#argh forgot to mention the first time i posted this but
kismetmoon · 9 months
so um. i seem to be on a little roll this week with just drawing all my favourite flatlanders who belong to others. this time it’s one of my absolute favourites in design, Hauntlight by @rjalker
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[Plain text ID: A digital drawing of Hauntlight, a humanoid-style original Flatland character done in a lineless style. Hauntlight is portrayed as having dark grey skin, a crack in one foot, an oval- shaped head with one eye in the centre that contains an orange iris and brown pupil - its head also has a large vaguely diamond-shaped point on top. It is wearing an eye piece with a yellow frame and orange straps. It is also wearing a dark brown and burnt orange dress. The dress has brown puffy arms separated by orange divisions, an orange torso with brown frills and buttons lining the front, an orange waistband and a brown maxi skirt with double orange tiers. It has one arm laying against is body while the other is leaning on its orange and yellow cane while looking to the top left with a neutral expression. The background is beige. End ID.]
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straykats · 1 year
I did a whole album review again may I… pass it across the table to you 👀👏🏼 (aka can we exchange thoughts)
hehe hi izzy here is my lil review (that isnt much of a review and more a reaction/commentary thingy, as all my stuff always is HAHA) BUT !! imma read ur review now and kinda make comments in relation to yours? like a really bad one way email discussion hm AHAHA i avoided reading ur review until i did mine so i don't go into the album with other thoughts (although??? i've listened to all the songs on the album at least once before doing the 'review' so?? idk man HAHA) anyways relistening to the album as i read through yours/reply below HAHA sorry to make this kind of a two-part thing heh (with the review post and then this as well) (dont feel pressured to read both 😭😭)
hall of fame // i agree, it's such a good intro to the album with it's message // yeah the bass is so COOL AND OMGOMG YOUR SCI-FI COMMENT RIGHTTTTTTT RIGHHHHHHHHHTTTTTT i thought i was a weirdo for comenting on the alien-esque sounds (thats what i called that recurring riff in the background AHHA)
s-class// your comment about it showing a bit of everything? so true.
item // yes @ having changbin and lix do the 'item' lines // omg i didnt mention this in my post but i love the vocal pre-chorus thing // oh!! you mentioned the mix of happy and aggressive and it reminds me of one of my first thoughts on the song: okay hear me out idk how to explain this but i feel like if anyone can get me its you HAHAHA so this song gives me like. hacker vibes. BUT LIKE but like the happy go-lucky hacker that acts kinda childish and takes risks and is really. tricksy. like they hack in a way that annoys people and they leave little messages on their targets screen or smth idk man HAHA but like on this relisten of the song and ur mention of the aggressiveness, i'm seeing less of an individual and more of a group? like, a.. rebel kinda group but not rebel. i forgot the word. but like you have ur happy go lucky hacker, you have ur aggressive gunsmen or weaponsmaster and your sniper and the cool leader that always smirks (like think kuroo tetsurou but the Cool part of him not the annoying or dorky part HAHAHAHAH i miss him <//3) and like this song gives me a SUPER specific vibe that i want to write as a fic ARGH
super bowl // yeah i love the chanting/group lines !! it kind of really fits the vibe of this song? cant explain it properly. but haha i applaud u for loving the whispers w headphones; im gently cringeing JNVDJSKNVJDSK HAAHAHA
topline // this song would be so funny at concerts bc everyone will say fuck and then chan will have another meltdown // YES the transition to jisung's verse from tiger jk's is so uGH AND THEN TO HYUNJIN THAT WAS SO SMOOOOOTH // yes this is such a concert song i just hope its one of the songs where they can run around the stage freely bc for the final chorus i can see them hyping up the crowd w them and it would be so fun
get lit // YES THE LIL TRILL THING AFTER 'dance like crazy' right theyre so fun theyre so nice they're so--- wait i though i was typing in caps this whole time (i was reading ur comments while typing and just looked over LMAO) im having so much fun w that part on the piano. its stressing me a little but in a really good way like its so fun // really interesting (that sounds really rude/like online forced politeness and i dont mean it that way okay ily i mean genuinely interesting) how ur seeing this as such a happy cute song and in my thing i was like 'god this song is so bittersweet and sad' HAHAHAHA like YES it does have a lot of happy fun vibes to it (i called it a 'tropical' vibe LOL) but smth is also like. hm. // by little vocals at the end, did you mean the lalalalas? bc yeah same hehe
get lit // ur comment about the bass FJDKD UR RIGHT but im sorry idk why im laughing ur comment just made me laugh // yeah that verse really is harsh, i didn;t notice before // YEAHH THE CHORUS SYNTHHHHHH it kinda gives me like. i can see a girl group going nuts to this but in a really good way idk how to explain it haha // WAIT THATS HYUNJIN W THE SLURRED LINES????? // yes the little sound at the end hehehe
collision // RIGHT RIGHT THE TRUMPETSSSSSS // dont mind quickly editting my post to include collision as one of my favs. i forgot 💀 // i see you are having a lot of verse 2 > 1 moments hehe // yeah the phone ringing !!!!! its so cool i HBVJDSBVHJSVHSJ
fnf // yeah felix vocals :(((((((( love sm and then followed by hyunjin too i ahhbvdsjbvhsjbvhs // oh i only just paid attention to the lyrics bc of ur comment and now im feelin a lil sad HAHA // oh omg hyes it does give tmt vibes // ohoho??? gotta find out what chan said about 'catching up'
youtiful // smth about channo opening it feels so comforting, right? like, the whole song is comforting and feels like sitting on a rooftop swaddled in blankets with them (all of them, one of them, some of them) but opening it w chan specifically was the cherry on top. // omg yeah the disney vibes >>> // (re: one of ur comments) that was the saddest 'woohoo love that for me' ive read in my life
and i'll stop here. sorry again if this was such a long response ahhh heehfhshjs but it was really fun to make my own comments and then listen to the album again and read ur comments.
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#86 Mary Anne and Camp BSC: Chapter 9
Ugh, sorry again for the delay in posts! I’ll make sure to stay on top of this so I can actually get to some NEW books soon!
In this chapter, it’s the return of Jackie the Walking Disaster, so get ready to be beaten over the head with examples of how clumsy he is.
Now we get an(other) entry from Kristy in her handwriting this time about the cookout. Though...when did Stoneybrook Academy (SA) become SMS? Weird. Inconsistency #3! Oh, and the BSC girls should be quaking with fear because look who's joining Camp BSC now...Jackie Rodowsky! Turns out his family had been on vacation, so now he was going to come to camp. So get ready for endless, over-the-top examples that he's a Walking Disaster. While Karen's brattiness goes unnoticed. Favoritism!
And why are Archie and Shea not coming? Shea’s older (I forget if he’s 9 or 10), so I guess that makes sense he may be too old. Archie’s 4, he’s the same age as Andrew and Jamie, so he isn’t too young. Jackie kind of overshadows his brothers anyway.
Jackie shows up at Camp BSC just in time for the cookout and right off the bat, he drops the napkins in the dirt. Whoops. The kids clear a space for the campfire, and they bring out the food: Turkey hot dogs, baked beans, coleslaw and s'mores. Mary Anne says they got turkey hot dogs because Dawn refuses to eat beef or pork. Sure thing, Your Highness! She adds the kids won't know the difference between turkey and beef hot dogs but I call bullshit because there's a definite taste difference! 
While the kids roast hot dogs, Ricky pesters Logan, asking if he knows any ghost stories. Logan says he doesn't believe in ghosts and Ricky looks at Logan as if he just told him there's no Santa Claus. And since we're talking about ghost stories, Karen joins in and tells the group that ghosts are everywhere and there's even ghosts that eat hot dogs! Ooooh spooky. Are there ghosts that eat loudmouth, obnoxious bratty kids too? I sure hope there are.
Logan tells Karen in a very nice way she's being a pain in the ass. “He'd encountered Karen's world-class imagination before!” ARGH. This double-standard pisses me off. Karen isn't annoying and bratty...she's funny and has a wild imagination! Don’t these girls ever get sick of Morbidda Destiny or Ben Brewer?
Oh, and Jackie's turning his hot dog into a black, burnt mess and as he eats it, he spills his baked beans. Because, you know, he's a WALKING DISASTER! We get it, Nola Thacker! The kid's clumsy! Kristy reassures the kids that there will be ghost stories, because they're a real camp that has cookouts and you tell ghost stories at cookouts. It's sad she had to stick that last part in there because her stepsister and her friends have put a damper on everything.
Nicky says Pow should have come because he'll eat up all the food that everyone's spilled, leading into a discussion about everyone's dogs. Which means when Shannon says something, we have to reiterate that it's Shannon Kilbourne saying it, not Shannon the dog. Because dogs are known to talk, so we have to distinguish. And this is the first time I’m hearing of Shannon being at the camp - hi, Shannon!
They go into the barn for ghost stories, and Karen tries to frighten everyone with the mention of the...Barn Ghost. Logan, who's prepared for this, tells her that the Barn Ghost only comes out after midnight and can't follow you home because it's just the ghost of a barn mouse. Thank you, Logan.
Logan attempts to tell the story of the guy with the yellow ribbon around his neck but Charlotte, of all people, finishes the sentence up “and when he untied it, his head fell off,” and asks for something good and scary. Are we sure this is Charlotte Johanssen, and not another Charlotte? Because she's as big of a scaredy cat as Mary Anne is!
Mallory then tells a bloody and morbid ghost story with everyone dying. The sitters aren't too amused but the kids love it. The ghostie forgot to mention it was about a family of eight kids and all but the eldest died at the hands of an evil ghost. The eldest then sold the bodies to Sweeney Todd and with the money, got a nose job and some dibble sparkly sweatshirts.
Karen then tells one of her stories. Let me guess - is it Morbidda Destiny or Ben Brewer? Oh, it's the one about the cave full of vampire bats. I guess she made this one up on the spot. Mary Anne even tries telling one about a ghostly cat, which she says kind of happened to Dawn once. Um...wasn't it Mallory and the Ghost Cat? 
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Geez, even the ghosties hate Mallory! Now Dawn's stealing her mysteries! Inconsistency #4 in this book!
Kristy then manages to scare the shit out of everyone (including Karen) with the story of a ghost that hated cookouts and haunted them. She says the ghost spotted a group of kids go into a barn and then Logan jumps out and scares everyone. Take that, Karen! I guess they were afraid because the book says the campers cried out “Eeeeeeehhhh,” which I guess is supposed to be shrieking.
Oh, and when roasting marshmallows, Jackie burns his to a crisp and adds that into a s'more. Because, you know, he's a WALKING DISASTER, DAMMIT.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 4 months
Following my Top 5 Hazbin Songs post, I.....I forgot to mention something about one of them that's....kinda-sorta a complaint? More like....something that bugs me a bit regarding the lyrics of "Stayed Gone"....
So, on my first few listens, it sounded to me that, at the start of the song, Vox sings "Everyone knows that there's a brand new don". Like....don, as in head honcho. New guy in charge, AKA him.
B-but....turns out, I'm like...the only one who hears that? Everyone else, including Prime's subtitles, swear that the actual lyric is "brand new dawn".
So, yeah....I was wrong. And that's fine. This is a me problem, clearly. But....argh, I still can't unhear "don" after so many listens, and it annoys me! It doesn't help that "don" rhymes better with "Turn the TV on"....but that's no big deal. I'm just someone who writes song lyrics as a hobby a lot, so my brain is wired with "what's the best rhyme to put here" a lot of the time....but I wouldn't say I'm GREAT as it, so blegh.
Just a random nitpick. XP
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skellebonez · 3 years
SO, remember that thing you wrote a while back, about Monkey King and Mk time traveling back to the JTTW time period?
Link to said thing: https://skellebonez.tumblr.com/post/647766968590581760/18-for-present-wukong-and-mk-to-accidentally-time
So. Time travel is funky. This is set post-Special, immediately pre-season 2. But has spoilers for events up to S2E7. For reasons. Side bar: sometimes time travel comes with some fun side effects. Fun for the viewer. Less fun for the people experiencing them.
Truth be told, I forgot they were even here./Can you teach me how to do that?
"Won't this cause some kind of... I-I dunno, time paradox?" MK asked in a harsh whisper as they followed the traveling group at the back of the line. "Or is this gonna be some kind of 'you changed one thing and now two timelines exist' kind of deal?"
"I genuinely have no idea," Wukong said with a sigh, digging at the uncomfortable but familiar feeling in his ear and trying to keep his voice down as much as possible. He was honestly surprised that it had taken MK this long to ask this particular question, but then again... they had other things to worry about. "I don't remember this, but that may not even matter. I've around for centuries, Bud, but even I have no idea how thing works for us."
"That is not a comforting sentence."
It had been a little over two days since the mentor and student had found themselves thrown backwards in time a few centuries away from home. And Sun Wukong could tell that MK was starting to get more and more frustrated as time had gone on. To be fair, they had made little progress. And there was... another reason... multiple other reasons. But most importantly, there wasn't exactly a power source they could plug the machine into that would give them enough juice to send them home, at least not unless they chance by a demon with lightning powers that Wukong didn't remember. No, instead they had to wait until they hit a storm.
One that was more than another two days walk away.
The young man did his best to not let it show, however. Most likely because of who they were traveling with.
His younger self lead the group, pointedly not looking back at them and keeping a watchful eye for demons that the elder Wukong knew would not come. He dared not bring this knowledge up, though, not knowing if MK had a point about that paradox. He didn't seem to trust the completely, but there was someone else he trusted.
Behind him was his former Master. The monk Tripitaka, Tang Sanzang himself, on the back of the horse formed dragon Bai Long Ma. Bai Long Ma had said nothing, as they were wont to do, and seemed to mostly ignore the two of them unless they were loud. Mast- Sanzang. He had insisted that the elder Wukong and MK call him Sanzang. Probably to help differentiate who was speaking to him if he could not see the two immortal monkeys, and also because MK kept trying to figure out which title to use for the monk and he took pity on him. Sanzang, after a hour's long explanation and from proof via MK's phone and knowledge of past adventures none should know of (and one very interesting game of staff trading between the two monkeys for a moment where the younger Wukong realized it was indeed the same staff).
Sanzang had not mentioned his crying when they met. Neither had his younger self. Or MK.
Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing took up the rear. Wujing had not said much to the two of them, but he was nice enough. Suspicious of them, but nice. He put more faith in Sanzang and younger Wukong (perhaps he should call him something else in his head) than his companion.
Bajie didn't trust them as far as he could throw them, that was clear from the way he kept glancing back at the duo with daggers in his eyes. He was immediately unhappy with their new travel companions and... Wukong realized with a sad jolt that he actually missed that. At the time he only found Bajie's contrary nature to his own to be frustrating but now... now he hadn't heard that in 500 years and he could see that while it may have been misguided at times (many times) it was born of a sense of self preservation and a want to protest Sanzang.
Even if he contradicted himself at times as well.
"You two doing ok back there, older me and Kid?" Younger Wukong called back suddenly.
"Yup, just. Hanging." MK yelled back, tone as terse and done as it had been for the last day. "Not like I can do anything else." The second bit was muttered under his breathe, most likely in the hopes even his mentor couldn't hear him. He was wrong.
Wukong felt... bad. Because he was the primary source of this rotten mood.
The staff digging into his ear for the first time in centuries was a reminder of that. An agreement between himself and his student to not bring up any undue suspicion and questions that would take time they may not have to get back home. They'd agreed that the group would also call him Kid, since MK wasn't as fond of the others calling him Bud for some reason, and the name was just... a smidgen to close to Monkey King to not raise similar questions. It was also a reminder that Wukong had let slip in a follow up conversation, away from prying ears, about why this may or may not be really necessary that he had planned to leave the next day in present time.
MK hadn't been happy since. Not with him at least.
"Bajie, remember to ask them how they are doing from time to time. Please?" Sanzang insisted in front of them.
"Truth be told, I forgot they were even here," Bajie lied.
Bajie glowered down at Wukong, throwing the fruit and wrapped rice packages in his general direction and not caring whether he caught it or not. There was a soft and disappointed cry of his name from Sanzang from the other side of the camp.
"Master and the stupid Monkey may trust you," he snorted, ignoring the call and looking between Wukong and MK. "But I don't. If you even so much as set one little toe out of like I will re-"
"Rend our souls asunder with your mighty 9 Toothed Rake, yeah," MK sighed as he used some of the water from his cup to wash the berries thrown at him. "You're Zhu Ganglie, Zhu Bajie, Tiānpéng Yuánshuài, commander-in-chief of 80,000 Heavenly Navy Soldiers. You will kick our asses. We know."
For a whole second Zhu Bajie looked genuinely surprised and... kind of impressed.
