#atlantic horned shark
aliquid-de-magis · 3 months
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shark truce
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lauralot89 · 9 months
You know what it's time for?
(IDs are in the image descriptions)
Pocket Shark
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Pocket sharks are named for two small pocket glands appearing behind their pectoral fins. These glands are theorized to be luminous. Pocket sharks look like tiny, tiny sperm whales.
Angular Roughshark
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Also called the pig-faced shark or the pig fish, angular roughsharks grow to be about 3 feet 4 in long on average. I personally think they're more bat-faced.
Goblin Shark
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Found in the deep sea, goblin sharks are known for being able to extend their jaws like a grabber tool made of teeth. Wikipedia says that these sharks' "flabby bodies" suggest that they are sluggish in nature.
Cookiecutter Shark
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The cookiecutter shark only grows to about 20 inches in length, but that doesn't stop it from biting into orcas, great whites, or humans. It suctions onto its meal with its lips and then goes to town. It removes perfect circles of flesh, hence its name.
Wobeggong Shark
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Wobeggong refers to twelve species of carpet shark, so-named for their resemblance to a shag rug. They dwell on the bottom of the sea floor and wait for smaller fish to swim nearby.
Swell Shark
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Swell sharks like to hide in crevices of algae-covered rocks, waiting for prey to swim by. They are so named not because they're really swell (though they are) but because as a defense mechanism, they can swell up to double their size by swallowing sea water.
Greenland Shark
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The Greenland shark has high concentrations of urea in its body. It is theorized to have a lifespan of 250 to 500 years, and it can grow up to 23 feet long. Greenland sharks have been found with moose and reindeer in their stomachs. Because of the shark's toxic levels of urea, its flesh must be fermented or otherwise treated before consumption.
Viper Dogfish
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Like the goblin shark, the viper dogfish's jaws can protude from the rest of its head, though its coloring means the viper dogfish looks significantly more Xenomorphish when doing so. This small shark is a member of the lanternshark family, and its underside glows.
Pointy-Nosed Blue Chimaera
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Also know as the abyssal ghostshark, this deep sea shark has a venomous spine on its dorsal fin used for defense.
Genie's Dogfish Shark
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Genie's dogfish shark is a small species found in the gulf of Mexico and the west Atlantic Ocean. It has real life anime eyes.
Ninja Lanternshark
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The ninja lanternshark is a small bioluminescent shark. It is all black except for white markings around its eyes and mouth. It reaches about a foot and a half in length.
Frilled Shark
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The frilled shark is sometimes called a living fossil, as it is basically unchanged in the past 80 million years. They are named for their teeth, which each have three points.
Epaulette Shark
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Epaulette sharks are named for the large spots behind their pectoral fins. These sharks frequently visit tidal pools and have adapted to long periods of oxygen deprivation by shutting down non-essential neural functions. Epaulette sharks often "walk" with their fins on the sea floor rather than swim.
Horn Shark
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Similar to the epaulette sharks, horn sharks like to walk on the sea floor with their fins. However, these sharks have sharp spines to deter predators.
This Ridiculousness
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A prehistoric shark, helicoprion lived 20 million years ago and was apparently part buzzsaw. A fossil unearthed in Idaho in 2014 showed that these sharks had no teeth in their upper jaw, and a whorl of teeth in their lower jaw. It's a shame Junji Ito wasn't introduced to this shark during the writing of Uzumaki.
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emberglowfox · 5 months
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DECEMBEAST DAY 1: Atlantic Angel Shark + Horned Stag Beetle
The White-faced Sand Grazer is a marine carnivore that primarily preys on small organisms dwelling within the seabed of its habitat. Using the sensory organ on the front of its face, it sifts through sand in search of food; when it detects vibrations, it disturbs the sand using its powerful frontal fins and consumes the disoriented prey. It does not eat large prey like humans, but can engage in territorial threat displays and attempt to drive off divers who come too close to its feeding grounds. Despite their appearance, they can move quite quickly.
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bookshelf-in-progress · 6 months
The Sylph in the Storm
This story was what I originally planned to submit for this year's @inklings-challenge--a scene from my fantasy universe that's like a fairy tale version of Anne of Green Gables. I haven't finished it yet, and what I have is very rough, but I'd like to give you a taste of what I have so far.
I've lived on the Island all my life--my father was keeper of the Mary's Vale lighthouse, and I kept house for my brother when he assumed the role--and I've seen many strange things. Some of them the ordinary adventures of lighthouse life--storms and shipwrecks and sharks. Some of them are more magical--not many humans can say they've raised a mermaid from infancy.
I loved Amy from the moment I found her, but raising a mermaid had its difficulties. When Amy turned twelve, she became as truculent as any human child of that age, with the added difficulty of an increased fascination with the sea. I tried to give her as much freedom as was good for her, but Amy always tried to take more than her due.
It was an unusually warm day in late October, 1892, when the crisis came. I was irritable because I'd spent the morning chasing the pixies out of the pantry--they'd gotten into the sugar again--when Amy came traipsing up out of the ocean, rainbows glimmering on her pearlescent skin. I'd let her go for a swim before breakfast--mermaids do need to keep moist--and it was now well after noon.
"Where have you been?" I asked in a low tone.
Amy stopped in surprise. "You said I could swim!"
"For an hour. It's after noon. I don't have time to care for this house, and the lighthouse, and the meals, and chase you all over the face of the earth."
"I came back!"
"You knew you were dawdling. I give you clothing and meals and a roof over your head. It's not too much to demand a little help in return."
"If I'm so much trouble, you should have left me on that beach."
That got my blood up, and to my shame, I shouted, "Perhaps I should have!"
Amy stood as if I'd struck her.
I regretted the words immediately. I tried to apologize. "Amy, I--"
But Amy was already running down the path to the shore. I tried to chase after her, calling her name, but in moments, she was on the shore and she dove beneath the waves, swimming to the east just as fast as she could.
I called after her, to no avail, and at last, I trudged up the winding stairs back to the lighthouse. We'd both spoken in anger, and our tempers would cool with time.
I went to the gardens and pulled out dead vines with vigor, pouring out my fury through my work. My emotions ran high--fury one moment, remorse the next. I swung from planning the lectures I would give upon her return to crafting apologies.
But the garden cleared, the sun sank lower, and still there was no sign of Amy.
At the sight of storm clouds gathering on the horizon, I grew frantic. I called on my aunt down the shore, but she hadn't seen Amy. When I came back to the house, I found Captain Avery had come by to help Edmund with the light, and I raced toward him, frantic as I babbled out the story of Amy's flight.
"Can we take out the boat?" I asked.
"All we'd do is wreck ourselves, and for no good purpose," the captain said. "There's no telling if she is still at sea, or where she went if she did."
"She could dive below the waters where we couldn't see her," Aunt pointed out.
The truth stretched out before me--vast and hopeless. Amy could be anywhere--curled up somewhere in the Island, lost in the Atlantic--and I could do nothing to help.
"Is there nothing we can do?" I cried.
Rain burst from the clouds above--a cold drizzle, blown about by the gusting wind.
Aunt led me toward the house. "We can wait," she said. "And pray."
A cup of tea steamed before me as I sat at the kitchen table. Aunt urged me to change my wet clothes, to sit in front of the fire, to warm myself with the tea, but I couldn't move. All I could hear was the howling storm--driving rain, angry winds, the blaring horn at the lighthouse, thunder that sounded like the end of the world. All I could see was my mermaid girl, washed up and broken on a lonely shore somewhere.
It was after just such a storm that I'd found Amy, nearly twelve years before--a tiny wet bundle wrapped in seaweed. Her mother had been several paces down the shore, singing out her daughter's name with the last of her strength, and begging my help with her dying breaths. Was this how I'd repaid her hope in me? Driven her daughter out to sea to be destroyed in a storm as she'd been? 
I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked up to see the bearded face of the captain looking down upon me, much as my father had once upon a time. "You're singing," he said.
With astonishment, I found that I was--a flowing tune so familiar that it sprang to my lips without thought. "Amy's name," I explained.
The explanation was unnecessary. It was the captain who'd explained it to me, in those early days when he helped me to care for the baby merrow. Every mer's full name was a song--names upon names detailing family histories, connections to other clans, great deeds of long ago ancestors. The captain knew a fair amount of the merrow tongue, and we'd puzzled together over the meaning of the tune that had stuck in my memory after just one hearing. Amy had a family, a lineage, that we knew nothing about. Now, all she had was us.
The lines on Captain Avery's weathered face were deeper than ever. If Amy had a grandfather, the Captain filled the role. He had helped me keep her alive in those early days, and, I realized, he loved her as deeply as I did, worried as deeply as ever I could, even if his face didn't show it.
"She'll be well," the captain said. "Amy's got a good weather eye. She'll have come ashore before the storm hit, or gone below where the sea is calmer."
I shook my head, trying to banish the image of Amy's broken body. "But what if she didn't?" I asked.
"There are always miracles. I've seen them before."
I stared into my tea, trying not to snap. This was no time for the captain's stories of sylphs and sea kings.
"We can't count on that."
"No, but we can pray."
I tried to. Truly, I did. But I could find no words, no hope, to penetrate the gray despair of my mind, the roiling power of the raging storm. For what felt like a week, I sat there, misery seeping between the seconds and stretching out time to unbearable lengths.
I was dimly aware of Aunt tending to the fire in the parlor, and Captain Avery going to the tower to offer assistance to Edmund, and coming back soaking wet, but nothing truly roused me from my misery until I heard a strange voice from outside.
Aunt and I both jumped.
"Edmund?" I asked.
"Couldn't be," Aunt said.
Captain Avery shook his head. "He'd never leave the light in a storm like this."
"Ahoy!" cried the voice that was most definitely not Edmund's. "Anybody home?"
I rushed to the kitchen door and flung it open. A strange young man stood on the threshold. I could barely see him in the darkness of the storm, but there in his arms was my mermaid girl--safe and whole and sound asleep.
"I believe," the man said, "that she belongs to you."
"Amy!" I breathed.
"I found her on the shores of Selkie Island," the man said.
At least, I thought he did, but I assumed I'd misheard. In the time since she'd left, Amy could barely have swum to Selkie Island. It was impossible that this man could already have brought her back--especially in such a storm.
I welcomed him into the house and rushed him into the parlor, glad that Aunt already had a fire blazing in the little hearth. I made a nest of blankets on the floor and urged the man to lay her down. He moved through the room with such speed and grace, as if she--or he--weighed nothing at all.
I stepped back to give him space, and he moved between me and the fire. Then the firelight revealed what the night had hidden. Though the man stood as tall and real and human as any of us, the light shone through him.
Amy had been rescued by a sylph.
I fell back against the wall, dizzy with shock. I felt as if I'd fallen into one of the captain's fireside tales. A sylph, a spirit of the air--one of the most powerful creatures in the universe, so rare that even on the Island, some people doubted their existence--stood within my little lighthouse parlor.
No one breathed, no one moved.    We all just stared, struck motionless by awe and fear, because this solution, miraculous as it was, meant that Amy had been in far more danger than even I had feared.   
Sylphs are like the wind, the legends say, unheard and unseen, rushing about the world to do as much good as they can in the three hundred years allotted them.  Direct intervention is rare.    It takes too much time, too much energy, when a simple, passing bit of magic will help humans solve the problem on their own.    The sylph could have hurried the storm along, or moved a few trees to shelter Amy until she could swim home, or let us know where we could find her when the storm ended.    But he had come to her direct aid.    He had taken form to bring her home.  How badly had Amy been hurt, that she couldn't wait an hour or two for aid?
Aunt was the first to speak. "Was she hurt very badly, sir?"
The sylph ran his fingers gently through Amy's red hair.  His hand seemed as solid as a flesh one.  “Broken in a few places,” he said.  “It seems as though she'd misjudged some currents and been dashed upon the bathing rocks.    She wasn't in pain long—I reached her after a few moments."
My throat tightened. "Is she...?" I knelt at her side and examined her in a panic.
The sylph stilled me with a hand on my shoulder. "I healed her injuries. She needs only rest now."
Amy was whole--pure and perfect. Even the scar on her leg--from when she'd fallen from that tree last summer--had faded to perfect skin.
I looked into the sylph's face. I'd never seen such kind eyes. "I don't know how to thank--"
From the lighthouse, the foghorn sounded, drowning out the last of my words.
The sylph jumped, looked toward the lighthouse, and suddenly the sound faded away, as if it were coming from far out at sea.
The sylph answered my look of astonishment by saying, "She needs rest."
I stroked Amy's hair and nodded. What had she suffered, while she'd been away? What had driven her the miles and miles to Selkie Island's shore?
“Sarah,” the Captain said suddenly, “could you pour some tea for our guest?"
Tea? For a sylph?  I didn't understand how he could consume anything, but the Captain knew about these sorts of things.  And when faced with the question of what one did with a sylph in the parlor, tea seemed as sensible an answer as anything else.
The sylph stood and tried to decline. "That's very kind, but you needn't..."
The Captain's face was as firm as it ever could have been when he'd commanded a ship.    “You've form enough to take food, and you're tired enough to need it.”
“I can't take repayment...”
“Good,” the Captain replied, “because none of us have any hope of repaying you.  But you need to allow us our gratitude, and you'll need nourishment before you can do much else.”
The sylph humbly nodded his head. "Very well."
"Sarah," the Captain said, looking at me. "Tea. And whatever food you can find."
I brough the sylph a fresh cup of tea from the kitchen, then offered him a seat in the softest chair in the lighthouse. He accepted the seat--not sinking into the cushions at all--and sipped the tea, then asked the captain, "Met sylphs before, have you?"
“I'm a sailor,” Captain Avery replied.    
The sylph nodded as if that explained all, and I suppose it did.    A ship's home was among the winds on the open sea, and so was a sylph's.    And if the stories are trues--I was beginning to suspect they were--sylphs were more likely to intervene for those who are far from any human help.
We hadn't much food in the lighthouse, but between the two of us, Mrs. Avery and I managed a to put a respectable spread--thick slices of bread, boiled eggs, the remains of two kinds of cake, my prize-winning pickles--on the small parlor table. The sylph watched with eager astonishment, like a child at a circus, unwilling to miss a single delight.
When I set out three jars of jam, his face lit up with delight. He seized a teaspoon, placed it in the nearest jar, and had a spoonful of blackberry preserves in his mouth before he caught himself.
He set down the spoon and gave me a questioning gaze. "May I?"
I smiled. "Take as much as you like."
The sylph spooned three dollops of jam into his tea and one into his mouth.    
When the food was spread, I settled on the floor next to Amy, who still slept peacefully.
"She will be well," the sylph assured me, and it sounded like the voice of pure truth. "Will you join me?" he asked. "I prefer not to eat alone."
How could I resist such an invitation? I tucked some blankets around Amy, pulled in some kitchen chairs, and invited Aunt and the captain to sit. Then, unbelievable as it sounds, we all dined with a sylph. It felt like a dream; if the captain and Aunt didn't remember it, I may have been able to convince myself it was.
Despite his light, transparent form, the sylph was able to eat and drink like any creature.    When the food entered his mouth, it disappeared from sight, just as it did for us opaque creatures.    He didn't chew much, but he imitated the motion, as he seemed to understand it was the proper thing to do.    And he could certainly taste—he savored each bite, and delighted in flavors.    He combined flavors with extreme creativity—butter in his tea, ham atop slices of cake, salt and pepper on buttered bread, jam on anything he could spread it on—and found satisfaction with everything.    
As we ate, the sylph spoke of his travels--marvels in the Orient, the Pacific, great cities, vast deserts, both poles. Yet he never chattered, never boasted. He seemed happier to hear someone else speak, delighting in hearing about the ordinary details of our lives. He listened more fully than any creature I've ever known, giving his full attention to each word, even if he was also spreading jam on a boiled egg at the time.     
That was the paradox of the sylph.   When he listened, he seemed so calm and wise that I was certain he must be one of the oldest sylphs in the world.    Yet, as he ate jam by the spoonful or marveled at the light of the fire, he seemed to be the youngest person in the room.    Such a combination of wisdom and innocence is impossible to describe, but a joy to experience.    Neither wisdom nor innocence allows for pettiness, cruelty or anything small-minded, only for joy and wonder, respect and understanding.    
The spread, though small, filled all four of us nearly to bursting, and I filled a plate for Amy, in case she woke hungry. Even in such happy circumstances, I wouldn't be completely easy until Amy woke.
The sylph was speaking to the captain about the progress of the storm, when suddenly his eyes flickered, and he turned his gaze toward Amy. He burst into a smile. "You're awake!"
