#anyway. stopping now. i've posted a lot in the last ten minutes sorry
thefabelmans2022 · 1 year
there's something very strange about going from being your mother's least favourite to second favourite child bc it's nice not to be the least favourite anymore but that comes at the expense of your sibling....idk. weird.
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joshsjipple · 4 months
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Waiter, please!
A/N: Hey guys! This is my first fic! I've been writing one shots for a while now, but I've never been comfortable enough in my abilities to post them. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this:)
Word Count: 5k+
WARNINGS: 18+, this is SMUT! graphic sexual content, unprotected sex (you know better) LOTS of dirty talk and praise, oral sex (m/f/rec), fingering, hair pulling, slight slapping kink, a bit of spit play if you squint, small choking kink, language, some degradation, dom (m) sub (f) etc etc, light fluff here and there. Sorry if I missed any!
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Your fingers twirl the cool metal stick between your fingers, lazily stirring the plate of overpriced pasta in front of you. The creamy sauce creates a bleak noise that is somehow ten times more interesting than your date sitting in front of you.
It was your friend Nala who convinced you to join Tinder, saying how you “need to get back out there.” You agreed, thinking if nothing went right, you’d still get your fulfillment of sex. Boy were you wrong. Not only were 90% of these men conceited, obnoxious, and blatantly boring, they also had zero direction in the bedroom. You had only yourself to blame for that one. 
Your eyes drift away from your half-eaten plate of food and fix on the unlucky winner tonight. It’s not like he’s unattractive, because he’s not. But the more you look at him and the more you listen in on his pathetic talk about this year's upcoming election, the less appealing he becomes. Not once had he complimented you or asked about your life or interests. And you take offense to that first one because you had picked out a particularly flattering dress the night before.
The light blue silk dress hugs your waist perfectly, accentuating all your curves. The top was a loose fit, draping over your chest just barely covering your breasts. You were sure if you bent over just right, you’d give anyone who was looking a show. 
Reaching for your glass of wine, you nod to whatever nonsense this guy is still talking about. Noticing your drink has vanished, you let out a small sigh. The expensive wine he had insisted on buying was the only thing keeping your ass in the seat. So, reluctantly, you wave the nearest waiter over your way. A different one from last time approaches your table, a polite grin on his face.
“What can I get you?” he asks, rummaging for a pen in his apron pockets.
“Can we get a refill on the wine?” you smile back to your date who has since silenced his words. 
“Yes, please.” he agrees. 
The waiter takes your empty bottle and nods his head before turning to leave. You watch him walk away, the dark brown curls on his head whooshing from side to side as he marches into the kitchen area. He’s much shorter than you prefer, but being short yourself, you don’t see an issue. 
Within a few minutes, he returns with your wine. Placing it in front of you, your eyes cross paths for a moment. His big brown beads glare back at you warmly, a smile forming on your face in response. You can’t tell if your date is still talking or if he has stopped to pay attention to the newly replaced wine that just arrived at your table.
Your eyes flick down to the name tag stuck to your server’s uniform. Josh. Cute. He turns on his heels and retreats back to the kitchen, leaving you stuck in your worst nightmare.
An hour drags by impossibly slow, and you find yourself chugging half the bottle of wine down in no time. Your date, Paul, is still rambling. Even his name is insanely bland. You swirl the red liquid around in your glass and rest your head on your free hand. With your knees crossed and your eyebrows raised, you grow impatient. You’d like to tell him where he can stick his opinions, but you haven’t drank enough for that yet. 
Over the span of the last 60 minutes, Josh has brought out a chocolate desert and the check. Your eyes gracefully meet, and each time they do, your legs squeeze together tightly. He must be able to tell you’re not enjoying yourself, because he smiles coily to you as he passes by. 
Paul, who has now moved onto the state of the economy, blabbers on and on. A glass of wine splashes in one hand while the other helicopter around the table. You watch as the color drains from his face and his words begin to slow. You’ve paid no attention to how much he has dranken, but now you seem to fathom a good estimation. 
