#anyways everything is so bright and well animated in avatar way of the water
acesammy · 30 days
man I wish Netflix Avatar had blue people avatar level money behind it
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getlitaesthetic · 4 years
I'm just trying think about how would the cannon brothers react to their dark selves and how they treat mc compared to how they treat mc
Oooh this is a fascinating one. First things first, the dark!brothers would kick the canon!brother’s asses 1000x over so jot that down 😝 Anyways this turned into a whole fic...
To save you from the scrolling, the rest is under the cut!
“I’m so glad you could all make it. I can’t think of anyone else I would rather share this with,” Diavolo told the brothers. The Avatars looked... well, confused was a good way to put it. MC was safely at Purgatory Hall, laying on Solomon’s bed and pretending to study as the RAD student Council met for what was bound to be an entertaining meeting. In front of them was very clearly a standing mirror, large enough for one person to see their whole reflection, covered with a tarp. 
“Huh? A stupid mirror?” Mammon complained, only to be met with a sharp slap to the back of the head from Lucifer, who stood stoically, pretending this all made perfect sense. Or, it would make perfect sense. Diavolo was going to make it make sense, wasn’t he? The future Demon King was practically bouncing on his toes.
“Yes! This is a very special mirror, a gift from Father. It’s meant to show you what you’re doing in an alternate universe. I thought you’d all like a chance to see what your alternate selves are doing! Considering Barbatos is usually the only one who can see these things.” 
That was all the brothers needed to hear. Immediately fights broke out, Levi pulling Asmo’s hair as he squealed about how long it had taken him to perfect, all battling to be first in line.
“ENOUGH,” Lucifer commanded sharply, eyes bright as he shifted to his demon form, black wings spreading. The room quieted. “We’ll go in order of age.”
“Of course we will,” Mammon scoffed, “You’re always first, why don’t I try bein’ the oldest brother this time, huh?”
“MAAMMMMOONNN!” At the sound of Lucifer’s rage, the second born snapped his mouth shut, rubbing the back of his neck as he backed up. 
“Or second. Second is good too.”
Diavolo was still grinning as he pulled the tarp from the mirror, revealing what looked like, well, a mirror. Granted, a very nice mirror, with lovely gilded edges, the gold bright and shining, despite the apparent age of the piece.
The Avatar of Pride was the first to step up in front of the mirror, and his body filled the space. No matter how his brothers tried, they could not get a glimpse into the glass around him. He blinked, letting out a slow breath, as the surface of the mirror began to ripple and distort, like a drop of water hitting a pond. He reached out, fingers grazing the glass, but it remained solid under his touch. Lucifer’s expression darkened slightly, a frown playing across his lips, until the image in the mirror began to change.
Suddenly, he was looking upon... What had to be the Devildom, but unlike he had ever known it. The sky remained in endless night, but everything else was deeply unfamiliar in a way that unsettled the eldest. There were no sweetly cobbled streets lined with restaurants and shops. In this mirror world, everything burned. The ground was scorched, and everything that managed to grow was in shades of brown, black, orange, as if they were trying to hide their life in the sea of destruction.
A figure appeared. Lucifer didn’t immediately recognize it as himself, but he understood it must have been. The creature in the mirror was snarling, his eyes gleaming red, as shredded and scarred wings drug brokenly behind him. There was a leash on his wrist, with something heavy pulling it down to the-- oh. Oh. MC. They trembled so brokenly, desperately trying to climb to their feet, but unable to keep up with the demon’s long strides, falling and being pulled across the dirt once again.
“No,” Lucifer breathed, pressing his palm to the glass as his teeth grit. “No, I wouldn’t.” But there it was, in crystal clear picture. His own demonic form, massive and still glowing with leftover Heavenly light, grabbing MC by the collar as he finally lost patience. The dark form grinned wide, revealing his fangs, dripping with something that steamed when it hit the ground.
“Now, now, MC,” the mirror Lucifer crooned. “You know what happens if you can’t keep up, don’t you?” MC flinched, nodding as they straightened carefully, fixing their hair and plastering a calm smile on their lips. They couldn’t hide the terror in their eyes, though. No, that was readily apparent. “Better,” he cupped the human’s cheek, claws stabbing into their face, leaving five brilliant dots of blood where he had pierced them.
“Now say thank you for taking you out on such a lovely date.”
Lucifer held back the retch he felt in the back of his throat, and he closed his eyes, turning away from the mirror. “I’ve seen enough,” he stepped away, refusing to look back at what was once again simply a mirror.
“Eh? What’s the big deal?” He moved up, looking towards his older brother with concern, but Lucifer didn’t seem keen to speak on his experience. With a half-hearted shrug, he turned to the mirror, which once again opened itself to reveal the universe that lay on the other side. There the other Mammon stood, dressed in expensive brand names, stacks of money on the table beside him. He tapped sharpened nails on the table.
“Hey, hey, hey! Alright!” The poor version was plenty excited to see that he wasn’t broke in every universe. Meanwhile, his rich counterpart grunted unhappily. “Bring in MC,” he nodded to a weaker demon that stood by the door, who tipped his head and bowed out. A long moment passed, as Mammon leaned forward, eager to see what his crush looked like in the alternate world.
The first thing he noticed when they entered was the massive wedding ring on their finger. He didn’t even glance at the stitches that held the finger on. The low level demon had a white-fingered grip on their arm, leading them to the chair beside the mob boss, who quickly pulled them into his lap.
The watching Avatar of Greed couldn’t help how his heart stuttered knowing that they were married in this other world. He was so distracted by the piles of money and expensive objects and lovely MC that he didn’t notice all the scars, all the bruising, the obvious tension in the room. But the dark Mammon did. He raised his hand, clocking MC across the face. 
“Wha-!” Just as Mammon’s eyes widened in shock, he was shoved out of view of the mirror, as the scuffle between Levi and Asmo returned. He whipped his head around to look again, to confirm what he had just seen, as greed and dread in equal parts pooled in his stomach, but the mirror was blank.
Levi stumbled as Asmo huffed, returning to his spot in line, taking out his compact to touch up his makeup. The otaku hesitated, wringing his hands before glancing at the mirror. When the surface began to shift, he gasped in excitement, his nervousness forgotten. “Woahh!” Suddenly the glass had his full attention. “It’s just like the remastered Episode 411 of ‘Help! My Cat Wandered Off And When I Went To Find Him, I Stumbled Into An Interdimensional Flower Shop And Now I’m In Charge Of Protecting the Portal Between Universes’!”
At first, nothing was strange. It was a picture of his own bedroom... albeit, different than he remembered. The fish were off. Larger, and meaner. His prized collection of anime items had been replaced with a large array of weapons, and photos of him standing by the sea in front of what looked like an army. Everyone in uniform. Strangely though, all of his games were still there. His mouth was hanging open as his alter finally walked into frame. Actually, paced may have been more fitting for what the mirror Levi was doing. Yes, pacing back and forth, holding onto a long rope, that followed above the fish tank. 
The mirror adjusted the frame, revealing the full image. MC, tied tightly, hanging above the water as the demonic fish circled below.
“So?” His alter questioned. “What do you say, MC? Will you make me the happiest demon in the Devildom?” The Levi in the mirror... he didn’t look right. His features were sharper, his tail longer, stronger, but it was more than his appearance. He was more confident in that world, no fear of being rejected. “That wasn’t a yes...” MC tried to scream through the gag as they were dropped a few inches towards the water.
Levi jumped in shock. “Not MC!” His eyes were wide, blush dark on his cheeks. “That’s-- That’s just wrong! That’s not how it’s supposed to happen!” He buried his face in his hands, unable to look any longer, and when he finally peeked again, the image was gone.
Satan didn’t have the patience for this nonsense. He had books to read, and Levi was just standing there hiding his face? The fourth born sighed, rubbing his temples as he gently guided his brother away from the mirror. “Let’s get this over with, I’m busy tonight.” He squared himself in front of the mirror, looking his reflection directly in the eyes. Satan was used to magical objects, and he didn’t flinch when the surface turned to liquid, instead steeling himself for what he was about to see. From the reactions of the others, it was not likely to be pleasant.
The dark Satan didn’t look so different, really. Honestly, he was probably better looking, although he was loathe to admit it. In the image, things seemed normal, calm even. This other Satan was in an armchair, MC settled in his lap as he read a book aloud to them. It looked comfortable, if he was being truthful. A good life.
But the longer he watched, the more a sense of discomfort set into him. Things were just slightly off. The way MC’s smile never faltered, how perfect their posture was, and how they didn’t speak unless spoken to. It was as if they were merely a doll. The alter smiled, brushing the hair from MC’s forehead, before lifting their hand and kissing the ring they had placed there.
“You know, kitten, you’re so lovely like this.” MC’s blank smile remained. Satan turned the page. “Go set the table for tea time. We can’t be late getting you your medicine.”
On the other side of the mirror, Satan’s brow furrowed deeply. Had he drugged MC? Used a spell? Something to make them so empty? He couldn’t imagine doing such a thing, not to MC. He loved them, even if he hadn’t had the courage to admit it yet. He swallowed heavily, and turned away from the sight without a word, walking away from the mirror without looking back. A pit had formed in his stomach that wasn’t there before.
Asmo was excited to see his turn had come, practically flouncing forwards as he hummed. He had forgotten that this was about seeing an alternate dimension entirely, and was focused on his own reflection, cooing over the sight of himself. He gasped softly in shock as the sight of his own beautiful face began to distort itself, which was terribly rude, considering how perfect he looked! The tragic loss of his reflection became an acceptable problem, however, when the other world began to appear to him.
The alternate fifth born was already centered in the frame when the world became visible, and the original Asmo squeaked in delight. “Oh~! I knew I would be gorgeous, but wow!” In the mirror, the demon was singing softly to himself as he perfected his makeup, briefly turning into his true form, all three heads on display as he fixed the lipstick on the center face, the face of a man who could breathe fire, before turning back to his much tamer human form, and smiling.
“Okay, MC!” The alt stood, turning to the mindless creature on his bed, eyes hazed over as they drooled, skin crawling and desperate for attention. The human whined pitifully, pulling at the ties that bound their limbs to the bed, arching their chest into the air in an attempt to attract the demon. It was as if MC didn’t notice that they were bleeding heavily, coated in dried cum, every orifice grotesquely stretched. To be honest, they didn’t. They didn’t even remember their name. The only thoughts left were of Asmodeus. “I’ll be back later. If I’m not home tonight to feed you, hopefully Satan will remember. Caio!” Asmo blew a kiss and disappeared out the door, leaving the needy MC alone.
The original Avatar of Lust was both shocked and mildly turned on at the sight. So, MC was a little banged up. Wasn’t everyone after a good night? The concerning part was how dumb MC had seemed. They hadn’t said a word the entire time! Maybe that was just their kink? He had yet to sleep with MC after all, who could say? He looked down at his feet for a moment, dwelling on it, and when he looked back up, it was into the gorgeous sight of his own eyes.
It was clear Asmo wasn’t going to move on his own, so Beel chomped down on the rest of his doughnut, lifted Asmo up, and set him off to the side.
“Hey!” Asmo complained as he was moved, but Beelzebub only shrugged with one shoulder, offering a half smile as he said “Sorry, Asmo, Belphie is just real excited for his turn.” Belphie did not look that excited. He looked most of the way asleep, leaned against the wall a few feet off to the side. “He’s just tired, that’s all.” Beel had to stand back further than the rest to fit his body in the frame of the mirror, and as soon as he had, he sighed sadly, placing his hands on his stomach as it growled. “I’m hungry...” he complained, as the glass began to shift.
A table appeared, stacked several feet high with food, and Beel was drawn in to the sight, drooling. Above the table, a fly that had to be the size of Lucifer was hovering, acid dripping from its mouth and dissolving the food on the table before slurping it back up. It didn’t take long for the entire array to be devoured. The fly landed, its form stretching and shifting as it transformed into a hulking beast of a creature, its stomach dipped so far in it may as well have been touching its spine.
“That’s me?” Beel questioned, confused. The monstrous creature stalked from the kitchen, just as MC appeared around the corner, carrying a tray piled with all flavors of cakes. 
“Hungry,” came the low, rumbling sound of the Founder of the Order of the Fly. His voice was graveled and rough as he gripped the plate in MC’s hands, lifting it up and swallowing it whole, while groaning. His stomach seemed only to shrink back even further. “Still hungry,” he snarled, grabbing MC by the waist as he unhinged his jaw, letting it drop open as MC screamed. He didn’t start at the head. And he didn’t rush.
Beel was horrified. For once, his appetite had disappeared. “MC?” He questioned, trembling fingers touching the mirror. He closed his eyes tight to hold back the tears that threatened to form, and when he opened them again, he was only touching flat glass.
Beelzebub was still distraught as he shook Belphie awake, mumbling that it was his turn with the mirror before walking away with his shoulders slumped. He didn’t know if he could ever eat again. Well, his head didn’t know. His stomach was already rumbling. Belphie rubbed his eyes as he looked into the mirror, at first mistaking the liquid glass for his sleepy gaze playing tricks on him.
But there it was. An image of himself, or at least he thought it was himself, curled on a large bed. He wasn’t yet asleep, long tail waving, his body so much larger and elongated than he would have imagined himself. His evil mirror twin looked much like a dragon. And like a dragon, he had a hoard, the walls lined in trinkets and weapons and the like. The rest of the room was filled to the brim with pillows and blankets and other soft things.
The mirror Belphegor yawned, stroking MC’s face with one finger. They looked so sad, tears running down their cheeks. Belphie rubbed them away, and licked the salt from his fingertips. “Don’t cry,” he rumbled in a low, slow voice that dripped from his mouth like molasses poured from the jar, “It’s resting time. Give me your soul, and I will let you sleep.”
MC sniffled, before nodding. They clearly didn’t know what else to do. “O-Okay,” they agreed. Belphie smiled as his tail tightened its grip around them.
“Good,” he sighed, closing his eyes and drifting off. MC struggled in his grip, but it was too late. They were trapped.
“No...” The smaller Avatar of Sloth murmured. “No, I wouldn’t kill them again.” He shook his head, but the emotional strain of the knowledge was too much, and he blinked, blinked, more and more slowly, until he was curled on the floor, content to pretend it had all been a dream. Belphegor could not handle the guilt of MC’s death a second time.
Diavolo grinned as the last of the brothers took their turn. “How lucky! You’re the first ones to look in this mirror in centuries, even I haven’t looked! So? What did you see?”
The brothers, the ones who were awake anyways, looked on in silence. The Demon Prince’s smile began to fade.
“Oh. How terribly disappointing. Meeting adjourned.”
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
Lost traveler
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1 573
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld
Summary: A mysterious traveler visits Asgard and thanks to an accident has to stay for longer than she expected. Bonds are created but also shattered along the way.
A/N: reader has elemental powers, something like avatar the last airbender.
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Sun was finally setting. Chirping of birds was replaced by owls howling. A cold breeze ruffled your hair. The entire forest became calmer. You loved it.
You wanted to be alone for a few while and enjoy the tranquility of the night time. So you volunteered to gather wood for bonfire.
Unfortunately Thor and Fandral went with you, more to show off their muscles than help you. Both of them were....odd. They wanted to be around you all the time, telling you of their strength and abilities (Thor wanted to show you some of his lightnings but got quickly turned down by Loki) and generaly tried to impress you.
You soon found out that Thor is a god of thunder, not a lightning thrower like you previously thought. Loki was god of mischief and chaos.
Sif told you she was to be the goddess of fertility but thretened you to keep it a secret
The rest were also gods, but they didn't have a certain domains like princes. They were just warrior gods.
When you returned with arms full of twigs and branches Loki, Volstagg, Hogun and Sif were already sitting around a circle made from stones. Loki jumped to help you and all of you started to place one branch after another inside the stone circle.
"I will lit it," Thor annoumced after you finished.
"Thor, I already told you, your powers are unstable. You can't use them otherwise you will hurt everybody around you!" Loki scolded him.
"Relax, it will be alright. Everybody, stay back," Thor pushed you behind him as his fingers started to sparkle. Suddenly a loud noise teared through the air as a giant lightning striked from the sky. But to a nearby tree, not the fire place.
"Perfect Thor, just perfect," Loki took out the fire from the burning tree with his magic. He played around with flames a little while longer. You watched him transform them into a bird and make it fly around you. You giggled at his tricks.
"Show off," Thor spat
"Look who's talking. I'm not the one who took off his shirt whenever she was watching," Loki grinned.
You ignored them and their argument. Your fingers were itching. You desperately wanted to firebend, but you couldn't. Not yet.
Sif nudged you. "They are like giant kids, aren't they?"
"Siblings argue. It's like their specialty," you shrugged.
"You seem like a sibling professional. Do you have one?"
You watched as Loki made the bonfire inbetween arguments. "No, but I met a lot of them on my travels," you both sat down as did the others.
"Speaking of travels, can I ask you something?" Hogun sat to your other side.
Loki plopped down directly opposite of you. "If you want to know where she is from, she won't tell. I tried," he smirked at you.
"I can't reveal everything the first day! Gotta keep some of my secrets," you laughed.
"That was not what I wanted to know. I meant to ask you if you've been to Midgard?" Hogun brought your attention back to him.
"Depends on what it looks like."
"Well," he began, "it's full of forests, animals, small stone villages,-"
"Don't forget mortals," Thor interrupted.
Thor nodded. "Aye. They are small, weak, quite dumb."
"From what I've read," Loki slipped in, "they aren't dumb. They are just slow learners."
Thor rolled his eyes. "Where's the difference?"
"The difference is, dear brother mine, that you only have to tell them once to not use their powers."
Thor showed him what you suspect to be a lewd gesture. In response Loki blew him a kiss.
You giggled. "No, I don't think I've been there. Why are you asking? Have you visited it?"
All of them shooktheir heads. "The Allfather forbade us to travel across the nine realms. He says we aren't old enough."
"Oh," you sighed.
