#armored femboy
kathrinesadventures · 8 months
Alright! An update!
For those who are following my Patreon, I know I said I’d release it on the first of this month but uhhh… Yeah, thing kinda got a bit out of hand. More importantly, the scene where you burn Harag’s “house.” You can fully skip it but it’s 9K (Might go to 12-13K as I said, getting outta hand). You’ll also find a lot of things so I suggest you don’t, but then again, I’m giving you so many options because I want your options to matter. Whether it’s burning down someone’s house, or choosing just how loving you want to be towards your rift walkers.
Now, onto the updates!
First off, I just want to thank all my Patreons and Ko-fi (I know there aren't any yet but thank you all future supporters! <3). They’ve been a massive motivation and I may have had an emotional breakdown this week over “OHMIGOSH PEOPLE ARE STILL SUPPORTING ME ” So haha, yeah. Thanks, everyone. You guys are awesome <3 I might also hold a poll there to choose a short story so yeah!
The game is at 44K (Yep, you heard that right. That’s almost 9K words from last week >:3) I’m gonna try to push myself really hard this week because on the 10th or 11th I’m gonna have to go camp at my professor’s house so he doesn’t send us on an unpaid internship. (A lot of reasons for me doing that, but first and foremost would be that I already left my previous job hence why I’m able to write 9K a week, but also cause It’s unpaid and a 9-10/11 job instead of a 9-5 (cause of me learning and such) along with other subjects in Uni, and then tutoring kids as well, it just leaves me no time to spend on the book, even if I pull all-nighters like I used to.). Dunno how long it’ll take for that but I won’t be alone so yeah, I am going to push really hard to release a Patreon version on the 8th or 9th (Imma try to release it on Friday or Saturday but I want this to be as perfec and enjoyable). (I think I might be oversharing, do tell me if I am;-; )
I’m just gonna leave this here cause I’m having way too much fun with the game.
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Three heartfelt moments with Thor and two with Laurel, you can now extort a femboy from Harag (I was thinking of having you send Laurel to extort a femboy from a 12-year-old and also beat him up and take his money cause that’s literally what Pokemon was lmao but then I thought “Hey! This is even better!” As such, you can punch Harag where it hurts the most… well, not between his legs, but you’ll get the time to do that later.
A lot of world-building was done… and by a lot, I mean I referenced to like, 4 or 5 things BUT HEY! PROGRESS IS PROGRESS >:c
Annnddd that’s all folks! Thanks for coming to my TED talk, have an amazing weekday! Remember to sleep well, eat well, and drink well! (Cause I don’t lmao) Love ya’ll
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smileythirteen · 1 year
thinking about link post-calamity finding comfort in hanging out in gerudo town in his disguise because nobody knows who he is there. instead of being Link, the Hero of Hyrule, he’s just Link, the quirky little hylian vai who runs around buying all the fruit and arrows and keeps trying to convince furosa to finally let her order a noble pursuit from the canteen. but he also surprisingly finds comfort in wearing his lil outfit for other reasons…
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itsallbeautiful · 1 month
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und3rtal3s1h0p3 · 4 months
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fem boy pine
also for you pinecone x armored lovers/ armoredcone lovers (in fact I’m one of them)
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pine and armored belongs to @ask-crow-aus (sorry for tagging you a lot)
Femboy pine belongs to me
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skeleetrom · 5 months
Listening to femboy smut asmr while playing armored core 6 and it really unlocked the latent power within me because I molly whopped ibis' ass
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sesshaxiii · 1 year
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Drew my friend killfang96′s mew, Ethen, in the Frostbite armor from Zelda, was a lot of fun to draw! Enjoy!
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Heroes Rank - Round  1
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arieann-pentagon-art · 10 months
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I wanted to do more but meh, here is a thing of femboy shining armor
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bbygirl-paul · 25 days
teeth blackening in house harkonnen
i was really intrigued by the practice of teeth blackening in harkonnen culture in dune part two, specifically because i recognized it as a historical japanese cultural practice. so here's a breakdown on what teeth blackening looked like in real world japanese culture, my thoughts on why denis villeneuve chose to bring this into harkonnen culture in particular, and the gendered implications of feyd rautha being the only male harkonnen shown with blackened teeth.
