#asame dreams big
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The US and its propaganda arm, Hollywood, have always been anti-Asian. Although opportunities are opening up for Asian actors, the underlying messaging—that divides and hurts Asians—hasn't changed.
Not too long ago, AsAms seemed united in outrage against racism and white-washed casting such as Scarlet Johannsen in Ghost in the Shell, Tilda Swinton in Dr. Strange, or Netflix’s Deathnote. Yet as more projects with AAPI leads and casts were produced, this so-called unity proved to be a lie.
The illusion of AsAm unity fell apart with To All the Boys I Loved Before—which was widely celebrated despite its blatant white-worship. The most recent blow comes from Hulu's The Company You Keep, a U.S. remake of a k-drama that replaced the male love interest with a white man.
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Once it seemed like AAPI women were getting roles and being “humanized” (i.e. garnering attention and approval from white men on-screen and off) AAPI with media power were satisfied. It didn't matter that AAPI men were still erased and dehumanized—even in supposedly pro-AAPI projects.
Not only do AAPI with media power not care about the continuing harm against AAPI men, they exacerbate it. When AsAms critique anti-Asian narratives—especially ones erasing or targeting AsAm men like TATBILB—they're gaslit, harassed, censored and even permanently blacklisted.
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This is because AsAm media is held hostage by the racist framework of the U.S. government's 1942-43 Mixed Marriage Policy. White men's hierarchy—based on perceived threat levels and receptiveness to white assimilation—still dictates Hollywood narratives.
Research confirms that the MMP persists today. A 2015 study shows how gendered racism leads to severe under-representation of Asian men (and Black women). Whereas monoracial Asian men face significant barriers in dating, a 2014 study shows mixed-white Asians get a "bonus effect."
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This is why Hollywood execs know there will be less uproar if monoracial Asian men aren't represented—it's been the status quo for decades. In the few roles made for Asian men, they still fall into two categories: pathetic loser or toxic man/villain. In some cases, both.
The hatred and erasure of Asian men is so deeply embedded that it's led to the widespread erasure of AAPI men as victims of anti-Asian hate crimes in recorded stats and media narratives. AAPI journalists know this, yet continue to do nothing to correct it.
So what's next for AsAm representation? In 2022, Janet Yang became president of the Oscars. She's co-founder of Gold House—an AsAm Hollywood collective—and executive producer of Joy Luck Club, a seminal work bashing Asian men as irredeemable misogynists compared to "good" white men.
Many AsAms like Yang want more of Joy Luck Club and similar stories. Amy Tan, author of JLC, has been pushing for years for a sequel with the original cast. A TV series was optioned in 2017, and as of 2022 a movie sequel is to be written by white male screenwriter, Ron Bass.
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Stories like Joy Luck Club aren't just bad media—they're dangerous. Arthur Martunovich randomly hammered three AsAm men to death because he saw a movie depicting Chinese men as abusers and he wanted to "protect Chinese women". There's a high chance that movie was JLC.
Hollywood has figured out it’s easy to make anti-Asian films and stifle criticism by hiring Asian tokens to give stamps of approval. An article from 1986 (40 years ago) about AsAm criticism of racism in Big Trouble in Little China shows there's a history of sowing division among AAPI and using government resources to do it. I understand the allure of the Hollywood dream because I used to believe in it myself. From an early age, all marginalized groups—POC, women, LGBTQ+—are taught to fantasize about how we'll finally be accepted and heal the hurt once we get on a big stage and give an award speech. Having experience in Hollywood as a comic creator, I know how people in power (esp. white men) behave. Their goal is to wear you down until you internalize their bigoted messaging, regurgitate it yourself, and then thank them for it. They hate the word "no." Awards don't matter if the content that gets you there ultimately serves bigoted and harmful purposes. In 2020, I made a test for AAPI media. None of the projects so far have passed. That's by design. We think we’re holding the statue, but really, it’s holding us.
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Correction: I just noticed a typo in the comic. Inside the Hollywood sign's letter "Y" I meant to say "non-Asians" not "non-whites." Sorry, it was a lot of drawing and writing, and I got tired 🥴 (Please don’t repost or edit my art. Reblogs are always appreciated.)
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atombonniebaby · 6 months
Love in the Crosshairs: Just the Thing I need
Some notes!
(Love in the Crosshairs is my Nate and MacCready series 🙌 Part one begins Vanilla blends into SS2's storyline and jumps between Nate and Mac's POV)
(Note on the title: When Jake did his "Why it's an ASAM, just the thing I need!" I was fully invested in Sim Settlements 2 🤣)
Now that I have finally complete SS2, I know exactly how this whole thang plays out 💪🏻 I got 4 chapters for ya! (and then some...but those ain't in order yet 🤣)
Relationships: Nate & MacCready (father-son dynamic🙌), Nate/Jake Evans (SS2) MacCready/Sturges
Chapter 1: War Never Changes.
(I've posted this prologue before...but I have more chapters!)
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Sanctuary Hills October 23, 2077.
Deep red leaves rustled in the crisp autumn air as the sun began to creep up over the hillside, casting a murky haze over the serene show of contemporary suburban living, America's "Homes of the Future." The residents of Sanctuary Hills lived in blissful ignorance as the world held its breath to the ever-present threat of Nuclear Devastation. Amidst the suburban sprawl, the morning sun warmed the cheeks of Nathanial Alasdair Watt, Nate to his nearest and dearest.
Nate leaned over a dusty blue cot, his eyes not quite believing that the soft and squishy bundle snoring away was his son. Months old already, how long would it be before he would be chasing after him around the cul-de-sac? With a lingering glance over Shaun, Nate slipped out of his room and stepped into the hallway, closing the door softly behind him. The house was quiet, and Nate's footsteps echoed in the empty hall, leading him to the kitchen.
"Ah, Master Nate! Good morning, sir!” Codsworth chirped, his eye stalks flitting in greeting. "Your coffee. 173.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Brewed to perfection!"
"Ah'll take yer word for it," Nate yawned, a fond smile spreading across his face as he reached for the steaming mug of coffee.
"Ah, of course, my apologies, Sir. 78.61 degrees Celcius!"
Nate snorted. "I flunked maths, son. Just say it's hot."
Codsworth let out a chuckle. "Ah, I forgot, the young miss is the brains of the operation."
"Aye, that she is. But she'll no be without a proper feedin'. Could you go rouse her for me?" Nate asked.
"Of course, Sir! Right away!" Codsworth trilled, floating away towards El's room.
"Good luck wi' that," Nate muttered, shaking his head. El liked her sleep, that one.
Nate chuckled, running a hand over his head, and frowned at the resistance. Big speech tonight. He could hardly rock up looking a scruffy mess, could he? With a sigh, he set his mug down and stretched out his back on the way to the bathroom.
"Lemme Sleep, Codsworth..."El's voice drifted through her door.
Ah, to be 19 again. Nate shook his head, smirking to himself as he turned to the closed-over bathroom door, a wide smile pulling in his cheeks when Nora's sweet voice filtered through, Shaun's favorite lullaby on her tongue. Nate would never tire of it or how her voice sent shivers down his spine.
"You're up early. How's my little man?" she asked as he stepped through the door. "I'm assuming you've been in there five times already?"
Nora, even under those horrid fluorescent bulbs, looked stunning. He caught her eye in the mirror she was brushing her hair in and gave her a wink. Nate took a few steps toward her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips brushing her neck. She hummed and leaned back into his embrace.
"What can I say, doll? Just like his mother, I cannae believe he's mine," Nate murmured, burying his face in her soft, icy-brown hair. "I keep thinkin' somebody's gonna pinch me, and I'll wake up from this dream."
Nora twisted in his arms, her green eyes sparkling. "You're a wonderful father, Nate. You shouldn't doubt yourself!"
"I hope so," Nate said, his ears growing hot. Nora knew him too well, and his bashful side never could stand up to her praise.
"I think Beth would agree with me. I mean, you practically raised that girl!"
Nate ducked his head and pressed a kiss to her nose. "She dotes on you, ye ken? She won't admit it, but she does."
"I like her too. I'm glad she's here. Now, care to explain why you interrupted my morning ritual?" Nora teased.
"I need some pamperin'," he raised his eyebrows. "Cannae hae this 'decorated war hero' looking like common street riff-raff, now can we?"
"Hmm," Nora smirked. "I dunno, that rugged Viking look is growing on me, Nathanial."
"Ooh, using my full name, eh?" he teased. "Am I in trouble, then, Mrs Watt?"
"You're always trouble, Nathanial Watt," Nora giggled.
"Tell the truth, doll. That's the real reason you married me, wasn't it?" Nate smirked. "That and the accent, aye?"
She rolled her eyes and gave him a playful shove away, returning to the mirror. Nate's grin lingered, his hands sliding to her waist. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head and rested his chin upon it, gazing at her reflection. She met his eyes, a warmth and tenderness reflected at him.
"I love you, lass," he murmured against her hair, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. "More than I can say."
Nora didn't speak, only leaned back, melting against him, a familiar gesture that spoke volumes. Nate's arms tightened, and he closed his eyes, wishing they could stay like that forever.
"Go get your trimmer; I'll at least neaten you up a little," Nora said, her voice thick. "Then, I'll see about breakfast."
Nate pressed one last kiss to her head and drew a sharp breath. "Yes, ma'am."
"—war never changes,” Nate sighed, the steamy air heavy with the weight of his speech.
“You're gonna knock 'em dead at the Veteran's Hall tonight, hon,” Nora purred, her fingers massaging the knots from his shoulders.
"Ye think?" Nate relaxed against her touch, letting his eyes flutter shut.
"Absolutely. Now get ready and stop hogging the mirror..."
"Right," Nate snorted. He stepped away and let Nora take his place. "You might want to fix the buttons on your blouse, love."
He couldn't help a small smirk tugging on his lips as she re-buttoned her blouse, not quite meeting his gaze.
"Wipe that smug look off your face, Mr. Watt! You're the reason I never get anything done around here!" Nora teased.
Nate couldn't help bursting out laughing. "Why dae ye think I bought Codsworth?"
"Out!" Nora laughed, pushing him towards the door.
"Love ye too, darlin'." Nate gave her a mock salute and stumbled out of the bathroom.
"Miss Elspeth, breakfast was served thirty minutes ago!" Codsworth's muffled voice met him through the opposing door.
"Codsy! Bugger off!...and 'ave told ye… it's Beth!" came El's equally muffled reply.
"My, my. For such a brilliant young mind, Miss Beth, your language leaves much to be desired."
"Get tae fuck, or I'll turn ye into a toaster!" El spat back, a bit louder this time.
"By God! I don't believe General Atomics programmed me with enough patience for this!" Codsworth sighed.
"I'll handle this." Nate interrupted, opening the door.
"Good luck, that child's got the mouth of a drunkard."
"I'm weeks away from twenty ye daft bucket o' bolts!" El retorted.
Codsworth sighed, bobbing past him a little less chipper than before. Poor bugger.
Nate chuckled and shook his head. Wearing that damn onesie, she was akin to an overgrown toddler in a babygro. El glared at him, her hazel eyes flashing with a fire that reflected his own, her cheeks flushed, auburn hair still a tangled mess, reminding him exactly why he opted for a smooth dome.
"Arse. Up. Now. Or I promise you I'll cancel that comic subscription I already reluctantly pay for."
El's eyes narrowed, a defiant glint remaining, a slight smirk curving her lips. "Ye wouldnae dare."
"Try me," Nate raised a brow and folded his arms. "And to rub it in, I'll replace it with one about all the latest fashion trends, braw big frilly skirts and whatnot..."
"Fine. Ye win." El rolled her eyes, sauntering past him.
"Smart move," Nate smirked.
"Bite me!" El snapped, stomping into the now vacant bathroom.
Nate chuckled, shaking his head, and approached the kitchen, his stomach growling in anticipation.
"Breakfast is served sir," Codsworth set down a plate of eggs and toast.
"Thanks. And if ye need the afternoon off to recharge after the morning ye've had, you take it!" Nate smirked.
"A good show of humor, sir, but with a steady supply of Mr. Handy fuel, I am proud to serve!" Codsworth chirped.
"Your thoughts?" Nora's voice drifted over him, snapping his attention back to the present.
Nate blinked, glancing at his wife. She was studying him, her brows knitted. Damn. "I'm worried about her, doll. She won't admit it, but she's been having trouble sleeping again. I cannae remember the last time I saw her without dark circles under her eyes."
"She's just stressed. It's been a big year for her. Why don't you take her away for a few days? It's been a while since you two had time together," Nora suggested. "You could take a little road trip or something?"
"Aye, I'd been considering it, but I can hardly leave you with the wee one, can I?"
"I've got Codsworth to help. And besides, Shaun's not exactly a handful." Nora grinned, nudging him. "Take her. Trust me, she needs it."
Nate chewed his lip, his brows furrowed. Maybe she had a point. El had always loved his impromptu adventures.
"Okay, I'll talk to her about it—"
"Talk to me about what?" El asked, walking into the living room, her frown deepening as she looked between them. "I'm sorry! I know I've been—"
"No, stop right there! " Nate shushed her. "Ye don't go apologizing...I know you've been overloaded lately with all your projects."
El shrugged, dropping onto the couch beside him, her eyes fixed on the TV. "Yeah, I guess. It's just a lot, and I—"
"Deserve a break? Me and Nora reckon you've earned one," Nate grinned, nudging her. "So, how about we take off in a day or two? It's been a while since we've done a drive together, just you and me?"
"Wait, you're serious?" El stared at him, a smile breaking across her face, but her frown returned as she turned to Nora. "You're okay with that?"
"Are you kidding? Some peace and quiet, hell yeah, I'm okay with that," Nora barked a laugh. "And Codsworth's here to help, so I'll be fine."
"I like her, Nate. Can we keep her?" El smirked.
Nate's laughter bubbled, shaking his head. "Aye, she's a keeper, alright."
Nora gave them a fond smile, rising from the couch."Alright, you two, I'm going to help Codsworth tidy up, give you time to plan."
"Thanks, love," Nate's fingers curled hers as she pulled away, before turning his attention back to El.
"So, short-stop, any votes on where ye want tae go?"
"Laurey, Virginia—"
"The Caverns, again, lass?" Nate's eyebrow quirked.
"Come on, it's been months since we went to D.C. We could do a day trip to Laurey and then spend the rest of our time exploring the Capital!"
"Fine, but that damn mole costume is stayin' put!" Nate chuckled.
"She looked adorable in that thing. Never know, maybe she'll catch someone's eye!" Nora's laughter floated over them from the kitchen, and Nate grinned.
El blushed, her hand rubbing against the back of her head sheepishly. "I'll stick to studying, ta—"
"Quite right. I don't think there'd be many nerdy, bookworm Spelunkers out there that could put up with your pish!" He couldn't resist.
El's nose wrinkled, and her eyes narrowed. "Thanks for the vote of confidence—jackass."
