#armin x femreader
laviefantasie · 4 months
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Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Reader
Summary: It was just a childhood crush, right? If your heart skipped a beat every single time your eyes crossed or if your palms started to sweat with every lingering touch, it was just because of what you used to feel as a kid, right?
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It was just a childhood crush. Nothing else. That’s what you’d heard all your life. And who could really blame you with how close you two had always been? No one. Truly, everyone around you both had expected one of you to grow a crush sooner or later.
You just wish it hadn’t been you. Everything would’ve been easier then. Cause nothing was worst than having a crush on THE Eren Jaeger.
If only he had never smiled your way maybe your heart would’ve been spared.
Tears started gathering in your eyes as you stared at your best friend dancing with another of your close friends. You couldn’t even find it in your heart to be mad. How could you when you knew how sweet and kind Historia was? You couldn’t blame Eren for choosing her, if there was ever really a choice to make.
You try to move your gaze away but all your strength was gone. It was as if your brain was unwilling to hide the truth from your heart, as if it had finally been enough.
A comforting arm settles itself across your shoulders and a body soon finds itself in front of you, shielding you from the heartbreaking scene.
“Don’t look, Y/N” you hear Armin say, he’s the one holding you safe under his arm.
“Let’s go home” says Mikasa, who’s shielding your view.
You can’t find your voice so you just nod weakly. Your best friends seem to understand though, and soon both are guiding you to the doors of your school gymnasium where the homecoming dance is being held.
Honestly, you knew this would happen someday. Eren had never shown any sign of reciprocating your feelings.
It still hurt though.
Armin and Mikasa keep quiet throughout the drive home, both allowing you to feel safe in their silence; neither asking you to voice how you’re feeling at the moment. You’re thankful for them, without them you’re not sure you’d even think about the possibility of mending your broken heart.
“You sure you don’t want us to stay with you tonight?”
You stare at them with a blank gaze, slowly shaking your head.
Mikasa and Armin share a look before nodding in understanding, promising to come check on you tomorrow. Waiting until you’re inside your home before even moving towards their car.
Only once you’re sure you’re safe inside your house and that they have left the driveway is that you allow yourself to crumble.
“Mom” you whimper “Mom! MOM!”
Your body is shaking and your voice is a dead giveaway that something is wrong, which makes your mother wake up alarmed and run downstairs.
The sight she is greeted with is one that breaks her heart in a way not even your father’s death could.
Your knees are wobbling and your whole body is trembling, it’s a miracle she reaches you in time before you fall down, gathering you safely in her arms as you allow yourself to break down for the first time that night.
“Shhh, sweetheart. It’s okay. Whatever happened it’s okay”
You sob, gut wrenching sobs that make your mother want to shed a few tears herself.
You spend the night in your mother’s arms, crying until sleep finally catches up to you. It’s your mother who greets Armin and Mikasa the next day, whispering how you need more time before you’re ready to see them. Both quietly explain the situation to your mom and she promises to let them know as soon as you’re ready to see them.
You hug your blanket tighter around your body.
“It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart” she tries again, hugging you from behind “It was just a crush, it’ll be okay”
“It wasn’t a crush” you choke “Mom, I—I love him. I love him, mom”
Her eyes widen without your knowledge and she curses herself for not seeing it sooner. Of course it wasn’t a crush, at least not anymore.
The way you’d always cling to him since you were kids, the way you’d follow him everywhere, how you always helped him study so that he’d never fall behind, how you were at each of his basketball games screaming at the top of your lungs.
It may have started as a crush but you both had grown up, your feelings had grown too.
She should’ve seen it. You wouldn’t spend a whole night baking his favorite cake for his birthday when you could buy it just for a crush. You wouldn’t leave everything behind just to answer his call just for a crush. You wouldn’t be the first to clean his wounds after another of his stupid fights just for a crush.
You had fallen in love with him. With every part of him. Even the ones he, or anyone around him, was not proud of.
“Oh, honey” she soothes “It’ll be okay. You may not believe me, but you’ll be okay”
She sighs, holding you tighter.
“You’ll fall in love again” she promises “And it’ll be just as great and as painful as this time. But you’ll fall in love again”
“I don’t want this to hurt, mommy” you sob “Why does it have to hurt?”
“Because every feeling that made you go up has to come down sooner or later. Sweetie, the greater the love, the greater the pain. That’s the rule” she sighs “But it’ll be okay. You’re strong, you’ll get through this. You’re just one heartbreak closer to happily ever after, just have a little patience”
The next day, although still hurting, you get out of bed and answer Armin and Mikasa’s texts, asking them to come for a movie night. You ignored Eren’s.
JaegerBomb: Y/N you left homecoming early?? What happened?
JaegerBomb: You probably fell asleep. Text me when you wake up, doofus, got a lot to tell you.
JaegerBomb: Morning, sleeping beauty!!
JaegerBomb: Hey, I’m getting a little worried. U okay?
JaegerBomb; Y/N what’s going on?? Answer your phone.
JaegerBomb: I’m gonna file a missing person’s report!!
You hesitated before locking your phone. You weren’t going to answer. You couldn’t. Not because you were mad at him, you had no reason to be mad. You weren’t answering because you needed to move on. You couldn’t be there every time he texted anymore.
You had to stop being his person, cause you weren’t his.
Armin and Mikasa came to your house as planned and it was honestly what you had needed all that time. Having their shoulders to cry on was enough to mend your broken heart, at least a little. They made you laugh and smile in a way you didn’t think possible to do with the pain you felt.
You sometimes forgot that your life didn’t revolve around Eren. Being so used to always being at his side, to always call him whenever you were upset or happy, you’d sometimes forget that Mikasa and Armin always stood beside you through the path. Never once abandoning you. It was nice to be reminded of how much you still have, with how much your heart felt was losing.
Eren, meanwhile, was confused and worried. Carla, his mom, watched with a curious gaze as he paced back and forth in front of her, trying to argue with her about going to the police cause it wasn’t normal that you weren’t answering him.
“Eren, honey, she could be busy”
“No, mom, she always answers!” He almost screams “This is not normal! What if something happened to her? Mom, we have to go!”
It was truly an interesting sight. Eren who had grown up to hide his feelings behind a blank space was openly expressing his worry. Somehow you were always the one to let her catch a glimpse of her old sweet boy.
Carla sighs, “Can I at least call Y/M/N first? Just before you jump to conclusions?”
Eren grunts but nods. Carla sighs once more before grabbing her phone, dialing your mother’s number. Eren waits anxiously by her side, making her worry he’d run to the door any second with how fidgety he was.
“Hello. Carla?”
“Y/M/N! Hi! How are you?”
“Mom” Eren whines in a whisper, urging her to get to the point.
“Sorry to call, I just wanted to—”
A crash sounds through the phone, making both Jaeger’s jump.
“Y/N! What are you guys doing?” They hear your mom scream.
“Sorry, mom! I got scared and my bowl fell!”
Eren visibly relaxes in his place once your voice sounds through the phone. Carla eyes him with curiosity. He had his hand over his chest as if the relief of you not being in trouble was finally allowing him to breathe.
“Sorry, Carla. Y/N is watching some scary movie with Mikasa and Armin” she laughs “You know them, can never leave them unsupervised”
Eren straightens in his seat. Mikasa and Armin? You were with them?
He stopped listening to the conversation after that. Why weren’t you answering him? Since when did you text them before you texted him? Didn’t you know he’d worry? Even better, why didn’t you invite him? Didn’t you want him there?
That couldn’t be it. You never left his side. You were even more annoying than Mikasa when you were kids, always glued to his side. Although not as protective as the dark haired beauty, your presence was always clinging to his. That hadn’t changed throughout the years. You clung to him every step of the way. Always making sure to be at his side no matter what. Even when your grades were good enough to take higher classes, you stuck by him. Never going too fast, never going too slow; you always stood by him.
And he never pushed you away, not like he did with Mikasa. He never could.
He tries texting you again, thinking that maybe the texts hadn’t gone through. But he knows better. He just doesn’t want to know better.
When the weekend ends, Eren, for the first time ever, gets to school in time. Honestly, he just wanted to be there when you got there, not wanting to miss you by chance.
“Eren!” He hears Historia before she sees her “How was your weekend? I haven’t heard from you since the dance?”
“Huh?” Historia hugs him, but he’s too distracted scanning the hallway for you.
“Thank you so much” she smiles “I had a lot of fun. I was really sad Ymir couldn’t make it, but you help it be a fun night”
“Yeah. No problem”
Historia frowns confused, “You okay?”
“Have you seen Y/N?”
Historia tilts her head, “Yeah, she was by Calculus with Jea—woah! Where are you going?”
He’s out of her sight before she can even finish her sentence. All he could think about was seeing you.
He just didn’t expect to see you with Jean.
He stopped midway. His heart tightens as he sees you laugh happily because of something Jean just said. His fist clenches when he sees the way Jean is smiling at you.
He didn’t like the way Jean was looking at you.
The bell rings and he moves fast, scared to lose you from his sight, as you walk to your class. Imagine his surprise when he goes in to find you sitting with Jean. He frozed for a second. Was he still dreaming? You always sat with him. Always had. What was going on?
You look up from your notebook to see Eren looking like kicked puppy in front of you. He looked lost. Which was weird. Never had you ever seen that expression on his face.
Jean, who’s at you side, frowns in bewilderment. He didn’t remember the last time Eren had shown so much emotion.
“Eren” you whisper before smiling faintly “H-hi, I didn’t see you come in”
“What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?”
Your teacher comes in before he can open his mouth again and he soon is obligated to sit behind you with Marco.
His jaw clenches. He didn’t understand. Had he done something wrong? Why were you not sitting with him? Why even though you smiled at him did he feel you so distant? Why did it hurt him so much to see you smiling and whispering with Jean when he knows he is your friend?
He didn’t really pay attention to anything their teacher said, too lost in his own thoughts to even bother caring.
The bell rings and he jumps off his seat, but before he can catch you someone grabs his arm.
“Mikasa” he moves his arm but she doesn’t let him go “Mikasa, let go”
“Leave her alone, Eren”
He looks at her with no expression, though the girl for a second could see how his eyebrow twitched.
“I need to talk to her”
“Her world doesn’t revolve around you” she scoffs “So don’t act like it does”
“What do you mean?”
“Weren’t you just about to go ask her why she didn’t sit with you?” She raises a brow “She doesn’t have to be at your side 24/7”
He hates that she knows him so well. Hates even more that she is right. You don’t owe him anything, you can sit with whoever you want. So why did he felt the need for one?
He jerks his arm off Mikasa’s grip and scoffs. Maybe you just wanted to talk to Jean, things would go back to normal soon enough.
At lunch you didn’t say by him either, you sat in between Sasha and Mikasa. Laughing loudly while sharing your lunch with Braus. He naively waited for you to hand him the chocolate chip cookie you always made for him, yet this time you didn’t.
And it went on for two months.
He couldn’t handle it anymore. 62 days of agony waiting for you to turn to look at him first, just to never do it. 62 days of waiting hours before you text him back. 62 days of seeing you sit with everyone but him. 62 days of wondering if you’ll show up or not at his game. 62 days of being invited to movie nights at your house by Mikasa or Armin, never by you.
He couldn’t bare it anymore and it didn’t take long for his friends to notice. Emotionless and unbothered Eren Jaeger jumping out of his seat every single time you entered the room. Eren Jaeger who cannot stop clenching his fist and moving his leg when you haven’t made an appearance. Eren Jaeger who looks like a lost child every single time you don’t give him his attention.
They honestly grew tired of it.
“You need to talk to him”
You blink, confused, at Armin, “what?”
“It’s been two months, Y/N, and he looks like a kicked puppy. You need to talk to him”
“What am I supposed to say?”
“Just let him know you’re still friends. That you’re not mad at him” he sighs “Things don’t have to go back to how they were, but he deserves to know he did nothing wrong. He can’t stop pouting and, honestly, I feel kinda sorry for him”
You sigh. Armin is right, as always. It wasn’t fair for Eren, who is your best friend, to feel like he has done something wrong when he truly hasn’t. You needed to make things right. You needed to salvage your friendship with him.
That’s why you come to school the next day with a box of the homemade chocolate cupcakes he loves so much.
That’s why you stand in front of your school’s doors waiting for him to arrive.
Your heart clenches with how defeated he looks once he does. And when your eyes find one another, you can physically see the hope and relief that he feels.
“Y/N” he sighs.
“Eren” you smile “I, uh… I wanted to apologize. I know I’ve been a little distant lately and—”
“Why?” He begs “Why have you been distant?”
You open and close your mouth, your finger tightening around the box in your hands. You had to be honest. You had to voice what you had silenced for so long. That way you would be able to move on, that way he’d understand why you needed to keep him at arm’s length.
“I, uh, um… I sa-saw you and His-Historia at the dance” you clear your throat “It wasn’t your fault! I swear I’m not mad and I never was! It’s just—it just hurt… that’s why I needed space. I liked you and it hurt”
You sigh, and extend the box towards him before slightly bowing your head.
“I’m sorry!”
You stay with your head down for a few seconds. He doesn’t move nor answers and it makes you wonder if he is mad you didn’t just tell him sooner, if he thinks you’re immature for not talking to him before so he could understand.
You feel the box being taken from your hands and before you can react you feel him lower his body, making you stand straight. Yet his face still falls on your shoulder. You feel his body relax as soon as it comes in contact with yours, and you feel him breathe in relief once he can feel your lavender scent. You don’t move, you don’t know exactly what to do in that moment. Does this mean he understands? Does it mean he is not mad? Are you both okay?
“I missed you” he whispers “I missed you so much”
“I—I missed you too, Eren”
“Never do that again” he begs softly “Please. Never leave me again”
“I, uh—I won’t”
“It’s you, Y/N” he continues “It’s always been you”
Your heart beats loudly in your chest at the declaration, yet confusion follows.
“But Histo—?”
“Historia was just sad Ymir couldn’t make it to the dance” he explains softly “I went to help her forget about it for a while”
“It’s you, Y/N. Always has been, always will be” he continues “Promise not to give up on me? Please. I just—please, don’t leave me”
You find yourself wrapping your arms around him, and he hides his face on your neck with content and relief.
“I promise”
The next time your friends see you both, you’re no longer clinging to him. Instead, Eren has his arm around your shoulders, holding you close to him. And, for the first time in a long time, he is smiling. That boyish smile they had all missed.
Your mom had been right. It was just one heartbreak before your happily ever after. She just didn’t know it would be the same person who’d mend it.
You just had to have a little patience.
