#aww sweetheart life got so bad for you and the worst part is you knew it was coming
von-eldritch · 10 months
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//thinking about lil' hellsa again... she was so cute :')
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thatpunkmaximoff · 5 months
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[Book Five Novellas]
Story: 4 out of 5 Smut: 1 out of 5
I forgot how much I loved these couples AND hockey romance.
These stories are supposed to tie up everyone’s stories from the Off-Campus series, but for me all it did was leave me wanting more! How dare Elle Kennedy leave each ”part” as a mini cliffhanger. Especially Hannah and Garrett’s story!
Each “part” made me laugh. A couple left me aggravated, but thankfully the issues were handled fairly quickly. I got so attached to these characters that I hated any drama. I just wanted my babies to be happy haha.
As was the case with the first four books, Elle Kennedy did a fabulous job here. This is one series I will never forget.
Now here are my rambling thoughts…
* Not Logan and Grace role playing at the bar. Holy shit haha.
* Aww. I forgot how much I loved Grace’s dad Tim. He’s such a sweetheart.
* Lmao. A creepy haunted doll? These idiots mail it to each other when they least expect it 😂
* Fuck this puck bunny. I just know this is going to cause issues 🤦🏻‍♀️
* Oh I’m so glad the article took a completely different turn 😂
* Lmao. Stuck on the side of the road during a blizzard? Fuck it out in hopes of keeping warm. That’s the obvious choice, duh.
* “A pact requires the agreement of both parties,” he argues. // “Not when my life is at stake.” I stick my tongue out. “Sorry, babe, but I’m eating your ass whether you like it or not.”
* Wait, what?! How are you gonna end part one like that?! We better get to find out if they eloped or not!!!
* Aww. Dean’s practicing his proposal on his best friend 😂
* They totally fucking eloped. Logan’s being secretive about that day!
* Oh my god.. Hannah’s queasy?! She’s pregnant!
* Oh no. So Allie doesn’t wanna get engaged right now? but Dean already has the ring!!!
* Logan and Grace did get married!!!! I knew they were the eloped part of this lol.
* And now Hannah’s barfing in the bathroom. Friends episode indeed 😂
* Wow. I’m totally Team Dean in this. My heart hurts for him.
* I’m so happy she saw the error of her ways. And Logan’s dick 😂 Her proposal was sweet.
* “Fuck. I wish I had the ring on me. But it’s at home.” // “Is it big?” // “Huge.” // “How huge?” // “Massive. Even your dad was impressed.” // “You showed your dick to her father?” — 😂😂
* Lmao there’s that creepy doll again. And of course she let the cat out of the bag. Now Dean knows Logan’s married too.
* Lmao. Oh no. Their flight would have the worst crotchety couple in front of them and then smoke filling the plane. Poor Sabrina and Tuck. All they wanna do is bang each other’s brains out and they ended up with the worst flight ever.
* Lmao. Dean’s such a dick. He would send them the creepy doll on their honeymoon.
* They threw the doll into the ocean. I’m gonna laugh if it winds up back with them somehow.
* “That was for the plane, wasn’t it?” // “I would never.” // “You almost let a man pee on me, Sabrina!” // “That’s how much I love you.” — I love them.
* Awww. Hannah confirmed her pregnancy. But she doesn’t know what she wants to do.
* A coconut knocked her tf out 😂 They’re having such bad luck on this trip.
* Lmfaoooo. The doll fucking returned. I can’t 💀
* And now Tuck got arrested 🤦🏻‍♀️
* Damn. They both got offered jobs in Manhattan. I think they should take them.
* Aww. All Garrett wanted was a good night. Now his dad is there handing out an award. Barf.
* Oohhhh. The Legacy is a show. And they want Garrett to do it with his dad. Ouch. I hope he does… and then outs Phil Graham as the abusive asshole he is.
* And now he’s spiraling. Fuck, Hannah is never gonna find a good time to tell him she’s pregnant.
* Oh no. She’s spotting. Please let her be okay. Or freak out enough to go to the hospital and this is where Garrett finds out.
* Goddamn. That interview was not going too well at all. And then Hannah tells Garrett she’s pregnant over voicemail. This day sucks already.
* I’m happy she’s giving him the silent treatment. And now that he’s freaking out because he saw the number she took for a realtor. It’s totally not what he thinks, but this is the kick in the ass he needs.
* Awww. They’re gonna have the baby 🥹
* He’s going to do the interview solo and tell the world what a piece of shit his dad is! Yesssss!
* Lmao. The creepy haunted doll now has a companion and the expecting couple were gifted them 😂 Sabrina and Tucker are such assholes.
* TWINS!!!!! Oh my god. Why did it have to end there 😭
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walkingchemicalfire · 3 years
5 times Whumpee Heard “Look at me.”
+1 Time They Said It
@whumpmasinjuly Day 9 prompt: “Look at me”
A/N: So this is six snippets throughout a Whumpee’s journey. I’m combining the WIJ prompt with my secret sunflower gift for the greatest person and my dear friend, Fae @whumpywhumper
CW: torture, knives, stress position, tied up, blood loss, bleeding out, stabbed, oxygen mask, intubated whumpee, vague gaslighting, reference to being muzzled, panic attacks, reference to paralysis, learning to walk
From Whumper:
Whumpee jolts awake at the sound of the keys jangling outside the door. Whumper is back and going to hurt them again. This had been the routine for the last two weeks. Whumper had abducted them and tortured them every day since. It was the only thing Whumpee could rely on.
The door opens and there stands Whumper, twirling their favorite knife with a bemused smile on their face that made Whumpee’s gut curdle in fear. They turn their face away and shut their eyes, trembling in anticipation of the pain to come.
“Ah, ah, ah, Whumpee,” Their voice dripped with false playfulness as they grip their chin and dig their nails into the skin “Look at me.” They demand. Whumpee whimpers but does so, met with the sight of Whumper’s smirk and their blade coming closer and closer until they feel it against their collarbone.
Whumper takes their time moving the steel across Whumpee’s chest, never cutting, although they could do so easily, just gliding it back and forth. Whumpee looks into their captor’s eyes as they stutter out a desperate, “P-please,”
“Aww, begging so sweetly already?” Whumper asks before they flash a wicked grin and slice across Whumpee’s pectoral. Whumpee immediately cries out and Whumper claps their palm over their mouth. Whumpee squeezes their eyes closed so tightly they feel like they might seal them shut forever.
“Hey!” Whumper shouts and Whumpee snaps their eyes open. “I said I wanted you to look at me.” They cut another matching slice on the other pectoral while keeping eye contact with Whumpee. “I want to see your eyes as you fall to pieces.”
From Caretaker:
Their wrists stung sharply in the restraints over their head. They couldn’t feel their arms, but their shoulders were wrenched up so tightly that was enough agony for a lifetime. But the worst was their back, oh god, their back. Whumpee wished that their back was numb like their arms. In fact, if they're wishing for things, they wish they could go back and not ask for the whip instead of the knife. Stupid, so stupid. All they wanted was to not have the knife again. It always hurt so bad, but that was nothing to the whip. They know better now.
Their toe slips off the edge of the stool and they gasp as all their pain roars to life. Their foot scrambles in the air as their other begins to lose traction as well. Panicked, they look down their body to try to see their target, but their vision whites out and they cant see, they cant see--
“Whumpee!” Caretaker’s voice reaches through Whumpee’s fog “Hey, hey, hey, Whumpee, Whumpee, look at me, look at me!” The voice sounds urgent so Whumpee listens and obeys. They spot Caretaker tied to a chair down below them. Caretaker tries to smile when they lock eyes “There you go, just like that, Whumpee. Just keep looking at me. You can get through this, I know you can, just look at me.”
Whumpee didn’t feel so scared anymore, not while gazing into Caretaker’s determined brown eyes. They are safe with them.
From Whumper (and Caretaker):
This was the end. They were sure of it this time. Whumper had shoved the blade in too deeply this time. They had nicked something vital and now Whumpee was fading away. They already felt cold, they knew it wouldn’t be much longer, then this hell would finally be over. They would be free of Whumper. That sounded nice.
“Couldn’t just be quiet, could you?” Whumper seethes, standing over them. “Couldn’t just be my good little Whumpee like I taught you huh?” They wipe the blood soaked blade across their shirt. “And now look at me,” Whumper sighs “Having to put down my best, right in their prime.” They shake their head “Such a waste, look what you made me do, Whumpee.”
Whumpee’s vision swims and their head lolls to the side. They see Caretaker pounding on the thick glass window. Their mouth is open in a soundless scream, or at least soundless to Whumpee, their ears aren't working so well right now. They can’t think of why. Thoughts are hard, maybe they should just sleep. Yeah, sleep sounds nice.
Whumpee drifts off, the last thing they see is Caretaker’s fierce brown eyes and their mouth moving to say silently, Look at me!
From Rescuer:
Something is on their face. It’s covering their mouth and nose and they, oh no, it’s the muzzle again and they can’t breathe, they’re going to suffocate and there’s no air, they can’t do this again, they can’t--
“Hey there, take it easy,” a voice says nearby and their eyes shift over to find Rescuer. When did their eyes open? Were they open the whole time? Whumpee sees something in their lower peripheral, is it the muzzle? No, can’t be, this thing is plastic? It crosses the bridge of their nose and rests on their cheeks and under their chin. They don’t like it and try to shake it off.
“Ah, don’t do that,” Rescuer tells them, “It’s an oxygen mask, it’s helping you.”
“Nnnn…” Whumpee moans, letting their eyes close, wanting the darkness again.
“C’mon Whumpee, stay with me.” Rescuer taps their cheek until they drag their heavy eyelids open again, distant and unfocused. “That’s it, just look at me. You’re safe now.” They smile down at them when their eyes finally come to rest on Rescuer. “We found you.”
Whumpee opens their mouth to say something, but all that comes out is a harsh cough muffled by the mask over their face. Their eyes roll in their head and they hear Rescuer shouting and they’re being jostled and it hurts. Time to check out now.
From Caretaker:
Whumpee floats on their cloud, not concerned with anything else but resting. It’s nice here, soft and so much nicer than with Whumper. Whumpee frowns and banishes the thought. They don’t want to think of Whumper now, it’s better this way.
“Whumpee? Can you hear me?” A familiar voice drifts down to them. They frown again, this time in concentration, they know this voice, but who is it? “You’re frowning,” The voice says and Whumpee looks around, not aware that they are being watched, but there is no one in the clouds with them. “I hope you can hear me, because I’ve got some things to tell you.”
“I can hear you,” Whumpee says but they don’t think the voice can hear them because they just continue on.
“I’m so sorry, Whumpee. I-I failed you. I failed you in the worst way possible and this,” They take a big gulp of air “This is all my fault.” The voice sounds sad and Whumpee doesn’t like that. It should sound strong and safe paired with beautiful brown eyes and, oh! Caretaker! That’s Caretaker’s voice!
Caretaker sighs “Please wake up and look at me,” There’s a ghostly caress to their cheek, Caretaker loves to touch them there and Whumpee can’t help but lean into it. “Please, just let me know you’re going to be okay.” Caretaker gets choked up and Whumpee listens to their stifled cries, following the sound through the clouds, up and up until they pop out the other side.
There’s no soft clouds here, but the hospital bed is nice enough. Whumpee takes their time coming back. Their body feels heavy but also loose. There are beeping and quiet whooshing sounds from somewhere. They want to find what is making the sounds so they push their eyes open and blink around hazily. Their throat feels thick and they cough to clear it, quickly realizing they can’t. They’re intubated. A tube is down their throat attached to a machine that is breathing for them.
Suddenly, Caretaker’s face is filling up their vision. “Oh my god, hi Whumpee, hi sweetheart.” Caretaker hastily wipes their eyes with one hand, still cupping Whumpee’s cheek with the other. “You did it, you came back to me.”
Whumpee blinks slowly in response and Caretaker chuckles in relief “Yeah, I know you’re still tired, it’s okay, you can rest all you want now.” Whumpee feels Caretaker brush their lips over Whumpee’s forehead as they fade back into the clouds “I'll be right here when you wake up again.” Whumpee likes the sound of that.
From Themself:
Recovery is difficult, to say the least. Putting one foot in front of the other is a struggle, literally. Everyday, Whumpee pushes themself to take one step more, just one more. Step by step, they make their way across the room. It was always the hardest part to get moving, but once they started, they could keep going.