He grabs his stomach as he shuts his mouth tightly. Quickly, he stands and rushes away from your table and towards the bathroom. You can’t help but let out a small laugh. Someone in your close vicinity seems to do the same. You search for him, although you can practically picture the face that laugh belongs to. Josh. Your eyes meet and he casually wanders over to your table, throwing himself into Paul’s vacant seat. 
“Bored, darling?” he cooly says, his head in the palm of his hand.
“Since the moment I got here.” you nearly choke on your words at the pet name. 
“I get off in five… and seeing your date is preoccupied, can I join you?” 
You’re taken back by his boldness, but it’s kind of attractive. “Sure. As long as you stay away from political opinion talk.”
Josh sucks in a breath through closed teeth. “Dang it. There goes my plans for tonight.”
You giggle as the bathroom door down the hall opens. Josh flawlessly stands to his feet and shuffles away, making sure to turn back and give you a quick wink. You roll your eyes and stand to greet your intoxicated date.
“Jesus, Y/N. I’m sorry, but I feel like shit. Can we continue this another time?” he slurs.
“Of course,” you smile, knowing damn well you’re blocking him when you get home tonight. “I called you an uber. It should be here in a few minutes. Maybe some fresh air would help.”
“I agree. Here’s some cash. Should cover everything.” He pulls a few hundred dollar bills and throws them on the table. Without another word, he walks out the door.
You want to cheer as the door closes behind him, but remembering you’re in a very expensive restaurant, you sit back down. To your surprise, Josh has already beaten you to the spot. His apron is abandoned and replaced with a tan jacket. His arms are folded across the edge of a table like a child, his facial expressions matching it. To you, he looks like he doesn’t belong here, which makes your heart beat faster as you take your seat.
“Is he gone?” he asks in a joking tone.
“How did you know?” you chime in, bringing your glass of wine back to your lips.
“You look less stressed now, dare I say younger.” 
His accent makes your cheeks helplessly morph into a smile. You shake your head and reach for the money Paul left you. You sift through it, counting four $100 bills. Your mouth falls open in disbelief. You knew he was rich, but you didn’t know he was loaded.
Josh picks up on your energy and cocks an eyebrow. “What is it?”
“He left me $400 to cover the meal.”
“No shit. Really? I’m gonna start letting you set up my dates.” he jokes.
“It was all Tinder actually.” you shamefully admit.
“I figured. I was just too nice to mention it.” he says, sarcasm oozing out of every word.
He jokes a lot.
“Very nice.” you agree.
“I think it’s dumb, by the way. You have to meet people organically.”
“Like disrupting their dates?” you gawk.
Josh acts offended, his mouth hanging open slightly. He places his palm over his heart and sucks in a small ripple of air. “How dare you. I saved you.”
“You did.” you remark. “You’re ten times more fun than he was.”
Your eyes lock and immediately the demeanor changes. You stare at him as he runs his tongue across his bottom lip. You groan internally, embarrassed to admit you’re beginning to pool between your legs.
“You wanna get out of here?” Josh asks after another silent moment.
“Where?” you ask.
“My house. I have an ax sharpened.” he says in a serious tone before erupting into a fit of giggles. You join in, gathering the four pieces of paper in your hands. “I’ll clear your tab.” He offers, his hand extended to yours to accept the cash.
You hand it over, the skin of your hands briefly meeting. Electricity shoots up your arm and travels to your core. His skin is soft and smooth like butter, and you imagine what it would feel like to drag your tongue across him.
After your tab was cleared, you walked side by side down the street. Josh had the idea of ice cream. You agreed, deciding the cold taste of ice cream might be able to bring you back to earth for a second. As you stand in line at the small truck just down the street from the restaurant, goosebumps prick on your arms. Your teeth chatter as if it's 10 degrees outside when in reality, it’s probably only 70. Josh takes notice and silently removes his jacket and throws it over your shoulders.
Feeling embarrassed, you attempt to push it off, but his hand holds it in place on your upper back and you shutter. Josh grabs your cones and you quickly take it from his hands and take a lick, desperately trying to rid your mind of these thoughts.
“Do you want to hang out at my place? It’s just a block over.” Josh offers. Your mind hardly processes his words because it’s too focused on his wet tongue digging to his vanilla ice cream. “Sorry. That was too forward.” he takes notice of your lack of response. 