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slutsukio · 5 months
study date. (bf!armin x blk!femreader)
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in the heart of academia, where the fragrance of knowledge lingered, you and armin ventured into the sacred realm of the campus' library, bright and early─ 5 o'clock in the morning to be precise. the atmosphere was charged with the palpable anticipation of impending final exams, a collective buzz of students immersed in the rigors of preparations for a plethora of upcoming tests. amidst this sea of focused scholars your eyes met a diverse array of individuals engrossed in their respective studies.
the daunting task that loomed before you and armin was the mastery of ASL by the approaching monday. while both of you possessed a foundational understanding of the basics ─ the fluid conversations, the nuanced expressions, and the art of signing in tandem with spoke words ─the nerve-wracking reality emerged from the knowledge that seven seasoned and professional sign language interpreters would scrutinize your skills and presentations.
in the light of this challenge, the hours unfolded as a crucible of dedication and meticulous practice. each minute, you and armin delved deeper into the intricacies of ASL, refining your signs and perfecting the synchronicity of your expressions. the library, once merely a backdrop for academic exploration, transformed into a haven for the relentless pursuit of linguistic finesse.
as the hours progressed, the weight of the imminent presentation hung in the air, motivating both of you to strive for nothing short of perfection. the goal was clear ─ to deliver a flawless performance that would not only showcase your proficiency in ASL but also captivate the attention of those seven discerning interpreters.
the clock had barely struck noon when you and armin decided to take a respite from your intensive study session, finding a quiet alcove amidst the library's towering shelves. releasing a contented sigh that resonated with the weight of a momentary relaxation, you indulged in a luxuriously deep stretch, your body unwinding like a cast basking in the warmth of the sun.
as your muscles surrendered to the stretch, you shifted your gaze toward armin, a genuine smile playing upon your lips, a manifestation of the unspoken joy derived from the simplicity of the moment. with an appreciative glint in your eyes, you deliberately took in the details of his features─ the sun-kissed strands of his blonde hair, the depth of his cerulean eyes that held a multitude of stories, and the subtle allure of his soft pink lips.
observing the rosy hue that painted his cheeks in the aftermath of maintaining prolonged eyes contact, you couldn't help but notice the subtle yet undeniable impact it had on him; a silent exchange that lingered in the air like an unspoken connection. the shared laughter that followed echoes with the resonance of newfound understanding, a bridge of camaraderie spanning the distance between you. in the wake of this unspoken exchange, a question lingered on the tip on your tongue, and as you parted your lips, you felt the weight of curiosity intermingled with the delicate dance of unspoken words.
in the cocoon of that tranquil pause, you breached the subject of mutual aquaintances, "how's connie doing these days? i heard about what happened at the game, sasha told me, and i heard he popped his leg out of place. is he better?" the concern in your inquiry echoed through the air, a testament to the bonds that tethered your lives together and the genuine interest you held for the well-being of your friends.
armin released a heavy sigh, the weight of concern evident in the furrow of his brow and the weariness that seemed to settle on his shoulders, prompting him to scoot his chair closer to the table, running his fingers through his silky hair, he began to unravel the table of a recent mishap, unfolding a narrative of injury that went far beyond a mere inconvenience.
"the doctor had to pop it back in place," armin disclosed, his voice carrying the echo of empathy for connie, "and he has to walk with crutches for the next three weeks." the gravity of the situation hung in the air, casting a somber shadow over the room. armin, who continued to relay the complete picture, continued, "then, on top of all that stuff, he has to do physical therapy before he can even entertain the thought of being back on the field."
as armin shared this intricate web of challenges and setbacks, you couldn't contain the spontaneous "damn," that slipped through the air like an unintentional sigh. this unexpected outburst, accompanied by a chuckle that escaped your lips, lingered in the atmosphere, a momentary lapse in the gravity of armin's narrative that perhaps wasn't needed at that exact juncture. realizing the time of your reaction, you quickly offered a sheepish apology, "sorry." the word woven with a sincerity but also a half-assed awkward laugh, seeking to mend the delicate fabric of the conversation.
in response, a soft smirk danced onto armin's face, a subtle acknowledgement that, despite the seriousness of the shared tales, your momentary lapse had added a touch of unexpected levity to the exchange. "well, boohoo for him," you continued, your voice taking on a playfully dismissive tone as you sought to downplay the weight of armin's challenges. "like i always say, it aint none of my business-" your sentence hung in the air, poised to continue, but before you could add another layer to your commentary, a sassy ahem cut through the air, the unmistakable sound of the librarian's disapproval punctuating the moment with a touch of stern interruption.
the librarian's gaze, sharp as the edge of a well-worn book, fell upon them— a silent warning echoing through the air and casting an almost tangible aura of disapproval. feeling the weight of that stern scutiny, you exchanged a perplexed look with armin, your eyes seeking answers within the depths of his expression. turning back to the librarian, a subtle ballet of facial expressions unfolded— your eyebrows knit together in a quizzical fashion, followed by a dismissive eyeroll that conveyed a mix of frustration and nonchalance. with a dismissive shake of your head, you refocused your attention on armin, seamlessly resuming your conversation with him despite the looming disapproval.
undeterred by your nonchalant disregard, the librarian, an imposing figure draped in an air of authority, advanced toward your secluded corner. her disapproving gaze now took on a vocal form as she delivered a speech about the perceived disrespect you two were displaying, disrupting the studious ambiance for other diligent students. despite your strategic position tucked away from the prying ears of your fellow scholars, the librarian seemed determined to voice her disapproval.
as she embarked on her lecture, you prepared a retort, ready to stand your ground against the unjust accusation. "first and foremost-" you began, a spark of defiance in your eyes. however, armin, ever the voice of reason, interjected, offering a sincere apology in a bid to diffuse the escalating tension and avoid further trouble.
the librarian, though not entirely convinced, graced you both with a half-hearted smile before waddling away, a symbolic retreat but with lingering scrutiny, watching over you like a vigilant dog guarding its territory. seizing the momentary reprieve, you kicked armin's leg, a clandestine exchange in the aftermath of the librarian's watchful gaze.
in the tense silence, you dared to challenge the silence. you signed to armin, "that strict bitch got me fucked up." your fingers moving with precision. armin cracked a smile, and a soft laugh, before it was contained with his serious face— which he could not hold. a daring comment on the librarian's serious countenance elicited the first whispers of shared laughter.
armin, his expressive hands translating his thoughts into graceful features, embarked on signing soliloquy, articulating the depth of your disdain towards the librarian and how he found it both audacious and amusing. even as he chastised you for the audacity of your words— well in this case, signs, —a subtle symphony of amusement played on his lips, manifesting as a soft chuckle that gracefully danced through the air with each sign, weaving together the threads of his disapproval and shared amusement.
your frustration bubbled over as you signed back to him, a clear expression of discontent etched across your face, "i don't care how mean it is, she should've waddled her saggy-titty ass over to those kids over there who're munching so loudly you can hear it from a mile away." the intensity of your annoyance was palpable, yet a paradoxical twist of humor tugged at the corners of your lips as your fingers signed your frustration.
in the midst of your evident frustration, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded – laughter, like an unexpected gust of wind, swept through the solemnity of the moment. the dichotomy between your exasperation and the absurdity of the situation struck a chord, and an involuntary laugh escaped your lips. this unexpected release triggered a domino effect onto armin, who, caught in the whirlwind of conflicting emotions, joined you in a symphony of laughter.
hands instinctively rose to cover faces and mouths, desperately attempting to stifle the burgeoning laughter, but it proved futile. laughter, contagious and unrestrained, echoed through the air like a rebellious melody. in the shared absurdity of the moment, you and armin found yourselves caught in a loop of hilarity, your attempts to quell the laughter only intensifying its persistence. the library, a bastion of silence, momentarily surrendered to the raucous symphony of mirth you both unwittingly orchestrated.
as the librarian, her patience threads worn thin, strode over to our secluded corner, the air in the library seemed to tense, much like the yellowed pages of a time-worn volume about to surrender to the weight of ages. with a demeanor as stern as the rigid silence she enforced, she brought her presence to bear on our animated study session. in a moment, akin to the snap of an old volume's spine yielding to the passage of countless readings, her restraint unraveled.
the second warning followed swiftly, a non-negotiable decree delivered with the eloquence of a stern flick of her fingers. it marked the abrupt end of our scholarly haven, and you and armin found yourselves unceremoniously expelled from the temple of quiet learning. the librarian, a harbinger of order in this sanctuary of knowledge, insisted on our immediate departure, scolding us for the transgression of laughter in her sacred space of silence.
as we gathered our belongings, a ripple of amusement still clinging to our senses, you and armin exchanged glances. you, sprawled on the floor in a fit of uncontrollable laughter, and armin, tears streaming down his face from the unexpected hilarity of the disrespectful moment, shared a moment of connection amidst the chaos. in that shared gaze, the laughter echoed louder than the librarian's reprimand, transcending the confines of the library's strict decorum and etching a memory of a rebellious, yet delightful, escape from the temple of silence.
beyond the weighty portals of the library, liberation unfolded with a saccharine taste, and the resonance of their laughter, akin to a clandestine elixir, cascaded through the echoing corridors. in the shadowy recesses, you and armin, you guys' backs pressed against the frigid walls, imbibed the bitter-sweet irony of their ejection from the sanctum of silence. the solemnity of scholarly pursuit clashed harmoniously with the exuberant and indomitable spirit of youth.
"perhaps," armin mused, his voice a thoughtful cadence, "we might find solace in a locale less draconian in its demand for silence." he delicately wiped away the remnants of laughter-induced tears, exhaling a deep sigh that metamorphosed into an affable smile, a blend of mirth and contemplation.
in response, you, still caught in the remnants of amusement, nodded with a grace that echoed understanding. "a haven where the librarian of knowledge not only tolerates but appreciates the symphony of humor might be our refuge." a melodic chuckle escaped your lips, harmonizing with the lingering echoes of laughter, as you embarked on a leisurely stroll down the corridor, transforming the expulsion from the library into a vibrant and enlightening chapter in your unconventional yet knowledge-filled study session.
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❁ suki speaking — fun study session with armin, followed with lots of laughter and scolding!! this was fun to write ngl. the longest oneshot i ever wrote. ts was 2k words, hell. this was meant for neso + all the armin fanboys / fangirls, and his ass better ready every one of these 2,017 words. ok byee guys, im gna go work on my ocs now :3.
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estrellamorningstar · 4 months
18+ ONLY
a/n: I´m fairly new to AOT, but Levi obsession is real. This is purely for fun, but feedback is very welcome, I would love to write characters as close to what the general feeling about them is. Also, I am very very new to writing smut, so feedback is definitely needed!
Summary: You´re desperate to get a praise from Captain Levi, and praise you get. Captain Levi x femreader
Warnings: 18+, smut, a lot of smut
Word Count: 8339
          Having two cleanliness-obsessed people in the squad might have been entertaining for the others, but Levi´s attitude is starting to get to you. Captain Levi´s attitude that is. And he never fails to remind you that you´re answering to him. If he says that the silverware that you have been polishing for the last 4 hours needs to be polished all over again, you bet your ass you will sit until the small hours of the night, polishing cutlery. It didn´t help that all the cleaning was done after strenuous training sessions when all you wanted to do was lie down in the sun and enjoy your free time for a little while. 
          Today, after being beaten up by Mikasa over and over again, you were actually looking forward to your duty of cleaning down the kitchen and organizing the supplies. Kitchen has always been your favorite place to clean, mainly because all the gossip was brought right into the kitchen by food-thieves, especially Sasha, who thought that she was fooling you by distracting you with a loud conversation while clearly shoving whatever food she could get her hands on in her pockets. 
     ´´Oi, clean freak,´´ Levi´s voice is enough to make you wonder what you´ve done now. Your hand freezes on the door knob to the kitchen and you turn to face your Captain. Your body is already tense, ready to stand your ground - the fucking silverware looked like new after you were done with it at 2am the night before and you´re not doing it again. Besides, all you want to hear from him is just one praise. The best you have ever gotten from him was a half a nod and an evening off, but he´s always there to tell you off for the most ridiculous details. There was a time he made you deep clean his office because after sweeping the hallway some of the dust had found its way into his office.
     ´´At ease,´´ his face is as stoic as ever, the glint of amusement doesn´t escape your attention though because you´re better at reading people than most of those around you who have poured in hours of studying Titan behavior. You stand still, giving him the most defiant look that you can get away with. Pushing his limits has always been your favorite pass time, but then again, that might be the reason you don´t get as much sleep as the rest of the Corps.
     ´´You´re on laundry duty today,´´ Levi announces. You groan and your shoulders slouch. Laundry is by far the worst of the cleaning tasks, you much preferred cleaning the stalls,´´the uniforms have started to change color,´´ Levi raises his voice slightly when he sees an argument brewing behind your eyes. He has become frustratingly good at reading you recently. You also have been getting the most punishment from all of the Squads. Armin suggested that it´s Levi´s ability to read you that has gotten you into cleaning duty so often. He also suggested that the reason for that is that you´re the only person around here that actually gets invested in cleaning and does it to Levi´s standards, but he can´t afford to show favoritism. You disagree with Armin, however, and have decided that Levi is an asshole and he will move on from annoying you when he finds another target once you stop defying his authority. And so you count to ten, trying to keep your demons inside you. Sometimes it´s easier than others.
´´But...´´ your attempts to argue are cut short by Levi turning away from you and walking off. The way his grey shirt is practically painted on and emphasizes his muscly back freezes you in your spot longer than necessary. Your daydreams have often turned from fantasizing about punching the Captain in his smug face to being pinned against the door of his office and punished  for misbehaving. You bite back the arguments you´ve already listed in your mind and use all your energy to  keep your mouth shut before he forces you to do two laundry shifts. Doing laundry is pretty bad, doing laundry for more than one day is really bad. You notice Levi turning his head slightly as he keeps walking away, probably expecting you to shout something while he´s in your earshot. His hearing is another thing that has gotten you in trouble before. You roll your eyes and head to the laundry room. 
          When you walk in the damp, cold, concrete room you´re met with the musty smell of used uniforms that look like they have been thrown into the room with no consideration. When you realize that the water tank is empty and there is no wood to heat the water up you give up any hopes for dinner. You grab a bucket and just as you´re about to open the door it swings open quickly. An arm appears and another clothing article gets thrown into the corner.  But before the door shuts you grab the arm of the culprit and pull the owner of it inside.
     ´´Luke!´´ You punch the already confused man in his arm and he lets out a pathetic Ouch, what was that for? 
     ´´What duty are you on?´´ You ask aggressively, Luke takes a step back with his hands raised in defense, but you push him against the door, knocking air out of his lungs. You have seen him breathless before, but that was after a particularly rough mission outside of the walls. Seeing your friends die had made you want to feel alive. Luke seemed to have had the same idea and you spent a meaningless night sneaking around and finding different quiet spots indulging in each other´s bodies. It was one selfish night but he has never let you forget it.
     ´´Silverware, you know Captain´s obsessed with it,´´ Luke flashes one of his boyish grins. If he thought that bragging about basically having a night off will impress you, he couldn´t have been any more wrong. The silverware is perfect and you made sure to let everybody know about it during training today. 
     ´´You´re bringing me wood,´´ you demand. He owes you for asking you to do inspections before Levi has a chance to. Everybody is fed up with getting punished for not meeting Captain´s criteria and people would often come to you to spot things that might not be up to par with Levi´s standards. And they would be the ones getting praised for a good job, which just added to your desperate attempts to get the same praise said directly to you.
     ´´Oh I can give you wood, sweetheart,´´ Luke winks at you and, even though you cringe at the awful attempt to flirt, for a moment you get reminded that the last time you got any kind of release was in this very room, with this very man. Your features soften and you contemplate the logistics of the proposal, but a musty smell reaches your nose and you punch him one more time for a good measure. 
     ´´Half an hour is all I ask of you, Luke, just get me wood and water,´´ you look at him desperately. He is stronger than you are, what you can carry he can carry double. 
     ´´Water as well?´´ Luke rubs the spot you have punched him repeatedly in and shakes his head. ´´No way.´´ 
     ´´But you´re so strong,´´ you decide to go soft with him, your voice turns sweet as honey as you run a hand over his chest and look up at him through your eyelashes. Luke swallows hard. ´´I will owe you.´´ 
Luke´s lips curl into a smug smile, he clearly hasn´t been touched by anybody for a while either. He stands up straight and runs a hand up your neck and through your hair. You lean your head into his touch, involuntarily. You know his body already, so the touches aren´t foreign to you. In fact, he had kept you awake for a whole night for a good reason. Besides, the lack of sleep and the dimness of the room is making you forget your duty and you find yourself leaning towards Luke on your tip toes. His hand moves to the back of your head and pulls you towards him. It started as a silly attempt to get him to help you out but now you find yourself incapable of stopping yourself.
