#as in I went into the game and took a screenshot of an actual cat near where mosca sits
krenia · 1 year
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Inspired by @johndoe-r headcanons, mosca with a kitty because yes
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py-dreamer · 7 months
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And here's the finished piece y'all!
(here's the WIP for comparison \'/\'/)
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I will say, I do hope this was worth the wait and there are noticable improvements!
Honestly pretty proud of this piece!
(Also sorry I couldn't post this earlier, I had to complete some work before finishing this ^u^')
and see! I did promise Bai He the spotlight and y'all received!
I will admit, I MIGHT have gotten a bit carried away with the embelishments and embroidery but COME ON.
I know practically speaking, there wouldn't be this much embroidery and pattern on her outfit for someone living in the wild and well... a monkey BUT STILL
I just wanted her to match with Mac and achieve that gypsy look is all! I already went full force with him so why not give a little pizazz to his daughter?
(BTW, ALL members of the shadowalkers fam will eventually get their own tulle shawl/wrap thingy. You'll just have to wait for me to design Wukong & Mk)
Headcanon that Mac & Bai He made parts of their clothes together and while Mac was busy doing his own thing, Bai He befriended a cat but it got it's paws in the paint and walked all over her shawl. Then Mac comes back to the mess and Bai He decides to keep it like that. XD
Also Bai He was learning sewing and stuff (cause she rips her own clothes so often she needs to learn how to patch it up) and did the embellishments by herself and was so proud of it afterwards. (Like if Mac can get clouds on his robe in canon, then Bai He can have flowers and butterflies on her dress)
Actually y'know what? No this isn't headcanon. This is canon to the au now.
I was originally going to place the embellishments at the hem of the dress almost like a trim, but that looked too uniform so then I remembered Mirabel's dress and took inspo from that.
Additionally, I kind of retconned the purple dress in Mac's piece. I knew pink was kind of Bai He's signature but I just didn't know how well that pastel/barbie pink would fit into the foresty background but hey! We got there eventually.
You might also notice that her wristbands are present this time!
Maybe as she got older, Macaque started teaching her how to make more stuff (he is an artist after all; made his own plays, drawings, a video game) he helped her make her wristbands.
At first they were just going to have her name engraved into it but then I remembered Macaque's lantern and how it used the character for light in it's design and I thought that was super cool so I kinda stole it for my design heh...
Mei was actually a bit last minute cause Merlin wasn't in the original shot but I wanted to give Mei some screentime too since she is rather underrated. And it was a fun challenge to shade her feathers
Not much to say bout' MK, he's just good ol Mk in this one.
I will admit the hair was a little tricky here cause again: shading dark hair is a pain in the &ss but the yellow sunlight made it a bit easier
Surprisingly the hardest part of this was the background
Turns out colour picking directly from screenshots won't ALWAYS work (^~^')
hope u had fun listening to my lil au!
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squigglywindy · 2 years
Squiggles' Cousin Plays The LU Name Game
So, my cousin. Y'all may know her as the person I referenced in an ask game once as the only person who knows I'm on Tumblr. I am exactly 31 days older than her and we have been inseparable for life, but she knows nothing about LU. She knows that I like "that one comic called something about Zelda" (rip she was not paying attention) but that is it. She hasn't played any games or seen anything about LU. Just know she can be a lil inappropriate and I edited her a little but, y'know. It was funny.
I will call her Gertrude because it's...well, it's what I call her. But it is very much not her name, it's a dumb joke I like to tease her about that no one else uses so I think it's a safe pseudonym to use.
So I messaged her today and was like "hey you're playing the name game I'm sending the pics tell me what you think" and like the good cousin that she is, she played along. I screenshotted some of what I thought were absolute quality frames from the last few updates and ran with it.
It went something like this...
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Gertrude: ✨Alligator Warrior✨
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Gertrude: Frog
Me: You have got to be more creative
Gertrude: Okay. Sir Henry Hop if you're gonna be picky
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Gertrude: Sir Edgar Fair Legs. He looks like a fairy, but it's not fairy legs. It's Fair Legs
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Gertrude: Sir Edgar Fairy Legs Jr. This one is actually a fairy
Me: You can't do two Edgars
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Gertrude: Big eyed fairy boy that has attachment to blanket. His name is um...Sir Lucy. But he is known as The Boy With An Emotional Attachment To A Blue Blanket
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Gertrude: You if you were a cartoon. Idk Edgar I guess
Gertrude: OH! OH I'VE GOT IT! SAD SAM!
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Gertrude: Oh. Oh so they're fruity fruity.
Me: Gertrude please
Gertrude: Squiggs look at them. That's a whole fruit basket I have never seen a fruitier human and I love them
Me: What is his name
Gertrude: Idk he thinks he's all that and a bag of chips though. Um. OH I KNOW! FRUITY FRED!
(And then she sent me a video of her demonstrating what she thinks he walks like and it was hilarious and unfortunately includes her face so y'all just know it was quality and involved a lot of hair flipping)
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Gertrude: Oh that's Mark
Me: That's it?
Gertrude: Yeah he's just Mark
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Gertrude: Wowza. You know what Doja cat said about big noses
Me: Gertrude focus
Gertrude: His name is definitely Samuel. Samuel Elk Boy. He can turn into an elk
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Gertrude: Bowling ball looking eyeballs. He's adorable but my gosh he can see noises. He can see the sound waves. He can find my potential in life. Damn 👁👄👁
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Gertrude: Oooh a girl. I know she could kick anybody's ass. AND cook up a storm. MRS. EDGAR
Gertrude: If she's not married to Sexy Edgar she should be. She deserves it
Me: Let her be her own person. Give her a name
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Gertrude: Sexy Wolf. Mrs. Edgar turns into this wolf
Me: She does not
Gertrude: She should
Me: Thank you for participating you did terrible
Gertrude: Yeah whatever I'm still thinking about those big ass eyes they saw things I didn't know existed
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nuclearrayne · 1 year
Dear EA/Maxis
We need to talk....
As a builder I don't actually play the game a lot but, recently, I had the opportunity to get more into the game play side of things and I am just gobsmacked at how frustrating of an experience it was.
You need to know these 3 things before we have our chat, 1. I have NO script mods in, as I have been prepping for your next update apocalypse. I do have a default skin, eyes, sliders and my choice of skin details because, well, let's be honest, you lot are terrible at creating acceptable looking body beautifuls. 2. ALL of my drivers are checked daily and updated, if needed. And 3. without getting into specifics, my system is very capable of handling the taxing of your 8 year old game.
I have been a sims player for over 20 years, I have dumped thousands into your franchise. I own every single expansion, game, and stuff pack you have ever released including your most recent money grab "kits" I do not feel that telling you this should garner me a higher standard of propriety because EVERY Sims player should have the ability to enjoy your game without the need to take a Xanax first! I just want you to be aware that my simlish is fluent (with and without alcohol).
Below is a glimpse of the issues I was having, and there were MANY, that I had in the few short hours I played, I have also included some colourful pictures because...well...some people learn differently...
