#ayo someone should write this
iriswestallenn · 11 months
Someone needs to talk to Jeremy Allen White then
Someone should tell Jeremy Allen White to stop having Carmy stare at Syd like that. I don't know what to tell yall! I really do not. You cannot deny the chemistry. You cannot make me believe they didn't purposefully write the MOLLY GORDON (such a good actress not in this though lmao) as a cardboard cutout manic pixie dream of a girlfriend for Carmy. You cannot tell me Carmy and Claire are any sort of endgame just because they were each others childhood crushes. They wrote an ER nurse as if she bakes cookies all day. Why is she always in such a good mood and always there to lift Carmy up? Get this out my face lmao
Carmy thought of Syd while having a panic attack because the thought of her brought him back down. Are you serious? Carmy has a sex scene in the same episode him and Syd are underneath a table just talking and there is more chemistry in that scene- I'm losing my mind. The choreography during the one take table scene is more gentle and romantic than what we saw with him and Claire in that bed- I'm LOSING IT!
I've just seen a lot of tweets and posts that are like "no they need to be platonic. go to netflix for ships like this not the bear" and I'm like huh? Talk to Jeremy Allen White and Ayo then. The little touches on her back he does for NO REASON. Tell them to tone it down cause I'M certainly not seeing anything that isn't there. The characters are communicating better than they were season 1. You know what that is? Growth. Them signing sorry to each other? HELLO??? "I wouldn't even wanna do it without you." I CANNOT BREATHE!!!
Like oh I'm sorry y'all are choosing not to see what's right in front of you lmao a very sad life to live I guess idk. But also who cares? Let people ship what they want and stop trying to talk about platonic ships as if we are not being bombarded with so much fucking tv and film. The platonic ships are out there for you babes, let me have this hot romantic one in peace. Let me do that.
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Ayo Sidebar for the Writers
Am I the only one that genuinely feels really really bad for that person on here who hand draws those really really nice portraits of Miguel??
Because the amount of writers in this fandom that are comfortable with just taking and cropping their art for their fics is deadass disrespectful as hell.
Like.. it's everyday. Multiple people do it. You know the artist I'm talking about. Like -
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Very bold of y'all. Stealing art then posting it in the SAME TAG as the artist like they wouldn't see it.
That takes a lot of nerve.
Some are y'all are cheeky and put it at the very end - some of y'all just don't fucking care.
'the signature is in the photo so-'
Okay but thank them. Tag them and shout them out and thank them. Thank them for making art that is bringing in readers.
Go ahead and thank them.
But you can't. Y'all won't. Cause you know they don't want you using their stuff without asking first.
Posting someone else's art with credit but without consent is already one thing. But y'all don't even care about credit.
But let someone take y'all writing and you'd be kicking off, rightfully so.
I feel real bad for that artist because their work is stunning and top tier and they're amazing talented.
Yet there's some ppl that be like -
'thanks!' *likes, doesn't reblog, crops their signature out and uses it without consent*
Like.. having uncredited art at the top of your fic doesn't make it look prettier or more inviting to me.
In fact it makes me wanna read it less. I try and check profile pictures so I remember who to avoid in the future.
Like every time I see it I'm like
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Uuhh uuuum okay yeah -
Why should I respect your art when you clearly don't respect someone else's?
I'll open the fic and scroll to the bottom knowing they didn't give credit. Or they put it in tiny font.
That artist deserves better. A lot of artists in this fandom deserve better. Y'all do it to Miguel artists. Y'all do it to Hobie artists.
Not cool. Not cool. Lame. Boooo booooooooooo Me and Hobie shouting BOOOO!!
Writers, Artists are protective of their art too!
Not nice working 10+ hours on art just to see it on the post of a complete stranger with no credit or attempt to contact you for consent.
If you do this - you can change. Doing this may in fact be HURTING your numbers but driving people away. But the point is not the notes but respecting other people. If you do this, please stop. Credit them at the top if anything - some artists don't even want that.
Credit them AT THE TOP - not at the bottom. Everybody who scrolls by sees the art. The credit shouldn't be saved for the people who actually read the whole fic.
If you defend this - KICK ROCKS!!!!
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jiubilant · 1 month
AND. if I may be so bold. 46 for Ayo <3
46. shimmer
"You are an exception to our order's every stricture, Dragonborn," says Arngeir in farewell, handing her his own stout walking-stick. "Your power, your Voice, is a gift from the gods. So long as you use it in service to their purposes, you cannot stray from the Way."
His pupil of two months shoulders her traveling-pack. She's young, Arngeir thinks, watching her straighten beneath its weight: not so young as his last student, who had come to him in childhood with three wolfskins on his back, but new. Untried. She looks at him with a strange, belligerent eagerness, her face a sun half-eclipsed.
"How should I know," she says, her smile like the shimmer on the snow, "how the gods wish me to use my Voice?"
"For tutelage in the Way, you climbed this mountain." Arngeir does not smile back. "For the answer to that question, you must climb down again."
The Dragonborn, accustomed to such answers, makes a rueful face. She kneels to him in the way of her far folk, her knees crunching in the snow—then springs up to kiss his cheek, heedless of her burdens, in a way that is only her own.
"I'll return with Jurgen's horn," she promises, then grins. "And more parsnips for Borri's stew."
Breath and focus, Arngeir reminds himself, and does not grimace. "No more parsnips."
"Ripe cloudberries!"
"They'll be more than ripe," says Arngeir, "by the time you bring them back—"
"Honey, sadonvum," says the Dragonborn, walking backwards, "for your tea!"
Her housecarl, dressed for travel and waiting with dogged patience at path's edge, catches her before she can fall down the Seven Thousand Steps. At the sound of the Dragonborn's laugh, the wind that knifes through High Hrothgar stills, then swirls up the snow of the forecourt in a delighted dance.
Not even then does Arngeir smile. He watches his pupil of two months, not long enough to learn a single tenet of the Way, start down the mountain—a tempest of his tutelage, like the one who had shattered Markarth with his thu'um.
Behind him, the door of his monastery scrapes. Someone tugs his sleeve: Borri, who has always, since they were boys, walked through snow with a hart's silent tread.
I do not think that one, he signs with ancient hands, will Shout High Kings apart.
"No," Arngeir agrees, his troubled eyes lingering on the Steps. "No. But what will she do?"
* * *
The Dragonborn does a cartwheel in the first open field she meets, or tries to; her pack overbalances her, and she flops into the heather with a whoop.
"The sun!" she says in greeting, and basks in the warm grass. A vole dashes across her hand. She beams at it, half-drunk on freedom and the sweet lowland air, and hails it in the tongue of voles and dragons: "Lok vah, malfahdon!"
Lydia prods her with a foot. "My Thane, we have leagues to travel today—"
The Dragonborn grins and yanks her legs out from under her. The wrestling-match that ensues is brief and unheroic: they crash through the heather, startling a family of grouse, and then Lydia is sitting on the Dragonborn's chest.
"Don't be cross," she laughs, seeing the look on her housecarl's face. "Aren't you glad to be gone from that mountain?"
"Yes, my Thane," says Lydia with utmost patience, breathing hard, "but—"
"No more parsnips!"
Lydia's stubborn scowl wobbles.
"No more parsnips," she concedes, and ducks her head to hide a smile.
Her hair tickles the Dragonborn's nose. Something tugs in her chest, as though a lock of it has snarled around her heart.
"Look," she says, smiling. "Everything listens, down here. Not like those lazy mountain stones." She stretches her arm across the sunlit grass, cupping her hand in invitation. "Malfahdon!"
The heather rustles. The grass parts. The vole, quivering with terror or joy, crawls obligingly into her palm.
[send me a number, and i'll write a microfic using the word or phrase!]
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mickimomo · 1 year
Time Machine - Attuma x Okoye
I figured I'd write out my headcanon since you peeps liked it so much. 🤣
Today was the day. W'Kabi was finally being released from exile out of the kindness of council's heart.
M'Baku was apprehensive, but figured the man would be too powerless to cause any issues for the time being.
The last thing he expected to see, however, was a tipsy W'Kabi singing at the top of his lungs at 4 in the morning.
"Glory to Hanuman." He huffed as he approached the small crowd of people standing around Okoye and Attuma's home that sat on the edge of the Border Tribe. "What is he doing?" He groaned as he watched W'Kabi sing slightly off-key.
"One! I wish I never fell in love!" He shouted before holding up two fingers. "Two, I wish I never fell for you!" He dropped to his knees. "Oh, three! If I just had one more wish, I'd go back and do it all over again. If I had a time machine-"
Aneka chuckled as she watched W'Kabi spin around like he was Usher before he began to do a drunk moonwalk as he bellowed the chorus of the song. "I heard that someone told him Okoye had gotten married."
"I hope he does not think he has a chance." M'Baku groaned.
"I think the liquor gave him courage."
"If he continues, the bald headed demon will release her shark."
Aneka shrugged. "I'm hoping I get to see that."
He arched a brow. "Are you recording?"
"I am."
The regent king watched Okoye open her window while dawning a robe. "W'Kabi. Go home!"
"You are my home!"
"We're divorced! Move on!"
"How could you move on!?" He sobbed. "We had something special!"
"You did not care when you betrayed Wakanda!"
"I betrayed Wakanda for you!" He snapped. "For us!"
"We are not doing this again!" She snapped. "I'm giving you five seconds to leave or I will come through this window and end you with my spear!"
"Okoye please!"
M'Baku blinked before grabbing an abandoned chair to sit on. "Count me in."
Aneka snickered as she watched him yank a carrot out of his pocket to munch on before offering a banana.
"Thanks." She hummed before she began to eat.
"What's going on!?" Ayo frowned as she approached with a few members of the Dora Milaje.
"W'Kabi is about to get his ass beat." Aneka answered her wife as she took a bite of her banana. "Want a bite?"
"Why are you two just sitting here eating and watching?" She frowned.
"I wanna see Attuma beat his ass." Aneka shrugged.
"And I'm not getting punched again." M'Baku huffed.
Ayo shook her head. "The council is going to lose their minds."
"Not when they see the footage." Aneka snickered. "You should have been here earlier. He was singing Micheal Jackson and Mariah Carey."
"On key?"
They all turned to see Okoye try to climb out the window before she was yanked back in by a pair of blue arms.
Everyone was silent as the window remained empty for a moment.
W'Kabi watched Attuma jump out the window, dawning nothing more than his loincloth and rebreathers as he moved forward with hellfire in his dark brown eyes.
The shorter man stepped back as Attuma began shouting in his native tongue.
"You're the other man!?!" W'Kabi stared in disbelief. "I can take you!"
Ayo closed her eyes as the shorter man ran forward and threw a series of punches into talokanil's chest.
Attuma looked at his chest, completely unfazed, before he chuckled.
"I bet it'll only take one punch." Aneka offered.
M'Baku took another bite of his carrot. "I think Attuma will be nice and let him endure a few more. He seems like the type who likes to play with his enemies before killing them."
"You two are awful." Ayo sighed before accepting a bite of banana.
Attuma swung, and W'Kabi took it like a champ as he crumbled to the floor.
It was like watching a tree fall to an axe.
Slow and cumbersome.
"Damn." Aneka wrinkled her nose as they watched W'Kabi struggle to get back up. "I can't believe you were right."
"The man got his ass kicked a lot in exile. He can take a few hits."
"You knew that before making the bet."
"I did."
"It's called research."
"No. It's called cheating."
They watched W'Kabi grab Attuma's leg to support himself as he tried to get back up.
"Glory to Hanuman. Have some shame-" M'Baku shook his head before feigning a wince as the warrior kneed the dazed man in the face.
"I'm stepping in." Ayo grumbled.
"No. He's still fighting." He gestured to the sobbing man. "Let him get up. Let him get up."
"My king. If he is killed, it will be a breach in the treaty."
"Attuma knows his strength." He waved off her concern. "He'll be fine."
"I..... I-" W'Kabi slurred as blood spilled from his nose. "I wiiiiiiiiiill win baaaaack my wiiiiiife."
Attuma yanked him up by the back of her shirt and stared.
"You say, your wife. When she is mine." Attuma furrowed his eyebrows. "Do not insult the mother of my child."
"CHILD!?!" W'Kabi panicked. "O-Okoye is pregnant!?!"
"Yes. If she were not, I would have considered letting her beat you herself." He narrowed his eyes. "But maybe I would have handled you still, even if she wasn't. Just so you would know that you will never have a chance."
"NO! OKOYE!" He tried to look past the warrior as tears blurred his eyes. "OKOYE!"
Everyone gasped before they began to whisper.
"He's bout to be sick."
"I'm telling you. He's gonna be sobbing and fasting for days."
"He is living out a nightmare I tell you."
Aneka smacked M’Baku's shoulder as she tried to contain her laughter.
"I was not prepared-" Ayo covered her mouth.
"Is he crying again?" M'Baku cackled.
"Yes." Aneka laughed.
W'Kabi continued to shout. "OKOYE! TELL ME HE'S LYING!" He squirmed. "OKOYE!"
