#autogenerated captions
zvaigzdelasas · 2 months
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Most open minded anglo travel youtuber
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rileylastname · 11 months
people who add non-autogenerated subtitles to videos are the most attractive people on this planet and allowed to steal one (1) thing from my home. including a kiss
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jayaorgana · 12 hours
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Scott Street (Bridgers, 2017) // A New Hope (Lucas, 1977) // Return of the Jedi (Lucas, 1983) // Dark Empire II (Veitch, Kennedy, 1994-1995)
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calicogoat · 3 months
Violence is fun. If you're interested, might I see your noodle scarebeast getting up to no good? He terrifies me and I am rather fond of him.
i'm so sorry this haunted me
under cut because Long
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Good morning to Baghera, who not only had French subtitles on her vlog about visiting Brazil, but also impeccable English subtitles, and the auto-translation feature for subtitles turned on. She went the extra mile and that's something that not a lot of content creators do.
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vfdinthewild · 8 months
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"When I go to a restaurant, do you know what my very favourite dish is?"
-found in Taskmaster, Season 10, episode 6, 25:02.
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dizzytoad · 6 months
can whoever it was that was doing some of the captions for danandphilgames back in the day please come forward so i can shame and yell at you.. nobody is turning the subtitles on to see your ‘smol bean omg they r so cute this is what i think he meant by this *insert emoticon reaction* wow savage insult’ commentary … its to know . what . they . r . saying .
im sure theyve been told off and learned better already but it is . so annoying
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voted4exile · 2 years
dream’s lore q&a 2022.11.16
Transcript of Dream’s answers to lore questions from his Twitter space on 2022.11.16. Timestamps link to an upload of the Twitter Space on Daily Dream Team Clips channel.
c!Dream’s lore finale [15:27]
Dream lore finale for Dream SMP. That's pretty good. It's a good topic. What about it? Let's talk about it. I think it turned out great. I- I really, I was really happy with it. Obviously, if we had more time and, and everything, we could do, do more. But I'm happy with what we, what we did, with what we were given. And I'm happy with how everything went. It went great. 
I quite enjoyed playing the character, and I like, I like, like role-playing and stuff is fun, obviously. Had a good time. It was great. Kind of the daily streams. Streaming with. With Tommy, it went back. It took me back to back in the day. Tommy and Tubbo and everything. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it.
I think revealing a lot of the stuff that in terms of intentions. It was all stuff that has kind of already been out there, but not like kind of concise and also not like to Tommy- c!Tommy and c!Tubbo. But you know, it was fun. It was fun. I enjoyed it.
c!Tommy’s limbo [21:15]
“Can you talk about why c!Tommy saw that in his limbo?” I'd say that that's, that's more of a question for Tommy than, than me. Because my reasoning is, well, it's, it's what pushes the story along. But I don't know what the- Tommy's reasoning behind, behind it is and what Tommy's character's reasoning behind it is. So.
I think that the way that I would, I would look, I would interpret it is that-- It's kind of like it, like Tommy wants like-- This, this is what, this is how I would interpret it. And totally, Tommy could completely disagree. So feel free to disregard everything I'm about to say if you don't like it at all.
But I would interpret it as that Tommy really wants like for his friends to, to be able to, you know. If for it to be simple and for him to just be having fun with his friends. You know how, how, he- how it used to be back in the early days of the server and so seeing that but for his, you know, for-- seeing that, but for Dream. You know, the, the-- Dream experiencing what he, you know, what he wants. And of course, Dream is his nemesis, whatever. That's how. That's how I would interpret it.
c!Tommy did not forgive c!Dream [23:31]
“Hi king, can you confirm the interaction between Dream and Tommy wasn't a forgiveness, it was just understanding?” Yeah. No, no, Tommy wasn't forgiving, was not forgiving Dream. I think it was a-- I think Tommy, Tommy had never seen Dream other, as anything other than just this evil, you know, bastard that's doing all these horrible torturous things to him. Which he did and was. And had never, never stopped to think about or, or even imagine, you know, what Dream was like before, you know, in the, in the past. So it was more of a humanizing moment of kind of like a, you know, this person's, this, hey, this person's a human, too. We're both from the same place, whatever.
It was, it was definitely not, “Oh, that means that everything's OK.” Like, I think Tommy said this. Tommy said the same thing in the lore. He was like, “Well, it doesn't, you know, I understand, you know, what your goal is, but this isn't how you do it.” And I think it was one of those things where you-- In my mind, it was, it was a moment of, you know, before in, in the past, you know, you're never going to, if you don't understand somebody's intentions, you don't understand somebody's goals, you don't understand why somebody, what somebody wants and you go into every situation with a, “Well, you're, you know, you're evil or you're, you know, you're a bad person,” you know, whatever. Then you're never going to convince the other person. And it's the same thing with-- You're never gonna make any ground with anybody.