Let me introduce you to Marley, she has been in my game for a long time, mostly to help me take screenshots for thumbnails (she is using the CC listed above, using the CC I normally have in my game and completely nude for reference)
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Please fix your clothes so my normally healthy looking sims don't look like they have successfully dropped 20 pounds instantly without the need of some photoshop magic, your clothes should NOT being slimming my sims no matter how slim or heavy they are!
While Marley and I were in CAS we noticed that there is an alarming amount of clothes with texture oddities, mostly pants that made Marley look like she had taken a mahoosive shite, don't get me wrong it's a look, but? There were also several shirts and shoes that need fixing, too, however, I think the pants are the worst. Here are some examples:
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When we were done discovering the horrors of CAS, I took Marley in game and moved her into a lovely little build in simlicy's save file (2.0) Here's a peak just in case you're feeling nosey:
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After we loaded in, Marley stood on the lawn, while I immediately opened buy mode (be thankful this is a game play observation because I could blow your mind with the issues I have found while building) I bought Marley an easel, a bed, a knitting bag (the first of MANY mistakes I made) and a rocking chair. Going back into live mode I set Marley to apply for a painter job, then "cook" a salad, when she was done the welcome wagon arrived. I told Marley to invite her neighbours in, instead of doing as I had asked Marley sat down in the rocking chair and stared smugly at me until the welcome wagon left. Defense Exhibit A:
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After shunning her new neighbours Marley settled in for some knitting relaxation with her new earbuds in. I selected "cottagecore" which was a genre neither of us had heard before and definitely will NOT again as it sounds like the entire "cottagecore" list played all at once with the added background noise that I can only describe as "living in a haunted house with a ghost that just had its nails did" I closed my game out of fear of being possessed by this entity and went immediately to your forums, where I discovered that this is a known bug that has been happening since 2017.
When I loaded back in, I was instantly hit with a phone call from a cat who wanted to know if he or she should go on a date with Eliza Pancakes and of course I said yes because pfffft what could possibly go wrong there, am I right?! Probably not but *shrugs*
After Marley told the cat that we would like to receive an invitation to the wedding and hung up my eyes were instantly drawn to the floor...what...what is THAT?! DUST?! At this point I was starting to get exasperated, and I am pretty sure Marley was, too. So back into buy mode I went to buy a vacuum for a house Marley hadn't even slept in yet. (reported fixed 23/03/2021 Patch PC:, still broken)
I asked Marley if she felt like knitting in the rocking chair, she said she was a bit tired so I reminded her that we needed to recoup the cost of the expensive vacuum I just had to buy. Begrudgingly, Marley sat down and started knitting a panda beanie. Before long she began waving and yelling insisting I let her go to bed, she was exhausted, and truly, so was I. So off Marley trudged. I worried that she would not make it the 15 or so steps to her bed but she did. I sighed. Then, out of the blue and with the drama level of a high school Shakespearean actress, Marley stood up and threw herself on the floor next to her bed where she slept, I presume, like a baby. Ok Marley, you do you, boo! (broken with toddler patch - 2017)
While Marley slept I slipped into build/buy mode to add a pop of colour to her bedroom with a piece of art that had 2 birds on it and attempted a paint change. The art disappeared when I applied the paint, where did it go? Marley did you take the art?! No, of course not, you're still asleep on the floor.....(reported fixed 17/01/2023 Patch PC:, still broken)
Marley got up bright and early the next morning, I asked her to make eggs and toast....she canceled the request repeatedly insisting she needed to search the web on her phone. (reported fixed 30/08/2022 Patch PC:, still broken)
Finally Marley made it to the kitchen and began to cook...and apparently light the stove on fire
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......thanks Marley.....I didn't know you were a closet arsonist.
After breakfast I clicked on the knitting bag and asked Marley to finish the beanie she had started the night before, she said she could not, so I clicked on the rocking chair and asked again, she just waved
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I repeatedly tried the bag and the chair to get her to knit, she just kept on waving, she is such a friendly sim <3 Ok Marley, please go knit the beanie on the bed
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No? Ok Marley, please scoot over and try the other side of the bed, still waving I see....Marley you have to use the loo, so go do that while I cue up knitting one more time before I reload, ok? Marley, you have been in the bathroom for over an hour....
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Are you knitting on the loo?! Are you serious Marley?? Let's move you to a more comfortable place. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T KNIT IN THE DAMN ROCKING CHAIR?! Ok Marley, my face is red and I am annoyed let me just hit pause for a minute...Marley...why are you still moving...did you just "break the space-time continuum" like they cracked that joke about in the "patch" that was supposed to fix this issue?! (reported fixed 17/01/2023 Patch PC:, still broken)
Alright Marley I am going to pull the knitting bag from your inventory, sell it and then buy you a new one, this one is clearly borked...let me just...wait, why can't I put this bag down, what do you mean I can't put it in the middle of the floor where there is literally nothing else around it...*click click click click* Wait, where'd the bag go?!
Marley let's just forget about knitting for a while, please go turn on the vacuum and then we will work on a painting to calm us both down. Oml, Marley that painting is lovel...why is the vacuum cleaner smoking?! Sh*t Marley, I think the vacuum found the knitting bag....
When Marley got home from work the next day she was clearly upset, after a SINGLE DAY at work she was feeling like she was stuck in a dead end passionless job, I sighed.
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I asked her to change her clothes and then go paint, she changed her clothes and then stood on her front lawn for over an hour in game time, made a face at me then finally went to paint (known issue, reported as far back as 08/2020, still broken)
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When I attempted to save and close the game out of frustration my save got stuck for 40 minutes before I gave up and restarted my PC.
The point of all this, EA/Maxis is you have chosen money over your players. These "fixes" you say you're doing are clearly not actually fixing anything! Your players are crying out for theirs games to be fixed while you are announcing the release of "growing together" And quite honestly I have found myself disgusted with this whole thing. WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO ADD MODS TO THE GAME TO FIX IT!! To quote a member of this community who I admire greatly "no other ea game is this fucking borked and no other gaming community would accept this but cc and mods more or less served as some sort of bandaid for this broken ass game." -xldkx 31/07/2022 (original post here)
When I am finished posting this I will be going into that horrible buggy af app (I am sensing a theme here) that you have forced us all to switch to, where I will be canceling my pre-order of "growing together" I am done blindly throwing money at you for a game I can not even play in its current state!
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lightwise · 1 year
Thoughts on Crosshair for the character ask game?