Then he scoffed again and made his way back to the group of five and watched them from the edges of his vision with less suspicion and more curiosity than before.
"Mei was right when she said he was kind of like Pigsy," MK noted, popping a berry into his mouth.
"When was that?" Wukong asked, doing much the same.
His student froze, looking down at his hands for a moment as if trying to remember something. "... not important. Let's just eat and get some rest, like Sanzang told us to."
It didn't take a Great Sage to realize something was wrong.
Wukong said nothing.
"Kid, we told you to stay back with Master!" Wujing shouted as MK peaked his head around the rock he and the monk were taking shelter behind.
"I know!" MK snapped, growling as he ducked back down and presumably curled in on himself. "ARGH I feel useless!"
Wukong winced at his tone, feeling bad. MK wasn't useless, to be fair, but without his staff and no backup weapons he was fighting up a creek without a paddle as it were.
"You're not useless, and you're protecting Tripitaka!" He shouted, letting out a yelp as he narrowly avoided a hit from a demon that should not even be here. Or, some kind of time anomaly mockery of a large demon. An enormous smoke or shadow creature that was far too familiar for his own liking. Not the same, something possibly cobbled together from time itself.
"Wow, uh, future me you're not doing so hot!" Younger Wukong said with a raise of his eyebrow as he blocked a strike with much more ease. "Aren't I supposed to get better with age? Like a handsome fine wine?"
"I'm a bit RUSTY ok!?" He snapped, slicing off one of the shadow creature's cloth tassels to watch it flicker away. "Haven't been many demons to fight!"
He heard a scoff from behind the rock before he felt the giant fist punch him into it. And through it. A Wukong sized hole between student and old master. He realized too late that he had lost his grip on his staff as it flew into the air above them.
"Alright, that's enough!"MK shouted, and before Wukong could even move to stop him the Monkie Kid had jumped into the rock and reached up.
"KID DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH!?" Bajie shouted in horror as he made to rush back and tackle him out of the way. He hadn't moved fast enough either.
None of them had, before MK caught the staff as if it was as light as a feather and twirled it around himself before extending it and launching himself at the shadow creature with a scream of rage and frustration and landing what would have been the killing blow had it not clearly been something not living in the first place.
It dissipated much as the piece cut off before it did, leaving MK to... give a confused yelp and fall into a heap on the ground. The staff fell to his side as he clutched his head and yelled in pain from a source Wukong could not see.
"Kid!" Wukong screamed, moving faster than he had during the entire fight to his student's side. "Kid, shit, MK! What happened?"
"MK?" Sanzang and his younger self asked softly in tandem as Wujing and Bajie watched on, all moving closer. But not too close, giving the two room to move.
MK didn't answer. He sat up, holding his head in his hands as he breathed deeply and tried to keep from screaming again before everything just... stopped.
His sat on his knees, hand hanging limply at his sides as his true sight shone in his eyes and he looked on forward blankly.
"What's... who is he?" Younger Wukong asked slowly as he turned to his older self. "What is he?"
"The Hero and the Warrior were like the Sun and the Moon..." MK muttered softly all of a sudden, just loud enough for the group surrounding him. His voice was slurred, almost like he was in a trance. "Their light a protective glow shining upon the world..."
"MK, where did you-" Wukong tried to ask instead of answering his younger self as he slowly stepped forward, cautiously, but MK continued on as if he had not heard him at all.
"Together there was nothing that could stop the two of them. Either in the Celestial Realms... or on Earth. As time went on, the Hero attained power beyond comprehension. As the Hero's light grew so too did his shadow and soon the Warrior was cast in that shadow. In the darkness, the Warrior was forgotten by the Hero..."
MK immediately slumped forward as he fell unconscious.
"His name is MK... and he's the Monkie Kid... My successor," Wukong finished as he laid a fresh cold wet cloth over his student's forehead. After he had collapsed it became obvious something was seriously wrong with MK, high fever burning him up quickly. They were only just close enough to a town for him to grab him and the staff and rush off with barely a shouted back explanation of "find us at the inn" to the rest of their group. "We thought that... keeping that a secret might prevent any kind of... weird time travel... stuff."
Wukong sighed. His explanation was weak even to his own ears. Excuses. Ways to make things easier for him.
He felt worse than he had just the day before.
His student laid unconscious still, fever burning even after the medicine from the town doctor had been given to him with water carefully. The only thing Wukong could think of was the staff. MK wasn't invincible like he was, maybe contact with it had caused a reaction from the time travel that couldn't affect the immortal.
"Why would you need a successor, Wukong?" Sanzang asked after they sat in silence for a moment.
Bajie handed Wukong the mortar and pestle he had been working with to prepare more medicine, something to add to tea when MK woke up. The pig demon had not questioned him once since they arrived, only grabbed what Wukong was trying to mix poorly himself and listened.
Bai Long Ma had changed into a human form, one he had rarely seen, and sat beside Wujing. They both also listened.
His younger self looked at MK in a mix of wonder and confusion and horror and Wukong could not blame him. The idea of a successor... he must have known himself what that meant even if no one else did.
"I hope I don't have to tell you," he said softly. He didn't look away from MK, even as Sanzang laid a comforting hand on his back. "And I don't want to risk what telling you might do..."
No one questioned him after that.
When Bajie prepared the next bowl of medicine for MK, Wukong took a chance he never had with the demon he once considered like his brother.
"Can you teach me how to do that? Properly?"
Bajie did.
"Monkey King?" Came the hoarse rasp of MK's voice ringing through the room, and Wukong shot up from where he was watching the stars in an instant.
"I'm here, MK," He said softly, still soft, not wanting to hurt his student in case hie head ached. "How do you feel?"
"Dead, but only from the neck up," MK groaned out, and Wukong let out a relieved sigh. He wasn't sick enough to not joke around at least. "Where are we?"
"The town we need to be in," Wukong answered, quickly working on adding the medicine into some now (sadly) cold tea. He had hoped MK would wake much sooner. "Storm is tonight... you've been asleep for a whole day. Hopefully getting you home with this medicine in you will make you feel better, you uh... you weren't doing so great before-"
"What happened to Macaque?" MK asked suddenly, looking for all the world like he had no idea why he would even ask that question to begin with. "Not the battle your younger you had. Before that. In the story. Sun and Moon. Please, I... I want to know. Just... just tell me something, for once."
Wukong froze, fur bristling and stiff and this was not the conversation he wanted to have with his student right now. This is not the conversation he should be able to physically have with his student right now because MK should have no way of knowing anything like this at all. But he had. He'd recited the story he'd heard before word for word from... Macaque.
This was not the time for easy outs. Not anymore.
"I've made a lot of mistake, MK," He started, lifting his student's head onto his lap to help him sit up for the drink. "And a lot of them are ones I didn't think you would have to know about. But Macaque... it's complicated, I know that now. I didn't back then."
MK sipped the tea but said nothing, only made a face at the taste of the medicine.
"We were friends, once. Back on Mount Huaguo before I went to the Celestial Realm, he became immortal in... other ways to my own. I was trapped for 500 years under a mountain without him, no one came to see me so... I guess he was never able to find me. Or he waited thinking I would eventually come back," Wukong tried not to think about how that meant he could have had trust in his friend and not for other reasons he had assumed for so long. "You know the story of the White Bone Spirit from our journey? How Bajie got me banished?"
Wukong couldn't help but chuckle. Oh, he'd been so mad at Bajie for so long for that. He still was, in many ways. But given what happened to him later on in the journey Wukong couldn't hold a grudge.
"Yeah you-" MK coughed a little, probably from not talking for a whole day and a sore throat. "You went back to Mount Huaguo."
"And to Macaque," Wukong continued. "For the first time in 500 years."
"I bet he was angry."
"No..." Wukong disagreed, shaking his head and thinking back. "No, he... wasn't. Not at first. He was ecstatic I came back. The Hero and Warrior of Mount Huaguo back together again, just like old times. But it wasn't like old times. I was already different, I knew how I treated others including the monkeys on my mountain hadn't been the best. And when Bajie came to bring me back... I couldn't help but wanting to leave back to the journey. Part of it was to get the fillet off, but part of it was because... I realized I cared for the others. I wanted to see the journey through with them."
"Macaque thought you were abandoning him," MK said after a moment, eyes widening. "That's why he took on your identity. He wanted... revenge? For you to have no reason to leave again?"
"I think he just wanted what we used to have," Wukong said with a frown. "I've been running from him for so long... over another 500 years. I've made so many mistakes in my life MK, but I think not trying to get him to come with us or trying to properly explain what I was doing... may have been the worst."
"... The warrior was never forgotten by the Hero after all," MK said softly before drifting back to sleep.
"No," Wukong agreed, though he knew he was not heard. "No, the Hero never forgot. The Hero never will, not completely. Even if it hurts."
The storm came on schedule. The machine was charged.
Over the day they came back their memories of the trip back in time faded into a distant thought, one that both mentor and student soon forgot to fear the loss of.
By the next day they had forgotten. Time had fixed itself.
But not completely.
The Hero never forgot completely, after all. There was something telling him in the back of his mind to check more on his student. He remembered a hand on his back that should not have been there. He knew how to mix something he never had before.
Neither did the Warrior, uninvolved in this adventure as he may be. He had plans.
And the one between them, with no title to himself, didn't completely forget either. He recalled feeling warm and safe. His head was on someone's lap. There were berries and someone not unlike one of his father figures.
The memories of what happened lingered, quiet, uncalled but emotions still there.
A short time later the one between felt that a play he went to was strangely familiar to him and needed to rush out before his head began to ache in memories he didn't recall.
"So um... what happened to him? The Warrior?"
The answer was somewhere in the back of his mind. If only he could remember.
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midnightsgift · 3 years
I forgot how much i love this man, like i love his character and usually rich guys aren’t my cup of tea, they usually come of as whiny like Natalia or like in other shows i’m sure you know the type i’m on about, but i can still appreciate she is well written. Raul i do wish Sofia ends up with and hope they give him a nice redemption arc in S2.
My favourite moments of his during my re-watch:
>He gives Luis money like i prefer for him to still be alive... (1x01) >When he sits next to Sofia outside’s the principal’s office and just sinks in the seat (1x02) >How he made her smile by proceeding to tell her indirectly he felt better because of her. The kid just wanted to be loved. (1x02) Sidenote: i remember it was the office scene after this where i thought he was behind some of it. > I do resent Raul’s character a bit for making Luis take the blame, same with Gerry, i feel like a bit of sympathy for the guy but hate what he did to him >not about Raúl but i forgot about how much of an amazing job they did making it out Sofia was dating an older man. >I love me some flirty banter, ‘see you can worry about someone without having a crush’ - Sofía is a great main character. (1x03)  > I know he didn’t want Luis to get hurt but i do blame him partially for his death, also that solo shot on Raul running away after Gerry’s knockdown highlights he’s finally realised what he’s caused. Also I started to like Gerry’s character towards the end but my god do i hate him because of Luis. Gerry deserved so much better man, but i liked that he died from a story-telling point of view (1x03)  > You cannot convince me there was any other reason Raul wanted Sofia to meet the hacker at his party other than wanting Sofia to be at his party (1x04) >Damn! i forgot about the laundry scene. ‘you never have time [...] time for me’  *chef’s kiss*  (1x04) > i never get people that tell other ppl to not flirt with the person they like when they’re one not in a relationship two not actively trying to purse a relationship. like if u want the person you like to be yours then trying asking them out that’s and if ur not gonna do that then u can’t dictate who they go out with. This goes for both of them. (1x05) > Still can’t believe he was that dumb to believe that, such an obvious trap (1x08) >Argh that scene with Gerry holding the gun contemplating his own life, I remember watching it the first time thinking they couldn’t make me feel any sympathy for the man but the scenes with Luis’ mother, they really did it.  (1x08) > That last scene where Gerry has they gun to his head because Raul is threatens to tell Luis secret was great writing, and so much better than what i originally expected to be Gerry going to kill Raul, because after Luis he learnt his lesson.  (1x08) > I do hate Raul for what he did to Luis too but I have a soft spot for him.  (1x08)
//This is written and posted before i watched S2 so if u want to talk more about his character can u please not mention anything s2 or hint towards it no matter how minor//
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big-dong-zhong · 3 years
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1 - Melt
Update: I see that this post still gets new notes, so allow me to redirect you to the updated version of this chapter, HERE!
Words: 1,873
Rated [T+]  - Here is an explanation of my rating system.
Tartaglia/Lumine, fluff (i guess?), sorry I really don’t know what to say here.
Lumine is ill-prepared for Snezhnaya’s weather.
Notes: I read somewhere that Childe has two older siblings as well, but since I’ve written this I’m not 100% on that and I’m too scared to look it up. I also wrote this on impulse and never went back to it, only spiraled it into complete chaos.
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Tartaglia lay in his childhood bed, staring up at the ceiling. It had been years since he had last slept there, and the scratching of the wool against his skin gave him a nostalgic sorrow, like he had left something behind. The other bed laid empty, another single wool blanket carefully draped over it. He put his arm over his eyes, wondering if it had been a good idea to return so soon.
The door opened quietly followed by light and hurried footsteps over the rug and to the other bed. The wood frame creaked under the weight of someone sitting upon it for the first time in years. A loud huff. Tartaglia could feel eyes on him. It was nearly impossible not to crack a smile, but he would pretend that he was asleep for now unless she addressed him.
"Lumine?" He grinned and quickly pulled his arm from his face and turned his head to look in her direction. Lumine was sitting upright on the bed, completely wrapped in the wool blanket with only her face visible, and she was pouting. Her cuteness caught him off guard and his heart may have skipped a beat or two, but he quickly regained his composure.
"It's cold," she grumbled, pulling the blanket even tighter around herself.
"Of course it's cold! We're in Snezhnaya. I really hope you didn't forget that somehow." He let out a laugh. "You could always come over here and I'll keep you warm." He turned to his side and lifted up his own blanket to invite her into his bed.
"No!" Lumine whispered harshly. "No way! I am not sharing a bed with you!" She shook her head as she declined.
"Well I guess you'll just freeze then," Tartaglia conceded and rolled back over. "A shame too. How will I ever be able to explain this to the Knights of Favonius? I guess I'll just have to run away and change my identity. They'll surely come after me if they think I let something happen to you out here." The sounds of the other bed creaking, and then footsteps toward him.
Got her.
"I didn't tell them," she mumbled. He turned to face her again, this time he was confused. It must have shown on his face because she continued. "I didn't tell anybody I was coming here. Not the Knights of Favonius or even the Adventurers’ Guild. It's not everyone's business what I'm doing every second of every day. I'm allowed to do things on my own, contrary to popular belief."
Tartaglia snorted, then laughed at the situation. Everyone really wanted a piece of her, didn't they? This girl who looked like a dumpling wrapped up in his brother's old wool blanket pouting at him was so important that several organizations felt the need to constantly keep tabs on her. It was only fair though, he figured. She was incredibly strong, not to mention nobody knew where she came from. She was very intriguing. He wanted to know more about her as well.
She sniffled. Tartaglia could see that her nose was getting red, and she kept scrunching her face like she felt a sneeze coming.
"Come on," he chuckled, "you can bring the blanket with you; just get in." Lumine glared down at him and very reluctantly sat on the edge of his bed, her back toward him. She scooted herself back on top of Tartaglia's blanket then lifted her legs into the bed and laid down, never once removing the blanket she already had around herself. He laughed. "Well this isn't exactly what I had in mind. It's not going to make a lot of difference if you're still under just one blanket."
"Then give me both of the blankets," she mumbled.
"Now that's cold, Lumine. You would let me freeze in the night? And after my family showed you so much hospitality. Imagine how upset my poor little siblings would be to find me frozen solid in the morning: a big brosicle!"
"Argh, fine!" Lumine had finally had enough of his antics. She jumped out of the bed and threw the second blanket she had wrapped herself with onto Tartaglia's face. "Make it up however you want, just do it fast okay!"
He laughed as he sat up, grabbing the blanket and unbundling it to toss over his own to make a double layer. Once he was satisfied that it was good enough he glanced toward Lumine and saw what she was wearing. A very short, white night dress with a frilled hem and collar, the latter of which rested halfway down her shoulders, exposing bare skin as well as her collarbones. He could see how delicate her legs were beneath the hem, which only barely covered the tops of her thighs. The fabric also seemed to be quite thin; silk from Liyue perhaps? Her arms were crossed over her chest so he couldn't gauge exactly how sheer the fabric was. Unfortunate, but he could live with the mystery for now. He grinned.
"Well no wonder you're cold," he teased her and lifted up the blankets. "Come on now before you freeze." Lumine glared down at him in contempt. "I'm not going to do anything weird," he insisted. She lifted an eyebrow at him.