          Your lips are about to be reminded of each other´s taste, but the door gets slammed open and Luke gets knocked off balance. He crashes into you causing you to trip over your own feet. Luke reaches out and manages to grab you by your waist with a firm grip. You see another dirty uniform fly through the air over you and a rage builds in your chest so fast you´re ready to fight the next person who does the same. You quickly find your balance, detaching yourself from Luke´s grip. You step away from him and take off your jacket aggressively.
     ´´Wood and water. Now,´´ you growl at Luke and place your jacket on the hook on the door, a tad harder than you intended to. He takes the buckets for water and wood with a quick, sharp movement and stalks off, clearly annoyed. You spend the next hour sorting out the uniforms and organizing piles to be washed, and screaming at people who show up with more dirty laundry. The amount of piles you have in front of you don´t do anything for your morale. 
          Luke fills up the water tank and helps you set up the fire. He watches you roll up your sleeves and you can tell that he´s debating something. He is about to say something as he takes a step closer to you with an awkward hand running through his thick hair. 
     ´´Just go,´´ you snap at him before he distracts you from your duty any longer. He had been trying to get you to go for a walk, as he put it, many times, but, as much fun as you had, it could get too messy for your liking, and to be honest, it wasn´t anything to write home about. You much preferred to stay out of the gossip, although the whole squad had been giving the two of you stupid looks for weeks after your endeavors, Captain Levi included. Although, Levi seemed to be annoyed rather than amused. Who could tell though, he only had two moods, annoyed and very annoyed. Luke sighs and leaves you to your own thoughts. 
          You spend hours scrubbing the shirts and hanging them out to dry. The piles don´t seem to be getting smaller and your hands are becoming sensitive from the soap, but you enjoy how clean and fresh the shirts smell and look. You decide to get some fresh air before continuing the nearly impossible task. You walk into the small courtyard used for drying the clothes and inhale deeply. The cold air draws attention to your soaking shirt. You have managed to drench yourself with soapy water and the damp material against your skin makes you feel dirty. 
     ´´Are you not eating dinner tonight, you brat?´´ a low, commanding voice comes from inside. You turn to look at Levi and notice a small plate of food in his hands. Suddenly you realize just how hungry you are, the food looks delicious too. He holds out the plate and when you cautiously take it from his hands he nods in approval. ´´You have to eat, we can´t afford to have you tired and hungry.´´ 
You follow him inside and watch him inspect the piles of the clean shirts you have folded up on the table. You lean against the door frame and hungrily eat the soft bread and cheese he brought you. Levi doesn´t say anything as he picks up random shirts and looks at them closely. Silence from Levi is almost like a praise, normally he has a comment or two stored for you, but you watch your Captain in silence. Maybe the encounter with Luke had awoken your carnal brain, but you can´t help yourself and appreciate that Levi is a rather handsome man. 
     ´´I want you to wash my shirt next, I need it for tomorrow,´´ his words snap you out of your silent admiration of the Captain as he turns to you and you nod. His grey shirt is a mystery to you, he seems to value it for some reason and you rarely see him not wearing it. He slips his fingers under the fabric and slides the shirt over his head. Your teeth have sank into the bread, but you´re too distracted to bite down. The fire reflects against his skin, each muscle and scar exaggerated by the dancing flames. He is in a perfect shape, but what gets your animal brain go haywire is seeing the Captain Levi half naked in front of you. Your eyes fall to the perfectly curved v-line disappearing somewhere below the belt and you finally manage to bite down and swallow the bread that´s already disintegrating in your mouth.
     ´´You want to tell me that a little bit of skin is what it takes to shut you up?´´ Levi´s amusement reaches your consciousness and you snap your eyes back to his. He is standing almost in front of you, holding his shirt out. You put the plate of food on the table and take the shirt from him, it´s still warm from his body heat and your body is warm from how close he´s standing to you. You´re doing your best to keep your eyes locked on his, ´´I would have thought that your late night rendezvous with Luke would have helped you out in that regard.´´ 
Is that resentment you hear in his voice? You watch him pick up one of the uniforms. As he puts on the clean shirt a part of you mourns his skin disappearing under the buttons. You´re still grasping the thin material of his shirt in your hand.
     ´´Be gentle with it, brat. It´s older than you,´´ Levi´s voice is demanding again as he points at the shirt in your hand. He walks through the door, but just before he shuts it he turns to you, ´´And clean up the mess, the floor is filthy.´´ 
           You grit your teeth and for the second time today try to keep your anger buried under your skin. Only Levi could get you to wonder what his skin would feel like on your tongue and lose your temper within a minute. This has been a regular occurrence. Levi will sometimes supervise your cleaning, quietly. You could have sworn you have seen him checking you out several times, but you have never seen him look at you for long enough to accuse him of anything, besides you didn´t mind. Levi is an attractive man, and he has often been fuel to your more sinful fantasies. You have always wondered what´s under his clothes, and now you´re halfway there. You shake that thought away and curse at yourself for acting like a teenage girl. First Luke, now Levi messing with your head. You will have to sort yourself out whenever you get a chance. 
          You look at the shirt in your hands and the smell of Levi overwhelms you. Eucalyptus and something else that you can´t quite place. You hadn´t realized that Levi had  a specific smell, but he does.  You notice small specks of blood on the material and wonder which poor bastard got tortured this time. Levi´s torture methods are famous for being effective and... bloody. 
          You take care of his shirt and put it out to hang. The next few hours are uneventful, but you get through all the piles of clothes. Once the floor is mopped and the last pair of trousers gets folded into a neat square you pick up a pile of uniforms for your squad, Levi´s shirt included, and head to your building. The clock just strikes midnight as you walk through the door. Not bad you think to yourself. 6 hours of sleep is the most you will have gotten in months. You take off your boots and leave them by the door and silently creep up the stairs and down the hallway, trying to stay as quiet as possible. 
         As you pass Levi´s office you notice that light has been left on. You grin to yourself. It´s a small win, but it´s a win. He has gone out of his way so many times to point out that you forget to turn off the light. Unfairly so, because most of the time you just leave the room for a short moment and upon return find him tutting at you for wasting precious petroleum. 
          You place the uniforms on a chest of drawers in the hallway and remove Levi´s shirt from the top of the pile. Levi´s office is perfectly clean as always. You place his shirt on the corner of his desk and just as you lean over the desk to extinguish the light you hear movement behind you. 
     ´´Thanks for the shirt,´´ Levi´s voice comes from a dark corner of the office. It looks like he´s been sleeping in the small sofa. Levi never seems to be sleeping, you have a feeling that what you´re seeing is how he spends his time resting, one eye open, half asleep, just waiting to serve his duty. His feet are propped up on a coffee table, but you can´t see much more. You press your fist against your chest in a mock salute and turn to leave. As far as you´re concerned you have done your duty. Your arms are aching from all the work you´ve done and a reminder of Mikasa´s strength is pulsating against your skin. 
     ´´Wait,´´ Levi stands up and walks over to you. You already feel annoyed at the prospect of having to walk all the way back to the laundry house and having to scrub it clean for another two hours. He inspects your eyes and then his gaze drops to your chest and you feel conscious of your soaking wet shirt. 
     ´´Why are you always so defensive?´´ Levi leans against his desk in front of you, his arms  crossed across his chest. You find his eyes, barely visible in the dim light. His question seems genuine, but your body has already tensed up, being ridiculed is the last thing you need tonight. 
     ´´I´ve always had to fight for my place in the world,´´  your tone is stiff. 
     ´´We all have. The moment you let go of that pride of yours you will become a better soldier,´´ Levi´s words hit you like a hammer. Pride?! 
     ´´I´m not proud,´´ you snarl through gritted teeth. ´´Re-doing mind numbing chores is not going to help me improve, L-... Captain.  I do as I´m told, I don´t have to enjoy every waking moment.´´ 
     ´´Everybody is doing chores, you brat,´´ he says quietly, his demeanor hasn´t changed, even when he´s reprimanding people he rarely changes his facial expression. You look at him in silence. You start feeling like you´ve been building resentment for Levi for so long that you have taken every one of his orders personally. He allows you to come to the conclusion yourself. 
     ´´The silverware was polished to perfection though, there was no need for me to do it for hours on end´´ you mutter. Levi scoffs and you look at him, annoyed. 
     ´´Is that what´s got your panties in a twist?´´ he scoffs again and stands up straight. ´´You want me to tell you what a good job you´re doing?´´ 
               You nod, shamelessly. He has taken a step closer to you. You have to look down to meet his eyes, he isn´t a tall man, but the respect he gets by just walking in a room is immense, he even has you stay silent more often than not. It´s hard to read Levi´s expression, but his proximity reminds you of your wet shirt again. 
     ´´Did Luke tell you what a good job you were doing?´´ You aren´t sure you heard it right. He´s less than a foot away from you, the soap from the freshly washed shirt has become your favorite smell in the world and you don´t even know it yet. 
     ´´Well? Or did he just keep asking you how much you like his dick?´´ You feel heat travel up your neck and face, the dim light is a saving grace, but you feel mortified. Had the two of you really been that reckless? 
     ´´How...´´ you begin your question but it gets lost in your throat.
     ´´The nights are quiet here, the sound carries,´´ he points at his open window. You realize that his window is facing the garden where you had broken down in tears and Luke had found you. One thing had led to another and neither of you had even thought about the dark building in front of you. The blood is now painfully pulsating at the surface of your skin, your whole body is burning up from the realization. He walks past you, slightly brushing your shoulder. The door closes with a soft thump. Your ears pick up his steps and you feel him linger behind you. 
     ´´Now... Are you going to let me work out our frustrations so that both of us can do our duty, or...´´ you feel his body almost touching you, but not quite yet, ´´are you going to keep being stubborn and pretend that you haven´t fantasized about this? ´´ Your body is as tense as ever. You wonder if he´s testing you and you´re about to get laughed at, although admittedly that is not something Levi has time for.
     ´´Say something,´´ Levi steps in front of you, his eyes have become softer, but you still feel cautious about the situation. ´´Do you want this or not?´´ 
You nod subtly, if he starts laughing, you hope to pass it for a head shake. Your nape is tingling and you´re ready to run, humiliation is something you have had to deal with your whole life from those in charge and your answer has always been - run. But Levi doesn´t laugh. He sighs. 
     ´´Speak up, OCD,´´ you realize he´s asking for your permission. Your body is his to break when you spend hours doing physical work for the Corps, but you have noticed that even though he hovers near you he has not laid a single finger on you. You´re still wary to answer, even though the neediness for his touch has already started to build somewhere in your core. ´´It will be a sleepless night, but I will make it worth your time. Would you like that? You have to say yes or no,´´ he speaks quietly, quickly, impatiently. You feel like saying yes would make you seem desperate, but the more time you spend in his presence the more desperate you become. 
     ´´Yes or no?´´
     ´´Of course it´s a yes,´´ you finally snap, the silence in the room and the intensity in Levi´s words made you feel reprimanded by Captain Levi again, for no reason... again. ´´You can read my body language, what do you want me to say..´´  your rant gets cut short by a surprisingly firm kiss. You let his tongue in your mouth and a desperate moan gets lost in the kiss, you don´t even know if it was yours or his. He suddenly steps away, breaking your kiss, your lips are left with the taste of sweet, strong tea on them, a hint of eucalyptus reaches your nose. Your fight or flight kicks in... this is it, it was only a game. 
     ´´Take off that filthy shirt,´´ Levi utters in disgust. You had forgotten all about the shirt you´d been desperate to take off for the majority of the night. You unbutton it with shaky fingers and he snatches it from you. You can tell that he´s debating where to put a shirt he might as well consider to be a bio-hazard. He finally settles for the waste basket. You have no time to protest because he pulls your head down and his lips are back on yours. 
         His hands travel up your spine and he pulls you against his body. You can´t resist any longer and a muffled sound disappears between your lips as you run your fingers through his hair. You have always wondered what his hair would feel like, more so than his body. Levi´s hair is soft, but your fingers get lost in the shorter hair of his undercut. His tongue becomes slower and more sensual, it sends an anxious energy through your body and lingers between your legs. 
          He guides your body and you find your ass pressed up against the desk. Levi´s hands slide up the back of your thighs and he masterfully lifts you up, your hands instinctively drop down to his shoulders. It takes him no effort to place you on the table and you feel his muscles shifting beneath your touch. You´re still deep down each other´s throats, building up the need between the two of you takes no effort, but you´re still cautious about touching the least approachable man in your life.
          His hands have a firm grip on your thighs and when he pulls you to the edge of the desk your mind goes fuzzy. Levi presses up against you while still holding on your thighs, both of you inhale sharply and for a moment Levi´s lips leave yours. You watch him unbutton his shirt and the scent of soap hits you. He shakes out the shirt and folds it neatly, it almost looks like he´s forgotten his promise. You raise an eyebrow. 
     ´´I´m not a savage,´´ Levi leans over you causing you to lean backwards with him. His body is warm and firm against your soft skin, and he places the folded shirt at the farthest corner of the desk. Levi´s eyes are locked on yours through the whole process and the light reflects fire in his eyes making him look as sweet as sin with his hair disheveled and falling over his eyes. His leg hooks yours and pushes it up as he crawls on the table on top of you and you find yourself flat on your back on the wooden surface, pressed down by his hard body.
          Levi´s holding himself up on his arms as he watches your face and slowly grinds his hips into you causing you to bite back a moan, the position he has your leg is giving him a whole lot of access to a very dangerous angle. It also makes you wonder what that angle could do if you didn´t have anything separating your flesh. He grinds into you again, with a more calculated, firm circle motion that makes it harder for you to react quietly. The corner of his lip twitches and he crashes his lips against your lips, drowning another moan as he continues the challenging task of finding the spot through the thick fabric that send shivers through your body. You eagerly arch your back to aid him in his exploration, but he puts his hand on your stomach and holds you down. 
     ´´Patience, you brat,´´ he mutters against your lips and you don´t mind to be his brat, not in the position he has you. 
          You´re a whimpering mess under him in no time, but Levi seems to be more intrigued by how your body responds to his touch. When his lips start finding their way down your body, starting at that sweet spot between your ear and jaw, you´re at his full mercy. He seems to know exactly where to linger for a while longer, putting just the right pressure with his tongue to make your breaths shallow and needy. You wonder if his talent at reading body language comes from torturing people for so long, but at this point you´d confess to anything he´d ask.
          When Levi slides off the desk and pulls you towards the edge of the table with strong arms once more you see the fire in his eyes, and it´s not the one reflected from the light. He looks at you through the strands of hair that cover his face in such a seductive way you doubt you will be able to look at him without getting wet ever again. Levi´s fingers trace your curves, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. When he reaches your belt you can do nothing else but lift your ass off the desk to help him remove the one thing that has been in your way of pure pleasure. He folds your pants to your amusement, but his eyes are hungrily exploring your body.
     ´´Take off your bra,´´ Levi demands as he places your folded pants on top of his shirt. You sit up and obey. The way his jaw clenches once you unclasp your bra and let it drop from your body makes your nipples craving his lips. His hands are on your hips and he´s leaning up to taste your lips. His hips align perfectly with yours and you bite down on Levi´s bottom lip to prevent you from whimpering from his slow, measured thrusts. 
          He runs his tongue across your chin and down your throat, making the animal part of your brain painfully awake, the instinctual sense of danger elaborates every sensation. He keeps making his path downwards, making your body react to his soft bites in ways that you didn´t think possible. You take in a sharp breath when Levi sucks a nipple in his mouth and runs his tongue over it. 
         You´re lost in the way his masterful tongue teases your sensitive tips, the sight of your Captain being so into your body is like a dream you never even dared of having. You close your eyes for a moment, enjoying the moment. You feel his hand trail your inner thigh with firm fingers and open your eyes just in time for him to reach the edge of your panties. He looks up at you and you meet his gaze as he kisses a trail down the center of your stomach. He presses his lips against your hip bone as you feel a firm tug and your panties come off. 
