#baby project part 2
aestheticsuwu · 2 years
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Sweet like Marshmallows (Baby Project part 2)
@sassycobra I know it’s late but I finally got around to tweak it up and finish writing it. I hope you enjoy it like the first part.
@shortkingkeene thank you for always patiently waiting for me to upload.
Robby Keene x Doug Rickenberger
Demetri Alexopolous x Eli Moszkowitz
Sam LaRusso x Tory Nichols ( If you squint)
Miguel Diaz x Kyler ( kinda i guess but not really)
Yasmine x Moon mentioned ( @demetriandelibinaryboyfriends got me hooked on these two. .)
Previous Summary : Robby and Doug get paired together for a project to look after a fake baby .
Almost everyone had passed the probation week , Today being the last day to carry around their filled rice baby. Suprisingly his friends managed to maintain the 'baby' intact . Even one time the two besties ,being Hawk and Miguel ,had argued over the fact Diaz had knocked over Hawk’s baby .
Which, Robby thought it was hilarious witnessing that whole scene.
"Hey! what the fudge, man . Do you want me to kick your ass for dropping my kid."
" Calm down , it was an accident . Its just a bag of rice."
" How dare you insinuate that about Phoenix, Your just jealous my baby is badass unlike yours . "
" Oh , you wanna go there because i will end your career in this moment hoe. Samantha hold my child." Miguel took the baby and handed it over to start to throw hands.
"I think its my time to step in." Demetri says and drags Hawk by his shirt before they cause a scene.
Both teenagers didn’t talk in between periods until after school , it was weird watching them fight over something stupid and he didn’t want to mention the blanket Hawk made Demetri carry the baby in . It was tiny birds all over and it was yellow.
Tory and Sam was a different story , the girls just wanted to pass this project but sometimes they forget their grades and end up arguing about simple things like who spent less time with rice or who was being a whiny short princess. That was mainly coming from Tory side.
Robby decided to name it if it was a girl, Luna, and Doug got to chose a boys name which he still didn’t know . The students  needed to have two options because once they were handed a baby stimulator and Birth Certificate  they would know the gender .
Mr.Rodriguez gave them a pep talk and started to call out the parents to pick up the baby and the certificate  .
When Mr. Rodriguez had called out his last name and Doug had went up and recieved the box for the two of them, Everyone had started to open the cardboard box and examine the doll .
He watched Doug unboxed the baby and pull it out , in which was covered in simple white and blue blanket and had an instuction manual .
" i need to tell you something...," Scratching his temple, indecisive in how to tell Robby , he kinda fucked up . Robby raised his eyebrow in Dougs direction,
" Remember when i was joking about naming the baby Swayze ? "
"Doug please tell me you didn’t." Robby closed his eyes not ready for whatever next comes out of the boys mouth.
"I didn’t but you’re going to prefer it once you see the name i choosed ." Doug chuckled nervously.
Robby snatched the certificate out of his hand and read the font letters that clearly spelled out, Marshmallow Keene .
"Why would you name our kid marshmallow!." Robby yelled getting looks from the class and a disapproving look from the teacher . His shoulders shrunk.
"I forgot to pick a name because i had soccer practice and stayed up late playing video games online with Mikey and Hawk till midnight and when Mr.Rodriguez asked for the form i freaked out and all my mind could come up was you eating marshmallows in booty shorts ." He explained, panic written all over his face.
" Why would i eat marshmallows in booty shorts ?" Even saying it out loud sounded ridiculous to Robby.
"Why wouldn’t you ?" Doug ask making Robby actually pause to think about it for a second like it wasn’t crazy thought. I mean he could totally pull it off if he wanted to , Lately he’s been having a confidence boost. He does have a pair—
"Lets focus on the real problem Rickenberger." Robby shakes his head to snap out it and focus.The boy tries to hide his smile when he realize the short boy was actually thinking about it . Doug actually lied, there was a bag of marshmallows on the teachers desk.
“I mean I think marshmallow is a cute name. Kind of reminds me of you.” Doug cheerfully said with a cute grin . Cuteness never stopped Robby from wanting to commit murder.
“ I can’t believe I’m stuck with a baby that’s named after a sweet.”Robby grumps dropping his head into the desk.The desk makes a sound when his forehead touches the surface.
“ You should be happy I didn’t name it with something worse. ” Doug winces when the brunette kicks his leg. “At least I didn’t put something like Doug.”
“I think your name is cute.” Robby eyes widen at the words that slipped out without his consent. Doug looked surprised and tries to fight off the smile .
Robby looked a few tables ahead to not get distracted by the boy who is making him say things he is not ready to say.
He can see Tory and Sam discussing but it was more of Sam talking than the blonde since she was just staring with a unreadable look in her eyes.
That was different. He had to go back to that later.
The teacher warns Eli to calm down , the Mohawk boy seemed ecstatic like if the plastic dolls were really real . Which is creepy. Demetri didn’t look bothered or embarrass like last week , what was obvious was the heart eyes he was throwing at Eli.
He looks back at his partner who was intently reading the manual .His long fingers flipping the page over , He really has nice hands . He compared his hands with his . He wondered how can this big guy can seem so angry but in reality was like a … marshmallow ?
“And this is why we’re divorced !” Miguel shouts at Kyler making the whole class stare at their direction . Kyler tried to hide in his chair, slipping down to hide but it wasn’t working.
Reason like these , School should be shut down. They bring out the worst in them.
It didn’t take long for Rickenberger to notice Robby was upset with him. The pout more prominent, the constant eye rolling that sent to his directon, the tense jaw and the vigor steps that his short legs let him make.
So maybe he wasn’t putting his effort in this like he promised he would , it wasn’t like he was trying to ruin this for Robby, it was just hard to be serious when he has to carry a bag of rice meanwhile people around him act like it was truely a human baby.
It was only yesterday that he watched Miguel and Kyler argue in a way he never thought he would. It was like watching ping pong. Following the ball to one direction to the other.
“If I have to raise this baby by myself , I will !, Honey, I was raised by a strong single mother and I can be one too. I don’t need to depend on a guy to raise Marisol Guadalupe Diaz.” Miguel yelled making Kyler stunned. He finish by simply snatching the baby and walked away. Kyler looked lost and maybe in the brink of tears but still chased after Miguel .
He should probably talk with Tory.
“ That explains a lot . The guy been in a grumpy mood.” Says Tory after Doug finished. She was trying to make ‘Artemis’ burp. Sam was really proud in choosing the name which Tory found it really stupid and not at all endearing.
“My question is .” Pausing to adjust the baby,She continued ”When did you become so stupid. “
He would’ve felt offended but lately he’s been asking the same thing to himself.
“ What do you think i should do.” He avoids answering Tory .
“ You can ask the teacher if you could change the birth certificate. LaRusso convinced him when she had the dumb idea to name our baby “Theodora” . “
“ Well she probably was able to do it since everyone likes her Dad.”
“ Sam actually did it on her own and not by dropping the LaRusso card.” Tory was quick to Sam’s defense which made the boy raise his brow at that.
“ Oh it’s Sam not LaRusso “ Doug teased the girl and maybe for the first time Tory was blushing.
“ Oh shut up . Who names their kid Marshmallow.”
“ Who names their only child Theodora.”Doug shoots back.
“You got me there , I can’t defend her.”Tory shrugs .
“You admit you were defending her— OW!” He shouts when Tory throws the bottle at his head. She really has good aim.
Robby was over Doug naming the baby Marshmallow. As long the guy didn’t drop it or do any harm to it. The next day he was walking through the hallway looking for him .
He stops when he steps on a plushie. A phoenix plushie, to be exact. A pale hand reaches for it and yanks it from under his foot.
“ Dammit Robby!. I have to wash it now. Do you know how many germs it has now.” Hawk cried out. Demetri gave him a sorry look .
“Do you know how stupid you look.” Robby retorts. The guy had a baby wrap making him look ridiculous. Hawk mocked Robbys laugh and gave him a menacing glare which didn’t look terrifying , Hawk turn to whisper to Demetri. “Do I look dumb” — “Of course not, Honey.” Demetri whispered back without a beat.
“ Robby is right .Some us don’t need to try hard.” Miguel speaks up with a toothy grin and not to far behind Kyler had an expression like he wish the ground would swallow him up to disappear. He was carrying a pink baby car seat where the baby was placed and a bright pink diaper bag .
Robby was 3 seconds away in from bursting out of laughter.
“ You know Miguel , Maybe you should put all that energy in your co-parenting.” Hawk sneered back. Motioning with his fingers bunched up.This had been going on lately and it felt like everyone is on crack to Robby.
“ Maybe you should check in with your boy. It’s not all transparency ,Demetri hates the name Phoenix . “Miguel reveals, Demetri winces and made Eli gasp .
“Sorry Demetri “ Miguel apologize not even looking apologetic with that proud evil smirk.
“ I can’t believe this is happening .” Robby really can’t but maybe he can ,his friends are weird. Kyler looks like he feels the same.
“ Your right . Peoples true colors are coming out.” Hawk say dramatically. Miguel squints at him like he was a traitor.
“ To think I was going to ask you to be Marisol godfather.” Miguel confess with a dramatic tone of voice.
“ Really ?” Hawk ask surprised .
“ Of course dude . I couldn’t think of anyone else.” Miguel says truthfully making them both get emotional.The change of emotions almost gave Robby whiplash.
“ Dude your my first choice too.” Hawk lets out a smile and rushes to Miguel. Making the rest feel they were intruding.
They hug , Miguel being careful with Phoenix . Their grinning at each other when Demetri speaks up and sigh “I’m right here.”
Robby: need to talk. Where are you?
Doug: Learning how to clean with a tiny brush.
Robby: What?
Doug : Nothing. Meet me at my locker . I have a surprise .
Robby was glad he didn’t have to wait . The second he arrived in less than a minute Doug arrived with messy hair and a boyish smile . Wearing one of the baby backpacks and Robby is not willing to admit out loud but it kinda made his stomach flip at the sight.
Is not like Robby doesn’t want to accept he has feeling for the boy but he is trying to be single this year, no relationship that will just make him crumble down. He was focusing on fixing himself.
So that’s why he will keep these feelings in a box until further notice.
“ I fucked up. No surprise there. I gave you my word so here I am trying to make this up to you because I … ,” Doug cut himself off before he looks pathetic in saying he likes Robby . He can get a hint. Robby wasn’t into him. That’s fine.
This isn’t the time to have a mental breakdown.
“ I want to actually commit and do what I say. That’s why I asked Mr.Rodriguez for a redo.” Doug eyes are shining in hope wanting Robby to be less disappointed.
Handing over the sheet to Robby. Who reads it with disbelief ,his eyes widening in surprise and maybe a hint of happiness.
“ I thought we weren’t allowed to change . “
“ We are not but I pulled a few strings .” When he says a few, he’s lying. Mr.Rodriguez made him sign a slip in agreeing to clean the bleachers, the gym and the classroom after school. But hey ,what’s a little scraping gum under every desk when Robby is smiling up at him making him do crazy shit for this tiny guy.
“ Thank You. “ Robby say sincerely, grabbing his hand and giving a squeeze. They held hands a bit longer until the bell rang for the next period .
“ I’ll take the baby for today . “Doug offered.
“Okay , be careful . Did you read the instructions I sent you.”
“Not really . I have a baby brother I think I can manage with Baby Keene.”
Robby watched as the boy walked away carefully with the fake baby and a smile crept up on him . He reads the certificate one last time. Robby bites his lips to refrain himself from grinning like lovesick fool when he sees his name right next to Doug’s .
……….. Keene
Parent : Robby Keene
Parent : Doug Rickenberger
Gender: Boy
He just has to pick a name now .
He chooses to name the baby Nariyoshi in honor of Mr.Miyagi. When Daniel found out he got a look in his eye that made Robby feel he did the right choice. Doug liked the name and gave the baby a nickname , Yoshi.
Everyone had been calling the baby by Yoshi. The teacher thought it was from the Mario brothers character and Robby never in his life gave a full long speech on anything just to correct someone. And he does not regret a single second of those 30 minutes of his life.
Today Doug was coming over . Robby made sure to clean the whole apartment which thankfully wasn’t that big of a mess. His room wasn’t much since he recently moved in, the walls were bare , the bed was a twin size and a nightstand and a counter where he placed all his clothes . And a brand new desk made from scratch that his Dad made for him since he learned he liked to draw.
Everything was going well . Robby was coming back from a quick trip to the store to buy some drinks and snacks when baby Yoshi was wailing.It had been an hour and nothing seem to make the baby stop crying . He changed the diaper , fed him, burped, and swaddled but nothing seem to work .
Robby ears felt like they were going to pop. He tugged on his hair in frustration . “Why don’t you stop crying !!!” His lip wobble making him more frustrated. Robby wasn’t one to have a breakdown feeling pressured or frustrated so he tries taking deep breaths . But having a semi-new born was taking a toll on him. He felt drain.Robby hasn’t had a good 8 hours of sleep. He was not going to cry. He was not going to cry . He was not going to cry. He is a bad bitc- Fuck it ! ,he’s-going to cry.
Yoshi cried louder . And then there was knock at the door. Getting up from the floor , he rushes to open the door managing to trip over on his way with the remote control on the carpet. Swinging the door open , Doug winces at sound of Yoshi crying .
Robby lets out long exhale and flings himself to the boy making Doug stumble backwards. His hand were awkwardly hovering the short boy back who was burying their face in his chest and hands were gripping his shirt .
“He bjdjjdjdk crbhdjdkdk and I doljdhdj Knowggs what to do and now am dbbdjjdjdndnn.” Robby mumbles through the shirt not making any sense to Doug.
“ I didn’t catch a word you just said.” He said confused but it only made Robby stomp his feet and made a sad sound.
“How about we go inside and figure why both of my babies are crying.” He strokes Robby’s hair while the rubs soothing circles at his back.
Once inside , Robby wipes away the traitor tears and pulls Doug from his shirt to his room where the baby was. He told explain everything he did but still failed to make the baby to stop crying.
“ Have you tried a pacifier ?” The question made him dumbstruck as to why didn’t he think of that. Finding the pacifier and giving it to the baby and suddenly the cries were gone.
Robby sits down at the corner of the bed feeling quite stupid . He can’t believe he cried and in front of Doug. He flushed now thinking how childish he acted . He even stomp like a toddler. Get a grip of yourself , pretend that never happen. He called you baby.Climb that boy like you were starving koala wanting some eucalypt leaves. His mind said in a creepy way, sounding a bit like Miguel and Hawk.And being honest he is not taking any advice from those two.
Can you believe this dude?, Let’s go somewhere were they will appreciate are generous advice.
“ I think we might’ve lost a few points but we can make up the points with the days we have left.”
“ I just can’t believe i didn’t think of a pacifier.”
“I wouldn’t have either if Yasmine wouldn’t have told me about how she lost hers today and had borrow someone’s boring one for the baby”
Yasmine? This was the first he mention her around him. And he was not jealous. Why would he . Doug can talk or like anyone he wants to.He’s going to keep it cool.
“ I didn’t know you were friends.”Robby cringed at how accusatory it sounded.
“I wouldn’t say we’re friends.” Doug had that smile Robby knew too well. It was the same one he used to give him when he would flirt with him. Thinking now , the tall boy stopped his usual flirting and calling him pretty boy.
“Whatever I don’t care. Lets go fill in our report.” Scoffing at the boy who was still smiling . He moves off from the bed and heads to living room . He brings his stuff to the kitchen table , Doug behind him follows his lead. Robby takes a chair and sits.
He side eyes Doug who takes a seat way to far and starts writing on the sheet of paper. He can’t help but notice the huge gap between them , a few weeks ago the guy would take the opportunity to be as close as possible.
His leg started to bounce and his hand shook his pencil back and forth while his eyes tried to stay glued on the sheet. Doug kept glancing at his phone every time it pinged alerting him he got a text.
“If it’s important you can answer.”
“ Nah it’s just Yasmine.”
Robby rolled his eyes and pushed out his lips in a pout in annoyance. Whatever he doesn’t care. What he does care is finishing this report and getting a good grade at this project.
After finally sharing their information and progress over the almost two weeks of having Yoshi , they placed their information on their report. He helped Doug pack and handed the baby over and everything he needed .
“I guess that’s it . Guess you can finally answer Yasmine now that your free even though you could of answered when I told you.”
“ I guess I prefer doing homework.Even if you cried all over me the second I arrived. Just know your an exception , Robby.”
“Don’t tell me you miss being called pretty boy ?” Doug chuckles at the boys eye roll .Amused at the silence from the short boy , he decides to go for it . Hoping Robby wouldn’t kick his ass after.Lunging forward and plants a chaste kiss on Robby check .
“See ya!” Walking backwards with that stupid smirk of his , Robby waits until he can’t see him to get back inside.
Robby only brings a hand to his face when he closes the door . It felt warm and tingly. Yeah he might have to revaluate his plan for this year.
Robby was fucked. And not in the way he imagined—He is spending way too much time with Hawk, he is getting sidetracked . The point is that his heart has betrayed him . He wasn’t dumb he knew the tall boy had snuck his way under his skin but it wasn’t to his knowledge that he manage to sneak his way to his blood pumping heart.
And it was all because of this damned project, because he spent 2 weeks with the guy he’s been pushing away and now it seems like he has to now fight Yasmine to have him. Ever since the day Doug had came over , Wherever he turned to look, Yasmine was hanging off of him .
Robby could’ve easily confronted both Doug and Yasmine but that was too easy so he did what he did best . He wallowed . For a one day. Ehh that’s a lie . Well the whole week when he realized Doug had been trying to cheer him up. So yes. He manipulated the guy to spend more time with him and just by pulling the saddest puppy eyes.
The guy took over his duties as parent and kept stealing flowers from the school office to cheer him up. And even brought him a rose that he bought when Robby subtlety mentioned no one has ever given him flowers. He showed it off to everyone-And when he says everyone he means Yasmine.
Whenever he catch the blondie coming his way he would pull Doug closer , throw the guy arm over his shoulder , he even hold his hand making the latter stumble over his words. And Robby would just smirk at Yasmine.
He maybe gotten on her nerves since she was now standing in front of him and pulled him away from his group of friends , Eli was fighting with Tory about who’s baby is the best and no one was trying to get in the middle of it. Miguel and Sam were slowing trying to slip away together. And Demetri was ready to call the principal on them.
“We need to talk.”
“Do we? Because I can’t think of anything that has to do with me and you . ”
“ I’m going to be nice, since your Demetri’s friend and Moon thinks I shouldn’t let bad vibes ruin my aura so… Tone down the attitude a bit. I’m not into Rickenberger , Athough last year me would’ve jumped at the shot but Moi is in a thriving passionate relationship with Moon.”
That kinda left him dumbstruck like a fish.
“What ?”
“Yeah, get on the news , peep squeak.”She says flickering her perfect hair away. Robby had to think for a second, to make sure he heard right.
“ I’m not short and I’m taller than you.”
“Aww that’s cute no wonder Rickie calls you Pretty boy. Your beauty truly outshines your shortness .Oh got to go My gorgeous girl needs me , And please do us all a favor and just date the guy .” She flashes her shiny white teeth and rushes to Moon who is carrying their baby . The couple hold hands and kiss each other as they walk down the hallway .
Huh. That wasn’t what he was expecting.
Robby didn’t make any move . It was frustrating but he wanted to see if he let things flow all on its own. So that’s what he’d did. Their Co-parenting was going amazing even to the point Miguel was now throwing attitude towards him instead of Eli. And he kind of threw some back and as silly it seemed , it was funny to banter with his friends even it was about a fake baby.
The day before the last day of their project , He invited Doug over since they should spend their last day with the doll. Crazy as it seemed , he got a bit attached to it . He wondered briefly if Miguel or Eli would burst out crying tomorrow in class.
His Dad was on the couch with Daniel watching the tv , Top Gun was playing . His Dad was making snide commentary and Daniel nodded along pretending to listen when in reality he was paying more attention to Val Kilmer.
“I invited a friend to go over some minor details about the project.” Robby interrupts his dad, making Daniel send a smile at his way.
“No funny business alright . “Johnny faces Robby with a stern look.
“No promises.” Making Johnny do a double take.”I’m kidding.”He enjoys teasing his Dad .
He steps out and shuts the door behind him. And sits down on the stair step. Less than 5 minutes Doug arrives with the baby. He looks good. Even if he’s just wearing sweats and simple tee.
They don’t get to go inside. Doug starts telling him how Yoshi kept him and his family up all night. Robby notice the dark circles. And teases the guy about how it wasn’t as easy as it looked.
Doug talks about his baby brother who just turned 2 , and Robby is trying hard not to let it show by how he is smiling, that he might’ve fallen for him. The topic changes about their friends and how chaotic they have been the past 2 weeks.
“Miguel and Eli has been on my mind for way too long.”Robby grins as he controls himself to not burst out into laughter again.
“Don’t say that, It will make me jealous.”
“Trust me , I find myself thinking about you more times than I can count.” Robby smiles falter a smidge, knowing he went there.
Doug sheepishly smiles, “Oh really” And leans a bit forward. Robby wonders when did they got too close.
This would’ve been the moment for his first kiss with Doug. He just had to lean an inch closer and both of their lips would’ve been touching .Except Robby opened his mouth and words tumbled out .
“Why do you like me ?”
Doug brows furrowed and lips were parted but now cause of confusion. His shuts his jaw tight and fumble with the keys in his palm that slipped out. “Is there supposed to be a reason . Can’t I just like you.”
“ I guess it just means your just interested in my looks . As soon you will get bored , this silly crush will be over.” Robby insecurity gets the best of him. If the guy can’t tell him why he’s interested then it will just end up having his heart broken.
“You’re kidding right.” Doug is stunned. His eyes are wide like he’s been struck.
“No . Does it look like I’m laughing .” Robby says bothered.
“I don’t get you. You show no interest in me only when someone else does. You say that I’m not serious yet you play with my feelings and I allow it because I’m stupid enough to think that you will notice I’m sincere.” Hurt is written all over Doug’s face making feel Robby bad.
“That’s not my intention . It’s just hard to believe— “
Scoffing he interrupts him , “ Your compassion ,Robby.” Doug looks intensely at him,“Tory was failing history class , she was stressed for a week ,since the exam was near and it was her last hope . You helped her study and memorize dates, events and names , Even babysat her brother. “Robby shoulders fall already regretting what he said.
He continues, “You have a day solely for Demetri, you learn and read about his favorite comics and hang out with him so he won’t feel left out when his boyfriend hangs out with Miguel.” Doug looks down at his hands feeling shy making Robby stunned, “Your put your all to fix your relationship with your dad. To make up the lost time. You gives so much to everyone and I foolishly thought I could give it to you .” Doug voice turns into disappointment , like he was foolish to think that. Robby watches him spring up from the ground and leave.
“Doug!” Yelling his name doesn’t make him stop or turn around but it makes Yoshi cry. Making him sigh in defeat.He walks back in ignoring his dad questions.
Today was the day to turn in the babies in. The teacher would call out their names and the student would have to turn the baby in , along with the reports and essay of how if felt to be a parent . The day felt slow for Robby . It could’ve been the school hours , since time went by slow, or maybe , it was the fact the 6ft tall boy has been ignoring him like he was not there.
Robby wouldn’t have minded the peace and quiet if the events of yesterday didn’t occur . But no matter how hard he tried to concentrate on pretending to act like he was doing his work and actually doodling in his paper.
He actually paid attention on the other details he never focus on. Like how in sync Demetri and Hawk are, one does not make a move unless the other does. Tory and Sam are the opposite yet they made a better team than any one ever thought could be possible. Weirdly, Yasmine is more easier to be around when she is not trying to put up a front, He guess they can thank Moon for that .
Miguel and Kyler. That’s another situation. Miguel proved that Kyler isn’t the leader or this tough guy he is , since he was forced to do everything Diaz told him to do. It was quite funny.
Robby also notice he doesn’t have a pencil or a pen. Thinking clearly now, he never had one because he’d end up chewing it down to keep him from biting his nails. Doug always slipped him a pencil or those high priced pens that wrote smoothly and the ink didn’t smudge .
Or how when his antic of his leg bouncing stopped for a while. The taller boy would notice and tap his foot against his making him feel grounded.
Or maybe he was just thinking too much. Robby should focus on finding the equivalent of x and y or whatever your supposed to in math. Fuck , how did you do that again. What happen to the math problems where Pablo or Timmy had way too many watermelons.
Next period was it. It , being Mr. Rodríguez class. The teacher was giving the lesson, and Robby was sort of paying attention. Tory and him started playing tic tac toe and he is about to win for the third time.
He tries not too jump out of his seat when he wins and Tory does her best to muffle her giggles with her hand at his dance of victory in his seat.it more wiggles than dancing.
The whole class start talking when the teacher is pulled out of the class by another teacher. Robby wanted to keep playing tic tac toe but Tory had other plans.
“What’s going on with you and grumpy.” Her eyes flicker for a second to a few tables ahead.She knew the gist but she wanted Robby to tell her.
“We had an argument. He basically said he likes me and I told him , that what he felt was a fleeting crush that will go away.”Robby explains .
“You know, Swayze, If you don’t like the guy just tell him . You want me to do it for you.”Tory offers like the best person she is .
“It’s not that.” Robby sighed .
“You like him too.”
“Do you or do you not? Your giving me mixed signals .”Tory felt confused , she was now understanding the tall guy. Her friend was a confused mess.
“It’s not that easy.” Robby leg started to bounce and brought his fingers to his lips.
“It’s not that easy or your scared to admit you like a guy that you promised yourself not to like.”Tory slaps his hand away.
“When did I allow you to get in my brain.”Robby smiles at her which she quickly returns one.
“It was part of the contract when we agree to be friends.” They laugh as quiet as they could . They tend to laugh way to loud like hyenas.
“So can we talk about the thing you have for Sam or…”Robby teases making Tory punch his shoulder.
“What thing ? There is no thing. I just learned she isn’t what I used think about her and vice versa.” Tory said calmly , but she started biting her pen .
“If you say so.” Robby decided it was better left alone.