"Maybe I wouldn't go that-"
"I'm sleeping in Tonia's room," Lumine said as she began to turn around.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I promise I won't do anything weird." Tartaglia urged. She pursed her lips into an unsure frown and climbed into the bed, directly facing him. He nearly forgot to breathe in that moment, she was so close. Her toes brushed against his shin for a moment and he felt how ice cold her skin was. She really hadn't prepared for this trip, had she? At least she wasn't in Snezhnaya alone. She shuffled her arm to her front and placed her hand between their faces, her fingers curled except for one in particular.
"Pinkie promise me you won't do anything weird."
"You really don't trust me, do you?" He didn't even finish before she pushed her hand closer to his face. He was tempted to lightly nip at it just to get a reaction out of her. However, he knew she would be furious if he did, and he wasn't awake enough to chase her down in the snow. He sighed with a small laugh and brought his own hand to meet hers. He hesitated at first, his heart skipping a beat when their fingers first touched. "You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life," Tartaglia started.
"You break a pinkie promise," Lumine continued and narrowed her eyes, "I throw you on the ice." Their little fingers wrapped around each other.
"The cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend." He tightened his grip, feeling his breath hitch in his throat. He hoped that she didn't notice how fast his heart was beating.
"The frost will freeze your tongue off, so you never lie again." They unclasped their little fingers and let their hands rest between them, not quite touching, but Tartaglia could start to feel her body heat under the blankets.
"Feeling warmer now that you're with me?" he asked with a smug grin. Lumine nodded and let out a small, breathy yawn that tugged on his heart strings. He wished he could fall asleep as fast as she did. If anything, laying next to her made him even more anxious. Every time she let out a deep breath he held his, unsure of what to do. Of course he knew he should just close his eyes and go to sleep, but he couldn't stop looking at her. She looked so small and calm, unlike the fury and excitement she radiated while awake. Tartaglia liked this side of her too. He stroked her arm with the tips of his fingers, feeling the warmth radiating off her skin, the sensation making his heart beat faster. He had promised he wouldn't do anything weird, but now he wasn't sure what Lumine's definition of weird could be. She stirred in her sleep, startling him to pull his hand away from her. It may have been just a nursery rhyme, but he knew Lumine would literally cut his tongue out if he broke his promise.
He held his breath, waiting for her to wake up and scold him, but she didn't open her eyes. Instead she moved closer to him, and closer to him. One of her legs slid between his, which in turn caused her dress to ride up and expose her abdomen to his own bare stomach. Her hand slid over his navel and reached around to his back under his shirt. The sensation of her smooth skin sent what felt like a bolt of lightning through his body, though somehow far different from any electro powers he’d used. Her face was only inches away from his. Lumine was so close to him that he couldn't breathe for fear of waking her. Yet, the anxiety he felt was invigorating. It was a new and foreign kind of excitement to him that he never even dreamed of experiencing. In fact, he'd never given any thought at all to this kind of intimacy with another person. Lumine. Her thoughts, her feelings, and her body; they were a whole new battlefield for him, one he wasn't sure if he could ever conquer, but that made the idea all the more exciting.
Tartaglia's breath finally escaped his lungs, involuntarily shaky and vocal. He moved his tongue around inside his mouth to get rid of the dryness that had taken hold. Luckily the cold had made it so he wasn't sweating from all of the new sensations he was experiencing. He was starting to feel lightheaded from all of the times he'd held his breath, but that in turn with their combined body heat had also started to make him sleepy. His breath steadied and Tartaglia was finally starting to relax. Lumine was definitely fast asleep, and it didn't look like she was going to wake up to any small movements he made. He decided that wrapping arms around each other wasn't anything weird and moved his arm to cradle her back.
He already knew that he liked her. Since the moment he'd met her he had wanted to be involved in her life, and fighting her had brought him exhilaration he could have only dreamed of. Now he felt that they could have something even more. Lumine was in his home, in his bed with him, the rest of his family sleeping soundly within the house. She didn't belong and yet she fit in so well. He didn't want to let her go. If they could lie there and hold each other forever he might even have been happy with just that. The tiredness was finally beginning to take over. He was as relaxed as he had ever been in her embrace.
Tartaglia shifted to grace Lumine's forehead with a long and chaste kiss, holding her body against his own. He rested his forehead against hers, and finally he was able to let sleep take him.
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deadlyglacier · 3 years
20 Questions tag~
I was tagged by @mythicamagic thank you senpai~<3
How many works do you have on AO3?
40 right now, plus 1 that is still hidden because of the SOFA Exchange event.  (I’m still a lil fish.)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
486,920!  That’s so amazing to me!
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
InuYasha - A Feudal Fairytale (18)
FullMetal Alchemist (18)
Mass Effect Trilogy (3)
Let’s Play (Webtoon) (1)
Kingdom Hearts (1) But I hope to write for many more fandoms in the future!  I have ideas for fics for Castlevania, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Last of Us Part II, and more!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1.  Stardust FemShep/Garrus, Mass Effect Trilogy, Rated Explicit. A retelling of the Shepard/Vakarian love story, with lots (and LOTS) of sexiness, from Garrus' point of view. Starts from before the Omega-4 and will end sometime after the end of ME3. Trying to stay as true to the game as possible, while adding some things happening off camera and a new ending.
#2.  Flamingo Sess/Kag, Inuyasha, Rated Explicit Kagome's method of beating the summer heat attracts a certain demon lord...
#3.  Hawk Sess/Kag, Inuyasha, Rated Explicit Kagome and Sesshomaru discover they have a mutual attraction for each other after a battle and a slight comedic incident brings them together. At first their relationship seems entirely sexual, but eventually evolves into something real. What will this romance mean for Naraku? Or even the future?  *TRIGGER WARNING FOR CHAPTER 6! MAJOR VIOLENCE AND TRAGEDY* Very, very loosely based on "A Mere Digression" by elle6778
#4.  Daisy Sam/Charles, Let’s Play, Rated Mature Sam wakes up somewhere unfamiliar with a splitting headache with no memory of the night before. Takes place right after the S2 finale.  First chapter was my prediction for what would happen next, and then three other “wishful thinking” chapters happened, lol.
#5.  Chemistry Ed/Winry, FullMetal Alchemist, Rated Mature A look at how the relationship between Ed and Winry developed after Brotherhood ended.  Cute, sweet, funny, and hot (eventually—y'all that know me know I gotta have some NSFW in there).
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to respond to everyone, especially when a fic of mine has just been posted, but sometimes I just forget.  If I haven’t responded to your comment, please know it’s just because I’m a big dumb and forgot!  I love getting comments, and I reread them all the time!  I just feel like there’s a time limit to when I can respond to them--if I let too much go by, it’s awkward if I reply.  Gah, but that’s just me getting in my own head, I guess.  I’ll do better!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oof, definitely Psychology, a fic I wrote for RoyEdOTPoly this year.  The prompt I got was dark, and I didn’t see any way around an angsty ending.  Read at your own risk!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Well, aside from the last fic, I try to write happy endings for all my fics!  But, if I have to name names, I’m torn between Zoology (another FullMetal Alchemist fic, RoyEd, for RoyEdOTPoly this year) and Stardust (my Mass Effect fic, which is long, but so worth it, in my opinion).  Both are very fluffy in the end!
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Argh...  I don’t really like crossovers, to be honest.  I actively avoid them when looking for fics to read.  But that doesn’t mean I haven’t thought of writing them myself.  (I’m a total hypocrite, I know.)  I had an idea for an Inuyasha x The Sims fic, years ago, that I never did anything with.  The premise was basically Inuyasha and Kagome would get trapped in the game somehow (via the jewel or magic or something), and they’d be controlled by Souta, Kagome’s friends, Hojo--all sorts of different people who think the fact that Kagome and Inuyasha are in the game is just some kind of silly mod.  I probably won’t write it, so if anyone is interested in that crazy idea, have at it!  You have my blessing. <3 I also have a crazy crossover idea for what I call an “Ultimate OT3″ of mine that I’ve mentioned to my friends, but I haven’t actually written down yet:  Sesshomaru/Alucard/Sebastian Michaelis.  So be on the lookout for that!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I wouldn’t call it “hate” so much as “mansplaining,” but I have gotten a couple of comments that made my eyebrow twitch on Stardust--both on AO3 and FFN.  Just dudes (and I’m fairly certain they were dudes, just from their tone) trying to explain why a certain plot twist wouldn’t work, or tell me how to save Sidonis in the actual game (which I already knew, that person just didn’t read what I wrote). I’ve also gotten a comment on one of my more controversial fics, Hippology, on FFN, where the person asked me if I thought my summary was K-Rated (which, admittedly, it does need to be for the site, and mine wasn’t--because of a single word).  I changed it and messaged them saying it was fixed.  Going to that commenter’s profile, however, proved to be fairly enlightening...  They’re nuts.  They have another profile, too.  Read at your own risk.  Yikes. There’s also a team of people on FFN who make it their life’s mission to report stories with rule violations.  I’ve gotten a comment from one of them as well.  These people are not mods, they just like to pretend they are--one of them even made their name look official!  “CU Administration,” gtfo dude. I also recently got one of my fics removed from FFN.  It wasn’t even one of my sexiest ones!  They put me in timeout for 48 hours, and when I was finally able to publish something new on the site again, I posted Hippology (my centaur smut), and it’s still up as I type this.  (Wonder how long it’ll take them to notice?)  And since the fic that got taken down was a SessKag fic, I’m thinking it might have been a petty SessRinner who reported it to the “authorities” of FFN, because another friend of mine got hers taken down not long after mine, and it was also SessKag.  Just my tinfoil theory, anyway!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, yes, yes.  It’s practically all I write.  I do all sorts of smut, from romantic, sensual stuff, to specific kinks, to monsterfucking--all that good stuff.  Can’t change me~<3
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God, I hope not!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t think so.  No one has asked me if they can translate one, anyway.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet!  I’m open to the idea, and I’ve had little discussions with my fic-writing buddies about it, but nothing’s come out of it just yet.  Keep your eyes peeled!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh, now come on!  I can’t pick just one!  But I’ll give you a top 3 (in no particular order, because they change places a lot, depending on how obsessed I am with them at the moment). Inuyasha:  Sess/Kag FullMetal Alchemist:  Roy/Ed Mass Effect:  Garrus/FemShep
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have a couple of stories that I deleted from my original FFN account that I’d like to re-write and re-post on AO3, but I don’t think I’ll ever get around to it.  There were a couple of Inu/Kag fics I had in-progress, and then a Koug/Kag fic.  I recently rewrote and reposted my SessKag fic from years ago, Hawk, on FFN, AO3, and Dokuga!  So maybe all hope isn’t lost.  I’m even writing a sequel for Hawk! All the stories I have in-progress right now I plan on finishing.  At some point, lol.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, without a doubt.  It’s my favorite thing to write, aside from smut, of course--which is another strength of mine.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions, ugh.  I try to do them well, but I always feel like they get stale.  So I keep them somewhat vague, because in my mind, I think readers will fill in the gaps themselves whether you describe something immaculately or not--they’ll see what they want to see, and that is totally fine in my book!  Or maybe I’m just making excuses, lol.  I’ll only describe something in a lot of detail if I want the reader to focus on that--usually an outfit, accessory, or weapon--otherwise, I leave it up to their imagination (I don’t want manipulate it too much, I suppose).
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Wildly unnecessary unless that author speaks the language as well, or if certain words already exist in the fandom’s translations (ex. “youkai,” “alkahestry,” etc).
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Inuyasha, and the fic(s) I wrote in the beginning were terrible.  I want to burn all traces of them off the face of the earth.  I was in middle school.  I was young and stupid.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I gotta go with Stardust.  It’s the longest fic I’ve ever completed at more than 160k words.  I was so immensely proud when I typed “The End,” and I was able to say to myself “I did it.”
I tag: @glassesmcfancyhair @willowsrain 
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brightokyolights · 4 years
I just saw your tags on the "harry was oppressed" post. Might elaborate on that when you are not tired? How Zayn was oppressed? His relationship to ot4. Other celebrities? I love your thoughts!
*cracks knuckles* buckle your seat belts folks we’re in for a wild ride here lmao.
also for context *here* is the post this anon is referring to
I think to start off i should just make a little disclaimer, everything i am going to discuss will be based in my biases probably seeing as I am also a brown British Pakistani person who is Muslim. Zayn has been someone that especially when i was younger I looked up to and was very essential in my journey of learning to love and accept myself and my culture tbh. It’s cheesy as hell but it’s true and i think this is important to know before I go into this more because like I said i am definitely biased towards him. Another thing is that I’m just going to be discussing my personal opinions and also my memory is not very good so i will probably miss out a lot of other things that happened/could be discussed. please dont take this as anything more than just. my opinion.
A thing that really opened my eyes to racism and especially the racism in the 1d fandom was the day that zayn left. I dont think thats what the post above was about btw and ill go into that but i kind of just want to talk about this. The day he left was. a severe mess. Not only because it was obviously upsetting but because of all the bs that people were spouting about a situation that absolutely no one had any context on. the statement that was released on facebook gave us nothing. literally just stated that zayn was leaving the band and the accusations and hatred people were directing towards zayn when we didnt know what actually fucking happened (and still dont might i add) was disgusting. people accusing him of being selfish and how they hated him and why he had to ruin everything. Accusing him of using mental illness as an excuse and lying about it and so much more. i had unfollow more than half of the people i followed that day. it really opened my eyes to the fact that these were all thoughts and opinions people had underneath it all and zayn was fine as long as he was part of 1d and giving people what they wanted. which was essentially being the token in the group and once he wasnt providing that anymore? people turned and people turned fast.
i think its also important to point out the flip side of it and that was zayn stans saying that 1d were nothing without 1d etc. i want to talk about why this was different from ot4 stans hating zayn. of course it wasnt nice to see or hear EVERYONE arguing with each other. i hated it so much. but i think what people failed to realise was that when it comes to situations like this you need to look deeper and think about all the nuances of the situation. zayn stans being happy about zayn leaving the band and saying 1d was going to die i did not agree with. anyone who knew me then and knows me now knows that i am a 1d stan regardless (preferably ot5 but i supported 1d until the end even as a 4some) BUT these opinions were rooted in his mistreatment in the band and the racism he was having to face as a result of being in the band etc etc i apologise for not being a person who can better describe and explain this situation but hopefully you are getting the picture. when fans were hating on zayn. with no context with nothing. that was based on racism. point blank. the amount of tweets FROM 1D FANS talking about how he was leaving to join isis and how upset fans were gonna be vulnerable and join etc etc all this deplorable bs. and he had to deal with comments like that throughout his whole time with one direction and i imagine even now. 
Another thing id like to talk about is who zayn stans at least from my point of view usually were. For me i remember when i first got into the fandom i actively made the decision that i didnt want zayn to be my favourite because i didnt want to be a stereotype and this was a point in my life when i still tried to shun and push my culture down because i was ashamed of it. it was only as i slowly saw that zayn was considered as cool and hot and everyone else liked him that i kind of understood that maybe. being brown was alright and it was something cool and that maybe i was cool. it sounds fucked up and honestly i dont even know if i want to be admitting this so adamantly but argh if it helps someone understand then maybe its worth it. (mortifying ordeal of being known eh?) anyways i noticed as i engaged more in fandom and looked for more diversity, more fans like me, majority of non white fans were also... zayn stans. and honestly it makes sense because we all tended to flock towards the closest diversity we could find it seems. im not saying that there werent white zayn stans and that the other boys didnt have non white stans but i just wanted to point out this trend. so when you also take this into account and the fact that on the day zayn left it was majorly... white stans who were criticizing zayn it puts it in perspective for you. majority of fans who still like and support zayn are also not white.
there is a lot more to do with fans but hopefully thats enough of an insight and you can understand the kind of vibes that were present during 1ds prime and what not only zayn had to go through but also as a result the racism we ended up having to deal with as well tbh.
now!!!... something i dont really like talking about lol so this will probably be short but the other boys. so as far as i can remember liams always been kind to zayn since hes left (no surprise there <3 also please correct me if im wrong), niall was kind of indifferent/didnt say anything really, and then there was louis and harry *awkward smile*. hahaha. from my memory i remember when asked about what the most difficult thing was about zayn leaving harry said ‘the paperwork’ which was *awkward smile* and he also kicked that monkey mask/pinata? i cant remember with naughty boys face on it and honestly im sure theres more but his overall reaction to zayn leaving was kind of not caring and maybe being slightly nasty which :) with louis there was the massive twitter fight which literally tears my soul in half so lets not go into that haha and honestly other things where it maybe seemed like he was upset with zayn leaving as well. honestly i am a bit in two minds about these reactions because at the end of the day we dont know what occurred behind the scenes and we probably never will as much as we can speculate or whatever. not to mention that this 10th anniversary it seems maybe everyones on good terms which, who knows really im going to try be optimistic. i think whats important to note about heir reactions is that we dont know anything about their situations but the problem was really how fans reacted tbh (btw i forgot to mention earlier this is about basically everything except for harry and the nb thing. that is inexcusable). the boys reactions were understandable but the problem is that fans of course vicariously are influenced by the boy they stan so when one of them acted a certain way of course that ended up reflecting in fandom and resulted in more racism etc. 
another thing with zayn was that there were many files leaked with like promo or whatever basically describing what kind of role the boys would take on/ their image etc. and of course all the other boys got things like bubbly/funny/charming etc and zayns descriptors? moody, mysterious, dark horse etc etc like from the inception of 1d zayn has been victim to racist stereotypes being pushed on him. and i think this is where harry comes in because of course the image pushed onto him was also extremely harmful and i definitely dont think we should not talk about that but often you'll see that... thats all that is talked about because people are uncomfortable admitting racism and talking about it. 
