#art of them interacting lets gooooo...
towards-toramunda · 1 month
Honestly I vibe heavy with Dorian potentially joining the rest of the campaign permanently because
1) my girlies need another healing class (and then sam’s backup character can be whatever he wants instead of finding a healer replacement)
2) I’m so hype for him to interact with all of the hells where they are now because my god its been 2 or 3 months in game since he’s seen them and they’re SO different now. I want to see my boy CONCERNED.
3) I just don’t really ship dorym atm cause the constant one sided pining doesn’t do anything for me and I didn’t see it in exu or before Dorian left early on in the campaign (and the second time I watched the top of the campaign I went in explicitly looking for crumbs and just… didn’t get the vibe?) so at least they might be able to give me something to be interested in with this ship if thats where they’re going and I can stop feeling crazy about why tf everyone ships them
5) no like seriously I’m so excited to get more fan art of Dorian being the cringe failure overeager anxious mess Dorian instead of just being orym’s absent yet perfect dream boy without a personality cause that isn’t who he is!!!!
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muzzlemouths · 5 months
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Hi! 👋 The name's Muzz
This is my fandom blog where i post fandom things — mostly FNAF/DCA related — and some other stuff, too.
i spend most of my time here writing, but will also spontaneously drop a piece of art from time to time.
You can find my current fics, such as Dead Mall Dare, over on my AO3! i will occasionally post oneshots there as well, but most of them (including prompts) are only ever posted here. You can find them in my #drabbles tag!
i am Just Some Guy and tend to lurk more than anything else, but don't be fooled! i love making friends and will eat personal interactions out of the palm of your hand, so don't be afraid to shoot me an ask! I don't bite! Promise!!!!!!!!! :)
Oh!! and my pfp was drawn by @feralmoonlight, and my banner was drawn by @lavenoon, from this iconic post over here. Go check them out!
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gamerbearmira · 2 months
Of course I have more to say about this resident 8 Au!
First I love the idea you have for the family it honestly all seems really cool. Though I do think for Julieta instead of her hand spontaneously combusting, little cuts appear and the black mold starts leaking out from it and wrapping around her hands at random making it hard to do whatever it is that you was doing and if she's making food/touches food it completely infects the food in mold. I think for Alma it was an experiment on her throat because she likes to argue so much You can see the incision marks and sometimes The incision marks will open up and leak black she can still can talk but her voice is a little bit more grainy and sometimes it's hard for her to talk so she has to drink water more and will sometimes not talk to try and save her voice.
The Dimitrescu family is painfully aware of the fact that Mirabel likes her family more than them. Which is why I feel like they had the first response that they did because in all I feel like that family is a very territorial and aggressive even when they try not to be. so when they first meet something that they view as a threat which was unfortunately the rest of mirabel's family (they are a threat to their relationship to Maribel) their instincts take over and make them act a little bit more aggressive but the more time that they spend with the family the less aggressive they are it took them a while (bela and Isabela did bond over the fact that they had similar names) but they eventually were fairly friendly with most of them (they tolerate the men.)
When it comes to Ethan maribel's entire house obviously is a safe area except for maybe one moment when Miranda shows up at random to "check in" on Mirable. I 100% believe that Maribel or maybe even some of her family members helped him in the final fight against Miranda and he lives! and Mirabel not trusting Chris or blue umbrella pulled him, Mia (I'm pretty sure she was also kidnapped again) and Rose into hiding with her and her family because I do not want them in umbrella custody or anywhere near that facility! only bad things happen I want them all to be happy in the end and away from all of that horribleness!
As for art! I would love to see the family fussing over Mirabel maybe when they had first gotten there or just in general how they act with her? and maybe a couple of Antonio following her around? And possibly the family and the Dimitrescu family interacting? Anything really you want to draw for it I would love to see it! I really enjoy your art style and know just how time consuming it can be!