"May I ask Astrid?" Volstagg broke the silence. "What is the most interesting place you've visited," Volstagg took his chance
You thought for a while. All of the planets are interesting in their own way. "Hmmm, I don't know. One of the more exciting planets has to be Pandora I guess. I have stayed there with a Na'vi clan and they showed me how to hunt and survive in woods. There are giant mountains hovering in the air with beautiful waterfals and the whole planet glows at night and there are dragons and giant wolves and spiritual trees," you counted down from memmory.
"Sounds exciting indeed. I must visit it someday," Loki mused.
"You must! It's really easy to find it. It's a blue planet rotating around a gas giant."
"So it is techicaly a moon, correct?"
"Yeah, it is," you said excitedly. You finaly had someone to talk to. Frigga was right, you will find a friwnd among them.
"Booo, nerds," Sif made fun of you two. "Now tell me, are at least these Na'vi guys handsome and strong? You can hardly find any good material among this," she gestured to boys sitting around fire.
"I will preted I haven't heard that," Fandral brushed his fingers through his hair.
"If you are into blue giants," you shrugged.
The atmosphere changed suddenly. It was no longer lighthearted and playful. All of them had a stone hard cold stare. You shifted in your seat. Did you say something wrong?
Thor coughed. "We don't really get along with blue giant folk," he fisted chunks of grass by his sides.
"What you just described wasn't Jotunheim, was it?" Hogun asked.
"It can't be. Jotunheim is a frozen piece of a rock. She said Pandora has floating mountains and rivers," Loki burried his dagger into earth at his feet.
"Are there also blue giants on Jotunheim?" you chose your words carefully.
"Yes, it's the land of Frost Giants. Monsters we talk about at night."
Hogun cleared his throat. "I have seen the injury they cause. On one soldier a long time ago. His whole arm was frozen and black as coal. I heard aome healers in halls talking abouthis whoel arm falling off when they touched it."
"They say," Thor said in a dark tone, "they know a secret passage through realms. And one day, they will invade Asgard and freeze everyone in their path. When they comw here, I swear to all my ancestors I will-"
His telling interrupted a distant screech from mountain which startled everyone. It sounded familiar, you just didn't know where from.
"I think that's a cue to shift to another story," Sif said.
"Agreed," everyone said simultaniously.
Cracking wood lulled everybody to sleep. After hours and hours of war stories and forgotten legends one by one young warriors and a traveler laid to get rest.
Loki had a light sleep. His mind was still wrapped around Frost Giants. How theymight enter Asgard any second and slaughter them all in their sleep. If what Thor told was true.
A sound of someone standing up and walking away woke him completely. He knew how each person's step sounded, this was unfamiliar one. 'Where are you going little traveler?'
He stood up and followed you, hidden in shadows.
You stopped near a river deep in the forest. Asgardian moon shone bright in its water.
He watched you sit down next to it and stare at the night sky through oak leaves.
Just as he wanted to walk towards you, you started to play with little droplets of water in the air.
"What a turn of events," you dropped them upon hearing his voice.
"Loki, you- why are you up? Did I wake you?"
"No," he sat down next to you, "you didn't."
You started to fidget with your fingers. "How much did you see?"
"Enough. Why didn't you tell me you were a sorcorer as well?"
"A what?"
Loki chuckled. "You called me a warlock, remember? We call those who deal with magic sorcorers. One of their ability is aquakinesis."
"Huh?" you looked so cute when you were confused. Loki made note to confuse youmore often.
"Water control."
"Oh, sorry. I call it waterbending."
Loki hummed. "Makes sense."
"Sooo," you looked at him, "are you going to tell them?" you pointed towards where the group was sleeping.
"Why would I? It's your power. Your secret. You tell them when you are ready. But," he pulled a ball of water from the river and held it above his palm, "I can teach you more of that waterbending than just control few droplets. If you'd like me to, that is."
You smiled. "I'd like that. Oh and by the way," you looked to side and scratched your head, "Astrid isn't my real name."
"I know."
"What?" you looked at him startled.
"I can tell when people are lying, and you," he placed his palm on your shoulder, "are a terrible liar," he chuckled.
Your giggle joined his. "Sounds fair. Anyways, I'm Y/N," you axtended your hand.
Loki took it in his own and bowed his head. "Pleasure to meet you Y/N. I am Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief," and hopefully he can add 'your friend' to the list of titles.
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storydays · 3 years
Season 1, ep 7, p1
(3rd POV)
Korra frowned, as she switched the washcloth to place on your sweaty forehead. Apparently you made yourself sick from worry. You've been unconscious for about 3 days and your fever finally broke. Your (h/c)  was plastered to your forehead, and she carefully brushed them back, gasping softly seeing your bright blue arrows.
You had your arrows? Korra quickly ran through her lessons on the history of airbenders, and knew they got the arrows when they did something amazing or completed their training. She studied them and thought back to other tattoos she'd seen and realized yours were a at least a few years old.
Groaning cut her thoughts short as you shifted in your bed. (E/C) eyes lazily looked around the room, before you shot up in your bed with wide eyes, rambling. "Holymonkeyfeathers!Whathappened? Igotta--" As you made a move to get off the bed, you groaned, an arm wrapping around your ribs. "(Y/N), slow down! You're still really hurt!" the Avatar cried, helping you lay back down.
You relaxed as she used some cool water to go over your injuries. "KK?" you whispered softly, calling her one of the many childhood nicknames you've given her. She smiled, pausing in her healing. "You haven't called me that in forever." "What happened? Why are you in my room? Why does my body hurt?" You wondered, watching her put the water back in its bowl.
"I have a few questions for you: When did you get your arrows? How long have you had them? What happened to you before you rescued us?" You sent her a raised eyebrow with that ever patient look you were well known for. "Okay.." she sighed before explaining everything.
*A few minutes later*
You placed your head in your hands, gripping your hair slightly. "Tahno really lost his powers? Amon was there and we lost him?" You asked in disbelief. The blue eyed girl nodded. You sighed, before rubbing your temples. "Headache?" she asked, holding out some water and medicine tablets. "Migraine." you corrected, taking the medicine before going to take your pajama shirt off. She told you, your Uncle was the one who changed your clothes while you were out.
"Whoa whoa whoa! What are you doing?" Korra shrieked, covering her eyes and turning the other way. You chuckled, before finishing unbuttoning your shirt. "Kor, I have a tank top underneath." She turned around, sheepishly, before studying your tattoos. "I've had them since I was 8." you stated simply, hobbling over to grab your hairbrush.
"How come you've been hiding them for almost 11 years? How have I not notice?" Korra watched as you brushed knots out. "I'm not embarrassed of them, not at all. But.." "But?" she prompted. "I would be a bigger target if people knew I was a dual bender, Korra. The sooner you  learn that people are mean, greedy, selfish, and unforgiving monsters, the better." You turned away from her, clearly done with the conversation.
She studied your tense back before standing up and heading for the door. "I'll go get Tenzin." And she left, leaving you to your thoughts. A few minutes later, you heard your Uncle enter. He looked at you to see you looking at your tattoos in thought. "Penny for your thoughts, Nephew?" he asked quietly. "Korra found out about my tattoos. She asked...why do I cover them up." The airbending master hummed, stroking his beard.
"What did you tell her?" "Nothing she doesn't need to know about. No one needs to know but me....not even my father." You met grey eyes in the mirror and saw he was nodding. "Very well, (Y/N). But if your father did know, and I know my brother, he wouldn't be angry with you. No one is." You glared at your reflection, before turning away to go shower.
"I am."
You followed Korra to the arena, and left Neo and Naga outside, knowing that they won't cause any trouble. Korra wanted to ask more questions about your tattoos, but by the way you were acting, she knew better. You led her up to the brothers' apartment above the arena and walked in to hear Mako talking.
"I still can't believe they're shutting this place down." "Yeah, we had some good memories here." "Sure did." You said, walking in with a smirk on your face. "(Y/N)! Glad you're up and okay!"They both hugged you and turned to Korra when she spoke up."Guys, guess what? You don't to go back to the streets. I talked to Tenzin and made all the arrangements. You can come live with me and (Y/N) on Air Temple Island!"
"Oh...well we'd love to, but--" "Asami already invited us to live in her dad's giant mansion! From here on out, it's the gonna be the the lap of luxury for us. " Bolin grinned excitedly. "Oh hey Korra......(Y/N)?" You and the Avatar stiffened as said woman's voice echoed.
"I'm glad to see you're up and doing well, (Y/N). I was hoping you'd stop by, Korra." "Actually I was just leaving, see you guys around..sometime." You crossed your arms and avoided Asami's eyes. "What about tomorrow? I'd love for you to come visit the estate." "I don't know..I have some Avatar stuff to do." "Liar." You coughed into your fist, grinning deviously when the Avatar glared at you.
"C'mon Korra. We all deserve a little rest and relaxation after all this craziness. We could swim in Asami's pool. It'll be fun." Bolin said through Pabu with a high pitched voice. You and Korra laughed at the Earthbender. "All right, Pabu. I'll be there." "Great, see you tomorrow!" She left and before anyone could say anything, your stomach growled loudly. Your tanned cheeks turned red and you avoided their giggling gazes.
"Let's go get something to eat." Asami laughed, walking towards the exit, her hands brushing against yours. "Yes! Food!" cheered Bolin as he followed her. "We'll catch up." You said, grabbing Mako by his arm. You waited until the two were out of ear shot before turning to the firebender. "Have you made your decision?" You asked quietly.  
He refused to meet your eyes. "I don't know. They're both great but--" "But nothing, Mako. Asami and Korra are both great people, people with feelings! They deserve someone who will love them and not catch feelings for someone else, someone who can continue to build them up and catch them when they fall. They don't need or deserve someone who has mixed feelings and can't even figure out his own feelings. It's not fair to them, nor is it to anyone else. Get yourself together, because one day, there will be no one to help you!"
Gold eyes stared as you coughed slightly, breathing heavy. "Are you feeling okay?" he asked softly, reaching out to touch you. "Don't touch me!" You took a step back, glaring fiercely at him before storming out. As you followed the path out, your thoughts decided to make themselves known. 'Idiot! Why did you get so angry?' You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "I've been so angry lately and I'm not sure why..."
"It's because you care so much. " You looked around wildly to see no one there but Neo looking at you intently. You chuckled dryly albeit sarcastically walking over to Neo. "Okay, that wasn't me, there's no one here but you...silly question but did you just talk?" You asked the animal, who cuddled into your hand. "As you've stated before, there's no one here but me...so I believe that is your answer."
You walked into Air Temple Island, drained from what had happened at the gym.
Neo could talk!
"My polar-bear dog can talk....am I going crazy?" You said softly, so no one could hear you. " Ha, no young one. You can hear me just as well as you hear your family and friends. You truly are special...it's been a very long time since someone has been able to hear their animal companions." You side eyed him before asking, "Can I hear all animals?" "Yes. The spirits have given you amazing powers, and we've been waiting for them to unlock on their own. You have shown us time and time again, that you are kind of heart, courageous, protective, and you love hard. We believe this power will aide us all in the future. "
"Wow, thanks Neo.....uh, is that your name?" You asked, taking his harness off. "Yes. It is the name you gave me, so it is what I will be continued to be known as. " He paused before let out what seemed to be a polar bear dog laugh. "The same goes for Nevermore, Akira, and Gaia. " You hummed before offering Neo a apple, who chewed happily.
"Isn't that interesting."
*The next day*
You had left before Korra since she'd like to figure things out on her own, and had greeted Asami's staff with a smile and good mornings. They were used to seeing you every other week, and quite enjoyed your company. "Good morning, Mr Sato." You greeted the inventor. "Ah, (Y/N), time for your biweekly visit with Asami?" He smiled, walking with you to the guest room, correction your room.
"That's not for another few days, but I decided to come swim with Asami and the others today." Something was off about Hiroshi Sato...but you weren't sure what. "I think you just want to see Asami in the water." smirked the old man, making you blush and stutter. He laughed from his belly. "It's all right, I trust you, (Y/)." he looked from side to side before leaning close to whisper, "I'd prefer if you were with her anyways." He walked away, leaving your tanned face flushed a bright red.
You walked out to the pool, and saw Asami sitting on the edge, her back away from you. You grin and used the water to walk silently walk behind her before grabbing her by her waist and pulling her into the water with you. The green eyed beauty grinned as she swam up and looked around for you. You swam under her and put her on your shoulders, grinning up at her. "Hey, naina." She smiled down, her hair still looking flawless. "Hey pita. You're here early." You placed her on the edge, and rested on your elbows next to her.
"You know me: I love being in the water." You smiled as she pushed your bangs back to peer into your (e/c) gaze. "We need to talk..." she spoke softly. "About?" you closed your eyes, leaning into her soft hands, kicking your legs gently in the water. "You said that....you were in love with me." Every instinct in your body was telling you to run, but when you met her earnest emerald eyes, you were stuck to the side of the pool.
"I-I did? Listen, Asami, I know you're with Mako and I shouldn't have--" "Don't you dare, (Y/N), I've--" You heard Mako and Bolin approaching so you quickly swam underwater to the other side of the pool, acting nonchalant when the Earthbender jumped into the pool. "Ooh-cold!" he shivered. You all laughed as the two brothers finally got adjusted to the water and starting splashing.
A few minutes later, you were sitting next to Asami and Mako, when Asami's head butler walked in and announced, "Avatar Korra has arrived." "Hey Korra!" Mako greeted, you waved. "Glad you made it!" Asami grinned. Bolin splashed up and held his arms out. "Welcome to paradise!" He floated on his back, as you dove into the water with Asami. "Looks like you guys settled right in. "Pretty much. Except someone 'forgot' to ask her father if we could stay here."
"Yeah, but I smoothed things over with him. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." green eyes rolled playfully, as the two approached. "This is the greatest place in the world! Watch this, watch this." Bolin asked the head butler to dry him and Pabu off. You laughed hard when Bolin jumped right back in and the butler groaned in irritation. "So, Asami, what do you have planned for us today? Let me guess: shopping, makeovers..." Korra drawled lazily as you raised an eyebrow at her.
"Ooh, ooh! I vote makeovers!" Bolin chirped before Mako dunked him under the water. "I have something more exciting in mind." Asami winked at you, grinning to herself when your (s/c) cheeks burned red.
You cheered loudly as you drove the Sato mobiles against one of the beta testers. You crossed the finish line, and beamed at Nevermore when she hovered over your shoulder before landing. Korra and Asami approached, with helmets in their arms. "Hey (Y/N), up for a race?" Asami sent a sexy smirk towards you. You grinned widely before putting a helmet on Nevermore's tiny head.
"Let's do it, naina."
*Mini timeskip*
Your car came to the side of Asami's , and you share a smirk with the green eyed beauty and laughed merrily as you won again. "Oh that never gets old!" You turned to the dragon who was shaking with adrenaline. "Oh!" You quickly unbuckled her, and held her at arms length with an apologetic look on your face. "Sorry, girl...should've given you a warning." She huffed steam in your face, annoyed. "Hey...." you warned.
"That was amazing! I didn't think we'd make it." Korra cheered. "Well, you can't be afraid to mix it up sometimes." Asami ran a hand through her hair as the Avatar took her helmet off. "I gotta admit, I had you pegged wrong, I thought you were kind of prissy. Uh, no offense."
You and Asami chuckled as she stuttered nervously. "People usually assume I'm Daddy's helpless little girl, but I can handle myself. I mean, I've been in self defense classes since I was a kid. My dad made sure I would always be able to protect myself. (Y/N) is usually my sparring partner, and he teaches me moves that my instructors would never teach."
You grinned, remembering how fast Asami beat the city's instructors, and finally they turned towards you for help. You've been her instructor for the last 3 years and she's yet to catch up with you. "As cool as that is...I NEED TO USE THE BATHROOM!!" Bolin did the potty dance dramatically making the group laugh.
"C'mon, Drama King." You joke.
As you guys walked back to the Sato mansion, Asami's hands brushed against yours. You glanced at her from the corner of your eye  and shared a secret smile. 'We'll talk later,' was the message written across her face.
You stopped walking, feeling nervous just from a look from her.
You rubbed your hand over your face and groaned loudly.
'I am fucked....'
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cottage-babe · 4 years
Burning Scars part VIII
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Awww im watching LOK and why do people hate it so much?? I get that its different than ATLA but on it’s own its pretty good. anyways they just talked abt the first avatar and hmm, i didn’t really think abt who the first would be
Summary: Y/n, a werewolf from a hidden village, comes across Zuko and Iroh after being exiled. How has fate intertwined the wolf into the avatar’s destiny?
*****This chapter takes place on Season 2, Episode 14*****
It's been a week since they'd made it to the beloved city of Ba Sing Se. 
It was rough at first; they learned about the sections of the city and had to find a home in the Lower Ring. Although Zuko hated the city, Y/n found it quite beautiful. Of course, some parts of it weren't flattering, there were dirty animals around and some of their neighbors weren't the nicest, but there was something mystical about it. 
Maybe it's because it's the first city she'd been in or the fact that the culture was so different, but she couldn't find it in herself to hate anything in Ba Sing Se. The crowded streets just seemed cozier and full of life; their run-down home above a shop just had personality! The wolf couldn't help but love even the worst parts. 
The only thing that couldn't ease itself out of Y/n's mind was the feeling of being watched. It sent shivers down her spine whenever she was out in public and she thinks she knows why they're staring. 
It's the scar on her leg, of course. 
She stopped covering it up the day they came to the city. Something about having to hide it for their entire time of residence just seemed so inauthentic. If she was going to be here for a while, then Y/n was going to be her truest self, scars and all. 
They were walking through the marketplace, buying the last remaining essentials that they needed for their new place. Iroh had wandered off somewhere when his eyes set on a furniture store, but Zuko, not wanting to accept the fact that they were actually living there, just stormed off angrily in the opposite direction. Y/n followed the teen to make sure he didn't do something he’d regret. 
“You know,” the wolf began, “this city isn’t that bad when you stop judging everything about it.”
He glared at her harshly. “I’m not judging it.” Then, Iroh appeared next to him, the pot of orange flowers he was eyeing in his hands. The boy’s stare somehow got meaner as he looked at the bright flowers. “This city is a prison.”