Today is a big day. They are going to walk across the entire room without any support from the physical therapist. They are going to walk all the way to Caretaker. Whumpee had kept Caretaker away while they learned to walk again. At the beginning, they had been embarrassed and ashamed at all the times they fell down or even simply tripped. As time went on and Whumpee got better, they changed their tune and kept Caretaker away in order to surprise them with how far they’ve come.
They watched their feet make the first few steps before looking up into Caretaker’s eyes and beaming brightly “Look at me, Caretaker! I’m doing it!”
Caretaker’s eyes grow misty as they watch Whumpee take confident steps all the way over to them. They scoop them up into a big hug when they take the final step, their heart overflowing with pride.
“You did it, Whumpee! I’m so proud of you!” Caretaker exclaims, peppering kisses across Whumpee’s brow and face.
Whumpee giggles and pats Caretaker’s cheek, gazing into their soft brown eyes. “Thank you, Caretaker, I wouldn’t have made it without you.”
“We made it together, Whumpee.” Caretaker replies, hugging them tightly to their chest “Always together.”
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Okay, onto my liveblog for chapter two of The Hunger Games :
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Katniss’ flashback to falling out of a tree and being unable to breathe is such a good analogy, I steal it all the time in my own fics.
I wish the boy who held her up so she didn’t fall was given a name? Katniss just can’t provide names very easily, can she? 😅
“The odds had been entirely in her favor. But it hadn’t mattered” is actually an amazing quotable moment, someone make an edit pronto 👏
No one’s happy when a twelve year old is chosen but ya know. As soon as that kid turns thirteen, off with them! Fair game! 😭😂😅🙃
Hmmm how many of these kids knew immediately Katniss would volunteer for her sister? The way there was a boy ready to catch her before she fell and the way they all just cleared a path for her...
Katniss’ love for Prim had to be prominent because the other kids all seemed to be aware she would volunteer and Katniss claims this is a completely radical, unheard of thing to do. Sooo yeah. Her school peers probably noticed her a lot more than she realized.
Ooo. I just noticed the word choice in “district twelve hasn’t had a volunteer in decades”
Was there a point in time when Twelve had volunteers?
Awww the mayor being sad that Katniss is probably gonna die because he knows her as Madge’s friend 😭😩🤧.
Awww Katniss got presented a medal when her father died, I forgot 🥺🥺🥺
“Bet my buttons” is the worst phrase in history 🤨😐🤭
I like that Katniss’ dead father still has a reputation around these parts 🤧
Helps my fic writing brain to clock it for future reference
Maybe I’m just not nice but I don’t see how Prim is so wonderful that no one can help but love her. Like idk. I feel like this is just Katniss’ bias leaking through. Which is fine it’s better than some clinically detached narrator I hate those FYI
Omg everyone is saluting Katniss and she’s realizing people adore her 🥰🥰
Also ... does this mean Peeta did the three finger salute to her just before being called himself? Idk random thoughts, ignore me.
Katniss is in danger of crying. If this was me, I’d just be sobbing on the ground already.
Haymitch , the og rebel. Looking right into the cameras and calling the Capitol out.
Also ironic how the first thing Haymitch says to / about Katniss is “I like her!” when he spends the rest of the series pretending he, in fact, does not.
“Oh no, not him” is such a love interest introduction, y’all. Gale never stood a chance.
I like how Katniss considers it bad luck for her that Peeta was called 😅. Like... already taking ownership of the boy, sweetheart?
I feel like this is a good time to remind people that medium height is like 5’10. Stop headcanoning Peeta short. Poor Joshy though.
I like how she has never spoken to Peeta but describes the way his hair falls in waves over his forehead 😭🤧
Seems like Katniss thinks Peeta took being called relatively well.
“He has two older brothers, I know, I’ve seen them in the bakery” why is she already trying to defend herself to the audience like “I wasn’t really paying any attention to Peeta Mellark I just happened to notice he had brothers because I saw them once okay?”
Omg Katniss just outright asserting that Peeta’s middle brother definitively won’t volunteer for him. Girl, you just said you don’t know him or his family 😅😅😅.
“Why him?” Still has such a destined, soulmates feel to it. I know they weren’t destined and that’s what a lot of people admire about their relationship but the writing here has always had such a “this guy right here is her soulmate” slant to it, I’m sorry.
“He’s probably forgotten our only interaction. But I haven’t. And I know I never will.” Still continuing with the soulmate-y narration here, Suz Suz, I see.
Oh my god I don’t even remember this line but it’s so sad 🥺🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧😩😩😩😩😩
“The numbness of his loss had passed, and the pain would hit me out of nowhere, doubling me over, racking my body with sobs. ‘Where are you?’ I would cry out in my mind. ‘Where have you gone?’”
I’m so sad now. 😭😭😭
I like that Katniss said “no amount of pleading from Prim” would affect her mother’s depression, as if Katniss easily believes that her own pleas don’t matter but her sister’s are what’s impossible to ignore.
She really needs to stop putting Primmy on this pedestal though it’s not as cute the second or third read around.
“I suppose now that my mother was locked in some dark world of sadness, but at the time, all I knew was that I had lost not only a father, but a mother as well.” I feel like this is just criminally undiscussed. Katniss didn’t know or understand or grasp what depression even was. Like it’s hard enough for kids to forgive parents who abandon them to mental illness when they’re aware what mental illness is. Let alone if you’re just stuck for months / years, not knowing that your mother was sick, instead thinking she just stopped caring for you.
Omg Katniss saying she couldn’t let Prim go to a community home 🤧. Selfless of her. But also sister worry about yourself.
I’m just kidding, I know it’s her character to only be concerned with her little sister above all else.
Mr. Everdeen hating how coal dust settled on everything in the Seam is such a small but interesting detail.
Omg so the meadow is a common place to find corpses of those who starved to death? We maybe should stop romanticizing it.
I like that Mr. Everdeen took Katniss places with him but was like “Hmm, imma leave Prim home, she isn’t cut out for the hunting life”
Idk Katniss being too afraid and shy to go to the Hob without her dad is such a little kid thing though.
Katniss explaining that she was essentially in the merchants backyard
She was essentially dying in Peeta’s backyard 🤧
Wow, I forgot how blatantly violent Peeta’s mother was
Maybe it’s just Katniss’ perspective but every interaction is just her screaming
Aww, his mother called him a stupid creature, why don’t I remember this.
This is so sad omg.
Poor both of them.
One’s starving to death, the other’s utterly abused mentally, verbally and physically.
What’s a weal?
I always read that word as a welt.
Ok I googled it, it’s a big red swollen mark.
So same thing.
Omg now Katniss is saying Mrs. Mellark hit him with an object weapon. This just keeps getting more and more.... sad.
Honestly I haven’t read the books cover to cover since I was a teenager, some of this is a surprise to me.
I always wondered though how that bread was any good, it literally fell onto the wet ground. 😟🤢
Aww, Katniss saying Peeta would get a full beat down if discovered that he burned the breads to feed her 🥵🥵🥵
Okay but if his mother hit him with an object and his eye swoll up and blackened the next day, that could be another reason why he tossed the bread in her general direction and didn’t look at her. I know it was so he wouldn’t be caught by his mother but also he probably couldn’t even see clearly where she was.
The dandelion symbolism 🤧😅😭🥳
Her sarcasm 🤣🤣🤣
Katniss just keeps comparing Peeta to the loaves of bread 😅😅😅
Also she keeps calling him warm and solid and steady
I’m starting to think unconsciously she was already finding herself attracted to him even here.
Him squeezing her hand reassuringly and her chalking it up to a nervous spasm 🙃
I hope when they got married they got a nice screencap of this shot of them on TV facing the crowd, shaking hands.
Make a nice anniversary photo.
Okay, that’s all for my thoughts on chapter two! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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ironwoman18 · 4 years
The Worst Third Date Ever part 10
Chapter 10: Say what you need to say
He nodded and after they said their goodbyes, he put their presents in the same bag they used for the presents for the family and left holding hands.
He drove her home and when they went up so he could put her presents in there, they started to kiss gently but then the kiss escalated to a heated one.
He placed his hands on her cheeks and her arms were around his neck.
She asked between kisses if he could stay the night. He accepted and after more kisses and touches they ended up in bed having their first time together.
And before they fell asleep they both whispered an 'I love you'.
The next morning Spencer woke up first and opened his eyes sleepy looking down to find Max's head on his chest, sleeping.
He smiled as memories of last night came to his mind. Everything was amazing; the night at her family and her suggestion to stay that night.
He was falling hard for her, and he could say, even without his profile training, she was feeling the same. He could see it in her eyes.
He checked his watch and saw it was still early so he will not wake her up yet. He held her closer to him as he checked a book that was on her nightstand. It was about Art History so he started to check it up.
He started to read it, it was interesting and not his usual type of readings but his books were at his apartment.
When he was half way through the book she started to wake up. He kisses her forehead "hey there, good morning"
She looked up at him "good morning" she rubbed her eyes "what are you reading? And what time is it?"
"An art history book you had on the nightstand and its half past eight" she opened her eyes in shock.
"Wait, you wanted to visit your mother early today. Why didn't you wake me up?"
"I didn't want to wake you up sweetheart. I wanted to let you sleep some more also it's still too early to go to the hospital, especially on Christmas day"
She nodded and saw the books page "did you read 300 pages already?"
"When did you started?"
"At eight o'clock" he said like it was the most normal thing to do.
"Did you just read 300 pages in thirty minutes?"
"Yes, I can read twenty thousand words per minutes"
"Oh my..." her jaw dropped at that "I will go take a shower so we can go to your apartment and change your clothes"
"Ok I will get dressed" she nodded and kissed his cheek then stood up and walked to her closet to pick up some clothes and went to the bathroom.
Then Spencer stood up and got dressed up. He did not put on his tie or jacket. He was at the kitchen drinking water and checking his phone when it rang.
He answered it "Buon Natale Spencer" those were David Rossi's first words.
"Buon Natale Dave" he smiled at that "how was your Christmas eve?"
"It was great, Krystall and I enjoyed a nice evening with her daughter and her fiance"
"Did you profiled him?" He asked.
"No, I already did when they were starting to date and he was a nice boy so..." both laughed at that "and how was your night?"
"Amazing, Max and I spent it at her family's. We played board games, poker and dance. It was a pretty normal Christmas"
"Great to know that kid. You needed some normal things in your life. You had been through a lot these years so you deserved that" Spencer smiled.
"Thank you Dave, I'm happy with her and she helps me to get that thing Gideon fought so much to have... that calm place where the memories of our cases disappeared and I can only see her"
"Your cabin in the woods but you know what's the good thing of yours?... it can't be corrupted like his. And you just need a call to go there. That's how Krystall made me feel"
"I wish he could be here though"
"Me too but he will live in our memories and he is happier where he is. Now let's change to a happier conversation"
"Sure what is that?"
"I would like to invite you and Max to come over for dinner, I also invited Matt with his family"
"I would love to but for fully confirmation let me ask her. I don't know if they have another tradition for Christmas day"
"Ok let me know, have a nice day kid"
"I will Dave, see you" they both hung up and he finished the water he was drinking.
Then he sat on a couch and texted JJ while Max finished to get ready.
After some more minutes Max walked out of her bathroom, dressed and with her makeup on.
"Hey, ready to leave?" She asked as she looked at him.
"Yeah I am" he smiled and stood up then walked towards her.
"What did you do while I was taking my shower?"
"I was talking to Dave on the phone and then text JJ to know how was their night" he reached and hugged her "he wanted to invite us for dinner" he looked down at her "do you want to go?"
"I would love to" she smiled up at him "I think it's fair enough to have a night out with your friends"
"There will be just Matt and his family. The other left to see their families"
"Aww ok. I wanted to see them all again. That girl, Garcia, is pretty awesome"
"Yes she is, we had been in the BAU the same time. JJ joined the same year as the press liaison but then she left and returned a few years later as a profiler"
"Wow that's great" she smiled then checked her watch as she had her head on his chest "hey we should go. We still need breakfast and you need to get ready"
"Right... let's go" she pulled slightly away but still closer to him. They both walked to the door, he held the bag with his presents and she held her purse then both walked out of the apartment, then walked to his car and after they both got in he drove to his apartment.