"Do not call for her. She will not answer you." Attuma tightened his hold on him. "You have come here and disturbed her rest and now you wish to stress her further." He frowned. "If you are a problem to Okoye, you are a problem to me. I will not let my wife endure anything." He growled. "Something you failed to do."
W'Kabi was shaking in the man's hold.
"So, let me make myself clear." He narrowed his eyes. "If I learn that you are bothering Okoye ever again, I will serenade you until you fall into the sea and have my sharks rip you apart." His eyes were darker than the ocean's abyss. "I say this in english... to be clear. I can also say it in Xhosa to be clearer." He grabbed the man's face roughly with his other hand. "Do you understand?"
He spat in Attuma's face before shouting. "OKO-"
Attuma cracked his head into the other man's and tossed his body before turning around with a grunt of disgust.
"And see- he did better than me." Aneka shook her head as she ended the recording. "Because I would have stomped his head in after he spat in my face."
"I think he remembered the treaty." M'Baku offered. "I wouldn't have stopped him if he chose to. I think he was being pretty nice until he spat."
"Alright. This is done." Ayo smacked their shoulders before moving in to grab W'Kabi's limp body.
"That was an uneventful fight." M'Baku sighed. "But it was still good."
"What? You expected him to fight back?" Aneka laughed. "The man was drunk. A baby could wield a spear better than a drunk man."
"I was hoping it would give him a power up. Like uh.... super strength."
"He's not that type of drunk."
"I can see that." M'Baku got up. "Send me a copy of that video. I must show it to my people in the Jabari Lands."
"You got it."
Okoye sleeping peacefully while her man handles business:
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Everyone watching W'Kabi lose:
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In another AU, Oni and Attuma jumping W'Kabi:
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delulu-with-wandanat · 3 months
ayo i have a request! platonic mob boss!natasha and single mother female reader! nat is a mob boss who is known to be heartless and merciless. reader is struggling financially and decides to take a loan from nat’s mob, which she can’t pay back. she’s taken by nat’s men and beaten, but then when nat sees reader out of place among the drug dealers and crackheads, she takes pity on reader, forgives her debt and protects her, as well as helping reader out financially. kinda like older sister protective vibes
THANK YOU I love all your writing!!
Alternative Proposition-
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A/n: Awww thank you! I'm sorry this took a while, life finally catch up on me and I'm find myself writing less and less. I never actually dipped into mob au's beforee so, sorry if anything is out of place. I'm actually a little scared of posting this ngl- :')) I try to not give the daughter a name, only like a nickname so you can decide it for yourself. Anywayy, I hope you like it!!
Reader Description: She/her, single mother, mid 20s.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader (Platonic), Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff (Romantic).
Warnings 18+: Mature themes, mentions of drugs, violence, crimes, (idk what else i need to put tbh), threat, use of guns.
Summary: Struggling to take care her 5 year old daughter, Y/n took out a loan from the mob to start a small business in hopes that it would resolve their financial struggles. But small businesses takes time to flourish, which Y/n doesn't have and ends up biting her in the ass... or did it?
Right on the stomach. The man tugged her from behind so she would stand up straight.
Christ, her nose was probably broken now. Perhaps she should've known better than to follow her friend's advice.
"Fucking bankers..." Y/n said out of frustration. Her appeal to take out a loan was rejected once again. At this rate she might have to finally settle for just working double time and barely making ends meet for her and her daughter. Suddenly, she hears her neighbor next door arguing and smashing god knows what.
For fuck sakes, again?
Gun shots can be heard from out the window, a few minutes later a police sirens follow through. The neighbor above blasting music and making noises on what could only be... something.
Her heart ached as he mind raced to the 5 year old sleeping in her room. No, she deserves a better life, a better living condition, a better future. She has to find a way, there has to be. The front door flew open and her friend walked in with a dopey smile.
"You look like you could use a happy sniff!" Y/n only rolled her eyes at her friend.
"I'm way past that, and you know it. Besides, those things are bad for you." Y/n responded without even looking.
Her friend plopped down beside her on the couch with an exaggerate groan. "You've gotten so boring since she was born. We used to have so much fun, no?"
"Grown out of it," She looks at her friend. "So should you."
Kate then rested her head on Y/n's shoulder, looking over her notes. "Bank denied you again?" She said almost mockingly with a pout.
"It's so stupid. I just need some cash to start this business, I did the numbers and the market is huge! Yet, none of them are willing to even listen at all..."
Kate then repositions herself to rest her head on the arms of the sofa. "You're asking the wronggg people." She giggled. Clearly high on drugs.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I know someone who could help you. Actually... I know someone who KNOWS someone. No questions asked, just gotta pay them back on time."
"No questions asked? Sorry, Kate, but that sounds really shady." Y/n is too tired to even listen to her.
"Give it a tryyyy. You're confident about your business?" Y/n nodded. "What's the worst that could happen?" Kate concluded. Perhaps she was right, that what it takes to start a successful business no? Take a risk-
Famous last words. She did in fact took out a pretty huge loan, and promised to pay once a month with interest. Very high interest. Even though Kate was right, they asked no question whatsoever, the risk was also extremely deadly-
-right on the jaw this time. "I was late, I'm sorry. Please I promise I will-"
"We've heard that excuse many times before." The man said with a thick Slavic accent. He grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged it harshly so she would face her. "And when you take out a money that big, the boss doesn't play around."
"Please..." The poor woman pleaded. "I swear-"
"Swear on your life? That is what we will take." Instead of a punch, the platinum haired man pulled out a gun, Y/n felt her stomach dropped the moment he pointed the gun to her head.
"Wait, wait!"
"Hold." She heard the other man who was holding her from behind spoke. "We're needed elsewhere."
"Just put the rat back in her cell, we'll deal with her and the rest later."
The blonde man hesitated for a few second before putting away his gun. He bent his body to her eye level and spoke, "You are one lucky son of a bitch."
Y/n was put back in the filthy place. Among with all the other hostages they have taken and beaten. She grunts at every single move she makes, every part of her body was extremely sore with the amount of punching she had endured.
The warehouse was dark, there was only one source of light, it was now probably almost midnight, fuck she needs to get home. She asked Kate to babysit her daughter, which was probably not the best course of action as Kate was quite a heavy drug user. But fuck she didn't have anyone to go to.
Kate will take care of her right? Well, she was... She wasn't addicted, but- Oh fuck her mind is running a mile minute.
She doesn't know how long time has passed as all she could think about was her daughter. Her sweet little bug. "Be safe, please, please be safe."
Oh god, what if Kate uses drugs in front of her? Come on, Kate was the one helping Y/n throughout the pregnancy, she would be more mature than that. Then again drug addicts are selfish- No, Kate is not like that. Kate adores Y/n's daughter, even going as far as supporting this business so the little bug would have a better future.
But what if Kate-
Y/n perked up at the sound of a door opening. Heavy sets of footsteps could be heard walking in her direction. "Cut the crackheads fingers as a warning, that oughta teach them." Y/n shivers at the woman's command. "Their debt remains, any late payments will be paid by their hand."
"What about the dealer?" Her men asked.
"Kill him, he went against our terms and conditions. Make him suffer." Y/n heard a unanimous 'Understood.' This woman definitely held a high power among all of them.
"And Stark's men?" Another one of her soldier asked. There was a beat of silence as the woman weighted her decision.
"Send him our... parcel. He'll understand." Whatever it is, Y/n is sure it's not what is implied.
She heard a few cells opening, some of the hostages cried and plead for their life. "I have nothing to do with this!" The man screamed. "It was Mr. Stark's order-"
"Stark and I, despite our rivalry, have mutual respect with each other." The powerful boss spoke again. "Though I won't be surprised if the orders did in fact came from him."
"Please..." The hostage started crying. "Please, I- I have kids-"
"And a wife?"
"Good. At least there's someone to take care of them." Fuck this woman is a sadist.
The poor man continued to thrash and screamed, yet he was no match in his condition and the strength of his taker. His screaming gradually disappears as they take him god knows where. And finally, the woman came into view as she stood just outside of her cell.
Y/n had pushed herself into a corner, hugging herself, knowing she would be next. And from what she has heard, there was no way of convincing a woman who holds such power and fear. Reality dawned on her that she had failed her daughter, her sweet 5 year old bundle of joy.
I'm sorry, bug...
The red headed woman studied the hostage before her. Seems like her men had taken her after she had finished her shift, Y/n was still wearing her waitress uniform.
"It's the one that took out the big loan." Another woman with blonde hair told the boss. Y/n notes she has a thick Russian accent.
"She claims the purpose was to start a food and beverage business. Late payments, but I doubt the business even took place. I haven't seen or heard any new establishment in the area." The blonde woman explained.
The boss narrows her eyes. Y/n refused to speak or even look at them in the eye. As the red headed women was about to decide her fate, they heard a phone ring. Y/n's head turned to the source of the ringtone, it was her phone. "Shut that phone." She told her men.
"No wait!" All eyes turned to Y/n as the hostage finally spoke for the first time. "Please, that's mine. It might have something to do with my daughter..."
The goons gave the boss Y/n's phone. The woman looked at the caller id, "Kate."
"That's my friend, she's babysitting her. I just need to know if she's alright." The blonde and red haired woman shared a look, they've seen this before. Last act of desperation to seek help.
Finally, the boss bent down to her level beckoning Y/n to get closer from her position. Y/n hesitantly crawled closer so she was able to speak to the phone. Before the boss answered the phone, she looked at Y/n dead in the eye. "Any attempts, I will track this caller id. Understood?"
The boss didn't have to elaborate further, Y/n nodded while shivering in fear. The woman then accepted the call, and put it on speaker. "Mama??" A little girl's voice could be heard.
"Hey there, bug!" Y/n responded with fake enthusiasm. It was very convincing, even an adult wouldn't notice anything. "What are you doing up so late huh?"
"I'm waiting for you! You promised me movie night." The little girl said sadly.
"Awww, I know bug. Something came up at work, and I needed to work extra hours. But how about this, I'll make it up to you and we'll go somewhere special on your birthday, how does that sound?" Y/n spoke, her heart aching as she was making fake promises to her daughter. After all, the mob would most likely take her life.
"Yey!!! Aunty Kate, did you hear that?" It seems like the little girl was so happy at the idea. Y/n can imagine her daughter running to Kate in their tiny apartment excitedly to tell her the news. She then heard Kate responding as excitedly to the little girl. This is her chance.
No. She can't put her friend in danger. Even though that idiot gave her the stupid idea- No, I made the decision.
"Kate, it's already midnight. Can you make sure she sleeps please?"
"Aww, it's weekend! I'm sure she can stay up once a while with her aunty." Kate responded over the phone.
"I gotta go." Y/n said after noticing some of the goons growing impatient. "And Kate..."
There was a beat of silence, would she do it?
"Please remember to restraint yourself." Kate could be heard signing on the other side of the phone.
"You know I would never do that in front of bug. I promise, I'll take care of her. Just come home safe ok?" Kate understood Y/n's fear. And Kate knew better than to use drugs around children's proximity. In fact, she wasn't using the addictive substance as much as she used to... Only when she party that is-
"Of course. See you." The red haired woman then ended the call. She wasn't going to lie, she was quite impressed at this hostage. Perhaps this girl was something else...
Natasha came home way past midnight, it wasn't unusual for her of course. Though she does sometimes wishes to leave the crime life completely. Well, sometimes was an understatement, she wants to leave the crime life and focus on her own family. However, her sister was far from ready and there were numerous business she had to resolve first.
Then again, perhaps that was just an excuse. The cycle would never end. There's always something coming up, and she was the one the city held respect and fear for. By the end of the day, Natasha wasn't even sure if this life would leave her completely.
It was tied to her like an anchor.
She sighed and walked over to the master bedroom quitely. When she opens the door, she found her wife already fast asleep. She made her way to the bathroom, changed her clothes into something far more comfortable. She opted to skip her nighttime routine, and walked out of the bathroom.
Her wife had moved in her sleep, and it seems like she is awake. A small smile appeared on Natasha's face. "I didn't mean to wake you up." The mob boss said apologetically.
"The Americans would say, old habit dies hard." Wanda responded with a sleepy smile. Natasha soon joined her on the bed, giving her wife a loving kiss on her lips, and the slope of her nose. Despite being married for a couple of years, it warms Wanda's heart at Natasha's actions.
For someone who have gained the reputation of being merciless, she was so gentle on the people she loves.
"Everything alright, darling?" Wanda asked, she knew there was always something in this line of business. But really, what else was she supposed to ask?
"Same old, same old." Natasha answered as she settles on the bed next to her. Wanda then nuzzles onto Natasha like she always does every single night. "I'm getting too old for this."
Wanda chuckles, "Well, Yelena is next in line."
"Oh please, she her patience is as thin as a baby hair. She wouldn't last a 30 minute meeting." Natasha then starts to rub small circles on Wanda's back. "And you?"
"Just the usual, took the boys to school. They're already asking me if they could get their own car now that they're in middle school." Natasha let out a small chuckle.
"I hope they know they have save up their own money for that."