Nate snorted and leaned back, his arms draped over the back of the couch, tuning into the TV.
The same usual shite.
A knocking came to the door, and Nora sighed. "It's probably that salesman. He's been trying all morning, insisting he talks to you."
"Oh, great." Nate rolled his eyes and lurched out of the sofa.
An all-smiles fella in a trenchcoat greeted him when he opened the door, stepping forward. "Good morning! Vault-Tec calling!"
"Sup, chief," he deadpanned, leaning against the doorframe.
"You can't begin to know how happy I am to finally speak with you. I've been trying for days. It's a matter of utmost urgency, I assure you," the rep explained.
Nate frowned—something about the guy's tone made him nervous.
"Alright, son, I'm here now."
"So you are, so you are,' the rep chuckled. "I'm here today to tell you that because of your family's service to our country, you have been pre-selected for entrance into the local Vault. Vault 111. I just need to verify some information. That's all! Don't want there to be any hold ups, in the unforeseen event of *ahem*...total atomic annihilation."
"But there's room for my entire family, right?"
"Of course. Of course! Minus your robot, naturally."
"Oi, Codsworth is family!" El retorted, appearing at his side, her eyes narrowed. "He's a wee gem! We can't just leave him!"
Nate's hand fell upon his sister's shoulder, squeezing it. "General Atomics promised Codsworth could survive anything, even a nuclear blast," he reminded her, her sentiment mirrored in his heart. "Go. I've got it from here."
El nodded, a defiant glint remaining in her eyes, but she stepped aside.
Nate glanced at the rep, his unease growing."All right, let's have it."
"Splendid, splendid. Let's get to it. Just need you to fill out this paperwork, and we're all done. Won't take but a moment."
The rep pulled a clipboard out of his briefcase and held it out towards him.
Nate frowned, his jaw tense, glancing down at the stack of papers. He took the clipboard and scanned the pages, his frown deepening.
"What makes me 'S.P.E.C.I.A.L?' That's a bit on the nose, is it no? And this whole damn thing seems a wee bit excessive, no offense, son."
"None taken! It's simply a matter of determining what roles you may be able to undertake in a new life underground!"
"Well, lucky for us, we have a certified vault technician in our fold. My sister just finished her Masters at C.I.T. Did a whole project around Vault safety and maintenance," Nate couldn't help the proud smile creeping into his cheeks.
"Masters? At C.I.T?" the rep's eyebrows shot up. "My, my, that's impressive."
"Aye, she got the brains of the family. I clearly got the looks," Nate joked, handing the clipboard back to the rep. "Think that's everything, chief."
"Wonderful! That's..." he skimmed over the documents, smiling. "Yes, indeed, that is everything... just gonna walk this over to the Vault! Congratulations on being prepared for the future!"
"Aye, thanks..." Nate forced a smile, his jaw still tense. "Now, if you'll excuse us, I have a wee one who needs a bit of a feed."
"Of course, have a great day, sir, ma'am!" The Vault-Tec rep tipped his hat and strolled off, the tension in the man's shoulders not lost on him.
He watched the rep go, his instincts prickling as he stepped back inside."Something aboot that didn't sit right, did it, El?"
"I didn't like it, Nattie. You don't think he's doing this because—"
"Elspeth, don't get him started," Nora interrupted, her voice strained. "It's just a precaution, that's all."
Nate swallowed his throat tight. "Maybe ye're right, doll, but just in case, we should double-check the go bags."
Shaun's wails rang through the house. Cutting through his words, Codsworth followed.
"Master Nate. Shaun has been changed, but he absolutely refuses to calm down. I think he needs some of that "paternal affection" you seem to be so good at."
"I've got 'im." Nate smiled and strode down the hall, his unease lingering. Nora's footfalls followed.
"Right, ye wee gremlin," Nate teased, sweeping a finger over Shaun's cheek. Shaun's cries grew fainter, his teary gaze fixed on Nate.
"Spin the mobile a bit. He loves that," Nora cooed, stepping up beside him.
Nate gave the mobile a gentle spin. Shaun's gaze drifted to the spinning rockets, green eyes wide, and his cries now soft whimpers. Nora brushed Nate's arm with her hand.
"Maybe we should go out later, a walk in the park?"
"And miss the World Series on TV? Not going to happen." Nate smirked. "But tomorrow, I'm all yours! I promise."
"I'll hold you to—"
"Sir? Mum? You should come and see this!" Codsworth's urgent voice drifted over them.
Nate frowned, exchanging a glance with Nora. "Codsworth?"
"I've got Shaun," Nora assured him, scooping the baby up.
Nate hurried out of the nursery, a knot forming in his gut, his blood rushing. "Codsworth? What is it, son?"
"Sir... the news..."
El was perched on the couch, her knuckles white around her backpack, its contents organized on the coffee table. "They actually did it."
"Did what, lass?" Nate frowned, sitting beside her.
“—followed by... yes, followed by flashes. Blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions..." the news anchor caught his attention. "We're... we're trying to get confirmation…But we seem to have lost contact with our affiliate stations."
"What? What is he saying?" Nora's voice drifted over them. "…Oh no.”
“...We do have... coming in... confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania…My God.”
The screen crackled, and the signal was lost. Nate's gaze fixed on the 'Please Stand By' screen. His mouth ran dry, a cold sweat prickling across his forehead.
"We have to get to the Vault. Now! Get all that back in the bag. I'll grab the rest." Nate blurted, his heart pounding against his ribs.
"Nattie...I'm scared."
"We're goin' tae be fine, El. We've prepared for this...You two wait for me outside!" Nate instructed, racing into their bedroom.
He yanked open the closet, his hands trembling, hauling out his and Nora's packs, followed by Shaun's. He slung them over his shoulder and hurried through the house for the front door—stopping on the threshold, glancing over his shoulder at Codsworth.
The Mr. Handy's eye stalks flitted over him, and he glided forward. "Goodbye, sir. May I say what an honor it has been to serve you and your family!"
"Ye've done us proud, son...maybe we could—"
"Now, don't you worry about me, sir! You have your family to think about. Go on."
Nate nodded, a lump forming in his throat. "Thank you, Codsworth..."
"He'll be alright, won't he?" El's voice pulled his attention.
He stepped onto the sidewalk and grabbed his sister's hand. "He'll be fine. Now c'mon, we gotta move!"
They raced down the road, Nora ahead of him, Shaun cradled against her chest. Nate swallowed hard, his hand tightening around El's. His mind raced. Vault-Tec. The rep—he knew something was up. That bastard knew this was coming!
"Nattie?" El tugged his arm, slowing.
"We're almost there, lass. Keep moving! Come on, we're nearly there—"
"We're on the list!" Nora's frantic voice greeted them, and Nate frowned as that Vault-Tec rep darted by them.
A soldier blocked their way, checking over a clipboard."Infant... Adult male... Two adult females... OK, go ahead."
Nate's heart pounded. It was real. This was really happening. They climbed the hill and clambered onto the platform, his arms circling Nora and El.
"Almost there, we're gonna be alright. I love you, all of you." Nate murmured, his pulse throbbing in his ears.
"We love you too," Nora whispered, her gaze locked on his.
The sky lit up with blinding white light, and the ground shook beneath their feet. A deafening roar filled the air. Nate's eyes widened as a mushroom cloud grew colossal in the sky. The blast waves thunder towards them, and El buried her face against his chest. He closed his eyes, bracing for impact.
"Send it down now!" a desperate voice shouted.
An orchestra of "Oh gods" and terrorized screams flooded his ears. The platform shuddered beneath them. His arms held tighter.
The blast crossed over them. The screams echoed, his breaths shortening, the pressure around his ribcage suffocating.
He held Nora, his lips pressed to her head, praying she couldn't hear his racing heartbeat.
The light faded, and the shockwave died, his ears still ringing.
The platform shuddered to a halt.
His eyes met Nora's, tears streaming down her face.
They had made it.
"Everyone, please step off the elevator and proceed up the stairs in an orderly fashion," the Vault-Tec security guard that greeted them instructed.
El clung to him as Nate made a move to follow the others, her breaths ragged and short. He glanced at Nora, Shaun sleeping soundly in her arms.
"She'll be okay. We're right behind ye," Nate murmured. "We just need a minute."
Nora nodded, her hand resting on his shoulder. "We won't be far. I'll go find out what's what."
"Be right with ye," Nate murmured, kneeling to meet El's gaze. "Hey, hey, look at me, lass. Look at me. Deep breaths. In and out. Like we practiced."
El's eyes flicked up to his, wide and fearful. She bit her lip, nodding. Her next shaky intake of breath was longer.
"Good, lass. Again. In and out."
She followed his lead, and soon enough, El's breaths steadied as her panic subsided, her grip on his loosening.
"You're a natural," Nate grinned, easing himself up.
El didn't respond and instead stood closer. His arm circled her, guiding them toward the vast cog-shaped doorway that loomed above them. Nate's heart beat faster. This was home now, for better or worse.
"It's impressive, eh? No wonder ye wouldny pipe doon about these Vaults!" Nate quipped.
El glanced at him, a faint smirk pulling in her cheeks. Nate squeezed her shoulder, their footsteps ringing as they climbed the metal stairs.
His eyes found Nora as they crossed the metal walkway. An orderly queue had formed behind her as she was collecting something up ahead.
Nora handed him a sealed bag and another for El. He eyed it, noting the '111' matching the jumpsuits some staff were wearing.
"What, do they no' come in a braw purple or maybe fluorescent green?"
El snorted at that, a wry smile curling her lips, and Nate's heart lifted a little. She was okay.
"Just follow the doctor here. He'll show you where to go," one of the scientists instructed.
"Lead the way, doc."
As Nora chatted with the doctor, El pulled away, her steps a little firmer, her gaze still far away.
Nate was drawn to the sudden bite in the air, a shiver running through him as he followed. People chatted, residents to Vault staff. Everyone seemed as edgy as he felt. They were led to a larger room filled with 'decontamination pods,' he was told as he was led towards one.
His attention pulled back to El, her belongings dropping to her feet. She stepped in front of them as one of the staff members attempted to collect them.
"I'm sorry, miss, but you cannot take your—"
Without a word, El unveiled a lanyard from around her neck and fixed them with a stern eye.
"You're a Vault-Tec intern? Very well, but be assured, vault-tec will not be held accountable if anything were to be damaged or stolen."
El nodded, her jaw set, and Nate couldn't help a smirk. Stubborn wee devil. Nate stripped to his boxers and tugged on his Vault suit, his skin prickling.
"Could ye's no have turned on the heatin'? It's colder than a polar bear's arse in here!" Nate grumbled.
El was already suited in her's when he looked up again, leaning against her pod, shoulders slumped, a blank expression set over her feature—still not back to herself yet.
"Can you hold him?" Nora asked, pulling his thoughts. Shaun curled up against her chest.
"Of course, love," Nate scooped him up, letting Nora get herself situated. He walked over to El, her fingers brushing Shaun's cheek, a weak smile curling her lips.
"Ye gonna be alright in there? I know how you get in tight spaces."
She held up her backpack, patting it fondly. Of course, she was always packed for every occasion.
"Right then, guess we'll see ye soon," Nate tried, giving her a reassuring smile.
"Okay, I can take him," Nora's hand rested on his arm, and Nate reluctantly handed Shaun over and planted a kiss against her cheek.
Nate climbed into his pod, and with a hiss, the lid descended, his breath misting the glass. His eyes locked onto Nora's, her gaze locked on him as her own pod closed, and she bounced Shaun in her arms.
"Just try to relax," the doctor reassured.
Nate nodded, pressing his hand against the glass. "Time for a whole new life."
"Resident secure. Occupant vitals: Normal," a robotic voice filled his ears.
A rush of cold flooded his pod. Nate's pulse spiked, his next breath shuddering.
"Procedure complete. In 5... 4..."
With every beat of the countdown, his vision whitened. Frost intertwined his eyelashes with every blink—everything faded.
Nate blinks away the frost that clings to his eyelashes, stretching his jaw to loosen the remainder of his beard and whiskers. It was a cold that hung as heavy as iron chains. Every breath stung his chest like swallowing broken glass as violent coughs wreck through him.
"...Critical failure in Cryogenic Array. All vault residents must vacate immediately," The computerized voice echoed through the intercom, and a hiss filled his ears.
As the pod door lifts away, Nate's still-thawing limbs do nothing to prevent him from stumbling forward. His knees crack against the slick steel floor, a haze of mist following him. He didn't dare look up, unwilling to face the truth that the nightmare was real. But there was no escaping the memories that assaulted every fiber of his being: Nora's please, Shaun's cries as they tear him from his mother's embrace. Nate's own screams—lost in the deafening Gunshot that silenced Nora and continued to echo as Shaun's heartbreaking wails faded away—the face that mets him and the words that followed:
At least we still have the backup.
"That scar-faced bastard! Why did he have tae—"
"...Critical failure in Cryogenic Array. All vault residents must vacate immediately,"
"Oh, shut up!" Nate yelled as he snapped his head back. "Can ye no see I'm havin' a moment, ye pushy cow!"
Blissful silence filled the chamber once more, and Nate breathed a sigh of relief. As if another entity had taken control of his body, he stood to his full height and ambled forward. His steps were clumsy, and fog engulfed the room as he moved toward Nora's pod. The faint glint of gold caught his eye. Her wedding band shined through the condensation. His fingers trailed over the icy glass.
Nora, his best friend, the woman he pledged his entire life to. Her rosy cheeks were now dusted blue, fear still painted in her expression. Her arms were so painfully absent—Shaun. He's just a baby, and they tore him out of her arms. Nate's knees buckled some, jolting him forward, and he braced himself, breaths coming out in rasps, his lungs constricting, the very walls closing in. His eyes opened over his wedding ring, a matching piece—he'd be dammed if he was leaving her's behind.
"C'mon! C'mon! There has tae be a release!" Nate barked, desperation bleeding into his brogue as he stepped back to take in the pod, reaching for the lever at its side.
His breath held as Nora's pod opened to him. Slowly, reverently, he slipped the ring off her finger, ignoring the spiderwebbing of frosted blood that now decorated her jumpsuit. 
"I'll find who did this, and I'll get Shaun back...I promise," Nate's tremblings slipped Nora's wedding band above his own, and pulled the level to reseal his wife. The door hissed shut, and the frost formed on Nora's pod window. Nate's tears froze on his face, and he stumbled back, his own thawing limbs failing him as he hit the vault floor. He lay there for what felt like an eternity, before finally gathering enough strength to pull himself together.
"Elspeth," he whispered, crawling to his sister's pod. Her features still frozen, that bloody pip-pad clutched between her fingers. Nate clenched his fists and breathed before his shaky hands grip the lever release to El's cryopod, and he is met with an immediate sharp, jolting buzz that has him staggering back.
"Malfunction in Cryo Pod manual release override." A robotic female voice announces over the intercom.
