#author is rusty
sportsthoughts · 2 months
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feeling a little rusty - off day 10/4/24
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messyfandom · 2 years
Congrats to The Magnus Protocol for being 1000% funded in less than an hour. Truly terrifying, true horror is in the real world etc, etc monster pig
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eyeballsoup7310 · 4 months
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Remembered a few days ago that cosmo sheldrake is a musician that exists, so I played the fly on loop for like 2 hours (and then realized the lyrics are from an old poem of the same name but shh we don’t have to talk about that) and drew this
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yuridovewing · 9 months
Half tempted to just consider Quince to be Firestar's mom because tbh I'm pretty sure Nutmeg doesn't actually exist
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bravest · 3 months
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like / reply for a paragraph length starter ! please specify a muse ( or multiple ) !
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just-an-enby-lemon · 3 months
While it made the likability of Zolf and Sasha becoming friends instead of him being her problematic guide she is overwelmed by and doesn't like very much, Zolf just freaking out because Bertie tried to kill his favorite author is the funniest thing ever and also YEAH after how much he was already losing it that would do.
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americankimchi · 4 months
Do you think you can help me find a star wars fic? Qui-gon lives after tpm bc Obi-wan saved him by using all his force. Qgj wakes up mad and will not see Obi-wan or cut his braid bc now Obi-wan is mentally disabled. In the end o66 happens but Obi-wan and anakin die together and Ani doesn't turn to the dark bc he didn't want Obi-wan to hate him, I read it years ago but I can't find it
i feel like i know exactly what fic you're talking about but unfortunately i can't for the life of me remember the title or the author
i've tried every combination of tags and search parameters on ao3 and it's not popping up. i'm starting to suspect the author either deleted their account or turned their works private because there are a handful of other fics i vaguely remember from them and i'm not seeing them in the tags either
unless i'm mixing up authors. i actually might be. it's been a While
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jl-otdc · 1 year
I will die on the hill that MAG86 is the most terrifying episode in that whole fucking series
Every SINGLE night I go to sleep after listening to that episode and as soon as I lay down that goddamn “the blanket never did anything” plays in my head and I have not known a single ounce of peace since
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savage-rhi · 5 months
Mending Shadows // Chapter 30
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
A stampede of Accordo citizens came barreling down the road. Running for their lives like a stranded group of Anak uncertain where danger lurked. As the crowd trampled toward Ardyn and Y/N, he stood in front of them protectively; shielding them away from being lost to a sea of panicked humans. He looked over each every scared face with disdain, finding their cowardice barely palpable. Ardyn wasn’t above running away--especially if an altercation didn’t suit him--but he held his ground for Y/N’s sake. 
Y/N shuddered at all the noise. The screams seemed to grow with every second as did the rumble of feet. The sensations reminded Y/N of a time they had been scavenging far too close to a battleground between Lucians and Imperials. It was near the ruins of a Crestholm village. One moment they were picking up pieces to an old radio, and the next, running for their life when gunfire flourished the landscape. 
Y/N remembered two other Scavengers making a beeline out of the area, with the younger not escaping without injury. His knee had been shot. Taken out from a bullet ricocheting off debris. They never knew what became of him nor the other gentleman. It was probably for the best Y/N didn't know the outcome, although they had a strong inclination that the young one perished.
As the intrusive thought of a gaping wound manifested, Y/N felt the scourge lurch in their stomach with a menacing glee. The excitement was akin to a dog pleading with it's master to throw a ball; desperately wanting to give the toy a chase before sinking it's teeth into the rubber material. There were no words to describe how disgustingly uncomfortable it made Y/N feel as they studied Ardyn. He was shouting into the crowd at this point, demanding that someone answer for what was happening. His call fell on deaf ears, and frustration became evident with the steady rise of his voice. He was growing hostile, and it seemed to egg the scourge on further. 
“Ardyn, they’re scared. They don’t know better.” Y/N interrupted, hoping redirection would change the course. “We should get out of here while we have a chance.” 
Ardyn growled. He didn’t like being left in the dark, but alas Y/N was right. In the distance he could see a couple hundred more people fast approaching. At this rate, he wouldn’t be surprised if both Y/N and himself were pushed off the edge and into the ocean. The streets had little to no room at this point. 
“I think that’s a splendid idea.” Ardyn said. He grabbed Y/N's hand and sprinted into the flock, shoving people out of the way while trying to make space for an easy retreat. "Whatever happens, don't let go of me!" 
“Ardyn, wait! I think we need to head another way!” Y/N exclaimed.
A woman suddenly slammed into the pair, causing Y/N to be forcibly pulled from Ardyn. The pain took Y/N by surprise, and they screamed when Ardyn was no longer in their sight. His voice called out desperately, and Y/N tried to raise their hands above everyone to flag him down. The sound of his yells grew faint. Y/N felt their body being carried off like they had been caught in a riptide and dragged out to sea. Noise from all the yells and profanities disintegrated into gibberish against their ears. All they could do was relinquish control, and pray that at some point the ride would stop.
Suddenly, it became too difficult to keep their head above the masses. Y/N was being pulled under by the horde, and the thought of being stomped to death frightened them to no end. They shouted Ardyn's name repeatedly to no avail, and their lungs began to feel deprived of air and reason. That was when Y/N felt a pair of strong arms wrap around them from behind. Within a fraction of a gasp, Y/N witnessed the world split into multiple directions. Ardyn's scent was the only comfort they held onto as their body levitated. 
