#anyways ya'll should read/watch this series
authoratmidnight · 6 months
d, e, and k
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
I really really wish I could like it, it seems to be fairly popular and there's some gorgeous art of it. But I just can't. And frankly it's not helped by the fact that a stupid number of the shippers seem to rag on ships/characters that I like, makes it hard.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Well, I wrote that 'everyone's avatar turns into cats' fic for Vrains. For Iruma I wrote a 'the Misfits get a substitute teacher, assume this means Kalego-sensei is dead' fic. So I think those count.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Like, ever? Oh man. Idk about 'favourite ever' but, I do be liking the development arcs in Iruma-kun. Sabnok Sabro esp.
When we're introduced to him he is, all about strength. He WILL fight people and things that are strong to prove his strength and worthiness to the next Demon King. He picked a fight with a teacher first day, he picked a fight with a giant bird monster (and I mean, Sabro was like the size of a toenail, big). B/c clearly physical strength is all that matters.
Until he learns that, it's not. Physical strength alone does not a king make. And we see it in action several arcs later when he confronts the teacher he attacked on his first day and, apologizes. Straight up, down on his hands and knees, back and wings bared, apology.
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And then in the next big arc, this further put to the test when he is once again thrust into a life and death situation and has to make a choice. Stay and fight, and probably die. or retreat.
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He chooses to retreat. A complete 180 from the fight with the bird monster where he was prepared (and expecting) to die.
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And he IS growing! Realizing his limitations and what he needs to change about himself if he wants to achieve his goals.
We know he has a very strained relationship with his family (or his father at least) which is why he doesn't live at home (I guess he lives in school dorms? since apparently they do have those?). But after a conversation with his 'rival' (Iruma) he decides to, actually face them. And while that confrontation goes a way that can only be described as 'badly', it's not the only thing he decides to confront.
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(and look you can see him thinking about that conversation with Iruma there)
It's just, so good. I love this boy so much. If Iruma doesn't become Demon King, Sabro has my vote.
Also, can we talk about the trust and faith he has in Balam-sensei to be there for him if he has to utilize his Wicked Phase? He's been avoiding this thing for, literal years (he's only had one WP and has avoided it ever since apparently), and Balam gives him special pills to help him release it (and release it in a much more wild, much more uncontrolled state), except he hasn't had a chance to be trained yet so these are literally if a 'if you literally have no other choice' option. But Balam promises him that god forbid he does have to use them when Balam isn't around, he will be there for him!
And Sabro trusts him. (and Balam does indeed come through as promised and it's wonderful, the end of that chapter lives rent free in my head).
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baby-yongbok · 8 months
Chapter Two - It's a Date
Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, dare I say slow burn? The type that tickles your heart.
Word Count: 2,661
A/N: Ya'll voted for a part 2 but I honestly would've probably made this a mini series regardless 😭. I love this story with my whole heart and I hope you do too. I decided that I'll be uploading the chapters for this series on Thursdays at 6pm EST. Anyway, Enjoy! Any and all feedback is appreciated!
Summary: That cute stranger that you met at your favorite bookstore cafe is anything but a stranger now.
Part One
✧Poetry Series Masterlist✧
✧Main Masterlist✧
(Reading part one before reading this is highly recommended)
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“Six o’clock on the dot. We should start paying you for coming here.” Amanda, the cafe owner, joked as you walked through the doors of the small bookstore. 
“Yeah? I think I’d like that, I could use the extra money.” You smiled at her as you clutched a stack of books to your chest. “Oh, these are donations by the way. All brand new, my brother is cleaning out his office and business management isn’t exactly my cup of tea.”
You place the stack of books neatly on the counter in front of Amanda and she flashes you a genuine smile. “This is why you’re my favorite customer. Here, your next drink is on us.”
Amanda hands you a coupon that you gratefully accept. You’ve learned a long time ago that declining her offers is futile. “Oh and I think that someone is here for you.” 
She wiggles her eyebrows teasingly and you furrow yours. You turn around and a soft smile spreads across your face. Your eyes land on Hyunjin’s tall frame sitting cross legged at one of the free tables in the nearly empty cafe. An iced americano in one hand and a book in the other. 
“He’s been here for thirty minutes.” Amanda whispers over to you and your smile spreads wider. 
“Of course he’s early.” You shake your head, chuckling a bit. “Thanks for the coupon.” 
You wave your goodbye to Amanda and start to make your way over to Hyunjin who seems to be completely engrossed in his book. You steal a glance at the cover and raise your eyebrows at his current literary choice. 
“Life is so constructed, that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation.” Your voice catches his attention causing him to sit up straighter as he takes you in with a smile. 
“You’ve read it?” He asks, referring to your quote as he places his bookmark and closes the novel. 
“I’m a bit of a Charlotte Brontë connoisseur.” You reply with a shrug. “I did my thesis on that novel for my senior year of college.”
“I’ll have to pick your brain about it once I’ve finished it.” 
You watch him as he stands and stretches a bit. You take a second to drink in his appearance, his orange and black crocodile print sweater and black slacks fitting his frame perfectly. You have no doubt that it’s expensive just like everything else that he’s worn during your Thursday evening meetings. Once he’s satisfied with his stretch he pushes in his chair and circles the table to stand in front of you. He holds a hand out to you and you slip your fingers over his slender ones. He brings your hand up to his mouth and kisses the back of it gently, a grin pulling at his lips. 
“You look lovely tonight.” He looks you over slowly, taking in the form fitting glory of your black pencil skirt and the contrast it has to your baggy maroon sweater tucked in just in the front. 
“You say that every Thursday.” You playfully roll your eyes and Hyunjin smiles, shaking his head in agreement. 
“Because you look stunning every Thursday. I can’t wait to see you on a Monday or a Tuesday.” You blush a bit, looking away from him in an attempt to hide your reaction. 
The two of you have been meeting at this bookstore cafe, Adore, for two weeks now, today being the third. You’ve found yourself planning your outfit for this day of the week as soon as you wake up on Friday. Each time that the two of you say goodbye you can’t help but to think about the next time that you’ll see him and all of the questions that you’ll ask him. Hyunjin was no different, he found himself thinking about you like a teenager who just asked their crush to prom. His roommates started teasing him for the extra work that he’d been putting into his appearance. Every Thursday he’d spend an extra thirty minutes in the bathroom making sure that his hair looked just right since you complement it every time you see him. He’d gone on for about an hour asking his roommate Felix for his opinion on different colognes even though he normally doesn’t bother to wear any. He even took on an earlier work schedule so he’d be available for your meetings. Anything to see you again. 
“Thank you.” You whisper and he nods in response. He grabs his bag from the back of his chair and packs his novel away before grabbing his drink. 
“Shall we browse?” You nod your head, lacing your fingers together behind your back before taking a step forward. It seems that you both had the same idea since the two of you bump into each other softly. You both chuckle lightly and Hyunjin moves his free hand to the small of your back to guide you in front of him. “Ladies first.” 
His words come out in such a whisper that you could barely hear him but that could also be due to your heart thumping in your ears as a chill runs over you. You shake your head trying to play off your reaction to the small physical contact but you can’t help it, his touch is electric. The two of you trail off into the poetry section and you know exactly what you’re looking for. 
“I take it that you have someone in mind?” Hyunjin asks with a curious glance as you browse the shelves. You nod, your gaze never leaving the organized spines lined up on the shelves. 
“There!” You reach forward quickly, plucking the book from the neat stack and holding it up to show Hyunjin. 
“Rupi Kaur, I can’t say that I’m familiar with her.” Your face twists in disapproval causing a small chuckle to fall from Hyunjins blushed lips. “Why don’t you introduce me to her work.” 
“ If you like R.H. Sin then you’ll love her.” You look down the aisle both ways to make sure that no one is around before kneeling down and sitting on the dark carpet. Hyunjin looks down at you with furrowed brows as you take off your bag and place it next to you. Once you’re settled you look up at him returning his confused expression. “Are you coming?”
You pat the carpeted floor next to you and Hyunjins confused stare quickly melts into a gentle look of admiration. He nods his head before joining you on the floor, sitting next to you with his back resting lightly on the book shelf. He glances over at you as you study the hardcover book in your hands, your fingers tracing over the embossed words. He takes in the steadiness of your breath and the way you hum ever so slightly when you notice a new detail on the cover. He doesn’t notice the grin that’s creeped across his lips until you look up at him, he looks away quickly as a blush creeps across his cheeks. You mimic his actions, blushing a bit yourself. A few seconds of quiet surround the two of you before Hyunjin breaks the barrier. 
“May I?” He asks, gesturing towards the hardcover in your hands. You let out a deep relieved sigh and nod at him. You hand the book over to him, the tips of your fingers brush lightly against his and you both still momentarily at the contact. You both had to have felt that shock run up your spines right? The two of you decide to shake it off quickly, concluding that it was merely a case of static electricity. Hyunjin looks down at the book in his hands, turning it over and taking in the words on the back cover. He clears his throat a bit before reading the text on the back.
“This is the recipe of life, said my mother as she held me in her arms as I wept…” You listen closely to each word that his voice carries. Sinking into your own little bubble, this time that the two of you reserved every Thursday served as a calming ground for the both of you. Nothing else mattered right now, the only thing that exists is the two of you and the poetry that you shared. 
“The sun and her flowers.” Hyunjin read the title as he flipped the book back over to its front. “I have to admit that I’m very interested.” 