"Maybe while you get ready I can go buy us the breakfast. I'm sure I saw an open coffee shop"
"Sounds great. Theres still the key under the mat so you can use it" he said as they arrived there.
"Ok see you soon" she kissed him and walked out of the car, he smiled and goes up to his apartment, then he got in the shower.
His shower was quicker than hers and by the time he was ready, she arrived.
"I had to walk two blocks to get an open coffee shop, but I made it. I brought coffee and two sandwiches"
"Awesome they look great" they sat at the table and started to eat.
"Spence, how can you still live here after what happened here with Cat?"
"It's ok, I don't mind. I mean it was something bad but I spent most of my day in the office or in a case so this place it's almost for sleeping only"
"If you said so... if something happened in my apartment I would move out"
"It's a normal feeling. Most people prefer to run away from places that reminded them traumatic experiences. So I understand you"
She nodded and ate they remained silent until they finished their food and coffee. Then they walked out of the apartment and headed to the car.
"I'm nervous"
"Why Max?" He asked.
"Cause I want your mom to like me"
"I'm sure she will. She is the kindest woman and she will see how important you are for me" they reached his car and opened the door for her "how much... I love you" he said the last part a little lower but she listened to him "and again I know we said slow but..."
"Spencer, I think that rule was broken since we became an official couple two weeks ago. I have been doing one thing after the other and I'm letting them happen, and also encourage some them because I know that you aren't like Mike. You are decent in some ways that I couldn't dream to be" she rubbed his cheek "I love you too Spencer, so much it should be illegal at this point of our relationship" he laughed and kissed her.
Then she got into the car and he got in too in the driver's seat. He drove as he explained some stuffs about his mother.
When they arrived, both got out of the car and he held her hand and with the other had his mom's gift.
They walked in the hospital and the nurse there greeting him "Dr. Reid, Merry Christmas. How are you?" Then looked at Max "and who is this pretty girl?" Asked the women, she knew the answer but want it from him.
"Merry Christmas Johanna, im great and you? This is Max, my beautiful girlfriend" she blushed a little and Johanna smirked.
"That's so sweet. Your mom is in her room. Wait here so I can check if you can come in now" he nodded and looked as she walked to his mom's room.
"Hope she still have her mind clear. It was a huge surprise, when JJ got shot, remember my dream?" She nodded "well after she woke up the hospital called me to come over and they said they found this treatment that worked for her so she and I had a logical conversation, like when I was younger and she advised me, we play chest"
"And how much will it work?"
"They had no idea" he sighed "that's why I'm trying to find every moment to come over and check her" she squeezed his hand gentle.
"And I'm sure she appreciated every moment with her son" she kissed his hand "so don't worry Spence"
He smiled and hugged her. Johanna walked towards them some minutes later "ok you can walk in" they nodded and walked there.
When they arrived his mother was sitting on her bed and smiled when she saw her son she jumped out of the bed and hugged him "Spencer!"
He hugged her back and rubbed her back "hey mom, Merry Christmas" he kissed her cheek.
"Merry Christmas sweetheart" she then noticed Max "and I guess you are Max, right?"
"Yes, I'm Max Brenner, it's nice to meet you Mrs. Reid" she held up her hand so Diane shaked it.
Diane hugged her "Please call me Diane, and I'm happy to meet you and that you are making my son happy" both smiled "come in and sit here" they both took a sit on the sofa next to the bed and Diane sat on the bed "so how was your Christmas eve?"
"Wonderful. We were at Max's dad's home"
"Great, I'm glad you both spent it together" she smiled and looked at them "and I can tell you two are happy together. His eyes were always full of sorrow and sadness and now I can see happiness"
He blushed slightly and held her hand "yeah she is making me happy and her eyes make me forget about the things I saw"
She blushed this time and squeezed his hand gently.
"You deserve it Spencer" said Diane looking at them "can we talk in private Spencer?"
He looked at Max "sure I will go call my sister Michelle" she kissed his cheek and stood up.
Then walked out the room. Spencer looked at his mother "what did you want to talk about mom?"
"I had this feeling from the moment you both walked in. You know what I always told you..."
"A mother knows" they both said smiling.
"That's right. And this feeling is that you both will get married"
"And what made you have this feeling?"
"Your eyes, your body language"
"Now who is the profiler?" He asked with a smirk.
"I don't need that to know my son. I never saw you this happy in a long, long time. I think the only day I saw you like this was when you made your first magic trick" he laughed "what I'm trying to say is that she is the one so don't mess that up" she smiled and turned to her nightstand and got out a little box and handed it to him.
When he opened he could see a beautiful ring with a little diamond on it.
"It was my engagement ring. Your father gave it to me when we were getting out of the fifteenth century literature lecture. He didn't like it but he was there for me. He asked me in front of the auditorium. Of course I said yes and it was the best day until I had you"
He smiled and had some tears in his eyes "promise me you will wait till the right moment to pop the question. I'm sure you are wise enough to know it"
"We just said we love each other and now you show me this... I'm sure she is the one too but I'm afraid it may happen like what happened to Hotch or Gideon"
"Or could happen like JJ and Will. They are still together and she even had to leave the country" he nodded and looked down "and don't said it's because he is a cop" he sighed looking down "you aren't like them and they aren't like you" she held his hand.
"Thank you mom" he wiped the tears "oh I bought you a present" he handed it to her and hugged her, she opened the bag and smiled at his present.
"Thank you Spencer, it's beautiful" she kissed his cheek and then Max walked in.
"Hey Spence. Want to go to my sister's house? They are making a barbecue"
"Sounds great" he turned to his mother "I will be coming next week"
"Ok son, see you" she kissed his cheek and help him closer to her "I love you"
"I love you too" and then he walked to Max and they both left the hospital to Max's sister's house.
That was all for now. Hope you liked it. In this chapter Spencer spoke about his worries about making a family or even have a relationship with his job and his demons.
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descentintobandom · 5 years
2018 APMA’s
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Title: 2018 APMA’s Chapter: One-Shot Pairing: Andy/OC/Remington Rating: T Fic Summary: Andy is hosting the APMA’s and Palaye Royale is up for an award. What could possibly go wrong? Author’s Notes: Oh my god, it’s been a while since we’ve seen our favorite trio. I’ve missed them so much! So obviously this takes place shortly after Remington has entered Andy and Jenni’s relationship, so they’re very much at the beginning. Babies.
“Do I look okay?” Jenni asked for the thousandth time.
“Babe, this is the APMA’s. Not the Oscars”, Andy told her.
“I know”, she said, but she still cared about how she looked. This wasn’t her first time attending the Alternative Press Music Awards, but Andy was the host this year and she wanted to look her best.
Palaye Royale was also attending for the first year and the boys were up for an award. Best New Underground Band and Jenni couldn’t be more proud.
When they arrived at the venue, they stopped for pictures and Jenni played the part of dutiful girlfriend while Andy did interviews. Jenni kept a look out for Remington. She vaguely knew what he was wearing based on Emerson’s Instagram story. Finally she spotted him with his brothers. Jenni approached Andy and leaned in towards his ear. “Remington just got here”, she said.
Andy nodded and placed a quick kiss on her lips, causing the interviewers to “aww”.
“I’ll see you later”, she told him and walked towards Remington.
“Hello gorgeous!” he said, pecking her on the lips.
“You don’t look too bad yourself”.
He was dressed in a black and white striped suit that suspiciously looked like the one Michael Keaton wore in Beetlejuice.
Emerson was dressed in his usual Renaissance Pirate look and Sebastian was in a nice suit that was still very much his style.
“I’m gonna have the most gorgeous woman on my arm tonight”, Remington said.
Jenni blushed and gently shoved him. “Stop it”. Jenni walked down the carpet with the boys, doing the same as she had with Andy.
When they reached the end of the carpet, they were stopped by Alicia from A Music Blog, Yea?
Jenni thought Alicia was such a sweetheart and she loved all the interviews she did with her boys.
“I’m here with the lovely Palaye Royale. So Remington, you’re presenting an award tonight?” she asked.
“Yes I am actually. Although I’m still confused as to why”.
Jenni and Remington both knew it was a lie. They both suspected Andy had something to do with it.
Jenni stood quietly by Remington’s side as the interviewer continued to ask questions.
“So Jenni, what’s it like to have one of your boys presenting an award and the other hosting?” Alicia asked.
“I’m incredibly proud of them. I know that Andy was ecstatic when AP asked him to host this year and this year is Palaye’s first time being up for an award”.
“I understand that this is your first award show since Remington entered yours and Andy’s relationship. What is that like?”
“I honestly wish I could be by both of their sides. If I could, I would split myself in two. It’s still taking some navigating”.
Of course like most years, the event was a complete disaster.
Jenni would even go so far as to say that it was the worst one she had attended.
True, it would never have the budget of the Oscars, but it seemed nothing was going well.
At least for half of her boys. Andy was having the time of his life, whereas Remington was not.
After losing the “Best New Underground Band” to a band no one (not even most people watching) had ever heard of, Remington decided to get drunk. Unfortunately, this meant that he was drunk when he announced the next act, but he couldn’t care less. He went back to Andy’s dressing room and took a snap of him rolling his eyes captioned, “Fan voted”.
Of course when Andy saw the post, he was furious. Now the two of them were arguing as if Remington wasn’t in the room.
“He needs to grow up”, Andy snapped.
“I think he’s earned the right to be upset”, Jenni argued back.
“Yeah, it’s not like you’ve won every award you’ve ever been nominated for. I’m sorry I don’t have an army like you do”, Remington muttered, “I still think it was rigged. They bought votes or something”.
Andy sighed and walked over to Remington. He knelt in front of him and said, “I understand you’re upset. Maybe it was rigged maybe it wasn’t. Black Veil didn’t win every award at first and even when we did, people were upset about it. We never really fit in. I know you feel like no one here takes you seriously, but one day you won’t have to worry about that. One day, when you’re up for an award, you’ll no longer have to worry about winning it. Because you’ll win it every time”.
Remington gave him a small smile.
“I think we all need some sleep. It’s been a long day”, Jenni said.
Remington and Andy couldn’t agree more.
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When you and Kihyun make up after a fight
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Thank you so much for the request~ I’m not sure if this is enough to fulfill your angst needs but I really wanted to write something like this, so I hope it’s satisfactory nevertheless! ^^
blue really wore me out in terms of writing angst so i really wanted to write something a little less heavy which i really hope wasn't a bad decision... ANYWAY i had the most fun ever imagining a soft university bf kihyun T-T
Words: 2696
Angsty with a somewhat fluffy ending
Requested by @jjangmishi ♥
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”Wow,” Jooheon exclaimed and leaned back in his chair. “That sounds bad.”
You sighed and poked the unappetizing food on your tray with your utensil. “I know…”
“Two weeks is a long time. Like, really long. Especially for you two.”
“I know,” you repeated.
“And just because of some argument? That’s just stupid.”
“I know,” you frowned at him. “Just… give me some advice. You’ve dated a bunch before.”
He smiled smugly. “Well, I guess you could say so.”
“Is dating three times considered a bunch these days?” Hyunwoo walked to the table with his tray and sat down next to you with an innocent look. “What about me, then?”
Jooheon snorted. “You’ve dated so much just because you can’t say no. Have you ever actually loved someone?”
“Who are you to talk to your senior like that?” Hyunwoo gave him a look.
“Senior, my ass. We’ve been friends since, like, forever. Don’t pull your I’ve-been-attending-this-uni-for-a-few-more-years-than-you card on me now!”
Hyunwoo snickered and began to eat with a smug smile on his face.
“Anyway, ______,” Jooheon looked at you. “That dude is too stubborn to take the initiative, so you need to be the rational person. Contact him, talk it out, relationship saved. You can thank me later.”
“Did you have a fight with Kihyun?” Hyunwoo spoke with food in his mouth, receiving a disgusted look from Jooheon for it.
You nodded. “We haven’t talked in two weeks... Do you have any advice?”
Both Jooheon and you waited in anticipation as he took his sweet time swallowing the food in his mouth.
“I don’t know. Isn’t breaking up a pretty solid solution?” his words shocked you and Jooheon.
“Hey, that’s insensitive!” Jooheon glared at him. “They’ve been together for, like, three years.”
“But you still give each other the silent treatment after an argument?” Hyunwoo’s innocently spoken words made your heart ache. “That doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship.”