Y/n rolled her eyes and moved to stand in between her two friends, smelling the ends of the flowers and letting the aroma surround her. There was hardly any nature here, another thing that she had to look past, so seeing any sign of greenery was welcoming. 
“They’re so pretty!” Y/n smiled at Iroh. 
“I know,” the uncle smiled back at her, “they were a little expensive, but its fine because I found us new jobs, and we start this afternoon!”
Zuko and Y/n blinked at him in surprise. Neither teens had ever had a job before, much less one that they were thrown into without a warning. So they all traveled back to their apartment and left the things that they had bought that morning. The time to go to their new ‘jobs’ was approaching, so they made themselves presentable and set off. 
Iroh had, of course, gotten them a job at a small tea shop. When they entered, it was nearly empty, except for the man that introduced himself as their boss. 
The people in Ba Sing Se probably only drink their tea in the mornings! That must be why it’s so empty!
It turns out she was wrong. 
After doing their introductions, the owner, whose name turned out to be Pao, left to the back room so he could find a string to extend the back of Iroh’s apron. He left them three cups of tea while they waited. 
Y/n took a sip from her steaming cup, happy to be offered some tea that’s actually warm. Unfortunately, just as it had happened before, the tea was spit out onto the floor. 
“Ugh!” She exclaimed. “What’s wrong with all of the tea in this city!”
Iroh took a sip, but, with way more control than her, swallowed it quickly. He looked at his cup disgustingly. “This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!”
Zuko deadpanned and looked between the two, “Uncle, that’s what all tea is.”
Suddenly, right there in the moment, a long shiver reached Y/n’s spine and spread throughout her body. And it definitely wasn’t the tea. The werewolf tugged on Zuko’s sleeve.
“Someone’s watching us.” She whispered and cast her eyes around. 
She had been feeling this, how could she be so stupid? She misjudged it and thought the attention was on her leg, but now? They were in a completely empty shop and she could hear Pao digging through boxes in the other room. Someone is looking at them from the outside. 
The boy looked around cautiously as well. “From where?” 
“I don’t know.”
Iroh was talking while they whispered, something about needing to make some major changes in this shop. He threw the tea pot out a window and the feeling drained from the wolf. Y/n sighed in relief.
“They stopped, maybe it was just someone passing.”
Zuko hummed, but still looked at her curiously. 
Pao came back with the string and helped Iroh tie his apron on. Once all three of them were in their attire, the man trained them on their new job; waiters and waitresses. They learned the basics of their job; collect orders, give customers their cups, then collect the cups. It was a lot simpler than she thought it would be. They barely had any customers, but the few that did come sat quietly and didn’t really disturb them. 
Then, their shifts ended and they turned in their aprons. When they left the shop, the sun had already set and the sky was dark.
The citizens had lit lanterns to glow on the street. It was quite pretty to see the contrasts; it almost reminded her of the rebellious times with her siblings. Y/n pushed that thought out of her head, though. 
The entire walk back home was filled with Iroh’s complaints on the tea. He started talking about how starting tomorrow, he was going to tell Pao that he was going to make the tea. He thought that Pao’s tea was lacking and Iroh was going to fix that. Zuko let out a few sarcastic comments here and there, but Y/n was quiet. She was focused on the roof tops, the dark alleys; any place where someone could be hiding. Just in case, of course.
Then, they made it home. The apartment was empty and Iroh lit candles with matches so they could see. He probably would’ve used his bending, but Zuko had warned him many times against using it. The boy was so paranoid. 
As soon as Y/n entered though, she smelled something off. 
She never mentioned this to the boys (in fear that it would freak them out), but the wolf had memorized their scents. Each had a distinct smell and it had grown very mixed and strong throughout their week of living here. It was another werewolf thing that transferred to her human skin. 
But what she was smelling now definitely wasn’t one of them. 
It smelled strangely familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. The scent was so minute and faint that it eventually blended away into the other smells. 
Well, that’s weird.
So they all settled down to relax, tired from the day’s work. Y/n laid on the bed by the windows and Iroh went straight for the teapot.
“Would you both like a cup of tea?” 
“We’ve been working in a tea shop all day!” Zuko groaned out. “I’m sick of tea!” 
Y/n laughed at his antics and watched as the boy sat at the foot of the bed. This wasn’t her bed; the boys decided that the one room in the apartment should belong to the only girl. She wasn’t totally against getting her own privacy, but she still felt incredibly spoiled. 
Zuko lifted her feet and moved back against the wall, placing her legs in his lap. The werewolf blushed at his intimate touches, but just looked off at Iroh and stated that she would like a cup, just to try and ignore her feelings. Y/n had decided before that she would never fall for Zuko, ever. 
“Sick of tea? That’s like being sick of breathing!” Iroh looked over at the two and smiled softly before searching through the cabinets. “Have you seen the spark rocks to heat up the water?” 
Y/n shook her head. “No. Do you want me to go ask the neighbors for some?”
She almost began to stand up, but the old man quickly declined her offer. 
“No, no. You stay there.” He smiled, “I’ll go ask.”
Iroh walked out the front door, leaving Y/n and Zuko alone. They were silent for a moment before, surprisingly, the boy broke it.
“So,” he began. “What was up with earlier?”
She knew what he was talking about; how she could sense that someone was watching them. She didn’t really have much of an answer, so she tried to explain it the best she could. 
“I don’t know... it’s just a feeling I get sometimes. Most of the time it’s just random people looking for no reason, so I ignore it. But it felt a little different today; it was weird.”
Zuko nodded and started playing with the fabric of her socks. The light touches tickled her slightly. 
“Can you always feel it? When someone’s looking at you, I mean.”
“Well yeah,” she spoke. “But it’s feels different when I’m in danger or when it’s about nothing. I don’t know how to describe it; it’s just a werewolf thing.” 
Y/n covered her eyes with her arm, hoping to cover her warm face slightly. The pink in her cheeks never seemed to disappear when he sat next to her. 
His fingers stopped moving and she was so so thankful for that. The poor girl didn’t know how much she could take. 
“And now?” Zuko whispered, “What does it feel like now?”
Y/n removed the arm from her face and met his auburn eyes, the iris’s staring deep into her.
Spirits, how was she supposed to describe this feeling? 
Everything about Y/n, her hearing, her smelling, her brain, it was all muddle with him. Was this danger she felt? Or something else? Her senses didn’t seem to work; the scent of him just overcame ever-.
“I borrowed from our neighbors!” Iroh happily spoke as he waltzed into the room. “Such kind people!”
Y/n cleared her throat and sat up, removing her feet from the boy’s lap. She almost shook her head to wipe the fogginess from her brain. Iroh looked between the two teens, wondering if he should say something, but instead turned toward the wood under the teapot and used the rocks to light it. 
Y/n and Zuko didn’t talk much more that night.
During the next few days, they set out to work in the early afternoon and made it back by nightfall, when the shop closed. Iroh had taken over the tea making; something Pao had fought against until he tasted the uncle’s delicious cup of tea. Slowly, more and more people started to fill up the tables, just waiting for the notorious cup. Y/n didn’t mind. It only meant that she’d see more faces and meet all kinds of people (she also got a lot of tip money, but that’s beside the point). Zuko, on the other hand, only saw it as more work. 
“This is the best tea in the city!” One customer stated as he sipped Iroh’s tea.
Iroh smiled and held the pot up. “The secret ingredient...” He paused to waft the scent up into the air with his palm. “...is love.”
The uncle walked back to the main tea table where Pao was standing. Y/n bumped arms with Zuko, who had to quickly try and grasp the cups in his hands tightly so they wouldn’t fall.
“What’s with the face?” The werewolf smiled at him. “You know your Uncle is just having fun.”
The grimace from hearing Iroh’s ‘secret ingredient’ was still engraved on his face. “I know, but he’s having too much fun.”
The girl rolled her eyes. “You’re such a-”
The front doors of the tea shop burst open. Zuko instinctively dropped the porcelain cups and jumped in front of Y/n.
Standing in the doorway, Jet glared at Zuko menacingly. 
“I’m tired of waiting! These two men are firebenders!” Then, Jet pointed at Y/n. “And she’s a werewolf!”
The lunatic boy unsheathed his two swords, right in the middle of the tea shop. Y/n’s eyes widened and she shared a look with her fellow waiters. How does he know? 
Jet took a step closer to the trio. “I know what you are! I saw the old man heating his tea!”
“He works in a tea shop,” A random customer muttered bleakly. 
“And I heard her say what she was one night in their apartment!”
Y/n gasped; so that’s why nothing seemed right. The smell, someone watching them; it all must’ve been Jet. 
“Did you say you’re stalking her?” Two customers stood from their seats, both having a sword attached to their belts. They must be guards of some sort. “Drop your swords boy, nice and easy.”
However, Jet didn’t bother listening to them. “You'll have to defend yourself. Then everyone will know. Go ahead, show them what you can do.”
“You want a show? I’ll give you a show.” Zuko growled. 
Y/n reached out to stop him, to tell him to let the police handle it, but the boy already walked toward one of the standing customers. Zuko grabbed their swords and clashed them against each other, signalling the start of the battle. 
The werewolf ran toward Iroh and clung to his arm, scared of what was going to happen next. She shouldn’t interfere; she could get badly hurt from their swords and she shouldn’t reveal her identity. The safest bet would be to watch from afar and hope that Zuko made it out of this okay. 
Zuko had kicked a table at Jet, but he sliced it in half and pushed it to the side. He charges at Zuko, who dodges the attack by jumping onto a nearby table.
Y/n sees a family near the side and runs over to grasp onto the mother’s hand. The woman looks at her in fear before relaxing. The werewolf slowly guides her and her children around the battle between the boys; using her instincts to guess their next moves. Eventually, they all make it outside and the mom lets out a shaky breath.
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” The mother says in relief, her children clinging to her legs in fear. 
“Your welcome, just try to get away before-”
She was interrupted by the thing she tried to mention; both boys jumping through the tea shop doors and out into the open street.
The family ran away to safety as Y/n turned to see what was happening. Iroh and the rest of the customers joined her to watch the outcome of the fight.
“Please, you’re confused! You don’t know what you’re doing!” Zuko’s Uncle shouted in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. 
Instead, they just kept fighting. 
They swung their swords at each other, never quite hitting, only getting close enough to be parried. The closest Zuko got to Jet was when he swung at his head, only for Jet to bend backward, the tip of the sword inches from his face. Jet jumped backward to a platform and stood on top of it. 
“See that?” Jet yelled out to the audience that had formed. “The Fire Nation is trying to silence me! But that’ll never happen.” 
Jet jumped back into the fight and they repeated a lot of what they were doing before. It was odd to Y/n, but it almost seemed like Zuko was... holding back? Jet’s techniques were good, but definitely not the best, so there’s no way Zuko could lose. Maybe he was just waiting until the crazy boy gave up.
Something that also stood out was the taboo around the Fire Nation. All of this was because her two friends were Firebenders? Why? After all of this cools down, she was definitely going to get some answers. 
Iroh grabbed onto Y/n’s shoulder and gently steered her to the right. She looked to see why and saw two men with hats parting the group. They both were decked out in green and had a circle across their chest. 
“Drop your weapons.” One stated authoritatively. They must’ve been some high-ranking police men. 
Zuko and Jet stepped away from each other and lowered their swords. Still, however, Jet didn’t settle down. 
“Arrest them!” He yelled. “Those two are Firebenders and she’s a Werewolf!”
Okay, this is getting a little annoying...
What’s so wrong with werewolves, anyway? These people don’t even think they’re real. 
Y/n was pouting, she knows she was. Iroh looked at her with an amused look before returning to the scene.  
“This boy is confused!” Iroh explained to the police. “We’re just simple refugees!” 
He was playing a pretty convincing part, so Y/n decided to join in. 
“Yeah, and he watched me while I was in the privacy of my own home!” 
“This young man wrecked my tea shop, and assaulted my employees!” Pao defended from behind them. 
One of the customers from before spoke out as well. “It's true, sir. We saw the whole thing. This crazy kid attacked the finest tea maker in the city.”
While Iroh blushed and thanked the man, the two police men walked up to Jet and arrested him. The boy struggled at first, but they put him in handcuffs to still his movements. They took him away and the crowd slowly dispersed. 
There were so many people walking around that Y/n didn’t see Zuko at first. She left go of Iroh to pushed past the group toward the spot he was before, but came up empty handed. Then she looked off to the side and saw him as he returned his two swords to the customers that he took it from. 
“Zu- err, Lee!”
Zuko turned around confused, but let out a small ‘oof’ as Y/n jumped at him and wrapped him in a tight hug. He couldn’t even process what was happening before she mumbling into his chest. Y/n didn’t even fully understand what she was saying; only snippets of how worried she was peeked through.
Her mind was jumbled again, just as it had been a couple nights ago. After Jet had gotten arrested, the reality of it all set into her. Jet had actually followed them for who knows how long, listening to every conversation and watching every movement they took. Iroh and Zuko were in real trouble for a moment; she didn’t know why Fire Benders were so bad, but it was enough to get arrested for. And then her... what if she had been alone? Would Jet have ambushed her? Would she have defended herself? What about Iroh; would he? Would Zuko, if there was no weapons around?
Everything was so complicated, so overwhelming, that she didn’t even know that she was crying. It wasn’t until Zuko wrapped her arms around her that she became aware of her surrounding and felt the wetness on her face.
And so they just stood for a moment, wrapped up in each other’s arms as the girl’s sobs rang out into the night.
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The final chapter! I’m on fanfiction.net (same user name) if interested in following more of my stories!
Katara's deep sleep was interrupted by a pounding headache. Every thump of blood in her skull elicited a groan from the waterbender. She grimaced at the bright light illuminating her bedroom. She didn't know where Aang was, how long she'd slept, or if it was morning or afternoon. All she knew was that she felt terrible and dehydrated. A groan emitted from her throat at the sight of the empty water glass on their bedside table.
Every muscle in her body ached as she willed herself to sit up. With what seemed like an hour, she finally trudged into their living room. Everything was quiet and still, an unusual sight for a house full of children. "They must be a school, this could be the afternoon," she thought. As Katara sluggishly walked through the living room, memories came flooding back to her mind in waves. She remembered the excitement she felt when she saw her son's letter but also the pang in her heart as she read it.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm having a great time at the South Pole! In my training with Aunt Suki, I even came close to beating her a few times! She says she misses you both and hopes to see you when she's in Republic City next week with Uncle Sokka for the Council meeting. Uncle Sokka said to tell Dad "Miss ya buddy" and Mom to "stay out of trouble little sis" but I can tell he misses you by asking a lot of questions every hour about you. Granddad sends his love and wants to stay with you for a little bit in the next month or so. He said you'd appreciate the help, whatever that means.
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that ice dodging was awesome! I wish you both could've been there, but I know you have Tenzin and Kya, and the whole "saving the world" thing. Granddad gave me the Mark of the Wise, just like Uncle Sokka got! I also accepted Aunt Suki's offer to stay here and train with her and Uncle Sokka. They said I had to tell you about it first. I need to travel and Uncle Sokka said I can go with them on trips. I love you both so much, but I need to do this for me. Please don't be mad. Tell Tenzin and Kya they better not touch any of my stuff!
Hope you can visit soon,
She glanced at her reflection in the mirror in the bathroom. Her eyes were red and painful from crying herself to sleep. Her hair was in a messy plait and her face was puffy. Sighing while turning away to continue to the kitchen, she heard the front door of their home open. She turned around with a smile hoping she would find her eldest back home. Her smile faltered at the missing hole in the family walking towards her. Her husband, Tenzin, and Kya all in tow, but no Bumi.
She forced another smile so as to not make her family feel bad, peppering them with loud animated kisses on their cheeks. Her kiss on her husband's lips lingered for a few moments before she broke away. Aang asked, "Kids, why don't you go to your rooms and get changed out of your school clothes?" Kya looked like she was going to object when her younger brother stood his ground. "Kya, come on! I'll let you freeze me later." Kya couldn't turn down a chance to immobilize her dorky brother and ran to her room with Tenzin following. Aang failed to squelch a quiet laugh at Tenzin taking the role of the stern, older brother. His happiness was quickly replaced with a frown as he looked at his wife.
He placed a soft yet firm hand on his wife's waist, securing her in a safe embrace. "I know, I miss him too." At that moment, Katara looked up to her husband with a scowl. He was initially hopeful which swiftly changed to apprehension. It mustered all of her strength not to let their children hear her upset, "If you miss him so much, why didn't you try to do anything to stop him? He's only fourteen, he can't just think staying somewhere and sending a letter is okay!" Aang sighed, "Katara, first of all, it's not fair to say I don't miss him. I've been thinking about him constantly. But you can't honestly say you're surprised. Personality wise, he's the most Air Nomad out of the three of them. He never wanted to sit still or be in one place for too long. You know his boundless energy needs to be focused and this will help." He looked over to the rigid waterbender to wait for a reply. After a few moments of silence, he continued while trying to remain calm, "Also, he's a man in the eyes of the Water Tribe, Katara. He's finished school and doesn't really have anything tying him here. He's as old as you were when you left home and thankfully there's not a war going on. He'll be with Sokka and Suki and your Dad. He'll be fine. Just because I understand him, doesn't mean I don't miss him any less than you do."
Katara felt another twinge go through her heart. The memory of the time she angrily told Sokka he didn't miss their mom as much as she did appeared in her mind. Never in her life had she wanted to take anything back as much as that. Her scowl turned into a frown. Her eyes remained glossed over and filled with sadness. She abruptly threw her arms around Aang and hugged him close. He jumped at the contact, not expecting the embrace but loved her touch all the same. She spoke in a whisper, "I'm so...sorry Aang. I know you miss him, of course you do. I'm just hurt and I feel like I failed." Aang released from the hug to look at his beautiful wife. "Failed? What makes you say that?", he asked. She met his eyes and sighed, "Uh, it's not exactly a good sign when your kid leaves home and only sends a note telling you they're not coming back. Somewhere I think I messed up as a parent. No one in the South Pole left except for war. Even then, I couldn't get over my Dad leaving. It felt like he didn't care, like he didn't love us. I needed him…" She wobbled as she sat down on the couch. Aang sat next to her and nodded for her to continue.