He opens the book to its contents and reads off the name of each section. “ Wilting, Falling, Rooting, Rising, Blooming.”
You nod as you look over the grayed out page with him. “Which section do you think you belong in?”
Hyunjin looks over at you, a bit taken back by your question. Your large doe eyes stared back at his shining narrow ones patiently waiting for his response. “Uh, I don't really know.”
You nod, catching on to his hesitance. You look forward for a second, your eyes mindlessly scanning the spines of the books in front of you before you do what you wanted to do last Thursday. Slowly and carefully you lean your head to the side gently resting your temple on his shoulder. You feel him tense a bit at the sudden contact but he quickly relaxes into your touch even leaning over a bit to give you better access to his shoulder. 
“I think that right now I belong in falling.” You watch as Hyunjin silently flips through the pages before landing on the first page of the section you mentioned. He licks his lips before reading the poem. 
“I notice everything I do not have and decide it is beautiful.” He lets out a deep sigh that he wasn’t aware that he was holding before shaking his head. 
“I think that maybe I belong here too.” 
His fingers run over the picture placed under the poem, imitating pencil strokes as he studies it. You turn slightly to look up at him, studying his slow blinks as his brown orbs focus on the page. The gentle air escaping his nose tickles your lashes as he exhales but you don’t dare blink, too afraid that you’ll miss a moment of him. What is this that you’re feeling? 
“But I don’t think that I can say that everything that I don’t have is beautiful, not yet.” His eyes don’t leave the page as he continues to imitate the abstract strokes. “Well, there is one thing that I don’t have.” 
His words come out in a whisper and his gaze suddenly shifts over to you. His brown orbs are looking deep into yours. Your breathing picks up slightly as you will yourself not to look away.
“And it’s definitely beautiful.” His gaze is intense yet soft as he looks over your features. You notice that his eyes wander over your lips a bit longer than everything else before meeting your eyes again. “I guess I have to convince myself that I deserve beautiful things.” 
He lets out a light sigh and you can’t help but to bring your hand to lay on top of his. 
“You are more than worthy of beautiful things, Hyunjin.” He grins down at you gently before tearing his gaze away from yours. 
“Perhaps I am.” He whispers more to himself than to you. Suddenly he lets out a deeper sigh as he closes the book. “Have you eaten yet?”
You return his sigh as you lift your head from his shoulder. You can’t help but to wonder what he meant, why would he think that he doesn’t deserve to indulge in beauty? You shake the thoughts from your mind, not wanting to ruin your Thursday night with him. “I haven’t”
“Would you like something?”
“I can make something when I get back to my place, money is a bit tight for me right now.” 
“My treat.” He hums out simply as he studies the spine of the hardcover in his hands.
“I’m alright.” You chuckle and he looks over at you with a bit of concern drawn on his features.
“Really it’s no problem. I know that I pay every Thursday but it makes me happy that I can provide you with something as small as refreshments every week. It gives me peace of mind.” You blush a bit at his confession, so he does think about you as much as you think about him.
“Well if it means that much to you..” He smiles down at you with a nod.
“It does.” He shifts suddenly as he moves to stand. He holds his hand out to you and you take it, allowing him to help you up. “They make an amazing tomato caprese sandwich here.” 
“I’ll try it.” He nods at you happily before taking the lead out of the aisle. You follow closely behind him when suddenly you remember something. “Oh!”
You catch Hyunjin’s attention as you walk up a bit faster to stand beside him. You rummage through your bag until you find what you’re looking for.
“I have a coupon for a free drink!” You muse excitedly and Hyunjin can’t help but to laugh at your sudden elation. 
“Keep it, I appreciate it but I’ve got this.”
“Oh come on! Let me help.” You pout a bit as the two of you reach the register and Hyunjin puts in the order for the two of you, he’s already memorized your drink order so little discussion is needed. Once your order is placed and paid he turns to your pouting face with a warm smile.
“You know what? There is a way that you can help.” He slides his hands into the pockets of his slacks and you perk up a bit as you listen to him. 
“Anything.” You smile up at him, wide eyed and eager to be of use. 
“How about next Thursday we… meet outside of this place. Maybe I could take you on a date?” 
A deep blush creeps onto your swarthy cheeks as his question sinks in. Your lips pressed together in a thin line and you shift the position of your feet slightly. Hyunjin looks down at the dark tile nervously as he waits for you to say something, anything. His nerves began to creep up his spine, spewing doubt into his mind. Just as he was about to retract his offer and apologize you let out a breathy chuckle. 
“I’d really like that.” A toothy smile spreads across his face once he hears your response and you instantly wear one to match once you take in his reaction. 
“Uh, great! I’ll text you the details.” He takes his hand out of his pocket, offering his phone to you. “I can’t believe we haven’t exchanged numbers yet.” 
A shy chuckle escapes him as the two of you exchange phones and input your numbers.
“There you go.” You hand his phone back to him, your giddy smile still present on your red painted lips. 
“Alright, well um, I’ll text you everything you need to know once I plan it.” He says as he stares down at your contact for a second too long, he bites his lip slightly to try and hold back his smile. 
“It’s a date.” You both stand in front of each other smiling like enliven children at an ice cream parlor. “I’ll go grab us a table.” 
Hyunjin nods at you as you turn on your heels and make your way to your usual booth. He watches you as you walk away from him with awestruck eyes. He allows himself to smile now that you aren’t looking, his eyes turning into shining crescents as excitement builds inside of him. He glances down at your contact one last time before locking his phone and stuffing it back into his pocket, He glances over at you before turning to face the cafe counter and whispers to himself.
“It’s a date.”
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Why do we gatekeep comics?
Seriously. I've been in this fandom (well, the batman rogues side of it) for years, since '15 actually. It's crazy how often I run across a post that basically says "fandom has bad reading comprehension and valid interpretations of these characters come from me"
Do ya'll realize how snobby that sounds?
Let me tell ya, comics are NOT an easy medium to get into. I'm going to be using Jonathan Crane as my example, because that's my blog's whole thing. Speaking him alone, there's at least eight origins, dozens of verses, multiple versions and stories -- and yes, some do contradict each other. And that's a medium popularity rogue, what if we're talking Jason Todd or Joker? Even Bruce Wayne's set in stone origin can vary from comic to comic.
While I understand comics need to be read to understand a character to it's fullest, and in no way am I arguing that you SHOULDN'T read comics. What I am saying is, there's more than just the fandom popular ones, and comics are not a cheap medium to get into. (and yes, you can 'yo ho ho' comics if you catch my drift, but finding the obscure issues can someone be impossible even taking that route) Comics costs add up quickly if you want to collect, ranging from two to six dollars an issue and god forbid you wanna collect something out of print that never had a big release to begin with. eBay prices can get crazy, and not everyone lives near a comic book store.
I get asks all the time asking me where to start with Jonathan Crane and reading, but really....does it matter? Pick an origin, pick a handful of stories that may interest you and with maaaybe six to ten comics you'll have a solid understanding of the character. This works for any character btw, you don't have nor should you have to read everything or whatever the fandom considers "the most correct"
ALSO! There's more than just comics, maybe you watched the animated series as a kid and that's all you know! That doesn't mean your thoughts are lesser than someone whose read hundreds of comics!! You're allowed to stick with the meidum you like best, like the Arkhamverse video games or Teen Titans cartoon.
Why do we even push the idea that you gotta research comics for years before you can have an "acceptable opinion" on these characters? Comics are a special medium, they can tell multiple stories from multiple artists and writers. No one comic is above the rest, no matter what the fandom tries to tell you
Just. Have fun with it. Make your headcanons. Read the story everyone hates. Take the horrible canon (Jervis Tetch being a predator, for example) and throw it out the window!!
Do what makes YOU happy. I promise, you're never going to be alone in a fandom like the comics fandom. You're allowed to do what you want, I mean--half the time the professionals wing it and bullshit it, so why can't you???
Anyway, I'm getting off my soapbox for today.
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bingbongsupremacy · 11 months
The Letter Pt. 3
Pairing: Ellie Williams x fem! reader
Warnings: She/Her pronouns used
Summary: Ellie and Y/N are in two very different social groups at school. One day when Y/N's crush is cruelly exposed in front of the whole school, Y/N is brutally shot down. Finally, five years later the two run into each other again.
High School AU
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
*Not Proof Read*
A/N: Day one is bad. I didn't know what to do for the first day. I just wanted it to look awkward af bc it's supposed to be super awkward and tense between Ellie and reader. Guys idk how good this is. I feel like I had an idea but idk if I executed it very well. I kinda just ran out ideas for this story. Lmk what you think. Also sorry for not updating yesterday. I just started a new job and shit's wack. I feel like whenever I go to work my body insecurities get worse, ya know? Idk why. Maybe it's the uniform or whatever but I just feel shitty whenever I show up. Anyways, ya'll aren't here for my life story so here's what you came for.
Also I changed it to only three days bc I couldn't think of enough things for them to do.
Day One
Trixie's. Must be a new business.
I don't remember it being here before.
A cool breeze brushes past me as soon as I walk in. The first thing I notice is the large bar in the back of the room. What I'd give for a fucking beer right now...
We sit towards the back of the building. A waitress is quick to bring us some bright red menu's. " I'll be right with you two in a moment. " She smiles before rushing off.
Ellie and I are silent as we scan over the menu's. I don't think either of us knows exactly what to say. I mean, what the hell are you supposed to someone who caused you so much pain?