“In all seriousness, I think you two should have a talk like Jooheon said,” he cut you off. “I can’t promise that it will fix everything but that’s the magic of relationships, right? You can learn from your mistakes and grow together.”
“Wow,” Jooheon exclaimed and clapped. “I’ve never heard you say anything so wise. Did you read a book or something?”
Hyunwoo nodded and the two giggled like two little girls while you still felt helpless. Even though their advice sounded logical, you struggled with the thought of actually contacting him. When you thought back at the fight, it didn’t feel all that simple to make up.
There was a small lump inside your throat as you exited the lecture hall.
So much work to do yet I understood nothing… Why are all my courses like that now? Should I just take time off? I’m sure no one would mind…
You could hear someone call your name almost immediately after you had stepped out into the corridor. You turned around but regretted your decision immediately and made a weak attempt to act like you didn’t notice the two seniors hurrying towards you.
“That’s an awfully thick pile of papers,” one of them stated as soon as they caught up with you.
“Oh, hello,” you forced a smile as if you were the least bit happy to see them.
“It’s Friday!” the other appeared on your other side. “You know what that means!”
You looked at both in confusion and could feel the nervousness growing in your stomach. “No… I don’t?”
“You’ve forgotten already?” he pouted.
“You promised us last week that you would buy us drinks today,” the other reminded you.
You cursed at your past self for using such a stupid strategy to avoid drinking with them. “I, um… Have a ton of school work to do, so… Some other time? I know a lot of people probably want to drink with you anyways.”
Actually, I can’t think of anyone like that…
“Aww, don’t be like that,” they both whined. “You can do that later.”
“You lost in rock, paper, scissors,” one reminded. “No can do.”
“We’ll get really mad if you don’t keep your promise,” the other said teasingly and you wanted to take a big step away from him, feeling uncomfortable.
“I… I guess today’s fine…” you said instead, at this point just wanting to get rid of them.
They celebrated your statement among themselves and hopped ahead of you. “We’ll text you the location later.”
You nodded with a forced smile and they finally left you. A sigh escaped your lips. You felt like the exhausting day wasn’t going to end well.
I really miss Kihyun…
“Jooheon said that I can’t say ‘no’ but I think you’re the same,” Hyunwoo gave you a look as you two stood in front of the bar the two seniors had texted you about.
“Thanks for tagging along,” you felt relieved to have him around. “I’m kind of uncomfortable around them. I would have called Kihyun but… You know…”
“No problem, I get it,” he smiled. “Besides, I don’t think any junior should be left alone with those two. Especially not you.”
You followed him inside and your gaze landed on the two seniors immediately. They had already started to pour drinks into glasses and you felt a sting in your heart.
I wonder how much money I will have left after this fiasco…
“Ooh! Look who has arrived!” they noticed you loudly and you two walked over to their table.
“Why are you here?” one asked when Hyunwoo sat down next to him.
“To make sure that you don’t make your junior broke,” he stated calmly and poured himself a drink while you sat down beside him.
“What? Us? What kind of people do you think we are?” they acted shocked in an overly-dramatic way.
“You know where you lie on the asshole scale, don’t act like you don’t,” Hyunwoo sighed and downed a drink.
The two didn’t seem too ashamed of themselves but didn’t say anything in return, either. You felt incredibly relieved to have Hyunwoo with you as the night progressed, eventually turning the two seniors drunk. They babbled on and on about how tired they were with school and job-hunting, badmouthing different professors and students while they were at it.
“I heard you’re dating Yoo Kihyun,” one hiccupped and pointed at you after they had filled you in on the unnecessary details about a certain student’s “scandalous” love life. “How is it? Are you having fun?”
“Didn’t Kihyun date with your twin in the past or something?” the other asked him before you managed to answer. “Weren’t the two, like, high school sweethearts or something? Super lovey-dovey and stuff?”
While you didn’t feel jealousy, the topic bothered you as you had talked about the topic with Kihyun before and knew how the relationship had ended. 
“That asshole broke her heart! I’m still waiting for my chance to make him pay…” the guy looked at you. “Maybe you could help me with that?”
The look in his eyes creeped you out and you avoided his gaze. “I don’t think there’s any reason he should take responsibility for what happened,” you said with a rather serious tone.
There was a brief silence during which you mustered up the courage to look at the senior straight in the eye with a stern look.
“And why shouldn’t he?” the drunk guy asked. “Breaking up with someone over text is the worst thing ever!”
“He only did that because he knew how your twin would react! He didn’t want to deal with all that crap!” you raised your voice and stood up. You knew how horrible the breakup had been for Kihyun, enough for him to be unable to stop crying while he had told you about it. Hence why hearing someone talk about him with such a disrespectful tone really made your blood boil.
“I think we should end the night here,” Hyunwoo said calmly before the guy could start yelling. “You two seem really drunk,” he frowned slightly at the mess the two had become. “Plus, I don’t think it’s polite towards Kihyun for us to keep drinking with you way past midnight,” he said to you.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Hyunwoo asked you with a worried look while helping the two adult men stay on their feet. “I already texted Kihyun but you’ll need to take the bus alone.”
“I’ll be fine,” you reassured him, though slightly flustered at the unexpected mention of your boyfriend. “Thanks for worrying, though.”
I actually feel more nervous at the thought of seeing Kihyun than going home alone this late…
“I feel like a complete asshole for not taking care of you. Should I call someone to take care of these two, after all?”
“No, it’s okay. It’s not like this is my first time. Also, you know how peaceful my neighborhood is,” you smiled. “I think those two need more help, anyway. While the thought of someone bumping into them with a car really tempts me, I don’t think we should allow such a thing to happen.”
Though he still didn’t look sure, you two eventually parted ways as you headed to the nearest bus stop and he tried to make sure that the two wouldn’t die on their way home.
While waiting for the bus, you let out a heavy sigh. Even though the total cost of the drinks had been less than you had expected, it had still been quite the hit for your bank account.
I was really looking forward to finally buying that CD, though...
While listening to some music through your earphones, you thought about the day with a heavy heart. Out of the stressful few months you had had, this day had been the most exhausting by far.
You got quite melancholic while looking outside from the mirror beside you. The bus drove past many couples that walked on the street while holding hands.
It would be so nice to have Kihyun here right now…
You glanced at the seat next to you only to realize that the bus was about to arrive at your stop. Slightly panicked, you quickly got up and luckily got off at the right stop. You let out a sigh of relief and as you breathed in the fresh night air, you began to walk home. The streetlamps it your way with their warm light and you subconsciously tried to match your steps with the beat of the song you were listening to.
Oh, yeah…
Your pace grew slower as you remembered Hyunwoo’s comment from earlier. Eventually, you stopped and scanned your surroundings rather nervously. When you turned around, you jumped in surprise when you discovered someone standing right behind you.
“Whoa,” a familiar voice said, just as surprised as you. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
After the initial shock wore off, you quickly recognized the person standing in front of you. “Oh…” you took off your earphones and breathed out in relief though the nervousness was growing inside you at a rather quick pace.
You and Kihyun stood there in silence, just staring at each other. A lump grew inside your throat as you looked at his familiar features, realizing how much you had missed seeing him face-to-face.
“I got Hyunwoo’s text,” he said with a slightly worried look while you felt tears gather in your eyes. “I… I’m so sorry for not being there for you… You must have had a horrible day…”
While his apology comforted you, it also made you feel bad for him. “I’m sorry for not telling you… You had to hear it from a friend…”
You tried to discreetly dry your tears while staring at your feet.
“I’ll walk you home,” Kihyun said rather softly and you nodded.
You two walked the short distance in silence, not even glancing at each other. It felt slightly awkward for you but having him there also felt somewhat comforting. You subconsciously matched your steps with his while staring at the pavement.
Once you two stopped in front of the apartment building, you looked at each other properly for the first time.
“Well… I’ll leave now,” he said and your heart ached slightly. “See you.”
Following your heart’s orders, you grabbed his hand in a hurry. He turned around, looking surprised.
“Can’t you stay a little longer?” you asked, feeling like you would regret it later if you let him go now. “I… I think we should talk…”
This feels somewhat wrong…
Kihyun laid down the steaming pot in front of you on the table and sat down opposite you.
“I’m sorry for making you cook…” you said apologetically. “It’s really late, too…”
“It’s okay,” he said and handed you a pair of chopsticks. “I like making ramen for you, anyway.”
You smiled faintly as you two began to eat. After a while, you stopped and looked at him. You wanted to open your mouth and talk about the fight but couldn’t. It frustrated you how scared you were to talk about it.
“Ah,” Kihyun exclaimed softly and got up.
You watched how he exited the kitchen, looking slightly hurried. “What is it?”
He returned in silence, holding his backpack in his hands. Confused, you just stared as him as he walked to the table and opened the backpack as if looking for something. “It should be here somewhere…” he mumbled and his face lit up as he found what he was looking for.
As he pulled it out, you couldn’t believe your eyes. “You…” you said breathlessly as he handed the CD to you. “You bought this?” you looked at him with wide eyes and for the first time in a long time, you saw a smile on his lips.
“Yeah, for you. You didn’t buy it yet, did you?” he asked cautiously.
While looking at him, tears gathered in your eyes. You shook your head as an answer to his question and could feel the tears spill.
“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he asked, sounding taken aback.
“I… I’m sorry about saying all those horrible things to you…” you sobbed while trying to wipe the tears away. “I feel really horrible about the whole thing, really… I feel like it could have all been avoided if I had just talked about my emotions a little more…”
After a short silence, you could feel Kihyun wrap his arms around you. “I’m sorry, too… It was my fault, too…” he sounded just as heartbroken and you wrapped your arms around him. “I let my stress pile up… And then I just exploded like that…”
You two kept apologizing to each other until you both ran out of things to say other than just “I’m sorry”. By then, you had stopped crying and as you leaned back to look at him, you noticed that there were remains of tears on his face, too. As you helped each other wipe away those remains on your faces, your lips curved into smiles.
You pecked his lips, finding his sweet smile irresistible. His smile only widened and he did the same thing, this time ending it with a tight hug. As you two swayed very slightly, embracing each other warmly, you felt like a huge weight had been lifted off your heart.
“Hyunwoo told me earlier,” Kihyun started and you leaned back slightly to look at him. “That the magic of relationships is that you can learn from your mistakes and grow together. I think that thought fits this situation really well.”
“Me too,” you nodded with a smile. “He actually told me the same exact thing earlier today.”
Kihyun looked at you in surprise but soon became amused. “Is he our own little cupid or something?”
You two snickered at the thought together.
“Maybe there will be a day when we can give him advice instead,” you wondered.
“Maybe,” Kihyun smiled and pecked your forehead. Then he continued to hug you until you two realized that the ramen had become uneatable and you two decided to just go to bed and cuddle until both of you fell asleep.
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mezzanine-sink-blog · 6 years
Another Short Story
"Daddy, I want a swing."
Elle was a cute nine year old girl with a pale complexion and long red heair gathered into two pony tails. She was thin to the point her limbs looked almost too fragile to support her own weight. She also had brown eyes and a cute smile on her face, which was meant to melt her father's heart so he would do what she wants.
"I don't have one."
Nick was getting annoyed. His daughter asked for a swing for what seemed to be a millionth time, despite him declining every time. He loved her smile and her big eyes, but they didn't work this time - he was busy and really did not have a swing, or even a spare tire to hang from the tree in their backyard.
"Pretty pleeeeeease." She leaned closer to Nick, so he could see down her pink blouse. She didn't have breasts yet, but she knew he loved looking at her nipples. She was also amused by the fact that he still haven't noticed she constantly let him see them on purpose and not just accidentally.
"No means no, El. End of topic." Nick replied harshly and tried to focus on the laptop in front of him, but the view he was getting down Elle's blouse was very distracting.
A tear formed in the corner of Elle's eye and she started silently weeping, like she practiced many, many times before.
"Aww, don't cry, baby. We really don't have a swing." He hugged his daughter and one of his hands instinctively landed on her buttocks.
"I just wanted to play on one, all my friends have them." She said through the tears. It really seemed important to her.
"You know what? I'll get you a swing under two conditions."
"Really?" Elle's face immediately lit up with anticipation.
"You'll stop bugging me."
"Sure!" A smile returned to her face.
"And I will cover your eyes and you won't peek until I finish."
"Ok! I love you, daddy!" She kissed him all over his face.
