense of relief on his face.  He took his peanut butter cups and headed back out the door with a smile growing on his face.
“What in the heck just happened,” you thought to yourself.  You stared at the phone number in your hand.  You quickly stuffed it in your back pocket and finished closing the shop for the evening.
TAGS (Let me know if you want to be added):
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takethlstourgrave · 6 years
get to know me!!
I was tagged by @mostproblematic (hi thank u very much ily it’s been a minute)
RULES: answer the questions and tag 15-20 followers you would like to get to know better.
NAME - Kassandra
ZODIAC SIGN - Aquarius
HEIGHT - 5'2
LANGUAGES SPOKEN - spanish and english and a little bit of french too
NATIONALITY - born in the u.s.
ORIENTATION - bisexual
COFFEE, TEA OR HOT CHOCOLATE - i’m a slut for coffee, i have coffee sometimes twice a day but at least once every day. I love green tea too tho and i like hot chocolate during the winter but i don’t have it often bc i like to make it with milk and im lactose intolerant and also during the winter i just prefer champurrado 
FAVOURITE FLOWERS - idk dont have a favorite lol
FAVOURITE SCENTS - libraries, home depot, and rain/wet cement
FAVOURITE COLOURS - i like grey-blue and soft pinks
FAVOURITE ANIMAL - i love p much all of them so much
DOG OR CAT PERSON - i love both so much, i do have two cats 
FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER - suddenly im blanking on every fictional character i know so imma say Remus Lupin
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP - usually like 4-6 but sometimes i stay up all night and other times i can sleep up to 20 hrs idk why i hate it tho
NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH - um like 2 and 3 during the winter cuz im a baby when it comes to the cold (i live in az i hate anything below 60 degrees)
DREAM TRIP - i’d love to travel everywhere in mexico (i only go to sonora bc that’s where my fam is but i’d love to go further) and also paris
BLOG ESTABLISHED - um i’ve been around for a while but i’ve been around with multiple accounts lol i think i’ve made like 5 tumblr blogs i think some of them are still up (pls dont ask lol). i think my first blog was in like 2012 ?? or like 2010/11 i can’t remember. I started off a superwholock blog (yes i know, i think i reached like 1400 followers tho) and then i made a random ass blog which was suuuuper cringey and then i made another 2-3 forgotten blogs (i didnt make sideblogs idk why) and then i made this one! i can’t remember my first url lol but i had a friend on here and they came up with spencerandthesmiths and i loved it (even though i was therefore seen as a mostly panic blog even though i was a much much bigger fob stan lol) and i had that for years until i thought about a change and i came up with the current url i have now. I think my archive for this blog goes back to 2014
1. i used to play the violon but i stopped playing it haven’t picked up a violin in about 4-5 years
2. i wish i could play the cello
3. i almost pursued a minor in music bc i love music but godd i was not passionate about it enough
4. i ended up switching and now im doing a minor in social and behavioral sciences and i like it considerably so much more
5. im doing a BA in psychology 
6. um i have one cat and i feed a stray cat outside and named her and now i kinda think about her as mine but i’m not allowed to keep her but in my heart she’s my baby so i take care of her
7. my first baby’s name is Boo (my sister had her first and she named her Mittens but i did not like that name for her and i was gonna change it but i had trouble figuring out a new name for her so i started calling her Boo as a nickname until i came up with a name and then it just stuck). My outdoor baby’s name is Paws ( i wanted to name her Pumpkin Spice but again it was a nickname that my brother called her and it just stuck i couldn’t get anyone else to call her Pumpkin Spice so her name is Paws now lol)
8. i have rediscovered my nostalgia and the love i had for wwe so im sorry for spamming ur dash or whatever feel free to unfollow lol
9. i remember when i took a long ass break from tumblr i think it was like months long idk if any of you remember lol probably not should do that again maybe but i get bored but um bc i left it for so long i find that sometimes it has unfollowed some of the mutuals that i’ve been following for so long so if ur every like “why’d she unfollow me we’ve been mutuals for years” pls message me or something i can’t find y’all lol
10. also last one i haven’t updated my theme (not mobile) in a long ass time so it still has pumpkin background from the fall lol. 
ok thank you! idk who to tag tbh so i’m going with ppl who are in my activity a lot hope you don’t mind! : @brendonuriesbooty, @bowdowntothesupernatural, @punkoverlord, @satellitesnotstars, @drydockedvessel, @straightasawetnoodle, @bandfanforever, @thismadkatter, @do-you-have-a-taco-for-me, @ilooksoseattle, @just-folie-a-deux-it, @galaxydweebs, @prrttyodd, @xocrash-killjoy, and idk if anyone else wants to do it just say i tagged you lol
and just a sidenote also some of you have been following me for such a long time i love you so much i hope karma is treating you good and i hope life is really good to you
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utlagas · 7 years
alright home slices i was tagged by @sebmuellerisathot to name my name favorite albums and tag nine people in return, so here that goes
1. all time low - so wrong it’s right
2. fall out boy - infinity on high
3. four year strong - four year strong
4. jule vera - waiting on the sun
5. the academy is… - santi
6. my chemical romance - danger days: the true lives of the fabulous killjoys
7. creeper - eternity, in your arms
8. jimmy eat world - bleed american
9. paramore - RIOT!
wow you can tell that i’m an emo little shit can’t you??