Just one hour.
Ellie sets down her menu. " Hey so, there's a fair coming through town this week. Do you maybe want to go on Thursday? " She asks cautiously.
I glance up at her. Bad mistake.
Fuck she's hot.
" Um, " Fuck I don't know. Do I want to go? Fuck. " Sure. " I shrug, setting aside my menu. " I mean we've got to do something Thursday anyways, why not? "
The rest of the evening seems to drag on. Small talk is quickly overcome with awkward silence.
How the fuck am I going to do this for 6 more days?
Day 2
Here we go again.
I pull into the movie theater parking lot. People flow in and out of the building, smiles adorning their faces.
I spot Ellie waiting by the entrance, cigarette in hand. " Hey. " I greet with a tight smile.
" Oh hi! " Ellie smiles, snuffing out the bud. " Ya ready? " She asks.
" Yup. " I mumble. In an ideal world both of us will end up disagreeing on a movie to watch and end up splitting up to watch our own show. I doubt it'll happen, but a girl can dream.
" What should we watch? " Ellie asks while looking through the movies. " Oh shit, the Savage Starlight movie came out. " She mutters, her eyes lighting up slightly.
" Wait really? " I glance over her shoulder to look. " I thought it was coming out next month. "
Ellie nods. " Me too. Should we watch it? "
" Sure. "
At least something good will come out of this.
" That fucking sucked. " Ellie blurts as we walk out of the building. " Whoever made that needs to fucking read the comics. "
" Oh my god, I thought I was the only one. " I sigh. " They completely ruined the plot. "
Ellie nods in agreement. " And Daniela Star...fuck what the hell did they do to her costume? "
I chuckle. " They sexified it. Like bro, just let a girl live without having to show her tits. " I roll my eyes.
" Yeah. "
There's a moment of comfortable silence. No tension. No anger. Just two people bonding over a comic series. For a moment I almost things feel okay.
" I don't know about you, but I'm fucking hungry. Do you wanna grab something to eat? " Ellie asks.
" You read my mind. " I nod, pushing myself off of the wall. " Where are we going? "
Ellie and I walk down the street to a small pizza joint.
" I'll have the cheese pizza, please. " I say after examining the menu.
" Alright, your total is $4.50. "
" I got it. " Ellie pulls out her wallet before I can speak. She hands over a five dollar bill. " Keep the change. "
" Ellie. " I shake my head. " You've paid for everything so far. I can't let you do this. " I try to hand her another five.
Ellie backs up shaking her head. " No. I told you I was gonna make what I did up to you. This is the least I can do. "
We quickly grab our food and head outside.
" This shit is the best. " Ellie mutters between bites. " I don't know why I haven't been here in so long. I used to love this place as a kid. "
" Marco slips something in his dough, I swear. " I agree. " I haven't found another place with pizza this good. "
The sound of crickets fills the air. A small click captures my attention.
" That shit's gonna kill you. "
Ellie shrugs, lighting up the end of her cigarette. " At least I'll die happy. "
I roll my eyes. " You'll die hacking up blood. "
Ellie's nose crinkles slightly. " Thanks for the visualization, dad. " She mocks slightly. " I only smoke when I'm nervous or stressed. "
I purse my lips. " Ellie Williams, are you nervous right now? "
Ellie doesn't respond. Instead she takes a deep breath.
" What happened to you, Ellie. " I ask genuinely curious. " You used to be... "
" Perfect? "
" I was gonna say an asshole. "
Ellie chuckles. " I grew a fucking spine. I ended up cutting majority of my friends off and dropping out of college. Now I sell weed and work at a supermarket. " She says nonchalantly.
" Definitely a big character change. "
Ellie grins. " Speaking of weed. " She pulls out a blunt. " You ever try one? "
" Of course. "
Maybe tonight won't be so bad.
Day 3 (Thursday)
" I will win that stupid bear if it's the last thing I do. " Ellie huffs in frustration. Her face hardens in concentration as she tosses another dart at the dart board.
" You really don't need to, Ellie. " I grin at her 20th attempt.
Ellie doesn't respond. A small alarm goes off as Ellie finally makes the final dart into the center of the board. " Fuck yeah, baby! " She cheers. " Told you I'd do it, Y/N. "
I roll my eyes. " Yeah yeah. "
Ellie accepts the large stuffed bear from a game operator who's obviously very annoyed with us. Yeah, we've been here a bit.
" Here, this is yours. " Ellie hands me the large brown bear.
" Are you sure? You spent like 40 bucks trying to win this thing. "
Ellie takes a sip of her beer. " It was worth the smile on your face. Keep it. "
The past couple of days have been...unexpected. I came into this fully expecting to hate Ellie when I leave.
Now I'm not so sure.
We make our way to our last ride of the night; The Ferris Wheel.
" God, Jackson looks beautiful up here. " I sigh while peering down at the bright lights.
Ellie hums in agreement. " It's a nice breather from the world. I feel like I can just...be. "
" It definitely is. " I glance over at Ellie.
She looks back at me. Her smile slightly falters. " I guess this is it. "
It's the third day.
Have I forgiven her? I'm not sure. On one hand, I don't feel like she's the same person. On the other hand, how can I be sure. I mean, I haven't been here in five years. She could be lying for all I know.
" I'm not sure about you, Ellie. I don't think three days is enough time to fix what happened. "
Ellie nods, gaze dropping to her lap.
" But I'd like to get to know you. "
She head snaps up. Confusion flashes across her expressions. She obviously wasn't expecting me to want to talk to her after this.
" Maybe I can...stay a little longer. "
A grin spreads across Ellie's features. " I'd like that. "
" Well then. To new beginnings. "
" To new beginnings. "
I don't really like this last chap. I might remake it if I can come up with some ideas for it. Hopefully some of you guys still enjoyed it.
Tag list (Sorry if I missed you): @octavias-next-meat-bite @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @3lliesrifle @mokeysthings @mqddieas @elliesinterlude @ashlqyy @villainousbear
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thirstnotes · 1 year
|Rivals To Lovers - Clark Kent - Part Six - Sassy Clark|
Pairings: Clark Kent x AFABBlackPlusSizedReader
Warnings: possessive Clark, Clark Kent in love, language, more smut eventually, minors DNI, Stalker Clark, two cuties flirtin, morally gray Clark, dark Bruce, typos, weak writing tbh but it is what it is
Okay, ya'll, we're almost there. I know I'm taking longer than Dragonball Z to reach this damn conclusion, and I'm sorry for the wait lol. But I'm very grateful to ya'll for liking it so much. It makes me so happy to know my writing brings ya'll some form of joy. Thanks to @ysmmsy for the reblogs and recs, @ramp-it-up for answering the ask that led to this series, and to my community of color who really deserve more representation in stories. Bc we deserve to be loved on by our favorite characters too. Anyway, enjoy.
As always, if you don't enjoy it, don't read it.
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"Was that really necessary?" Bruce asked, sipping a bit of cognac.
Clark landed quietly, his eyes lingering on the glass in his hand. Bruce didn't even turn his head to address him, more focused on the skyline of the city.
"I was gonna ask you the same thing," Clark said finally, his arms folded. Bruce tilted his head a bit, smirk in place.
"So she is special to you. Well. Things certainly took a refreshing turn. I thought you'd be obsessed with Red forever."
"What's it matter to you?"
"Overall, it doesn't. But clearly it does to you, or else you wouldn't be abusing your powers like this. Which does present its advantages."
"That was hardly abuse," Clark breathed with a dangerous laugh. His eyes flashed a small, red beam and Bruce's glass shattered in his hand. "See, now that. That's abusing my powers."
Bruce was undeterred, instead giving his hand a small shake before sliding it into his pocket. He turned to face him, a mildly annoyed look on his face.
"You're clearly here to say something. I suggest you say it before I lose my patience."
"You should already know this, but in case your I.Q. suddenly dove a couple hundred points: Y/N is not your plaything."
"As evident by your tantrum, she seems to be your toy. Of course."
"She's not anyone's toy," he seethed, his eyes icy and dark. Threatening to flash again at any moment's notice. Bruce countered with a steely stare of his own.
"Oh yes, she's your 'fake girlfriend', right? I hardly see how that's different. She seems to likes me and, to tell you the truth, I happen to find her very attractive. Which, after tonight, is entirely apparent to her. So. If anyone's playing games, it's definitely you."
Clark's eyes narrowed dangerously at him, but he couldn't refute his claims. After all, it was his idea in the first place to use you to get to someone else. Granted it was consensual, it was still pretty calloused to you. Especially since your only consolation was showing up an asshole that dumped you. He hadn't appreciated you nearly as much as you deserved to be, but it still didn't sit right with him that Bruce was the one to point it out.
Bruce's arms folded and he stepped even closer, despite the severely pissed Kryptonian just at an arm's reach.
"Here's how this'll go. I'm going to continue seeing Y/N as long as she'll allow. Or at least until you plan to take me up on my offer."
Of course.
His eyes rolled to the skyline. "I might've thought you'd circle back around to that."
Bruce smirked at his hesitation. "It's merely a small favor."
"I'm not some cold blooded killer."
"Right. Of course. You draw the line at criminal arson.”
Clark dipped his head with a bitter laugh and left him standing there, opting to walk away. Bruce watched him, his smirk still fixed in place.
