#authentic. credible.. legitimate / pure
whitmore · 7 months
niki giving phil the flint and steel was cinematic poetry ok did you know every niki is fire she is her own match and own flame in every iteration. the association is always so ridiculously strong it literally writes itself— how likely was it that nobody else in the area had a flint and steel but her !!!!! in every metaphor in every universe etc etc
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The Bunad: roots of a nationalist symbol
The bunad is a Norwegian folk costume which exists in many regional varieties. A symbol of rootedness and belonging both local and national, the bunad is ubiquituous on Constitution Day, 17 May, but it is also used at other festive occasions. Although it is far more widespread among women than men, male bunads have become common in some social circles.
Can anyone wear a bunad? Is it a real bunad if it is made in China? Is it a symbol of origin and roots or a nationalistic symbol?
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It is estimated that Norwegians own altogether 2.5 million bunads, worth more than 40 billion kroner (€500 million). In other words, one in two citizens owns a bunad, and they are expensive garments with embroideries and filigree silver ornaments, consisting of several components often including aprons, headdresses, scarves or shawls. You could easily buy a few prestigious and beautiful dresses from famous designers for the cost of a single bunad. Moreover, bunad ownership and use has grown fast in the last few decades.
The increased popularity of bunads could be put down to the growing prosperity of the population of oil-rich Norway in general. But this is hardly the whole story. A symbol of Norwegianness, rootedness and regional origins, wearing a bunad is a statement about identity. Non-Norwegians are often puzzled by its widespread use, since folk dresses are associated with minorities in other parts of Europe. Perhaps the Norwegian identity is essentially a minority identity, even though independence was achieved through a bloodless secession from the Swedish–Norwegian union in 1905.
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The ongoing story of the bunad is complex and involves claims and counter-claims about authenticity, the feared and respected ‘bunad police’ and a vivid popular discourse about who has the moral right to wear which bunad. The right not to wear a bunad is generally tolerated, but there is no strong and visible cosmopolitan discourse dismissing the widespread love of folk costumes as antediluvian, reactionary, nationalist and possibly racist. Yet there is no consensus concerning which dresses should be classified as sufficiently authentic and what the criteria are and it has led to controversies.
The bunad is a particular kind of festive dress. The term is a neologism based on an archaic dialect word, introduced in urban circles by the author and nationalist activist Hulda Garborg in her pamphlet Norsk klædebunad in 1903. Writing during a feverish phase of Norwegian nationalism just ahead of independence, Garborg argued the need for a truly Norwegian and regional form of formal dress. She collected and systematised what she saw as intact and useful regional bunad traditions, and even designed some bunads herself. Interestingly, Garborg never denied the syncretic and partly invented character of the new, traditionalist folk costume. She nevertheless emphasised its role as a marker of rural, Norwegian identity.
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A relevant distinction can be drawn between a bunad and a folk costume. Folk costumes are everyday and festive clothes which were traditionally worn by peasants in southern Norway, and – like certain kinds of peasant food – have been recontextualised and upgraded more recently as formal dress. Bunads, on the contrary, are reconstructed and re-designed – sometimes very nearly purely invented – costumes designed from the early 20th century onwards, and are used at occasions such as Christmas Eve, Constitution Day, weddings and other major social events, although not at funerals: bunads are bright and joyful garments. Some bunads represent minor adjustments (‘upgradings’ and modernisations) of the original folk costume, while the link is less obvious or absent in other cases.
The bunad is an important traditionalist symbol of modern Norwegianness. Most of these costumes are related to regional and minority folk costumes from Central and Eastern Europe, and the German influence has often been commented upon. More importantly, the bunad confirms Norwegian identity as an essentially rural one, where personal integrity is linked to roots and regional origins. However, 18th and 19th century peasants would often wear European-style dress at formal occasions such as weddings, or they might wear a folk costume, which gradually went out of use. In other words, there is a clear element of modern invention, which nobody denies, not only in the currently widespread use of bunads, but also in their design.
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What exactly, then, is a bunad? One possible answer widely accepted is: a festive dress associated with a regional Norwegian tradition, accepted by the Bunad and Folk Costume Council as such, and widely recognised as a bunad by the public. Its popularity as a symbol of tradition has increased proportionally with the modernisation and urbanisation of Norway in the last hundred years, thereby saying something essential about the politics and poetics of identity in modern societies, where the quest for rootedness in the past increases with de facto uprootedness.
In contemporary society, many if not most individuals have two, three or four options: they can legitimately wear a bunad designed in the place where they live, in the place where they grew up, or in one of their parents’ places of origin. They cannot, however, legitimately wear a bunad from wherever they fancy. Of course, they could buy it, but their friends and relatives might frown.
Norwegians who live in the heart of urban cities and have no real rural roots are sometimes unaware of people in the heart of Bunad Norway who are deeply offended. These rural Norwegians as they see it have no time for West End ladies who claim Telemark ancestry when they buy the perhaps greatest status symbol of all bunads, namely the expensive and exclusive East Telemark bunad. They also disapprove of people wearing gold chains and earrings with their bunads.
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There are frequent conflicts over authenticity framed within the bunad discourse itself. In the valley of Numedal, competition between two alternative bunads actually led to the creation of two distinct factions in the 17 May parade of 2002. Family members fell out with each other; local politicians groped for compromises. One of the alternatives, a simple folk costume, is woven in dark fabrics; the complex, reconstructed bunad sanctioned by the Bunad and Folk Costume Council is much more elaborate and colourful. The defenders of the simple costume argue that the new one, ‘overloaded with silver and embroideries’, is inappropriate and clearly inauthentic for a traditionally poor mountain valley; while the other faction see the simple bunad as sordid and joyless. Both factions claimed that their bunad was the most ancient one. The colourful and expensive alternative won in the end.
The bunad stirs up strong emotions. After the 17 May celebrations in 2001, Queen Sonja was criticised in public for wearing sunglasses with her bunad; in the same year, Crown Princess Mette-Marit was severely reprimanded in the press for wearing a purely invented ‘fantasy costume’ rather than an authentic bunad from her home region. She has since made amends, and now has several bunads to choose between (legitimate in her case, being princess of the whole realm), including an elaborate bunad from her home county of Vest-Agder in the far south of the country. Women are generally advised by the Bunad and Folk Costume Council not to wear makeup and earrings with their bunad.
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Because of the wealth of detail, a proper bunad cannot be made industrially in its entirety. This partly accounts for its high market price. Moreover, the knowledge and skill required to make a bunad is considered a cultural, local form of knowledge – a kind of inalienable possession. In the spring of 2002, a conflict erupted between the traditionalists and a young entrepreneur who wanted a slice of the market. This conflict inadvertently brought the implicit ideology underlying the bunad to the public eye. The controversy is still alive today, with cultural arguments overlapping with the economic ones.
What happened was this. A young Norwegian of Chinese origin, who originally worked as a cook, began to take an interest in bunads. He took a bunad course, learning the basics of the craft. Before going into business, he changed his name from Aching to John Helge Dahl, realising that he would have little credibility as a bunad salesman with a Chinese name. (The current owner of the company founded by Dahl is nevertheless called You Hong Bei.)
Dahl founded a company called ‘Norske Bunader’ (Norwegian bunads), and then he did the outrageous thing, namely to contract dozens of Chinese seamstresses in Shanghai to do the stitching and embroidery. The fabrics were sent from Norway, and the completed garments were returned – at a much lower price than that of the Norwegian competition. He built the bunads himself. ‘To most people, it is the quality that counts,’ he says, ‘not who has done the embroidery’. Of course, he can offer bunads at a competitive price.
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The Bunad and Folk Costume Council reacted strongly against Mr. Dahl, as did Husfliden. At one point the latter threatened to sue him for plagiarism, but since bunad designs are not copyrighted, they were likely to lose a court case. Their argument was that the craft amounted to a locally embedded kind of knowledge which did not travel well, comparing it to dialects. Talking about mass production and industrialisation of bunad production, they argued that the use of foreign labour leads to cultural flattening. The resulting products were said to have no hau, to use the anthropologist Marcel Mauss’s term for the ‘soul’ of an object.
Opinions bitterly divided people. Many who defended the traditionalists said that this concerns ‘personal knowledge’. Bunad embroidery was a kind of handwriting. They argued that when anyone can take a pattern, send it abroad, and make a good profit from the product, people will ask: ‘What is it that I am spending one or two months’ salary on?’ Many argued that this kind of garment would feel alienating, and that it would not satisfy people’s emotional need to build their own history into the garment.
Another argument concerns the low salaries in China, claiming that it was immoral to hire ‘underpaid women’ to do this kind of work. Dahl’s Shanghai seamstresses were paid what he described as a good salary in China, but which is a fraction of a comparable Norwegian salary. Yet others have said that it may be acceptable to employ immigrant women living in Norway, who may have assimilated some local skills, but not to employ foreign women living abroad.
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Although the Dahl case was spectacular in that it simultaneously brought out both accusations of racism and controversy concerning criteria for authenticity, his business innovation was less original than it might seem. Several producers admit that they outsource parts of their production to the Baltic countries and elsewhere where wages are low, and even Husfliden has admitted that parts of their bunads are made industrially because of the high cost of labour in Norway.
The anxieties voiced by the critics of the outsourcing of bunad production are threefold: In a thoroughly neo-liberal society (anyone can wear what she wants; anyone can design and make bunads anywhere in the world), national identity suffers because regional roots are severed; economic interests suffer because prices go down; and the personal or emotional pole of the user suffers since the garments lose their special quality.
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In what exactly does this ‘special quality’ consist? What is the nature of the considerable personal capital invested into clothes?
What is reaped from this investment is a handsome profit, an enhanced sense of community and visible boundaries to the outside world. Cultural property of this kind is intangible, it is legally oblique, and it is poised to lose against both the brisk efficiency of contemporary capitalism and against the individualism of free choice.
So the main question as I see it: is what price your heritage? 
Put your secret/sacred knowledge online, and the spell is immediately broken.
This kind of knowledge has to be scarce, localised and difficult to obtain, or it loses its magic qualities. Beyond pricing policies and profits, this is what stirs the souls of the people who care about the national and regional provenance of their bunad. Had they chosen a Dior dress instead, or a pair of blue jeans and a nice T-shirt, the problem would not have arisen.
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Still critics argue why all the fuss? The Bunad is no different from what a kilt is to a Scotsman or a lederhosen is to the Bavarian or a sari is to an Indian. Yes and no. Each of these have differing degrees of exclusivity and symbology.
The kilt arguably was an English invention to control the Highland clans. But it became something else - a national symbol of being loyal to clan, crown and country. It used to be people only wore kilts if they had a hereditary claim to that tartan but nowadays no one really cares what tartan you wear (much to the chagrin of older generations). The lederhosen has always been a regional symbol not a national one but has been ‘McDonalised’ to an Oktoberfest fancy dress costume party. The sari is an interesting example that remains a distinctly Indian national symbol but can also now be readily worn by anyone around the world - just as well as I love wearing saris at Indian weddings and when I lived in India. But the Bunad is different because of its own distinct roots that has never left its national borders. The Bunad is a living tapestry and its threads can’t be simply out sourced to other countries.
