thedangelodelicacy · 4 months
Playing Minecraft with Mike Schmit
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Guys this is more on the out-of-character side I really just wanted to make a silly little post about my husband and I was playing on a server last night so it just popped into my head and now we have this
Anyways onto the HC’s *•*
• He was first introduced to it when all three of you (you, him, and Abby) were hanging out in the living room.
•as Abby’s babysitter you usually stayed after to cook dinner and clean up the house. It didn’t really bother you that Mike didn’t pay right away since you got to screw around as Abby wasn’t really a high maintenance kid to babysit.
•One day after The three of you ate dinner, you stuck around for the night.
•Abby was drawing, Mike was bored watching Tv and you were playing on your phone. You seemed so interested in your phone that he looked over at what you were doing on it. Once he saw you playing a game he wanted to ask about it:
•“What’s that?” “Minecraft” “mine what?” “Minecraft?!” You never played solo after that.
•Mike got the game for himself so when you’d come over you could both play and maybe have something to talk about. Abby saw you guys play one time and begged Mike to get it for her after you left. He gave in after some whining.
•The next time you came over you all loaded the game, found a village and, set up shop.
•You suggested renovating the village, which mike liked. Abby just stayed with you guys, being scared of the mobs and all.
•You started adventuring out to find more variety’s of wood and other ores in case you guys wanted to fight the ender dragon.
•Abby was the girl that looked for flowers to decorate the houses but eventually she started to adventure like you, you guys would go off on “missions” to find structures like the haunted manor or the underwater structure and take the loot.
•Mike would offer to come with you guys but Abby wouldn’t let him (gotta listen to the big boss ^.^) so he became the next flower boy. Mike tore down the houses and built better ones for the villagers littering his steps with as many types of closets he could find. He was also weirdly obsessed with lanterns so best believe they replaced all the villages light sources (goodbye torches!)
•Mikes “better houses” were a step up from the houses the villagers had already but he was trying his best. He made friends with the iron golem and took so many screenshots once he finally got the golem to hold a poppy flower.
•Sometimes when Abby is asleep you’d have some adventures of your own. The both of you snuggled up in bed just exploring in different worlds as to not mess up the OG one.
•In your own world you two *tried* to fight the Ender dragon, you got to the end and had good armor but both died to the void so you both went into creative mode and jumped it.
•y’all decided to just say you beat it fair and square. In that world you have pretty houses which Mike ended up making after watching some tutorials
•You guys have cats and dogs, Mike wanted dogs and you kind of wanted cats so you settled and got one of each.
•Once Mike finally finds the jungle biome he sneaks back to base with a few pandas to keep, despite you telling him that he had too many animals after you created the farm.
•Mike actually hates the wither skeletons. He’s okay with most mobs (he struggled to kill creepers his first few rounds so he lets you handle them. He comes around and Figure the strategy out.) but when you guys get to the Nether those skeletons just annoy him to death.
•He really liked the piglins, he liked how easy it was to be neutral with them and trade. His favorite mob he can befriend though is definitely dogs. (Honorable mentions to pandas)
Thank you for enjoying my post have a fun day (or night idk where you are)
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thedangelodelicacy · 2 years
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In the beginning robaire was probably stuck up and a little snobby.
NOT TO MUCH just a little..
Of course now he loves his friends!
When it came time for Jesse to introduce his kids to the group robaire was the most anxious one out of the group. He loves them so much and was really nervous about getting them to like him.
He’s the push over uncle.. he literally is..
“Uncle robaire!” Can we get that big teddy bear!”
“Ah.. c’mon guys you know your dad said I couldn’t get y’all anything this time..”
“Oh..” *looks down sad*
*robaire to cashier* “yeah I’ll take two-“
But it’s not just them he likes to buy things for, NOPE ITS EVERYONE!
Strong believer in retail therapy
His parents? Bought them a house once he got the money and a car! They adore him and are very grateful!
Even though he doesn’t need to, sometimes he’ll buy things for the rest of his band. He’ll donate to whatever Charity Tae is promoting, he’ll buy clay for Jesse, etc.
Robaire definitely writes for the romantic/sad/flex songs.