When i mentioned other celebrities my point was basically just that while ive only talked about zayn in one direction this... is so present among any and every fandom. 5sos, Little Mix, Fifth Harmony... any fandom you can think of, i promise you it is there. racism in fandom is a real thing and a big problem and honestly this is why i always say representation is so important. and when i say that i mean everywhere!!! because if I didnt seek out non white fans to follow then maybe i would’ve had a completely different perspective on all of this.
The thing is also that a lot of this is just stuff that we’ve been able to get our hands on and also fan analysis and theories etc. there is probably so much more to talk bout or go into or stuff we’ll never even know about. I’ve kind of had to make peace with the fact that with celebrities you just really don’t actually know anything about them.
I think i’ll end this here if there’s any more questions you have about anything feel free to ask! and again this is all just my opinion  but hopefully i’ve been able to help answer you <3 have a nice day and i hope youre hydrated!!!
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pokecommunitycenter · 4 years
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Hi Dash !! It’s Time to Meet a Member of the RPC !!
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Ditto would like to introduce... Dun Duuuuuun !! 
It’s Jason ♡ !! Though some of you may know them as @haematophiliac​ !!
Established in Spooky October of 2018, they’ve been around the RPC for a good long while as a Team Rocket Scientist OC, but here’s a looksee at some things you may have not known !! Ditto hopes you enjoy getting to know the writer just as much as Ditto did !!
♡ Interview... START !!
Ditto would like you to introduce yourself a little bit. The url you go by, maybe how you picked it. Was it a joke at first that you just stuck with, does it have significant meaning?
The username is what people would call a lover of blood. I started Jax in … 2018? Octoberish and he had the common username including Rocket in it and I decided to pick a theme more fitting to him. Eventually I settled with the current one as it fits him as a blood obsessor to put it bluntly. I mean he likes blood, works around a lot of it and all that so it just… Well, stuck!
Was there something about Team Rocket in general that drew you in? Over other ‘evil’ organizations, Rocket is considered the OG & probably largest. But, over Plasma/Galactic, what made you choose Rocket?
I’ve always been a Rocket fan. I started in the Pokemon fandom (can you call it a fandom back then) in 1998 when I was only eight by watching the anime. You could say that Rocket started my love for bad guys actually! I used to adore Jessie and James so much. They were just so fun, funny and adorable. Maybe I had a crush on one… Ahem! But yes, as a kid I fell for the trio (I didn’t forget loveable Meowth there!) and ever since then I’ve been a fan. I love all the bad guys mind you but Rocket holds a special place in my heart. Just always been like that.
A bonus question !! Did any characters from the original Anime / Franchise…  help you develop Jax at all?
A good question but Jax actually was inspired by a character I role played in a completely different fandom. I mean you cannot compare them - Jax is a human with so many faults and the other character is… Well, a plain old monster. But when I first made Jax I put little bits of the old character into him, such as formal speaking and love for blood. He started pretty much as a clean slate. I evolved him over the first few weeks.
Do you think that, because you play a character that is not a ‘good guy’ or as you put it, a monster, that people that may not know you well find you hard to approach?
Indeed so. Though I only speak of experience in the past here! When I played my full out monster in another fandom, people would tell others they were actually scared of me on an OOC level. Needless to say I’ve spoken to many people who were scared and helped them realise that it is just a muse I play. When it comes to Tumblr I find the fandom much more open and less afraid? Though I don’t know for certain because people could be afraid for all I know and I just don’t know. I hope I’m approachable enough anyway!
So then !! To help the part community that may not know you well, or might be a little hesitant because you play a blood loving bad guy, what are some things that you may have in common with everyone? Do you have a favorite pokemon? Or a region that just was WACK & you loved it so much? What’s on that most repeated playlist you got? Or maybe a few movies that you really love?
I read every blog’s rules and I’ve noticed that a lot of people are socially anxious. Which to be fair… I am too! I get nervous around people I don’t know and aahhhh, well, I’m in the exact same boat. We all start as strangers and all it takes is one foot forward to break that ice but, like others, I do find that first step very intimidating. I’m just your average nerd to be fair haha. As for my favourite Pokemon? Sneasel! I fell in love with that little critter after watching the Celebi movie when it came out. Favourite region would be Hoenn. I just have fond memories of it I guess as a Ruby fan. It was the first game my battery ran out of energy on. My music is too horrific for anybody’s ears if that’s what you mean hah. And movies? … … Digimon the movie (1+2+3 in Japan and just the first (all three combined) in UK and presumably other places too).
As someone who feels that weird wiggle when trying to step out of your comfort zone to make friends. Do you have any advice for people that want to get to know you better? Or, reaching out to people in general?
When reaching out to me - or anybody else - I find the best approach can be a simple hello. It instantly shatters that ice between two people. Like… Many of us are afraid to simply say hello. But if you manage to break that first bit it’s amazing! If you don’t there is always another day. Conversation can escalate from a mere hello. Or even reply to an open post if serious or funny! That first step is the hardest indeed but things get easier after that first hurdle. The worst someone can do is walk away and then perhaps it just wasn’t meant to be. Everybody has friends in the end and making more is great.
That said. We all know how the Poke RPC has its ups, & its downs. Sometimes both happen in one day. LOL. There is always room for growth though, & Ditto believes that everyone can work together to make that happen. Is there anything you would like to see change in the community?
Everything in life will come with ups and downs, it’s just how things go. We can all work through things however. If something bad happens there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. As a community it is great we can all work on whatever needs addressing. I understand some people rather turn a blind eye depending upon the situation. We all should work on what makes us comfortable. Nonetheless, if I could change one thing I’d change anon hate. Argh. That’s one thing that gets under my skin. We, as a community, should be open to criticism and praise alike and nobody should need to harass another person anonymously. If someone has a disagreement then they should tell the person. Only that way can they work on the issue. But then again there is needless anon hate without true purpose behind it and that makes me sad. But nobody is perfect and sometimes people will rear their ugly side. Yet when anon hate has popped up it has been utterly overwhelming to see everybody support each other with kindness!
Ditto wonders, do you think anon hate may… slow down, or go away, if it was ignored instead of responded to when received? Most times, the people that feel the need to do hurtful things to others is for response. The attention received whether it is good or bad.
I think it’s highly dependent upon the situation. As someone who has received hate in the past (not on Tumblr mind you) I found that even ignoring people doesn’t work. Yet every case is different. Some do it for response, some do it to just get under someone’s skin. We can’t tell which however. If, say, it is needless hate then to ignore it would be the best option, even reporting it to Tumblr’s staff. But if in the situation something needs defending like a misconception then it could be a good idea to clear the air. Keyword could though. I’ve learned that people will get ideas into their mind and battle for it rather than accepting what is truth. In those cases a good air clearing is good and then to ignore any further.... Jabbing could be best. But if people feel the need to respond they should have the freedom to, as well as the freedom to ignore it.
Is there anything you’d like to pass on to those in the RPC that receive anon hate? Maybe a word of advice, or just something supportive to remember if it ever happens?
Well, as long as someone isn’t breaking any rules, doing something bad OOC or whatever- Actually I was going to say they should keep going and doing their thing. And yet I feel the need to mention that all people make mistakes in their lives. Anon hate is a bad way to go. The person on the receiving end of a message is a person too. They have feelings and thoughts and a life also. If you ever receive anon hate then just remember that there’s someone sending it and perhaps they don’t realize their mistake. That isn’t to say it’s justified. Just that people do indeed forget there are real people involved. … I think I word things bad! I mean… Anon hate is wrong, end of. But it is so easy to forget that real people are sat to read it. If you ever get anon hate then it is best to ignore it. That spark could evolve into a full blown fire and make you worse off. Hm, I forgot my train of thought but in the end we all need less hate and to just enjoy ourselves. People tend to send hate from bad experiences with the person or disagreements if right or wrong on either side but words are just words on a screen. They can say all they want to you but you are you. You are a person who deserves a life and love and no mere text on a monitor - Or phone screen! - can ever truly harm you.
Ditto thinks you did a fine job. We all take time to find words in our own ways, & no one has the perfect ones all the time. So please do not worry about wording things. It takes some practice sometimes, when you’re put on the spot !! 
Ditto would like to wrap up with something uplifting & super positive. After your time here in the Poke RPC, what are some of your favorite memories? Things that make you stick around, or just enjoy seeing go on? Give Ditto a little insight ( & the RPC too ) on what makes you happy to be here.
I have a vast array of good memories. Mainly ones of that first move of saying hello to someone or just that first interaction. Then again you’re asking someone with a bad memory! I truly just enjoy seeing people having a good time, enjoying their time here. When people are comfortable enough to do crack threads, that’s something that makes me smile. For instance the RPC could have been super strict and look down upon anything not considered serious and yet there everybody is just having fun! I enjoy watching people get along all in all. When new relations are formed, plots explored, the crack-like threads that ensue. Dash commentary is always a favourite. It shows someone isn’t afraid to get involved. I like it when people aren’t afraid. As I said, we’re all humans with lives and just watching people have fun makes me smile, even if I’m not involved. And of course, being involved in things makes me happy too, to just be included :D
A big Thank You !! to Jason for allowing Ditto to take some of their time for this interview. 
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Ditto hopes everyone has a good Monday !! 
See you next week for the next Community Interview. ♡
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chaoscheebs · 5 years
Celdic Crew Group Chat Log
So, um, look, I had the urge to type out a fake chat log for Fie, Elliot, and Machias, because they’re probably pretty tight after what happened post Cold-Steel 1/early-ish Cold Steel II.  No serious spoilers I can think of, it’s just a roller-coaster of stuff.
Tl;dr their group chats are wild.
Fie: you see this is why i’m the only one of us who’s touched a boob
Elliot: Didn’t Machias technically touch one too?
Machias: WHAT WHEN?!?!?
Fie: oh yeah, in the windmill.  forgot about that
Fie: you were sleeping.  you called me ‘jusis’ and went in for the squeeze. honestly you were doing a pretty good job, i was almost hesitant to smack you awake
Machias: WHAT
Elliot: Man, I still get why you did that, Fie, but did you have to smack him hard enough to make him elbow ME?????
Fie: didn’t seem important
Elliot: Honestly, I thought you knew you were Mr. Hands in your sleep already after all the times *I* elbowed you awake too.
Elliot: And let you freeze instead?  We knew the risks after the first night.  D|
Fie: nah he wouldn’t have frozen, it wasn’t THAT cold.  he’d COMPLAIN a lot in the morning tho
Elliot: Oh, yeah, definitely.  Especially since we didn’t have his terrifying favorite coffee blend available there.
Fie: lol yeah
Elliot: Machias, it has a *caution label* on it to not drink more than two cups of it and you down the whole damned pitcher!  D: D: D:
Fie: it’s honestly kinda impressive, you really are unbreakable lol
Elliot: Machias, when do we ever get to the point here?
Fie: lol
Elliot: *Anyway*, if we were really upset about it, we would’ve said something, but we knew you really missed your boyfriend, so…
Fie: that’s the other reason we didn’t say anything, you were EXTRA shouty whenever we mentioned him back then
Elliot: Truth.  You two going from *loudly* hatefucking constantly to actually admitting you *liked* each other was a long, wild ride.  A long, *LOUD* wild ride.  D|
Fie: so does alisa, she had some choice words about your angry midnight concertos too
Elliot: Oops.  She did kinda live above me, didn’t she?  I should maybe send her apology flowers someday.
Fie: i notice you’re not asking for flowers too
Fie: lol
Elliot: Lol.
Fie: so did rean ever realize you weren’t playing unsexy violin ditties because you just love music that much?
Elliot: Not on his own, no.  Emma and I ended up talking to him about several things he was, um, overlooking waaaaaaaaaaaaay back before that school festival at the academy.
Fie: lol wow way to burn yourself man
Fie: true, lol
Elliot: Also in his defense, I was also talking about all the *other* stuff that flew right over his head.  Like the fact he kept taking me to *date spots* and also apparently witnessed Laura’s love confession to you, Fie, and completely didn’t notice.
Fie: eh, it was laura.  it flew over her head too for a while.  good thing she’s kinda cute when she’s clueless, lol
Elliot: It’s terrifying that Machias and Jusis were the closest to having their stuff together out of all of us back then, by the way.
Fie: absolutely horrifying
Machias: HEY
Elliot: It’s kinda true.  You two were at each other’s throats for a while there, man.
Fie: and not in the kinky way
Elliot: It’s probably in the kinky way now, tho’.  XD
Fie: no doubt lol
Elliot: Not really; my schedule’s clear today.
Fie: the better question is don’t YOU have anything better to do than stay here and get dunked on
Elliot: Well, there you go.
Fie: aww, you have plans then?
Elliot: “Lunch.”
Fie: ‘lunch’
Elliot: So you’re not planning on finding a closet to fool around in, then~?  ;)
Machias: . . . . . . . . . SHUT UP
Fie: this is text
Fie: it’s always the cute, quiet ones lololol
Elliot: Hey, Dorothee knew where it was at, guys; you’re all just mean.  :(
Elliot: Eh, when it sticks to just text, it’s hard to tell at a glance if it’s “clean” or not without reading the whole thing, and teachers don’t have time for that.  Thank Aidios for exploitable loopholes!
Elliot: That’s because it had illustrations; it’s hard *not* to notice when there’s pages like that.  Quality art, tho’.
Machias: . . . IT KINDA WAS
Fie: ok, first what book is this, and second why didn’t you share with me
Elliot: Because it got confiscated way back when.  It’s out of print now too to boot, dammit.  :( :( :(
Fie: what
Elliot: Machias, get off the orbal net, we’re worried about you.
Fie: neeeeeeeeeeeeerd
Elliot: Turbo-nerd.
Fie: lord nerdlinger regnitz-albarea of the nerdlinger province
Elliot: Too late, we’ve called Gaius, he’s gonna officiate the marriage.
Fie: he said ‘fucking finally, next we have to get rean and elliot to be a thing’
Elliot: FIE!!
Machias: HA
Fie: it’s true tho, you need to go kiss your husband already, elliot
Elliot: Rean’s not interested.  End of story.
Fie: did you ask him?
Elliot: Don’t need to.  If he couldn’t tell I was flirting with him, or notice where exactly he kept taking me, he clearly wasn’t into me like that.  End.  Of.  Story.
Elliot: I.  Said.  End.  Of.  Story.
Fie: ouch, we found a sore spot  :c
Elliot: Look, I just… I don’t really want to talk about this, OK?  Rean’s never seemed super-interested in… anyone, really, and I doubt I’m magically going to be the exception, and I accept that.
Machias: . . . . . . . . .
Fie: …………………………………
Machias: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Elliot: … you really want to say something, don’t you.
Fie: not saying a word
Machias: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK LOOK
Fie: oh boy
Elliot: Machias…
Elliot: … ha.  Man, you really can’t stop yourself from talking, huh?
Fie: i can’t believe i’m agreeing with him, but for once, he has a point.  do the thing, go get you your man
Elliot: Fie…  Man, you guys…
Fie: have fun on your ‘lunch date’
Elliot: Yeah, later, Machias.  Um… thanks for caring?
[MACHIAS has left the room]
Elliot: … he really doesn’t understand how severe that sounds at all, does he.
Fie: nope
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nadziejastar · 5 years
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Poppet…? Apparently, that meant Xion. But what resemblance was he referring to? Xion was just as much a puppet as ever.
Saïx had no time for all these deliberately oblique remarks from Xigbar. “Nonsense. I see no problem whatsoever.”
Xigbar only laughed louder. “Pa-ha-ha! No, apparently you don’t!”
“Something you find amusing?”
“Oh, the things you hear from a guy with no heart,” Xigbar said through his hilarity.