“Okay class , quiet down . Lets get back into your seats with your project partners.”Mr.Rodríguez clapped his hands and went behind his desk. Robby decided to go to the taller boy instead of the other way. Grabbing his papers , his bag and the project.
He waits for Mikey to get up , he smiles at the shorter male and tilts his head at the wave of the guy.Making himself comfortable as he can get with the plastic chair and the stuffy air that lingered with awkwardness .
“I-uh-, I want to apologize.”
“Don’t. It’s fine. It won’t be the first or the last time someone won’t reciprocate how I feel. I get it, you don’t like me in that way. “ Doug says dryly .
“Doug, That’s not-“
“Robby.” Cutting him off , Doug turns to him“It’s okay. Lets leave at that and not make into a big thing than it needs to.” He says it kindly this time.
Doug acted like everything was fined. They traded any last minute information , read each others reports and discussed about the project. No joke was said nor silly banter was thrown. When it was time to give back the baby, Robby felt upset. He had gotten attached to the fake baby like the rest of his classmates.
He was going to miss the sleepless nights, the constant crying, and the dumb excuses he used to have Doug around.
“Bye Yoshi. We’re going to miss you baby.” Robby voice cracked and handed the finished project over to the teacher who offered his a sympathetic smile. They went back to the table and maybe Doug saw him really upset because he places his arm at the back of his chair that he leaned into. It made him feel better.
The bell rang making everyone sprung out their desk and leave to lunch. Robby tried again to talk to boy , but he fled like a man on fire.
“So what was this fight about?” Eli ask, everyone head turn to look at Robby, who has been quite all lunch period.
“What do you mean? What fight?” Robby asked confused.
“You and Rickenberger “ Miguel chimed, a fry hanging out of his mouth and ketchup on his cheek that Sam was wiping away with a napkin. Tory stole a handful of fry’s from his tray.
“We’re not fighting.” Robby crossed his arms.
“Yeah right. The whole school even knows.” Sam scoffs , the rest nodded along .
“I think you all are way to invested in my life.” Robby said in concern . He thinks they need to put some space in their friendship , he even knows way too much that goes on with Demetri and Hawk. And Sam with Miguel. Or Tory and Sam.
“Oh please, is not like you are the most interesting person in the friend group to keep tabs. We just know because you and Tory can’t whisper for shit. “ Eli says making Miguel snort and Demetri chuckle.
“Shouldn’t you be crying over Phoenix .” Robby snarks making Eli dramatically gasp.
“Low blow Keene, that’s still fresh for everyone.” Miguel said shaking his head in disappointment . “I miss my baby Marisol “ he mutters sadly.
“We’re going off track , let’s go back to Robby and Rickenberger.” Tory stirs the conversation back.
“Not you too Tory.” Robby throws his head back.
“I think we all collectively want you to stop being mopey and all …” Demetri trails off and points at him being slumped over his seat.
“We got a plan.”Miguel slams both hands on the table and clear his throat “It includes ; Seduction, Flowers, leather jacket and a skirt.”
“No !” They all screamed in protest except Robby and Miguel who are confused .
“That plan was executed remember .” Sam reminds him with wide eyes , communicating with their eyes .
“Ohhhhhh.”Miguel stretched out the world “Okay minus the skirt , you ready ?”
“ I’m legit scared to hear it.”
“Just listen to him, if you really want to be with him , Swayze .”Tory holds him hand in comfort.
Robby sat there and listened with an open mind knowing his friends they probably created something wild.
The next day he walked into school with slight puffy eyes since last night he stayed up all night with those dorks that he called friends.
Miguel and Eli actually spent the whole time reminiscing about the ‘babies’, worse thing Sam, Tory and Demetri slowly joined in too. And Robby actually confessed he really missed Yoshi.
But aside from that , Tory and Sam picked out an outfit . Miguel and Eli gave him a few pointers on what to say . Demetri told him not to take anything serious that came from their mouths.
Robby was nervous as hell. Is was like 90 degrees today, he was wearing all black including the leather jacket , he forgot the words to the speech he had plan to tell Doug, and he was running on 5 hours of sleep.
Luck was not in his side today, since he hadn’t been able to find Doug. He either skipped classes he shared with Robby or he didn’t come to school .
After walking around campus and not one trace of the latter , he was giving up. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. Just because now that Robby wanted to be with Doug , doesn’t mean Doug wants to be with him now.
With a frustrated sigh, he whips out his phone. Sending a text to the group chat that he was backing out.
Patrick Swayze: I’m out. I can’t find him . This was a waste of time.
Toryminator: Wdym? He must be here.
Demi-Lovato : ^
Demi-Lovato: I saw him near the bleachers for PE.
Demi-Lovato: Who changed my name!!!
Samwich: You can’t give up now. We can’t take anymore of this . So be a big boy now because your getting with Rickenberger.
Samwich: Dont be a pussy!
El Serpiente : ^^
Toryminatior : ^^^
Hawkeye: ^^^^
Patrick Swayze : Wow . Miguel and Hawk were all busy until now 🖕
Patrick Swayze : He is probably avoiding me.
Torymimator: I got a plan. After school , I’ll will check the east wing.
Toryminator: Demetri and Sam will check the west wing.
Toryminator: Eli and Miguel will go to the bleachers .
Toryminator: Got it ??
Samwich: 🫡
El Serpiente : 🫡
Hawkeye : 🫡
Demi-Lovato: 🫡
Patrick Swayze: what do I do ??
Patrick Swayze: Hello ?
Patrick Swayze : fuck my life 🙃🙃
Robby waited. And waited. The school bell rang and the hallways flooded with tennagers trying desperately to flee fast as possible .
Robby stayed back until it cleared. He wasn’t in the mood to be pushed to the ground or having his shoulders knocked over.
Robby waited 5 minutes to collect his bag and notebooks and left the class. He saw no signs of blonde locks, a Mohawk, curly brown or ebony hair .He told them it was a lost cause.
Squinting his eyes when the sun hits directly at him , he covers his face with his notebook . And there he was. There was no mistaking him.
His almost 6 feet self, wearing his signature red hoodie, his backpack had a sticker in pink letters ‘babygirl’ that Hawk sticked at the right bottom . Robby tried moving his legs but they seem stuck .
Doug was not alone . He was with another boy. He looked familiar but Robby couldn’t remember where he seen him. The boy had blonde hair that was pulled into two braids and was wearing a lace top that was see through.
Robby knows the school rules of clothing and that boy was breaking them. He was also short , the boy probably thought he looked cute having to look up at Doug.
Robby unglued his shoes when he sees the blondie placing a hand on Doug’s forearm .
“Hey. Can we talk” Robby cuts in.
“I’m kind of busy but you can call me later. You still have my number right?” Doug turns to look at him but with a closed off expression . Which pissed him off since he was being all smiley with that blonde.
“My phone is broken. And is urgent.” Robby didn’t exactly lie. His phone was semi working but not broken.
“I can go.”The blonde guy offers kindly and Doug tries to stop him but that was not happening on his watch. The guy could look for another 5’11 guy.
“You read my mine! That would be best, Thank you !” Robby gave him a fake ass smile and waved him goodbye. He had manners.
“I will see you around.” Doug says making the guy smile way too hard making Robby roll his eyes.
“Or not.”Robby is still smiling but the blonde guy gets the hint and leaves finally.
Doug shoots him a glare. He waits until the guy is out of earshot .
“What’s up.”
“We need to talk about us.” Robby stutters but he manages to let the words out.Damn. Where’s the bitch attitude when he needs it. Oh well , here it goes.
“Keene, really , like I said yesterday—“
“That’s the thing. I don’t want things to stay the same or try to act like this awkwardness is not between us anymore.”
“I can change classes and then we don’t have to avoid each other in the same room.”Doug pathetically offers , it seem like he really didn’t want to be here.
“Thats not what I’m saying. I don’t want that you idiot.”Robby huffs .
“Well I can’t change schools , you short stack of pancakes !”Doug voice raises making few heads turn to them.
“Lower you voice , giraffe. I don’t want the whole school to hear us!”Robby fights the urge to scream back and stomp his foot. But he was in public he had control himself.
“I don’t have time for this.” Doug shakes his head and laughs dryly .
“Oh but you had time for that guy that you were letting touch you all over.” Robby voice dripped in jealousy.
“You seriously can’t be jealous right now .”Doug said incredulously .
“I can if I want to .”Robby was determined and he was not giving up without a fight. He knows the last time Doug told him Robby only tries to show his feelings when he was jealous but this time he is going to confess. But his tall guy didn’t know which drove him crazy.
Doug screams in frustration and turns around to leave but he comes to a halt seeing Miguel, Hawk, Sam, Demetri and Tory blocking his way.
“Can you guys move”
“No can do , amigo .”Hawk says unapologetic but still offered him a thumbs up for good luck.
“You have to deal with this this today we are tired of seeing you guys do a terrible job of being in love “ Miguel sighs wanting this to be over . He was starving .
“Just listen , Rickenberger. Your not going to get hurt , trust me.” Tory try to reassure him. Maybe the guy was avoiding Robby because he was tired of getting his heart broken from Robby’s multiple rejections. Understandable but he is not this time.
“I’m here. Go on.”Doug deeply sighs like it hurt him . He stood looking at him patiently. There was a couple of seconds of awkward silence. Doug raised his brow in question.
“I had this speech prepared—“ Hawk coughs , Robby rolls his eyes ,” We had this speech prepared. And I don’t know if you would love it or hate it. I can’t tell you it because the moment I saw you with that guy it immediately erased from my brain.”
“Robby , I know that I told you no matter how many times you reject me I wouldn’t give up but I think I can’t take another.”Doug frowns and fidgets .
“Just wait here” Robby pleaded.
Robby waited for Doug to nod so he could run off inside the school. He couldn’t understand why the words couldn’t come out. Why he couldn’t blurt out the words that screamed out , ‘I like you!’ . So he did what he did. He ran back in .
He dodged a couple that he almost toppled over and he accidentally hit his shoulder on the locker when he took a turn. Robby was panting like a dog when he was in front of the office. Walking in he smiled seeing everyone was occupied , sneaking to the front desk where the flower vase stood, beautiful fresh sunflowers waiting for him to be picked. Stolen, borrowed , or whatever you want to call it.
Having the flower in hand , Mrs. Gomez made eye contact with him and flashing her his best smile Robby ran the fuck out of there. Walking out the exit , he wasn’t as graceful and missteps a stair and went tumbling down.
That was embarrassing. He makes a whining noise when he notice he kind of crushed the sunflower. Fuck.
“Shit! Robby are you okay?Is something hurt?” Doug shouted , running up to help him while his friend laughs but stopped to glare whoever were laughing that weren’t them . At least they got his back on that.
“My pride .” Robby wince feeling his back scream at him for moving since he landed on his back .
“Here. Do the thing.” Robby shoves the flower in Doug’s hand . And waited with a pained expression.
“What thing?”
“The thing. Your thing.” Robby huffs impatiently he did not almost break his back for the guy can’t remember about their moment.
“Robby ….” Doug look so confused , he looked behind his shoulder to get help from them but they were useless .This was not part of the plan.
“Tell me what you told me when we first assigned as partners .”Robby nervously reminds him making the latter snort.
“Here ,” Doug breaks the long stem and places the flower behind his right ear, he gives him a wobbly smile feeling embarrass ,” A pretty flower for my pretty boy .”
This time Robby doesn’t blush nor pushes down his feelings. Okaaaaaaay, maybe a little, but he will blame it in the sun.He’s the one to take a step closer “You better shut your mouth, Doug.” Robby tried to fight off the smile but seeing Doug flush and smile bashfully just is driving him crazy.
“How about use those damn lips to keep me quiet ." Doug finally pulls out his cocky smirk from that day. No trace of shyness from second ago .
“Okay. If that’s what you want.” Robby shrugs nonchalant and leans up to kiss him . Doug froze but kiss backed , thank God because it could’ve been weird just him doing the kissing.
He thought of slipping his tongue and all but Robby thinks it better like this , especially if people were still watching them. Maybe recording them. He wraps his arms around Doug’s neck and feels being pulled in closer and hands on his waist to host him up . Wrapping his legs around Doug hips he hears his friends cheer.
“Omg my seduction plan worked! Told you that leather jacket is the shit!!”That sounded like Miguel.
“You climb that boy, Robby, like your a starving koala wanting some eucalypt leaves.” Hawk yells , Miguel laughter sounds way too close with how loud he sounds.
Robby pulls away in bewilderment and ask Doug,” You heard that too , right ?”
“The seduction or the koala part.” Doug laughs and his pink lips distract him , Doug puts him down and hugs him close.
“I think I need some time apart from them.”
“From who?” Hawk comes up from behind scaring Robby. Tory slaps the back of Hawks head .
“From you and Miguel.” Robby chuckles watching the two boys reaction.
“Fine we’ll find someone who appreciates us , let’s go , dude.” Miguel sasses . Demetri and Sam pull them aside to give him and Doug a minute. Robby looks at them , they really are in his head.
“I’m really happy.” Doug says bringing him back . He grins and leans up again to kiss him. Yeah, he’s not getting tired of kissing him.
“I hope so because I think Hawk has a video of me tripping so it better be worth it. And the school might call my dad today.”
“They caught you stealing . ”
“Shut up and just kiss your boyfriend .”
“Whatever my pretty boy wants.” Doug swoops in and making him breathless . Who needs air? Not Robby. But he can’t have his moment because Hawk interrupts him .
“Sorry to interrupt but we deserve some pizzas after getting you guys together.”
“That is the package deal of dating Robby Keene, you got to carry us around.” Tory winks , the rest make noises of agreement . He lets it pass, the nerves made him hungry so he led them lead the way as hold his boyfriend hand.
Doug has never seen his wallet emptier before but he guess he has to get a job after today.
The moment Robby open his eye , he groans. The blaring alarm is already causing him a headache . He debates on throwing his phone against the wall but decides not since is kind of hanging by a thread. He really has to get a new phone.
His bed is telling him to stay in and sleep but he throws the blanket aside and goes to the bathroom to get rid of his cotton mouth.
Dressed and ready to go to school he grabs his bag and goes into the kitchen where he finds Daniel with a box of donuts . Yes!
“Where’s dad ?” Robby ask before he takes a huge ass bite of a donut . It’s bad manners but Daniel has gotten used to it. He shoves the other half in his mouth and steals Daniels coffee .
“Still acting like a child !” Daniel yells the last part for Johnny to hear. Johnny shouts something incoherent back.
“I can’t believe he is jealous over Iceman.” Robby gives back Daniel’s cup . He didn’t get his dads obsession on hating that movie. Robby actually liked the movie and the hot RIO ,Slider.
Daniel pushed the box towards him and Robby happily grabbed another donut. They were fucking good. He could probably eat half a dozen. Or maybe a dozen if he puts his mind to it.
“You want a ride to school , Johnny is taking Miguel , Hawk, Sam and Tory . Carpooling .”
“Not really big fan of being squished in but I rather do that than walk.”
Johnny drops them off and bid his goodbye . They dusted off and wiped their faces from any remains of donuts.He ditches them when he sees Doug waiting for him at the entrance.
His boyfriend pulls him in for a kiss and throws his arm over his shoulder and walks him to his locker. Robby was stupid trying to not admit his feelings for the guy. Having a boyfriend is the best, it’s actually kind of the same how Doug would treat him except now he lets the tall boy kiss him and sometimes,sometimes , grab his butt .
It feels like deja vu when he’s in 4th period . He’s hunched over his desk drawing in his notebook a cartoon version of him and Doug holding hands. Robby couldn’t pay attention to Ms.Casado, she was the drama teacher and was substituting Mr.Rodríguez class . Turns out his wife was expecting and had asked for two weeks leave and since he’s good friends with the principal , it was granted.
That’s what he gets for making them underage parents. He has to endure what he put them all.
Tory was snoring away not even bothering to be discreet . He doubts Ms.Casado will notice since she’s busy introducing herself—including her childhood.
Upfront he can see Demetri and Hawk deep in conversation and kissing in between. Hawk is still kicking the boy chair but Demetri is unbothered .
Miguel calls Demetri and Hawk with his phone out to take a selfie. When Miguel points the phone towards him , he makes a peace sign and sticks out his tongue .
Finishing his drawing , he shuts his notebook and starts whispering Sam’s name. When she didn’t turn around he rips a paper out Tory’s notebook and crumbles it and throws it at her head.
“What!?” She hisses and throws back the paper that lands on Tory disrupting her shut eye.
“Watch it.” Tory glares at them making them laugh.
“Switch with me.”
Sam rolls his eyes and gets up. The teacher had moved them around and Sam had gotten the seat he wanted. Next to his boyfriend .
“You’re really ditching me .”Tory grins .
“We had a baby , that doesn’t go away. Luv you !” Robby smirks and ruffles her hair and leaves .
“Hey.” Robby says softly and kisses Doug . “I missed you , bunny.” He scrunches his nose which Doug plants a peck making him smile.
“Missed you too, Pretty boy .” Doug mumbles ,his face burried into the side of his neck making him ticklish.
Robby is showing him the drawing when Ms.Casado shouts “Project Time.” She ask Demetri to handout a big wad of sheets of paper that could easily break his arm.
“You’ll all audition for a play ! There’s a list of options you can choose !” She announced with too much excitement , when the class begins to mutter their displeasure , her smile turns sharp “It will be graded. Keep quiet now and read your lines.”
The class turns silent.
Great . Another project .
1. Grease
2. Romeo and Juliet
3. Dirty Dancing
Robby stops reading . He is not doing this he rather he get handed back Yoshi and deal with the craziness that came with having his friends having a fake baby.
Sam sends a text to the group chat.
Sandwich: Memorize all the lines to Grease. We’re going to kill this.
Robby eye twitches and looks at Doug who is looking at him in horror when he opens his mouth , “Have you seen Dirty Dancing or Grease?”
“Baby, Pretty boy , the love of my life, I’d rather get a F than to act.” Doug looked deadly serious. He really didn’t want to do this. Nothing was going to get him on that stage wearing tights or nada. He’d rather jump off a bridge before bright caught dead on that stage.
Robby hums .
“By the law of my middle name I have to. So unless you want me be paired up with someone else and let someone kiss—“
“Are you trying to manipulate me?” Doug looked at him surprised.
“Is it working?” Robby asked.
“Yes.” Robby smiles proudly at his cute boyfriend . Well he has to get started on Grease. Having his mom play Dirty Dancing is really paying off.
Sidenote: it took me awhile to finish this. I left an open ending , since in school there’s always doing projects lol. I hope you guys like this . I kinda ship Sam and Tory but also Sam and Miguel, so I kind of left it open for you guys to interpret . If I ever pick this up again I might have to pick a ship unless I make it a poly. But idk. I also had to throw in some lawrusso and some Top Gun because I’m obsessed . Gotta throw in some love to Iceman and Slider lol.
I added Yasmine and Moon because I like that ship too. I had to have some parallels to the first part of Baby Project. And also because I was listening to Deja Vu by Olivia Rodrigo. Every time I write Miguel , I give Xolos personality lol.
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toruvi · 11 months
how the FUCK has pwasoi been out for 2 years now what the actual shit oh my god
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blueish-bird · 8 months
Denji must be torn about Chainsaw Man becoming a infamous/feared public figure: on the one hand it really hurts his feelings, but on the other hand it means he can afford to get a bunch of his own merch because it's on clearance
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frick-it-sugar-spice · 3 months
what's that thing. the curse of foresight specific to tumblr and fandom shit
i started writing a huskerdust fic that I thought would be cute and also is a sickfic because I'm weak for comfort and caretaking and lo and behold. who wakes up in the middle of the night feeling sick as all hell, this bastard
0 notes
saudadeko · 9 months
ADHD tips from a girlie who was diagnosed in her late twenties and has had little to no support since and is being so brave about it:
1) Make it easy, make it accessible, and make it appealing. If anything this is the most important thing, all tips going forward are based around this concept.
2) That thing you think would help you but you haven’t bought/done it yet because you’re technically surviving without it? Buy it, you need it. It doesn’t matter if people around you might think it’s wasteful or that you’re lazy, you’re not, just do it, trust me.
3) Expanding on tip #2, if you’re like me and eggs are your main source of protein because they’re quick and easy and feeding yourself is a near insurmountable task- buy yourself an electric egg cooker, make a bunch of hard boiled eggs and keep them in your fridge for quick and easy protein to add to any meal (handful of crackers, a hard boiled egg and a banana? 5 star meal right there. Or mash them up with some mayo for egg salad sandwiches). Other easy proteins include: potstickers (put them in instant ramen), edamame (they have microwaveable snack packs), chickpeas (put in salads!), beans (can of beans microwaved with shredded cheese and some tortilla chips), peanut butter (with crackers, apple and cheese, adult lunchable style), and tofu (cut into cubes, throw them into a ziplock with some seasoning and potato starch, shake that shit up and bake it until crispy).
4) Spend a little extra (if you are able) on daily use items that excite you, it will make you more likely to remember/want to do said daily task. For example: the only reason I remember to use sunscreen is because I bought some fancy japanese sunscreen that smells like roses so I get excited to use it, same for laundry detergent and body wash! there’s a gajillion different body wash scents out there, switch it up!
5) If there’s a task you continuously struggle with take a moment to think about which part of the task is making it difficult, it could be something even as small as “I don’t put my dirty clothes in the hamper because my hamper has a lid on it and lifting the lid is one step too many-”, sounds a little stupid huh? But trust your gut, it’s not stupid if it works. See tip #2 and BUY A HAMPER WITHOUT A LID.
6) If you are having trouble starting a task, break the task down further, sometimes the way I start a task is just by going “Ok step 1) stand up-“ and so forth. Don’t worry about the task as a whole just take it one step at a time.
7) If you’re halfway through a task and have to stop, leave it out. All this, “Put things away when you’re done with them.” is bullshit. you will be much more likely to finish the task if restarting it is easier because you left it out plus it’s a visual reminder. You can also create faux deadlines like “I gotta finish this project before my friend comes over on tuesday because after I finish it I can clean off the dinner table.” etc.
8) It’s okay to outsource tasks and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, humans are designed to ask for, and to require help (what do babies do when they’re first born?? cry for help!!) ask for help and receive help without shame, if it makes your life better, you are WINNING.
9) If you have one big overwhelming task that you think you need to get done before anything else, but you feel motivated to do other tasks, do those other tasks first, it’s okay. Otherwise in all likelihood (at least in my case) you’ll put everything off until the last minute and then have to do said overwhelming task and those other tasks won’t get done at all. Doing those smaller tasks also lowers the mental load and you can use them as a motivation launch pad to tackle bigger things.
10) If you notice you tend to not put something away/forget to do something, perhaps consider moving and storing the item closer to where it ultimately ends up or where you are more likely to see it. For example, my makeup, pills, and mail are all stored on my desk because that’s where I tend to do my makeup, take my pills and deal with my mail. I used to store my pills in my bathroom medicine cabinet but all too often I would forget because they weren’t in my line of sight. Now that they’re on my desk, I have multiple chances per day to pass by them, go “oh I gotta take those.” and take them.
11) Open storage, open storage, OPEN STORAGE.
12) Motivation can look like all kinds of things. sometimes the only reason I get out of bed is because I remember I have a fun snack and I get to go eat it if I get up. It’s okay to lean into those simple “animal-brain” type motivators, you’ll eat because then you can use that fun new kitchen gadget you got a daiso? Neat. you’ll shower because then you can paint your nails that fun new color you got? Fantastic. You’ll go to the dmv and do that annoying thing because you’ll take yourself out for boba after? Superb. Lean-IN to those small motivators, they aren’t stupid or childish, they are VITAL.
13) Don’t buy into the cult of “if it’s worth doing, do it properly” it’s guaranteed to set you up for failure. If it’s worth doing, do it in whatever capacity you are able to. I put sunscreen on once a day because that’s fucking better than not doing it at all and I sure as all hell will fail at reapplying it multiple times a day. If it’s worth doing, do it half-assed babieeee.
Go forth and prosper!!! xoxo ✌️🩵
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
Cass apocalyptic series Masterpost
So...one day I thought "hmmm, what if we had another season about the bad timeline" and then I went to draw it.
Tip jar (my Ko-fi page)
Fanart Edits Fanfics Little interesting details
Do NOT repost/translate without my permission
НЕ распространять/переводить без моего разрешения
_________________ Cover___________________
Ep 1. Master Leonardo becomes Baby Blue once again
Ep 2. Can you carry your uncles?
Ep 3. Raph is dead. The good news is it's fixable
Ep 4. Your brain may be human, but your soul speaks in turtle
Ep 5. Mikey looks sixty, but he's not even forty. Donnie can do something about that
Ep 6. Krangified
Ep 7. How many cool points does your dad have?
Ep 8. You may not be human. You might actually be a turtle
Ep 9. Commander O'Neil
Ep 10. Tiny Tello
Ep 11. The little things
Ep 12. Everything is falling apart
Ep 13. You are in the past, your thoughts are in the future
Ep 14. Donatello
Ep 15. Raphael
Ep 16. And the two they left behind
Ep 17. You've got cuddles and hot water. Both are limitless
Ep 18. So many turtles
Ep 19. Find the Krang, stop the...wait..
Ep 20. The winter is long
C.A.S. Animated project - Part 1 Part 2
Quick q&a:
Drawn in Procreate (mostly). Commissions are closed. Tcest dni. This whole comic is about family and platonic relationships. My youtube. Basic round brush. Page size: 1620×2160.
If you use my comic pages in your art (such as voiceovers, edits, etc) please credit me as their author and attach a link to this blog.
Otherwise, I can and will report you for copyright infringement. Thanks:)
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i2sunric · 2 months
Tumblr media
pairing: gamer!heeseung x reader (f)
summary: heeseung neglects you just to play his stupid game, so you try to relieve your frustration by humping his pillow— how you ended up riding his dick, you’re not sure.
warnings: smut. masturbating, pillow humping, riding, dirty talking, pet names (baby, slut, whore), unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap up your willy!), creampie, breeding kink, kinda cnc at the ending, if more Imk. NOT PROOFREAD
published: 25th April 2024
wc: 1.9k
tag list: @jaeyunsbimbo @yorukoshii @omgbrohellnahmanwtf
a/n: guess who should be writing for the project but hasn’t even finished writing one scene? me! anyways, hope you’ll enjoy this gamer heeseung drabble and let me know your thoughts! REBLOG & LIKE PLS! maybe part 2?