From head to toe, Y/N felt a numbing shock that was on par with the tingling vibes one would get before their foot would fall asleep. A cloud of darkness enveloped them as time and buildings merged into a paradox of colors and shapes. Although their brain was overwhelmed, they weren't terrified. If anything they felt relief despite the urgent compulsion to throw up. 
Within a matter of minutes, the fleeting moment was over. Y/N let out a deep breath, and swayed. 
“Easy, easy now...” Ardyn purred. His arms moved from Y/N’s waist to their shoulders as he stabilized them. "Are you alright?" 
“I think so,” Y/N replied. They basked in how Ardyn's touch grounded them to reality, and closed their eyes to avoid the hit of vertigo that arrived. "Gods, I feel drunk."
“Shadow stepping has that effect!” Ardyn chortled. 
“Have you ever done that before with another person?” 
“No, and I dare say I’m astounded you aren’t regurgitating breakfast.”
“Don’t jinx my luck.” Y/N sarcastically quipped. Their pulse had risen from being at the mercy of Ardyn's fingertips as he cupped their face. "Where on Eos did you take us?"
“We're near the heart of the capitol, lurking in a back alley." He turned his head to see several Accordo Troopers sprinting toward the commotion that had everyone fleeing like ants. "I got us as close as I could to the hotel. And of course, to the fun that awaits." 
“The fun?” 
“I need you to follow my instruction,” Ardyn turned back around. His eyes peered into theirs with an authority that Y/N recalled witnessing at Outpost 98. Although his touch had been gentle, his body radiated a dominance that near felt foreboding. He wasn’t messing around. “Take the alley here, and head East. It’s a straight shot to our lodging. I want you to find Tummelt--or another Imperial--and tell them to escort you to the airships if they haven’t been compromised. Tell them Chancellor Izunia commands it, or there will be hell to pay.” 
“What are you going to do?” Y/N furrowed their brows and shook their head. “You’re not seriously going to run into whatever is happening, are you?” 
“Unfortunately, I am.” Ardyn said as a matter of fact. He gave a squeeze to Y/N’s face, and let his hands fall from them. “I don’t intend to fight, but merely observe and find out who is responsible. If it’s that anti-imperial cult pulling another publicity stunt, I'll consider it Madam Secretary's qualm and fall back."
“And if it’s not, what then?” 
“I’ll stand my ground, and keep observation.” 
“Maybe having another pair of eyes would be beneficial. I can help with that.” 
“Y/N,” Ardyn breathed. “Foreign protocol dictates that all Imperials are to leave Accordo should more than one major act of violence occur. Right now, everyone from Niflheim is in danger. Yourself included.” 
“That also means you too! You’re the damn Chancellor!” Y/N protested. They nearly jumped as another explosion went off in the distance. 
“And as Chancellor, I have a duty to protect the empires interests. Therefore it’s imperative I find out who we are potentially dealing with.” Ardyn said in his defense. He frowned upon seeing his words did little to sway Y/N of their opinion. “I’m counting on you to be my eyes elsewhere. Retreating safely is just as important as venturing into the fray. You might even witness something important that I and the other ambassadors can’t attend to.”
“Ardyn, I can’t let you do this on your own. Not after what you told me about Ifrit. It doesn’t feel right, none of this feels--”
“Y/N, I’m serious.” Ardyn interrupted. He clasped his right hand around theirs, holding it tight, and raised his voice. “I need you on an airship departing for Niflheim, now. Can you keep your word?” 
Y/N’s mouth parted, but alas they didn’t have the strength to fight him. Not when Y/N thought about how moments ago, they were nearly trampled to death by a hundred people. They would just get in the way. The realization hurt as they nodded. 
“It’s settled then,” Ardyn let out a sigh of relief. 
“I have a stipulation.” 
He raised a brow at Y/N’s remark, more or less amused as he huffed. “And that would be?” 
“When we return home, you’re buying me something.” Y/N teased. 
“I don’t suppose you’re alluding to anything in particular?” 
Y/N shrugged, shaking their head with a faint smile. “Surprise me.” 
“You drive a hard bargain,” Ardyn scoffed before he let out a laugh. He almost couldn’t believe himself given the circumstance. He quietly regarded Y/N with a smirk, and made his decision. "I can agree to your terms so long as you adhere to mine." 
Ardyn brought Y/N's hand to his lips, and planted a longing kiss to their knuckles.
“Stay safe darling," He let them go, and motioned forward with his chin. "Now go." 
Y/N hesitated, biting the inside of their cheek before they turned and sprint. From the corner of their eye, they witnessed Ardyn once more shift into shadows and disappear into the buildings surrounding them. Y/N kept their eyes forward, and felt relief the further they got away from the main attack site.
Ten minutes passed before Y/N exited the alley. They cursed at themself for not having the foresight to wear normal clothes for it made running strenuous. Then again, no one was expecting a terrorist attack at dawn after a party. The sooner they could get on pants and a shirt, the more secure they’d feel.
“I don’t have time for this,” Y/N muttered to themself while catching their breath. “I gotta find Tuti and Loqui.” 
Y/N glanced around, noticing more and more people beginning to appear on the street. They couldn’t tell if these were the same faces from before, or a new group entirely. Everyone was downright terrified with no sense but to find cover. Shouts exclaiming everything from Lucians to Imperials being responsible flew past Y/N’s ears. They couldn’t make sense of anything from clouds of gibberish passing through, and decided to keep their focus on Tuti and Loqui. If only for their sanity. 
As Y/N searched the street signs for familiar names, they frowned upon taking heed that people were getting the idea to use the alley as an escape route. Y/N understood there was no chance going back the way they came, and tried to make peace with that as they sprinted through pockets of crowds. Their travel came to a grinding halt when they saw the hotel straight ahead. Y/N’s heart sank at the sight before them as their eyes widened. 