Nick smiled to himself, reached to his bed ang grabbed his wife's eye mask, then covered Elle's eyes and tied the straps behind the back of her head as tight as he could, as they were way too long for a nine year old girl.
"Can you see anything?"
"Nuh-uh." She reached her hand in front of her, trying not to walk into anything. "Let's go then!"
He grabbed her tiny hand and they went downstairs together.
After five minutes it was done. Elle was standing on a garden table with her eyes covered and her father stood in front of her with a noose in his hand ant the other end of the rope attached to one of the lower branches of the tree they were both standing next to.
"Ready, Ellie?"
"Ready!" She was almost shaking with anticipation.
"Don't move now." He quicky grabbed her arms with one hand to restrain her and put the noose over her head with the other.
"What is this? What are you doing daddy?" She seemed confused.
"A surprise." He replied and removed the sleeping mask, then before she could wrap her head around what was happening he pushed her off the table and moved it away, so she couldn't reach it anymore.
At first she was surprised, but when the rope tightened around her neck she quickly became terrified. The pain was the worst feeling she had ever experienced. She instinctively started kicking around trying to reach the ground, but it was too far away. She tried reaching her hands to her neck, but the rope was too tight, she couldn't move it at all. Just when the initial shock started to wear out she felt a burning sensation in her lungs as they slowly filled with carbon dioxide instead of oxygen.
Nick sat on a garden chair and watched his daughter kick around in the air. Her short skirt exposed her white panties with each kick and his dick instantly grew hard, so he took it out and started masturbating to the sight.
"He's getting off to this!" Ellie thought. But she knew that he was always a pervert and that's just one of the reasons why she loved him. She was partly to blame for that, though, she always teased him and used her body to get what she wanted from.
She tried to say something, but couldn't get any coherent sound out of her mouth, so she decided that if she's going to die, she will at least give him a show. He did, after all, give her a swing, just like he promised.
Elle forced her arms to stop fighting the rope and she moved one of her hands under her skirt while lifting it with the other to give her dad a better view.
She reached inside her panties and started rubbing her clit between her undeveloped labia.
Nick was surprised. His daughter had been a tease for the past few years, but this was the first time he noticed she was a real slut. Stories of girls having an orgasm before their death were common, but he didn't think his daughter would start openly masturbating. And right in front of him!
Regardless of his surprise he was also incredibly aroused by her actions. He rubbed his dick slower, afraid he might finish before she died.
Elle got quickly tired of lifting her skirt as she lost her strength with each passing second, so she slid it down along with her panties as low as she could reach, then kicked them both off to the ground.
Nick had a great view of her bald prepubescent pussy and both her hands furiously rubbing her love button. Her hips rocked with an erratic rhythm, he wasn't sure whether that was due to her arousal, or her survival instinct kicking in, but either way he didn't care - he only cared about the show she was putting on for his pleasure.
Elle knew she had to be quick. She heard the stories about girls hanging for fifteen minutes and longer, but the story her body was telling seemed to be much shorter. Her neck hurt like hell, just like her lungs, her vision was slowly getting blurry and the sensations less intense. She put a finger inside her vagina in search of her g-spot while still rubbing her clit with her other hand.
"Such a shame I never got to fuck you." Nick looked into his daughter's eyes and saw that they seemed to be begging him to change that. After a short thought he decided to go for it.
Elle's hands sped up when she saw her dad approaching her and her heart skipped a beat when he grabbed her legs and pushed them apart. Her pussy was almost perfectly at his hip level, so he could easily fuck her without lifting her body and risking letting some air through the noose.
He placed his hands on her ass, his member at her virgin entrance and pushed. She would gasp, but she couldn't, so she only grabbed her father's shoulders and dug her nails into his skin to ease her pain.
He felt her nails sting slightly, but she was obviously losing strength quickly. He only put the tip of his cock in her so far, so he pushed harder. The walls of her vagina gave in and he slid all the way inside her. He looked into her brown eyes and saw a mix of love and pain, desire and fear. He kissed her parted lips and started thrusting slowly.
Elle carresed his sides and shoulders with her hands, the only sign of affection she could give in her current state. Her pussy ached because of the broken hymen, but it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. The feeling of fullness she experienced for the first and last time was strange, but pleasant. She gently rocked her hips with Nick's every thrust and moved one of her hands back to her clitoris.
Nick pumped harder and faster. He saw her enjoy it despite all the pain, so he wanted to give her as much pleasure as he could. He kissed his daughter's shoulder, then neck, then lips and then he gently bit her ear.
"I love you, El." He whispered.
Elle desperately wanted to respond, but couldn't. Instead she just smiled, grabbed his head and moved his face to hers to kiss him.
Suddenly she felt an orgasm coming, she started shaking, flexing her entire body, which only tightened the noose around her neck. It was the most intense orgasm she ever had, she felt pleasure in every nerve, in every body part, in every muscle. Wave after wave it drained all her strength to the point when she couldn't move at all anymore.
===== "I love you too, daddy. Thank you." She mouthed silently and everything went blank.
Nick didn't stop fucking her, even when he felt something warm flow between his legs right after he saw the life leaving his little girl's body. When he looked down he saw a weak stream of urine coming from her reddened pussy.
He picked up the pace and fucked her dead cunt without any restraints. He thrust as hard and deep as he could, even hitting her cervix every now and then. Her face looked so calm and pretty, without the slightest hint of life. Her eyes were still half open, but they were looking somewhere far beyond her father.
After less than a minute he couldn't hold it in any longer and shot a stream of hot cum inside Elle's dead pussy. He pushed as deep inside as possible, hiding entire length of his cock inside her as waves of semen pumped inside her womb.
He took his penis out and the cum started dripping from her body. She looked adorable in only her girly blouse and shoes with her pussy gaping open and dripping with their mixed juices.
He just stood there and hugged her rapidly cooling body for a few minutes to make sure life left her completely, then raised her corpse, loosened the rope and took her down.
"Come on sweetheart, let's get you into the shower. Your mother and I are going to have a lot more fun with you before your body goes bad." He carried her limp body to the house.
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It Started With A Treehouse (G.D.)
I havent written any Grayson smut in forever soooooo here take this garbage lmao
@scuteedolans @dangly-feather-earring-dolan @pinksnapbackbullshit
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              Ethan, Grayson, and I had been inseparable for our entire lives. We grew up as neighbors, the twins ran into my backyard and climbed into my tree house scaring the hell out of me when we were five years old and the rest is pretty much history. Our parents became friends, we went on vacations together, we were babysat together, and we got along great so we basically grew up in each other’s pockets. As we got older the twins grew like weeds and bulked up quite a bit. There was no denying that they were handsome young men, I just wasn’t attracted to either of them. Or so I thought.
                As time went on, I realized a little part of me always loved Grayson a little bit more than Ethan. I always gave in to him, whether it be where we went to eat or what game we played. All he had to do was look up at me through the thick fringe of his eyelashes with those big hazel puppy dog eyes and my resolve would crumble in an instant. His face would split into a beautiful grin, flashing his brilliant white teeth, and I’d melt. Of course, to his face I would scoff and pretend to be irritated but I was never really upset. I don’t think I ever could be.
               It was late on Saturday night, and my phone rang with a text message.
*Group Chat*
G: hey sluts, movie night?
E: first off, rude. second, no.
Me: why not E? hot date tonight?! Lmaooooo
G: yeah right, Y/N. maybe with his left hand.
Me: EW
G: suuuuuure ya could buddy.
E: I don’t see you on many dates dear brother so….
G: you two are the worst
E: aww ya sad now?
Me: yeah gray, ya gonna cry?
G: fuck offfffff. Is anyone coming to watch this fucking movie with me or what????
E: I already said no, dingus. I’m sleeping at Aaron’s house tonight
G: so you DO have a hot date!
Me: don’t let things get too sexy tonight E!
E: you are both monsters.
Me: gray I’m in for a movie if you want. As long as its nothing that sucks.
G: do my choices ever suck?????
Me: um remember the 4th of july with the twizzlers and half a bottle of fireball???
Me: mhmmmmmm
G: I came out to have a good time and im honestly feeling so attacked right now.
E: gray that was lame
Me: you are LITERALLY a living meme
G: yeah but you love me baby!
E: I don’t!
Me: yeah yeah whatever I’ll be over in 5
               I put my phone in my pocket before I slipped my shoes on. I called out to my mother to let her know where I was going on my way out the door. I walked across the driveway and into the Dolan’s front yard. I didn’t bother knocking and I just walked inside. I knew everyone else was gone because the only car in the driveway was Grayson’s. That’s when reality hit. I was alone with him in this big house. Why the fuck was it so hard to breathe all of a sudden? I needed to relax and act normal. I could not let my minor crush come bubbling to the surface right this very second.
               “GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN WHERE YOU AT?!” I shouted from the front hallway. “I’M IN HERE!” I heard him yell in response from the living room. I grinned and started running. When I hit the living room I dove over the arm of the couch and tackled Grayson onto the cushions. “Y/N what the hell girl?! Are you tryin to kill me?” He said while laughing. His laughter shook my body as I was still on top of him. “You know I like to make an entrance.” I said while climbing off of him. I flopped onto the couch next to him with my feet in his lap. “Go ahead G, fire it up!” He chuckled while pressing play on the remote.
               About an hour into the movie, I started to get tired and uncomfortable because of the way I was sitting. Grayson’s large hand wrapped around my ankle. Still staring at the screen, he said “Stop squirming.” My heartbeat quickened just a little and I let out a fake irritated sigh. He patted his thigh and said “Come on.” I smiled a little and rearranged myself so my head was resting in his lap. Grayson knew this was my favorite way to lay but he also knew I always fell asleep like this too. Sure enough he started stroking my hair and in a matter of minutes I was asleep.
               About an hour later I started to wake up but Grayson was still stroking my hair so I didn’t open my eyes. Call me selfish but it was soothing and I didn’t want him to stop. I cracked one eye open and his phone was close enough to my face that I could read his texts. Now I didn’t want to spy but teasing Gray was kinda my favorite thing and if there was something funny in his texts I could use against him, you can bet your ass I would. He was texting Ethan and the hand that wasn’t stroking my hair, was flying over his keyboard.  It took all of my strength not to shiver while reading his conversation.
G: e I need help
E: whats up bro?
G: im freaking out. Y/N’s head is in my lap
E: dude this isn’t new. she does that all the time
G: e you KNOW this is different. You know how I feel about her!
E: yeah and that’s why I went to Aarons! Man up!
G: I don’t know what to do! God damn it I want to touch her so bad
E: okay well don’t be weird about it. Just like touch her arm or something idk man!
G: ethan you have no idea what she does to me I cant fucking breathe rn
E: well im going to leave you to it FIGURE IT OUT BUD!
               He clicked the power button on his phone and threw it onto the other side of the couch, and his head dropped back, a sigh escaping his lips. Now that I knew he wanted me just as bad as I wanted him, I pulled the courage from inside of me and decided that I was going to make the move to go further. I pretended to still be asleep and I rolled over so my face was inches from his toned stomach. I could hear him gasp above me and I bit back a grin. I stretched out like a cat as his hand ran down my spine. I slowly dragged my hand over the growing bulge in Grayson’s jeans. A groan spilled from his lips and I could feel his body tense up. I slowly blinked my eyes open and grinned up at him. “Are you sure sweetheart? Because if we do this, you gotta be sure.” He asked quietly. I could see the hope shining in his eyes and a shy grin appeared on his face as I nodded.
               As soon as he had confirmation that I was okay with this, a fire ignited in his eyes and his hand traveled down between my thighs. He began rubbing small tight circles over my clit through my leggings. All reasonable thought flew out of my head at the feeling of his fingers on my most sensitive area. My hips bucked against his hand and moans spilled from my lips. “These need to come off.” Grayson said, pulling at my pants. I stood up and removed my leggings, feeling exposed. “C’mere baby.” He said, grabbing my hips and pulling me into his lap.
               Grayson tucked his head into my neck and nipped at the sensitive skin. My hips began to grind down onto his thick thigh and I couldn’t control my sighs as my clit rubbed against the denim of his jeans. At this point I was so turned on I couldn’t see straight. “Fuck baby. You like riding my thigh? Does that feel good?” Grayson growled, his hands guiding my hips back and forth on his leg. “Yes! Hngg-oh my god Grayson!” I whined out. One of his hands left my hip and snaked down to rub me through my panties. He pushed them to the side and sank 2 thick fingers into me. I gasped at the intrusion and he grinned me, knowing exactly what he was doing to me. I tipped my head down and sealed my lips with his. He pumped his fingers in and out of my dripping center and my mouth fell open. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I could feel that heat coiling in my belly.