"I think that just like Dad, some part of me needs Bumi. He's our first child. He was the reason I became 'Mom' and barely hear 'Katara' anymore," she laughed, "He needed me for so long and now there's an emptiness inside," she sniffled as tears began to fall from her eyes. "He doesn't need me now. And it's only a matter of time before there are no more kids here. You know Kya is such a nomad, she'll be gone when she can, too. Tenzin is more similar to me but I know he'll want to live at a Temple and I won't be ready for that."
She rubbed her dry lips together as she looked over at Aang. Taking notice of how he has become this handsome husband and father. So many times growing up she was his rock, his constant. However, since having children, she finds herself needing the unwavering comfort more than ever. Her eyes travelled over his chiseled features and a beard where his baby face once was. She watched her husband move for the first time in several minutes. Aang bended water from the large pouch in the kitchen and poured it into a glass on the table. He handed the glass to her without taking his eyes off her.
Katara gulped the water graciously. Aang placed both of his hands on her free hand. "You will always be 'Katara' to me. 'Mom' is who you are, yes, but you're still the greatest Master Waterbender on Earth. You're one of the best fighters I have ever seen. You're a sister, a daughter, a healer, and the love of my life. You're my best friend." After finishing the water, she blushed while a smile formed on her face. He loved that after 25 years together, he could still make her blush. "Remember when Guru Pathik was teaching me to let go of my earthly attachment to master the Avatar State? As you know, I didn't want to let go of you because I didn't understand how I could ever let go of you." Katara nodded in agreement and looked at Aang to continue.
"I came to learn years later that what I thought had been all wrong. He wasn't saying to not have attachments to people, but instead to understand how attachment can hinder our growth if we let it consume us. Everything and everyone is connected. Just because Bumi is not here, doesn't mean he doesn't love or need you. You will always be a mom, even when our kids don't live here anymore. Know that you will be forever connected with them and with me. Love can transcend lifetimes." Katara rested her head on Aang's shoulder as he stroked her hair. They rested in silence for a few minutes before Katara asked, "Do you think I'll see you in the next lifetime? Are we destined to find each other over and over again?"
Aang kissed her forehead and replied, "Yes, I do. I know we are connected by fate. Like I said before, I will always find you, no matter where you are. Whether it's in this lifetime or the next." The couple smiled as they breathed into each other slowly and deeply. "But how do you know for certain, oh, wise, Avatar?", she joked. His gray eyes became serious as they met her cerulean eyes, "Well, Gyasto was one of Avatar Roku's best friends. I don't think it was a coincidence that Gyatso and I became very close. I felt like I knew him way before I knew anything about their friendship. The invisible strings that tie us all I guess," he said with a chuckle. She kissed her husband softly on the cheek and leaned back to absorb this moment completely. "You better find me in the next lifetime, Aang. I'll be waiting, just like I was 26 years ago."
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merakiaes · 5 years
Oblivious - Sokka
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Pairing: Sokka x reader
Requested: Yes.
Prompts: #12 from the kiss-list.
Warnings/notes: Some Sokka for anon! I hope this is what you wanted, if not, feel free to request something else! I haven’t read through it so sorry if there’s any mistakes. Hope  you like it!
Wordcount: 2492
Summary: You have to kiss Sokka in order to stay hidden from firebenders. 
”Okay, so I know your favorite color, your favorite food, and even your favorite water bending technique. Now, it’s time to move on to the real questions.”
You gave Katara a hesitant smile as she grinned evilly at you while rubbing her hands together, looking more like a crazy lunatic than the evil person she was probably trying to resemble. But nonetheless, it got your heart beating with anxiety and anticipation.
“I’m a bit scared.” You admitted with a nervous chuckle, watching as she leaned closer to you.
She looked at you for a moment without saying a word, keeping the tension thick in the air, until she finally spoke. “Have you ever kissed anyone?”
You let out a breath you hadn’t even known you were holding at the question, relaxing as it wasn’t at all what you expected. Sometimes, you forgot that the girl was one and a half years younger than you and probably wouldn’t ask the same brutal questions the other girls your age had back in your little village in the South.
You crossed your legs where you sat in Appa’s saddle, the anxiety fading away and a smile rising to your lips as you nodded. “I have, yeah.”
“Really?! I didn’t know.” Katara widened her eyes, moving closer to you. “How was it? What was it like?”
You raised an eyebrow at her. “Hey, now. One question each, you already asked one.”
“Come on.” She whined. “Please, I really want to hear about it.”
You scanned her big, pleading eyes and pouty lips for a moment. Sometimes you really had to remind yourself about the fact that she, despite only being a little younger than you, was still a child who got exited about love and boys, something you hadn’t since you had begun your journey with the Avatar.
Sighing after a moment of silence, you gave in. “Alright, alright.”
Katara’s whole face lit up with a bright smile and you couldn’t help but smile back. “Who was it? Was it someone I know? Was it… You-know-who?” She asked excitedly, her voice fading into a whisper at the end.
But Sokka, who sat off to the side, caught it anyways, his head turning slightly in your direction to be able to catch the rest of the conversation.
“Unfortunately, no.” You chuckled. “It was Kallik.”
As if it was even possible, Katara’s eyes widened even more at that, her mouth hanging open in shock. “Kallik? Sokka’s sworn enemy Kallik?”
Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest. “Oh, please. They weren’t enemies. They both just had huge egos and felt the need to compete about the top spot.”
“You’re probably right.” She agreed, a frown coming to rest on her face. “But how come you had your first kiss with him and not, you-know-who?”
You huffed out, leaning backwards against the saddle with slumped shoulders, hand picking on the fabric of your pants angrily. “You know how he was. Too oblivious for his own good.” You paused. “But anyways, I guess it could’ve been worse. I mean, he wasn’t… you-know-who, but he wasn’t all too shabby looking. I guess he was as good as anyone to have my first kiss with. And second, and third.”
“You kissed him several times?!” Katara exclaimed, successfully waking Momo up from his slumber where he rested in her lap. But the girl seemed far to fascinated to even notice the animal kicking to life in her embrace. “Did you, you know, do it with tongue and everything?”
“Sure.” You shrugged.
“How did it feel?”
You admired the way Katara still had enough youth left in her to get excited about small things like this, but you couldn’t help but wrinkle your nose as you thought back to the late night in the South Pole that you and Kallik had spent messing around.
You thought for a moment, not being able to find the right word to describe it at first, but soon speaking out. “Wet.”
Katara’s eyebrows furrowed together at that, her nose wrinkling up just like yours at the thought. “Wet?”
“Yeah.” You laughed, giving her a teasing grin. “He might have looked good, but he wasn’t a very good kisser.”
Katara laughed, you following her lead, her happiness just being so contagious. “I can’t believe we’ve lived in the same village with the same people all our lives and haven’t ever thought about getting to know each other like this before.”
“Yeah.” You agreed. “It’s nice to be able to talk about something other than Firelord Ozai, for a change.”
Katara smiled. “So, did you break up with Kallik?”
You nodded. “Yeah, but I’m not sure he got the hint. He’s with your dad and his fleet, and it makes me want to hit my head into a big rock when thinking about the fact that I’ll probably see him sooner or later.”
“Do you think he’s going to try to kiss you?” Katara giggled.
You rolled your eyes at her words. “Wouldn’t surprise me if he did.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be so sure.” Sokka’s voice joined your conversation suddenly, causing you to whip your heads around to look at him. “Maybe it was you who was the bad kisser and you just don’t want to admit it.”
“Sokka!” Katara glared at her brother, bending out a small whip of water from her water bottle and hitting it to his arm.
Sokka shifted back in his seat, eyes wide and glaring at his sister while holding his arm. “What?! I’m just saying!”
“At least I’ve had a kiss.” You glared at Sokka.
He turned his head to look at you, eyes narrowed into slits and arms coming to cross over his chest. “I’ve kissed someone!”
“No, you haven’t!” Katara was quick to call out, siding with you.
“Have too!” Sokka shrieked out, obviously offended by the whole situation, even though he had started it himself.
“Oh, yeah?” Katara crossed her arms over her chest. “With who?”
Sokka’s glare suddenly fell, his cheeks tinting red. “With, uh… with- with-“
Katara smirked. “That’s what I thought. You’re just jealous that (Y/N) has kissed someone and you haven’t.”
You offered him a teasing smile. “Don’t worry Sokka, I can sacrifice myself for the greater good of your kiss-virginity, if you’d like. Proving to you that I’m not a bad kisser would just be a bonus.”
Sokka’s face turned a scarlet red at that, instantly putting on a defensive guard and scoffing. “Please, don’t flatter yourself. As if I’d ever want to kiss you. That would be like kissing Katara, disgusting.”
Although you would never admit it, his words stung, and had you up on your feet in a second as Appa finally landed after two whole days of flying. “You’re not the most appealing person in the world, yourself.” You scoffed back, moving to the edge of the saddle while looking to Katara. “I’m going to take a look around, yell for me if you’re in danger.”
You reached the edge of the saddle, just where Sokka was now standing, and pushed him to the side while muttering a sour “Move.”
Sokka stumbled to the side at the force, his eyes widening as he watched you walk away from them and into the trees. Turning to his sister, he threw out his arms. “What’s her problem? Was it something I said?”
“You’re so oblivious.” Katara scoffed, getting up and walking after you, leaving Sokka with Aang, the latter coming up to the former just then with a confused look on his face.
“I heard you guys bickering back there, what happened?”
“I have no idea.” Sokka rubbed the back of his neck, looking into the woods where you had disappeared, before stopping his movements short as he thought, eyes narrowing in realization. “Wait a minute, oblivious…”
Sokka shot forward suddenly, almost knocking Aang over in the process as he jumped off the flying bison, running in the direction you and Katara had gone while yelling. “Katara! Come back here! Who did (Y/N) have a crush at back home? Katara!”
“(Y/N)!” Katara’s voice yelled, pulling your attention away from the necklaces you were currently looking at.
The two of you had stumbled upon a small town when trekking thorough the woods in search of food, all while talking about her idiot brother, whom, unfortunately, held your heart and didn’t even know it.
Aang and Sokka had found you a few minutes later, and you had been spending the afternoon peacefully in the town, buying food and looking around; having fun.
But of course, said fun had been cut short as a shop-owner had recognized your faces on a wanted poster and alerted some Fire Nation guards nearby, leaving you to, once again, run for your lives.
“(Y/N)!” Katara yelled again, as she ran towards you braids flying in the wind. You instantly sprung into action, taking her arm once she was close enough and dragging her along with you as Aang fought off the majority of the guards with his airbending.
You didn’t know when or where exactly you had lost Katara and picked up her brother instead, but soon enough, it was you and Sokka who was running away from five of the dozens of firebenders, taking turns left and right into different alleys to shake them off, but with no success.
“Come on, Sokka! Run faster!” You yelled as you took another left turn, casting a look over your shoulder to loo at Sokka who was falling behind more and more.
“We’ve been running for the past fifteen minutes, I’m running as fast as I can!” He yelled back, arms and legs pumping harder.
“Well, it’s not fast enough!” You glared as you took a right. “They’ll catch up to us any second now!”
You made it back onto the town square then, and in the distance, you could barely make out blasts of fire and air battling behind a few of the houses. Without thinking twice about it, you reached back and grabbed a hold of Sokka’s hand, pulling him along through the crowd.
You reached your other hand out and grabbed a blue shawl from a mannequin before the shop owner could see, and rushed for the closest wall.
Your heart was beating fast and hard in your chest, your lungs breathing heavily form the intense workout and with anxiety for what you were about to do.
As you stopped by the wall, Sokka kept running as he hadn’t noticed your halt in movements, only to be tugged back from still having his hand firmly clasped in your. He whipped around to look at you, eyes wide with bewilderment and arm flailing.
“What are you doing?! They just got out from the alley!” He yelled out.
But you only breathed, taking a hold of the front of his shirt and roughly shoving him against the wall, figuring he wouldn’t have moved otherwise. “Just trust me.” You said as you held him in place all while wrapping the big shawl around your shoulders to hide your clothes, before hurrying to press your lips to Sokka’s, pressing your body against his to hide his, clothes as well.
Sokka made a sound of surprise, his arms flailing around briefly. Not having enough time to wait for him to regain his composure, you quickly took matters into your own hands and grabbed his wrists, positioning his arms around your waist and then placing your own behind his neck.
Just then, you heard the guards come out of the crowd, and you could only hope to God that they would be stupid enough to fall for your plan. And much to your relief, they ran straight past you, weapons raised and ready to attack.
“I saw them run this way, they must have gotten ahead! Come on, we can’t let them get away!” One of the firebenders yelled as they passed you, and just like that, they were gone, disappearing down another alley.
You breathed out through your nose in relief before moving to break apart from Sokka, but much to your surprise and without you even realizing it, he had started to kiss back and was now squeezing your hips tightly, stopping you from getting anywhere.
You found yourself melting into the feeling for a moment, before you managed to shake yourself back to reality, slapping Sokka’s chest lightly and mumbling against his lips. “They’re gone now, you can let go.”
The sound of your voice seemed to make something snap inside of him, as he instantly let you go and pulled his lips away from yours. Catching sight of his face, you noticed the intense red quickly rising up his neck and to his face.
“That was…” Sokka mumbled out in a flustered state, seeming to be a bit out of it. “That was…”
“A good get-away. Public display of affection makes people very uncomfortable; they didn’t even look our way.” You answered for him, taking a step back and looking around.
“Hey, so…” Sokka spoke again, pulling your attention back to him just to catch him rubbing his neck, his eyes squinted as he smiled a flustered smile, his cheeks a bright red. “About you-know-who… is it someone I know?”
You shook your head with an amused smile. “You’re an idiot, Sokka. Too damn oblivious for your own good.”
Sokka chuckled nervously. “Well, maybe we could do it again sometime. I mean, if we ever find ourselves in danger again, or just, you know-“
“Are you kidding me?” You asked, interrupting him with narrowed eyes. “This was a onetime occurrence, Sokka. It was like kissing Katara, as if I’d put myself through that again? Disgusting.”
Sokka’s face fell at your words, and you had to resist the urge to laugh out loud at the way his shoulders slumped with defeat.
And then you flashed him a smug smile, reaching your hands up to grab his face and pulling him in for another long kiss. When you broke away, Sokka’s eyes were wide open and staring at nothing, not even getting the time to progress what just happened before it was over again.
You patted his cheek with a teasing smile. “Let’s go help Aang and Katara.” And with that, you were off, allowing Sokka to shake himself free of his trance, the blush already dusting his cheeks becoming even brighter as he stared after you.
Momo came up to him them, landing on his shoulder. He turned to the small animal with a sigh, mumbling out a quiet and defeated; “I don’t understand girls”, as he started walking in the direction you had gone off to, a mixture of amazement and confusion clouding his mind and having him distracted for the rest of the week until he finally gathered up the courage to kiss you again, officially taking your relationship to a new level and sealing your fate together.
Tagged: @edarene @nekodemon73
(If you want to be tagged, send me a message with the character and/or fandom you want to be tagged for)
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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power S01E02 - The Sword Part 2
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I assume this is going to directly continue last episode so there's not a lot to speculate about. I want answers and lore and that's it! Let's do this!
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...I completely forgot OP songs were a thing and this just hit in me in the face.
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Glimmer is such a happy marshmallow. Maybe I was wrong and she isn't going to resent Adora?
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The song just won me over
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Hello, the crab woman is new.
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That's a _lot_ of characters. Also, I feel like I should have waited until next episode to watch the opening but oh well.
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So the monsters have to obey or at least respect She-Ra. Maybe the monsters are somehow linked to the "First Ones"?
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She's still Adora! Where does the name She-Ra come from, then?
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I definitely paused in the wrong place for the previous screenshot. This one conveys "yup, this is Adora" much, much better.
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I wish I could record a video with sound because the way she said "contagious" is amazing. Also, would that make princess-hood an STD? Sword-transmitted disease? * gunfingers *
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The VAs are absolutely amazing and I love them all.
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"Never mind what I just said, please do it again"
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There you go. I can't believe I misjudged Bow so much, he's the smartest one in the group.
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And all thoughts of keeping Adora as a prisoner just went * poof *
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Glimmer is just "yup, that's Bow alright"
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Can Adora read it because it's Horde-language or is it related somehow to the sword?
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Okay then, it's because of the sword.
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So, why is Adora instantly jumping to the conclusion that she's a Princess now? Are Princesses the only ones with powers so "weird power = princess"?
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The voice acting is so good and on another level compared to the animation.
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I can't believe how much charm this show oozes. It's funny, has heart, the characters are great. How did I miss it until now?
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Can't wait until they come back to kill them all as spacefaring species tend to do when they return to the places where they seeded life.
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In any other show I'd start suspecting that the Horde are somehow the direct descendants of the First Ones. In this one I'm not sure, mostly because it's been so direct so far.
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So, Princesses have to recharge their powers. Is Adora's sword different? She-Ra having a time limit could work as as a tension builder in the future.
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It has to be very weird to see your enemy in a thousand-year old mural.
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Apparently Bow is scared of strong women.
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I'm really curious if this is a real language or not. It's so alien that I want it to be real.
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Welp, they are all going to die.
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It speaks a lot of Glimmer's character that even though she really distrusts Adora (to the point she refused to give her sword even though it could have helped,) she saved her anyway.
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How do these hawkeye types even know which arrow they have to pick anyway? "Oh no, that was one of the ones I use to send mess– * splat *
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They are setting up limits really early, which makes me think they are going to be important later on.
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She's just a very earnest prisoner okay?
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Oof. She was so so close to empathizing. I'm glad Adora's reasoning is out, it makes a lot of sense that she'd want to know, especially when there are weird things happening to her.
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I don't like this. Nope. Not at all.