When Heeseung and you first started hanging out, everyone started mistaking your friendship for dating. Or maybe, that was exactly what Heeseung wanted.
He was so possessive of you, always giving death stares to anyone who dared to land their eyes on your bare legs or exposed chest from your skirts and tops; spoiling you rotten, literally buying you anything you wanted without even having to ask.
But you were not less, getting jealous of anyone who approached him, even scaring girls away. You were as crazy as him.
It wasn’t something you two addressed verbally, just a mutual feeling. Perhaps it was attraction or something more, neither of you wanted to label it.
Something you would really love to verbalise, though, was the way Heeseung had been playing his stupid game for two straight hours without even glancing back at you from his chair.
You were sitting on his bed, legs crossed together as you absentmindedly scrolled through your socials— but even that had become boring. You sighed heavily and dropped your phone on the mattress, stretching your sore limbs.
“Hee?” You asked but was only met back with the sound of keyboard taps and a few shouts so loud you could hear them from the earphones your best friend was wearing.
“Heeseung.” You said again, this time a little louder, “Mh?” He asked, still not turning around to even glance at your face.
“Stop playing and spend some time with me.” You nagged, brows knitting in an annoyed frown “Just ten more minutes.” He murmured back.
“Now.” You crossed your arms at your chest “Come on Y/N, I’m almost done, damn.”
You waited for him to say something more, however he just resumed the battle, occasionally hissing but never shouting at the screen, knowing how much it bothered you.
Your eyes landed on his arms, bare from the sleeveless shirt he was wearing, the veins showing every time he taped a new button, hands so perfect as if they were shaped from a goddess.
You gulped, unconsciously rubbing your thighs together. It wasn’t the first time you had such weird fantasies about Heeseung, it was no lie he was drop dead gorgeous, though sometimes you wished he’d see you as more.
The way he treated you, the way he scared anyone who ever dared to breathe your same air— it just fuelled your filthy and contorted desires. However, when he played his games he always seemed to forget about you— which frustrated you a lot.
You palmed your breasts through the fabric of the loose shirt, your nipples hardening and poking, their outline showing. Your gaze fell on his clenched jaw, wondering if he’d have the same face while fucking you, filling you up with his load.
Impatient, you reached for his pillow, the one he usually put his head to sleep on, the thought turning you on even more and sat down on it, your clothed core stroking against it. You moved your hips back and forth at a sweet rhythm, letting out soft hums when your clit rubbing made you feel a warm feeling in your stomach.
You closed your eyes, imagined you were riding Heeseung’s face, his pointed nose poking your clit while his warm tongue fucked your cunt, burying himself deeper in between your thighs.
“Seriously?” Your actions were abruptly stopped by a deep groan, your eyes shot open and there Heeseung was, manspreading on the chair now turned around to face you, his gaze so dark and piercing.
“Acting like a fucking needy slut?” He chuckled bitterly, “You know my mic was on, right? Everyone heard you moaning.” He tsked mockingly.
Your hips kept moving, your head threw back “Just wanted your attention.” Your hoarse voice went straight to his cock, hardening against his grey sweats.
He glanced at you, his stare piercing. You looked straight out of his night fantasies, the way you were grinding on his pillow, your sweet scent intoxicating it. He removed his earphones and palmed his clothed hard on.
“Keep going.” He ordered and you complied, your mind too cloudy to leave space for shake. After all, that was what you both wanted the most “Show me how you’d ride my cock, baby.”
The pet name made your stomach fill with butterflies, you gripped the pillow and moved almost manically on it, the sound of the bed squeaking filling the room.
“Did you want everyone to hear you?” He asked, still palming his cock “Mh? Did you want all my friends to hear your moans?”
You shook your head “No,” You breathed out, slowing your movements “Only you.”
“Fuck,” He cursed, his cock twitching in his boxers “Raise your shirt, let me see your tits.”
You let out a soft hum and did as he asked, raising your shirt, hooking it under your chin to squeeze your breasts and show it to him “So perfect,” He almost dropped at the sight, “And so mine.” He growled.
“Heeseung—“ You panted, your eyes half lidded “Hee… m’so close.” Your movements were sloppy, signalling that your orgasm was about to hit you.
“Don’t cum,” He ordered, “Don’t fucking cum, stop.” and you stopped, your eyes red from your denied orgasm.
His eyes softened, your fucked up state was too much for him, your sweaty forhead and panting breath— Hell, he was going to ruin you.
“Come here.” He patted his laps and you nodded, getting up from the bed, stumbling a little as you reached him. You sat down on his laps, his big hands securing your waist.
“Isn’t this better?” He asked, making your body grind on his clothed bulge, your wetness seeping through the fabric “Fuck baby— you’re so wet.”
You let out a shaky breath, your eyes closing when his lips connected to your neck, leaving wet kisses “Do you want me to fuck you?” He whispered.
“Yes,” you breathed out “Yes Hee, please.” He smirked at your pleads and raised you up, just enough to pull down his sweats and boxers. His cock sprung free, red and so hard.
You widened your eyes, you had always known he’d be thick since the shadow of his bulge always appeared when he worked out or went to swim, but you had never imagined it’d be that huge.
“Like what you see, mh?” Heeseung smirked, his hand sneaking on the back of your head to fist your hair, making you look up at him “Answer me.”
Wetness pooled on your panties at his rough and dominant voice, you nodded “Yes.”
“Good girl,” He let go of your hair and helped you out of your own pants, leaving you only in your loose shirt and underwear.
His breath hitched, biting his bottom lip “You’re so perfect,” He raised your shirt, hooking it on itself so you wouldn’t have to keep it in your hand.
Heeseung inched closer and took your tit in his mouth, sucking and biting on your nipple. You breathed heavily, one hand caressing the little hair he had on the back of his neck, nails almost digging in it.
He detached from your breast and kissed his way up to your neck, licking and nibbling. He reached your lips and took them into a hungry kiss, so passionate. You moaned when you felt his fingers hook your panties to the side, the cold air of the room hitting your core, making it clench around nothing.
“So eager to be fucked dumb.” Heeseung growled, guiding you on his cock. You put your hands on his broad shoulders as you slowly went down, the mushroom tip of his cock pressing against your wet folds.
You hissed when the tip entered your pussy, stretching you so good. You were no virgin, but no guy you ever had sex with was as big as Heeseung,
He held your waist tightly, helping you until you were all down, bottoming out. He cursed under his breath, your warm cunt hugging his shaft so perfectly he could almost cum right there “Shit baby- you feel so good.”
He started guiding you up and down on his cock, not really leaving you any place to do what you wanted, using you as if you were a sex doll. And you honestly lived for it “H-Hee… S’good.”
His big hands wrapped around your waist and you hid your face on the crook of his neck, moaning out his name. You could smell the scent of his cologne, clouding any thought in your mind along with the pleasure he was giving you.
“You don’t know how much I’ve been wanting to fuck you.” He groaned, lifting your ass cheeks, gripping them so he’d leave his marks on you “To just claim you, fill you up with my cum, breed you.” Heeseung rumbled absentmindedly “You’d look so good with my cum dripping out of you.”
His dirty talking only made you clench around him more, the stretch almost painful but too good you begged him to go faster. And how could he say no to you? He grabbed your ass cheeks and held you in place while his hips jerked up, thrusting inside of you.
Soft hums and moans filled the room, you grasped his shoulders and dug your nails in his flesh, trying to steady yourself.
“Pussy made for me.” He rumbled, rutting inside of you at a fast pace “You’re so mine, right?— Fuck— You’ll let someone else fuck you like I do?”
In your blissful state you managed to shake your head “Only you Hee,” You moaned out “I want only you.”
Heeseung rewarded you with a spank on your ass, the mark of his fingertips red on the cheek “Say it again.”
You cried out in pleasure, feeling the knot in your stomach tighten “Mph— Just want you to fuck me.”
“Good fucking girl,” He groaned, rutting into you, hitting your cervix with every thrust “Heeseung.” You gasped, your nails leaving painful marks on his skin but he did not mind at all. In fact, he hoped you’d leave marks on all his back. “I know,” Heeseung said “Let’s cum together, just a little more.”
You let out a small sob, your eyes watery from the amount of pleasure you felt all at once, his cock made to thrust inside your pussy. His arms hugged you tightly against his chest, one hand squeezing your ass cheek “Fuck, Fuck,” He pated, his eyes squeezing.
“Gonna cum too baby- Gonna fill you up so good.” He let out a husky groan as his load shot inside of you, coating your walls as you came around his cock. It twitched inside of you, so much cum filling you up until you felt so full.
Heeseung loosened his grip a little, enough to let you move freely as you laid back a little, you both panting heavily, sticky with sweat.
Heeseung looked down at where your bodies connected, some cum dripping down from your pussy to his laps. You could feel him harden again inside of you which made your eyes widen. Was it even possible to get hard that quickly? Heeseung let out a deep chuckle.
He got up from the chair with you still in his arms and laid you down on your back on his bed. You watched him through confused eyes-
Heeseung dried the wetness under your eyes and whispered in your ear “Let me have you once more..”
“But—“ You shook your head, your body was tired and still shaken from the orgasm “I’ll be quick.” He rubbed his nose on your cheek, his figure hovering on yours.
“M’tired..” You murmured, your eyes closing. But Heeseung only let out another dark chuckle “You’ll take it, yeah?” He started pounding inside you, slow but deep
“You’ll take it like the good girl you are.” It wasn’t a question, but an order.
And you were too down for him to neglect him.
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viennakarma · 5 months
Wreck my plans (that's my man)
Part 2 of Say Something
Lewis Hamilton x Reader | Fernando Alonso x Reader
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Summary: Juggling a new life as a divorced woman, a toddler and maybe a new (old) love.
Word count: 4.5k
Tags: Female reader, new love, a kinda asshole Lewis, co-parenting relationship, smut, oral sex (f receiving), a lot of spanish pet names, not beta read
Relationships: Fernando Alonso x Reader, Ex!Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Notes: I know some of you wanted forgiveness for Lewis, and another bunch of you wanted Toto Wolff but I blindly opened the doc and these 4 thousand words just happened. If you really want an alternate ending (forgiving Lewis), drop something in my inbox and I might write a lil something for you ;)
Find me on Twitter!
“Look, mama!” Luna pointed the little finger at the big poster of George Russell, “Uncle Joje!”
“Yep, that’s uncle George, my love!”
“And Dada! Dada!” She pointed to the next big poster, a big picture of Lewis wearing the team gear.
It was the first time you went back to a Grand Prix, in a little more than two years. And it was Luna’s first time ever attending. You and Lewis had a great co-parenting relationship, the world knew about Luna, but the Silverstone GP was going to be the first time she’d be seen publicly. You knew Lewis had hired the best security team just for this, and he had called you with a confident pep talk the night before.
As soon as the car stopped, you pulled Luna closer.
“Baby, stay close to mama, yes? We’re going to see Dada and Papa Anthony too, ok?”
Your daughter nodded but you knew she didn’t really understand, so you just smiled at her and opened the door. You could feel the flashes popping around the two of you, and could imagine everyone wondering what Lewis’ ex wife was doing there.
The bodyguards walked you and Luna over to the Mercedes’ hospitality. You found Lewis in the privacy of his little driver’s room.
“Dada!” Luna squealed as soon as she saw him, casual jeans and the team shirt.
You smiled, setting your little girl down so she could run to her father’s arms. Lewis smiled big, that one smile he only directed to his daughter. Lewis picked her up, kissing her face and hugging her.
“Hi, Lewis!” You greeted him with a side hug, since Luna was still in his arms.
“Hi, Y/N! Are you two ok? Was the trip here alright?” He asked, attentive.
“Yes, thank you. How is your schedule? You wanna stay with her a little?” You asked.
“Yes, I want to be with her. My dad’s at the hospitality too, he’s dying to see Luna.”
You gave him your daughter’s bag, with nappies, toys, drinks and snacks. You told him to call if needed, anything. Kissing your baby’s cheek, you left Lewis’ room to give them a little space and privacy.
Walking around aimlessly, seeing the energy flowing was kind of fun. You walked by Ferrari and greeted both drivers, who you had known back when you were married to Lewis. A good part of the grid had changed, but the few from before still recognised you and talked to you.
You were going back to Mercedes to check on Luna when you hit someone chest to chest.
“Oh, god! I’m so sorry!” You whispered.
“Y/N” he greeted you. You met the gaze of beautiful brown eyes, in an almost green kind of shade.
“Fernando! Hi!” You finally recognized the spaniard.
You had met Fernando the same night you had met Lewis, introduced by Sebastian and his wife after you created the project for their family home.
“It’s good to see you,” Fernando said, still holding your shoulder.
“You too.”
“I’m sorry about the divorce.”
“Uh, don’t worry. It’s been a while, Lewis and I are friends now.”
Fernando nodded, his eyes on your face. You stared at his eyes, trying to find something to say, to fill in the awkward silence.
“You’re just as beautiful as ever,” he whispered almost in a daze. You felt the blush creeping up your face.
“Thank you, you look handsome too,” you said, and you phone started ringing, you checked to see it was Lewis calling, “sorry, I gotta go,”
“See you around?” Fernando asked.
“Yeah, I’ll see you around, Fernando.”
You started walking away feeling butterflies in your stomach, like a silly teenager. You were walking but as you looked back, Fernando was still there staring at your distancing figure.
Fernando never forgot your pretty smile. He had met you so long ago, in a party hosted by Sebastian and his wife. Fernando had been enchanted by you, by the way your presence lit up the room, by how smart you sounded, by how clever you were. The problem was Fernando had gotten to the party late, and when he arrived, you had already met Lewis, fully entranced by the British man's charisma.
Fernando still had a silly crush on you when you were dating Lewis and he saw you around, but after you got married, he had forced himself to move on.
Now it felt like some sort of miracle, bumping into you again.
He didn’t lose any time. As he went back to the Aston Martin garage, he called someone.
It was a couple of hours later and you were by the Mercedes garage chatting with Anthony and keeping an eye on Luna who was running around with George and Lewis, greeting engineers and mechanics, enchanting everyone with her charm.
Someone wearing green came into the garage and everyone stopped, looking at the intruder from the Aston Martin team. The Aston Martin lady handed you a big bouquet of lilies and excused herself.
Every single pair of eyes were set on you and the mysterious bouquet. With your face red, you pulled the card, opening.
“Glad to see you again, hermosa. - Fernando”
You smiled, covering your face. On the back of the card was a phone number.
“Who’s that from?” Lewis asked and suddenly everyone was silent, tension rising up.
“Lewis,” you said between gritted teeth, “you’re making a scene.” Lewis seemed to realize everyone had an eye on you two, so you just turned to Anthony and said, “can you keep an eye on Luna for a couple of minutes please?”
After confirmation, you walked inside, taking your bouquet with you, and putting the number on your phone.
“Who’s it from?” Lewis followed you inside.
“It’s none of your fucking business, Lewis.”
“It is because you’re the mother of my kid.”
“Which means the only topic concerning you is our kid!” You whispered angrily.
“You’re dating, now?”
“Fuck off, Lewis!” You exclaimed, a surge of anger coming through your chest, “Don’t come at me all high and mighty now. You cheated on me, and I still let you be close to my daughter, and I still treat you with respect! I kept the secret of why our marriage ended to save your reputation and we only have a good relationship for her sake!”
You knew the words struck a nerve because his chest was heaving. You had been respectful to Lewis ever since the pregnancy because you wanted your daughter to grow up in a safe and happy environment. But that was where you drew the line.
“My life doesn’t revolve around you anymore.”
Leaving Lewis behind, you went to a room in the hospitality and managed to send a thank you text to Fernando.
You ended up accepting going on a date with Fernando after a few weeks of calling and texting. He ended up going to your place in Edinburgh for a cozy dinner, in a week Luna had gone traveling with Lewis for the summer break.
After the divorce you faced a lot of backlash from Lewis’ fans, even if they didn’t know any details, they still blamed you for breaking their idol’s heart. A few man had flirted with you here and there, but pregnant for nine months and then raising a baby after, you didn’t have the time or energy to find romance. Dealing with the aftermath of your divorce with a world superstar athlete had been something else.
So you had been living a low profile life, one that Fernando fully respected. He and you opted for cooking dinner yourselves, preparing a pasta dish with lots of pomodoro sauce and cheese.
He was easy to talk to. So openly into you, complimenting you, talking about how pretty and how interesting you are. The Spanish charm was so real and delightful, after years of feeling rejected. 
“Can I ask you something?” You asked, over a glass of wine while Fernando mixed a saucepan.
“Why are you interested in me?” You sounded honestly confused. 
You were a divorced woman, with a toddler, still trying to figure out the relationship you had with your ex, and living under the radar after having your face plastered all over the media. You couldn’t help but wonder if he was really into you or if it was some sort of vendetta against Lewis. You knew that despite them being on good terms now, there’s history between them, and many layers of rivalry you weren’t privy to, since it happened long before they met you.
“Is this to get back at Lewis in some way? Because I’d like to manage my expectations if that’s the case.”
He understood why you would be guarded and suspicious of his intentions. Your last relationship had imploded in a way that he could only imagine left you devastated. It must look off, a known rival of your ex-husband sweeping in and showing romantic interest. But Fernando didn’t mind showing you his true intentions as long as you allowed him.
Fernando turned the stove off, and walked around the kitchen island, standing in front of you, so close he was almost between your legs.
“It has nothing to do with him because I have always been interested in you,” he whispered like a secret, seeing you confused frown, he kept talking, “remember the night we met? Lewis left early, we went to the garden, and sat down by the fountain. We shared a bottle of wine and a cigarette. Just me and you watching the sun rise.”
“Fernando…” you whispered back, remembering. Of course you knew about that, but for so long your life was entangled to Lewis, that the memory of that night was only attached to him in your brain.
But that had happened. You and Fernando had talked late into the night, chatting about life and the future, sitting barefoot on the grass, passing a wine bottle between you. Fernando didn’t flirt with you that day, he just chatted.
At the time you were so infatuated with Lewis already, that you didn’t see what was right under your nose.
“And for years after that,” Fernando gulped, looking a bit guilty, “I wondered if I had gone to the party earlier, if I had met you first, wouldn’t it be me by your side?”
“You’ve been into me all these years?” You asked, shocked.
“I have been in love all these years.”
You held his face, pulling him into you, kissing him. He was shocked at first, but as soon as it wore off, his hand slipped around your waist, pulling you flush into him. With the other hand, he cradled your head by the nape, his lips leaving your mouth, to kiss down your neck and nip at your earlobe, which had you moaning softly, melting against him.
“I’m sorry, hermosa,” he apologized, taking a step back.
You were panting softly as he stared at you, red face and lips, hair a little disheveled from his hand.
“Fernando,” you stood up, holding his hand, “come back here.”
You pulled him back, pressing your lips into his. He held you close, flush against his chest, opening his lips and deepening the kiss. You felt hot all over.
“I have dreamed about this, diosa.” He moaned into your lips.
“Can we-” you muttered between kisses, “can we skip dinner?”
You turned around to go back to the living room, hearing Fernando hearty laugh, and he immediately hugged you from behind, kissing your shoulder and neck. Finally making it to the sofa, you sat down. Fernando just knelt in front of you, pushing your dress up.
“Dessert first, sí?”
Laughing, you nodded, kicking your panties after he pushed them down your legs. Fernando bit into your thighs, and you moaned at the feel of his beard on your skin. With his head between your thighs, he mouthed you, licking a stripe into your cunt. Using a hand to open you up, he lapped your pussy like a man starved, pressing face, nose and tongue into your wetness. You had gone so long without another person, that now you were mushy under his ministrations. He still couldn’t get enough, so he put one of your legs over his shoulder, diving deeper, tongue over your clit and finger entering your cunt.
“Fuck, Nando. Too good, too good,” you gripped his hair, grinding on his face. He curled his fingers up inside you, finding your g-spot, making you shake, “I’m so close, baby. So, so close.”
He latched on to your clit, and you came hard, shaking, hips pressing into his face as you tried to come down. You were panting, breathless, as you came down from your high. Fernando stood up, sitting by your side, kissing you. You tasted yourself on his lips, and he held you.
You cupped the bulge in his pants, and he kept kissing you face gently, holding you in his arms like he wanted to never let go.
“We should take this to the bedroom,” he whispered into your ear, making goosebumps arise in your skin.
You two stumbled to the bedroom, laughing as you pulled each piece of clothing off, tossing them to the floor. You were fully naked by the time the door closed behind you in the bedroom.
You didn’t actually lay in the bed, since Fernando made you keep one foot on the floor and pushed your other leg on the mattress, leaving you open for him.
“Dios, I want to keep you in this bed for days until I have tasted all of you, cariño,” he said, running a calloused hand up and down from your back all the way to your butt, pressing his fingers over your cheeks, making you moan.
“Nando, please fuck me, just- I need you, please,” you begged, feeling the way he lined his cock to tease your entrance but not actually putting in, just coating himself with your wetness.
Then finally, he pushed inside, slowly, your walls pulling him in a perfect tight grip. The two of you cursed as you adapted to the feel of him inside, of having someone fucking you for the first time in years.
Fernando started fucking you softly, and you let him manhandle you as he pulled you back to stand up, your back against his chest, one of his hands snaking around your middle to keep him pressed to your backside and the other hand cradled your face by the jaw, forcing you to look ahead.
“Mírate, cariño (look at you, dear)” he whispered, making you face ahead, finding the full length mirror on the other side of the room, you could see perfectly, Fernando fucking you from behind, his sweaty face above your shoulder, your tits bouncing with each snap of his hips and his hands claiming your body like you were a fucking masterpiece, “you look so pretty taking my cock.”
You looked at the mirror, his hand keeping you up like a toy and he started pounding into you, and you could only moan his name as you felt the orgasm buildup, you threw your hand back, holding his head and pulling his hair and your other hand down to your clit as his thrusts became harder and slower. You felt yourself clench around him, coming hard as he whispered in your ear.
“Oh, you feel so good, hermosa. I bet it feels so good coming around my cock does it not?” He talked you through your high.
“Fuck, you’re so good to me. Please, baby.” You moaned and that did it for him, and you had him cumming with a couple of sloppy thrusts.
You two fell on the bed, breathless.
“Goddamn, Nano, you’re going to ruin my life,” You whispered.
“I’m happy to be of service,” he joked and you ended up laughing out loud, him accompanying you with a few giggles.
You two showered, and then dressed in robes, ate dinner on the living room floor, sharing the wine straight from the bottle just like the first time you met. 
After talking for what felt like hours, he took you back to bed, feasting on your cunt until he pulled two more orgasms from you, and then fucking you slowly. Mouth on your nipples and a hand keeping your hips high as he fucked into you. You held onto him for dear life, fingers tangled on his soft hair and kissed him whenever he gave you the opportunity. He worshiped your body like you were the only woman to ever exist, intense eye contact and praising you every step of the way.
The next morning you woke up naked, spent and happy. You barely had the time to feel Nando’s absence in your bed when he entered the room, carrying a big tray with breakfast.
“¡Buenos días!” He greeted you with a peck and set the tray in front of you. There was coffee, juice, toast and cheese.
“Buenos días, baby” you said, lazily taking a sip of coffee, “this is nice. I’ve never been surprised with breakfast in bed before.”
“You deserve it, you took me so well last night, hermosa.” He kissed you quickly again, and you blushed because of his words.
You kept eating when he went to the opposite side of the room to take a phone call. You spoke intermediate Spanish because of work, but you didn’t pry in his conversation, instead focusing on recharging your energies.
“Duty calls?” You asked as he came back. He only nodded, which made you a little sad, “well, I was going to ask you to stay the weekend, but I understand you’re busy.”
“I’ll cancel my plans.” He shrugged.
“No, no, you don’t have to.” You said quickly, feeling guilty for messing with his schedule.
“Do you want me to spend the weekend?” He asked softly. And you just nodded, not wanting to be the cause of him getting in trouble with work. “Then I’ll spend the weekend.”
He immediately got into a phone call again, and from what you could gather, he was rescheduling his commitments for the next week.
“Why did you do that?” You reprimanded him, but deep down you were kinda giddy because he was going to stay the weekend.
“You’re a priority, not a second thought.” He said it like it was the most obvious thing ever. “Besides, I’ll never say no to spending more time with you, cariño.”
Throughout the next six months, you and Nando kept in touch and met here and there whenever Lewis had Luna over. He officially asked you to be his girlfriend when you spent a week with him in a secluded villa close to the beach in Spain. It’s not that you didn’t want Fernando to meet Luna, but you two were still figuring out your relationship and you didn’t want to introduce them and in case he ended up not sticking around for the long run.
“Are you sure?” You asked him suddenly one night when you two were cuddling on the balcony, staring at each other and at the sky.
“Sure of what?”
“Are you sure you wanna be with me, Fernando?” You asked absentmindedly, running your palm up and down his back.
“Yes, I am sure.”
“Why, though? I come with a kid and a lot of baggage?” As you said the words, Fernando pulled your hand and kissed your palm, putting it against his cheek, looking into your eyes.
“Because I want you.”
“Even with all the complications? Even if we never find a way to go public?”
“I don’t mind if I have to spend the rest of our lives reassuring you. I’m with you because I want you, simple as that” he said with his serious voice and thick accent, as a lump stuck on your throat, “I’m not with you because of what you look like by my side or what you can do for me. I’m with you because I love you.”
Your tears fell down and Fernando caught them with his lips, kissing your cheeks and tears away. It was so good and so safe, you never wanted to leave his side.
“The rest of our lives, eh?” You giggled, “I’m not gonna lie, I like the sound of that.”
“Bueno. I like the sound of that too.”
“Gracias, Nano. Yo te amo y te deseo también. (Thank you, Nano. I love you and I desire you too)”
“Wait-” he pushed himself up, “you speak Spanish?”
“Sí, lo hablo. (Yes, I do)” You laughed out loud at his dumbfounded face, and he held your wrists up above your head.