               Grayson withdrew his fingers from my pussy and brought them up to my mouth. I sucked his index finger into my mouth, wrapping my tongue around the thick digits. I looked into his eyes as I continued sucking and he let out a low hiss.
               “That’s it. Enough fucking around.” He growled as he flipped me onto my back. Grayson stood up and unbuckled his pants, yanking them down along with his boxers. He pushed my knees apart and settled between my thighs. “Please Grayson. I need you.” I whined, on the brink of tears. “Shh don’t cry baby. Daddy knows what you need.” He whispered, lining his length up with my entrance. He pushed into me slowly, giving me time to adjust to his size.
               Grayson pulled out almost all the way and slammed back in, an animalistic sound ripping out of my throat. He began thrusting into me at a near punishing pace and I couldn’t contain the sounds spilling from my lips. “Please Daddy! God you feel so good! I can’t hold on!” I screamed. “Yeah that’s right baby. Tell me how good you feel. Tell me how much you need my cock.” Grayson grunted into my ear, his warm breathe fanning over my heated skin. “Ugh-Gray you feel so good inside me. Your cock is the best I’ve ever had! I’m gonna come!” I whimpered in response.
               His hand gently tightened around my throat, beginning to cut off my air supply. He kept thrusting quickly, his face twisting and contorting as he chased his release. His hand kept tightening around my throat and the air was getting thinner and thinner. The lack of oxygen made my blood feel like it was boiling and my clit was throbbing. Just as my vision started to darken Grayson removed his hand and used it to rub my clit in tight circles as I sucked in a huge breath. The sudden intake of oxygen mixed with his touches threw me right over the edge as I exploded around him. “FUCK!” Grayson shouted into the empty room as my pussy continued to flutter around him. After another half dozen powerful thrusts he stilled inside me as his orgasm washed over him. After he spilled his seed inside me, he collapsed on top of me, his head on my chest.
               “Wow. Y/N do you know how I’ve wanted this? How long I’ve wanted you?” He whispered into my damp skin. I ran my fingers through his messy hair and whispered back “I’m guessing, as long as I’ve wanted you?” He was quiet before responding. “Y/N please don’t tell me this was a one time thing? I want you to be mine. Like, forever ya know?” Grayson said, lifting his head to look me in the eyes. I cradled his face in my hand. “I’ve been yours since you and your idiot brother stormed my treehouse when we were five years old Grayson Bailey Dolan. I’m not going anywhere.”
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wlwhc · 7 years
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I’m Scared
Summary: You’re Kara’s secret friend, a friend that she wishes it could be something more...so much more...little did she knows, you want the same
Warning: light angst? I guess, but there’s fluff too
(A/N): I just watched Supergirl 2x10 and I just thought about this Idk it just pops into my mind so, yeah, I had to write it and hey! I’m here again at 4:34 am writing instead of sleeping, Matt you’re so fucked up!
“okay so let me get this straight, Mon-El does not listen to you, Jimmy and Winn are vigilantes, well, Jimmy is the vigilante and Winn has been helping him all this time, J’onn’s girlfriend almost died-”
“she’s not her girlfriend, more like a crush-”
“crush whatever, and Livewire escaped-”
“I let her-”
“you let her escape...well, you really deserve the last piece of pie for sure” You said to your friend Kara handing her the plate of food. It was currently 2 am in you were chatting with the blonde while telling each other’s bad days
“hmm I don’t know, I think that you had it worst than me”
“are you kidding me? I think that the worst part of my day was burning my tongue with coffee! you fight against your evil nemesis and had to deal with that douchebag the bad version of Batman and Winn”
“why Winn those not has a nickname”
“I’m still thinking about it okay? my creativity has a limit sweetheart” Kara laughed at this. This is what she needed, someone to talk to, someone normal that doesn’t want to be a vigilante or get involved in the whole hero thing, and even though she has her sister, Alex was now caught up in Maggie’s fingers, and Kara didn’t want to steal Alex away from Maggie. Right when she started feeling lonely, you appear, a waitress in a coffee shop, you friendship grow up fast and by the next week, Kara was flying every night to your balcony to talk with you, you understand her, you listen to her, that’s what she needed the most right now.
“so another thing than that?” Kara asked you
“nah, I mean I got to see your friend Lena, she went by the coffee, she’s so damn h-”
“no! no no no I do not approve!” Kara said jumping on the couch that you were currently sitting in. You gasp at her words.
“excuse me? of course you approve, she’s hot and smart, I’m hot and ...funny?”
“you can not go out with her! you’re my friend miiiiineeee” she said, poking your arm with her finger and pouting a little
“aww is the little puppy Danvers jealous? are you scared that someone may steal me away from youuuu~” she looked at you with puppy eyes and rest her head on your shoulder.
“I .. I actually do you know?, there are so many people out there that may want to steal you away from me if they know that you’re Supergirl's friend”
“well, If this serves as a consolation, I have a baseball bat and I know how to use it” You expected her to laugh but she sigh instead.
“Kara, you don’t have to worry, you’re the only one that knows about me, not even your sister knows you’re here with me, a lot less a villain, I’m going to be fine”
“I know~ it’s just, I’m scared that something may happen to you, I care about you, a lot, I really do Y/N, I want to keep you safe, I don’t know what I would do if you disappear one day-”
“wow wow wow okay , let me stop you right there because you’re making this night dark, like emo kind of thing” Kara looked at you, with her sad puppy eyes. You made her sit in front of you, so you can talk face to face.
“okay listen to me Kara Danvers, I know that you’re are a superhero and all, but you don't have to worry, I won’t disappear well I mean, yeah one day I may die-”
“don’t say thaaaaat” Kara whines
“Jesus what’s wrong with you today? why are you so worried about my safety, you never got like this, did something else happen? you’re not telling me something!” You said throwing a pillow at her face.
“no no! it’s I-uh ahg! you’re going to think it’s stupid” she said, grabbing the pillow and covering her face.
“more stupid that tripping on your cape and accidentally destroying a house in the process?” Kara gasps at this
“I told you not to bring that up ever again!”
“it’s too epic for not to bring that up!, but seriously though, tell me”
“it’s just...I guess the I-I realize how much you mean for me I-uh...Alex is busy with Maggie, Mon-el is Mon-el, Jimmy and Win are out there fighting criminals and I’m …. here and I thought I was alone but then you came an-and somehow made me feel better and okay, and you listen to me, you’re the only one besides my sister that listens to me, you make me feel valid and like I’m not just...a cape and super powers, you make me feel okay while I’m Kara, and I know that you are Kara’s friend and not Supergirl’s, and I really appreciate that, I really do, I care about you, that’s why I’m also scared because all the good thing the I had in life always disappear or a bad guy comes and rips all the happiness away and right now all that happiness ...is thanks to you...I’m scared” Kara said, her eyes getting glassy at the thought of losing you.
You were speechless, Kara had never done something like this, open up so much about something, you two always talk about problems and thing with sarcasm and a lot of jokes and food, but never so ..serious, there were always laughs. You didn’t know what to say, the blonde was scared and frankly you were also scared that something may happen to her, you are scared of a lot of things
“well, you should have told me that we were going to be so serious, I should have bought wine rather than pie”
“Y/N~” Kara whines
“okay okay, you want me to say what I think about your sugary speech?” Kara nods at this. You sigh at her worried face.
“I’m scared too...you’re Supergirl after all, you are going to get hurt eventually, I’m scared that one day you just won’t appear at 2am to talk and cuddle, I’m not worried about villains or about me getting hurt, because I know that it won’t happen, and I can handle myself” Kara send you a knowing look
“don’t look at me like that I know I can handle myself” She shocks her head and looks down at her hands, you gently make her look at you with your hands in her chin.
“I’m going to be fine Kara, please do not worry about me, I’ll be fine”
“but what if-”
“and if-”
“not a chance-”
“Nothing! , but nothing! , now stop saying those stupid what if and cuddle with me” you said, opening your arms, glared playfully at you but she crawls into your arms anyway. the warmth of your body making her forget about the weight on her shoulders, you wrapped your arms around her, giving her a familiar feeling on her chest.
She hides on the crook of your neck and you run your finger through her hair, Kara hummed at this. Whoever that may see you two would probably think that Kara was your girlfriend, and the blonde may not admit it but she was dying to call you with that label. She knows that her skin doesn’t burn at your touch for nothing, she knows that the thought of your lips on hers is not just a friendly thought, she knows that all this over-protectiveness is not just an I care about you friendly thing, she loves you. She loves to be in your arms feeling safe in them, feeling like someone is there to catch her, feeling like she has her own superhero, she loves the smell of your hair, the way that you dance alone in the kitchen in the morning, she loves how sweet and kind you are, god she loves everything about you, every little thing, and right now, being on your arms, made her the happiest alien on this earth. She was dying to confess her feelings but she was too scared of rejection, too scared of losing you, so she preferred to suffer in silence, and enjoy the fact that at least you are her friend.
“You don’t need to worry about me Kara, I’ll be safe as long as I got you by my side” The blonde smiled at this, snuggling further in your arms, her nose rubbing against your neck. Kara inhales your essence, feeling the tiredness of the day starting to affect her and the comforting feeling of your arms holding her close to you.
“Can I sleep here with you?” Kara whispers against your neck. You didn't have to think twice.
“of course you can silly”
You keep running your finger through her hair, appreciating the moment, Kara had fallen asleep, hiding in your arms like child, she got her arms around you and her legs tangled with yours, it was pretty obvious that she wasn’t going to let you go, you weren’t complaining though, this was a dream come true. It was impossible not to have feelings for the cute alien. The friendship turned quickly into something more, but you weren’t going to risk the beautiful friendship you had built just because you were in love with her, no no no, you were too scared of rejection, of losing her, of losing these little moments of peace with her.
If you only knew that she feels the same way as you do. But you will never know, and Kara will never have the chance to kiss you, or show you off to her friends, or waking up next to you. Just because you two were too afraid or rejection, just because you two were scared of losing each other.