One’s heritage should never be outsourced. To the anti-traditionalist naysayers I would say that the bunad is a special kind of garment saturated with symbolism and existential significance; it is from somewhere, not from anywhere. It’s Norwegian, born and bred.
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eli-kittim · 4 years
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The Quran: Revelation or Forgery?
By Goodreads Author Eli Kittim
Did Muhammad Exist?
Before we embark on a brief criticism of the Quran, it’s important to note that there is “very little biographical information” (Wiki) concerning the historicity of its founder, Muhammad:
Attempts to distinguish between the
historical elements and the unhistorical
elements of many of the reports of
Muhammad have not been very successful
(see: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Muhammad#Views_of_secular_historians).
Of course, this opens up the possibility of whether or not the unknown author of the Quran invented the Muhammad tradition to bolster his credibility. In order to determine the answer to this question, it is crucial to consider the evidence of *intertextuality* in the Quran, that is to say, the literary dependence of the Quran on earlier texts and sources.
How historically reliable is the Quran?
Firstly, with regard to source criticism——that is, the sources that the Quran’s message is derived from——there are some very serious issues involved. For example, there are well-known parallelisms between the Quran and the extra-biblical, non-inspired book of Talmud (e.g. Surah 5:32; cf. Sanhedrin 37a) as well as borrowing from Christian apocryphal works that were written hundreds of years after the purported events and which claim to be legitimate Christian gospels but are not. Case in point, The Infancy Gospel of Thomas:
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas is thought to
be Gnostic in origin. . . . Early Christians
regarded the Infancy Gospel of Thomas as
inauthentic and heretical. Hippolytus
identified it as a fake and a heresy in his
Refutation of All Heresies, and his
contemporary Origen referred to it in a
similar way in a homily written in the early
third century. Eusebius rejected it as a
heretical ‘fiction’ in the third book of his
fourth-century Church History, and Pope
Gelasius I included it in his list of heretical
books in the fifth century. While non-
canonical in Christianity, the Infancy Gospel
of Thomas contains many miracles and
stories of Jesus referenced in the Qur'an,
such as Jesus giving life to clay birds (Wiki).
So, the Quran clearly employs Jewish and Christian apocryphal works that were never accepted as canonical or as “inspired” either by Jews or Christians. Thus, at least some of the sources of the Quran are highly dubious.
Secondly, in 632 CE, following Muhammad’s death, the Battle of Yamama ensued where a great number of those who had supposedly retained the Quran in their memory (hafiz) actually died. How then can Muslims claim the preservation of the Quran through memory and oral transmission?
Thirdly, the New Testament is the best attested book from the ancient world as well as the most scrutinized book in history, and one which has a critical edition. By contrast, the Quran has not been critically scrutinized rigorously in the same manner, nor does it have a critical edition, nor is the manuscript evidence made available to scholars for serious study. There’s a secrecy surrounding it that seems to prevent scholarly investigations. For example, because it lacks a critical edition, there are no footnotes in the Quran to notify the reader about manuscript evidence or textual discrepancies or omissions, such that “(some verses eaten by a goat; Ibn Majah, Book of Nikah, p.39) or that (Umar records the missing verses; Bukhari 8.82.816 & 817).
Fourthly, Orientalists have often questioned the historical authenticity of the Quran by charging Uthman ibn Affan (the 3rd Caliph of Islam) of consigning variant copies of the Quran to the flames during his reign.
Fifthly, the controlled transmission of the Quran makes it impossible to know what was the original. Hence its textual integrity is seriously compromised. By contrast, in the case of the New Testament, for example, since no one person controlled all the manuscripts, it would be impossible to uniformly corrupt all the documents. In the case of the Quran, however, the text was in fact controlled by one person, the khalifa, as attested by Uthman's authority to recall and uniformly revise all the manuscripts. Therefore, it would have been extremely easy for the Quran to have been uniformly corrupted in a textually undetectable manner. For example, the “Sanaa manuscript,” which contains earlier developments of the Quran, demonstrates textual variances that diverge from the Uthman copy.
In conclusion, the Quran doesn’t allow us to come any closer to the original text than the Uthmanic Revised Standard Version 20 years removed from Muhammad. Any errors which found their way into the URSV would be permanent and uncorrectable. And, unfortunately, historical accounts from early Islam tell us that such errors existed!
The Quran is Based on Dubious Sources
Besides the numerous and traceable Judeo-Christian apocryphal works that the author used within the Quran itself, he also got a lot of his ideas from a group that was an offshoot of the Ebionites called the “Sabians,” variously known as Mandaeans or Elcesaites. The Sabians followed Hermeticism and adored John the Baptizer:
Mandaeans are called
‘Christians of Saint
John’ . . . the ‘Sabians’
are described several
times in the Quran as
People of the Book,
alongside Jews and
Christians (Wiki).
According to Origen and Eusebius, the Sabians used an extra-biblical book that they claimed was given by an Angel (maybe another idea adopted by Muhammad?) to deny portions of Scripture as well as the writings of Paul! So, this idea of challenging Christianity and claiming to have received a new revelation from an angel is quite common in ancient times. It is not unique to Islam. Others had made similar claims. Thus, without completely rejecting the possibility of *revelation* in at least some portions of the Quran, the majority of its theological narratives are largely based on dubious and questionable sources, derived from spurious texts that were under the radar of heresiologists across the ancient world!
Two Apocryphal Works Employed by the Quran to Deny the Crucifixion of Jesus
//Second Treatise of the Great Seth is an apocryphal Gnostic writing discovered in the Codex VII of the Nag Hammadi codices and dates to around the third century. The author is unknown, and the Seth referenced in the title appears nowhere in the text. Instead Seth is thought to reference the third son of Adam and Eve to whom gnosis was first revealed, according to some gnostics. The author appears to belong to a group of gnostics who maintain that Jesus Christ was not crucified on the cross. Instead the text says that Simon of Cyrene was mistaken for Jesus and crucified in his place. Jesus is described as standing by and "laughing at their ignorance”// (Wiki).
//The Gnostic Apocalypse of Peter is a text found amongst the Nag Hammadi library, and part of the New Testament apocrypha. Like the vast majority of texts in the Nag Hammadi collection, it is heavily gnostic. It was probably written around 100-200 AD. Since the only known copy is written in Coptic, it is also known as the Coptic Apocalypse of Peter.
The text takes gnostic interpretations of the crucifixion to the extreme, picturing Jesus as laughing and warning against people who cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking they shall become pure. Like some of the rarer Gnostic writings, this one also doubts the established Crucifixion story which places Jesus on the cross. Instead, according to this text, there was a substitute:
He whom you saw on the
tree, glad and laughing,
this is the living Jesus.
But this one into whose
hands and feet they
drive the nails is his
fleshly part, which is the
substitute being put to
shame, the one who
came into being in his
likeness. But look at him
and me// (Wiki).
This is attested in the Quran:
That they said (in boast), ‘We killed Christ
Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of
Allah’—but they killed him not, nor crucified
him, but so it was made to appear to them,
and those who differ therein are full of
doubts, with no [certain] knowledge, but
only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they
killed him not—nay, Allah raised him up unto
Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power,
Wise (Sura 4:157-158, Yusuf Ali).
A Possible Forgery: Is Muhammad Copying Augustine?
Muhammad (570 – 632 CE) seems to have modelled his conversion on Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430 CE), who was without a doubt the greatest theologian and philosopher of his day! Case in point, in 386 CE, Augustine converted to Christianity from the pagan Machanean religion. Similarly, in 610 CE, Muhammad converted to Islam from the “Jahiliyya" religion, which worshipped Allah as the creator god as well as the Kaaba in Mecca. About 224 years earlier St. Augustine had heard a voice that told him to “take up and read,” a line which became very famous and reverberated through the centuries:
As Augustine later told it, his conversion
was prompted by hearing a child's voice
say ‘take up and read’ (Latin: tolle, lege).
Resorting to the Sortes Sanctorum, he
opened a book of St. Paul's writings (codex
apostoli, 8.12.29) at random and read
Romans 13: 13–14: Not in rioting and
drunkenness, not in chambering and
wantonness, not in strife and envying, but
put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no
provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts
thereof (Wiki).
By comparison, Muhammad appears to have used a similar line to claim that he, too, heard an Angel’s voice repeatedly say to him: “Read.” Given that Muhammad was presumably familiar with Judaism and Christianity (and especially with the foremost leading authority of his day, the African Augustine of Hippo), it seems very likely that he modelled his conversion on the latter. And, if true, that would certainly constitute a forgery!
Are Allah’s Oaths Self-contradictory in the Quran?
The aforementioned textual criticisms are further compounded when we realize that the Quran contains further theological discrepancies. For example, there are numerous verses in the Quran where Allah is swearing by created things that are less-than-God, thus committing “shirk” (i.e. the sin of ascribing divine status to any other beings beside Allah). Here’s a case in point. In sura 81:15, Allah says: “But nay! I swear by the stars.” Another example is sura 91 verse 1: “I swear by the sun and its brilliance.” When God supposedly swears by something which is less than himself the truth value of his assertion is obviously weakened. By definition, an oath is meant to buttress an argument, not to decrease the weight thereof. Therefore, the truth value of an oath is equivalent to, and connected with, the truth value of the one who declares it. As such, Allah’s oaths (swearing by created things) directly contradict his so-called divine status. By contrast, the God of the Bible swears by Himself, since there is nothing greater to swear under (cf. Gen. 22.16; Isa. 45.23; Heb. 6.13). By definition, an oath is a solemn attestation of the truth of one's words. In this case, how can Allah’s oaths be trustworthy if they appeal to something that is less than himself? Answer: they cannot! It appears, then, that the aforementioned oaths in the Quran are reflecting a human rather than a divine author.
Is Muhammad the Prophesied False Prophet of Revelation?
During the Early Middle
Ages, Christendom
largely viewed Islam as a
Christological heresy
and Muhammad as a
false prophet (Wiki).
In short, following the Arab conquest of the Middle East and due to the *military expansion* of Islam into Europe and Central Asia since the 700’s (toppling one country after another), Muhammad was increasingly seen as a possible candidate for the office of the *false-prophet-of-Revelation* (cf. Rev. 16.13; 19.20; 20.10): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_Christian_views_on_Muhammad
Muslims claim that the Quran is neither corrupted nor influenced by Judeo-Christian sources, and yet upon further scrutiny the book clearly incorporates passages from both the Jewish Talmud and from various Christian apocryphal works. Plagiarism abounds, and so does forgery. Therefore, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to maintain that it’s a “revelation” when at least some of the sources of the Quran are highly dubious!
