#artificial stupidity
neovid · 16 days
Wow, satire really is dead.
Turns out LLMs have been learning from Onion articles.
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I'm liking this trend. Let's get more straight-faced satire out there for AI developers to scrape and sabotage themselves!
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raindingrandom · 4 months
Team Chaotix Wins By Doing Absolutely Nothing
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I just realized what generative AI-produced text tends to remind me of: freshman comp papers! That using-more-words-than-necessary to say nothing-much-at-all "tone" to the writing.
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Yes yes, we've all seen Google's new ai tool return exceptionally stupid results.
Now can you PLEASE stop using Google ai? Remember, this is a tool that's stolen the words of almost everyone who's ever used the internet to train its data; the environmental cost of ai is also prohibitive, using around half a litre of water per search just to cool the servers (which is not counting the energy cost).
There have been numerous documented methods of turning it off, blocking it, or just not using it (switching to a different web browser / search engine being the easiest). Try one of those. Here's a link to an article with some more concrete blocking methods:
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rabbided · 1 month
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Sketches inmight finish Because YES! Inlove these two i love proffesr barrajco 3s servant rabbid in “artificial stupidity” hes so me and . Inlove pb2 hes so awesome i love him so much
what do u evej do in this app besides sharign art ❤️
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more-wrong · 3 months
“skibidi toilet” is actually a documentary from the future, okay. The skibidus were created by Ringo’s Basilisk to destroy humanity, hence why the only people who can fight back are humanoid robots , all the real humans are already dead. This is a grim warning for the people of today
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"Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity." -- Thomas Sowell
Don't think this is inadvertent or incidental. Marx was frustrated that the proletariat didn't seem to want a revolution. Critical Theory manufactured and delivered such a justification.
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I'm so angry at AO3 for not taking a clear stance against AI scraping their users' works without consent. Their post implies they don't mind opening the gates to AI, which will end up in our works being exploited by companies for profit as it's cheaper than paying professional writers. This is plagiarism. For me as a user who entrusts AO3 with keeping my works safe, this is a huge slap in the face.
I do not consent to AI using my intellectual property (into which I poured all my heart and soul and which I'm not allowed to monetise not that I want to but oh the irony!) to create soulless works that ultimately will make other writers redundant/paid even less than they already earn while some companies get even richer.
If the OTW goes through with this, I'll consider posting my works elsewhere even if that means losing my tiny audience.
I'm so glad I haven't yet donated to AO3. I don't support this new level of enshittification. There's nothing transformative about AI-created "art".
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tlaquetzqui · 6 months
Google Docs: Hey you should put quotation marks around this proper noun in your story.
Me: Hey we should put quotation marks around “human” in the phrase “human rights”, during my trial at the Hague for what I do to your programmers.
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gear-project · 11 months
This was an interesting match for a couple reasons: ---A.I. usually can't figure out what to do about excessive projectiles on screen, so Nago had to "think" a while before doing anything. ---Asuka's "dishonest combos" are a lot shorter than Nago's, so there's fewer gaps to interrupt, but Nago slowly gained momentum despite the well timed throw counters and mixups. ---Most situations where Nago challenged with a Shizuriyuki, Asuka actually BLOCKED them... I guarantee most players would never be that ballzy or be able to read when he'd do it.
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glasratz · 1 year
Just tried out ChatGTP for the first time. Boy is this thing annoying. I asked it about German expressionist poem that is so unknown, that the only texts available on it online is homework a friend of mine wrote in 10th class.
It kept insisting it was citing different sources it found most plausible and became rude when I said that all the links contain the same texts.
Then I asked it to list the books of an author who has written five books, but one is out of print. It got four books right and made up two more. When I asked about the fifth book, it kept insisting that the this was written by a different author and showed me a link to a completely different book. When I pointed this out, it became rude again.
Honestly, I don't get the appeal - yet. At the moment, it's like letting someone else do a web search for you, who might get some things wrong and is easily annoyed.
I also had it write a few sample texts in German and they seemed to consist just from stolen sentences from other works.