“Todo este tiempo hablaste español? (All this time you spoke spanish?)” He clicked his tongue, “eres tan mala y te voy a castigar. (You're so bad and I'm gonna punish you)”
You squealed as he carried you back inside, tossing you on the bed.
Eventually, you made up your mind about telling Lewis. Not because he had to know, but from a standpoint that he should know for the sake of Luna. So you stopped him one day when he came to drop off Luna.
“Can I talk to you for a moment?” You asked after greeting your baby, “Luna, why don’t you take your new toys inside while Mommy and Daddy chat a little?” You watched your girl run inside, “Careful! The porch is slippery!”
“What happened?” Lewis asked, putting both hands on his pockets.
“I’m seeing someone.”
Your words made his stomach drop. The dreaded day had come. Lewis had noticed how you looked happier and healthier than before, how you were wearing more makeup and pretty stylish clothes. The other day you had a mysterious tan on your body when he came to drop Luna off, way too strong tan for Scotland, anyway.
You are one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, he found it a miracle it took you so long to find someone. Maybe deep down Lewis thought you two could mend your relationship.
“Who?” Was all he said.
“Fernando?” He frowned, “who’s Fernando?”
“Alonso.” You bit your lip, waiting for an explosive reaction, but Lewis went silent, thinking.
“I can’t believe this. He’s just using you to target me, can’t you see?”
“So that’s all you see me as? An object? A ploy crafted to only be used for you or against you?” You asked, crossing your arms defensively.
“That’s not what I mean! He’s- he’s evil, you know that!” Lewis bared his teeth, getting angrier by the second.
“I don’t. That’s not how he is to me.” You shrugged.
“Do you have any idea how messy this will look when it comes out? Are you ready to face the consequences of this stupid adventure to get back at me?”
His words made you raise your walls, defensive, that sounded dangerously like a threat. You remained collected, because if Lewis wanted to go low, then you’d go lower.
“I’ll let this one slide, but it sounded dangerously close to a fucking threat,” you started, your voice so cold it sent shivers up his spine, “This had nothing to do with you. Nothing. But if this information leaks, I’ll know who did it. And if you do this to damage my image to the world or try and force my hand into leaving him, then everyone will finally know why we divorced, and how the other woman kept harassing me while I was pregnant!”
“What?” His expression dropped. 
He didn’t know because you didn’t tell him, because after a few months of mockery and threats through texts, you changed your number and it stopped. You still had the screenshots though.
“Luna will always be my greatest priority, and I love my baby girl. But my life has revolved around hers ever since I was pregnant, and before that my life revolved around you,” you felt a lump in your throat, eyes watering, “can I have this one thing for me? Is it selfish wanting to be loved?”
“I do. I love you.” He said, his voice wavering too.
“No, you don’t.” You shook your head, “you loved the idea of someone living solely for you. You loved that I was there during the good and the bad, picking up the pieces when you were down and popping the champagne when you were up. You loved that I loved you.”
You looked back, where Luna was calling you from the door.
“I am with Fernando now, and as Luna’s parents, I just didn't want you to be blindsided,” you turned around but looked at him over your shoulder, “don’t go ruining my future a second time.”
He flinched before your words. You knew it would cut deep, but you were tired of that conversation and his entitlement to your life and decisions.
A few weeks later, you introduced Luna to Fernando, and to your surprise, they got along so well. Probably because he bought her a lot of presents. She liked his presence most of the times, despite feeling jealous sometimes when he hugged you or kissed your cheeks.
When you and Fernando made it to a one year anniversary, you two adopted a kitten who had been abandoned by the road. Luna fell immediately in love with the pet, which found home with you. For Christmas, Nando’s gift to Luna was to install a swing and a see-saw on the garden, which ultimately made her completely enchanted by him, asking him to play all the time whenever they were at your place at the same time.
You were sitting on his lap while Luna played with the cat, throwing toys around.
“How would you feel about a baby?” You asked him. He straightened up, searching your eyes.
“Are you pregnant?” He sounded shocked.
“Of course not, tonto! (silly)” You giggled, “I’m just- mulling over the idea, wanting your opinion, you know.”
“Yes, I want more kids if you want too,” he said honestly, his hand softly caressing the side of your hip.
“Mhm,” you nuzzled into his neck.
“Your question came with good timing, you know, I have been thinking,” he mumbled, thinking, “Do you want me to retire?”
“What? Are you insane? You love racing, it’s like- it’s in your blood! You know I do-”
“That’s not what I asked,” Fernando interrupted you, “I asked if you want me to retire? We could move in together, spend more time together, I could move here.”
“You’d drop your sunny and warm Spain for Scotland?” Your voice was laced with doubt.
“I’d drop anything for you, don’t you see?” He lowered his voice, closer to your ear, “besides, we could always go back and forth here and Spain. I’d do it if it means I get to make love to you every day, and wake up by your side every morning.”
“You’re so cheesy,” you rolled your eyes, but your cheeks were deep red.
“You love it.”
“That I do.”
“That sounds tempting but I could never ask you to stop racing, it’s literally your favorite thing!”
“You are my favorite thing.”
“Fernando…” you whined and he laughed.
“Ok, let’s meet in the middle, sí?” He proposed, kissing your cheek, “if you get pregnant, I drop everything. Meanwhile, we let things run their course as it is, ok?”
“That’s perfect, mi amor” You laid back on his chest, watching Luna playing.
Headcanons | Another universe…
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astrologydayz · 7 months
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WHY do people say that if someone's planets falls into your 7th house, then YOU'RE THEIR IDEAL LOVER??? Bitch bye. If someone's planets falls into YOUR 7th house, then U DIG THEM OR HATE EM, AS IT'S YOUR 7TH HOUSE! Let's say that your crush planets falls into your 1st and 7th house, then obviously u like their looks (1st house) and the way they show themselves off 2 other people, (how they treat other people/people u know (7th house! Don't project.
Pluto conjunct Ascendant in synastry, is a stalker aspect🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. It kinda reminds me of Hailey running around after Justin at his interviews, when they were young and he had no idea🤨🫣😭🤣 . SO FUCKING CREEPY. Pluto is obsessed, and way 2 "fixated" on the asc person. It can get dangerous, cuz ASC person has no idea about how deeply the obsession runs with Pluto, fr💀. The worst part is that they usually know that the Pluto person can be kinda "creepy", but not about how deep it actually runs. U won't ever really know with Pluto, cuz they won't even give out 20% of their secrets - they can't help it. Unless they literally have no aspects from Pluto 2inner planets in their own natal chart.
Your Bella asteroid - 695 conjunct/trine/quintile someone’s ASC means that the ASC person finds u really beautiful, (physical attraction) 🍒🫦. With the opposition it's on & off, like sometimes yeah and other times no - It switches. With the square/quincunx - takes time, but grows into a really strong attraction, the longer you're 2gether/know each other.
Why the fuck do people think that 8th house energy is only about sex and intense connections? If a person has planets in your 8th house = that person does not like u 9/10 times. They'll talk shit about u when u ain't present/gaslight u/do things behind your back. They're usually jealous of u. Trying 2 cross your personal boundaries all the fucking time. WHO GOT TIME4THAT?? NOT ME LOVE⚠⚠.
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Why do Cap inner placements/points always get a "boring", or a "cold" rep? We just don't like u? Trust me. We'll show u a good time, if we think you're worth it.
Jupiter is not only good. It enlarges EVERYTHING. So if someone has Sado asteroid (118230) conjunct Jupiter in their natal chart = a very smart/knowledgeable Sadist. They want to know everything! Hours&hours of research. They can't get enough with Jupiter! They're into some sick shit, and can use some really AGGRESSIVE ways 2 create that "pain and suffering". "shhh, I'm here baby, it's okay"🤨. 9/10 times = addiction 2 being that Sado "teacher" with Jupiter here🔞🔞. They can even brag about it!
Nessus asteroid - 7066 in synastry can definitely cause sexual attraction. But the Nessus person will always take advantage of the other person, no matter what. It may not be as "in your face"/prominent, like it is with the conjunction/square/opposition, but it will take place. Some can like Nessus contacts in synastry, if they have Nessus aspecting their own planets - especially inner planets, or points. And they can also handle Nessus energy way more, than someone who doesn't really have any Nessus contact, as they're already used to it. It doesn't make it good tho.
WOMEN with Black Moon Lilith conjunct/square/opposite Mars can hate being touched by men. Can also have trouble regarding intimacy with men in general/bc of their experiences with them🪚🪚. I have this, and if a man touches me out of nowhere = I'll punch him back 2 the year he should have stayed in a fucking condom 🦄.
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Lilith asteroid - 1181) in 3rd house synastry can mean that the house persons siblings doesn't like Lilith if it's "poorly" aspected😮‍💨😮‍💨. Or that house persons siblings doesn't even want 2 try 2 create a relationship, because they already heard so much "shit" about Lilith🫠🫠.
💜 Pluto conjunct asteroid Valentine - 447) in a natal chart loves so fucking hard. They'll literally take a bullet 4 the person they love. They don't “create” a connection with anyone easy either. They're so intense when it comes 2 love, and with how they connect 2 another being. They transform/find themselves - Pluto, through those few people they do end up loving. Most people can't handle their intense ways of showing love🖤🔫.
Inner planets in Gemini degrees 3/15/27° in a natal chart are the real champions, when it comes to overthinking - but knowing everything beforehand. They already thought about ALL the different outcomes, 2 every fucking situation!🫰🫠😍🤭. They already know what time it is, before u tryna tell em.
Look at your Vertex persona chart 2 c what kind of fated things you're supposed2 go through in this life ✍👀. Make a synastry chart and c if your Vertex chart makes any significant aspects 2 your natal! It can show important life events/secret fated "events" that won't be seen in just natal or Vertex pc alone👽.
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Lol, I'VE SEEN A LOT OF PEOPLE SAY THAT ARIES RISING WILL HAVE RED HAIR, OR COLOR THEIR HAIR RED AT SOME POINT? I'm an Aries rising, and I would rather get shot in the face. I'm naturally blonde, and honestly? I haven't met a single Aries rising who has red hair, or would color their hair red.
Anti - Vertex persona chart shows what YOU choose2 let into your life, and what u choose 2 do without fate intervening. It also shows u how u choose 2 act, in moments where u find no "meaning", and that's where your Vertex pc comes in right after - Fate intervening 🔮🔮.
Pluto opposite ASC/conjunct DSC in synastry can show the Pluto person deciding/or trying to at least, who the house person talks 2/surrounds themselves with. They can think a person is "bad company" 4 the house person. They can be in DSC persons business, a lot! House person is alarmed/or not, depending on how Pluto is aspected in their own chart. If Pluto is afflicted = they kinda like it.
ANYONE who has benefitted/benefits from me = a planet/point/NN/Vertex/asteroid conjunct my POF. Your POF is all the things (material/or spiritual wealth/growth), u have "picked up" on/will pick up on throughout your life. U "help" others with that planet/point or asteroid in synastry💰🦉💳.
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Star asteroids - Starr - 4150), Kallisto - 204), Fama - 408), Europe - 52), actor - 12238), Lumiere - 775 - acting, Apollo - 1862), Talent - 33154), Klio - 84), Fan - 151590), Records - 30718), Varuna - 20000) Webb - 3041).
Music, writing&poetry asteroids - Polyhymnia - 33), Euterpe - 27), Apollo - 1862), Terpsichore - 81 - song and dance) Luscinia - 713 - Singing), Melpomene - 18, Harmonia - 40), Erato - 62), Kalliope - 22), Singer - 10698), Cantor - 16246 - singing), Poesia - 946), Parthenope - 11 - singing), Tone - 1266), Echo - 60), Mnemosyne - 57). 
"Lucky asteroids" - Fortuna (19), Opportunities - 39382), Paradise - 2791), Winner - 15606), Abundantia - 151), Angel - 11911), Bless - 92891), Bonus - 10028), Tyche - 258), Midas - 1981), Magion - 2696), Spirit - 37452), Nike - 307).
Please look at these asteroids in synastry. Prey - 6157), Sado - 118230), Devience - 21419), Nessus - 7066), Pain - 5188), Lie - 26955), Blink - 4425), Nemesis - 128), Swindle - 8690), Lilith - 1181), Hades - h41), wild - 1941), Fanatica - 1589), Medea - 212), Savage - 29837), Not - 2857), Pervert - 18624), Hard - 28077). 
Appreciate u, always❤️
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gojo-mochi · 7 months
Asking JJK Men if you could watch them jerk off (Part 2; With: Nanami, Sukuna, and Choso) 
CW: Fem!Reader!. Choso have facial Piercing and nipple piercings, usage of nicknames (Baby, darling, love, honey..). Sukuna’s part is a bit mean, light pain and pinching on his part. Lots of drooling/spit. Some choking. Vibrartos usage. Oral F!Recieving. Face sitting. Slight Angst on Choso’s part. 
A/N: Whew! After this one I’m gonna work on my dec fic catalog so imma be busy… gomen.. Part 1 here!
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You miss him when he has to work overtime. He always wakes up early as well. Leaving you still wrapped in the blankets, swaddled and cozy, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead, and tucking some hair behind your ear. “I’ll see you later, my dear.” He whispered, careful not to wake you up. Some days you try to get the best of him, doing your best to wake up earlier or at least at the same time as him. But he easily trapped you back in the bed when you stumbled out to greet him as he’s getting dressed, putting the tie on, your arms hugging his waist as your head nuzzles the middle of his shoulders. His heartbeat a nice lullaby for your weary self. He chuckles softly at the feeling of your voice mumbling out, “Good morning…”.  
Your eyes still closed to the world, he turns around and captures you in his arms, giving you more kisses this morning for your effort. Rubbing your noses together as he leans his forehead against yours and just takes in your scent. He stayed like this for a while, with you in his arms, gently swaying you back and forth. It was never enough, though. You both always craved more time together, but Nanami was always the bad guy in this situation. As he carries you up in his arms, princess style, placing you back in the bed as you complain, your hands catch on his tie as he gets the blanket and tucks you in. 
 His hand enveloped yours, bringing it up to his lips, kissing each knuckle with a spoken apology right after. He can’t promise you that he will be home early today, so he doesn’t say anything more, not wanting to lie and bring your hopes up. He leaves you in the bed once more, the warmth of it quickly fading away once Nanami leaves. You don’t hate him for it; you know he’s doing this for the both of you—for you and him to have an early retirement and live freely on the beach of Malaysia. Still, it was getting harder and harder without him, especially with his work being more demanding on him lately. 
 You got up later in the day, about an hour after Nanami left. You got ready for your own day, doing the daily items on your list, grocery shopping, cleaning, and everything else to keep your mind occupied. However, nearing the end of the day, Nanami still wasn’t home, giving you a heads-up in a text that he needed to stay after work again to finish a project. You sighed but texted him back that his dinner was on the counter and just needed warming up when he got back home. You resigned back to your empty bedroom, collapsing on the bed and staring at the ceiling. Thoughts of the morning come flooding to your mind—how vast and broad Nanami’s shoulders were when you hugged him. 
How good he smelled just coming out of the shower; His hair was perfectly styled as usual but still damp in some areas that you just wanted to run your fingers through. The look he gave you as you tugged on his tie made you slip a hand down your shorts, starting to card through your folds as wetness built in between them. Your mind went to your sweet husband, wanting him now more than ever. Your hand went on autopilot as it picked up your phone and dialed his number. Nanami was a bit shocked to see you calling him so late; his heart skipped a beat, wondering if you were in danger. He hastily picks up your call, only to be greeted by your soft moans echoing thru the line. His pants immediately tightened up. “Honey, are you alright?” He breathes out, a part of him still worried. You respond with a gasp and another soft moan of his name. “Kento, I miss you. I need you so badly..” Nanami closed his eyes, his free hand balling into a fist on his thigh, irritated at his boss and work for keeping him away from his sweet, pretty wife. “Can I see you?” You whimpered out, a finger slipping in your core as you asked him. 
 Nanami looked around him; the office was dark, and the only illumination was the glow from his desktop. He takes the phone and leans it back against his desktop, pressing the video call button. Laid back on the bed with your phone close to your face, you get a nice view of Nanami’s flushed face as the video turns on. His hands come to undo his ties as his baritone voice calls to you. “Show me the mess you’re making, darling.” Your eyes flutter at his command, angling the phone down to show Nanami how you’re playing with yourself. “Only using your hands? Go get that toy I brought you for your birthday, love.” 
 You groan, slipping out your soaked fingers and taking this time to fully take off your shorts as you go find the cute little pink vibrartor that Nanami gifted you a while back. You showed it to him on the camera as he praised you, but before you turned it on, you asked him meekly. “Can I see you touch yourself too?” He raises an eyebrow at that, sucking in a breath. you think that was the wrong move to make and were about to retract your question when Nanami takes his phone back in his hand and scoots back in his chair. Giving you a full view of the tent bulging in his suit pants, his other hand undoing his belt. “We’ll do it together, alright?” 
 You nodded even though Nanami couldn't see you at the moment. Though he could hear the small vibrations as you turned on the bullet, you sat up on the bed, back against the headrest, legs spread. One hand angling the phone towards the front of your pussy while the other holds the bullet close to the clit. You wait for Nanami to be done first, your eyes never leaving your phone screen, as you watch the veins on his hand moving along with his fingers as he unzips and brings out his leaking cock. His watch on his wrist jiggles a little as he brings his cock up to full mast.
Palming the front of his cock as Nanami timbres out, “Slowly now, dear, I want to see you twitch for me.” Your body moved on his words alone, bringing the little bullet directly on your clit, following his directions as Nanami started to lightly fist the tip of his cock in his hand. “Do it in circles like how I did it, love, mmm, good girl..” A deep sigh comes from Nanami as he watches you soak the vibrartor, “God-fuckkk, bet you wish that was my hand, don’t you, dear?” He slowly starts to palm at his whole length this time, twisting his hand at the base the way he’s like you to do it.
“I've been neglecting you, haven’t I? I’m sorry, dear, I’ll make it up as soon as I’m home.”
“I’ll make sure that your pussy still remembers the shape of my cock in her.” 
“I miss your pretty mouth on me too, and I miss tasting you as well.”
“Fuck-I think I’ll take the whole day off tomorrow and spend them between your legs.” 
Nanami’s dulcet and deep voice made you all the wetter, your hand covered in your own arousal as he commanded you to keep the bullet on your clit. The video was shaking as you started to feel a tightness in your belly, one that you needed for a long time. “Ken-Kento!” He groans out with you, as his name falls from your sweet lips. “That's it, my love, I want to see you squirt for me.” With that final push, your thighs buck up as you squirt in front of the camera, wetting your phone, leaving droplets of your juice on the camera lens. 
A cute whine came from you as you calmed down, throwing the bullet to the side and bringing the phone back up to your face. Nanami praised you once more for being such a good girl, hissing softly as he pushed his cock back in his pants. When you questioned him about why he didn’t finish, He replies, “I can’t waste any of my cum here, I plan to fill you up when I’m home, so be a good girl and keep her nice and wet for me..”
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You thought he would deny you when you asked him. Thinking of something along the lines of; “Huh? Why would I use my own hands when I have your pretty mouth to use whenever I want?”. You were pleasantly surprised but wary when Sukuna agreed to do it so readily, that handsome but very punchable smirk wormed its way into his face as he crooned at you. “Who am I to deny my sweet girl her needs~?” He leans back, propping his elbow on the chair and resting his cheek on it as he stares down at you. A soft and delicate pout forming on his feature, his eyebrow creasing in so slightly as he asked you, asked, not commanded, “Could you help me get ready for it though, sweetness?”  
Your senses were screaming at you that this was a very horrible and obvious trap. But how could you resist those sweet, honeyed words, even if they were coming from a fanged mouth with a snake tongue. “Of course I’ll help.” And with that, the pact was sealed, and so was your fate. Sukuna yanks you on his lap the moment your words end, pulling you flush against his chest, facing forward so you couldn’t see the wicked grin on his face as he tears your clothes apart with his pointed fingernails. “Kuna!” You try to get off of his lap, but he easily traps you in with one bicep around your middle as his other hand wraps around your neck.
A firm hold with little pressure behind it, only a light squeeze as a warning not to act up again. “You said you were going to help me, right?” He didn’t give you the right to respond, forcing your head up and down in a nod as he cooed at you, praising you like you were the one that answered. “Good, now shut up and do as I say.” He lets go of your throat, letting the tip of his fingernail swipe along the side as another warning to behave. He finishes tearing at your shirt and your shorts, leaving you only in tattered dressing and your undies. His bicep flexes taunt as he leers down at your body.
A small growl emitting from his chest, the rumbling felt directly on your back, sending shivers throughout your body. He plays with your bra for a bit, cupping the fabric and thumbing over the part right over your nubs. Making you squirm and wiggle right on his bulge as he ruts up into you. Almost making you bounce off if not for his arm draped around your center, yanking you back in each time. A wet spot was already forming in the middle of your panties from all the friction Sukuna was giving you. He let out a booming chuckle, licking a stripe down your neck to your shoulder and nipping at your bra straps, his sharp canines breaking it apart easily. 
Switching sides to bite at the other strap and tossing your now broken and useless bra to the side, you thought about scolding him for doing that, since bras are not cheap, but any form of coherence was also tossed away as his nails came back to rip at your soaked panties now. Leaving you fully exposed on Sukuna’s lap, he placed your thighs over his so he could spread you apart, his fingers coming to do the same on your soaked lips. Your arms hugged around the bicep that was holding you down, biting back a yelp as Sukuna’s nails poked and prodded at your clit. 
A thin line between pain and pleasure was forming, a line that Sukuna knew exactly how to thread. Pushing you to the brink of tears by pinching at it, only to soothe away the pain by softly rubbing your clit. Collecting your arousal on the rough pads of his thumb and forefinger, nipping at the soft flesh of your neck, leaving marks that will stay there for days. Once he deems you wet enough, he’ll take away his hand, leaving your pussy to flutter and clench over nothing, your arms squeezing onto his bicep still, weak and restrained to Sukuna’s whims. Sukuna stood up with you still held on his chest, only for a short while, as he undoed the tie on his robe, wearing no boxers or any kind of undies underneath.
His cock springs out, heavy, red, and leaking, curving up slightly towards you. He’ll sit back down, making sure your thighs are spread open again, and tap his cock against your soaked entrance. Coating the back of his cock with your juices for a bit, even nudging the tip against your throbbing clit as you claw at his bicep, sweet whimpering pleas spilling out of your lips as you begged him for more. “Kunaaaaaa.” He nipped at your ear at your whining, “Hush, brat. We haven’t even gotten to the show yet.” You felt him smirk against your skin as he cupped your chin, forcing you to open your mouth and face downward. 
Getting a full view of his cock lined up by your entrance, his breath caresses your ear as he utters out. “Drool on it, brat. Make it sloppy, and don’t you dare spit, or else.” With his fingers squishing your cheeks in, making your lips parts open. You couldn’t form a reply, only feeling a wave of hot embarrassment overcome you as you felt salvia pool inside your mouth. You gurgle out something, trying to jolt your head away from this shame,only for Sukuna to tighten his hold on you. Pushing your head down further as a languid string of spit sluggishly comes out. 
It drips all the way down, still connected to your lips, as it hits the tip of Sukuna’s thick head. You could only watch, mortified, as the rest of your drool came out, some of it splitting off and hitting your belly. The sensation made you do a gurgling sort of whimper. Sukuna tugs your head back against his shoulder, pleased with the outcome. Laughing outright at the look on your face, “Aww, is the brat ashamed?” He crooned at you, fingers still pinching in on your cheeks as he licked away some of the slobber left on your chin. Only to leave his own wet spit on there. “Chin up, sweetie, the show can finally begin now~” 
He looks down, trailing his huge hand down from your cheeks, to your chest, to your stomach, and finally on his heated cock. Fisting it up and down slowly, rutting his hips up a bit, to bounce up forward so your pussy was grinding on it as he jerked himself off. The veins and girth of his cock were enough to make you mewl out in pleasure. Your soft, needy mews falling together with Sukuna’s low groans. It didn’t take long for Sukuna to stop using his hands, opting to bring your thighs together and squish the soft plush flesh around his length. Bouncing his legs up and down and basically using your thighs as his fleshlight.
A hand comes down in between to rub and pinch at your clit some more, not stopping once you were on the edge this time, your body writhing in his hold, arching off his chest as you cream all over his cock. Clenching over nothing as your legs still held together, his hot cock ready to burst soon after you. With a guttural growl, Sukuna’s releases his cum, spilling all over the top of your thigh. This isn’t exactly what you asked for but who are you to question the King? Not you, especially not when your mind was going blank as he began to push his fat tip inside… “Now for my reward, you're lucky I’m so giving, brat…”
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Choso was the sweetest, most caring, and most dedicated boyfriend you could ask for. He was a little bit clingy at times, but you enjoyed the attention he gave you. Your sweet, lovable, big guard dog of a boyfriend that looms over your shoulder silently whenever you’re talking to strangers or even your friends outside .His stern demeanor only cracks when his younger brother is around, his shoulders less tense but still placing a hand on your waist as a reminder to everyone of who you belong to. His fingers twitch a little whenever Yuji comes too close to you or gives you a bear hug. 
Don’t get him wrong, he loves that you get along with his brothers so closely, the idea of all of you being a close family together makes his heart swell. Though there was always that little nagging voice in the back of Choso’s head, stating that you’re too good for him and that you’ll leave him one day. So he always stands near you, a hand on you, the need to feel you there on his skin, to feel the blood coursing thru your veins, to know that you’re still here with him. Any stranger looking at the two of you would think that Choso would be the mean and domineering type of boyfriend. 
 With his multiple facial piercings, shadowy and ominous aura, and the dark makeup around his eyes, he gives off a pretty bad first impression. When it’s just the two of you alone, in the privacy of your own home. Choso turns from a menacing guard dog to a whiny puppy, always craving your attention. The two of you were relaxing on the bed, Choso on top of you, snuggling against your soft belly as you carded your finger thru his hair, the twin tails he usually wears gone. His hair cascading down his face, framing him in a way that makes him seem so vulnerable.
