#as opposed to... y know... actual photo posts... if it is that I'm going to be so pissed
sheepfish03 · 1 year
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You are not immune to the good times
Hermit a day may 11, Scar!
In honor of his new life ep coming out today I drew his pilot skin (I was going to do it anyways, his ep coming out was a lucky coincidence)
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
Incubus/Cupid Streamer Darling... Couldn't decide on one so you get both versions of this cutie
Incubus Darling - an idol of lust takes a different approach to their job by becoming a livestreamer and drawing their prey upon them as opposed to hastle of seeking foolish humans out themselves plus they don't have to actually touch any of them. They primarily focus on gaming and asmr - wearing as little clothing as guidelines will allow whenever they're on camera and post their various states of dress online to the hungry crowds.
They become a successful steamer with anything they could ever want thrown at them... which also includes things they don't. Stray messages pop up here and there of people confessing their love- not lust, to the demon. Wanting to take them out on romantic dates, wishing to grow old or even just hold hands with them. It confuses and shocks the devil to their core. They block these people, but they just make alt accounts and the cycle continues. The incubus' bewilderment is seen as the cutest thing to their audience so they dial back on the sexually charged flirting and compliment other assets they adore. Reader did not sign up for this, but it's all online so they should be fine. Until they find out they shouldn't click on every link that's sent to them
Yan Chat: I want you to [censored] my [censored] until I [censored]
Incubus Streamer: Yes... good...
Yan Chat: I want to us to have a spring wedding and grow old seeking no other comfort than being in each other's arm
Incubus Streamer: ... [dials the police]
Cupid Darling - A messenger of love that also takes a different approach to their job by becoming a livestreamer. Does gaming streams on week days and offers love advice on weekends. May not be as innocent as they seem to always forget to put on pants or wears tee shirts that are just a little too big/small - flashing the camera whenever they move to stand up.
They're the sweetest thing around, always encouraging their chat to go out and find true love when they've all found it right there in the form of their innocent angel. Gets so flustered and bashful from lustful comments their audience can't help up send in more and articles of themselves to help reader along. Poor cupid sits on their floor with boxes of used lingerie and photos around them and is very tempted to use their offerings, but feels so so dirty for giving in
Yan Chat: Cupid? I really need your help :( There's this cute person I've been interested in and I have no idea how to even speak to them
Cupid Reader: Well tell me a bit about them and maybe I can help!
Yan Chat: You might know them. They have the softest looking wings and the cutest little halo. Their voice is so cute too- I just want to hear them scream my name as I grab their waist and just-
Cupid Reader, Visibly sweating: God, pick me up - I'm scared
Both are heavily sponsored by adult toy sites/sent them from their audience, but the differences are funny to me
Cupid Streamer, holding a dildo: Oh my... This is almost as big as m.... y heart! Aha!
Incubus Streamer, holding a dildo: Meh- Mines bigger. Wanna see?~
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saturnaous · 1 month
I realize I'm not sure I saw, and I haven't asked: what got you into the FMA kick? Did you watch it for the first time recently, or was it a rewatch? What made you want to watch it? Gimme all the context of your obsession.
OKAY OKAY. so actually what made me BE like "holy shit fma? ohhhhh" was. uuhhhh one, one of my mooties (red-r0ver thank you) like not often posting about it but agreeeing when things about it happened or something. there's a media axis thing somewhere on this website that like was like :"well made art-udder dogshit" on Y and "ok.-I will never be the same again/made me eat glass" and ON THAT. in "wellmade art-neverbe the same/made me eat glass" side of it was Fullmetal alchemist. and like it got agreed with or something idk. anyways that's how it fell on my radar. as a like "hmm I don't know anything about it but I wouldn't be opposed to this. it seems like it'd be enjoyable." and yeah. also I should feel I should mention that in the vauge void of it not quite existing in this time period it conisitantly connected in my head with Doctor Stone for some reason. I've literally only seen doctor stone or whatever through crunchyroll adds when I was wtaching that time I got rencarnated as a slime but it somehow got mixed up with fma. wirse crossed or something. idk.
but what ACTUALLY made me watch it was a video that was talking about Disabilities and Queerness in the Owl House. and DURING that. The person who had made the video brought up FMA and Izumi and was going through scenes of stuff of it. I'm pretty sure they were talking about Izumi with her organ damage and not being able ot have kids(how having disability rep can become related in points of your life), but it was going through some scenes of the show.