Slowly, Amy rose from her nest of blankets on the floor, her red hair tangled in a cloud around her head. She blinked sleepily and looked around the room.
"Amy!" I cried in joy. I rushed to her side. "How are you feeling?"
She didn't even look at me. Her eyes went straight to the sylph. "How did I get here?" she asked.
“I brought you,” said the sylph.
Quick as lightning, Amy rose from the floor. Faster than any of us could comprehend, she stood, approached the sylph, and then slapped him across the face.
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jarperart · 1 year
SO, I worked on a new oc and I think I have enough info to post here. I know he is a fucking giant. here is his info....
Atlantic : The Sea King
Divine Classification: Titan/ Celestial King
Species: Dire Wolf/ Shark
Gender: Male
Height (full size): 130 ft
Weight (full size): 11,027lb
Height (small form): 15 feet
Weight (small form): 1,272lb
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
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Atlantic is a colossal titan, standing at a towering height of 130 feet. As one of the kings of the ocean, He is well respected among the gods, titans, and other celestials. Atlantic is a no-nonsense creature who values discipline and order above all else. He expects those around him to follow his lead and adhere to his strict set of rules and standards, even with his brother Raz. Despite his tough exterior, Atlantic does have a softer side that he only shows to those he trusts implicitly. He is capable of great kindness and generosity towards those he deems worthy. Despite his intimidating appearance, Atlantic is a creature of odder and what's best for his kingdom. While he may sometimes ally himself with others, it is only because they happen to align with his interests at the moment. even though He is a creature of many words, he prefers to let his actions speak for him.
He can be somewhat stoic and reserved, preferring to keep his emotions in check rather than wear them on his sleeve. Atlantic is fiercely protective of those he cares about and his kingdom. He will go to great lengths to ensure their safety. He sees it as his duty to protect the weak and vulnerable from harm. He also has a strong sense of justice and believes in punishing wrongdoers swiftly and harshly if necessary.
Physical Description 
Atlantic is a blue and gray dire wolf shark hybrid with blueish-silver horns and a dark blueish-gray main, with deep blue eyes that same hypnotizing properties to them. It seems that he has some control over it. He has some markings on his main, most noticeable is the anchor marking on his hip. 
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paws, claws and maw
Atlantic could use his powerful jaws and sharp teeth to deliver devastating bites to his opponents. He could also use his jaws to grip his enemies and tear their flesh apart. He has a forked tung that can overpower people who are much smaller than him. His sharp claws could be used to cut into his opponents, slicing through flesh and causing severe wounds as well as metal like titanium and steel that can retract if needed. Also, his paw are powerful. He can crash most things in his paws. 
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His fur is unusually thick and can provide insulation in cold environments, which makes him well-suited to survive in harsh conditions. Also, His thick fur could provide a degree of natural armor, making him more resistant to attacks. Despite that he is a celestial, he's immortal.
Ref Sheet:
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Properly stern and formal. He tries not to swore like a sailor. to him, it's not apparent. But, if he's in combat he's formal drops the formal and state to the point.
Atlantic emits a low growling sound when he is angry or agitated, which can be heard from miles away. The sound serves as a warning to others to stay away, as he is not to be trifled with. Also, Atlantic's low growling sound could be used as an intimidation tactic, causing his opponents to hesitate and giving him an opening to strike. If hes under water, the sound travels further than in the air.
Just to keep his kingdom safe....
Given his agility and speed, Atlantic could also employ hit-and-run tactics to pester and disorient his enemies, darting in to deliver quick strikes and then quickly retreating to avoid counterattacks. But, he's not as fast on land. But, Atlantic could also use his size and strength to his advantage, using his weight to knock over opponents and overpower them with brute force. He'll sometimes use his horns to hit harder when he needs to. he's petty wall verst at "hand to hand" combat and uses his tail to hit or trip people. When fighting in water, Atlantic could use his shark-like tail to propel himself forward at great speed and slam into his opponents with incredible force. Even his ram with its horns will be amplified under the water. He also has the ability to control water and ice. He also uses his weapon of choice Sea-Splatter, an axe that's in the shape of an anchor. It's as sharp as his claws and he can hook objects and people and pull them to him if he needs it to.
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Here some more art
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sandyhookhistory · 1 year
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"Fratricide In The Fog Of War" Eighty Years Ago Today - The night of Saturday the 13th into Sunday the 14th, approximately 400 miles soutth of Cape Palmas, Liberia, Africa: The 21,500 ton "SS Empress Of Canada" is running south. A beautiful pre-war ocean liner, she's been pressed into service as a troop ship. Her primary route for the last three years has been hauling Australian and New Zealand ("ANZAC") Soldiers across the Indian Ocean, around Cape Horn, and allllll the way up the west coast of Africa to the combat zone in Europe and the Mediterranean. On the return voyage, available space is used efficiently. Specifically, there are 1,800 souls on board her. She's carrying refugees from Poland and Greece, along with a large number of Italian prisoners. If you're already thinking this can't be good, and something is about to go wrong, you're correct. Out of nowhere comes a torpedo spread, not from a German U-Boat, but the "Leonardo da Vinci," a Marconi-Class submarine of the Regia Marina, the Fascist Italian Navy. The hits are fatal... Empress Of Canada goes to the bottom in shark infested waters. The sinking and the sharks take their toll, but incredibly, for all those onboard, casualties are "relatively" light under the circumstances - only 392 dead. Sadly, in this act of fratricide, 149 of those are some of the Italian POWs. Just another day... 🇺🇲🇺🇲 ** Please Like & Follow "Sandy Hook History" on Facebook & Instagram for more amazing maritime and military histories of the Garden State and New York Harbor as well as a review of the 80th Anniversary of the Battle Of The Atlantic and World War 2** 🇺🇲🇺🇲 Photos: 1,nineteenkeys.blogspot.com; 2, sharkattackfile.net #visitmonmouth #newjerseybuzz #thejournalnj #locallivingnj #journeythroughjersey #centraljerseyexists #discovernj #yesnj #newjerseyhistory #newjerseyforyou #sandyhookbeach #sandyhooknj #sandyhookhistory #forthancockhistory #forthancock #battleoftheatlantic #empressofcanada #oceanliner #canadianpacificsteamships #canadianpacific #leonardodavinci #marconiclass #regiamarina #fascistitaly #fratricide #troopship #torpedoattack #sharkattack #lifeboat #lifeboats (at Fort Hancock, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpy37-Rtnar/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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How I got on to the platform, I have no idea; perhaps the Canadian had carried me there. But I breathed, I inhaled the vivifying sea-air. My two companions were getting drunk with the fresh particles. The other unhappy men had been so long without food, that they could not with impunity indulge in the simplest aliments that were given them. We, on the contrary, had no end to restrain ourselves; we could draw this air freely into our lungs, and it was the breeze, the breeze alone, that filled us with this keen enjoyment.
“Ah!” said Conseil, “how delightful this oxygen is! Master need not fear to breathe it. There is enough for everybody.”
Ned Land did not speak, but he opened his jaws wide enough to frighten a shark. Our strength soon returned, and, when I looked round me, I saw we were alone on the platform. The foreign seamen in the Nautilus were contented with the air that circulated in the interior; none of them had come to drink in the open air.
The first words I spoke were words of gratitude and thankfulness to my two companions. Ned and Conseil had prolonged my life during the last hours of this long agony. All my gratitude could not repay such devotion.
“My friends,” said I, “we are bound one to the other for ever, and I am under infinite obligations to you.”
“Which I shall take advantage of,” exclaimed the Canadian.
“What do you mean?” said Conseil.
“I mean that I shall take you with me when I leave this infernal Nautilus.”
“Well,” said Conseil, “after all this, are we going right?”
“Yes,” I replied, “for we are going the way of the sun, and here the sun is in the north.”
“No doubt,” said Ned Land; “but it remains to be seen whether he will bring the ship into the Pacific or the Atlantic Ocean, that is, into frequented or deserted seas.”
I could not answer that question, and I feared that Captain Nemo would rather take us to the vast ocean that touches the coasts of Asia and America at the same time. He would thus complete the tour round the submarine world, and return to those waters in which the Nautilus could sail freely. We ought, before long, to settle this important point. The Nautilus went at a rapid pace. The polar circle was soon passed, and the course shaped for Cape Horn. We were off the American point, March 31st, at seven o’clock in the evening. Then all our past sufferings were forgotten. The remembrance of that imprisonment in the ice was effaced from our minds. We only thought of the future. Captain Nemo did not appear again either in the drawing-room or on the platform. The point shown each day on the planisphere, and, marked by the lieutenant, showed me the exact direction of the Nautilus. Now, on that evening, it was evident, to, my great satisfaction, that we were going back to the North by the Atlantic. The next day, April 1st, when the Nautilus ascended to the surface some minutes before noon, we sighted land to the west. It was Terra del Fuego, which the first navigators named thus from seeing the quantity of smoke that rose from the natives’ huts. The coast seemed low to me, but in the distance rose high mountains. I even thought I had a glimpse of Mount Sarmiento, that rises 2,070 yards above the level of the sea, with a very pointed summit, which, according as it is misty or clear, is a sign of fine or of wet weather. At this moment the peak was clearly defined against the sky. The Nautilus, diving again under the water, approached the coast, which was only some few miles off. From the glass windows in the drawing-room, I saw long seaweeds and gigantic fuci and varech, of which the open polar sea contains so many specimens, with their sharp polished filaments; they measured about 300 yards in length—real cables, thicker than one’s thumb; and, having great tenacity, they are often used as ropes for vessels. Another weed known as velp, with leaves four feet long, buried in the coral concretions, hung at the bottom. It served as nest and food for myriads of crustacea and molluscs, crabs, and cuttlefish. There seals and otters had splendid repasts, eating the flesh of fish with sea-vegetables, according to the English fashion. Over this fertile and luxuriant ground the Nautilus passed with great rapidity. Towards evening it approached the Falkland group, the rough summits of which I recognised the following day. The depth of the sea was moderate. On the shores our nets brought in beautiful specimens of sea weed, and particularly a certain fucus, the roots of which were filled with the best mussels in the world. Geese and ducks fell by dozens on the platform, and soon took their places in the pantry on board.
When the last heights of the Falklands had disappeared from the horizon, the Nautilus sank to between twenty and twenty-five yards, and followed the American coast. Captain Nemo did not show himself. Until the 3rd of April we did not quit the shores of Patagonia, sometimes under the ocean, sometimes at the surface. The Nautilus passed beyond the large estuary formed by the Uraguay. Its direction was northwards, and followed the long windings of the coast of South America. We had then made 1,600 miles since our embarkation in the seas of Japan. About eleven o’clock in the morning the Tropic of Capricorn was crossed on the thirty-seventh meridian, and we passed Cape Frio standing out to sea. Captain Nemo, to Ned Land’s great displeasure, did not like the neighbourhood of the inhabited coasts of Brazil, for we went at a giddy speed. Not a fish, not a bird of the swiftest kind could follow us, and the natural curiosities of these seas escaped all observation.
This speed was kept up for several days, and in the evening of the 9th of April we sighted the most westerly point of South America that forms Cape San Roque. But then the Nautilus swerved again, and sought the lowest depth of a submarine valley which is between this Cape and Sierra Leone on the African coast. This valley bifurcates to the parallel of the Antilles, and terminates at the mouth by the enormous depression of 9,000 yards. In this place, the geological basin of the ocean forms, as far as the Lesser Antilles, a cliff to three and a half miles perpendicular in height, and, at the parallel of the Cape Verde Islands, an other wall not less considerable, that encloses thus all the sunk continent of the Atlantic. The bottom of this immense valley is dotted with some mountains, that give to these submarine places a picturesque aspect. I speak, moreover, from the manuscript charts that were in the library of the Nautilus—charts evidently due to Captain Nemo’s hand, and made after his personal observations. For two days the desert and deep waters were visited by means of the inclined planes. The Nautilus was furnished with long diagonal broadsides which carried it to all elevations. But on the 11th of April it rose suddenly, and land appeared at the mouth of the Amazon River, a vast estuary, the embouchure of which is so considerable that it freshens the sea-water for the distance of several leagues.
The equator was crossed. Twenty miles to the west were the Guianas, a French territory, on which we could have found an easy refuge; but a stiff breeze was blowing, and the furious waves would not have allowed a single boat to face them. Ned Land understood that, no doubt, for he spoke not a word about it. For my part, I made no allusion to his schemes of flight, for I would not urge him to make an attempt that must inevitably fail. I made the time pass pleasantly by interesting studies. During the days of April 11th and 12th, the Nautilus did not leave the surface of the sea, and the net brought in a marvellous haul of Zoophytes, fish and reptiles. Some zoophytes had been fished up by the chain of the nets; they were for the most part beautiful phyctallines, belonging to the actinidian family, and among other species the phyctalis protexta, peculiar to that part of the ocean, with a little cylindrical trunk, ornamented With vertical lines, speckled with red dots, crowning a marvellous blossoming of tentacles. As to the molluscs, they consisted of some I had already observed—turritellas, olive porphyras, with regular lines intercrossed, with red spots standing out plainly against the flesh; odd pteroceras, like petrified scorpions; translucid hyaleas, argonauts, cuttle-fish (excellent eating), and certain species of calmars that naturalists of antiquity have classed amongst the flying-fish, and that serve principally for bait for cod-fishing. I had now an opportunity of studying several species of fish on these shores. Amongst the cartilaginous ones, petromyzons-pricka, a sort of eel, fifteen inches long, with a greenish head, violet fins, grey-blue back, brown belly, silvered and sown with bright spots, the pupil of the eye encircled with gold—a curious animal, that the current of the Amazon had drawn to the sea, for they inhabit fresh waters—tuberculated streaks, with pointed snouts, and a long loose tail, armed with a long jagged sting; little sharks, a yard long, grey and whitish skin, and several rows of teeth, bent back, that are generally known by the name of pantouffles; vespertilios, a kind of red isosceles triangle, half a yard long, to which pectorals are attached by fleshy prolongations that make them look like bats, but that their horny appendage, situated near the nostrils, has given them the name of sea-unicorns; lastly, some species of balistae, the curassavian, whose spots were of a brilliant gold colour, and the capriscus of clear violet, and with varying shades like a pigeon’s throat.
I end here this catalogue, which is somewhat dry perhaps, but very exact, with a series of bony fish that I observed in passing belonging to the apteronotes, and whose snout is white as snow, the body of a beautiful black, marked with a very long loose fleshy strip; odontognathes, armed with spikes; sardines nine inches long, glittering with a bright silver light; a species of mackerel provided with two anal fins; centronotes of a blackish tint, that are fished for with torches, long fish, two yards in length, with fat flesh, white and firm, which, when they arc fresh, taste like eel, and when dry, like smoked salmon; labres, half red, covered with scales only at the bottom of the dorsal and anal fins; chrysoptera, on which gold and silver blend their brightness with that of the ruby and topaz; golden-tailed spares, the flesh of which is extremely delicate, and whose phosphorescent properties betray them in the midst of the waters; orange-coloured spares with long tongues; maigres, with gold caudal fins, dark thorn-tails, anableps of Surinam, etc.
Notwithstanding this “et cetera,” I must not omit to mention fish that Conseil will long remember, and with good reason. One of our nets had hauled up a sort of very flat ray fish, which, with the tail cut off, formed a perfect disc, and weighed twenty ounces. It was white underneath, red above, with large round spots of dark blue encircled with black, very glossy skin, terminating in a bilobed fin. Laid out on the platform, it struggled, tried to turn itself by convulsive movements, and made so many efforts, that one last turn had nearly sent it into the sea. But Conseil, not wishing to let the fish go, rushed to it, and, before I could prevent him, had seized it with both hands. In a moment he was overthrown, his legs in the air, and half his body paralysed, crying—
“Oh! master, master! help me!”
It was the first time the poor boy had spoken to me so familiarly. The Canadian and I took him up, and rubbed his contracted arms till he became sensible. The unfortunate Conseil had attacked a cramp-fish of the most dangerous kind, the cumana. This odd animal, in a medium conductor like water, strikes fish at several yards’ distance, so great is the power of its electric organ, the two principal surfaces of which do not measure less than twenty-seven square feet. The next day, April 12th, the Nautilus approached the Dutch coast, near the mouth of the Maroni. There several groups of sea-cows herded together; they were manatees, that, like the dugong and the stellera, belong to the skenian order. These beautiful animals, peaceable and inoffensive, from eighteen to twenty-one feet in length, weigh at least sixteen hundredweight. I told Ned Land and Conseil that provident nature had assigned an important role to these mammalia. Indeed, they, like the seals, are designed to graze on the submarine prairies, and thus destroy the accumulation of weed that obstructs the tropical rivers.