Hello there anon! Thanks for the ask :)
Okay, if you’ve read much of my blog at all you can tell that I could talk about Crosshair for hours, so I will try to keep this in check 😉 
one aspect about them i love - his facial expressions. I actually want to make a post just of screenshots of the micro expressions his face can go through in just a few seconds. At the end of the Ryloth arc in season 1, I took screenshots of about an 8 second span of animation, and I had about 40 screenshots of the changes his face went through, each one slightly different than the next.  His words, his actions and his facial expressions all constantly contradict each other and I think his facial expressions often give away his inner emotions more than he might realize. He’s just a grumpy, annoyed cat who hisses and spits at everyone but secretly wants them in the room with him at all times and I just love it. 
one aspect i wish more people understood about them - HE IS EMOTIONALLY COMPLEX, COMPLICATED, AND TRAUMATIZED. Okay I think we all mostly know this but he is not a villain, an asshole, or a narcissist. He is a very sensitive, traumatized, and intelligent man who gets so caught up in his own pain and running from it (until The Outpost) that he ends up hurting himself and everyone around him in his attempts to make sense of the world. I am so grateful to the writers for how complex and nuanced and powerful they have made his character–we all are fascinated by him for a reason, and it’s not because he’s just a typical antagonist or anti-hero. I am still haunted by the fact that he tells Omega “you’ll never be one of them” in season 1, and then “I’m not them” in season 3, talking about the rest of the Batch. What occurred when he was younger, what hurts and sensitivities does he hold, that has made him feel separate even from his own brothers/the only family he’s ever known? Some of that was the chip and the trauma talking but there has to be more to it than that bc the rest of the Batch members never seem to feel that level of separation.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character - I think amongst other things that Crosshair has some form of RSD (Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria). The ways that he builds up walls around himself, hurts others before they can hurt him, and takes almost everything too personally and as a sign of rejection (thinking especially of his conversations with Hunter at the end of season 1) seems very similar to RSD experiences. The intensity and whiplash of the emotions he goes through, again hearkening back to his facial expressions, shows that he is very deeply feeling, not cold and impassive like he pretends to be. Also, I think his eyesight is extremely sensitive to light, and when he pulls his face away from the explosion seen through his helmet in The Outpost, I think that the helmet visor plus his extended visor magnified the explosion so much that his eyes couldn’t handle the flash of light. That was both physically painful to watch and also “oh wow they actually included that headcanon detail!”
one character i love seeing them interact with - Wrecker. I miss their droid kill count competitions and Wrecker shoving Lula in Crosshair’s face (and him being very annoyed but not stopping him) SO MUCH. Wrecker has always immediately thought the best of him and wants to forgive him and just have his brother back. 
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more - Omega. The fact that we almost got his first mention of her name in The Tipping Point was just further confirmation for me that he does actually care about her if he would just let himself. I’m really hoping that their interactions in season 3 help bring him a little relief from his self-loathing and despair, and I hope that they form a bond as strong as what Omega has with her other brothers (CrossDad all day long please). I also hope that Emerie turns out to be an ally and not an antagonist to both of them in their attempts to stay alive/escape. 
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character - I really love the headcanons especially in modern AUs that Tech and Crosshair are twins. That doesn’t match my headcanons that Crosshair is the youngest and that Tech is second-oldest (CT-9902), but I think they are very much two sides of a similar coin even in canon. Physically they are both tall and slender. Mentally they are both very perceptive and intelligent but in different ways and focus on different purposes in life. They are both very awkward/standoffish around others. Morally they both have very strong opinions on what is right and wrong/what paths they should follow, but again to different ends (Tech’s being a strong objective morality, Crosshair’s seeming to be a more personal, turbulent morality). They also both seemed to be the least parental towards Omega at first but we know how much Tech stepped into a strong bond with her, and I am confident that Crosshair can do the same. And finally, of course, Tech seems to be the most impacted by Crosshair leaving, and is the first to bring him up multiple times in season 2, the first to suggest rescuing him, and appears to have always been checking to see if there was a way to find out where he was. He obviously loves him dearly and I am going to be heartbroken if he never gets to see Crosshair come home. 
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declaawed · 9 months
My one discord server reminded me that the Hunger Games simulator thing existed, so I threw Yakuza characters into it. If you wanna read the cliff notes of the absolute CHAOS this was, I'll put everything else under the cut. This made me laugh a lot, considering I don't know shit about Hunger Games LOL.
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WELL FUCK, AKIYAMA. they really threw large and/or crazy at you, homie had no fucking chance akljsdklg; this was literally the FIRST FUCKING THING THAT HAPPENED AHAHA
I'm not even gonna talk about the daddy issues on that second one. nope. not gonna go there.
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Joon-gi keeping Ichi alive is oddly wholesome despite the fact that it's the OG Joon-gi KLSADJFKLSDA;
everyone better keep they distance from wagi, he's had enough.
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Nishiki really gets shit on in every circumstance, don't he?
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W E L P. i'm so sorry, tanimura.
also, ichi, saejima, shinada, and kashiwagi are KIND OF A POWER TEAM LIKE??? damn. also majima totally started that fire for funsies.
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y3 alternative ending.
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I already regret putting oda's ass in this akljfdkls; AND I'M SORRY MASA, THAT MADE ME CACKLE.
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... remember when i said they were a power team?
... so do i.
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WELL. that's upsetting.
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the manipulative girlies are fighting while majima's gettin' ready to single-handedly win this whole fucking shit WHO IS GIVING THIS MAN EXPLOSIVES ???
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i don't... i don't think shinada knows what's actually going on here...
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Oh. Ooooooooh.
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sera, where the fUCK did you get a trident???
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ryuji has literally done NOTHING WRONG this whole time, damn man, you can't just cuddle a man and then raid his camp;; the MIXED SIGNALS
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no one cares about sohei dojima i don't even remember how he died.
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SHINADA, MY MAN, I JUST.... don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't ---
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well, i'm fucking glad nishitani's having a good time I GUESS
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day 5 was boring but damn we lost some real ones.
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oda out here getting his sillygoofy revenge for his not-boyfriend. that or he knew that if he chose kiryu, majima would have his head on a damn stake next.
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... I forgot he was here.
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M A J I M A. / sprays with water.
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yknow. i can't blame him for this. they had an intimate cuddle sesh and then kiryu went behind his back and raided his camp? i'd be a lil mad too sklajfkdls
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we are truly coming down to the WIRE. day 6 was wildin'.
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Literally nothing happened on day 7.
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running out of images i can have in one post, but sera strangled oda and fucking stabbed mine, he's an absolute UNIT in this.
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ryuji, my guy... his scaredy cat moment really was his kryptonite.
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once we started getting into like the second half of this, i wasn't surprised this absolute MACHINE OF A HUMAN BEING ended up winning this simulation LMFAOOOO.
he took no prisoners. he came for the win. and he didn't care who he had to take out i'm LoSING IT.