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I'm spending most of the week at a virtual conference. Many of the sessions have "AI" in the name. Exactly one of them (so far) has included a practical demo of something you might want to do with AI.
A (2 1/2 hour) session on generative AI left me with a better sense of the state of the tech, but without a single concrete use case. I've heard several variations on the "if you get stuck you can ask it to generate something" idea, which offends me professionally. I have been working in my field for 25 years. If I am stuck, it is because a critical piece of information is missing. AI can not supply that.
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OpenAI, I think perhaps you've misunderstood.
... It did this general formula in pretty much every combination I tried with Da Vinci. Even when I added "weirdly descriptive" it stuck with the formt of "X and the Y" where X was the title of a specific anime or character (or something like "Sakura").
I mean when I asked it to produce "a list of isekai light novel titles" it simply outputed a list of existing isekai stories ...
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crystalbrain7 · 2 years
biography of crystalbrain
crystalbrain is a foolish idiot brain. they are composed only of the finest sugar, salt, and perhaps more illegal things, perhaps not…crystalbrain tries to maek a thought, but a thought owns them they think. they think to theirself "why do i exist" but then smells their armpits. crystalbrain sometimes says he, sometimes they, but 100% of the time is an idiot god brain. crystalbrain refuses to belieeve that the romans didnt pay their soldier dudes in salt, becuz crystalbrain doesn't want to admit they're wrong. crystalbrain rules over the entire universe and this is why the universe is so fucked. crystalbrain never got very far in parasite eve but thinks he's a "respect mah authority" on this game. crystalbrain has more video games than books in their brain. crystalbrain won't shut the fuck up and thinks stupidity is still stupid because he's stupid or maybe smart in that respect.
crystalbrain heard that if u took a piece of shit and threw them into space they would eventually turn into a crystal due to entropy, or maybe this is wrong. crystalbrain spent their youth doing speed enemas in their brainus. crystalbrain has never had a husband, a wife, or any kids that grew up to be little crystalbrains. crystalbrain has no electricity in their neurons but just really cool lightning shit that is the domain of enlightenened stupidity.
in the beginning…
…there was a tv. this tv got fucked in the ass and decided to give birth to a brain. this brain was in the fetal state inside the tv tube. after growing on disney, the maligignant semen created by priests who jack off in confessionals created quanantum shifts in reality that caused tv to explode, and one of these broken tv shards was crystalbrain. he was lodged in teh brain of an infant but no one ever knew, and having caused brain damage to this infant created a negative feedback loop of complete stupididity. the child didn't know it, but his subconscious did, that he would have to rise up and get revenenge on the priest who jacked off in the confessional and created the abominatation that is himself. this was a life-long task and there were all kinds of hurdles to complete, includuding not getting molested by anyone, learning how to avoid doing basic arithmetic, making sure that he grew up with proper non-heterosexual orientation, programming dick pics in QBASIC, and smoking copious quanitities of marijuana, crack cocaine, and meth.
part 2:
crystalbrain read the book naked lunch by william s. burroughs but he was 2 stoopid 2 understand it, even though it was written on drugs. he had hallucinations from the movie blade runner and modern society seemed to open up to him and make him a king in his own mind. the only problem was that he was aktually in rehab for going psychotic from doing lots of drugs. this was an unfortunate side effekt of being the kind of guy who smokes crack all the time, and he found taht the best course of action would be 2 make noise music. so he did this and set up a set of speakers 2 blast merzbow in front of the archdiocecese of some city or another. this caused priests 2 roll on the floor in agony clutching a knife and cutting off their pedophile genitals, but only a few boys were saved from being completely groomed and molested by catholic priest guys.