“And do you know,” I added, “what has been the result since men have almost entirely annihilated this useful race? That the putrefied weeds have poisoned the air, and the poisoned air causes the yellow fever, that desolates these beautiful countries. Enormous vegetations are multiplied under the torrid seas, and the evil is irresistibly developed from the mouth of the Rio de la Plata to Florida. If we are to believe Toussenel, this plague is nothing to what it would be if the seas were cleaned of whales and seals. Then, infested with poulps, medusæ, and cuttle-fish, they would become immense centres of infection, since their waves would not possess ‘these vast stomachs that God had charged to infest the surface of the seas.’”
0 notes
iandeleonwrites · 2 years
Trauma Dentata: A Brief History of the Tooth in the Popular Imagination
Since the mid twentieth century, North American children have likely been brought up with some rudimentary understanding of maturity and commerce vis-à-vis the shedding and growing of our teeth. We leave them under a sleeping pillow in the night for some unseen benefactor, a so-called fairy who gladly takes away our cast-off molars for a sawbuck or gold coins if we’re lucky. Thus, teeth become intimately linked in the collective unconscious with the physical and emotional development of our young bodies, not to mention the mystical realm of dreams and nightmares, economic pressures, and sexual fantasy.
Freud’s landmark case study of Little Hans draws upon many of these same connections in detailing a young boy’s struggle to understand sexual difference in light of an increasingly complex worldview conflating the mysterious nature of female reproductive organs with a crippling fear of well-endowed horses and their monstrous teeth. But how should we begin to step back and trace such powerful associations between our enamel-covered food grinders and evolving notions of sexuality, sexual maturity – where do we start?
Sobek, a crocodilian deity of ancient Egypt, might have been one of the first to concretise this understanding between vast rows of sharp, regenerative teeth and ideas of fertility, sexual prowess. To date, scientific research on the self-rejuvenating skeletal system of animals like sharks, gators, and crocodiles, continues to centre around its application toward the restoration of youth and vitality in humans. Powdered potions purporting to contain the remains of crocodile teeth, for example, have been marketed for years as aphrodisiacal elixirs within spiritual contexts.
It is no surprise then that amongst poachers, acquisition of the large, teeth-like tusks of elephants and sharp horns of the rhinoceros is a lucrative business, transforming these amputated appendages into highly sought-after totems of phallocentric pride and conquer-lust.
As early as 700 BCE, Monetaria moneta – a species of marine mollusc commonly known as the money cowrie – was used throughout China, India’s Malabar coast, and Africa as a means of trade. The smooth, egg-shaped shells typically feature a narrow, slit-like opening with toothed edges. Later, similar cowrie, along with elk’s teeth and assorted Dentalium – the genus containing toothy, tusk-shaped marine coastal shells – found their way amongst the indigenous peoples of North America’s Great Plains, forming part of a rich textile history that saw the embellishment of formal garments with such fashionable items, for which “the number of teeth symbolised the prowess of the husband-provider” and denoted “a family of means.”1
In the English language, a thing with sufficient teeth is a thing endowed with the necessary power and authority to see its will carried properly out. High-profile entertainment contracts have teeth, as do robust laws and amendments. Civic ordinances, federal arrest warrants, and court-appointed injunctions – all of these have teeth.
To be long in the tooth is to be considered old beyond one’s useful years. The phrase derives from the sobering fact of a horse’s physiology betraying its age through the mouth. To look a gift horse in the mouth, is thus to verify a horse’s viability through the close inspection of its teeth. Some length, of course, is desirable, implying a young, virile horse at peak levels of performance, but too much length raises cause for concern, and would no doubt spoil the success of any deal or trade.
In a gross pantomime of such practices, kidnapped Africans throughout the Trans-Atlantic slave trade were reported to have had their teeth inspected by would-be proprietors searching for signs of malnourishment and disease. A deeper look at this grim custom might go beyond its obvious reading as an oral-sadistic exercise in power, highlighting an implicit aspect: the outsized, neurotic fascination and trepidation projected onto the male Africans and the long tooth of their sex – historical site of pain and suffering at the hands of domineering whites.
But notions of masculinity being what they are – an ill-fitting confluence of prejudice, objectification, and subjugation – these insular whites elected over time to get their hands dirty less and less. The clear and present danger of the black phallus had become so taboo as to not even allow for mishandling. Genital torture was eventually outsourced to northern spheres of broader influence, namely academia and medical research institutions. There, at the turn of the century, the racist pseudoscience of eugenics allowed the tired lynch mobs of America to trade in their rusty banana knives in favour of a cleaner, silent program of genocide through forced sterilisation.
Thus the public castration of Black Americans now joined the symbolic order, becoming more insidious and covert, forcing the locus of traumatic violence to likewise make the migratory journey north, into the realm of the oral, where the perceived threat could take on a diminished capacity, becoming more bite-sized and digestible. In American History X, Derek (Edward Norton), a white supremacist, performs the heinous curb stomping of a black youth caught burglarising his truck. This extrajudicial suburban execution involves the placing of the prostrate victim’s teeth around the edge of a curb and, well, you can probably guess the rest. From here, it is no stretch at all to connect a death via obstruction of the orally-accessed windpipe, such as with the late Eric Garner.
The difficulties of navigating life with a mouthful of missing teeth were not lost on legendary silent film director Tod Browning, whose weird tales belied a lifelong interest in the obscure and the abject. Back in Hollywood’s early days, Browning found himself cast in the role of imprudent driver in a real-life narrative involving the fatal collision of his own speeding car and a service vehicle loaded with iron rails. Shot through with formidable arrows, like a steely version of Saint Sebastian, the beleaguered automobile delivered a tragic closing monologue in the form of untimely death for one and a host of grievous injuries to the others. Browning survived the cinematic ordeal with a shattered leg and the complete loss of his forward-facing teeth, necessitating a lengthy, albeit productive convalescence away from the industry.
During the 1927-1931 transition into talkies, Browning lent a trained eye (and newly mustachioed post-op countenance) to stories of Trauma Dentata, defined here for the first time as scenarios evincing the locus of psychological trauma within representations of teeth, or teeth-like apparatus.
His now lost masterpiece London After Midnight and the classic Dracula foreground a crepuscular phantasmagoria of razor-toothed wraiths whose centers of violent gravity, their power, emanate from the stylized gothic cathedrals of their oral cavities. Browning, a sometime alcoholic, was reported to have removed his painful and taboo dentures on at least one solemn occasion when, during a public altercation, he hurled the blasted things like a terrifying new species of porcelain bat, yelling at the offending party: “Here, why don’t you go and biteyourself!”
While consumers of vast quantities of blood, the nosferatu, pale, undead beings with unnaturally cold skin, technically have no blood actually circulating through their veins. This lack of blood flowing to their extremities renders the male vampire impotent by definition, relegating his entire erotic nature – like the black male of the repressive white imaginary – to the area of the mouth, a hell of pearly gates punctuated by a powerful set of retracting beast-fangs hidden beneath the gum line. As the Vets say: “If you ain’t got it in the hips, you better have it in the lips.”2
Marcel (Pierre Clémenti) in Belle de Jour is a man who certainly has it in the lips. The handsome gangster, oozing with silver screen sexuality, enters the film’s quaint brothel with a triumphant black trench coat, moppish head of hair, and glossy, patent leather short-boots. He can definitely get it. With director Buñuel’s staging and Clémenti’s deft characterisation, the ease of Marcel’s masculine station is complicated through his use of a walking stick – classic symbol of infirmity, impotence – and a mouth full of surgical-grade chrome dentures standing in for a missing row of teeth knocked out in a recent street fight.
But despite the presence of these traditional signifiers of the castrated man, Clémenti is able to weaponise Marcel’s shortcomings, making of them instead surprisingly queer and alluring fetish objects, prefiguring the rise of customisable luxury cosmetic grillz popularised by African American Hip-Hop artists.
Early on in the quarantine of 2020, Netflix’s documentary phenomenon Tiger King roared across our timelines, introducing viewers to a bevy of beguiling subjects, including John Finlay, who became an unwitting internet meme in the wake of the show’s meteoric rise in popularity. As the erstwhile, salt-of-the-earth ex-husband of titular King Joe Exotic, Finlay bared his innocent, interrupted smile for the judgy eyes of the movie cameras.
The result of persistent drug use, Finlay’s remaining, candlepin-like teeth were the source of much merriment. That is, until the movie cameras caught up with him again. In the years since recording the documentary footage, Finlay had bought himself a brand new set of teeth, lifting a sort of collective fog for audiences who suddenly found the man uncompromisingly attractive, making him the internet’s latest celebrity boyfriend and providing a tidy dramatic arc for the rookie heartthrob’s well-earned fifteen minutes of fame. John Finlay went from being a zero to hero, not in the space of a few months, but in the close distance between two canines and a handful of premolars.
But can we have too much teeth? For this writer, who was born with no less than six now-extracted wisdom teeth, the consequences of being full in the tooth are all too familiar. Mind the gap as we continue to probe the dental politics of lack and excess.
At the dawn of the new millennium, blossoming actor Christian Bale found himself ready for the next stage of his professional life. A new, potentially career-defining opportunity was waiting for him. All he had to do was get rid of his ginormous teeth.
Upon the release of American Psycho, Bale admitted to having had to make the somewhat difficult decision of having his teeth fixed for the iconic part. In order to better fill the role of literal American psychopath Patrick Bateman, Bale’s supposedly “vampiric” incisors and “feminising” gap between his top teeth would have to go.3 Although rebuffed by statistical facts, humans draw comfort from imagining our criminals as somehow monstrously different from the rest of us. To convincingly play the narcissistic, insecure Wall Street man-child butchering sex workers amidst a Reaganomic fugue state in 1980s Manhattan, Bale would have to conform to popular conventions and make of his teeth an uncanny valley.
His noticeably reduced tooth-line certainly adds to his menacing portrayal as the bloodthirsty Bateman, a Valentino-suited power broker with a raging, ambiguous sexuality to go with that eerily short smile and cabbinalistic ideations. The many insecurities and violent appetites swirling within Bateman are mirrored in the boundless accumulation of wealth and personal prestige found in our society.
Perhaps the most surreal and telling manifestation of this despotic worldview has its cinematic apex during a fatal three-way that ends with a naked (save for pristine Nikes) Bateman chasing a young woman through the quiet halls of his indifferent apartment building, the locus of his dento-phallo power momentarily shifted back below the waist, where a designer chainsaw discreetly covers up his exposed penis. An edenic Adam for the slasher age.
Women too experience anxieties of excess and lack in regards to dental appearance. In Gap-Toothed Women, the “feminising” gap occurring between the upper front teeth is explored in relation to the Western male gaze, and its historically negative appraisal of women taking up too much space, even if it’s in their own goddamn mouths. Women with these pronounced gaps in their teeth have had to fight, literally tooth and nail, for their right to appear on billboards, in television commercials, and across the covers of magazines, flouting prevailing standards of beauty.
Because if there’s one thing humans struggle with it’s the abject, the in-between. That thing that is neither one, nor the other, ambiguous. What was true for Finlay and Bale is also true for women. They’ve got to go in one direction or the other: either the gap is filled, patched and smoothed over like a section of drywall, or the pillars that define the offending gap are dissolved altogether, crumbling like columns upon the temple floor.
In the popular imagination of the heterosexual male, there exists a fear of women’s reproductive power that renders the vagina a site for potential trauma dentata, making the oral cavity an attractive substitute, despite the literal presence of dentata. Here, the male engaged in oral sex subsumes the threat of phallic violence as long as his experience reproduces a conception of the mouth as a toothless spectacle. Locker room talk has indeed ventured into the erotic possibilities of bedding senior women, in the hopes that their removable dentures allow for a more enjoyable, friction-less fellating experience. It is no wonder that the intended chastity belt of orthodontic braces creates such consternation for the adventurous adolescent male.
The mouth of women has been a critical battleground for the dominant patriarchal order since time immemorial. From those parted lips, jettisoned upon flashing tongues, such secrets might be revealed, injustices given voice to, as might disturb the whole delicate balance of the carnivalesque male power structure. Here, as in the cinema, silence was golden.
Consider the scold’s bridle, an archaic instrument of wearable torture used as a form of punishment and public humiliation against women deemed “riotous” or “troublesome” in their speech, gossipy in their manner, or simply, common old “rude nags” and “scolds”. The muzzling iron framework of the bridle pinned the woman’s tongue against her upper palate, preventing her from speaking, and resulting in a variety of unpleasant side effects, including fatigue of the mouth and excessive production of saliva. In other words, a self-lubricating wet dream scenario for the vagina phobic’s oral-displacement, an ovipositing face-fucker of Alien imaginaries.
To wash down the above image, let’s re-focus our discussion toward the realm of popular serial killers and their fictional counterparts. For Ted Bundy and Richard Ramirez, a well documented history of trauma dentata factored heavily in their apprehension and later convictions. Bundy had a mouthful of poorly aligned teeth and a proclivity for biting. Ramirez (The Night Stalker) was the stuff of oral nightmares. After a lifetime of neglected hygiene and excessive sugar intake, glimpses of Ramirez’s rotted, foul-smelling teeth became his calling card. Both used their abnormal dental situations to great effect in their predations, but lest we forget, there is no on-to-one ratio between bad teeth and sociopathy.
While a bruised self-image may have contributed to their growing sense of alienation and emotional decay, it is unlikely that any amount of corrective dental surgery early on would have prevented them from committing their crimes. This is correlation versus causation. It is the popular imaginary at work again, telling us what to look for, what to believe. So let’s look at an example of an individual punking the profile, nearly out-witting the G-men.
Thomas Harris’ novel Red Dragon and its cinematic adaptations feature a wholly compelling serial killer archetype that rivals the sophisticated charisma of series heavy, Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Here, a brutal antagonist with unexceptional teeth takes up the mantle of trauma dentata to reclaim the oral cavity as a site of vengeance, enacting a kind of denticular détournement against a previous source of trauma.  
Francis Dolarhyde, dubbed “The Tooth Fairy” by the press, is mischaracterised by the feds as an “impotent homosexual” on the strength of his faggy crime scene signatures, which include strange, Bundy-like bite marks, the smashing of mirrors, and the mutilation of eyes. Harris is obviously poking fun at the often simplistic psychoanalytic associations found in popular police procedurals and their pat profiles of criminals more sketchily drawn than Dolarhyde or Lecter.
We learn later that Tooth Fairy’s peculiarities actually have their roots in childhood abuse suffered at the hands of a browbeating grandmother, a mould of whose teeth Dolarhyde re-appropriates in order to create the grizzly bite marks left on his victims. Personal prejudice and a misapprehension of history or language can often lead to poorly drawn conclusions carrying disastrous results. The persistent, colonial hold-over teaching us about the bad teeth of our astonishingly loyal allies across the North Sea may attribute its longevity to such failings.4
Luckily, language is a mutable thing, and whilst one voice may be easy enough to silence, a whole group of the disenfranchised, working in concert, can be as thunderous and unwavering as a Lacanian typhoon.
In Les Dents du singe (Monkey’s Teeth), some patients of a French mental health clinic work in collaboration to create the scenario for an animated film. The resulting short, with virtually no mediation from the creators, involves a ruthless dentist who steals the teeth of the poor and, reverse Robin Hood, gives them to the rich. Until a magical monkey magician exacts revenge on the people’s behalf.
Freudian cinephile Mary Wild has analysed the film through the lens of Lacanian psychoanalysis, describing each stolen tooth as representative of “a distinct signifier that, in a sequence alongside other teeth/signifiers, forms the symbolic order (i.e., language).” The dentist represents the superego, the father figure, who profits from the pilfering of impoverished teeth, in essence robbing the patients of their language, their identity, and their access to it, plunging the patients into “loneliness, isolation, and suffering”.
At the critical moment of extraction, the dozing filmic patient imagines his teeth personified – as himself, his friends or family members, maybe fellow patients – sitting around a table, one by one being plucked into obscurity by an indifferent, omnipresent hand of fate. Later, the void left by a missing tooth takes on an apocalyptic dimension, resembling a barren wasteland littered with corpses. For the psychotic real-world patient, transgressor of boundaries and language, the deceptively simple silent libretto becomes a scathing critique of their own place in the world, “ostracis[ed] from normal society and alienat[ed] from himself”, the toothless, animated figures become “half person[s]”, depleted of their lifeforce (castrated), pursued by law enforcement, and folded into the brutal machinery of everyday life. In essence, chewed up and spat back out, only to endure the whole thing again in some novel way.