          Levi straightens up and scans your body like he would when it came to uniforms, you straighten your back without even thinking about it. He holds your chin in the palm of his hand and you realize just how long his fingers are. You cautiously run your hand up his arm, pressing your fingertips in his skin, committing each muscle, each imperfection to your memory. A firm thumb traces your cupid´s bow slowly then moves to your lower lip, pulling your lips apart. 
     ´´Open up,´´ Levi´s voice works like a key to your body, your lips part without putting too much thought into the process. When you open your lips his thumb slips between your lips and you suck it in your mouth gently. Your hand has reached the back of his neck and found his hair once more. As you circle your tongue over the tip of his thumb you hear a low groan escape Levi´s lips. But when he utters Good girl through gritted teeth and a held breath you feel a jolt of electricity run through to your core. You shift yourself nervously on the desk and a glint of sinfulness crosses Levi´s eyes before he removes his thumb and replaces it with his index and middle fingers. You graciously run your tongue over them. His eyes are locked on your lips and what you´re doing to his fingers. You have started to show Captain Levi what your tongue is capable of and you notice his stomach tensing up as another sound escapes his lips. 
     ´´You sure know how to work that tongue, OCD,´´ his voice is intoxicating as he removes his fingers and replaces them with his own tongue. You gasp against his lips when you feel his fingers curve against your pussy and a groan of approval resonates in your mouth when he realizes just how wet you are. He coats his fingers in your wetness and runs them over your clit teasingly. You fist his hair and pull him deeper into your kiss, painfully aware how quiet the building has become, but you soon don´t care about the silence when his slender fingers find the spot that will make you succumb to his touch in no time. Captain Levi knows how to read body language. 
          His firm motions are making your legs shake and your back arches when he hits the spot just at the right angle and he keeps massaging it with slow, precise movements. Your vision goes blurry, and when Levi circles his thumb over your clit your breathing becomes shallow. He gently pushes you back and disappears from your line of sight. You lift your head just in time to see him run his tongue over the sensitive spot between your legs where his thumb was a second ago. And he doesn´t stop, his tongue is firm and knowing, causing you to whimper as much as you try not to, when you think you have it under control his tongue manages to find another way to build up the pleasure. 
          You hear him undo his belt, your skin tingles in anticipation. Levi´s hand and tongue stop and you raise your head in time to see him fold his belt. Who´s got OCD now? you think bitterly. Your pussy is aching for his touch and he knows it. You expect him to place the belt on top of the dedicated clothes pile, but his thumb parts your lips and you find the folded leather belt in your mouth.
     ´´Keep the noise down, you brat, I can´t afford everybody to be tired tomorrow,´´ you groan into the belt and bite down hard, how can he... but at that moment your thought process is thrown to the wolves, in fact, you don´t have any more thoughts, only darkness as immense pleasure is delivered by Captain Levi´s lips and tongue. His hands are cupping your breasts, playing with them in the same rhythm as his tongue is attacking your clit. You have to bite down hard on the belt again to keep your voice down. 
          Levi´s tongue is sending waves of pleasure through your whole body and the way he uses his lips to suck your clit in his mouth make the sensations so much more intense. He is bringing you to your climax embarrassingly fast. Your legs are already trembling and your hands are in his hair, urging him to keep going and slow down at the same time, because you want to keep enjoying your Captain worshipping your pussy but you´re also impatient for the most intense orgasm you´ve ever had, delivered masterfully.
          The intense force of energy starts to build quickly in your core, you just need to let go and allow your body to be consumed by it. As you´re about to let it happen, Levi steps back from you, leaving you a trembling, sweaty mess on the table, ready to explode at the slightest gust of wind. You look at him desperately, your lips parted as you breathe heavily.
     ´´I want to see your sweet face when you cum,´´ Levi´s voice is full of hunger and sin as he drops his trousers. You prop yourself on your elbows, but before you can see what you´ve been curious about for the longest time, he has pulled you into a sitting position and the belt has been replaced by his tongue. 
          You can taste yourself on his tongue, a hint of tea still lingering in his kiss. He pulls you to the edge of the desk and you feel the tip of his cock press against you. You hold onto his shoulders when Levi´s tongue slows down. He´s rubbing himself against you gently, coating himself in your slick, but not quite pushing far enough to spread your pussy open for him. You whimper each time it feels like he´s about to spread you open, but he pulls back. You sigh in exasperation and your fingers sink in his muscly back as you try to move your hips into him, but his hands drop down to your hips and hold you in place.
      ´´So eager,´´ he growls against your lips and pushes his dick an inch inside you, you´re so ready for him, but he keeps teasing you. ´´Tell me how much you want me to fuck you right now,´´ the words are sweet and toxic, poisoning your mind and running to your core where your cunt clenches tightly around the tip of his dick. 
     ´´Please, Captain...´´ is all you can manage as he keeps teasing you. A soft rumble of approval from being called Captain echoes in his groan. 
          ´´I need to hear it, OCD,´´ Levi´s voice is low and desperate, his hands are gripping your hips painfully as he keeps pushing the shaft of his dick against your clit. 
     ´´Please Captain Levi, I want you to fuck me,´´ his eyes turn dark at your words, his groin grinding into you slowly, making the friction last as long as possible, before another roll of his hips, your breath gets caught somewhere in your chest when you feel his dick spreading you open. 
     ´´You´re so tight,´´ Levi whispers against your lips with a strained voice, his fingers have sunk into your flesh as he pulls you closer to the edge of the desk, with one sharp thrust he sinks himself in you without a warning and you throw your head back as an electric trail of pleasure snakes up your insides and you bite back a moan. His cock is thick, filling you up in just the right way, hitting all the sensitive spots. 
      ´´We´re going to have to stay quiet now, understand?´´ Levi has started to move his dick in slow, deliberate thrusts. You nod, but the moment he hits the sweet spot at an angle that makes you lose your mind a groan escapes your lips. Levi repeats his slow movement and offers you his fingers. You part your lips and welcome his fingers in your mouth, Levi´s sudden hard thrust makes it impossible to stay quiet and you whimper his name like you have so many times in your fantasies. His name on your lips makes him swallow hard and he thrusts into you again, and again.
     ´´Be a good girl and suck on my fingers,´´ he grumbles through shallow breaths and withheld moans as your pussy clenches around him from hearing the two words that could get you on your knees in no time. ´´That´s it,´´ Levi´s movements become slow, but rough, focusing on one spot and one spot only, the one that makes your legs tremble and suck on his fingers hungrily. You feel your thighs drenching in your wetness as he keeps up his pace, skillfully using angles to bring you close to your climax with rough, calculated movements. You hear the desk under you shift with each of his thrusts.  
          Levi´s eyes are locked on yours, he´s pressing his forehead against yours with one hand on the back of your head. His pace has now become hard, fast, desperate. You´re whimpering with his fingers still in your mouth. Levi pulls your head down and replaces his fingers with his tongue. His hand slides in between the two of you and the wet fingers circling your clit make you see stars. 
      ´´Such a good girl,´´ he growls into your mouth when he feels your body starting to give in, tremors of anticipated pleasure echoing through your whole body and finishing in waves of pleasure delivered by your Captain who´s eyes are locked on your face in amazement of how undone you have become because of him. Levi responds to your body deftly, his movements are now matched with yours, allowing you to ride out your climax and slowing down as you start returning to reality. 
          Your nails have sunk in his back and you realize that both of you are covered in sweat, although neither of you mind. His dick is still hard and still filling you up. You´re breathing heavily but he lets you come down from your orgasm, kissing you gently between shallow breaths. But his gentle demeanor changes as your tongues intertwine in a more paced, passionate dance. As his kisses become deeper the rest of his body follows. Each stroke of his tongue against yours translates into a roll of his hips. 
     ´´Let´s see how many orgasms I can get out of you before you collapse,´´ Levi´s words send a chill down your spine, your muscles desperately clench around his dick and draw a moan from his throat. ´´That´s my girl,´´ his eyes are filled with hunger, you have never seen him like this. The desperation in his movements puts your already sensitive body at his complete mercy. It´s almost embarrassing how quickly he has you trembling and sweating as you give in to another climax that is approaching you without a warning. The  feeling is so intense, it feels like it´s an extension of your first orgasm. 
          Levi´s breathing has become strenuous, but he holds back and allows your body to stop shaking before he holds you by your throat and growls, ´´I want to cum in your mouth,´´ against your lips. You nod yes and he steps back from you. You drop on your knees in front of him and run your tongue over the cock that has your pussy dripping and throbbing in intense pleasure. You´re not surprised to see that Levi´s dick is thick. You finally have an upper hand in reading Levi´s body language as your tongue is met with responsive moaning, but when you suck his dick past your lips and make it your life´s mission to fit all of him in your mouth, repeatedly moving your head and going lower on his dick with each movement, Levi seems to forget his own rule about staying quiet. 
     ´´Such a good girl,´´ he barely manages through sharp breaths and groans, but that´s all the encouragement you need to make his knees go week and finally see your Captain succumb to his own climax. He growls out Good girl repeatedly as your mouth is filled with warm liquid and when he looks down at you, sweat running down the middle of his abs, you swallow everything he had to offer and run your tongue over the tip of his dick to gather any more cum before god forbid it hits the floor, drawing another whimper from the usually stoic man.
          Levi is trembling in front of you, you have never seen him this vulnerable before, but the sight turns you on. His hair is messy, he is covered in sweat and all of this because of you. He pulls you to your feet and his lips crash with yours.
      ´´You´re less of a brat when you´re naked, huh?´´ His voice is low, breathless against your lips. He slides his hands down your sides, your body has now become so sensitive to his touch that the shiver reaches your spine. His hands firmly press against the back of your thighs and he effortlessly lifts you up. He carries you to the seat he was sleeping on before and you end up straddling your Captain. The moonlight from the window hits both of your bodies in a silver light, the sweat makes Levi´s body even more desirable. His hands caress your lower back and you run your hands over the scars on his torso, not quite wanting the moment to end. 
     ´´Don´t think that I´m letting you go just yet,´´ he says calmly, his breathing has stilled. You look at him expectantly, ´´I will keep fucking you until my name is the only word you remember.´´ You bite back a moan at his words. You run your hands through his sweaty hair and nestle your hand just where he likes it, at the top of his spine, drawing soft circles with your fingertips. 
          Levi places his hand between your breasts and pushes you back slightly, causing you to arch your back. His hands explore your body slowly. It feels like he only now is looking at you properly, taking in ever inch of your skin. His hands are rugged but his touch is gentle, drawing blood to the surface of your skin wherever he touches. His touch soon becomes more firm, more defined. He leans into you and runs a wide tongue over your nipple, and then the other one. He keeps caressing you and you feel him grow hard under you once more. Your body responds to his erection without hesitation and soon you find your body trembling in anticipation. You reach behind you and with an arched back reach for his balls. A groan of approval reaches your ears and you feel teeth on your nipple as you massage him. His hands drop to your ass and he pulls you into him, your pussy sliding over his length.
     ´´You sure you don´t mind doing this for hours on end´, OCD?´´ Levi´s voice bears a hint of mockery, repeating your words to you. You shake your head quickly, the desire in your body leaves no space for you to get annoyed with him. A smirk tugs at the corner´s of Levi´s lips. ´´Brat,´´ he mutters with a nipple in his mouth. You´re contemplating a comeback, starting to feel more confident with Captain Levi´s presence, but his hands lift you up and before you know it you feel his dick spreading you open once more. You moan out his name and that´s all it takes to make him go animalistic. Your nipple is bitten once more, this time the pain travels through your body and makes the feeling of his cock inside you so much more intense as he roughly pulls you down on his lap. 
          Levi gets you whimpering and trembling over and over again that night, taking short breaks between each round for you to recover, you´re not surprised to learn that Levi´s stamina is worthy a super soldier. You´re on your knees, holding on the back of the sofa, Levi fucks you to your fifth orgasm, his name has become like a prayer to you so when your knees finally give in and you collapse under him on the sofa, his name joins the sounds of his balls slapping against you and grunts that Levi has given up on holding back. He´s still inside you as he softly caresses your back. Muscles in your whole body scream out in exhaustion. Levi leans over, and whispers in your ear, ´´The sun is rising, I need to get you cleaned up.´´ 
You feel him stand up and you turn to look the most erotic sight you have ever seen and the red morning sun over the roof tops burn the imagine in your brain. Levi´s hair is a mess, his muscular body is covered in sweat and his cock is standing to attention. You sit up on the sofa with your legs still trembling and reach out to pull him closer to you. 
     ´´Permission to you taste you one last time, Captain?´´ You ask hungrily, desperate to pay him back for the intense pleasure he has delivered without a miss. Levi has finished in your mouth every time and the thought of feeling his cock twitch in your mouth as he praises you has become like air to you, you need to taste him one more time. He holds your chin between his index finger and thumb and leans over to kiss you. You suck on his tongue like you intend to suck his dick and he can read your desperation. 
     ´´Only if you promise me one thing,´´ his eyes suddenly become serious, he´s still holding your head still, making you to look directly at him.
     ´´Anything,´´ your hand moves up his muscular thighs, cautiously. 
     ´´When you start getting dirty thoughts, you come to me.´´ Levi´s voice is low, demanding, possessive.
     ´´Yes, Captain,´´ you answer in a beat. 
     ´´Only me,´´ he growls. And when you nod quickly he claims your lips once more. When you start sucking his tongue impatiently he stands up and his cock is shoved in your mouth impatiently. He places his hands on the back of your head and his cock is hitting the back of your throat in quick motions. You taste the whole night on him and give into his rhythm, receiving his whole length with ease, running your tongue over the underside of it. 
          Levi is gritting his teeth, this is the most feral you have seen him the whole night, his eyes are closed as Good girl reaches your ears and you take over his movement. Your hand now follows your mouth and you cover his balls in the mess that´s coming out of your mouth, rubbing them firmly, causing Levi to tremble like he has been making you tremble at the slightest touch. 
     ´´Fuuu...´´ Levi can´t finish the word as a loud groan takes over his ability to speak. You see the muscles in his stomach tighten and you finally taste him. He fills your mouth again, you feel his body jerk with each thrust of his cock in your mouth. Levi´s breathing heavily and he drops to his knees in front of you, his head in your lap. You run your hand through his hair, caressing him gently. You notice scratches on his back caused by your nails. You smile to yourself, your marks are a reminder of a night you will never forget. 
     ´´You´re cleaning my office after training today, brat.´´ Levi mutters against your stomach.
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hawbella · 3 months
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> Current Works:
Caught on Rec.
[Haikyuu!! Kuroo Tetsurou x FemReader — camboy/roommate AU]
SYNOPSIS: In which, you discover that your recently new roommate and friend, Kuroo Tetsurou, is a Camboy. And watching his streams inevitably becomes your new guilty pleasure; a secret that doesn't last well.
Mature themes (mature language,explicit sexual content + kinks, use of alcohol)
Status: ongoing and Under Revision
Chapters: 13/23
Word count: 35,990
Read here: Wattpad — Ao3
Secret Love
[Haikyuu!! Oikawa Toru x FemReader]
SYNOPSIS: Upon where Oikawa decides to pursue his growing feelings for you (Hajime Iwaizumi’s sister) behind Hajime’s back.
Mature themes/content (mature language, sexual content, use of alcohol)
Status: ongoing
Chapters: 8/?
Word count: 16,242
Read here: Wattpad — Ao3
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> Upcoming Works:
[Haikyuu!! Sugawara Koushi x FemReader — Timeskip]
SYNOPSIS: Eighteen and pregnant, you moved to Tokyo with your mother to escape the consequences of a so-called ‘mistake’. But five years later, fate plays a cruel hand when your past returns. Painful secrets threaten to be revealed when you run into your ex-high school sweetheart, Touma, and his older brother Sugawara Koushi — the father of your child...