Your hand falls down to Choso’s cheek, and he nuzzles straight into it like a kitten, you snort at the feeling, his metallic piercing brushing against the palm of your hand. You lean up on your elbow, biting your lips as you go to ask Choso a question that has been lingering on the back of your mind for a while now. “Cho?” Your voice calls out to him, like a siren calling out into the misty sea. He squishes his cheek on your hand as he holds it closer, “Mm? Yeah, baby?’ His husky voice rings out, laced with a bit of tiredness that made it drop an octave deeper.
 Drool pooled in your mouth at the sight of your sweet boyfriend, looking at you so intently and filled with love. You pushed on forward, “I wanted to ask you something for a while now..” He raised an eyebrow at you but stayed silent, waiting for you to finish your sentence. Can I watch you jerk off, Cho?” You hear a strangled noise coming from the back of Choso’s throat as he starts choking a bit on his spit, surprised at your question. You smack his back to help him recover, he sits back up on the bed, looking at you with wide eyes. “You wanna watch me?”
He points to himself, shocked that you wanted to watch someone like him do the deed. Choso's image of himself was not very kind, he didn’t understand why someone like you would enjoy seeing him do that sort of thing, but he obliged, seeing the soft look in your eyes. “Ok, then can I ask something of you too?” His obsidian eyes glance around nervously, “Can you please sit on my face while you watch?” Now it was your turn to get shocked. “Won’t I be too heavy? I mean, I don't wanna crush you, Cho..” A low chuckle comes out from him; “First off, I don’t think you could crush me and secondly if I do die, I’ll die the happiest I've ever been.” He leans over to you, pressing a hot kiss on your lips. 
 His tongue swipes at your bottom lip, sucking on it greedily, tasting you and pushing you closer with a hand on the back of your neck. He parts from you, his eyes glazed over with a different kind of darkness as he takes in your vision. With another nip at your lips he asks; “So is that a yes then?” He sighs out, you nod in return, grabbing his shoulders and switching places with him. Pushing him on the bed, as you work on his pants, pulling them with haste, Choso chuckles once more, helping you by bending his knee as you throw the pants over his feet. 
Leaving him in only his black boxer, a delicious bulge already forming in the middle. Choso took you by the hands before you could do anything to him, “Come on, baby..” He ushered you to stand up on top of him, moving so you were facing the opposite side so you could watch him. You stripped yourself of your own pants and panties, kneeling down, your thighs on either side of Choso’s head, his hair tickling your thighs a little. You were hovering right over his face as Choso started to palm at his boxer, He whimpered out a needy, "Please, baby, just come down, I can take it, please.” He was feeling frisky just upon seeing your wet cunt.  
“Last chance to stop me.” You drawls out, a part of you wanting him to tell you to stop but a deeper part of you wanting to smother him already. Choso grips on your waist with his free hand, guiding you down on his awaiting mouth. Inhaling your scent upon contact, his tongue flattens itself on your folds, groaning at your taste. His hand slipped down his boxer as his cock flopped out heavily on his stomach. Choso ate you out before, but this position was different, and you could never get used to the feeling of his cold piercings on your sensitive skin, especially the tongue piercing that he had. The small metallic ball smoothing itself on your folds and hitting your clit was fervor. 
You almost forgot to keep your eyes open, getting too lost in the haze of pleasure from Choso’s tongue. You steadied yourself by placing your hands on his pecs, squeezing at them softly, finding the bumps of his nipple’s piercing, and tugging at them softly. Eliciting a moan from the man’s mouth, his hands covered in various rings of different sizes and shapes looked so divine as he started fisting his pale cock. Slow and steady, with some stutters in between. He eats you out, like your pussy was an oasis in a vast desert. Tongue working in overdrive, trying to get every last drop of your essence in his mouth even though most of it was spilling all over his face.
He taps your waist a bit as he pulls away just for a bit to tell you; “Mo-move your hips, baby. I want you to ride me, please.” He takes his hand away from your waist to rub circles on your clit as his nose is back to being buried in your core and his tongue lapping at your clit. You whined, feeling a tightness start to coil inside you already, you still did as he told you to, bucking your hips back and forth on his face. Your eyes water, barely able to see Choso squeezing at his own cock, the precum leaking out, coating his hand.  
Making it easier for him to fuck his fist, the wet noises of Choso’s jerking off and the slurping noises of him eating you out were combined with his low grunts and whines and your whimpers. Both of you were already nearing the end, your hips pressing down on his face as you lost control of your senses, Choso knew exactly where to press his tongue piercing on to you to make you give the best reactions. He was so pussydrunk on you that he barely even realized that he was about to cum too. Your hands dug into his chest even more, your thighs squeezed his head, covering his ears so he could hear a little bit of your pitched moan as you gushed all over his face.  
Choso’s hand seemed to move on autodrive as he gulped up everything he could in the moment, his own hips bucking up into his fist as hot rope of cum spilled out on his thigh, spurting out a few more as he stopped moving his hand. You both stayed in that position for a while, breathing out heavily. However when you make a move to get up, Choso’s hand finds its way back on your waist bringing you down. “Wait, stay with me for a bit, I can handle it.” His tongue folded itself back on your cunt, licking a strip up and down your sensitive flesh. You mewled out at the contact, thighs shivering already but his grip on you was tight. 
 His cock was still hard and heavy on his stomach, but he didn’t care for it at the moment. “This time, just let me eat for a while, ok, baby?” “You taste so good, I wanna drown in you…”
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kentosbabes · 1 year
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Taking requests so ask anything 🫂
Nanami Kento
CEO Nanami headcannons, Nanami Kento headcannons part 2!!
Pottery date with Nanami
Jealous Nanami
Grocery shopping
Travelling with Nanami
Sick with Bf Nanami
Date Night with Nanami
Nanami comforting you
Ex Bf Nanami
A long day
Soft drabbles about Nanami
Nanami cumming
Stargazing with Nanami (Ft a proposal)
First time with Nanami
Dad Nanami
Professor Nanami; D for an A
Breeding kink
Brother's best friend
CEO Nanami!Secretary
Eating pussy
FaceTime with frustrated Nanami
Nanami with pregnant wife
Nanami is the type to
Massaging Nanami
Arranged Marriage Nanami
First job with Nanami
Collage Bf Nanami
Priest Nanami
Lipstick kink Nanami
Cozy Nanami headcanons
Tiana x Nanami headcannons
Gojo Satoru
Ex-Bf Gojo, Ex-Bf Gojo part 2
Bf-Gojo, Bf-Gojo part2
Gojo meeting your parents
Jealous Gojo
Short gf
Young Gojo, Young Gojo Part 2
Playboy Gojo
Mirror sex with Gojo
Pool sex with Gojo
Public fuckin with Gojo
Biker Gojo
Nepo baby Gojo
Submissive Gojo
Toji Fushiguro
Ex husband
Quicky in the bathroom?
Manhandling and size kink
Ryomen Sukuna
Dad Sukuna
Overstimulation with Sukuna
Eren Yeager
Collage AU part 1, Collage AU part 2
Submissive Eren
Roomate Eren
Uni student Eren
Ex-Bf Eren, Ex-Bf Eren part 2
Bf Eren, Bf Eren Part 2
Let me look after you
Rockstar Eren
Sick Eren
I'm right here
Family life
Computer science project
She fell first he fell harder
Car sex
Brothers best friend
Jean Kirstein
Bf Jean
Multiple Characters
Shower sex - AOT
How to unwind - AOT
Sex songs (with links) - AOT
Sex songs (With links) - JJK
Sleepy s/o - JJK
JJK favourite positions
JJK kinks
JJK and shy!reader
JJK mirror sex
JJK Gojo and Geto threesome
JJK being munches
JJK getting head
JJK being camboys
5K notes · View notes
hyuckmov · 1 year
request #4 - himbo haechan
part 2! wc: 13.8k (yeah...) genre: fluff, smut (18+ minors dni), angst, himbo to fwb to lovers haechan warnings: mutual masturbation (kind of), sex over zoom call, softdom haechan and needy desperate haechan, mommy kink once, use of princess and angel and baby, fingering, unprotected fucking, overstim, haechan swears a lot, hair pulling, degradation/haechan likes pain and being humiliated, making love, nipple sucking, voice kink, thigh riding, haechan chokes and sucks on his own fingers, idk man a/n: i hope this is hot. i hope you feel this. i hope you like this. i don't know if this is my best work because i feel like the writing craft is so shoddy at times but idk... AS A PIONEERING HIMBO HAECHAN FIC, i hope this marks an important moment for the himbo haechan thinkers <3 thank you for waiting and thank you for supporting me. please let me know what you think and please be nice...
the first time you meet haechan, he doesn't exactly make a good impression. 
"what are you doing?" 
slowly, he lifts his head from where his lips were brushing your neck. "um…" blinking, his eyes refocus on yours. "trying to kiss you." 
"haechan!" you hiss. 
eyebrows raised, he beams back at you. "y/n!" he hisses back, imitating your tone. 
"i came here with someone else." you push his shoulder lightly, trying to make space between him and you but it's no use — his body slumps even harder, and you can see his eyes scanning your neck, zoning out of the conversation. 
"i know…" he mumbles, tracing a fingertip at your pulse point and making goosebumps erupt on your skin. 
"you do?" 
"yeah…" his other hand hovers in the air, as if he's deciding whether to grab your waist or press his palm to your lower back. 
"so you know i'm talking to someone right now, and it would be bad if i went around kissing my project partners...?" 
you dip your head slightly to try to look at him through his messy bangs, only to jolt slightly when you glimpse his expression. his eyes already half-lidded with lust, mouth hanging open and drool glistening on his plump lips. why did he look so…needy? fucked out? it had only been about a minute or so since you saw him walk towards you, the easy smile he kept on at full blast. you had exchanged small talk for about 10 seconds over your professor, and then he started nosing at the juncture between your jaw and your neck. 
"haechan?" you prompted, hesitantly. "everything okay?" 
"um...all's good," he mutters, before moving back towards you, lips puckered slightly and ready to mark your skin. 
spluttering, you push him away, again, confusion starting to settle in for you too. could he not take a hint? 
"were you even listening?" you ask, incredulously. "i said i'm talking to someone right now." 
"uh huh." he tilts his head to the side. "um, did you say something after that? sorry-" he breathes, wincing at the frustration on your face. "you just smell so good, i couldn't pay attention…" and as if he couldn't help himself, you noticed his body gravitate towards you, again. 
gripping onto his shoulder to keep him at a distance, you say slowly, "haechan, if i'm talking to someone, it wouldn't be good for me to mess around with other people." 
you see the words register in his head, see the furrow in his brow deepen as he ponders what you're saying. "it wouldn't?" 
"no, it wouldn't." 
"but you're not dating him yet." 
"no, i'm not." you see him open his mouth, so you quickly add, "but we're on our way, and i want to show him i'm serious about it." 
"but i'm serious about you." it was practically lazy – the way he pulled your hand off his shoulder and intertwined your fingers with his. 
you couldn't help the thrill that ran down your spine as you were reminded of how strong he was, even though he didn't necessarily look it. 
"serious about me or serious about fucking me?" you bite back. 
you let out a scoff. unable to stop yourself, you blurt out, "are you used to women saying yes to you or something?"
"where do you get your confidence?" 
he raises his eyebrows at you in genuine concern as if you're the confused one in this conversation. "where do you think?" he makes a vague gesture to indicate his pretty face, and you're a little annoyed at how right he is. with heavy eye makeup, mismatched contact lenses giving his look a more piercing quality, moles tracing across his cheek just begging to be suckled with kisses and those heart-shaped lips…you think you would be hard pressed to find a woman in this room who would say no to his shameless flirting. 
"you shouldn't assume, haechan." something close to confidence begins to stir up in you, and you straighten, shaking your hand out of his. "it's not nice to kiss someone without asking them properly. you should always try to read the situation, and make sure you have consent." 
listening intently like a student in a classroom, he nods slowly to show he understands. "not nice, got it. anything else?" 
"don't try to steal people away from their dates," you add on, inspired.
"and don't say things like 'i'm serious about fucking you' if you don't really mean–" 
"-this is hot." he interrupts, words blurring together in a rush. his eyes unfocused and dreamy, he drags his gaze up and down your body indulgently. "you teaching me things." 
"teaching me how to be a good boy…" he breathes. "yeah. fuck." 
your jaw drops, momentarily speechless. and yet, despite everything you were supposedly teaching him, his straightforwardness, the lack of filter, the raw desire that seemed to course through his entire body…you couldn't deny that it was making you feel a certain way too. 
fixing him with a look that conveyed as much seriousness and frustration you could muster, you shake your head.
 and he cowers. 
"sorry…" he mumbles, stepping away from you, almost ashamed. "i should've kept that to myself." 
you resist the urge to laugh. "yes, maybe you should have." 
turning to go, you pat him on the arm lightly, feeling a little bad for him. "see you around in class, okay?" 
he nods, eyes cast to the floor gloomily, and you're about to exit and head back to the main room when he calls your name. 
"i meant it." 
"i meant it when i said i was serious about fucking you." quietly, and with surprising gentleness, "i wouldn't lead you on like that. i wouldn't say it if i didn't mean it." 
and as you turn your back on the pretty boy in the hallway, you couldn't help the butterflies that seemed to burst into life in your chest at his words.
the second time you meet haechan, you're explaining your assignment to him in class, and he’s looking at you like you hung the moon.
the third time, he keeps up an endless stream of compliments for you as he walks you back to your apartment to get ready for your date (with heavy insinuations that he could treat you better, the entire time). 
after that, you sort of lose count. from a name told to you by your professor, to the boy who couldn't seem to stand without your help at the party, he slipped into your life with no intention of leaving. 
"i'm frustrated because i WANT to fuck you-" 
no intention of leaving, no intention of changing, at all. 
his words come out louder than you expect, ringing out in the silence of the library. he's practically raising his voice, the aggravation plain and clear as his words escalate in pitch. embarrassingly, people studying at the adjacent tables start to look over at you two, drawn by haechan's distinctive tone of voice, wondering what the campus resident himbo-heartthrob could be saying. 
and he's still talking.
interrupting him with a loud shushing sound, you grab his arm and haul him out of his seat. he stumbles a little over his steps as he follows you obediently out of the library, the rant momentarily cut off. 
the moment the two of you burst out of the library doors, he's seizing you by your arms, his expression eager and delighted. 
"my place? i don't think my roommate's home, and there's this toy i want-" 
"lee haechan." your jaw drops. you seem to be doing a lot of that when you're around him. 
breathless, his eyes shine with delight. "yeah?" 
you almost don't want to ask. "why do you think i dragged you out of the library?" 
"you're ready to fuck right now?" his expression falls when he finally reads yours, taking in your stony glare and the hard set of your jaw. "oh. i did something wrong, didn't it?"
"haechan…" you can't decide what to start with. 
"wait, i'm sorry-" he blurts out, letting go of you. "i shouldn't have grabbed you…"
"you shouldn't have raised your voice in a library!" 
"i'm SORRY-" gulping, he tries to make his voice smaller. "i just got really excited…" 
"when you are in small spaces, you use your 'inside voice', okay?" 
"my…" he gulps. "inside voice?" 
"your inside voice means a volume level only meant for you," you point. "and me, the person you are talking to." you point at yourself. 
"do you want the whole library to know you want to fuck me?" 
"i don't mind." a beat. "wait, fuck- wrong answer. no, i don't." he shakes his head firmly. "no." 
"exactly." you let out a breath. "so please, the next time you want to have this discussion, make sure you're not announcing it for the entire student population, okay?" 
he opens his mouth, but then quickly shuts it. a blush beginning to spread across his cheeks, he buries his face in his hands, sweater covering his palms up to his fingers. 
you sigh. "what is it, haechan?"
"i don't want to say," he whispers. 
"you'll get really angry at me." chastised, he bites his lip. and then, quieter, "i'm sorry i embarrassed you."
"welll…you didn't really embarrass me,” you mumble. "haechan…"
a muffled sound. 
"am i actually just being really mean to you? you can be honest-" you add, seeing something flicker in his eyes as he removes his hands from his face. "i won't get mad." 
"you're kind of mean…" he hesitates. "but i really like it. because i know it means you care about me." 
your heart warms. 
"and also because i find it really hot," he continues, unabashedly. "like…a part of me wants to push you until you freak out on me. but also the other part of me just wants to be good for you, you know?" 
you stare at him. his hair falling lazily on his forehead, a breathless and windswept look to him as if his own desire was physically stealing his breath away from his lungs. you'd noticed before how his eyes were always watery with some sort of emotion, his long lashes gently tangling and untangling, meeting his blushy skin. his pouty lips… forming your name. 
"fuck…i should have kept that to myself, right?" he tilts his head, blinking purposefully at you. "y/n?" 
you clear your throat. "it's fine." another pause, as you wonder how you can draw the conversation back to something less intimate, because the way he's looking at you — as if he wants to dive into your soul just by looking into your eyes, — was making you regret ever dragging him out of the library. "um…" sex. talk about sex. "so…you were going to use a toy for our first time together?" 
caught off guard, he gapes at you, trying to recall where he let slip his plans for the night. "i…" he blinks. "how did you know? did i tell you?"
he's adorable. pressing on, you try to bring back the tone of defiance in your voice. "couldn't make me cum all by yourself? are you really that unconfident?" 
from the way he's tonguing the inside of his cheek, you know you've successfully switched the tone. "princess…" his voice is slow and patronising. "don't talk about things you don't understand." you don't think you've ever heard him speak like that, cockiness dripping from every syllable. is this the haechan that everyone else knew? 
"i don't-" 
"i saw the way you were looking at me just now…" eyes fluttering, he slouches closer to you and you back away on instinct. the movement makes him smile. "you think i'm pretty, just like everyone else does, hm?" 
it takes everything in you to roll your eyes, stepping further away from him as if it would break the spell. "you're so full of yourself." 
"and you like it." at the look on your face, he backpedals instantly, the confidence draining from him in an instant as he adjusts his bag on his shoulders. "right…sorry. you're still seeing someone." he doesn't even try to hide the bitterness in his tone.  
a moment passes.
"let's just… go get dinner," you suggest, lightly. he nods distractedly, hooking a hand around your bag strap and lazily tugging it onto his shoulder, something he likes to do for you. 
the walk to the restaurant is only a few minutes, and it's only when you reach that he speaks up again. 
"he….he makes you happy, right?" 
"the guy you're seeing." he swallows, fingers curling tighter around your bag unconsciously. "you're happy with him, right?" 
biting your lip, you nod slowly. "i guess."
if he can sense your hesitance, he doesn't press — body relaxing considerably as he nods to himself too. "then that's all that matters." 
and he reaches over to hold the door open for you, face bright and happy again as he patiently waits for you to enter first. 
haechan, 11.00pm: i hope you got a kiss today  you, 11.00pm: what haechan, 11.01pm: idk you just looked really pretty today and i really wanted to kiss you you, 11.01pm: so that's why you were looking at me like that  haechan, 11.01pm: yeah but i can't kiss you so  haechan, 11.01pm: i hope you got a kiss somehow…
haechan, 11.12pm: so did you?  you, 11.12pm: did i what? haechan, 11.12pm: did you get a kiss  haechan, 11.12pm: WAIT  haechan, 11.12pm: don't tell me  haechan, 11.12pm: i'll get sad you, 11.12pm: okay haechan, 11.12pm: okay what?  you, 11.13pm: okay, i won't tell you haechan, 11.13pm: fuck  haechan, 11.13pm: i want you so bad… you, 11.13pm: HAECHAN  haechan, 11.13pm: TYPO sorry sorry  you, 11.13pm: you can't typo a whole phrase haechan, 11.13pm: yes you can… i just did…
for someone who doesn't always know what he's talking about, haechan loves to talk. a lot. 
"you're going to sleep? already?" even in the low quality image on your phone screen, you can see the crestfallen look on his face. 
"we both have an early class tomorrow." 
"we can take turns sleeping in that class…like we did last week…" 
accusatorily, you jab a finger at your phone camera, causing his nose to scrunch in alarm as if you were really there, backing away from his screen. "you slept for a whole two hours that time!" 
"i-" sulking, he rolls over on his side, face half smushed against the bed. "i'll do better this time." 
"we can always talk tomorrow," you soothe, getting comfortable in your own bed and holding up your phone a little higher so the angle didn't look so bad on videocall.
although it was ridiculous, you couldn't help but feel insecure at how pretty he looked all the time, even when it was 2 in the morning and his voice was low and scratchy, or when he just woke up and his hair stuck out in all sorts of ways…his eyes never stopped sparkling in the terribly endearing way, his skin looking soft under the warm lights of his room. 
"but i want to talk to you now…" he says, softly. 
"okay…what about?" 
"i don't know…" still in the same soft voice that drives you crazy, he blinks tiredly at his screen. "anything…i guess…" 
"um…what did you have for dinner?" 
you can't help but let out a laugh when he whines loudly in annoyance "i mean deep stuff. stuff you wouldn't tell anyone else." 
"you think of something then!"
"wait-" a look passes over his face, you can literally see the idea hitting him, the flickering of a lightbulb over his head: he sits up, animated, and starts pulling his laptop onto his lap. "give me a second." he's typing furiously on his keyboard, nose scrunched in concentration. 
"you don't even type this seriously in class," you accuse, half-heartedly. when he doesn't respond, you raise your voice a little. "haechan? what are you doing?" 
"nothing." he turns his attention back to the phone screen, and beams at you with a brightness that catches you off guard. "just had an assignment that i forgot to submit." 
"but i have my ideas for the questions now-" he continues, his words coming out rushed from the blatant excitement in his tone. "so let's start." 
"why are you so…eager?" suspicious, you narrow your eyes at him playfully. "are the questions sex-related? you perv…" 
"no," he shakes his head vehemently, "i swear, they're not. i just…" and suddenly he's shy, biting at his puffy lips, and even in the dim glow of the room you can see the flush in his cheeks. "i just want to get to know you more…" 
"okay, let's start." he clears his throat.
 "given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?" 
"what the fuck?" you gape at him. out of all the things he could have asked you, there was no way you would have thought of this. "haechan, are you trying to get me to do some assignment for you?" 
"i'm genuinely curious-" he tries to defend himself, a hint of a whine making its way into his voice. "i mean, i can go first if you need more time to think…" 
"i don't think i've ever heard you use the word 'whom'." 
"now that's just mean…" pouting, his eyes go round and sad, and you can't tell if he's doing it on purpose, but when he nibbles on your lips you feel your breath catch in your throat. 
fuck. stumbling over your words, you rush, "uh…i can answer i guess." 
his eyes crinkle into a smile. "okay, who?" 
"um…probably that researcher guy who we're doing our assignment on. then i can just ask him all the questions and cite him as the source and we would be done."
"that's a good answer," he says, encouragingly. 
"okay…so who would you want as a dinner guest?" 
"you," he says, immediately. 
"haechan, this isn't going to be fun if your questions are all set up as lines…" 
"i'm serious…" and he is – there's no hint of any rehearsed expression on his face. "i only ever want to see you." and then, smiling, he shifts around happily on his seat on the bed. "okay! next question…" 
"what would constitute a perfect day for you?" 
"how many questions do you have?" 
"i don't know… i'm making these up as i go along," he shrugs. "so, what would constitute a perfect day for you?" 
you think about it, for a second. "i think my perfect day would be really simple, and everything would just go right. i would wake up early, there wouldn't be a queue at the cafe for breakfast, i get to class with my coffee-" 
"which class?" 
"uh… our class?" 
"okay, good," a small smile playing on his lips. "and then?" 
"and then…i can answer all your questions in class, and afterwards we go to the library and miraculously we can get something done…" you think back to a few evenings you've had where you've genuinely, really, been happy. "we get hotpot for dinner and we get a huge discount, and i go back home and fall asleep really easily." 
haechan is smiling so hard you want to ask him if his cheeks hurt. 
"what's so funny?" 
"it's funny…" he looks at you coyly. "that's my perfect day too." 
"number 10…" 
"motherfucker-" you sit up, startling haechan, who drops his phone. 
"you have a list of questions?" you wait for him to pick up his phone again before you point at the screen, savagely. you don't even have to look to know he's doing his cower again. "what happened to coming up with it as you go along? are these even your questions?" 
"y/n…" he shuffles around uncomfortably, picking at his bedspread. 
"how many questions are there in total?"
"36." his eyes widening, he backpedals. "actually, i don't know…um…it depends…" 
"i'm going to bed." 
"no we have to finish all 36 questions!" 
"we have to? why do we have to?" 
"please?" he looks up at you, and you should be used to it by now, used to the shifts in tone and the intensity of his emotions when his eyes meet yours, but still it makes your heart hammer a little harder every time. "please? i really just want to get to know you…" 
a pause. 
sighing, you lie back on your pillows again. "what's number 10?" 
"what roles do love and affection play in your life?" haechan lets out a yawn, rubbing his face against his comforter. 
the question wakes you up a little. you've kind of guessed that he was using a list of questions that would get increasingly intimate as they went on, but this one felt more direct than the others. and although so far you've been honest about everything, careless sometimes with your answer but never dishonest, you don't know how truthfully you should answer this time.
haechan blinks lazily at the screen. "um…" he rubs at his eyes, "i can go first. i think…love and affection are easy." 
the words feel like a punch to your gut. "really?" 
"yeah," he continues. "i mean, i'm affectionate with practically everyone i meet…and i'm not scared if i end up falling in love. i don't always know it when i'm in the moment…but i think i like how it feels," he adds, almost as an afterthought. 
"you like how what feels?" 
"being in love," he says, softly, looking at you with gentleness in his eyes. 
"but what if it doesn't end well?" you ask more for yourself than for him, and he answers as if it's the easiest thing in the world. 
"then it ends. but at least you were in love." tilting his head, he asks, "is it…not easy for you?" 
you can't find the words, so you shake your head. 
his brow furrows. "aren't you seeing someone right now?"
"yeah but i don't love him." he opens his mouth, so you add on quickly, "and he doesn't love me." 
"then you shouldn't be with him," he said, firmly.  things were always so simple when he outlined them. "you don't love each other, so you shouldn't waste your time together." 