BASICALLY. I've seen Alphonse around very vaugely. I knew that he existed to an extent. I knew he was a lot of armor or a robot or something. But I had no clue where he was from and who he was. but he existed in a vague void of "cool character design that I want to kiss SO BAD" but nothing else really. did not know jack about him. not even his name. So I saw HIM in the scenes they were playing and I basically went
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so. knowing me. an absolute sucker for armor and robots and things of that sort.(stares at ultrakill longingly). I went into a gc with my friends(it's called monster fucker faggot central btw. mffc. it's great) and I. WAIT I can actually get my exact words hold on. FUCK my screenshots are broken on my computer hold on. I will remedy this.
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LIVE SPENXER REACTION.anyways. that's how my friend told me before his account got hacked that fullmetal alchemist is supposed ot be like thr greatest anime of all time. and then he told me to watch brotherhood and I DID and then I became OBSESSED and then I read the manga and now I'm watching 03. from literally the first 5 minutes I became obsessed with Alphonse. Alphonse. . . save me alphonse elric. . . alphonse elric saveme. . . anyways. yeah. I also have uerhmmmmm liveblogs somewhere skewed abount my servers and stuff of when I first watched it and when I read the manga. there's actually an image of me bawling my eyes out when I finished bh that my friend saved bc it's his favorite photo of me ever. teehee.
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I started this on a reblog that came up on my dash and then it went off on a tangent and got deeply personal so anyway I've got 20 mins left of work and am kinda done things pending managers approval so I have time to actually make thoughts happen
So here are my incoherent thoughts on the whole cc thing.
In advance - please don’t reblog these are literally just my thoughts and feelings, have fun, go take the screenshots into your discord or group chats or anon messages (not that they’ll be answered cos i block IPs, bye) or whatever and leave me alone. 
As I mentioned a few days earlier, MY BAD cos I'd seen it work in photography groups. It made it a safe space for people to share content because if people just wanted to share pics they were happy with, they could, if people wanted feedback gently, they could, and if people said tear it to pieces, they could. So I said HEY what if we do a thing. 
If you're reading this and you've interpreted it as being passive aggressive thing - i assure you that's literally not the intention. There are people on here (me! Hello! I'll put my hand up!) who don't feel welcome and/or aren't in the headspace or just don't have the time to write out massive replies. Maybe they’ll put CC welcome on next week when they do have replies or they are in the headspace or whatever. Or they may not, that’s their perogative.
But anyway, for me, a summary - my photos of arthur are me sharing pics because he’s fucking cute and i like pics. I follow blogs who post lots of pics of their own horse. That’s what I like, so that’s what I do. On my pics, questions, and thought provoking ones at that, are always welcome, although I do prefer DMs. My DMs especially are always open, and encouraged. That way I can message you back on my schedule, not after the removed from context reblog commentary has made the rounds on many other blogs. I say this because it’s happened to me multiple times in ~the glory days~ when an out of context post got reblogged 1000 times with an out of context reply. And I'm not down for one out of context reply to go circling. Personal preference. 
I personally have found that replying on to someone's post when not asking can be performative as opposed to going to their DMs. And I’ve done it, i think i did it literally a month ago about someone making their tack and being like hurr durr don’t make a saddle cos it’s important to get it fitted for X Y Z instead of being like hey what tack ya making, oh a breastplate, cool cool? And I think i was a dick for not just DMing them. Bad lexi!! But anyway, back on topic, with DMs, sure, you get no street cred for showing off your education, but you can have a more frank discussion about it, and generally the person on the other side assumes you have better attention. But hey I'm probably just scarred from my 6 years on this hellsite lol.