Still living with the guilt of your hidden infidelity, you're forced to confront everything you attempted to run away from, and in turn, cause damage to the family you once considered yourself a part of
Mature themes (mature language,explicit sexual content, use of alcohol)
Status: Drafting
Word count: 27, 760
[Haikyuu!! Kuroo Tetsurou x FemReader — collage AU, Student x Teacher]
SYNOPSIS: As College life brings about the struggle of old and changing friendships, the strange stage in your life becomes harder to navigate. However, when least expected, one thing challenges you most of all; your unequivocal crush on your new Literature professor, Kuroo Tetsurou.
Mature themes (mature language, explicit sexual content, use of alcohol)
Status: Drafting
Word count: 9,714
Wild Hearts
[Attack on Titan — Armin Arlert x FemReader — college AU]
SYNOPSIS: Moving oversees to Paradis Island where you’ll attend Sina University, School of Arts, is your ticket to a new beginning. Leaving behind your home and your past like an old story finally reaching its final page, you hope to rediscover yourself in the City of Elida. But what you don’t expect is to also discover a group of loud and loving friends, along with a little thing called love—something you had once closed off from your tired soul, and yet something perhaps not so little as it sows its roots into the darkest corners of your heart.
Mature themes (mature language, explicit sexual content, mentions of alcohol)
Status: Planning
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I'll never love anyone the way I love you
Armin x reader
Part two to 'post cards from Eden.'
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Wringing your hands around each other, you stopped to glance at the clock tower behind you while every other person in the town square went about their usual business, the sounds of shoppers chattering and merchants hawking their wares filling the air in a pleasant hum. It was a little past two in the afternoon, and after you'd spent the morning completing your chores, you'd said a hasty goodbye to your mother before rushing out the door in your best clothes. Your mother, knowing you'd hardly spare a glance back, simply laughed a little to herself as she observed your flushed cheeks and joyful expression as you ran out the door and down the street.
So you found yourself now, lazily watching the passerby as they smiled care freely at each other, some laughing with bottles of beer in their hands, other gossiping quietly a ways away. Funny how people could almost forget about the hordes of titans just outside the walls, the world that was no longer safe for any of them.
The sudden ringing of the bells startled you from your thoughts, and you stood sharply, brushing the wrinkles from the fabric of your clothes as people all around stopped to watch the scouts enter the walls. With a haphazard symphony of creaking and grinding metal, the gate began to creak open, and not a moment later, you felt your heart pick up speed as a wave of green washed through the gate that shut with a final clang behind them. This was always the worst part. This was the part where you had to watch mothers, fathers, struggle in vain to find their missing children, where you had to listen to the heartbroken wails that left their lips as they heard the news that not everyone had made it back. This was the worst because, despite you believing with every fiber of your being that Armin would come back safely, you couldn't stop the twinge of fear you felt whenever you couldn't find him among the sea of emerald. Usually, you'd find him in minutes, but today, it was taking longer, and though you tried to steady your breathing and calm yourself, you could tell you were getting more and more anxious by the second.
As your breath grew erratic and your voice panicked, you began to ask the other soldiers if they'd seen him. Some would report having seen him when they left, but then added that the right flank had come into contact with some abnormals on the way in and they didn't know where he'd been placed in the formation. Others simply looked at each other in confusion, muttering his name back and forth like they were trying to jog a memory.
Arlert, they whispered
No one could answer your question, and since you couldn't even find Eren or Mikasa, your despair only grew. Sinking to your knees, you held your head in your hands and began to weep, despite your best efforts to assure yourself that he was ok.
He promised he'd be back and he never breaks a promise
But titans don't care about promises do they-
Shut up, shut up, he's fine and you're just being silly. Pull yourself together, dammit, what will he think if he sees you like this?
The answer actually came far sooner than you were expecting as, with people stepping all around you and your body still folded into itself on the ground, you heard a familiar voice shout your name. Head snapping up, your eyes searched for the owner of that voice, that comforting face.
There it was- and there he was. Bright blue eyes shinning at the mere sight of you, relief painted across his features as he met your eye. So quickly you felt the palms of your hands scrape against the rough ground, you stumbled to your feet and began tearing through what remained of the crowd, practically knocking Armin over as you barreled into him with tears of joy now streaming down your cheeks.
For a moment then, the world stopped. There were no titans, no war, no soldiers trained from their teenage years to watch their friends die without a word. There was only you and Armin, your body and his arms around you, grounding you to him like you'd never be apart again. And you wanted to believe you wouldn't. So you brought him closer, inhaling his scent as he did the same, both of you not quite sure of the other was real. It might be just a pretty dream. But no, it was real, you were there in each other's arms despite all the odds.
Gently, you felt him press his lips to the crown of your head, murmuring something against your hair.
"I told you I'd see you soon, didn't I, love?"
This was really fun to write so I hope you enjoyed it! Likes, and reblogs are always welcome, and asks and requests are always open!
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mistyyyy · 3 years
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Prompt: It's your birthday and armin starts praising for how good you are to him. But he ends up making himself a little bit too excited.
CW:Praise kink (receiving), body worshiping, I honestly don't even know what to put here 😭 I just made it up, but if there is a kink like this then tell me.
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Armin, who praises and complements you all night.
"Baby you're so beautiful tonight. I wanted to thank you for being there for me all these years."
Armin, who picks you up bridal style and takes you to your shared room, so you wouldn't have to stress your legs anymore.
"Here you go princess. Huh? Oh no it's really not a problem! I wanted to treat you like the queen you are tonight."
Armin, who kisses up your chocolate legs, telling you how beautiful your body is as he worships you.
"Tonight is all about you. I'll make you feel good,promise."
Armin, who's face flushes as his tongue goes over your neck, tasting your sweet skin.
"You're so beautiful baby. Always such a amazing person and the best partner I could ask for."
Armin, who's breath starts getting shaky as he pulls your panties down to your ankles.
"Your baby boy will make sure your feeling good all night, you deserve it."
Armin, who's dress pants tightens as his tongue explores your slick folds, feeling himself throb as he tries to get friction from the mattress.
Armin, who's face is a bright red and eyes are glazed over as you grind over his throbbing cock.
"Look at you armin, I barely touched you and you're already about to cum."
Check out my twilight story on my SFW page! :)
Tumblr keeps on shadow banning so now I have to promote on my other stories 😒
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zbeez-outlet · 2 years
Love your left behind story. This is my first request for something. Would you be alright writing about Y/n experiencing a panic attack because of crowds and Levi helping her through it?
I have a fear of crowds and have had panic attacks because of it before. Levi is one of my main comfort characters.
Panic and Ice Cream
Levi x FemReader
Canon Universe
Established Relationship
Concept: See request above!
Summary: If the overwhelming newness of the world outside the walls wasn't stress and awe inducing enough, the streets of Marley packed with strangers certainly was. New colors, new smells, new sounds and words and faces. Your heart seizes in your chest, elbows knocking and air too thick in your throat. Where did Levi go?
Warnings: Angst, graphic descriptions of a panic attack, cursing (If I missed anything, please let me know)
A/N: This was so cathartic to write, I wish I could have Levi with me during my panic attacks. I hope this is a comforting story for anyone who suffers from similar experiences, everyone deserves that one person to support them through the scary moments! If you have a request you'd like to make for me, my inbox has reopened. Keep in mind I have many other requests so it could be a few weeks before I get to yours! Thanks for your support!
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There are many things about Marley that you find begrudgingly beautiful. The architecture is taller than you're used to, made of clean cut stone and clear glass windows billowing with curtains in colors you don't even have names for. Streets cobbled with polished bricks in intricate patterns and stalls filled with food and knickknacks on every corner. Children run by, bright wide smiles pulling at their rosy cheeks and laughter with an innocence you're so unused to spills from their round tummies.
Tears prick the corners of your eyes, reminding yourself over and over that these people, these crowded streets, would happily stick your head on a pike if they knew your blood was different from theirs.
Your boots knock against the cobblestones, the sound lost in the bustling cacophony of the streets, and you try to keep a close eye on the wandering cadets as they marvel at all the newness surrounding them. It's tragic really, you think as a quaint smile dashed with a hint of sadness curls your lip, how they dance with childlike wonder with red stained hands and scars so deep they scratch their bone marrow. You still manage a watery laugh at Sasha and Connie's rattled excitement in the crowd, drawing attention they shouldn't be, but innocent and beautiful in their intentions all the same.
Absentmindedly, you reach to your left as you're about to step into the crowd, hand searching for the familiar grip of your love by your side without much thought when someone heavily knocks into your shoulder. You go stumbling, hoping to catch your balance so you don't accidentally push anyone over, and it's like a weird game of hopscotch as you're thrown about from one foot to the other, bumping arms and stammering apologies until you find yourself stalled in the middle of a sea of strangers.
You lost sight of Connie and Sasha. You can't see Jean or Mikasa or Armin or Eren. Hange and Onyankapon had been right behind you, you were sure of it. Your left side is empty save the stampede of Marleyans crowding the dock.
It's like the air has been sucked from your lungs, every way you turn is something new and foreign and a face you don't recognize. Your left hand itches, twitching and clenching as it searches for that familiar strength that always keeps you grounded, but it's not there, nothing familiar is there.
Your jaw clenches, lips pursing as you try to hold in gasping breaths, and your shoulders curl in as you try to make yourself as small as possible.
There's no space to think or shout or breath. Elbows dig into your sides, heels scuffing against your boots, hands brushing along your cloths or tugging your hair. Your chin drops to your collarbone, arms wrapping around yourself and fingers grips your sides so tightly you might leave bruises. You suck in air through your nose, swallowing the ache of sobs in your throat before you make any more of a scene than you already have.
Everything is loud, too loud. The colors, the sky, the light, the sound. It's badgering you from every angle, pulling at your skin, shaking your teeth, stinging your eyes. You hiccup through half a breath, sternum pulsing and cracking in your chest, your hand flying up to grip at your lips and jaw and sound as if you could hide behind your knuckles.
People are giving you weird looks. All raised eyebrows and flared nostrils as if you've interrupted the flow of their day. Their eyes are all dark, judgement weighing down on the ever deepening curve of your shoulders. Curses and annoyed grumbles badger your ears, insult spitting from between their teeth at the hunched clammy curve of your neck. Your skin feels slick and itchy and tight all at once, stuttering at every bit of lingering contact from the passing strangers. You feel shorter than you are, the people around you as insurmountable and daunting as the fifty meter walls you grew up trapped behind.
"Ex-excuse me," you squeak between your fingers, brow drawing together as you trip between every spare gap you can find. "Sor-sorry, excuse me." Your lungs are shriveling behind your stuttering ribs as you push your way towards the smooth stoned buildings you'd been admiring only a moment ago.
You press your back against the cool stone, sighing as the chill soaks into your trembling shoulders. Dropping your hand from your mouth, you try to scan the crowd for any familiar faces, most likely to spot Jean because of his height, but your vision is blurry with tears. All you can see is splashes of dizzying color that has you clenching your eyes closed.
You try counting to steady your too quick, too shallow breaths, but instead you feel panic building behind your eyes and up the too tight curve of your throat. Heart pulsing in your chest like you've been running laps for hours.
And then there's a hand on your left arm that has you practically jumping out of your skin. Your eyes snap open, flitting to your left, and a strained whimper bubbles between your lips at the sight of Levi by your side.
His brows are drawn, eyes shining with a concern you feel guilty for causing, but he's there and solid on your left side like he always is, a small drop of comfort pulling adrift the panic in your heart. "Breath with me," he says, hand trailing down your arm so his fingers can lace with yours.
Levi exaggerates the slow breaths in his chest, holding your watery eyes with his steady gaze. You try, you really do, sternum stuttering as you pull in air, but they're still too quick, too shallow, and the air gets stuck somewhere between your throat and your lungs.
"I can't, I can't," you sniffle between gasps. His other hand quickly comes up to your cheek, thumb tracing the shaking jut of your jaw and swiping away the dripping evidence of your tears.
"You can," he promises as he caresses your skin so gently that you almost believe him. "It's just you and me, no one else. Just us and the sky and this wall."
You press further into the stone, grateful for it's solid support at your back. Your fingers grip Levi's hand so tightly you wonder if it hurts, but he gives no indication - not that you expected him to. Again, you try to follow his deep steady breaths, focusing only on Levi's calm eyes, the feeling of his calluses against your palm and his fingers on your cheek.
The air seems too thick, but you swallow it like honey and let it settle so deep in your lungs that your stomach raises with your chest. You count eight beats as you hold that air and release it with another slow seven beats of time. It takes a moment before you realize Levi is counting with you, his voice low and warm and swirling pleasantly with your own more shaking tone. The cacophony of the busy street seems to melt away, not completely but just enough that the beat of your heart has enough elbow room to slow in your chest.
You're not sure how long it takes, how much time has passed, but slowly the tension in your shoulders drips away. The air flows easier, though your chest still aches and your lungs sting, but it tastes sweet on your tongue.
"Good," Levi hums, a tentative smile pulls at his lip. He's warm and kind and smiling and so very real at your side. You sigh, leaning forward to rest your forehead against his collarbone as you catch your breath. He lets you, hand carding through your hair as soft shushes and whispers tickle the edge of your ear.
"Sorry," you mumble as you nuzzle into his neck, taking in his familiar warmth and scent. Tea and lemon and something distinctly Levi. A feeling of safety blooms in your chest.
"Not your fault, love," he huffs, pressing his lips to your hair. The pressure lingers, warming your heart as you enjoy this rare show of affection out in the open. "Just try to stay close next time." Levi squeezes your hand, dragging his thumb across your knuckles, and you know it's his way of telling you he was scared too.
You pull back, suddenly realizing such public displays of physical contact can be uncomfortable for Levi, but he still holds tight to your hand so you can't get too far. Not that you were planning to wander, anxiety bubbling under your skin at the thought of losing his warmth from your side.
There's an excited call of your name that pulls you from your quiet moment, so you quickly wipe any lingering tears from your face before turning to Sasha and Connie bouncing towards you with broad smiles.
"You have to try this, it's sooooo good," Connie babbles away at the sweetness of his new little treat, waving around what looks like a swirl of glue sitting in a crispy brown pastry. By his side is Sasha, moaning and cheering and absolutely ravenous as she so often is with food, a treat in each hand she switches between every lick.
You raise a brow, sharing a confused look with Levi. He only shrugs at you, nudging you forward slightly as if he knows you want to experience the treat, but still hesitant in the wake of your less than stellar moment.
"Alright, alright, let me try it." With your left hand still firmly grasped in Levi's strong fingers, you step toward Connie to accept the treat he says is called 'ice cream'.
Eyeing the white substance a little skeptically, you venture a small lick and squeak at the explosion of cold sweetness on your tongue. "It's cold!" You laugh unexpectedly, turning to Levi with bright shining eyes, the last of your panic seeming to slip into a low simmer at the back of your mind - never to fully disappear amidst enemy territory - and you practically thrust the ice cream into his face. "You have to try it!"
His lip lifts in a disgusted snarl, but you can see the debate in his eyes. You know he's not a fan of sweet things, save the rare occasion for honey in his tea or an indulgent pastry when the two of you make time for walks in the markets back on Paradis. His gray eyes meet yours, and you're definitely not above curving your brows just so and jutting your bottom lip into a little pout.
Levi sighs, rolling his eyes as he grumbles under his breath. "Fine." His sharp tongue pokes from between his lips and goes to lick the ice cream, but you're quick and feeling a little mischievous so the cone tips just enough to dollop some of the treat on his nose. He scoffs, going cross-eyed at the mess you made, while you dissolve into little giggles behind your teeth. "You're about as mature as those shitty brats," he mumbles, taking a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his nose. "And that stuff is way too sweet."