Yes, I couldn’t agree more. I recently saw a forum topic about KH3 that said Saïx was just a one-dimensional asshole for no reason in Days and it made me kinda sad. I think he had a LOT of depth to his character---it just wasn’t actually explored (like so many other things). I already did posts on Axel and Zexion. I’ve been meaning to write a post about what losing his heart at a young age did to Saïx. He and Xigbar had a very interesting relationship which I was really excited to learn more about. But it looks like we probably won’t get that opportunity. It’s clear that Xigbar saw Saïx as nothing more than a helpless kid.
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Day 117: Special Nobodies
Today it was me and Xigbar. Axel and Xion went out on their own mission. Xigbar told me that Xion and me are "exceptional"—you know, like, special Nobodies. Because we can use the Keyblade? Work dragged on late, so I didn't make it up to the clock tower. I wonder if Xion and Axel made it. Those pictures started flashing through my head again on the mission. The boy in red... What's it all about? Maybe when Xigbar called me "special" he meant "crazy"...Seriously, though, is Xion experiencing the same thing? It feels weird to ask.
Day 117 ~Secrets~ is about special Nobodies, the only Nobodies who can join the organization and remember who they were as humans. Xigbar and Roxas went to gather intel on Hercules. When Saïx told Axel he had to go back to Castle Oblivion, he was thinking that Nobodies have goals and are able to think. It seemed to be hinting that Saïx’s shared goal isn’t really with Axel, but with Xemnas---whether Saïx realized it or not.
Day 117: Him and Roxas
Author: Xigbar
Roxas is maturing at an impressive rate. His face, the way he handles the Keyblade, it's all exactly the same. The worlds seem so divided and alone, but there's always that steady thread there to connect them. And we Nobodies can never escape the things we did as humans. So it goes.
And Xigbar was remembering Ventus on this day. That’s one of his dark secrets.
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Day 118: Vacation
Today was my first vacation ever. I didn’t know what to do with it. Axel said to do what I like, but all I like is having ice cream with my friends—so that’s what I ended up doing. Axel leaves tomorrow for some kind of mission. Which reminds me—I still haven’t given him the WINNER stick yet.
Before Axel left for Castle Oblivion, it was a day off. Specifically meaning NO WORK. It was called “Lazy Day”.
Day 118: You Changed, Not Me
Author: Axel
Talking to Roxas and Xion always brings back memories of my human life, back when I was a kid. It's a weird sensation.I ought to be able to share all this with Saïx, but I just don't feel like it anymore. It's strange, but I'm content with just missing what's gone. I'm not the one who changed. You did.
This is the day Axel mentioned his dark secrets. And he also mentioned Saïx had changed. If anything, I think Isa was the one who enjoyed lazing about doing nothing the most. He just liked relaxing and eating ice cream. He was probably the polar opposite of the harsh drill instructor that his Nobody is.
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“What a pain,” Axel muttered, and he looked up at the ceiling.
I’ve been holed up here with nothing but dusks for company for a few days, and now I’m talking to myself. This castle, devoid of people, is under the control of subordinate Nobodies. Subordinate Nobodies follow orders loyally, but they can’t do any more than that. The biggest difference between them and Organisation member Nobodies is that we can think for ourselves… Well, I wonder what ‘thought’ is, anyway. What’s the connection between ‘thought’ and the heart?
“Argh this is such a pain…”
Axel scratched his head, and continued searching the castle.
Special Nobodies are also the only ones capable of independent thought. Axel was thinking about this while he was at Castle Oblivion. “Thought” has a connection to the heart. 
Xemnas: Once born, the heart can also be nurtured. Our experiments creating Heartless were attempts to control the mind, and convince it to renounce its sense of self. But understand, one can banish the heart from the body, but the body will try to replace it the first chance it gets, for as many times as it takes.
The idea was probably that controlling the mind is the key to controlling the heart. If you can get the mind to renounce its sense of self, then there will be no way for the person to resist their heart being taken over.
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Day 119: Something to Protect
Axel has been gone forever. It's been just me and Xion at the clock tower. While me and Xaldin explored Beast's Castle, we found something he wants to protect... Xaldin says that's a weakness, but I'm not so sure. What does it mean to care about something that much? I don't, so it's hard to wrap my head around the whole idea.
The day Xigbar teased Saïx while praising Xion was Day 119 ~Work to Do~. This is the day Axel left for Castle Oblivion. Xigbar and Roxas were gathering intel on Hercules on Day 117. Herc was also special and a potential candidate for the Organization.
Day 119: Hearts and Emotion
Author: Xaldin
Watching that foolish beast flail about only deepens my disdain for humans and their incessant need to be pinned down by feelings.We became Nobodies precisely to avoid the shackles of emotion. It was only later that we realized the scale of that loss: that some things simply cannot be done without a heart. Nonetheless, I see nary a pleasant thing about it.
Xaldin and Roxas had a mission to gather intel on the Beast. They found out his weakness which would make his heart a captive. Then Xaldin said their work was done.
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He didn’t really understand the ‘reward’ part, except that it was ice cream. Like Winner, though, it meant something special. So when Axel came back, Roxas would use the freebie as a ‘reward’. Xion, eating ice cream beside him, swung her feet.
“You two are really close, aren’t you,” she said.
The first time Roxas treated Xion to ice cream, she said he and Axel were really close. Xion was swinging her feet.
“Oh, hey, I just remembered…” Axel idly kicked his dangling feet against the ledge. “Did you guys know you should be checking your ice cream sticks?”
“Well… it is winning after all, so it has to be something good, right?”
“Something good…?” Roxas asked.
“Hee hee hee…,” Xion laughed. Roxas and Axel looked at her. “The two of you are close, aren’t you?” she said, and then she looked out at the setting sun. “Such a pretty sunset…”
She also said it on Day 352 ~Sunset~, when the WINNER stick was brought up again, and Roxas and Xion almost killed each other. Axel was dangling his feet like a kid.
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“Axel, Axel… you two are quite the pals, aren’t you? Wonder what you two whisper about,” Xigbar shot, jiggling his crossed leg.
“Now you’ve mentioned it, I wonder the same about you”, Saïx retorted, and the tension was so thick it was hard to breathe.
“We have but one objective,” said Xemnas. “Be sure to keep that in mind.”
And on Day 119, Xigbar said something similar about Axel and Saïx. And his leg was jiggling, too. Then Xemnas told them they have one objective and to keep it in mind. They are all Norts, after all.
Xemnas turned to Saïx. “Tell me your progress.”
“Our plans are proceeding as well as might be expected,” said Saïx. “Axel left for Castle Oblivion this morning.”
“Our little Poppet sure is a wonder,” Xigbar remarked, and a vicious smirk came to his face. “It’s a shame we don’t have Vexen around to follow her.”
“The Organization still has his technical expertise, as he notated and saved everything,” Saïx replied, utterly unfazed. “We’re not facing any difficulties in that regard.”
“And? When those difficulties do arise?” Xaldin, his arms folded from the start, regarded Saïx with disdain. 
During this meeting, Xaldin and Xigbar were upset because they blamed Saïx for Vexen’s demise.
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“Right, I forgot, the kid did it,” Xigbar echoed with a heavy dose of accusatory sarcasm.
Saïx ignored this and continued. “Axel will be searching Castle Oblivion for any clues as well.”
“Oh, so Axel’s on the case.” Xigbar crossed his legs and leaned his elbows on them.
Saïx let out a deep sigh, the first semblance of a reaction he’d given this entire meeting. “We have not confirmed what happened to any spare cloaks in the possession of the members who were stationed at Castle Oblivion. Axel will also be looking into that.”
Saïx refused to show any semblance of reaction in front of them. After this meeting he gave the order for Xion to capture Riku, and he started to become extremely harsh on her. Way more than usual.
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“Lately it’s been rare that you would go out of your way to come to me, that’s what I mean.”
“I have something to ask you, for a change.”
“Hilarious,” said Saïx. He’s being sarcastic… Joking, in other words.
Saïx had made up his mind not to say such things in front of the other Organization members. It was something he could only be towards Axel, something special that could only have been born from the relationship Saïx and Axel had had as humans.
I found it interesting how his interaction later with Axel was similar to the meeting on Day 119. Unlike with the others, Saïx shows Axel the "joking” side of his personality. He can act in a way around him that he can’t with anyone else and it’s special.
“Is it about the failure?”
Axel shrugged. “Mind reader, are we?”
“It’s because you’re simple, see… That hasn’t changed.”
“Excuse me? Were you always such a jerk?” Axel retorted, taking a seat on a shelf across from Saïx.
“Don’t sit on that.”
“Then put another chair in here.” He let his legs swing, the way he would sit at the usual spot.
“Somehow, I doubt that would stop you,” said Saïx. “Anyway, I’m not going to talk to you about it.”
Axel is a “mind reader”, but in a benign way compared to Xemnas. And Axel was swinging his legs restlessly like a kid when he was with Saïx.
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“Hey. She has a name, you know.”
“I told you to stay out of this.” Saïx swiveled his chair, turning his back on Axel to end the conversation.
Axel stared at the stubborn set of his shoulders. Both of them had changed.
“Wonder which one of us is more different now,” Axel said under his breath. Just for an instant, he saw a twitch in Saïx’s shoulders. But he wasn’t about to hold his breath for more. Axel showed himself out.
Axel would always try to appeal to Saïx by bringing up their past. Axel was trying to get Saïx to go easier on Xion and I thought it was interesting that he said she had a name.
Secret Report 1: Recollections
I could not even recall my name. I was simply called "X" there. My only solace was the time I spent talking with the two boys who would visit from time to time. One day, a man came to take me from the prison. I could not see him for the darkness, save that he wore an eyepatch.
I think Isa was Subject X and treated like a lab rat. And Subject X was definitely not called by their name. Subject X was treated like an “it” and an object. Specifically, a vessel. Nomura called Seekers of Darkness “raw material” for the X-Blade. It wouldn’t surprise me if Isa was literally called an “it”. I think Axel was probably aware of how Isa was treated to some degree and it really, really upset him. It’s why he didn’t care one bit about killing Vexen. Saïx also treats people as tools that are only worthy to live if they serve any use. 
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If you cannot wield the Keyblade to its purpose, you have no place in the Organization. Keep that in mind and make sure to eliminate Heartless with the Keyblade.”
“…I see. I’ll be more careful,” she replied.
It’s kind of creepy how Saïx would tell people to “keep it in mind”. Especially because Xemnas would always say that to him.
“You’d better. It’s part of your work,” said Saïx. “You know you need proper rest to carry out missions.”
“Sorry… I’ll find the impostor today.” Since two days ago, she’d been covering double ground, searching two worlds in one day. But she still hadn’t found any clues. Meanwhile, Saïx had no sympathy for her.
“You are to discover the identity of the outsider,” he told her. “Those are direct orders from Lord Xemnas. Failure is the same as insubordination. You understand that, don’t you?”
“Wha…?” Xion had no idea that Xemnas had chosen her for this mission. To the best of her knowledge, Saïx was the one in charge of assigning tasks.
“I assume I’ve made myself clear. Keep looking.” With that, Saïx turned his back on her and left. Xion stood alone in the vast lobby.
After that meeting he even brought up Xemnas to scare Xion.
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Roxas stepped into a world he’d never been to before—Halloween Town, a strange shadowy world, with a fat, round moon hanging in the dark sky. Lamps burned faintly here and there, too, but they didn’t give nearly enough light to dispel the ominous gloom. “What a weird place…”
It was also empty. He didn’t see any of the world’s inhabitants. After a bit, he came to an open square and found an odd mechanism.
“What is this?” As Roxas peered up at it, something came hurtling down toward his face. “Whoa!”
What fell was a blade heavy enough to cleave someone in two.
“Geez, that thing’s dangerous… Why would they put it out here like this?” He looked askance at the device as bats fluttered overhead.
Day 149 is actually called “Unlike Minds”. This is the first day Roxas visits Halloween Town. I think Halloween Town is probably a thematic representation of the experiments on the darkness of the heart and the mind control experiments. Halloween Town is a graveyard (which is what Xigbar called the Chamber of Repose) that is based on the concept of terrifying people. There’s also a giant full moon in the sky.
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Day 149: WINNER
Today’s mission took me to a new world. It was a weird place. I was up on the clock tower afterwards when Axel turned up after being away forever. He said he finished that long mission. But this time Xion didn’t show. I was gonna give Axel that WINNER stick, but I should wait until I get another one. It wouldn’t be fair to leave Xion out.
Axel comes back from Castle Oblivion on this very day.
Day 149: He’s the Sham
Author: Xion
That man wearing the Organization’s coat—that jerk! He’s too powerful. I can’t beat him unless I get stronger. And I’m not a sham. I’M NOT. He is. He’s the one pretending to be something he isn’t!
Xion loses to Riku and he calls her a sham, and a fake.
Today’s investigation took Axel to a world called Halloween Town. Roxas had been here a few days ago, too, but for Axel this was the first visit. Us Organization members should blend right in here, he thought in the unrelenting gloom.
Afterwards, Axel also gets sent to Halloween Town to look for Riku, and he thinks it suits the organization well.
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Finkelstein: Interesting! So the puppet wasn't stolen after all! It ran away on its own! In other words, my experiment was an overwhelming success!
Sora: Santa Claus thinks maybe it left because it was trying to find a heart.
Finkelstein: That's quite possible. Unlike my Sally, it wasn't equipped with a heart.
Sora: But if it wanted a heart, why was it going around stealing all those Christmas presents?
Sally: Maybe because...presents are a way to give your heart to someone special.
I think Halloween Town was chosen as a world in Days for several reasons. In addition to fear, the story being built up involved experimentation and a puppet that wanted a heart.
Sora: Jack, it's not about the box or the ribbons. It's about what's inside the box!
Sally: No, Sora. What really counts---what's really special---is the act of giving the gift. To wish deep in your heart to make someone else happy.
On Day 149, Roxas was considering giving Axel the WINNER stick. When Roxas and Xion almost killed each other, it also happens in Halloween Town. And Roxas almost gave it to him again after that.
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Jack: Oh, Sally! You've given me the nicest present in the world! And I've nothing to give you in return. What would you like? Just name it. Absolutely anything.
Sally: The nicest present I could ever ask for, Jack, is just to be with you.
I think the WINNER stick was something that Isa gave Lea as a human. And it pretty much was the equivalent of the presents the puppet was trying to steal. It isn’t objectively valuable, but it represents spending time together. It’s possible Isa gave that stick to Lea to thank him for everything, knowing that he wouldn’t live long enough to treat him to ice cream ever again in person. 
Today he had to destroy Roxas. He couldn’t betray the Organisation. Axel took a white envelope from the small shelf by his pillow, and stared at it for a while. And then he put it in his pocket, got up, and left the room.
In the KH2 novel, Axel was looking at this stick when he decided he had to destroy Roxas.
It’s possible that this is the last time I’ll see Saïx, Axel thought, as he looked at Saïx, who was sitting down, from behind. “We’ve been going together a pretty long time, hey.” Saïx kept tapping at the keyboard, as if ignoring Axel. “Say something. Didn’t you think I can’t extinguish Roxas?” Axel said jokingly, and Saïx looked up. “It’s all right. 'cuz I’m strong.” “Saying stupid things,” said Saïx, smiling for just a second at Axel, pulling at his chest. “Hurry and prepare. Time is limited. The hero’s awakening is imminent. Transfer right before Roxas.”
After he made this decision, he tried to bond with Saïx, thinking it might be the last time he ever saw him again. Axel was obviously very sentimental about the WINNER stick long before Roxas gave one to him. Of course, he couldn’t actually destroy Roxas.
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Halloween Town was a dismal place, full of gravestones. Xion stared helplessly up at its giant moon overhead. What am I supposed to do…?
Xion was in Halloween Town when she was looking for Riku on Day 150.
Day 150: Too Precious to Lose
Xion didn’t come to the clock tower again today. She and Saïx had some kind of argument. Axel and I talked for a while about the things we can’t bear to lose. Axel thinks that for Nobodies, it’s our pasts, because that’s all we have to remember the pain of losing something. I don’t remember my past, but the idea of losing the present—Axel or Xion—scares me.
Day 150 is called “Fear”. It involved being afraid of losing something precious.
Day 150: Dealing with Xion
Author: Saïx
As expected, the Duplicate is starting to show its limits. The Program showed promise, but a puppet is just a puppet: something to be toyed with until it breaks. I am utterly at a loss as to what Roxas and Axel see in that thing. How best to dispose of it merits my consideration going forward.
This is when Saïx calls Xion a failure and thinks she should be disposed of.
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Day 171: What’s Love?
On my mission at Beast’s Castle, Xaldin told me about “love” and the special power it has over people. I tried to ask Axel about it, but his explanation didn’t make any sense to me. Every time I ask him about this kind of thing, he tells me I need a heart to understand. It’s like he’s dodging the questions.