For me, I will probably always say no cc or max gentle cc on a lot of stuff, because I have a trainer who I work with very closely and make literally every decision in my horse care collaboratively with, a bunch of people who call me on my shit, and an agistment owner who couldn't sugar coat a thing if she tried (there have been tears lmao) who are looking out for Arthur's welfare and completely understand the context in which he lives and works. I have been at the point many years ago with a young horse and using three instructors at once and having various and often conflicting pieces of advice given by horseblr and I have been confused as fuck navigating it all. I have successfully found a team of people I trust including trainer, agistment owner, physiotherapist and biomechanics specialist, chiropractor, saddle fitter and dentist. Unfortunately my vet moved to the UK and the farrier is... an ongoing drama so I am litcherally always down for feet and health input. But for the others, Arthur is 100% covered, promise. However, I know this site is full of people who don’t have access to professionals they can put their trust in with no hesitations. I’ve been there and I get it. So by all means, do what you gotta do.
The alternative to no cc is of course the good old disclaimer. The old 'yes my hands are shit and my legs are shit and my shoulders are rounded and my reins are too short but I was happy with this!!!'. I USED TO DO IT AND IT FUCKING SUCKED and it further shat on my already low self esteem. Like god it sucked so badly. Something I was happy with and improved my mental health suddenly made me feel so awful. I hated having to swim in all my flaws like that when they were being worked on in lessons already anyway. And I personally have big problems with mindfulness and one of the biggest things I've had to work on w Arthur is not sitting there thinking in the middle of a ride after I fuck something up 'that's my fault cos my hands are shit god I suck', I've had to work on keep going cos that moment has already passed and by focusing on what's already happened it just fucked me up cos Arthur was like ... hello? Anyone up there??? So yeah there's always that option. Personally, didn't help, hence why I prefer the no cc thing.
But basically I would encourage anyone who is fine with cc to go ahead and write cc welcome on their stuff, or no cc if you want. You're not choosing a side (well, in my opinion) you're just setting boundaries on a very difficult space to set boundaries. Sometimes it is time and energy that some of us do no not have, so maybe we'll put cc welcome on a post later in the week when we do. Sometimes we are sensitive. But anyway, you do you, If you want cc then please put cc welcome on your post, whether that's gentle cc or fuck me up cc. Set boundaries, you control your internet use and your spaces. Of course the internet is the internet, but please make it the welcoming space you want. No cc might mean I'm already working on this with my trainer, I'm on it. It might mean hey I feel like I want to die tonight can you please just let me look at my hoss.
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leejeongz · 6 years
Stray kids reaction to an insecure s/o
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🔅I’m sorry this is slightly more towards a female s/o it was hard to not to really, and im sorry Jeongin’s is kind of short, I ran out of ideas that didn’t sound the same as others, I didn’t want to repeat myself too much but n e way thanks for the ask hun!! I hope you like it🔅
Requested by: @softxfcc
Bang Chan:
Your first gala meal with your boyfriend. Your scrapbook wasn’t going to be complete without the photo. You slipped into your tightly fitted dress and asked Felix to take the photo of you and Chan together. Felix gave you your phone back and ran to his s/o to compliment them leaving you and Chan to look at the photo. You couldn’t lie you thought you looked fat. It was horrible to see that photo of yourself and to think you have to look like that all night. You began to cry. Chan turned slightly, his arm was still around your waist from when the photo was taken. When you told him you thought you looked fat he was flabbergasted. You were so gorgeous and you definitely weren’t fat how could you think that of yourself? He made sure you knew that you looked stunning not only then but all the way throughout the night.
“Seriously y/n you look amazing. You’re absolutely beautiful and your body is perfect. Please don’t change”
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Lee Know:
He was constantly surrounded by pretty girls. Idols, fans, work colleges they were all so much prettier than you. “Why aren’t you dating one of them, they have so much more to offer?” you ask him one night while cuddled up in bed. At the question Minho shuffles so he’s directly looked at you holding both of your hands in both of his. His eyes looked sad that you’d even thought of this question. He loved you not them. You had so much more than they did. You were beautiful and to him you were perfect. It was clear to anyone that you were so much better for him than they were anyway. They didn’t make him feel the way you did. And he told you all of that with just one sentence.