No but uh. I'm glad you agree, and the Julieta one is so much better <333 ALSO THE ALMA ONE WORKS❗❗ That was actually similar to what I was thinking, so incision, maybe a failed attempt at trying to remove her vocal chords?? L Miranda but W Mirabel for letting her keep them ig 😭😭
Also Alcina and her daughters are just gonna have to tough it out cuz with the way they act??? Listen, Mirabel is optimistic, but not that optimistic 💀💀 and the fact that they were passive-agressive to her family (straight up aggressive to the men), doesn't help that 🗿 but at least they somewhatade up and even if they don't like each other, they tolerate each other for Mirabel's sake <\\3
ALAO ETHAN LETS GOOOOO I know he was scared out of his mind when Mirabel shoved him to a cupboard and he heard Miranda's voice the next second. He also learned that Mirabel is Mirands's favorite in that moment 🤧 maybe he uses that to an advantage?? I mean sure the Duke is there, but Mirabel or her family might be able to get rarer items, for cheaper too 💀 plus they might be more helpful in finding Rose. You know how frustrating it was to hear "Look a little closer 🤓☝"
HE LIVES AND GETS TO RAISE ROSE LETS GOOOO 🦅🦅🦅 ALSO I AGREE WITH NO UMBRELLA BUT...I thought the B.S.A.A was good??? But maybe I'm trippin', I mean it is RE, and Mia is sorta the problem to all this. Like if she just told Ethan the truth a lot of things could've been avoided 🥸 anyway, I think Ethan staying with the Madrigals (maybe permanently or just near wherever they were relocated in Colombia) is a cool idea, they can help him with Rose <333
AND ART YEAHHHGG OF COURSE I CAN I LOVE THIS AU <33 I really appreciate the ideas and??? I'm glad you love it 🤭🤭 I originally was working on it but got busy hence why it took me. A week to past this rather than a few days BUT HOPEFULLY IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN 🤓☝
Anyway art <333 Antonio's clothes (that Miravel made obvi) are based off of a lady bug so. Ladybug and Mantis. Lil bro is still happy to be around Mirabel even AFTER the experiment, its wild 🏃‍♀️ she tries to distance herself after the experiments on the family, thinking they'd hate her and never forgive her, but Antonio just refuses to leave her and she slowly gets closer again.
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writerblue275 · 4 months
My favorite LoL skin (with photos) for each Heartsteel member (excluding their Heartsteel/Prestige Heartsteel and Base skins)
So I absolutely adore the Heartsteel skin line, and for Aphelios, Kayn, and Yone, their Heartsteel skins are arguably my favorite skins of theirs (especially Yone’s Prestige Heartsteel skin). HOWEVER. I want to talk about some other amazing skins too. Three of the ones I’ll mention come from the same skin line, but listen, it’s a beautiful line. Also note: These are based on the splash art. I know some of the aesthetics change when translated to a player model. Ok let’s GOOOOO!
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Aphelios: Spirit Blossom Aphelios
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I love the COLORS of this skin. I love Spirit Blossom Aphelios’ hair design (like damn Phel go off with the man bun/small pony I see you), outfit/accessories, the markings on his face, and how his horns are opposite to Alune’s. (Also can we discuss how Alune also looks so pretty here like omg. I’m so glad they made sure she fit into this as well.) But Aphelios just looks softer than some of his other skins and it’s an interesting vibe from him. I dig it!
Ezreal: Faerie Court Ezreal & Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal.
(Listen I genuinely can’t fucking pick between them so he gets two.)
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THE OUTFIT (with all its wing motifs). THE WINGS. THE PINK HAIR. HIS expression!! I love the redesign of his gauntlet as well. Another thing that I really enjoy is how they managed to keep his face markings and make them unique. His face markings are a trademark element of Ezreal’s base skin so I’m glad they kept those here. AHHHHH HE JUST LOOKS SO GOOD. This is just such a fun reimagine for his character.
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This might be one of his two newest skins but holy fuck it’s already one of my favs. His HAIR. MY GOD IT’S SO GOOD?? His pose and expression exude so much power and confidence. His gauntlet with the draconic claw and his horns is just so fun. Also that OUTFIT? His outfit genuinely looks amazing. The color combo of light blue, maroon, and gold is just EXCELLENT. Again, they also kept face markings of some kind, even if they moved from his cheeks to his forehead.
Kayn: Snow Moon Kayn
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Kayn’s skins are always fun because you really get 3-in-1 with Kayn, his shadow assassin form, and Rhaast. I love a good black and red (with gold accents) theme and the Loki-esque horns, as well as the addition of the furs on his basic Kayn form are really cool. And the shaddow assassin’s hair. My goodness I do love a man with long white hair 😂 (this will appear again later). I love the color contrast between the shadow assassin and Rhaast designs as well. Also Rhaast looks badass. Terrifying, but still badass.