On Day 171, Roxas learns about the power of love, which comes from the heart. Love is about protecting what’s most important to you.
Day 171: The No. i Project
Author: Saïx
Xion failed to complete its mission. If this continues, destroying it and using the next Replica as the Duplicate would undoubtedly yield a higher-grade copy. No. i was among the initial lot, which naturally raises questions about its capabilities. At present, it is nothing short of broken. I cannot fathom why Xemnas would want to keep it.
And Xion collapses on this day. Saïx thinks she’s totally broken and doesn’t know why Xemnas wants to keep her. There seems to be a parallel to Isa’s past with all of this. Isa was considered useless and broken, and he was probably going to be disposed of. Lea of course couldn’t bear that and wanted to protect him.
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“The arrangements are all settled,” answered Saïx.
Xigbar snorted at him. “How do you see Xion?”
“What do you mean?” Vague words. A clear will is the only thing of any importance, Saïx was thinking.
Xigbar grinned in reply, and asked Xemnas this time. “It doesn’t matter if you get the meaning. What about you?” Xemnas looked at Xigbar. “Don’t you and me sometimes see eye to eye, as they say?” Xigbar said, shrugging, and Xemnas smiled. Is that a yes, or a no?
“Keep an eye on Roxas.” Without answering Xigbar, Xemnas made himself disappear.
“Yeah, do your best now.” Xigbar followed after. I wonder what on earth Xigbar was trying to say…
Saïx’s scar is on his mind’s eye. Xigbar and Xemnas see “eye to eye”. That is to say, they are of like mind. Saïx can’t see what they see. And the joke is that he can’t really “keep an eye” on Roxas, so to speak. He still has the same mind as they do, but he doesn’t realize it because his mind’s eye has been shut down.
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Day 352: What I Must Do
Author: Xion
Riku gave me this time. Axel told me to spend it thinking for myself. The Organization is determined to erase either me or Roxas. They'll never allow us to coexist. I love Roxas and Axel. I'm sure Saïx would scoff at that. Call it a trick of my artificial memories. But the time I spent on that clock tower was real. I wish the three of us could stay together, just like this, forever. But I have to end this. I'll never forget today's sunset. Even if Roxas and Axel do, I won't forget.
Xion was able to think for herself. And she was capable of love, which she said Saïx would scoff at. I think this was supposed to be very ironic, since we would have learned that Isa loved Lea very much.
“In the way of us. I trust you.”
Axel cracked a dry smile. “You say that exactly like you would if you had a heart.”
“My memories of the time I did have one are making it so, that’s all. If you get in the way any further, though, the memories I have since becoming a Nobody will overwrite them.”
“…That sounds like a threat.”
“More or less. Keep it in mind.” Finished with the conversation, Saïx walked away. Axel didn’t move for a while.
On this day, before Axel intervened, Saïx told Axel he trusted him, and Axel said it sounded just like he had a heart. Then he issued a threat and told Axel to keep it it mind. Axel still didn’t let Roxas and Xion kill each other.
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“That’s my Poppet! Leaving me with nothing do to here,” said Xigbar, grinning as he watched Xion fight. He turned to Axel. “Don’t you think so, Carrot-top?”
“Yeah. I have no idea why you’re here either,” said Axel, with only the slightest hint of sarcasm.
Xigbar laughed like it was unbearably funny, body almost bent double. “Hahaha. So very true. It’s because I tagged along on my own selfish whim, that’s all. Guys shooting for power do make a point to listen to guys like me.” Guys shooting for power—he means Saïx. Axel listened to Xigbar in silence.
I think this is the main thing that made Saïx and Xigbar’s relationship so interesting. Saïx is a guy shooting for power. Xigbar finds it hilarious because he remembers Isa as a powerless kid who was turned into a human puppet for being too weak to resist. Although Saïx is trying to gain power, he is incapable of the power of love since his heart was captured.
Sora: What do you know? You weren’t even there! If you were, you’d admire Herc’s courage.
Xigbar: I don’t admire one guy leaping into danger if it means someone else might have to jump in to save him. You’re all just lining up to lose out. Dooming others to take the fall with ya. Oh. and you can spare me the usual party line. Yes, hearts are powerful when they’re connected. But if you put too much of that power in one place, some of those hearts might end up breaking. Still, Sora, that doesn’t mean you should change. Accept the power you’re given. Find the hearts joined to yours.
Isa seemed to have a really strong heart. He may not have been physically strong, but he still had power. I'm sure Xigbar saw Ventus glaring at him for an important reason. Xigbar was involved with the fate of Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. But he was much more heavily involved in the experiments. I think the reason Xigbar saw Ventus might have been because Isa reminded him of Ven.
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“Yes, it was not supposed to gain a mind of its own—nor become the person we see.” Xemnas closed his eyes. “But in the end, it only proves that the puppet is the more worthy vessel.”
“Whether Xion takes from Roxas the rest of what he has to give…or whether he destroys her first and takes back what is his, there is no change to our plans. No matter how, Sora’s power will belong to us.”
“Understood, sir.” Xemnas disappeared nearly before he heard his order acknowledged.
“…Well, do your best. The best a kid without a heart can do, anyway,” said Xigbar, and he too disappeared.
Just before Roxas runs away, Xemnas and Xigbar say these things to Saïx. Somewhere along the way, Isa probably went from a broken puppet that was going to be disposed of, to being considered the more worthy vessel. Just like Xion.
Day 355: I Am
I have to know who I am...I am DONE WITH THIS.
Roxas left the organization and used his ability to think for himself. His diary entry is entitled, “I Am”. Xion’s theme is called, “Who Am I?”
Day 355: Mind
Author: Xigbar
The gears of Xemnas’ plans have begun to spin wild since the loss of half our membership at Castle Oblivion. The results are there, but can this state of affairs fairly be called a success? If Kingdom Hearts can be said to possess a mind of its own, it is surely rejecting Xemnas—no, rejecting Xehanort. Roxas left the Organization today.
And Xigbar’s entry is entitled “Mind”. He said Kingdom Hearts had a mind of its own and was rejecting Xemnas. The mind control experiments no doubt involved the subject’s mind rejecting Xehanort. Saïx only thinks he’s Isa, but it’s all smoke and mirrors.
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foxyotomelady · 5 years
Dark Heart, Sequel (JuminxReader)
Author’s notes:
Ok… So I wrote this sequel so long ago… I don’t even know if you still remember my Dark Heart fanfiction xD
And this time it’s not edited by anyone, so I apologize for my poor grammar in advance :(
But either way I decided to post it. It’s different from previous chapters. There’s no smut but I think it’s still funny, interesting and may surprise you at the end :>
Chapter I | Chapter II |  Chapter III | Chapter IV |  Chapter V | Sequel (You are here) |
Have a nice reading!
It was quite late when you got home after working in your office - the one which Jumin prepared especially for you. You were tired and you were about to go to bed when your phone rang. You looked at the caller I.D. - it was Zen. You didn’t expect that. You talked with him earlier today - after the meeting of the SFA – and it seemed at that time that he told you everything he had to say. So why was he calling now?
“Hello, Zen?” You said a little puzzled, picking up the phone.
“Baby~!” He started cheerfully as always, but then he lowered his voice. “I need to talk to you about something…”
He sounded serious. You felt anxious.
“What is it?”
“It’s about Jaehee, she… I mean… Argh… We should talk face to face.”
You felt even more anxious.
“What’s wrong? Is she ok?” You asked very worried, “Is she in danger? You sound so serious…”
“No, no! It’s nothing like that! Calm down, baby,” He reassured you, “It’s more about her feelings… Argh… I feel embarrassed,” He sighed loudly.
You blinked, trying to understand anything.What was he talking about?
“But I think it’s rather urgent. She… I had to take her home, she was too drunk,” Zen continued his explanation, as you were trying to catch up. Jaehee drunk? He had to take her home? From where? "We were in the pub, she talked to me about some … issues. Well, it has a lot in common with you.”
“With me?” You were in shock, “Wait. Are you with her right now? Should I visit her?”
“I drove her home, and I helped her to go the bed. She’s asleep, so I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come here now,” He replied thoughtfully, “You live nearby, right? Can meet me somewhere and talk?”
Instinctively you looked at yourself. You were in a nightgown, ready to sleep. Of course, you could quickly get changed and meet with Zen in a nearby bar. Or you could just simply invite him to your house.
“Can you come to my house?”
His response was immediate. And you almost burst out with laughter over his puzzlement.
“WHAA- I mean, at this hour? To YOUR house?” He was nervous, his voice trembling, “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I don’t think Jumin would like this…”
You couldn’t help but giggled. This man, what was he thinking?
“Zen, we are going to TALK, just talk. There is nothing wrong with that,” You reassured him but in the deepest of your mind you felt that this situation was somehow wrong. You knew how possessive Jumin might be. Perhaps you should be more considerate?
“Well… It’s not like he need to know about our little conversation,” Zen laughed nervously. Now it really felt wrong, “I should be in a few minutes. I went for a walk when I came out of Jaehee’s house so I’m nearby.”
“Ok, I’m waiting,” You said in rather cheerfull voice, cause you always felt bright whenever you spoken with Zen. There was something charming in him, but he was always just a friend.
You snatched out of your thoughts and you looked around the room. You then scowled, seeing a really big mess. In a rush you started to collect garbage and pillows, you cleaned up a dirty cup and gathered scattered papers. And when you finished cleaning up the rest, you heard the doorbell.
“Fuck!” You cursed under your breath. You didn’t have time to get changed. “Wait a minute, please!” You run off to the bathroom to find a bathrobe. You flung it on your short nightgown and covered your exposed skin as much as you could.
When you came back to the room and walked to the front door, you caught a short breath before opened it.
“Come in, please!” you called politely, looking at Zen.
Surprised, he opened his eyes wide and scanned you from head to toe. Even now, late in the evening, in the light of the lamps, you saw how his face turned all red. And he couldn’t take his eyes away from you.
Not good, you thought to yourself, covering your body with your bathrobe even more. Okay, perhaps inviting him here was not the best idea…
“Ahahaha,” He just laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. “It feels like if I’m playing the lead role in a movie about some affair, hahaha.”
Your cheeks also flushed and now you both were laughing nervously. My god, so awkward, you thought, leading Zen to the main room. You both sat on the couch after you offered him a glass of water. You clenched your fingers at the material covering your knees as if you were afraid that it could slip from your body.
"So…” You started, breaking the silence, “You wanted to talk about Jaehee.”
“Right! God, I almost forgot about it…” He blushed hard again and turned his face when you looked at him, “I’m sorry… I’m a man, you know.”
You cleared your throat and crossed arms on your chest. You were worried about Jaehee and you wanted to know already what is wrong with her.
“Let’s be serious, Zen. Tell me what’s going on with Jaehee,” You stared at him with narrowed eyes.
“Maybe you… could… change your clothes first? I’ll wait,” He suggested shyly.
“Oh my god, Zen!” You growled, rolling your eyes, “It’s not like I’m naked, right? Please just tell me whats going on.”
When you mentioned about being naked, Zen turned red, not only on the face but also on the ears and neck. Well, it was badly chosen words…
“Zen, please…” You groaned again, losing your patience.
“Oh god, don’t use such sweet voice on me,” He whispered, still red as tomato.
“Hyun Ryu!” You burst out, “Stop messing around, you were the one who said that is an urgent matter, right? What is going on with Jaehee?”
He took a really big sip of water and sighed loudly. Then, not looking at you, he frowned.
“She is really upset… And she is in that state because of you.”
You felt cold shivers on your arms. Suddenly, the atmosphere had become very serious.
“Why?” You asked quietly.
“Well, you love Jumin, don’t you?” He continued in a low voice. “And it seems that she… loves you.”
Your eyes widened, your breath stopped for a moment. You thought that you maybe misheard. She was really close friend to you, but you never thought… Did you miss some hints? How could you not notice?
“But… Are you telling me the truth?” Your hands were shaking and when Zen nodded, you suddenly realized how long Jaehee had to suffer because of you. You felt guilty and stupid, “I… I didn’t know… What should I do…?”
“No, baby! It’s not your fault,” Zen gave you a warm smile and patted you on the head, “But I think you should talk to her.”
“This is… I don’t want to lose my friend… She is precious to me.”
She was. Even if you didn’t feel the same way, she was still your closest friend. You had to do something, talk to her, comfort her, anything. You opened your mouth, wanted to say something and then your phone rang. Actually, it was a message signal. Maybe it’s from Jaehee, you thought to yourself, but as you read the message, you felt weak and your face turned pale.
“What’s wrong?” Zen asked you, concerned. You just showed your phone to him and when he read what was on the screen, his face tensed.
_I am outside your house. I wanted to surprise you. I hope I do not trouble you. May I come in? _ Few seconds later the doorbell rang and you both looked up at each other with terror. Unfortunately, despite all the question whether this is not a problem, Jumin not even waited for you to open door for him. He just walked in with confidence and… froze.
You and Zen also froze. The silence that fell was frightening. Slowly you started to realize how it had to look from Jumin’s perspective. You’ve been with another man at your home, late at night, your modest nightgown covered only by a bathrobe, which now hung on you carelessly. The only comforting fact was that you sat on the couch instead of the bed. But it could not save the situation, could it? Nope, you were screwed.
“J-Jumin, you… surprised me!” You mumbled thoughtlessly, standing up quickly.
“I can see that,” He said in cold voice, his eyes focused on Zen with growing fury.
Zen sighed, trying to act tough, but you could see his trembling hands.
“Dude, calm down. We were only talking,” He stood up slowly, patting you on the head again. Oh my god, why did he do this right now! You swallowed, seeing how Jumin’s face began to cover with expression of dark and deep rage.
“Jumin… Zen says the truth, we were just…” You stopped in mid-sentence when he pierced you with one glance.
“You better go to your room and wait there for me… My love,” He hissed in a voice that made you shuddered.
“Hey!” Zen called out to him in anger, “Aren’t you too harsh with her? Don’t you see that she’s scared of you, you freak?”
Without a word Jumin approached him suddenly, grabbed him by the coat and pressed him violently against the wall.
“Don’t you dare lay a finger on her again or either way I’ll…” His voice was like a hiss of a snake.
Zen whined, but as soon as he got rid of the shock, he pushed Jumin away and growled with anger.
“Are you MAD or what?! Didn’t you hear? We were only talking, you insane jerk!”
“Am I supposed to believe this?” His eyes were full of cold madness, it was hard to describe, but even Zen stepped back. “Even someone like you is smart enough to understand what it looks like.”
“But it’s nothing like this!” You shrieked, interfering. You were afraid that it might end up in a fight, “I invited him here because we had to talk about Jaehee…”
Goosebumps spread all over your body when your eyes encountered his dark glance again. He was clenching his teeth. Your heart jumped into your throat.
“I… I should never do that. I’m sorry, Master…” It slipped through your mouth, you were not aware of this until you heard Zen coughing.
"What did you just…?” He was in deep shock, as well as Jumin who didn’t expected that you could ever call him “Master” in front of another person. Well, he probably didn’t expect that you could call him this name outside the bedroom whatsoever.
“OH GOD, what kind of sick relationship is this?” You could swear that Zen’s face was not pale, it was almost green, “Does this freak force you to saying such things?”
You started to giggle hysterically, feeling sick to your stomach. This situation would be even funny, if not the fact that Jumin wasn’t in a good mood and even confused Zen’s expression wasn’t able to change that.
“This is none of your business, Zen,” Jumin spoke, massaging his temples with irritation.
“Of course it is my business!” Zen shouted in rage, “She’s my friend and I can’t allow you treat her like that!”
“I treat her well,” Jumin just stood there in one place, his whole body tense. You saw how much it costed him not to do anything wrong. You saw in his eyes that he was tempted to do something.
“Treat her well? Like hell you do!” Zen was also becoming more and more pissed and he stepped toward Jumin vigorously. NOT GOOD. “She would be a lot of happier if I’d stole her from under your nose!”
You lost your breath as he said it. Why did he say such a thing?! With horror you watched as Jumin took off his jacket, throws it at the ground and moved towards Zen rapidly. His expression suggested that he just lost control of himself.
“So I understood the situation correctly, you just started your attempts of stealing her away from me.”
“You’re damn right! What are you going to do about it?!”
They were facing each other very closely, both engrossed in a fury. You knew that you had to intervene, otherwise it will turn into violent fight.
“Jumin, stop this!” You ran off to him suddenly and clutched onto his shoulder. “Zen’s just trying to upset you, nothing of what he says is true!” You lift your gaze at the white-haired man and you sent him a threatening look. You were mad at him for the fact that he’s provoking Jumin more and more, when it was completely unnecessary.