The building was engulfed in a flurry of flames. Oranges and yellows peppered windows and columns. The fire swayed in a manner that would suggest it was downright enjoying its dance of consumption. A mixture of burnt plastic and wood infiltrated Y/N’s nose accompanied by a nauseating scent. It was putrid, like fresh leather being tanned over a flame. Even their tongue could taste the richness as Y/N came to the horrifying epiphany they were smelling burnt flesh. 
As Y/N stood in horror, they witnessed several people attempting to put out the fires with buckets and hoses. Imperial soldiers, both human and magitek frantically escorted people away. A powerful crunch echoed as one of the lower floors collapsed, taking two stories down with it as fire snacked upon the entry doors. Y/N jumped back, feeling the heat despite being at a far distance. The wails and screams louder, and Y/N trembled knowing right now people were burning alive and there wasn't a damned thing they could do but watch. A gust of wind sent a plagued cloud of smoke in Y/N's direction. They shielded themself with their arms, and began to cough while ash infiltrated their throat. 
The smells suddenly triggered a flashback that nearly sent Y/N to their knees. The haunting screech of an alarm from Outpost 98 traveled for what felt like miles, reverberating deep under Y/N’s skin as if Leviathan herself called out from the darkest depths. Each time they blinked, it felt as if Y/N was drifting between two worlds. Two worlds plagued by fire and darkness. Porcelain white coats were covered in saturated reds as the metallic scent of blood reeked throughout the main lab. Bloodied handprints covered windows and other mechanics. The dull wisp of a man on his last breath disappeared among a crowd of painful groans and desperate pleads. Y/N was fighting themself. Fighting a part of their being that found the carnage enthralling like a wild beast. Their conscious was screaming at the top of its lungs, but had no mouth and therefore, no living soul would hear the plead for mercy. They had no control. 
“Gods!” Y/N yelled. Their hands gripped either side of their head, nails digging into their scalp to alleviate the pressure that knocked their senses into an overload. They could feel themself growing lost further and further into the past as they desperately tried to hang on. The smoke continued to waft in Y/N’s vicinity, further clouding their vision. 
“Y/N! Y/N!” 
That voice…Y/N held onto the frantic squeaks of Tuti as the noise increased and was accompanied by another familiar voice. 
“Y/N! Stay right there, we’re coming to you!” 
“Loqui!?” Y/N exclaimed as visions of themself slaughtering various people ventured in and out of their head. “Tuti, guys! Where are you?!” 
“Dear, I’m right here! Y/N, I’m here!” 
Through the fog that had overtaken them, Y/N felt Tuti’s small hands grip either side of their shoulders and gave a firm yet powerful shake. The strength behind her touch had Y/N open their eyes and gasp as if they had been struck by a bucket of ice water. They stared at Loqui and Tuti with bewilderment as the pair helped Y/N to their feet and rushed away from the scene. 
As fresh air and blue sky came into view, Y/N coughed as their senses began to return to normal. They glanced between Tuti and Loqui, quickly looking them over for any sign of harm. The pair were covered in grime, sweat, and soot. Patches of Loqui’s uniform was burnt, but otherwise he looked unscathed. Tuti on the other hand had a bruise forming near her right eyebrow, and was near sobbing as she threw her arms around Y/N and hugged them. 
“By the Gods mercy, I’m glad we found you!” Tuti exclaimed. 
“You don’t know how happy I am to see you both! Thanks for getting me out of there!” Y/N smiled. They couldn’t help but grimace, feeling the whiplash that Tuti had unintentionally caused moments prior. 
“And likewise from us!” Loqui coughed. “We’ve been looking for you and the Chancellor since this morning. Where is he?” 
Y/N shook as they pointed toward the main street. “He’s near the House of the Courts to see if anyone needed help. He told me to find you guys and evacuate to an airship. I don’t know what’s going on, do you? What the hell happened to the hotel?"  
“It was awful, Y/N! Just awful!” Tuti sobbed, interrupting Loqui before he could speak. “Everyone was at breakfast and then in a blink, there was fire and smoke! I thought I wouldn’t make it out Y/N! It all happened so fast, I had no time to process! I tried to help the staff but they---they’re---gods, Y/N, so many are dead!” 
There were a handful of times where Y/N had seen Tuti angry, but they couldn’t recall a moment where she had been plagued by madness and despair. Her voice was hoarse, riddled with guilt and sorrow. Tuti let out a scream while aggressively wiping away her eyes. Y/N was at a loss for words. What could anyone say to somebody who watched a massacre happen before their eyes? 
Loqui pulled Tuti into his chest. One arm went around her waist while the other pat the back of her head as she cried hard into his uniform. Y/N never felt more at ease than knowing he was here. If anyone could give Tuti stability, it would be someone like him. 
“Shh, there was nothing you could’ve done differently. Look, we found Y/N. That’s what matters.”
“I know and I’m grateful! I’m grateful!” Tuti shouted. 
“And no one is saying you’re not!” Loqui raised his voice. He remained firm as he softened the blow. “I need you to be strong. The Chancellor is counting on us to make it to safety. You heard Y/N yourself! I need you to stay with them while I help evacuate the ambassadors from the House of the Courts.” 
“Wait,” Y/N furrowed their brows as Loqui’s eyes fell upon them. “You’re not coming with us?” 
“No,” Loqui shook his head. Unlike Ardyn who seemed eager to jump into the drama, Y/N noted how Loqui was very much reluctant.  “I have orders from the second battalion to aid in battle. I don’t know all the details, but it was probably those anti-imperial bastards that caused this mess. Go figure they’d take advantage of everyone having a hangover after the wedding! I’ve already heard rumors they’ve planned this stunt since their first attack was thwarted.” 