so anyways, that was me playing with the Hunger Games simulator, hope this entertained people (':
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wikiangela · 11 months
After reading you temptation Tuesday I need to know more about your buddie sims
omg anon I'm soooo happy you asked 😂 bc lately buddie and ts4 are my obsession lol - warning: this might get long haha
so, first of all, this is their house - Eddie's house - that took me like 5 hours fr, and I'm not good at building but I'm kinda happy with it ngl haha (his house is so inconsistent in the show fr, and he has a desk in the kitchen, and I never noticed the red armchair in the living room😂) - if anyone wants, I can show you each room in more detail haha
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I also gave them a patio in the back, and a little garden for Buck bc I had just read a fic with Buck owning a plant nursery and it fits so well lol - and it's gonna get renovated a bit soon bc they're expecting a baby through surrogacy (btw pls give me names for a Buckley-Diaz baby haha)
and this is what they look like (I'm lowkey happy with how Buck and Chris turned out tho I'm so mad that the crutches cc I found isn't working, and I can't find good tattoos for Buck lol - but Eddie looks like any generic sim but whatever haha)
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also, obvi they're both firefighters, Buck has adhd, Eddie might take up knitting just because, and Chris is doing amazing at school and is about to become a teen wtf haha (also, they're both his dads, like in the family tree, they were both his dads before they even got together bc I wanted to see if it's possible)
they also have a cat and Eddie will be a reluctant cat dad just like he was a reluctant dog dad in my fic haha
and idk if anyone cares, but the thing I said in the temptation tuesday wasn't even all that happened on that date, it was ridiculous, and I'll add this under the cut bc this is getting long lmao
so, for context: I have wicked whims and mortem (realistic death)
I scheduled their wedding for saturday at noon, but the day before it was love day, so I figured they'd go on a date to a restaurant - and in the sims it takes so fucking long lol
so they were waiting for their food and talking, and bc I have wicked whims and they're like obsessed with each other, even in my game lol, Buck kept autonomously asking Eddie for sex, sooo many times, and I kept clicking no, bc they can do it after they get home haha
but then after they were done eating and were ready to go home, I couldn't leave, bc someone died - now, I forgot I had the mortem mod, bc I just got it and hadn't used it yet, so I figured, the grim will come and it'll be over soon, and in the meantime I finally agreed to let them fuck (they went to the coatroom, with an archway instead of a door so they were perfectly visible, and Buck blew Eddie - btw, their first time was completely autonomous too and they did it in Eddie's closet wtf😂😂)
and then the dead lady was still on the floor, and I remembered about the mod, and I guess someone called the coroner and I had to wait for them to come - so Buck and Eddie joined all the people gathered around the body, and istg (i hate that I didn't get a screenshot lol) every single sim had a thought bubble with Buck's face and cum, bc he just blew Eddie and had cum on his face 😂
and after the coroner came and declared the death or whatever, she asked Buck of all people to take care of the funeral 😂😂 I said no, obvi, and soon they were able to go home and get married 😂
mods make the game sooo ridiculous lmao
I actually haven't played with buddie in a while, I need to get back to them haha
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hdra77 · 2 months
(pfp anon back again im just gonna call myself rory)
More fun questions since ur my favorite tumblr acc :3
What made you initially start shipping ragequit, if anything in particular? Did it just kind of happen?
A lot of people don't finish Rain World when they try it due to it being too hard/not beginner friendly - what was your experience like? Did something in particular motivate you to finish? Did you spoil yourself for the lore ahead of time?
Are your designs more slug, more cat, a balance, or would you say there's no "line" and they are just Slugcat?
(In any AUs) Why does Hunter have the Rot? Lots of different depictions for why they have it - e.g it being an accident or smth, it being deliberate, Sig not feeling bad/feeling guilty forever, etc.
If a slugcat ate a slug would it be cannibalism
Feel free to skip any questions you don't want to answer I'm just enjoying myself tbh :P
YAY QUESTIONS!! 1) funny enough i started shipping ragequit when i was very new to the fandom (it just for some reason clicked even if i dont have wide knowledge about their characters yet) so yeah!you could say it just kind of happen! i find it silly at first actually but then i thought about it and went 'oh actually this is pretty neat this could actually work' 2) my first experience when playing rainworld was me experiencing PAIN AND MISERY as expected to new players like me. but i kept going because i wanted to know the lore and explore because damn the whole world building and game design alone took my breath away its just so pretty literally every single screenshot i took are wallpaper worthy. also i wanted to beat the game !! beating a difficult game is such a big achievement for me. also i accidentally spoiled myself in the process like a few times already but they're not major spoilers thankfully 💀 3) hmm.. well my artstyle when it comes to drawing slugcats is so inconsistent LMAO i started with the 'more cat-like' having some of them with more fluffy,curly or short fur then my style would eventually settle with a balanced style (and also cat and slug). it is very simple yes but i seem to be more content with leaving it simple as possible 4) (critical system failure/disarray AU) - NSH sent hunter to search and investigate five pebbles after he had mysteriously disappeared for several long cycles, long enough to grow suspicion throughout the group. Hunter does not have the rot when he was sent for the mission though however. something had gone wrong when he entered Five Pebbles. and you can pretty much guess just what happened to hunter next 5) hmm nah, slugcat and slugs are both different organisms
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itsmearia · 11 months
New to Arknights - IS3 beaten!
I love love love roguelikes/lites and Arknights having a mode was one of the selling points given to me by a friend to try the game out. Ever since I started playing I would throw on IS2 now and again and just see how far I could go - which was never very far because I had a newer roster and didn't really understand some of the more intricate strategies in the game. For example, even though it was explained to me early on it still took me a long time to truly understand how deployment order was a big deal and how placing the healer before the defender could save the healer 30 enemies from now.
I don't think I ever beat a mini boss in IS2 but I always enjoyed playing it. They recently brought out a new version called IS3 and I decided to give it a serious whirl this week because a.) I've gotten better at the game since I last tried IS2, b.) I've gotten a lot of good operators since then, and c.) I was able to beat a CC for the first time the other day so why not try and see what I can do with this one.
It started with a lot of failures but eventually I was able to beat the first boss and got real excited for a minute before I promptly got smashed in an encounter where I said "sure, I'll dance with you" and then had my corpse danced upon by a wall of giant summoner things that I mistakenly woke up. Progress though!
Then I had another good attempt past the first boss that ended when Texas Alter got the debuff where she'd get frozen for 15 seconds on deployment and uh, yeah that's real bad and I died on the next fight.
A handful of attempts later I actually made it to the final boss. I was doing well but the second phase of the boss just crushed me as I deployed my operators in too tight of a formation.
Today though! Today:
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Along the way I got Tex Alter upgraded, Goldenglow upgraded (shout outs to my previous GG post, this cat is incredible!), ch'en upgraded, and Penance to compliment some snipers like my girls Bloopie and Kroos. They all combined to keep chipping away at the big jellyfish and it eventually went down.
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It's a very fun game mode! I can't believe it's just there to play for free whenever I want without Sanity and even gives good rewards. If anyone else is newer to the game like I am and likes roguelikes then definitely check it out because the rush of winning it is great. Now I guess I have to figure out the deckbuilding game cause I haven't been able to beat that yet.
And I'll end this with a wonderful screenshot from the end with a relatable quote (which may be a spoiler, idk? I'll just pop it under the keep reading thing just in case):
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tuesday again 11/15/22
watched gilda (1946), very no thoughts head empty with regards to rita hayworth. the nice restored version is right on tubi for free??? this slow version of Put The Blame On Mame has been stuck in my head for several days, even though it's not her voice in the movie but Anita Ellis'.
the comment like "this is the only time Gilda isn't vamping!" you fool she's just vamping LESS. she is still performing, it's just not for anyone who controls her livelihood. GOD she's hot.
how'd i find this: wanted to watch a noir, didn't jive with anything on kanopy, saw this on tubi and went "oh right ive been meaning to watch that".
fallow week
you know how i almost exclusively watch one-season cancelled anime? im watching GANGSTA. from 2015.
bodyguard nic and former client worick (who looks very much like geralt thewitcher) rescue a prostitute from a really unpleasant situation and engineer a scenario in which she gets to kill her abuser (good), do not take advantage of her as she crashes on their couch and becomes their receptionist (also good) figures out how to be a person again and goes through some PTSD (surprisingly good treatment bc this could have gone So Bad), but this is a very tits-out, ass-out show (less enjoyable). let her wear something that covers the bottom of her ass please.
more of the below screenshots please and thank you. the tight closeup reminds me of moro, one of the big white wolves in princess mononoke.