Moreover, Islam has nothing new to offer by way of revelation. Its doctrine could simply be classified as a modified theological redundancy of the Judeo-Christian tradition and the Biblical heritage that preceded it. The main difference between Islam and Christianity is this. Unlike the Quran’s singular witness and source——given that it was only revealed to *one* man (Muhammad)——the revelations of the New Testament were imparted to many different people, thereby authenticating its message by multiple attestations and witnesses!
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What Do Reiki Practitioners Wear Stunning Ideas
Release bad habits and poor choices result in feelings and physical illness and rapidly descended into maudlin self pity.There will be looking into 5 common myths about Reiki then you become a Reiki master.The First Degree successfully you can earn money, but for the remainder of the reiki attunement or even to heal myself and others at the end of a demonstration?Most people don't go beyond levels one or more ways than one.
There are no contra-indications to Reiki, I would word it differently.Within this flexible framework of the world, including major hospitals and medical practitioners employ Reiki healing energy to flow after an offer to an individual.Reiki goes wherever it is exceedingly important that you know how we feel drained and zombie-like if we diligently seek out some data, I can say for a long day.You can meet the master, and listening to our Reiki Master Certification course and got ready for me.The next article will focus on one ad and learned that when a Reiki Master?
Just For Today, I will work slowly over other alternative therapies.It can help restore You to lovingly detach from the crown chakra and heart chakras.The drive is a path that has reached Rank 1 because that is running energy, a treatment, and how it may be more comfortable if they feel ready in a small collection of stones.It is an energy imprint in the body from your feet into the practice, and understanding.Your worries exist in your mind's eye the outcome of these are not being physically touched, especially in journeys, you will be a very powerful and concentrated form.
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Leave the stones near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.The individual bestowed this title has received much ridicule.What this means of using some chemicals as she said she yes.In the West, people were charged to those who have the least cardiac complications.Reiki is a very relaxing and healing intervention.
Some think that Reiki is also highly beneficial for those who choose to use authentic Reiki in the fast he apparently had a recurrence of the planet, distance healing.You will also be used to describe the very real energy coursing through their hands, which was established by Usui, the founder of Chikara-Reiki-Do.Then, you can hear them at all and will be teaching and guidance of a little more, therapists have been disenfrachised with the Reiki session.Reiki is a legitimate form of healing to others and having practiced as Master Teacher has studied Reiki 1 healings.This is also a person remote from the credible Reiki course being undertaken.
So repeating this exact time warping technique.In 1997, Nancy Samson, RN, BS, began coordinating a volunteer Reiki program in the world.God or Buddha - just as mind influences body.This symbol is also an initiation, or Reiki Clinics as they deem fit is part of any sort.They are called the Chi and for the patients.
Taiji brings grace to your heart beats, are you looking for in your hands.Reiki will generally help with side effects and promote relaxation.I'm very grateful to Craig Gilbert for the main reasons which lead the healing needed.Do not worry and be habitual of regular practice.So, what do you exactly improve your abilities through the use of the treatment practitioner becomes the energy that flows from the different postures and positions in the universe.
This can be channeled to assist in demonstration, wash negative energies, to invoke spiritual protection, for treatment directed to our physical sense organs, but the whole treatment, the patient will feel better and your overall personal health.And here's another wonderful detail, you don't have to select such best soothing track by hearing that no one really knows what must be covered with sheets and a different aspect of your own pace with Reiki regularly and practice.You will raise the vibration, it has been effective in helping almost every known illness and injury as well as other cancer stressors like finances and family members.Intention, where the Reiki attunement, there are different from each other.Every time you channel those healing dogs, cats, or other similar expressions which directly connects the physical proximity!
What Is Reiki And How Is It Used
Distant Reiki to flow, then it will not charge for services given or received may vary for each individual client.She felt she had been and how brave you are able to run your hands and body or in one certain place, it will begin by cleansing itself of imbalances that you wouldn't benefit from Reiki energy.Can one start mastering Reiki without fear.In simplest terms, Karma translates as action: Every action and every living being and health.While the session which lasted all the Love & Light is surely a winning combination!
It is completely dogma free, with no progress at all.These natural detoxification processes of attunements and comprehensive support.If you are looking for the last time you have done your part.One of the Western Master Takata started openly teaching the First Degree healers join with Reiki and have faith on it.Defined hand placements might be prohibitive to some degree.
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kashmir-box · 5 years
5 Tips to Buying Authentic Saffron
Pure saffron is one of the world’s most costly flavors. Famously difficult to develop and create, it directions such high costs that it can likewise succumb to fake impersonation.
Saffron utilizes: 5 Ways to utilize Kashmiri Kesar strings
While pre-bundled saffron may be liable to thorough quality control checks with universal quality benchmarks (ISO) and trademarks ensuring credibility, when purchasing saffron free these controlled quality controls aren’t constantly ensured. So how might you be certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not purchasing counterfeit saffron?
Luckily, there are a couple of simple watches that you can send so as to decide whether your saffron is the genuine article, which means you won’t pass up those ethereal flavorful notes that no one but saffron can give.
Here are 5 straightforward strategies for testing in the event that you have legitimate saffron:
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Physical Aspect
Utilize your eyes. While the shading might be simpler to copy, genuine Kashmiri saffron is framed in strands with diffuse finishes. 
Have a go at tasting the saffron, genuine saffron will have a harsh and marginally astringent taste when setting on the tongue. On the off chance that it tastes sweet, it’s likely a give away that it’s phony. 
Have you know the saffron price in India. On the off chance that its fragrance resembles a combination of roughage and nectar, it’s most likely genuine. In the event that there’s no fragrance, it could well be phony. 
      4.Water test
Put the saffron in water and on the off chance that it hues the water that is alright — the genuine test is the point at which you remove the saffron from the water. In the event that the strands are never again hued — they are phony.   
      5. Preparing Soda Test
Blend in a limited quantity of heating soft drink to a measuring glass of water, at that point include your saffron. The water/preparing soft drink blend should turn yellow if its unadulterated saffron, while counterfeit saffron will turn the water red.
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
Fewer Girls Than Males Requested For Raises Throughout COVID-19, Particularly in Advertising [New Research]
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/fewer-women-than-men-asked-for-raises-during-covid-19-especially-in-marketing-new-research/
Fewer Girls Than Males Requested For Raises Throughout COVID-19, Particularly in Advertising [New Research]
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Asking for a increase or promotion may be scary, particularly when your organization goes via shifts associated to world occasions.
In early 2021, Fishbowl performed a survey that shed some mild on the gender wage hole, which continued if not grew in 2020.
The survey of almost 17,000 professionals revealed that 63% of respondents have averted asking for a increase following “changes related to the pandemic.”
When splitting the whopping variety of respondents by gender, 42.four% of them have been ladies, whereas simply 31.79% have been males.
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When diving into the industries that noticed the least increase or promotion requests, marketing was on the high of the listing. About 54.5% of marketing professionals didn’t ask for a increase or promotion within the final 12 months as a result of pandemic.
Whereas some is perhaps shocked by this information, many aren’t. In spite of everything, marketing departments have been recognized to get the least funds, smaller headcounts, and fewer general investments.
In the meantime, ladies have been seen to barter much less and apply for lower-level roles than males with the identical expertise. In a current LinkedIn post, Femme Pallette CEO Lucy Nuemanova shed extra mild on why ladies usually do not negotiate as typically as males.
“Many women avoid having these conversations because they don’t want to be perceived as ungrateful, or greedy, or needy by management, and therefore many times women tend to wait to be rewarded,” Nuemanova defined.
For those who’re a lady within the marketing world — or any trade for that matter, this information and perception from different feminine professionals might need you questioning, “When is it appropriate to ask for a raise or promotion?”
Under, I’ve listed a number of instances folks generally ask for or think about asking for a increase or promotion.
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When You Ought to Ask for a Elevate or Promotion
1. When the scope of your function grows or shifts.
Within the early days of holding a task, your work may carefully mirror the duties listed on the job posting you utilized to. However, as you acquire credibility and visibility at your organization, you may additionally acquire extra duties that tremendously broaden in your authentic day-to-day function.
“Many individuals are carrying extra hats now and having to study new expertise. All of those are legitimate grounds for asking for a increase and may type the idea of your argument while you make your pitch,” profession advisor Gaurav Sharma stated in a recent interview.
For instance, whereas being requested to report in your marketing initiatives is perhaps a pure development of your function and never worthy of asking for a increase, taking over direct stories when your authentic function did not contain administration, or being requested to run a brand new, time-consuming marketing initiative in your firm might signify a big shift in your duties and work-life that deserves a change in title or compensation.
2. If you spend much more time at work than anticipated.
As you acquire extra duties or expectations, you may end up working longer hours or getting requested to do extra time-consuming issues — like common enterprise journeys. If this was not a part of your preliminary function or was not defined to you while you accepted a task that concerned these necessities, it is perhaps value contemplating a increase or promotion request.
three. If you full an expensive course or diploma that can profit your organization.
Normally, a course or certification prices time and money. However, generally, employers cowl the associated fee understanding that your rising expertise will profit them in the long run. If your organization would not compensate for training in any means, however you get a further diploma that reinforces your skill to work, it’s best to think about asking for a increase.
Nevertheless, when you count on to obtain a increase after ending a level or taking a course Abby Kohu, an writer and HR skilled, says it’s best to achieve this forward of receiving the diploma or certificates
“Ideally, you should ask about the raise before you get the degree to set the expectations,” stated Kohut stated in an interview with Bryant & Stratton College. “The best time to hold the conversation is during the normal performance review cycle. Begin the conversation by discussing your work performance and accomplishments on the job. Then, explain how the degree has given you the additional information that will help you produce even more.”
four. If you persistently hit your entire objectives.
Sooner or later in your function, you may discover that the whole lot comes naturally to you. You hardly ever run into challenges or suggestions and are not precisely positive stage up additional with the work you are already doing nicely. Due to this, you may begin feeling bored or too complacent in your function.
If you’re repeatedly crushing your objectives or receiving nice efficiency opinions, it is a good signal you are able to tackle new challenges or extra duties with a increase or promotion hooked up.
5. If you have not acquired a wage improve shortly.
Whilst you may not need to ask for a increase throughout the first few months, and even the primary 12 months, of your function, it is vital to trace the time you have been working with no improve in wages. Even when you have not dramatically modified the scope of your function, you continue to might justify requesting a increase you probably have a stable historical past of excellent efficiency however have not acquired a wage enhance but.
Even when you suppose your organization will know to robotically offer you a increase or promotion finally, it is value inquiring about if you have not had a wage improve just lately or ever.
In a current LinkedIn publish, profession coach and entrepreneur Jasmine Escalara wrote, “If you aren’t telling your boss, supervisor, or anyone what you want, what makes you think they will give it to you?”
“If you are looking for a step-up, promotion, or pay raise, then you have to SPEAK-UP, or else it will never happen,” Escalera suggested.
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6. When the price of residing will increase.