You rock on your heals, enjoying the ice cream before it melts. It's creamy and not nearly as sticky as glue. The chill is surprisingly refreshing and it slides down your throat like milk - a rarity you've only had a handful of times in your life. The sugar settles nicely in your fluttering stomach after the whirlwind of panic you had been in what feels like ages ago now.
Ice cream is nice, you decide. It might just be your new favorite.
You spot Hange waving their arms wildly at the other end of the street, beckoning you to join them on the other side of the swarming street. Swallowing a bit uneasily, the ice cream cone cracking the slightest bit in your grip, you barely manage a deep stuttering breath.
Levi squeezes your hand, gently tugging you after him. "C'mon, before Four Eyes draws any more attention - or breaks something."
Taking an extra moment, savoring the strength and heat of Levi on your left side, you resolutely nod. "Let's go."
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sweettodo · 3 years
Ymir x femreader
Includes : fingering, smut, thigh riding, bath[?]
As requested, it’s unedited; it’s also giving me VERY bare minimum and I’m sorry :( , I’m just writing A LOT. And also, I’m 10 pages deep in my script for shifting; nonetheless, here you go. 
Word count : 994
“Alright scouts, Disperse!"
It had been such a long day; cold and frosty winds with some snow only made the day drag longer.
Captain had assigned you and Ymir to partner up. Which wasn't necessarily a bad thing; you and her were close, you two had similar independent and strong willed personalities, and you two liked that about each other, a lot.
As you two walk up the slippery hill, the sky slipping into a rich darkness only making it harder to see what was in front of you, "how much longer Ymir? The others are probably waiting for us." You shiver, rubbing your arms to keep warm, she looked over to you, face covered in a rosy tint.
"They aren't, they're probably huddling to keep warm somewhere." She states, looking in front of her, "light your lantern, we can try to find somewhere warm to stay for the night." She lights the oil lantern, I do the same and it illuminates a few feet in front of us.
"There might be a cave or something around here, Armin always told me there are bound to be areas for shelter." You say, Ymir nods and while we walk, it starts to rain again, cold water making it uncomfortable, clothes sticking to your body. You groan in annoyance, our luck.
Ymir raises her lantern, turning and there's a somewhat large opening near the top of the hill we were walking up, you and her both let out a sigh of relief and you jog to the rock hole, sticking the light source in before to ensure there was no one in there, "finally!" You crawl in, your partner close behind you as you observe everything around you, "moss?" You question, inside the cave?
"There must be a hot spring." Ymir whispers, touching the moss growing on the rocks, you were happy, it was doubtful the others were getting this lucky, "here!" She coaxes, you follow close behind, the walls around you wet and steam dripped down onto the dirt below your feet.
There was in fact a hot spring, steam emitting and you giddily cheer, placing down your lantern; the slightly cozy cave being lit completely from your light sources, it was beautiful, healthy green moss, different sized rocks and the grass patches beneath your feet made it look like a spa, "care to join?" You ask, "we gotta' keep warm anyway." Nudging her shoulder, she tosses off her coat and I start to unbutton my shirt, I toss it over a rock so it can dry, she does the same.
I had never really paid attention to her body, but in this setting you couldn't really ignore her enticing chest, you didn't want to get caught staring so you turn around and pull your boots off, followed by your dirtied up pants, laying them beside your shirt.
You hear Ymir drop down into the water, I clasping your bra you let it fall onto the ground. Turning to face Ymir, you pull your underwear off, tossing it to the side and dipping into the water.
"I doubt Commander expects us tonight, we can keep warm here for the night." She smiles, running her fingers through her hair. You nod and seep further into the bath, extremely grateful, stress leaving your body.
She looks at you and you move closer to her, thinking nothing of it. She sighs happily, her eyes low and seductive per usual, your stomach did flips, you really did like Ymir, "you're so pretty, Ymir." You compliment, she chuckles, blush flying to her face.
"Yeah?" She asks, bringing her face closer to mine, bodies barely touching, you smile, nodding your head, "I think you're pretty too." She hums, a mere centimeters from your face, her hands lingering up the sides of your face; the air leaving your body as you find yourself leaning in to her lips, she does the same and your lips meet.
While your mouths move in sync, she's walking the both of you to the edge of the bath, your back hitting the steamy rocks and you place your hands on her waist, pulling her closer to your chest as you two make out.
Your leg moves forward only a little, falling right between her legs, she lets out a shaky breath, having a harder time reciprocating the kiss from the newly applied pressure to her body. You slowly rock her hips on your thigh, her right hand trailing down your wet chest, grabbing ahold of your boob, massaging your warm body and taking her hand further down.
She takes over, rocking her own hips against your thigh, moaning into the kiss while she is using her two fingers to scissor between your cunt, you pull away from the kiss and throw your head back, she smirks and your hands move in instinct, dragging her body harder against your leg in return. She gasps, your name falling from her mouth as she rides your leg
Her fingers work you, sliding in and out of your cunt, the hot water heightening all your senses as you feel more sensitive; both a moaning mess, both crying out swears or each other’s name. Your stomach tightens, ready to explode into pieces, your mouth falls open into an ‘o’ your head falling into her chest as you convulse under her fingers, your walls clenching around her fingers. You quickly drag your thumb down, finding her bud and rubbing it at a fast pace.
“I-I’m gonna cum! Y/n!” She shouts, head rolling back, you can feel her cunt twitch on your thigh and your hand, talking her through her orgasm, “you’re so gorgeous Ymir.” You purr, her body shaking.
She peels off of you, little pants falling from your mouths as you catch your breath.
The silence was okay, no words needed to be said for what just happened, this was definitely only the beginning for both you and Ymir.
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xtodorcki · 3 years
Hi! Can you possibly do a Mikasa x fem reader where they've been dating and during the Uprising arc in the crystal cave the reader gets hurt Mikasa just gets pissed 😂 Then after the battle some sweet comfort and fluff? Also the others were shocked by Mikasa's behavior cause they didn't know she was dating anyone
“Rage,” Mikasa x FemReader
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Summary: where you ended up getting hurt during the mission to rescue Eren and your secret girlfriend Mikasa shows real emotion about the situation.
Warnings: none! season 3 Mikasa
The team surrounded Levi as they hovered over the secret door that led down to the cave where they assumed Eren and Historia were in. He had went over the plan again, looking down at the barrels the team had put together to throw down there.
“Stay sharp, one mistake can get you killed.” Levi warned before opening up the trap door and everyone threw the barrels in.
Once Sasha had shot the barrels with some flame arrows, the smoke surrounded the lower area of the cave. Then it was the rest of the teams turn to fly in using their gear.
You were nervous, you’ve been nervous since before you even stepped into this but Mikasa, before this mission started, had tried to reassure you endlessly about how she would look after you and protect you if needed but she knew how much of a strong person you were and how you could easily get this done, she had full confidence in you.
The relationship between you and Mikasa was definitely more than just friends. When you first met her when the both of you joined the boot camp at the same time, you two became close from how much you had in common. You both ended up being orphans and taken in by someone else, you both shared a lot and it eventually turned into a secret affair that no one really knew about.
It was then on that Mikasa had gotten very over protective with you and even then, the scouts never thought about it for too long, they thought of it as just Mikasa being over protective with her friends like Eren and Armin.
Your thoughts had moved back onto the mission, it started off great and in the teams favor until the enemies had caught on to what they were doing and how they were doing it and you ended up getting caught above the smoke after slicing someone’s throat open.
The enemy was quick to lunge at you, their blade aiming towards you and surprisingly you dodged just enough that it didn’t strike the area he was aiming for but it did slice your side quite severely.
You had fallen down under the smoke, the ground knocking you out cold and Mikasa had noticed right away.
“Y/N!” She shouted below to you when she noticed your body falling to the ground.
Her anger boiled inside of her and she was quick to spin around towards the guy who had done the damage to you and instantly killed him without hesitation.
After that, the enemy team had backed away and retreated, giving Mikasa time to drop to the ground and go to where you laid. Your eyes had opened up, the pain you felt shooting through your side was like it was on fire.
She quickly took off her jacket and pushed the material down on your wound to put pressure on the bleeding, her eyes connecting with yours and you gave a weak smile, just to somewhat reassure her that you were okay.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve been through worse.” You joked, making Mikasa crack a smile down to you.
“Shut up, this cut is pretty bad, Y/N.” She admitted, pain written all over her face as she took a look down at the cut on your side.
“I’ll be fine, Mikasa. I’m not leaving you that easily.”
All the scouts had surrounded you, their eyes trained on Mikasa as she was actually showing real emotion which they never seen off of her except rage. Levi had leaned down to lift the jacket and look at the slice on your side, cursing under his breath.
“You two, take her out of here quickly, the rest will go through with the mission.” He ordered and Armin quickly reached down to help you up off your feet which only worsened the pain.
“Take care of her, please. Don’t let her die.” Mikasa stared at Armin and he nodded his head as he and another cadet helped carry you towards an exit.
“Since when are you so caring for someone?” Jean looked down at Mikasa and she gave him a plain look as he teased her.
“My relationship with her is none of your concern, Jean.”
“Your relationship? So I’m assuming more than friends then?” He chuckled, stopping once he seen the deadly look on her face.
“Now isn’t the time to chat about secret affairs, we need to get Eren and Historia out of here.” Levi looked back at the cadets then around the area to try to come up with some plan until the cave started to give in, everything shaking and crumbling around them.
After the collected Eren and Historia, they finally made it out after the large titan had moved towards the wall. Mikasa didnt hesitate to come to where you were, laying in the carriage as the horses rode back to the wall where the titan was heading.
Everything was a blur to you until you were in a bed stitched and wrapped up perfectly fine. Mikasa was sitting beside the bed with her head on the mattress as she slept, little did you know the mission was already done and the titan that came was long dead.
Your fingers had gently traced through her hair, sighing under your breath feeling guilty for being reckless to let yourself get sliced up even if your attention was away for a second.
Mikasa was quick to wake up when she felt your hand, her eyes instantly moving up to yours and you gave her a smile before brushing her hair back. She leaned over without a word, the sudden impact of her lips on yours had completely caught you off guard but you weren’t complaining.
“You’ve been asleep forever.” She huffed out when she pulled back from your mouth and you leaned forward to wrap your arms around her in a tight hug, ignoring the pain in your side.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled into her shoulder and she kept her grip on you, being careful to not hurt you in anyway as she ran her hand up and down your back, comforting you.
“Don’t be, it wasn’t your fault.” Mikasa had kissed the top of your head, it was nice to see her so comforting and loving but it was also shocking to see it as well.
It took a lot for her to be touchy like this, she was never one to show a lot of emotions but she did sometimes through her actions but you were the opposite, you always gave her affection.
that’s what made Mikasa fall for you more, the affection she was receiving from you was definitely something she didn’t think she would need until she met you.
I tried to make this as lovey as possible, hope it turned out okaaaay.
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moonierxh · 3 years
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laviefantasie · 5 months
You’re Losing Me
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Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Reader
Summary: Is love truly enough? Enough to stick around even when you feel yourself slowly dying from it? Can it truly ever be enough?
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She couldn’t breathe. She could feel her lungs pushing against her ribcage while looking for the oxygen they begged to inhale. Her heart throbbed against them, looking for any sign —no matter if it was painful— to remind itself that it still lived. That it could still beat.
She didn’t think she could blame her heart for the need to make sure it could still beat, not after the words she had just uttered to the reason it had been beating so harmoniously for so long.
“We’re done”
She didn’t even know she had said it until she saw his eyes widen in disbelief. She didn’t even know she’d ever truly have the courage to say it out loud.
But she had. It was done.
“What—why? Y/N, baby, what’s—I don’t understand”
Hurt. That’s all she could see on those blue-green eyes she had always found comfort in. Those who had always looked at her with so much love it had been unbelievable. Those eyes who lately hadn’t shined in her direction even once.
She could hear her pulse all throughout her body. She could hear it as loudly as if her heart had been pressed against her ears.
Could she truly say it again? Could she be brave—strong enough to utter those painful words one more time? Did she really have to?
“We’re… we’re done, Eren” she weakly whispers.
It pained her, of course. It truly felt as if she was forced to talk after swallowing glass, her throat and mouth filled with blood that stopped her from formulating the words as loud as she should’ve.
Eren shook his head in disbelief. Everything in his body felt numb. It felt as if someone had thrown a cold bucket of water at him and left him outside during winter with not even a jacket to give him a sense of warmth. This couldn’t be happening. He didn’t understand why it was happening.
“I don’t understand” he whispers weakly “I don’t… Y/N, please…”
“The fact th-that you don’t understand” she sobs weakly, the tears she had fought so hard to contain flowing freely down her cheeks, “Is even mor-more reason why we must bre-break up”
“Did I do something?” He asks, tears accumulating in his eyes “What did I do? I ca-will fix it”
She wanted him to stop. She didn’t want to hear him.
All this time she had been wanting him to fix what he had broken. All this time she had been waiting for him to realize that he was hurting her. That loving him was killing her. All this time she wanted him to give her one reason to stay.
And all this time he hadn’t.
“You can’t fix it”
Her voice once soft and weak became hard and pained. All the hurt she had to endure this last year coming back full force, giving her the strength she needed to save herself from self destructing. The strength she needed to not give in.
“It’s too late to fix it” she finalizes “I’ve been waiting all this year for you to fix it. I’m done waiting”
“Do you know how hard it was to watch you push everyone, including me, away?” She sobs “How hard it was to watch you shamelessly flirt with every girl that looked your way while I was right there at your side waiting for you to notice me? How hard it was to see you shrug off our relationship, our friendship, as if it was nothing?”
Eren’s eyes widen even more, if possible. Had he truly been doing that? He knew he had change, he knew he had closed off on his friends after his parents passing, but they had never once left his side. She had never left his side. No matter how hard he pushed. Or how cruel he was.
And then last year he had gotten his shit together. She had helped him with that. He had pushed all his pain onto something productive and had become the university’s star quarterback.
Is that when it all started? When his dull grief-striking eyes and neutral face had become the bad boy mysterious persona every girl wanted to date and every boy wanted to be. Was it then when he decided to play along to all of it just to not feel alone, to feel worthy, forgetting what he truly had always had by his side?
Had it really come to this? Had he really taken for granted what he had by believing he always would have it?
“We—I would’ve stayed with you through anything” she continues “I stayed through everything. No matter how bad it was. But… I’m out of reasons to stay”
“I love you”
Three words. Three words he had never once uttered in that year. Three words she had remembered herself those 365 days to keep fighting.
Those three words had already lost its meaning.
“Loving isn’t enough anymore”
And she turned around going for the door. He scrambled out of the bed he had been sitting while looking up at her as fast as he could.
She couldn’t leave. If she left it became real. If she left he wouldn’t be able to fix what he had broken.
Had he really broken the best thing that had happened to him? The one thing in his life that still gave him hope?
He tried to grasp her hand, to stop her from leaving, but she had already opened the door and crossed it. His hand met the wooden frame as her body started making her way through the hallway, away from his dorm.
How had it come to this?
It had been a year after Eren’s parents death through a tragic car accident. A year since Zeke, Eren’s older half-brother, had taken his custody. It had been a hard year. Eren’s eyes had lost its incomparable spark and his smile had ceased to exist.
Mikasa, Armin and Y/N, his closets friends since childhood, along with the rest of their gang had done everything they could to help him. Even when he snapped at them, spitting cruel words that fed into their insecurities, they never left his side. He pushed and pushed with all his might, anything to keep them away in fear of ever feeling the tightness in his chest of losing someone he loved again. But they pushed back. All of them. Never once giving in.
They knew he was hurting. They knew it. And they would never leave his side while he did so.
So they stuck around no matter how hurt they got along the way. Because it was Eren, and Eren deserved to have people fight for him as hard as he used to fight for them.
Y/N became the best fighter among them.