And I think that, so it was, it was the first time where, ever between Tommy and Dream, where they had any, any kind of understanding with each other. Because they had always just been at each other's throats and had always been. You know, fighting for so long. It had never stopped to really, really try and understand each other, but especially for, for Dream. As, as obviously his motives for a million different things had just been, had been up in the air and had been things that not only did the audience not know, but the, the characters themselves don't know either.
But yeah, so I'd say it was, it was 100%. It was not. It was not a forgiveness thing. It was a, it was an understanding. And it wasn't an understanding with a level of forgiveness. It was just understanding it completely. It was just a-- And I think it was more of a Tom- Tommy going up, you know, for the longest time, operating under the impression that Dream is just this, you know, evil bastard that. That, you know, “just enjoys, absolutely enjoys torturing me” and whatever. And, you know, that's the thing is you can interpret things how you like. But I- I'd say that there, there is an element there, and there, there is an element of enjoyment from, you know, from Dream's perspective. Because of, because of the, the past and their history together and whatever. I'm sure Dream does derive some joy from the actions he's seeing, the things he's put Tommy through and whatever.
But obviously those are-- He's not going into it with the intention of, “Oh, I- I- This is my, my goal is just to bring hell to Tommy or bring hell to the server” or whatever. And so I think that the, the moment of understanding is more understanding that if, if that's not, if that's not Dream, if Dream's intention isn't or Dream's main goal is not, you know, being an evil person and, you know, deep down he, he, he does have good intentions even if he's is an evil bastard for the way he went about things. That maybe there is a way to make it work. You know, because if you're just, if you're just pure evil then, you know. You get, get rid of, get rid of it from the earth, you know. Versus if, you know. Oh, you're, you've done horrible things. You deserve to pay, you to deserve to pay for them. You deserve to be punished for them. You deserve to have repercussions from them. But at the same time. Yeah, you can-- There is a way where we can work together because we have the same, we have the same goals, we have the same morals, we have the same, you know, whatever in mind. That’s kind of how I look at it. I don’t know if that-- I don’t know. I think it’s also more up for interpretation.
c!Dream’s plans for the prison [28:23]
“What would have happened if c!Dream's imprisonment had lasted longer?” I don't know what you mean by that. I think that the, the, the biggest, like, behind people, cause people were saying, “Oh, Dream purposely put himself in prison.” So I was like, “Well yeah, but no.” And from my pers- my understanding of it is, yes, Dream did purposefully, you know, put himself into the prison. And the prison was a part of the overall plan in terms of-- It wasn't, it wasn't, I didn't-- 
The prison wasn't built for Dream. The prison was built for the, for fulfilling Dream's goals overall and the ability to do that and one of those things was to-- Obviously, there'd be, there'd be certain people that would be more likely to get in the way and unlikely to-- And, and also having the understanding of the fact that there was a revival book. Dream, after kind of becoming aware of that and, and coming to possession of one himself, Dream had the idea that, well, you know, what if. What if somebody like Techno or somebody like, you know, somebody strong. 
And I'd say, in my mind, that it was originally, when I came up with the idea for it, it was, it was more so based on Technoblade. And the reasoning for it was Dream being scared of the fact. Well, what if there's more? What if there's more revival books and what if death is not, you can't stop somebody with death? Like it's, it's scary knowing that you can, you, you can beat somebody fully and then they're just there. And so he thought the idea of making a prison where if that ever does come to be where somebody is trying to stop, stop him, stop his goals, stop, you know, hurt the server or whatever that they'd be able to be stopped by putting them in the prison. Which is kind of funny because, obviously, it kind of ended up being the opposite but when Dream- c!Dream put himself into the prison. It was, it was thought of as a very, it was thought of as a temporary thing and ended up lasting a lot longer than he had imagined. And also, on top of that, he didn't expect that Awesamdude would let Quackity into fucking torture him. So that obviously made things a million times worse. But. 
Just to clarify, the prison wasn't built for Techno, but it was just like. Oh well, Techno's-- Seeing Techno’s power and stuff back then and being like, it was one of those things where it was like. Oh. What if somebody as powerful as Technoblade? You know, there are people that can be as powerful as, as, you know, as me or whatever, as c!Dream and so. What if one of them is is not on our side? Or what if Techno is not in the future? Whatever.
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dotsunflowers · 6 months
Promo for German-language La Cage aux Folles (2022), ft. Drew Sarich as Albin/Zaza, and Victor Gernot as Georges
English translation below the cut!
[approximate English Translation of German Transcript]:
Georges: Open your eyes! You are in the cage of fools — in La Cage aux Folles!
Victor Gernot (Actor, Georges): My name is Georges— I'm the director of this variety show. I am the boss of the Cagelles, and I'm not just the employer, but also the best friend, lover, husband, and admirer of the star of the show: Zaza on stage, and my Albin in real life.