“No no! Please, I’d love to.” you recover. Josh nods and takes another lick of his own.
You didn’t know what you expected his apartment to look like, but it definitely wasn’t this fancy in your vision. You stand in the doorway as Josh flicks on the lights. They blink on, illuminating the entire patio. The floors are lined with wood, creating a cabin-look. The walls are white and filled with paintings of all sorts. A vinyl wall and bookshelf cover the larger area of the living room wall. Plants decorate the dark corners and bring them to life. It smells of essential oils and a fragrance you can’t decipher.
“Gonna come in and stay a while?” he smirks from across the room. You remove your shoes and his jacket before stepping farther in. “You can sit if you’d like.” he offers, handing you your ice cream cone.
You smile and take a seat on his sofa. Feeling oddly comfortable, you lean back against the cushions and eat your treat in peace. Your mind is too busy racing with thoughts that you don’t notice Josh when he takes a seat next to you. 
“Something on your mind, sweetheart?” he says softly. The shock of his voice causes you to jump, your ice cream falling into your chest.
“Shit!” you jump up and scrape the cold substance off your chest. It drops onto the floor and dribbles down your dress. “Fuck!” you yell again, kneeling down next to it. You scoop it up with your hands, completely unaware of your surroundings.
Josh clears his throat and you raise your direction slightly to meet his eyes. The big brown beads glance down and then up again. Quickly, you grab the top of your dress and press it to your breasts and stand.
“Oh my god I am so sorry.” you apologize.
“Don’t sweat it. I’m just sorry about your ice cream.” he says calmly. 
“Y/N. It’s fine. There’s a bathroom down the hall if you want to clean up. I can bring some more suitable clothes to change into as well.” he offers, handling this situation rather sweetly. 
You nod and stumble down the hall and into the bathroom. Almost immediately after shutting the door, you strip from your dress and hang it on a hanger. Wearing literally nothing under it, you climb into the shower and begin to scrub your body. The sound of the falling water drowns out your thoughts–well, almost all of them; not Josh.
The way his eyes stared at your peaking breasts. The way his tongue swiped over his plump lip and dug into his ice cream. The way he handled your emotions had your hand drifting between your legs. Maybe after this you could actually think right the whole night.
Your fingers worked quick circles into your core, small moans escaping that were swallowed by the shower. You were imagining his hands on your breasts, his tongue tucked away into you and his cock down your throat. His name slips off your lips and down the drain with the suds. 
Minutes later, you regain composure and finish your shower. Stepping onto the mat, you notice clothes sitting on the sink. You slip them on after drying your body and comb through your damp hair with your fingers.
“Y/N?” Josh yells. “Hurry up and come out here.”
You finish prepping yourself and find Josh in the living room, his legs crossed at the knee as he sits on the couch. You sit on the ‘L’ part of the sofa, across from him. Josh doesn’t look at you, but he threads his bottom lip through his teeth.
“What did you do in the bathroom?” he asks, his eyes finally meeting yours. His usually high pitched tone has disappeared. Taking its place was a deep huffy voice. It suits him, but it makes you shift in your place. Josh’s eyes are deep and dilated, his body angled towards you in a strategic manner.
No. He couldn’t know, could he?
You swallow. “I showered. I thought you said it was-”
“No.” he says firmly. “What did you do?” he pushes himself to the spot next to you.
Your heart beats in your chest so loud, you’re certain Josh can feel the vibrations. You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and anxiously let your eyes focus on your hands folded in your lap. Josh is so close to you that you can feel the heat radiating from his body. Maybe it’s still the alcohol, or maybe it's the smell of his cologne or the look in his eyes, but you feel yourself leaking between your legs.
Josh grabs your chin with his finger, dragging your attention back to his. You’re nervous to look him in the eye, afraid that he can see all the things you’re imagining right now. But your arousal is too much, and you give him the best ‘fuck me’ eyes you’re able to whip up. You watch as his lips part and his breathing hitches in his chest. The prolonged eye contact finally snaps as his eyes fall to your chest and wander down the rest of your body. 