"I doubt it." The two women shared a laugh and fell into a comfortable silent. It was nights like these that Natasha adored. She may ruled the city, and had resources the average person can't imagine, but all she wanted was simple nights in the arms of the woman she loves.
Crazy to think how they met each other, all those years ago. When Natasha was only a second in command and Melina was ruling the mob, and Wanda was just a single mother trying to get by. Just like-
"Your thoughts are loud, detka." Wanda said, her wife truly knows her inside and out. "Care to share?"
Natasha lets out a sigh before continuing, "There was this girl, probably in her mid 20s." Wanda stayed silent, listening to her wife. "She reminds me of you..."
Wanda pulled away slowly to look at Natasha in the eye, "Natalia... If this is your way of asking us to open our marriage-"
"Excuse me, how did you even come to that conclusion?" God no, Natasha never even had that thought.
"Well when you start with that kind of sentence..." Natasha only rolled her eyes and pulled Wanda back into her arms.
"No, It's not that." She sighed, trying to find the right words. "I'm just..." She trails off once again. Wanda waited patiently for her wife to form her words, except Natasha ended up letting out a soft chuckle. "I think I'm just getting too old and too soft for this."
Wanda made herself more comfortable on Natasha's chest, listening to her heartbeat. Something she finds rather comforting. "You kept your heart. That is something I love the most about you." She shifted slightly so she could look at her wife in the eye. "But moreover I think that is something Melina would be so proud of..."
Natasha's heart warmed at Wanda's words. She pulled Wanda into a soft kiss, pouring the immense love she had for the woman before her. Natasha's hand gently cupped her wife's face, she held her ever so carefully as if Wanda was the most precious and delicate flower to ever exist.
Y/n waited, and waited.
She glanced at the clock, and then back to the front door. Still no one...
She heard a groan from Kate and looked at her friend/co-worker now. "Where are all the people..." She whined as she waited at one of the empty seats.
"It's ok. There's time like these, we just have to be patient." Y/n responded optimistically, even though deep inside she was screaming. The restaurant barely made enough to be self-sufficient. Despite it being small, and having herself as the staff with the occasional help of Kate, all of the profit had gone to running the business.
Moreover, she has to pay back the mob.
Fuck... "Kate, what day is it?"
Kate quickly checked her phone, "Friday. Why??"
Shit... shit, shit, shit. Her next payment was due tonight. She opened the register to check on the cash she had separated to make the payments. Y/n hastily re-counted the money and found that she was still $1000 short, "Fuck-"
"What's wrong?" Kate asked upon noticing her friend's frustration.
"Nothing..." Y/n sighed, no point in panicking now. She rubbed her temple and started giggling out of the immense frustration she was in. "Out of curiosity, is there a way to make $1000 in less than 6 hours?"
"We could always turn to crime."
"Few years ago I would've agreed, but I have a daughter to take care of." Calming herself down, she puts the money back and closed the cashier. "I need to pick up bug soon, you think you can manage on your own?"
"Don't underestimate me..." Y/n only gave Kate a look as she walks towards the cashier, "I will man the fort."
Y/n merely chuckles and took her bag, she gave Kate a quick hug. She has been such a great help, the definition of true friends lie on none other than Kate Bishop. "Thank you, I'll be quick!" Y/n said as she made her way out of the restaurant.
"-And I made a new friends!" The little one said as she held her mother's hand on the way to the shop.
"That's wonderful, bug!" Y/n responded as enthusiastically. Relief that her daughter was doing well on her first day of elementary school, not that she ever doubted her daughter's capability. In contrast to Y/n, her daughter was much more outgoing than she was when Y/n was younger.
"Maybe I can invite them to the restaurant!" Y/n chuckles at her statement.
"Well you know what? Tell them I will give their family a VIP service." The little bug scrunch up her nose in confusion, she look up to her mother.
"What's a VIP??" She asks, just before they entered the shop. Y/n bent down to her level with an adoring smile.
"VIP means, 'Very-Important-Person'. And because they're your friends. They're important, don't you think so?" The little girl nodded her head as her mother explained, "Meaning they'll get special treatments."
It was like a lightbulb switched on inside the little one's head. "Oh! I get it!!"
"My brightest star." Y/n said while ruffling her head, "Come on, let's head inside. Aunty Kate might need some back up."
The two entered the shop to find Kate talking to a customer. Oh thank god. Their back was facing Y/n, once Kate noticed Y/n she perked up. "Oh! Y/n, you're just in time. This is our owner, and the mastermind behind all these amazing dish!" Well, gotta give the enthusiasm to Kate.
The customer turned around and Y/n felt chills down her spine.
"So I see." The same powerful woman spoke. Y/n tensed up, but the little hand she was still holding kept her grounded. "Y/n, was it?"
"Y-yes." She cleared her throat. No, nononono, the payment was still in a few hours. Well, she was still short a $1000. Fuck, fuck, fuck-
The redhaired woman shifter her eyes downward to look at Y/n's daughter. "And who might you be?" She asked the little girl kindly. Was it genuine? Y/n doesn't even know.
"My mom and aunty calls me bug!" The girl said excitedly. "I like your hair."
The mob boss laughed, "Thank you! I like your little braid. Did your mother did that for you?" Oh well, she's surprisingly good with kids?? Such a stark contrast to the one Y/n met at the warehouse-
"Yeah!" The little girl giggled.
"I'm having trouble choosing something to eat. Since I have the owner and I'm assuming the chef, perhaps you could recommend me something?" The woman asked.
Y/n snapped back to reality, "U-uh, well... Our uhm the-" Speak, SPEAK, why am I so-
"Oh, oh!" Her daughter excitedly ran up to the dangerous boss, she went on her tiptoes to take the menu off the counter. "You should get this one! It's my favorite and my mom makes it the best."
"I will take your word for it." The woman said with a kind smile, she turns to Kate. "I'll take the recommendation from this little one. I'll sit in that corner."
"We'll be right with you, ma'am!" Kate said, obviously oblivious to who this woman is.
Y/n hand shook as she plated the food for the mafia boss, Kate noticed it and giggles. She clearly doesn't realize how bad the situation is.
"Hey relax, boss." She nudges her friend, Y/n only let out a nervous chuckle. "Alright, I'll take it from here." As Kate was about to take the plate to serve, Y/n stopped her.
"I got it, why don't you go stand by the cashier in case any more customers comes in." Thankfully for Y/n, Kate agreed and went back to her station. As much as she would like to avoid the mob boss at any cost, she doesn't want Kate to be involved further.
Y/n walks towards the table with food in hand, the woman was sitting by the corner looking out the window. Heart stammering in her chest as fear and anxiety tried to take over her body, what did this woman want?
"Your food, ma'am." Y/n sets the plate with shaky hands.
"Oh, thank you. It looks delicious." The redhead said turning to face Y/n with a smile. Just as Y/n was about to leave, the lady stopped her. "Hold on just a minute, I wouldn't mind the company of the owner herself. Take a seat." It sounded more like a demand than a request.
Y/n took a deep breath and sat across from her. The woman took a sip of her drink, still looking out the window. Maybe I should've poisoned her food or something-
"I believe I haven't introduced myself." The woman's voice took Y/n out of her trance. She looked up to see her staring back at her. "Natasha, pleasure to meet you under... better circumstances." Natasha offered her hand to shake.
Y/n reached out, hand still visibly shaking a little as she shook her hand. "Y/n, although I'm sure you knew that already."
Natasha only nod, she then picked up a fork and a knife and started eating her food. After the first bite, she lets out a soft laugh. "Your daughter wasn't lying when she said this was the best."
Y/n could only force a smile as multitude of things ran in her head. Was she here to execute her? Did she know that Y/n was still a few dollars short? Was this a genuine interest in her food or was she here for business?
"How's business so far?" There it is.
Y/n sighed and looked around at the empty restaurant. "We've had better days."
Natasha only raised an eyebrow as she continues eating her food. "So I see."
There was a few minutes of silence as Y/n waited for Natasha to speak further, however, it seems like the other woman was just simply enjoying her food.
"I have to say I am incredibly impressed with your cooking." She said as she wiped her lip with a napkin and set aside her cutleries.
"Thank you, I learned it from my mother."
Natasha nodded and fixed her posture as she set the plate to the side to rest her hand on the table. "I'm sure you know why I'm here. It's strictly business." Y/n took a deep breath, but before she could say anything Natasha cuts her off. "Although, seeing the state of your establishment, I'm assuming It's barely making anything to run itself."
"I- I promise you I can-" Y/n stammered.
"Oh don't make promises you can't keep, Y/n."
"This month's payment might be a lower but I swear it just takes-"
"I've thought so." Oh god, what has she gotten herself into. Her chest started to feel heavy, something felt like it was stuck on her throat. Y/n couldn't utter a single word. She was a dead woman...
"Which is why I would like to offer you an alternative proposition." Natasha as she leans back against the chair. Y/n who was still in the state of fear only looked at her. "I would like to turn your debts into an investment."
...I'm sorry, "W-what?"
"I would like to invest in your business instead, I see great potential. It should help lighten the burden." Whoa, what??
"I- What's the catch?" Natasha only laughs, not one of those evil laughs, just... laughed.
"I get 20% share of your profit, but to say that's a catch would be misleading as that is just the nature of investment."
Y/n thought for a moment, this wasn't so bad. No, actually it was great. Instead of having debts, she only need to pay Natasha a share of the profit that the restaurant made.
"That's... a very generous offer, Natasha. Thank you. Although, may I negotiate?" Natasha smirked slightly at the sentence and nodded, she liked this girl. Normally people would take the offer without any hesitation, so to have someone negotiates back was refreshing. "I think 20% is too high, how bout 10%?"
"Hmmm, that's too low for me. How about you and I meet in the middle, 15%?" Y/n nod and Natasha had a satisfied smile on her face. This time, it was Y/n who reached out her hand.
"We have a deal."
To say the mob boss was being generous was an understatement, but Y/n wasn't going to ask questions. It helped elevated the financial burden a little, as she did not have to pay a fixed price every month. If the business soars Natasha gets a good cut of the revenue, it it fails, well they fall together.
What's weird was Y/n had expected for there to be a catch, maybe even have Natasha suddenly barging in and run the business however she likes. Or making some sort of speakeasy underneath her restaurant, or anything crime related really. But she never did, in fact, Natasha became a regular at the restaurant. She comes by once or twice every week, one time she even comes with a lovely lady who Y/n quickly learned was her wife.
Natasha's wife, Wanda, was a truly lovely lady. Overtime, Wanda stops by more often on her own. Although truth to be told, Y/n had a feeling they adored her daughter the most as bug truly was the ray of sunshine in the restaurant.
Doorbell chimes through the restaurant, the little bug excitedly dings the bell on the cashier counter top informing the kitchen of an incoming order.
"Ms. Wanda's specials!" The little girl said loudly, causing Wanda to giggle slightly at the scene. Y/n comes out of the kitchen door to greet her as she was in the middle of cleaning up.
"Wanda, good to see you again! Your usual?"
Wanda smiled and nodded. "For me, as always. Another one of the same for my wife, and 2 dish of your recommendation for my boys please."
"Anything in particular?" Y/n asked.
Wanda hummed for a moment, before glancing at Y/n's daughter who's practically bouncing on her little feet to make the decision for her. She then smiles and said, "I'll let the little chef surprise me."
Bug beamed upon hearing her sentence, Y/n smiled at her daughter and gave her an encouraging nod. She pulled down her mother to her level and whispered her recommendation. Y/n then pulled away and playfully gave her a salute, "Right on it, chef!"
As Y/n was walking back to the kitchen she heard her daughter yelling, "And be quick, it's for our VIP!"
She was glad her daughter seems to make the restaurant her own little playground, most of the costumers adored her too whenever bug was around. She wishes that her daughter could go out more often and wasn't forced to be stuck in the restaurant as much as she is now.
As time goes by the restaurant started to gain more and more exposures around the neighborhood and Kate has been a big help through it all. Arguably it was good for her too, as she used her spare time to work instead of partying and doing drugs.
Many more months have passed, and their popularity continues to rise and rise to the point where Y/n NEEDED to hire a cook helper and a waitress. She was grateful to say the least, but she wonders if the mob boss had something to do with it.
Y/n noticed that she had seen one of the customers being the one that kidnapped her, she was terrified for a minute only for the same platinum haired man to apologize and leave her with a huge, and I mean HUGE tip. She found out that his name was Pietro and he was surprisingly a funny, cocky, yet quite the gentleman.
The other one was the blonde woman that stood next to Natasha. However, at that time she was rather busy in the kitchen so Kate was the one who interacted with her the most. She didn't learn much about the blonde woman, only that her name was Yelena and that Kate seems to have a big crush on her.
She starts to wonder if half of her customers were affiliated with Natasha's mob. There were times when Natasha came by with a group of people, was it for a business meeting or whatnot she doesn't know. She doesn't even want to know. One thing for sure, Y/n's perception of Natasha changed. The initial impression of Natasha being a cold, heartless, merciless woman was gone, it turns out Natasha has a heart of gold.