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ohaguro, which translates to "black teeth," is a custom born in japan that reached peak popularity between the 10th and 19th centuries (it's first documented in writing in the tale of genji from the 11th century). this practice involved blackening teeth with a solution called kanemizu, which translates to "black water" and consists of iron shavings dissolved in vinegar and then combined with tannins to create a black liquid. the dye was re-applied daily or every other day to avoid the dulling or graying of the color.
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ohaguro was originally practiced exclusively by member of the aristrocracy, mainly by married women, but also some men. ohaguro was commonly practiced when nobility came of age or when women were married. the practice only died out in the 19th century, largely as a result of western beauty ideals being enforced in japanese society through colonialism.
there are a few different reasons why ohaguro was thought to have achieved such popularity within the upper class. deep black was seen as a very beautiful color, and objects that were black were thought to be beautiful. the dye also possibly served to prevent tooth decay.
we see black as a dominant color in various aspects of harkonnen cutlure, including (but not limited) to the armor, ceremonial markings, and clothing of the upper class:
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and i think this nudges us further towards this idea of black as a color of beauty, and the idea that teeth blackening was almost like a form of makeup that was seen to make someone more beautiful within upper class social circles.
considering that ohaguro originated with and remained most popular with noble women in japan, it's also very gender that feyd is the only harkonnen man we see with blackened teeth- his uncle the baron and his brother rabban aren't shown with blackened teeth. and the only others we see with blackened teeth are feyd's harpies, who are women.
tldr feyd rautha has black teeth because he's giedi prime's prettiest boy. also he's never beating the femboy allegations like this
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kakyoindilfhunter · 6 months
Why can't FromSoft make a dating sim with their characters?
It would objectively be the greatest dating sim of all time because they could just throw in characters from their menagerie of games that would appeal to a WIDE array of fans.
Elden Ring alone has a great lineup of husbando or wife material, but with their Dark Souls series and Bloodborne on top of that? I'd literally die from the collective energy from all the hot men (I am biased) in the games
You want a muscle mommy? Malenia's got you fam
You into furrys? Blaidd is ready to tie the knot ;)
Want a chivalrous himbo? Seigward is still trying to figure out how to use an elevator to get to you.
Femboys? Gwyndolin and Miquella are here too.
You like Transformers? Evangelion? Download the Armored Core dlc and wed these beautiful mecha yourself.
Of course there would be a fair share of villains in the game, disrupting your relationships and making you go on quests to save them.
Patches would be an annoying ex boyfriend that keeps coming back, and he'd have unique dialogue or interactions with you or your SO, such as if you went with the Seigward route, he'd shove him in a well and you'd have to rescue your himbo.
Mohg would be Mohg and be creepy obsessive over your SO depending on their size. For example, if you went the Gwyndolin or Miquella route, he'd kidnap them and you'd have to infiltrate his dynasty and get the cops on his ass and rescue your boyfriend.
Silvanus would, of course, be a douche for absolutely no reason at all.
Maybe there could even be a harem type thing if you so choose regarding whichever covenant you go with.
As a side note, I just checked the FromSoft catalog of games and I realized they have done a great deal more than just the souls games that I'm used to, but because FromSoft has a wide array of souls games, this is the most realistic group that could pull this off. It'd be cool if they could partner with other souls producing companies too, and maybe we could get to have a new protagonist or characters like those from Lies of P
Basically, I've had this thought for all of 5 minutes and I absolutely ADORE the idea of it all. The possibilities, the hot HOT men. I like the idea maybe a bit too much.
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kathrinesadventures · 8 months
A release, and also, to those who need to hear it, everything will be alright <3
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The book has finally been updated! You can find the link in my pinned post on Patreon!
Things updated from before:
A new character has been introduced, though there isn't much content on that. Just a guy you can win through a battle.
Lots of world-building.
Harag has been given more personality. There are a lot of moments with Thor and Laurel.