“How do you think I feel?” he asks, his breath on your cheek. “Knowing a hot girl who I had been so nice to, was getting herself off in my shower?”
Your heart pounds in your chest. “Josh- I’m-”
“Shh, baby. You’ve done enough talking.” he presses his wet lips on your jaw, his hand now resting on your thigh. “I was being nice and dropping you off some clean clothes, but when I walked in, I heard those sweet little moans.” he groans into you, his hands traveling farther up your leg. “I wasn’t going to say anything until I heard you moan my name as you came all over your hands.”
His fingers slip into your–or his– pants and his finger just barely brushes across your hip bone.
“Josh-” you attempt.
“No underwear? You filthy thing.” he purrs to you as he slides a finger through your folds. You open your legs, begging him to continue, which he happily does. “Oh mama, you’re so wet.”
“Jesus.” you cry, wrapping your arm around his neck for support. “Please.”
“What’s got you all worked up?” he asks, his singular digit still moving at an agonizingly slow pace through your folds. 
“You, Josh.” you cry, ignoring how pathetic you sound. “Since I first saw you tonight.”
“And when else?” he asks, sliding a finger into your entrance. You gasp and your eyes roll in the back of your head. “Keep talking or I’ll stop and leave you dripping all over my fucking couch.” he threatens. 
“When you were eating your ice cream.” you admit.
“What about it, Y/N?”
His finger pumps into you now. “When your tongue was digging into the ice cream.”
“Awe,” he taunts, removing his finger from you. “Did my pretty girl wish that was her cunt?”
“Josh, please.” your body trembles at the loss of contact.
“I know. I just want to kiss you is all.” he says, dropping his act for a moment. Your lips connect softly and only for a few seconds before he pulls away. You groan involuntarily. “Relax, mama. I want my tongue in something else right now.”
He drags himself to the floor, his fingers hooked on either side of your pants. He pulls them down with him and slips them off your feet. The cold air that coats your slick makes you squeeze your eyes shut. 
“Hey,” Josh says, slapping your thigh lightly. “Watch me. Wanna see those pretty eyes.”
You nod and stare at him as he reaches down and kisses your heat. Your hips rock upwards, desperately looking for any type of friction. Josh doesn’t like this so he pins your legs with his two arms, his lips curving into a shit-eating grin.
Your eyes don’t break contact as he spits into your core. You watch wide-eyed as his tongue licks a firm strip up your center. You cry out his name as he begins to lap at your clit. Your hands find his hair, tugging on it firmly as he eats your pussy. The eye contact becomes too much and your head falls back, almost immediately after, he detaches his mouth. 
“What the fuck?” you shout angrily. 
He brings his hand to your cheek and smacks it. It stings for a second but no longer. “Don’t talk to me like that or I’ll go to bed and leave you with your fingers again.”
“No, baby. Please.” you cry from under him. 
“Fuck. Say that again.”
“Please fuck me baby.” you squirm.
“Oh, mama. I will, but first I wanna taste your cum, okay?” You nod frantically, unable to form any other words. “But you gotta be a big girl and watch me, okay” You nod again.
He dives back in, mercilessly sucking on your clit. You squeeze his hair, dragging his face into your throbbing cunt. He laps at you as if he’s a starved man, his lips kneading at your sensitive bundle of nerves. It doesn’t take long until you feel a knot form in your stomach. You nearly cry as you haven’t had this feeling in a while. You moan loudly, unable to control it anymore. Josh adds a finger, removing his mouth from your throbbing clit. 
“Gonna cum for me, baby? Let it go.” he insists, connecting his mouth to you again as he adds a second finger. 
It happens quickly, but your eyes explode with a million little stars. You’re panting like a dog as Josh works you through your orgasm, never saying a word about the mean grip you have in his hair. He encourages you on until you’re nothing but a shuddering mess in front of him. He pulls his fingers out of you with a pop and you watch wide-eyed as he slips them into his mouth. He shuts his eyes and removes your slick from his fingers, savoring every last drop of it.
“You taste like heaven, mama.” he smiles as he crawls on top of you.