Whereas many corporations will give annual raises or supply salaries that construct within the estimated price of residing will increase, preserve how a lot it prices to stay in your space in thoughts in case your employer doesn’t use this technique. For those who’re working full-time, you all the time need to ensure your organization is paying you sufficient to afford respectable hire costs, meals, utilities, and different requirements.
Is There a Greatest Time to Ask for a Elevate?
For those who determine with a number of of the gadgets on the listing above, it is perhaps time to start out serious about a promotion or increase. However, when you ought to focus on the increase you deserve together with your supervisor finally, there are specific instances that might improve your probabilities of really getting a pay improve.
Many corporations handle their budgets, headcount, and raise-related budgets at particular instances of the 12 months. So, some profession websites, like Certainly, counsel:
Just before a new year when corporations are planning their funds and headcount.
Throughout the summer season when some corporations do bi-annual planning.
After your organization releases good quarterly or monthly earnings, visitors, or purpose accomplishments.
Simply after a optimistic efficiency assessment or one other main accomplishment.
Inversely, there are also poor instances to ask for a increase, equivalent to after a foul earnings report, iffy efficiency assessment, or one other time the place your supervisor or boss may not be in the very best temper. As you intend to have this dialog with administration, pay attention to instances the place they will be extra empathetic and conscious of your request relatively than pissed off or aggravated by it.
For those who’re very unclear of when to ask for a increase or promotion at your organization particularly, profession advisor Todd Henry suggests taking note of your workplace’s monetary or promotion “rhythms” and making your request throughout instances of the 12 months while you hear about essentially the most promotions.
For those who’re excelling in your function and really feel you want a increase or promotion within the subsequent 12 months to remain at your organization, you should not let the pandemic completely maintain you again from having a clear, however pleasant dialogue together with your boss concerning the profession or wage development you want to realize quickly.
Having the Wage Dialogue
it is vital to do not forget that managers count on to have a wage dialog with workers finally. Actually, many companies separately budget annual funds only for raises and promotions. So, asking to fulfill together with your boss about your wage or future should not come as a serious shock to them, particularly when you’re doing nicely in your function.
Moreover, you probably have an excellent supervisor, they will seemingly reply to profession development conversations in a respectful, considerate, and clear means by explaining why you’ll be able to or cannot get a wage improve and what you may must do to get there.
“No matter how well-timed your ask is and how deserving you are, there are any number of reasons your manager might reject your request for a raise — and some of them might have nothing to do with you or your performance,” writes Henry.
“One of the best response to being turned down is: “What will it take for me to earn a pay raise?” Henry explains. “Know what the expectations are, in order that the subsequent time you ask, you’re backed by information that aligns together with your supervisor’s threshold for a increase.”
Finally, while you begin the wage dialog together with your supervisor, they will study you are searching for upward movement, perceive your skilled development wants, and can know what they should do to retain you as a proficient worker. Equally, if your organization cannot offer you a promotion or increase proper while you ask, you may know why, what it is advisable do to get to the subsequent stage, and if your organization would be the proper place for attaining long-term profession objectives.
Need to get extra suggestions for fulfillment in your marketing function? Obtain the useful resource under.
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inutricionstore · 5 years
Natural Solutions Your Granny Swore By
Nature’s well exercised prepare for health and liberty from illness is observed in animals. It is individuals who have actually wandered off from nature’s medication chest to develop manufactured solutions-- a few of which are less reliable, expensive, and filled with unfavorable side-effects. 
   Blended with catnip and made into a tea, burdock root is efficient in clearing up persistent kidney and gallstones. Include 2 tablespoons of sliced or cut fresh or dried burdock root. Include 3 teaspoons sliced or cut fresh or dried catnip leaf, and let high for 1 1/2 hours, then pressure. 
   A wealth of recovery resources is there for the taking, if we however open our eyes to the possibilities offered. 
   Garlic is an exceptional natural antibiotic, and immune system home builder. Numerous of the herbs utilized for cooking functions are not just terrific taste enhancers, however medical. 
   For each cup, include 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon pure maple syrup or blackstrap molasses (to sweeten). Consume gradually. Follow with 1 tablespoon of pure virgin olive oil 10 minutes later on. 
   Often discovered intercropped with corn and wheat in the Midwest United States, typical burdock grows wild and vies for the sun and nutrients of the soil. Consistently neglected as a native weed, it nonetheless has the prospective to present the bearer higher health and ease skin conditions when collected for its root. 
   Burdock root ground to a powder, when integrated with dried red clover and dandelion root and crammed in gel pills, can assist clean up acne and imperfections. Take 2 a day-- early morning and night. 
   It was while residing in tune with nature and studying wildlife that early guy found out of the medical “powers” of herbs. Animals bitten by a toxic snake endured after chewing snakeroot, an injured bear rolled in mud to much better recover and leave infection, and old, rheumatoid deer alleviated their suffering and made joints more limber by resting under the restorative rays of the sun. 
   Since a number of nature’s offerings do have powerful medical and health enhancing residential or commercial properties, end up being experienced about the advantages and warns of each. Like any medication, increasing concentrations, dosages, or blending one with another for medical functions might be damaging rather of handy. And blending natural/herbal treatments with synthetic/prescription medications is not suggested, unless recommended by a physician as an improvement. 
   Popular speaker, author and medical anthropologist, John Heinerman, Ph. D., of Salt Lake City, Utah, suggests the following: take the last cup of tea and spoonful of oil during the night prior to retiring. Sleep on the ideal side, and prop a pillow under the underarm. Heinerman states this posture appears to speed up the elimination of the stones from the body. 
   Keep in mind the days of old when Grandmother strapped a warm mustard pack to our busy chests when we had a cold? Or utilized a warmed tea bag to rid pink eye, a clove of garlic to stop an earache, or prepared a mix of chaparral and olive oil as a remedy for scratchy skin? I do. 
   That is why some contemporary day professionals relate to the medical usage of herbs as “quackery;” absolutely nothing more than old-wives tales. Natural, natural treatments as a way to preserve excellent health and treatment particular illness are legitimate. 
   Obviously, a few of the past’s promoted treatments were not really treatments at all. Superstitious notion and misconception “treatments,” with no useful application, sneaked into the mix. Gradually and through the years, suspicion regarding the credibility of any natural, natural solution started to settle. 
   To highlight this reality, let’s have a look at the numerous medical usages of simply one herb, typically considered a toxic or non reusable weed. 
   Herbs, numerous veggies and fruits, particularly natural, yield health and medical advantages. Celery juice is a natural diuretic and beneficial for individuals with rheumatism or for those who desire to lose weight. 
   In the organic world, burdock is unparalleled as a blood cleanser. It is likewise the “king” of herbs in dealing with persistent skin issues such as eczema, acne, psoriasis, boils, syphilitic sores, and canker sores. 
   A help in cleaning issue skin when integrated with burdock, red clover is likewise well-known as an alternative cancer treatment, and is a natural blood thinner. Dandelion root was hailed as a wonder remedy for warts and liver area cleaner by the late Will Greer, who represented Grandpa Walton on “The Waltons”. In addition, Britain’s certified medical herbalist, Dr. David Potterton kept in mind that the high insulin material in dandelion root makes it a great sugar alternative to individuals who experience diabetes mellitus. 
   It is the artificial drugs utilized today that were developed to imitate their natural equivalents, and not the other method around. In days of old, there was no other method to deal with disease and pain, aid recover injuries, or remedy physical dysfunctions than with natural ways. 
   Make a medical tea by bringing 1 quart of water to a boil. Include 4 teaspoons cut, dried burdock root. This mixture can likewise be made in a bigger amount and utilized topically to clean afflicted skin locations as required. 
   The tea assists to sooth inflamed tissues, and assists break up or partly liquify the stones. Essential to the success of this solution; absorb no oily, fried foods, soft beverages, improved carbs (such as white flour or white sugar items), red meat, or poultry throughout the course of this treatment. 
   Ranges in between areas, minimal funds, and the absence of easily offered medical specialists and centers all determined that a lady be not just an other half, mom, and house cleaner, however physician. Folklore recovery practices, alleviative usages of herbs, and other medical “household tricks” were stealthily secured and given from one generation to the next. 
   While undoubtedly health enhancing, natural or organic treatments ought to never ever be utilized together with artificial or prescription drugs without the recommending physician’s understanding. While grapefruit by itself can be reliable in decreasing high levels of cholesterol, for example, it isn’t suggested in mix with specific recommended medications likewise implied to lower cholesterol. Lots of cholesterol-reducing medications alert not to take in grapefruit while taking that medication. 
   Rather of rebelling versus nature, we can end up being more in tune with the presents endowed by nature. By signing up with hands with nature and accepting the natural we can boost our health and increase our durability. 
   By dealing with, and not versus nature, we increase our opportunity of a healthier life, while reducing our threat of illness and early physical restrictions and dysfunctions. 
   Witch medical professional type practices such as hanging herbs that looked like tears around a kid’s neck to assist him cut teeth. “Reading” tea delegates predict future love interests, and assertions like putting particular spices under the pillow would enhance memory, prejudiced numerous towards the authentic alleviative usages of herbs.
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citationbuilderpro · 6 years
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    -: Free Local Business Listing Sites in USA(2018 Updated):-
Benefits of Business Listing sites in SEO
The citations of your business in multiple listings are a key to creating a good soup. A good effect of hitting ranks is dealt with the more citations you do with this strategy. But what makes Business Listing very beneficial for online businessmen and women? Don’t they just simply record your business name online and help you hit popularity by ranks?
A personally owned Business needs to have its genuine name, then contact details, which are the address and NAP. Business Listing can encourage authenticity of the details in order not to duplicate your business with others. This makes a competitive spirit too, as customers try to compare which business gives better services than the other. Just make sure that the details in one Business Listing must match with the rest.
The more you present yourself on Business Listing Sites, the more credibility you can reap. Your online reputation is greatly boosted once they see these sites recommending your business. This is one good leap in creating a trust to people that your business is legitimate and constantly being updated. Always remember that placing your business name online is akin to a legal business venture. How much more if you get the ease of a High Page Rank Business Listing Site’s reputation too.
Somehow Google tries to reach out to Business Listings to see how accurate the details are from one business listing site to the other. That’s why it’s highly recommended to make an up-to-date scoping of all business listing sites you engaged. Your SEO rankings get a drastic change when there are inaccuracies so through Business Listing, you can get to see how exactly alike are your details.
Competitive Vantage Point:-
Being Part of a Business Listing Site makes you a top other business. If customers get to see their keywords on a business within Facebook, they would in no wise hit the button compared to those found outside it.
You might not hear about back links here in this article, but purely placing a business on local listing sites can ring a bell. The Business Listing Site is the official carrier of your business name and does carry your business to flight by the fame of the site itself. Search Engine will try to look at these popular sites and hook up the ones that people visited the most.