K’Sante: Prestige Empyrean K’Sante
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This skin is so fucking cool. We get to see his face here unlike the original Empyrean K’Sante skin. I love the color scheme with the purple, gold, white, and pink as well as the designs on the clothes/his weapons. The little pink on his face also adds a really small but eye-catching detail that I very much enjoy. Also Lil Nas X helped design this skin and I think that’s so fucking cool.
Sett: Spirit Blossom Sett
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Ok listen yes a bit of the reasoning for all these is that the characters themselves look fine as fuck. But holy shit look at Sett here. LOVE his long white hair (hehe what did I say it’s a pattern) with his ears here. That outfit and the accessories are stunning. And again the color palette for the spirit blossom line is just so pretty. Sett just looks so in charge and powerful here. He really is the boss. (Also shoutout to the [I believe] first instance of canon SettPhel which happened in the lore/voice interactions for this line.)
Yone: Spirit Blossom Yone
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Look at him. LOOK AT YONE. There is something about Yone with longer white hair that is just so…right, even if it’s tied back or braided. All the beautiful shades of purple in his outfit too! I love. I also like how, besides the horns and his hands/arms, he seems almost human and he’s not stuck to his mask like in his base skin (though I do love his base skin). He also just gives off really pleasant vibes in this. I cannot explain it lmao.
These are my thoughts! These are just my opinions, and frankly so many of these champions have so many amazing skins. I’d love to hear your favorites if you have opinions!
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mothpile · 9 months
mes's webcomic recommendations
do YOU like webcomics or want to read some ? here are some i think are good NO im not gonna put my own here even if i think its good. -_-
starting with . i Think these ones are popular and well known..?
Paranatural - A story about paranormal ghosts and stuff. It's a real fun time, and the story is really good. The author's art progression is really impressive, truly skilled with paneling and such. It does eventually shift into a webnovel format with drawings as the author couldn't keep up with doing pages like before, and the quality of goodness of the story stays strong 👍👍
Tiger, Tiger - Story about the importance of sea sponges. Also a fun time, sea faring adventure about, again, sea sponges and how important they are nothing else OK? promise. (liar) PHENOMENAL artwork, very pretty to look at.... 👍👍
The Property of Hate - I need to reread it because i forgetted a lot but its such a cool looking comic and sooo interesting OK?! i swear. It's about a kid being a hero.
Vainglorious - a fun comic about a dragon facing Hubris Consequences. The main trio is real fun, the world is cool, all in all fun comic okie !!
Sakana - Slice-of-life comic about some folks working at a fish stall in a fish market. Real fun. Been on hiatus for four years, but is gonna make a comeback soon (author is working on building up buffer pages And then... ! ) But yeah! real fun.
Witchy - ... one i have to reread, it's been on hiatus since forever as the author was working on another comic (thatllbe out... in a while?), though i assume when that's done they'll come back to this...? Anyhow, I remember it being a very gripping story, and beautifully drawn... Also it's about witches. if. you . couldnt tell by the.. title...
NOW, onto ones that ... i dont Think are super well known ... ?
EcopportunityX - An interactive stick figure limited color palette comic about a facility where bad shit has happened ! uhoh! What the hell happened here! Follow the protagonist on their journey of learning what happened, and escaping the facility. Also, space pinball and ball pit beast is there. 👍👍👍
Eye in the Sky - And it only feels right to bring it up as well, but this is a fancomic of ecopportunityX ! ... Contains eox spoilers, so perhaps read the original first! This one features original characters and takes place a bit before eox, it's nice ok i like it :]
Gold Scissors - One of my all time favourites TBH. The art is nice, I love the story, the world is so cool i love it a lot... do yourself a favor and read it...
Midnight Connection - Finished! by the author of Gold Scissors, it's a short comic that takes place in the same universe, you can get through it in one sitting!! sniffles.
Brainchild - Comic about girl seeing weeeeeird stuff. Ghosts?! who knows. Tis a cool one OK read it...
Fairmeadow - "i hate being on the hippee comune they are always telling me Peace and Love on planet earth , orc lady, Peace and Love, and they do not leave me alone" - true real 100% words said. you can read it and youll see. Very pretty looking, ...