Ula also acts like a proper goddess with her own schemes etc. The MC is not a champion but they can be if they choose to, but that's for future things.
That's pretty much it! The book now stands at;
64k WORDS.
20.5K words per play-through!
2 Endings! Well, they're bad ends really. BUT STILL
Anddd yeah! Have an amazing day you guys! <3 https://www.patreon.com/posts/91303324 https://ko-fi.com/post/Femboy-Dating-Simulator-Update-E1E0QAH46
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luvtonique · 10 months
Blizzard Lead Dev: "I just don't get it. People don't like our games anymore. We have over 45 gay NPC couples in Dragonflight, we have lesbians ride off into the sunset awkwardly in Diablo 4 and even Lorath finds it awkward when it happens, we have vitiligo options, we have multiple gay and multiracial characters in Overwatch 2, we changed the names of male and female to body type 1 and body type 2, turned all the sexy paintings into fruits, added green hair to humans, made the Night Elf heritage armor kind of not sexy, put a transgender dragon in the game, what the fuck do people want from us?"
Blizzard Forum Dev: "Well, I've been looking at the forums. Players want tails on worgens and-"
Blizzard Lead Dev: "I've GOT IT! Let's make a follow-up to that quest where the two centaur dudes want to get married, let's make the player prepare their wedding and they do this gay little talking-at-the-same-time and giggling moment, the gays do that stuff right? At least 4 people will find it cute!"
Blizzard Forum Dev: "Sir, it really seems like all of this pandering might be just a thinly veiled attempt to make people forget about that unfathomably disgusting sexual harassment lawsuit by catering to the loudest people on social media in hopes they'll start loudly advertising how PC we've become and we'll somehow rebuild our dwindling fanbase from new players who are suddenly creating accounts just to watch gay dragons talk about how much they love their mate. I think instead of trying to pander to people who hate our game and our company and always have and always will, perhaps a better option is to cater to the dwindling player base we have left, and to the people who left because of these stupid-ass politically correct things we keep doing. We can't just make people forget what our company did by pretending we're good people. What we CAN do is listen to our players. They don't want more gay NPCs in WoW, they don't want frumpy unattractive characters in Diablo 4 like forced fat druids, they don't want the Amazon's butt to be covered up in Diablo 2 Resurrection, they don't want Overwatch 2 to emphasize the importance of a character being gay or autistic above any semblance of personality or relevance to the story they might have. What they want is what they loved for the last 20 years. They want the company they grew up with back. The company that made Alexstrasza, Kerrigan, Whitemane, Sylvanas, the Eredar Twins, Mercy, Widowmaker, Tracer. Not the company that made a Thai femboy and made the crafting tutorial NPCs in Dragonflight absolutely offensively and objectifyingly flamboyant gay guys."
Blizzard Lead Dev: "You're... you're right... ... You're right, man. I dunno what I was thinking. You're right. People want the old Blizzard back."
Blizzard Forum Dev: "That's the spirit, man! We can turn this around, it's not too late. We can bring back the game that every really hot girl at every Blizzcon loved making skimpy cosplays for!"
Blizzard Lead Dev: "Orisa is transgender now"
Blizzard Forum Dev: "God fucking dammit sir"
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canonicallyginger · 22 days
There were so many tells for the shapeshifters and i love that. Most of the fake Chilchucks looked more childish, for instance. Or the fact that, when Laios falsely accused his real party of being the shapeshifters, the fakes all acted like they were the ones accused. Senshi B's nose. Marcille's hair is important so i dont think she would have let it down for comfort. The Laioses were all different caricature of him (youthful femboy twink, super ableist stereotype of autism, giant hulking armored man). Real chilchuck got angry more often at not being recognized as the real deal. Senshi's marcille is an overexaggerated elven stereotype. Senshi B's nose. I love when the details aren't all spelled out. I think that's something more fiction should do, especially in mystery situations: drop hints and only directly point out a few. Because the details noticed by the characters tells you a little about them.