@tatermaee @monkeytcow @tragers @alexxturners @bandfanforever @2ndbest @grlsnotgrey @kidsfromchemicals @t-aaylor
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I’m gonna use the name Kat on here for privacy reasons. Umm, I’m really shy in person but on here I love to talk and meet new people. Feel free to message me and ask me questions. Have a great day!!
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rexiferrr · 9 years
Jacky Vincent left falling in reverse !! He was the whole reason i loved the band blahhh
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bandfanforever · 2 years
Sweets and Treats
Chapter 2: Questions
Pairings: 22 yo Eddie Munson x (gn)reader, 18 yo Dustin Henderson x (gn)reader
Summary: The boys finally get up the courage to ask you questions.
Word Count: 1k
A/N: Sorry this took so long. Life has been crazy right now. Also, this is a little short as I found it a good place to break in the story.
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Your dad helped you run the shop the next day.  You had told him all about your current situation. Although he had always been fonder of Dustin, your dad tried to understand why you had such mixed feelings regarding both the boys.
On one hand, you had Dustin: sweet, super smart, cute.  However, he was going away to college in just a couple months. It’s not like you were going to follow him there. The thought of just being a summer fling made you feel kind of weird.  I mean Northwestern was only about a three-hour drive away but, that seemed like it would be a little extreme if this were to develop into a new relationship. He was easy to be around though and made you laugh. Why hadn’t he said something sooner?
Eddie, on the other hand, seemed much more mature compared to Dustin.  There was no denying the attraction.  You graduated just a year after him in ’87 and missed his lunchtime antics.  Every time you saw him outside of school, he seemed so shy but, now you’re realizing maybe he just got nervous around you.  You always felt like there was some sort of tension between the two of you and now you might have figured out why. If only he had made a move sooner.
Why did they have to do this at the same time?  What good would it do?  You knew the two were friends.  Had they not talked about this to one another?  Maybe Eddie was jealous?  That’s a thought.
Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the door swinging open to reveal the two men in question.
“Good afternoon Mr. Y/L/N!” Dustin waved.
“Hey.” Eddie added.
“Hey boys,” your dad answered. “You gonna buy anything or just flirt with my kid?” Eddie turned bright red.
“No, I’ll buy something too,” Dustin quickly replied. He turned to look at his friend. “Why are you so red?”
“It’s just hot out, man.”
So, they obviously hadn’t talked to each other.  Dustin must not know about yesterday.  Well, that was going to make things so much more awkward. 
Eddie wandered over to where the clove gum usually was just to find Beemans there instead.  He frowned as he looked around for his go to, eyes landing at the small box next to the register.  He chanced a glance over to you to find you smiling at him warmly. 
“So, Dustin, have you chosen your classes yet?” Your dad asked.
“Not yet sir.  They’ve got me scheduled to come out next week to register officially. Tuesday.  I’ll probably spend the night and drive back Wednesday.”
“Sounds like you’ve got a plan.  Make sure to drive safe.”
“I will!”  Dustin grabbed a string of zotz and headed to the counter where you stood.
“My favorite flavor!” You exclaimed as you rang him up.
“Would you like to share them at a movie this weekend?  Your choice?”
“You know that new movie Weekend at Bernie’s just came out.  I’d love to see it. How about Saturday night?” You smiled at the blue-eyed boy and handed him back the line of zotz in exchange for some coins.
“Y/N, it’s a date.  I’ll pick you up at 8.”
“It’s a date.” Dustin smiled toothily, said good evening to your father, and made his way out the store. As soon as the door closed, Eddie sauntered over to the register. You glanced over to your dad, and he made his way to the back of the store.
“A date huh? With Henderson?” There was a glint in his eyes.
“Yeah. It sounds nice.”
“How about one with me?”
“One what?”
“A date.  Tuesday night.  The hideout.  My bands playing.  We’ve been drawing a bit more of a crowd than we did in high school.  Come watch.  I promise it’ll be worth your while.”  He looked at you with anticipation.
“It’s a date then.” The tall boy gave you a smile that made your heart flutter.  He seemed more confident all of a sudden.  The cockiness you remember from school starting to trickle out.  He went to hand you a quarter for a pack of his favorite gum. “No, it’s on me today.”
“You’re sure? It’s just a quarter.” You nodded.  “Thanks Y/N!” 
You could look at Eddie all day.  His soft curls framed his face and his smile made two perfect dimples appear on his full cheeks.  His eyes sparkled whenever they met yours and his full lips – You needed to do something about this thing with Dustin.
“Earth to Y/N?” Eddie waved his ring laden hand in front of your face.  You shook yourself back to reality and met his gaze once more.  “You spaced for a moment.  You okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
“Well, then, I’ll see you Tuesday evening!”
“See you then!”