When the magic monkey returns the stolen teeth into the patient’s mouth, there has occurred a “reclaiming/reorganization of banned/repressed signifiers in the psychotic imaginary”, culminating in a successful and healthy return to society that points to a happy way forward, a passageway to speech and identity forged through a brazen bypassing of the despotic oral cavity. Universal cinematic language as a revolutionary detour on the road to trauma dentata.
For more examples of TRAUMA DENTATA on the screen check out:
Straw Dogs, 1971
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1974
Jaws, 1975
Marathon Man, 1976
Vampire’s Kiss, 1989
Sleepy Hollow, 1999
Teeth, 2007
Hannibal (S2E9 “Shiizakana”), 2014
Possessor, 2020
**this essay was originally published on Screen Queens
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exlibra · 2 years
breakdown of ed’s visible tattoos and their (possible) meanings
thanks to this excellent summary with pictures of all of ed’s visible tattoos, i thought i would make a little breakdown of the ones that have predefined meanings for sailors. in case this is new to you - some sailor’s tattoos have traditional, ingrained and predefined meanings. these tattoos can be either a mark of a journey completed/hardship overcome, or they can exist for more superstitious reasons. since they serve as a bit of a log, a lot of edward’s tattoos give us a glimpse into his previous travels as blackbeard; and so here we go, a quick rundown of (some) of the meanings behind them. please look at the pictures in the imgur link for reference and placement!
- anchor: this, historically, signified a crossing of the atlantic. since we know that the original blackbeard was from bristol, this seems more than plausible! furthermore, the anchor can also symbolise a wish for stability and protection.
- sailor’s swallow: represents sailing for 5000 miles. for reference, this is about the distance from lisbon to mexico city, so a crossing of the atlantic would surely count for a swallow as well as an anchor. then again, it’s safe to assume ed has travelled a LOT further than this.
- nautical star: this is supposed to give the sailor luck and skill in navigation, so that they would always be able to find their way home again.
- rose: WOW, EDWARD, WOW. the romance of it all. anyway, the rose represents loyalty, love, friendship - basically, it can take on different meanings depending on the person. how sweet.
- skull and crossbones: well, he sure is a pirate.
- hanged man/stick figure: see above.
- turtle: represents crossing the equator. see fully rigged ship below!
- octopus/kraken: haha well :) i think edward himself did the best job of explaining this one :’)
- shark: meant as a protection from getting eaten if the sailor fell overboard.
- mermaid: represents an expression of the sailor’s love of the open sea. 
- ship with full rigging: this is a HUGE tattoo on his chest, which can be seen when he wears the breakup robe in episode 10. the meaning behind a fully rigged ship is rounding the cape horn. quite a journey!
- crucifixes (several): this one is pretty obvious. whether or not ed is religious, we don’t know - but we do know that his mother was. it could be a homage to her, or a memorandum for lost comrades. notably, one of the crosses spell out “RIP”.
- (bonus) spiders on the feet: i couldn’t find any resources for this one, but this reply from @doublewindsor made me laugh. of course it’s for climbing the riggings better. of course. traditionally, sailors would tattoo a rooster and a pig on each foot to save them from drowning, but ed has chosen to go another route.
feel free to add more! i’m all ears, and by no means a tattoo expert. i just like looking at his arms.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 years
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The Ap-peel of the Orangespine Unicornfish
Also known as the barcheek unicornfish, the naso tang, or the lipstick tang, the orangespine unicornfish (Naso lituratus) is a common species of fish found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They appear only in shallow waters, up to a maximum of 90m, typically in coral reefs or along rocky bottoms. Natively their range stretches from the Red Sea all the way to Hawaii, although some populations have been introduced in the Gulf of Mexico.
This is a very easily identifiable fish; the body is usually light or dark brown, although they can also display blacks, blues, and greens depending on mood and time of day. An orange ventral fin lines the stomach and a black, green, and orange dorsal fin mirrors it along the spine. This species also sports distinctive orange and yellow markings on the face and tail. They typically grow up to 45 cm long, and males and females are about the same size. As with many other tang species, the naso tang has sharp spines at the base of the tail-- also known as the caudal peduncle-- that they can erect when threatened. However, unlike other unicornfish, this species lacks the distinctive “horn” protruding from the forehead.
Common predators of N. lituratus include rays, groupers, lionfish, moray eels, and reef sharks. However, lipstick tang are fast swimmers and often dart into coral or crevices to avoid being eaten. If caught, they can thrash about and strike predators with the spines on their tail. In turn, the lipstick tang feeds mostly on brown algae that grow on corals or the rocky ocean floor. This can help prevent algae overgrowth and helps keep corals healthy. To help them digest the algae, N. lituratus is host to a unique group of bacteria known as Epulopiscium. 
Like most coral reef fish, the orangespine unicornfish is a social species. They can usually be seen swimming in pairs or small schools. N. lituratus reproduces throughout the year, peaking in late spring. Males will attract females by swimming up to them, changing colors, and shimmering. If the female accepts, both individuals swim near the surface of the water and release their gametes which combine in the open ocean. Fertilized eggs then drift with the current, eventually developing into larvae. These larvae congregate in shallow waters and lagoons where they continue to develop until they reach sexual maturity, at about two years old. In the wild, orangespine unicornfish can live up to 14 years.
Conservation status: This species has not been evaluated by the IUCN. Likely threats include by-catch, habitat destruction, and the aquarium trade. The latter is also responsible for introducing the orangespine unicornfish into non-native ecosystems in the Atlantic Ocean, where it is becoming an invasive species.
Jeff Whitlock
Olha Ukhal
David R (via iNaturalist)
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todropscience · 4 years
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For the first time, researchers have discovered the first prehistoric nursery site for Great White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) from fossil beds in tthe arid coast of northern Chile.
Great white sharks give birth in essential habitats, where young reside and grow in a safe place, free of predators and with plenty food. According to Jaime Villafana (University of Vienna), who led the study, “our understanding about current breending ground of great white sharks is still very limited, and fossil-nurseries are completely unknown”, until now, with the first clues.
He and colleagues analyzed statistically fossil teeth, from the Pacific coast of Chile and Peru, and reconstucted the body size and distribution patterns of the great white sharks in the past, from 5 to 2 million years ago. They found a high percentage of young sharks, in northern Chile, where sexually mature animals were completely absent. According to researchers, this fossil-nursery was much warmer than today, in terms of water depth, this area is interpreted as a shallow marine environment, with abundance presence of invertebrate organism, as bigger animals as horn sharks and semiaquatic ground sloths. This old nursery area is located in what is now the port of Coquimbo, a city with nearly 500,000 inhabitants.
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- Researchers used fossil teeth, the only record left by the sharks, and through a regression, they modeled the size of the sharks that inhabited the place.
The earliest-known fossils of the great white shark are about 16 million years old, and despite its importance as top predator, they are currently threatened with extinction.  This discovery provides a better understanding of the evolutionary success of one of the largest top predator in today's oceans and could contribute to the protection of current nursery areas found in areas of South Africa, California, Australia, the Mediterranean and North Atlantic.
Photo:  Great white shark at Isla Guadalupe, Mexico, August 2006, photo by Terry Goss.
Reference (Open Access): Villafana et al., 2020.  First evidence of a palaeo-nursery area of the great white shark, Scientific Reports. 
[Photo description: Main photo, Mature and healthy female white shark surrounded by a lot of small fishes. She is swimming below the water, but near the surface.
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galbium · 3 years
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The full book title contains 3777 words and reads as follows: 'The historical development of the Heart i.e. from its formation from Annelida: Clam worm, Seamouse, Lugworm, Megascolex, Tubifex, Pheretima, Freshwater leech, marine leech, land leech. Arthropoda: Ladybird, Krill, Rock Barnacle, Root-headed Barnacle, Copepod, Silverfish, Cairns birdwing, Silver - spotted skipper, Scutigera, Cray fish, Large white, Andonis blue, Camberwell beauty, Tiger swallowtail, Regent skipper, Black – veined white, Green – underside blue, Blue Morpho, Apollo, Guava skipper, Cleopatra, Large copper, Millipede, Orb spider, Black widow spider, Giant crab spider, Wolf spider, Bird – eating spider, Tenebrionid beetle, Green Tiger beetle, African goliath beetle, Scolopendra, Diving beetle, African ground beetle, New guinea weevil, Barnacle, Lobster, Shrimp, Woodlice, Mite, Prawn, Housefly, Butterfly, Monarch butterfly, Peacock butterfly, Honey bee, Fairy shrimp, Horsehoe crab, Tick, Bluebootle, Froghopper, Yellow crazy ant, Water flea, Sea spider, Fiddler crab, Shiny spider crab, Hermit crab, Sail swallowtail, Red admiral, Morpho butterfly, Desert locust, Stephens island weta, Speckled bush cricket, Mole cricket, Dung – beetle, Euthalia ynipardus, Small blues, Termite, Hornet, Mosquito, Garden spider, Tarantula, Desert hairy scorpion, Emperor dragon – fly, Moth, Centipede, Wood ant, Stag beetle, Indian red admiral, Blue admiral, Harvestman, Hoverfly, Shield bug, Assassin bug, Cicada, Coreid bug, Rose aphid, Water – boatman, Wasp, June bug, Large tortoiseshell, Frog beetle, Mexican red – legged tarantula, Paintedlady, Sydney funnelweb spider, Small tortoiseshell, Mountain bumble bee, Trapdoor spider, Jumping spider, Daddy longlegs spider, Orchind bee, Asian carpenter bee, Parasitic bee, House spider, Giant longhorn beetle, Flea, Bedbug Beetle, Cockroach, Scorpion, Spider, Ant, Gnats, Grasshopper, Silver fish, Crab, Great green bush cricket, Elephant hawk – moth. Mollusca: Neomenia, Chaetoderma, Chiton, Lepidopleurus, Apple snail, Sea hare, Sea lemon, Dentalium, Freshwater mussel, Marine mussel, Pearl oyster, Cuttlefish, Giant squid, Chambered fish, Devilfish. Fishes or Pisces: African glass catfish, African lungfish, Aholehole, Airbreathing catfish, Alaska blackfish, Albacore, Alewife, Alfonsino, Algae eater, Alligatorfish, Alligator gar, Amberjack - Seriola dumerili, American sole, Amur pike, Anchovy, Anemonefish, Angelfish, Angler, Angler catfish, Anglerfish, Antarctic cod, Antarctic icefish, Antenna codlet, Arapaima, Archerfish, Arctic char, Armored gurnard, Armored searobin, Armorhead, Armorhead catfish, Armoured catfish, Arowana, Arrowtooth eel, Asian carps, Asiatic glassfish, Atka mackerel, Atlantic Bonito (Sarda sarda), Atlantic cod, Atlantic herring, Atlantic salmon, Atlantic Sharpnose Shark - Rhizoprioltodon terraenovae, Atlantic saury, Atlantic silverside, Australasian salmon, Australian grayling, Australian herring, Australian lungfish, Australian prowfish, Ayu, Baikal oilfish, Bala shark, Ballan wrasse, Bamboo shark, Banded killifish, Bandfish, Banjo, Bangus, Banjo catfish, Bank Sea Bass, Barb, Barbel, Barbeled dragonfish, Barbeled houndshark, Barbel-less catfish, Barfish, Barracuda, Barracudina, Barramundi, Barred danio, Barreleye, Basking shark, Bass, Basslet, Batfish, Bat ray, Beachsalmon, Beaked salmon, Beaked sandfish, Beardfish, Beluga sturgeon, Bengal danio, Betta, Bichir, Bicolor goat fish, Bigeye, , Bighead carp, Bigmouth buffalo, Bigscale, Billfish, Bitterling, Black angelfish, Black bass, Black dragonfish, Blackchin, Blackfin Tuna - Thunnus atlanticus, Blackfish, Black neon tetra, Blacktip reef shark, Black mackerel, Black scalyfin, Black sea bass, Black scabbardfish, Black swallower, Black tetra, Black triggerfish, Bank Sea Bass aka Yellow Sea Bass - Centropristis ocyurus, Bleak, Blenny, Blind goby, Blind shark, Blobfish, Blueline Tilefish, Blowfish, Blue catfish, Blue danio, Blue-redstripe danio, Blueline Tilefish , Blue eye, Bluefin tuna, Bluefish, Bluegill, Blue gourami, Blue shark, Blue triggerfish, Blue whiting, Bluntnose knifefish, Bluntnose minnow, Boafish, Boarfish, Bobtail snipe eel, Bocaccio, Boga, Bombay duck, Bonefish, Bonito, Bonnetmouth, Bonytail chub, Bronze corydoras, Bonytongue, Bowfin, Boxfish, Bramble shark, Bream, Brill, Bristlemouth, Bristlenose catfish, Broadband dogfish, Brook lamprey, Brook trout, Brotula, Brown trout, Buffalo fish, Bullhead, Bullhead shark, Bull shark, Bull trout, Burbot, Bumblebee goby, Buri, Burma danio, Burrowing goby, Butterfish, Butterfly ray, Butterflyfish, California flyingfish, California halibut, Canary rockfish, Candiru, Candlefish, Capelin, Cardinalfish, Cardinal tetra, Carp, Carpetshark, Carpsucker, Catalufa, Catfish, Catla, Cat shark, Cavefish, Celebes rainbowfish, Central mudminnow, Chain pickerel, Channel bass, Channel catfish, Char, Cherry salmon, Chimaera, Chinook salmon, Cherubfish, Chub, Chubsucker, Chum salmon, Cichlid, Cisco, Climbing catfish, Climbing gourami, Climbing perch, Clingfish, Clownfish, Clown loach, Clown triggerfish, Cobbler, Cobia, Cod, Codlet, Codling, Coelacanth, Coffinfish, Coho salmon, Coley, Collared carpetshark, Collared dogfish, Colorado squawfish, Combfish, Combtail gourami, Common carp, Common tunny, Conger eel, Convict blenny, Convict cichlid, Cookie-cutter shark, Coolie loach, Cornetfish, Cowfish, Cownose ray, Cow shark, Crappie, Creek chub, Crestfish, Crevice kelpfish, Croaker, Crocodile icefish, Crocodile shark, Crucian carp, Cuckoo wrasse, Cusk, Cusk-eel, Cutlassfish, Cutthroat eel, Cutthroat trout, Dab, Dace, Desert pupfish, Devario, Devil ray, Dhufish, Discus, Diver: New Zealand sand diver or long-finned sand diver, Dogfish, Dogfish shark, Dogteeth tetra, Dojo loach, Dolly Varden trout, Dolphin fish - Corypaena hippurus, Dorab, Dorado, Dory, Dottyback, Dragonet, Dragonfish, Dragon goby, Driftfish, Driftwood catfish, Drum, Duckbill, Duckbill eel, Dusky grouper, Dusky Shark - Carcharhinus obscurus, Dwarf gourami, Dwarf loach, Eagle ray, Earthworm eel, Eel, Eel cod, Eel-goby, Eelpout, Eeltail catfish, Elasmobranch, Electric catfish, Electric eel, Electric knifefish, Electric ray, Elephant