However Jumin shook his arm and pulled you aside, his fingers firmly closed on your shoulder.
“Please stay out of this, my princess,” He wasn’t looking at you, his voice low.
And now it was turn for your anger, which erupted in you so unexpectedly that you not even tried to stop it. You simply slipped between two men and pushed them away from each other, screaming:
“This is my freaking house! If you two want to fight, then go fucking outside and leave me alone!”
They both looked at you with surprise, saying nothing. You were scanning them with anger in your eyes, breathing loudly. Then you sighed and hide your face in your hands. You were exhausted.
“Zen, please just go home,” You said quietly, in a tired voice. He opened his mouth, probably wanted to protest, but you lifted your hand and gave him a sharp glance, “I said, GO HOME.”
“He’s going nowhere until…” This time it was Jimin speaking, but you growled at him and punched him in a shoulder. And he clenched his mouth immediately, watching you in shock.
After a brief and awkward moment, Zen finally left your apartment, muttering under his breath, and you stayed alone with still puzzled Jumin.
You both were sitting on the couch for quite a moment now, in completely silence. The atmosphere was heavy and strange. You didn’t know how to explain this situation so that Jumin could believed that nothing happened between you and Zen. You looked up at him. He was so tense.
“Jumin…” You started hesitantly, “Please, believe me… Zen was here just because he wanted to talk with me about Jaehee.”
“Either way, he is clearly interested in you,” Jumin stated, not looking at you.
“No, he is not!” You exclaimed with conviction, “He just wanted to play on your nerves, and well, he succeeded.”
“You should not invite him here,” Jumin’s eyes have suddenly become full of dark aura. This situation, at first simply stupid and ridiculous, now began to escalate into something dangerous. If a moment ago you managed to show your anger and bring the two men to their senses, now, being alone with Jumin, you felt chills running down your spine.
“I know,” You dropped your head with guilt, “That was stupid of me, please forgive me.”
All at once he grabbed your shoulders and pushed you onto the couch. He hung over you, his eyes cold and fixated at your figure curled up under him. His breathing quickly became heavy and hoarse.
“I think I understand why you did this,” He rasped, leaning down, “You naughty girl, you want to be punished so badly?”
Something got into him, you saw it clearly. You knew that your answer at this time can make a big difference. You had to think carefully about the choice of your words. You looked him straight in the eye. Oh, how much you was tempted to answer that it is exactly what you want. You had a great desire to provoke him even more, allow him to punish you in whatever way he wished to. But there was something in him. Something that made you realize that there will be no turning back. If you’d allow him to lose control at this point, he’d never back to his senses - you knew that.
[Make your choice now]
A. “Yes…” You bit your lower lip, “You’re right… I wanted to be punished, really badly, Master.”
B. “No, Jumin, wait… It’s just a big misunderstanding.”
Well, this is it... I'm sorry if it was a little cheesy, but I always wanted to see Zen and Jumin fight like this :> Again, sorry for my poor grammar. If you want to help me with edit and fixing my mistakes, feel free to pm me :)
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c-s support + paired endings + night of the ball
Annette: Hello, Professor. Do you have a moment?
>Of course.
>What do you need?
A: Well, I have this book of battle tactics that I borrowed from one of the knights. A: There's one part that I just don't understand. Do you think you could explain it to me?
>Leave it to me.
A: Great! Thank you so much! It's about this diagram here...
>I'm not sure I can.
A: Oh. Well, maybe we can figure it out together. It's about this diagram here...
A: I don't get why the knights are grouping up in that forest there. I just can't see the advantage to a formation like that. A: Yay! I finally get it! You really are a great teacher.
>I'm always happy to help.
A: I knew asking you was the right idea.
>You're the one who did the work.
A: No way. I couldn't have done it without you.
A: I just love learning new things. A: That's why I came to the Officers Academy. I want to learn magic, battle tactics, martial arts, and, and... Well, all kinds of stuff! A: I'm learning more now than I have in my whole entire life! A: Speaking of, I'd better go visit the library for some research before magic practice, which is just before sword training...
>Don't overdo it.
A: That's just not possible! I always find it's more tiring to laze around doing nothing. A: I've never been any good at that. I have to have something to do. A: Like, on my days off, I need to get up early and take care of the cleaning first, or I just...can't relax. Know what I mean?
>Not really.
A: But a day without accomplishments is completely wasted!
>I know the feeling.
A: Oh, I'm so glad you agree! You be surprised how rare it is to find people like us. A: Mercie never sets foot outside her room on her days off. I don't get that girl sometimes. A: Not to mention... Oh wait... Oh no! A: I was supposed to be on cooking duty today! I completely forgot! A: Sorry, Professor, but I have to run! Thanks again for your help!
A: Argh! Who put this stupid barrel here?!
A: I'm so sorry, Professor... I somehow overslept and missed our training session. A: I didn't mean to cause you and the others so much trouble. A: Imagine if that had happened during one of our missions. It really is inexcusable! (pre-skip) A: Imagine if that had happened when I was needed in battle! It really is inexcusable. (post-skip)
>Don't worry about it.
>You need to rest more.
A: It's just...when I'm studying tactics, I lose track of time, and... A: Oh, who am I kidding? I've always been like this. A: Before I came to the Officers Academy, I was a student at the school of sorcery in Fhirdiad. A: Even back then, I was pulling all-nighters well before the exams. A: And I never even noticed I was harming myself. I'm just too focused on my goal. A: I know I've already told you this, but I really love to learn new things. A: It's a passion of sorts. I first realized I had the learning bug when I was about four or five years old. A: My father was so happy to see me using magic... A: Seeing him happy made me happy too, and that made me want to work even harder. A: If only things could have stayed like that...
>What do you mean?
A: When I was about 13, my father left home. A: He was a devout man, so I figured he'd gone to the monastery. A: That's why I went to the school of sorcery, so that I could eventually get accepted at the Officers Academy. A: I studied harder than ever, and sure enough, I finally earned a referral. A: Unfortunately, my passion for learning became more of an obsession. I got so focused, I kind of forgot how to relax. A: It feels like I've been running in circles ever since.
>Rest is just as important as work.
A: That's true. Just look at today. If my hard work stops me from working hard, what good is it?
>You're impressive just as you are.
A: No way! I still have such a long way to go.
A: Still, I guess I'm doing something wrong if I'm working so hard I can't even work hard anymore. A: OK, it's decided. From now on, I'll try my best not to try my best!
>You have my support.
A: Yay! With you on my side, I'm sure I'll succeed!
>That's confusing.
A: I'm sorry! All I meant is that I'll try... I mean, I'll slow down a bit.
A: From now on, if you see me going overboard, just let me know. I'm a new woman, after all!
A: ... A: Oh. Hi, Professor.
>You look down.
>Did something happen?
A: Do you remember what we talked about before? About doing my best to not do my best? A: Well, I've been pretty busy recently, and despite my best efforts, I've been trying way too hard... A: I was busy all day yesterday with training and work. I just couldn't help myself! A: That's why I decided to take a day off today. It's just... A: Now that I have a day off, I don't know what to do with myself! A: Please, you have to help me! What should I do?
A: I can't relax if I'm doing nothing! I need something to keep me occupied or I'll go nuts!
>Have a nap.
A: I tried that! I couldn't calm down enough to fall asleep.
A: I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm cut out for not doing my best... A: Oh! A: You're a professor! You must know some secret technique for deep relaxation, right? A: If you do, please teach me! I'm begging you! A: I'm at my wit's end!
>Have a cup of tea.
A: Got it! I'll try that right now!
>Have some sweets.
A: Mmm! This candy is so sweet and delicious! And it goes so well with piping hot tea!
A: Ooh, and speaking of the tea, your brewing skills are incredible! A: I'd love to be able to make such nice tea, but... A: Oh, Professor! Will you teach me how to brew tea like this? A: I'll do my best to learn, and then I'll make delicious tea for you as thanks!
>Is this doing your best...
A: Oh... Um, sorry. Back to my old tricks, it seems... A: Oh! Why is it so difficult to not do my best?! A: I try and try to not try, but it just doesn't work!
>Just be yourself.
A: Professor... A: You're right! Doing nothing is just not my style. A: To be myself, I've got to do my best every day!
>That's the spirit!
A: OK! Then you really must teach me how to make such delicious tea! A: You will, won't you? Please! Oh, and also... Well, thank you. A: You've listened to me and helped me face my troubles. A: Now I feel like I can talk to you about anything. A: Honestly, I wish we could go on drinking tea like this forever...
A: There you are! Everybody's been looking for you. A: It must be hard being so popular. I bet it's a whole lot of work too... A: If I'm being honest, I'm a little bit envious.
>It's hard work.
A: Oh, but don't you enjoy keeping busy?
>I like to keep busy.
A: So do I! Like I said, I'm envious. A: After each battle, there's always more to do, so every day is exciting in its own way. A: Though it's true I haven't been able to relax for a while...no matter where I go or what I do. A: OK, so I finally realized why it is I feel this way. It's because...I need you.
>What do you mean?
A: When I'm with you, I feel like I can be myself. A: It's not a matter of doing my best or not doing my best... What really affects my happiness is whether I'm with you or not. A: Hehe! A: Um, actually, I've practiced what I'm going to say to you countless times... A: But of course, now that it's time to say it, I'm feeling shy. Terribly shy...
>I feel the same way.
A: You... You what?! A: Oh goodness! You really mean it!
>I love you, Annette. Marry me.
A: Oh! I...
A: I'm sorry! Why am I crying when I'm so happy? A: I've been so worried about this! I was thinking about what I'd do if...if...if you said no! A: But then...you asked me! I didn't even have to ask you! A: I'm just so relieved! A: I love you! So very, very much! A: We'll be together forever! And ever! I promise to make you happier than anyone's ever been, my darling!
paired endings
After ascending the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan, Byleth announced his marriage to Annette. His wife actively contributed to his endeavors, and it is said that her wisdom was heavily relied upon during Fódlan's restoration and development. Despite her lofty position, she was known to occasionally step in as a guest speaker at the Royal School of Sorcery, where she educated many renowned sages. Though her talents were widely respected, it is said she was always a bit accident-prone. Charming tales endure of her husband saving her from countless kitchen explosions, but it is unknown whether these are fact or purely fiction. (golden deer + church route)
After becoming the new archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced his marriage to Annette. His wife actively contributed to his endeavors, and it is said that her wisdom was heavily relied upon during Fódlan's restoration and development. Despite her lofty position, she was known to occasionally step in as a guest speaker at the Royal School of Sorcery, where she educated many renowned sages. Though her talents were widely respected, it is said she was a bit accident-prone. Charming tales endure of her husband saving her from countless kitchen explosions, but it is unknown whether these are fact or purely fiction. (blue lions route)
When the fighting was over and the Officers Academy was reopened, Byleth was reinstated as a professor. His wife, Annette, took on a position alongside him teaching sorcery, and the couple spent many years educating and guiding generations of students. In their later years, they attempted to retire to a quiet life in a village near Annette's hometown. That quickly proved to be too quiet of a life for them, and so they opened up a local school and resumed teaching. They continued on as educators until the end of their long and happy lives. (black eagles route)
night of the ball
A: Professor! I'm happy to see you here. A: Everybody's been asking about you. You're really popular with the students.
>I had to escape.
>I'm worn out.
A: Oh, really? Huh. A: Uh, actually... I've been trying to find you too. A: But if you're not interested in dancing, that's OK. A: We are supposed to be at a ball though... If you're not going to dance tonight, when and where will you get another chance?
A: Wait...really? There isn't any music... A: But this is too special to pass up! Maybe...I could sing a little something. A: I may not look like it, but I'm a practiced singer. Though...people do tend to think my lyrics are a little odd. A: ♪Fry the food, it tastes so good... It fills up our hungry tummies...♪ A: Now I'm hungry.
>What an interesting song.
A: It's about this yummy stew one of the monks taught me to make a while back. A: Oh, I know! I'll make it for you! It really is just about the tastiest thing in the world. A: Um... If I'm bothering you, please tell me now and I'll leave you alone. A: ... A: Say, Professor... Did you know that if you make a wish here at the Goddess Tower, it will for sure come true? A: That why people usually meet up with someone they like here. For a rendezvous! A: And they make a wish that they'll stay together forever. A: So... Uh, I thought you might be waiting for a girl here. And that I'm messing it up.
>I've never heard about that tradition.
>Nothing of the sort.
A: Hehe, that's just what I'd expect you to say! A: But since we're already here, let's go ahead and make a wish together.
>What kind of wish?
A: I've already decided what it will be. A: Dearest Goddess... I wish for the professor and I to always be the best of friends! A: How's that sound? Can we wish for that?
>I'd be happy to.
A: Really? That makes me so happy!
>It's a little embarrassing...
A: Oh no! Actually, when I said it aloud, I could tell it was an embarrassing wish... Oops!
A: Well, I'd better be going now, and you should think about returning to the ball too. But make sure you save me a dance!
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cosmoseinfeld · 5 years
It was part of me
Updated version, although I am sure, nobody but @glennjaminhow actually read the first draft ahaha. But as I keep rewatching this episode, the thought keep on coming. I bolded the additions to the original post:
Ugh. I have so many unanswered questions regarding this season (and Dennis). That’s probably why I keep rewatching the episodes…
Ignoring my own timeline theory for a second, I need to talk about Dennis in Gets New Wheels, right now. I just watched it again and I just? There is so much to unpack here…
The way Dennis acts in this episode, it’s like he forgot how the gang acts and how he used to act and what is expected of him and what role he used to play.
This one started out with the whole Range Rover thing. According to Dennis, the Range Rover “was part of him”. And now it’s gone (it was destroyed. It is irreplaceable und irreparable). But! That doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. I mean, everyone surely would be glad to get rid of this or that part of themself? Change/new isn’t always bad.
So, to me, seeing the Rover gone and with it, all it represents (regarding Dennis), is a good thing. I don’t want to get too much into it because I am working on “big” meta but I think Dennis really changed for the better in S12  and the blowing up of the car in 12x10 symbolised “Goodbye, old Dennis.” I love the show, I love the gang. But I also love character progression (because I love the characters and want them to move forward). That’s why I have mixed emotions about 12x10 and S13.
S13 is messing me up because, for the life of me, I can’t figure out the timeline? And usually, Sunny has a good track record of continuity and timeline (see S12, cricket’s tale for example). And I am losing my mind over asking myself if it means something or if S13 was just “messy” because of schedule issues.
So, the episodes starts off with Dennis gathering the group and opening up questions about his time away. He mentions “the last couple of weeks”. The gang acts indifferent to the whole thing, whereas in episode 1, it seemed like a (big) deal for everyone, yet we see the rest of the gang be like “you were gone?” (also in Clip Show) . Argh.
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Okay, so Dennis didn’t want to talk about it in episode 1, fair enough. Still makes sense that he would only now have them ask questions. Also: Dennis taking his time to adjust and being open about “not now/now is okay” is GOOD.
Edit: I was watching the ep today (again) and it occured to me that he wasn’t actually talking about the gang but himself, here:
“Can everybody gather around, pleace because I have to discuss something very, very important. [...] I know that a lot has been on your minds these last couple of weeks since I’ve been back. [...] The whole thing’s been overwhelming for you. And you’ve danced around the topic for a while now, out of respect for my privacy [...] “
Why, that would have been very ooc for the rest of the gang and let’s remember that it was actually Dennis himself who said in 13x01 that he doesn’t wanna talk about it. Now, the gang would never “dance around a topic”. They’d either address it or drop it completely.
When the gang shows no interest at all, he gets distressed and irritated. And what is the first thing he resorts to? His Range Rover. His “old part” of himself. (I still try to figure out why he would only ask about his car after several weeks? Did he just not think about his car because he wasn’t the “old Dennis” this whole time?)
Then he sees it in its current state and he is like “oh, damn. Well, whatever.” He clearly doesn’t feel THAT emotional about the Rover anymore (at this point).
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We get to car shopping scene. The whole thing about the new model lacking masculinity made me think if the car represents the toxic masculinity side of him and the ultra straight male mask he used to put on? His former self.
Edit: Which made me ask myself: Why are Charlie and Mac there with him in the first place?
And when Frank doesn’t provide, he seems so distressed for a second (“why are you doing this?”). But he collects himself and eventually settles for a Prius. Whatever, he is post-DDL Dennis. Still trying to figure himself out. Uncharted territory but he goes with the flow.
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The scene at the… Spa…thingy? Country Club? Whatever it is, is… crushing. He talks more to himself then the employee. Trying to convince himself that “yes, this who I am now. A normal dude with an economy car.” But he gets mocked for it. By the employee who doesn’t give a shit and then by Dee.