Tuti let out a gasp, pushing herself back from Loqui as the fire at the hotel began to ensnare a few of the buildings next to it. Glass exploded from the heat being so hot, and shattered along the pavement and cobblestone. The trio looked at one another cautiously, unable to anticipate what would come next. 
“Loqui,” Tuti swallowed, seemingly coming back to her senses. “Where did you say the airships are docked again?”
“Right,” He was tense as the hairs on the back of his neck stood while the smoke subsided a bit. Loqui realized most of the evacuees from the hotel were long gone. Either having perished from the flames, or they were led to the evacuation cars. Alas there were no more vehicles to spare, and he could see magitek soldiers making their descent toward the main highway, leaving the hotel and everyone else who wasn't an Imperial to their fate. 
“Looks like we’re going to have to go with plan B,” Loqui cleared his throat. “The airships are stationed at the docks where the large import carriers come and go into Altissa. You guys have an hour to get there before they take off.” 
“Only an hour?” Y/N was beside themself. “What about everyone else?” 
“I’m assuming someone up the chain of the command already called for a back up ship that’s stationed on one of the smaller islands. Right now we don’t know what the enemies motivations are, and we don’t want to give them an opportunity to kidnap and hold one of our own for ransom. Hence, the time limit. Don’t worry about me, the Chancellor, or anyone else. Please get to safety, and we’ll meet up with you before you know it!” 
If Y/N had the opportunity to clock both Loqui and Ardyn upside the head for playing the hero, they would’ve taken full advantage of it. Frustration with the two was a minor concern in the grand scheme of things as they could see Tuti was growing scared by the minute despite getting her bearings. 
“Be careful, alright?” Y/N cautioned Loqui as he grinned. 
“Aren’t I always?” He turned his head, hearing shouting in the distance. A fellow Imperial soldier was gesturing for him to get a move on. “That’s my cue! Stay off the main road, cut through the smaller districts! Follow the escort vehicles if you see them!” 
In a matter of seconds, Loqui was no longer in sight as he charged. Letting out a deep breath, Y/N gathered themself and motioned for Tuti to follow them. The pair quickly made haste, getting out of the area as more smoke drifted in. 
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to help you,” Y/N said in between breaths, pushing past people to get ahead. Fire vehicles drove past at blinding speed Y/N followed Tuti down a smaller road. 
“Y/N, please don’t blame yourself! I’m relieved you didn’t have to witness the travesty first hand. After everything you’ve been through, I think you’ve done enough time on the Gods behalf.” Tuti sniffled while she ran, occasionally wiping her eyes when possible. “It’s not like I knew anyone personally. I keep telling myself that. Loqui said I tried, and I did, so…I can’t look back.” 
Easier said than done…Y/N thought. Tuti was handling this far better than one would expect, but it was quite obvious she was numb. Her voice was splintered, making her natural squeak sound condemned. She must've screamed her heart out. The guilt of that thought ate Y/N's spirit. 
“Are you certain you didn’t see what happened?” Y/N asked. 
“Positive,” Tuti replied. “One moment I was eating bacon and eggs, then suddenly the gentleman sitting across the table was on fire and the ceiling tumbled. I thought we were having an earthquake until someone screamed we were under siege. I heard something else that was peculiar, I can’t be certain but I thought I heard--” 
“Hold that thought, Tuti!” 
Y/N and Tuti came to an abrupt stop as a swarm of citizens arrived from the left. Seeing that there was an opening to the right, Y/N grabbed a hold of Tuti’s arm and led them both through the crowd. They were careful to brace for impact, not wanting a repeat of what happened with them and Ardyn earlier on. Once in the clear, the two darted down another road. 
“Thank you!” Tuti exclaimed. 
“Don’t mention it!” Y/N kept their eyes forward, not wanting to be taken by surprise anytime soon. “You were saying?” 
“Oh!” Tuti looked behind, seeing more smoke and flames from afar. Although Y/N and her were putting distance between themselves and the danger, she felt like it was still right on her tail. She shivered at the thought of being burned alive while trapped under debris, and started tearing up again. “I could’ve sworn I heard someone yell, ‘Adagium!'. They were looking for Adagium! Whatever that means!"  
“Heavens to Betsy if I know who they are!” Tuti yelled. She whispered a thousand apologies toward Y/N under her breath. Her face flushing red with embarrassment at her own anger. “I didn’t mean to sound so horrid!” 
“No offense taken!” Y/N hollered, darting off road as a few cars zoomed by. “It’s alright to be upset, Tuti. I'd be surprised if you weren't!"  
“I feel like a coward!” Tuti confessed. “You make it seem so easy dealing with traumatic events!” 
“Trust me, it’s not!” Y/N admitted, thankful that Tuti had nothing to else to say.
Between panic and the information she had dropped, Y/N felt adrenaline and concern take the plunge together. So many what ifs flooded them, and they felt their pulse drop in their throat at the thought of MedZin being behind the onslaught. No, it had to be them. Hearing that the invaders were seeking out ‘Adagium’ was too on the nose as far as Y/N was concerned. MedZin were very specific when it came to Ardyn's true identity. If there was anything Y/N could remember from Outpost 98, it was how obsessed the men and women were with saying that name. 
Y/N winced as they felt their head pulse painfully. They stopped to catch their breath, right hand instinctively rubbing at the sore spot. Tuti nearly collided into their back, and took a moment to breathe as well. She was used to running around palaces, but nothing like this. 