Yeah he used to be stuck up but now he’s the charismatic leader yk? He’s cool about everything but sometimes he can panic and mess up but it’s okay because in the end he has the groups back and they got his. That’s all they need.
In the BTS bloopers he’s definitely the one laughing not really participating in the fun but just watching happily from the sidelines! *laughs loudly and non stop*
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Jesses a laid back artistic guy.
He loves his kids they’re his whole life.
He also admires his friends!
Smells like banana and strawberries yougurt don’t ask..
While robaire is know as the romantic Jesse also loves to write poems in his free time. To no one in particular of course. He just likes to imagine pretty girls (or guys) and writes poems about them which is how he gets most of his song lyrics
they’re definitely a bromance going on between him an robaire.
He loves how robaire is with his kids. Although sometimes it is a little hard trying to get him to be a stern with saying no to buying them things.
“Hey Jess! We’re home!” *kids giggle as Jesse walks into the front giving them both big hugs. Kids run into the house*
“So whatd yo-…..” “…” “why are you holding two life size teddy bears?” “WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO-?” “ROBAIRE-“
He loves making pottery and has made some for his bros. Along with paintings and other gifts where he uses different mediums of art.
He totally cries at sad romance movies but rubs it off as something in his eyes.
*sniff* “are you okay?” “Shush Ro, there’s just sand in my eye” “But we’re not near any sand” “TAE SHUT-“
Definitely writes for the romantic/inspirational/poetic songs
Although He’s really chill about everything something’s that can get to him is: paparazzi following him everywhere. (Every time they bother him he doesn’t pay them mind and tries to walk away from the situation without talking and just throws smiles and neutral gestures they’re way) Fans violating the bands privacy. (Now don’t get him wrong He love his fans but hates it when he or one of the other band members run they’re hand into the crowd and feels they’re rings getting grabbed off of they’re hand or when they dive into the crowd and get they’re accessories taken. It’s not like they can’t replace it it’s just a little irritating) and lastly he hates Hates HATES personal invasive questions. (SPECIFICALLY when it about his kids. He won’t mind any questions he just hates questions about them. He just wants them to live a normal quiet life. It’s one of the rules when he goes to interviews is they CANNOT under ANY circumstances ask about his kids. When he’s interviewing one on one and the reporter asks he’ll laugh awkwardly and just not answer. But when he’s with the band getting interviewed, everyone just smiles or chuckles awkwardly and ignores the question. PS. The Aaron’s are totally given the reporter annoyed or disgusted faces #westantheaarons)
any accidents That the kids make are just that.. accidents. He’s a very chill dad and with that his kids are very chill too! On the rare occasion that Jesse is caught in public by paparazzi with his kids they always smile an say the darnest things -^-
In BTS bloopers reels Jesse is totally the one causing chaos unknowingly. “Oh hey Jesse let me carry those boxes!” “Oh cool sure!” *jesse pulls on a plug on the stage unplugging the lights and trips to the ground and Aaron take the boxes and make sit worse by falling* “what just…”
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Tae young
Tae is a big ol sweetheart <3
Definitely uses these often “<3, ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎,♡︎♥︎,“
He definitely loves and tries to write great love/cheerful songs! Although he himself isn’t much of a writer he manages.
Totally has many pets that he’s rescued! (Dogs, cats, birds, snakes etc) all kept separately but all well taken care of!
Tae probably dreamed of being a vet when he was younger.
He’s also a good cook! Or that’s what he thinks lmao. He kinda thinks that since he has made many special gourmet meals for his animals that he can just do the same to human food but uh… somehow he’s completely roasted six pots/pans and has burnt water.
He loves to watch people make food though. Tae most likely has a bunch of muckbang in his recommended and is subscribed to a lot of YouTubers who make that type of content.
*snore* “it’s my time to create chaos (•̀ᴗ•́)و“ *next morning* “TAE WHY ARE ALL OF OUR NAILS BLUE?!” “*gasp* a Ghost-“ “nO-“
He loves eating! Especially something homemade which is why he likes cooking so much even though again he’s not the best. He loves eating whatever Aaron T makes. Aaron T totally loves to make food and tae stress eats so the two have an unspoken agreement
Tae is definitely the favorite uncle You know?he’s just so fun! And he lives to educate the kids about animal and wildlife in general. it makes him happy seeing their smiling faces when he gets to go out on the town with them.