“Because I love YOU”
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You’d recently posted a selfie with Changbin on your personal Instagram. Not many fans had found it and those who had up until then were really supportive of your relationship. This post however led to many new people commenting. Commenting their opinion on how you looked and how you weren’t right for him. How he deserved better. Changbin saw all the comments and rushed over to you making sure you were okay. He didn’t want you to believe anything they said because none of it was true. He’s told you so many times how amazingly good looking you are, and even though you’re actually really pretty, even if you weren’t you’d still have the best personality. And he wasn’t lying. He made you block all the haters. You wanted to take your whole account down but Changbin told you that you looked too cute on every photo to do that.
“I wish they’d understand that lying isn’t gonna get them into my heart... ever”
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It was a bad day. The water at your place was stopped last night and wouldn’t work tomorrow morning and all you could use was the toilet so you hadn’t been able to shower or clean your teeth or anything. Seeing your perfect boyfriend was not an option tomorrow or tonight. He offered that you stayed at his house that night but you were afraid of morning breath and bed hair and whatever else. But Hyunjin didn’t care. He wanted you to have bad breath and bed hair and whatever else because that was you. You didn’t always have to be glam. He convinced you to stay the night nevertheless and told you in bed that you didn’t have to wake up early to get ready. He left some mints on the bed side cabinet if you wanted one so you didn’t have to get out of bed straight away.
“When we’re married with kids I think I’m gonna see a lot worse y/n”
(I'm going to drown myself look at that gif oml I think I'm crying)
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Even the slightest bit of insecurity and Jisung would be there hugging you telling you how great you are. It was results day today and you’d been waiting what felt like years to finally see what you’d gotten. When you opened it and saw an “F” next to biology you broke down into tears. You weren’t good enough anymore. Your dreams of becoming a doctor were shattered. You couldn’t believe it. Jisung’s arms were around you in a flash. He stroked your hair telling you that it was going to be okay and that you could get it remarked. He’d pay. He knew how much this meant to you and how humiliating it would be if you tried to get into any med school with an F. He tried to distract you all day. He took you for food to celebrate all your other passes and took you to the ice skating rink so he could “show off his moves”. He wanted to see you smile again.
“There’s more to life than being a doctor baby, and you always make me feel better when I’m sick is that not enough?”
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Felix had had enough of you saying that you were ugly. You obviously weren’t ugly, you were so so pretty and he wanted you to know that. He knew you’d always been insecure and he always wanted to help but he never really knew what to say. It was only today when you refused to leave the house because you looked “so ugly” that’s when he knew what to do. He wanted to show you off to the world. Everyone would think you were pretty and he knew they would and if they didn’t he’d be quick to correct them. He sat next to you on the bed and put his arm over your shoulder pulling you in closer to him. He told you how beautiful you were and how silly you were not to see that. He said all the right things. He ended his speech with a small delicate kiss to your forehead.  When he finally convinced you to go out he held your hand at all times. 
“You’re so pretty you make my heart explode you don’t need me to tell you that”
(you’re Hyunjin but lets be real no one is iconic as Hyunjin so)
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You were out shopping when seungmin took you into a skincare shop after you’d complained about the spots on your face. You took this the wrong way however, thinking he wanted you to sort them out else he wouldn’t want to date you anymore. Immediately you stormed out of the store going to sit at the nearest bench. Seungmin followed behind you almost running to catch up. He sat down next to you, sitting on his hands, and apologised shyly. He explained why he did it and that he only wanted to help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. He didn’t care what you looked like, he always wanted you to be his. He grabbed your hand and took you home, letting you try all of his skin care products that he already has.