“I’ll be okay Tuti. Promise.” Y/N hissed in between grit teeth. “Son of a bitch…” 
“Are you flaring from the scourge right now?” 
“No,” Y/N shook their head. They calmed themself, feeling the wave begin to subside. “I mean, I don’t think so.”
“Y/N,” Tuti hesitated before placing a hand upon their shoulder. “When Loqui and I found you, what was going on? You looked off more than usual.” 
“I’m not even sure to be honest,” Y/N said sincerely. They grimaced a final time, and then the searing throb departed for now. “I felt like I was…glitching?” 
“Glitching?” Tuti let out a breath. 
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded. “That’s the best I can describe it. It wasn’t like the flare when we dined with the Serpent Society. I thought I was losing my mind. That I was becoming something else." 
The two remained in silence, letting thoughts and contemplations drift. Tuti let go of Y/N, and faced them. The way she glared reminded Y/N of Ardyn when he was angry at something external, while his eyes were soft for them. 
“Y/N, this ‘Adagium’ thing…is that you? Is this why Chancellor Izunia has protected you, aside from finding a cure for the scourge?" 
“I don’t--” Y/N paused. They found it odd how they couldn’t answer Tuti, even though they knew better. Even though it was the truth that they weren't the accursed daemon that would bring Eos to its knees. No. That title alone belonged to Ardyn. Yet with how connected Y/N had become to him, they felt an equal responsibility to the burden of the name. Especially with the sins Ardyn and they committed. 
They felt their stomach twist in knots. The bodies in the lab, and the corpses of the three they had killed after the goblin attack seemed to twist and meld together. Y/N wondered if these were Ardyn’s memories of Outpost 98 blending with their own crimes. It explained the sinister aura, but it didn’t account for just how personal it was.
Experiencing Ardyn’s memories of the past had an intimacy that couldn’t be described, and this held a different signature. A different energy. Y/N realized they were starting to sound like one of the devotees of the Hexatheon, believing in superstition, but with everything they had come to know about the world through Ardyn, perhaps it wasn’t so crazy. 
“Y/N, look out!” Tuti screamed as she pointed behind them. What looked to be an explosive orb was flying straight toward the pair. By the time Y/N turned their head to register what had startled her, it was too late. The events unfolded so painfully quick that Y/N’s mind felt like a photographer trying to capture every second of an experience out of desperation. 
All oxygen in the vicinity temporarily ceased before it expanded in pulsation, like ripples in a pool of water after tossing a rock into it. Then came the shock wave. It hit both Y/N and Tuti with a smashing force that sent either flying in opposite directions. Y/N felt the wind knock out of their body as ribs cracked. The sphere then exploded into a blinding light, as if the sun itself fell from the sky. Y/N’s vision was trapped in a warm white light with nothing but the sound of ringing in their ears. The world beyond this didn’t exist. Nothing did. But the pain--oh by the Gods--the pain was unbearable. The surface level of skin hadn't burned, yet the layers of tissue and muscle underneath the flesh might as well had been doused in magma and flayed. 
Y/N remained lost in that white light long after their body crashed. They didn’t feel the shrapnel embed into their arms and legs. Nor did they register how parts of the building they had crashed into beat them further. Their conscious was trapped in that white void, and not a damn thing could break through. Eternity seemed to pass, as Y/N had no concept of time. They had no concept of anything, but the hot light and how they felt like fire itself. 
The shrills of Tuti’s voice drowned out the white noise. The ringing ceased, and Y/N’s eyes sucked in the worlds colors as they gasped aloud. Their voice cracked, tasting bile and blood in their throat. As they came to, they fixated on Tuti who was crawling through a hole in the wall from the outside world, trying in vain to reach them. 
“Y/N!” Tuti screeched. “Y/N! Gods damn it! Y/N!” 
Then the men came. Four of them. Their uniforms were blurred, but Y/N could see the signature black that marked Lucians. Then there was the fuzzy color of the MedZin patch. 
Oh no... Y/N gargled on their own spit, choking on the copper taste of their blood. 
“Let go of me! Let go of me you fuckers!” Tuti exclaimed. All Y/N could do was watch as the men hauled her away. Distorted voices made proclamations and demands. Y/N couldn’t make sense of any of it. It grew worse as another voice made itself known in the back of Y/N’s skull. A horde of monstrous spirits that had been yearning to come forth and do what it knew best: survive and spread.
“The target has been compromised,” One of the men said, shaking his head with disappointment as he communicated further into his radio. “Yes, the Adagium is still alive. I’m looking right at it.” 
Adagium…? I’m not… Y/N was slipping away into the backseat of their own head. The scourge began to slink it’s fingers around the wheel, and Y/N felt their body wanting to split in half as their vision became pixelated and dark. 
“We need to move! The distraction at the House of the Courts is unfolding! The Imperials are fending off the men we sent!” 
“Wouldn’t it be better this way? If Adagium is dead, that means the world is safe.” 
“We have orders to bring it in alive, at least until we can figure out how it’s spread the scourge. We can’t let emotions interfere with our mission.” 
“Guys, what about the Imperial, what do we do with her?” 
“Kill her. We got what we came for.”
“That seems like such a waste. She didn’t do anything!” 
“If you can’t do your job, then I’ll do it for you! Now get to it, and hurry!” 
With those words spoken, fates were sealed as Y/N’s body fell high to a rush of adrenaline that would’ve killed the average man in seconds. The scourge burst like a sewer pipe, flooding every pore and organ. Muscles quaked violently as Y/N’s senses sharpened like a steady knife being polished. Pain was an illusion as they rose from the ashes and let out a scream so loud, their chest felt too small for their lungs. Their skin began to turn a pale purple, as if their blood had fully retreated from their veins. The black spider webbing of the scourge tattooed every pore and crevice. Their eyes were consumed by a pitch black void, save for the ember yellow around their pupils. 