From spreading the word about her restaurant, to giving huge tips every time she eats, refusing on-the-house meals and paying more than what her bill stated. To even, at least to Y/n's assumption, keeping the area of her restaurant safe. It wasn't confirmed by any means, but Y/n had a gut feeling Natasha had something to do with it.
All in all, business was great and was making enough for her to profit from it as well. She can now take her daughter out occasionally and not having to worry about starving herself in process.
Today was rather slow than usual, thank god...
She probably shouldn't as a business owner, but damn girl needs a room to breathe sometimes. Calm before the storm they said, and Y/n was going to use it to her advantage and catch up on her book as she waits for the next customer.
A good few minutes into her book, the door bell rings. Y/n looks up and put on her smile at the customer. Kate called in sick today and their waitress was having a day off, so Y/n had to cover both for both. "Welcome! What can I do for you on this fine day?"
"Hi there." The woman with a black hair said with a kind smile. "I heard this was the new hotspot in town. What would you recommend me?"
"Well that depends, are we looking for somethings sweet or savory?"
"Hmmm...." The woman scanned the menu quickly. Finally she looked up and said, "I'm feeling adventurous, surprise me."
Y/n smiled, "Take a seat anywhere you like, I'll be right with you." The customer thanked her and sat by the corner. From the corner of her eye, she could she the woman seems to be observing the restaurant. It wasn't weird by any means, maybe she's just one of those food bloggers.
Nah, she's dressed so formal to be a food blogger. Oh, shit... is that a food critique? We'll let's impress her.
After a few minutes, Y/n goes to her table. "This is one of our favorites." She said as she set the plate on the table, "And this is a complimentary drink, it's on the house."
"That's very kind of you." The black haired woman said. "Say how long has this place been established?"
"Oh we've just opened a couple of months ago."
"The owner certainly has an exquisite design taste." Y/n smiled at the compliment.
"Thank you! It was highly inspired by my heritage." The woman raised her eyebrow.
"I take it you are the owner?" Y/n nodded. "Wow! Congratulations on your business! The food looks amazing, please, would you mind joining me? I would love to listen more to your stories."
"Certainly!" Y/n took a seat in front of her, she was used to this, sitting and talking to different customers. It helps build relationship and making them a regular. "Are you new around this area?"
The woman chuckles, "No, I know this city like the back of my hand. My name is Maria Hill, pleasure to meet you." Maria offered her hand to shake.
"Likewise, I'm Y/n." The two shook hands and Maria leaned back on her seat.
"I'm guessing you're not originally from here?"
"No, my family and I migrated to the US when I was younger." Maria hummed again as she stared Y/n down, honestly Y/n was feeling rather uncomfortable. It was like she was... observing her, maybe even assessing her?
One thing for sure, Y/n was starting to get really bad vibes.
Maria suddenly let's out a small laugh, "Perhaps I should be more frontal." She fixed her posture and leaned her elbows on the table. "I was going to ask you sooner or later."
Oh god, what is it? Am I getting deported??
"Are you aware of an individual named Natalia Alianovna Romanova?"
Y/n twisted her head in confusion. "No, that doesn't seem to ring a bell."
"What about Natasha Romanoff?" The woman continued to prod. Well, she only knows one Natasha, she's a-
"I'm sorry, I just-" Y/n was confused, "What is this all about? Are you a health inspector or an immigration officer because-"
Maria raised her hand to stop Y/n, "No, neither of those." Y/n raised an eyebrow. "I'm an FBI agent."
"I've been investigating an organized crime for the past few years."
Oh, fuck.
"You're not in trouble, Y/n. I merely require your assistance."
This isn't fucking calm before the storm-
"So are you or are you not," Maria took out a picture, a photograph of Natasha walking out of HER restaurant. "acquainted with this individual."
This is calm before a fucking typhoon. And she is in the middle of it.
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monkiementor · 2 years
I love your writing, It's so cute, Could I request some Mk x shy female Reader, with the Mk clones? Like Mk is already dealing with the fact he accidently got carry away with making clones again, but now he has to deal with them fawning over his girlfriend in their own way and making her EXTREMELY flustered, basically boi get's jealous, Hope that's not too complicated.
Hmm, I'll still do this ask ! But as a GN reader "" [not everyone is female !] and it wasn't complicated dwww !!
Flustering <3
Mk clones [plus mk] x gn reader [fluff]
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It’s a quiet night at his house, Y/N was currently out. MK decides to try one last time on making clones, he doesn’t know what else he can do but he wants to try anyways. He grabs a piece of his hair and blew on it, watching it as it fell to the ground. MK waited a few seconds, and the hair started to form into three of his figures, just like before. Party MK looked around the spotted MK as he smiled, "Ayo, it's the OG MK! Wassup!" MK smiled a bit. "Hello, uh, party..clone?" The clone laughed and nodded. "So, why'd you call us anywayz? Anything special planned for us?" He asked lowing his pink shades.
Painter MK looked around MK's room with disgust, "Your wallpaper is disgusting" Mk pouted, "Hey don't judge my room, I like my paint job." He looked up at his clones. Delivery MK burped, "I'm hungry, got any food?" Painter MK shook his head and sighed, "Not until we can find some." He sat down at MK's desk chair. Party MK smiled wide, "You still gotta tell us why'd you poofed us up?" Party MK said with a grin. Painter MK rolled his eyes. "Why does it have to be something important?" Delivery MK just giggled. MK pouted once more as he crossed his arms and huffed, "I just wanted to hang out with you guys!" He exclaimed in his most childlike tone ever. The Painter MK raised an eyebrow but was interrupted by the sound of a door opening behind them. They turned around to see who was entering the home. It was none other than Y/N, MK's partner.
"Hey MK I brought us some-" Before Y/N could say anything else their eyes caught sight of all 3 MK's in the room. Their jaw dropped slightly and they gasped. "MK, what- who is- but you-" They continued to gawk and Y/N finally found their voice "What the hell." They mumbled. MK chuckled nervously, "Hun! I didn't think you would be home early! Uh, I forgot you haven't met any of my clones yet, so lemme introduce you-" Mk stopped when he heard Party MK whistling at Y/N, "Wow, ya didn't tell us you had a fine ass partner!" He lowered his shades as he winked at them. Y/N blushed and covered their face a bit. "He's right." A voice spoke behind Y/N making them yelp as Painter MK walked around from behind them, "You have nice legs too, maybe I can make a sculpture out of you~" He smirked uncovering Y/N's hands from their blushing face.
They took a step back from him and bumped into someone else. They yelp as they got lifted up into a hug. They looked up, surprised, and saw that it was Delivery MK holding onto them. He hugged them tight and gave them a warm smile. They shyly returned the hug, blushing a bit. "They're very cute too!" Delivery MK chirped, placing them back onto the ground after giving them one last squeeze. MK pouted, crossing his arms again. "A-Alright," Y/N said turning to Party MK, "C-Can you guys explain yourselves, please..?" They asked softly. Party laughed sheepishly. "Welllll..." "I was bored, okay!" MK blurted out as everyone looked at him. "You were gone for sooo longgg, so I wanted company.." He mumbled fiddling with his fingers.
"But now I regret it." He muttered glaring slightly at his clones. Party MK smirked mischievously. "But we thought you were boreddd." He cooed wrapping an arm around Y/N's waist. They squealed, trying to free themselves from his grasp. "Yea MK, I don't think ya should send us back so soon. We just got here." Painter MK pouted a bit. MK huffed, rolling his eyes, "Well, now you guys gotta go!" He snapped. His clones groaned at him. "But we wanna stay here and hang out with Y/N more" Delivery MK frowned. MK frowned feeling jealous, and looked at Y/N who was staring at the ground, face red, looking embarrassed, and then at Party MK. "No." He mumbled looking away from his clones. His three clones stared at him in confusion, not understanding why no one wanted them to stay.
"Come on man! Why won't anyone let us stay?!" Party whined, "we just want to hang out." Delivery added. "Yes, we wanna hang out." Painter mumbled. Party then gave up as he huffed, "fine guess we can goo! Since party pooper over here doesn't want us to stay." Party blew a raspberry at MK. Party smirked thinking of something, "But before we go~ We should give dear ol Y/N a kisss, hmm~" MK flinched at this and glared at party MK. Party ignored him, looking over at Y/N and pressing his lips against theirs. He pulled away quickly, leaving them shocked and a blushing mess, and ran over to his three clones. MK mumbled something angrily under his breath and walked over to them. "We didn't get to kiss them" Delivery pouted. Party looked up at him and grinned, "There's always a next time! Right OG?" "No."
MK does a Kung fu move that poofed them all away. He sighed as he looked at the mess of hair that was on the ground. He turned to look at Y/N who was still in shock at the whole thing. "Uh, sorry about that." He scratched the back of his neck. They blinked and gave a soft smile, "I-It's okay! I'm just in shock." They then looked at MK, he glared slightly at the pile of hair and you giggled. "You were jealous weren't you?" They asked. MK huffed, crossing his arms again, "No, what makes you think that?" Y/N giggled softly at him, "you looked really annoyed by them all flirting with me." They pointed out, smiling gently. "Of course I was! You're my partner, not there's!" He pouted. They giggles and walks up to him, pulling him close, and kissing his cheek. He sighs softly and leans into them. They smiled sweetly and held his hand tightly. "I love you." He whispered quietly. They stopped and kissed his forehead. "I love you too and only you."
Sorry, this was messy ! I tried my best [sobs]
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ebonysplendor · 2 months
The Science of Staying Awake Review 👁️
TL;DR: Sleep is often for the weak, but having, what is likely but claims not to be, a hallucination being violently in love with you is something that is not for the weak. Apparently, it's not for the living either...
Game Link: https://viscereye.itch.io/the-science-of-staying-awake
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Unnamed MC (referred as "You"), Yandere LI, Choice-heavy storyline Spiciness: 0/5 -- Not exactly wholesome because violence but no option to buss it open so no spice LI Red Flags: 1.7/5 -- Physically abusive, Crosses boundaries...other than that, he be's a touch starved boi who just wants cuddles
Wanna know more? Well, let's get into it!
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Before I say anything, I just want you to read this:
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Let me tell you, I had no idea how accurate that description was until I played it. That is a damned accurate description, and quite frankly, the only way to describe the experience that this was.
Anyways, I had ran across it when going through my game files, and I was like "Oh yeah! This game exists!" and decided to write a review on this one. I played this game many moons ago, and frankly, I don't see many people talking about or referencing this one; I honestly feel like more people should know about it, because there is a game to be played here. I mean, how many people are actually going to run across this review, I have no idea, but shit, hopefully it'll get a few extra downloads, because as "cheesy" as it may look, this was actually a pretty damn good game!
Honestly (and respectfully) speaking, you know how you look at a game, and you're like "This is probably going to be bad, but I'm curious"? From looking at the backgrounds they used, the description itself, and how they described the game as "cheesy" and a "creepypasta fanfic", I honestly thought this was supposed to be one of those "intentionally bad but funny as hell" games for jokes, but...yeah, no. If it was meant to be that way, I didn't get that at all.
I'll explain more in the actual review portion, but I'm going to go ahead and cut to the chase. As always, I give you the disclaimer that -- and those that have been vibing with me since the start of all of this already know -- I'm going to tell you as much as possible about the game without ruining the game itself.
Just as a side note, I think I do say that verbatim every time I write a review -- between that, "so boom", and the whole "drink water, don't be dumb" thing lol. I might switch it up one day, but that's honestly how I talk in real life. Like, can you not tell that I type the way that I speak? I mean, if it was something for college or work or something, yeah, I'm going to code switch, obvi, but for stuff like this? I'm pretty much talkin' to y'all like y'all are the squad because...well, y'all are lol.
Anyways! Enough chitchat, let's get summarizing.
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So, boom (lmao ya see?).
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We're in class, and we're tired as fook. Like, it's not even that "Damn, this class is boring" type of tired; it's that "I deadass haven't slept in 2 days, and I'm starting to hear colors and see sounds" type of tired. That "Ayo, why does this hard ass desk feel mad comfortable all of a sudden" type of tired. That plain and simple "a bitch is TIDE not tired" type of tired. Anyways, we recognize this as a current problem, and we know that we've gotta do something about it. Expeditiously. So, we hit up the vending machine, get something to wake us up a little, and then head on home.
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When I say that it took everything to get up those stairs and to our bedroom...listen.
Like, as soon as we got through the door, we dropped that backpack to the floor, and we dive -- you hear me, dive -- into that bed. Now, with the way that we were feeling, dreamland should've been immediate. To be real with you, we were probably asleep by the time we were mid-air, but like, when we landed, we landed on something, and this something -- or rather someone -- goes "Ow". Like huuuuuuuh?
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Again: Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh? Fuck you mean, "Ow?" Like who the hell is yooooooooou?!
No, like, we literally ask who he -- ...it? --- is, because clearly, he was not here when we left, let alone just chilling in our bed, but he's just super casual about it, like, "Oh! I'm Vance!". Like, oh, right, Vance; that suddenly makes this whole situation totally normal and nothing to worry about -- as if that were even slightly true.