Holly & Macy and Everyone Else - comic about two teens learning about HOMOSEXUALITY and being a witch and its a very sweet .. i like it ok? it's also on tumblr @/ hollymacycomic
Falling to Far - i thiiink? its kinda just getting started, its about two star kids that just arrived to the planet of Far, and they are just checking how things are here rn. okie! its nice ITS ON TUMBLR! my fellow tumblr-hosted webcomicers lets gooooo
Daisy in DREAMLAND - ........ not a .. webcomic. Tis more a webnovel, i believe. It has pictures. Very cool looking guys, love the style, someone drench this cat in a bucket of water.
Needleminder - because fuck it we put webnovels here too I GUESS. it has pictures sometimes. haven't caught up with it recently tho BUT it's Very interesting and gets weird with it in cool ways...
Star Impact - comic about boxing! fighting! and people have gloves that give them a gimmick power tis pretty fuckin cool!
Kitty Corner - Comic about someone who sees ghosts. this ones kiiinda just getting started i think..? put its been promising so far, i like it ANOTHER TUMBLRHOSTED WEBCOMIC LETS GO BABY!
PISS HOLE - The greatest comic ever drawn with a broken trackpad.
Going Home - a comicabout a kid who has t *red dot appears on forehead* *sweats**starts to go get the link to the comic* *snipers pull the t
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ardenssolis · 6 months
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Name — Shi
Pronouns — she/her or they/them
Preferred comms — Discord buuut I don't like giving my Discord out unless we've been interacting and talking for a while nowadays, so I am trapped in the hell known as IM until then. Honestly, though, I have a tendency to get into writing or doing other things and forget anyone talked to me sometimes either way so--- 😭
Name of muse — Ozymandias
Experience in RP — I've been rping since I was a kid back in forever ago before I even really knew what rping was. It all started on a chat site and I wasn't sure what was going on but I liked it LMFAO. I think it was probably about middle school-ish time for me. 6th grade I guess??? So a while.
Best experiences — AAAAA many! I think some of my best experiences rping was when I was doing things with my friends on Twitter and Deviantart. They always inspired me to draw and we were constantly designing characters / joining art rp groups back then which helped me improve drastically. Ughugh I miss doing things like that sometimes.
Pet peeves / dealbreakers — Godmodding. The quickest way to make me drop a thread is making Ozy do something or saying he did something without consulting with me. That's a pretty big dealbreaker for me as I've been put in really uncomfortable situations as a result of people doing this. Also instantly coming at me with ship ideas is a bit of a put off if we like...have literally done one thing / I barely even know you. I had that happen day one of me making Ozy and it almost made me want to leave before I even did anything. Only time I will shake you around and be like, "yeah let's gooooo!" is if we've known one another a long time / I'm comfortable enough to do that.
Muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — That depends. I love writing things where it's deeply discussion based over beliefs, philosophies, and the like. Emotionally charged threads too since that gets my muse really going, but it doesn't need to quite be angst so IDK AAAAAA. Fluff is okay sometimes, although Ozy isn't exactly 'fluffy' most of the time and it's a 50/50 with him and his fickle moods. Smut is nice to write every now and then too because there can be a lot of characterization in intimate moments like this. I don't think I have any kind of definite preference when I think about it -rubs chin-
Plot or memes — Memes usually (or just throwing unprompted stuff in my inbox)! My attention span is absolutely terrible. I like plotting but I have a tendency to slowly lose interest if it goes on for a while as I like getting the barebones as to what we're going to do, have some discussion, then jumping straight into making a thread. Discussing things as we go along and have things already started is just more fascinating for me.
Long or short replies — I loooove long replies, but those tend to be done at a slower pace unless the muse is really gripping me by the throat. I remember the days when I wasn't working and I could get through like ten threads a day or something but thinking about that now has me like, "how did I even do this?" So a nice mixture of short and long is nice! That way I can pick and choose what I feel like replying to that day.
Best time to write — In the weeee hours of the night mainly -- and with music! ////
Are you like your muse — Not even remotely amg. Ozy's too much of everything. He's loud, he's arrogant, and his confidence levels are off the charts on a good day whereas I prefer to be left to my devices, avoiding conversation or faking it till I make it with people, and then dying when I get home because boy was that too much extroverted activity for me FKJSDFHKSDFDS
Tagged by: @lobiita (thank you turbo!)