You laid awake in bed thinking about Dustin and Eddie.  You hadn’t been on many dates.  In fact, you hadn’t been on one at all. Academics were your first priority throughout school, then helping your dad, then whatever else you had to do before you could do what you wanted to do.  It’s not like you hadn’t thought about dating.  Sure, there were crushes here and there.  Nothing ever came of it until now though.
The thought of a date, much less two, made your head spin.  Saturday was coming up quick and you weren’t quite sure how to feel about it.  You didn’t want to lead Dustin on but, he seemed so excited when you said yes. The best idea, you decided, was to indulge him on Saturday and let him down easy.  Movies were fun anyway and so was he.  It would be a good time.  You just knew it couldn’t go any further given the feelings you knew you felt for Eddie.  You were definitely more excited for Tuesday evening.  You hadn’t been to one of his shows since the start of your junior year.  If it was anything like that, you knew you’d be in for a real treat.
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spork · 9 years
I just subscribed to your channel. Two words: hella nice
thank you!!! 
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poppinjalex · 9 years
I was number 65 on the poll. Good luck!!!
thank you!! :)
url: eh | okay | great | awesome | flawless | ABSOLUTELY PERFicon: eh | okay | great | awesome | flawless | ABSOLUTELY PERFtheme: eh | okay | great | awesome | flawless | ABSOLUTELY PERFposts: eh | okay | great | awesome | flawless | ABSOLUTELY PERFoverall: eh | okay | great | awesome | flawless | ABSOLUTELY PERFfollowing: no sorry dear | not my kind of blog but i still ly | YES | now I am :)vote for me to be ughzackmerrick’s botm here & message me your number vote here & i will give you a br, selfie reblog, or really anything!!!
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sweaterjensen · 9 years
Jud taylor
nope :(
1) Osric Chau (deanhesmygalaxy)2) Misha Collins (flusteredjensen)3) Kim Rhodes (demondeansassbutt)4) Jared Padalecki (deanisaved)5) Jensen Ackles (zodixcdean)6) Nina Winkler (lookafteryourlittlebrotherboy)7) Matt Cohen (surrenderdean)8) Felicia Day (vodkasam)9) Mark Sheppard (scaryghostkid)10) Genevieve Padalecki (kinkywinchesters)11) Lauren Tom (deanishome)12) Richard Speight Jr. (qngels)13) Mark Pellegrino (spacesammy)14) (has appeared twice) (has appeared once in s10)15) Erica Carroll (deanishome)
Guess my top 15 favorite spn cast members for a promo? c:
already guessed: Jim Beaver, Tahmoh Penikett, Kathryn Newton, Rob Benedict, Alona Tal, Seb Roche, Ty Olsson, DJ Qualls, Lauren Cohan, Alaina Huffman, Rachel Miner, Julie McNiven, Colin Ford, Jewel Staite, Briana Buckmaster, Madison McLaughlin, Amy Gumenick, Katie Sarife, Joy Regullano, Ruth Connell, Jud Tylor
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grudgegod · 9 years
Once you get this, you must share five random facts about yourself. Then pass this on to your ten favourite followers.
Aw I'm one of your faves anyway lets see..
I say fuck way too fucking much.
I have a huge crush on this really country guy and I literally can't even. This is going to be the death of me.
I really like candy a lot. Especially Hersheys or sour shit.
My vans are hella dirty and I really need to clean them smh
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our-lady-of-mcr · 9 years
Once you get this, you must share five random facts about yourself. Then pass this on to your ten favourite followers.
omg thank you for this 1. im actually pretty good at drawing 2. i used to write fanfiction that fuckin sucked 3. i own three cats even though im allergic 4. im obsessed with the movie legally blonde 5. im homeschooled so thats fun
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bandfanforever · 2 years
Okay I have an idea for a ST fic and was wondering if anyone’s interested?
You work at your dads ice cream and candy shop and Dustin and Eddie come in all the time.
Dustin keeps telling you all these random facts about the products trying to flirt and gets along with your dad.
Eddie barely has the courage to even talk to you. Just always giving you longing looks with puppy dog eyes.
Of course I figured this would be set in the summer of 1989 with Dustin being 18 and Eddie being 22-23. Maybe you would be around 20.
What do y’all think? I’ve been wanting to get back into creative writing.
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thehappysong · 10 years
Remember when I didn’t need you
I do not know why I would go
I got a secret
When you’re feeling petty
This world it needs a cleansing, removing all its filth
Disappear (Remember When)-Issues|Screen-twenty one pilots|Chelsea Smile-Bring Me The Horizon|Mad At Nothing-Patrick Stump|The Flood-Of Mice & Men
~Zander :)
Send me a ‘hi’ and I will put my playlist on shuffle, write down the first line of five songs and give it to you as a poem.
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ierwho · 10 years
I just tweeted Gerard about orange skittle. Im now impatiently waiting for his reply
same, friend, same
url: 8/10
icon: 8/10
theme: 7/10
posts: 8/10
go to twitter and ask gerard if he likes orange skittles, then come back here and tell me you did it and I'll rate your blog!!
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