Here's the thing though, oddly enough, it actually is kind've true. See, we're not scared of him as a...whatever he is, but something about him is just...not right; something is very clearly off. Like, when he had introduced himself, he had shook our hand, and we immediately got this mad intense feeling of dread that we couldn't describe, and something about it just kind've made us feel like we were, quite literally, spiraling into insanity.
Naturally, we pull ourselves away from him and step back -- that spiraling feeling and anxiety is instantly gone. As you've probably guessed, it didn't take us long to put together that it's not good for this "Vance" creature to be too close in proximity, let alone anywhere near us.
He kind've picks up on this, and he's adamant that he's not going to hurt us. Still, we try to explain to him that, while we're not really threatened by him, we get this weirdly intense feeling whenever he's nearby, and he essentially needs to stay a little more than an arm's length away at all times; frankly, the further away, the better. Well...
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He didn't take that well, and now, we feel threatened by him.
I hadn't mentioned this before, but Vance was already pretty upset that we wouldn't really let him come near us, let alone cuddle with him, but now he's extra pissed because we're essentially rejecting him altogether, even though he's, quite literally, driving us insane.
So, now that he's like this, we've got to get the hell out of there because, now, we aren't sure if he's still on the whole "I'm not going to hurt you" energy like before. That being said, we completely bolt, and he's like "Nah, bring that ass here, boi". Panic. Big panic time.
So, we do. We run off, but it does no good, because he finds us.
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Granted, he doesn't know exactly where we are, but it doesn't matter because we're completely cornered. What are we going to do?
Well, let me rephrase that I know what I'm going to do; better yet, I know what I did. Now you guys on the other hand? Lol, I'll guess you'll have to play it for yourself to see what y'all are going to do.
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I had honestly forgotten how good this game was until I had replayed it to grab some screenshots and to get a refresher on what actually went down. I'm not even kidding about that. My love for the game had literally re-sparked, and I can't believe that I forgot how good it was. If you've read my past reviews, you know that I mentioned at one point that I become an absolute slut for a choice-heavy game -- this is a choice heavy game and a damned good one. Speaking of choice-heavy...
Just to get off topic very slightly, you know what was crazy? When I went to replay it, apparently, I had done something different than when I had first played though the game and lmaoooooo, do you know that I had ended up finding THREE more endings? Wanna know something even crazier? One of them was a secret ending that I didn't even realize that I had gotten to!
Now mind you (lol you know the story is about to get a lil' spicy when that's said)! I had already unlocked like...if I remember right, like, 14 endings at this point, so when I found these other endings -- again, by total accident because, at this point, damn the review! I'm legit replaying the game for me, now -- I was now sitting at a grand total of 17 endings. So, now, I'm like "Ayo, what the hell?". Like, my mind is blown, because I was so sure that I had found all of the endings and completed the game. Remember, I hadn't touched or thought about this game in literal months because I was that confident that I had finished it. So, it's like, how many endings are there if I'm still managing to find more?
Naturally, I sprint to the dev's game page to conduct research on this burning question, and I am reading everything that there is to offer, but there was nothing. No "hey, this game has x amount of endings", no walkthrough map, no nothing. Did that stop me, though? Nah, because surely someone had experienced something similar to what I just had and was also like "Damn, how many endings are there...?". Lmaooooo well, I was right. You know what the answer is?
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19. There are nineteen endings in this game.
I already knew the answer, but I go back to count the amount of endings that I have; there's 17. I dig into the game files for some more hints, and I find two icons (you'll know what I mean when you play it) that I've never seen before. Oh, okay. So, it's confirmed, but let me make sure that I've got the details straight:
Are you seriously telling me that, not only had I incorrectly assumed that I had all of the endings and finished the game because I had gotten all of the achievements, but the fact that I found three other endings -- again, by accident! -- doesn't even matter because I'm still missing two more because there's NINETEEN ENDINGS total?!
Wild. Chaotic even, and you're damn right that I'm here for it all. I LOVE that there are so many endings. I love even more that I have other endings to look for because I'm totally in love with this game all over again. Even though, lol, it was the deadpan, nonchalant "19" from the dev for me. The dev said "I said what I said, and what about it?". We love to see it.
Anyways, I'm a huge advocate for this game. If you've got some time, definitely give it a try. I highly recommended, and Vance is a pretty sweet dude, if you can find that side of him, I mean. Also, just for a very light spoiler but not really, the real ending was so sweet to me. Like something about it, it just...I don't know. It was just a warm feeling that washed over me when I had read it, and I was just like "That was actually really cute?" Bittersweet, even. Like, ugh, I am honestly really pushing for more people to play this game. It was genuinely so good, and I hope that the dev comes out with more visual novels. I truly forgot how in love with this game I was until I replayed it. This has, highkey, been a great experience.
Anywho, it's time that I stop my rambling and end it here. If you'd like to give this game a go for yourself and discover all 🌟nineteen🌟 endings -- which I highly recommend that you do -- a link to the game is at the very bottom of this post as well as at the very top. Hell, I'll even put the link right here so you can get to it quicker. If you're feeling extra motivated, visit the dev's page and post a comment telling them how great of a job they did and give them that extra validation to let them know "Hey! You're pretty good at what you do! You should keep doing the thing!". I didn't see where you could donate to them, but assuming I just missed it, remember that monetary validation is always helpful as well.
That's all from me though! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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The Science of Staying Awake
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callsigncrash · 1 year
Ayo got another ask with a cute cat pic for context!
I'd like to see how your fav characters(yamori too ofc since he's the only one I actually know from the Cc'cs u write for TwT) would be with a s/o that mirrors them in daily stuff they do, like sitting, the way they walk and such(sometimes said s/o would even accidentally copy their handwriting if seeing them write for too long) and they do that bcz they're not that affectionate(or is just awkward when being affectionate) and that's their way of bonding
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Basically this
Have a good cycle of 24 hours:3
Various Characters with an S/O Who Mirrors Them
This is so sweet! I’m sorry these are so short, I did have a lot of fun with them tho! I should have another one of your requests out tonight as well.
Tokyo Ghoul
He finds it endearing. Naki tries to do this, to a rather annoying degree, so for you to be subtle about it is a good change.
He noticed the handwriting bit on one of the days he was going through paperwork. There was a slip that he didn’t remember writing. He was about to write himself off as crazy until he noticed a small deviation in the handwriting. It was your handwriting.
He notices that your sleeping and resting positions start to mirror his own. He finds it sweet.
When you start cracking your knuckles like him, he does get a little concerned. His reasons for doing so aren’t pleasant and are just out of trauma induced compulsions. In the end he decides that he doesn’t mind since you’re coming from a place of love. It makes him realize that he doesn’t have to associate it with pain anymore now that you’re here.
He also notices that you’re starting to do the same quick grin that he does. This gets him grinning more.
The king of mimicry getting mimicked? He’s so happy!
He mimics Yamori because he loves and admires him so when you start mimicking him, he’s just elated and thankfully, you now match that enthusiasm!
He notices that you start doing the same giddy mannerisms that he does when you’re excited.
You’re even developing a bit of his emotional streak, you don’t cry like he does though, you just get a bit more choked up than you usually would.
The Boys
Black Noir
He’s a quiet man but he’s got plenty of mannerisms that are so unequivocally him that it’s hard not to notice when you’re mimicking him.
You get quieter and more thoughtful like he does.
You start to stare off and situate yourself like he does.
He’s another one who finds it extremely endearing and personal. It’s another thing that cements your love for him in his mind.
He doesn’t bring it up but when he sees you start to doodle on papers more than you usually would, he gets really happy.
He does the same already so mimicking each other’s mannerisms comes naturally. Neither of you realize that you do it until the study group points it out.
You start mimicking his subtle expressions and he starts mimicking how you sit and it goes from there.
You might unknowingly mimic Abed who’s mimicking Troy, who might be mimicking someone else in the group, etc.
Considering that he also struggles with affections, he considers this to be the peak of PDA. It’s like something out of a documentary…A documentary that he could make…Quick! Get the camera!
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When It Was Me // Shuri
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Summary: You and Shuri agreed to call it quits when you both wanted to go your separate ways. Her becoming Queen of Wakanda and you becoming one of the most well known celebrity photographers. You had left everything behind in Wakanda. But will a single invitation open the floodgates to everything you fought so hard to bury?
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warning: Angst // Mentioned Depression // Mentioned Character Death // Soft Break Up
Author’s Note: This is just something I thought of and decided to write it out lol.
Word Count: 1.5k
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The invitation in your hand shook as you trembled slightly while reading the words. An invitation directly from Shuri. Who is now Queen of Wakanda. The most powerful nation in the world. You honestly had expected her to reach out to you regarding the event. The two of you had broken up years prior to this. You were a simple village girl who managed to snag a job in her lab. Needless to say you caught her eye with your brilliant brain that sometimes outdid hers. She had never met someone who could keep up with her. You sometimes left her speechless. Soon after your friendship had molded into a romantic relationship. Okoye would always say you were like two peas in a pod. Ayo would call you soulmates. The queen loved you like her own and T'Challa adored the way you treated his sister. It feels like it was just yesterday when she came to you with a sequence she couldn’t figure out. The memories flooded your mind like a monsoon. 
“You finished the sequence? Already? Bast you are really gifted, Y/N.”
“All in a days work.” You grinned as she grabbed your waist. She planted a short kiss on your temple as you leaned into her warmth. 
“Come. I should treat you for helping me. Lunch is on me.” She smiled and you intertwined your fingers before kissing her softly on her lips. 
You had left Wakanda to go to school for photography. It was your passion. Your dream. Even though she didn’t like the fact you weren’t in Wakanda 24/7, she stood behind every step of the way. She did what she could to visit you but at some point she couldn’t. Not with her life spiraling around her the way it was. When you heard of the passing of King T'Challa, Queen Ramonda had begged you to be by her daughter’s side. She didn’t have to beg as the Dora Milaje had come to escort you back to the palace. You couldn’t say no. You wouldn’t say no. You ran off the jet when it landed and went straight to the lab.
Shuri kept herself busy by swiping away at the tablet in her hands with a frown on her features. Her foot tapped at the floor, something she did when she was worried. You couldn’t help but grin at her as she ran around the lab.
“You shouldn’t frown so much. You’re too pretty for that.” As soon as the words left your mouth she turned to you with wide eyes. It didn’t take her long to drop the tablet and run into your awaiting arms. In the safety of your presence she broke down. You let her cry into your shoulder as you rubbed her back. “It’s okay. I’m here princess.”
You were there when she fell into the dark pit of depression. When she felt like she wasn’t good enough. Or didn’t do enough. You shot down those accusations and reminded her everyday how wonderful she was. That she was enough. And how T'Challa would be proud of her at every moment. How you were proud of her. You thought the two of you would have a break, but then Namor attacked. Flooding part of Wakanda. Murdering Queen Ramonda. Losing her brother and her mother within the course of two years did something to her. Something snapped in Shuri and you didn’t know how to help aside from being there for her. You were there when she successfully recreated the heart shaped herb. When she became the black panther. 
You stood by her side as Nakia called out to Queen Ramonda. You watched as her veins began to glow purple as she visited the ancestral plane. You held onto the table she laid on and waited for her to come back. Kimoyo beads in your grip praying she doesn’t leave you. Nakia put an arm around you and you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
“She will be okay. We’re all going to be okay.” You nodded just as Shuri quickly sat up trying to catch her breath. You knew something was up when she kept saying she didn’t see anyone. How they abandoned her. 
“Why would they abandon me? Don’t touch me!” Nakia tried to calm down the spiraling princess until she punched a mannequin, sending it flying across the room.
“I think you’re going to need a suit.” Nakia said to her before she brought you to the room that held her brother’s mantle. You squeezed her hand as she looked at the helmets. Moving to where Killmongers rested. Another right next to it. 
“My love. Be honest with me. Who did you see in the ancestral plane?” You muttered as you held her hands tight and she looked you in the eyes.
"What did he tell you?" 
"To get it back. In blood.” She mumbled and you caressed her cheek.
“Is that your plan? Is that what you’re going to do?” You questioned and her lip trembled.
“I want Namor’s head Y/N. For what he did to my mother.” You saw vengeance cloud her eyes and you nodded. She had good reason to feel the way that she did and you weren’t going to try and stop her. Queen Ramonda was like a second mother to you. So you understood how the princess felt.
You were the only person she told. You were the only one who knew the truth about Killmonger being the one she saw. You promised her that the secret was safe with you. She urged you to stay in the palace while she went after Namor. She couldn’t risk you getting hurt. When she returned she let you know that an alliance had been formed. She fought the darkness in her heart and spared the enemy. You were happy she was back. And alive. When everything died down, Wakanda was starting to thrive again. You sat on top of the palace roof watching the sunset and Shuri joined you after not finding you in the lab.
“It’s over for now huh?” You asked and she nodded. 