fish, Elephantnose fish, Elver, Ember parrotfish, Emerald catfish, Emperor angelfish, Emperor bream, Escolar, Eucla cod, Eulachon, European chub, European eel, European flounder, European minnow, European perch, False brotula, False cat shark, False moray, Fangtooth, Fathead sculpin, Featherback, Fierasfer, Fire goby, Filefish, Finback cat shark, Fingerfish, Firefish, Flabby whale fish, Flagblenny, Flagfin, Flagfish, Flagtail, Flashlight fish, Flatfish, Flathead, Flathead catfish, Flier, Flounder, Flying gurnard, Flying fish, Footballfish, Forehead brooder, Four-eyed fish, French angelfish, Freshwater eel, Freshwater hatchetfish, Freshwater shark, Frigate mackerel, Frilled shark, Frogfish, Frogmouth catfish, Fusilier fish, Galjoen fis, Ganges shark, Geel, Garibaldi, Garpike, Ghost fish, Ghost flathead, Ghost knifefish, Ghost pipefish, Ghost shark, Ghoul, Giant danio, Giant gourami, Giant sea bass, Gibberfish, Gila trout, Gizzard shad, Glass catfish, Glassfish, Glass knifefish, Glowlight danio, Goatfish, Goblin shark, Goby, Golden dojo, Golden loach, Golden shiner, Golden trout, Goldeye, Goldfish, Gombessa, Goosefish, Gopher rockfish, Gourami, Grass carp, Graveldiver, Grayling, Gray mullet, Gray reef shark, Great white shark, Green swordtail, Greeneye, Greenling, Grenadier, Green spotted puffer, Ground shark, Grouper, Grunion, Grunt, Grunter, Grunt sculpin, Gudgeon, Guitarfish, Gulf menhaden, Gulper eel, Gulper, Gunnel, Guppy, Gurnard, Haddock, Hagfish, Hairtail, Hake, Halfbeak, Halfmoon, Halibut, Halosaur, Hamlet, Hammerhead shark, Hammerjaw, Handfish, Hardhead catfish, Harelip sucker, Hatchetfish, Hawkfish, Herring, Herring smelt, Hickory Shad, Horn shark, Horsefish, Houndshark, Huchen, Humuhumunukunukuapua'a, Hussar, Icefish, Ide, Ilisha, Inanga, Inconnu, Jack, Jackfish, Jack Dempsey, Japanese eel, Javelin, Jawfish, Jellynose fish, Jewelfish, Jewel tetra, Jewfish, John Dory, Kafue pike, Kahawai, Kaluga, Kanyu, Kelp perch, Kelpfish, Killifish, King of the herrings, Kingfish, King-of-the-salmon, Kissing gourami, Knifefish, Knifejaw, Koi, Kokanee, Kokopu, Kuhli loach, Labyrinth fish, Ladyfish, Lake chub, Lake trout, Lake whitefish, Lampfish, Lamprey, Lanternfish, Largemouth bass, Leaffish, Lefteye flounder, Lemon shark, Lemon sole, Lemon tetra, Lenok, Leopard danio, Lightfish, Limia, Lined sole, Ling, Ling cod, Lionfish, Livebearer, Lizardfish, Loach, Loach catfish, Loach goby, Loach minnow, Longfin, Longfin dragonfish, Longfin escolar, Longfin smelt, Long-finned char, Long-finned pike, Longjaw mudsucker, Longneck eel, Longnose chimaera, Longnose dace, Longnose lancetfish, Longnose sucker, Longnose whiptail catfish, Long-whiskered catfish, Loosejaw, Lost River sucker, Louvar, Loweye catfish, Luderick, Luminous hake, Lumpsucker, Lungfish, Mackerel, Mackerel shark, Madtom, Mahi-mahi, Mahseer, Mail-cheeked fish, Mako shark, Mandarinfish, Masu salmon, Medaka, Medusafish, Megamouth shark, Menhaden, Merluccid hake, Mexican golden trout, Midshipman fish, Milkfish,, Minnow, Minnow of the deep, Modoc sucker, Mojarra, Mola, Monkeyface prickleback, Monkfish, Mooneye, Moonfish, Moorish idol, Mora, Moray eel, Morid cod, Morwong, Moses sole, Mosquitofish, Mouthbrooder, Mozambique tilapia, Mrigal, Mud catfish (Mud cat), Mudfish, Mudminnow, Mud minnow, Mudskipper, Mudsucker, Mullet, Mummichog, Murray cod, Muskellunge, Mustache triggerfish, Mustard eel, Naked-back knifefish, Nase, Needlefish, Neon tetra, New World rivuline, New Zealand smelt, Nibble fish, Noodlefish, North American darter, North American freshwater catfish, North Pacific daggertooth, Northern anchovy, Northern clingfish, Northern lampfish, Northern pike, Northern sea robin, Northern squawfish, Northern stargazer, Notothen, Nurseryfish, Nurse shark, Oarfish, Ocean perch, Ocean sunfish, Oceanic whitetip shark, Oilfish, Oldwife, Old World knifefish, Olive flounder, Opah, Opaleye, Orange roughy, Orangespine unicorn fish, Orangestriped triggerfish, Orbicular batfish, Orbicular velvetfish, Oregon chub, Orfe, Oriental loach, Oscar, Owens pupfish, Pacific albacore, Pacific cod, Pacific hake, Pacific herring, Pacific lamprey, Pacific salmo, Pacific saury, Pacific trout, Pacific viperfish, Paddlefish, Pancake batfish, Panga, Paradise fish, Parasitic catfish, Parore, Parrotfish, Peacock flounder, Peamouth, Pearleye, Pearlfish, Pearl danio, Pearl perch, Pelagic cod, Pelican eel, Pelican gulper, Pencil catfish, Pencilfish, Pencilsmelt, Peppered corydoras, Perch, Peters' elephantnose fish, Pickerel, Pigfish, Pike conger, Pike eel, Pike, Pikeblenny, Pikeperch, Pilchard, Pilot fish, Pineapplefish, Pineconefish, Pink salmon, Píntano, Pipefish, Piranha, Pirarucu, Pirate perch, Plaice, Platy, Platyfish, Pleco, Plownose chimaera, Poacher, Pollock, Pomfret, Pompano dolphinfish, Ponyfish, Popeye catalufa, Porbeagle shark, Porcupinefish, Porgy, Port Jackson shark, Powen, Prickleback, Pricklefish, Prickly shark, Prowfish, Pufferfish, Pumpkinseed, Pupfish, Pygmy sunfish, Queen danio, Queen parrotfish, Queen triggerfish, Quillback, Quillfish, Rabbitfish, Raccoon butterfly fish, Ragfish, Rainbow trout, Rainbowfish, Rasbora, Ratfish, Rattail, Ray, Razorback sucker, Razorfish, Red Grouper, Red salmon, Red snapper, Redfin perch, Redfish, Redhorse sucker, Redlip blenny, Redmouth whalefish, Redtooth triggerfish, Red velvetfish, Red whalefish, Reedfish, Reef triggerfish, Remora, Requiem shark, Ribbon eel, Ribbon sawtail fish, Ribbonfish, Rice eel, Ricefish, Ridgehead, Riffle dace, Righteye flounder, Rio Grande perch, River loach, River shark, River stingray, Rivuline, Roach, Roanoke bass, Rock bass, Rock beauty, Rock cod, Rocket danio, Rockfish, Rockling, Rockweed gunnel, Rohu, Ronquil, Roosterfish, Ropefish, Rough scad, Rough sculpin, Roughy, Roundhead, Round herring, Round stingray, Round whitefish, Rudd, Rudderfish, Ruffe, Russian sturgeon, Sábalo, Sabertooth, Saber-toothed blenny, Sabertooth fish, Sablefish, Sacramento blackfish, Sacramento splittail, Sailfin silverside, Sailfish, Salamanderfish, Salmon, Salmon shark, Sandbar shark, Sandburrower, Sand dab, Sand diver, Sand eel, Sandfish, Sand goby, Sand knifefish, Sand lance, Sandperch, Sandroller, Sand stargazer, Sand tiger, Sand tilefish, Sandbar Shark - Carchathinus plumbeus, Sarcastic fringehead, Sardine, Sargassum fish, Sauger, Saury, Sawfishm, Saw shark, Sawtooth eel, Scabbard fish, Scaly dragonfish, Scat, Scissortail rasbora, Scorpionfish, Sculpin, Scup, Sea bass, Sea bream, Sea catfish, Sea chub, Sea devil, Sea dragon, Sea lamprey, Sea raven, Sea snail, Sea toad, Seahorse, Seamoth, Searobin, Sevan trout, Sergeant major, Shad, Shark, Sharksucker, Sharpnose puffer, Sheatfish, Sheepshead, Sheepshead minnow, Shiner, Shortnose chimaera, Shortnose sucker, Shovelnose sturgeon, Shrimpfish, Siamese fighting fish, Sillago, Silver carp, Silver dollar, Silver dory, Silver hake, Silverside, Silvertip tetra, Sind danio, Sixgill ray, Sixgill shark, Skate, Skilfish, Skipjack tuna, Slender mola, Slender snipe eel, Sleeper, Sleeper shark, Slickhead, Slimehead, Slimy mackerel, Slimy sculpin, Slipmouth, Smalleye squaretail, Smalltooth sawfish, Smelt, Smelt-whiting, Smooth dogfish, Snailfish, Snake eel, Snakehead, Snake mackerel, Snapper, Snipe eel, Snipefish, Snoek, Snook, Snubnose eel, Snubnose parasitic eel, Sockeye salmon, Soldierfish, Sole, South American darter, South American lungfish, Southern Dolly Varden, Southern flounder, Southern hake, Southern sandfish, Southern smelt, Spadefish, Spaghetti eel, Spanish mackerel, Spearfish, Speckled trout, Spiderfish, Spikefish, Spinefoot, Spiny basslet, Spiny dogfish, Spiny dwarf catfish, Spiny eel, Spinyfin, Splitfin, Spookfish, Spotted climbing perch, Spotted danio, Spottail Pinfish - Diplodus holbrooki, Sprat, Springfish, Squarehead catfish, Squaretail, Squawfish, Squeaker, Squirrelfish, Staghorn sculpin, Stargazer, Starry flounder, Steelhead, Stickleback, Stingfish, Stingray, Stonecat, Stonefish, Stoneroller minnow, Stream catfish, Striped bass, Striped burrfish, Sturgeon, Sucker, Suckermouth armored catfish, Summer flounder, Sundaland noodlefish,Sunfish, Surf sardine, Surfperch, Surgeonfish, Swallower, Swamp-eel, Swampfish, Sweeper, Swordfish, Swordtail, Tadpole cod, Tadpole fish, Tailor, Taimen, Tang, Tapetail, Tarpon, Tarwhine, Telescopefish, Temperate bass, Temperate perch, Tenpounder, Tenuis, Tetra, Thorny catfish, Thornfish, Threadfin, Threadfin bream, Thread-tail, Three spot gourami, Threespine stickleback, Three-toothed puffer, Thresher shark, Tidewater goby, Tiger barb, Tigerperch, Tiger shark, Tiger shovelnose catfish, Tilapia, Tilefish, Titan triggerfish, Toadfish, Tommy ruff, Tompot blenny, Tonguefish, Tope, Topminnow, Torpedo, Torrent catfish, Torrent fish, Trahira, Treefish, Trevally, Triggerfish, Triplefin blenny, Triplespine, Tripletail, Tripod fish, Trout, Trout cod, Trout-perch, Trumpeter, Trumpetfish, Trunkfish, Tubeblenny, Tube-eye, Tube-snout, Tubeshoulder, Tui chub, Tuna, Turbot, Two spotted goby, Uaru, Unicorn fish, Upside-down catfish, Vanjaram, Velvet belly lanternshark, Velvet catfish, Velvetfish, Vermillion Snapper - Rhomboplites aurorubens, Vimba, Viperfish, Wahoo, Walking catfish, Wallago, Walleye, Walleye Pollock, Walu, Warmouth, Warty angler, Waryfish, Waspfish, Weasel shark, Weatherfish, Weever, Weeverfish, Wels catfish, Whale catfish, Whalefish, Whale shark, Whiff, Whitebait, White croaker, Whitefish, White marlin, White shark, Whitetip reef shark, Whiting, Wobbegong, Wolf-eel, Wolffish, Wolf-herring, Worm eel, Wormfish, Wrasse, Wrymouth, X-ray fish, Yellowback fusilier, Yellowbanded perch, Yellow bass, Yellowedge grouper (Hyporthodus flavolimbatus), Yellow-edged moray, Yellow-eye mullet, Yellowhead jawfish, Yellowfin croaker, Yellowfin cutthroat trout, Yellowfin grouper, Yellowfin Tuna - Thunnus albacares, Yellowfin pike, Yellowfin surgeonfish, Yellowfin tuna, Yellowmargin triggerfish, Yellow moray, Yellow perch, Yellowtail, Yellowtail amberjack, Yellowtail barracuda, Yellowtail clownfish, Yellowtail horse mackerel, Yellowtail kingfish, Yellowtail snapper, Yellow tang, Yellow weaver, Yellowtail catfish, Zander, Zebra bullhead shark, Zebra danio, Zebrafish, Zebra lionfish, Zebra loach, Zebra oto, Zebra pleco, Zebra shark, Zebra tilapia, Zebra turkeyfish, Ziege, Zingel. Amphibians: Frogs and Toads, Painted frogs, Disc tongued frogs, Fire Belly toads, Litter frogs, European Spadefoot toads, Parsley frogs, Tongueless frogs, Clawed frogs, Mexican Burrowing Toad, American spadefoot toads, Screeching frogs, True toads, Glass Frogs, Poison dart frogs, Ghost frogs, Shovelnose frogs, Tree frogs, Sedge frogs, Southern frogs, Narrow-mouthed frogs, Australian ground frogs, True frogs, Moss frogs, Seychelles frog, Giant Salamanders, Asiatic Salamanders, Mole Salamanders, Pacific giant salamanders, Amphiumas, Lungless salamanders, Mudpuppies and Waterdogs, Torrent salamanders, True salamanders and Newts, Sirens, Common caecilians, Fish caecilians, Beaked caecilians. Reptiles: Turtles, common snapping turtles and alligator snapping turtle, pond turtles and box turtles, tortoises, Asian river turtles and allies, pignose turtles, softshell turtles, river turtles, mud turtles, sea turtles, leatherback turtles, tuataras, scaled reptiles, agamas, chameleons, casquehead lizard, iguanas, Madagascar iguanids, collared and leopard lizards, horned lizards, anoles, wood lizards, Neotropical ground lizards, geckos, legless lizards, blind lizards, spinytail Lizards, plated lizards, spectacled lizards, whiptails and tegus, Lacertids, skinks, night lizards, glass lizards, American legless lizards, knob-scaled lizards, gila monsters, earless Monitor lizards, monitor lizards, worm Lizards, shorthead Worm Lizards, two-legged Worm Lizards, snakes, wart snakes, false coral snakes, dwarf pipe snakes, African burrowing asps, stiletto snakes, boas, anacondas, Old World sand boas, Mauritius snakes, Colubrids, typical snakes, Asian pipe snakes, cobras, coral snakes, mambas, sea snakes, Mexican pythons, pythons, dwarf boas, pipe snakes, shield-tailed snakes, vipers, pitvipers, Fae's viper, night adders, pitvipers, rattlesnakes, true vipers, sunbeam snakes, blind snakes, primitive blind snakes, slender blind snakes, thread snakes, blind snakes, typical blind snakes, Crocodiles, alligators, garials. Aves: Ostrich, rheas, cassowaries and emu, kiwis, elephant birds, upland moas, great moas, lesser moas, Tinamous, Australian brush turkey,megapodes, chachalacas, curassows, and guans, Guineafowl, pheasants and allies, New World quail, pheasants and relatives, mihirungs, screamers, magpie-goose, ducks, geese, and swans, grebes, swimming flamingos, flamingos, pigeons and doves, sandgrouse, mesites, Tawny frogmouth, Nightjars, oilbird, potoos, frogmouths, owlet-nightjars, treeswifts, swifts, hummingbird, cuckoos and relatives, turacos and relatives, bustards, hoatzin, cranes and allies, cranes, limpkin, trumpeters, rails and allies, adzebills, finfoots, flufftails, rails and relatives, thick-knees and allies, thick-knees and relatives, sheathbills, Magellanic plover, plover-like waders, golden plovers, ibisbill, oystercatchers, plovers and lapwings, jacana-like waders, painted snipes, Egyptian plover, jacanas, seedsnipes, plains-wanderer, sandpipers and relatives, buttonquail, gulls and allies, coursers and pratincoles, crab-plover, skuas and jaegers, auks and puffins, gulls, skimmers and terns, sunbittern, tropicbirds, penguins, albatrosses, austral storm petrels, northern storm petrels, petrels and relatives, White stork, storks, frigatebirds, boobies and gannets, darters, cormorants and shags, ibises and spoonbills, hamerkop, shoebill, pelicans, herons and relatives, New World vultures, secretarybird, osprey, hawks, eagles, buzzards, harriers, kites and Old World vultures, barn owls, true owls, mousebirds, cuckooroller, trogons and quetzals, hornbills, hoopoe, woodhoopoes, bee-eater, rollers, ground rollers, todies, motmots, Kingfisher, jacamars, puffbirds, African barbets, Asian barbets, toucans, toucan barbets, American barbets, woodpeckers, honeyguides, seriemas, falcons and relatives, kakapo, kea and kakas, cockatoos, African and American parrots, Australasian parrots, Pesquet's parrot, vasa parrots, Pitta cyanea, Lyrebird, New Zealand wrens, suboscines, Old World suboscines, sapayoa, Calyptomenid broadbills, pittas, broadbills, asities, New World suboscines, bronchophones, manakins, cotingas, sharpbills, royal flycatchers and allies, becards and tityras, spadebills, many-colored rush tyrants, mionectine flycatchers, tyrant flycatchers, tracheophones, crescent-chests, gnateaters, antbirds, antpittas, ground antbirds, ovenbirds, oscines, scrub-birds, lyrebirds, bowerbirds, Australasian treecreepers, Australasian wrens, bristlebirds, gerygones and allies, honeyeaters and relatives, Australasian babblers, logrunners, quail-thrushes and jewel-babblers, cuckoo-shrikes, whitehead and allies, sittellas, wattled ploughbills, whipbirds and quail-thrushes, Australo-Papuan bellbirds, crested shriketits, painted berrypeckers, vireos and relatives, whistlers and relatives, Old World orioles, Boatbills, woodswallows and butcherbirds, mottled berryhunter, ioras, bristlehead, bushshrikes and relatives, wattle-eyes and batises, vangas , fantails, silktail, drongo fantail, drongos, blue-capped ifrits, Australian mudnesters, birds-of-paradise, monarch flycatchers, shrikes, jays and crows, berrypeckers, satinbirds, Australasian