“I’m scared...I’m so scared”
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crazy4dragons · 7 years
Drabble: Adjustments
With a new addition to the family, Hiccup and Astrid need to make some adjustments around Berk. The only problem is, Hiccup doesn't want to. ... Hiccup walked through the door to see Astrid settled in a comfortable chair, her feet tucked underneath her and two-week-old Stoick sleeping in her arms. "How's our son?" asked Hiccup, leaning in to kiss his wife. "He was a little fussy this morning, but he's okay now." Astrid smiled at her infant. "I still can't believe what a sweetheart he is. And he's so tiny, too." The young chief laughed softly. "I don't think you've put him down since he was born. He's gonna get spoiled." "You can't spoil a baby this young," Astrid insisted. "And besides, what can I do besides hold him? I can't go flying or anything." While giving birth, Astrid had torn, and as a result, had received two small stitches in a place she hadn't even known stitches could exist. As a result of both that and the post-birth bleeding that was practically the worst period she'd ever experienced, she needed to take it easy for a few weeks. No flying, no patrols, no combat training. "You could draw," suggested Hiccup. "That's your thing," Astrid shrugged. She cradled little Stoick closer to her chest. "And besides, I like keeping him where I can see him. I mean, the first month of a baby's life is risky, and after what Valka said the first month of your life was like, I just wanna make sure he stays safe." "I'm sure he will," Hiccup assured. "After all, he has your strength." The blonde smiled as her baby's eyes cracked open. Fussing, he reached out a helpless hand to reassure himself that Astrid was still there. "What? Do you wanna eat?" "I'll start supper while you nurse him," Hiccup offered. "What are you hungry for?" "Yak and bread would be nice," Astrid said, unbuttoning her nightgown just enough to allow Stoick room for nursing. "And we have leftovers from the other day." "I'll warm them up." "Thanks, babe." Sighing, Astrid guided her son to her breast and watched as he struggled to begin suckling. Neither one of them had quite gotten used to the whole nursing process yet, so every time he ate, it was a struggle to find a suitable position in which to hold him that was comfortable for both baby and mother. "How are you feeling?" Hiccup asked, coming up behind his wife and placing his hands on her shoulders. "I'm fine." Astrid grabbed a nearby baby blanket and tucked it under her infant's head. "Here you go," she murmured to him. "You just need a little extra boost. Now you can reach better." "Aww, look at him eat," said Hiccup. The blonde tilted her head up to meet her husband's gaze. "You know, having sex with you was the best decision I ever made." Hiccup laughed. "That's not what you were saying while you were pregnant and in labor." "Well, those parts were rough, but it was worth it to have this little guy." "You're not upset you can't fly?" "I'll probably sneak a flight or two in the next couple days. Stormfly will go easy on me if I ask her." "Yeah, but just be careful, okay? Stoick needs his Mama to stay healthy." "When am I ever not careful?" Shaking his head, Hiccup leaned in to kiss his wife's forehead. "I love you, milady. You and this little guy." He used his thumb to brush a drop of milk off of little Stoick's chin. "Yeah, he's a messy eater," Astrid remarked. "And he takes an eternity to finish a meal." As the baby freed his bare feet from the blanket he was wrapped in, she quickly began to rub them in an attempt to keep him warm. "No socks for him?" "I'm not wearing socks either, babe." Astrid stretched out her own feet. "And no leggings?" Hiccup asked, catching sight of the blonde's bare legs. "My gods, milady. You must be freezing." "Not really. I've been cuddling with him by the fire all day." She gestured to her son. Hiccup raised an eyebrow. "Cheating on me, are you?" Astrid laughed. "Well, I found myself a better man." "Mm-hm. Sure you did." "By the way, your mom stopped over earlier," Astrid began after a few moments of silence had passed between the couple. "She gave us some herbs." "For what?" "Some are to help me heal from giving birth, and the rest are to help your leg. She said you told her it's been bothering you lately." "It's not that bad," Hiccup insisted. "That's not what she was saying." The blonde took a deep breath."Why didn't you say anything to me, babe?" "Because I knew you were busy trying to take care of yourself and the baby, and I didn't wanna make you feel like you had to take care of me, too." He paused. "And besides, it's okay. Really, it is. It just hurts from all the chiefing I've been doing recently." "Have you thought about appointing an acting general?" Astrid asked. "You know, to help you out until Stoick doesn't need me all the time?" "I don't know about that." "I'm just saying, he's probably gonna be nursing a lot until he's three moons old or so. After that, I'll be able to leave him with Valka during the afternoons, but until then, you really need someone to help you out who's not responsible for nourishing a baby." "Who would I get?" Moving in front of the chair, Hiccup began to pace. "Fishlegs and Ruffnut just got married, and it wouldn't be fair to ask them to take time away from each other. I mean, even you and I got a moon to ourselves. And then Snotlout and Heather are planning to get married in the next moon, and judging by how secretive they've been acting lately, I'm almost sure she's already expecting. So that just leaves Tuffnut, and you know how irresponsible he is." "What about Gobber? Or your mom?" "Gobber's already done his fair share. And my mom's still new to Berk." "Eret?" "He's new to Berk, too." "But he clearly has leadership skills. And warrior skills." Hiccup sighed. "I guess, but --" "But nothing, Hiccup. You need to find someone. If you don't, you're gonna drive yourself crazy. And besides, wouldn't you like to spend more time with your son?" "Yes, I do wanna spend more time with him, but I can't just leave Berk to sink. Astrid, you're the only one I trust enough to be General. I just can't imagine having anyone else in that spot. You're smart, brave, strong, and you can think like my dad. And he was probably the best Chief Berk had in years." "I'm flattered, babe, but you need to be practical. I mean, we have a baby now, and a baby is a huge responsibility. And as the baby's mother, most of that responsibility falls under me. Until he starts weaning, at least. Then you can help out more. But in the meantime, we gotta find a way to balance everything. And part of that is appointing an acting general." "Okay, fine. You want an acting general, you pick one. But if anything goes wrong --" "It won't go wrong. It'll be fine. Just trust me. Eret will do a great job." As Stoick began fussing, Astrid shifted him to her other breast and helped him latch. "Don't worry, little one. I have more for you," she murmured to him. "So you're picking Eret?" asked Hiccup. "Why not? Like I said before, he has the skills needed to help run an island. And I also think Gobber could pitch in. You know, guide him a little bit if he gets stuck." The young chief let out a heavy sigh. "Alright. I'll talk to Eret after we eat, and then make the announcement tomorrow." "Good. And as I've been saying, you won't regret it."
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paniccord-ff · 7 years
36. Part 2
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I can’t believe I am an actual model, me a model. How amazing is this, I can’t stop thanking Chris because this was on him. The car came to a halt outside the hotel “I think the fans have found my hotel” Chris said so calmly like there ain’t a whole bunch of them “and we have no bodyguard, let’s just rush in. They are behind barricades” the driver slid the door open for us “ok, let’s just do this” I am not about to wait for Chris, climbing out of the car and walking into the hotel. The screams pierced my ears, the doorman opened the door smiling at me. Walking into the hotel turning around, seeing Chris taking pictures with fans. He is such a sweetheart with them when he wants to be “I love y’all too, I need to go in. I’ll be back later” he waved running inside, he is saying that like tonight won’t get even worse for him “they love you so much” I said walking to the elevator “I mean who doesn’t love me, come on. I am Chris Brown, I am bomb as fuck” he walked in front of me backwards “keep telling yourself that” gripping his tee “watch it” he nearly hit into the guy “woah! My bad bro” the guy caught Chris as he was about to fall back “it’s fine Chris” I like his accent, that is so nice “he said Chris like he knew me, crazy” pressing the elevator button.
EJ is still sat in our hotel room, he never left at all “I thought y’all was leaving my room” Chris doesn’t look happy “I am waiting for little miss the jeans didn’t fit me and I gave her trash jeans” he pointed at me “shut up, I need my suitcase Chris. Please get it me! I can’t do this, I need clothes” Tamia laughed “being on the road is not all that cute, shit be going missing” she said but I want my things “Chris, I am serious. I want my suitcase” he shrugged sitting on the couch “they are on the bus, I can’t get them” furrowing my eyebrows at him “we are going to be here for like three days, get me the suitcase please or I will not be happy. Let’s go EJ” I might as well go “hey, wait. The hell you going?” Chris pointed “I told you, I need to go and buy you something. I am just shopping” he looked at me and then EJ “I can come?” sighing out “no Chris, just please no. You will ruin the surprise” he is so hard headed “what surprise?” EJ said all confused, eyeballing EJ “oh yeah” EJ said in a whisper “right, Joe is going though” blinking at Chris several times, not knowing what to say now “oh no, we don’t need that. We are fine” EJ said for me “it’s not for you, it’s for Rylee. Take Joe or one of my cousins or even Mijo” I hate Chris being like this “no, that is final. I said no, I don’t need it. Text me what you are doing” turning on my heels “you honestly up to something” he spat, I will just ignore him for now because he is holding me up.
Walking behind EJ, everyone be staring at us like we are foreign but it is EJ’ fault. He acting mad boujee “here we are, now we need to find a test for you. I will hold it of course, we don’t want anyone taking pictures now” why is there so many tests, it’s stupid “have you seen this?” Tamia walked over to us with this light blue box “sperm check? Oh shit, I mean if I thought Chris’ sperm didn’t work I would get him this shit to upset him but clearly it does, how the hell does this shit work” EJ took the box “seriously? Can we just get the test” I snapped, EJ scoffed glaring at me “ok, right so. Do you think you are early? You can get early detection?” I shrugged not knowing, EJ looked me up and then down “oh girl, your jeans ain’t fitting so let’s not play. We will get the regular thing” hitting EJs arm “that’s mean” he laughed picking the box “sorry, you know I love you” walking behind EJ to the cashier.
I feel somewhat excited but scared at the same time, what if I’m not because then that means I am fat “oh no, drive!!” EJ shouted, looking at him confused because we are here. Looking out of the blacked out window seeing Chris and his cousins walking out of the hotel, he stared at the car and it’s weird because it’s like he looked at me but turned his head away “he wouldn’t leave if we stayed and you know that” EJ is right, Chris would sit in the car and wouldn’t leave “he just misses me, don’t be mean about him” I miss his little face “he is about to have you on baby watch, this is going to make Chris paranoid about you. He needs it though, Royalty is never his and that is sad. That bodyguard built bitch said something on Insta saying Chris leaving his child to fed for herself, I goes bitch you a lie and she took it down. But it’s nice, I will be so happy for the both of you” rolling my eyes at Nia’ bullshit “fuck that bitch, I am coming for that ass. Watch” she messed with the wrong bitch, on god I will be having her crying to us.
I feel so bad, Chris probably knows that was us. I hope he won’t get too offended “I wonder where them niggas are going, I want to go to the club. I’ll have to ask him, I love London’ nightlife too” sitting on EJs bed as he spoke “Chris hasn’t really text me” placing my bag down “oh yeah, congratulations. Rylee Turner the model!” Tamia grinned at me “thank you, I heard that Mark guy saying to Chris to get me a manager and I will have an entourage. I mean, is that something that just happens or?” EJ chuckled “they will find you the right people but you got us, I will ditch Chris in a hot second for you. I can’t be sitting with them niggas, they be using me as bait for their jokes. Remember me bitch! Chris can dress him damn self, he always gets annoyed with me talking about shit ain’t right but then again you did call my jeans trashy” EJ will not let that go “well I got upset and I will more than likely have you two, probably cry to Chris and have you both. He doesn’t like me crying.” EJ held the pregnancy test box out to me “no hiding away now, come on. Let’s find out the truth” I am so damn nervous, taking the box from him “do them both” so nervous, I hate this.
Sighing out closing the bathroom door “there best not be pee on that shit” holding them both out to him “I dried them” he scoffed pulling a face “just take them, oh god. I am so scared, I feel also upset. I don’t know” covering up my face with my hands, my emotions are everywhere, sitting down in the chair in the corner “did you want to be a mother?” EJ asked “honestly no, then I got to know Royalty. She changed me, I realised that I wanted to be someone’s mother. I fell in love with Chris and that made me want that, I will be so happy because I don’t think I can. I mean I can but it will be a battle. My mom lost a lot of babies, there is three of us but before Kyrie came along if my mom kept them babies there would have been another three. My parents don’t even use protection that is how much she struggled, oh god. I feel sick” Tamia cooed “stop it, how long do we wait anyways? Ain’t this shit supposed to be like a minute?” she looked over at EJ “yes but now I feel nervous, girl. You didn’t have to tell me how nervous you are. You are making me nervous now” EJ is the worst “oh Rylee, I hope you are pregnant” he is making this even worse for me “negro will you just look!” Tamia spat, EJ sighed out “oh god, but I hate telling bad news. Upsetting Rylee is not cute” EJ actually cares.
EJ does not understand how nervous I am, the butterflies in my stomach right now. I just want to be sick “EJ! Will you just turn them around and look, we will look together!” Tamia spat, EJ scoffed sighing out “fine, one, two, three” staring all wide eyed as they both stared at both sticks, the silence in this room. I should have just looked myself, they are not reacting at all “can you just tell me? If it is bad news at least I can just lose weight?” I am more than likely not pregnant, feeling my heart sinking slowly. My heart aches “shall I tell her or you?” Tamia said “just please, I can’t do it anymore” when you feel your heart breaking, this is me right now “well Rylee I think you will need to” he paused “how do I put this?” he looked at Tamia “I think she might need to start learning how to change diapers” Tamia said, my face softened “you are pregnant bitch!!!” EJ screamed running at me, my hands over my face as I cried out “oh my god, oh Rylee” feeling a pair of arms wrap around me “aww Rylee, this meant so much to you” sobbing out tears of joy.
Tamia held out a tissue to me “oh god, I just can’t believe it. Is this real life” wiping the tears that fell with the tissue “yes girl, look at the screen” he held out one of the tests “it says three plus weeks but you need to find out yourself, it doesn’t tell you anything but that” tears fell even more, taking the test from EJ “I am actually having a baby, I am going to be a mother” staring at the word pregnant like it wasn’t real, this seems so surreal to me “you got me choked up now, I am so happy for you. After everything you deserve this, you have found out you’re pregnant and you’re a model. So happy for you” getting up from the chair, hugging both Tamia and EJ “I appreciate you both so much, I am having a baby. Oh my god” this seems so weird to me.