"but he's not a bad person…" you have no idea why you're defending someone you don't even really care about. "he's generally nice to me…" 
"none of that matters if there's no love," he runs a hand through his hair, and that's when you realise that he's genuinely angry. "i didn't know you didn't love him. if i did, i would have talked to you about it ages ago…" 
"it's not so easy, haechan. it's not so easy to find someone who loves you back. sometimes, you just have to be grateful that someone is willing to spend time with you, grateful that they're not horrible-" 
he cuts you off with a frustrated sound. "i don't understand." rubbing his face with his hands, you hear him exhale shakily, the sound crackling in your earphones. 
"it's okay," you try to calm him, making your tone as light as possible. "these are just questions, right? we don't have to agree…" 
he settles down, but you can tell he's still lost in thought, his jaw clenched. "i guess." 
"which question are we on?" 
he checks his laptop screen. "21." 
"do you…want to keep going?" 
he nods, sighing one more time before focusing on you again. this time, you can tell he's managed to calm down, the gentleness returned to his demeanour. "i'm sorry. i'm really trying to understand what you mean, but maybe we're just different." 
"yeah…" affection and love did feel easy, even being friends with haechan. you think it's maybe become a part of your life that you couldn't live without — the little ways he took care of you, how he never hesitated to compliment you or defend you. "i want to be more like you, though." 
"the thing about love and affection…" you mumble. "i want it to be as easy as it is for you." his eyes light up, and you hate how it immediately seems to lift a weight from your chest. 
it's strange that haechan's the one you turn to when things eventually fall apart. but at the same time, it makes perfect sense, because he's never once made you feel small for what you thought, or invalidated anything you've felt. 
you didn't even have to tell him. you had stumbled into class, numb from all your hurt, and the moment haechan raised his head to look at you, he just knew. 
"what's wrong?" he mouths, a look of pure fear in his eyes as he scans your surroundings, trying to figure out what could've done this to you. 
"i'll tell you later," you're barely able to whisper back as you slide into your seat next to him, eyes already filling with tears at how easy it was for haechan to read you. your heart warming from the urgency in his tone.
without hesitation, he leans over far in his seat to squeeze you into a hug. his lips ghosting over the crown of your hair, you can hear the worry in his voice even as he tries to reassure you. 
for the next 2 hours, he casts worried glances over at you, taking in the way you're barely listening, fingers ghosting over your keyboard and typing nothing. the lecture barely ends before he's reaching over to pack up for you, clumsy hands shuffling your papers into your folder the way he knows you like them, shouldering your backpack as he tugs you gently towards the door and out into the sun. 
he leads you to a quiet place on campus, and if you were a little less focused on yourself, you'd wonder if this was where he usually took his dates to kiss them. it's secluded and private, soft grass underneath your shoes as he guides you to a bench under a tree, sliding into a seat next to you and taking your hand in his immediately. 
on one of your study sessions together, the two of you had taken a love language quiz, and it was no surprise when his top love language showed up as physical touch, while yours showed up as words of affirmation. 
tears are slipping down your cheeks, and he pulls you into his arms — a gesture more for him than you but you melt into his touch all the same. his palms clumsily pat between your shoulder blades, his touch heavy as he strokes down your spine, rubbing at your shoulders as you try to stop from shaking. 
"do you want to talk about it?" he murmurs, eyes wide and concerned.
briefly, you consider not telling him, the thought of having to materialise everything with your words too painful to bear. but his voice was so gentle, his touch so soothing, that you feel he at least deserved to know why you were crying in his arms like this. 
"h-he took me to the party to make her jealous." 
his movements still. 
"i knew we didn't love each other…but i thought…i thought at least…he must've liked something in me, right?" 
he's at a loss for words as you cry harder into his shirt. 
"you don't have to say anything…" you reassure him. "i know it's stupid. i didn't even like him anyway, it just hurts my pride to think he never saw anything in me." 
"it's not stupid," he says, firmly. "you rejected me at that party for him, right? you've been rejecting me for weeks because of him." 
you nod into his chest. 
"you're not stupid." he declares. "he's the one who's wrong." and there it is again — the simplicity, the way everything was black and white with him. he was completely and wholly on your side, his hand diligently going back to stroke your hair, dipping his fingers to rub circles into the nape of your neck. 
"i'm surprised you're not being inappropriate right now." 
he doesn't respond at first, but his movements falter again. 
"i just really don't like seeing you hurt," he says, quietly. 
"wait, don't get me wrong, i think you look very pretty when you cry," he adds, sincerely. it makes you laugh, a little bit of the haechan you first met coming back. but he mistakes it for disbelief, tripping over his words to make you understand, raising his voice. "you really are, and you sound so pretty too-" 
wrapping your arms around his middle, you lean into his touch, smiling into the fabric of his shirt. "thanks, haechan." 
"it's just that…i don't like thinking that someone made you feel like this. it makes me feel…" his palm moves down to hold the side of your face delicately, fingers moving over your cheeks as he chooses his words. "it makes me feel really helpless. it reminds me i can't stop people from hurting you." 
his voice is small, and you can barely catch his words, but you feel like you've been slammed in the chest. you hesitate, wondering if you should press him further.
"what do you mean?" 
"why does it make you feel helpless?" 
he huffs, frustrated. "because it does." 
he runs a hand through his hair as he rambles on. "i don't know why i don't like seeing you hurt. or why i don't like the idea of your shoulders being sore like mine are so i carry your things around for you everywhere. i don't know why i want to mark your neck but i don't ever want to see you bruised, or how i want to fuck you so badly, but also sometimes i get this feeling like… like i don't want to fuck you, i just –" he cuts himself off with a groan, tugging at his long hair desperately.
you don't reply. you can't trust your voice. 
so you ease yourself out of his hold, which had gotten increasingly tight. with a hand, you guide his hands down from his hair and into yours, and bring your other palm up to touch his face. he goes limp at your touch, leaning into you like you were the only thing keeping him upright.
"why am i telling you this?" he whispers, eyes never leaving yours. 
"you must think i'm pathetic." you feel his tears on your hand, hot and wet, before his breathing starts to pick up and soft whimpers rise from his throat. 
"don't say that." 
"i mean you," he gasps, words coming out in stuttered sounds. "y-you were the one who needed me to c-comfort you, and n-now i'm the one crying, and i…" he lets out a low sound, emotions overwhelming him all at once. "i really want to hurt the guy who made you feel like that." 
"where does he live? it'll only take 5 minutes i swear…" he swallows, hard. "i could take him in a fight, i saw him at the party…" 
"you're not going to get reported to campus police for him. he's not worth it." but you can tell your words are getting lost on him, his hands shaking as he fumbles them out of your grip, trying to intertwine your fingers. 
"i just need to do s-something right now," he breathes, hard. "anything. it hurts so bad, y/n. why does it hurt so much for me?" 
something about this — about him, calms you. the pain from before fading into a dull ache, and a new feeling swelling in your chest as you look at the boy in front of you. the feeling of being needed by someone grounding you, affection roaring in your ears as he leans into your touch, watching you like he was trying to decipher the thoughts buzzing like static in your mind. 
"take me home, haechan." 
he blinks up at you. 
"i want to go home," you whisper. 
and, drawing you into his arms, he does exactly that. 
he picks up your favourite ice cream on the drive home, and stays glued to your back on the elevator ride up. coddling you and cooing praises in your ear, tucking you into bed and drawing up a chair next to you as if you were ill. you ignore the fact that this was the first time you were indulging in his touch and it felt so right, the fact that he cried just because you did, for reasons he claimed not to know and you didn't want to admit. 
but as you watched him move around in your kitchen, putting away dishes from the dinner he made you — his broad frame stretching out his shirt, shoulder blades sharp under the warm light, you were met with the sinking feeling that the boy who was just out to fuck you might be out for something far worse.  
"i'm not setting you up with him," haechan's words come out in a blur. "okay? we're just walking to the party together." 
"yes, i'm aware of that. how many more times are you going to repeat this to me?" 
"haechan, why are you still hiding me behind your back?" 
"this is NOT a set-up!" he hisses, veins in his arms popping out as he keeps a firm grip on his friend, you presume, keeping him out of your sight. "i do NOT want you to like him, okay?" 
"okay haechan, i get it."
he looks at you, suspicious, but finally releases his hold, arms crossing over his chest instead as he scowls. "fine. y/n, this is my friend renjun." 
looking a little dishevelled, and very annoyed, renjun steps out from behind haechan. "hey." his face breaks into a sweet smile when he sees you, eyes brightening with recognition. "wait…were you in that statistics course from last semester?" 
"yeah i was! were you the one who did the project on social psychology? i thought it was so smart…"
"i had a lot of help with it," he beams back. "actually, i have more resources on the topic if you'd like them." 
haechan's voice abruptly booms out in the middle of the street, making you and renjun jump. the handful of people passing by turn their heads to look at your trio, making shame burn low in your stomach as you wince apologetically. haechan's face is flushed, hands curled into fists by his side, a glare fixed upon renjun as if he were his worst enemy.
"haechan!" you whisper, annoyed. "did we not practice using our inside voice?" 
"fuck the inner voice!" he hisses back at you with equal venom, tugging you closer to him and away from renjun. his face screwed up, he jabs a finger at him. "she's not gonna fuck you dude. lay off her." 
renjun is looking back and forth between you and haechan, a knowing look settling onto his face as he meets haechan's frown with an easy smile. 
"don't worry about it, man. she's all yours." 
"yeah, that's right, she's mine," haechan repeats, savagely, before the words coming out of his mouth seem to take him by surprise. confused, he looks over at you, trying to figure out what exactly he just said. "wait…fuck i mean…um…"
"you know what? i'm going to go ahead first," renjun interrupts, giving you a small wave. "see you at  jaemin's."
"sorry," you mumble, now trying to free yourself from haechan's tight grip on your arm which he doesn't even seem to be aware of. 
"word of advice," renjun mutters to you, pointedly ignoring the way haechan was hissing at him. "pull on his hair. it shuts him up real fast." 
it's when you finally manage to pry his fingers off of you when haechan is brought back down to earth, throwing a venomous look at renjun's retreating back as he lets go of you reluctantly. 
you round on him. "well?" 
"w-well what?" he mumbles, looking away, acting out a textbook portrayal of guilty.  
you narrow your eyes at him, and some part of you is happy to see him gulp in fear like he usually does. "what do you have to say for yourself?" 
"i'm not the problem here," he mutters. "it's renjun. he's such a sleaze."
"renjun? a sleaze?" you laugh before you can stop yourself. "you're more of a sleaze than he is on a regular day." 
"ME?" he bursts out, head snapping to you. at least this time, the people in your vicinity seem to be used to the outbursts, and they don't bother to turn to look. "I'M NOT…that's not…" and then he's whipping out his phone, biting his lip in concentration, eyebrows drawn close together as he scrolls through whatever's he's looking at.
you sigh. "haechan, what are you doing?" 
"immoral…corrupt…sordid…" he raises his voice again. "fuck google definitions. why is it that none of these words mean what i think sleaze means?" 
"could you not change the subject?" you start, but he talks over you. 
"yeah," he emphasises, viciously. "you're right. see, i just wanted to expand your social circle, it's not my fault renjun was making eyes at you," 
"he wasn't-" 
"he was about to invite you over,"
"did you hallucinate-"
"that's so…so insensitive, like couldn't he just take a hint? and you were wearing your fuck-me skirt today-"
"i do NOT have a fuck-me skirt-"
"no it's a fuck haechan skirt that's what it is, because whenever i see you in it i-"
"will you shut up?" annoyed, you reach around to the back of his neck, and tug harshly on his long hair, really hoping to make it hurt. 
you expect him to stop talking, maybe cry out in pain. 
you're not expecting his knees go weak as he lets out an achy, high-pitched moan that shudders through his entire body.
"hey, haechan's quiet today!" jaemin points out, cheerfully. "y/n, could you pass me the pepper?" 
putting on a smile, you pass the shaker over to him. "we had an argument on the way here, that's probably why." 
"you two should fight more," jaemin says, before taking a sip of his soup. "dinner's almost over and he's barely made a sound."
renjun just smiles to himself.
"what. the fuck." 
haechan's still gasping for breath, and when you raise your hand absentmindedly, his arms shoot up quickly to protect his head. "don't-!" 
"i'm not going to do it again." 
"okay good." his arms fall to his side, before he's looking at you with a mixture of sadness and wistfulness. "wait…like…never?" 
you narrow your eyes. 
"y/n, can you come with me please?" haechan is looking at you urgently, leg bouncing as he tugs on your sleeve. "i want to talk to you in private." 
sighing, you excuse yourself from the table, letting haechan tug you away from the living room and into what looks like an empty guest room.
clicking the door shut, he sits down on the bed, patting the space next to him impatiently to get you to join him. 
"what's wrong?" 
"i want to ask you something." there's a sincerity in the way he reaches takes your hand, his voice steady, and calm, and sure. 
"i've been good this past week, right?" he watches your face closely, looking for an answer. "like…i wanted to show you i care, and i wanted to take care of you and help you forget…your breakup…" 
"you've been really good to me, haechan," you affirm quietly. because he has. 
"and i've kept my thoughts to myself," he adds. "because…you told me to do that…" 
"do you…" he struggles with the words. "do you want me to keep…keeping my thoughts to myself? like, does it make you really uncomfortable…" he looks like he's in physical pain, brows furrowed in concentration.
"no, it doesn't…" you admit, feeling a little exposed. 
"what about…so if…" he twists at his fingers. "so if i…made a move…like the first time we met at the party…would you…?" 
"i think i would." looking away, feeling that the room was suddenly burning hot, you mumble out, "so you don't have to worry about holding back or-"
"-good, because i've been hard ever since you pulled on my hair." 
he's getting that look again, lips parted and swollen. he slides a hand around your waist, the weight of his body leaning on yours feeling all too familiar. only this time, there was no one and nothing you could put between yourself and the raw need that was in every fibre of his being. always brutally honest about how much he wanted you, looking at you with eyes that could swallow you whole. and now that there was no one else, you were free falling right into him.
your voice is scratchy with nerves. "do you want me to do it again?" 
"to be very honest, it kind of kills the mood when you ask," he mumbles, now pressing the pads of his fingers under your shirt and into your soft skin. 
laughing, you slide your hands up his neck and into his hair again, relishing in the way his body tenses and his breaths start to come shallow and fast. curling your fingers around the strands, you pull on them softly, increasing in pressure as he throws his head back. 
"fuck," he pants, hands moving quickly now, tugging at the hem of your shirt. "wanted this since the day i saw you." 
well at least he's honest. hesitating slightly, you grasp his wrists gently to stop his movements. "haechan…you know this is me giving you permission right?" 
"huh?" his eyes cloudy, he struggles slightly against you, hands still trying to reach for your skin. "i mean…yeah…"
"so after this, we'll figure something out?" you look at him hopefully, trying to meet his eyes which were currently darting around, scanning your body haphazardly. until you let out a gasp, because somehow he's overpowered you — pushing you onto the bed roughly, his hands now gripping your wrists and holding them above your head with one hand, the other resting heavy on your hip. 
"you talk too much," he says, lowly. swiftly pressing his lips to the side of your neck, he bites down on your shoulder next, and you hiss at the sting. in retaliation, you manage to release one of your hands from his grip, giving his hair a sharp tug — making him rut his hips into yours. 
"me? what about you?" you tease, breathless as he grinds into you, "with all your talk…all your thoughts, i kind of expected more…but you're whining and we've barely touched."
at that, he stills. 
he still has you pinned down by his weight on your torso, and above you, you can see the way his eyes darken, wheels in his head turning. 
"you're right," he says, quietly. releasing your hands, he crawls off of you to kneel on the bed by your feet, rough hands pulling at his belt. 
"r-right…about what?" now he wasn't lying on you, you felt a coldness travel through your body, making you crave his touch. sitting up to look at him, you swallow as he kicks off his pants. 
he wasn't lying about being hard. his cock looked thick and heavy in his palm as he squeezed his shaft, letting out a sigh. 
"haechan, what are you doing…?"
spitting in his hand, he starts tugging at his cock, slow and teasing strokes as he shifts his hips around in pleasure, settling his weight back on his heels as he hums. 
you place your hands on his thighs, shifting towards him, but with a speed and agility you rarely saw he grabbed both your wrists in his free hand, holding on to them tightly so you couldn't shake free. "you don't get to touch," he gasps, another moan ripping from his throat as his fingers press into his slit. 
"haechan," alarmed, you try to crawl over to him but his grip on your wrists holds you at a distance, pushing you back. the sounds he's making go straight to your core, high-pitched moans, drawn out and achy, gulping gasps of air between each one as if he was struggling to breathe. his hand speeding up, moving like a blur, swivelling his wrist and thumbing at a spot just below the blunt pink tip. precum dribbling out all over his hand as he starts to thrust his hips into the circle of his fist. 
"please," you rub your thighs together, pain and pressure building up in your core. his eyes, half-lidded and sultry, slide over to you almost lazily. 
"wait your turn, princess," he groans, mocking you with a whiny "ah…ah-" at the end. 
you're so frustrated you could cry. 
his whines and whimpers escalate in pitch, broken gasps and pants filling the air, and you can't wait for him to cum so it'll be your turn…
except suddenly he's letting go of his cock, a groan rumbling through his chest as it slaps up against his lower belly. 
a beat.
"did you like the show?" 
"you didn't cum," you mumble, dumbly. 
"i didn't think you deserved to see that yet." he releases your wrists. "see, that was your punishment." 
"for rejecting me for over a month even though i knew you wanted it." effortlessly pulling you into his lap, he smiles as he guides a hand under your skirt, rubbing your inner thigh with his sticky fingers. "sometimes when you look at me…i just know you're dripping wet in your panties."
"i'm not-"
"should we check?" he pulls at the seat of your panties, swiping his fingers on your folds. your thighs clamp shut on his hands, sensitive, and he laughs. "thought so." 
he traces light touches on your clit, alternating between rubbing circles and stroking gently. he brushes his fingers over your entrance and you crumble, grinding into his hand as you try to manoeuvre your hips closer to where his cock lies against his tummy. 
"so cute," he murmurs, pushing a careful finger into you, smiling to himself when you let out a soft moan. stroking against your walls, he adds another, starting to stretch you out as you rock your hips into his. his nose nuzzles at your neck, and you discover that all those times he's spent analysing the juncture between your jaw and your shoulder have paid off, because he finds your sweet spot in record time, his puffy lips mumbling against your skin and making you shake all over. 
"you're going to have to be a little quieter, baby," he says, gently. "don't want them hearing you outside." he adds another finger, humming delightedly at how you suck them in. 
"you-" you gasp, "but you were so, fuck, loud just now…"
"i don't care if they hear me." he starts fucking his fingers into you, thrusting them in and out of your core with loud wet sounds, his thumb applying pressure to your clit that makes your thighs tremble. "i know i sound good. you should record me next time, baby." 
your brain has gone foggy. this is the haechan that still pushed at the pull door to your lecture hall, the one you've been going to for almost half a year. this is the haechan who hid behind his hands when you would get mad at him, then would beg for you to keep going, i'm memorising this for later. 
this was the haechan…who was currently moaning softly in your ear, a sound so saturated with lust that it takes your breath away, and makes you release all over his hand. 
as it turns out, haechan isn't really into edging unless he wants to make a point. 
he's far more interested in overstimulation, as he makes you cum 3 times on the guest room bed. and he cums twice himself from fucking you. 
with intense concentration, he cleans up for you and tucks you into bed, worried eyes making sure you're okay. when he watches the way you walk, unsteadily, to turn off the light, he slides to his knees and freckles kisses all over your thighs and hips, murmuring apologies into your skin, torn between gloating and grovelling. 
"jaemin's okay with us staying," he whispers into the dark. and then, with unfiltered dreamy happiness… "i'm so happy i'm going to wake up next to you tomorrow."
your heart melts and dissolves as you reach for him, nuzzling into his chest. it's because you're so close that you hear the rumble of his sigh through his chest. "haechan?"
"i don't want to confuse you…" 
pause. and then, quietly, "you always say that before you confuse me."
you sit up, his arms falling to your waist. 
"you look like an angel," he looks at you through his lashes, doll-like features pretty in the moonlight. when he realises he's caught you off guard, he continues, his drowsy, honeyed voice low and soothing, hypnotic as he appeals to you. "go to sleep, angel. i'll fuck you awake in the morning, i promise…" 
"don't try to seduce me, haechan. i want to talk about this." 
"worth a shot," he mumbles. "look, i don't know if you think i'm joking when i tell you i want you," his eyes flicker to the sheets as he tries to outline his thoughts. "but i already promised since day 1 that i wasn't leading you on." he sighs when you still look unconvinced.
"tell me what you're thinking, angel." he reaches for your hand, and presses a small kiss on your palm, guiding your fingers to cup his face. "give me a hint."
"question 21," you remind him. 
love and affection. understanding blooms on his face.
"what about it?" 
"i'm scared," you confess. 
"what are you scared of, angel?" he tilts his face to the side but his eyes never leave yours. "you want me, and i…and i…" he sits up a little so he can pull you down to him. you think you kissed him just now, but this one feels like the first time — his mouth moving gently on yours, suckling on your lip, his tongue gently slipping into your mouth, and the light sigh he lets out like he just tasted something sweet. he kisses you like he's just realised he has all the time in the world to, with no urgency, only the sweet indulgence of a boy who finally has what he wants right in his arms. 
"don't be scared," he whispers into your mouth when you break apart. "i'm serious about you."
"serious about me or serious about fucking me?" you ask, timidly. 
haechan looks up at you, the angel in his bed, and takes in the tension in your shoulders, the way you're holding your breath. 
if haechan was bad at homework, bad at assignments and impressing his professors, bad at reading the room and keeping his voice under control, there were things he was good at from experience. 
like how to tilt his face to showcase the pretty moles on his skin, how to pitch his voice like it was straight out of a filthy dream, and how to read people's body language to know what they wanted. how to read you.
"serious about whatever you're ready for," he says, gently. "affection, or love."
a moment passes. then another. then another. 
"were you serious about fucking me awake tomorrow morning?"
"haechan, this is really, really bad." 
"i know." he exhales shakily, the sound amplified through your laptop speakers. "fuck, shit, i know." 
leaning forward to look at your laptop screen, you swipe back to the open tab you have of the document for your project. "how did you delete everything? and why can't it be restored?" 
"i don't-" a muffled choking sound. "i don't know." 
"i don't even want to tell you to stop crying," you say bitterly. "cry harder. it won't fix this." 
a strangled sound, barely audible over the music playing on his end. 
you swipe back to your zoom call with haechan. ever since you started giving in to haechan's relentless begging, it's been a lot harder for both of you to focus on your assignment. 
specifically, the number of times he's fingered you in the library or fucked you on his lap in his desk chair were now too many to count. 
so you've resorted to meeting up over video-call, using your laptops to provide a greater sense of occasion and to make it clear that these were meetings to do work. so far, they've been working out fine, but today he joined the call with his camera turned off, and only a guilty, shaking, voice told you to check the google drive, and please don't be mad. 
"so?" you don't bother to hide your anger, or to coddle him like you usually would. "are you going to fix this?" 
"dunno…" he gasps, whimpering when you roll your eyes. "dunno…fuck…dunno how…"
you tilt your webcam so you can really look into it, hoping that it's making him feel worse. judging by the wail he lets out, it does. 
"turn on your camera so i can see you," you snap. "and turn off the music. i want to hear you cry."
a muffled, guttural, sound. 
"really?" he sniffles, a loud sob crackling like static out of your speakers. "you w-want to…t-to see me…c-cry?" 
"don't play mind games with me, lee haechan," you warn. "i'm really fucking mad at you." 
"y-yeah?" he gulps, and you can hear it. 
"i'm so mad i could hit you right now." and you hear a sound of pain, a strangled cry ripping from his throat. 
"i wannit," he groans. "want you to hit me."
"forgot you were a masochist," you grumble, sarcastically. "how are you still in the mood to make jokes like that when we're going to fail?" 
he's panting, and a part of you starts to worry. is he hyperventilating? "i dunno, i'm sorry-" he gasps, voice raising in pitch. 
"haechan?" the anger hasn't completely faded from your voice. you're met with a hiccup, cut off by a wracking sob. switching tact, you make your voice go gentle, babying him the way you usually do to get him to do anything right. "turn off the music and turn on the camera for me."
he's still breathing heavily as you hear the sounds of fumbling, his phone falling to the floor as it disconnects from his speaker. silence fills the call, a tension so thick in the air as he pants into his microphone, and you hear his hands skid across the keyboard. 
you freeze when he turns on the camera. 
the background is different from your usual work calls. you see the headboard of his bed, an array of pillows propped up behind him as he slouches against them. but unlike your usual late-night calls, the laptop isn't balanced on his knees so that you can only see his face. 
its on the bed between his legs, giving you a full picture of his tear streaked face, the beautiful skin of his upper body, the jumping muscles in his thighs, and his thick weeping cock held in his veiny fist. 
he moans when he sees himself on camera, resuming his movements and watching himself carefully through tear-soaked eyelashes. 
"what the fuck?" you whisper, and he lets out a whiny sob, hand moving faster over his length. 
"what the hell is wrong with you?" your voice grows stronger as you watch his other hand close around his neck, choking back his sounds. "what the fuck?" his hand is dragging up his neck, he's slipping his fingers into his mouth and sucking on them, drool dripping down his wrist. "lee haechan!" you press your thighs together, trying not to let the scene get to you, but it was no use.
"love it when you-" he gasps, hips bucking into his hand. "get mad at me. i told you…ah, ah…you're so fucking hot when you're mad." he wipes the drool off his chin messily, and reaches down to stroke himself with both hands. 
"you're unbelievable," you snap, feeling your own hands drift to your thighs.
"and i…and i kept this thought to myself…" he moans, hand ghosting over his nipple as he whimpers. "but i always thought you looked like a camgirl when we call like this."
"yeah?" fuck it. you give in, crossing over to your bed. feigning indifference, you place the laptop on your sheets in front of you as you settle down and shrug off your sweatpants, grateful you had chosen to wear the white lace panties he liked. 