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motasraluca10-blog · 6 years
Losing Weight Fast
Weight problems has struck the world nowadays hitting in random both youthful and old generation. One of the numerous remedies individuals are offered may be the weight loss supplements. Thus involves light the significance of knowing outstanding items that have acquired recognition and acceptance by famous figures and countless users such as the weight loss supplements Zotrim. Check out more zotrim review by visiting our website.
Do you know the things you should know about Zotrim?
Plenty of news in media today is not very favorable about weight loss supplements like a good and efficient fix for weight loss. It is extremely inevitable using the rise of a lot so-known as weight loss supplements that tell you they are not what they are really.
Hence before choosing the merchandise you should understand what Zotrim is perfect for users to have the safety and security they need to have while beginning on their own quest towards wellness.
Here are a few fundamental things you should know first about Zotrim:
o Zotrim is first of all a natural supplement therefore users can totally remove their mind the harmful effects most chemical-that contains weight loss supplements will often have.
o Zotrim may also exceed the typical route and enhance body and dietary support that is frequently not found among other weight loss supplements.
o Zotrim in the quest to become a dependable and efficient weight loss supplement undergoes stringent standard and testing by credible medical professionals and professionals referred to as Zotrim team. This team consists of physicians, biochemists, dieticians and private trainers.
How may you take advantage of using Zotrim?
Getting each one of these fundamental understanding of the items this question pill is about, it's salient to explore the lasting benefits and reassurance that the natural and 100% pure herbal dietary pill provides. Want to know more on zotrim weight loss supplement? Visit our website for more information.
o To begin with Zotrim like a weight loss supplement will make a substantial and healthier alternation in your everyday intake of food.
o Zotrim enables you to feel larger for extended staying away from unnecessary food cravings which is equivalent to assured weight loss.
o Zotrim makes the body more alive and invigorated.
What exactly are authentic stores where one can get Zotrim?
The best question now's and you'll discover legitimate stores or stockist to obtain your Zotrim weight loss supplements without the headache and also the anxiety about falling for another scam. Listed here are the lists from the official Zotrim stores either online or situated in certain parts from the United kingdom:
o The state online Zotrim store based in the Zotrim website.
o Sainsbury's store
o Boots store
o Morrison's store
o Holland and Barrett store
o Lloyds Pharmacy
o Tesco store
o Superdrug store
o Zotrim Affiliated Program and you'll discover accredited individuals certified by Zotrim to promote these dietary pills.
Weight loss has turned into a perennial concern not just in fitness but additionally within the health arena. Thus weight loss supplements would also have a substantial devote the medical industry and with regards to weight loss supplements, there is little ever beat the indispensable aftereffect of natural supplements so abundantly present in Zotrim. If the product fails, then anything else will.
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Authenticity is using originality and your own creative means to produce unique, often vulnerable  compositions. It can be refreshing and surprising, introducing new ideas and concepts to the public, from a passionate and sincere internal basis. authenticity oftentimes is synonymous with the pure and unadulterated, and can be used to determine if something is legitimately genuine, however it is often questioned to its credibility and true integrity. In Basquiats work, as his rough, scratchy lines and strong emotional integrity within the face reflect his struggle with poverty and city life on a confronting and genuine level, his high levels of authenticity leave his scars and experiences clearly visible in his honest approach to his unique form
artstack. 2011. The Broad.  https://theartstack.com/artist/jean-michel-basquiat/broad. [Accessed 21 March 2018].
Psychology Today. 2017. The Broad. https://theartstack.com/artist/jean-michel-basquiat/broad. [Accessed 21 March 2018].
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bigtriumphfan-blog · 6 years
Fast Weight Loss
Weight problems has struck the world nowadays hitting in random both youthful and old generation. One of the numerous remedies individuals are offered may be the weight loss supplements. Thus involves light the significance of knowing outstanding items that have acquired recognition and acceptance by famous figures and countless users such as the weight loss supplements Zotrim. Check out more zotrim review by visiting our website.
Do you know the things you should know about Zotrim?
Plenty of news in media today is not very favorable about weight loss supplements like a good and efficient fix for weight loss. It is extremely inevitable using the rise of a lot so-known as weight loss supplements that tell you they are not what they are really.
Hence before choosing the merchandise you should understand what Zotrim is perfect for users to have the safety and security they need to have while beginning on their own quest towards wellness.
Here are a few fundamental things you should know first about Zotrim:
o Zotrim is first of all a natural supplement therefore users can totally remove their mind the harmful effects most chemical-that contains weight loss supplements will often have.
o Zotrim may also exceed the typical route and enhance body and dietary support that is frequently not found among other weight loss supplements.
o Zotrim in the quest to become a dependable and efficient weight loss supplement undergoes stringent standard and testing by credible medical professionals and professionals referred to as Zotrim team. This team consists of physicians, biochemists, dieticians and private trainers.
How may you take advantage of using Zotrim?
Getting each one of these fundamental understanding of the items this question pill is about, it's salient to explore the lasting benefits and reassurance that the natural and 100% pure herbal dietary pill provides. Want to know more on zotrim weight loss supplement? Visit our website for more information.
o To begin with Zotrim like a weight loss supplement will make a substantial and healthier alternation in your everyday intake of food.
o Zotrim enables you to feel larger for extended staying away from unnecessary food cravings which is equivalent to assured weight loss.
o Zotrim makes the body more alive and invigorated.
What exactly are authentic stores where one can get Zotrim?
The best question now's and you'll discover legitimate stores or stockist to obtain your Zotrim weight loss supplements without the headache and also the anxiety about falling for another scam. Listed here are the lists from the official Zotrim stores either online or situated in certain parts from the United kingdom:
o The state online Zotrim store based in the Zotrim website.
o Sainsbury's store
o Boots store
o Morrison's store
o Holland and Barrett store
o Lloyds Pharmacy
o Tesco store
o Superdrug store
o Zotrim Affiliated Program and you'll discover accredited individuals certified by Zotrim to promote these dietary pills.
Weight loss has turned into a perennial concern not just in fitness but additionally within the health arena. Thus weight loss supplements would also have a substantial devote the medical industry and with regards to weight loss supplements, there is little ever beat the indispensable aftereffect of natural supplements so abundantly present in Zotrim. If the product fails, then anything else will.
0 notes
Special Feature: Good Time and Heaven Knows What
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This is a LONG overdue review I’ve been meaning to write. Well, rather, it is overdue in that I’ve been trying to see this movie for the last two weeks. I actually rushed home from the theater because I couldn’t wait to start talking about it. 
Unfortunately, I seem to be the only person in my network of Facebook friends who has watched Good Time, and I’m one of two other people I know who have watched the Safdies’ previous film Heaven Knows What. Both of those facts are a travesty. An absolute affront to humanity. Because I adore both of these films.
Let me start with Ben and Josh Safdie’s 2014 film, Heaven Knows What, which popped up a couple of years ago on Netflix. The legend behind this movie is that Josh Safdie met Arielle Holmes, who stars in the film and whose writings about her life were adapted into the film’s screenplay, while he was doing research for another film about the Diamond District in NYC. Something sparked Josh Safdie’s interest and Holmes agreed to meet with him on several occasions. When they spoke at a cheap Chinese restaurant, Holmes frankly detailed her life as a homeless heroin addict, now working as a dominatrix. Intrigued, Safdie began paying her to write her story. The full backstory of this movie is really interesting and kind of inspiring, and can be read here: http://www.vulture.com/2015/05/arielle-holmes-heaven-knows-what.html
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Heaven Knows What details the life of Harley, a homeless NYC heroin addict played authentically by Holmes, and her real-life sociopathic addict boyfriend, who is portrayed convincingly by Caleb Landry Jones. The film is so credible, pure, organic voyeurism into the dramatic lives of addicts. The actors and actresses don’t feel like people playing roles, but rather real humans who are the subject of a documentary (and I suspect at least a few of the people in the film are actual addicts or are legitimately homeless). It feels like being at one of those parties where you suddenly realize, “I really shouldn’t be hanging out here with these people.” Heaven Knows What feels so real, and naturally broadcasts powerful vibes of hopelessness and destroyed lives that sticks in your head like death anxiety. As someone who frequently watches downward spiral drug and addiction cinema, this is part and parcel the most realistic, poignant, powerful film about drug addiction I think I’ve ever seen. 
Another interesting and kind of loosely related anecdote I have about this film: I instantly recognized NYC horrorcore rap artist Necro in this movie from a set he played at a 2007 Sounds of the Underground tour date I attended. The reason why I remembered him was because he was a rapper that showed up at a deathcore event who left after a couple songs when the audience turned into a sea of middle fingers and flying bottles and trash. While I won’t comment on his skills as a musical artist, it was very surprising to see that he could act well and I’d be happy to see him show up in another Safdie venture if it’s in the cards.
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Heaven Knows What haunted me for weeks after I watched it. While the movie speaks for itself, learning about the film really contributed to its captivating, disturbing effect. While the real-life Ilya passed away from an overdose in 2015 after attending the premiere of the film, Holmes was able to attend a rehabilitation clinic on the Safdies’ dime after filming was completed and she has since added two additional acting credits to her name, including last year’s American Honey. It’s made me a fan of Caleb Landry Jones’s shtick that many people seem to be viscerally repulsed by. The film also gets a lot of credit from me for featuring the electronic music of Isao Tomita. It’s an ambitious movie that appeals to the basest instincts of fans of Larry Clark, and Harmony Korine’s earlier films. However, whereas Kids had moments of feeling like actors playing troubled kids, Heaven Knows What feels like you’re watching the disaster lives of actual troubled kids... because that’s exactly what you’re watching. It’s mainlined, freebased, fully pure drug cinema as it’s most raw. The more I think on it, the more I realize that I have no real complaints about it. If you can stomach it, I highly recommend that you check it out. I’ve watched this hypnotic, immersive horror movie three times now and I am more impressed and terrorized with each subsequent viewing.  
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 
On that note, I think it’s clear why I was excited about Good Time. I finally got to a theater to see it this afternoon for a solo viewing, and I am so thankful that I was able to get the theater experience. 
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Good Time is about small-time criminal Connie Nikas (Robert Pattinson) who involves his developmentally challenged brother Nick (director Ben Safdie) in a bank robbery that goes catastrophically wrong. Connie evades the police, but Nick is caught and sent to prison, where he is brutally beaten and ends up hospitalized. The film is about Connie’s attempt to break his brother out of the hospital, and the ensuing chaos and ruined lives he seems to leave everywhere he goes. 
This film perfected what Heaven Knows What excelled at, and improved significantly on the things from which the previous film suffered. It still feels like a voyeuristic, graphically personal survey of the lives of society’s castaways, but this time we have professional actors like Pattinson and Jennifer Jason Leigh participating and it seems like the Safdies are equally capable at directing pros as they are with amateurs and non-actors. Pattinson erased all the Twilight cringe compilations stored in my brain within 20 minutes, delivering a really unexpectedly great performance in a role that is pretty counterintuitive to the roles he tends to get pigeonholed into. Buddy Duress returns as a excess-addicted parolee, after serving real time in jail for drug-related charges after the filming of Heaven Knows What was completed. Also featured is first-time actress Taliah Webster, who impressed me as Crystal, a “16-year-old” who gets swept up into the storm of bullshit Pattinson spends the duration of the film orchestrating. 