“It’s going to take some time for me to get used to everything now. My mother is gone. Wakanda is in need of a new ruler. This change, it might take a toll on us. I don’t want you to feel left out as I probably won’t be around as often.” She said and you let a tear roll down your cheek. She was right. This changes everything. You knew it would come to this. You may not get to see her as often as you did. You might not be able to have your late night talks anymore. Your late nights in the lab won’t be filled with laughter and jokes. She has bigger responsibilities now.
“I know. I thought about moving back to the states. Try for a photography job. Wakanda will always be my home. But you do have a huge responsibility now. One that I wouldn’t want you to be distracted from.” You grabbed her hand and she rubbed the back of your hand with her thumb. 
“It’s your dream for photography, yeah? I want you to go for it. We’ll both have at least one distraction. My lab is my new bedroom.” She smiled and you couldn’t stop the laugh that left you.
“Y/N if you need anything. Anything at all. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me. You’ve been there for me through thick and thin. Even though we’ll be apart, you’ll always be my dearest Y/N.” She reached out to take you in her arms and you melted into her. The two of you stayed in each other’s arms as the sun went down.
That was all behind you now. You become the photographer you always wanted to be after moving to the states. She became queen of Wakanda with her new girl by her side. She told you she was trying to date again when you two kept contact. You were the one who urged her to step back out there. You were happy that she was happy. Your phone rang, tearing you from reminiscing old memories and you quickly reached for your cell as a familiar name was on the screen.
“Bitch tell me you got the invitation. I can barely control myself right now!” You could hear her breathing on the other end and let out a laugh. 
“Girl I got it.” You grinned and she squealed on the other end.
“Y/N this shit is huge. We’ll be covering a party in Wakanda! I need to get my braids redone TONIGHT. We’ll need some new fits. We gotta show out and we got to do it right!” She said and you smiled to yourself. 
“Yeah. I’ll probably get some locs done and see if Riri can fit check me while I pack.” You told her and she clapped her hands. 
“Bitch I can’t wait! I’ll see you Friday at the airport. Make sure you have your good lens. Might need some wide shots." 
"What airport? This is Wakanda we are talking about. Where we were personally invited. Girl, we won’t need to go to the airport.” You chuckled remembering how your invite said the Dora milaje will pick you and your partner up from your place. 
“Ou shit! Ya girl got to get her hoe fit ready. I’ll see you Friday girl.”
“Bye.” You hung up the phone and eyed the invitation sitting on your bed. Standing up you walked over to your closet with a wide grin. You were going home.
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ey man, can i have a drabble with the puppeteer wanting to give the batter lots of kisses (because he deserves it :b)
Ayo, absolutely! Fluff is good and I'm always more than happy to write it! And you are so right, he deserves every kiss on the planet! As well as a lullaby! Someone out there should sing him a lullaby too!
Reader Giving Batter Kisses
“Oh, look! It seems like you’ve got a spot here!” Batter turned to you, utterly confused at your allegation. While it was true that he was eating a cream puff you had brought him, he was attentive enough to not spill anything. Or get some on himself for that matter. Though, you were His Player, you knew best about what he couldn’t see, for your judgement was always correct.
“I understand, the spot will be removed immediately. May I ask where it might be, however?” Looking up and down on his clothing, aside from a few crumbs, which he proceeded to wipe off of himself, he couldn’t find anything, his face didn’t feel as though it had anything on it either.
Still, you gave him a warm smile, one, the sun itself would be envious of. Just looking at you felt like being hit by a ray of light after a dreary night. Your giggles made something in Batter flutter, even if, by now, he knew you were up to something. It may have been good, it may have been bad, but either way, he was going to support you through it, even if it meant he was the victim of another prank of yours.
As you leaned closer to his face, Batter took another bite of his cream puff, chewing it rather slowly, however. Eventually, as he felt your breath on his face, he looked away, unable to maintain eye contact any further. “Oh, another spot seemed to have appeared, let me get it for you real quick!”
Puzzling as that statement of yours may have been, the saviour had no time to question your motives for he felt your lips pressing against his cheek. In that moment, he stopped chewing completely, too stunned to form a coherent thought. Only when he hid underneath the safety of his hat did he realise he still had food to swallow, as it was rude to speak with a full mouth. “My Player, I appreciate your taking care of me.”
“Batter, what are you talking about?” You snatched the baseball cap from his hands and put it aside. “You’re so full of spots right now! I need to get every single one of them!” Putting Batter’s face in your hands may have been your very worst idea yet. There was nowhere he had left to hide his face, red as the setting sun and cold as a winter evening. All four of his ruby red eyes were open, avoiding yours entirely.
And thus, your barrage began. Not a single spot of his was spared. From his cheek, to his nose, to his forehead. And every time you seemed to have gotten rid of a spot, two would appear in its stead somewhere else. Batter truly was as epic as he was mysterious. But even the heroic Hercules had to have his downfall eventually, as he, too, was merely a mortal. The finishing blow, you found, was when you met Batter’s lips.
“Aww, is someone all smiles now?”
Even the tip of his ears were red by the time you were finished with him. If you had been a spectre, Batter’s journey would have been much more difficult, it’s probably for the best you were His Player. But none of that mattered as you were awaiting a response when you didn’t get one. Did you go too far? Or, even worse, did you break him?
When he did face you again, it was a sight you would never forget. A small smile was placed on his lips. Like a blue moon, it was a rare sight, and like the lining up of the planets, an event you would never forget. One last time, you gave him a kiss on the cheek, whispering an “I love you” to a guy, who has not felt this much glee in a long time.
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killmongerskeeper · 1 year
When It Was Me // Shuri
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Summary: You and Shuri agreed to call it quits when you both wanted to go your separate ways. Her becoming Queen of Wakanda and you becoming one of the most well known celebrity photographers. You had left everything behind in Wakanda. But will a single invitation open the floodgates to everything you fought so hard to bury?
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warning: Angst // Mentioned Depression // Mentioned Character Death // Soft Break Up
Author's Note: This is just something I thought of and decided to write it out lol.
Word Count: 1.5k
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The invitation in your hand shook as you trembled slightly while reading the words. An invitation directly from Shuri. Who is now Queen of Wakanda. The most powerful nation in the world. You honestly had expected her to reach out to you regarding the event. The two of you had broken up years prior to this. You were a simple village girl who managed to snag a job in her lab. Needless to say you caught her eye with your brilliant brain that sometimes outdid hers. She had never met someone who could keep up with her. You sometimes left her speechless. Soon after your friendship had molded into a romantic relationship. Okoye would always say you were like two peas in a pod. Ayo would call you soulmates. The queen loved you like her own and T'Challa adored the way you treated his sister. It feels like it was just yesterday when she came to you with a sequence she couldn't figure out. The memories flooded your mind like a monsoon. 
"You finished the sequence? Already? Bast you are really gifted, Y/N."
"All in a days work." You grinned as she grabbed your waist. She planted a short kiss on your temple as you leaned into her warmth. 
"Come. I should treat you for helping me. Lunch is on me." She smiled and you intertwined your fingers before kissing her softly on her lips. 
You had left Wakanda to go to school for photography. It was your passion. Your dream. Even though she didn't like the fact you weren't in Wakanda 24/7, she stood behind every step of the way. She did what she could to visit you but at some point she couldn't. Not with her life spiraling around her the way it was. When you heard of the passing of King T'Challa, Queen Ramonda had begged you to be by her daughter's side. She didn't have to beg as the Dora Milaje had come to escort you back to the palace. You couldn't say no. You wouldn't say no. You ran off the jet when it landed and went straight to the lab.
Shuri kept herself busy by swiping away at the tablet in her hands with a frown on her features. Her foot tapped at the floor, something she did when she was worried. You couldn't help but grin at her as she ran around the lab.
"You shouldn't frown so much. You're too pretty for that." As soon as the words left your mouth she turned to you with wide eyes. It didn't take her long to drop the tablet and run into your awaiting arms. In the safety of your presence she broke down. You let her cry into your shoulder as you rubbed her back. "It's okay. I'm here princess."
You were there when she fell into the dark pit of depression. When she felt like she wasn't good enough. Or didn't do enough. You shot down those accusations and reminded her everyday how wonderful she was. That she was enough. And how T'Challa would be proud of her at every moment. How you were proud of her. You thought the two of you would have a break, but then Namor attacked. Flooding part of Wakanda. Murdering Queen Ramonda. Losing her brother and her mother within the course of two years did something to her. Something snapped in Shuri and you didn't know how to help aside from being there for her. You were there when she successfully recreated the heart shaped herb. When she became the black panther. 
You stood by her side as Nakia called out to Queen Ramonda. You watched as her veins began to glow purple as she visited the ancestral plane. You held onto the table she laid on and waited for her to come back. Kimoyo beads in your grip praying she doesn't leave you. Nakia put an arm around you and you let out the breath you didn't know you were holding. 
"She will be okay. We're all going to be okay." You nodded just as Shuri quickly sat up trying to catch her breath. You knew something was up when she kept saying she didn't see anyone. How they abandoned her. 
"Why would they abandon me? Don't touch me!" Nakia tried to calm down the spiraling princess until she punched a mannequin, sending it flying across the room.
"I think you're going to need a suit." Nakia said to her before she brought you to the room that held her brother's mantle. You squeezed her hand as she looked at the helmets. Moving to where Killmongers rested. Another right next to it. 
"My love. Be honest with me. Who did you see in the ancestral plane?" You muttered as you held her hands tight and she looked you in the eyes.
"What did he tell you?" 
"To get it back. In blood." She mumbled and you caressed her cheek.
"Is that your plan? Is that what you're going to do?" You questioned and her lip trembled.
"I want Namor's head Y/N. For what he did to my mother." You saw vengeance cloud her eyes and you nodded. She had good reason to feel the way that she did and you weren't going to try and stop her. Queen Ramonda was like a second mother to you. So you understood how the princess felt.
You were the only person she told. You were the only one who knew the truth about Killmonger being the one she saw. You promised her that the secret was safe with you. She urged you to stay in the palace while she went after Namor. She couldn't risk you getting hurt. When she returned she let you know that an alliance had been formed. She fought the darkness in her heart and spared the enemy. You were happy she was back. And alive. When everything died down, Wakanda was starting to thrive again. You sat on top of the palace roof watching the sunset and Shuri joined you after not finding you in the lab.
"It's over for now huh?" You asked and she nodded. 
"It's going to take some time for me to get used to everything now. My mother is gone. Wakanda is in need of a new ruler. This change, it might take a toll on us. I don't want you to feel left out as I probably won't be around as often." She said and you let a tear roll down your cheek. She was right. This changes everything. You knew it would come to this. You may not get to see her as often as you did. You might not be able to have your late night talks anymore. Your late nights in the lab won't be filled with laughter and jokes. She has bigger responsibilities now.
"I know. I thought about moving back to the states. Try for a photography job. Wakanda will always be my home. But you do have a huge responsibility now. One that I wouldn't want you to be distracted from." You grabbed her hand and she rubbed the back of your hand with her thumb. 
"It's your dream for photography, yeah? I want you to go for it. We'll both have at least one distraction. My lab is my new bedroom." She smiled and you couldn't stop the laugh that left you.
"Y/N if you need anything. Anything at all. Don't hesitate to reach out to me. You've been there for me through thick and thin. Even though we'll be apart, you'll always be my dearest Y/N." She reached out to take you in her arms and you melted into her. The two of you stayed in each other's arms as the sun went down.
That was all behind you now. You become the photographer you always wanted to be after moving to the states. She became queen of Wakanda with her new girl by her side. She told you she was trying to date again when you two kept contact. You were the one who urged her to step back out there. You were happy that she was happy. Your phone rang, tearing you from reminiscing old memories and you quickly reached for your cell as a familiar name was on the screen.
"Bitch tell me you got the invitation. I can barely control myself right now!" You could hear her breathing on the other end and let out a laugh. 
"Girl I got it." You grinned and she squealed on the other end.
"Y/N this shit is huge. We'll be covering a party in Wakanda! I need to get my braids redone TONIGHT. We'll need some new fits. We gotta show out and we got to do it right!" She said and you smiled to yourself. 
"Yeah. I'll probably get some locs done and see if Riri can fit check me while I pack." You told her and she clapped her hands. 
"Bitch I can't wait! I'll see you Friday at the airport. Make sure you have your good lens. Might need some wide shots." 
"What airport? This is Wakanda we are talking about. Where we were personally invited. Girl, we won't need to go to the airport." You chuckled remembering how your invite said the Dora milaje will pick you and your partner up from your place. 
"Ou shit! Ya girl got to get her hoe fit ready. I'll see you Friday girl."
"Bye." You hung up the phone and eyed the invitation sitting on your bed. Standing up you walked over to your closet with a wide grin. You were going home.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 7 months
killermare first made - written by HP (my writing partner 💀)
[Note: this is unfortunately canon... Why do I even gave him the job to write backstories...]
Nightmare will be called by the name of Alphonse in here while Killer is Amaris.
Also, this is a short one, the full version is on wattpad but I am not sure if I really want to make this canon and publish it... 🗿
It's black, everything is black for Alphonse.
How long has it been since the wars ended? How long has it been since he killed everyone.