"No-no-no! C'mon! I need tae open this damn thing!" Nate pulls the handle harder. Again, the error noise frays his nerves, not releasing. "Come on!" He presses a palm to the frost-covered glass, feeling the cold sting on his hand. "El!" Tears stream down his cheeks, warm against the cold fog surrounding him. "No. This can't-" His forehead rests against the pod. He closes his eyes tightly and sobs. “Ye cannae do this! I just need tae get El!"
His mind falls back to the terminal those scientist-looking folks were working on when they were after Shaun, how they opened Nora's pod. Nate spins on his heels and sprints forward, almost pummeling into the console as he slides to a halt.
"Right, c'mon. Ye can do this, it's just a computer," Nate squints at the screen with a shaky breath,  gingers still stiff from his suspended animation, rattling the keys, jumping through the entries as quickly as his frozen digits allow.
*************** Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink ***************
Thank you for choosing Vault-Tec!
>Cryogenic Array: Offline. Premature termination resulting in system failure. Isolated manual and remote overrides detected. Controls disabled.
>Life Support: Offline. Premature termination resulting in system failure. Isolated manual and remote overrides detected. Controls disabled.
Pod Occupant Status
POD C1: Miss Watt
>Occupant status: Deceased. Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to Life Support failure.
It takes several moments for him to comprehend the words laid bare.
Every occupant record painted the same picture: Cause of Death: Asphyxiation.
"No," Nate sobbed, his fist slamming into the console. "No, she can't be, she can't—Elspeth!...” 
Nate collapses, his knees slamming on the steel, fingers clawing at the frost-covered ground, and a scream rips through him, a blood-curdling wail that echoes out in the empty chamber. Every cell in his body is alight, a sickening, bitter cold fire. His shoulders shake violently, and he balls his fists, pounding them to the floor until his knuckles are raw. He barely feels the biting pain as the fight seeps away, leaving him drained, tears frozen on his cheeks.
Nate doesn't move for a long moment—left alone with his thoughts and the steady Drip. Drip. Drip. of frost melting. His little sister is dead. They're both gone. It would be easy to submit to his grief, crumple over, and lose himself in the pain—but they have his son. He has to find Shaun, even if all he has left is a warped image of a man who ruined his world. A scar-faced bastard whom Nate committed to memory. His fingers curl around the chain of his dog tags, fidgeting the wedding bands between bloodied knuckles, the cold metal grounding him, and as Nate grits his teeth, steeling his heart, and sets his jaw, he stands.
A silent vow plays on his lips: For Shaun. For Nora. And for El. He would rain fire upon whoever took them from him, even if it meant tearing whatever world awaited him apart, one bullet at a time.
He vows it as he looks upon El's face. Russet frost-bitten curls drape across her forehead. A picture so peaceful she may as well be sleeping.
He vows it as his lips graze Nora's cheek before resealing the pod, committing his love's image to memory.
He vows it as his fingers trace Shaun's name, etched in ink within the tan line of his wedding band.
There had to be someone around, Vault Tec staff, maybe someone hid, someone survived. Anyone. Nate forced himself to move, and limped towards the exit. It was slow going, his muscles burning, and his joints ache.
"Hello?! Anyone?!" He stumbled through the door, retracing the steps they'd taken minutes before. Water dripped. Rusted metal. It made no sense. "Am I the only one left?”
Nate caught himself on the wall, the burning in his lungs catching his breath—the coughing that wrecked his body had him holding his chest like it was the only way to keep the air from escaping all together.
‘Just breath Nattie.’
"Oh God, Elspeth," he choked back a sob, falling against the wall, the metal cold on his face. "I can't—I cant--" He coughed again, the spasms sending him to his knees. He'd failed everyone, Nora, Elspeth, Shaun, everyone. Maybe if they'd stayed, got in the car and drove—maye, just maybe they'd have found somewhere safe, somewhere better than here.
He didn't know how long he sat there, the ringing in his ears so loud, his tears so thick he couldn't even see anymore. It took everything he had to pull himself up, and even longer to realize the door they'd passed through was sealed shut. Forcing him another way.
Movement caught in the corner of his eye, and Nate grabbed for the security baton, slowing pacing through the corridor. "Hello?!" He yelled, his voice echoing off the walls, bouncing back—something—a shadow, a rustle—moved, and Nate froze.
He had to dreaming, maybe the freeze box messed up his mind. A cockroach, bigger than a rat scuttled across the damp floor, it's wings pulsing as it seemed to size him up with equal suspicion. Nate backed away, his head pounding, his eyes darting between the insect and the door it was blocking.
"Why'd it have tae be giant beasties? Why couldnae it be something cute like a wee fluffy bunny rabbit?" Nate mutters, his brogue thickening. "Ye picked the wrong day tae piss me aff," he leveled his baton, and charged, his heart racing.
It was over fast, the bug smashed under his heel, a pained chirp the last sound it made. Nate shook the big entrails off his boot and pressed forward into the generator room. The bloody things hissed and zapped as he passed, one more giant roach lay dead, the electricity dancing around it, the smell of cooked meat met his nose.
His stomach churned, and he took a second to steady himself. No time for a weak stomach, not when survival was at stake. Two more met their end, and his eyes fell on a skeleton, a tattered Vault Tec jumpsuit still clinging to the bones. "How is this possible?"
The door to his left hissed open, two more roaches charging through, their mandibles clicking, their wings buzzing. Nate swung wildly, the baton denting the first, sending it reeling. The second, he caught with his hand, squeezing it's guts out until it stopped squirming.
"Still not cute," he muttered, catching his breath, his eyes searching. He had to keep moving, had to find a way out, find Shaun.
The office he came to next was met with a smile, a handgun, ammo, some smokes—no lighter. He loaded the gun and looted anything of use, but the next door was sealed. "This room looks important. El told me their doors seal up in emergencies... Only terminals can open them."
His eyes squinted over the terminal. 'welcome Overseer.' meeting his gaze. "Emergency exit, I guess that's what I'm after. Here goes nothin'."
Click. Clack. Click.
The door hissed open, and Nate stepped through, a deep sigh escaping his lips. "Come on then ye overgrown bugs, I'm ready for ye!" He cried, his fingers tight on the trigger, his heart pounding. Despite his stress. Despite this whole damm shit show. He made every shot.
His reward, was a sealed Vault door and more skeletons. One had a pip-boy, conveniently by the door controls. Nate strapped it on, relieved that someone seemed to work as intended as the device booted up, and after some trial and error, he finally managed to figure out how to activate the door open sequence.
Alarms blared and pistons hissed, Nate busied himself with looting the lockers and grabbing the handgun ammo he found lying around. When the Vault door finally rolled to a stop, he crossed the bridge and found himself standing in the lift back to the surface. "Welcome Home." disappearing as he was hoisted out of sight.
The earth above him split open, blinding light pouring down, Nate shielded his eyes and steadied himself. He was alive. That was what mattered now.
He took a moment to breathe, to process, his fingers finding Nora's ring still on his finger, his jaw set, his eyes blinking back the tears.
As the Sole Survivor of Vault 111, he has nothing left to lose and everything to fight for.
War Never Changes, and Nate was ready to wage it.
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Elspeth Rae and Nathanial Alasdair Watt
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suckyoutothebone · 2 years
I slept too much (16 hours) because I forgot to take my meds and I got this long ass dream
it’s rly long but it’s interesting and cool and you should tots read it
warning: I say “also”, “ok so”, “anyways” a lot :^(
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mrjuara · 3 years
Awal Perjalanan Group Boyband BTS Asal Korea Selatan
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Saat ini BTS adalah salah grup pertama dari korea selatan yang berhasil banyak penghargaan bahkan menempati posisi nomor satu di billboard words. BTS dapat mencapai puncak kesuksesan seperti sekarang pastilah tidak mudah dan mulus begitu saja.
Ketujuh member BTS ini sudah memakan asam garam dalam perjalanan mereka selama ini untuk menuju kesuksesan seperti sekarang. Agen Big Hit yang menaungi BTS awalnya merekrut RM (Kim nam joon) sebagai seorang rapper setelah itu baru merekrut Jin (Kim seok jin), Suga (Min yoon gi), J-hope (Jung ho seok), Jimin (Park ji min), V (Kim tae hyung), JK (Jeon jung kook).
Setelah tiga tahun mereka trainning di bighit entertainment, mereka mengeluarkan single debut pertama mereka yang berjudul No More Dream yang inti liriknya adalah mengkritik tekanan sosial yang ada di korea. Awalnya Bighit sendiri bukanlah agensi besar yang ada di korea, namun semangat dari para member BTS saat melakukan debut hingga sekarang membuat Bighit menjadi salah satu agensi besar dan bergengsi di korea selatan.
Dulu ketujuh member BTS tinggal di dorm kecil dengan ranjang susun dan kehidupan yang sangat sederhana, namun itulah yang membuat ketujuh member ini menjadi sangat kompak hingga sekarang. Saat merilis lagu kedua yang berjudul We Are Bullettproff PT.2 , itulah awal dari keberhasilan mereka yang menarik perhatian dari para pecinta musik Kpop.
Awalnya mereka melakukan tur pertama yang di mulai dari negara jepang dengan album Dark and Wild merka dan di lanjutkan ke berbagai negara lainnya. Hingga tahun 2015, mereka mendapatkan banyak penghargaan mulai dari Disk bonsang Golden Disc Awards, Rookie Award Gaon Chart Music Award, hingga Best World Performeer Asian Music Awards. Bahkan di tahun 2015 mereka juga mendapatkan kesempatan tampil di billboard studios dan mendapatkan posisi ketiga dalam world digitat chart.
Nah itulah perjalan awalnya ketujuh member BTS. Semoga menambah pengetahuan khususnya kepada para army.
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ankush889 · 4 years
hi everybody & I am ANKUSH & Graduate Engineer . I need to help regarding MY BIGGEST DREAMS.
I am ANKUSH PANWAR & GRADUATE ENGINEER and** the biggest dream of my life, that I do something for those people who consider themselves different, they are unable to compete with the difficulties of society. I need the help of your funds for ****this. So** (http://this.So)** ****that there is a fear in their mind and they try to harm others either because of their fear of fear, or they live by choking and choking their life.**
**My big dream of life is that I can help them all and create a new India and India can become a new power.**
***MY DREAM below mention:-***** **
Hello Sir/Mam,
My Name is **ANKUSH PANWAR**. I am an **Mechanical Engineer **by Profession and work in the Auto Industries. I Take Rs. 34,500 Per Month Salary from My Job. **Whenever I get out of my House, So I See BEGGARS and HANDICAPS/ DISABLED Coming in Every street and Road, which makes my mind Distracted and Disturbed After Seeing Them, I Give some Help on my Behalf. But this Help is Temporary for them. Which forces them to beg again and again. I want to open a ATTA & BESAN Company with my Hard Work and Support of Your Funds, So that I Can Help those who Consider themselves to be the Account of this Country by Giving Jobs to BEGGARS and DISABLED People, But They are Still Partners in the Country’s Economy Could Not Make**. ITS HAS A REASON :-
1) These People are not able to Face the Evils of Society and the Victim Mentality.
2) But They all have to live like HELPLESS and they have to Bear the Brunt of Society.
I can Employ those BEGGARS and the DISABLED and end the Fear that is growing in them , and Instill a Confidence and Courage in them, and Give a New One to their Children **Like Good Education, Etiquette,** **Patriotism, Feeling OF Humanism Etc. So that they can Help Reduce Poverty With Us in the Country.**
**NOTE :-**
**Begging in India has been an age-old issue.** Country’s poor, who are usually unable to get jobs, have to take up begging for earning livelihood. The government has come out with the total number of beggars in the country. **As per the data released by Union ministry of Social Justice,** **there are around 4 lakh beggars in total**
**The highest number of beggars, 81,000, are in West Bengal.** Lakshadweep, a union territory, has only two people begging for their livelihood. West Bengal is followed by Uttar Pradesh and Bihar at number two and three respectively. **The figures were given by Social Justice Minister Thawar Chand Gehlot in a written reply to Lok Sabha**.
**As per the minister’s statement, a total number of 4,13,670 beggars are residing in India, including 2,21,673 males and 1,91,997 females beggars in the country. The data, based on 2011 census, says female beggars outnumber their male counterparts in the states of West Bengal, Assam and Manipur.**
West Bengal, topping the chart with 81,224 beggars, was followed by Uttar Pradesh (65,835), Andhra Pradesh (30,218), Bihar (29,723). Madhya Pradesh ( 28,695) and Rajasthan (25,853) are at number five and six in the list.
The government data show there are lesser number of beggars in Union Territories. While Lakshadweep has only two beggars, Dadra Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu and the Andaman and Nicobar islands have only 19, 22 and 56 beggars respectively. **Among the union territories, New Delhi had the largest number of beggars 2,187 followed by 121 in Chandigarh. **Among the northeastern states, Asam topped the chart with 22,116 beggars, while Mizoram ranked low with 53 beggars.**The alleviation of beggars falls under the purview of social justice ministry. Begging and poverty are age old issue in India.**
**Number of beggars in India keep on increasing.** Every time you stop your vehicle at any red light, you’ll see women, children and handicapped people begging for living. **This is pretty common in India. You’ll see them in others places too such as railway stations, temples, metro stations and where not. Begging has become now a full fledged profession for a lot of people.** Some are forced to do it and some are happy enough to be begging on the streets. In many cases, it’s a family profession which keeps on going generation to generation. It’s strange but a lot of beggars earn a lot more than any middle class person.
**According to the government data given above**, I can do a loyal, committed work for all of them.
**I do not say that the government does not work. The government works for all this, but due to some corrupt officials, this help is not reached for those people. This makes the government fail. Due to which all these live in their real life. Nothing changes in his life.**
First of all, I can start my step from Delhi, the capital of India and give positive thought to their life. And in the coming years, I can move forward in all the kingdoms of the country. **All this work can be completed only with my hard work and your support.**
**My conscience inspired them to do something for them, so that they could all live life with self-respect and they never had to beg. So that I can give good education, good nutritious food to their children so that they can further contribute significantly for the future generation of the country and the country.** That is, with the help of my and all of you funds, by standing at your feet and giving your best performance in every field, they could reduce and overcome the shortage of the country. **Like:-**
1) By becoming a good doctor, he could serve the people free of cost.
2) By being a good engineer, he could work in the honesty of the country.
**3) By becoming a good government minister / leader, he was able to work positive for the future generations of the country and at the same time motivate the people to live a full life.**
4) By being a good IAS/IPS OFFICERS, he could do justice to the people.
5) There are many other such fields, which can do some good work for the country.
**You may find this changing step strange or surprising to me, but in the last years, every change step has progressed successfully**. I have prepared myself to achieve my goal and to reduce and eliminate poverty, and to achieve this goal I need to help you all. For every change and every new beginning only steps like mine can increase the economy of the country.