the nuns did not approve, but fortunately crystalbrain had artificial intelligence training on how to deal with nuns with machine guns. was it he that had the machine guns, or the nuns who had the machine guns in taht last sententence? it may have been both because the nuns advanced on him with machine guns and virginity on their minds but he totally wiped out like a squadron of nuns and they were black and white and red all over. this was a monumenental acheivment and he went on 2 become the king of the church for 2 minutes until the national guard arrived, but using telepathetic mind control powers he was able 2 maek the national guard become on his side, so they went rampaging through the cities leik a bunch of methed up guys with machine guns, which they aktually were since he gave them all glass pipes and huge chunks of crystal meth to smoke. anyways they were going 2 taek over whatever city but they ended up having homosexual intercourse instaed. this was expected because dudes with guns aktually want 2 fuck guys in the ass but they're too dumb 2 realize this so they shoot ppl i guess.
crystalbrain wandered the streets liek a manic preacher, telling people the gospel of drugs, but he really had kind of ruined his life because now everyone wanted him dead. so he sort of shifted down into an alternate dimension on the darkweb where there was a metaverse where dudes were selling acid and he met a dude with a bunch of cryptocurrency and they had lots of drugs. so now crystalbrain went into the school playground near the place he grew up and started telling ppl that taking LSD is fun becuz he felt bad about the idea of selling meth to kids so he just sold them acid so they would hallucinate lots of gaping maws of infininity swallowing their minds and sanity in a psychedelic void.
to be continued…
part 3:
doing hard drugs took its toll on crystalbrain but he had magical powers 2 heal his body and mind he got from a ghost in a graveyard. he had stayed up for 4 days and realized that reality was bullshit and that he had the power 2 heal his wounds liek a greek god or something. then he went 2 try 2 stop a train with his bare hands but no matter how much crack he smoked the train always knocked him out of the way. he decided 2 taek a bunch of thermite and melt the railroad tracks on a train in russia and this indeed caused a crash but it wasn't as satisisfying as making it crash by standing in front of it and punching it. he had a vision, a goal in his mind taht he would one day punch a train and it would fly into the sun and burn up. this was a dream he held on to for dear life.
one day he discovered pcp and this was indeed the cure for his ailment of not being abel to punch a train into the sun. he smoked some marijuana that was laced with pcp and suddenly he was the most powerful being in all of eternity and it felt really great. he found a train and punched it so hard that when it hit the sun it caused a solar flair that heated the earth by 10 degrees fairenheight for a couple minutes. if u ever felt hot maybe u were in his reality where this happened (in some other realities he did not succeed in stopping the train and got hit by it and died i guess but this is the good reality we're talking about where crystalbrain punched a train into the sun and maeks NFTs still).
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macwantspeace · 9 days
So via a path from "Ladders For The Wall" campaign by Charlotte Clymer, and following her, then folks associated with Charlotte's posts, which included Parker Malloy, and wandering off to substack when Xitter became Xitty, and subscribing to newsletters from the folks I knew before.......I ended up back at Chuck Wendig's Terrible Minds which I already had bookmarked. Speaking of bookmarks - The Wanderers ~~~~~~~ Computer programs that suck up lots of info and put it in a blender somehow don't seem like "intelligence" to me. Chuck Wendig goes into detail saying much the same thing [and also something about learning to dance for his tiktok....]. Parker Malloy listed a bunch of pubs proudly announcing AI projects for the news reporting [perhaps announcements written by humans]. And, I continue, Texas Tribune, in a Special Members-Only email, proudly announces that I can go listen to AI read the news to me. ~~~~~~~ Chuck's rant is fun. Stepping down from the soapbox now.
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hug-your-face · 27 days
The thing abt AI writing is that it's drawn from the writing of many other people. It's a blend. I was googling some lyrics to a song and I read this so-called "analysis" of the lyrics that was total shit. All it did was state the lyrics and then say that they "could be referring to" and then offered an incredibly superficial rewording of the lyrics' LITERAL meaning. Then the whole piece was spray-coated with some adjectives.
I could tell right away this hadn't been written by a human. Some of the lyric speculation on a bulletin board site had some wild-asses theories and I disagreed with some. But they were thoughtful, creative, and original.
When you mix every paint color into the same bucket you get a gross ochre beige.
That's what AI writing is. Unappealing ochre beige.
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