She would take his cruel malicious words with grace before embracing him against her warmth, letting him let out all his anger and sadness on her. Promising to carry it on her shoulders in hopes of lifting some from his, as small as the portion was.
And day by day, night by night, she stood tall by his side. Never once letting him fall.
He was thankful, even when he didn’t voice it. She had giving him something constant, something he could hold onto when the waves that came crashing towards him in hopes of drowning him got to him. She kept her hold steady and unfaltering, keeping him afloat.
So, when had he started taking it for granted?
“Eren Jaeger, isn’t it?”
He had been waiting outside the Economics classroom for Y/N’s class to finish so they could go have lunch when the captain of the cheerleading squad Historia was a part of first spoke to him.
It wasn’t that people didn’t know him around university, they did with him being the quarterback, he just wasn’t someone that you would think was easy to approach. So people normally didn’t. Not that he minded, he had all he needed with his friends and you by his side.
He nods, coldly.
But she smiled. As brightly as possible, her hazel eyes shining under the hallway’s lights.
“Last week’s game was amazing! You were so fast, it seemed nobody could ever come close to catching you” she giggled.
His cold demeanor melted slightly, not used to compliments from other than his coach and friends. Most people just clapped him on the back as a way to congratulate him, too afraid to say something to him.
He nods again in thanks.
“We, the cheer girls and the team’s boys, were thinking of holding a small get-together to celebrate the win” she continues “We’d like you to come. We know you don’t like those sceneries, as you’ve made clear before, but Connie and Jean are going. Reiner and Bertolt too”
He stays quiet.
“Just wanted to formally invite you. Hopefully the rest of your teammates going, the ones you’re actually close with, persuades you”
Before Eren can refuse, the bell rings and the door he was standing beside bursts open. Students cross it without even batting an eye.
Eren’s eyes soften once he catches a glance of you and the bright sincere smile you send his way when you see him. All under the cheerleading’s watchful curious gaze.
“Ren” you kissed his cheek before looking at the girl he was talking to, “Chloe! Hi! I haven’t seen you in a while, still battling with Calculus?”
The blonde girl, Chloe, groans, “Ugh, Mr. Ackerman is still the worst”
Both girls share a laugh under Eren’s curious gaze. Did they known each other? For the laugh you just shared and the familiarity in which you talked with one another he guessed you did. How? He guessed that through a class since he hadn’t ever seen you hang out with other girls that weren’t Mikasa, Sasha, Historia or Ymir.
“You know each other?”
His voice is cold and dull, but his gaze on you is soft. So soft that Chloe isn’t sure she imagined it. She didn’t know he could have a gaze as soft as that with the cold lifeless way he glared at everything around him.
And yet, Y/N smiled as if he had just told her she was the most beautiful girl to ever exist.
“We do! We met during Ackerman’s Calculus class last semester”
“This little genius became our teacher’s favorite while I am stuck with him once more” the blonde beauty groaned.
“You’ll get it this time. I can help you”
That’s something he had always loved about you. The selfless way you tried to help everyone in every little way you could.
“You’re an angel, Y/N” she smiles “How do you two know each other?”
Y/N’s smile brightened if possible, “This is my adorable boyfriend that I’ve told you about”
Chloe’s eyes widen in disbelief, “Eren Jaeger is the all-loving charismatic too-good-to-be-true childhood best friend told lover you’ve told me about?”
You laughed before nodding making Chloe’s eyes widen even more.
For Y/N, Chloe’s face was funny and innocent. Eren, on the other hand, understood the gleam of uncertainty in the blonde’s eyes. It was obvious she was trying to comprehend how the perfect boyfriend you had describe was the university’s feared lifeless bad boy.
It made him angry to feel as if he wasn’t worthy of you, he already thought so himself so seeing someone else think that made his blood boil.
He wanted to prove to everyone and to himself that he was worth it, that he could be worthy of you. So he did the one thing that condemned you both without even knowing it.
“When’s the party?”
The party had been eventful and unexpected. None of their friends had expected Eren and neither had they expected the way he had behaved that night. He had drank and talked, and even though he hadn’t laughed or smiled he had become this unapproachable guy that now everyone wanted to approach.
His aura was intoxicating. And like a moth to the flame, everyone would fly towards him as if he was holding the matches.
Mikasa, Armin and Y/N had watch with uncertainty the amount of attention Eren was receiving. But moreover, the way he seemed to be bathing in it. It was a weird sight. Eren had never been one to want attention, he always got it without looking for it though. But he had never seek it.
So why was he seeking and bathing in it now?
“Well…” started Armin “At least he seems okay”
Y/N nodded a little uncertain, but Mikasa frowned.
“I don’t like this” she muttered “Feels like the start of a disaster”
“Don’t frown, Mika” Y/N said lovingly, “Maybe this is what he needs to open up more. He’s been getting better, so maybe… maybe this is his way of trying to go back to who he is”
“I don’t know”
“We have to trust him” Armin added, “It’s not like he’s doing anything bad anyway, he’s just making friends”
Mikasa’s frown deepened but she let herself be guided out of the living room towards the kitchen by her two closest friends. She had a bad feeling about all of this, she just hoped she was wrong.
But they had all come to know a long time ago that Mikasa’s instincts were never wrong. Especially concerning Eren.
The first time they realize that something was wrong was during their monthly movie night between the Scouts, as they like to call themselves since their camp days where all they met and became friends. It was that night that Eren first truly disappointed them.
[ Can’t make it. Party at Floch’s. Srry ]
That’s all his text to the group chat had said. Not only had he totally blown them off on their tradition, but he hadn’t even bother to invite them. It was maddening. Especially since Connie and Jean were also invited to said party and refused to go because of their plans.
It weirded them all out. If they had invited Reiner and Bertolt and they cancelled they could’ve understood, they were close but not that close.
It had always been Armin, Mikasa, Eren and Y/N until camp. And then it had become Armin, Mikasa, Eren, Y/N, Jean, Connie, and Sasha. More had been added along the way, but the seven of them were as tight as possible. Nothing could ever come in their way, so why did it suddenly feel like something could?
They spent their movie night in an uncomfortable silence. Not even Jean, who always took every opportunity he could to insult Eren, said something.
And then one movie night missed became two and three until they just stopped expecting him to come.
At university, Eren barely found them to spend time with them during his breaks or lunch as they were used to. Instead they were forced to look for him all throughout the campus, always finding him surrounded by other team members or cheerleaders.
And even then, Armin and Y/N tried to convince themselves this was just him trying to become socially available once again. No matter how many times Mikasa told them she didn’t believe that was the case.
Their disappointment reach its breaking point when Armin received an ‘SOS’ text from Mikasa asking him to go to their dorm, only to find a dolled up sobbing Y/N on the dark-haired beauty’s embrace. Eren had missed their anniversary date to hang out with Floch. Y/N could’ve probably let it slide if it hadn’t been for the any times he had already cancelled —and stood her up— before.
That was the last straw for Armin.
He had seen you, Y/N, his childhood best friend give your all to the blue-green-eyed boy. Since the moment you both had met Eren and Mikasa, you had always given all you could give to Eren. Especially the last couple of years when he had started to become unstable. You had never given in. Never had you left him alone, no matter how many reason you’d had.
So what gave him the right to make you cry?
Armin never again excused his behavior after that night. Him and Mikasa always standing beside you as you had to endure the attention from girls Eren was receiving, especially when he seemed to enjoy it so much. More than once had they offered to give him a peace of their minds, begged you really, but you had refused. You didn’t know what was going on through his head but you had faith in him. Faith that he would figure it out and fix it, as he had always done before.
You had waited for the whole year.
Your last straw came on your birthday. Just a month after Christmas, which Eren failed to celebrate with the Scouts again in their traditional small gathering on the 25th.
Your friends had all prepared you a surprise party, which they had planned through a secret group chat in which Eren had failed to text back every time. The party was set to start at 10 o’clock at night at Armin’s house, giving you enough time to spend the morning as you always did with your family and the rest of the day with Eren, as they all had been used to since you two started dating exactly five years ago when both of you were fifteen. It was perfect, honestly, you’d be too distracted with the brunette boy to find suspicious why they all had been MIA.
Except Eren didn’t show up at your doorstep. He hadn’t even called or texted.
Which meant you spent the rest of the day before the party locked in your room crying silently while you wondered why.
Only to find out through Floch’s instagram story he was at his house, with an unknown girl under his arm.
By the time Mikasa had gone to pick you up at your childhood home, you were asleep on your bed with swollen eyes and dry tear and mascara stains on your cheeks. She had gasped at the sight, not understanding what had happened. At least until she saw what was on the phone —which was still unblocked— you held softly in your grasp.
And the dark-haired beauty saw red.
She had texted Armin and soon the party had moved to your living room, and instead of a party they turned it into a movie night. They decorated the place and made a blanket fort, Annie even going as far as going to buy some fairy lights to put all over the place.
By the time Sasha went to wake you up and helped you get ready, all of them hid awaiting your arrival.
It had helped heal your broken heart a little.
Still you couldn’t ignore what had been going on for long enough anymore. You had finally ran out of excuses.
So the next week when Armin went to the dorm you and Mikasa shared, you knew. And they knew you knew. So they held you, all day and night, trying to give you the strength you’d need to do what was right for you.
And you did.
And that’s how you’d both gotten to this stage of your story. As painful as getting there had been.
Eren fell to the floor. His knees had given out. He had been frozen on his spot, watching the door intently as if that would somehow make you come back. He thought he had been doing the right thing, he thought he had finally start becoming someone worthy of you. Someone that deserved to be loved by someone as good as you.
He was sobbing. He didn’t even know when he had started, but his body shook with the force of each sob.
He didn’t know what to do. How could he keep going without your unwavering presence beside him giving him the strength he needed to fight back against the cruel world they lived in?
That’s how Armin found him when he came back from his classes. Hugging his knees to his chest on the floor as he sobbed his heart out.
“So she actually did it, huh?”
His teary gaze found his best friend’s stone cold one.
“I d-don’t… Ar-Armin, I don-don’t unders-understand”
“You don’t understand?” He scoffed, “You missed every single movie night we’ve had for a year. You’ve missed every date you guys planned. You missed your anniversary, Christmas, the New Year. And you don’t understand?”
Eren stares, dumbfounded. Had he truly missed all that? He couldn’t even remember properly at this moment.
“You even missed her birthday” Armin continued, “It was last Friday, FYI”
Another sob wrecks through his body. Your birthday, he had missed your birthday. He didn’t even remember the last time he had ever missed one and now he had completely forgotten about it.
What was wrong with him?
“I truly don’t know what was going through your head all this year. Nor why you did every single thing you did” Armin sighed “I’m just glad she finally had the courage to walk away. You were killing her. Everytime you flirted with another girl, every time you blew her off, you were killing her. I’m glad she finally walked away”
Eren had no idea something could hurt this much after his parents’ passing. But it truly hurt more to know he had lost the person he loved the most when she still was at arm’s length.
Especially when this time there was nothing nor no one else to blame but himself. He had pushed you too far this time and you weren’t coming back.
He had lost you.
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
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Fics and Shorts;
Fem-bodied-reader X Eren X Armin          🔥                                        Eren and his s/o lovingly show Armin how to please a woman. His surprise practical exam taking him off his feet.
Cheat - Femreader X Eren
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I'd almost given up
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Everyone had heard the stories of the creatures that had once inhabited the lands of Shiganshina village, and the country of Eldia as a whole. The dragons that had nested along the ocean side cliffs, the sirens that flirted with passing sailors in the waves below. Swarms of pixies had flitted in and out of the trees, and spirits were known to abound. But by far, the most well known were the guardians of the land, the fae. Armin had grown up hearing stories about the fae, and asking his grandfather incessantly what he knew about them.
With the disappearance of all those creatures years ago, after the war with Marley was won, Armin knew he would probably never get the chance to actually see one, one of those fabled protectors he'd heard so many legends about. According to the myths, written into the books he'd read over and over again, they were an immensely powerful species of winged women, not unlike angels in their appearance. They were expert healers, casting spells and charms so strong it was said they could bring a man back from the edge of death, but also deadly fierce warriors, one of them alone the equivalent to twenty of the king's personal guards.
As time went on, the stories became more and more convinced that they were vengeful and easily angered, quick to kill at the slightest glance.
Armin's own parents had been convinced that the fae were still out there somewhere, and had gone missing trying to find them. Each night, they'd told their son about how fantastical the world had been, about how they wanted to find the magic in it again. When they'd vanished, Armin had taken up their mission, becoming enamored with the thought of finding the fae after a century of being shrouded in mystery. While the adults around him had called him a fool growing up, the neighborhood children mocking him when he was younger, his best friends were always ready to defend him, and to listen to the theories he had thought up after finishing some obscure novel about those magical beings.
Slowly, they'd all grown up, and while they'd remained close, Armin had never really let go of his curiosity, of the feeling in his gut that told him the fae hadn't simply vanished completely after the war had ended. So after he'd turned eighteen, he'd made a plan to leave the village he'd spent his whole life in and begin a explore every lead he could find. So as the sun rose that morning, Armin hugged his friends goodbye and promised them he'd be safe, before saying farewell to his grandfather and telling him he'd be back by the same time next year.
Eren and Mikasa couldn't hide the fear they felt watching Armin fade from view, but for his sake, they tried to appear confident. Really, they were afraid they'd never see him again.
That was how Armin had found himself traipsing through forested hills and wading across cool rivers, his only companion the horse at his side and the dagger at his hip. It had been a month and a half since he'd left the village, and as the air started to grow colder, he began to wonder if he would find anything at all. After all, his parents had spent years on the same mission he now found himself on, and they'd vanished without a trace, leaving him behind to take up their cause. Settling down under a mighty oak tree, Armin told himself that if he didn't find anything within another month, he'd return to Shiganshina and live out the rest of his days there.
A months came and went, with no trace of the fae. At this point, Armin was running low on money and other supplies, and as the first snows fell, he knew he could only keep going for so much longer. Pulling out his compass, he sighed as he gazed in the direction of home. At first light, he'd begin the journey back. Making camp under a sheltered outcropping of rock, he closed his eyes to sleep and dreamed of home.
A sudden crunch of the snow underneath him startled him awake, eyes springing open to meet a pair of large, luminous ones, staring him curiously in the face. Scrambling back into the rock, his mouth hung open as your head cocked to the side curiously. There, in front of him, clear as day and sure as the stone he sat against, was a young woman sitting in the snow, the white wings of a dove extending from her shoulder blades and curling around her body. Her face looked soft as she surveyed this new creature, the one with downy soft golden hair and bright blue eyes that stared at her in a mixture of shock and awe. You giggled at his surprised face, a sound like chiming bells leaving your throat and breaking the silence.
Really, Armin still couldn't believe he'd found you, a remnant of a once magical world. And you didn't seem to be a vicious killer, simply a curious girl who couldn't be older than he was. As you looked him over again, like you couldn't really understand how he existed (much the same way he felt about you,) you broke into a smile before taking one of his hands between yours. Warmth flooded through him as his exhaustion faded, and the world around him seemed to grow more vivid even in the dark, the snow on the ground glowing white like the feathers on your wings, the sky becoming a living being of indigo and royal blue. There was magic in your veins, that much was certain.
You voice startled him from his thoughts, bringing his focus back to your piercing eyes that studied him like a bird of prey, avidly and fixedly. It was almost as if the two of you really couldn't believe the other was real, that they existed.
"Hello," you said with a smile, "my name is y/n. And to think I'd almost given up on trying to find you guys. I knew you hadn't all disappeared! There was no way...."
As you chattered excitedly, Armin found his elation growing, yes, but also his cofusion
What do you mean we didn't disappear?
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sweettodo · 3 years
I need longer than 7 minutes ⟿ Eren Jaeger x femreader [pt . 1]
Includes : swearing, making out, alcohol, lime, consumption, insinuation of marijuana [small reference].