Zaza, singing Mascara (translation of German lyrics): 🎶 I only feel zest for life, sensual, fabulous, / Because through putting on make up, Albin has vanished, and Zaza is here 🎶
Drew Sarich (Actor, Albin/Zaza): We have a wonderful home, and we have a son, Jean-Michel. And Jean-Michel comes home and tells Georges that he's getting married.
Gernot: Excellent choice. He has chosen the daughter of the party chairman for family, tradition, and morals, and wants to present an idealised/sanitised world for these in-laws—a world that, of course, doesn't actually exist in our household.
Jean-Michel: For the next 24 hours, there will be people here who have a different lifestyle than you do. For the next 24 hours, I am asking that you give up everything that you personally enjoy and everything that you are personally proud of. My future depends on it.
Melissa King (Director and Choreographer): This play is over 40 years old, and even if LGBTPQ rights have made advances, the community still isn't truly integrated. Which is to say, there is a certain level of, let's say, tolerance, but not 100% acceptance.
Georges, singing Look over There (translation of German lyrics): 🎶 Why do you believe that from now on there is just one love? / Think of the affection you have experienced so far 🎶
Lorenz C. Aichner (Conductor): My favourite numbers are actually the quieter ones. The show numbers are done wonderfully—beautifully crafted, dramaturgically well constructed with their high points, and they are superbly scored—but the most honest numbers are the quiet numbers, where there are truly honest interactions, truly honest emotions, and things are happening at a truly interpersonal level.
Georges and Albin, singing the Song on the Sand reprise (translation of German lyrics): 🎶 As the time has passed / I think often of that song there, in the sand 🎶
Aichner: Yeah, I think Georges is a difficult character—difficult for himself. For us, he's not a difficult character, but for himself? I think he sometimes makes his own life more difficult because he wants to be diplomatic toward everyone. I think that's a fine quality to have, but it must be terribly stressful for him.
Gernot: At first, the plan is that you won't be there at all. And then we decide that it would be good if you were there, as a man, as Uncle Albert. And finally, you take initiative—
Sarich: —and save the day!
Gernot: You save the show, you save the day, you save the marriage, the upcoming marriage, you save our marriage, and are the mother.
Zaza and ensemble, singing The Best of Times is Now (translation of German lyrics): 🎶 The most beautiful time is now / what’s left of summer, just an Edelweiss 🎶
King: And I find, that's when you see the perfect blend of Albin and Zaza. Albin, who's perhaps less self-assured, who's jealous, and then you have Zaza, who has power, self-assuredness, will fight for everyone, right? And when he has to play the mother, it's the perfect blend of the two. I think every person has yin and yang, masculine-feminine, and when those are perfectly combined, then the person is...
Aichner: Complete.
King: Complete. Thank you. Thank you. (laughs)
Zaza, singing I Am What I Am (translation of German lyrics): 🎶 I am what I am / and what I am is not a secret 🎶
Sarich: It's phenomenal that we can deliver a message like this without it getting preachy. Where we don't have to point and say "Please please please please please." Um, there's an expression in English, "You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar," and we are smearing honey over everything.
Gernot: Yes.
Sarich: Ha!
Gernot: At the end of, at the end of the night, we smell a bit like vinegar, but— (laughs)
Sarich: (laughs) But we taste like honey.
Gernot: We taste like honey (laughs).
Zaza, singing I Am What I Am (translation of German lyrics): 🎶 Hey world! I am what I am 🎶
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bitter-goodbyes · 6 months
I love you captions
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eggxcellent-blog · 2 months
There should be a browser extension for YouTube that brings back user generated captions and you'd be able to sort by the caption writer, language, and whether they're actual transcriptions or a little reaction text
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thedialup · 2 years
ah yes my favorite members of hc beat ups clio green
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hydnes · 4 months
"AI can replace stenographers in the future" they are not training that shit on literally every single dialect known to man that i can tell you
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puddle-turtle · 9 months
these auto-generated lecture captions are onto something
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echotunes · 9 months
TUMBLR USER ECHOTUNES hello i remembered that a little bit ago you posted about ordem paranormal. i just remembered that and i wanted to know how you’re liking it so far/if you’ve caught up to all the eng subtitled bits yet because i’ve started watching it and it is SO COOL!!!
IT IS ISN'T IT!!! I'm about 10 minutes into the final episode of the first season so I haven't quite caught up with all the subtitled parts, but I'm making my way through! I like it a lot, it's so interesting and I'm so excited to get to the later seasons with more lore too, I feel like I'm listening to TMA for the first time again where I know there's gonna be Horror Entity Lore but I haven't gotten to that part yet so all I know is vaguely absorbed from other sources and I'm just along for the ride until I do get there. y'know
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emeraldart · 11 months
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[ID: (left to right, top to bottom) A screenshot of Hordak from She Ra and the Princesses of Power. The subtitles say “thing i mean i’m a failure”
A screenshot of Camila from the Owl House. The subtitles say “Look at me. I fail all the time.’”
The meme with the text “I’ve connected the dots. You haven’t connected shit. I’ve connected them.”
End ID.]
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