robins, stitchbird, wattlebirds, rockfowl, rock-jumpers, rail-babbler, fairy warblers, hyliotas, penduline tits, chickadees and true tits, Nicators, bearded reedling, larks, African warblers, cisticolas and relatives, marsh warblers, pygmy wren-babblers, grass warblers, Malagasy warblers, swallows and martins, bulbuls, leaf warblers, bush warblers , Bushtits, true warblers, parrotbills, fulvettas, white-eyes, babblers and relatives, fulvettas, ground babblers, laughing thrushes, kinglets, spotted wren-babblers, Hawaiian honeyeaters, silky-flycatchers, waxwings, Palmchat, hypocolius, wallcreeper, nuthatches, treecreepers, wrens, gnatcatchers, dippers, thrushes and relatives, flycatchers and relatives, oxpeckers, mockingbirds and thrashers, starlings and mynas , sugarbirds, dapplethroat and allies, flowerpeckers, sunbirds, fairy-bluebirds, leafbirds, olive warbler, accentors, pink-tailed bunting, weavers and relatives, whydahs and indigobirds, weaver finches, Old World sparrows, wagtails and pipits, finches and relatives, longspurs, snow buntings, rosy thrush-tanagers, Old World buntings and New World sparrows, American sparrows, palm-tanager and allies, New World blackbirds and New World orioles, Cuban warblers, wood warblers, cardinals, grosbeaks, and New World buntings, tanagers and relatives. MAMMALS: Rat, Bat, Horse, Standardbred, Throughbred, Saddlebred, Arab, Palomino, Australian stock, Appaloosa, Barb, Lippizaner, Mustang, American Shetland, Falabella, Percheron, Shire, Mule, Bullock, Setter, Oxen, Camel, Tiger, Lion, Hyaenas, Leopard, Bear, Cat, Dog, Sheep, Goat, Cow, Cob, Pig, Chamois, Bulldog, Borzoi, Loris, Longspur, Harvest mouse, Spiny – ant eater, Duck – billed platypus, Elephant, Rhinoceros, Tonkinese, Ragdoll, Margay, Tapir, Seal, Sea lion, Walrus, Dolphin, Bactrian camel, Arabian camel, Bushbaby, Burmese cat, Whale, Porpoise, Aardvark, Ape, Monkey, Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Flying Lemur, Hare, Pika, Macaque, Rabbit, Colobus, Antelope, Caribou, Cattle, Deer, Grizzly bear, Hyrax, Armadillo, Porcupine, Hedgehog, Arctic hare, Mole, Shrew, Beaver, Asian black bear, Polar bear, Sloth bear, Spectacled bear, Mouse, Squirrel, Dugong, Moose, Fallow deer, Reindeer, Red deer, Manatee, Egyptian Mau, Scottish fold, Himalayan, Birman, Red squirrel, Hippopotamus, Weasel, Whale, Wither, Blue whale, Sperm whale, Killer whale, Wallaby, Beluga, Baird’s beaked whale, Grey whale, Bryde’s whale, Pygmy right whale, Southern right whale, Seal, Ape, Indri, Aye – aye, Alaskan Malamute, Dobermann, Beagle, Kinkajou, Afgan Hound, Rough Collie, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Sheepdog, Pointer, Poddle, Weimaraner, Bloodhound, Zebra, Giraffe, Yak, Arctic fox, Polecat, Golden Retriever, Kerry Blue, Prairie dog, Airedale, German spitz, Pekingese, Otter, Shih Tzu, Proboscis monkey, Orang – utan, Red Howler monkey, Spider monkey, Sloth, Koala, Pangolin, Mustelid, Mongoose, Guinea pig, Malayan Porcupine, Naked Mole rat, Capybara, Pallid Gerbil, Brown rat, Somali, Ocicat, Balinese, Bengal, Cymric, Chartreux, Devon Rex, Turkish Angora, Russian Blue, Yellow – necked woodmouse, Hamster, Grey squirrel, Chipmunk, Fox, Blue Longhair, Chinese Pangolin, Blue – cream shorthair, Tortoiseshell and white shorthair, Brown spotted shorthair, Red and white Japanese bobtail, Javanese, Red Persian Longhair, Brown classic tabby maine coon, Lilac angora, Seal point Siamese, Brown and white sphinx, Red classic tabby manx, Vampire bat, Proboscis bat, Franquet’s fruit bat, Bengal Tiger, Horseshoe bat, Noctule bat, Funnel - eared bat, Blue exotic, Foreign lilac oriental shorthair, Boxer, Bay, Cream point colour pointed british shorthair, Abyssinian, Cinnamon silver Cornish rex, Wolverine, Skunk, Human being, Pine marten, Stoat, Chocolate point longhair, Husky, Ant eater, Kangaroo, Gray Mouse Lemur, Musk oxen, Raccoon dogrie, Pasnda, Bouto, Pembroke Welsh corgi, Whippet, Whisker, Indus river dolphin, Franciscana, Sorrel, Finless porpoise, Jerboa, Harbour porpoise, Bottlenose dolphin, Border Collie, Diana Monkey, White – beaked dolphin, Atlantic white – sided dolphin, Bobcat, Alpaca, Aberdeen angus, Lynx, Pacific white – sided dolphin, Rhesus monkey, Irish wolfhound, Baboon, Slivery marmoset, Puma, Ocelot, Norwegian Forest Cat, Basenji, Keeshond, Akita, Samoyed, Briard, Brittaney, Vizsla, Weimaraner, Saluki, Greyhound, Rottweiler, Bullmastiff, Newfoundland, Puli, Bombay, Sphynx, Kangaroo rat, Humpback whale, Red panda, Maltese, Pug, Chihuahua, Papillon, Pomeranian, Schipperke, Aardwolve, Cheetah, Civet, Red – Bellied Lemur, Moustache, Monkey, Yorkshire terrier, German shepherd, Clumber spaniel, Bouvier des Flandres, Belgian sheepdog, Boston terrier, Italian greyhound, Chesapeake Bay retriever, Genet, Musk deer, Bichon fries, Rock Hyrax, Pony, Mink, Mammoth, Mastodon, Giant sloth, Llama, African Elephant, DeBrazza’s Monkey, Siberian Tiger, Hackney Pony, Bonnet Monkey, German wirehaired pointer, Ferret, Jaguar, Dalmatian, Red Bengal Tiger, Badger, Shunk, Skye terrier, Great dane, Grampus, Bandicoot, Wolf, Marmot, Squirrel monkey, Sable, Minke whale, Spectacle porpoise, Opossums, Airedale, Wombat. etc , Ramapithecus, Australopithecus bosei or Paranthropus bosei, Zinjanthopus bosei, Homo – erectus ( Java man, Peking man, Heidelberg man ), Homo – Sapiens ( Neanderthal man, Cro – Magnon man) to the modern humans with their development and structure of their Heart, their contributions to the formation of the modern humans. What is the origin of the heart? In which place the heart is situated? What is the weight of our (modern humans) heart? Can a person live without a heart? What is the function of the heart? How heart pumps blood to the body? What type of circulation takes place in the human heart? How big our human heart is? Why is our (modern humans) heart considered as the most developed in the world? Why does heart stop? What are heart sounds? What are the types of heart sounds? What causes the heart sounds heard with a stethoscope? What is the anatomy of the heart? Why heart is considered an important organ in the body? Why can’t people live if heartbeat stops? Where is heart located in? How many chambers are present in the heart? What is the number of heart beats per minute? What is the amount of blood pumped by heart? How much blood does the human heart pump in a lifetime? And Short notes on heart attack i.e. what is the definition of a heart attack? Why does a heart attack occur? What are the types of the heart attack? What happens if human get a heart attack? What are the symptoms of Heart attack? What are the causes of the Heart attack? What are the risk factors related to the Heart attack? What are the types of risk factors cause the Heart attack? What are the complications of a Heart attack? What types of diagnosis useful in detecting and treating a heart attack? What treatment is needed to treat heart attack patients? What are 5 strategies to be maintained after the heart attack? What to do after recovery from a heart attack? What is cardiac rehabilitation? Why cardiac rehabilitation is needed to heart attack patients? Does cardiac rehabilitation create positive effects? What are a lifestyle and home remedies are to be maintained? What type of coping and support should be given to heart attack patients? What are the immediate measures should be taken when you encounter an emergency of heart attack patient? What signs and symptoms list should be made to consult a doctor? What is a widow maker heart attack? What is the definition of a widowmaker heart attack? What are the symptoms of Widowmaker heart attack? What are the causes of Widowmaker heart attack? What are the risk factors related to Widowmaker heart attack? What are the complications of a widowmaker heart attack? What types of diagnosis useful in detecting and treating a widowmaker heart attack? What treatment is needed to treat heart attack patients? How to make over your lifestyle? What type of measures should be taken to stay away from a heart attack? What are 20 types of foods should be taken to keep your heart healthy? Solutions and answers of above questions, material and topics are included and cleared in this book.'
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slash-em-up · 4 years
Smoke Screen pt. 1: The Djinn x Reader
Well... I did not start out tonight writing a Djinn piece; but I sure as hell ended up with one! There will definitely be at least a part 2, and probably more if I’m being honest. So please read and enjoy!
Five dark figures stood in a red flame-wreathed room.
At first glance, an outside observer might believe this to be a doorway into Hell – and that wouldn’t be far from the truth. This was the realm of the Djinn. The essence of evil and temptation set to conquer the world, both mortal and divine.
But that was not the business that brought these five together today.
Today they held court to punish one of their own.
“Thrice you have failed in your task to free your Djinn brothers, and though your failure in Persia may have been overlooked – being defeated by two mortal women within the space of two mortal years is inexcusable!”
A heavy-set Djinn with long horns gesticulated wildly in his accusations, looking from his three compatriots to the disappointing child of fire he condemned with furious vigor.
The three Djinn standing at his side nodded in agreement – their brother, trapped so long in the Stone of the Secret Fire would find no quarter from them.
The Djinn standing trial looked on with a neutral expression – all the while hissing curses under his breath at the four who would be his judge, jury, and executioner. He was unable to do more than this, as his wrists were tightly shacked with etched iron chains – cutting off his access to the power that would normally flow so freely in this dark realm.
He’d had many titles over the centuries – none more important to him than any other; but his most recent excursions to the mortal plane had allotted him the name Nathaniel Demerest. A stolen name to match a stolen face. Taken in an attempt to tempt the human Alexandra Amberson into freeing the Djinn from their hellfire prison.
He’d been so close!
If that bitch hadn’t used her final wish to undo his escape from the stone, the human world would already be conquered, and these cretins would look upon him as their savior! Instead he stood at their mercy like a whipped dog – hoping to avoid more than a slap to the wrist if he continued to appear contrite.
“Are we decided then?”
The Djinn, Nathaniel, snapped back to attention at these words. Feeling his horns twitch and his stomach sink at the determined nods of his peers.
A second Djinn stepped forward – tall, with piercings running the length of his wide brow bone.
“Brother. This gathering has determined that you are no longer worthy of your role among us. Your failure to secure our freedom from the mortal women has made it plain that you cannot be relied upon, nor should you be tasked with such responsibility again. Therefore, we have decided to banish you to the human realm.”
The condemned Djinn barred his sharp teeth, all pretense of humility dropping away as the sentence continued.
“You will be stripped of your wish-granting abilities toward all but your Waker. You will be compelled to obey their every command, without exception. You will be tied to this mortal until their death, at which point your human form will perish as well.”
This statement was met with a roar of disbelief and rage.
“Should you directly or indirectly cause the death of your Waker, your spirit will be thrown into the ether to wander in the cold for all eternity. This is our command, and your punishment. Depart, lost brother, may you find your purpose with the humans – for it is no longer with us.”
At these final words a huge gust of wind flew through the chamber, battering against the doomed Djinn like a hammer. Though he roared and struggled mightily, the force pressing against his body was too strong and he soon found himself flying backwards, towards a dark inferno – condemned to wait on the soul he would be tied to for eternity.
“You seriously expect me to believe this all came from your grandmother’s estate in Sarasota?”
Eyebrow raised and hip cocked, you were the picture of disbelief as you haggled over a box full of random kitsch at the local swap meet.
You were a regular at this particular stall, and the owner was a friend – Dell. He looked like a sweet little white-haired man, which is just what he wanted people to think, before he charged them face value for a broken VCR player. Thankfully, he only nickel and dimed the tourists, and was always happy to give you a good haggle for the random shit he tended to accumulate around his tent.
“Did I say she was my grandmother? I meant she was my wife’s grandmother! A real class act, that broad – straight from Atlantic City!”
“Mmmhmm… Sure. I’ll give you five for everything.”
“Five?! You better get your head looked at sweetheart, what you’re holding there is worth at least thirty.”
“Twelve, and I promise to go easy on you at checkers next week.”
“Go easy on – Fine. You’re a good kid but you’re a regular shark sometimes. Twelve.”
You smiled widely at Dell as you hoisted the box to one hip and pulled our your money.
Waving merrily at the old man you sauntered down the bustling isle of tents, fully ready to bundle yourself into your car and head home.
A red blast of color hit your eye and you stopped in your tracks, momentarily blinded by the sun glinting off a rubicund stone sitting among a pile of tangled and tarnished jewelry.
You moved closer, head tilting in curiosity at the large, cut gem – you could swear for a moment you heard the echoes of screams… overlaid by a deep purr… you shook your head to clear it.
“Hey, you interested?” a young man perched on a folding chair behind the table addressed you casually.
“Might be... How much?”
The youth snorted.
“I’ll take twenty for the whole pile. It’s not worth it to mess around with separating it all.”
Twenty was a pretty good deal, considering all the rest of the jewelry just waiting to be patiently untangled and polished…
“I’ll take it.”
The plastic bag stuffed full of random metal and the one strange gem was tossed into your box of knick-knacks, and you were once again on your way - completely unaware of the significance of the sanguine stone that glowed ever so slightly as you carried it home.
You’d find out soon enough.
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cinnamonswirlix · 5 years
Pocket Camp Creature Changes
The latest maintenance for pocket camp has come with surprisingly many changes with the creatures.
Since it’s going to take some getting used to (for me, at least), I though to break it down for anyone else who might need it.
What left
Saltwater Shores
Olive flounder
Football fish
Napoleon fish
Barred knifejaw
Conch shell
Sunburst Island
Fruit beetle
Monarch butterfly
Jewel beetle
Agrias butterfly
Cyclommatus stag
Lost Lure Creek
Pale chub
Yellow perch
Neon tetra
King salmon
What’s new
Saltwater Shores
Sweet shrimp ($200)
Pacific saury ($10)
Atlantic mackerel ($100)
Octopus ($10)
Pufferfish ($100)
Achilles surgeonfish
Whale shark
Oyster shell ($10)
Sunburst Island
Common butterfly ($10)
Horned atlas ($4,000)
Saw stag ($1,200)
Raja B. Butterfly ($1,500)
Lost Lure Creek
Bluegill ($10)
Freshwater goby ($10)
Salmon ($300)
Catfish ($400)
I’ll keep updating the prices as I catch them, if it helps anyone!
Have fun exploring, fellow campers!