I sincerely request you to help me and the country for the sake of this campaign and step by giving more and more funds, thus I want to give employment to every person in the coming years, of this company, Through medium.
I want to give employment to all the beggars and helpless handicaps who go out in the street; they are forced to go begging, and due to this compulsion they try wrong way, which gets them stuck in this marsh. **This is due to:-**
1) They do not get enough employment or they see inferiority in society. Their feeling is a fatal for the country and its economy. I want to change it and take them on the path of employment. For this, I need the cooperation of all of you so that I can start the work quickly.
I hope your positive response my dream ......
*Bank Details:-*
Account No. :- 09172413000141
IFSC :- ORBC0101450
Bank name :- Oriental Bank Of Commerce
Branch :-
B-2, Milap Nagar ,Uttam Nagar ,New Delhi-59
Please help me regarding some funds for completed my dreams
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villiandekudemon · 5 years
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Chapter one
Author Note
Hello everyone
Here is chapter one andI hope you all like it, please like the story and also vote it as I try my best with the ideas and I will bring more characters into this story
Many thanks
Izuku PoV
Let’s me tell you the story of today's world where heroes and Villains are real and humans have this power, long ago one day in Quiq Quiq in China a Luminescent baby was born with a unique power called a quirk andall around the world as time passed humans started to obtain Quirks and humans realized that their dreams of being heroes can become reality with thesepowers, they become heroes as a job for fame and money, but sadly all humans don't create equal only 80% humans in the world with Quirks and others don't have any Quirks so they become Quirkless. 
We demons live with humans with Quirks to understanding humans and help heroes protect humans with weaker Quirks or with no Quirks and weak demons, but sometimes some Demons stay in Gehenna and some stay with the humans, me and all my siblings are demons, well my siblings are full demons and also demon kings and queens and I'm a half-demon that because my mum is a human and my dad is a demon but not any demon, oh no he is Satan the Demon King of all Demons and that make me the crown prince of all demons and I also got his blue flames, but for a demon the blue flames means royalty. I got pointed teeth, pointed ears and a tail and my hair is green likes mum (A.N a bit like Rin in Blue Exorcist and the pic of demon Izuku is on the Author note/character section) but everyone said that I look like my dad sometimes, no one knows what my dad looks likeonly me, my siblings and my mum knows what he looks like, he got pointed ears and teeth and his hair is white as snow and he got a whitetail to match his hair, he got blue eyes.
(A.N that what Satan look like and the picture credit goes to Shery) 
he spends his time in the Demon World which it's known as Gehenna,so humans don't know what he looks like anyway. I always want to be the hero just like All Might to save people with the smile on my face even I'm a demon our kind is very good because we can heal our wounds and we don't die thateasily and we also immure to poison, lesser demons are weak to holy water and crosses, but me and my siblings who are the demons kings are immortal which means we won't age anymore and never get sick or feel hunger, we are invulnerable to things that can kill a human, we also incredibly strong that's means we lot stronger than All Might, we can send telepathy to each other andto some humans with telepathic Quirks and we also can teleport to around theworld.
I will age until I will be 21 years old in human years as I'm a half-demon so I will become the immortal demon hero ever if Kacchan won't say that I can't be a hero due to me having a villainous Quirk. 
4 years old in human years
At the doctors for a Quirk assessment 
Me and my mum with my siblings are waiting for the doctor todiscover what my quirk is, my siblings got their quirks already and then thedoctor call us to see him and we went to his room to get an examination,
"Its seem that your son does have a quirk and it look asame as his siblings which is a demon type quirk with only differents to his siblings is he only got blue flames but his quirk, it does what a demon will do, with pointed teeth and ears and he also got a tail which is very cute and I wonder who is Izuku father is Mrs. Midoriya so I can understand Izuku and his siblings quirks better." said the doctor to my mum and my mum look at me and to my doctor,
"Izuku and his sibling's father is Hisashi Midoriya and his demon name is Satan the King all Demons who current in Gehenna at the moment, Im very sorry," said Mum to the doctor and the doctor look surprised at mymum and me, he looks at the medical worksheet and clear his throat 
"Well that amazing to hear and what is Satan quirk Mrs.Midoriya I'm quite interested in his quirk," said the doctor 
"Satan's quirk is the same as Izuku, his quirk got blue flames which can burn anybody who drove near and he got pointed teeth and ears and a tail but unlike Izuku he got white hair and as his hair, his tail is white and he can get very grumpy at times," said mum to the doctor as he looksdown to his paperwork and he looks at my mum,
"Hmm I see now that he and Izuku have the same quirks andI'm going to name Izuku quirk is that all right to you Mrs. Midoriya," saidthe Doctor as he thinks for the name of my demon type quirk,
"Yes, that's fine Doctor," said my mum as we waitingfor the doctor to decide the name of my demon type quirk and then the doctor think of the name of my quirk and look at me 
"his quirk name is Blue Demon because of his blue flames,which are very beautiful color, it reminds me of Endeavor's Quirk, which iscalled Hellfire and it’s a very powerful Quirk so far. if young Izuku doing training with his quirk he will be more powerful than Endeavor or All Might and that all you both need to know so far, please lets me know if there any problems to Izuku's quirk see you both soon bye" said the doctor as wewalk out of the door and my mum turn around and look at the doctor 
"thank you, doctor and I will see you soon and take care now," said Mum as we leave the room and the building with my siblings and I look at our Mum and I smile 
"Mum I want to become a hero when I grow up even, I'm a half-demon, I still want to be a hero just like All Might," I said to Mum as we walk home to our big house and we arrive at the house for us to train our quirks and to begin our journey tobecome heroes.
A.N what will happen next in this series and there be a time skip in chapter  2 because at the start of the story Izuku is 4 years old in human years so I'm going to time skip it to 14 years old in humans years in chapter 2?.
finally, I have done chapter one now I need to do chapter 2 comment for ideas for chapter two
next time in Izuku Midoriya: The Son Of Satan
words 1227
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fatchiness · 7 years
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*When They Turn Their Backs on You!*
   An elderly man who was in one of the many prisons I’ve resided in the past decade,  opened his heart to me, telling me how prominent he was in his community and throughout the states.
He sat in agony because  the hundreds or rather thousands that he extended his arms to, had all turned away from him in his time of need.
He was alone and hurt and overwhelmed with worries.  His family was unable to maintain their house due to tremendous financial hardships.
With a feeling of helplessness, he turned to his old lifelong friends--the ones he had no doubt would always be there to help him.  The ones he loved dearly.  He loved his brothers and students as much as, if not more than, his own family. 
This brother devoted his time and effort to them.  He ran to them to help ease any of their hardship he was made aware of.  They were the ones who he thought to be his soul or even closer.  But as the days went on, they turned away from him.  As the entire world turned their backs on him, so too did the brothers and students he thought so highly of. He pleaded they listen and asked his family to contact them—to no avail. The brothers had no mercy on the tears dripping uncontrollably down the cheeks nor the weeping heart aching with pain. They turned their back on him. 
 They lied and procrastinated to the family and made the family feel like a burden.  And in the end they disappeared like a mirage leaving the family with no help or hope in obtaining help from any of Allah’s creations.The darkness in this elderly man’s dark cell became even darker.  He felt betrayed and abandoned and thought back to how he would have treated those very same brothers if the tables were turned.  Never in his wildest dreams would he have abandoned any of his brothers or students.  The more he thought about what he would have done, the more he was convinced that his brothers and students were treacherous and deceitful.This elderly brother found his days with no daylight.  He was the imam of a big center.  He performed their marriage ceremonies, he buried their dead.  He was there for them in their hardships and helped them resolve family problems.  By Allah’s mercy, his counseling kept families intact and he helped bring people closer together. And now, they all turned their backs on him, with no exceptions.
I said to him, “Enough ya Sheikh! Enough grief and enough crying. Enough feeling used when WE USED THEM!”
He said, “How?”
I said, “For years, when we were there to bury their dead, when we performed their marriage ceremony, when we lectured them, when we held classes for them, when we let them in our houses night after night for lengthy times when we could have closed the doors to them, when we were in our peak and it was in their honor and benefit to be around us, we did it for the sake of Allah and in pursuit of reward from Allah. We never took compensation and we ask that Allah Subhanu Watala accepted it all and inshallah put it in our balance of good deeds.  We in return were the winners and they the losers.”He lowered his head thinking.
I continued, “In addition to the main test we are going through, Allah subhanahu watala tested us with such friends and former students because he wants to teach us not to ask or complain but to Him.Not to love but Him…Not to ask but Him…Not to turn but to Him…Not to knock but on His door…”
 I went on, “Allah wanted us to know that no matter how many friends, students and supporters we had, He was the best, the most lasting one to turn to, the most exalted and complete.  He wanted us to know that He will not forsake us, even though the ENTIRE world did; enemies and friends alike. Allah is waiting for our call even though we abandoned Him for so long.  He is eager to answer us despite our transgressions and sins.”He is Allah…The Most Merciful…The one who heals the broken hearts…The one who gives the oppressed their long awaited victory….The one who is more merciful to you than your own mother…The one closer to you than your jugular vein,
Why turn to the doors of those who can’t hurt nor help…Why not turn to the only door that can harm and benefit….Do not complain to the creature but rather to the creator, complain to Allah subhanahu watalah and ask HIM, who will not turn your hands empty…Complain to the one who hears your cry while people are asleep…Waste no time complaining to those who rejected your mail and calls from prison….Complain to the one who sees your tears and aching heart while people are mindless of it…And complain not to those who brushed your family away when you sent them to seek their help.
Complain to the one who listens to your complain when others are neglectful…Do not grieve because Allah is with you and will not leave you…Why would you need anyone else when you have Allah?Even though it is a lesson from Allah to teach his awaliaa’(his friends) to be fully and only attached to Him and only Him just as he took Yousif from Yaqoob alayhim alsalam when Yaqoub became overly attached to his son, a lesson scholars of Islam continuously went through.
The famous scholar Ibn Abdel Hady in his book مراقي الجنان بالسخاء وقضاء حوائج الإخوان and Aldahaby in سير أعلام النبلاء narrated that   Ibn Abdel Hady found in the handwriting of his sheikh (Ibn Kands) that Abu Jafar AlHarawy said, “I was with Hatem al-Asam heading to hajj when we reached Baghdad.  He told me,  ‘Oh Abu Jaafar, let us meet Ahmad Bin Hanbel since we are passing in his town.’  We sought his house and headed there.
We knocked on the door and he opened. “Hatem al-Asam said, “Oh Abu Abdallah(meaning Ahmad bin Hanbal). I’m your brother Hatem.”Imam Ahmad greeted him and warmly welcomed him.
Imam Ahmad then asked Hatim, “How can we protect ourselves from the people?”
He said, “O Ahmad in three ways/qualities!”
“What are they?!” asked Imam Ahmad.
He said,
1.to give them from your wealth, and to not take money from them; 2.to be in service of them(teach them, bury their dead, visit their ill, open your house for them, advise them…etc) and not to ask them to do any service for you or to take anything in return; 3. and lastly, to bear their harm and not harm them in return.
Imam Ahmad then lowered his head and poked the ground with his finger then lifted his head and said to Hatem, “It is extremely difficult. It is extremely difficult.” Hatem responded, “Do all that and you still might not be at peace from people, and you still may not be at peace, and you still may not be at peace.”
What caused one of the biggest Imams of his time to ask Hatim--one of the wisest men of his time--such a question and to get such an answer but that they had been betrayed by those close to them.  The question came with agony because Imam Ahmad suffered in prison where all but a few who were close to him turned on him during that difficult trial of his life when he was tested and imprisoned.
In 2002, I gave a lecture as the righteous scholars were being rounded up throughout the world and I mentioned how Shiekh Abdulhameed Kishk--the eloquent beacon of truth in the 60’s in Egypt--was imprisoned many times, as most righteous scholars are.  After every time he was arrested, he returned to the pulpit fiercer than he was before.  In the 1980’s, President Anwar Sadat felt threatened and rounded up the leaders of all faiths and all movements.  Across from Shikeh Abdulhammed Kishk’s cell was the cell of Egypt’s Coptic Pope Shenouda III.  Sheikh Kishk said he heard the Pope’s visitors throughout the day and night.  They never stopped coming and going, while Sheikh Kiskh said that he did not have a single visitor that inquired about him.  When he was finally released, he gave up the pulpit and retired, never again setting foot on that pulpit until he died in sujood (prostration) in 1995.
Keep in mind that Sheikh Kishk’s Khutbahs were not only the most popular khutbahs in Egypt during that time, but his eight track tapes and regular tapes had no competition and were the most widely produced tapes throughout the Muslim world.When I gave that lecture in 2002, a brother walked up to me and said, “Sheikh, if anything ever happens to you, know I will visit you and be there for you.”  In reality he was among the better ones of my former students who did call one time and only one time, when the news broke of my arrest; never to inquire again.
The same scenario was repeated in Kuwait where a famous eloquent khateeb in Kuwait was banned for one year from the pulpit for statements of truth he made.  Several days ago, I was able to find and contact his daughter and I inquired about her father’s status since that year of being banned was over a decade ago.  She informed me that when he was offered to go back to give khutbahs and speeches, he refused due to the lack of support and betrayal of those who  never missed a Khutbah in his masjid for over two decades before his hard times.
These are duaa’h and khateebs who definitely –inshallah- were doing what they did  for the sake of Allah but they are also human and the betrayal or silence of those one would have expected to be there for them in times of calamity is hurtful.  The action of such fake students halted the benefit of masses of the ummah.
Those may be the lucky ones but what’s to be said about  those who took the witness stand to clip a few years off their own sentence and lie and falsify testimony against their Shyookh because they were not men enough to handle the consequences of what their hands committed,  unable to accept the destiny of Allah subhanahu watala. 
 It goes further to blow your mind at those who went on to falsify testimony to please the Kuffar and give their Sheikh a life sentence in prison.Those who do not stand with their brothers in times of need are the ones who go to the waste basket of history. Imam Ahmad, Bukhari, Ibn Taymiyah,  among many others were imprisoned and considered outcasts and lived large portions of their lives in seclusion finding means to spread knowledge and truth.  Those who opposed them, turned on them, and stood against them were famous, prestigious and powerful during that time.  Their name died or was trashed in history, with their death.  If mentioned, they are mentioned in shame whilst Imam Ahmad, Bukhari, Ibn Taymiyah’s legacy, knowledge, and names lived on.
As for me, I believe what a famous Arabic poet once chanted,
 “May Allah reward all the calamities the best.  As difficult as they may get, I thank it only because it taught me my friend from my enemy!!”
Allah takes, but He replaces. He replaces better and more solid men and brothers with the traitors, the inconsiderate, weak and the fearful ones with no backbone. I just find it difficult to understand how they will answer to Allah when they stand before Him.Jaber and Abu Ayoub reported that the prophet sallah allahu aliyeh wasalam said, “Whoever  lets a Muslim down at a time when his honor is degraded and his rights/sanctity are violated except that Allah will let him down, in return, at a time he loves/wishes the victory from Allah.” 