My mind is everywhere right now, I am just excited, nervous, emotional “you still look in a daze, you look real tired too. That must have took a lot out of you” blowing out air “I have been stressing a lot, my mom said I was and I said I didn’t believe her. Oh my god, I need to apologise to her but I want to tell Chris first, oh my god yes. I need to tell Chris, oh my god. I am actually pregnant and have been for a while. It said three plus weeks?” looking at Tamia “yeah, it says that if you are more than three weeks it will say three plus” I really need to get checked out “are you really supposed to get Chris an anniversary gift?” EJ questioned “yes I do” I think I am going to bed, getting up from their bed “there you have it, hide those sticks. We are going to think of something exciting for y’all, all of this excitement got me not wanting to go out now” EJ pouted out “just hide those things, we will think of something together and get his ass with a big surprise, he stay doing it for everyone so please hold off. Stop being sick and crying, don’t want him to catch on” waving EJ off “whatever, but thank you both so much. I think I am emotionally drained now from all of this” this took it out of me so much, I had so many emotions going through me.
Looking at my phone seeing Chris had actually text me an hour ago, the elevator doors opened and I stepped inside “going up?” this guy said, looking up from my phone and seeing the couple “oh yeah, top floor” smiling at them, tapping on Chris’ message.
From: Chris
To: Rylee
Where are you? I have ate but do you want some food? The boys are thinking of going to the club, if you don’t mind? I will bring some food for you either way
He is so cute, I don’t even want food I am just so happy but yet so drained from all the commotion. Looking up at the number and seeing we are reaching the top floor, the elevator doors opened and I let the couple go first and then I stepped off, replying to his text.
To: Chris
From: Rylee
It’s fine, I am not hungry. You can go to the club but if you are drunk then do not come to the room. I will tell you this in advanced I will cuss you out, I am not in the mood for that at all. I am going to sleep now anyways, be good. Miss you x
I am not about that cleaning sick mess today. I want to actually sleep in a bed. I miss home so much, tour buses are horrible. Pushing the room door open, my phone ringing in my hand. Chris is always waiting for my text “hello” answering the call, this hotel door is so damn heavy “seems like so long since I have heard your voice” he is so dramatic but I couldn’t help but smile, letting the door close behind me “been that long huh” switching the light on in the room and there in the middle of the room, my suitcase “god, I love you” he got me what I wanted “I love you too, I got the suitcase. After cussing some niggas out, are you going sleep now?” he sounds so sexy right now, it’s weird “uh yeah, I am tired. All the travelling and then everything that went on, the bed will feel a little lonely but have fun” I am happy to have the bed to my damn self, Chris be poking his dick in the back of me to wake me up and doesn’t really let me sleep “I rather be with you but you know how it is, niggas want to chill. I didn’t go to the club, I was waiting for you to say yes. I’ll be back before you know it, I will be with you soon. And was you in that car that went by?” I knew it, he saw me “uh yeah” I admitted “I couldn’t see but I just knew it, I felt you” biting my bottom lip smiling “I love you Chris” he’s making me so shy “I love you too, EJ is a dickhead. I know that was him, rest up and goodnight baby” I want him with me now, pouting out “goodnight” I don’t even want to get off the phone, Chris and I both sighed out together before he hung up. I can’t wait to tell him, to tell him we are going to be parents and we are having a mini us.
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“Nightmare” - Septiishu and Anti mini fic
Idk if this is gonna be good but it all started from the idea of Jack taking care of Signe after a bad dream, it seemed super cute so I wanted to write it, and so I did while incorporating Anti... hope you like it :)
Signe’s POV
Seán and I were cuddling on our bed; he had a headache and I wanted to make him feel better. The room was quiet and peaceful, as he didn’t seem to want to talk much. His eyes were closed, so he was obviously trying to rest as much as he could. I felt so tranquil in his arms that I almost fell asleep, but then his grip on me tightened.
“Are you alright, babe?” I asked him. He didn’t respond. He simply began to massage his forehead with a pained expression. “Is it getting worse?” I questioned worriedly. He put both hands to his head, seemingly in agony. “Seán?” His breathing got heavier and heavier, like he was about to explode, before suddenly pinning me down on the bed. I thought that maybe I’d just annoyed him with my questions. Until I saw his eyes. Pitch black. I would have screamed loudly, but he covered my mouth so it was muffled.
“Shut up,” he darkly demanded. “Save your screaming for when I kill you.” I was filled with terror and I desperately tried to wriggle free, but he just held me down with even more force. His pupils began to glow red; he looked into mine and they burned like lasers. I cried out in agony. His mouth curled into a smirk. “Hurts, does it?” he taunted me. The pain got worse and worse until it was torturous and I begged for it to stop over and over again. He tormented me for a while longer, before deciding to put me out of my misery. He produced a knife from his pocket, his smirk becoming more of a psychotic grin as he lifted back his arm. Even though I knew he would finally relieve my pain, I braced myself. I saw his glaring eyes one last time. The blade descended, I shut my eyes. Pain engulfed my throat and -
Jack’s POV
I was slowly beginning to stir, when I was alerted by Signe suddenly waking up with a scream as she sat up. Her breathing was shallow and shaky. I turned on the bedside lamp.
“Did you have a bad dream?” I asked her caringly, sitting myself up. She nodded, bursting into tears. “Aw, no, don’t cry,” I said sympathetically. “C’mere, Wiish.” I took her into my arms and she clung onto me tightly. I could feel her body shaking and her heart was racing as it thudded in her chest. She sobbed a little. “Shhh, it’s alright. It’s alright,” I soothed her, gently stroking her head. “I’m here, sweetheart.”
“It was - so - so scary,” she gasped, stammering.
“Aww, I know,” I responded empathetically.
“You tried to - kill me,” she stuttered.
“I don’t wanna kill you now, alright? It’s okay,” I reassured her.
“You tried to - to -“
“Shhh, it’s okay. It wasn’t real. It was just a dream, Woosher,” I continued to comfort her.
“It was so creepy, though…” she stated shakily.
“I know,” I replied softly.
“How will I sleep now…?” she fretted.
“You will somehow. And I’ll stay awake with you until you do.” I kissed her head gently with affection, and she seemed to start calming down a little. I continued to move my hand delicately across her head to continue to soothe her.
“I don’t want to go to sleep…” she cried.
“Aww,” I began caringly, “You can’t stay up all night. You’ll be exhausted.”
“I don’t wanna see it again…” she worried.
“You might not,” I replied reassuringly. “You probably won’t.”
“I thought I was gonna die…”
“Awww, Wiish… it wasn’t real. It’s alright,” I comforted her, caressing her face. I placed a kiss on her forehead, before holding her close again.
“It seemed so real, though…’” she stammered.
“I know,” I began understandingly. “But it’s over now.” I paused as I tried to think of how I could make her feel better. “I think you need to take your mind off it,” I suggested.
“But how?” she asked unsurely. I couldn’t think of a good answer. I didn’t know what to do, so I simply began kissing her. She quickly responded, her hand moving to my cheek. I placed my hand gently on top of hers while we continue to kiss tenderly for the next couple of minutes. When we slowly broke away, I saw that the fear had gone from her eyes and she was no longer shaking; in fact, a little smile had formed on her face. I smiled back at her, gently caressing her cheek.
“You’re much better now,” I stated happily.
“Of course I am, thanks to my green bean taking care of me,” she replied brightly.
“Aww, you’re so cute,” I reacted fondly.
“So are you, you handsome potato,” she responded cheerfully.
“I can’t be a potato and a green bean,” I joked. She giggled. “Anyway, you’re a Signe-mon roll,” I continued with a smile.
“Aww, well, you’re a Sean-amon roll,” she laughed.
“That doesn’t really work,” I chuckled. “Not as well as yours. Probably ‘cause you’re the cutest,” I added playfully.
“No, you’re the cutest,” she retorted kiddingly.
“No you’re the cutest!” I echoed amusedly.
“No, you are!” she giggled.
“Nuh-uh!” I responded childishly. “My cuteness detector says…” I made some ‘beep’ noises pretending to measure my own cuteness, getting faster and louder as I moved my invisible detector towards Signe. “You’re the cutest! The detector never lies.” She just laughed modestly, before snuggling up to me.
“Well, my boyfriend detector says you’re the best one in the world,” she said sweetly.
“Aww, I dunno about that,” I replied, “But thank you, Woosh-y-doosh!” I kissed her head. “I love you so much,” I told her sincerely.
“I love you, too,” she smiled.
“You think you can sleep now?” I asked her.
“Yeah,” she answered contently, “I think so.”
“Alright.” I leaned over and turned the lamp off, before cuddling her again. “Night, Wiish.”
“Goodnight, babe.” As she lay peacefully in my arms, I gently ran my fingers through her hair for a while, gazing at her adoringly. It wasn’t long before she was asleep again, and I watched her for a while because I loved seeing her so peaceful and calm. I didn’t want to take my eyes off her, but they were becoming heavy. I wanted to savour every moment I had with her but my body was giving into to sleep. I wanted to keep enjoying the wonderful feeling of holding her, but tiredness was taking over. I was so exhausted that I was getting a headache. But I didn’t think I was tired enough to start hearing a strange noise that I was obviously imagining as it wasn’t disturbing Signe at all. It was like white noise, but it sounded somewhat glitchy, and it kept me awake. The pain did too as it soon got worse. And worse. And worse. I heard a voice. Kill her. Kill her. I didn’t want to kill her or even hurt her. The voice got louder. Kill her. Put your hands around her neck. I had enough sanity that I was afraid of the voice and desperately didn’t want to obey. I rushed out of the room and I ran downstairs. It told me I couldn’t run away. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to, but I went into the kitchen and I grabbed a knife. Stab her. Over and over. Watch the blood pour out of her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her.
“No!” I screamed, covering my ears tightly. You can’t shut me out. You can’t fight me. “Stop, please stop…” I begged. The urges to do what it said were getting stronger and stronger, but part of me was still unwilling and cared too much about Signe to do anything to her. But the voice kept repeating it over and over. You know you want to. It will be so easy. Kill her. “No!” I cried out even louder, the pain in my head becoming excruciating. “No, no, no!”
“Babe, what’s wrong?” Signe asked worriedly as she entered. Kill her. Now. Suddenly it was all I wanted and violently pinned her to the wall, getting a kick out of the fear in her eyes.
“The nightmare is real,” I stated sinisterly. She tried to scream but I clamped my hand on her mouth. “Save your screaming for when I kill you.” Her eyes pleaded with me as she looked at me, fearing for her life. I toyed with her, putting the blade to her skin and taking it away again, so she would never know when to expect me to kill her. She sobbed and whimpered in terror. I drew back my arm, before beginning to repeatedly stab her. Over and over. She shrieked in agony at first, but gradually getting quieter as she got weaker. I enjoyed watching the blood pour from her wounds and seeing the colour drain from her skin. But mid-way through the attack, I began to return to my senses and I had no idea what I was doing. I was horrified and the knife fell on the floor. “No, no, please don’t be dead, please,” I fretted rapidly as I cradled her rather limp body in my arms. She groaned weakly. I sighed. “I’m so sorry,” I told her with terrible guilt as I caressed her cheek, my eyes filling with tears. I kissed her gently before rushing to get the phone to call an ambulance. I held her again when I returned, my whole body trembling. She had to be alright. She couldn’t die. I couldn’t lose her. I couldn’t live without her, or with the guilt of knowing I’d killed her. It would be my worst nightmare.
My eyes suddenly opened and I was breathing heavily and rapidly. Signe telling me about her dream must have made the same happen to me. I couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. I was way too shaken and disturbed by what I’d just seen myself do to her. I simply held her close, tears falling silently down my face. I’d somehow not woken her despite my bad dream, and I wanted to keep it that way. She’d been through enough tonight. I couldn’t stop thinking about if I actually lost her. How would I go on without her? How would I ever be okay again? It would be like losing half of myself. It broke my heart, but I couldn’t take my thoughts away from it. That and what I did to her. I couldn’t shake the image from my mind. I felt sick. I looked at Signe to try and soothe my mind and calm me down, but I just kept imagining her bleeding to death again. I desperately hoped that I would never have to live through this nightmare. The reality I had with her was like a beautiful dream, and I never wanted that to end.
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