Word count : 3,1k
This’ll be a few parts, this is my lil re-creation. I tried to make it original, but I give creds to the person who originally wrote 7 minutes, she surly will be with us forever; I’ll never forget that story :D
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You run home from your last lecture in the English building; bag swinging and hitting your back while you sprinted across campus.
You didn’t expect to be held back twenty minutes after class; all because you got a B- on group work, your incompetent ‘buddies’ who had to help- didn’t. You did it all, in a week. Thankfully your professor had kept it somewhat short with you; letting you know you weren’t going to have to redo it.
That was besides the point though; you needed to get to the fraternity house, now. You had promised Jean and Connie you would help clean the house before people arrived. As you near the house, you pant, throat dry and your chest burns from running, your leggings made you sweat like a madman.
Running up the porch and fumbling with the doorknob, you swing open the door and see Connie, frantically grabbing cups from shelves and coffee tables, throwing them in a giant black bag and he begins shouting when you’re tossing your bag on the couch and tying your hair up, “What the fuck y/n!” He whines, “you know I don’t clean for shit!” He hollers, you snag the bag from him and he smiles childishly and plops onto the couch. Little shit. You pick up where he left off, dragging garbage by the arm into the bag.
“Maybe if you knew how to clean-” you start, Jean comes down the stairs, only in a towel, you roll your eyes, looking back at Connie, “maybe if you two got off your dead asses, you wouldn’t need me to clean for you.” You growl, steam practically flying from your ears, looking back at Jean, with that silly smile on his stupid face.
“You live here too.” Jean teasingly cackles, you huff and charge towards him, shoving a finger in his face. He looks down at you with a smug smile on his face.
“Used to- it’s not my fault I had no idea college relationships don’t work out.” He sticks his tongue out at you and ruffles your hair, stepping back and strutting away in his low hung towel.
‘I don’t get paid enough for this.’ You mumbled under your breath.
He turns a head before walking towards the staircase, “pshh, you used to be over here every day with Connie! doing whatever toxic couples do. And look at you, still here for him.” He teases, Connie laughs, throwing his head back and standing up, walking towards the kitchen.
“That’s because she still loves me.” He sneers, you drop the bag on the floor and head towards your bag, swinging it over your shoulder. The boys start towards you, begging for you to stay, “I didn’t mean it! Please help.” Connie begs, you comply and place your bag down once more.
“Yeah let me get dressed and I’ll help! Don’t leave us! Please.” Jean implores, quickly running up the stairs, followed by hearing a door shut. You continue cleaning up the downstairs rooms, cleaning what needed to be disenfected so on so forth. Jean did in fact help you, while Connie prepared the bar, and drank half of it while he was at it.
Finally stepping in front of the door, taking a gander at the clean and organized house, surfaces cleaned and dusted, the garbage needed to be emptied a total of twelve times by the time you were done.
You though- you were proud at the work you’ve done, disappointed at the fact you knew it would only stay like this for not even two hours, knowing this house would be full of kids like every weekend, “let me go back and get ready, I’ll be back in a little.” Before they get a chance to say anything, your ass is out the door and walking down the sidewalk to the neighboring dorms, the sun slowly disappearing, the skin turning a milky pastel pink and orange. Students walked, groups of people skateboarding, while most conversed amongst each other. You scurried into the dormitories where you resided and headed for the elevator, pressing it a few times before quickly opening, you step in and slam your two fingers on the floor of your room.
Finally reaching your floor, your feet quickly move down the hall, unlocking your door and slipping in, Historia sits in her desk chair, doing work, “hey Historia, wanna tag along?” You’re throwing your shirt off your head followed by your leggings, you two had changed in front of each other so many times, neither payed any mind.
“No, I’m behind on an essay, I’ll come next weekend I promise.” She pleads, you smile and wave your hand in the air dismissively while standing there half naked.
“Please! You know it doesn’t hurt my feelings, I just don’t want you crammed in here all the time by yourself, it’s unhealthy.” Hands deep in your drawers, you’re looking for a dress, she lets out a sigh of relief and drops her pen on her textbook, standing and walking towards me, opening another drawer.
“I know what dress you gotta wear!” She sings, you follow her hands, fingers strolling down the neatly folded clothes within her clothes drawer. She rips out a black bodycon dress which wasn’t longer than mid knee, with a nice dip in the v-line.
Graciously taking it from her hands, a small gasp and smile planted on your mouth as you slip it over your feet and thighs, shimmying your arms into the strings. Historia had quite a delectable taste of fashion, she had worn and worked every style she’s come across, “you look hot.” She places a love tap on your ass and you stick your tongue out, taking a good look at yourself in the mirror, turning around to look at your body.
Releasing your hair from the hair tie, you shake your hair out and brush it. Being cautious you’d run late again, Historia is picking out a perfume and matching lotion, spritzing you and you take the lotion out of her hands, squeezing the sweet flower smell into your legs and arms, “thanks roomie, please, reconsider; come with me.” You plead one last time, she shoves me playfully and points to her textbook.
“Next weekend, go. Don’t make Connie mad by being late.” You groan and slipping your feet into black platforms.
“You’ll regret saying that, I don’t like Connie.” You shut the door behind you. Walking back towards that elevator.
The sky was pretty much dark at this point, the party was twenty minutes from starting, and you had just walked through the front door as Connie was swinging it open, letting people know they could come in, a few boys sat on the couch. Jean could be seen pouring drinks for himself and probably his friends. “I knew I heard y/n!!” Jean cheers, jogging over to me and scanning his eyes up and down my figure, “looking- uh, sexy.” He coughs, shaking his head and the little bit of pink brushes his cheeks, handing me one of his drinks.
Marco leaps over the couch and jumps towards Jean, leisurely throwing an arm over his shoulder, “maybe you’ll finally get a piece tonight,” he nudges, you smack Marco upside the head and he mutters swears under his breath, pulling off of his friend, Jean rolls his eyes and takes a gulp of his drink, cocking an eyebrow.
“Who says I haven’t hit already.” Before the boys can even react, your knee meets his groin, kicking him, he screeches and falls to his knees, the room stays silent for the most part besides laughing, “alright! I haven’t hit it yet- Jesus y/n!” He hissed, rolling back onto his feet and practically limping out of the room. I turn around to see if the others got the warning, but instead see two boys standing at the front door, both staring at me with wide eyes and interested looks.
Both were tall; one blonde haired which covered his forehead, keen blue eyes, the other wore baggy sweats, a black short sleeve shirt, his hair was messily pulled back. You stand there like a ditz, kinda humiliated.
“Here- Eren, Armin.” Jean is coming from behind you, handing these men drinks, patting Eren’s shoulder all ‘buddy - buddy’ as they walk deeper into the house, you shake off the intense vibe you felt from the two and drink more of the flavored vodka. Your ears suddenly perk up like a dog when you hear Jean’s loud mouth from the kitchen, “oh that’s y/n, isn’t she just a gem? my nuts still hurt.” He laughs, the slight hint of sarcasm in his remark, you swing around and walk into the kitchen, interjecting yourself in their conversation; the three chat it up, Jean’s eyes land on yours and smiles like a brat.
You poke Jean in the side and smile at whichever Armin and Eren were, “Isn’t Kirsten so peachy, this is why I love him.” You giggle, the boys in front of you laugh; both absolutely stunning bright smiles, you could get used to their faces around here. You also wondered where they came from.
“Oh, to be Jean’s nuts right now.” The dark haired one jokes, arising laughter amongst the three boys. Your eyes practically fall out of their sockets, an immediate halt of poking Jean’s side, the little ball stood out, you were absolutely thrown off any train of thought you had. People start filling the kitchen, you were so frozen in feelings you looked so ridiculous, shaking it off with a little smile, you needed to flirt back, he started it.
“And don’t I wish I was that tongue piercing.” It was now their turn to be frozen in shock, the blonde one turning his head to look at the other, a little ‘Eren’ could be heard from his lips; ‘so that’s his name, he kinda looks like an Eren.’
The loud chatter and booming music has overtaken the house, it was getting harder and harder to hear a single conversation as more and more people filled the house.
Jean wraps an arm around me, “I love it when she’s bold, she only gets worse the more she drinks, be careful.” Jean gives me a tight side hug and you down the rest of the liquid in the cup, I had stunned Eren into silence, Armin broke that silence with a small laugh. What Jean said was true, I had a small track record of flirtatious behavior when I had enough liquid courage.
Eren smiles at you, “so intense, let’s get them a room already.” Your eyes peel off Eren’s, Sasha stood there with a bottle in her hand, a huge smile on her face, “it’s like a staring contest over here, what’s happening guys?!” She hollers over the music, poking my boob a few times, you swat her finger off your tit and she giggles, hiccuping, she was much more intoxicated than yourself.
“I was just getting more to drink, gimme gimme’” you snatch the bottle out of your friends hand and pop open the cap, “I hope to see you all later, I plan on us all playing a little spin the bottle or something.” You swallow, Armin tilts his head and looks at you.
“Isn’t that for high schoolers?” He asks, a smile on his face, you lean in close, your head right between both Eren’s and Armin’s ears, they subconsciously lean in to hear what I have to say.
“With a twist.” You hum, pulling away and following Sasha towards the basement stairs, personal tequila bottle in tow and ready to drink.
An hour later you’re faltering towards the couches and sliding down onto your wobbly knees, Connie and Jean rounding up the people we are closest too in the basement, dizzy and laughing at practically every little thing in sight, Sasha and Mikasa sat to your left and right, equally or less drunk as yourself.
Our friend group sits on the floor in a giant circle and you stand, “okay my friends, I figured we could do a little something different this weekend.” You announce, the room falling somewhat quiet as they listen to you, “we’re gonna play spin the bottle, but instead of just regular old spin the bottle, if one spins and it lands on the other, they can head into the closet for seven minutes, but when your turn comes again, or that person that you went into the closet with previously, you go into the bedroom for a timed thirty minutes. No backing out.” You didn’t even catch Eren making himself comfortable next to Jean and Marco, Armin sitting on the couch behind Connie also planning on participating.
Eren had noticed you though, standing there with that half empty bottle and your tight dress, your messy makeup which he found beyond sexy. He couldn’t stop thinking about how you told him you wished he was his piercing, no girl had ever been so outgoing and bold. Although he was slightly stoned, and definitely drunk, he couldn’t rip his eyes off you; he sat on the ground intrigued, “I’ll do the first spin.” Sasha gushes, grabbing the empty beer bottle and giving it a strong spin.
It spins and spins, you sat pretty on your knees and wait for it to land on someone; an eternity later it’s pointing between Mikasa and Jean. He was jumping onto his feet in an instant, you knew Jean so well that it was impossible for him to act cool, he was freaking the fuck out. Mikasa stands and pushes Jean towards the closet, he stumbles, drunkenly tripping over his feet and we all laugh at him, they go in and I set a timer, starting it immediately.
We all talk and laugh, Connie and Marco had their ears pressed against the door like perverts, “hey pervs! Quit it you two!” Sasha shouts, they leap away from the door and soon enough the ringing plays to signify the end of the long 7 minutes, you stand and knock on the door, Jean comes out first, dizzy and face flustered, totally beyond repair. Then Mikasa following behind him, perfectly fine but with a domineering smirk plastered on her face. We cheer and Jean plops down on the ground, the boys patting and laughing, congratulating him.
I go, spinning the bottle and anticipating the stop, when it finally comes to a stop, my eyes follow the top of the bottle stopped right between the legs of Connie and Eren, seeing both staring at me, ‘ooh’s’ and laughing fill up the room, there was no way I was going into that room with Connie. “Rock paper scissors!” Jean shouts, I slap my hands over my face in embarrassment, my luck I’d be stuck with Connie who would probably just start a fight with me.
You peek your eye through your fingers and see the two boys play it out to see who would get to go into the closet with me.
Connie one- Eren two.
Your hands drop into your lap, feeling lightweight, almost like you were floating, a mixture of both anxiety and excitement flickering in your stomach, he was so intimidating and you felt tiny in front of him- in all honesty, flirting was one thing. You stand up hesitantly and walk towards the closet, his body blocking you from being able to see your friends one last time. He shuts the door and wastes no time looping his arm around my waist, pulling me into his rock hard chest, looking up at him and begin to gnaw on your bottom lip as he cops a feel of your ass; his strong hand groping your ass, hand rubbing and squeezing, “eager are we?” You tease, he hums and continues.
You were spiraling under his strength. He walks both of you backwards until your back is hitting the wall, dipping his head down to your ear, “what happened to the tough guy act?” He purrs, you shiver, his hand moving from your ass and down your thigh slowly, “you wanna kiss me?” He asks quietly, forehead pressed against yours, you respond with a little nod, his lips instantly meeting yours, your eyes shut and it only becomes more messy as seconds pass, his hand that was once on your thigh was now separating them, sliding his thigh in place between your legs; pinning you. While his thigh sat between yours, you could feel the growing erection poking your leg; which he paid no mind, this was about you. His left hand behind your neck, thumb caressing back and fourth on your jawline softly whilst fixing his right hand back on your ass, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
His body was warm, nose drinking up his vanilla scent, he tasted good, vodka completely soaked your tastebuds, the faint aroma of weed could be tasted in your nostrils from his clothes. Your hands loosely around his waist feeling up his back muscles only slightly.
The metal bud on his tongue keeping you enticed, colliding with your own tongue, it was like a little magic ball that could instantly have you on your knees; sparking these new and mysterious sparks within your body which you wanted more of. It was fun to play with.
He slowly pulls away, a string of saliva dragging from his lips to yours, he licked his lips, you kept your eyes on that piercing like an owner holding his pets treats in his hand, “I need more than seven minutes.” He grunts, your swollen lips begging for his again.
You were going feral, the tips of your fingers teasingly touching the hem of his sweatpants, feeling his boxers underneath, “you’re a good kisser Eren, wonder what else you’re good at, hm?” You whisper in his ear, he was tense, body still latches onto yours so you could feel the flexing of his muscles.
“I would tear yo-” our heads snap to the side, the knocking on the closet door, that was seven? Already? He pulls off of you, immediately feeling cold, your hand coming to your mouth so you can wipe it and somewhat look composed. Like nothing happened, he’s swinging the door open and cockily walking out, you walked out beside him, the girls overwhelmed with cheery grins and jaws hitting the floor, the boys ‘oohing’.
“Was it good?” Mikasa questions, tugging at your arm so you could sit in your spot, you look at her with devilish eyes.
“I’m taking that as a yes, he looks high and mighty don’t he?” Sasha chuckles, you glance at Eren who is looking at you with low, seductive eyes. You gulp and explode, looking at the floor and feeling like all eyes were on you.
“Next person!” Jean shouts. We all prepare for ourselves for the next round.
Fifteen minutes later, after Marco and Sasha had completely demolished each other’s necks in the closet, plus Connie and a random girl spending an odd eleven minutes in the closet after we all pounded on the door to get them out; God knows what they did in that closet. You look for who’s turn it was next; it was finally Eren’s turn to spin.
You were rather... irritated; he was gonna get to please some girl with his mouth the same way I was so blessed to have bestowed upon me. You drink from the bottle, drowning your new attitude. Now everyone is shock, leaping to their feet and jumping around like teenagers, you look around and Eren is walking towards your sitting body, your messy and drunken eyes looking up at him confused, “looks like we get our thirty minutes.” He smirks, your eyes bulge and you quickly stand to your feet, what luck!
Walking down the small hall of the basement, your back only barely touching his front side as he’s pushing himself through the doorframe, you push the door shut with your foot and pick up right where you left off.
“I’ll need more than thirty minutes.” You stand in shock at him ripping his shirt off his head. His finger touching your chin before being able to stare at his body, “get on your back princess.” He starts, gently pushing your back onto the bed.
“I need to taste you, please.”
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