In BTS bloopers he’s totally the one to try to keep peace but ends up encouraging the bad behavior in the end and creates more chaos. “Aaron!” *both Aaron’s in unison* “what?” “no! I mean what…which Aaron was it..?”
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Aaron T.
He’s a kidder alright. He can’t take anything serious until it’s slapping him in the face!
Aaron T was actually the one who suggested they be called “4★TOWN” instead of “5★TOWN” because he has the same name as Aaron Z. So technically they and I quote “count as one person”
Of course they went with it. It was funny.
Uncle T is the uncle that they barely get to see because of his reckless nature. He usually sees them when Aaron Z has them but he’s not allowed to take them anywhere by himself because he himself…is a child.
He’s totally the one to slip up and say something inappropriate teaching the kids it on accident.
“Your mom!” “Where’s you learn that?” *T sweats* “uM-“
T feels closer with Jesse and Aaron Z then anyone else in the group and is able to confide in them. Although the whole time he will be cracking jokes.
Is shipped with Aaron Z a lot so they —Mainly T though—play onto sometimes it leading to funny situations
“Hey handso- I mean Z” *said infront of a reporter. “Stoppp” Z said chuckling. *reporter shocked bc Z is smiling* “I’m sorry bab- Z” *Z starts to die laughing out loud* “c’mon stop smiling you said it was reserved for me 🥺”
*time skip to them in their trailer* “oh and before I forget I’m gonna beat you up T” *Z smiles laughing* “what did I do?” “That” *tae responds turns up the tv* *they all watch T & Z’s fake flirting* “oh yeah-“
He definitely writes genius lyric’s for any song.
Loves joking a playing around but he also has a small love for baking! He loves to make macrons, cake, tarts and other sweet treats! It’s his stress reliever! If he ever stresses about a songs performance on the radio he’ll just bake a couple cupcakes help tae’s stress eating and to help himself calm down
Fun fact: T is the only one that can make Z smile. Yup!
This is important because whenever Z cries and needs someone to cry to Aaron T is always there. That doesn’t mean he’s the best a comforting though…
*Z cries* “uh…ummm…don’t cry baby girl your too pretty?” “WhAt-“ “I DONT KNOW I SAW IT ON TV-“
In the BTS blooper reels he’s the one causing chaos on purpose. “Oh Jesse let me help you carry these boxes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” *proceeds to drop them all and trips Jesse in the process. Ruins everything on accident but also on purpose?*
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Aaron Z.
Aaron Z. Is totally the big badass of the group.
But ill let you in on a little secret HES a big BABY. Aaron totally is a little baby posed as a big bad man.
He gets hurt at the smallest things and cries in his dressing room for ages! Aaron T Knows this and is usually by his side comforting him.
*Z sobbing* “*pat pat* it’s gonna be okay Z! I’m sure he didn’t mean to step on your shoe!” “He did it because he hates me and hates my dances! I knew that new manger didn’t like me! I’m a failure!” *sobs into hands* *doesn’t know how to comfort Z and panics internally*
Aaron Z. Loves dance as we all know but he totally loves making extra choreography in his spare time too! Tae and Aaron T. Are the main ones that actually enjoy his extra sets. Not that Robaire and Jesse don’t! But they usually don’t participate but instead they watch.
Aaron Z. doesn’t really write more or do he just beatboxes so whatever the band needs he’ll provide flawlessly.
He loves spending time with the band but mainly hangs out with tae and Aaron T.
Aaron Z is totally the cool unbothered uncle! He’ll cover for the kids anything they do anything!
“Who broke the vase Z?” “It was me” *sigh -* “I know it was one of the kids, which one was it” “I’m not snitching” * bigger sigh*
Once he meets jesses kids he totally teaches them choreography. AND THEY LOVE IT
“Uncle Z! Show us that move you did to finish your guys last tour!” “Oh the Z special? I got y’all >:)”
Aaron Z is the disappointed parent in BTS bloopers. “*sigh* guys…can we not break the entire stage in half this time-?” *proceeds to do just that* “well it was worth a shot-“
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thedangelodelicacy · 2 years
LITTERALY just got into turning red and OMFG 4★TOWN!?!?!?!?
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