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The animation may be simple but the facial expressions are on point.
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"what... is... a party?"
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I keep saying it but I really didn't expect the show to be so funny.
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Love for food is universal, it even melted Glimmer's heart a little.
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Do Horde soldiers subsist on soylent and water?
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Such a giant dork
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Look at her, she's so proud!
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I'm running out of ways to write about how funny this show is. It almost feels like it's _too_ funny so something bad is going to happen soon. Maybe a Horde attack to really show Adora what is going on? With Catra, just to make it worse.
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oh no
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Oh no. Wow. That's like the worst possible thing Catra would say. Not because it's wrong, but because it's going to make Adora's "betrayal" so much worse.
I've been trying to figure out why would Catra be so prominently "the enemy" when they seem to be such good friends. She was afraid of Shadow Weaver but I'm not sure that'd be enough to make her fight Catra. But this? Adora choosing not only to protect other people but to do it knowing it'll screw up everything Catra seems to have been working towards? That would definitely do it.
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"You're going to throw _me_ away for them?"
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You may be right but this is like the worst possible moment to give up. Have a freakout later, survive now.
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This is so good. Glimmer's change of mind was all through facial expressions earlier on, seeing how earnest Adora was while enjoying the party. There's no need to explain her reasoning because we already saw it.
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I can't tell if she's sincere or sarcastic.
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Why is this deep emotional moment so funny
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The face says anger but the voice says concern. I love the inner conflict here.
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Oh. So She-Ra is a known legend, or at least Glimmer knows about it.
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Leaps of faith are my one weakness.
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oh no what's wrong with your eye, go back go back
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Now I'm back to not being sure if She-Ra is the same person as Adora. How did she know she could do this? Although, if she's a magical girl maybe that just comes with the costume? Wait, if she _is_ a magical girl, where's the talking pet?
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Maybe it's like the avatar state so it is Adora but _more_
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And there's the panic attack I was waiting for.
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Imagine getting back to your town after hiding from the horde in the forest for days. Your house is destroyed, one of your sons still hasn't returned. And, to make it even worse, someone stole your horse.
I'm very, very surprised at how much I love this show already. It's funny, has a lot of heart, the characters have so much potential. It may be because I spent a lot of time crying due to Gravity Falls recently, but I feel healed.
Other than general gushing, I don't have a lot to write that I didn't do already while I was watching the episode. It was the payoff for most of the set up of last episode so there wasn't anything too surprising or new, other than Adora somehow knowing the "First Ones" language.
I think I was completely off base thinking Glimmer would resent Adora. It may still happen, there was a bit of a hint when she was trying to use the sword, but the leap of faith she took this episode to trust Adora? So, so good.
My main question for next episode is... is everyone in Bright Moon going to be so open about receiving a former Horde member and apparently superhero? I can't wait to watch next episode so, until next time!
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mizu-writes-kumo · 5 years
Hi! I love all your Shance fics! If it's not too late, could you do a Last Airbender AU where Lance is a Northern Waterbender and Shiro is trying to make a betrothal necklace for him?
Thank you so much! Also I love this prompt! There is very little Lance actually in the fic…but you’ll see why. Also not in the ask, but I made Lance the Avatar, because I wanted to and I love that AU. Oh and Shiro is an airbender, because again, I love that idea.
You can also read it here on AO3
Shiro didn’t think it would be so hard to ask Lance to marry him.
Okay, we’ll he pictured it being hard, but because of stuff that was to do with general nerves about find the right place and the right words.  Maybe a little fear of rejection. Not that he thought Lance would ever really tell him ‘no’, but still .  Like normal people have all the time, just maybe ten times more…because well Lance is Lance, and amazing.
And totally also the Avatar .
But that was something of a mostly minor thing in regards to Shiro asking for his hand.  
Well, minor in terms of the dynamics of their relationship.  It was just a fact of who Lance was, not the deciding name and title everyone else made it out to be.  And it was such a freeing thing for Lance.
Shiro had finally worked it all out.
They were visiting Lance’s home in the Northern Water Tribe. Taking some time off from keeping the peace in the words, about a good week.  So Lance could get some needed rest and see his family. And show Shiro all the things of his culture.
Which Shiro admittedly knew enough of already.  He was after all a well traveled airbender. Who had been to both North and South Poles and knew enough customs and ways of of life to get by.  But Lance was so excited about the idea of showing Shiro around his home. And after the month of political confrontations and stand offs they had face, well, Lance deserved to be humored.  
And Shiro worked out how to put the icing on the cake.
But then he had to go at tell Princess Allura his plan for the proposal.  
She beamed in excitement at the idea.  Eyes sparkling and smile bright. Offering to help where she could with any arrangements and things Shiro might need to make things happen.  Wanting to make everything perfect for her friends.
And then she had to blow a big hole in things.
“Oh can I see the betrothal necklace you plan to give him?”  She asked excitedly and expectedly.
And Shiro’s heart just sank.
Because he didn’t have that!  Was he supposed to have that?!  He didn’t know he was suppose to make something for Lance.  People in the Air Nomads just asked each other, and kind just got married to each other.  He thought he would be good like that. And he was sure that’s how people in other nations became engaged.  He never really paid that close attention to things.
No one told Shiro he needed to do anything other that ask.  
Allura had frowned disapprovingly, but she didn’t blame him.  Rather helpfully pointing him in the right directions of some shops that would have more than things he needed.  And more than inform for Shiro of the process.
Which had led Shiro to where he was now.
Alone in the room Lance and him shared in the Northern Water Tribe Palaces.  
Staring at the simple disk he bought with no idea what to even do.
It didn’t help that the shop owner of the place he bought it from glared at him when he decided on getting it.  That might have been because it was in the discount basket. And everyone knows who Avatar Lance is dating by name and appearance.  So they probably that he was being cheap or picking something horrible.  
Because apparently it was made of blackened whale teeth.  Which was both apparently very hard to carve (something Shiro had no skill in anyway), and just sort of a leftover piece no one really wanted.  No one used it to make anything really.
But there had been something about it that called to Shiro.
Shiro had been through enough with Lance to more than trust a pull to something.  Don’t question it, don’t trying to explain it, just accept.
It was how the meet in a way.
Shiro decides to rest in an inn, for no practically reason other than a feeling to stop.  Stop for the night and just relax with a good meal. Much to Keith’s bemoaning. But a rain storm hit, and Lance seemed to wash up with Hunk at some point.  Were short just a coin for the night. Shiro was happy to cover, because it was the nice thing to do, but again there had been a pull that has Shiro grabbing a handful of coins before leaving the room.  
The rest was kind of history from there.
And, besides, it wasn’t like Shiro got everything out the discount basket.  
He bought a very nice silk ribbon that was the same color as Lances eyes.  And fine silver clasps for the pendant he would make, and for the back. As well as the finest quality tools he could get his hands on.  As well as lovely box to keep the necklace in when he presented it to Lance.
So he wasn’t being cheap or anything.
However, now Shiro had no idea what to carve.  
Allura had explained usually people did something that was important to them.  Others just did interesting designs, or a favorite animal of their betrothed. There wasn’t really a rule on what to crave, well aside form it the carving had to be done the one presenting the necklace.  But skill really had nothing to do with it. The effort put in was symbol enough of the love and dedication.
Which left Shiro with no idea what to do.
And the longer he had no idea what to do, the sooner Lance was going to return from his day out with Allura.
Maybe Shiro was in over his head.
Lance would totally understand if he didn’t really have anything.  
Air Nomads don’t really cling to things.  So culturally it made since for Shiro to give him nothing.  But the betrothal necklace was part of Lance’s culture. He no doubt grew up expecting one to surface at some point in his life. Either being presented to him, or him giving it to someone.  And Lance and Shiro were a relationship of two parts, that shared everything they had with each other. So…
But Lance would understand the effort Shiro tried to put in, even if he came out with nothing….right?
Shiro groaned and he flopped back against the floor.
Why was this so hard?!
Shiro would do anything to give Lance the stars in the sky any given day, yet a simple necklace felt like the more impossible task.
The stars in the sky…
That’s a good idea.
Shiro pushed himself back up to sit up and grabbed a tool and got to work.
AN:I was going to write Shiro actually asking, but I didn’t like how it was turning out. So I got rid of it. But if anyone is wondering it happened under an aurora borealis and it was soft and sweet. And totally not what Shiro had originally, but Lance loved it so much. And he cared stars into the necklace, and filled it with like a white resin.
Again, tumblr got rid of italics, but I am too lazy to put them back in.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 years
Swift As Karma (Part 39)
Azula cringed in her grasp, unsure of how to take such a boldly affectionate gesture. She wondered if she should return it, but she felt all too awkward to do so. So she just sat still until Katara loosened her hold. 
“Too much?” Katara asked, flushing. 
Azula nodded. Far too soon, she thought. Frankly, TyLee was the only person who she was accustomed to receiving that kind of affection from. And now the girl was gone. Gone and Azula was left in the company of only former enemies. Of people she was still only just getting used to. It left her on edge and perhaps even a little afraid.  With TyLee around, at least she had one ally if things went wrong. Now, she had only herself. 
“Sorry.” Katara mumbled. 
Azula shrugged. “It’s fine.” She added after a moment, deciding that it would be best to make sure that there was as little tension as possible. 
“I’m sure things will go back to normal once we defeat the Fire Lord.” Sokka threw in. 
“Aang is dead and my father won’t have me back. Normal is gone.” Azula replied. She decided that she was not a fan of change, not at all. 
“Well maybe something new will be better?” Sokka tried. 
She failed to see how her father’s resentment and the blood on her hands was better. She could see it on Katara’s face that the girl also didn’t see anything better about Aang’s demise. She got herself semi-cozy in her sleeping bag and simply muttered a, “perhaps.” 
“You can come stay by us, you know.” Toph offered. “Instead of all the way over there.” 
Azula thought for a moment, she supposed that the distance wasn’t as pleasant without TyLee there to roll over in her sleep and snuggle the former princess. She moved her sleeping bag closer to the fire and the rest of the group. She listened to them chatter for a while, stepping in once or twice if a conversation peaked her interest. Mostly though, she was running through events in her mind. Everything that had led her to where she was now. 
Every misstep and every right step. 
For her thoughts she sleeps fitfully. Especially when she thinks of her duties.
It is inevitable so she might as well stop resisting. She will fight her father, whether she lived or died in doing so didn’t really matter. Whether he lived or died, that was what mattered; his death would be profound and for the better. His life would destroy other life. 
She was going to have to kill her father and she didn’t know if she could. If killing Aang haunted her, killing her own father was going to be hell for her mind. She supposed that, that was just one more facet in the price she was going to have to pay for killing someone who didn’t deserve death. 
Part of her didn’t think she had anything to fear in that regard. She didn’t feel as though she were strong enough to even get her father into a position where she’d have the power to decide whether or not she’d kill him. Even with four elements on her side, he had the upper hand; he taught her everything she knew about firebending, he knew exactly where her weak points lie and how to exploit them. 
Azula bunched herself into a little ball.
There was one thing that he knew nothing about…
But she knew just as little. 
Her mind wandered to the upcoming invasion and she ultimately decided that she was going to have to learn. She both dreaded and knew that it would probably be a smart decision to try to make contact with the avatars again.
She decided that she would. 
She was more or less fully awake two hours later. The sky was still  an inky blue and still had a healthy glittering of stars. Azula emerged from her blankets and wandered towards the clearing. She could hear, all around her, the noise of the night; crickets and squirrel-toad varieties and the occasional bellow of a cat-owl. She wished that she could see the night sky again, it used to soothe her. 
Instead she seated herself at the center of the clearing. For a moment she only listen to the animal noises and the rippling of the nearby river. To the rustling of the leaves in the breeze. She didn’t need to, but she closed her eyes anyways. It simply felt appropriate. 
She couldn’t tell how long she’d been sitting there before she received the first tingle of a response. She had an inkling that her unease, kept her from reaching the neutral state that was needed to get to the Spirit World. And so Aang came to her. 
She could see him, actually see him. 
She could see nothing else, but at least she could see something. 
Her cheeks felt wet and she brushed the tears away with the back of her hand. 
“Hi, Azula.” Aang greeted with a smile. She didn’t think that he should be smiling at her. “Thanks for helping Katara and Sokka find their dad. I know that it bothered them a lot to be away from him.” 
Azula nodded. 
“You’re getting pretty good at earthbending. I always had a hard time with that one.” Aang smiled 
“It’s water that I have trouble with.”  Azula paused. “I should be good at it, it’s not much different from how I firebend.”
“I’m sure that you’ll get it.” 
The conversation seemed to die. She supposed that she should get to the heart of why she had initiated the discussion in the first place. “I need to learn at least a little airbending. I need to be able to get into the avatar state and control it. Hakoda and the others are planning an invasion and I need to be able to get into the avatar state when it happens.” 
“I know that feeling.” Aang laughs. “I almost learned how to control it. That was the last thing I did before…”
Azula cringed to herself. 
“I wasn’t quite able to get there though because there was no way that I was going to give up Katara!”
Azula tilted her head. 
“Yeah. I met this guru and he was teaching me all kinds of stuff about chakara and the four elements. And then he told me that I’d have to let go of any earthly attachments.” He rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t going to give Katara up.”
“Because you loved her.” Azula stated more than asked. 
“Yeah.” His expression softened. “More than anything.”
“I won’t have that problem.” Azula replied. Yet her mind wandered to TyLee. Then again, she had just let her go. “Perhaps I should talk to this guru.” 
“That might be a good idea, while they plan the invasion, you can talk to Pathik. I hope you like onions and bananas.” 
Once again she tilted her head in puzzlement. “I don’t like bananas.” She paused, twirling her bangs around her finger. “It doesn’t matter. I won’t be able to get into the avatar state, not with the others around.”  She could feel them dancing on the fringes of her mind. She feared what would happen if they began to push forward and she couldn’t say what was keeping them from doing just that. “They still want me gone.”
“They know that, that’s not good for the universe.” Aang replied. “As angry as they are, they aren’t going to sacrifice the entire world to get revenge.” 
“So they will work with me?”
“Ask them.” 
Azula’s mouth went dry. “I can’t do that, Aang.” She could already feel their resentment overwhelming her. She vividly recalled how it felt to have them turn her own chi against her and how it felt to have them cut her off from it completely. Her tummy fluttered nervously at the very prospect of inviting them to do something like that again. 
“I know you don’t trust them. And I know that they don’t trust you, but someone has to make a move.” Aang replied. “I failed as an avatar because I could never make a move.” 
“You didn’t fail as an avatar…” Azula triled off. He didn’t fail anymore than she was. “You might have been afraid, but you were a good person who wanted what was best for the world.” It was more than she could say. 
The more she thought about it, the more she realized that she was afraid herself. It wasn’t like how things were with her father. With him, she could fail and it would only put a dent in his odds at victory. A dent that he could easily repair. If she failed the invasion, it was over. 
“You ran away, but you came back.” She replied. “That’s what matters, isn’t it?” 
Aang nodded. “I guess that it is.” He trailed off. “I think that we can say the same for you, right?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve done bad things, but you want to fix them. I think that, that counts for something.” He looked at her with an aura of warmth. 
She only stared at her palms, pretending that she actually could see them. “Some things can’t be fixed.” 
“You’re right.” Aang replied. “I’m not coming back. You can’t fix that. But you can fix the things that happened after that. You can stop more things from breaking because of it.” 
Azula closed her eyes once more and inhaled. She let the mental barrier fall, fully expecting to be bombarded by angry voices and ripples of unpleasant energy. She found herself met with nothing at all. Somehow that was almost worse. To know that she wasn’t even worth wasting energy on. 
“If you want to save the world you are all going to have to work with me.” She tried to sound nonchalant. It mostly worked. They responded to her with just as much indifference, if not, more. 
She sighed audibly and buried her face in her palms in frustration. 
After a moment, she looked up again. “Can you talk to them for me?”
Aang’s expression darkened considerably. That was enough for her to know that he had already tried. “You’re the reason that they’re letting me use my chi again?” 
“Yeah…” Aang answered. 
Azula closed her eyes once more and pushed herself into a deeper sense of meditation. She needed to be fully in the Spirit Realm. With the avatars standing idle, she shed some of the fear that was tethering her spirit to her physical body. 
She allowed it to drift away. 
Drift until she felt weightless. 
Until she left her body entirely.
There was a brief window of bliss and carelessness as she transported into the Spirit Realm. And a greater window of it when she found that she could see in full. Aang was still a spectral figure, he stood upon a stoney platform that teemed with bright green vines. The sky was a deep blue and the ground beneath was lush with violet and bright purple flowers. 
She looked down at her own body; her skin was a soft warm hue. Though not elegant silks, her outfit was a deep crimson. It had a fuzzier texture. She wandered over to a small pool of water that was surrounded by a host of equally lush mangrove trees. 
She hadn’t seen her own face in so long.
It disoriented her for a morent. It was different. She didn’t know why, but she had expected to see the exact same face she always had; soft and delicate, and framed by long locks with a touch of makeup.
That wasn’t what she observed. She looked older, tired. Her face had more sharpness to it. It didn’t look as gaunt  as it had when she’d first cut her hair, neither did it look as full as before her banishment. Her hair had grown out some, but it still didn’t reach her shoulders. And she has no make up, it was strange to see herself without it. 
It was strange to see at all. 
And for that, she wasn’t picky about what she was seeing. It was just nice to see her own face at all. 
It was nice to see the blue of the sky reflecting in the water. To see a few stars and a twisting, holographic, spectral smoke in all variety of color. It danced in the sky in a Spirit World equivalent of the spectacle found in the Water Tribes.
Everything was so vibrant. She wanted to cry all over again.  
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Aang asked. “When I first came here I was in this murky swamp. It was all crumbled.” 
“I miss seeing color…” She mumbled. She took a seat and plucked one of the flowers, twirling it between her fingers and watching the purple blur with motion. “I miss seeing texture.” 
“I can imagine.” Aang replied. 
She put the flower aside. Really, she ought to stay on task. But the world around her was so enticing and so new. 