Alphonse got up from his king sized bed, if he were still himself, he will be so grateful everyday but now?
He just want to die and meet his family again. Can he even reunite with his family?
No.. His family are in heaven. If he die, he'll go to hell.. He deserves it.
Alphonse was never a man of religion after knowing her deceased wife done witchcraft. He used too because he devoted himself to the empire he served long time ago as a knight.
Now look at him, a sad pathetic king who can't even get himself together.
Alphonse get up and looks at the mirror. He changed so much... He was kind and caring but now he is nothing but an ugly monster.
"... I need to get out." he whispered to himself.
The outside was loud, it was a proof that he stay in too long.
He has magic now, he can travel across the world with just using magic. He didn't get a good control of it at first but after years, he manages too.
Alphonse walks around the place, it was full of trees and happy children are playing.
That two words reminds him a lot of the past.
"shit..." Alphonse sighed to himself. 'Maybe this is a bad idea, I should go to more depressing place—' "huh—?"
A girl suddenly stumbled upon him which made him startled. He didn't fall but the girl did.
Alphonse panicked and turn around to ask if the girl alright. Yet as soon as he did that, he was stunned by the girl appearance.
"U-Uhm, maaf tuan! {{U-Uhm sorry mister!}}" The girl apologized as she got up by herself.
White hair, palest skin that he ever know and two pair of black eyes. She looks exactly like his deceased wife when she was younger.
"Fiona...?" he mutters under his breath.
He was shocked indeed, part of him want to hug her so badly.
Just then, a slightly older man ran towards Fiona. Alphonse immediately fled from the scene while still panicking, he hides using his shape-shifting quirk.
"Amaris, jangan pernah lari seperti itu lagi! {{Amaris, don't ever run like that again!}}" Yelled his brother, "You have no idea how upset the doctors are right now..."
"T-Tapi Kakak, mereka akan menembakku dengan jarum lagi! {{B-But Brother, they're going to shot me with needles again!}}" she pouted. "Aku benci itu! {{!I hate that!}}"
"ini demi kebaikanmu sendiri, Amaris... ayo pergi sebelum mereka memutuskan untuk mengganti dosismu lagi. {{It's for your own good, Amaris... Let's just go before they decide to change your dose again.}}" said her brother.
Amaris frowned but she gave up in the end. She wanted to play with those kids, if she didn't stumbled on the eerie man, she would've gotten away.
Talking about Alphonse, she wonders where did he went.
"kakak, ada seorang pria menakutkan dengan penampilan berlendir {{Brother, there was a man with scary with slimy appearance.}}" she said
"apakah kamu berhalusinasi lagi, Amaris? {{Are you hallucinating again, Amaris?}}" he sighed. "tolong jangan katakan itu pada doktermu {{Please don't tell that to your doctors.}}"
Amaris's brother didn't find any concerns behind her words. They left and went back to the mental hospital.
Alphonse was still there, he stop hiding as he tried to keep his calm. No kidding, he is still surprised to see someone who look so much like his wife. As if his wife were reincarnated as Amaris.
"Amaris huh... ..." Alphonse smirked to himself as he feels his darker self is telling him horrible things he should do to get Amaris in his hand.
Alphonse snapped from his thoughts as he get himself back.
'This isn't right, she's not even Fiona and she seems like around my late daughter age...' Alphonse is trying to stay sane but it's hard to do so.
‘’then just wait for a few years, she'll be all yours once again.”
There's it again. The one who keep talking to him after those pass years, it was the consequences for committing treason and ate the forbidden apples.
"Oh God.." Alphonse hates these kind of conversations.
‘’God can't save you, this is your fate... Now you must do whatever you desire...!‘’
"Well my desire is just for you to go away!" Alphonse yelled as he covered his ears. He don't want to listen this horrid thoughts.
“WRONG. That's not your desires at all!”
"I am loyal to my wife bastard... This is just so wrong." Alphonse sighed to himself.
He left the place before he will get told by those dark thoughts again.
He is in the castle again, it was dark and he is lonely.
He need to control himself, he can't lost against someone who is part of him now.
(here I am waiting for my other friend opinion...💀)
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laskyy · 2 years
P1harmony as your boyfriend - Keeho version
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Genre: fluff
Tw: mention of arguements, kissing and lmk if I missed something
How you met:
You were in the park just getting some fresh air as you had just finished a hard work day
The sun was almost setting but as it was summer it was still hot
You were just walking around until you found an ice cream parlor
So you just thought it would be a nicw reward for the day you just had right?
You got some vanilla ice cream because why not lmao
"That'll be 2.45$ please"
"Oh sure let me get my wal-"
Your wallet wasn't in your pocket :D
"Oh my god I have to look for it I swear ot was with me when I left the house"
The poor cashier was looking at you with a very dull expression because how fun! A random person screaming about a wallet!!
That is until...
"Ayo guys come look at this ugly ass wallet!"
As you turned around you saw a boy around your age holding YOUR WALLET!!
First you were like: OH THANK GOD
But then you were like: Hold on whose wallet are you calling ugly?!?
So as you really wanted to leave the place you ran up to the boy to get your wallet
"This is your wallet? Damn, ugly wallet pretty owner, didn't see that one coming"
You: 🧍
The guy: 🙂
You still wanted your wallet so you asked for it
"Let me just do something" he says
And you're like boy if you steal something I swear
But he just laughs and picks up a napkin to write something and then he puts it in the wallet
He winks and leaves along a couple of guys
"Oh I forgot about the Ice cream hehe"
As you waited for your change you picked the napkin up
"Hey I'm Keeho, no I didn't write my number but if you're interested come meet me at the park at 3 pm :)"
How he asked you out:
After your meeting in the park the day after he found your wallet you got to know each other so much better
And you really hit it off in a platonic way
You guys realy hadn't thought about taking a step further until the members mentioned it
"Hey what are you guys doing fof valentines day?"
"Why would we do anything Intak we're just friends"
"Well you guys look like a cute couple so I just thought uhm nevermind"
Cue an emotional crisis!!!
Since that day you couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of you and Keeho being a couple but you were sure he didn't feel the same way
Well how oblivious could you be :)
The boy's head was a mess since Intak said that and now the more he thought of it the more he wanted something else with your relationship
So to take the next step he asked for Intak's help on what he should do for valentines
"I'm sure they like you too! So just give them flowers, chocolate and a heartfelt confession and It'll work!"
It can't be that hard right?
Just tell your crush how you feel!
What's hard about that?
Keeho is a very determined person and he's going to shoot his shot and see where everything goes
He texted you saying to meet up in front of the ice cream parlor where you two met at around 8pm
He came in 30 minutes earlier to rehearse everything he had planned
But as you appeared his lines disappeared :)
"Hey kee!"
"These are for you or whatever"
You were like: "Uhm thanks?"
And suddenly he was like
"You know what? Sorry I'm just really nervous because I had this whole speech to confess to you but everything just got thrown out of the window as soon as I saw you"
And you laugh
"Boy I've liked you for some time and I thought I was pretty obvious!"
And he's like "Well then you'll go out with me right?"
And when you agree he pulls you in the buggest hug and you only break apart when you hear someone yelling
It was the cashier at the Ice cream parlor your number 1 fan apparently
How he is as a partner:
So since you started dating, Keeho cannot keep his hands to himself as he is always hugging and kissing you at every single chance he gets
But you love it because you feel loved!!
He is always trying to make you interested in music if you aren't already!
"Babe come here lets record something!"
"But I can't sing Kee"
But don't worry you'll have fun regardless of your singing abilities
That's honestly a way to describe almost everything in your relationship: fun!
Of course you guys argue sometimes but you guys solve it almost as soon as you start it!
Shota is most likely included in about 55% of your cuddles
But you can't complain he is basically your son at this point
The members are constantly teasing you guys because you're both so affectionate with each other
And cue Keeho saying
"Y'all are jealous."
Well that's partially true but they still love the both of you very much
But not as much as Keeho loves you!
One thing that he'll never admit is that your forehead kisses make him feel some type of way
*you kiss him on the forehead*
"Aww are you blushing?"
"Uhm uh it's because Jiung slapped me"
He is always like ALWAYS kissing you like you see him after a week he'll kiss you like he hasn't seen you in a month, he'll see you after you got out of the bathroom and he'll also kiss you like he hasn't seen you in a month
But you're not complaining
You love him very much and he loves you too!!
The first I love you was said by you when he was rapping along to 'Super bass' by Nicki Minaj
And then he pulls you into a hug smiles at you and kisses you slowly and as things begin to heat up
Poor Theo always walking in on what he shouldn't but oh well
You guys are very united and always pick each other and hype each other up
All in all Keeho is the most loving and fun boyfriend on the planet and we all want a Keeho :')
P1harmony as your boyfriend masterlist
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yalocalfanficaddict · 6 months
*vibrating to the point of combusting over the need to write something and title it with a Hozier song/lyric*
Ayo, new music obsession just dropped! Here's a random prompt list of Hozier stuff because my mind is rotting! Anything with Pt 1 and Pt 2 beside it, is just complimentary titles for potential series titles.
Take me to church:
Giggle At A Funeral
Born Sick
Like A Dog At The Shrine
Offer Me Your Deathless Death
Take Me To Church (A lil obvious with this one, but just imagine the Corpse Bride AU's)
My Lover's The Sunlight (Pt 1)
She Demands A Sacrifice (Pt 2)
This is Hungry Work
No Masters Or Kings (Pt 1)
When The Ritual Begins (Pt 2)
Let Me Give You My Life
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene:
Toying Somewhere Between Love And Abuse (Please just hit me with the back of a metal chair) (and by metal chair I mean angst)
The Wretched And Joyful
Shaking The Wings Of Their Terrible Youth (Arch-angels? Anybody?)
Freshly Disowned...Frozen Devotion
Sweetened Breath And Tongue So Mean (Removed pronouns for inclusivity)
Feeling More Human
I Lay My Heart Down (Pt 1)
It's Bloody It's Raw, But I Swear It's Sweet (Pt 2)
Wonder If Better Now Having Survived (Pt 1)
I'm Alive (Pt 2)
Jackie and Wilson:
From Behind The Red In My Eyes (Literally any character with red eyes will rule this title)
No Better Version Of Me
Most Familiar of Swine (Enemies to Lovers WHERE YOU AT??)
Wretched And Divine (I don't watch Good Omens, but think of the potential!!!!)
Laughing Away Through My Feeble Disguise
Found Me Just In Time
My Mid-Youth Crisis All Said And Done (Pt 1)
Never Felt So Young (Pt 2)
Call Me "Baby"
Hands Through My Hair
Soothe Me Daily
Raise 'Em On Rhythm And Blues
It'd Be Great To Find A Place We Could Escape Sometime
Dead And Buried In The Yard Outside
Watch The World Go By (Pt 1)
Watch It Burn And Rust (Pt 2)
It Wasn't For Us (Pt 3????)
Cut Clean From The Dream (Childhood Friends To Strangers???)
Let My Mind Reset
Looking Up From A Cigarette
Someone New:
Don't Take This The Wrong Way
You Knew Who I Was (Pt 1)
Every Step I Ran To You (Pt 2)
Electing Strange Perfections
Just A Little Ol' Little Bit
Everyday With Someone New (Here me out...Soulmate AU)
(There's An) Art To Life's Distractions (Pt 1)
The Art Of Scraping Through (Pt 2)
Some Like To Imagine
I Guess Any Thrill Will Do (Grumpy x Sunshine adventure!)
My Heart's Already Sinned
How Pure, How Sweet A Love
'Cause God Knows I Fall In Love (Denial for their feelings >>>)
The Stranger The Better
To Be Alone:
Never Feel Too Good In Crowds (Angst? Trauma Recovery?)
Crude And Proud Creatures Baying
All I've Ever Done Is Hide
When You Kill The Lights And Kiss My Eyes (FORBIDDEN LOVERS!!!!!)
I Feel Like A Person For A Moment Of My Life (Pt 1)
But You Don't Know What Hell You Put Me Through (Pt 2)
Kiss The Skin That Crawls From You
Oh, To Be Alone With You (Pt 1)
Questions I Can't Ask (Pt 2)
Not A Trace Of Me Would Argue (Whipped characters be like)
We Should Run Away
From Eden:
Something So Tragic About You (Please combine the next few lines as Pt 1s, 2s, 3s, etc. as you see fit!)
Something So Magic About You
Something Lonesome About You
Something Wholesome About You
Get Closer To Me
No Time For Me
You're Familiar Like My Mirror Years Ago
Idealism Sits In Prison
Chivalry Fell On It's Sword
Innocence Died Screaming
Something So Wretched About This (Hozier's favourite word unlocked lol)
Where To Begin?
What A Sin
To Hang From A Tree
In a Week (Ft. Karen Cowley):
I Have Never Known Peace
Like These Insects That Feast On Me
Our Heartbeats Becoming Slow
Two Corpses We Were (Pt1)
Two Corpses I Saw (Pt 2)
I'd Be Home With You (Could be used as a Hurt/Comfort or a Hurt/No Comfort)
The Slumber That Creeps To Me
I Have Never Known Color (Soulmate AU!!)