What was left of Y/N’s humanity in that split second succumbed to the dark passenger within their mind, and they were filled with a deep and terrible rage. An instantaneous image of Ardyn’s point of view flashed behind Y/N’s eyes, indicating he was greatly disturbed, and then they charged from one person to the next. The sound of screaming was the last thing Y/N heard before their body acted upon its own will. 
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turn4theworse · 7 months
I’m working on a new story!
It’s called Empty Space: A Mackenzie Story and it’s currently on chapter 3
Please go give it a read if you have time! It would mean the world to me
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And WHO exactly is Sam Smith?
Opinions will no doubt be divided when it comes to answering that particular question, I'm sure, and not all favourable either. From my iconoclastic viewpoint, as ever, I would say he, yes, HE has mastered the ability to infinitely crawl up his own backside and out again more successfully than anything Houdini could have achieved as an escapologist.
Why? Because Sam Smith in reality is nothing more than an illusion. A manufactured figure who would be an absolute nothing if it wasn't for the spotlight of television and a pawn in that particular game that sucks up to HIS own vanity. You see, years ago in order to become a 'celebrity' you'd have had to work your way up from the bottom of the ladder, touring the clubs night after night, building your following, and then getting noticed if you were lucky enough and proved your talent. Even though that still didn't guarantee any promise of real success to superstar level.
If you've never heard of a rock band called 'Dumpy's Rusty Nuts' then count this as your introduction to them. Not that I'm in any way an expert fan or anything, I'm simply aware of their existence and the fact they've been around a very long time and are hugely, and I mean hugely successful. They've built their fanbase from sheer hard work, trudging up and down motorways to venue after venue, night after night, and relentlessly pursuing their passion for playing to audiences that range from hundreds into stadium numbers supporting much bigger artists, and can quite rightly qualify for the title 'legendary'.
Sam Smith, on the other hand, is nothing more than a manufactured puppet of an industry that views him as a mere product of its own making, and to be honest, I feel sorry for HIM as much as I do for those who have bought into HIS brand of egotistical bullshit. Like so many acts before HIM, he's become a creation who serves a purpose until such time as HIS bubble bursts and the next potential to extensively hype turns up. Like the majority before him though, he's so far up HIS own rear end with ego that he believes HE is something HE isn't, and somehow God's gift to a music industry that quite frankly couldn't give a damn as long as they're making money out of HIM while it lasts, and so, consequently the entire entertainment industry will mollycoddle him, blow constant smoke up HIS backside by sycophantly telling HIM how wonderful HE is because they know HE'LL buy into their grovelling, doff capping, yes sir, no sir, three bags full, sir, have whatever you want that makes you happy, further ego-inflating bullshit as everything about him screams ME, ME, look at ME, and how wonderful 'I' believe 'I' AM!
Just how people don't see through this bullshit amazes me. Have we really, honestly, and actually turned into a nation of such sheeple that we've come to the stage where we simply and readily buy into such bullshit with eyes wide closed?
How is it that we are so, so easily led as to not think that everyone in the background of this Sam Smith phenomenon isn't in it for what they can get out of it? The manager who takes a cut, the agent, the record label, the publicist, the costume designer, the make-up artist, the accountant, the tour manager, the personal assistant etc, etc - and all rubbing their hands from the smell of potential lucre as long as HE remains flavour of the month.
Now, I'm not against anyone earning an honest living, and neither am I suggesting there is anything dishonest within the Sam Smith circle of business interests, I simply find this entire sycophantic industry that relies on having to manufacture talent in order to sustain itself quite false and putrifying, and yes, while I concede to the fact that Dumpy's Rusty Nuts will also have their outgoings in terms of fees to management and an agent, and probably others along the way of their career they are more celebrity than Sam Smith can ever hope to be without the ego and publicity machine that has hyped HIM to faux-stardom, and in some circles at least, will live to achieve more in their forty plus year career than HE can ever hope for.
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constanttea · 3 months
I guess I can post another fic teaser!! elias bouchard and oc fic
"Only you." I see you standing with me. The words swim before me, almost tangible. "Only us."
"Us." The word glides off my tongue like the tune to a song.
"That's all I ever wanted." The tears I had fought so long to suppress now break free in a torrent, rushing with my breath. I find solace in him, the one person I've craved closeness with for so long. His finely dressed form becomes a refuge as I bury myself in his chest.
A couple stiff pats on my back and the learning of a throat break the intimate moment. "As satisfied as I am with this turn of events, I have some things I have to do tonight." Work. Reality crashes back.
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bluewritinghood · 11 months
Rusty never gets sick, like ever, so he’s surprised to say the least when he feels a burning tickling sensation building in his lungs. He sighs pops a coff drop in his mouth and chalks it up to the cold whether. Then it builds into a slight but nagging cough, that cough quickly enough becomes persistent.
“Hey Rus?” Danny says stopping him in the hallway on their way to play poker he doesn’t have to actually ask the question on his mind Rusty knows it’s about his coughing.
“Don’t know it just won’t go away.” He tells him.
“You don’t.” Danny says confused.
“Get sick?” Rusty finishes. “Yeah I know.”
“You think it’s the…” Danny says.
“Probably, it hasn’t gotten above thirty two degrees in over a week.” Rusty dismisses Danny’s concerns.
“But we’ve pulled jobs in whether colder than this and you never…” Danny points out.