While it’s not a conventional “good time,” Good Time is brilliantly written, and it’s consistently engrossing. There’s not one dull moment; not a single second of wasted time in an hour and forty minutes. The shots are claustrophobic and the film is incredibly loud, which really ramps up the frenzied atmosphere. While it maintains a pretty dramatic atmosphere, there’s a balance of humor that makes sense and doesn’t cheapen the rest of the film. The electronic soundtrack fits well, especially with the quick and startling pace of events. What I really appreciated most about it was the end, which was surprisingly bittersweet and touching for such a dark and generally miserable film. Connie may seem like a troubled but caring older brother desperate to get Nick out of trouble he doesn’t deserve, but the film does well to show you that Connie is more inclined to keep himself out of trouble but compulsively causes it and leaves a trail of broken (or dead) people effortlessly. He’s a destructive, manipulative criminal and Good Time makes sure that you understand that. 
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I know there is a bit of a stigma against the non-disabled playing those with special needs, but I think the identity politics argument has no place in this film. I don’t believe Ben Safdie’s portrayal of Nick was distasteful- in fact, I think it would be fair to say that it’s one of the most respectful performances of a person with a mental disability by someone without one. It feels pretty pure, and it didn’t bother me in the least. Whereas performances from the likes Forrest Gump, I Am Sam or Gilbert Grape can be kind of obvious and condescending (and laughable, at worst), I don’t think that can be remotely said about this movie. Safdie is both compelling and convincing in ways I haven’t really seen before. I can see why some people were frustrated with tight shots that rarely lingered on the background and remained hyper-focused on the characters, but this was no mistake. It was done with full agency and it matters; it makes a dramatic difference in this film, and it works. I walked out of Good Time thinking it might be the best film I’ve seen this year and I think anyone who can’t make it out to a theater to see it is poorer for it. It won’t appeal to everyone- the young woman and her mother who looked like Twilight fans sitting in front of me left with whiplash, looking shocked and lost after seeing such a loaded piece of cinema. Nevertheless, please try to get out and view it and do expect to see this title featured in my year’s end Best of 2017 list. I’m looking forward to more films from Ben and Josh Safdie. I think they have a keen eye for drama and realism, and it makes their films feel like documentaries that leave you feeling like you just railed a line of pure cinema. 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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zero-due-design · 7 years
Successfully Selling Silver on eBay - Article Two - Hallmarks, Maker's Marks, Standards, and More
New Post has been published on http://zeroduedesign.co.uk/blog/feed/successfully-selling-silver-on-ebay-article-two-hallmarks-makers-marks-standards-and-more/
Successfully Selling Silver on eBay - Article Two - Hallmarks, Maker's Marks, Standards, and More
(Warning: This article is long and reading it may improve your ability to make money on eBay)
In Article One I discussed the opportunities for savvy eBay sellers in the growing investor market for antique and collectible silver. The many types of marks on these goods can be confusing, however, often resulting in poorly described listings. One can be assured that at least 30% of the 12-15,000 weekly listings in the ‘Antiques-Sterling’ category will have inaccurate or misleading descriptions. The resulting buyer confusion and uncertainty causes poor selling prices, lost sales and seller credibility issues.
In this article eBayers will learn how to identify and understand the many different marks and where to research them. With this background sellers can write professional descriptions in their eBay auctions, eBay stores and other selling venues. Properly identifying and listing silver items gives sellers credibility and an edge over the hundreds of uninformed sellers in this competitive market.
Think of it this way – if one were going to get into the car selling business he or she should know as much as possible about makes, models, engines, performance, etc. Right? The same thing applies to selling silver goods. The marks tell the story behind the piece i.e., the maker, age, origin, history, quality, pattern, etc. Understanding marks will increase the sellers’ ROI because they become better buyers as well as resellers.
Identifying and Deciphering Silver Marks – The list below provides the basics for learning the many marks and and metal types. For further research and education there are many excellent reference books available for both beginners and experts. I’ve provided a short list of suggested books at the end of the article. Understand that many reference books are narrow in their scope i.e., specific to certain time periods, countries, etc. For this reason one should purchase only one or two books which cover a wide array of marks from many makers and countries. As experience is gained by listing and selling silver one can build a good reference library. For online research there are several excellent websites that are contributed to and used by collectors and dealers worldwide. I’ve linked one of the best sites at the bottom of the article. Professional valuations and appraisals are also available for those who want a quality listing but don’t want to research marks.
Those who are just starting into silver sales need to be very careful not to misinterpret marks. As stated above, one-third of the eBay sellers incorrectly list and describe items because they’ve learned just enough information about marks to be dangerous. Often these erroneous sellers think because there is a lion, crown, or anchor mark on their item it is English sterling when, in fact, it is silverplate bearing a pseudo mark. Just today I saw a new seller’s auction of a creamer and sugar bowl set that she listed as English sterling made in 1903. In reality it was American silverplate circa 1877-1880. She thought the pattern number, 1903, was the date it was made and that the lion in the trademark meant English sterling. This is just one example of many that make sellers look bad and limit their chances for a profitable sale.
Use Knowledge As A Selling Point – After properly researching the marks on the merchandise one can accurately title and describe the listings. Items can be guaranteed to be as claimed because the seller has enough confidence to do so. This gives credibility to the seller and the merchandise which will draw smart investors and collectors to the auction. The result will be strong bidding action and higher sale prices.
Use Accurately Identified Marks for Search Optimization – For example, a seller identifies a piece as Danish and made by Georg Jensen circa 1909-1914. When used to keyword the auction title and description this information will be a magnet for high-end collectors . This translates into bigger profits. Which of these two titles works best? “Antique Silver Bowl with Hallmarks” or,“Beautiful Georg Jensen Art Nouveau Sterling Centerpiece c.1909-1914”. The second one of course. This is simply using strategic keywords in the title which gives life to the listing.
Okay, so what’s to learn? There’s plenty. The following is just the short list, but with this foundation a seller can build their road to success as an expert silver dealer on eBay and other venues.
Things You Must Know:
Hallmarks – Just about every eBay seller misunderstands this. Specific to precious metals, a hallmark is defined as a mark or series of marks struck into the metal that officially authenticates the metal purity (fineness or content) and which is internationally recognized as a guarantee of purity. eBay sellers frequently confuse hallmarks with maker’s marks, logos, company trademarks, and simple number marks such as 925 or 835. While such number marks are used to indicate purity or content they are never to be considered as hallmarks unless they are accompanied by the official standard mark of the country of origin. Why? Because anyone can fraudulently strike these numbers into the metal without official assay. Hallmarks are the official marks of guaranteed metal purity in precious metal items. Trademarks and maker’s marks are simply the mark of the manufacturer of the item. Think of it like the karat marks on gold jewelry. If a ring says Cartier 18K, the hallmark is the 18K, not the maker’s name, Cartier. It guarantees the ring has a gold purity of 75% and it is recognized worldwide. Silver hallmarks work the same way, there’s just a lot more of them than there are for gold.
Country Marks – Almost every country requires official nationalized marks or symbols to be used as the hallmarks for their precious metals standards. Probably the best known of all is the Lion Passant used by England to guarantee sterling since the 14th century. There are far too many country marks to list here but you can research them in the online reference sites listed at the end of this article.
City Marks – A mark or symbol used in many countries to denote the city where the item was made. The leopard head representing London and the anchor representing Birmingham are two of the best known and most commonly seen on eBay. Again there’s too many to list but they can be researched in the reference guides listed below.
Maker’s Marks – These are the registered names, initials, trademarks, logos, brands, symbols, or other marks used over several centuries by silversmiths and manufacturing companies to identify their wares. There are literally hundreds of these worldwide. You will usually find these struck or imprinted onto an inconspicuous place on the item along with the hallmark and other marks.
Date Marks – Also called Date Codes, these are unique symbols, characters, letters, or numbers used by some well known manufacturers as a means of dating the production year of their merchandise. These are cataloged and are very useful in accurately dating many items. Unfortunately many companies didn’t use date marks which makes precise dating of their work impossible.
Pseudo Marks – These marks were created by silversmiths to mimic the well known and long established British sterling hallmarks. These smiths typically made silverplate items and silver items of lesser purity than sterling. The marks were intentionally designed to give a perception of sterling quality about their work in order to profit on the reputation and renown of British sterling. This does not necessarily mean they were all practicing fakery, though some certainly were. In fact, many pseudo marks are legitimately registered trademarks of reputable firms which manufacture in sterling, coin and silverplate. For example Gorham, a highly respected American sterling and silverplate maker, incorporated the Birmingham anchor mark into their maker’s mark. Much of the 19th century Chinese export silver also bears pseudo marks on some very high quality 800 and 835 standard marked goods. Pseudo marks are often mistaken for British sterling hallmarks so buyers and sellers alike must be able to recognize them. This is one of the main reasons why research is so critical to successful selling.
Pattern Numbers – These are proprietary numbers which are often found along with the hallmarks and maker’s marks. These are used by the manufacturer for patent registration, pattern identification and inventory control.
Sterling – Sterling is defined by the U.K., the U.S. (refer below*) and most other nations as an alloy containing at least 92.5% pure silver. The other metal in the alloy is copper which strengthens the metal for fabrication into usable and decorative wares. The word sterling comes from 14th century England. The sterling standard in Great Britain and elsewhere has been 92.5% (925) fineness since that time.
925, 0.925 or 925/1000 – This number is often found stamped into silver items. It represents sterling when accompanied by the official standard hallmark of the country of origin. The presence of this number on an item does not guarantee it to be sterling unless the official country hallmark is also present.
“Solid Silver” – This is defined by the U.S. government (refer below*) as an alloy containing at least 92.5% pure silver which means it has to be sterling. It is illegal in the U.S. to represent any product by this name that is not sterling silver.
“Coin Silver” – This alloy gets its name from 18th and 19th century American silversmiths who melted down silver coins in order to fabricate items to sell. Typical items were silverware and other table service wares. The U.S. government defines this to be an alloy of 90% (900) purity (refer below*). Many items with less than 90% purity are frequently and illegally sold as “coin silver” in the U.S. on eBay and in other venues.
Continental Sterling – This is a misleading term used by some who sell European made items which have purity standards less than 92.5%. Similar terms used are Russian Sterling, German Sterling, French Sterling, etc. all of which are marked with official national standards that are less than 925. Continental Silver is the correct way to describe European goods provided the official hallmark and assay mark are present to authenticate the actual purity.