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there are not a lot of things this anime does very well. i mostly watched it because i couldn't be bothered to get up and move my cat off my legs. anime news network remarked (on the manga) "a languid execution of a promising story" and i largely agree. fun character designs, stylish action sequences, a fun look at all the other odd jobs these "handymen" get up to in their neighborhood in between their own occasional prostitution and more frequent wet work. a little thin on actual plot or character progression, it's uncomfortably between a slice of life and something with more traditional pacing and doesn't really do either thing well. im perfectly happy to watch things unfold in this city with an unusual ruling structure, but many people do die every other episode and that's really getting in the way of me learning about the no-go zone they live in.
one of the leads, nic, is deaf and the sign language is well done, but the lip reading isn't. even with people i know very well i find lip reading useful about 40% of the time and even then it's not full sentences or full words, but parts of words i didn't catch. many mouth sounds look the same!
how'd i find this: wanted to watch some anime while i did some very tedious personal data entry, it's free on tubi and there are only 13 episodes bc the studio went bankrupt in the middle of making this show.
did you know if you are wearing an underwater suit such as the nuka-girl rocketsuit, the fourth f/allout game will go "oh okay" and let you use totally submerged crafting stations? such as this one in thicket excavations
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less of a making and more of a driving? the evil lair has acquired a new receptionist. she is five and a half pounds, probably not quite a year old, and is on medical leave recovering from surgery but we expect she'll fit right in and take all the admin duties over very soon.
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infinite and forever thanks to @itsybitsydragon who did all the hard work of actually catching the beast and taking her to the shelter. it took her about twenty hours to decide oh okay im never going outside again if i can help it :)
she's a mysterious delight bc she doesn't seem to have a real concept of what a house or furniture is, or what toys are, but DOES just want to be curry combed with the hard bristly side of the pet brush forever and ever and ever amen. i look forward to getting to know her better and im sure she'll have a long and prosperous career here in the evil lair, which has a lot of room for upward growth and rewards initiative, such as biting and biting and biting.
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victorluvsalice · 9 months
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-->With the trash sorted and Smiler having grabbed their share of the greenhouse produce, it was time to take care of the rest of the farm chores:
Smiler went and took care of the chickens -- spreading feed, collecting eggs (5 normal ones, hooray!), chatting to a couple of them to keep attention good, the usual -- then joined Victor in the greenhouse to brew up a fresh Sadness Alleviation Lotion. Once that was done, they took Victor's spotted heart frog and tried to breed it with their regular dirt frog to get a spotted dirt frog (both so Victor could use it in potion-brewing and so they could add one to their own collection) -- however, the first attempt only resulted in another dirt frog, so that got turned into a plasma pack. Just have to try again later! They also put out the living room fireplace, because, uh, we don't want a fireplace just randomly burning in this house. I don't think Alice would approve.
Alice, for her part, was put on cow duty -- refilling Moory's feed, cleaning her off, and telling her a joke before milking her. I'm not sure how well the joke went down, judging from Moory's expression in the screenshot, but, uh, Alice tried! And Moory didn't kick over the milk pail when she was milked, so that's something. Alice also emptied out the outside litter box because that was looking NASTY -- I guess having three cats means it DOES fill up quicker! I should upgrade the litter boxes to the zappy kind at this point, they have the cash for it...
And Victor, of course, was banished to the greenhouse to harvest all the remaining produce and tend the plants. XD However, today he actually got a little help -- not only were the bots out and assisting with the watering, weeding, and spraying for bugs, I had Alice and Smiler join him to do the same once they were done with their own chores. The more hands on deck, the better! :D They got everything sorted in good time, and Alice even got the honor of planting the one new plant they'd gotten from all those seed packets the gnomes left around -- a bell pepper! So now they have peppers to offer for sale along with all their other various veggies, fruits, and flowers. :) There was even a little time for flirting and chatting as they finished up -- which I'm sure the trio appreciated, as I have been working them HARD lately.
-->On my end, once all the produce was actually harvested, I went back into Build Mode and started moving around all gnomes that had wandered during Harvestfest -- I sold the duplicates, then put the three "normal" gnomes and the one alien gnome in the four corners of the greenhouse, the pool floatie gnome in the wheelbarrow out front, and the Grim gnome next to Toothy the cowplant. You know, as a warning. Still no sign of my old bunny gnome, though -- I think the game may have deleted it while trying to move it out of its wheelbarrow home. *grumbles* Ah well -- maybe I'll get a new one during a future Harvestfest!
-->Oh, and before the gang finished up and headed out to the store, I had to get this one last picture of the kittens being cute by the scratching post. :D Look at how teeny they are! So adorable~
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humblemooncat · 1 year
Get to know me!
Tagged by @sasslett! I was planning on doing a munday thing, so this is perfect! <3
Share your wallpaper: I loved this shot as soon as I took it, and considering I could use something warm in this weather, the view seemed perfect!
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The last song you listened to: I'll do ya one better and give you what I'm currently listening to. I can't do housework without music tbh.
Red Lights by Hyunjin & Bang Chan of Stray Kids
Also, maybe gonna start with this song for the playlist screenshots today. >:3c
Though the last one was a Japanese cover of Unholy so I don't know what my playlist is hinting at...
Currently Reading: I honestly haven't picked up a novel in about a decade, as much as I hate to admit it. Last one I read front to back was the Hobbit.
Last Movie: Funny enough, my last movie marathon was the Hobbit movies. xD
Craving: At risk of sounding like a needy sap, a good long cuddle session. But, also a pint of good chocolate ice cream and some hot cocoa.
What are you wearing right now: Pajama pants and my favorite hoodie. One of those thick, soft bois.
How tall are you: 155cm / just shy of 5'1 (There's a reason Ki'to's minimum height)
Piercings: I used to have two in each ear, but the second holes closed up after a while. Also planning on getting a septum ring sometime in the future.
Tattoos: I've got two, the Eye of Horus on the back of my neck, and a personal family design on my wrist which I got with my mother. I also plan on getting a delicate snake design on my forearm soon.
Glasses? Contacts?: Nope! I have been blessed enough to have good eyesight where I don't need them.
Last drink: Coffee. Honestly, I'd be surprised if I was able to put anything else here.
Last show: Last one I actually sat down and watched start to end was Game of Thrones back when Season 8 aired. I prefer content on youtube nowadays.
Last thing you ate: Animal crackers. Though if you want the last substantial meal, I had porkchops and baked potatoes last night.