“Yeah, I know.” Rusty sighs earning himself a few short coughs.
“Not to mention we’re not even working right now.” Danny continues.
“Maybe I’m allergic to downtime?” Rusty jokes.
“Hmm?” Danny says skeptically.
Rusty dissolves into a coughing fit one of the worst he’s had yet and has to hold onto Danny’s shoulder for support. When he can breathe again there’s three tiny petals in his palm.
Danny furrows his brow. “Are those…?”
“Marigold petals.” Rusty confirms.
“Your… in love?” Danny asks astonished.
“Apparently.” Rusty says grimly.
“And it’s unrequited?” Danny’s eyebrows very nearly meet his hairline.
“It would seem that way.” Rusty agrees.
“But you…” Danny trails off
Rusty looks hard at the petals in his hand “Don’t do love.”
“Exactly.” Danny looks thoughtful for a minute. “So who?”
“Marigolds are October.” Rusty says mentality going through everyone he knows with birthdays in October.
Danny gets there first. “Linus was born in the beginning of October.”
“Damn, it’s Linus isn’t it?” Rusty asks and it sounds more like a statement than a question.
“You have always been fond of him.” Danny says. “And you both are here for the month over the holidays.”
“You can’t tell him.” Rusty looks from the petals to Danny. “He won’t understand.”
“Give the kid some credit Rus.” Danny persuades.
“No. Even if he understands he doesn’t feel the same I watch him enough to know that.” Rusty says firmly. “I won’t put that pressure, that guilt on him.”
“You watch everyone and think you know what’s going on in their heads.” Danny says but Rusty cuts him off.
“That’s because I do people are open books. Worse than that actually their audiobooks at full volume.” Rusty says as though he’s stating a core fact of the universe.
“But Linus isn’t so simple, he’s not as easy to read as everyone else, you don’t always know what’s going on in his head Rusty. So maybe…” Danny suggests.
“He’s not.” Rusty cuts off Danny’s line of reasoning.
“Alright if you don’t want me to tell him I won’t.” Danny promises.
“Thank you.” Rusty says.
“You gonna be okay for poker?” Danny asks worriedly.
“Danny it’s literally a game centered around bluffing I’ll be fine.” Rusty dismisses him heading to where Linus is setting up the poker table forcing him to drop the subject.
“Hey.” Linus says sitting down in his chair. “Who’s dealing?”
“I’ll do it.” Danny offers motioning for Linus to hand him the deck.
Linus places the cards in his palm his attention drawn to Rusty who is persistently clearing his throat. “You okay Rusty?”
“Yeah, just a persistent tickle.” Rusty says pointing to his throat.
Linus stands up and disappears into the kitchen. “Where do you think he’s going?” Rusty asks as Danny shuffles the deck.
“I don’t know.” Danny shrugs as they hear the sounds of dishes being moved around in the kitchen.
“Awfully trusting with his cards though.” Rusty comments.
“He knows we won’t cheat him.” Danny pokes Rusty’s chest. “It’s one of the reasons you’re coughing up salad.”
Linus returns a few minutes later with a mug of something warm in his hands little wisps of steam rising from it, he hands the mug to Rusty. “Here, this’ll help with the tickle.”
Rusty takes a sip of the drink. “Lemon tea?”
“Good for your throat.” He says sitting down.
Linus worry continues to grow as Rusty’s coughing doesn’t subside instead worsening as they continue their poker game.
“Okay.” Linus says laying down his cards in the middle of the third hand. “This isn’t just some tickle in the throat is it?”
“I’m fine it’s just this cold weather.” Rusty protests.
Linus gives him a look that says he doesn’t believe a word coming out of his mouth. “Try again you’ve visited me In Chicago when it was minus four degrees outside and didn’t so much as clear your throat.”
“It’s probably just a cold.” Rusty dismisses.
Linus crosses his arms over his chest. “If it was that the tea would have helped not made it worse.”
Rusty sighs screwing his eyes shut and whispers. “It’s Hanahaki disease.”
“Hardly anyone gets that these days.” Linus says surprised. “Is it Isabel? I know you really loved her.”
Rusty shakes his head. “The breakup was mutual.”
Linus furrows his brow. “So they tuned you down?”
“Didn’t have to it’s obvious they don’t have feelings for me.” Rusty tells him.
“You haven’t even tried?” Linus asks astonished.
“No point.” Rusty says simply.
“Your just going to give up just like that?” He turns to Danny. “He’s kidding right?”
Danny shakes his head. “Afraid not.”
Looking at Danny he asks. “We’ve pulled off some of the craziest con’s I’ve ever seen surely between the three of us we can get some one to fall in love with Rusty.”
“It’s not happening Linus.” Rusty says firmly getting up and leaving the room.
“He’s got to be kidding.” Linus says throwing his hands up in the air.
“Linus I know it bothers you to see him like this but you’re going to have a tough time pulling a name out of him.” Danny tells him gently.
“He’s my friend Danny, you and him are my family. I can’t stand to see him suffer.” Linus whispers.
“He’s like family to you?” Danny asks with a crease between his eyebrows.
“Yes.” Linus says emphatically. “So help me help him.”
“I’m sorry Linus he’s my best friend and I have to respect his wishes and feelings on the matter.” Danny say standing up.
“His wishes are going to kill him.” Linus pleads.
Danny shakes his head and goes to find Rusty.
“Hey.” Danny says finding Rusty sitting in his room on the edge of the bed.
“What are you doing here?” Rusty asks.
“I’m sorry.” Danny says sitting down next to him.
“What did he say?” Rusty asks.
“He said your his family.” Danny tells him.