“It’s comfy here in the Spirit Realm. It makes being dead a bit easier. I miss Appa and Momo though. How are they?”
Azula thought for a minute. “I think that they’re doing alright, I don’t have the same connection you had with them.” She paused, she barely had a connection with them at all. “The bison misses you. He...tolerates me, I think.”
“Will you take care of he and Momo for me?” 
“Katara and Sokka do that.” 
“I’d like it if you did too, I can sense them when you talk to them and I think that they can sense me too.”
“I suppose that I can, if I ever get a chance.” She couldn’t imagine that she’d have the time between training sessions.
Aang beams widely, “thanks! It always makes me smile when I get to interact with Appa and Momo.” 
Azula nodded, it was the least she could do. Afterall, the former avatar had been making this as easy for her as he possibly could. He was the only one. “I should try to call them again. I’ll probably be harder to ignore when I’m standing in their territory.” A small prickle of anxiety worked its way back in.
“Yeah, just pick one and see if they respond. That’s what I always did. I talked to Roku and Yangchen the most.” 
Azula stood up and searched the treeline, she caught no presence so instead she mentally willed Roku forward. The man was a firebender. He was her great great grandfather. She supposed she’d have better odds with him. Not that she hadn’t disappointed him.
She didn’t think that he’d actually come, so she didn’t know what to say when he did. She bowed in way of a greeting and he returned it. 
“I need them to work with me, all of them.” 
Roku sighed. “Trust is earned, not given.” 
“I don’t have time to earn it.” She mumbled. “I, at least, need them to hear me out. Will you hear me out?”
“That’s what I am here to do.” Roku replied. 
“I know I’m not even supposed to be here, but I promised them...Aang’s friends that I would help them save the world. I can’t do that without the avatar state and I can’t use that if I don’t have the support of all of you. I....” she faltered. “I don’t know what to do.” 
“Keep working to earn their trust, that’s what I would do. Aang’s friends are warming up to you, that is working in your favor.” Roku said. 
“It also helps when you use your bending for good things!” Aang added. “They liked the whole Boiling Rock thing.”
Roku nodded in agreement. “That is my advice to you, actions don’t have to be profound. Little things earn trust too. So do them.”
“Appa really likes apples.” Aang noted. 
It took her a moment to realize that he was suggesting that bonding with Appa could be one such small thing. It was a fair plan, a working one really, save for that she was running out of time so fast. “I don’t think that I’ll be able to earn their trust on time.”
“You will just have to try.” Roku responded as he departed. 
Azula’s shoulder sagged in anticipated defeat. The dismal energy must have been radiating from her because Aang put a hand on her shoulder. “You’re not a bad person Azula. Not anymore. I don’t think that it will be as hard as you think it is, to earn their trust.” 
Azula shrugged. “Zuko always complained that you were an optimist…” She straightened her posture once more and decided to give it one last try. A final call to get the avatars to come forward and speak with her. 
She closed her eyes and reached out, physically and mentally. At first she felt absolutely nothing and then there was a soft swell of energy. A lot of it. It didn’t seem hostile, but it had an intimidating incredible power to it.
A spectral tentacle curled around her wrist.
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bi-dazai · 5 years
ive watched a lot of shitty things because tumblr said they were good but tbh this one takes a fairly good chunk of the cake:
Tumblr media
(because lets face it...theres plenty of cake to go around in terms of shitty things tumblr fandom geeks are into. some of you really need to get shoved into a locker. it might help your taste)
i mean. first the outright knock off lotr font and style in this screencap
okay  actually hold on...before i start complaining here’s the things i like:
- fucking ADORE king harrow. he’s hot, cheeky, and i get bi vibes. he’s actually animated a bit less jerky than the others so yeah.
- atla vas
- that first guard that appears with the californian surfer dude actor. although i like that because its on 1980s voltron lance levels of voice acting absurdity
- naruto tree running
- disney-esque water animation (im not really a big fan of disney animation style but i LOVE the way they animate water and tdp does it well)
- good range of shot movement, angle, type. also some really good different perspective play 
- using chapters instead of episodes, as in the creators’ style
heres the stuff i dont like:
1. knock off lotr font and title card (as pictured above)
2. animation is stiff and uncomfortable, and character’s faces are so smooth and lit in such a way that it just makes everything so...uncomfortable
3. it opens with a BLOCK of exposition. now, exposition isnt bad per se, and the creators’ most well-known project, atla, opened with exposition. HOWEVER, that exposition didnt fall into the category of what i call “spec lit boringness” aka naming wayyyyy too much that no one cares about. atla kept it quick, katara’s va kept it interesting, and we only learned the very basics - 1) we’re in a universe where people can “bend” one of the four ‘elements” 2) nations are split according to “benders” 3) there was unity until the fire nation attacked 4) the avatar can wield all 4 elements and is seen as the hope for the world however 5) he hasnt been seen in 100 years. within the actual script of the scene, it’s brief and interesting, exposing katara’s character as well with the way she articulates certain ideas. also, it creates an arc within the exposition, and ends with a very, very good hook in its specificity and its vagueness - it has 1) tension 2) an offered hope that tells us exactly what to look out for within the next 20 minutes or so. the dragon prince opens with a whole lotta bullshit and the hook is just “uhhhhh these two nations are about to fight there were dragons once????? um dragon prince? what’s that? we didn’t articulate it enough so you cant remember nor care. shot of lava?? boring voice actor with no emotional depth in his lines so he’s just delivering a dot point list??? yeah. anyway, here’s our knock-off lotr title screen”
4. concept of the story and the world is so mindnumbingly boring i cant even....like you dont get much more generic than this. and there’s nothing much unique in terms of the small details of the world either. i usually dont care, but for sci fi and fantasy uniqueness is actually really important. tdp has kinda interesting naming conventions? but otherwise most of the terms, architecture, scenery, maps, naming systems etc are generic 
5. music. music is lotr knock off. colour grade is lotr knockoff (when it isnt confusing and bad)
6. this is nitpicky but in the first shot of that chameleon someone turned the glow up wayyyyy too high. to the point of “owwww my eyessss”. and my screen brightness is always almost at the lowest setting, so...
7. the movement. is so. slow. hrrrrrrrg it feels like im on the fucking moon. like if you sped up an episode it would look like this
anyway watching past the first few episodes might actually bore me to tears so uhhhhhhh gonna give this one a solid 5/10.
im just like....why am i not surprised that voltron reboot fans were the ones who recommended this....
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wertdifferenz · 5 years
2/21 Crossover Avatar
„You never went penguin sliding?“ Lance asks loudly, the shock in his voice mirrored on his face. With a huff he turns back around and spurs Blue to run a bit faster. The polar bear dog barks happily before she picks up speed.
„There are no penguins in the fire nation,“ Keith points out, his face pressed into the collar of Lance‘s coat as he tries to hold on as tight as possible. He doesn‘t want to fall off Blue, and with the way she avoids some lumps of ice and holes in the snow, he wonders how he is still on her back anyway.
In the distance he can see the towers of the southern water tribe vanish behind low mountains of ice and snow. They are pretty far away by now, much further than Keith ever dared to go alone, but with Lance by his side he is not afraid.
He is excited.
Because it‘s the first time that he snuck out from his quarters in the middle of the day, only leaving Shiro a message that he can kindly stick his stupid training regimen in his butt. He hasn‘t had a free day since arriving to the south pole after all, and Keith doesn‘t think that he would have ever been granted that luxury until he has finished his training in becoming a full fledged water bender.
„I guess you are right,“ Lance answers after a few moments, his breath forming into clouds as soon as they leave his mouth. Keith doesn‘t know how Lance manages to walk around without a head or face mask, since the cold temperatures make his own skin freeze over in a matter of minutes, even during the day.
But even with the freezing wind running through his hair, Lance doesn‘t stop smiling so bright that even the sun can‘t compete with it. Keith feels his cheeks burn under the thick scarf Lance has wrapped him up with, but they are not burning from the cold.
„But they should give you a few more breaks,“ Lance continues while slowing Blue down when they are out of eyesight from the village, „since you are the Avatar.“
Lance turns in his seat again, his cheeks rosy and his hair ruffled and sticking up, the tips covered in ice and little snowflakes. His skin is glowing in the sun, and he truly looks like he belongs here, in the middle of snow, ice, glaciers and the ocean that meets the horizon in the distance.
Keith shrugs as an answer, since they had this conversation a couple of time before, never coming to a conclusion. Of course he wishes for more breaks, a little bit more time to spend with the few people he can call friends and family, but the burden of responsibilities are heavy on his shoulders, and he knows that before everything else, as the Avatar has to fulfill his duties before he can think of anything else, like hobbies, friendships, and love.
Lance leads Blue towards a big glacier in the distance. The ice looks like it tries to reach the sky, and it‘s walls reflect the sunlight with the most prettiest shades. The light plays on Lance‘s dark skin and make his eyes sparkle like waves in the blue sea.
They ride in silence, Blue‘s little huffs and her heavy steps in the snow the only sounds they hear for quite a while. Keith has no idea where they are by now, only knows that even with his bending he probably wouldn‘t be able to make it back if Lance decided to just drop him off right here.
Thankfully, he knows that Lance would never do something like that. Even though they don‘t know each other for long, Keith trusts Lance with his life, and appreciates that Lance does the same, as multiple battles have proven before. They fight a lot, and bicker whenever they feel like it, but in the end of the day, they are there for each other, no matter what happens.
Especially when Keith needs someone to sneak out with him.
Blue‘s low bark jerks him out of his thoughts. They arrived uphill from a big clearing, which is filled with black-and-white animals with four wings and cute little snouts.
„Those are otter penguins,“ Lance says before he jumps of Blue and holds out his hand to help Keith down as well.
Keith is glad that he manages not to stumble into Lance‘s chest, because his legs feel like jelly after riding for such a long time. Instead he focuses on their connected hands when Lance moves on to bring them closer to the flock of penguins.
„How are we gonna ride on them?“ Keith asks with a frown. From the distance the animals look weak and delicate, and he‘s afraid that he will crush them if he gets to close to them.
Lance seems to catch his thought, and he laughs loudly before he moves around Blue to take the bag he connected to her saddle when they left the village. He opens the bag to show Keith a bunch of dried meat and fish inside, as well as some of the seaberries they had for breakfast in the morning.
„First of all, you have to gain there trust,“ Lance explains, taking one of the fish out and waving it in the air for the penguins to see. A few seem to notice the treat, and they waddle closer without any hesitance. As soon as they reach the group, Lance bends down to give out a few snacks, before he hands Keith the bag to do the same.
The penguins avoid him for only a moment until they realize that Keith is offering food as well. Soon they surround him and greedily wait for Keith to fish out the next treat from the bag, trying to snatch it out of his hands before he can even get his hand out of the bag.
Lance is laughing beside him, probably because of the slight fear in Keith‘s eyes. The penguins are much bigger from up closer, and now Keith can see that their bodies are not as fragile as he believed them to be. They look well fed and strong enough to hold Lance and Keith on their backs without any problem.
„What is the next step?“ Keith asks when the bag is empty. They are still surrounded by penguins, even though the animals seem to mind their own business without any treat waiting for them. Keith feels a bit more comfortable now that the attention is not on him anymore.
Lance takes his gloves off and steps closer to him. Keith lets him take his hand and pull off his own gloves before Lance gently guides their hands towards the penguin right in front of them. He holds their hands still so the penguin can take in their smells, and after it deemed them friendly, it presses it‘s cold snout into their hands and demands some pats.
„Oh,“ Keith breaths out, totally mesmerized by the feeling of the cold snout in his palm and the hot hand surrounding his own. He spread his fingers and Lance intertwines them gently.
„The next step,“ Lance murmurs close to Keith‘s ear, sending shivers through his whole body and making his cheeks flame up again, „is to convince them that a ride would be fun.“
„How do we do this?“ Keith asks just as low, trying to keep his eyes on the penguin and not on the boy standing so, so close to him.
„We can‘t really convince them,“ Lance answers, stepping even closer to Keith so his chest is flush with Keith‘s back. There are several layers of clothes between them, but Keith‘s back still feels hot from the touch. „They have to be in the mood for it.“
„In the mood?“
„Yeah,“ Lance breathes right into his ear, „they have to want it.“
Keith feels like he will catch on fire every second now with the way his whole body is burning thanks to Lance. The cold snout leaves his palm, but Lance‘s hand stays where it is, fingers still intertwined and dangling between them now.
Keith watches the penguin waddle a few steps away from them, the flock splitting to give it some space. When it reaches the slope it turns a few times until it plops on his stomach and sends a look towards them.
„See, he wants it,“ Lance chuckles lowly, and he uses the hold on Keith to push him towards the penguin and onto it‘s back. He lets Keith‘s hand go give him back his glove and secure his hands on the soft fur on the penguin.
Keith misses the touch immediately, but doesn‘t pay it too much mind when Lance finds another willing penguin and takes a seat right next to him, smile still brighter than the sun and the glint of a challenge in his eyes.
„Are you ready?“ he asks teasingly, probably with another challenge on his lips but Keith doesn‘t let him get that far. With a grin Keith leans forward and feels the penguin move with him down the hill, taking off and quickly leaving Lance behind him.
„I‘m ready!“ he shouts when he is halfway down the hill, his laugh echoing between the euphoric screams of Lance behind him. It doesn‘t matter that he has no idea how to steer the penguin, or how to get off when they reach the end of the slope. He just needs to trust Lance to show him all those things later on.
Thanks for reading! If you liked it, leave a like and follow, or visit my Ko-Fi page!
Stay tuned for the rest of the Klance AU month, and make sure to support the other artists as well!
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jujywrites · 6 years
Thanks to the Sigmund Corp Discord gang for this scribble! Sometime in the distant past WaluEpsi wanted a fic where Eva has to stay over at Neil’s house and ends up in his clothes. Voila, I finally wrote a thing. set during training/college/??? days idfk
I just wanted pointless fluff but I had to add a tiny plot. W H Y
(now with Eva’s POV!)
Distant thumping filtered into Neil’s headphones. Some part of his brain registered the noise wasn’t part of the soundtrack, but it wasn’t urgent– he was two photon bombs away from beating this boss, and he’d already died five times, and it wasn’t gonna be six.
The thumps grew louder. Like door knocks? It was a freaking typhoon outside, who would be at his door in this….
“Oh, shit,” he muttered, realizing, then, “Son of a bitch!” as the momentary lapse proved fatal to his avatar. He flung the controller onto the couch and hurried over to the door.
“Eva,” he said as he opened it, “what the hell–”
Her hand was raised mid-knock, and she looked like a drowned cat except three times as pissed. She said something as she sloshed past him but the words were lost in a monstrous gust of wind.
“What?” he said, half-shouting as he struggled with the door. Finally slamming it shut, he turned around only to crack his elbow on the doorknob when Eva let loose.
“I’ve had it up to here with those sadists at the academy!” She gestured wildly while she spoke, flinging water all over the carpet. “Heaven forbid you get one minuscule insignificant detail wrong in front of Peterson, we all know that, but I swear he has it out for me, Neil. Every chance he gets he’s the one that observes me and I thought I’d learned not to let it get to me but he brought a pack of his favorite bozos to the class today and he, he,” a breath, “he destroyed me. If I were a lesser person I’d have done something to put me on janitor duty for a week. No, a month.” She made a noise somewhere between a screech and a groan, shoving her hands into her hair. “Fuck. I hate him, I hate all of them. Damn it, I’m never gonna graduate because of them! I’m good at this, I want to be an agent!”
“You’re not good,” Neil interjected, meeting her sharp shocked gaze straight on. He’d eased toward her while she ranted and now stood an arm’s length away. “You’re the best. I guarantee Peterson and his cronies are terrified of you, and it doesn’t help that he’s a jerkwad of the highest order on top of that.”
“I don’t know how to win against him.” Her voice had shrunk, same as her posture. Head bowed, her face was hidden under the waterfall of hair. “This is all I know how to do now. If, if I don’t get my certification…”
While she’d vented, part of him was worrying over what exactly he could say that might help. But the way she stood there, looking so small, made him talk without thinking. “You keep going back. Keep doing everything you know how to do. Spend more time with Roxie.” That got a snort. “Don’t give up. That’s how you win. There’s only so long Peterson can hold out against your awesomeness. And don’t forget you’ve got allies over there.” Somewhat surprised by his own speech, he hid it by crossing his arms and regarding her narrow-eyed. “But… I know you already know all that.You don’t need me of all people giving you a pep-talk, right?”
“No. I don’t need it.” She stood straighter now, and had shoved some hair out of her face. A smile reached one corner of her mouth. “It’s still nice to hear y– someone else say it.“
Mission accomplished. “Glad to help.”
“Ah, jeez, I’m getting your carpet all soggy…” She stepped back, loosing a few more droplets.
“Never mind that,” he said with a handwave, walking past her. He turned when she just stood there. “Come on, let’s concentrate on you not turning into an Evasicle.”
“What? Oh–” Laughter burst from her, bending her double for a moment (he staunchly ignored his stomach somersaulting) before she followed.
“Bathroom’s here.” He waved at the door. “Hop in the shower, warm up, everything’s there you might need except a hair dryer, sorry. I’m gonna go grab you something to wear. Just leave all your clothes outside the door and I’ll hide out in the living room.”
She blinked at him, rubbing her arms absently. “Neil, you don’t– I can just towel off– I mean it’s nice of you but–”
“No buts,” he said over his shoulder as he started down the hall. “I think your lips are turning blue.”
He was rummaging through his closet when his neurotic side realized how she could have taken that. Grabbing the first shirt he spotted (something black) to go with the sweatpants he’d retrieved, he scurried back to her hoping she hadn’t–
“You been staring at my mouth, Neil?” She was smirking and shivering at the same time so it wasn’t as effective as it might have been, and yet.
“Please,” he scoffed while his mind yelled obscenities at him. “I could tell from 10 feet away.” He pushed the clothes at her. “You might need to roll up the pant cuffs, but they should fit. My room’s down that way if they don’t, take whatever you want, now go shower before you freeze any more.”