Silver Standards – In the U.S. the standards are pure (.9999%), sterling and coin (refer below*). In the U.K. the standards are britannia (95.8 % purity) and sterling. Britannia was used exclusively in Britain from 1697 to 1720 and has been optional since. Other countries have their own sets of official standards. Typically, but not without exception, these are 950, 935, 925, 900, 875, 850, 835, 812, 800, 750, and 675 purities as determined by official assay. These numbers represent the decimal fraction (percentage) of silver content in the manufactured item. For example, an item marked ‘800’ is 80% pure. 950 and 935 can be legally referred to in the U.S. as sterling, regardless of the country of origin, but the lesser standards cannot. 950 is sometimes referred to as Martelé Silver. Note: In the U.S. it is a federal crime to import, sell, label, advertise, or otherwise represent any item as “sterling” or “solid silver” which does not have a purity of 92.5% or greater (refer below*).
Loth Numbers – This was a numerical system used in Austria-Hungary and Germany-Prussia in the 18th and 19th centuries for authenticating official assays. It is based on a purity of 16/16. So that 15/16 is 15 Loth equaling .937 purity, 14/16 is 14 Loth equaling .875 purity, 13/16 is 13 Loth equaling .812 purity, and so on. Most of the antique silver from these countries found listed on eBay is 13 Loth and, as noted above, it is often misrepresented as German Sterling. Austria-Hungary used this system until 1866 and Germany-Prussia until 1886.
Zolotnik Numbers – These numbers are found on Russian silver items going back several centuries. The root of this system began in the 11th century with the Russian gold trade. A lot of antique Russian items are auctioned on eBay and other venues so it is important to know some basics. The numbers are based on 96/96 being pure. What is sold mostly on eBay is the more common 84 Zolotnik, or 84/96 which equals 875 (87.5%) purity. 88 Zolotnik is 88/96 or 916 purity and so on. A common problem with the 84 mark is mistaking certain types of French silverplate for Russian 84 Zolotnik. One way to tell the difference is the French silverplate mark will have either a ‘Gr’ or ‘G’ after the 84 which represents grams of silver used in the plating process. Also the Russian 84 Zolotnik will always be accompanied with one or more official marks and a maker’s mark in Russian Cyrillic letters. If an item is claimed to be Russian and it bears on the number 84, then consider it to be fake or plate.
Silverplate – This is a very thin layering or coating of pure silver over a base metal. The most common base metals used are copper, brass, nickel-silver, white metal, and Britannia metal (see below). The two types of silverplate are Sheffield plate and electroplate. Sheffield derives its name from Sheffield, England where it originated. The technique used was a ‘sandwiching’ of a layer of base metal between a top and bottom layer of pure silver. The metals were wrought or rolled until the two metals were bonded. Thus the base metal was ‘plated’ and could then be used for manufacturing. Electroplating was invented in 1805 but didn’t come into popular use until 1840. This is an electrolytic process whereby molecules of silver are deposited onto the surfaces of a sheet of base metal until the desired coating or thickness is achieved. Because electroplating is quick and not labor intense almost all plating was done this way by 1860 which doomed the Sheffield plate method. Today Sheffield plate is prized by collectors due to its superior hand-wrought quality and antique value. There are several different quality grades of electroplate/silverplate. These are based on the thickness of the plating resulting from the amount of silver used. The two common types of Victorian Era silverplate are triple plate and quadruple plate. You will see a lot of these types auctioned on eBay. The key thing to know about silverplate is that it has no significant silver weight, thus there is no precious metal value associated with it. The market for silverplated items is based on rarity, uniqueness, antique qualities, craftsmanship, and design qualities only.
Sterling Silverplate – There is no such thing! This description is often used by eBay sellers who don’t know anything about silver or who are keyword spamming to increase clicks on their listing. Because sterling is an alloy it is unsuitable to use as a silver source for plating.
E.P.N.S. – You will see these letters marking the bottoms of many older American and British silverplated items. This stands for Electro Plated Nickel-Silver. Many novice eBay sellers and those who don’t bother to do any research mistakenly list E.P.N.S. items as sterling. Common variations on this are E.P., E.P.C. (Electro Plate on Copper), E.P.W.M. (Electro Plate on White Metal), E.P.B. or E.P.B.M. (Electro Plate on Britannia Metal). Just know that any item marked with E.P. is silverplate and as such has no precious metal value.
Nickel-Silver – This is a common base metal alloy consisting of nickel, copper and zinc. There is no silver in it whatsoever. The name was coined because the metal is silvery in color and polishes to a shine. Other names used for the same metal are: Alpacca or Alpacca Silver; Brazil Silver; German Silver; Peru Silver; New York Silver; New Silver; Nevada Silver; Norwegian Silver; Silverite; Venetian Silver; Potosi Silver; and Sonora Silver to name just a few. Many people have been stung buying things like old German Silver ladies purses thinking they had something of real value. Nickel-silver is strong and durable but it doesn’t have any metal value.
White Metal – This is a silvery colored alloy usually containing a mixture of antimony, tin, lead, zinc, and cadmium. In the U.K. the British fine arts trade uses the term ‘white metal’ to describe all foreign items which do not have official British Assay Office marks struck on them.
Britannia Metal – Another non-silver base metal similar to pewter which is popular because it is durable and polishes to a silver-like luster. This is an alloy of 93% tin, 5% antimony and 2% copper. Not to be confused with 958 Britannia from Great Britain.
The hundreds of known marks and their meanings are complex and often confusing. The information you’ve received in this article should increase your understanding of what many of the marks represent. You can now build upon these basics to become an informed buyer and reseller with a substantial edge over your competition. Thanks for following this article series and please watch for Article Three: A Focus on British Sterling.
Suggested Reference Books:
Kovels’ American Silver Marks by Ralph and Terry Kovel; Random House Reference, 1st Ed., 1989. ISBN-13: 978-0517568828
Dealer’s Guides: English Silver Hall-Marks by Judith Banister; Foulsham Publishing, 2004. ISBN-13: 978-0572029999
Encyclopedia of American Silver Manufacturers by Dorothy T. Rainwater, Martin Fuller and Colette Fuller; Schiffer Publishing, 2003. ISBN-13: 978-0764318870
American Silversmiths and Their Marks: The Definitive (1948) Edition by Stephen G. C. Ensko; Dover Publications, 1983. ISBN-13: 978-0486244280
All About Antique Silver with International Hallmarks by Diana Sanders Cinamon; AAA Publishing; 1ST edition, 2006. ISBN-13: 978-0978516802
Discovering Hallmarks on English Silver by John Bly; Shire Publishing, 9th Ed., 2008. ISBN-13: 978-0747804505
English, Irish, & Scottish Silver: at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute by Beth Carver Wees; Hudson Hills Press, 1st Ed.,1997. ISBN-13: 978-1555951177
(These and other excellent reference books on this subject are available at Amazon.com and other fine booksellers.)
* U.S. Guide to Precious Metals & Jewels: Laws & Standards (See paragraph 23.6)
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zero-due-design · 7 years
Successfully Selling Silver on eBay - Article Two - Hallmarks, Maker's Marks, Standards, and More
New Post has been published on http://zeroduedesign.co.uk/blog/feed/successfully-selling-silver-on-ebay-article-two-hallmarks-makers-marks-standards-and-more/
Successfully Selling Silver on eBay - Article Two - Hallmarks, Maker's Marks, Standards, and More
(Warning: This article is long and reading it may improve your ability to make money on eBay)
In Article One I discussed the opportunities for savvy eBay sellers in the growing investor market for antique and collectible silver. The many types of marks on these goods can be confusing, however, often resulting in poorly described listings. One can be assured that at least 30% of the 12-15,000 weekly listings in the ‘Antiques-Sterling’ category will have inaccurate or misleading descriptions. The resulting buyer confusion and uncertainty causes poor selling prices, lost sales and seller credibility issues.
In this article eBayers will learn how to identify and understand the many different marks and where to research them. With this background sellers can write professional descriptions in their eBay auctions, eBay stores and other selling venues. Properly identifying and listing silver items gives sellers credibility and an edge over the hundreds of uninformed sellers in this competitive market.
Think of it this way – if one were going to get into the car selling business he or she should know as much as possible about makes, models, engines, performance, etc. Right? The same thing applies to selling silver goods. The marks tell the story behind the piece i.e., the maker, age, origin, history, quality, pattern, etc. Understanding marks will increase the sellers’ ROI because they become better buyers as well as resellers.
Identifying and Deciphering Silver Marks – The list below provides the basics for learning the many marks and and metal types. For further research and education there are many excellent reference books available for both beginners and experts. I’ve provided a short list of suggested books at the end of the article. Understand that many reference books are narrow in their scope i.e., specific to certain time periods, countries, etc. For this reason one should purchase only one or two books which cover a wide array of marks from many makers and countries. As experience is gained by listing and selling silver one can build a good reference library. For online research there are several excellent websites that are contributed to and used by collectors and dealers worldwide. I’ve linked one of the best sites at the bottom of the article. Professional valuations and appraisals are also available for those who want a quality listing but don’t want to research marks.
Those who are just starting into silver sales need to be very careful not to misinterpret marks. As stated above, one-third of the eBay sellers incorrectly list and describe items because they’ve learned just enough information about marks to be dangerous. Often these erroneous sellers think because there is a lion, crown, or anchor mark on their item it is English sterling when, in fact, it is silverplate bearing a pseudo mark. Just today I saw a new seller’s auction of a creamer and sugar bowl set that she listed as English sterling made in 1903. In reality it was American silverplate circa 1877-1880. She thought the pattern number, 1903, was the date it was made and that the lion in the trademark meant English sterling. This is just one example of many that make sellers look bad and limit their chances for a profitable sale.
Use Knowledge As A Selling Point – After properly researching the marks on the merchandise one can accurately title and describe the listings. Items can be guaranteed to be as claimed because the seller has enough confidence to do so. This gives credibility to the seller and the merchandise which will draw smart investors and collectors to the auction. The result will be strong bidding action and higher sale prices.
Use Accurately Identified Marks for Search Optimization – For example, a seller identifies a piece as Danish and made by Georg Jensen circa 1909-1914. When used to keyword the auction title and description this information will be a magnet for high-end collectors . This translates into bigger profits. Which of these two titles works best? “Antique Silver Bowl with Hallmarks” or,“Beautiful Georg Jensen Art Nouveau Sterling Centerpiece c.1909-1914”. The second one of course. This is simply using strategic keywords in the title which gives life to the listing.
Okay, so what’s to learn? There’s plenty. The following is just the short list, but with this foundation a seller can build their road to success as an expert silver dealer on eBay and other venues.
Things You Must Know:
Hallmarks – Just about every eBay seller misunderstands this. Specific to precious metals, a hallmark is defined as a mark or series of marks struck into the metal that officially authenticates the metal purity (fineness or content) and which is internationally recognized as a guarantee of purity. eBay sellers frequently confuse hallmarks with maker’s marks, logos, company trademarks, and simple number marks such as 925 or 835. While such number marks are used to indicate purity or content they are never to be considered as hallmarks unless they are accompanied by the official standard mark of the country of origin. Why? Because anyone can fraudulently strike these numbers into the metal without official assay. Hallmarks are the official marks of guaranteed metal purity in precious metal items. Trademarks and maker’s marks are simply the mark of the manufacturer of the item. Think of it like the karat marks on gold jewelry. If a ring says Cartier 18K, the hallmark is the 18K, not the maker’s name, Cartier. It guarantees the ring has a gold purity of 75% and it is recognized worldwide. Silver hallmarks work the same way, there’s just a lot more of them than there are for gold.