“So you see how pointless telling him would be?” Rusty asks.
“Yes.” Danny admits. “I do.”
Rusty dissolves into a coughing fit leaving him holding a handful of blood speckled marigold petals. “I love him so much it’s going to kill me.” Rusty whispers.
Linus didn’t give up he spent the next two weeks coming up with plans and begging Danny to do something, anything about what was happening to Rusty.
Most of his appeals had been to Danny trying to leave Rusty in peace with his worsening condition, he had gone from coughing up a few petals to coughing up whole marigolds which wasn’t doing anything to help Linus’s anxiety. So now Linus was taking his appeal to Rusty because he honestly wasn’t sure how long he had left.
“Rusty?” Linus asks knocking on the door to his room.
“Come in Linus.” Rusty’s voice sounds from the other side of the door.
“I need to talk to you.” Linus says sitting down on edge of the bed next to Rusty.
“There’s nothing you can do.” Rusty tells him.
“There has to be.” Linus chokes hot tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. “I can’t watch you die Rusty, I can’t loose you.”
“There’s nothing you can do.” Rusty repeats.
“Your really just going to lay down and die?.” Linus asks angrily.
“It’s my life.” Rusty counters.
“Your un fucking believable!” Linus finally breaks. “Your Rusty Ryan damn it! You always have a plan and you never just give up. I would sell my soul to Terry Benedict or the Devil himself if it would save you but you’re just going to do nothing when something as simple as words could save your life!?”
“Linus you don’t understand…” Rusty begins.
“No Rusty you listen I understand more than you could ever possibly know I’ve been in love with someone for so long and it’s been cutting away at my heart for a long time now so don’t you dare say I don’t understand.” Linus growls.
“You should tell them your a great person Linus they would be lucky to have you.” Rusty tells him leaning back on his pillows.
“Yeah well it’s you Rusty it always has been and you’re making me watch you die. I would rather see you with someone else than see you die but yet here you sit slowly dying because you refuse to tell someone you love them.” Linus half yells half sobs at him.
Rusty just stares at him for so long Linus asks him. “Are you okay?”
Rusty opens his mouth to say something but promptly shuts it again.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.” Linus lowers his voice back to his usual gentle tone. “I just can’t stand to see you hurting like this.”
“Your in love with me?” Rusty asks in an astonished voice.
“Yes, I don’t know how you couldn’t have seen it.” Linus whispers.
“You told Danny we’re your family.”
“And you are but family can mean a lot of things.” Linus explains.
“Linus..” Rusty is interrupted by Danny coming into the room.
“Hey Rus?” Danny starts but stops upon seeing Linus.
“Just try and think about what I said?” Linus pleads walking past Danny out of the room.
Rusty moves to go after him but Danny walks fully into the room shutting the door behind him. “How are you feeling?”
“Cured.” Rusty tells him.
Danny raises his eyebrows. “Mind saying that again?”
“Linus is in love with me.” Rusty tells him.
“Is that what?” Danny asks pointing over his shoulder with his thumb in the direction Linus had left.
“Yes.” Rusty answers.
“And does he know you are…?” Danny begins.
“No, you kinda walked in just as I was about to.” Rusty tells him.
“God the kid is going to give himself a panic attack. Go, go tell him.” Danny shoos Rusty towards the door of his room.
Rusty finds Linus just sitting in the kitchen staring at the wall.
“Can I talk to you?” Rusty asks pulling a seat over near Linus’s.
“Uh, yeah.” Linus sniffs wiping the back of his hand over his red rimmed eyes.
“You still want to know who this is all about?” Rusty asks.
“Yes.” Linus sits up straight.
Rusty takes one of Linus’s hands in his own and kisses the back of it. “You Linus, I’m in love with you.”
“I’m the reason you’ve been in all this pain?” Linus asks a tear slipping down his cheek.
Rusty wipes the tear away. “No, your the reason I’m healed. The reason I was in pain is because I was stubborn unwilling to say how I felt.” He cups Linus’s chin with the hand that’s not holding Linus’s. “And blind apparently.”
Linus laughs sniffing as he does so. “I wish you would have told me so much sooner.”
Rusty smiles. “Me too.”
Rusty leans forward gently kissing Linus lips and pulling him onto his lap, Linus straddles Rusty’s hips sitting on his lap kissing him back deeper.
They stay like that kissing in the kitchen until Danny walks in and yells into his cupped hands. “Get a room you two!”
The break apart laughing and Rusty drags Linus upstairs.
They were happy in each other’s company even if Rusty could never quite look at a marigold without clearing his throat, Which turned out to be especially fun when they got roped into a con involving an industrial sized greenhouse filled with marigolds, but that’s irrelevant the point is they lived as happily ever after as they could for a pair that thieves.
Ao3 link
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hezekiahwakely · 1 year
I just want to point out that the Medium article about Rusty Quill's alleged mismanagement, bad communication, shitty contracts, etc. was written by the marketing director of a competing fiction podcast network, Fable and Folly. I could certainly see a bit of an incentive existing here to detract from Rusty Quill's image and turn business away to other companies (them).
I don't have a way of saying whether the allegations are true or not, I'm not confident in supporting one side or the other atm and I hate this whole situation because it involves the creators of something I love. But I also don't know whether the article was written in earnest good faith. This is an aspect to consider when weighing the whole situation.
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storybounded · 4 months
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So last night from taking a break from my project, so I'll try to get some writing done tonight after dinner.
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year
I'm Back with a new ERS Story.
Yep... another one. It's called Duncan the Disagreeable Engine, and it's out now on Ao3. You can find it here. Enjoy!
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