The whole scene with Dee, he is so insecure and unsure. He never talks back. He just takes it. When he tries to chime in, it’s like “yeah, this car isn’t pretending to be pompous or anything. It is good for economy reasons and that is good because –“ Like he is talking about himself.
Btw, he actually tries to tell the employee to leave the car upfront because he doesn’t think he will stay long. Like he is just visiting this place because it is what he used to do but he isn’t feeling it and doesn’t really want to be there, anyway. His old ways feel strange to him.
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What follows is the “economy John” scene. So pure? He doesn’t throw a fit. He is open. He is still trying to figure this whole thing out, so why not talk to a stranger in his car. It’s clearly coded as gay. That’s why it strikes me when (talking about his “car”) Dennis says “Nothing to be ashamed of” and John softly replies “No, of course not” and continues trash talking his old (Range Rover) car. It seems like it is meant to tell us something on a meta basis, no? Plus “I will drive you to your fantasy” thing?
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I refuse to believe that, with a show at S13, with this previous season (about which GH said in an interview that they had the character arc for Dennis figured out long ago) and with this season finale, is just played up for gay jokes…
(Also, notice: Dee acting more and more like “old Dennis” the longer she drives the Rover, tells us: This is not a good thing. (“Who is the Alpha, now?”))
Dennis seems so calm and at ease at John’s and lbr, he wouldn’t be tolerated by this group of people if he acted like “old Dennis”. He genuinely enjoys the whole innocent fantasy football thing. It’s not a scheme, he is just there for a good time.
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Also shown by the scene when Frank turns up (his “old life”) and he seems so overwhelmed by the task given to him. He actually first refuses to try to chat up the girl because he senses that economy John has a thing for her. Whenever before has that stopped Dennis Reynolds?
When he tries to make a move on her, he fails miserably. It actually doesn’t feel like a move at all. He is so insecure and doesn’t know what to say. I made us all uncomfortable.
Frank and the boy leave, Frank is like “uhm yeah no, this isn’t the Dennis I used to know.” He doesn’t have his “mojo”.
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Edit: I forgot to mention that he declines food and using intolerance as an excuse. This feels a bit of a stretch and therefor i declare it headcanon: But this could be ED related. Speaking from personal experience, eating around strangers and in a new setting can be a difficult task for someone who struggles with an eating disorder. Also notice in this scene, just before they leave how he touches his ear. This is a clear sigh of nervousness and insecurity (like the neck/mouth rub thing, some people do or various other “tells”). While (I hope) we all know that deep down, Dennis is a very insecure person, I found it interesting to see him display this so openly.
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(Also the whole “I suck you!” “You suck me?!” “Who is going to see this?” scene…)
Next time we see Dennis, is at John’s again. “Phew, it’s been a long ass day – beer o’clock” Beer O’Clock? Dennis, you are such a dad.
Edit: Okay, first off. What could he have possibly been doing? Second, hand shake-bro-hug? Consensual comfortable physical contact? Why are we not talking about this? This is so un-Dennis? Without any agenda?
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And it seems like he has been going there regularly. John just tells him to get a beer from the garage. Dennis acts like it is a familiar setting. Also, the way he puts on his cap at the door. Another “mask”?
Then the whole Range Rover thing. He is overwhelmed to see this “old part of himself” there. And he immediately changes back into his old ways. He talks weirdly (read: how no one would ever talk) and then yells at John who is like “what? This isn’t the person I got to know?” But Dennis acts like “Fucking finally something familiar.”
Edit: When he gets into is spiel, I was like: “Oh he is getting ‘weird and arch’ again” -> “The Gang Misses The Boat” but then he actually uses the “Begone!” phrase again, as well?! And just remember where he was at, at this point. Freshly off a bpd diagnosis, left with a bottle of pills and a whole lot of unanswered questions.
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He drives off, having retrieved this old known part of himself and collects the gang (Edit: Without his cap, might I add) and sings along to a familiar song. (Still, notice how it is not the usual setting, Mac always used to sit next to him. I think this is the first time we see him sitting behind Dennis instead of next to him?).
And this is why I can’t cheer when he sings along to Rick Astley. I didn’t want him to go back to his old ways (out of desperation and “I don’t know what else to do”)
Like I said, it is not a bad thing to take some time off from your usual setting and group of people. And coming back to it isn’t necessarily a sign of failure – as long as you take your new views and values with you and apply them to your old settings. Returning to familiar places and faces is always tricky because taking time off is meant to be a character growing thing. Resorting to old ways is not the wished for outcome.
And this is also why I have trouble placing this episode because Time’s Up and Escape Room happen before this? Where he is more or less “old Dennis”…
I might update this with every rewatch, yelling into the void.
(screencaps by glenn-howerton.com)
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big-dong-zhong · 3 years
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Chapter 1 has received a buff and has been posted to Ao3. Here is the link for those who want to view it there. For those who don’t, the modified chapter is under the cut. Apologies for any formatting errors, it doesn’t copy/paste to tumblr very well.
1 - Melt
[This is the First Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Words: 2,648
Rated [T+]  - Here is an explanation of my rating system.
Childe/Lumine, fluff (i guess?), sorry I really don’t know what to say here.
Lumine is ill-prepared for Snezhnaya’s weather.
Tartaglia lay in his childhood bed, staring up at the ceiling. It had been years since he had last slept there, and the scratching of the wool against his skin gave him a nostalgic sorrow, like he had left something behind. The other bed laid empty, another single wool blanket carefully draped over it. He put his arm over his eyes, wondering if it had been a good idea to return so soon. One day wasn’t quite enough to spend any meaningful time with his family, and he wasn’t sure if he was grateful for having any kind of time with his family or if he regretted making the trip at all. He supposed that worrying about it wouldn’t do him any good; they were leaving first thing in the morning anyway. Regardless, his restless mind was robbing him of his much needed sleep.
The sound of the bedroom door opening quietly distracted him from his thoughts. He listened as light and hurried footsteps traveled over the rug and to the other bed. The wood frame creaked under the weight of someone sitting upon it for the first time in years. A loud huff. Tartaglia could feel eyes on him. It was nearly impossible not to crack a smile, but he would pretend that he was asleep for now unless she addressed him.
"Lumine?" He grinned and quickly pulled his arm from his face and turned his head to look in her direction. Lumine was sitting upright on the bed, completely wrapped in the wool blanket with only her face visible, and she was pouting. Her cuteness caught him off guard and his heart may have skipped a beat or two, but he quickly regained his composure.
"It's cold," she grumbled, pulling the blanket even tighter around herself. Tartaglia laughed at such on obvious statement.
"Of course it's cold! We're in Snezhnaya. I really hope you didn't forget that somehow.” Lumine grumbled and turned her head defiantly to deflect his insult.
“Aw don’t be like that,” he sang. “You could always come over here and I'll keep you warm." He turned to his side and lifted up his own blanket flirtatiously, inviting her to share his bed.
"No!" Lumine whispered harshly. "No way! I am not sharing a bed with you!" She shook her head as she declined.
"Well I guess you'll just freeze then," Tartaglia conceded and rolled back over with an exaggerated sigh. "A shame too. How will I ever be able to explain this to the Knights of Favonius? I guess I'll just have to run away and change my identity. They'll surely come after me if they think I let something happen to you out here." The sounds of the other bed creaking, and then footsteps toward him.
Got her.
"I didn't tell them," she said. He turned to face her again, this time he was confused. What did she mean she didn’t tell them? His puzzlement must have shown on his face because she repeated it.
"I didn't tell anybody I was coming here. Not the Knights of Favonius or even the Adventurers’ Guild. Let me tell you, it was hard enough to convince Paimon to keep this just between us.” Lumine shook her head as she spoke. “It's not everyone's business what I'm doing every second of every day. I'm allowed to do things on my own, contrary to popular belief."
Her gaze was serious. He had thought that when she reluctantly agreed to come to Snezhnaya with him for leisure that it would be a one time adventure, that she only did it because she had promised Teucer. He figured she would have told each one of her friends every tiny detail about the trip as a precaution in case the Fatui made a move on her, but now he was feeling unsure of her intentions. Had she really trusted him, a Fatui Harbinger, enough to travel so far from her other friends without telling them where she was?
Tartaglia snorted, then laughed at the situation. Everyone really wanted a piece of her, didn't they? This girl who looked like a dumpling wrapped up in his brother's old wool blanket pouting at him was so important that several organizations felt the need to constantly keep tabs on her. It was only fair though, he figured. She was incredibly strong, not to mention nobody knew where she came from. She was very intriguing. He wanted to know more about her.
She sniffled. Tartaglia could see that her nose was getting red, and she kept scrunching her face like she felt a sneeze coming.
"Come on," he chuckled, "you can bring the blanket with you; just get in." Lumine glared down at him and very reluctantly sat on the edge of his bed, her back toward him. She scooted herself back on top of Tartaglia's blanket then lifted her legs into the bed and laid down, never once removing the blanket she already had around herself. He laughed.
"Well this isn't exactly what I had in mind. It's not going to make a lot of difference if you're still under just one blanket."
"Then give me both of the blankets," she mumbled.
"Now that's cold, Lumine. You would let me freeze in the night? And after my family showed you so much hospitality. Imagine how upset my poor little siblings would be to find me frozen solid in the morning: a big brosicle!"
"Argh, fine!" Lumine seemed to have finally had enough of him telling her what to do. She jumped out of the bed and threw the second blanket she had wrapped herself with onto Tartaglia's face. "Make it up however you want, just do it fast okay!"
He laughed as he sat up, grabbing the blanket and spreading it out to toss over his own to create a double layer. Once he was satisfied that it was good enough he glanced toward Lumine and saw what she was wearing. A very short, white night dress with a frilled hem and collar, the latter of which rested halfway down her shoulders, exposing bare skin as well as her collarbones. He could see how delicate her legs were beneath the hem, which only barely covered the tops of her thighs. The fabric also seemed to be quite thin; silk from Liyue perhaps? Her arms were crossed over her chest so he couldn't gauge exactly how sheer it was. Unfortunate, but he could live with the mystery for now. He grinned.
"Well no wonder you're cold," he teased her and lifted up the blankets. "Come on now before you freeze." Lumine glared down at him in contempt.
"I'm not going to do anything weird," he insisted with his sweetest smile. She lifted an eyebrow at him.
"Maybe I wouldn't go that far-"
"I'm sleeping with Paimon and Tonia," Lumine said as she began to turn around.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I promise I won't do anything weird," Tartaglia urged. She pursed her lips into an unsure frown and climbed into the bed, this time facing him directly. He nearly forgot to breathe in that moment she was so close. Her toes brushed against his shin for a moment and he felt how ice cold her skin was. The sensation made him jump.
“Really? You’re not even wearing socks?” he interrogated, moving his shins further away to avoid her toes.
“I can’t sleep with them on,” she rebutted as she continued to pursue his warmth until he finally gave in to the momentary discomfort. She really hadn't prepared for this trip, had she? At least it was just a short leisure trip and she wasn't alone. Tartaglia took comfort in the fact that this exposure would better prepare her for the future.
The future… That was right.
Peaceful moments like this won’t last, he thought to himself. He had enough political knowledge to realize that the world was spinning into chaos, but not enough to know how to stop it. His folly in Liyue Harbor was proof of that. Even the man he felt he had grown close to as a friend was only using him as a pawn in a much bigger scheme, just as so many others had. It wasn’t safe to put his trust in others anymore.
Tartaglia was pulled from his thoughts when Lumine shuffled her arm to her front and placed her hand between their faces, her fingers curled except for one in particular.
"Pinkie promise me you won't do anything weird to me in my sleep."
"You really don't trust me, do you?" Is what he said, ironically, but she had to trust him to an extent. She wouldn’t be there with him in that moment otherwise.
She pushed her hand closer to his face. Lumine was really serious about a pinkie promise, wasn’t she? He was tempted to lightly nip at her finger just to get a reaction out of her, but he knew she would be furious if he did. He wasn't too keen on the idea of chasing her down in the snow in the middle of the night, so he elected not to bite her this time. He sighed with a small laugh and brought his own hand to meet hers. He hesitated at first, his heart skipping a beat when their fingers first touched.
She doesn’t know.
Of course, the traveler from another world wouldn’t have the same knowledge used to trick him over and over. Rex Lapis had fooled her just as well. Would other archons try to use her to their own ends as he and Barbatos did? Tartaglia couldn’t watch that happen.
“I’ll make this promise: I’m going to keep you safe,” he told her in a hushed voice as if any notes of affection in his tone needed to be kept secret between the two of them. “The Knights, the Guild, hell even the Liyue Qixing won’t have to worry if you’re with me. Whether it’s money or strength, you can always rely on me when you’re in need.”
“W-What the hell are you talking about?” Lumine stuttered as her face grew red. “Is this some kind of confession?”
“Hmm,” Tartaglia hummed in response. “Try not to think about it too hard.” He gave her a wink and grinned as he watch her face flush all the way to her ears. He was proud of himself that he managed to get her to make such a cute expression.
“Fine,” she grumbled. “As long as that promise includes not doing anything weird to me in the night.”
“I said I’d keep you safe, didn’t I?” A loaded promise, but in the moment he didn’t care.
“How am I supposed to know what your definition of that is?”
“I just don’t want you see you hurt,” he confessed. Lumine’s expression softened into a more serious gaze.
“Just stick with promising me only for tonight, all right?” she sighed.
“All right,” Tartaglia replied to her with a tender smile. In his heart he knew he would promise more, however. He wanted to be by her side more than just a night.
"You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life," he started.
"You break a pinkie promise," Lumine continued and narrowed her eyes, "I throw you on the ice." Their little fingers wrapped around each other.
"The cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend." He tightened his grip, feeling his breath hitch in his throat. He wondered if she noticed how fast his heart was beating, and if hers may have been as well.
"The frost will freeze your tongue off, so you never lie again." They unclasped their little fingers and let their hands rest between them, not quite touching, but Tartaglia could start to feel her body heat under the blankets.
"Feeling warmer now that you're with me?" he asked with a smug grin. Lumine nodded and let out a small, breathy yawn that tugged on his heart strings. He wished he could fall asleep as fast as she did. Now that she had fallen asleep, laying next to her made him even more anxious. Every time she let out a deep breath he held his, unsure of what to do. Of course he knew he should just close his eyes and go to sleep, but he couldn't stop looking at her. She looked so small and calm, unlike the fury and excitement she radiated while awake. Tartaglia liked this side of her too. He stroked her arm with the tips of his fingers, feeling the warmth radiating off her skin, the sensation making his heart beat faster. He had promised he wouldn't do anything weird, but he still wasn't sure what Lumine's definition of weird could be. She stirred in her sleep, startling him to pull his hand away from her. It may have been just a nursery rhyme, but he knew Lumine would literally cut his tongue out if he broke his promise.
He held his breath, waiting for her to wake up and scold him, but she didn't open her eyes. Instead she moved even closer to him. One of her legs slid between his, which in turn caused her dress to ride up and expose her abdomen to his own bare stomach. Her hand slid over his navel and reached around to his back under his shirt. The sensation of her smooth skin sent what felt like a bolt of lightning through his body, though somehow far different from any electro powers he’d used. Her face was only inches away from his. Lumine was so close to him that he couldn't breathe for fear of waking her. Yet, the anxiety he felt was invigorating. It was a new and foreign kind of excitement to him that he never even dreamed of experiencing. In fact, he'd never given any thought at all to this kind of intimacy with another person. Lumine. Her thoughts, her feelings, and her body; they were a whole new battlefield for him, one he wasn't sure if he could ever conquer, but that made the idea all the more exciting.
Tartaglia's breath finally escaped his lungs, involuntarily shaky and vocal. He moved his tongue around inside his mouth to get rid of the dryness that had taken hold. Luckily the cold had made it so he wasn't sweating from all of the new sensations he was experiencing. He was starting to feel lightheaded from all of the times he'd held his breath, but that in turn with their combined body heat had also started to make him finally feel sleepy. His breath steadied and Tartaglia was finally starting to relax. Lumine was definitely fast asleep, and it didn't look like she was going to wake up to any small movements he made. He decided that wrapping arms around each other wasn't anything weird and moved his arm to cradle her back.
He already knew that he liked her. Since the moment he'd met her he had wanted to be involved in her life, and fighting her had brought him exhilaration he could have only dreamed of. Now he felt that they could have something even more. Lumine was in his home, in his bed with him, the rest of his family sleeping soundly within the house. She didn't belong and yet she fit in so well. He didn't want to let her go. If they could lie there and hold each other forever he might even have been happy with just that. The tiredness was finally beginning to take over. He was as relaxed as he had ever been in her embrace.
Tartaglia shifted to grace Lumine's forehead with a long and chaste kiss, holding her body against his own. He rested his forehead against hers, and finally he was able to let sleep take him.
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