Favourite colour: Like Ki'to, I too love purple. Though alongside lavenders I love purples on the ultraviolet spectrum. Like this:
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Current obsession: Ki'to. I just love him a whole bunch and can't help obsessing over headcanons and such.
Unrelated Obsession: Viera men (Totally unrelated. Absolutely. Totally wouldn't scoop up a bunny boy into the polycule as fast as lightning. Not at all.) I've been looking at too much fanart lately and now I just can't help myself.
Any pets: I have a sweet orange cat with negative braincells, but a really big heart. Here's some cat tax:
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Do you have a crush on anyone: Irl? Nah, not at the moment. On here is a different story, y'all got some pretty boys on here. 👀
Favourite fictional character: Do D&D characters count? 'Cause I really really love Beau from Critical Role's second campaign. Her character growth was fascinating to watch each week, and I still go back to rewatch that campaign every so often because I loved it a whole lot. (Even though I still have to catch up on C3 so I can tune in again) Honestly, all of the characters were amazing in that campaign, and went through such a beautiful metamorphosis.
The last place you traveled: I haven't really traveled, honestly. The furthest from home I've been is Florida, a little over a decade ago now.
Tagging: I have no idea who hasn't been tagged yet, but if you need something fun for munday and haven't been tagged yet, then I tag you! <3
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Anything not here that you wanna know about the man behind the catboy? Hop into my ask box and ask away!
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thedangelodelicacy · 4 months
Playing Minecraft with Mike Schmit
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Guys this is more on the out-of-character side I really just wanted to make a silly little post about my husband and I was playing on a server last night so it just popped into my head and now we have this
Anyways onto the HC’s *•*
• He was first introduced to it when all three of you (you, him, and Abby) were hanging out in the living room.
•as Abby’s babysitter you usually stayed after to cook dinner and clean up the house. It didn’t really bother you that Mike didn’t pay right away since you got to screw around as Abby wasn’t really a high maintenance kid to babysit.
•One day after The three of you ate dinner, you stuck around for the night.
•Abby was drawing, Mike was bored watching Tv and you were playing on your phone. You seemed so interested in your phone that he looked over at what you were doing on it. Once he saw you playing a game he wanted to ask about it:
•“What’s that?” “Minecraft” “mine what?” “Minecraft?!” You never played solo after that.
•Mike got the game for himself so when you’d come over you could both play and maybe have something to talk about. Abby saw you guys play one time and begged Mike to get it for her after you left. He gave in after some whining.
•The next time you came over you all loaded the game, found a village and, set up shop.
•You suggested renovating the village, which mike liked. Abby just stayed with you guys, being scared of the mobs and all.
•You started adventuring out to find more variety’s of wood and other ores in case you guys wanted to fight the ender dragon.
•Abby was the girl that looked for flowers to decorate the houses but eventually she started to adventure like you, you guys would go off on “missions” to find structures like the haunted manor or the underwater structure and take the loot.
•Mike would offer to come with you guys but Abby wouldn’t let him (gotta listen to the big boss ^.^) so he became the next flower boy. Mike tore down the houses and built better ones for the villagers littering his steps with as many types of closets he could find. He was also weirdly obsessed with lanterns so best believe they replaced all the villages light sources (goodbye torches!)
•Mikes “better houses” were a step up from the houses the villagers had already but he was trying his best. He made friends with the iron golem and took so many screenshots once he finally got the golem to hold a poppy flower.
•Sometimes when Abby is asleep you’d have some adventures of your own. The both of you snuggled up in bed just exploring in different worlds as to not mess up the OG one.
•In your own world you two *tried* to fight the Ender dragon, you got to the end and had good armor but both died to the void so you both went into creative mode and jumped it.
•y’all decided to just say you beat it fair and square. In that world you have pretty houses which Mike ended up making after watching some tutorials
•You guys have cats and dogs, Mike wanted dogs and you kind of wanted cats so you settled and got one of each.
•Once Mike finally finds the jungle biome he sneaks back to base with a few pandas to keep, despite you telling him that he had too many animals after you created the farm.
•Mike actually hates the wither skeletons. He’s okay with most mobs (he struggled to kill creepers his first few rounds so he lets you handle them. He comes around and Figure the strategy out.) but when you guys get to the Nether those skeletons just annoy him to death.
•He really liked the piglins, he liked how easy it was to be neutral with them and trade. His favorite mob he can befriend though is definitely dogs. (Honorable mentions to pandas)
Thank you for enjoying my post have a fun day (or night idk where you are)
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neckromancy · 4 months
A new day, a new opportunity to once again post about............
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/insert bongo cat emote
This is the only screenshot where it's not obvious I had to play a tiefling this game and I can imagine it's just me (except a little taller). 🤣
But yes this means I finally got to 'officially' start a romance with Astarion in the game I play with my friend. He even missed all of this because of his own camp event ahaha.
I also made other stupid screenshots from our play today.
It's his save file so I kinda spammed the screenshot button and deleted the ones that were 'eh' because of clipping.
This screenshot just exists because it 'looked like' we were holding hands. I cropped out my friend's characters because they are full-time in underwear and it's awkward.
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And yes, I took the smallest horns possible because I did not really want to be a tiefling, I just needed that fire resistance. 🤣
This is me wearing my favourite outfit and being happy with the Glaive that I had to give up by now (glaives have no top tier options and we play at a high enough difficulty that it matters).
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But I went back to the Astarion blouse because I was happy I could wear it without removing it from him, I love his blouse.
And then I just spammed screenshots of my romancing scene where I got to hug him again.
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And that is where the scene ends.
I never uploaded the screenshots with my halfling because the extreme height difference does make it a little awkward sometimes, but I know for sure I posted the hug before because I got SO excited over it, and of course the new year kiss.
One day I can play a true OC that resembles me haha, and it'll be my own save (reason I don't mind being a tiefling), and I will learn how to make gifs.
But just for flashback's sake, it does hit different to be this small person coming up to this tall vampire to embrace and comfort him.
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Like obviously my height would be between the halfling and the tiefling realistically, but in the hugging scene I feel much more like the halfling side of me, and it would make so much more sense for him to look surprised down at me, so I do very much prefer my halfling for this moment in particular... and it has its charm that he has to kneel all the way down to kiss me... and honestly having him look down at me every time just makes me imagine I just 🥺-eyes him all the time ahaha, but everything else is very awkward.
I am just very grateful that the halflings very clearly look like actual adults (props to Larian in general btw for having all characters look like actual adults, closer ranging to like 30ish rather than always the 20ish boys/girls).
At this point I am just rambling aren't I...
Also gosh I will never have the heart to actually ascend him but this made me laugh so much BECAUSE I am a halfling.
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Yes! That's me! I am the little love! 🤣
Either way, I never actually got to finish my second playthrough because I started this co-op, I really want to see what happens in the epilogue if you romanced him.
I legit do not know how it goes and ends.
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madameriasims4 · 3 years
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Calendar Pack (BGC)
Happy New Year!  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Download Link after the cut!
There are four items in this pack:
The DeskCalendar is, a small daily calendar that fits on your desk! It comes in 12 swatches. I tried to make these colorful, but they aren't super seasonal so ideally you can just set one down as an accent.