 Narrated by Abu Dawood and Altabrany.Sahl Bin Haneef reported that the prophet sallah allahu aliyeh wasalam said, “Whoever sees a Muslim being humiliated (degraded or his rights transgressed) and did not give him victory while able to, Allah will humiliate him before all creations on the judgment day.”  Narrated by Ahmad.
عن جابر وأبي أيوب الأنصاري قالا قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: ما من امرئ يخذل مسلما في موطن ينتقص فيه من عرضه وينتهك فيه من حرمته إلا خذله الله في موطن يحب فيه نصرته وما من امرئ ينصر مسلما في موطن ينتقص فيه من عرضه وينتهك فيه من حرمته إلا نصره الله في موطن يحب فيه نصرته رواه أبو داود والطبراني. وعن سهل بن حنيف عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: من أُذل عنده مؤمن فلم ينصره وهو يقدر على أن ينصره أذله الله عز وجل على رؤوس الخلائق يوم القيامة رواه أحمد. 
Since the beginning of time, this is something scholars have always struggled with.  They get betrayed once they face a hardship even though they had given so much to the very same people who turned on them.  It even happens that many not only turn away, but rather turn against!  They do that to go with the flow, to please the kuffar and to seek popularity and personal benefit.
It was supposedly narrated that Ali bin Abi Taleb said, “You will only know your true brother if he guards you during your hardship, absence and after death.”
Islam encourages and puts a great deal of emphasis on brotherhood, yet true brotherhood has become a rarity--like a rare currency or a precious jewel that you cannot easily find.
To those who turned their backs on their brothers during hardship, we cannot deny the bond of Islam amongst us, but you are “forgotten”!!!  We turn our backs as you have, and we’ll choose a direction different than that where you are and maybe we’ll find more dutiful brothers.
I mourned their death when they fell silent and turned away and it’s hard for the dead to come back.
At the end, we will remember not the words and torture of our enemies, but the silence and betrayal of our friends.
May Allah reward all the calamities the best.  As difficult as they may get, I thank it only because it taught me my friend from my enemy!!
by Shiekh Ahmad Jibril Musa (Hafidhahullah)
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miranda-postgrad · 7 years
Miss Saigon’s Dreamland dreams of Bodak Yellow
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I saw Miss Saigon on Broadway today with my grandmother. I did not know much about the musical prior to watching it, other than that it takes place during the Vietnam War (so it was probably sad) and that Asian Americans are split on the controversy surrounding the sexualization and submissiveness of Asian females. 
The story indeed was very sad (not going to give away any spoilers here), and the acting, choreography, set design, and singing were all good. I could see why the AsAm community would be upset about the portrayal of Asian women. The only Asians on stage were the bar girl prostitutes catering to American GIs, Kim’s former arranged marriage partner, The Engineer, and a few ensemble performers. Even the casting of an Asian for The Engineer for this revival was a big stride towards eradicating Yellow Face on Broadway. I did notice that many of the performers of Asian decent were Filipino (Yay, Pinoy Pride!).
Sadly, stories like Miss Saigon are based off of the truth, and the truth is a part of the USA’s ugly history (along with Japan, The Philippines, and anywhere else they’ve imperialized). I certainly would not want these atrocities to be repeated. Wherever war occurs, people take but do not give. They starve, they work harder for less or not at all. 
Racism aside, I thought the patriarchy played a more problematic role in the story. Here, a guy gets two girls in the end (ugh no). Two guys fight over a girl, and of course the Asian guy is more one-dimensional and evil while the White guy is the “savior.” These themes are not new, and show up all the time on Broadway and other forms of entertainment and media. I am not sure if the best way to end this is through boycotting and using economic power, but I do think one has to watch for themselves and make their own decision. Theater is expensive, and artists are still benefiting from ticket sales. At least some of those artists are Asian and may pave the way into the future of AsAm media representation. 
Now back to the title of this post. I couldn’t help but think of Cardi B’s Bodak Yellow when watching the Vietnamese prostitutes sing about getting out of their lives at the bar. 
I don't dance now, I make money moves Say I don't gotta dance, I make money move If I see you and I don't speak, that means I don't fuck with you I'm a boss, you a worker, bitch, I make bloody moves
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blogovanje · 5 years
Punyai kulit yang berminyak perlu dilihat dengan tambahan supaya tidak mengganggu tampilan. Seperti saat ingin memakai make up, pemilhan alas bedak seperti BB cream jadi penting untuk sesuai dengan keadaan kulit. Pemakaian BB cream untuk kulit berminyak paling baik bikin remaja atau dewasa akan menolong jaga tampilan prima melalui make up yang dipakai seharian.
Bila Anda punyai kulit wajah berminyak serta sedang memerlukan satu BB cream, kami anjurkan Anda supaya tidak keliru dalam pilih produk. BB cream untuk kulit wajah berminyak biasanya kerja untuk jaga produksi sebum supaya masih termonitor. Produk cream BB yang bebas kandungan minyak (oil based) ialah ketentuan harus dari tiap BB cream yang akan diambil.
Diluar itu, BB cream yang pas untuk wajah berminyak paling tidak memiliki kandungan bahan aktif jadi anti bakteri. Ini penting supaya wajah yang berminyak tidak rawan berjerawat. Supaya Anda tidak keliru dalam memastikan, kami akan bagikan daftar BB cream untuk kulit berminyak paling baik yang dapat Anda pilih di bawah ini. Beberapa brand terkenal seperti Maybelline, The Face Shop, serta Clinique dapat diambil berdasar merek favorite Anda.
10 Merk BB Cream untuk Kulit Berminyak Terbaik
1. Clinique Acne Solutions BB Cream Broad Spectrum SPF 40
Kisaran harga: Rp526.000
Clinique merumuskan produk BB Cream yang diperkaya dengan fitur proteksi terhadap sinar UVA dan UVB yang sangat baik. Produk ini diklaim dapat bertahan lama hingga 12 jam tanpa ada tampilan minyak. Bahkan, tekstur yang tidak greasy dapat membantu mencerahkan wajah tanpa mengalami breakout. Kemampuannya untuk menyembunyikan pori-pori dan menyamarkan bintik hitam juga terbilang juara.
BB Cream dari Clinique ini tersedia dalam banyak pilihan shade yang bisa Anda sesuaikan, mulai dari warna yang terang hingga gelap. Dengan hasil akhir yang matte, produk ini juga tidak meninggalkan kesan kering ataupun tidak nyaman. Apabila Anda memilih shade yang sesuai dengan warna kulit, krim BB ini kemudian akan menyatu sehingga makeup Anda juga terlihat begitu natural bagaikan tidak sedang menggunakan riasan wajah.
2. Maybelline Dream Pure BB
Kisaran harga: Rp208.000
Kulit wajah yang berminyak memang rentan terhadap jerawat. Oleh karena itu, kami sarankan Anda menggunakan BB Cream untuk kulit berminyak dan berkomedo dari Maybelline. Produk ini dirancang secara khusus untuk mendukung kebutuhan wajah berminyak yang acne prone. Kandungan asam salisilat sebanyak 2 persen dari Maybelline Dream Pure BB akan bekerja melawan kuman penyebab jerawat.
Sebagaimana yang kami singgung di awal tulisan, sebuah krim BB untuk kulit berminyak terbaik tidak boleh mengandung minyak. Sementara dalam produk persembahan Maybelline ini, kandungan utamanya adalah air (water-based) sehingga tidak akan menjadikan wajah terlihat glossy dan cakey. Tekstur yang ringan dimiliki oleh Maybelline Dream Pure BB sehingga memudahkan Anda ketika mengaplikasikannya.
3. Laneige BB Cushion Pore Blur
Kisaran harga: Rp560.000
BB Cushion dari Laneige dirancang dengan kelebihan untuk mengontrol minyak dua kali lebih kuat dibandingkan BB Cream untuk kulit berminyak dan berkeringat lainnya. Berkat kemampuan tersebut, kulit wajah Anda yang berminyak, apalagi setelah menggunakan makeup, bisa dikontrol dengan baik. Anda tak perlu khawatir wajah menjadi berminyak dan berkeringat apabila menggunakan Laneige BB Cushion Pore Blur sebagai base makeup.
Melalui produk ini, Laneige melakukan inovasi dari produk-produk sebelumnya dimana Laneige BB Cushion Pore Blur dibuat dengan formula khusus yang bisa mencerahkan sekaligus melembabkan wajah. Bukan hanya itu, produk ini juga dibekali dengan kandungan yang membuatnya mampu memberikan kesan menyegarkan dan hasil matte. Tersedia dalam 10 pilihan shade, Anda bisa lebih leluasa dalam menentukan tampilan makeup seperti apapun!
4. The Face Shop Clean Face Oil Control BB Cream
Kisaran harga: Rp125.000
Kerap mendapati masalah pada bagian T Zone yang mengganggu penampilan setelah beberapa jam menggunakan riasan? Kami sarankan Anda menggunakan krim BB dari The Face Shop ini. Dengan pemakaian yang merata, gangguan tersebut tidak akan muncul lagi Selain bisa mengontrol minyak terutama pada bagian T, The Face Shop Clean Face Oil Control BB Cream ini juga dapat menimbulkan efek glowing pada wajah.
Sama seperti BB Cream untuk kulit berminyak terbaik lainnya, produk ini juga terasa ringan di wajah dengan hasil akhir matte yang diberikan. Anda juga tak perlu takut mengalami breakout setelah menggunakan produk krim BB asal Korea ini. Namun satu hal yang menjadi kekurangan dari produk ini, yakni pada warna kulit sawo matang lebih sering menghasilkan warna keabuan. Jadi lebih baik produk ini dipakai oleh Anda yang punya tone kulit cerah untuk hasil yang lebih sempurna.
5. Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream SPF 35
Kisaran harga: Rp180.000
Krim BB kecintaan banyak wanita ini bisa menjadi andalan buat Anda yang punya masalah kulit wajah super berminyak. Bukan hanya unggul dari kemampuan oil control-nya, Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream SPF 35 ini juga bisa memberikan daya coverage dari medium ke full coverage. Meskipun mampu menutup pori hingga seluruh area wajah, produk ini tetap terasa ringan sehingga tidak akan membebani wajah untuk bernapas.
Sama seperti namanya, setelah pemakaian BB Cream untuk kulit berminyak yang tahan lama ini, Anda akan terlihat sempurna ketika di foto. Untuk hasil yang lebih maksimal, Anda bisa menambahkan penggunaan base makeup sebelum mengaplikasikan BB Cream ini. Saat diaplikasikan, Anda tidak akan mengalami kesulitan karena teksturnya yang cukup creamy sehingga lebih mudah untuk di-blend.
6. Sarange Triple Crown BB Cream SPF 33
Kisaran harga: Rp230.000
Ingin tampil cantik bagaikan wanita Korea? Anda bisa memulainya dengan pemakaian BB Cream dari Sarange. Karena masih termasuk ke dalam negara Asia lainnya, setiap produk –termasuk krim BB ini- akan cocok dengan jenis kulit orang Asia pada umumnya. Krim BB unggulan Sarange ini sendiri dibuat khusus untuk Anda yang punya jenis kulit berminyak. Sarange merancang produk ini dengan 3 fitur utama yang dinamakan triple crown.
Ketiga fungsi tersebut adalah sebagai anti-wrinkle, whitening, dan sunblock yang didukung oleh SPF 33/PA+++. Kemampuan mencerahkan yang dimiliki oleh Sarange Triple Crown BB Cream SPF 33 tidak memberikan efek glowing yang berlebihan. Bicara hasil akhir, krim BB ini lebih ke arah semi matte finish tanpa disertai tampilan pori-pori yang berukuran besar. Untuk daya tutupnya sendiri, produk ini memiliki medium coverage.
7. Benefit Cosmetics Big Easy SPF 35
Kisaran harga: Rp95.000
Tidak perlu mengeluarkan budget hingga ratusan ribu lebih, Anda sudah bisa memperoleh sebuah BB Cream untuk kulit berminyak murah dari Benefit. Meskipun murah, Anda tidak boleh menganggap remeh produk ini. Bagaimana tidak, dengan pasaran harga yang cukup terjangkau, Benefit Cosmetics Big Easy SPF 35 mampu melakukan covering makeup hingga berjam-jam lamanya.
Belum lagi dengan tekstur krim yang super creamy sehingga Anda lebih mudah dan nyaman ketika mengaplikasikannya ke permukaan wajah. Suka menghadapi masalah berupa tampilan minyak pada area T di wajah? Tenang, Benefit Cosmetics Big Easy SPF 35 akan menjauhkan Anda dari gangguan-gangguan semacam itu. Namun di balik segala kelebihannya, ada satu hal yang perlu Anda tahu kalau krim BB ini mempunyai aroma yang sedikit menyengat.
8. Skin Aqua BB Cream Perfect Matte
Kisaran harga: Rp50.000
Hanya dengan pemakaian BB Cream dari Skin Aqua, kulit wajah bisa terlihat lebih halus, cerah, dan bebas dari tampilan yang tidak merata ataupun pori-pori yang mengganggu. Dijual dengan harga tak sampai ratusan ribu, tentu Anda perlu mempertimbangkan produk satu ini. Selain menawarkan kelebihan-kelebihan tersebut, BB Cream untuk kulit wajah berminyak ini juga diperkaya dengan SPF 27/PA++ untuk memberi perlindungan dari UVA dan UVB.
Produk ini dikemas dalam tube bermaterialkan plastik yang disertai dengan snap top cap. Berdasarkan rancangan kemasan tersebut, Anda akan lebih praktis untuk membawa produk ini (travel friendly) tanpa takut mengalami tumpah. Meskipun punya tekstur yang cukup kental, Skin Aqua BB Cream Perfect Matte ini juga mudah untuk dibaurkan ke seluruh wajah. Bahkan tanpa perlu menggunakan brush atau sponge juga bisa!
9. Dr. Jart+ Black Label Detox BB Beauty Balm
Kisaran harga: Rp485.000
Pernah merasakan pengalaman buruk seperti warna kulit keabuan atau greyish akibat salah memilih BB Cream? Tenang, Anda sekarang sudah bisa menggunakan Dr. jart+ Black Label Detox BB Beauty Balm tanpa perlu dihantui pengalaman yang sama. Produk ini memang mahal, tapi layak untuk Anda beli karena menyimpan beberapa kelebihan yang tidak dimiliki oleh BB Cream untuk kulit berminyak terbaik lainnya.
Meskipun hanya tersedia dalam satu shade, krim BB ini akan menyatu ke banyak warna kulit. Kemampuan coverage yang medium dari produk ini juga tidak akan membuat kulit terlihat lebih terang ataupun lebih gelap. Untuk teksturnya sendiri, Dr. Jart+ Black Label Detox BB Beauty Balm bertekstur kental dengan warna yang friendly di kulit sehingga ketika dibaurkan pada wajah tidak akan terlihat seperti topeng.