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jennywolfgal · 5 years
Bestiary: Sea Dragon
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Sea Dragons (Aquadraco Marewurm) are large aquatic Squamates native to the North Sea but have been spotted in the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the Irish and Celtic sea. Origin/evolutionary history: Like all dragons, they've really begun to diverge and become big in the Eocene Epoch, their ancestor's currently unknown, but they most likely split off from a common ancestor from drakes and lindwurms as a means of avoiding competition with other dragons and big threats like royal wyverns and most likely became fully aquatic around a couple of million years after the Eocene. Physiology/biology: Sea Dragons, like lindwurms on land, mostly move around their environment via their limbs, rather than in a fully serpentine slither. Their horns have been greatly reduced to avoid drag in the waters, and they've also lost the ability to spit venom, but still can deliver a venomous bite, which combined with how they, like mosasaurs, have a second row of teeth, can deliver dose after dose into whatever poor creature's trapped in their jaws. Sea Dragons prey upon a variety of medium to fish, other sea dragons should they be weak and/or small enough, humans, seals, sea lions, young and/or small sharks, any medium-sized prey item on land should it come near or in the water, and even orcas, should they be alone, and young, old, sick, or wounded. They're dark blue with light blue stripes and a dull light grey underside, they also have fully black eyes. Due to the placement of the nostrils remaining the same, they swim and hunt near the surface. They also compensate their inability to spit venom by being able to do the next best thing in terms of long ranged attacks and thus be able to prey upon creatures in the air or on land but close to the water's edge, via spitting a jet of high-pressured water at their target, while it's certainly incapable of doing it to the extent of cutting through tough material like metal like butter, it can easily and quickly stun or outright kill the target. They can grow from 23-26 ft long, and swim around 37 mph tops, and 16-19 mph for casual speed. Despite their size and much like with another great predator that could rival them, orcas, sea dragons are known to risk beaching themselves in pursuit of prey, and to a notably higher success rate than most orcas, as they're smaller and have a longer reach. As they're marine creatures and are too large to crawl onto land, they give birth to live young close to the surface, gestation period's not well-known, but their mating season starts after the beginning of summer near midsummer. Behavior: Sea Dragons are less territorial than their land-based cousins, as they're much more nomadic and explorative. Their intellect is unknown, they seem to be more primitive like basal lindwurms and drakes, but have been reported to possess higher intellect similar to regular dragons, some possible evidence for this is shown with vibrant and spectacular arrangements of shiny objects decorated on the muddy and sandy bottoms near or within the shallow waters were found, strongly suggesting complex courtship rituals during mating season. More tests like the mirror test are needed to be conducted for further analysis on their intelligence. While being fierce nigh-apex predators, they are afraid of great whites should they get the jump on them, or orcas, and will certainly try to flee should they come across a pod of them, but there's an animal that alone is the main reason why they're not the true apex of their northern sea homes, jörmungandrs, the giant apex predators of the region, even looking down at the darker waters below is frightful enough to send them swimming away fast should they spot a murky serpentine silhouette, even if it's just another sea dragon or an eel. Weaknesses/termination methods; As stated previously, great whites and orcas can rival them, and a jörmungandr can easily prey upon them. Piercing weapons and explosives are effective like with other dragons and are hardly hindered in the water, electrical shocks are another very effective means due to their aquatic environment. As they lack gills they need to go to the surface to breathe, or they'll drown, when surfaced they can be taken out with a high powered rifle or shotgun with one or two shots. Containment/handling procedures: Like all dragons, they don't do well in captivity, even if containment was somehow managed, even more so than with most dragons as they need to move around a lot in vast open spaces. Only a few reports and even fewer real reliable accounts have been made where sea dragons have been trained by those they imprinted on as hatchlings, and like the sea dragons themselves are nomadic and adventurous. Art by www.deviantart.com/sheather888
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU RP Thing: Chaos Akuma
An RP me and @pika-ace did relating to the BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU where an Akuma (that’s basically Discord but his chaos powers are amped to an 11) distorts the city and the Armada into whatever he desires.
(An Akuma flies through the sky and finds someone to possess, a couple of seconds later, there was a mini-sonic boom and slowly, the city and everything in it, starts
to distort into strange and surreal things, even logic itself was being distorted.)
(Everyone starts to warp and change)
(Jordan suddenly feels a stinging pain inside of him and winces)
Eric: You okay...? (Eric feels a headache coming on and winces)
Jordan: *winces* N-No...not really...! *curls up from the pain and he notices claws were forming out of his fingers*
Eric: Jordan! What- (Eric falls to his knees, clutching his head)
Jordan: Will...!! *winces in pain as ears and a tail start growing on his body*
Eric: J...Jordan... (Eric can feel his concern melting away, even thought deep down he still feels it, and metal start to climb his skin)
(Fangs started to grow on Jordan's teeth and parts of his body had fur growing)
Jordan: *internally* What the fuck...?! I thought...Joe fixed this... *curls over in pain*
(Eventually, the pain stopped and Jordan looked at himself, he transformed into a half man half wolf. having the senses of a wolf but keeping his intelligence as a
Jordan: Wha...What the hell?!
(Jordan looks and sees that Eric is transforming into an android)
Jordan: Oh my god Will! *he holds him* Eric: J...Jordan...!!
(Eric slowly reaches out towards Jordan)
(His hand becomes metal and his eyes glow blue)
Jordan: Will...?
Eric: *voice becoming stiff* Jordan...
Jordan: *his wolf ears drooping* Uh...Will...?
Eric: *robot voice* Analyzing symptoms of Jordan Ellis, designated spouse or partner.
(Jordan looks at Eric, confused and a little bit scared)
Eric: Analysis complete. Energy readings signify an akuma.
Jordan: Well no shit, Peach, why else would we turn into this?! *gestures his body and Eric's body*
Eric: Analysis also confirms that others are having similar effects, some more drastic than others
(Jordan tenses up at the thought of Michael or others he cares about, going through similar or more drastic transformations)
(Jordan pulls out his phone to the group chat where the chat is already blowing up with reactions and screaming)
Jordan: Oh god...
(The chat is pure chaos)
Jeremy: *text* H E L P, S M A L L  A S  A  K I T T E N DX
Anton: *sends of photo of his scarred eye open but it has TV static, while the rest of body has wires in his body* I have NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL I TURNED INTO!!!
(Amongst the chaos, Jane sent a video in the chat, in the video, “Eric” was holding the camera in from of “him”)
Jordan: The fuck?!
(In the video, "Eric" explains that "he's" Jane, but the magic of the chaos akuma turned her into a shapeshifter, allowing her to turn into whatever she desires. Then,
near the end of the video, she shows what the chaos magic did to Joe, she turns the camera to the table, there a book lays on the table. And Jane says that the magic
made a magic book and now Joe is sealed within it, with his only way of communication is to write words on the blank pages.)
Jordan: Jesus, what a shit show...
Lin: *text* Everybody turned into some kind of freak show, thanks to that Akuma! XS
Kirsty: *text* You can say that again! (She sends a video of the trinity showing that she’s about three inches tall and the trinity have become living representations of ‘see no evil, hear no evil, and
speak no evil’. Philip has no eyes, Sebastian has no ears, and Max has no mouth)
Jane: *text* Holy shit! O_O
Kirsty: *text* I KNOW!! And do you know how hard it is to use a touch screen when you’re this tiny??? >:(
Jeremy: *text* I'm kinda having the same problem cause, ya know, I'M THE SIZE OF A KITTEN RIGHT NOW?!
Jane: *text* Dad says we should all meet up and asses the damage before going after the akuma
Jordan: *text* Alright, see you all there!
Jordan: C'mon Will!
Jordan: Let’s go! Eric: Affirmative.
(They transform and head out and meet with the others in less than graceful fashions due to their deformities) Dasher: *runs backwards to where they are and slams into the wall as a result* OW FUCK!!
Timber: Woah! You okay Speedy?!
Dasher: No! My running is completely fucked up!
(Dasher slowly backs up, wincing at the hard blow) Dasher: *softly* Ow ow ow ow ow...
Stag: At least you can fucking SEE!!! (Gestures to Cloudy who is literally a walking ball of wool)
Cloudy: Help :^(
Atlantic: *points to Stag* Mmmmph mmm mmm mmmph. (You're not much better off) (Stag's horns are huge, weighing down his head so much that he has to drag them along)
Stag: Oh Maxie, these *gestures the horns* may be bad, but trust me, "down below" i had it the worse. :/
Atlantic: Mmmph mmmph mm mmm mmmmm mmmmmph!!! >:((((( Scarlet: WHAT?! Jade: Please, you don't have to shout....although *puts hands where his eyes used to be* it gives me a better idea of where you are...but who am I kidding you're not
hearing any of this... Scarlet: WHAT?!
Inferno: Why even complain about this?! We all *suddenly his voice turns into a female's voice* have some kind of problem thanks to the *turns back into a male voice*
Akuma fucking us up! >:(
Leo: Whoa that's weird... Ace: Honestly I think he has it the best. (Ace is now part pigeon and the size of one too, carrying Swan in his feet who is now a plushie)
Leo: ...At least Post can be the one thing he loves. :/
(Hound whines as he's now a dog but with his human head) Hound: I want my apposable thumbs back! D'X
Volph: Same here! I think? (Volph is now an anthro fox, her fox tail sticking out with her nine tails of her costume)
Maiden: *who has a legit unicorn head but a human body* Let's just find this asshole and be done with this...
Draco: Let's just be careful of how we traverse this chaos driven terrain...especially me... *parts of Draco's body is covered in stained glass, not only that, he's a
bit fragile, a simple fall would shatter him into pieces*
Striker: I second that... *Striker has become part stone like a griffon statue*
Jane: *who's taken the form of Makoto from Danganronpa* Yeah, everybody got a little form change thanks to him... *she looks at the magic book that she's holding*
...At least you guys can move around, unlike Dad who's...probably gonna be immobile until this is over... :/
Kirsty: *climbs on Jane's shoulder* I can't even move without fear of being stepped on. Christine at least has wings. *points to Papillion who's now the size of a
Papillion: Well yeah, the world does seem a bit more dangerous if you're SUPER tiny. :/
Tiger: DOES NO ONE REMEMBER THAT I'M PERMANENTLY ON FIRE?!?!?!?!?! *his whole body is up in flames*
Jane: ...Oh yeah, forgot about that. :/
Pacific: *mouth is full of giant shark teeth expanding his mouth and his lips* My dentist is gonna KILL ME!!!
Ursa: *body was buffed up and generally he looked like a bear man* Now i know how it feels to be the strongest man in the whole armada... *glares at Timber*
Timber: Oh fuck you too, Matt >:(
(Ursa and Timber glare at each other)
Natura: Guys cmon not now! (Natura has turned into the deer god from Princess Mononoke)
Aqua: Yeah, you can do it later AFTER we’re back to normal! XS (Aqua’s hair is now multi-colored, SUPER long, and are thin like spaghetti)
Karma: Yeah... (Karma’s physical body is gone, but his costume and mask are still visible)
Timber: *huffs* Fine...
(They head off the best they can to look for the akuma)
(Jane taken the form of Wise Owl to catch up with the group. Seeing everyone struggling to look for the Akuma in their current state, Joe’s written words in the magic
book were filled with distress and worry for the Armada)
Jane: Awww don’t worry dad, they’ll be okay
Joe: *written down* Are you sure my dear?
(Jane looks up as Jade trips and falls due to blindness and Tiger sets a nearby object on fire) Jane: ...Yeah...they'll be fine O_O
Joe: *written down* I hope so...with these deformities this akuma has bestowed upon them...i just pray to god that they'll be okay by the end of this...
(After a good while of struggling, they hear laughing) Akuma: Oh this is just priceless XD
Timber: *ears twitch* I hear him!
Kirsty: Well duh, he's right above you. *points to the akuma laughing above them*
Akuma: *laughs* Oh god, you all look HILARIOUS!! XD
Atlantic: *muffled ranting* Akuma: What? I can't quite...you got something... *points to his mouth* Oh wait, you have NOTHING XD
(The akuma laughs at Atlantic, while Atlantic fumes with rage)
Timber: You're going down, I think is what he means to say >:(
Akuma: Oh really? You deformed weirdos are gonna take ME down? HA! You guys couldn't even crush a cockroach with these new forms of yours! XD *keeps laughing* Joe: *angrily writes* HEY!! Do NOT insult my children!! >:(
Jane: Sheesh Dad... O_O (Leo hisses and yowls quite pitifully, only fueling the akuma's laughter)
Dasher: You think THIS is FUCKING FUNNY?! >:(
Cyber: Affirmative; analysis confirms that these transfigurations to our bodies are only intended for enterntainment
Draco: So he turned EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US into some kind of JOKE?! >:(
Cyber: Affirmative. Hound: Quit acting so calm about this!!!
Cyber: *looks at Hound, curiously* What do you mean? This is my default voice.
Kirsty: Hey! Are you guys gonna kick his ass or what?!
Akuma: *laughs* There's no WAY these fools are gonna beat me! There's NO way they can smack me around with those silly forms of theirs! XD
(Cyber wordlessly raises his hand and shoots a lightning blast and it hits) Cyber: Target acquired. Akuma object termination in progress
Akuma: GAH!! Why you...!! *his arm morphs into a giant arm made out of vines and he grabs Cyber with the large fist made out of vines*
Timber: WILL!!
(The Akuma lifts Cyber up and starts throwing him around, slamming him into nearby buildings)
(Cyber keeps a straight face almost throughout the whole thing) Tiger: My GOD man, you’re being pummeled!! DONT YOU CARE?!?!
(The Akuma keeps throwing him around until he stops, his vine arm detaching from his body, a new arm immediately grows in its place, and the vines tie around Cyber’s
body. The vines slowly tighten their grip on him and spikes start to pop out in some places)
Timber: LET GO OF MY PEACH!!! (Timber leaps up with his claws and slices through the vines and catches Cyber, landing safely)
Timber: *to Cyber* You Okay, Peach?
Cyber: *stares at Timber in slight shock* A...Affirmative...
Timber: Good... (The Akuma looks at the Armada in slight amusement) Akuma: So ya weaklings think you can stand up against me? >:3
Dasher: Hell yeah we can!!
Akuma: Well I hope you have a little plan to do so, cause I’m gonna make this world turn against ya! >:3 (The Akuma snaps his fingers and suddenly, the ground below them turned into thick chocolate sauce)
Leo: Oh COME ON!!
(They struggle through the chocolate to get out of it, but the fact that Tiger is on fire, causes the chocolate to get a bit hotter)
Pacific: Dude, get OUT of the chocolate!! Tiger: I'm TRYING! >:(((
(They keep struggling until they manage to get out.) (But then the Akuma made the ground below them turn into slippery soap)
(The holders all slip and slide) Jane: It's okay! Just pretend you're ice skating!
Dasher: But-AH! *he slips and falls on the ground* some of us CAN'T skate! XS
Kirsty: Then now's a good time to learn! (Meanwhile, any flying holders who are able, start fighting the akuma)
(However, the akuma had a wide grin on his face, fighting back with such great force. He even takes advantage of their new forms, by landing a hard hit on Draco and a
piece of his glass like body breaking off of him)
(Draco screams) Timber: NO!!! (Cyber stares as emotion tries to break through his eyes)
Akuma: Oh ho, why would a fragile one, such as yourself, would want to fight me? Especially if *grabs Draco's arm and with great force, he snaps it off of him* THIS
happens to ya? >:3
Jane and Kirsty: HOLY SHIT!!! (Cyber blasts the akuma as hard as he can with lightning)
(The akuma smirks and hides Draco behind him, then with his chaos magic, turns the arm into a copy of Draco and uses it as a shield, letting the lightning hit the
Draco clone)
Hound: HEY!!! Leo: No one hurts Dragon Dad on OUR watch!!! (The kids all attack, knocking the clone away)
(The Akuma smiles wickedly and pulls out a large cage, then he swoops all the kids up in it, and then he spins it around quickly)
Stag: KIDS!!!
(The kids scream as they are being spun around. Until the akuma throws the cage and it flies over the adult Holders and through the city) Akuma: Homerun!! >:3
Dasher: I'll get them! *starts running backwards after them as best he can* Atlantic: *muffled yelling and screaming* Scarlet: YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!
Akuma: I'm not going down, you are >;3 *he snaps his fingers and suddenly gravity pushes the Adult Holders down, making it a bit hard for them to move*
(A bird visor then appears on his face) Raven: Well done my akuma! You've done beautifully! >:3
Akuma: Thank you Master! >:3
Akuma: Shall I bring them to you? Raven: Oh please do. >:3
Akuma: I will, and trust me, you'll LAUGH once you seen what i've done to them! >:3
Raven: I look forward to it.