He spun around toward the living room, but managed to raise a hand in response to her soft, “Thanks.”
Somehow, cold had settled over him too. He took a detour to the kitchen and stared confusedly at the cabinets before the brilliant idea to make hot chocolate occurred to him. Does she like marshmallows…?
He was ensconced on the couch with two mugs of cocoa on the side table next to him, controller in hand, when Eva showed up again. He heard her before he saw her.
“I’m only going to say this once, so pay attention.”
Pausing the game, he gave her a glance and did a subtle (he hoped) double-take.
She hadn’t needed to roll up the cuffs, she was barefoot, a towel encircled her head… and she was wearing his Single/Taken/Anime t-shirt.
His brain was stuck somewhere between mortification and adoration and 100% confounded by the latter.
A slow grin stretched on her face. “I approve of your sartorial taste, Watts.”
“I, uh. Thought I got a different shirt,” he mumbled, scratching at his neck.
She quirked an eyebrow and walked over. “You mean you didn’t do this on purpose? Huh,” she said with a sigh as she flopped onto the couch next to him. “I’m almost disappointed.”
Strangely, having her near him was making it easier to think of words, not harder. Then again, talking was much better than imagining what scents would end up on that towel, or realizing that she probably wasn’t wearing underweokay OKAY
He dropped the controller with a groan, shoving his hands through his hair. “You already know I’m a nerd and I wasn’t planning for you to find out how much of a nerd I actually am.” He was absolutely not whining.
“Eh. I’d say you’re a moderate nerd. I mean, it’s not like you’ve kept up on all this season’s anime, or put volume release dates on your calendar, or anything like that.”
He turned, staring, hands retreating from his hair. She was smirking again, head cocked, even though she stretched her arms casually behind her. “You’ve miraculously discovered my secret,” she said, swinging one arm back around to make a sideways victory sign and sticking her tongue out for a moment.
“Oh my god, you’ve been holding out on me!” he yelped, pointing an accusing finger. “Where the hell were you when last week’s episode of Shadow Junction came out?”
“You’re joking, right? I was screaming at my laptop for twenty minutes.”
“Exactly! What the shit was that??? When Polygon of all people found the–”
“Aegis Stone! And then installed it! Without letting the Order know about it!”
“I felt so–”
“Betrayed,” they said at once.
“And now you’re telling me,” Neil said, flinging himself into the couch corner, “we could have been commiserating about it but you were hiding in the Boring People Closet. I’m shocked! Amazed. Taken aback.” He grabbed a cocoa mug and drank from it grumpily. “Hope you like marshmallows because this one’s mine now.”
And found himself uncomfortably close to choking when she crawled across him to snatch the other mug. She snapped back to her spot without noticing his momentary distress.
“You should’ve told me that right away,” she said, and slurped noisily.
“Ugh, you’re an animal.”
“It’s the proper way to gather the ‘mallows first, you uncultured swine.”
“I’m uncultured because I like my chocolate pure. That makes total sense.”
"What was that about the Boring People Closet?”
“Shut up and drink your cocoa, nerd.” But he couldn’t help grinning. Just for a second.
He set the mug down and went back to gaming. It didn’t take long, though, for his mind to start wandering. Why did he feel so… jumpy, when he snuck glances at her? No, not jumpy. Giddy. Like rainbows and sparkles should be floating around him. It wasn’t that big of a deal, she was wearing his crappy loungewear. But still. Eva in his clothes, and he felt warm? and cuddly about it?? What the f–
“Hey, there’s a kickass weapon in this area. See that crack in the mountainside?”
“Uh, yeah,” and he glanced at her to see her intent on the screen and his stomach was doing stupid things again, “but it’s just a cave. Already been there.”
“I can show you!”
He bit back a laugh at her poorly restrained grabby hands. “Sure. knock yourself out.” He handed her the controller and sat back. “How do you know about this anyway?” he asked, as she spun through his inventory and pulled out a silver hammer. “You play?”
She shook her head. “Watched Let’s Plays. Haven’t gotten into this one yet but I like the previous one…” She swung the hammer at a corner of the cave wall. “It blends in really well. You gotta mess with your brightness settings to find it but– ta-da!” A few cracks later and a treasure chest was revealed. She gave the controller back with a smug smile.“You’re welcome.”
“Holy cannoli, what a beauty,” he said, staring wide-eyed at the flaming sword the chest granted. ���You’ve really been holding out on me, Rosy.”
He faked almost falling off the couch when she shoved his shoulder.
“Call me that again and you can forget about binging Kaleidoscope Morning together,” she said, sipping primly from her mug.
He nearly dropped the controller. “Wh– you– that’s available?”
“Legal and free,” she drawled. “I’ll have to train you in my ways, grasshopper.”
"Is platonic marriage a thing because I will totally marry you for that.”
She snorted, jabbed a thumb at the tee shirt. “How soon you forget.”
“Touché,” he said, mentally facepalming.
“Anyway, thanks for this.” She bumped his cheek with her mug. “And, you know, the rest of it. Putting up with my angsting, et cetera.”
“What are friends for?” But he paused, and looked at her, and smiled at the cliche. “Besides, I’d have been a total douchenugget to turn you away.”
She chuckled. “I know. Still, thanks.”
Her side hug was too brief to give him a heart attack, but his face still heated. And yet… She tucked her legs up underneath her, and he settled cross-legged in his corner, and listened to her tips… He felt so comfortable it was almost unbearable.
Thunder crashed outside. He saw her flinch in his peripheral vision as he shivered inexplicably. Still, he felt warm from the inside out. And some silly distant part of his brain decided that, if pressed to describe his perfect evening… Well, this was pretty damn close.
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Our Tuesday wound up being one…
Don't know what to tell you, it felt like using the Disney buses to get around was a pretty efficient strategy.
After our Blizzard Beach experience was over yesterday afternoon, the girls took to Disney Hollywood Studios whilst we returned happily to the Animal Kingdom where we spent our morning.
We started with the It's Tough To Be A Bug experience because we're still kinda sore they took it away from California Disney.
It's still the blast we remember in interactive 3D complete with water and fog, crawling insects and dangling black widow spiders all making appearances inside the auditorium, not simply on screen.
Once the bug show was over, we headed over to Pandora for the Na'vi River Journey and then Avatar Flight of Passage.
Now the Na'vi River Journey's basically Pirates of the Caribbean without the shooting or the pirates. Just a peaceful floating on an alien river, immersed in an alien jungle environment complete with plant life, living organisms, and animals.
The Avatar Flight of Passage, though?
That was a crazy, breathtaking, original, headrush of an experience. They put you on that planet, plunging from high cliff tops to low valleys and oceans through jungle foliage, above villages, and away from flying predators… all on the back of a banshee.
As in unimaginable that the experience we were having was actually possible. The imagery completely filled our visual fields and then some. The detail was incredible. And we travelled such distance both horizontally and vertically.
While going.
Not even off the ground.
Crazy. And wow.
And wow.
We finished that ride around 545, shortly before it was time for the park to close. And so, we followed through on an earlier plan we conjured and grabbed a bus for Epcot.
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Cute thing about that bus ride: there was a tiny kid on that bus who was so fascinated by buses that he pointed them out, each one, every time, to his dad.
Or as he said, Daa-dee.
He'd exclaim in genuine excitement each time,
"Daa-dee, bus!"
"Daa-dee, bus!"
"Daa-dee, bus!"
Until he spotted Epcot at which point he exclaimed
"Daa-dee, ball!"
It was seriously cute.
Having been dropped off at Epcot, we made a beeline for the pork sliders 'n drinks, after which we ran into Linzy nearby who took us over to Mexico where Rachel was grieving a hugely disappointing margarita.
Now it's time to end our day and maybe score some easy rides over at the Magic Kingdom as every family lines up for the evening's parade as well as a well-earned trip back to the hotel.
On the monorail connecting Epcot and the Magic Kingdom, we're in a car with a family of five who're having a really.
When we pulled into the station in front of the Magic Kingdom, we gotta announcement that the Magic Kingdom monorail was out of commision so we'd all be taken by ferry.
A lovely. Beautiful. Painterly experience.
See what I mean?
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Once inside the park, we hustled straight for the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad that continued to be the blast we always remember. The second section of the track, especially, it was funny to watch Linzy throw her hands and arms in the air and be flipped to the side like a rag doll as the train went into a high-G bank. After that, we crossed the street to Splash Mountain where, after a bit of delay, we joined a young, newly wed couple for a huge drop from which they absolutely took a ton of displaced water head-on.
Call it the "splash" of "Splash Mountain".
It was a blast even with the delays before and after.
Once again, by the time we exited that ride... the park was closed except for everyone who was there for the Boo Bash, a celebration of Halloween on a full-on summer's eve when, presumably, Covid would be less a threat.
Once we were out the front gates, it was clear how much of a mess everything was with everyone previously in the park now lined up for the monorails and ferries.
After a quick assessing and reassessing, Kimmer 'n Linzy decided our best course was to catch a nearby shuttle to the Polynesian Resort and, from there, call for a Lyft.
It was an effective way to beat most of the throng to the other side of the lake as well as avoid competition with all those who'd be calling in their own ride shares that would make for an inevitably longer wait.
The plan worked perfectly, by the way. And our feet were super thankful.
It would be around 10:40PM by the time we arrived at our home base pretty exhausted.
Still, the next morning, this morning, we did the 530AM thing again. And again, not as bad as it sounds. It's a slow moving ritual that eventually, eventually brings us full consciousness and into a state of readiness for the day.
So eight this morning? We're on the road with our Lyft driver, Gregorio, a Venezuelan gentleman with a deep knowledge of classical music leaning hard toward the Russians: Shostakovitch, Prokofiev, Stravinsky, and their contemporaries.
Our destination this morning is Disney's Hollywood Studios where we've got all things Star Wars on the agenda.
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That proved an unfortunate aspiration as we'd made no moves to join the virtual queue for Rise of the Resistance and we had no actual design on Smugglers Run… so we took full advantage of the five minute, basically walk on, "wait" time over at Toy Story Midway Mania and had a literal blast.
This was a first for Rachel so she scored newbie scores. Between Kimmer 'n I, Kimmer was the most accurate between us, maintaining a significant lead most of the game. It's only in the bomus speed round at the end where I caught up to her and bested her by one smashed plate.
120,600 to 120,100.
Of course Linzy clocked in at 154,000.
Beat us all.
Now one thing I wanna mention is that on our way to Star Wars Land there was a group of young adults wearing bright neon t-shirts and walking alongside us. Some of them were walking pretty brusquely which prompted the following:
"Guys, there's no crowd. We can slow down."
Of course they don't slow down... they speed up.
At which point she says
"Well, thanks for taking my feelings into account."
Another thing I wanna point out is when we were just getting in line at Midway Mania, a kid runs up and starts walking along… which prompts his mother to say
"Sweetie. You're with the wrong family."
And then last thing I wanna mention is this young girl who was in line behind is for Aerosmith's Rockin' Rollercoaster. She was with her parents but obviously anxious about the ride. I don't blame her either. When that thing takes off from an absolute standstill… it looks like someone just hit the fast forward button.
Crazy stuff. And plenty to be anxious about.
Anyway, Rachel talked to her a little to encourage her 'cause she'd felt that same anxiety the day before.
So then we do the ride… and then the little girl and her parents do the ride. And I'll never forget when her aunt who was standing next to us just then asked her how it went… and all the little girl could do was to twice shake her head quickly from side to side. Whereupon her parents immediately got to work figuring out how many hugs to give and things to buy in order to pull her from her state of stunned silence.
Afterward we hit a light breakfast nearby then headed off for Star Tours. Rachel indulged some time Star Wars gift shopping afterward… then she 'n Rachel headed off for more rides while we mosied over to the Brown Derby patio for a pair of cool grapefruit drinks under an umbrella 'cause the SciFi Diner was booked as was the main seating area of the Brown Derby.
By the way, while we're sitting there enjoying ourselves, I happened to catch a family of four whose t-shirt uniform was Iron Maiden.
That's all for now. We're heading back to home base for some peace and rest.
We'll see how long that lasts and then I'll fill you in on the rest of the night...
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leirathemartian · 6 years
Am I too old for tag lists? :P
@raesand tagged me and I’m kind of in a procrastinating depression funk, so why not. 
basics what’s your name ➔ Hayley do you have a nickname ➔ nope, although a lot of people call me Leira do you have a middle name ➔ mmm too much sharing do you like your name ➔ It’s ok do people often mispronounce your name ➔ No, but they almost always misspell it  do you like the meaning of your name ➔ Well. The Anglo-Saxon meaning is pretty boring (”hay meadow”) but when I was a kid I was told/had a cross-stitch thing that said it meant “Lover of the sea” and I really like that. when is your birthday ➔ 11/22 how old are you ➔ 25 do you like your age ➔ Honestly, I don’t know. Every age has its pros and cons, I guess. I miss not being as stressed when I was a teenager, but I haaated high school. So, I don’t know. It’s stressful because I’m working on graduating and then I’ll have to get a job and be, like, a real adult and shit. what’s your zodiac sign ➔ Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp apparently
appearance what’s your hair colour ➔  Light brown/dark blonde is your current hair colour your natural hair colour ➔ Sort of, but the ends are bright blond do you dye your hair ➔ Yeah every so often I enjoy changing it up do you have natural highlights ➔ I did when my hair was long enough for it to absorb sun before I cut it off when was the last time you had a haircut ➔ A couple months. I need one, badly, lol what length is your hair right now ➔ Longish pixie do you have straight, wavy or curly hair ➔ Wavy/curly do you have frizzy hair ➔ 100%. It’s better than when it was long, though do you use a curling iron ➔ No do you use a hair straightener ➔ No do you braid your hair ➔ Sometimes. Used to all the time when it was long what’s your eye colour ➔ blue do your eyes change colour ➔ lol no 
do you wear contacts ➔ Only when I’m dressed up/being active if so, do you use colour contacts or regular contacts ➔ Regular do you wear glasses ➔ Indeed do you have naturally long eyelashes ➔ Mmmm not really do you wear braces ➔ Nope do you have dimples ➔ Nope do you have moles ➔ All of them do you have outstanding cheekbones ➔ Lol no my face is too round to have outstanding features. I also have no chin. do you have freckles ➔ Yes indeedy do you have piercings ➔ 8, all in my ears. Two lobe piercings, helix, daith, tragus, flat. do you have tattoos ➔ Yup, I have a Water Tribe tattoo do you wear make up ➔ Occasionally do you paint your nails ➔ Yes, fairly often do you wear jewelry ➔ Well, I always wear earrings. Plus usually my wedding band and an ourobouros ring. are you happy with your height ➔ It’s fine personality would you consider yourself outgoing or shy ➔ Neither  are you sarcastic  ➔ It’s my love language what’s your biggest fear ➔ Failure. Also heights and snakes, which are my actual phobias. are you religious ➔ Not anymore do you get easily along with people ➔ Ehhh. Depends on the person. do you cry easily ➔ Sadly
school do you go to middle school ➔ No do you go to high school ➔ No do you go to a private school ➔ No are you home schooled ➔ I used to be have you graduated from school ➔ From many schools, lol.  what grade are you in ➔ Errrr. 5th year PhD student so... 21st?
have you skipped a grade ➔ Yes, I skipped 7th grade. It was a bad idea, I wasn’t socially prepared for going to college early. have you been held back a grade ➔ No have you ever failed a class  ➔ I got a C- the first time I took Fluid Mechanics, which is failing in grad school, although I maintain that was because of bad teaching, because when I retook it I easily got an A.
have you been sent to the principals office ➔ Homeschool doesn’t have principals :P
have you skipped school ➔ A lot in college/grad school, usually for mental health reasons have you cheated on a test ➔ Not that I can remember
family do you live with your biological parents ➔ dear god no not anymore do you get along with your parents ➔ Ehhh. My mom and I are good, but my dad still likes to try to control me. do you tell your parents everything ➔ Fuck no. do you have strict parents ➔ Yes.
do you have siblings ➔ Two brothers are you the oldest ➔ Yes. are you in the middle ➔ ... are you the youngest ➔ ... are all of your grandparents still alive ➔ No, one of my grandfathers is dead friendships do you have a best friend ➔ I do! Friends since we were 12. And my husband is up there too. do you have more than 10 friends ➔ I don’t think so, not close ones anyway. do you have at least 2 friends you can trust with your life ➔ Yeah, probably do you have a lot of guy friends, a lot of girl friends or equal girl and guy friends ➔ Mmmm.... slightly more women. do you text with your friends a lot ➔ Not particularly relationships what’s your relationship status ➔ Married have you ever been in love ➔ Quite a lot do you believe in love at first sight ➔ I love all animals at first sight :P
have you ever been in a relationship ➔ Am in one, lol have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ I don’t think so. Been one, though. have you ever been asked out on a date ➔ Yup!
have you ever been kissed ➔ Yes have you ever made out with someone ➔ Yes have you ever been cheated on ➔ Also yes, he was an asshole have you ever been proposed to ➔ Yes do you want to get married ➔ I’d hope so, since I am do you want kids ➔ Eventually, once I have a real job country where were you born ➔ USA where do you live right now ➔ USA have you ever been out of the country ➔ Not as much as I’d like but yes. do you prefer country or city ➔ Country do you like sightseeing ➔ Haha yes, I am unashamed that I enjoy being a tourist is one or more of your parents from another country ➔ No what places would you like to visit  ➔ I’d like to go back to Scotland/Ireland. Also Iceland, Sweden, Thailand, South Korea, Greece, .... etc. are you fluent in more than one language ➔ Sadly, no. what languages can you speak ➔ English and I still retain enough Spanish to say hi to someone/read signs. Same with French. I know a tiny bit of Swedish.