Clark hated himself for thinking about taking him up on his offer
Jokes aside, nowadays, Bruce was practically mafia with the measures he took to "exact justice", but Clark was doing his best to keep from working closely with him.
You were no bargaining chip
But there was something tantalizing about Bruce’s offer to leave you alone indefinitely
I mean
All he needed to do was off a couple of assholes and he could have you all to himself
It sounded pretty fuckin sweet
The men Bruce wanted dead were bad guys
...Was he seriously considering killing for you?
He landed across from your building again, watching you sleep peacefully on your couch. Probably passed out after a shower. He smiled a bit, pulling his phone from his pocket to type.
We need to talk
He took a deep breath and scrolled through his contacts, his eyes resting on Bruce's number.
His notifications popped down.
His eyes flickered to your apartment and he saw you typing on your phone.
You already thinking about dumping me just before class? That's just cold
His lips twitched into another smile.
It's late. Why are you still up?
Why are you?
I'm barely awake
So you decided to text me?
He saw your body shake with a small laugh and he rolled his eyes with a smirk.
This talk must be important if you woke up from a dead sleep to text me. Don't tell me. You couldn’t stand to lie to me anymore and you need to tell me that you really are Superman
He laughed, eyes rolling to the side before he replied.
You let out a small laugh.
Are you drunk texting me again?
He slipped his phone into his pocket, sitting on the edge, watching you drift to sleep waiting for him to reply. You probably thought he'd drifted back to sleep. Possibly drunk. Thinking he was Superman.
You're gonna find out just how accurate you were
The next morning, you decided to surprise him for once
Heading to his apartment with a box of donuts and a black coffee
Something he'd probably be grateful for after the sun hit his hungover eyes
After a rather exciting date with Bruce Wayne, a fire scare, and yet another drunk text from Clark, it'd seem like you needed a strong drink and all the sleep you could manage
But instead, you were, pulling up to the curb in front of his building
Completely surprised to see him waiting there for you
He climbed in, setting his messenger bag on the floor and buckling in before finally addressing your curious stare with his usual irritating smirk.
"What? Good morning?"
"What, are you psychic now, Superman?"
He furrowed his brows at you.
You rolled your eyes with a laugh. "You drunk texted me again last night."
"Did I?" he asked, eyes focused on the view passing his window. You gave him a sour look.
"Yeah. At like one in the morning. I thought you were gonna be hungover out of your mind. So I decided to bring coffee and donuts and give you a lift to work, because I felt sorry for you. But I guess I'll just keep them."
"You don't even drink black coffee."
"I can doctor on it."
"No takebacks," he sneered, taking the cup from the holder, taking a petty sip from it. You laughed and rolled your eyes again.
He grinned at you over the brim of his cup. Then it was quiet.
The ride had stayed quiet for a while, with Clark looking out the window most of the way.
You both heard your phone vibrate a few times, but because of your strict no texting while driving policy, you didn't touch it
But you had to wonder
Was it Bruce?
He had texted that he wanted to see you again, minutes before Clark had texted you last night
Which made you feel a little like a cheating trollop
Even if you weren't Clark's actual girlfriend
But still, it felt greedy to have your cake and get eaten too
Another buzz from your purse made you hazard a glance his way, but he seemed kind of preoccupied
What was he thinking?
It made you a little antsy to see him so deep in thought
"You know, I don't think I've ever seen you so quiet. What's up?"
"Actually, I think you're the talker in this relationship?" he sassed back, raising a brow at you. You laughed.
"Okay. Rude, but fair enough. Anyway. What's on your mind? You okay?"
"Just fine."
His short answer bothered you a bit and you chewed your bottom lip through another quiet pause. His eyes flickered to you and he took a small breath.
"I'm curious. How'd your date with Bruce go?"
It was your turn to get quiet, your eyes drifting his way before landing back on the road. The cheating girlfriend vibe intensified, but you were too proud to ask him if he was jealous just yet.
“It went like any other dinner date, really.”
He resisted the urge to give you a look. Somehow, he didn’t believe you ended all your dates in a hotel room. It was even less likely that you had to cancel every booty call because of a fire scare.
“I see.”
You gave him a look. “What? Did you think he was really gonna whisk me off to Prague?”
“I didn’t know what to think, to be honest. It’s Bruce,” he volleyed, eyes rolling to you. You eyed him, smile fighting it’s way to your face. Just then, your mind obviously jumped to what really happened that night, but you rolled your eyes and laughed it off.
“He was a perfect gentleman.”
“Wonders never cease,” he drawled sarcastically, focusing his attention back to the view outside his window.
"I-Listen," you laughed, rolling your eyes again.
"Mmhm," he hummed, relishing the way his sarcasm made you squirm.
"He was excellent. That's all you need to know," you said simply. His eyes flickered to you when you weren't looking, his smile fading. You looked so content. Not sprung, like one is after a night of bliss with somebody they think is "the one", but definitely like it wasn't the last you'd be seeing of him.
The office was bustling more than usual
Everybody greeting you with smirks and grins
Because of the state of your desk, which was surrounded by flowers
"Wow," you breathed, moving a basket aside to actually see the wood of your desk. Luke slipped to your side with a whistle.
“Guess you left quite an impression on Wayne.”
Thankfully both you and the dumb photographer missed the chilling leer that Clark gave him.
You rolled your eyes. “He’s just a nice guy.”
Luke looked from you to Clark with a good natured laugh. “I’m jealous of your ability to always stay calm, Kent. How are you not freaking out about this?”
“I happen to trust my girlfriend,” Clark said as though it were common sense. Which it was.
“You’re a better man than I am,” Luke shrugged with a laugh.
“That’s why she picked me,” Clark sniped, returning his good natured laugh with a poisonous one of his own. Luke’s smile faded a bit when he processed his words. You rolled your lips to keep from cackling and gave your attention to Lois, who approached you all.
She stepped around the two of them to hand you an engraved envelope with a sympathetic smirk. “I tried to text you before you got here. But I guess you were gonna find out one way or another.”
“Yeah, thanks for trying though,” you breathed with a sarcastic laugh, your eyes flickering to Clark briefly before setting them aside. Her smirk died a bit and she looked between you as well, as if just remembering your relationship.
"Of course, it's probably a normal good will gesture."
"Just rich dudes being rich dudes," you joked along, your eyes lowering to the envelope in your hand. As did his.
Free this weekend? No distractions this time. I promise.
Along with two plane tickets. To Prague. Fuckin Bruce.
However, you bit the corner of your lip and decided not to open it there. It made him a little curious, but he was pretty grateful you didn't. His eyes rolled from the card to the work on his desk while Lois looked between the two of you again and cleared her throat.
"Well. Anyway, I'll see you in class."
"Yeah, definitely," you said, setting it aside, waiting for Lois to go back to whatever she was doing before cutting your eyes at Clark. He could almost sense your anxiety and threw a smirk your way to ease your mind.
"Quite the impression," he snickered and you stuck your tongue out at him.
"Shut up."
The ride to class was even quieter than the ride to work. You found it hard to focus with the smell of several baskets of flowers in your backseat. You glanced over at Clark, who was scrolling through his phone. 
"What?" he asked, eyes still on his screen.
"Why don't you like Bruce anyway?"
He paused and looked up at the road. "I told you. He's obnoxious."
"That's all," you said, though it sounded more like an inquiry and he looked at you.
"What do you expect to hear?"
The light turned green and you pretended to be completely focused on the road. 
"Nothing. I dunno. Just. You seem kinda jealous."
He tilted his head with a smirk. "Of you and Bruce? Maybe."
You didn't know how to unpack that. Was he saying he was jealous of the potential "relationship" you and Bruce had, or that he was jealous of Bruce potentially having you? It made you dizzy.
"Well I mean, there is no me and Bruce. It was just a date. So we're in the same boat, buddy," you joked and he breathed a laugh. 
"Anyway, what exactly happens in this class?"
It was a blunt transition you were thankful for. You shrugged. "It's no big deal. The class'll be a breeze, I think the biggest challenge is navigating the gossip when I show up with a new man while my 'ex' is still in the same class. Just. Follow my lead, honestly."
"Fair enough."
He didn't say anything more, his eyes rolling back to the opposite side of the dash. You frowned a bit, but you let him get back to his own thoughts. Eventually you pulled into the park and unbuckled your seatbelt.
"Y/N," he said suddenly and it made you jump.
His warm lips captured yours with a soft, firm kiss, tongue darting between your lips to invite yours out to play. You indulged him, tangling your tongue with his, shifting a bit to have better access. Your body melted when he held your waist to keep you steady, the yummy weight of his hand keeping you from climbing onto him in the passenger's seat. You moaned a bit when he sucked on your tongue as he pulled back. It was a shorter kiss than you'd realized. Much too short.
"What was that?" you breathed, head in a fog.
"Chemistry," he said, his thumb running over the corner of your bottom lip gently, brushing away any traces of him. "I can't go a whole three hours without kissing my girlfriend."
"Right," you agreed airily, getting out the car, "Chemistry."
(Part 7)
(Part 5)
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brekkersnerd · 16 days
Between the Lines of Fear and Blame
Harry Crosby x Joseph 'Bubbles' Payne
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A/N: Hi ya'll! I'm back to writing! And I'm writing for MOTA. I've decided I'm gonna try to make a small series of one shots based on the song How To Save A Life by The Fray...I was gonna make an edit then decided, nah. Let's write. So...here we are. Now, these are based on upon the song, but nothing is like directly copied. Hope you enjoy! (And yes, I sobbed writing this at 1 am.)