10. Atomy BB Cream SPF 30 PA+++
Kisaran harga: Rp145.000
Pada krim BB ciptaannya ini, Atomy memecahkan anggapan banyak wanita mengenai krim BB buatan Korea yang kebanyakan hanya cocok dipakai untuk kulit yang cerah. Jadi untuk Anda yang punya kulit berminyak dan berwarna gelap atau sawo matang, Atomy BB Cream SPF 30 PA+++ sangat bisa diandalkan! Warnanya yang menyatu pada kulit gelap tidak akan membuat wajah Anda terlihat seperti topeng atau putih mayat.
Bukan hanya bisa dipakai sebagai BB Cream untuk kulit berminyak dan sawo matang, Atomy BB Cream SPF 30 PA+++ ini juga mempunyai daya coverage yang sempurna. Jadi apabila Anda sedang dihadapi dengan masalah seperti jerawat atau pori-pori yang tampak jelas, krim BB ini akan menyamarkan dosa di wajah tersebut hanya dengan satu langkah pemakaian. Kemudian mengenai teksturnya, produk ini mempunyai formula yang ringan sehingga ketika digunakan Anda seperti tidak sedang mengaplikasikan apa-apa.
Yang terpenting dalam proses menentukan sebuah BB Cream untuk kulit berminyak terbaik adalah produk tersebut bukan hanya bagus oil control-nya, tetapi juga bisa mencegah wajah terhadap risiko timbulnya jerawat (non-comedogenic). Selain itu, pastikan juga agar produk tersebut tidak mengandung SPF yang terlalu tinggi. Pasalnya, kandungan SPF yang cukup tinggi justru akan merangsang produksi minyak berlebih pada wajah.
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its-lifestyle · 5 years
First proposed by the World Friendship Crusade in 1958, July 30 is celebrated around the world as International Day of Friendship.
The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the United Nations General Assembly with the concept that friendships – whether they are between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges.
Author Michelle Kwan said, “If you have nothing in life but a good friend, you’re rich,” – and no truer words can be said about many a friendship.
In conjunction with this upcoming special day, we spoke to two pairs of besties who gave us the lowdown on their friendship, how it came to be and how they make it work.
Read also: Best friends Chenelle Wen and Xinle Chai influence together (and each other)
Entrepreneurs Tengku Datuk Indera Kaiyisah Tengku Kamil Ikram and Natasha Ozeir have known each other since they were nine and seven respectively, but although they had always wanted to start a business together, it was only two years ago when they decided on doing something close to both their hearts.
It was from this friendship that the halal makeup brand Pretty Suci was born.
“We thought, as modern Muslim women let’s do something halal, that makes it convenient and easy for us to pray, for women on the go,” explains Natasha, 33, as we chat in the sun-soaked living room of her skyrise apartment in Kuala Lumpur city centre.
Through the brand, Natasha (right) and Kaiyisah want to show the world that halal makeup is for everyone
“We also really wanted to educate and tell people that anything to do with religion doesn’t have to be serious, it’s a lifestyle, and that halal is for everyone, not just Muslims,” she adds.
“Halal makeup means clean practice, in order to get a halal certifications the factory has to be deemed a certain standard, products have to be clean, products are not tested on animals and there’s no alcohol in the ingredients and so on.”
With a clear vision in mind the duo set to work, inevitably receiving well-meaning yet cynical opinions from people around them about how you should never go into business with friends.
However, with a proven track record of having worked together successfully in the past – organising and executing pre-loved items bazaars – Kaiyisah and Natasha went into the business somewhat knowing what to expect from each other.
“You have to be really pragmatic and we already knew what we were getting ourselves into,” Kaiyisah, 35, relates.
“Of course there’s always the asam garam of doing business with friends but we haven’t faced anything that people warned us so much about.”
The mother of two boys continues, “You can’t really take anything to heart and for me, it’s good to compartmentalise, when it’s business it’s business, when it’s hanging out with friends we try not to talk about work, and because we are related through marriage we see each other often, which is not always a good thing.”
They see each other so often that entire family events can go by without them exchanging so much as a look, as they instinctively know to respect each others’ space.
“If you are too busy looking after each other’s feelings you won’t achieve the best,” adds Natasha.
Kaiyisah (left) and Natasha started the cosmetics brand Pretty Suci two years ago. Photo: The Star/Sam Tham
“If you do not want to offend each other therefore you do not brainstorm properly and you do not debate, I actually believe that if you want to excel you have to hash it out like crazy, if you don’t dig each others’ brains to the fullest and get the best ideas then you’ll just be mediocre.”
To ensure they offer their customers the best, they always remind each other that the brand is not about them, it’s about the consumers and what they like, reaching out to them and trying to understand what they want.
Outside of the business, Natasha and Kaiyisah lead separate lives while also being best friends – with a family to raise, Kaiyisah has different priorities but they share a deep understanding of each other’s needs.
“She is busy with her jet-setter life, she’s single, travelling, meeting people, she’s doing all those things I did when I was single,” jokes Kaiyisah. “I’m raising my kids, there’s the business, I’m also building a home, moving house, the whole thing.”
  Their personal lives couldn’t be more different, yet these pals always make time for each other outside the business.
From their teenage years they would meet up during the holidays and plan trips together, sometimes in a very spontaneous manner, leading their group of friends who sometimes wouldn’t agree to a vacation straightaway.
Kaiyisah (centre) and Natasha (right) with Malisa, who does design work for Pretty Suci.
“We would be the ones saying, ‘let’s go!’,” says Natasha. “The others would need a little bit more convincing but it’s easier for Kaiyisah to get me on board and vice versa. We’re very spontaneous compared to the rest.”
According to the duo, there’s nothing they won’t try at least once, when their forces combine – be it a political rally, a serious talk about social issues, outdoors sports, live bands, festivals or a spontaneous lunch date with a new group of people.
Calling their friendship “ridiculously realistic”, its strength lies in how they “keep it real” between each other, and another close friend, Malisa Muhammad, who does design work for Pretty Suci.
“We support each other, we are there for each other, no friendship is perfect but we can’t put our friendship in a box, there’s no way to define our friendship,” says Kaisiyah. “We don’t judge each other and we instinctively know when to take a step back and evaluate situations.”
“I understand her different stages in life and how priorities change,” adds Natasha. “We’ve gone through so much in life, there isn’t a one liner I could say to describe our friendship. We’ve grown so much together.”
Natasha (left) and Kaiyisah have known each other since they were children, and had always dreamed of starting a business together.
This sisterhood that they’ve built over the decades translates into the community they are building with Pretty Suci – there’s even a hashtag for it: “SuciSisters”.
Just like their friendship – which gives off an open, no-holds-barred vibe as they chat away, often bursting into bouts of guttural laughter – the idea of the brand is that it transcends cultures, races, ages and is essentially borderless and inclusive.
”We wanted to show that halal products can be sold in a fun way,” says Natasha.
Kaisiyah adds, “We’ve made it fun, most of the feedback towards Pretty Suci is that the branding itself – the flowers, the colours, when people receive goods from us they feel like they’re getting a gift, it’s so pretty.”
Pictured on their dainty, eye-catching site are both ladies in impeccable makeup, laughing with a diverse group of women who embody the brand’s concept of fun.
Then, there are the shots of just the two of them, gazing thoughtfully into the camera, with plans of world domination reflecting behind their big smiles.
For the onlooker, there’s nothing more inspiring than two friends ready to take on the world, which they hope will serve as an inspiration to women everywhere.
from Style – Star2.com https://ift.tt/2xOXPGY
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laurallama52-blog · 5 years
Indonesian Vegetable Tamarind Soup | Sayur Asem
I was so lucky to be able to stay and study in Bangkok for three weeks last month, and it was really a once in a lifetime opportunity, I endlessly remind myself how lucky I was to be able to  learn the things that I had always dreamed of. For those who know me, you would know that I am insanely passionate about everything food related. So if I am not updating my blog for a long time, be assured that I am somewhere in my kitchen (at home or work) doing something or cooking something or baking something – or yelling at somebody in the kitchen.
I have also been told that if you do what you love for a living, you will not have to work a day of your life. That turn out to be not entirely correct – although it is true to some extend, but exhaustion would make you hate that thing you originally love. I was on the verge of hating it, until I took that break in Bangkok and I came back all refreshed.
I love Bangkok to bits. Although I have to admit that I spent not that much time sprawling around under the bridge or hot humid open air market hunting for street food – we spent time in lecture rooms almost 12 hours a day, but afterwards we always had great dinners – food courts in Bangkok malls are really good! I know. I am so ashamed. Food court? Bleah. Although they lack certain kick, they are so good. After five dinners of pork tomyam and rice with somtams, I was ready to try something else. I had mango and sticky rice every single night (okay, I am exaggerating – it’s more like eighteen nights out of the twenty nights I was there). Of course I missed my boys and girl, but when I had Thai food, I kinda forgot about them for a bit. Haha.
It was also strange to find that Bangkok has been “Japanized” in a lot of ways, as in the “depachika” would sell more Japanese inspired snacks and meals than those Thai food and snacks. I was equally obsessed about Japan and everything Japanese, I tried to stick to Thai food and snacks.
In the spirit of Thai food, this is our version of “tomyam”. This soup is always present in Indonesian style seafood restaurant. Unlike tomyam or sinagang, Indonesian version of tamarind soup is entirely vegetable based sour soup or easily called “Sayur Asam”. Sometimes people would add a bit of dried shrimps or shrimp paste for that extra punch. It has quite a bit to prep, and it is almost impossible to just make a small batch. So be prepared to be stuck with a big pot of sweet, salty, sourish and spicy vegetable soup but it does taste better after the first day. Keep in refrigerator and you can enjoy it for two more days. I personally think after the third day, the vegetables would become too mushy, unless if you don’t cook it too long to keep the vegetables in there crisp, so it would age nicely after the second day. Never tried it myself. Ours are always gone the first day. If it last till the second day, something is definitely wrong.
I think every family has their own sayur asam, tamarind vegetable soup.  Our favorite sayur asam is from one of my aunties’. Nobody in our family does it as well as she does and people keep asking her for recipe. So, this is it. .
The main ingredients would be tomatoes, melinjo seeds and leaves, corn, cabbage, young corn, long beans, fresh nuts and cabbage. Spices used are galangal, lemongrass, salam leaves, red chili and candlenut. Spices used are very strong smelling, so they are countered by salt and a lot of sugar. She is using combination of castor sugar and gula melaka. The soup is incredibly fragrant and tasty!
First step is to grind spices or blend it in a blender. Add a cup of water with tomatoes, candlenut, shallots and red chili.
Blend till it resembles strawberry smoothies. The red chili won’t grind nicely, the blender is not powerful enough. But it’s okay.
This is how to prep vegetable jackfruit. These are the “outer meat” part of the jackfruit. The jackfruit is normally eaten as fruit. The meat surrounding jackfruit is not edible unless it is cooked or stewed. Cut the middle part and keep only the fibrous middle part. Cut them in manageable sizes.
Next is to prep the fresh peanuts. They should be boiled first, to make sure they are nicely cooked and soft when added to the dish. Sometimes the peanuts are not cooked thoroughly and it is annoying to have hard nuts in the soup. Boil the nuts in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.
Using the same saucepan and boiling water, cook the vegetable jackfruit for 8-10 minutes to get rid of the sap. The sap would cause murky soup. So preboiling would prevent that you will end up with nicely orange-ish colored soup.
Drain and put the jackfruit aside.
Prep the young green pumpkin, skin and cut into cubes.
Get rid of the tips of long bean and cut into 5 cm length .
Cut torch ginger flour into quartered lengthwise. Cabbage into 5-6 cm square slices.
Pound lemongrass and galangal hard to release all the fragrant juices before adding into boiling water.
Boil 5,5l of water and add whole spices such as lemongrass, galangal and salam leaves. Cook till boiling again.
Add the blend spices into the water. Let boil.
When boiling again, the water would turn into bright orange colour. Add the rest of the ingredients, such as boiled nuts. Turn heat into medium.
Boiled jackfruit is next.
Torch ginger flour and green pumpkins are next.
Dump the long beans and melinjo seeds.
Cabbage and young corn would be next.
Last would be corn and melinjo leaves.
Season with salt, sugar and gula melaka. Turn up the heat, let boil. Turn down the heat again and let simmer for 15 minutes. Serve warm with rice and sambal belacan. Enjoy!
Vegetable Tamarind Soup - Kuah Sayur Asam
3 corn cut into quarters
2 torch ginger flower cut into quarters lengthwise
100 g fresh peanuts boiled
60 g melinjo leaves / gnetum gnemon leaf
700 g young pumpkin cut into cubes
300 g long beans cut into 5cm length
200 g young corn
300 g vegetable jackfruit / sayur nangka cut into cubes and boiled
500 g cabbage cut into big slices
200 g melinjo seeds
Spices to be used whole
2 stalk lemongrass
10 leaves daun salam
10 slices dried tamarind
100 g galangal
Spices to be blended
40 g candlenut
50 g red chili
3 tomatoes
50 g shallots
Other seasonings
3 tbsp salt
50 g palm sugar / gula melaka
50 g sugar
5500 l water
Boil water in a medium sized stockpot
Add lemongrass, galangal, salam leaves and dried tamarind into boiling water. 
Add blended spices into the soup. Let boiling again. 
Combine the rest of the ingredients into the boiling water. Let boil for 5 minutes
Turn down the heat, simmer for 15 minutes. 
Season with salt, white sugar and palm sugar. 
Source: https://indochinekitchen.com/indonesian-vegetable-tamarind-soup-sayur-asem/
0 notes
danbarkerusa · 6 years
Toxic Habits: Process Addictions
Illegal drugs, alcohol, or pills are not the only things that define addiction. Sometimes the problem can be a behavior (or a mixture of habits) that plague someone until major problems occur, or a disaster makes change become inevitable. These compulsive behaviors sometimes become so difficult to break that they impact everyday living and persist beyond consequences. This indicates that there may be a problem known as a “process addiction.”
There is a wide field of possible process addictions that may include things like gambling, internet use, sex, or even shopping. Sometimes the stigma and judgement around these problem habits is more powerful than the stigma around substance use problems. That stigma can make it very difficult to seek help. Many people feel deep sensations of anxiety, shame, or guilt when they realize that they have a problem with behaviors that seem easy and non-addictive for other people. Process addictions are often misunderstood, unfairly judged, and ignored in addiction literature.
Process addictions, also called “behavioral addictions”, are much more common than many people think. Just because people don’t seek help or announce their problem doesn’t mean they are not suffering. Many people are afraid to reach out for help and fear the stigma of society and lack of understanding within their own families.
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) defines addiction in terms of brain changes. They state that “addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry.” This means that addiction is a brain disease centered around the reward system and is not limited by substances alone.