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und3rtal3s1h0p3 · 3 months
I think I’m having too much fun on whiteboard fox
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felsjustart · 4 months
Emerg Commissions
So my retina (right eye) detached (AGAIN) in the middle of my vacay in the states and i had to go to the emerg AND see a specialist/surgeon in 'murica before taking an emerg flight back home to Canada and my bills are gonna be so big ahsdffkjall;;; long story short, i'm gonna be reopening commissions again here soon while i'm on short term disability for a minimum of six fuckin' weeks (potentially longer once i have my follow up in two weeks). i'm gonna make some quirky name for them. like pirate commissions. cause i have only one working eye while the gas bubble gets reabsorbed. i was told that i'm essentially gonna get cataracts in this (right) eye from this vitrectomy cause the bubble is gonna fuck up my lens so that's ANOTHER surgery I'm gonna need down the line. And I'm supposed to be watching my other (left) eye for the inevitable time THAT one detaches. i am so grateful i live in canada rn and got the actual surgery done here but omigawd why cant i save any money or have nice things adfaks;l;;;;ka;rk ANYONE INTERESTED IN BUYING ART FROM ME?! What's your price range?? Gimme infos here or join my art discord for constant WIP's/updates on my commission status! -> Join Fels'ArtDump Server on Discord ! If you can't afford anything rn, I totes get it, but boosts/reblogs would be super appreciated! Full commission Info/examples Under the cut! WARNING: It is extremely image heavy!
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I can do mostly anything that's humanoidish including anthro/fat bodies/dad bods & bears/femboys & twinks/beards/muscle bound bodies/extremely thin & eviscerated bodies/disabled bodies/injuries & scars/gore/monster-parts/Virtual Tabletop Tokens/scene illustrations/nudity and so much more. Things like weaponry & armor is gonna take me a lot more rendering/time though, so your price will jump if those sorts of things end up in your commission, but I'm defs willing to give almost anything a shot (sans anything hateful/homophobic or transphobic or harmful ofc). Disability aids will be added at no extra charge (things like canes, wheelchairs & prosthetics). The more references you can give me upfront = the faster your commission will be completed.
These are the heafier examples, but even if you're looking for a quick sketch, hmu and I'll be happy to get you something of a sketchier quality for a cheaper price.
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bloobluebloo · 7 months
Ever notice how Link is usually like… a femboy. I mean sure he’s a man, but I do see some effeminate shit in there, especially in statute and in his face sometimes.
Meanwhile Ganon is full on hyper-masculine; standing at 7-8 feet tall, extremely muscular, sideburns or a beard, and literally everything about him screaming “man”
I was sitting on this ask because well... If your idea of what effeminate and what's masculine is based on looks alone, sure? But I take issue even with that sort of description. Just because Link is smaller than average, and has softer features, it doesn't make him effeminate by definition. That's sort of an insulting way to look at his character, and femininity in general? Link is comfortable in wearing anything. He doesn't care, as long as it suits his end goals. People constantly mock him for how small and weak he looks, but he brushes it off because he knows what he's capable of. He has an unwavering amount of confidence in that sense. He also will spend days in the wilderness hunting and foraging, will square with monsters several times his size, rolls in the mud and wades through bodies of water, will skydive without hesitating, and has a collection of weapons and armor that is the envy of all of Hyrule. He also handles horses, and can build literally anything on his own, from a carriage, to a house, to a destructive robot. He is very stoic, showing little emotion even in the face of the greatest dangers. These are all traditionally associated with masculinity. Let's look at Ganondorf. He cares a lot about his appearance, tailoring it carefully in order to achieve a certain effect of awe and desire for those who look upon him. He uses manipulation as one of his main tactics, and if we look at how he utilizes puppet Zelda, he uses manipulation tactics that I would say are more feminine with the giggling and the alluring beckoning. He even uses these same tactics in battle, laughing and grinning and beckoning Link to come after him. He is incredibly emotional, not quite adept at hiding what he is feeling. Wouldn't you say these traits are more...feminine in nature? However, that's all if we want to play into what stereotypically fits into these binaries, from looks to the way they behave, and personally I think it's just a very boring way to look at characters.
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