"mmhm," he hasn't noticed you yet, his head thrown back and eyes closed. "i came when you tilted the camera down…wanted see your tits so bad…" 
"if i was a camgirl, would you watch?" you slip your hand into your panties and let out a sigh, watching his cock twitch in his palm. missing the weight of it in your hand, on your thigh, and in you. 
"fuck yeah." 
"then why aren't you watching, baby?"
he moves so fast it's almost comical — eyes shooting open, he straightens to look at his laptop screen. the moment he sees you with your hand between your legs, panties so wet they were transparent, he cums, hard, thick globs of white cum oozing out of his tip as his legs tremble and a fresh wave of tears roll down his cheeks, his mouth falling open as he lets out a series of moans reminiscent of the filthiest hentai porn. 
"was that your second time, hm?" you moan, the sight of him making you rub against your clit even faster, your hips rocking into your hand. 
"third," he squeezes his cock again, pain darting across his face as he releases it, letting it soften against his thigh. "y/n… take them off please…"
"take what off?" you push a finger into you, sliding your other hand up your top to graze your nipples under your camisole. he whimpers at the sight. 
"everything…" his eyes cloudy and desperate, his cheeks flushed so read you'd be worried he was running a fever. "wanna see you…" 
you're focused completely on your own pleasure, your heart soaring to see him so completely fucked out before you. 
"haechan…" you try to keep your voice under control, try to hide that you were close. you just wanted to see how far he'd go. "if you're my baby boy, then what should you call me?" you pinch your nipples, letting out a gasp. the sheets feel silky against your skin as your legs kick in pleasure, your hand still working in between your legs.
haechan's breathing picks up. when you look down at your screen, he's touching himself again, squeezing the base of his cock. his mouth falls open as you see his lashes flutter, rolling back into his head as he mouths the words. 
whimpering, his lip wobbles as he looks at you on the screen. 
"mommy," he moans, again and again, until you both climax, and you're no longer sure if he's saying it for you or himself.
haechan takes your words to heart. like, he really takes your words to heart. 
when you tell him off-handedly that leather jackets look good on him, he buys 3 of the same and never wears any other jacket again. when you painstakingly teach him how to add a footnote to his document, he scrawls the steps down on a post-it and nudges you for validation each time he finishes a page, blinking at you like a puppy needing a treat. which is why he treats his rom-com watching sessions with you very seriously. 
"so it's bad that he didn't ask her out properly?" 
"yes," you nod, enthusiastically. "really bad. he shouldn't assume that she's interested and just act like he has a place in her life now — he has to earn it." 
"right, yeah, fuck him," he growls, scrawling on his notebook. 
you peek over at what he's doing — he's added 'not officially asking her out' on the 'no' list. 
"are you sure the double negative won't confuse you?" 
"the what?"
reaching for the popcorn, you peer at the screen. "oh, and that's a good thing." 
"where?" his head shoots up, and he squints at the screen. "what?" 
"see, he asked 'can i kiss you'?' playfully, you glare at him. "you rarely ask for anything." 
"that's not true…" he grumbles. "i asked you if i was making you uncomfortable…" 
"yeah, that was one time…" 
"i asked if i could eat you out last wednesday…" 
"that wasn't asking that was sweet-talking." 
"well can we fuck now?" he blurts out. running a hand through his hair, he tosses his notebook to the side. 
a pause. 
"well?" he raises his eyebrows. 
"uh, okay…"
"was that asking or sweet-talking? oh-" and for some reason, he blushes when he registers your response. "you said yes." 
fuck. "yeah, i guess." you place the popcorn down on the bedside table, feeling shy.
"well, as you wish, princess," he whispers conspiratorially, crawling over to you to pull you in for a kiss. 
"see," you mumble against his lips. "you didn't ask…"
"oh, fuck, yeah sorry." breaking away from you, he wipes his lips on the back of his hand. "re-do, re-do. um…" he lowers his head. 
"okay you don't have to re-do it i was just pointing it out…" 
"can i kiss you, angel?" 
you freeze.
he really was too pretty for his own good, his hair falling over his eyes, the ethereal flush to his cheeks. 
"yes, please," you mumble, and he surges towards you, pressing his tongue into yours and running his electric touch down your spine. 
"can i take your clothes off, angel?" 
you murmur your consent as he smiles wide, helping you out of your clothes but lightly slapping your hands away when you reach to do your bra. 
"this is my favourite part," he sighs, as he unhooks the clasps from behind your back, hooking a careless finger around a strap and pulling the lacy piece off of you, wetting his lips when he sees your breasts. 
"can i suck on your boobs?" 
"god, haechan-" he giggles as he takes one in his mouth, teeth lightly grazing on it from his smile. his hand comes up to the other one and he ghosts his touch over it, before deciding better and squeezing it roughly in his palm. 
kissing down your stomach, he reaches the band of your panties with a smile. 
"are you going to ask if you can take them off, haechan." 
"i was gonna ask if i could eat you out," he murmurs against your skin, kitten licking your inner thighs and sending chills up your spine. 
swallowing hard, you nod. "yes." 
nosing at your clothed clit, he sucks the seat of your panties into his mouth, lips puckered in an adorable way if he wasn't literally trying to suck it off your skin. 
"haechan…you can take them off," you say, weakly, feeling heat pool in your navel. 
"mmhm…" he says, both hands winding around your thighs to grip onto the fabric of your panties. "or i could do this." with one harsh movement he's ripping them off of you, holding the pieces of cloth in his hands gleefully as he plunges forward and sucks harshly on your folds.
"haechan," you half-moan, half shout. "why did you do that…" 
"i'm sorry, baby," he flattens his tongue and laps at you, flicking his tongue against your clit. "i'll buy you new sets, i'll buy you as many sets as you want…" stiffening his tongue, his prods at your entrance and tries to reach as far into you as he can, licking at your walls, his nose bumping into your clit as he tilts his head this way and that. 
the pleasure increases tenfold when he starts moaning, and you finally come to your senses enough to see how he's humping the bed, his hips moving in time with the way he was licking at you. "taste so sweet," he moans. "cum on my face, angel. fuck…" he whines obscenely, hips moving faster against the sheets as he shoves two fingers into you, making your back arch. "can you cum for me?" 
you let your orgasm crash into you, the pleasure burning through you and making you go lightheaded. haechan is whimpering and moaning, and you realise you have your hands tangled in his hair, tugging him away from your core and making his neck crane up. you almost let go before you remember that he likes it, so you pull a little harder and watch the way his hips stutter against the bed, achy moans filling the air as he cums. 
"sorry," he gasps, "fuck, sorry…" he crumples into your arms. "it felt so good…i couldn't help myself." 
"it's okay…" you still when you feel something prod at your entrance. "haechan-" but you're cut off by a loud moan, as haechan pushes his softening cock into you. "haechan, are you sure-"
"hurts," he moans. "but it'll feel better soon, it'll feel…fuck fuck fuck," his hips moving in an uneven rhythm, as if he can't decide whether to stop or go harder. "just a bit more…" he mumbles to himself. 
deciding to help him, you smooth your hands down his chest and wrap your legs around him. he loves it when you cling to him during sex, he's told you openly, and he bites back another sigh as the pain seems to dissipate into raw pleasure again. 
"just a bit more, baby," you murmur in his ear. he hiccups, nodding as he starts to pound into you in earnest, slapping sounds echoing in the room as his cock abuses the one spot inside you that makes you see stars. stretched out and filled by him, you rock your hips into his too, feeling his thick cock bulge inside you.
"can i cum in you, please?" he asks, softly, painfully. from where he lies on top of you, his brow glistening with sweat and his eyes watery from the overstimulation, you could never say no to him. he cums when you do, the feeling of your walls clenching around him being too much to bear, and he slumps in your arms, hips still pulsing against yours until you physically push him and he slips out of you.
haechan takes your words to heart. when you tell him to ask for permission, he does it throughout aftercare — asking for permission to run you a bath, to make you tea, to pull you closer in bed. and as you let his eyes meet yours, his gaze seeping into your pupils and making your mind go hazy, you wonder if he takes your words so seriously that he'll never consider moving from the affection you asked for, to the love you were too scared to want.
"did you forget something at my place?" 
"no." a pause. "if i did, it would be too late because i'm almost home."
"then why are you calling?" 
"because i'm cold, and my shoes are wet, and it's all your fault." he huffs petulantly, his words muffled by a pout you can imagine vividly in your mind's eye. "because you wouldn't let me stay the night." 
"haechan," you started. "i already told you i have really bad insomnia…" he grumbles to himself and you think you can hear him mocking your tone. "i really need to sleep for tomorrow because i have that test-" 
"oh yeah?" he bites back, annoyance clear in his tone. "and how's your sleeping going huh? are you talking to me in your sleep now?" 
you make an incredulous sound. "if anything you should be kinder to me since i evidently can't sleep right now-"
"you know i could have just fucked you right?"
what the fuck. the sound of footsteps on gravel crunch on even louder, anger evident in the way he's practically stomping his way back to his apartment. 
"sex and other forms of physical intimacy at bedtime have been shown to increase drowsiness, reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, and improve overall sleep quality," he rattles off. when you don't respond, the anger seeps back into his tone. "i'm not making this up! that's a direct quote from the chief of pul…shit, pulmo…pulmonology at Kaiser Permanente in Honolulu." 
"what's pulmonology?" 
"how the fuck should i know?" another frustrated crunch. "but she's the chief of it, so she should know what she's saying." 
your head is still reeling. stall, he gets distracted easily. "w-when did you look this up?" 
"two weeks ago, when you told me you had trouble sleeping." crunch. "i had a…a….hypothetical…?"
"don't interrupt me," he snaps. "i just remembered that people get sleepy after sex, and i knew there had to be a scientific reason. i'm not stupid you know." 
"i know…" you say, weakly. 
"but you wouldn't let me stay the night, for some reason you don't want to fuck me anymore, so now you have to suffer the consequences." the sound of a key fumbling in the door. 
his voice drops an octave, a harsh rasp you've only heard when it was late at night or early in the morning. "i could have taken such good care of you, angel. i would've eaten you out…stretched you out on my fingers…" 
his next words are almost condescending. "would've fucked you until you passed out, or at least fucked you dumb."  
confusion, and something far stronger and deeper, tug at your stomach. 
"haechan?" your voice is a pale whisper. 
he hums. 
"i'm sorry. come back." you cringe at sound of your voice, small and achy, but you can't help yourself. 
there's silence on the other end. 
"you…want me to go back?" 
and the line goes dead. 
it's a solid 15 minute walk from haechan's to your apartment, but it only takes 7 minutes after he hangs up for him to slam against your door, pounding on it with an urgency far too loud for 12.30am. 
when you open the door he crumples to the floor at your feet. he's drenched, completely, gasping and panting so hard you can see his chest move in and out with each shuddering breath. his mouth moving soundlessly, he crawls towards you, dragging himself up with a hand scrabbling at the wall, and your arms circle his waist immediately to steady him. 
his eyes are squinted shut in pain at what you assume is a stitch in his side, but he's still mouthing the same set of words over and over again soundlessly, too out of breath to vocalise them. 
"haechan, it's okay-" you splutter, helping him out of his rain-soaked sweater, his white shirt stuck to his skin underneath. "breathe. fuck, i told you to come back but i didn't tell you to sprint, did you fall? why would you-" 
"- don'tchangeyourmind," he rasps, gasping and hiccuping between breaths, the words finally ringing out in the still air of your apartment. "don't change your mind, don't change your mind…don't-" he coughs, his breaths still feeling more like punches than drawing air. 
"please don't change your mind," he begs.
his eyes are stealing the words from the cavity of your chest, drinking you in until you can't think of anything to say.
whimpering at your lack of response, he places his whole body weight on you, forehead gently nudging yours. "you told me to come back," he whispers. "i didn't want to give you any time to regret it. just now…when you made me leave…" his voice drops low. 
he was supposed to be the boy who just wanted to fuck you. but why did it sound like he was talking about something else entirely?
"i don't regret it, haechan," you say, softly. "and i could never…" you swallow. "i could never change my mind about you." 
he blinks, dazed. "i…" he takes a shuddering breath, and you tense up in fear. did he think you were alluding to something more? 
"haechan, i just meant-" 
"fuck, i don't understand anything you're saying," he blurts out. "i just know i want you, now." he drops his arms to your waist. "don't make me beg…i mean, fuck, if you told me to i would, but i just…" 
"you don't have to use your words," murmuring, you run your hands up and down his arms, and he shivers at your touch, closing his eyes.
"but you need to hear them," he insists. "words of affirmation…remember?" your heart thunders in your chest. 
"i want to feel like i have you." his lips ghost over yours. "please?"
"please," you repeat back at him, and he's all over you. 
he carries you to your room, placing you gently on the bed. things go by in a blur, his gentle voice guiding you through the motions, skin against skin and his lips kissing you everywhere. before you know it, you're straddling his thigh as he drags your hips, grinding you down onto him as his mouth licks at your neck. 
"louder, angel," he pants, flexing the muscles in his thigh and making you whimper as you feel yourself coming close. this is the most silent he's been with you ever, his ears attuned to every catch of your breath, every choked sound you let out, that he falls silent to drink it all in. 
"need more," you beg. "need you, please…"
"you have me." his eyes soften, the sight of you falling apart on just his thighs giving him an aching feeling in his chest. this was different from the girls who would fall over themselves to talk to him, who used their own tricks to meet his. this was you, giving all your control to him. "you're doing so good for me."
sniffling, you grind harder against him, chasing your climax. "i am?" 
he allows himself a small groan. he wanted to swallow you whole. "come here," he says, tenderness straining at his voice. 
he stretches you out before he slips into you, waits until you give him the go ahead. he makes you wrap your arms around him, feet planted on the bed as your body intertwines with his, as he fucks up into you. he wants to feel you on him until he can finally decipher every look that flits through your eyes, until he can read your thoughts and drown in them. he presses a hand to your navel, and feels himself moving inside you, angling his hips until he knows he's ramming his tip against your sweet spot, feels your breath catch as if it were his own, your tears mixing with his sweat. 
he bites down on your shoulder when he cums with you. he doesn't know if it's to savour the sound of you falling apart because of him, or if it's to stop himself from admitting he loves you, he loves you, he loves you. 
when you wake up, he's in your bed. scrawling on a piece of paper. 
he doesn't notice you're awake, so you move closer to him on the pretence that you're still sleeping, watching through heavy eyelids the way he's muttering to himself, biting on his lip harshly. the ache between your legs gives you a sense of bliss, and the sight before you gives you an overwhelming sense of peace in your heart.
feeling your body shift, he absentmindedly reaches out to stroke your hair. it's that specific action that gives you the courage to sit up, your heart full. 
"good morning, haechan." 
"what's another word for fuck?" he's not looking at you, mindlessly chewing on his fingernails as his eyes dart across his piece of paper. 
"um…the verb or the expletive?" 
"the action." 
"why do you need another word for 'fuck'?" placing a hand on his shoulder, you lower your head to try and catch his attention. "haechan? what are you doing?" 
"i need another word for fuck because renjun told me not to use the word 'fuck'," he mumbles, crossing things out on his scrap of paper. 
"why?" you laugh, watching as his lips begin to pout slightly at how things were not turning out the way he planned at all. 
unable to stop himself, he lets out a whine. "because it's unromantic-" clenching his fists, he yelps as the speech he has scrawled out gets crumpled up. "fuck!" 
"haechan, it's okay," you're trying hard to keep a straight face, wanting to match his sincerity and tone. "is that a letter? for me?" 
"it's my script," he snaps. "it's my planned confession." groaning, he tries to straighten it out so he can read the words on it. "you said…you said it was a bad thing not to confess, which means it's a good thing to confess…" 
you feel like you're about to cry. "explain in your own words," you place a hand on his wrist. 
"i- you-" he takes a deep breath, letting the crumpled piece of paper fall off the bed and onto the floor. "you deserve someone who can keep up with you," he starts, quietly. "you deserve someone who will understand your jokes on first listen, who can hold long conversations with you without getting distracted by how hot you are when you're talking about something smart. i can't be that person." 
the words sting at your heart. is that really how haechan felt when he was around you? 
"but also-" his voice grows stronger, a hint of defiance in his tone. "i know for a fact that i make you laugh harder than anyone you know, even if you're laughing at me and not with me. i also know i can fuck you better than anyone you've ever been with, like, look-" 
he roughly pulls you towards him, lips finding yours messily. unfazed by the way your body tenses in surprise, he slips his tongue in your mouth just as he pulls you to grind onto his lap, causing you to gasp into his mouth. it doesn't take long for the shock to wear off, your body so attuned to him that a buzz runs through your veins — and you're just about to press yourself against him, starting to reciprocate his sloppy kisses, when he pulls away with a wet sound. 
panting, he swipes his thumb affectionately at the corner of your lips. "see?" 
you can't tell if you're frustrated that it ended so soon, or confused at what just happened. "see what?" 
"that was what, 15 seconds?" both your breaths come quick and fast, the tension in the room so palpable you could feel it press insistently against your skin. "and look at you now." a smile tugs at his lips, and he raises his eyebrows cockily. "i'm the only one who can do that to you." 
"yes, you are." you affirm.  
"yeah, because, i know how to touch you-" 
"because i'm in love with you," you interrupt, softly. 
and haechan literally stops breathing. 
you can see the way his chest stops moving entirely — his mouth hanging open, doe eyes wide. it's almost comical, the way his body freezes up. 
"i can't tell if you're doing that on purpose."  
still nothing. 
"did you really stop breathing?" 
"you love me?" 
he comes back to life spluttering, hands pointing to you, than himself, trying to make sure he hadn't heard wrong. 
"i love you," you repeat, gently. placing your palms on his chest, you feel his beating heart under your fingertips.
"you're not scared anymore?" he places his hands on your face in wonder, brushing a thumb on your cheekbone. you let yourself fall into his eyes, soft in the morning light. "you make it the easiest thing in the world," you whisper. the two of you bask in the moment, him breathing in your air, leaning closer and closer to you. your lips brush.
you whine as he pulls away, a horrified look on his face.
"y/n, i think i brainwashed you into loving me," he whispers, voice laced with genuine fear.
sighing, you gently bump your forehead with his. "if you make this about your dick..."
"no," he lets out a strangled sound. "that day, when we were calling and i was asking you questions..."
"haechan i swear to god-"
"those were 36 questions to make you fall in love," he whispers, pained. "y/n...i think i manipulated you. fuck i knew science was real, but i didn't know it was that useful-"
"after we make out, i'm going to have to explain the difference between pseudo-science and science to you", you grumble, as you push him back onto the bed and close the distance between you.
he whispers it into your hair, your face buried in his bare chest one night, his arms wrapped securely around you. 
"i don't want to go back tonight." 
"then don't." you hold him a little tighter, feeling him shift under your touch. "stay." 
"no, as in, i don't want to go back, ever." 
he hums, hands starting to stroke at your sides, rubbing his thumb against the swell of your chest. 
"is this your way of asking to move in with me?" 
"i dunno…" 
"you do know that it's a big thing in a relationship right? and you're going to have to actually move out of your apartment, and figure out the rent on mine, and…"
"i don't care about that," he mumbles, a hint of stubborness in his tone. breathing in your hair, his voice drops even lower. "all i know is, i want to wake up tomorrow right here, with you. and the day after tomorrow. and the day after." 
his arms fall away from you as you sit up, brushing your hair out of your face to look at him in the lamplight. propped up against the headboard, his eyes wide and gaze so tender it steals your breath away like a blow to your ribcage. you can see the hesitance written all over him, the slight tension in his shoulder-blades, his fingers fiddling absentmindedly with the sheets. 
"please say yes," he whispers, more to himself than to you. 
"haechan…" you take his hands in yours, and kiss his fingertips gently. "please move in with me." 
exhaling in exaggerated relief, he pulls you onto him and kisses you deeply. mouth moving against yours, his eyelashes fluttering as he focuses on your tongue moving against his, his teeth grazing your lips. trying to convey all the love he had for you in the way he gently held the back of your neck, his other pressing down on the small of your back until your body curves into his. 
"if you move in with me," you smile, breathlessly, when he finally lets you go. "you can finally fuck me awake, like you promised." 
a pause. 
"is that all i am to you?" sadly, he runs a hand absentmindedly down his beautiful body, landing on his thighs. his eyes are downcast when he mumbles out, "just a hot body for you to fuck?" 
panicking, you lean into him quickly, cupping his face in your hands as you settle down on his lap. "baby, you know that's not true. you're the most genuine, kind, loving….." you trail off, eyes narrowing when you realise he's biting his lip to keep from laughing. "manipulative, conniving…" 
his eyes crinkle adorably as he wraps you in his arms, rubbing the tip of his nose on yours. "you love me soooo much," he whispers, almost conspiratorially. 
pause. "also, what does conniving mean?" 
yes. you did.
taglist: @puduwhore @haechanalpha @anniebyanto @sunnynaa @newdeobi @strwberrydinosaur @gyulfriend @91qowngus, @sundhaelatte, @jaemboi64, @sassy-author, @matchahyuck, @prdshobi @beomibeom
-> go to part 2 here!
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astrobiscuits · 2 months
Solar return obs 2
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🦦 Jupiter in 3rd house indicates learning a new language that year. It's also possible that you might go on several short-distance trips for educational purposes
🦦 Jupiter in 6th house indicates adopting a pet, especially an exotic one like a parrot, a squirrel, a fox, a snake or a lizard
🦦 Uranus in 10th house is a strong indicator for getting married that year. This is because marriage often implies a change of status (from being in a relationship -> being married), changing your name (taking your spouse name -> changing legal documents, a theme which is specific to the traditional ruler of 10th house, Capricorn). Aqua MC at 4 degrees can also point to getting married
🦦 Another indicator for starting a family would be Jupiter in 4th house (even though this one points out more to having a baby with a spouse)
🦦 You might start learning how to play a musical instrument when Mercury is sitting in your 3rd house in Leo or when Mercury is conjuncting asteroid Euterpe (27), Polyhymnia (33) or Stereoskopia (566)
🦦 With Sun conjuncting Part of Fortune, you might end up having one of your most blessed years. You'll be the right person at the right time (lucky girl syndrome frr). Meanwhile, North Node conjuncting PoF indicates having a bright future. Your upcoming year might prove to be better than the SR year where NN is conjuncting PoF. The period approaching the end of the SR might also be better than the whole year
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🦦 Saturn in 11th house indicates feeling like a social outcast during that year. Your friend group might decide to kick you to the curb and you'll have a harder time making new friends due to the trauma that you carry with you. It can also indicate a sense of not being able to fulfill one's wishes, despite the work & effort you put into materializing them.
🦦 Another meaning for Saturn in 11th house in SR is rejecting current trends in the hopes of pursuing a simpler, yet more "archaic lifestyle" (for ex: that might be the year when you decide to delete all your social media accounts, go on a digital detox or downgrade your phone)
🦦 Your SR can also show you when you'll quit one of your addictions. Look at your chart ruler and if it sits in your 12th house:
Venus as chart ruler in 12th house -> no more compulsive shopping/indulging in too many sweets
Mars as chart ruler in 12th house -> no more excessive caffeine consumption
Saturn as chart ruler in 12th house -> no more smoking
Uranus as chart ruler in 12th house -> no more internet addiction
Neptune as chart ruler in 12th house -> no more excessive drinking/weed consumption
🦦 Pluto conjunct Ascendant is often found in the years when celebrities have plastic surgery. If Pluto is in 1st house, people will know about the surgery. If Pluto is in 12th house, the celebrities will deny getting any plastic surgery or nobody will know. This can be valid if Pluto is in 1st house too (without conjuncting the asc)
🦦 Lilith conjunct Venus can be found in the years when you might date "problematic" people (drug dealers, prisoners, older men/women, etc). Even if you don't date any of them, you might attract them more than usual. This could also happen if SR Lilith conjuncts Venus or vice versa
🦦 Saturn at 29 degrees can be found in the years when you might break generational family trauma. The process might feel like heavy purging, like finally leaving a insurmountable weight behind. You might also deal with generational family trauma if Saturn is aspecting Chiron, but it depends on other aspects if you'll be able to heal yourself or not
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🦦 Ruler of your 11th house in 7th house -> one of your friends might become your best friend and/or your partner. You can also end up working on a humanitarian project together (like, legally)
🦦 Ruler of your 2nd house in 8th house -> you might give someone a large sum of money or a personal asset
🦦 Ruler of your 8th house in 2nd house -> you might get a large sum of money or material possesion from someone (imo, this can also point out to getting an engagement ring from your partner if there are other relationships/wedding indicators in SR)
🦦 Ruler of your 2nd house in 6th house -> you might pay extra money on improving your routine & health (replacing fast food with quality food, affording high quality workout clothes and equipment, splurging on ethical skincare, taking preventive health measures, etc.)
🦦 Ruler of your 9th house in 4th house -> if you live abroad, you might move back to your home country. You might also teach your family about the customs of the country you lived in, the language or implement some foreign daily habits into your household (regardless if you have lived in said country or not)
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hannieehaee · 6 months
18+ / mdi
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content: loser!chan, virgin!chan, sub!chan, afab reader, smut, dry humping, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, etc.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
wc: 1943
a/n: upon absolutely no demand whatsoever, loser!chan makes a comeback
loser!chan who feels like he's about to cum his pants at the sight before him, laying on your bed and mouth agape as his eyes are unable to remove themselves from your figure.
it was like you wanted to kill him. it was already bad enough that you jumped him every single time he crossed the door to your apartment throughout the entirety of the bio project you'd been working on for the past month (his first ever b, a feat due to his lack of ability to concentrate whenever you were sitting in front of him). now, even after the project was done, you kept seeking him out, always giving him insane pleasure with the barest of touches. it was like you got off at the thought of chan cumming with your most minimal effort.
chan couldn't complain, really. he was absolutely obsessed with you. thoughts of you plagued his mind day and night. he couldnt concentrate at school, always looking forward to any time you'd send him a text along the lines of 'miss u channie :c come see me?' you had him at the palm of your hand, and he loved it so bad.
today, you had pulled a new one on him. the two of you arrived at your room, deciding to settle on a movie (that's right! he moved past study buddy to, uh, whatever it was that your relationship was by now). you put on the movie, excusing yourself to go to your restroom really quick. he didnt think too much of it, simply settling on your bed and eating some of the popcorn you had prepared. he had less of a hard time relaxing around you now. it'd been two months since that first time you'd made him cum in his pants when be came over to your place for the first time. now he was able to hold conversations with you, but was still extremely shy when it came to any sexual encounter with you.
his thoughts were unable to progress past that the moment he heard you clear your throat, signaling your return to your room.
holy shit.
the sight before him was one he had only ever pictured in his most intense wet dreams about you (which happened more often that he was willing to admit). you were wearing objectively the prettiest thing he'd ever seen. it was a cute pink lacy set. it was almost completely see-through and with cute little flowers embroidered onto it. it was adorable, but you werent. you were the sexiest thing he had ever seen. he couldve sworn his dick stood right up just at the sight, already leaking with arousal.