Some common process addictions include:
Use of computers, internet or phones
Use of video games
Recently, I went to a casino and, while there, watched the patrons around me, played a little myself, and also paid attention to my surroundings. Gambling is not about getting pretty, going out, and having a nice evening with others. Most of the people I saw there were elderly people, highly focused on themselves and their slot machine, feeding every penny in it they had with the big hopes of the big win. Most of them were regulars, and the only interaction with others they experience is in the smoking corner outside, while rushing a half cigarette, eager to go back to their money eating machine.
Nobody was dressed up for a fancy evening, they all had just one purpose in mind: To sit as long as possible in front of a slot machine or at a table and leave happy with a pocket full of money. Many looked as if they didn’t have the money to spend. In part, excessive use of alcohol seemed to make the spending on gambling even easier for some. Table games gave many a sense of belonging and power, which was obvious to see, while I had my doubts that they would ever throw $500 across a counter in their regular lives, as they did the chips on table games.
I tried it myself. The frustration of losing was nearly unbearable. It was constantly on my mind. I thought about what nice things I could have bought for the money that I had just fed into the slots. No, I didn’t play pennies. I wanted risk; I played maximum bet, each time, every time. You can’t win a jackpot with a 40-cent bet—you only win big if you make that click of a button take five dollars or more away from you. My mood was getting so down that lost interest in talking to anyone, eating, or drinking anything.
Suddenly I got a win. My brain made a somersault on endorphins. I instantly got high on the amount of neurotransmitters rushing through my brain, as the machine played some fancy music and indicated a big win. The numbers started to go up—they were flashing and ringing, all my senses became highly involved. What a great feeling. The machine stopped too soon, I hadn’t recovered my losses yet.
So there was only one remedy according to my brain: change my seat and do it again and again until I am the big winner. I don’t have to tell you that I left the place frustrated and with zero dollars in my pocket. In chasing my own money that I had lost, I went to the ATM and took another $200 from my bank account and lost that as well, all while chasing that high of winning.
The regret, shame, and guilt all came to me instantly on the way home. The next day, I was already contemplating going back. I started thinking that I should forget about that unlucky day—I thought, “today, it will be all different.”
Then I remembered. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Some people come up with thoughts like, “It was Saturday, not a good day to gamble. If I go back on Wednesdays, the slots will pay better.”
Some people tell themselves how much enjoyment they got out of the evening, that it was worth every penny. Was it? Leaving frustrated? Having not talked to a single soul? Staring at a screen for hours until a headache came up? Does this sound familiar to those of you that had experience with alcohol or drug addiction? I didn’t destroy my body with any poison, but the rest is just the same.
I am in the lucky position to be familiar with my own addiction problems, issues, quirks, and habits, and can analyze my own behavior and sound the alarm when those things sneak in my life. Sadly, many others are not aware of those issues and cannot call to action. Some of us need professional help. The good news is that behavioral addictions are treatable.
I saw signs for the gambling helpline number all over the casino, but I’m sure that most people will not call there or reach out for help. It’s hard to admit having a problem with something that was supposed to be entertainment. It is entertainment for many, for those that can afford it, that don’t chase the dream, that don’t feel the compulsion. If you are an addict, like myself, then you know: we quickly have other motives, we chase the dragon, the high of the first win, the reward.
Let’s talk about shopping. I’m sure that anyone buys unnecessary things here and there, maybe after seeing an offer that is too good to pass. The retail industry makes sure that people are lured in by those sales. Scoring one of those super televisions on Black Friday for little money is a feeling much like winning the lottery. But what if you already have five televisions at home and only four rooms in the house? Or what about the person that buys a children’s winter jacket by a certain prestige brand, because it’s 85% discounted, but has no kids or relatives that age? What about the person with so much unopened toilet paper in the garage that the car won’t fit anymore? These people may not be hoarders. Compulsive shopping may be caused by a process addiction. It happens more than you might think. Don’t judge the person– if you know him, reach out and offer help if help is wanted.
Certain retailers highlight how much you ‘saved’ instead of how much you paid on your receipt. That makes you feel great about the store and you keep coming back. All of those stores, casinos, malls, and websites employ the best of the best psychologists available—professionals that have the job to make you spend more. Many of us fall in this trap, because our brain-reward systems are pre-programmed to get high from this behavior. If you are a millionaire, it may not affect your life to spend so much, but for normal people it can be a loss of important funds.
Process addictions might stand alone, or may function alongside or even as a substitute for substance use disorders. The need for reward, the wish to escape, the covering of trauma, the presence of co-occurring mental health conditions, and other underlying problems all create a variety of ways that an addicted person may try to cope. When someone enters drug or alcohol recovery, the hope is that he or she will become free of all behavioral and substance use disorders.
It is very important for each person to accept supportive help to understand the causes behind any addictive or compulsive behaviors, or they will just bounce from one problem to another. We can all learn to change toxic habits and replace them with new, healthy ways to enjoy life, cope with problems and spend our time.
Please don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Help doesn’t always involve residential treatment– perhaps visiting a therapist near you can help. But most of all, don’t be afraid to admit it. You are not alone. There are many other people in similar situations around you, perhaps more than you can imagine.
Get help before you lose what you love or need: your spouse, your family, your home, your retirement, the money to feed your child this month. Don’t feel ashamed to suffer a disease that is treatable. If you have a bad tooth, you go to see a dentist. Please see a mental health expert if you have problems with your behavioral or mental health. There is no need to suffer with this pain.
I ask you to share this article with every group you are a member of, at Facebook pages, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. It’s so easy to copy the URL and paste it anywhere. Even if you don’t have a problem, someone near you is has this trouble. Sharing this information may help prevent pain and suffering.
We do recover.
Susanne Johnson
The post Toxic Habits: Process Addictions appeared first on Heroes in Recovery.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8241845 http://heroesinrecovery.com/blog/2018/04/04/toxic-habits-process-addictions/
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robertgcurtis · 6 years
Toxic Habits: Process Addictions
Illegal drugs, alcohol, or pills are not the only things that define addiction. Sometimes the problem can be a behavior (or a mixture of habits) that plague someone until major problems occur, or a disaster makes change become inevitable. These compulsive behaviors sometimes become so difficult to break that they impact everyday living and persist beyond consequences. This indicates that there may be a problem known as a “process addiction.”
There is a wide field of possible process addictions that may include things like gambling, internet use, sex, or even shopping. Sometimes the stigma and judgement around these problem habits is more powerful than the stigma around substance use problems. That stigma can make it very difficult to seek help. Many people feel deep sensations of anxiety, shame, or guilt when they realize that they have a problem with behaviors that seem easy and non-addictive for other people. Process addictions are often misunderstood, unfairly judged, and ignored in addiction literature.
Process addictions, also called “behavioral addictions”, are much more common than many people think. Just because people don’t seek help or announce their problem doesn’t mean they are not suffering. Many people are afraid to reach out for help and fear the stigma of society and lack of understanding within their own families.
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) defines addiction in terms of brain changes. They state that “addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry.” This means that addiction is a brain disease centered around the reward system and is not limited by substances alone.
Some common process addictions include:
Use of computers, internet or phones
Use of video games
Recently, I went to a casino and, while there, watched the patrons around me, played a little myself, and also paid attention to my surroundings. Gambling is not about getting pretty, going out, and having a nice evening with others. Most of the people I saw there were elderly people, highly focused on themselves and their slot machine, feeding every penny in it they had with the big hopes of the big win. Most of them were regulars, and the only interaction with others they experience is in the smoking corner outside, while rushing a half cigarette, eager to go back to their money eating machine.
Nobody was dressed up for a fancy evening, they all had just one purpose in mind: To sit as long as possible in front of a slot machine or at a table and leave happy with a pocket full of money. Many looked as if they didn’t have the money to spend. In part, excessive use of alcohol seemed to make the spending on gambling even easier for some. Table games gave many a sense of belonging and power, which was obvious to see, while I had my doubts that they would ever throw $500 across a counter in their regular lives, as they did the chips on table games.
I tried it myself. The frustration of losing was nearly unbearable. It was constantly on my mind. I thought about what nice things I could have bought for the money that I had just fed into the slots. No, I didn’t play pennies. I wanted risk; I played maximum bet, each time, every time. You can’t win a jackpot with a 40-cent bet—you only win big if you make that click of a button take five dollars or more away from you. My mood was getting so down that lost interest in talking to anyone, eating, or drinking anything.
Suddenly I got a win. My brain made a somersault on endorphins. I instantly got high on the amount of neurotransmitters rushing through my brain, as the machine played some fancy music and indicated a big win. The numbers started to go up—they were flashing and ringing, all my senses became highly involved. What a great feeling. The machine stopped too soon, I hadn’t recovered my losses yet.
So there was only one remedy according to my brain: change my seat and do it again and again until I am the big winner. I don’t have to tell you that I left the place frustrated and with zero dollars in my pocket. In chasing my own money that I had lost, I went to the ATM and took another $200 from my bank account and lost that as well, all while chasing that high of winning.
The regret, shame, and guilt all came to me instantly on the way home. The next day, I was already contemplating going back. I started thinking that I should forget about that unlucky day—I thought, “today, it will be all different.”
Then I remembered. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Some people come up with thoughts like, “It was Saturday, not a good day to gamble. If I go back on Wednesdays, the slots will pay better.”
Some people tell themselves how much enjoyment they got out of the evening, that it was worth every penny. Was it? Leaving frustrated? Having not talked to a single soul? Staring at a screen for hours until a headache came up? Does this sound familiar to those of you that had experience with alcohol or drug addiction? I didn’t destroy my body with any poison, but the rest is just the same.
I am in the lucky position to be familiar with my own addiction problems, issues, quirks, and habits, and can analyze my own behavior and sound the alarm when those things sneak in my life. Sadly, many others are not aware of those issues and cannot call to action. Some of us need professional help. The good news is that behavioral addictions are treatable.
I saw signs for the gambling helpline number all over the casino, but I’m sure that most people will not call there or reach out for help. It’s hard to admit having a problem with something that was supposed to be entertainment. It is entertainment for many, for those that can afford it, that don’t chase the dream, that don’t feel the compulsion. If you are an addict, like myself, then you know: we quickly have other motives, we chase the dragon, the high of the first win, the reward.
Let’s talk about shopping. I’m sure that anyone buys unnecessary things here and there, maybe after seeing an offer that is too good to pass. The retail industry makes sure that people are lured in by those sales. Scoring one of those super televisions on Black Friday for little money is a feeling much like winning the lottery. But what if you already have five televisions at home and only four rooms in the house? Or what about the person that buys a children’s winter jacket by a certain prestige brand, because it’s 85% discounted, but has no kids or relatives that age? What about the person with so much unopened toilet paper in the garage that the car won’t fit anymore? These people may not be hoarders. Compulsive shopping may be caused by a process addiction. It happens more than you might think. Don’t judge the person– if you know him, reach out and offer help if help is wanted.
Certain retailers highlight how much you ‘saved’ instead of how much you paid on your receipt. That makes you feel great about the store and you keep coming back. All of those stores, casinos, malls, and websites employ the best of the best psychologists available—professionals that have the job to make you spend more. Many of us fall in this trap, because our brain-reward systems are pre-programmed to get high from this behavior. If you are a millionaire, it may not affect your life to spend so much, but for normal people it can be a loss of important funds.
Process addictions might stand alone, or may function alongside or even as a substitute for substance use disorders. The need for reward, the wish to escape, the covering of trauma, the presence of co-occurring mental health conditions, and other underlying problems all create a variety of ways that an addicted person may try to cope. When someone enters drug or alcohol recovery, the hope is that he or she will become free of all behavioral and substance use disorders.
It is very important for each person to accept supportive help to understand the causes behind any addictive or compulsive behaviors, or they will just bounce from one problem to another. We can all learn to change toxic habits and replace them with new, healthy ways to enjoy life, cope with problems and spend our time.
Please don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Help doesn’t always involve residential treatment– perhaps visiting a therapist near you can help. But most of all, don’t be afraid to admit it. You are not alone. There are many other people in similar situations around you, perhaps more than you can imagine.
Get help before you lose what you love or need: your spouse, your family, your home, your retirement, the money to feed your child this month. Don’t feel ashamed to suffer a disease that is treatable. If you have a bad tooth, you go to see a dentist. Please see a mental health expert if you have problems with your behavioral or mental health. There is no need to suffer with this pain.
I ask you to share this article with every group you are a member of, at Facebook pages, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. It’s so easy to copy the URL and paste it anywhere. Even if you don’t have a problem, someone near you is has this trouble. Sharing this information may help prevent pain and suffering.
We do recover.
Susanne Johnson
The post Toxic Habits: Process Addictions appeared first on Heroes in Recovery.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8241845 http://heroesinrecovery.com/blog/2018/04/04/toxic-habits-process-addictions/
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cristinavpaintings · 6 years
Toxic Habits: Process Addictions
Illegal drugs, alcohol, or pills are not the only things that define addiction. Sometimes the problem can be a behavior (or a mixture of habits) that plague someone until major problems occur, or a disaster makes change become inevitable. These compulsive behaviors sometimes become so difficult to break that they impact everyday living and persist beyond consequences. This indicates that there may be a problem known as a “process addiction.”
There is a wide field of possible process addictions that may include things like gambling, internet use, sex, or even shopping. Sometimes the stigma and judgement around these problem habits is more powerful than the stigma around substance use problems. That stigma can make it very difficult to seek help. Many people feel deep sensations of anxiety, shame, or guilt when they realize that they have a problem with behaviors that seem easy and non-addictive for other people. Process addictions are often misunderstood, unfairly judged, and ignored in addiction literature.
Process addictions, also called “behavioral addictions”, are much more common than many people think. Just because people don’t seek help or announce their problem doesn’t mean they are not suffering. Many people are afraid to reach out for help and fear the stigma of society and lack of understanding within their own families.
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) defines addiction in terms of brain changes. They state that “addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry.” This means that addiction is a brain disease centered around the reward system and is not limited by substances alone.
Some common process addictions include:
Use of computers, internet or phones
Use of video games
Recently, I went to a casino and, while there, watched the patrons around me, played a little myself, and also paid attention to my surroundings. Gambling is not about getting pretty, going out, and having a nice evening with others. Most of the people I saw there were elderly people, highly focused on themselves and their slot machine, feeding every penny in it they had with the big hopes of the big win. Most of them were regulars, and the only interaction with others they experience is in the smoking corner outside, while rushing a half cigarette, eager to go back to their money eating machine.
Nobody was dressed up for a fancy evening, they all had just one purpose in mind: To sit as long as possible in front of a slot machine or at a table and leave happy with a pocket full of money. Many looked as if they didn’t have the money to spend. In part, excessive use of alcohol seemed to make the spending on gambling even easier for some. Table games gave many a sense of belonging and power, which was obvious to see, while I had my doubts that they would ever throw $500 across a counter in their regular lives, as they did the chips on table games.