“I just want you to be happy. I don’t want you to feel like you have to cover yourself up”
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You and Jeongin had been dating for a while and he felt it was the right time to come out to the public about your relationship. He wanted to show STAY how beautiful and wonderful you were! You weren’t opposed to the idea, but as soon as you said yes the real emotion kicked in. What if the fans didn’t like you? What if they thought you weren’t the right weight? What if they thought that you weren’t enough? Your expression changed to a straight face causing Jeongin to look at you with a frown. You asked him the same questions you’d asked yourself to which he responded with:
“You’re perfect to me who cares what they think, you’re mine and nothing is going to change that”
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rinisbowen · 2 years
Speaking of costume choices in HSMTMTS maybe it’s just me but Gina’s Babette costume reminds me a mixture of Taylor McKessie’s black and white polka dot dress she wore in the musical number “Everyday” and Gabriella Montez’s maid outfit in the musical number “I Want It All.” I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not I just want to point out the Gina’s Babette costume looks like Taylor polka dot dress and Gabriella maid outfit.
hi anon! thanks for the ask. this was fun to think about ngl, if anyone has other costume things they want to talk about i'm always here for it!
tbh talking about costuming is kinda fun because it's like- choices are made intentionally to a certain degree, especially on this sort of show.
something olivia rose keegan talked about in one of her interviews was that one of the coolest things for her about doing hsmtmts versus all her work on days of our lives (and just soaps in general), was that they had the luxury of time. she said they sat down the first day talking for like several hours to talk about what to do with her hair, what would make sense for her character. versus with soaps it's very go go go, and they're shooting like as many as 70 scenes in a single day as opposed to like 4 tops for hsmtmts. they have time to make very intentional choices about what kind of clothes make sense for the character.
obviously, gina's babette dress is slightly different than most wardrobe because it's a "costume" in a more literal sense. it's for the show within the show. gina's playing a character. so the ramifications of her wearing the dress are less in tune with what her actual character, gina, has going on, versus her typical wardrobe may have such implications.
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as far as it being similar to the maid outfit from hsm3 for "i want it all", that's probably not intended as a parallel and i can say that with confidence. gina's character in beauty and the beast is babette, who's a feather duster, yes, but what she actually is is the 'french maid' character. which is what they were going for when they styled gabriella for the scene. if you google french maid dress / french maid costume, what gabriella is wearing is approximately what your search results will give you. i'm not going to get into the racist implications of gabriella being sharpay's maid in her fantasy... but i wanted to note that they're there if i'm putting a photo of it in my post.
the polka dots are fun, and it's something different than the stereotypical french maid outfit, which is a nice way of doing it, particularly since it's kourtney 'making' the costumes. whether that means sourcing or sewing or restyling pieces. so it's fun, she's not just the standard 'french maid'. though my search did have some french maid costumes with polka dots, which i didn't expect. so that's cool.
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as to taylor's dress from "everyday", i admittedly didn't remember it, and idk if they're super dedicated to those sorts of references, particularly given this is just gina's costume for the musical, but it is possible? even if it's not an intentional callback (and we have no way of truly knowing), i do see what you're saying about the similar vibes in a certain sense.
the black and white polka dots for one thing, and the main thing. (black and white is bc she's the french maid character, but it's still similar to taylor's dress). the waist is "corseted" (not the right word i don't think but y'all can see what i mean) on gina's dress, as opposed to that thick ribbon with the laced edges around taylor's (gosh this dress is such a product of the era the movie was produced), but it creates a belted effect? which is similar? i think the biggest difference (beyond the apron and the fact that gina's skirt is very feather duster-y, bc she's playing a feather duster, is the top of the dress.
i do think they're probably just two different dresses that happen to have black and white polka dots on them. but that doesn't mean that the costume designer didn't see it and be like oh that's kind of fun, that kinda reminds me of the dress from the original films. i don't think it means anything in terms of character that the dresses have this similarity, because it is gina's babette costume, and that doesn't have the same ramifications i don't think, but hey- it's fun! and if you want to think of it as a parallel (visually it sorta is, even if it's not a character thing), go right ahead!
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