Warnings: swearing and lots of angst and grief (and probably lots of inaccuracies)
Chick moves his way towards Crosby, already seeing a small crack in his defense. Of course he would, they’d lost a lot of men that day, but he knew it was especially hard for him. Joseph ’Bubbles’ Payne would always haunt that man, not that he’d have wanted that.
“Captain,” he starts. Harry looks up before he nods, “Sir.”
The colonel sit down across from him with a small but heavy sigh. “I’m sorry son.”
Harry subconsciously tears up ever so slightly at that. He swallows hard before speaking, “That’s war, sir…” his voice breaks. It may have been war but that was his best friend he’d lost that day. “Can-can I pack his belongings?”
Chick isn’t sure if that’d be the best course of action but he nods anyway. If this brought him closure, then so be it. “Of course, Crosby. I won’t take away that right.”
“Thank you, sir.”
It’s quiet a moment before Chick tries to offer a small, comforting smile. They’d both lost something that day, that was on a whole different level of understanding. But they’d carry on, they had to. They were soldiers.
Harry just stares blankly, though he knew that fact as well as anyone else here. Chick sighs before standing up. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. There was nothing you could do.” Neither are sure who he’s really talking to, but those were the words they both needed to hear. Not that they’d believe them. That weight would always rest on them.
Chick leaves him alone, but not before looking over at him over his shoulder.
Harry sits in that interrogation room well after it emptied. He watched everyone leave to the left, could see out the window to his right, but all he could see was Bubbles, the only thing he could hear was the constant buzzing in his ears.
He finally left to go back to the barracks to pack up his friend’s belongings. Before that, a few tears fell, no one would blame him for that. That was crack two. Crack one was hearing the news that Bubbles wouldn’t be coming back.
So he sits on the bed, packing his belongings slowly, trying to drag this out. This was all that was left of his best friend. As much as it hurt, it was a comfort too. Then, he found that letter that Bubbles wrote to Jean but never sent. That was crack three.
And crack three finally broke him. He sat and cried a few moments, mourning his friend, hurting from the loss, feeling vulnerable from reading that letter. He wouldn’t tell Jean, he couldn’t. She’d never truly understand, even if she did, she’d mourn the same. No, this was something he’d keep to himself, at least for now.
Why had this happened? Why hadn’t it been him? It should have been him. But no, he was stuck behind at a desk, doing paperwork as the group navigator, planning that very same route that killed him. Now, his friend was dead, possibly because of him. He knew that wasn’t really true, but he needed to point the blame somewhere. And that was at himself. But what if it had been him? Caught between two evils…
Damn the Germans for starting this stupid war, damn whoever decided he was stuck with planning the routes behind a desk, damn them for keeping him back.
Harry briefly wondered why he enlisted for the war now. He knew there’d be a cost but this felt different. It felt personal. And it was personal. Why was he here now? He didn’t know…not after this. At least that nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach had been right about something being wrong.
He sniffles quietly before packing the belongings again. It needed to be done and this was not helping if he stayed in his grief right there. He could grieve later.
Cros couldn’t sleep that night, at all. He was too plagued by memories to even begin to sleep.
He climbs out of his bunk quietly, trying not to stir anyone else, even if a good part of the barracks were empty.
He walks outside in the cool night air, trying to calm his mind. If Bubbles were here, he’d have his head. He’d tell him to sleep, to march his ass back into those barracks and sleep, tell him he looked like shit.
Unfortunately, Bubbles was not here. Not anymore. So, he wouldn’t sleep, he wouldn’t take his ass back to those barracks, and he wouldn’t tell himself he looked like shit, not till morning at least.
He ran into Rosenthal on his walk, and he nodded as a silent greeting and a silent invitation to join him. “What are you doing out so late?”
Rosie sighed before replying, “Couldn’t sleep. Too much in my head. What are you doing?”
Harry grimaced slightly. “Same as you actually. Couldn’t sleep, too much going on in here.” He points up at his head as Rosie nods in acknowledgment.
“We’re in the same boat then?”
“Yeah, the exact same boat.”
It’s quiet for a moment as they walk down the drive, Rosie thinking deeply about the mission as a whole and all those men, Harry thinking deeply about Bubbles, a few other men in his brain’s peripheral.
A memory hits him. The first time Bubbles and him had gone to a movie together after the war started.
It was some stupid cheesy romance flick, but they’d both chickened out at the horror film. It was the first time they’d gotten leave after joining the war effort. They decided it’d be a good break.
They’d gotten a good laugh, the popcorn wasn’t bad, and they’d been happy, carefree. Now one of them was dead and the other grieving. Crosby now understood why Bubbles had written that letter for Jean.
They’d promised themselves on that day, coming out of the theatre doors, that they’d be there for each other, no matter what. That this war wouldn’t tear them apart. They’d been wrong. And that left a bitter taste in Harry’s mouth.
Rosie nudges him slightly. “You okay, Crosby? You look like you saw a ghost while simultaneously looking like you’re thinking hard. Is it-“ he pauses, taking a breath. “Was it Bubbles?” He finally asks softly.
Harry nods, “Just a memory is all.” He shakes his head, trying to shake it off.
There’s silence once more before Harry’s bitter laugh breaks it. “He’d be so upset with me right now.” Rosie looks at him, a corner of his mouth quirked, “Would he?”
“Oh yes,” he laughs again. “He’d usher me back to bed. He was a lot like a mother hen, that one. He’d tell me to sit my ass back down and sleep.” He’s sighs, “That’d it be better in the morning. But he’s not here…why isn’t he here, Rosie?”
Rosie wishes he could give him an answer, unfortunately he doesn’t have one. So, he shrugs. “Same reason a lot of them aren’t here…it’s not fair.”
Harry nods, trying to keep his sadness and anger at bay. “I wish it were me…” he mutters softly.
Rosie gives him a stern look. “It’s not. And he wouldn’t have wanted it to be you. It was almost you from what I heard a few days ago. You’ve got a wife waiting for you, he doesn’t. You’ve got a reason to keep going, he did too but not that reason. He’s gone to a better place, Cros. Believe that.”
He can’t help it, the dam breaks open again. Rosie pulls him into a tight hug, both of them needing it.
“What did I do wrong? Why wasn’t it me on that mission?”
“Things happen for a reason. I know it hurts, but there was a reason he was in that plane, and you weren’t.” He sniffles, calming down. Though Rosie doesn’t let go from the hug and neither does he.
They eventually drift back to their respective barracks and try to sleep. At least what little they could.
Harry Crosby had lost his best friend, and he’d forever be bitter over that, forever hurt. But perhaps, he’d gained another. Another who he could share those long nights with. Those long nights where neither Bubbles nor him got sleep, they just stayed close, offering comfort and protection. Perhaps him and Rosie would share those nights now.
But he would always miss Bubbles, that part of him was gone with his death. And he really wished he’d known how to save his life. His life that had meaning, that was his rock, but perhaps Rosie was right. There was no way to save that life. Not today.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Hi,.....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from BNHA? Amd why do you love them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this question before....If you've answered them before, do you mind changed the amswers to Sk8 series....(Again sorry if I'm asking too much)....
Thanks so much for your blog, love reading them ......
Okay, I'll do 3 since I also want to answer for SK8! First, BNHA!
My favorite characters are (and should be no surprise to anyone who has been following my blog long enough 😆)...
Miruko - hands down she easily became my favorite the moment she graced her presence in the story. She's the #5 Pro Hero who just hops around and kicks ass. She's a "no nonsense, let's get this done" character and I have to applaud Sakaya Kinoshita and Anairis Quiñoes for providing such great voices for her. Both women really put "I'm a badass and I know it" into voicing Miruko. There's also the fact that rabbits are one of my favorite animals.
Midoriya - He's unique to me. He has a range that I like. He could look like he couldn't hurt a fly and then the next he looks out for blood. His green curls and freckles are nice touches to his character. He's sweet, kind and has a sharp mind. But he's also stubborn, quick to anger, irrational. Out of all BNHA characters, he is the one I do relate to the most when it comes to having emotions. Again, I'm applauding voice actors here because Daiki Yamashita and Justin Briner bring Midoriya to life on the screen for me. I could not imagine any other voices but theirs for the sub and dub, I just can't.
Rock Lock - I'm giving Rock Lock love here because he just doesn't get enough of it. He's one of the few adult characters that really did bring up a good point about the kids in season 4 and yet does recognize their potential. He immediately gave me Dad vibes and I was right that he was indeed one. Which is another element to his character I love. He thinks about his family, he is really a softie. I love that for him. When he thought about making it back to his wife and son, I teared up a little. And I'll bring race into this for a bit because it is not often we do get Black characters in media with a softer side, let alone in media not created by Black people. So it was nice to see an actual family man with a job like his where it doesn’t affect said family in a bad way like Endeavor's does or even Captain Hero's in Vigilantes where he was having some martial problems. He's #1 Dad and husband in my book and I take no arguments on that. Also, anytime he talks I gotta to listen. Again, yes, voice actors, Yasuhiro Fujiwara and Gabe Kunda, love them. And his quirk, I actually love that quirk. It's a fun one.
Now for moments!!! Again, doing just three. And I'm sticking to just the anime here to avoid spoilers.