I tried it myself. The frustration of losing was nearly unbearable. It was constantly on my mind. I thought about what nice things I could have bought for the money that I had just fed into the slots. No, I didn’t play pennies. I wanted risk; I played maximum bet, each time, every time. You can’t win a jackpot with a 40-cent bet—you only win big if you make that click of a button take five dollars or more away from you. My mood was getting so down that lost interest in talking to anyone, eating, or drinking anything.
Suddenly I got a win. My brain made a somersault on endorphins. I instantly got high on the amount of neurotransmitters rushing through my brain, as the machine played some fancy music and indicated a big win. The numbers started to go up—they were flashing and ringing, all my senses became highly involved. What a great feeling. The machine stopped too soon, I hadn’t recovered my losses yet.
So there was only one remedy according to my brain: change my seat and do it again and again until I am the big winner. I don’t have to tell you that I left the place frustrated and with zero dollars in my pocket. In chasing my own money that I had lost, I went to the ATM and took another $200 from my bank account and lost that as well, all while chasing that high of winning.
The regret, shame, and guilt all came to me instantly on the way home. The next day, I was already contemplating going back. I started thinking that I should forget about that unlucky day—I thought, “today, it will be all different.”
Then I remembered. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Some people come up with thoughts like, “It was Saturday, not a good day to gamble. If I go back on Wednesdays, the slots will pay better.”
Some people tell themselves how much enjoyment they got out of the evening, that it was worth every penny. Was it? Leaving frustrated? Having not talked to a single soul? Staring at a screen for hours until a headache came up? Does this sound familiar to those of you that had experience with alcohol or drug addiction? I didn’t destroy my body with any poison, but the rest is just the same.
I am in the lucky position to be familiar with my own addiction problems, issues, quirks, and habits, and can analyze my own behavior and sound the alarm when those things sneak in my life. Sadly, many others are not aware of those issues and cannot call to action. Some of us need professional help. The good news is that behavioral addictions are treatable.
I saw signs for the gambling helpline number all over the casino, but I’m sure that most people will not call there or reach out for help. It’s hard to admit having a problem with something that was supposed to be entertainment. It is entertainment for many, for those that can afford it, that don’t chase the dream, that don’t feel the compulsion. If you are an addict, like myself, then you know: we quickly have other motives, we chase the dragon, the high of the first win, the reward.
Let’s talk about shopping. I’m sure that anyone buys unnecessary things here and there, maybe after seeing an offer that is too good to pass. The retail industry makes sure that people are lured in by those sales. Scoring one of those super televisions on Black Friday for little money is a feeling much like winning the lottery. But what if you already have five televisions at home and only four rooms in the house? Or what about the person that buys a children’s winter jacket by a certain prestige brand, because it’s 85% discounted, but has no kids or relatives that age? What about the person with so much unopened toilet paper in the garage that the car won’t fit anymore? These people may not be hoarders. Compulsive shopping may be caused by a process addiction. It happens more than you might think. Don’t judge the person– if you know him, reach out and offer help if help is wanted.
Certain retailers highlight how much you ‘saved’ instead of how much you paid on your receipt. That makes you feel great about the store and you keep coming back. All of those stores, casinos, malls, and websites employ the best of the best psychologists available—professionals that have the job to make you spend more. Many of us fall in this trap, because our brain-reward systems are pre-programmed to get high from this behavior. If you are a millionaire, it may not affect your life to spend so much, but for normal people it can be a loss of important funds.
Process addictions might stand alone, or may function alongside or even as a substitute for substance use disorders. The need for reward, the wish to escape, the covering of trauma, the presence of co-occurring mental health conditions, and other underlying problems all create a variety of ways that an addicted person may try to cope. When someone enters drug or alcohol recovery, the hope is that he or she will become free of all behavioral and substance use disorders.
It is very important for each person to accept supportive help to understand the causes behind any addictive or compulsive behaviors, or they will just bounce from one problem to another. We can all learn to change toxic habits and replace them with new, healthy ways to enjoy life, cope with problems and spend our time.
Please don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Help doesn’t always involve residential treatment– perhaps visiting a therapist near you can help. But most of all, don’t be afraid to admit it. You are not alone. There are many other people in similar situations around you, perhaps more than you can imagine.
Get help before you lose what you love or need: your spouse, your family, your home, your retirement, the money to feed your child this month. Don’t feel ashamed to suffer a disease that is treatable. If you have a bad tooth, you go to see a dentist. Please see a mental health expert if you have problems with your behavioral or mental health. There is no need to suffer with this pain.
I ask you to share this article with every group you are a member of, at Facebook pages, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. It’s so easy to copy the URL and paste it anywhere. Even if you don’t have a problem, someone near you is has this trouble. Sharing this information may help prevent pain and suffering.
We do recover.
Susanne Johnson
The post Toxic Habits: Process Addictions appeared first on Heroes in Recovery.
Source: http://heroesinrecovery.com/blog/2018/04/04/toxic-habits-process-addictions/
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carinaconnor5 · 6 years
Toxic Habits: Process Addictions
Illegal drugs, alcohol, or pills are not the only things that define addiction. Sometimes the problem can be a behavior (or a mixture of habits) that plague someone until major problems occur, or a disaster makes change become inevitable. These compulsive behaviors sometimes become so difficult to break that they impact everyday living and persist beyond consequences. This indicates that there may be a problem known as a “process addiction.”
There is a wide field of possible process addictions that may include things like gambling, internet use, sex, or even shopping. Sometimes the stigma and judgement around these problem habits is more powerful than the stigma around substance use problems. That stigma can make it very difficult to seek help. Many people feel deep sensations of anxiety, shame, or guilt when they realize that they have a problem with behaviors that seem easy and non-addictive for other people. Process addictions are often misunderstood, unfairly judged, and ignored in addiction literature.
Process addictions, also called “behavioral addictions”, are much more common than many people think. Just because people don’t seek help or announce their problem doesn’t mean they are not suffering. Many people are afraid to reach out for help and fear the stigma of society and lack of understanding within their own families.
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) defines addiction in terms of brain changes. They state that “addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry.” This means that addiction is a brain disease centered around the reward system and is not limited by substances alone.
Some common process addictions include:
Use of computers, internet or phones
Use of video games
Recently, I went to a casino and, while there, watched the patrons around me, played a little myself, and also paid attention to my surroundings. Gambling is not about getting pretty, going out, and having a nice evening with others. Most of the people I saw there were elderly people, highly focused on themselves and their slot machine, feeding every penny in it they had with the big hopes of the big win. Most of them were regulars, and the only interaction with others they experience is in the smoking corner outside, while rushing a half cigarette, eager to go back to their money eating machine.
Nobody was dressed up for a fancy evening, they all had just one purpose in mind: To sit as long as possible in front of a slot machine or at a table and leave happy with a pocket full of money. Many looked as if they didn’t have the money to spend. In part, excessive use of alcohol seemed to make the spending on gambling even easier for some. Table games gave many a sense of belonging and power, which was obvious to see, while I had my doubts that they would ever throw $500 across a counter in their regular lives, as they did the chips on table games.
I tried it myself. The frustration of losing was nearly unbearable. It was constantly on my mind. I thought about what nice things I could have bought for the money that I had just fed into the slots. No, I didn’t play pennies. I wanted risk; I played maximum bet, each time, every time. You can’t win a jackpot with a 40-cent bet—you only win big if you make that click of a button take five dollars or more away from you. My mood was getting so down that lost interest in talking to anyone, eating, or drinking anything.
Suddenly I got a win. My brain made a somersault on endorphins. I instantly got high on the amount of neurotransmitters rushing through my brain, as the machine played some fancy music and indicated a big win. The numbers started to go up—they were flashing and ringing, all my senses became highly involved. What a great feeling. The machine stopped too soon, I hadn’t recovered my losses yet.
So there was only one remedy according to my brain: change my seat and do it again and again until I am the big winner. I don’t have to tell you that I left the place frustrated and with zero dollars in my pocket. In chasing my own money that I had lost, I went to the ATM and took another $200 from my bank account and lost that as well, all while chasing that high of winning.
The regret, shame, and guilt all came to me instantly on the way home. The next day, I was already contemplating going back. I started thinking that I should forget about that unlucky day—I thought, “today, it will be all different.”
Then I remembered. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Some people come up with thoughts like, “It was Saturday, not a good day to gamble. If I go back on Wednesdays, the slots will pay better.”
Some people tell themselves how much enjoyment they got out of the evening, that it was worth every penny. Was it? Leaving frustrated? Having not talked to a single soul? Staring at a screen for hours until a headache came up? Does this sound familiar to those of you that had experience with alcohol or drug addiction? I didn’t destroy my body with any poison, but the rest is just the same.
I am in the lucky position to be familiar with my own addiction problems, issues, quirks, and habits, and can analyze my own behavior and sound the alarm when those things sneak in my life. Sadly, many others are not aware of those issues and cannot call to action. Some of us need professional help. The good news is that behavioral addictions are treatable.
I saw signs for the gambling helpline number all over the casino, but I’m sure that most people will not call there or reach out for help. It’s hard to admit having a problem with something that was supposed to be entertainment. It is entertainment for many, for those that can afford it, that don’t chase the dream, that don’t feel the compulsion. If you are an addict, like myself, then you know: we quickly have other motives, we chase the dragon, the high of the first win, the reward.
Let’s talk about shopping. I’m sure that anyone buys unnecessary things here and there, maybe after seeing an offer that is too good to pass. The retail industry makes sure that people are lured in by those sales. Scoring one of those super televisions on Black Friday for little money is a feeling much like winning the lottery. But what if you already have five televisions at home and only four rooms in the house? Or what about the person that buys a children’s winter jacket by a certain prestige brand, because it’s 85% discounted, but has no kids or relatives that age? What about the person with so much unopened toilet paper in the garage that the car won’t fit anymore? These people may not be hoarders. Compulsive shopping may be caused by a process addiction. It happens more than you might think. Don’t judge the person– if you know him, reach out and offer help if help is wanted.
Certain retailers highlight how much you ‘saved’ instead of how much you paid on your receipt. That makes you feel great about the store and you keep coming back. All of those stores, casinos, malls, and websites employ the best of the best psychologists available—professionals that have the job to make you spend more. Many of us fall in this trap, because our brain-reward systems are pre-programmed to get high from this behavior. If you are a millionaire, it may not affect your life to spend so much, but for normal people it can be a loss of important funds.
Process addictions might stand alone, or may function alongside or even as a substitute for substance use disorders. The need for reward, the wish to escape, the covering of trauma, the presence of co-occurring mental health conditions, and other underlying problems all create a variety of ways that an addicted person may try to cope. When someone enters drug or alcohol recovery, the hope is that he or she will become free of all behavioral and substance use disorders.
It is very important for each person to accept supportive help to understand the causes behind any addictive or compulsive behaviors, or they will just bounce from one problem to another. We can all learn to change toxic habits and replace them with new, healthy ways to enjoy life, cope with problems and spend our time.
Please don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Help doesn’t always involve residential treatment– perhaps visiting a therapist near you can help. But most of all, don’t be afraid to admit it. You are not alone. There are many other people in similar situations around you, perhaps more than you can imagine.
Get help before you lose what you love or need: your spouse, your family, your home, your retirement, the money to feed your child this month. Don’t feel ashamed to suffer a disease that is treatable. If you have a bad tooth, you go to see a dentist. Please see a mental health expert if you have problems with your behavioral or mental health. There is no need to suffer with this pain.
I ask you to share this article with every group you are a member of, at Facebook pages, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. It’s so easy to copy the URL and paste it anywhere. Even if you don’t have a problem, someone near you is has this trouble. Sharing this information may help prevent pain and suffering.
We do recover.
Susanne Johnson
The post Toxic Habits: Process Addictions appeared first on Heroes in Recovery.
from http://heroesinrecovery.com/blog/2018/04/04/toxic-habits-process-addictions/
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cashgarden · 4 years
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NEW LAUNCHING SOP SUBARASHI 🔥🔥🔥 . 4 Patent Manfaat : 1. Efek Regenerasi Sel 2. Perbaikan Sirkulasi Peredaran Darah 3. Perbaikan Kulit 4. Agen Anti Hipertensi (Tekanan Darah Tinggi) . SOP Subarashi adalah UPGRADE VERSION dari SOP100+ . Jika sebelumnya pada SOP100+ hanya ada 1 peptide (salmon ovary peptide), pada SOP SUBARASHI Ada TRIPLE PEPTIDE, yakni Salmon Ovary Peptide (yg juga ditambah menjadi 150gr) + Sardines Peptide + Fruitflow Peptide . Jadi Bakal Lebih Mempercepat Regenerasi Sel. . Kenapa Sardines? Sardines merupakan salah satu makanan yg mengandung asam lemak omega 3 yg terbaik, yg mana sangat baik untuk Jantung. . Kenapa Fruitflow? Fruit flow sangat bagus untuk mensupport pembuluh darah. Fruitflow ditemukan oleh Ilmuwan Belanda, 1 sachet sama dengan kandungan 1000 tomat. Akan memiliki efek yang sama seperti aspirin , yg fungsinya untuk Melancarkan Pembuluh Darah, tapi Tanpa Efek Menipiskan Pembuluh Darah. . Bisa bayangkan gak, kalo sebelumnya 1 peptide aja uda wow banget n testimonial dimana-mana, gimana kalo 3 peptidenya? 😱 AFC Selalu Berinovasi dan Selalu Satu Langkah di Depan 👏 ketika yg lainnya masih sibuk meniru 😅 TERSEDIA MULAI SEPT 9, 2020 (INDENT SEKARANG UTK MENDAPATKANNYA) Konsultasi produk dan pemesanan: wa.me/6281310935398 Atau pesan langsung di website resmi AFC Bit.ly/registerafc Free ongkir Seluruh Indonesia Free membership AFC setiap pembelian 2 box. Free konsultasi dgn Dokter ahli AFC. Pastikan membeli dari agen resmi AFC dan menjadi member shg anda pasti mendapat produk yg asli tanpa was2. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1du8Gl5nkf4BIwHhLbyJWMUQSqhyqhZDc?usp=sharing Ini ada testimoni banyak sekali, sbg referensi bahwa Salmon Peptide mampu membantu berbagai keluhan kesehatan pasien. #AFCsubarashi #hipertensi #diabetes #kolesterol #stroke #sop #darahtinggi #asamurat #jantung #kanker #herbal #asamlambung #sehat #kolesteroltinggi #tumor #kesehatan #maag #ginjal #gagalginjal #obatherbal #kolestrol #jantungkoroner #hidupsehat #obatkolesterol #obatdiabetes #sehatalami #autoimun #obathipertensi #kista #vertigo (at Kumulo Creative Compound - "Small Wonders Big Dreams") https://www.instagram.com/p/CEdM5fqlOiN/?igshid=ynggi4u8rmd8
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