health do you have any allergies ➔ No are you lactose intolerant ➔ Slightly. I have IBS and sometimes it’s a trigger. IT depends on the amount. have you had surgery ➔ Fix a broken elbow, another to fix a deviated septum have you had stitches ➔ Not that I can remember have you broken a bone ➔ Said elbow has someone close to you died of a disease ➔ My grandfather died of cancer do you exercise a lot  ➔ Hahahahaha no. I used to LARP/do archery, but sadly drama ruined that for me. I also many moons ago rode horses (and owned them!) but now I’m poor. experiences have you ever had a near death experience ➔ No have you ever been on a plane ➔ Yup quite a lot have you ever had an allnighter ➔ God no. I need a lot of sleep. have you ever been to school/work after a sleepless night ➔ Yeah have you ever been in a physical fight ➔ See above re LARP. We literally hit each other for fun. Also, used to do Muay Thai. have you ever been to a wedding ➔ Yes, including my own, lol.  have you ever been to a funeral ➔ Yes have you ever lived in a different country ➔ Maybe one day have you ever been drunk ➔ Ugh yes. Lately every time it gives me a migraine, though. have you ever been trick or treating ➔ Yes, I miss being a kid and so that wasn’t weird. :’D have you ever been in a school play ➔ Yes, I was a theater kid in high school have you ever been to a camp ➔ Horseback riding camp have you ever driven a car ➔ Own one, so quite often skills how many languages are you fluent in ➔ One have you ever read a book in another language ➔ Does Beowulf count? can you roll your tongue ➔ Yes can you braid hair ➔ Yes. Regular, french, dutch, and fishtail. can you do a handstand ➔ Haha no, I’m fat and unathletic. habits do you crack your knuckles ➔ Mhm do you bite your nails ➔ You caught me doing it right now do you bite your lips ➔ Sometimes, I’m an anxious biter/skin picker
what’s your favourite movie ➔ Hmmmm. I honestly don’t know. Star Wars is up there. what’s your favourite tv show ➔ Avatar, Parks and Rec, Steven Universe, House what’s your favourite book ➔ Hahahahahaha I have like, no joking, 50 favorite books. It would be easier to do favorite authors: N.K. Jemisin, Ann Leckie, Tolkien, Robert Jordan, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Jacqueline Carey, Brandon Sanderson, Douglas Adams, Robin Hobb, Margaret Atwood... ok I’ll stop there. I’ll put it this way. I regularly read 150-200 books a year so there’s a lot I like. what’s your favourite song ➔ I don’t really have one, I guess. what’s your favourite colour ➔ Purples/blues what’s your favourite animal ➔ Catsssss what’s your favourite season ➔ Autumn!
this or that summer or winter ➔ Winter, I love the cold and hate the heat. It’s miserable right now and humid as fuck.
day or night ➔ Ehhh I mean I’m always exhausted so. Neither :P cats or dogs ➔ Cats but I also love dogs. rain or shine ➔ A balance of both. coffee or tea ➔ Coffee. Black. reading or writing ➔ See above re reading 200 books a year. Lol. I mostly associate writing with work. humorous or serious ➔ Humorous, especially with TV
brown or blue eyes ➔ Idk eyes are pretty
single or group dates ➔ Meh kind of over dates. I’d rather hang out with friends and play board games. texts or calls ➔ Texts. Calls exacerbate my anxiety. driving or walking ➔ Driving. I’m lazy. last
last phone call ➔ My vet checking on my cat, who has a cold. Lol. last text ➔ My dad asking me to come down tomorrow last song you listened to ➔ Something from the Star Wars soundtrack last thing you ate ➔ Chicken curry. last thing you drank ➔  Water. I’m boring. last purchase  ➔ Chips and dip last time you cleaned your room ➔ Couple days ago, I guess?
People to Tag I have no idea, lol
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feedingthewrongwolf · 7 years
Azula Ship Challenge #4
Week Four - Oct. 30, 2017 - Lies /or/ Bad Joke
Ship: Maizula (honorable mention: Maizulee)
Obligatory Song Rec(s): Bombay by Blvck Ceiling; And You Love by Nu:Gravity
MY FUCKING HAND SLIPPED, so here, have 3k+ words of early Book Two shenanigans and bad vibes. Azula’s not as good with people as she thinks, not even with her wicked sense of humor. Can’t she ever be happy, I ask myself, me, the one who wrote it,
“Our love is effortless, stop acting like you’re scared
I get down on my knees but you’re not playing fair
My heart breaks down when you question if you’re mine, well
I don’t I don’t I don’t get it cause I’m so sweet all the time”
- ‘In My Mind’ by Maty Noyes
The moon was low and to their left in they sky when Mai and Azula set out to hunt the night’s meal. Poorly as Mai’s father had handled things, their supplies were limited. Between their mouths and the mounts’ as well, they didn’t bother to ration much. Azula had explained that they would hunt for themselves, and give most of the rations to the mounts, almost everything but the water. It would be a short trip to the next Fire Nation colony, after all, and Azula had never minded hunting. It had almost surprised her when Mai offered to help her where she could, with her limited experience.
Azula had been so anxious when they'd left the city, she was almost glad for things to be calm for a short while - a small but welcome break in the action. Traveling with Mai and Ty Lee, as well as hunting, would be a good way to take her mind off of the way things had gone, or how badly she’d marred them…She’d been so close to a victory and it had slipped through her fingers so easily.
She needed time to collect herself, as much as she hated to admit it. Now, all there was time to worry about was finding the boy Avatar and taking him down for good, which would undoubtedly lead her to her uncle and brother as well…She simply had to remember the goal, and everything would turn out the way she’d planned.
Failure was not an option this time.
As the pair made off for the tree line, Mai still adjusting the sling on her back slightly, they could hear Ty Lee cooing at the mongoose lizards, promising the three beasts that they would never be eaten. She’d been adamant about staying behind to look after the mounts and the small fire, refusing to hunt with them. Azula and Mai were less than surprised, and though they both had teased her relentlessly about it before setting off, they waited to laugh quietly until they were sure she wouldn’t hear them.
They made their way deeper into the forest, treading lightly. It was more than a bit strange for Azula to be next to another person after traveling alone, but she was happy to see Mai after all these years, even if things had gone…awry in New Ozai. She was alert and naturally light on her feet, so it seemed to Azula that she belonged. Maybe this wouldn’t turn out as badly as she’d expected it to.
She was determined to stay confident. She couldn’t let her mind slip into the dark again.
“What’s out here, anyway?” Mai asks, missing her mark on disinterest but wise enough to speak softly.
It hadn’t been nearly long enough for Azula to miss the hint in her voice that it did, in fact, matter to her. Mai had been a picky eater, if she remembered things correctly.
“Oh, the usual - elephant rats, turkey ducks,” she answered, staying quiet as well, though her smirk sounded through her words. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and find a stray pig chicken.”
She saw under the moonlight the movement in Mai’s eyes, one that showed her distaste plainly.
“Sounds great.”
Azula grinned a bit wider for a moment. “Shouldn’t you be telling me this sort of thing? You’re the one who’s lived out here for years.”
“I wasn’t out camping,” Mai responded, sounding like Azula should have known. Though most of Azula’s attention was on a rustling bush in the small clearing far ahead, she could hear the faint smile in Mai’s voice to match her own. She put her arm out toward Mai, and hardly a moment had passed before she stopped as well, eyes locking onto the rustling and shift of light. Azula motioned her head to their left, and Mai understood, moving swiftly yet as soundlessly as ever, drawing her set of knives.
On Azula’s signal and in a heartbeat, Mai sent the knives through the air to their target - apparently missing, because Azula spotted what looked like a turkey duck bolting away unscathed with a loud squeal of shock. In a second of instinct, she calculated speed and direction and shot a bright, concentrated ball of flame, striking it directly in its head. The woods seemed to turn to daylight for an instant, her flames illuminating the look of slight shock on Mai’s features.
“Well,” Azula said, her voice returning to full volume, “you obviously haven’t been hunting, either.”
Mai laughed to herself quietly. “Animals are quicker than people.”
“You’re rusty, Mai, admit it.” Azula had meant it, especially considering the way things had gone back in the city, but she still heard the words come out far more harshly than she’d intended. Once she’d reached the kill, she turned her head and added, “What have you been doing since you left?”
And even though she’d managed a smile when she asked, Mai said nothing to her, silently marching the rest of the distance between them. Azula felt the air thicken, if only slightly. Of course she’d said the wrong thing, the wrong way. She heard her father’s voice in the back of her mind, the same voice that told her alliances were a waste of time and a weakness before that. She was beginning to understand what he’d meant.
She remembered why she hadn’t minded the solitude. Even if she was happy to see her friends after so long, it would be the same as when they were children, even after all that had changed…Another failure for her to add to the list, something meaningless to distract her from her mission.
Still, when she looked down to the animal, Azula barked with laughter in spite of her thoughts. She took hold of its neck and lifted it to eye level, admiring the awful burn on the side of its tiny head and neck, or what was left of it.
“It almost looks like Zuko, now.”
It was meant to be funny, to make Mai - and herself - feel better. Instead, Azula felt the air become even more tense than it was to begin with. She turned toward Mai with the animal dangling away from them both, and even in the dimness she could see her frown deepen.
“Oh, Mai. Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts about capturing my brother…”
Azula had failed to sound like she was only teasing, as if the question was truly rhetorical.
Mai unpacked the sling and held it out for the creature, never quite looking away from its charred face and neck.  “It’s nothing.”
Azula felt the familiar rise of paranoia, rushing through her blood, making her skin feel hot even in the chill of nightfall.
“Is it nothing?” She spoke the word like a curse, trying not to be needlessly aggressive with her work stuffing the kill into the cloth. “You’re frowning like a scolded child.”
When Azula cast an eye toward her face, Mai was silent still, mask in place once more. She hauled the thing over her shoulder without looking away from the faint traces of ash and blood staining the dirt by their feet.
“Let’s just get back to camp,” she sighed, adjusting the sling. “Ty Lee’s probably been training the mongoose lizards to do cartwheels. She must be bored.” After that, the only sound was the ground beneath Mai’s feet as she turned away to retrieve her knives.
Azula’s mind rushed back to Mai and Ty Lee’s conversation as they were escorted to the gates of New Ozai, the way Mai had smiled when Ty Lee mentioned Zuko’s name. He had been branded unworthy, cast aside like the runt he was, a shame to the nation - she hadn’t seen him in years, and Mai still reacted this way…
The way she would when they were children, and she would tease her about her silly little crush.
Azula followed her a mere moment later, summoning a large handful of fire to help her find the set. The flame was large, and it erupted a bit more forcefully than she’d anticipated.
She didn’t particularly feel like dropping the topic.
“I never showed you the wanted poster from back in the resort village, did I?” She asked, knowing the answer and unable to hide the hint of malice in her voice. She followed behind leisurely, not bothering to conceal her grin at all.
“The scar is awful,” she continued, watching Mai locate the knives sticking out of the dirt by the shrub she’d aimed for. “Really, the resemblance between my brother and our dinner is uncanny.”
Mai said nothing, but Azula still could see the corners of her lips tugging downward again as she plucked the knives out of the compact soil, her fingers slipping a bit on the first try.
“Forget it, Azula.”
The fire in Azula’s palm blazed - hardly enough for Mai to see or feel, but it had. She’d noticed, too, the way Mai’s voice held an edge…It was the exact tone she would adopt when they were younger, when Azula would push her until something finally bubbled up to the surface. It was clear she’d had enough, and though Azula didn’t want to stop, and she never had before, something made her anyway.
Some things had changed, and some things had not.
“Oh, would you relax?” Her tone was cold, and this time, her fire kept still. “It was only a joke.”
“Well, it was a bad one,” Mai muttered, barely turning her head to say it as she dusted the blades in her hand.
Azula’s eyes widened by a fraction, more out of shock than indignation. Whatever she’d expected Mai to say, that wasn’t it. She couldn’t even enjoy the fact that she’d gotten under her skin…She glared down at the girl crouched in front of her. Azula was the heir to the Fire Lord’s throne, not Zuko. She was Mai’s princess, and she was speaking to her like she was just another commoner. She’d practically insulted her.
Even as the thoughts seared their way through her mind, Azula only let her arm fall, quenching the fire she held with a slight sound of distaste. The urge, or perhaps the reflex, to remind Mai of her place was faded out by something stronger…though Azula couldn’t give it a name.
She looked away, and decided to drop it this time.  
They walked the rest of the short way back in silence, though it wasn’t tranquil, at least not for Azula. The need to do something was faint at its strongest, and she wondered why she wasn’t more outraged. Anger was only on the edges of her thoughts. Not for the first time since the skirmishes in New Ozai, she wondered if she’d made the right choice to recruit them. It was proving to be far more distracting and disappointing than she’d planned.
As they approached, they saw Ty Lee in a one armed handstand, all the while chirping to the mounts like she had been when they’d gone.
“Whoa, what’s wrong with you guys?” She asked, falling out of form and looking between them.
“Mai’s being boring, is all,” Azula sighed. She lazily fed the fire with her bending and a raised pair of fingers, glad to be back with Ty Lee to eat up the silence. Hopefully she would serve as a simple distraction instead of another problem to dwell on when she didn’t have the time.
Hopefully neither of them would become a real problem. She would have to keep a close eye on them both…
“I’m just hungry.” Mai’s voice was perfectly flat again, but it felt like thunder to Azula. “Let’s eat before it gets too late.”
Ty Lee shrugged slightly, averting her eyes from the kill that Mai was unleashing from the cloth. With her back to the two of them, she went into her handstand again.
As Azula rolled up her sleeves and set to work on the animal with Mai watching, learning, and lending her knives every now and then, Ty Lee kept the conversation going entirely on her own. She regaled them with stories of what they’d missed in the past ten minutes. Apparently, Mai had guessed correctly - the mongoose lizards weren’t very good students.
All the while, Azula focused on the color of the blood while she worked to prepare the meat. She’d done this before, and she wondered vaguely what was making her hands so erratic and forceful as she removed the innards of the dead thing in front of her. Ty Lee’s voice was strange to hear, its highs and lows seeming out of place while she worked.
“The animals at the circus were way faster with learning all that acrobatic stuff,” Ty Lee remarked, gently petting the face of the unwilling beast in front of her. “The platypus bear was the smartest, though. He picked things up so quickly, it was like he was born to it!”
Just as she’d finished that thought, Azula’s attention came back to the one-sided conversation. The meat was already cooking over the fire under Mai’s watch, while she went and washed her hands and arms clean of blood, viscera, and stray feathers in the river beside their camp.
“They only have one job, Ty Lee,” Azula said after a moment of silence and scrubbing, taking her arms out of the water and shaking them off. “They aren’t in need of circus training.”
“Maybe,” Ty Lee admitted after a moment of thought, falling out of the handstand to her feet near the mongoose lizards, who never once flinched, or looked toward the disturbance at all. They had probably long ago realized that Ty Lee never quite stays still. “But, wouldn’t it be fun if they learned?”
Despite it all, Azula grinned slightly while she walked back toward the two of them.
“I miss it there already,” Ty Lee said softly, sitting cross-legged in front of the fire in one swift motion.
Azula felt something run through her blood at those words. She ignored the concern that Ty Lee would run off on her again, and took the portion Mai held out to her. The second was handed to Ty Lee, and all the while Mai was just quiet as she’d been since their return to camp.
They ate to the sounds of the night and the forest and the fire they surrounded. The wind agitated the blaze, or at least that’s what Azula would have blamed it on. She felt nearly the way she had when they’d left the city, like bringing them onto her mission had been a mistake. It certainly seemed that way now…It gnawed at her mind the way she gnawed at her food, the worry that they wouldn’t be able to serve their nation, or Azula herself, and help her to win this war.
After a moment, Mai sighed and waved the rest of her meat outward, her demeanor slightly more displeased than usual. “Do you want this, Ty?”
Azula couldn’t help herself.  “That’s what you meant by hungry?”
“I’ll finish it!” Ty Lee exclaimed, reaching over to take it while Mai looked away in apparent disinterest. “I’m still starving.”
Azula looked at Mai, now sitting empty handed. She felt her patience growing much, much thinner, so she returned to her own food. She was determined to stay focused. She didn’t have time to worry, certainly not about something so inconsequential. Mai was serving beneath her, and Azula could not fail. Mai would prove her loyalty, and so would Ty Lee.
Azula would make sure of it.  
“Should I be worried about your lack of appetite, Mai?” Azula saw the question register in Mai’s eyes. “I have no time for a soldier without the strength to carry out her duty.”
She watched Mai look at her, finally, and with the level gaze from her grey eyes she felt something in her blood other than fire, or anger. It was something close to worry…or something close to fear.
She did her best to push it away.
“You don’t need to worry at all, Azula.” She spoke as if nothing had changed.
Nothing at all.
“Then I trust you won’t let me down when we find my brother.”
Mai’s eyes flashed, and Azula had not missed it. She smiled, her cold gaze a warning.
“Of course not,” Mai stated calmly. She stood and feigned a stretch, looking away. “I’ll set up for bed.”
Once the fire had been doused and the mounts’ ties reinforced, the three of them settled into their bedrolls. Ty Lee apparently knew better than to give her usual round of good-nights, this time.
Azula lay awake long after she’d noticed the two others slip into their dreams. She stared up at the sky, and she stared for so long that the stars blurred into one dull and lifeless stain of light. She knew resting was necessary, yet sleep would not come so easily. The thought that she had already failed once was still heavy in her mind, but now all her thoughts could latch onto was Mai’s voice, earlier in the woods.
Azula recalled the day she and Ty Lee had reached what was then Omashu, and when she’d caught sight of Mai through the cloth of her palanquin. She had admired, then, all the ways that Mai had changed - she’d grown taller, her voice had lowered in a way Azula liked to hear…
And some things had stayed exactly the same. Her grin, her uninspired temperament. Her stupid crush on her stupid brother. Azula thought of Zuko, desperately on the tail of the Avatar with her useless uncle, walking right into the trap they’d set for themselves. She would bring the Avatar’s corpse home to her father, and the entire nation would call her a hero.
Her brother’s corpse would be a gift for Mai. She let her eyes close, calm at last, for what felt like the first time since she’d left home.
She couldn’t wait to win the war.
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