Country Marks – Almost every country requires official nationalized marks or symbols to be used as the hallmarks for their precious metals standards. Probably the best known of all is the Lion Passant used by England to guarantee sterling since the 14th century. There are far too many country marks to list here but you can research them in the online reference sites listed at the end of this article.
City Marks – A mark or symbol used in many countries to denote the city where the item was made. The leopard head representing London and the anchor representing Birmingham are two of the best known and most commonly seen on eBay. Again there’s too many to list but they can be researched in the reference guides listed below.
Maker’s Marks – These are the registered names, initials, trademarks, logos, brands, symbols, or other marks used over several centuries by silversmiths and manufacturing companies to identify their wares. There are literally hundreds of these worldwide. You will usually find these struck or imprinted onto an inconspicuous place on the item along with the hallmark and other marks.
Date Marks – Also called Date Codes, these are unique symbols, characters, letters, or numbers used by some well known manufacturers as a means of dating the production year of their merchandise. These are cataloged and are very useful in accurately dating many items. Unfortunately many companies didn’t use date marks which makes precise dating of their work impossible.
Pseudo Marks – These marks were created by silversmiths to mimic the well known and long established British sterling hallmarks. These smiths typically made silverplate items and silver items of lesser purity than sterling. The marks were intentionally designed to give a perception of sterling quality about their work in order to profit on the reputation and renown of British sterling. This does not necessarily mean they were all practicing fakery, though some certainly were. In fact, many pseudo marks are legitimately registered trademarks of reputable firms which manufacture in sterling, coin and silverplate. For example Gorham, a highly respected American sterling and silverplate maker, incorporated the Birmingham anchor mark into their maker’s mark. Much of the 19th century Chinese export silver also bears pseudo marks on some very high quality 800 and 835 standard marked goods. Pseudo marks are often mistaken for British sterling hallmarks so buyers and sellers alike must be able to recognize them. This is one of the main reasons why research is so critical to successful selling.
Pattern Numbers – These are proprietary numbers which are often found along with the hallmarks and maker’s marks. These are used by the manufacturer for patent registration, pattern identification and inventory control.
Sterling – Sterling is defined by the U.K., the U.S. (refer below*) and most other nations as an alloy containing at least 92.5% pure silver. The other metal in the alloy is copper which strengthens the metal for fabrication into usable and decorative wares. The word sterling comes from 14th century England. The sterling standard in Great Britain and elsewhere has been 92.5% (925) fineness since that time.
925, 0.925 or 925/1000 – This number is often found stamped into silver items. It represents sterling when accompanied by the official standard hallmark of the country of origin. The presence of this number on an item does not guarantee it to be sterling unless the official country hallmark is also present.
“Solid Silver” – This is defined by the U.S. government (refer below*) as an alloy containing at least 92.5% pure silver which means it has to be sterling. It is illegal in the U.S. to represent any product by this name that is not sterling silver.
“Coin Silver” – This alloy gets its name from 18th and 19th century American silversmiths who melted down silver coins in order to fabricate items to sell. Typical items were silverware and other table service wares. The U.S. government defines this to be an alloy of 90% (900) purity (refer below*). Many items with less than 90% purity are frequently and illegally sold as “coin silver” in the U.S. on eBay and in other venues.
Continental Sterling – This is a misleading term used by some who sell European made items which have purity standards less than 92.5%. Similar terms used are Russian Sterling, German Sterling, French Sterling, etc. all of which are marked with official national standards that are less than 925. Continental Silver is the correct way to describe European goods provided the official hallmark and assay mark are present to authenticate the actual purity.
Silver Standards – In the U.S. the standards are pure (.9999%), sterling and coin (refer below*). In the U.K. the standards are britannia (95.8 % purity) and sterling. Britannia was used exclusively in Britain from 1697 to 1720 and has been optional since. Other countries have their own sets of official standards. Typically, but not without exception, these are 950, 935, 925, 900, 875, 850, 835, 812, 800, 750, and 675 purities as determined by official assay. These numbers represent the decimal fraction (percentage) of silver content in the manufactured item. For example, an item marked ‘800’ is 80% pure. 950 and 935 can be legally referred to in the U.S. as sterling, regardless of the country of origin, but the lesser standards cannot. 950 is sometimes referred to as Martelé Silver. Note: In the U.S. it is a federal crime to import, sell, label, advertise, or otherwise represent any item as “sterling” or “solid silver” which does not have a purity of 92.5% or greater (refer below*).
Loth Numbers – This was a numerical system used in Austria-Hungary and Germany-Prussia in the 18th and 19th centuries for authenticating official assays. It is based on a purity of 16/16. So that 15/16 is 15 Loth equaling .937 purity, 14/16 is 14 Loth equaling .875 purity, 13/16 is 13 Loth equaling .812 purity, and so on. Most of the antique silver from these countries found listed on eBay is 13 Loth and, as noted above, it is often misrepresented as German Sterling. Austria-Hungary used this system until 1866 and Germany-Prussia until 1886.
Zolotnik Numbers – These numbers are found on Russian silver items going back several centuries. The root of this system began in the 11th century with the Russian gold trade. A lot of antique Russian items are auctioned on eBay and other venues so it is important to know some basics. The numbers are based on 96/96 being pure. What is sold mostly on eBay is the more common 84 Zolotnik, or 84/96 which equals 875 (87.5%) purity. 88 Zolotnik is 88/96 or 916 purity and so on. A common problem with the 84 mark is mistaking certain types of French silverplate for Russian 84 Zolotnik. One way to tell the difference is the French silverplate mark will have either a ‘Gr’ or ‘G’ after the 84 which represents grams of silver used in the plating process. Also the Russian 84 Zolotnik will always be accompanied with one or more official marks and a maker’s mark in Russian Cyrillic letters. If an item is claimed to be Russian and it bears on the number 84, then consider it to be fake or plate.
Silverplate – This is a very thin layering or coating of pure silver over a base metal. The most common base metals used are copper, brass, nickel-silver, white metal, and Britannia metal (see below). The two types of silverplate are Sheffield plate and electroplate. Sheffield derives its name from Sheffield, England where it originated. The technique used was a ‘sandwiching’ of a layer of base metal between a top and bottom layer of pure silver. The metals were wrought or rolled until the two metals were bonded. Thus the base metal was ‘plated’ and could then be used for manufacturing. Electroplating was invented in 1805 but didn’t come into popular use until 1840. This is an electrolytic process whereby molecules of silver are deposited onto the surfaces of a sheet of base metal until the desired coating or thickness is achieved. Because electroplating is quick and not labor intense almost all plating was done this way by 1860 which doomed the Sheffield plate method. Today Sheffield plate is prized by collectors due to its superior hand-wrought quality and antique value. There are several different quality grades of electroplate/silverplate. These are based on the thickness of the plating resulting from the amount of silver used. The two common types of Victorian Era silverplate are triple plate and quadruple plate. You will see a lot of these types auctioned on eBay. The key thing to know about silverplate is that it has no significant silver weight, thus there is no precious metal value associated with it. The market for silverplated items is based on rarity, uniqueness, antique qualities, craftsmanship, and design qualities only.
Sterling Silverplate – There is no such thing! This description is often used by eBay sellers who don’t know anything about silver or who are keyword spamming to increase clicks on their listing. Because sterling is an alloy it is unsuitable to use as a silver source for plating.
E.P.N.S. – You will see these letters marking the bottoms of many older American and British silverplated items. This stands for Electro Plated Nickel-Silver. Many novice eBay sellers and those who don’t bother to do any research mistakenly list E.P.N.S. items as sterling. Common variations on this are E.P., E.P.C. (Electro Plate on Copper), E.P.W.M. (Electro Plate on White Metal), E.P.B. or E.P.B.M. (Electro Plate on Britannia Metal). Just know that any item marked with E.P. is silverplate and as such has no precious metal value.
Nickel-Silver – This is a common base metal alloy consisting of nickel, copper and zinc. There is no silver in it whatsoever. The name was coined because the metal is silvery in color and polishes to a shine. Other names used for the same metal are: Alpacca or Alpacca Silver; Brazil Silver; German Silver; Peru Silver; New York Silver; New Silver; Nevada Silver; Norwegian Silver; Silverite; Venetian Silver; Potosi Silver; and Sonora Silver to name just a few. Many people have been stung buying things like old German Silver ladies purses thinking they had something of real value. Nickel-silver is strong and durable but it doesn’t have any metal value.
White Metal – This is a silvery colored alloy usually containing a mixture of antimony, tin, lead, zinc, and cadmium. In the U.K. the British fine arts trade uses the term ‘white metal’ to describe all foreign items which do not have official British Assay Office marks struck on them.
Britannia Metal – Another non-silver base metal similar to pewter which is popular because it is durable and polishes to a silver-like luster. This is an alloy of 93% tin, 5% antimony and 2% copper. Not to be confused with 958 Britannia from Great Britain.
The hundreds of known marks and their meanings are complex and often confusing. The information you’ve received in this article should increase your understanding of what many of the marks represent. You can now build upon these basics to become an informed buyer and reseller with a substantial edge over your competition. Thanks for following this article series and please watch for Article Three: A Focus on British Sterling.
Suggested Reference Books:
Kovels’ American Silver Marks by Ralph and Terry Kovel; Random House Reference, 1st Ed., 1989. ISBN-13: 978-0517568828
Dealer’s Guides: English Silver Hall-Marks by Judith Banister; Foulsham Publishing, 2004. ISBN-13: 978-0572029999
Encyclopedia of American Silver Manufacturers by Dorothy T. Rainwater, Martin Fuller and Colette Fuller; Schiffer Publishing, 2003. ISBN-13: 978-0764318870
American Silversmiths and Their Marks: The Definitive (1948) Edition by Stephen G. C. Ensko; Dover Publications, 1983. ISBN-13: 978-0486244280
All About Antique Silver with International Hallmarks by Diana Sanders Cinamon; AAA Publishing; 1ST edition, 2006. ISBN-13: 978-0978516802
Discovering Hallmarks on English Silver by John Bly; Shire Publishing, 9th Ed., 2008. ISBN-13: 978-0747804505
English, Irish, & Scottish Silver: at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute by Beth Carver Wees; Hudson Hills Press, 1st Ed.,1997. ISBN-13: 978-1555951177
(These and other excellent reference books on this subject are available at Amazon.com and other fine booksellers.)
* U.S. Guide to Precious Metals & Jewels: Laws & Standards (See paragraph 23.6)
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