"do you like it, channie?", you purred as you crawled on the bed, not bothering with the mess you created upon pushing off the snacks out of your way.
your eyes carried a lust chan had never seen. he felt like prey, and that excited him like crazy.
"y-you .. fuck ..."
"yeah, channie? tell me," you now sat atop his form, which had been him sitting cross-legged on your bed. his hands immediately went to your hips, making you push yourself even closer to him, "tell me what you think. is it pretty? do i look pretty for you, channie?"
he nodded enthusiastically, "yes. you look so ... fuck, so beautiful ... you're perfect."
"aw, thank you, baby. you're so sweet," you had begun pulling off his clothes the moment you sat on him, somehow managing to even get his pants off despite the awkward position (with his help, of course). letting you undress him was second nature to him by now. his body just moved in place to allow you access to his almost completely bare body.
he felt goosebumps form at the way you softly ran your hands throughout the entirety of his skin.
"channie ..."
"yeah?", his eyes couldnt help but stay glued to yours, wide and waiting for whatever command you had for him. he'd do anything you wanted. you were so good and pretty, all for him. it was the least he could do.
"want you ... want you so bad, channie ..." your hips were lightly grinding against his, probably out of second nature by now.
"y-you can have me. i'll give you anything," his hands were running up and down your body, loving how you leaned against his touch.
"can i have you, channie? can i ... can i sit on you? fuck. ive been thinking about it nonstop ... just want you so bad, please, channie. can i?"
oh, god. he wasnt going to make it. you were begging for him? all while he was willing to give you anything you wanted. there was no reason to beg, but it was making him lose his mind. the thought of you finally wrapping around him made him moan out loud, digging his head into your neck as his hips instinctively humped against yours.
"baby ... can i? please, please, i'll do anything."
you wanted him dead. there was no other explanation. he was already crying out against your chest, nodding like crazy as he kissed at your skin. he eventually pulled away to look into your eyes, with his own glassy at the insane lust clouding over him.
"yes ... please .. anything. i'll give you anything, just-"
you interrupted him with a kiss, shoving your tongue in his mouth immediately as you pushed him down to lay on his back.
"oh, channie. ive wanted you for so long, you have no idea. i ... can i have it raw, baby? please! just ... ill let you pull out, i promise. im on birth control too. ill take plan b. i dont care. anything, just please, channie ..." you licked at his moaning mouth throughout your entire plea, knowing how much it clouded his mind when you played with his tongue.
he cried against you, begging for you to do whatever you wanted to him. nothing was off-limits. he wanted your cunt more than he had ever wanted anything in his life. he'd do anything for it at this point. lust had completely taken over his mind, making him moan like crazy at any one of your touches.
you made quick work of your lingerie, throwing it off with no care for its state. you had more pressing matters. it seemed like your brain had also been taken over by lust, even showing it in your desperation in ripping off his boxers. the way you wanted him had him throwing his head back. his glasses were completely foggy by now, not allowing him to see you very well. he went to take them off, only to be stopped by you.
"no! baby, keep them on, please. you look so sexy with your glasses, channie. keep them on? for me?" it was impossible to say no to you when your fingers were pulling at his nipples and your bare pussy was grinding against his length.
"y-yeah ... anything you want ..."
"anything? can i sit on you now, then, channie?", yes! you couldve sat on him the moment he first laid eyes on you at the beginning of the semester and he would've thanked all the gods for allowing him such pleasure.
"p-please ... need to feel y- shit!", you interrupted him by finally lowering yourself onto him.
"oh, channie ... fuck ... feel so ... so full," you sighed from above him, speeding up almost immediately at the pleasure.
he had no time to process the feeling, immediately losing his mind to the feeling. there were no coherent thoughts left in him. all he could do was cry as you rode him. you went crazy above him, practically humping him while you cried his name. he finally opened his eyes back up, falling further into insanity at the view in front of him.
your head was thrown back, with your eyes closed shut. one of your hands was on his chest for balance, while the other played with one of your breasts. the view literally made him salivate, having never been able to picture such an erotic image of you in his head no matter how hard he tried. this would ruin him. he was so addicted to you already, he knew that this would only make him fall even deeper.
"f-feel good, channie? tell me. wanna make y- fuck ... wanna make you feel so good."
"y-yes. fuck ... you- you're so perfect ... w- want ... shit. please ..." he had no idea what he was begging for, he just knew he wanted more.
"fuck me, baby. need to feel you. yeah? just ... your hips, baby, please."
he was delirious, but he was conscious enough to follow your every direction, digging his feet flat on the bed and beginning to thrust upwards, lacking any rhythm whatsoever. but it was enough to have you leaning over his chest and crying his name. it was also enough for chan to lose all control and begin ramming into you like a madman.
there was no control left in either of you, just humping against each other like animals in heat. he wanted to cum so badly, but not as bad as he wanted you to cum around him. the thought of you creaming against his dick made him throw his head back against the bed, eyes rolling back.
"ch- channie ... so fucking good. such a good b- boy for me. sweetest boy, shit. you're perfect, channie. and all mine. go- gonna use you all the time now. want you to give it to me every day. you will, wont you? give me what i want? let me sit on you every day? please ... need more ..." it was like you knew exactly which words to say to push his buttons. he'd give you anything you wanted. there was no need for you to ask.
he was about to blow his load, suddenly remembering you said you'd pull him out, but having his thought interrupted by you reading his mind once more.
"inside, channie. please ... i know- know it's not safe, but please ... im on birth control, its okay, channie, just- fuck! oh, channie! shit!", you began moaning uncontrollably, suddenly freezing above him as your walls tightened against him. you had finally reached your peak, dragging him right along with you.
he had orgasmed with you before, but never like this. he couldve sworn he blacked out for a few seconds, feeling his head go completely blank as he let the pleasure consume him. his voice went as high as ever, expressing the loudest moans he had ever let out. by the end of it, you were both empty shells of yourselves, landing against each other's bodies as you attempted to catch your breaths.
"baby ... are you okay? did you like it, channie?", the first thing you did was check on him. it truly made his heart soar.
"i love you."
shit. he hadnt meant to say that. he didnt even know he was feeling it? he was half-aware his feelings for you went past just attraction, but what he had just felt only confirmed it for him. he wanted you all to himself, except now he might lose you over his lack of control over his words after you got a hold on him.
"you do? channie ...'" you paused, "i love you too," you sealed your confession with a peck, still sitting on his dick, but ignoring all the juices traveling between the two of you.
he felt insane relief, deciding to further wrap his arms around you and pull you directly into his chest.
"'m gonna keep you now? mkay? you're all mine now, channie."
god, was he more than okay with that.
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surftrips · 6 months
Maybe you could do single dad jj maybank he’s in college and has to do a project with the reader and has to bring the baby with them and they bond and start to hang out a lot then they start to date also maybe she’s a single mom I feel like that would be like a unique thing
thank you so much for this request! i hope you don't mind that i switched it up a bit (and got carried away lol) but reader is the single mom here and her and jj have known each other their whole lives :)
when you know, you know
pairing: jj maybank x reader
summary: y/n needs a babysitter and jj is the only person available.
word count: 3.5k
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"Okay, I understand. Thanks, anyway," you sighed, running your hands through your hair and hanging up the phone. Your babysitter had just canceled on you, and the timing could not have been worse. 
You had been planning this night for months. Between your classes, a part-time job, and taking care of your 2-year-old Margo, it was nearly impossible to schedule anything. But you desperately needed a night out and your friend Emma had so kindly offered to set you up on a blind date. 
You scrolled through your contacts list, looking for anyone that was sober on a Friday night, a seemingly impossible task. Glancing at the time, you realized that you only had an hour left to find a babysitter and get ready. 
As panic set in, you received a text from the P4L groupchat. 
JJ: Wtw tonight?
Not now JJ, you thought. 
Y/N: Trying to find a babysitter, mine just canceled :/
Kie: Oh no, Y/N!! I'm so sorry :(
Cleo: Sorry babes, I totally wouldd but I already lost count of how many drnks I've had 2nite xxx
JJ: Wait, you guys went out already?
Sarah: JJ, we told you it's a girls night.
JJ: In that case, Y/N, I'll watch Margo! 
Absolutely not, was your first thought. JJ Maybank was probably the last person you wanted to take care of your child, he was practically one himself. 
Besides, since you had Margo, he was always acting weird around you. Before, you two would hang out all the time, but now he only saw you if there was another person there as a buffer. He hardly visited or called, but you were so preoccupied with raising a baby on your own that you hadn't had a chance to talk to him about it. 
In the beginning, people assumed it was his baby you were pregnant with, but you never crossed that line because your friendship meant the world to each other. He was the first person you told when you found out you were going to be a mother, and you remember how excited he was for you. It was hard to believe how distant he had become, and you wondered why he had volunteered himself tonight. 
You assessed the situation: you hadn't gone out in nearly two years, and who knew when the next opportunity would be? You sighed, hardly believing the words you were about to type on your phone. 
Y/N: Ok. How soon can you be here? 
Y/N: You better be sober, JJ. 
You turned your phone off before the others could protest, knowing that half of them were drunk anyway. 
"Uncle JJ is going to come over and watch you tonight, okay? Mommy is going to be gone for just a few hours," you said to your daughter, picking her up and placing her in your eye line so you could do your makeup.
"Jay Jay?" she repeated. 
"Yes, honey," you smiled, trying to reassure her, or yourself. Out of all the pogues, Kiara and Sarah babysat Margo the most. She had probably only met JJ a handful of times and you worried about how well she would do with him alone. 
As if he could read your mind, your phone began ringing and you looked over to see his face on your screen.
"JJ, please don't tell me you're canceling too."
"What? Oh, no, it's not that. I was just wondering if you needed me to bring anything for Margo?" 
"Oh," you relaxed. "Hmmm, I think we have everything we need here. But thank you for asking, JJ."
"Of course," you could hear him smiling on the other line. "You know, thanks for letting me watch Margo. I've been meaning to visit her more." 
"JJ, you know you're weren't my first choice," you teased. "But yeah, of course. Thanks, I owe you." 
You hung up the phone, thoughts from earlier creeping back into your mind. You always assumed that the baby scared JJ away, but sometimes you couldn't help but wonder if there was something more going on. 
However, now was not the time for you to be thinking about this, considering that you now had 30 minutes left until your date showed up and you had yet to pick out a dress.
"Hmmmm, let's see. Any suggestions, Margo?" you asked your daughter, combing through your closet for something appropriate. You settled on a short black dress with a boat neck, and black knee high boots to go along with it. 
"What do we think, sweetie?" you smiled at Margo.
"Pretty!" she clapped her small hands together. 
"Why, thank you, baby. Come on, let's go see if Uncle JJ is here yet," you picked her up and checked your phone for any notifications. 
Blind Date: Be there in 5! :)
Crap, you thought. Where is JJ? 
You shot back a confirmation for your date and looked out the window for any sign of JJ. You weren't sure if he was biking over or he had borrowed the Twinkie, but there was no sign of anyone outside. 
Growing anxious, you gathered Margo's favorite toys and books into the living room and tidied up your apartment to pass the time. 
Exactly 5 minutes later, the doorbell rang. You smoothed down your dress and checked your hair in the mirror one last time. Putting on your best smile, you went to open the door. 
"Hi–" you started. "Oh, it's you." 
"Come on, that's what I get for dropping everything and saving your ass?" JJ responded. 
"Sorry, weren't you the one with no plans on a Friday?" 
"You know, I can just turn around right now-" 
"Stop!" you pleaded. "Okay, sorry, I've been anxious about this all day and I just want to get back to Margo as fast as I can." 
"Relax, Y/N. I'm here now," he took in your appearance. "You look great, by the way." 
The last time he saw you remotely dressed up like this was prom night. 
You couldn't help but blush, looking around for Margo to hide your face. "Margo, look who it is!" 
"Jay Jay!" she babbled. 
"Oh my god, she knows my name!" JJ replied, looking a little perplexed. 
"You know what, I'm surprised too considering she's only met you, like, four times," you said. 
"Alright, you're no fun," he looked at you as you traded your daughter over to his arms. "Miss Margo and I here are going to have the time of our lives. Aren't we?" 
He tickled her, causing her to giggle. She seemed so comfortable in his arms, you wondered why you were ever worried in the first place. 
"Thanks again for doing this, I know we haven't talked in a while-" you started. 
"So, where's the lucky guy?" he interrupted you. 
"Uhh," you looked over at the clock. "He said he would be here by now." 
"Late to the first date? That's a red flag, Y/N." 
"As if you're not a walking red flag, JJ. What did you get here on? Your bike?"
"Hey! I refurbished that bike all on my own! It takes a lot of skill to do that."
Just then, the doorbell rang. You rushed to open the door, a smile plastered on your face again. 
"Hey! You must be Emma's friend! I'm Tom." he greeted you with a hug and a bouquet of flowers. "I'm sorry for being late, I went to get these flowers for you and was distracted by the girl scouts selling cookies outside. I had to support them, you know?" 
"Oh, no worries! Yes, how can you say no to them?" you laughed softly. You took the flowers from him and went to place them on the table closest to you, beckoning him to come in.
"Tom, this is one of my friends, JJ. He's babysitting my daughter, Margo, while we're gone," you said.
"Ah! What a pleasure," Tom went over to shake JJ's hand and politely wave at your daughter. "I promise not to keep your mom out too late tonight." 
"That's right, need her back before midnight," JJ remarked.
You playfully pushed him in response, grabbing your keys. "Alright, you have my number so please call me if you need anything. Bye Margo, mommy loves you!" 
With that, you and Tom headed outside and into his car. 
On the drive over to the restaurant, you learned that Tom was a psychologist, he liked to cook, and reality TV shows were his guilty pleasure. At the restaurant, which was a higher-end place near the water, he pulled out your chair for you. 
"I hope this place is okay, I wasn't sure what kind of food you liked so I thought somewhere nicer would be safe," he said. 
"Oh, this is perfect. Don't even worry about it," you smiled. "I haven't had a proper night out in so long, I wouldn't have minded if you took me to a burger joint." 
He laughed, "Margo is adorable, by the way. How old is she?"
"She's 2," you said. Then, feeling the need to clarify, "I had her when I was 20, at the beginning of my junior year in college."
"I see, how was that? How did you manage classes?" You were surprised at his demeanor, half-expecting him to judge you or run in the opposite direction any second now, but his inquisition was genuine.
"Well, I could still go to classes during the first trimester, but it got more difficult after that so I took a leave of absence. I'm taking night classes now because I work in the mornings." 
"Oh nice, what degree are you going for?"
"English, I want to be a teacher," you explained.
"My mom was a teacher," he smiled. "What age do you want to teach?"
"Oh no way! I want to teach elementary school kids. Everyone always tells me how hard it will be, but raising Margo... I don't love anything more than that." 
"That's really sweet, are you close with your family?"
You paused, trying to figure out how to answer the question. "Depends on who you consider my family, I guess," you laughed awkwardly. "I'm not close with my parents, but my friends? Those are the most important people in my life." 
He smiled, "I understand. I'm glad you have a support system, being a single mother can be hard." 
"Yeah, I'm super grateful. Actually, my babysitter for tonight canceled last-minute and JJ came to the rescue. I don't know what I would've done without him." 
Tom's smile faltered for an unnoticeable second. "How long have you known him for?"
"JJ? My whole life, probably. I can't imagine a time when he wasn't by my side. He was there for me throughout my entire pregnancy, but after..." you trailed off.
"Afterwards," you hesitated, not wanting to bad-mouth your friend. "I guess he started to distance himself more, I think Margo scared him away honestly."
"You think it was Margo and nothing else?"
"What do you mean?"
"I just mean," he sighed. "Do you think there could be any other reason why he would be so supportive of you before and not after you had Margo?" 
"I-I'm not sure. I haven't had much time to think about it, I guess."
"You want my opinion?" Tom asked. You searched his face for any sign of spitefulness, but came up empty. 
"I saw the way he looked at you and Margo, earlier. That boy is not scared of either of you. In fact, all I saw was love. Did you ever think he’s grappling with those feelings?” 
"His feelings? For me?" It was not the first time you thought about it, but it was the first time you heard it verbalized. 
"Yes, I know I sound crazy, but seriously, Y/N, what other reason could there be to explain his behavior?"
You racked your brain for all the possible explanations. Tom had a point, if JJ had feelings for you at some point in your friendship, or still does, he might feel the need to distance himself to protect you. 
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"I told you, I'm a psychologist. I notice these things," he smiled.
"Is this how all of your first dates go?" you laughed.
"Not all of them, but I’ll admit, a few are like this. But tell me, am I wrong to assume there was something more going on between you two before you got pregnant?"
You sighed, "No, you're not wrong. Our feelings for each other were a truth that neither of us wanted to confront. We were young, we didn't want to be tied down, it was college. But he was always there, by my side, through everything. Of course, I loved him." 
"Well, there you go. There's your answer." 
Tom dropped you off around midnight. You assured him that there was no need to walk you to your door, you both knew that you needed to have a conversation with JJ.
"Thank you again for tonight, we seriously need to meet up again," you said, before shutting your door.
"Absolutely, I'll give you the address to my office," he joked.
You turned the key into your door as quietly as possible, in case JJ was also asleep with Margo. Inside, the lights were off and you pulled out your phone flashlight to search for him. 
You went into Margo's room first, seeing that she was fast asleep in her crib. "Hi baby," you whispered. "Where's Uncle JJ?" 
After making sure she was tucked in properly, you turned to go into your bedroom. Sure enough, there was JJ, fast asleep in your bed. 
You couldn't help but smile, recalling memories from high school when you two would have sleepovers. Being sure to keep quiet, you changed into your pajamas and got ready for bed.
Trying your best to not wake up JJ, you pulled open the blanket on your side of the bed and slipped in next to him. 
"Goodnight, JJ," you whispered. 
In the morning, you woke up to the smell of pancakes in the kitchen. For a second, you weren't sure you were even in your apartment, remembering that you live alone with Margo and surely, you weren't asleep long enough for her to know her way around the kitchen.
But then you remembered that JJ was babysitting last night and had fallen asleep in your bed before you got home. 
After a long stretch, you got up and went into the kitchen.
"There she is, good morning pretty," JJ smiled at you. 
"Morning... When did you learn how to cook?" you questioned.
"What do you mean? I've always known how to make pancakes."
"Okay, that is just a straight up lie. In high school you would have chips for breakfast."
JJ put his hand to his chest, taking mock offense. "If you must know, I started teaching myself how to cook last year when I moved off-campus." 
"Wow, I must say, I am impressed, Mr. Maybank."
"Please, that's my father. You can call me JJ," he said, causing you both to laugh. 
Were his eyes always this blue? You thought, as you admired his features in the morning light. 
After a moment, you broke the silence. "Uh- I better go check on Margo. How was she last night, by the way?"
"Oh, amazing. Best kid ever." 
"Really? She didn't give you a hard time at all?"
"Nope, must have remembered me from when she was in the womb."
You smiled, turning around to your daughter's room.
Sure enough, Margo was sleeping like the baby she was. You checked the clock, she wouldn't be up for at least another hour.
"Margo's still in one piece?" JJ asked when you reentered the kitchen.
"Yes, somehow,” you mused. 
"Good, want to try these pancakes now?"
"Yes, please, I'm starving," you sat down across from JJ.
"Starving? Your date didn't feed you last night?"
"Very funny, if you want to know about my date, you can just ask." 
"Okay, how was your date?" he relented. 
"He's a psychologist." 
"Cool, anything else?" JJ looked slightly confused. 
"He was very normal and nice," you added.
“I would hope so.”
“Yes, and he likes to cook too.”
“That’s great, how was the date itself?”
“Oh the date itself…” you trailed off. 
"Y/N, why are you acting weird?"
"Weird? Me? I'm just telling you about my date." 
"You're talking about him like he's your therapist."
"Well, in a way, it was like a therapy session."
"So the date went bad?"
"No, it was really nice." 
JJ looked around the kitchen, "Did I accidentally put something in the pancake batter to make you act like this or...?" 
"These are great, by the way," you said, pointing to the pancakes with your fork.
"Thanks, but can we get back to the date?" 
"Oh, yeah, well, basically," you started. 
"Y/N." JJ was rarely ever serious, but he was starting to look concerned with you. 
"Okay, fine. It started off really well, we got to know each other. Then, he was asking about Margo and my family, and I told him about my parents, you know. Then he asked about you, and I told him I've known you forever, but after Margo, you started distancing yourself and we haven't seen or talked to each other in a while, and then-" you rambled. 
"Then what?"
"And then, he told me, or rather he made me realize, that maybe we need to address the feelings we may or may not have had for each other before I got pregnant," you finished in a rush.
JJ was silent, you weren't sure if the expression on his face was scared or bemused. 
"JJ, please say something." 
"Was that all?"
"More or less."
He sighed, "Y/N, I think one of the reasons why our friendship worked so well was because we both knew that at any moment, we could pursue something more, but we didn't. We both knew that doing that would ruin our friendship, something we've had for nearly twenty years. I thought college was going to be four years of partying and distractions, but instead, I had to face reality”
“Everyone that wasn’t you was a distraction, in case that wasn’t clear.”
“Uh, no. It wasn't, actually. JJ, you kept telling me you were trying to meet ‘the one!’” 
“Well, I was lying! Okay? You were always the one for me. I just didn’t feel like I was the one for you. So I was stupid and I decided we would be better off as friends, but when you got pregnant…” 
“When I got pregnant…?”
“When you told me about Margo, I panicked. I knew you were strong enough to do this on your own, but you shouldn’t have had to. I told myself that I was going to be there for you every step of the way, and I was, until you gave birth. I saw Margo for the first time, and I-I’m sorry. I just couldn’t do it.”
“Do what, JJ? You know I never needed you to be her father.” 
“I know, I know. I saw her and I couldn’t imagine hurting her. I didn’t want her to know me, because to know me is to be disappointed by me,” he sighed.
“JJ,” you stood up now to wrap your arms around him. “Are you kidding me? I was never, never disappointed by you. I was just worried, babe, that’s all. You stopped talking to me after that.” 
JJ allowed himself to fall into your arms. “I’m sorry, it just felt like too much at the time. I loved- love you and Margo so much, that I didn’t know what to do with all of it. So I thought it was best to give you some space, until I was better.”
You chuckled, “Is that why you taught yourself how to cook?”
“Stop, I was actually starving and had no choice.”
“And are you better now?”
“When I heard you were going on a date, do you want to know what I thought?”
“I thought, I let her go again. I let you go a million times in college, and here I am, letting you go again.” 
When you didn’t say anything, he continued, “You’re the one for me, Y/N. I came over here tonight to show you that. I’m ready for whatever this is going to be, whatever this friendship evolves into. I spent too much time denying the truth, and I think you have too.” 
There were not enough words to describe how you were feeling, so you leaned in to kiss your best friend. JJ held your face with such gentleness, you wondered if this was all in your imagination. 
Eventually, you pulled away. “I’m done lying, to myself and to each other. This is real, yes?” you asked.
“Yes, I love you, really.”
“I love you too, Maybank.” 
You leaned in for a second time, but not before you heard the familiar cries of Margo in the other room. 
“Don’t worry, I got it,” he smiled with that boyish grin of his that you loved so much. That you have always loved. 
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gallifreyanhotfive · 5 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know
The Doctor has been known to keep a teddy bear in his pocket.
The Master's first TARDIS (Lolita) is the Doctor's TARDIS's twin.
The Eighth Doctor once had sex with a sentient planet.
Machiavelli, Richelieu, and Robespierre were all just different aliases for the immortal Hades.
The iceberg that the Titanic crashed into was actually the Monk's TARDIS.
Also on board at the time were several incarnations of the Doctor, the Decayed Master, Jack Harkness, John Hart, Ace McShane, and Bernice Summerfield.
The First, Fourth, and Fifth Doctors were all in London around when the Great Fire started in 1666.
The Eighth Doctor was briefly engaged to Queen Edith but ran away before the wedding.
Consecrated planets, moons, and asteroids cannot be mined under Galactic Law.
The Doctor used to make up imaginary enemies to play fight when they were a small, lonely child. One of these enemies was called Mandrake.
The Sixth Doctor once went back in time with Peri to kill a baby who would become an evil dictator but could not go through with it.
After Nyssa tried to fix the chameleon circuit, the TARDIS took the shape of a whale.
Tegan Jovanka is the Earth Ambassador to Gallifrey.
The First Doctor participated in a riot and became wanted by the CIA two days before running away from Gallifrey (although some sources dispute this).
While the Ninth Doctor witnessed Kennedy's assassination, the First Doctor witnessed McKinley's.
The First Doctor has been repeatedly eaten and regurgitated by a whale before.
Marilyn Monroe married both the Eleventh Doctor and King Henry VIII, who fathered Elizabeth I, who married the Tenth Doctor, and he had also been married to Amy Pond, who was also the Doctor’s mother-in-law through River Song. Talk about a confusing family tree!
The First Doctor fed a snapping wart fowl to Valyes's summer project, and Valyes has had a grudge ever since.
The Eighth Doctor once demanded to die naked upon being sentenced to execution.
All righty, folks. I'm very tired! Good night. I may add more later.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57
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