Tagging: Take it!
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halamet-chalamet · 1 year
hello!! I saw your Spencer Reid headcanons and I LOVE IT!! I'd like to put my own in, if that's okay! I'm around 5'5, I have short brown hair with matching eyes. I've always felt super SUPER insecure about my nose, though-- it seems too flat for my face. my style completely ranges, but I stick more towards a 'flashy' esque-- I like being impressionable to whoever I see, even if I've known them for years! I'm an ENTP. My interests are musical theater, art, basically anything in the fine arts and I love it! except for instruments... not very good with those. though I am trying to get back into piano! I'm (ironically) learning "The Smile of a Child", better known in it's appearance in the episode "Coda". I love singing, it's a huge passion of mine. I'm very outgoing, and I like meeting people, but I'm more than a bit awkward while meeting new people. I only like eye contact after looking over someone's body language, and learning their name. I'm insecure about my laugh but I rock it-- I just think I'm a bit too loud and obnoxious at times. I study psychology in my free time-- especially the aspects that sleep has on our lives. Just last night I talked to my friend about getting more sleep! I'm caring, and I stress bake A LOT-- I won the "Betty Crocker" award in my company. Another thing I do to wind down is to listen to music-- I usually listen to Bruno Major to wind down for the night. I'm an insomniac, I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and ADHD, which most likely explains all of the above!! tysm and sorry for the infodump omg <3
Never apologize for info dumping me! You sound like you’re so beautiful! I love unique noses they’re so beautiful!! Also I’m an ENTP tooo so… twinsies! Okay you and Spencer let’s gooooo~
Spencer needs someone kind of exciting!
He loves your fashion sense!! And your boldness and how it’s truly you he just adores it!
Spence kisses your nose ><
He’s not a big lip kisser in general, in public especially
So he would give you a quick nose kiss. Even if you told him to stop he would pout like “nooo why?” And do it again.
I think he also loves theatre!!! And for a date would buy tickets to a show you’ve really been wanting to see.
asks you to sing him to sleep but only once and it was after a really bad case and poor baby was so embarrassed and so surprised when you said yes..
Giggles but is so encouraging while he watches you learn piano
Always hits you with the “it’s sounding nice honey”
In the most domestic adorable way
Also he loves your laugh
I think he himself is insecure about his because he thinks it sounds dorky
But Spencer thinks your laugh is the most adorable sound in the world
He probably has some weird facts about laughing let’s be honest
Spencer gets so happy when you’re excited to meet the BAU team! He loves seeing you interact with them!!
Imagine since you study psychology and like to observe people the way you do. You and Spencer at some social gathering just profiling, analyzing, observing, and slightly judging everybody. It would be the funniest thing
Spence and you can trade sleep psychology facts! He’d fall deeper in love lets be honest.
Bake for or with this man
If you bake for him he’s so thankful and continually compliments it.
He’s all “this is actually the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted. Ever.”
If you bake with him tho??
He’s super precise about all the ingredients and probably throws flour at you once :0
Helps you however he can with your anxiety and ADHD!
If you’re ever uncomfortable in a situation he gets you out quiiiick
Spencer just loves you okay osbaixnaonapmzjaiwpjfoakd
Okay thank you for listening to me rant!! I hope you like it :) have an awesome super extra fantastic lovely day/ noon/ night. Love you byeeeee
A/N: Thank you guys for all the ship requests! I might (key word might) be closing them soon to catch up, but so far I’m pretty on top of them! Just a reminder that I also write blurbs and stuff if you ever have a request like that! I need to find out how to link my request rules in my bio tho.. anyway love you all byeeee 👋💕
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sOoooo recently saw that mystic messenger and the arcana has made an appearance YAAAY
i had honestly kept mm locked deep in my head but it was recently unlocked when the game was recommended to me by the freaking app store so!
I remember reading lil comics and fics about yoosung and sevens goofy dumbass (they're my favorite I love them)
If you were up for it maybe soft n sweet dating hcs for yoosung and seven :>?