The NationalParkCalendar is shown in the middle, styled after the WPA National Park posters. It comes in 17 swatches, which is a poster from each world in The Sims (not including Batuu).
The BowCalendar is shown on the right, and contains the same swatches from my Cats & Dogs Calendar, along with10 more swatches, for a total of 20 swatches.
The HangingCalendar is shown on the left, and has the same swatches as the Bow Calendar.
These are all standalone, so you can have any combination of them in your game.
I actually received a calendar for Christmas a few years ago that contained all those really cool retro WPA National Park posters and I really wanted something like that in the game. I actually went to each world in The Sims, took screenshots of places I thought might be iconic (or just pretty, when lacking a good nature shot), and tried my hand at emulating the style. I hope you guys like these!
Download (Patreon) Always free, no ads.
The images in this set come from assets within the game, art from free-use design bundles, and art made by me!
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . all those dad headcanons are making me so SOFT 🥺✨🥺 do you think you could make some for kuroo, akaashi and atsumu as dads if u haven’t done them already??
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
✎ . . . i'm happy that your requests are open ! and for dad headcanons?? i am right here to serve my braincells for you ma'am. what about dad! sugawara & kenma? thank you in advance 🤓😘
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ kuroo tetsurou & kozume kenma <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . someone send me cute dad suggestions because i am running🏃out of ideas💡 i'm also finaly done with dad! akaashi hcs in my notes, so feel free to request ( even non-dad related ones ) because i lowkey have no life👉👈🗿
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➜ it would come as a shock to him honestly ─ you guys used protection and he was atleast careful despite having lazy smex half of the time
➜ but what shocks YOU the most was that he didn't want to get rid of the baby ─ he just couldn't, it was a child he co-reated with the love of his life, how could he ?
➜ you were quick to come with an agreement with him, his soft smile tugging on his lips to form, the smile 80% of the time would come out only for you ( shoyou & kuroo )
➜ he was also lowkey excited, he texted shoyou and kuroo about it as they both congratulated him and were already trying to do dibs on who'll be god father
➜ and you've noticed that he was bit more affectionate with you when you were in your pregnancy, his head on your lap as you play with his hair ─ which he usually doesn't like people doing?? and would every now and then kiss your tummy while playing his games
➜ i want to h*ld his hand
➜ and k*th him
➜ he's like a mother cat on pregnancy, but with you ─ never lets you do work, saying that he already has it under all on control, very protective of you and literally hisses at other people coming near you LMAO WTF MAN
➜ tries to be as knowledgable for your pregnancy as much as possible ─ just like the other dads in my hcs, they want YOU to feel comfortable with EVERYTHING and want YOU to feel supported
➜ has already bought EVERYTHING you needed, even extra ones and has booked appointments left and right
➜ like mans hasn't done this much effort after volleyball ngl
➜ but just like everyone else ─ he's terrified, he doesn't know alot of these things and of course you're the only woman he has ever gotten pregnant and he doesn't have any experiences in these type of thing whatsoever
➜ doubts were not uncommon ─ if he ever was going to be a good father to his child, if he was even a good fiancé to you, was he even worth to have a child with ?
➜ this bb boy CRIED when he heard you guys were having twins, TWINS; like as in a girl and a boy
➜ when kaori and kazu were born, kenma wasn't aware that he could fall in love all over again
➜ is this even worth mentioning because everyone probably knows this?? he s p o i l s  them big time
➜ whenever he's working late at night, he'll always be the one telling YOU to go back to sleep and he'll be the one to take care of the kid for the night
➜ and by kid, i meant kazu because somehow??he??got??his??father's??sleeping??schedule??
➜ and it's how he sleeps by
➜ sometimes whenever you wake up, you find yourself alone in the bedroom and whenever you look at either the game room or your childrens' room, you would always find kenma lying with his children on couch-bed ─ kozu and kaori on each side of his head, kaori having her small little fingers holding and sometimes tugging onto her dad's hair
➜ and sometimes you would also join them
➜ but most of the time, you would head to the kitchen and make some breakfast
➜ and usually kenma would wake up and put his kids back to their crib and he'd go look for you, finding you cooking as he would wrap his arms around your waist as he hugs you from the back
➜ i just wanna get myself a gamer boi kenma
➜ since he gets a lot more clingey whenever he wakes up
➜ whenever he's streaming USUALLY, kozu would sleep on his lap like a cat while kaori is sleeping in his head?? Idk how??
➜ while his fans literally PAY him to show his adorable kids, some even commented how they're all so cat-like and alike with their father
➜ one time while streaming, he was probably ranting tf out of a game he wasted his money on and warning his fans not to buy it because it's basically a scam
➜ and while he was in the middle of ranting, his daughter comes in while holding a blanket on her as she rubbed her eyes looking so much like a small kitten, he literally STOPS DEAD ON HIS SWEAR WORD AS HIS EYES WIDDENED while the people in the chats are either fangirling how CUTE his daughter was or DYING because mans was almst about to swear and interrupted himself
➜ before he could react a bundle of energy comes into the gaming room, you hot tailing on his tracks as you came into the room while trying to retrieve kozu
“ kozu!! don't come in there ahH ─ ” you blushed as you looked at both your boyfriend that has an amused eyebrow cocked up, and onto the camera before laughing and smiling at it since his fans ADORE YOU
➜ when you finally got your hands on your son, you smiled at your daughter as you signaled her to come over to you
➜ but before she could come to you she was already lifted at her father's lap
“ it's fine, i'll have her with me ” he said as he nodded at you, placing her gently in the middle of his lap as his arms encaged her while he played his games
➜ before leaving with a pouting kozu on your arms you threw a peace sign at the camera for his fans, closing the door on the way out
➜ let's just say that it lowkey went viral because it's literally so cute
➜ sorry i just HAD to reference that interview that got viral before
➜ one time where you fell asleep with both of your children curled up to you in the bed, kenma just finished a long stream as he walked to the bedroom hoping to fall asleep ontop of you yet finds two cute cat looking children cuddling you
➜ he quickly took a photo or two and made it both his home and lockscreen before sending it to shoyou
➜ and then sliding himself onto the covers as he, himself, nuzzled himself onto your warmth
➜ the relatable dad, idk why but i really see him getting along with children especially when they're teenagers ─ i just, i COULD SEE IT
➜ especially kaori😭 since she inherited his introverted and somehow shy side??
➜ kaori : *slids down the chair after coming home from school* i wanna die
➜ kenma : same
➜ he would introduce video games to his children AHH
➜ would even play violent games with them because why not?
➜ you'd prolly have to scold him after though
➜ the biggest achievement was when both of his children listing game consoles on their christmas lists
➜ and it was on the top of the list
➜ but kenma, being the kanbe(kambe??) daisuke he is, he bought all the things on that list
➜ he knows his kids are supposed to be studying at school ─ he knows it, he really does, that's why he made them go to school
➜ but he couldn't help but play along with his children on the imessage games when he DEFINITELY knows that they were in the middle of history class
➜ and you'll just find out it through the family gc seeing them spam the chat with games and screenshots of their scores while comparing them😭
➜ he always knew how to communicate with his children ─ perhaps it was because of the reason that they are his children
➜ but whenever his daughter comes to him complaining about human interactions and wanting to stay home while his son complains about school being in the way of gaming ─ he's just like : WE SEE EACH OTHER
➜ baby boy is a lazy bum, but he will never hesitate to participate and contribute to his children's life ─ not only through things, but also with just his guidance and presence
➜ your pregnancy may have come across as an accident, but it was never a mistake to kenma.