(The Raven Visor disappears and the Akuma looks at the Holders)
Akuma: Well, time to go! (He waves his hand and a giant sentient bag appears and scoops up all the adult holders; he then makes a separate bag) Akuma: Get those kids and that weasel, we want to please Master >:3 *the bag flies off*
(A couple of seconds later, the bag comes back with the kids Holders and Dasher in it)
(The akuma grins and flies towards Raven's tower, which has a kind of shield around it made by the akuma so the reality warping won't affect him; Raven comes out of
the tower, stopping right at the edge of the shield) Raven: I'm sorry to say all your hard work will be undone once they come in here, but please, show them to me, I must see this with my own eyes! >:3 *he gestures to a
spot right in front of the shield*
(The akuma empties the bags out while keeping gravity on them so Raven can see their conditions)
(Upon seeing their conditions, Raven bursts out into laughter)
Raven: Oh! This is incredible! XD
(Raven keeps laughing at them, while the Holders, Jane, and Kirsty, all glare at him)
(He laughs for a while until he finally calms down) Raven: Okay...well done...ten out of ten, darling; throw the bags into my tower and you can keep doing your thing... XD
Akuma: Okay! >:3
(He puts them all back into one bag and throws them into the tower and flies off; meanwhile, while the holders are still helpless, the moment they enter the field,
they return to normal) Raven: *enters the tower* Oh it was fun while it lasted...
(Raven takes the bags up the tower)
(Once he gets to the tower...) Raven: First, let's deal with the extra baggage... *he reaches in and grabs Jane and Kirsty out of the bag*
Jane: AHH! Kirsty: HEY!!
(He ties them up back to back and puts tape on their mouths and holds them up by a length of rope) Raven: Now I can guarantee a little more cooperation from the animal patrol >:3
Kirsty and Jane: MMMPH!!
(Raven unties the bag) Raven: Alright, c'mon out. Enjoy your normality *softly* for now...
(He empties out the bag, letting the Holders fall out)
(Everyone looks around and deflates in relief at seeing they're normal again)
Timber: Thank god...
Cyber: Jordan! *hugs him* I've been wanting to do that all day!!
Timber: *hugs back* Finally, my Peach is speaking normally! :)
Atlantic: I can talk!! Scarlet: I can hear!! Jade: I can see!!
Owl: *looks at himself* I-I'm not in a book anymore...! Oh thank god...!! *hugs any nearby Holders as tightly as possible* Oh my dear children, you're all okay...!!
Hound: Oof! Missed you too, Owl Dad
(Raven rolls his eyes as he sees the Holders all relieved to have their normal bodies back)
Kirsty: MMMPH!! (Hey, don't ignore us!! >:((( )
Jane: MMPH!!! (Yeah, we matter too! >:((( )
Raven: *clears this throat and gets their attention* I get that you're happy but - *he holds his scythe up to Kirsty and Jane* Let's get back to business, shall we?
(The Holders' eyes widen upon seeing the scythe near Jane and Kirsty)
Raven: Your Miraculous, if you please. I would tie you all up and take them by force, but I'm not really feeling it today, soooo... (He pushes the scythe closer, making the two girls whimper)
(The Holders tense up)
Raven: What's it gonna be, holders? The easy way or the hard way?
(The Holders glare at Raven, not wanting to hand their Miraculous over, but they don't want Jane and Kirsty's lives to be taken by Raven Claw)
(After a while, Raven sighs) Raven: Alright, if you're going to be dramatic about it, you can at least be entertaining (He drops a portion of the shield so only he, Jane, and Kirsty are shielded from the warping)
Leo: Oh no, not again! XS (Everyone starts to transform)
Timber: No..! WILL!! (Cyber starts becoming metal again)
(Timber winces in pain as he starts transforming again)
(Cyber hugs him) Cyber: I...I love you...!
Timber: I...I love you...too...!!
Jane and Kirsty: *struggle* MMMMPH!! (The transformations finish)
Tiger: AHHH!!! I'M ON FIRE AGAIN!!!!!
(The holders descend into chaos once more and Raven laughs while Jane and Kirsty watch in horror)
Leo: Oh god, i'm tiny again!!! DX
Hound: *looks at his dog body* Nooooooooo! Atlantic: MMMMMMMPH!!!
Jade: I can't see!!! Scarlet: WHAT?!
Kirsty: *glares at Raven* MMMMMPH!! (YOU ASSHOLE!!)
Jane: *looks at Owl's distorted form, just laying on the ground* MMPH!! (DAD!!)
Raven: *to Owl* Not so tough now are you? XD
Owl: *written down* Shut your mouth! >:(
(Raven floats around them in his shield with Jane and Kirsty)
(Jane and Kirsty watch in horror as they see the Holders freaking out and panicking over their distorted forms)
(Kirsty growls at Raven and gives him a kick in the shins and Jane follows suit, both of them kicking at him)
Raven: Ow! Hey! >:(
Jane and Kirsty: >:(((((((( *keep kicking at him*
Raven: Ow Ow Ow Quit it!! >:((
(They keep kicking at him when Raven suddenly loses his balance; he flails and topples right out of his shield, leaving only Jane and Kirsty sitting inside it)
Raven: Ow... *glares at Jane and Kirsty* Why you- (Suddenly, Raven freezes and then he starts to transform, screaming in pain)
Jane: Mmph! (Whoa!) (Raven grows a bird head and his arms become wings but his body remains) Kirsty: Mmmph? (Did we do that? O_O )
Jane: Mmph! (Apparently! O_O)
(Raven’s transformation completes and he looks at  himself in horror)
(Raven screams in horror upon seeing his distorted form)
Arctic: *who has a similar appearance to Raven but as a Polar bear* HA!! Sucks to be you, asshole!! >:D
(Raven still screams in horror of his new form)
(Owl writes something down and Timber reads it and calls up to Jane and Kirsty) Timber: You two just stay put up there!! We’ll get ya down as soon as we get rid of this akuma!!
Jane: Mmph! (Okay!) *internally* Though I miss being a shapeshifter :/
Kirsty: Mmph! (Got it!) *internally* Man, if I was still small we could get out of these ropes... :/ (The holders get a hold of themselves and look out the window where they see the akuma in the distance)
(The Akuma looks at Raven’s tower, looking a kinda bored) Akuma: The whole city is distorted by me...except this. (He stares at it for a few seconds) Akuma: ...Fuck it, Master’s joining the fun! (He snaps his fingers and Raven’s tower starts to distort and the shield disappears)
(Kirsty instantly shrinks making the ropes fall away from Jane and they pull the tape off)
Jane: *shiftshapes into Sci-Twi* Yes! We're free! And i can shift shape again! :D
Kirsty: *climbs on Jane’s shoulder* Don’t get TOO attached to the crazy akuma magic...
Jane: *gets up* Hey, having the power to shiftshape is the one ability i wish i can have 24/7, so don't blame me for getting TOO attached to this new ability! X3
Kirsty: Just don’t drop me please...
Jane: I won't!
Jane: And besides, we’re already together, no need to FALL for me ;) Kirsty: ........why....? -_-
(Suddenly, everyone feels the tower shaking for a couple of seconds. When it stopped, the window transformed into a large eye and it looked at everyone)
Coral: Huh...at least we don’t have to walk
(Then they feel the lair shake again. Outside, the lair rises and four legs burst out from under it. Then it starts to move around the city mindlessly)
(Everyone topples around from the movement, Jane holding Kirsty in her hands for safety)
(Jane spots Owl's distorted form being thrown around from the movement, but her heart sank when he was getting a bit too close to Tiger)
(Timber quickly yanked Owl away from Tiger)
Hound: Now what?!
(At this point, Raven eventually calms down and glares at the Holders)
Raven: This- Dasher: If you say this our fault you’re fucking DEAD >:(
Jane: Really, it's actually OUR fault ya turned into a raven man! *she shiftshapes into Raven Claw* Then again, you underestimated what two girls can do to you! :P
(Raven lets out a screech of anger and charges towards Jane and Kirsty)
Jane: Oh shit O_O *spreads out her wings and flies off*
Kirsty: *clinging to Jane* FLY FLY FLY!!!!
(Jane flaps her wings as fast as she can)
(Raven chases them out of the tower) Leo: ...I guess we’ll just have to check on them once we take out that akuma
Cyber: Affirmative.
(The holders manage to safely get out of the tower and head towards the akuma)
(As soon as they were getting near the Akuma, a large boxing ring emerges out of the ground below them and rises above the city with them on it)
Atlantic: *muffled annoyed sounds*
(It stops when the boxing ring was way above the city, then the akuma shows up with a big smirk on his face)
Akuma: Ready for the REAL fight? >:3
Akuma: Cause the fight i'm gonna give you, is FINAL BOSS worthy! >:3 *he smiles wickedly then he swoops down. A few seconds later, the ground started to shake and a HUGE dark figure started to rise*
(The kids’ eyes all widen in recognition to the reference) Kids: O_O .......fuck
(Once the dark figure towers over the Armada, the dark figure was revealed to be the akuma transformed into a being of madness and chaos.The Akuma maniacally laughs at them with a wide smile)
Everyone: O_O Timber: .....Welp....let’s get him guys
Dasher: Let's bring our A-Game into this one...i hope... O~O
(They start fighting)
(The Armada do all that they can to fight the Akuma, but at some points during the fight, the Akuma sends out powerful attacks that almost knocked some of the members
of the Armada out of the boxing ring)
Akuma: That’s a few down!
(Draco holds onto the ropes as best as he can) Draco: Boys...Help me...!!
(Timber and Cyber run over and carefully helps him over)
Draco: Thank you...
Timber: We gotcha
(They keep fighting the Akuma)
(Leo and Swan, vein the smallest, sneak around the massive akuma and look for the object they need) (Papillion helps too)
(But then, three hands emerge out of the Akuma's body, grabbing Leo, Swan, and Papillion.)
Timber: KIDS!!
Akuma: Nuh uh uh! If you all want to beat me, then you'll have to do it without taking the easy way! Or else... *the hands' grip on Leo, Swan, and Papillion get
tighter, the three of them scream in pain*
Dasher: Okay okay! (They keep fighting)
(The Akuma keeps holding onto Leo, Papillion, and Swan during the fight)
(The fight goes on for a while until Cyber spots the akuma)
(Cyber was about to shoot at it, but the Akuma noticed that he was taking "the easy way", so another hand emerges out of his body and grabs Cyber tightly) Akuma: NO EASY WAY!!
Hound: You’re a sore loser! >:((((
Akuma: Oh am I? Well, i won’t let ANY of you taking the easy route of beating me, you gotta beat me like you would with a REGULAR final boss! >:) (The Akuma lifts Cyber up and tightens his hold on him, resulting in some sparks flying out of Cyber’s metal body)
(Timber quickly jumps up and latches onto the hand holding Cyber) Timber: Hang on Will!!
(His grip on Cyber gets tighter, more sparks are flying and his eyes start to flicker)
Timber: Silver Claws!! (Timber shoves his claws into the hand and slowly pries the giant fingers away from Cyber so he can grab him and hold him to his chest)
(Cyber had a lot of dents and cracks, even his robot arm was disconnected)
Timber: Jesus...! Timber: Come on Will, stay with me!
Cyber: Energy low. 99% functions are shut down or damaged. *looks at Timber* Jordan...
Timber: Will...!
Cyber: Able...to function...for 5 minutes maximum...after dead line...will shutdown...permanently... (He looks at Timber directly) Cyber: Jordan...beloved spouse... *a smile cracks on his face* I...love...you... :)
(Timber tears up) Timber: I...I love you too...
(Timber gives a quick peck on Cyber’s lips)
Akuma: *laughs* Some hero you are! Can’t even protect one of his friends! Timber: ...I wouldn’t say that... Akuma: Huh? Timber: I just had to keep you still for a few minutes >:3 (At that moment, Stag jumps off one of the poles of the ring and drops the full weight of his giant horns onto the akuma’s head)
Akuma: GAH!!
Stag: TAKE THAT SCUMBAG!!! Timber: GET HIM EVERYONE!! (The holders all charge and take advantage, attacking with everything they have all at once)
(As all the attacks hit the Akuma, he flails around and the city below them starts to twist and turn, becoming a chaotic version of the city)
(The holders keep going and keep attacking, pinning him down under all their attacks)
(They keep going until Timber gives the Akuma the final blow. Then, streams of light poke out from the Akuma’s body, he screams and he explodes into an explosion of
(The akuma object appears and Timber catches it) Timber: Time to end this...
(With all of his strength, he crushes the Akuma into pieces and a black bird flies out)
(he directs the bird to Cyber who is moments away from shutting down; with the last of his strength, Cyber puries the akuma and restores the damage, returning the
world and themselves to normal)
(They all return to the ground and everything and everyone turned back to normal)
Timber: WILL!! (He runs over to Cyber who's body is human and completely healed as he sits up)
Cyber: *looks up* Jordan...!
(Timber scoops him up and spins him around, peppering him with kisses) Timber: Thank god...!
(Cyber giggles and smiles as Timber peppers his face with kisses)
Cyber: It's good to see you too...! X3
(Then Timber kisses Cyber fully in the mouth and they hold that kiss for a few seconds. Then they break the kiss)
Timber: God I missed the real you...
Cyber: Same here...
(Cyber kisses Timber again, quite roughly) Cyber: I've been wanting to do that all day...
(Timber smiles and kisses him back)
(Dasher makes a joking gagging noise as all the other couples embrace and kiss when Scarlet blinks) Scarlet: Um...what happened to my baby sister and her girlfriend? O_O
Everyone: O_O
(Meanwhile, Raven, now back to normal, has just entered his tower with a squirming bag in his possession with a tied and taped Jane and Kirsty inside) Raven: *panting slightly* Well...that was an ordeal...but I finally got you little pests!
Jane and Kirsty: MMMMMPHHHHH!!!!!!!
Raven: *looks around* You know what? We're gonna switch this up a bit, since I'm now quite exhausted. (He takes the bag out of the tower and into another room in his lair)
(Once he got into the other room in his lair, he throws the bag onto the ground)
Jane and Kirsty: MMPH! (OW!!!) (Raven collapses onto a chair that's in the room) Raven: Let's see how long it takes them
(Raven sits there, waiting for the Armada to come)
(After a while he hears them burst into the tower above them) Raven: God, did they break my windows again? -_-
(The Armada race through the tower, looking for Raven, Jane, and Kirsty)
Leo: They're not here!! Atlantic: But that's impossible!!
Owl: Where the hell did he take my daughter and her girlfriend?!
Scarlet: Where's my baby sister?! >:((((
Timber: They have to be here somewhere!
Hound: STORM THE LAIR!! (Raven hears from a distance)
Raven: What?!
(Raven grabs the bag and moves from the room)
(The Armada storm through the lair, looking at every inch, every room, everything Raven's lair has)
(Owl eventually makes it to the front room just in time to see Raven exit the front door and fly away with the bag)
Raven: ...Shit. O_O
(The Armada charge towards Raven while he quickly tries to fly away)
Raven: Dammit...as if I didn't use up enough energy chasing these two before!!
(Raven tries all that he can to fly away from the Armada, but then Owl tackles Raven out of the sky)
(They fall onto a roof and tumble, the bag flying away from both of them)
(Owl pins Raven to the ground, glaring at him)
Owl: Give them back!! Raven: Oh, you want them? Better go get them! >:3 (He points to the bag just as its rolling off the edge of the building)
Owl: *eyes widen in horror* NO!!! *quickly flies towards the bag*
(He reaches out for it but just misses it; when suddenly, Jade appears and catches it as it falls with Nature Leap)
Jade: Got it!
(Jade lands and Scarlet appears and opens the bag, he and Atlantic pulling out the tied up girls) Kirsty: Mmmmph! :D
(Owl quickly takes the tape off their mouths, unties them, and immediately hugs Jane tightly, relieved that she's okay) Owl: Oh my sweet daughter...! You're okay...! You're okay...!!
(The trinity do the same with Kirsty and Scarlet hugs her) Scarlet: Baby sis...! You're okay!! Jade: Thank god...!
Jane: Dad...! *hugs him back*
Kirsty: Guys...! *hugs the trinity*
(The Trinity and Owl keep hugging Kirsty and Jane, even Owl gives a little kiss on Jane's cheek)
(The other holders decide to leave them be and head on their own way) Timber: *takes Cyber's hand* Shall we? :3
Cyber: We shall! :3
(They head off together)
(As they head off, Raven gets up, rolls his eyes and growls, and leaves the Armada without saying a word)
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