[ ABSOLUTELY!!!! LET’S GOOOOO!!! I love them both sm!!! Gaaaah!!! Welcome back, anon!!! So sorry for the late answer!!!!!! ]
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♡ Seven is touch starved. ((Given the nature of his job, it’s not really that surprising, as he’s not been allowed much interaction.)) Still, it’s rather endearing how he grabs your hand anytime he has the chance, or how he clings to you for warmth. He’s super snuggly, but he’s always very respectful about it. No surprise, it’s Seven. For as much as he clings to you now, he tried twice as hard to push you away. Now that he’s actually opened up some, you’re stuck with him.
♡ Seven is warm. He’s almost always warm to the touch, whether or not it’s because he often wears hoodies, you’re unsure— You just know from experience that he radiates heat. It’s nice, as he enjoys snuggles, too— If you’re cold, all you have to do is ask for his body heat. He’s more than willing to share, although he may tease you. Just a little bit!!! He takes pleasure in seeing you flustered, and finds it absolutely adorable. In fact, he makes it his personal challenge to fluster you at least once a day.
♡ Seven is a worrier. Given the nature of his job, it’s understandable, but Seven makes it a habit to text you every so often while you’re out. He’s not overprotective, but he likes to know what’s up. There’s a huge part of him that is afraid that you’ll suddenly disappear, and he struggles with that thought often—
♡ Seven cannot be trusted in the kitchen. You have caught him a multitude of times doing things like— Like microwaving chips in a sauce made of PhD Pepper and some other substance that you do not want to know about. ((You have tried and with varying degrees of success, have gotten him to eat a little healthier.))
♡ Seven is as prone to stealing your clothes, as you are to steal his. Seven loves his costumes. That’s an irrefutable fact. He’s as likely to steal your clothing as you are to take his, and it’s not unusual for you to come home and find him squeezed into one of your shirts.
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♡ Yoosung is super shy when it comes to things like kisses, hugs, hand holding, etc— It’s not because he doesn’t want to either, but because the experience is new to him. He’ll always ask permission before reaching for your hand, and other things like that. It’s absolutely precious.
♡ Yoosung is surprisingly snarky, at times. He doesn’t seem the type to have such a dry sense of humor, at first glance, but he’s incredibly prone to making sarcastic remarks. Of course, you can always tell that he’s joking, and the stark contrast to his rather soft disposition cracks you up.
♡ Yoosung is an incredibly good listener and has mastered the art of multitasking, as well. If you ask him what you said, he can repeat it back almost word for word, whether he’s studying or playing Lolol. It’s insane how incredibly good his memory and ability to multitask is. Of course, you occasionally like to tease him, as it still takes him a moment to process things. Occasionally, you’ll say something incredibly out there, just to watch him fumble for words, as he finally processes what you’ve said.
♡ Yoosung is incredibly attentive to your reactions and response to things. Whether you’re eyeing a certain show, or are trying to hide your dislike for a certain flavor, Yoosung will probably pick up on it. He’s fond of surprising you with things that have caught your eye, and he makes you feel both heard and noticed. It’s incredibly flattering, and equally endearing.
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wizard-finix · 1 year
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I posted 855 times in 2022
That's 330 more posts than 2021!
9 posts created (1%)
846 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 610 of my posts in 2022
Only 29% of my posts had no tags
#art - 241 posts
#p3 - 229 posts
#p5 - 85 posts
#p4 - 70 posts
#fma - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#prompt where everyone at gekkoukan knows about sees as that weird club and aigis being a robot but the number one rule is to not question it
My Top Posts in 2022:
3 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
runed scape
blorbo (fave) - hard to pick but I'll go with vicendithas for this one
scrunkly (friend-shaped char) - seiryu or thok
scrimblo bimblo (underrated) - vicendithas, literally all of the dragonkin tbh
glup shitto (obscure fave) - Mr. Mordaut or Blackstone Dragon. you can sense the theme going on here
poor little meow meow (problematic fave) - lets be honest you dont get more problematic than sliske, he was a fun villain
horse plinko (torment for fun) - world guardian, obviously
eeby deeby (send to superhell) - zaros
3 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
❤️ 💥 👻 🎁 :D
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Hmmm it's hard to settle on a single line, but I think it's a tie between this one, from Stygian Ringlet (my p3/p5 fic):
Ryoji remembered that awful night on the Moonlight Bridge, when his world fell apart. The night he remembered everything and instantly wished he hadn’t.
and this one, from a Runescape fic chapter I haven't posted yet:
“You know, I was planning on a nice evening playing cards with the rest of the crew,” Jaida said, still catching his breath. “But no, here I am, stuck in the temple in the middle of the night with you and the Scourge of Wushanko herself, with the only way out being blocked by an army of cultists, mercenaries, and giant crabs.”