Flesh Calmly Going Cold
Your Hand In My Hand
So Still And Discreet
When The Weather Gets Hot
After The Foxes Have Known Our Taste (Pt 1)
After The Raven Has Had It's Say (Pt 2)
Just A Little Rush
To Feel Dizzy, To Derail The Mind
My Heart's In Atrophy
Nursing On A Poison That Never Stung (Pt 1)
Our Teeth And Lungs Are Lined From The Scum Of It (Pt 2)
We Are Deaf (Pt 1)
We Are Numb (Pt 2)
Something Isn't Right (Trapped in an Alternate Universe, anyone?)
Little Words
Slaves To Any Semblance Of Touch (Touched Starved Character's are gonna have a field day with this one lol)
We Should Quit But We Love It So Much (Never meant to be romances >>>)
Drag Me Away From It
Work Song:
Workin' On Empty
I Just Think About My Baby
I Could Barely Eat
Nothing Sweeter Than My Baby
Once From The Cherry Tree
Give Me Toothaches Just From Kissin' Me
When My Time Comes Around (Pt 1)
Lay Me Gently In The Cold Dark Earth (Pt 2) (THE ANGSSTTTTT)
Three Days On Drunken Sin (We aaaall know the smut writers will have a field day with this one, haha!)
An Empty Crib
No Grave Can Hold My Body Down
What My Hands And My Body Done
If The Lord Don't Forgive Me
Heaven And Hell Were Words To Me
Like Real People Do:
Why Were You Digging? (Pt 1)
What Did You Bury (Pt 2)
Those Hands Pulled Me From The Earth
(I Will Not Ask You) Where You Came From
Eyes Always Seeking
In Some Sad Way, I Already Know
It Will Come Back:
You Know Better, Babe
Talk To It Like That (My mind went STRAIGHT to the gutter when I read it out of context)
Don't Give It A Hand, Offer A Soul
Leave It To The Land
Don't Let It In With No Intentions To Keep It
It Will Come Back
Smile At Me Like That
Hold Me
I'm Something Else When I See You (Myyy heaaart!!! Grumpy x Sunshine title for sure!!)
You Don't Understand, You Should Never Know
How Easy You Are To Need
It Can't Be Unlearned
The Warmth Of Your Doorways
Oh, Please, Give Me Mercy No More (WHUMP POTENTIAL!!!)
A Kindness You Can't Afford
Howling Outside Your Door
Foreigner's God:
Moved In Shameless Wonder
The Perfect Creature Rarely Seen
When The Land Was Godless And Free
Into The Empty Parts Of Me
My Heart Is Heavy
Always A Well Dressed Fraud
Never For Me
The Purest Expression Of Grief (HEAR ME OUT!! HEAR ME OUT!!)
Tender Charm
The Broken Love I Made To Them (Changed pronouns for inclusivity!)
Foreign To Me
Cherry Wine:
Eyes And Words Are So Icy
Like Rum On A Fire
Hot And Fast And Angry (Mad smut mad smut mad smut mad smut mad-)
I Walk My Days On A Wire
Oh Mama, Don't Fuss Over Me
The Blood Is Rare And Sweet As Cherry Wine (*glances at the Twilight fandom nervously*)
The Sheets Of Some Other
But I Want It, It's A Crime
Not Around Most Of The Time
I'm Their's And They're Mine (Inclusivity!!)
Fight And Fury Is Fiery
Loves Like Sleep To The Freezing
Sweet And Right And Merciful
It's Worth It (Pt 1)
It's Divine (Pt 2)
In The Woods Somewhere:
My Head Was Warm, My Skin Was Soaked
When I Awoke, The Moon Still Hung
The Darkness Hummed
I Prayed My Mind Be Good To Me
Into The Trees With Empty Hands
His Bone Exposed, His Hind Was Lame, I Raise A Stone To End His Pain (A lil long, but I think it sounds nice✨)
What Caused The Wound?
To Save A Life I Didn't Have
Forgot All Prayers Of Joining You
My Dearest Love, I'm Not Done Yet
Something In The Woods Somewhere
Run To Me, Lover
Until You Feel Your Lungs Bleeding (HANAHAKI?? HANAHAKI!!)
To Be Twisted By Something (A knife? A rope? Possibilities are endless!)
A Shame Without A Sin
Rushing To The Shore To Meet
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ayoxaneka · 6 months
Calling all AyoxAneka shippers! We're lacking content! I've been dying for someone to post something, that's why I went out of my writer's block just to write this! Enjoy
A Love born at first sight
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It was another usual day in Wakanda. The hot African sun was shining down on Ayo as she patrolled the roads of the river tribe.
Ayo watched with her stern and serious eyes as some people came in and out of their houses, her fierce eyes intimidating most people who locked eyes with her, but not a group of small children who came running up to her and started pulling on her uniform as some trapped her arm as they laughed.
Ayo tried to pull away from the children but their grips were too strong. Ayo was never find of children and this was one of the reasons why.
"Children, please let go." Ayo said in a stern voice.
The kids just continued laughing and playing with Ayo.
Ayo suddenly heard giggling behind her and a woman wearing a beautiful and traditional river tribe attire walked up from beside her as she held a clay pot in her hands.
"Run along now children, stop distracting her." Aneka said as the children ran off as they laughed with each other.
Ayo and the woman locked eyes and it was as if time had stopped for just the two of them.
Ayo's usually stern and serious eyes widened slightly at the woman's stunning features, her dark brown eyes enchanting hers as her eyelashes fluttering making her look more gorgeous to Ayo.
The woman smiled and it made Ayo's heart flutter.
"I'm sorry about them, the neighborhood kids can be a little too playful at times." The woman apologized to Ayo.
Ayo paused for a bit but Ayo soon snapped back to reality as she regained her composure.
"It's not a problem." Ayo said, being able to disguise her voice to that of a serious and stern tone.
"Thank you for patrolling around the river tribe." The woman said to Ayo.
"Of course... May I ask what your name is?" Ayo asked, not giving away too much emotion in her voice.
"Aneka, daughter of Kyana." The woman responded as she bowed her head slightly.
"And you are?" Aneka asked.
"Ayo, nice to meet you." Ayo introduced herself to Aneka.
"It's nice to meet you too, Ayo." Aneka said with a smile.
Everytime Aneka had smiled, Ayo had a weird feeling in her stomach, something like a stomach ache but in a good way. She didn't understand this feeling and didn't understand why Aneka was making her feel this way.
"Well, I should get going by now." Aneka said as she started to walk away.
Ayo felt a feeling of hesitance hut her when Aneka started walking away and she couldn't ignore it.
"Wait, let me carry this for you." Ayo said as she caught up with Aneka, offering to carry the clay pot she was carrying in her hands.
"Really? It's rather heavy, are you sure?" Aneka asked.
"Yes, I am sure." Ayo said as she held her arm out for Aneka to place the clay pot full of water in.
Aneka looked down at the ground shyly as Ayo took the pot from her.
"Where are you taking this?" Ayo asked as she adjusted to hold the pot in her arm as she held her spear in her hand on her other arm.
"To my house, it's not far from here." Aneka answered as she smiled at Ayo.
"Let's go then," Ayo said as she followed Aneka to her house.
As Ayo and Aneka walked, Ayo noticed some people staring at them and she wondered why, then it hit her, she was smiling happily at Aneka.
People had gotten used to Ayo's usual stoic and serious nature that it took them by surprise to witness her smiling at one of the women from their tribe.
Ayo immediately turned her face to a serious and stern one but it was already too late, people had began to whisper with each other.
Ayo brushed it off and escorted Aneka to her house.
When they both arrived, Ayo placed the pot down on the front porch and turned to Aneka.
"Thank you so much." Aneka said as she hugged Ayo tightly.
Ayo's eyes widened when she felt Aneka's arms wrap around her waist, she didn't know how to react to this, no one has ever made her feel like how Aneka did when she hugged her.
Ayo felt warmer and Ayo couldn't resist but wrapping one arm around Aneka's waist and placing her mouth on the top of Aneka's head, stealing a kiss.
They stated in that rather affectionate position for a while when Okoye's voice was suddenly heard "Ayo?"
"Yes general?" Ayo immediately snapped into attention as she quickly pulled away from Aneka.
"Where have you been? You were supposed to be back at the palace an hour ago." Okoye said in a not so happy voice.
"I'm sorry, general. I was just helping this fine woman in carrying a pot to her house.
Fine woman? Why had Ayo said that? The was the question that was in everyone's heads.
Okoye looked at Ayo suspiciously and wondered what was her relationship with this woman.
"Alright, let's go then." Okoye said as she turned to start walking back to the palace, she noticed that Ayo took one last glance at Aneka before following her.
They both walked in silence for a little bit before Okoye spoke up.
"So, when are you gonna take her out?" Okoye asked as she looked at Ayo who was beside her.
"I'm sorry?" Ayo replied in bewilderment.
"I saw how you looked at her and how you both were so close when I arrived, I can tell you two are into each other." Okoye said.
"But that does not make any sense, I only met her today." Ayo said to Okoye, trying to hide the fluttering feeling in her stomach.
"Have you never heard of love at first sight before?" Okoye asked amusingly.
"No, no I haven't heard of such thing." Ayo responded.
"Love at first sight is like when you see someone for the first time, you feel your heartbeat pick up and a good feeling in your stomach." Okoye explained
Ayo contemplated for a but. Those were all the things get she felt when she first saw Aneka.
"Don't be shy, Ayo. It's quite beautiful when you experience love at first sight." Okoye said, hoping Ayo will admit it.
"But, what if she doesn't feel the same way?" Ayo asked.
"Don't worry, I know people, and I know that you two have a connection." Okoye said as she smiled and winked.
From then on, Okoye made sure to assign Ayo's patrols to be in the river tribe so she could regularly visit Aneka's house.
"Okoye?" Ayo approached Okoye one day in the palace.
"What is it Ayo? Are things going well between you and Aneka?" Okoye teased.
Ayo blushed at this but showed a rare smile, nonetheless.
"Everything's going great between us, actually, that's what I wanted to ask you about." Ayo said.
"Ask away." Okoye responded
"Do you know any flower shops here in Wakanda?" Ayo asked.
"It's about time you asked her out! I was waiting for weeks!" Okoye replied.
"Follow me, I know the best flower shop in Wakanda." Okoye said as she started to walk off.
"Have you decided where to take her?" Okoye asked.
"Yes, it's a nice restaurant in the river tribe, so she doesn't have to walk too far from her home." Ayo answered.
"That's considerate of you." Okoye said as she teasingly bumped into Ayo and she draped her arm over Ayo's shoulders.
"Congrats, my friend" Okoye said to Ayo with a smile.
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savoytrufflephd · 5 months
ayo I don't even go here (not involved in whatever fight ur fighting) but deflecting someone calling Laurentiis abusive (which he was. he was toxic.) by calling their comment abusive is a little...ironic, isn't it? Uhm. Follow your own advice? They didn't say anyrhing disparaging you...like at all. lmfao. grow up, perhaps?
You are correct, I was not disparaged, nor did I claim to be.
I wrote:
If a piece of fanfiction makes you so angry that you feel the need to send abusive anonymous comments to the author and/or ask that author to pass on your comment “correcting” the opinion of a reader writing about that story, you should probably stop reading that fic.
I named two distinct actions that would indicate one is angry enough that one ought to stop reading a fic:
Sending abusive anonymous comments to the author.
Asking the author to pass on a comment correcting the opinion of a reader who posted about the story.
The first of these has happened to @thickenmyblood several times that they have shared, and many other times that they have not. The comments have not just disparaged their story, but have disparaged them as a person. I do consider that abusive, though obviously on a spectrum where the consequences are much less severe than other types of abuse.
I feel strongly that anonymous and personally disparaging comments sent on social media are a form of abuse.
It makes me angry that Maca experiences this form of abuse for a piece of artistic expression. It is all the more frustrating because I believe the criticisms of the work itself are not well founded. And, yes, I do think it is ironic that the content of the anonymous comments I consider abusive is about Laurent being abusive.
I do not know if the anonymous person who took Action #2 has also taken Action #1 in the past. Because they are anonymous. But sending a criticism of a fic to a third party through the author is passive aggressive at best. In any case, I wished to make clear that I don't think either action is warranted when the more obvious answer is to close the tab.
I am not claiming to have been the target of abuse. I did, however, feel I was being called out for my opinion on a piece of fanfiction. After all, the person specifically requested that the ask be forwarded to me because they could not make the ask here. So when Maca sent me the ask, I answered it here by detailing my interpretation of HIUH Laurent using textual references.
I do not think posting 5K words on the topic of whether Laurent is abusive and what that means in the context of HIUH and Captive Prince canon constitutes a deflection, but YMMV.
Am I feeling particularly salty because of some obnoxious holiday family drama? Yes. Yes, I am.
But I don't apologize for defending Maca. (Though Maca has never asked for me to do so.) And I answered the ask I was given. Quite thoroughly.
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