Ya'll already know I'm going to say the Miruko vs. High End Nomus fight. Out of all the fights in season 6, that is one of the best ones. Even leading up to her being Shigaraki's containment. I was actually surprised that made it on one of the recent Watchmojo anime videos for anime fights that caught the audience by surprise or something along those lines. Of course, not mad about it because oh my gosh, just watching her kick ass in a purple lit setting really just... I loved it so much.
I gotta bring up the dorm room episode here. It's one of the episodes I can rewatch and not get tired of it. There's so many funny moments in that episode and to be more specific my favorite scene is when they got to Tokoyami's room. From him trying to stop them from checking out his room, be overpowered because it was 2 to 1 and he is still fairly small (doesn't even have muscles until later) to the showcasing of the room. His room is my favorite. Gothic setting with black and purple lighting? Hell yes! I also love his "GEEEEET OOOOUT!" Don't blame him.
For the third one... hm... I have a lot of moments I like and I'll pick season 4 for this since not a whole of people talk about that season. And I'll choose... okay, when Eri finally smiled. That scene actually made me cry, did it. She's been through so much and all it took for her to smile was to see Midoriya on stage and have a fun time. Honestly, every time Eri smiles I want to or actually do cry. I did it in Mirio's flashback of his when she smiled at him in season 6. She's just so precious!
Now onto SK8 the Infinity! Starting with the characters which was hard to do because I do love them all as a whole.
Reki - he's literal sunshine who really has some great artistic skills. And out of all the characters, his design is my favorite out of everyone else's. I would wear his hoodies and I love how he wears many colors. He had a signature outfit, but he does change his clothes and his aesthetic is something I would wear. I am a sucker for colors and hoodies. Also, love hearing
Sketchy - Yes, that little pet is a favorite. He's just so freaking adorable??? Sassy little creature.
Nanako - Langa's mom is just so amazing. That woman really is just trying her best to be a good mom and you know she really does love her son and her late husband. She reminds me of Inko, Midoriya’s mom. Just a woman who has a kind heart and wants nothing but her son to be okay and safe.
And now for moments!!
The beach episode is overall is a favorite. I love that episode as a whole. It was a very funny episode... then episode 7 happened. I never thought the number 7 would betray me.
I really love that part where Reki and Langa were fixing skateboard, it's such a sweet moment.
The part in the epilogue with the Kyan family! As a big sister, it warmed my heart seeing another big bro Reki moment with the twins! IT WAS SO ADORABLE!!
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Crawling into your askbox to shout some propaganda for KON from KEMONO JIHEN from the rooftops! Ya'll should submit Kon because she is the most autistic coded character I have seen in a while. She doesn't always understand other people or norms but this little autism creature is simply trying her best. She and Kabane are peak "me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic" representation but they are both the bad bitch that pulled the other by being autistic. Autism4Autism. Kon is also plainly a good girl and deserving of your votes and recognition! Also she's kind of a furry because she's a kitsune if that adds or detracts points towards her case. Anyway give Kon a chance and also read/watch Kemono Jihen (but find a CW list for the series first its not for the faint of heart) Vote Kon! Submit Kon! In this house we love KON!!!!!
y'all heard anon!
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puckngrind · 3 years
Leave Her Wild: Chapter 2 - N. MacKinnon
Summary: MacKenzie and her friends head to opening night for the Colorado Avalanche.
Warnings: swearing, alcohol
Word count: 2, 675
Series masterlist / Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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"You are really gonna wear that?" Mosi looks her friend up and down.
"Yeah, why?" MacKenzie tugs at her jersey. Of course she was going to wear it. Opening night, only hockey jersey she owned. Was a Christmas gift from her parents last year. She did a little twirl to show it off to the group of unamused friends.
"Because..." Drew rolls his hands and she rolls her eyes.
"Laissez les bons temps rouler!" Remy waves his hands in the air.
"That means, Let..." MacKenzie starts.
"Let the good times roll! We know.” Drew and Mosi say in unison.
"Alright, Mac is going to be wearing that. Remy has clearly pre-gamed. Mosi should’ve. We have our tickets and I'm driving so let's go." Drew starts herding the friend group out of MacKenzie's condo.
Opening night at Pepsi Center was always an event. MacKenzie and Drew got tickets from their volunteer efforts so the group headed out for their first time ever. They had gone to a Rockies game after Remy moved to Denver but normally the friend group didn't really do sporting events as outings.
“Is someone gonna explain these rules?” Remy plopped down from his first beer run with Drew and handed MacKenzie one. Eyeing her for the answer.
“Yeah. Kinda like soccer. You know?” She started. Knowing she was the only one who knew anything about hockey. “You can yell, cheer, boo. Doesn't really matter because no one really pays attention to the crazy you say.” The group all nod and she knows they will just clap when those around them do.
“So pizza-Jeep boy is wearing what color?” Mosi whisper yells while leaning into MacKenzie’s side during warmups.
“He’s in the blue and maroon jersey. The white is the Flames.” MacKenzie doesn’t take her eyes off the ice looking for Nathan to point him out but feels Mosi’s eyes on her. “Yes, Mo?”
“But… um... never mind.” Mosi stutters strangely.
"There he is." Kenzie ignores and points to the screen where they have a close up of Nathan showing his stats from the previous season.
The game starts which quieted the group’s chatter while everyone but Kenzie tried following the puck and going from watching the ice to the screen and back.
“Let’s go boys!” MacKenzie stands and yells after a big play with everyone in her section turning to look at her.
“Mac!” Drew pulls her down to her seat. “Check your surroundings.”
“You know I don’t care, right?” MacKenzie starts clapping again with a little cheer.
“As always, you do you.” Drew slow claps along as the game progresses.
Even though MacKenzie warned her friends that there might be only a goal or two, the game was high scoring which the friends all enjoyed. Remy cheered when anyone scored regardless of team. Colorado winning made the home crowd pumped and buzzing about being the year.
"We realize the season has over 80 games, right?" Kenzie comments to no one in particular as they head down the stairs.
“Food! Real food and drinks that don’t cost a million bucks.” Mosi begs on the way out.
“Allons! Let’s go!” Remy points to the closest restaurant he can see. "That one! Onward." Remy leads the group over.
Drinks, food, laughter fill the table as they banter back and forth.
“Isn’t that her, Mac?” MacKenzie hears someone nearby. She turns to see Nathan, Cale and a few more guys at a table about ten feet away. Nathan nods. She raises her hand then quickly feels the blood rushing to her face.
“Kenzie Lou, why are you the same color as your jersey?” Remy looks her up and down.
“Oh.” Drew mumbles with his mouth full seeing the table MacKenzie just waved towards.
“Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun!” Mosi clapped and is greeted with a kick under the table. “Ouch. Well it is.”
MacKenzie huffs and stands to her feet. Inhales and walks right over to the table of what she assumed was full of professional hockey players.
“Nice game Nathan.” She stops right at the end of his table and knows her face is still bright red.
“Looks like you were rooting for the other team there. Sorry 'bout that.” One of the boys down the table barks out.
“Hi MacKenzie. Thanks. Were you there? At the game, I mean.” Nathan turns his body towards her.
“Yes. Got tickets because of the foundation thing so we all went.” She gestures towards her eager looking friends. They wave and Nathan waves back with a flick of his wrist.
“Oh cool. So you are a… a Calgary fan?” Nathan gulps hard taking in the home Flames jersey.
“Well, a Tkachuk fan, actually. Yeah.” MacKenzie looks over at the 19 on her shoulder. “He was phenomenal last… ya'll. Well. Yeah.” MacKenzie looks around the amused players and shuts up.
“Sorry, let me introduce you. Guys, this is the other Mac. MacKenzie. Uh. Shit. I never caught your last name.” Nathan looks at her searching for a name.
“Blackwood.” MacKenzie answers and the guy across from Nate spits out his drink. “Um.” She just looks at him.
Nate wipes his face and stares down his teammate. “Are you fucking serious, EJ?”
“Sorry man.” EJ hands him another napkin. “No teeth.” He flashes his massive gap which makes MacKenzie giggle softly and Nathan groan.
“Let me get this straight. You live in Cale and Tyson’s building, volunteer with youth, only seem to follow Tkachuk 'cause you don't seem to know Avs hockey.” He wipes his mouth to continue. MacKenzie recognizes him as the captain from the game. “Have the same name as a goalie in the league, and are giving my boy, Nate here a run for his money.” Gabe winks with a sinister smile.
“Wait what?” MacKenzie puts her fingers to the bridge of her nose.
“What he means is…” Nate starts and MacKenzie places a finger up to stop him.
“No the goalie thing. I’m choosing to ignore the last part for now.” She says which gets a reaction from the entire table.
“Mackenzie Blackwood is a goalie in New Jersey. You happen to have the same name.” Nate explains.
“Gotcha. I’ll be honest, I catch games when I can but it’s background noise.” MacKenzie still feels her cheeks on fire but doesn’t let it stop her. “I will go to a Flames games if I'm in town when they play ya'll then a Blues game when I’m home with my dad and brother. Most of my hockey following is checking stats or social media.” She takes a deep breath not wanting to look directly at the table that all seem mesmerized by her presence. “Anyway, just wanted to say hi, which I did. So…. Nice game gentleman. Enjoy your post game dinner. Good seeing you again Nate. Cale.” MacKenzie nods and turns on her heals to her friends who haven’t touched their food since she left.
"Kenzie Lou!" Remy softly squeals.