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Ryuji's treatment in P5. I normally don't mind a character being comic relief, he does have some hilarious moments. The problem is that he had the potential to be a really good underdog-type character and have interesting character interactions with the others, but Atlus really did him dirty and squandered his character development by having the entire cast degrade him for the rest of the game. It worked for Yosuke in P4 because he tends to make those kinds of jabs at his friends and often brings it on himself, but it's a lot more one-sided with Ryuji. These people are supposed to be FRIENDS, guys. (I don't even need to say anything about the end of Shido's palace jfc)
(also Kawakami's social link and benefits are uncomfortable as hell so I never used them)
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Shinjiro's persona has a latent berserk ability somewhat similar to Akechi's, and absolutely no one realizes this, not even Shinjiro himself.
I will explain this one, so hear me out.
See the full post
5 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
I really think Chie’s character arc and social link was wasted, like dude her awakening showed that she dealt with feelings of jealousy and comparing herself to others and it was NEVER mentioned again
7 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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im gonna cry laughing tumblr mobile hit me dead on
17 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dapperrokyuu · 3 years
For the ship bingo I'll give you multiple but if you only want to do one just pick the one you want to talk about most. Sharon x Reim, Ozecho, Amelia x Noé. I swear I've seen you post about Ace Attorney but if I'm making that up ignore this but Faraskye and/or Klapollo
Ask game is here!!!
Yes, I know Ace Attorney, Ive gotchu. Hella down to do more, so Ill do them all, lets gooooo- Under the cut so its not too much scrolling for people, lmao.
Sharon x Reim
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Im definitely not against them, but I also didnt really. Need them to be a thing, haha. Could definitely see how some people think its out of nowhere, and if Im to be honest, Im pretty sure this occurred because Mochijun really wanted Reim to be happy, lmao. I also think this was intended to parallel Sheryl x Rufus, but be successful, lmao.
I could say that Reim's behavior in his Side Episode was a bit Weird(TM), as his calculative-ness could come off as, like, Not Being Able To Take A No, but I definitely do think its intended to be just a quirk of his; plus, concerning Sharon's personality, she would definitely hold her ground and not be taken advantage of if Reim was ever a Weird Person, so its honestly fine. The idea of Reim dealing with Sharon’s sadism is also extremely hilarious.
I have considered of the concept that Sharon may have married Reim because of Break, but I just. Dont want to think about it that way, lmao??? Plus, I think Sharon would have the sense not to marry someone just because of Break anyways. Adding to this, Sharon's subtle arc is how she was deprived of being a "normal person," but she embraces it and makes what she wants of it so that it isnt a loss to her. This would translate (for me) into Sharon ultimately not being able to have a relationship with someone who has no understanding of the Abyss and her experiences, so it would make sense that she would bond more with Reim and get closer to him because hes the one who understands most. Ultimately, there isnt too much on them canonically for me to be diehard for them, but it definitely makes sense and has tons of potential that appeals to me.
Also, the Rainsworth has relations with the king of the country, and as Lily would definitely be their daughter after a certain point, theyd have connections with the Baskervilles. Itll just be interesting shenanigans for both of them post-canon, lmao.
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THEYRE GOOD. Thats all I can really say. Echo is like one of my top 3, and she deserves to be happy. And Oz is top 5, and he deserves to be happy. I think their appeal ties into the fact that they have an understanding of each other's situation, and with that, they can confide in each other. Oz can bring Echo into new situations and encourage her to be open, while Echo can be there for Oz's low moments. Overall, I think they can bring the best out of each other, romantically or not. Regardless, theyre very important to each other, uwah... I do enjoy Oz's flirtiness and Echo's bashfulness, its very fun and endearing, haha.
Amelia x Noé
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Theyre very cute, theres just not much of them in canon. All we have seen of them is very surface level, and I think I get engaged when people have a deep understanding of another. Not that its either of their faults, of course, haha.
But regarding aesthetic! I dont know...Amelia can be a cute princess, with Noe as her prince.....which is pretty much how he was in Chapter 1, and could be how Amelia envisions him privately, haha. I do think Amelia's side of the relationship is very interesting, good for her for being subtly forward. Girl's got a GOAL. Theres tons of potential for cuteness and humor, tbh.