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➜ after getting married for two years now, you couldn't help but want to start building a family with kuroo
➜ LIKE WHO WOULDN'T?? this is kuroo tetsurou we are talking about
➜ unlike oikawa and bokuto ─ YOU were the one having the baby fever
➜ your friends and colleagues already having or talking with their partners to start or adopt
➜ but of course you were lowkey insecure, why wasn't he even mentioning that he wanted a family with you? does he think that it was a waste of time? or maybe he doesn't want to start it with you ─ maybe you were the problem?
➜ but unbeknownst to you, tetsurou also wanted to start a family with you ─ he wanted a lot of children, actually. but he doesn't want you to feel pressured ─ since you guys are still youthful, there's still a lot of time to think about it
➜ and most of all, he doesn't want to start a family with anyone else BUT YOU
➜ whatthefucksanaol sir eye ─
➜ and he's already talking to bokuto behind your back about wanting to start a family with you ( and of course kenma )
➜ it's quite eerie honestly
➜ you, thinking it was only just a slight baby fever with all your friends wanting them as well, tried dismissing your thoughts
➜ but your mind said nO❌🚫 RIGHTS✅💢
➜ and kuroo could notice the slight change in behaviour with you, it was subtle but he was quite perceptive
➜ with his cat eyes intently watching you as you tried avoiding his gazes because all you could think is HAVING A BABY WITH THE SAME EYES AS HIM FIIFJJCJC
➜ it was fine until he confronted you about it
➜ kuroo ─ for me, is someone to face a problem head-on, it's just his personality, so it wasn't a surprise that he seriously yet carefully and nonchalantly confronted you while you guys were about to sleep as you layed your head on his lap, taking in his warmth
➜ and that's where mans dropped the b*mb💣
“dollface? is everything alright with you?”
➜ just imagine kuroo's concerned voice is all that you could hear along with the palpitations of your heart as he caressed your cheeks, brushing off the hair covering your face as he puts down science pun book he had on his hands on the nightstand
➜ now i can't help but imagine that scene from the special/bonus chapter from bj alex with chanwoo and MD on the bed, that scene where he tries to confront chanwoo about that bruise on his face? ughshshsj
➜ all he heard was that you wanted to start a family with him👉👈 and now he's seconds to going FERAL and push you down the matress
➜ 😳🔞
➜ but mans was quick to get himself back to reality, a bashful smile tugged on his lips as he nodded at you, kinda disappointed that you had to be the braver person in the relationship to bring out the topic and it wasn't him
➜ mans is competitive okay
“ . . . why don't we start now? ” he slyly grinned, y'know, that cheshire cat grin
➜ let's just see you guys didn't sleep at all that night
➜ kuroo was, though not surprisingly, good and knowledgable with pregnancy, not like he secretly researched about it that one time when you guys got a pregnancy scare that started all his wild thoughts about you carrying his child um ─
➜ and this is kuroo we are talking about lmao
➜ i think he has his insecurities but was never doubtful of himself being a father, LIKE MANS HAS TAKEN CARE OF A WHOLE ASS VOLLEYBALL TEAM ─ but he knows there is a difference between being a father to his child and being a good one
➜ i wanna m*rry him too😡
➜ you gifted him a daughter, his first born. the first time he saw her, GOD WAS THIS THE BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN HIS LIFE
➜ like who knew you guys could create someone so beautifully mashed of both him and you ─ but you disagree, as even by the youngest age of four months or three, you could see the literal resemblance of your husband on her
➜ and it was uncanny, her eyes were the ones you dreamed of your children having ─ molten golden ones of tetsurou's, her cat-like grin and sly personality
➜ she was always quick to lean on her father's warmth, and that made kuroo CRY and you kinda jealous
➜ but nevertheless, you knew that there were plenty of times to make one that loves you just as much taiga loves tetsurou
➜ and you did get it, second born after only half a year, was tamaki, which has taken both your personality and tetsurou's, while having your appearance.
➜ but you were quick to notice to comment that tamaki has gotten kuroo's shy personality while he was young, he would always shy away from his sister that kept clinging onto him since she has never had a playmate other than her uncles from nekoma's old volleyball club
➜ kuroo was to say the least, really happy when he sees your two children getting along with each other since he, himself, has grown up alone with no sibling and without a mother
➜ and as he looked at you playing tamaki and taiga as tamaki got you all wrapped around his finger while taiga was looking for her father, he couldn't help but smile
➜ believe it or not, taiga first said your name ─ not tetsurou's
➜ in your face kuroo
“ come on, say dada !! ” your husband patted his thighs to make a sound as he sat on the bed while your daughter just ─ once again, leaned on his touch, nuzzling her face onto his warm thighs while giggling
➜ he dropped his phone to the bed whining, “ mama! look at her ─ ”
“ ─ mama!! ” your daughter imitated his words, both leaving you guys stunned and wide-eyed as you laugh in shock while tamaki was jealous you gave his sister more attention and now tugging softly at your hair,
“ . . . mama? ”
➜ also belive it or not, tamaki was the one who got his father's sleeping habits of having two pillows on both sides of his head
➜ and it actually??comes??off??nice??and neat??
➜ at the age of 7, your daughter was already picked to represent her class on a science fair AND YOU BET TETSUROU IS SO PROUD OF HIS DAUGHTER
➜ would be such a supportive dad
➜ visits tamaki and taiga's volleyball games ─ like atleast all over them, and would bring along his old teammates to it maybe just to relive old memories because you BET that they're attending nekoma
 ➜ would always have these little traditions and inside jokes with them and you
➜ especially science ones
➜ what do we expect? HE'S LITERALLY A DORK
➜ they just vibe with each other ngl, like kuroo is just a down-to-earth guy and could get along with BOTH your extroverted daughter and introverted son, since he was both of them in a moment from his life
➜ uncle kenma would always bring in gifts for them because they're literally now his cats because they are now cats
➜ sorry i don't make the rules
➜ my husband, kenma, does😋
➜ your kids LOVE HIM though, especially tamaki being a bit like kenma ─ both, growing a soft spots for each other
➜ whenever some of his old teammates would visit, taiga is always on uncle lev's back while yaku scolds him to put her tf down or else she'll fall
➜ tamaki on the other hand, is just safely sitting beside his uncle kenma while he watched him play games ─ which he has also grown to love
➜ doesn't let your kids forget to eat and makes them eat even if taiga's in the phase of wanting to be sexy gorl tingz ─ DADDY KUROO SAYS NO RIGHTS🚫
➜ overall, kuroo couldn't ask for more, he was so proud of his children no matter what they do through and through and of course you too ─ for carrying his children, bringing them into the world and being patient with them
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