"Don't." MacKenzie grits her teeth.
"What the hell did you talk to an entire table of NHL players about?" Mosi ignores her friend's request.
"I guess I have the same name as a goalie in the league." She annoyingly answers.
Drew starts typing before anyone can respond. "Oh yes. Mackenzie Blackwood. K not capitalized. Canadian. 22. New Jersey rookie who started last year. Wait, how does that happen?" Drew looks at MacKenzie's face . "Later. I'll google it later."
"Could we eat please?" MacKenzie takes a drink of her water and starts to finish her meal. She feels a ping on her phone and turns it over to read the notification.
Nathan's i-phone wants to airdrop you. Accept?
MacKenzie looks over and he nods at the phone. She looks back to accept and sees a screenshot from his notes apologizing for being awkward and asking for her number. She seems confused.
"Kenz?" Mosi questions.
"He wants my number." MacKenzie whispers.
"I'm confused." Remy whispers back.
"Found my phone on airdrop. Smart at least." MacKenzie chuckles.
"So airdrop your digits back to him or I will." Mosi pulls her phone out. "I just need to turn on mine. Who keeps it on? You, of course you do Mac." Mosi looks at Kenzie amused.
"Should I?" MacKenzie pulls at her loose curl wrapping it around her finger and letting it bounce back.
"YES!" Drew almost yells. "What could it hurt? Have a new contact for work at the least." Drew knew exactly what would get MacKenzie to send her number. She looks down to see Remy had written down her number on his napkin. The man always had a pen on him.
"Snap this to 'em." Remy pushed it over so MacKenzie did just that. Almost throwing her phone down as soon as she did. It buzzed not even a minute later.
Maybe Nate: Hi Mackenzie. This is Nate.
MacKenzie: Hi Nate. You can call me Kenzie or Mac
Nate: Okay Kenzie.
She looks up at him and he smiles wide.
Kenzie: enjoy your dinner
Nate: Same. I’ll text you later
She didn’t expect to hear from Nate but the next morning while getting ready for work, MacKenzie hears her text notification.
Nate: good morning. We are off Sunday and a few of us are playing cards at Cale’s place. Would you and your friends want to come over? It’s not far for you.
She stares at the text and starts to pace. Then sends out a group text.
Kenzie: Nate and some of the Avs want us to come over Sunday. Thoughts?
MacKenzie got all three messages immediately in return.
Mosi: obviously yes
Drew: yes is the only answer
Remy: fuck ya!
MacKenzie sent a text to Nate saying yes and asked what they could bring. She wasn't surprised Nate said nothing just themselves.
Sunday rolled around. MacKenzie and her friends walked down to Cale’s condo. She stopped in front of the door and Drew reached over her to knock. Kenzie looked up at him.
"What, just making sure we don't have to stand here forever." The door swung open as Drew finishes his statement.
“Nate, they are here and at least she’s not in a Flames jersey today.” The curly haired guy MacKenzie knew was Tyson from a quick google search of the team over the weekend.
“Decided to leave that at home, Tyson, but I can go get it.” MacKenzie points while giving him a half smile.
“Oh, and she...” Tyson turns to see Nathan behind him. “And she knows my name.”
“Sorry, don’t mind him. He got checked a little too hard at practice this morning.” Nathan pulls Tyson back into the condo. “Come in please.” He gestured and they moved past Nathan into the condo that was the mirror image of MacKenzie’s just slightly larger.
"Make yourselves comfortable." Cale popped his head out from the kitchen. "I'm sure you know where everything is."
"Yeah, just backwards." MacKenzie looks down the hall to the rooms. "Two or three?"
"Three. You?" MacKenzie raises two fingers and realizes her friends have already made their way into the living room.
"Thanks for coming." Nate was still standing behind her and she jumped.
"Thanks for inviting us. My mother tells me I need to make more friends here." MacKenzie sighs.
"Same actually. Tells me the team isn't enough." Nathan looks over her at his friends that were also his coworkers.
"Work, travel, and such keep my circle small." MacKenzie admits. "Oddly, same. You travel for work?" Nathan pushes his hands into his pockets and leans against the wall.
"I do then try to do different things for fun, you know?" She leans against the other wall.
"That's cool. Where are you heading next?"
MacKenzie's mind normally would be racing. Thinking of all the reasons why she shouldn't tell this essential stranger her work schedule but something about him made her feel easy. Maybe how he had more to lose if he burnt her. He didn't know what she did for a living but she could make his life miserable. Maybe it was the simplicity of their conversation or the kindness in his eyes. She felt like she could talk to him.
"Colorado Springs then off to Washington D.C. for the rest of the week and into next week." She answered him.
"Oh, I think we are in D.C. next weekend or maybe the beginning of the week." He stares at his foot kicking the invisible dirt then looked back up at MacKenzie.
"We are. Now are you two just gonna talk in the hall or are you gonna play cards here?" Gabe leans around the corner. "We've already gotten to know Kenzie's friends... let's go!" He gives Nate a look that doesn't go unnoticed. The two walk into the living room.
“Do I need to make introductions?” Nate looks around the room at all the eyes on both of them.
“Well, I googled ya’ll in preparation for today… so… I think I’m good.” She scans the room and sees a few of the girlfriends or wives. “Well, I don’t know the ladies.”
Nate took a moment to identify the few sitting around the room and who they belonged to. Pulling out an empty chair for MacKenzie. “Here, you can play here.” She sat down and pulled her legs up criss crossed under her as Gabe explained the rules. The group played poker until there were four left. JT, Nathan, MacKenzie, and Mosi. Mosi kept saying she accidentally won her table which made the competitive men agitated but made MacKenzie amused. Eventually it was just Nathan and MacKenzie.
“Kenzie, I think you and Nate need a wager of some sort.” Drew drops a bottle of water next to her and she glares up at him.
“I’m game.” Nate pipes up.
“Okay, so what if I win?” Kenzie takes a sip of water.
“Glass seats at the game of your choice.” Gabe declares.
“Okay, and if Nate wins?” Kenzie directs her attention to the captain who now has his hands on Nathan’s shoulders.
“You go out to dinner with him.” Gabe squeezes Nathan’s shoulders and smiles at Kenzie.
“Uh…” Nathan tries to nervously interject.
“That’s fine.” Kenzie tries to control her blush by not directly looking at Nathan then overcomes it to look right into his soft eyes. "Let's play."
Cale starts to deal and everyone can feel the shift of all eyes on the table even though most had scattered once they were knocked out in individual conversations. After three hands, Nathan goes all in.
"I think he's bluffing." MacKenzie whispers and pushes all her chips to the center.
"Kenzie..." He breathes out and Gabe's hand returns to his shoulder.
They place their cards down and Nathan wins with a full house. The cheers start and Nathan just stares at Kenzie who gives him a small smile. She gets up and heads to the kitchen to grab a drink. Finding Cale's rum and starts pouring more than necessary into her diet coke. Takes a drink and feels someone behind her.
"Drew, I'm not that competitive." She doesn't even turn around.
"It's not Drew." Nate murmurs.
MacKenzie turns around slowly. "Sorry. Nice game." She raises her glass to him.
"We don't have to go out for dinner, you know." Nathan shifts his weight.
"Well, a deal is a deal, right?" Kenzie tries not to breath him in as he reaches around her for a water but he smells amazing. He shrugs his shoulders. "If I won, would I have glass seats?" She leans into the counter.
"Yes, you can still have them if you want." Nate fiddles with the bottle, flicking at the paper label.
"So, dinner. When we both get back in town, okay?" Kenzie takes a sip and looks up at Nathan.
"Yes, I'll have my people call your people then." Nathan laughs.
"So Gabe will call Mosi?" MacKenzie bites her cheek with her comeback.
"Oooorrrr... I'll just text you." Nathan replies.
MacKenzie takes a drink again and winces with the burn. "That works too."
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btsficsforthehumble · 3 years
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adj.: 1. Modern, unfamiliar, or different
2. Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed
pairing: reader x ot7
genre: college au; angst, fluff, smut, poly, ot7
Summary: You begin your first year at a prestigious university, set out on achieving your academic goals when a series of men step into your life that change the way you view the definition of love.
Part Five
Warnings: none in this chapter
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: New characters, yay! Just an fyi but I would like to start posting one chapter every week... thots?? Also, I've been thinking of adding a taglist? sksk I know it would be small but I personally love to get tagged when new chapters come out for my faves. If that's something ya'll would like comment so I know!! Alright, back to your regularly scheduled program :)
Literature was next. Now this? This you could handle. Always being a bit of an avid reader, you could devour a novel in one night --- and you often did. Finding the hidden meanings between the lines of text, like unwrapping a present, gave you a thrill. You were the person who could debate for hours about the meaning of a symbol in a book, as annoying as that is to everyone else.
Maybe it was the promise of escape, where you could be transplanted into another world, detached from your own, that appealed so much to you about reading. You could lose yourself, feeling the rush of the love affair or the thrill of a dangerous adventure. Coupled with your analytical nature, you felt more than at home in a literature classroom.
With this in mind, you make your way to your next class with more vigor than usual. When you arrive and take a seat, you pull out your materials and wait for class to begin.
Several minutes later, your professor walks to the podium in the front of the room to introduce herself. After several minutes of reviewing the syllabus, she explains the structure of the class. You were to be placed in small groups, to discuss the readings and write a paper at the end of the semester. This made you a little nervous --- having to rely on others to some capacity for your grade always gave you a bit of anxiety.