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VERY CUTE. Its the whole "theres not much of them in canon," BUT THE POTENTIAL IS VERY LARGE AND INTERESTING. Like, when I thought about it, I thought it was a RARE rarepair that only Id think of, and I felt so big brain, lmao. "Ema would TOTALLY be into Little Thief, and she and Kay could bond over showing each other cool stuff and testing them," but people are WOKE, thankfully. Both also have their own fleshed out backstories, which feeds into the potential and interest. Both of their backstories are also family-themed, so I think they can bond over that as well. I think they would just amaze each other with their respective interest, itd just be so cute and sweet. I wanna see them interact again, ahhhhh- But bright and sassy together? The sassy one also getting brighter with the bright one? Bright one learning how to sass MORE due to the sassy one? Art.
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This ironically got the most circles from me, lmao-
Their tandem is REALLY good, for reasons that most people would commonly say, lmao. Theyve got the fun dynamic but then the deeper understanding that they can confide in each other about. Both are relatable in their own ways, but I would probably relate to Apollo more, lmao. I dont particularly need any ship to be canon, but this one should due to the depth and also it would be funny, lmao. AND KLAVER WOULD COME BACK TO CANON, IN ITSELF A GOOD THING, YEAH. Anyways, who wouldnt mind smooching either of them too, lmao, lmao, lmao-
Hope this was enjoyable, haha. Thank you! @torterrachampion
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 years
who do you ship FeMC with?
Roughly from greatest to least (she’s my shipping bicycle tbh, but the top two are kinda tied for first)
Minato (when they aren’t related of course): I like the duality of them, the fanfic The Fools’ Tournament is what got me interested and I will not let go I don’t care, let me suffer. ;w; (pssssst one way to make me a very happy fudgemonkey is to geek out over this fanfic with me 8U hint hint guys)
Anne: Crackship that passed in the fudging night I’ll tell you what, came across my mind roughly when she and Ryuji were first introduced. Was wondering how I think FeMC would interact with Ryu and Anne (cause I know people jumped on shipping her with P5MC), and I ended up loving the idea. I don’t care I’m on this dinghy alone, I love it. ;w; (another thing to make me uber happy is digging up some gem of a FeMCxAnne thing and showing it to me, cause lord knows I’m the only one on this ship 8U ;w;)
Souji: Some cross artwork of BanHamu and fanfics got me into this. Tho I prefer Souji with Naoto a lot more, but I also like the OT3 of Souji/Mina/FeMC
Aigis: I love her link, it’s great. I like her duality with the FeMC (I like Aigis more with Minato tho tbh, I mean I pretty much OT4 FemC/Mina/Aigis/Ryoji so it’s whatevs)
Liz and Theo: It’s cute, when first announced Theo was actually my first ship with her, but I wasn’t especially attached to it. XD
Ryoji: Grown to like this over the years.
Mitsuru: I don’t care you swerved at the last second, you are dating! That’s final! ;w;
Saori: Nooooo don’t gooooo ;w;
Yosuke: Another cross-ship I’ve seen and like the idea of.
Shinji: Used to like it more tbh. Was my 2nd ship for her, kinda just got taken by the “Shinji lovers” wave. 
Sho: I dunno I find it interesting
Tatsuya: tho I like to headcanon them as cousins, I’ve seen some artwork of the two and I’ve liked it (tho of course I won’t ship them in my cousin headcanon, which is usually the case....so this is more I just like the artwork, similar to the Ikutsuki thing below)
Golly gosh I’m down for almost any ship with her tbh but those are the big ones I can think about right now....... The only ones I don’t like are Akihiko (reaaaaaaally don’t like this ship, it’s a NoTP tbh) and non-aged-up!Ken (older!Ken? All good, Younger!Ken/what we have now? Not good). And maybe anything shipping her with Makoto or Sae cause I think of them as cousins too, even if they canonically aren’t I’d still refuse to ship them (Makoto stole her look, I’m not letting that go). 
Also not a ship but I’ve seen some really good IkutsukixFeMC art (sometimes it’s really shippy sometimes it isn’t but it’s pretty ;w;), like I don’t ship it but I support the hell outta that person/those people tbh 8U Y’all make good stuff.
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