She began reading out the names of the students belonging to each group, so you listen carefully as to not miss your own name despite your anxious thoughts swirling inside your head.
“... Eum Hee-Young, Gal Ae-Cha, Ree Mun-Hee, you are group seven. Kim Seokjin, Y/l/n y/f/n, Kim Namjoon, you are group eight. Ok Youngsoo…” her voice fades off as you glance around the room, trying to meet the gazes of other searching eyes as your group was announced.
Your eyes meet those of a guy who looked maybe a year or two older than you, with round, wire frame glasses. His mahogany hair was pushed off of his forehead, parted to the side giving him a youthful but put-together look. He holds up eight fingers, looking at you expectedly, and you nod quickly. He picks up his belongings, preparing to move to you as you had empty space in the seats around you. As he slings his backpack over a shoulder, you scan your eyes around the room to try to catch the other member of your group.
To your surprise, your eyes meet those of the same boy you had ogled over yesterday in your calculus class, before it had started. You shyly hold up your own eight fingers, to which he gives a decisive nod to, and begins to make his way to you as well. You can’t help but notice the planes of his back as he bends down to grab his backpack, his wide shoulders tilting making them seem even larger. He is wearing a simple blue button down and jeans, but even through that you could tell his shoulders tapered to a narrow waist, making him have the perfect masculine inverted triangular build.
Slightly embarrassed at your thoughts, you glance at your other partner, now close to you. His oversized yellow knit sweater swallowed him a little, but with the glasses gave him a cute bookish look. His large frame juxtaposed his cute appearance --- he was on the taller side and seemed built as well. You made eye contact, and gestured to the seat next to you for him to sit. The other boy now approaching, you both watch as he takes the other open seat in front of you.
Your group now assembled, you tune back into your professor who was explaining the first text you were to read together. She told you that it was a short love story that relied heavily on symbolism and became a prominent symbol in and of itself in movies and television. Your first assignment was to analyze the symbolism of the text, and come to a more complex conclusion than what the surface of the text presents. You could feel yourself becoming slightly excited to jump into the assignment as she explained.
“You will be given the rest of class to get acquainted with your group members. They will be permanent, bar any issues that may arise. The first assignment is due at the end of next class. While on this first assignment I will be more lenient with grading, please do your best and set a good standard for your groups. Okay, go ahead everyone,” she finishes.
At her dismissal of your attention, you glance back at your group members. The boy with glasses speaks first. “I’m Namjoon, nice to meet you guys.”
“Seokjin, or just Jin,” the other boy gives.
“I’m y/n, nice to meet you both.”
“So, what year and major are you? I’m a third year, and a journalism major,” Namjoon offers. As he speaks, he gives you both a grin that displays deep dimples on both cheeks. He was very cute, you decided. He had a nerdy charm to him, with a build on the beefy side that made you want to cuddle him.
“I’m a first year… and to tell the truth I haven’t decided on a major yet,” you admit, but give them both a smile.
“Ah, hoobae, you are lucky you are with us pros then! I’m a fourth year, and a business major,” Seokjin says with a wide smile.
“Sunbaenim, are you in calculus before this? I thought I recognized you from there,” you downplay a little. You knew he was in that class since you had spent time checking him out in it, but didn’t want to seem creepy.
“I have a recognizable face.” At this he gives a smug look, but is clearly using a joking tone. “Yeah, calculus with Yoo at nine?”
“Yep. That guy goes so fast,” you frown. “But anyways, how do you guys feel about this assignment?”
Namjoon enters the conversation again, “Honestly I’m kind of excited for it. It’s been a while since I’ve done any reading that isn’t research related, which kind of sucks.”
“That does suck. I love to read, that’s why I took this class, actually,” you empathize.
“Yeah? What do you like to read?” Namjoon leans towards you a bit, excited at the prospect of talking about reading it seems.
“Oh, um… I’d say my favorite genre is probably any type of fantasy, I like being able to be in a different world for a bit. Oh, I also like historical pieces, that stuff is always so interesting.” You were a little hesitant to share, afraid he’d judge your preferences.
“I love historical pieces. I think that’s one of the things that lead me into journalism actually, it’s basically writing history for those in the future to look back on. I just think that’s really cool.” His eyes seemed glitter as he talked about something he was obviously passionate about. You felt yourself developing a soft spot for the boy, finding his friendly disposition and slightly nerdy personality to be incredibly endearing. It didn’t hurt he was also very attractive.
“What about you sunbaenim? Do you like to read?” you ask Seokjin, whose head was oscillating between you and Namjoon.
Surprised the attention shifted to him, his eyes widened to give him an owlish look. You are really surrounded by some beautiful men, you think. What do they put in the water here? It would be normal to run across a cute guy here or there, but this is kind of ridiculous. Seokjin himself has a face that is so beautiful it looks like it should have been carved out of marble!
Focus! You have to scold yourself. The boy you were just admiring in your head is now answering your question and you are too distracted to even process what he’s saying.
“... not too crazy, occasionally I guess…” His body language told you that he was slightly embarrassed at not being as enthusiastic a reader as you and Namjoon.
“I’m sure you have hobbies that are cooler than reading then, if I was athletic or creative I wouldn’t read so much either! Namjoon-sunbaenim, I’m sure you agree,” you encourage with a smile, wanting Namjoon to follow suit in making Seokjin feel comfortable.
Thankfully, he catches on quick. “Oh, yeah, I am way too clumsy to do anything more high stakes than page turning,” He chuckles. You and Seokjin both smile at Namjoon’s subtle self-deprecation. They both were sweet, you think. Your earlier fears about working with others subside. “I guess I could say that I do have another hobby though, I actually help out at the school’s radio station for fun,” Namjoon adds shyly.
Jin tilts his head in surprise. “Oh really? I have a friend who…”
He gets abruptly cut off by the professor’s voice echoing through the room, which causes him to stop his thought.
“Hopefully everyone is acquainted now, and is ready to get to work next class. I expect good things from you all this semester. You are dismissed,” your professor says with finality.
The three of you quickly gather your things, ready to merge with the swarm of students streaming out of the door. You give them both a smile, and say, “It was nice meeting you both. See you next class!” to which they give their own farewell.
As you leave, you check your phone out of habit. It seems your intuition is right, as usual.
*Miss me yet?*
Does Taehyung really have nothing better to do?
*What exactly is there to miss?*
You hope that after your curt response he’d get the memo. This guy is such a fuckboy, you think. While you don’t know why he set his sights on you for now, you hope he gets bored soon. While you give that tough persona to him, the truth is you are more sensitive than that. The idea of being used for sex once and then discarded was unappealing, and Taehyung seemed like the type to do just that.
Finally home after attending two more classes for the day, which were thankfully much less eventful, you slip off your shoes and let your bag slide off your shoulder to thunk on the floor. You were tired. And hungry, apparently, because your stomach makes some concerning noises as soon as you slip your light jacket off. You make your way to the kitchen at the sound, ready to make a nice dinner and decompress.
When you get there, you see one of your new roommates sitting at the stools for your kitchen counter. This roommate was one that you had connected with immediately, drawn to her blunt but fun-loving aura. Her short stature, shorter than average, gave no warning for her and ‘gives-no-fucks’ attitude. You could tell however, that inside she had a soft heart. Even in your short time together, you had seen glimpses of it here and there.
You learned when you had met that she had moved to Korea from America last year, making her a second year at your university. Her features stood out from the crowd, with brown skin and large curls that framed her face in a halo. She was really quite beautiful. Tia, but called Bean by her friends, which now included you, made you feel welcomed to campus and you were thankful for her.
Wanting to not scare her as you walked into the kitchen, you gave her a greeting. Her head pops up from where it was buried in her phone, which had been drawing her into her own world.
“Hey chickie. Long day?” she asks. Apparently your exhaustion was pretty obvious if she could tell right off the bat. You sigh, bending over to pull some vegetables out of the fridge.
“I just want to know who let me schedule four classes on Tuesdays. They should be in jail,” you complain.
She gives you an amused look, watching you now stand at the cutting board to prepare your food. “I think that person was you, sweet thing.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. If I could go back in time and slap my past self I would,” you grown with your head tipped back. She lets out a laugh at your expense.
“Don’t laugh at me unnie! I’m going to pass away from exhaustion over here!” you try to say seriously, but can’t help but let out a little giggle. “What were you doing with your head buried in your phone, huh? Are you talking to someone?” you tease, pointing your knife at her with your other hand on your hip.
“Why, do you wish it was you?” She wiggles her eyebrows, giving you a side smirk. You knew she was deflecting, so you lift your eyebrow and give her a flat expression, waiting for her real answer. “Ugh, it’s nothing. There was just this really cute girl in my class today, and I tried talking to her but she didn’t really seem like she liked me… and I may have just been looking at her social media,” Tia admitted.
Now at the stove, stirring your dinner, you look over your shoulder to say something that would hopefully ease her anxiety. “You know that you can come on strong sometimes, maybe she’s just a little shy, ya know? Maybe try again with a softer approach,” you offer. “What is there not to like?”
She gives you a wide grin to match your own at your last remark. You both giggle, any tension in the air from Tia’s concerns gone. Dinner now finished, you grab two bowls and serve you both. You both slip into easy banter, almost like you two have been friends for years. You hope that you will be, someday.
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