You’re painfully aware of how much clothes he has on. Determined to do something about it, you reach for the hem of his white t-shirt and rip it over his head. A wave of shock blesses his face before the taunting demeanor replaces it again. You’ve never been one to like being degraded, but you’d do anything for him. The idea of him makes you wet all over again.
“Needy, eh?” He plants a kiss on your neck before pulling on the skin. “Gonna mark you up. Show everyone who you belong to.”
“Please. Do whatever.” you mutter as he licks up to your ear.
“You’re such a slut, aren’t you?” he buzzes into your ear. “Should have known by that dress you were wearing.” he continues, his hand trailing down your shirt while his lips plant sweet kisses across your collarbone. “The way it hugged you so perfectly. I nearly fucked you right there on the floor when your tits were visabile. You like that, huh? Being looked at?”
His large hand cups your breast through the cotton material and your back arches into his groin. He’s painfully hard against your leg. You squirm and move your hand down to palm him through his jeans. He whimpers into your ear, causing you to go feral. 
“Josh. Can I taste you?” you ask.
“How can I say no to you, love?” he pushes off of you and stands to his feet. Peeling his jeans off, he tosses them next to your pants. Then, he backs up, giving you enough room to sink to your knees in front of him. 
Sitting eye level with his pulsating cock, your mouth waters. The thin fabric is the only thing between you guys and your stomach quenches at the thought. Teasingly, you plant a kiss on his belly button and latch onto it with your teeth, giving it a soft tug. He watches you below him, his mouth hanging open. You stare into his eyes as you place a sloppy kiss on the head of his dick.
“Y/N. If you keep teasing it will be over all too soon.” he warns, pulling you back by your hair. You run your tongue over your lips as he lets you go.
Finally, you remove his boxers and watch as his cock springs free. You let out a moan as it bounces just inches from your face. Josh’s head falls back, his Adam’s apple bobbing. You stare at the head of it and notice the precum leaking across the top. Growing impatient, Josh strokes himself, leaving you to ogle with drool peaking at the corners of your mouth.
“Take that off.” he demands, motioning to your shirt. “Wanna watch those perfect tits bounces as I fuck that pretty mouth.” He runs a finger across your bottom lip, gathering your drool before sticking it back in your mouth. You suck on it as you pull the shirt off your head and toss it to the side. Then you lean in and lick a slow stripe across the tip of him.
“Jesus, Y/N. Be a doll and open up, yeah?” he whines. You do as you’re told and stick your tongue out. Josh smacks the head of his length on your tongue, his precum splashing into your mouth. Slowly, he slides himself into your mouth, giving you time to adjust before moving any farther. 
Your throat burns as he reaches the abc of your throat. Eyes watering, you look up at him and feel him twitch inside of you. 
“God.” he groans, grabbing a fistful of your hair and moving you along him. You wrap a hand around the shaft and the other to his balls and begin to suck him. He groans through tightly shut teeth as you take him as best as you can. “Tap on my leg if it’s too much, okay?”
You nod and as soon as you do, he slams his cock into your face. You gag pathetically, but that only seems to turn him on more. He cusses above you as he fucks into your face, tears streaming down your cheeks. You can feel him twitch inside of you as you focus your breathing. Your hand squeezes his balls slightly and he pushes all the way into you that your nose brushes across the thin line of pubic hair. He pulls out, leaving only the tip of himself on your lips.
“Good girl. You look so pretty with my cock down your throat.” he praises, wiping your tears off your cheeks. His hands grab your under arms and pull you to your feet. He kisses your lips softly at first, tasting himself on your skin. It turns sloppy and his tongue dances in your mouth. You try to fall back on the couch, but his hand grabs your back to prevent you.
“Josh, I want to-”
“I know what you want mama,” he growls, his fingertips digging into your love handles. “You said you liked to be watched. So you’re gonna watch.”
He grabs your hand tightly and drags you down the hallway. You pass the bathroom where just an hour ago, you were cursing his name. He opens his bedroom door and turns on a lamp, casting an orange light across the walls of the room. You see in the corner, a large wooden vanity. He pushes you that way and you show no objection. He stops you in front of it and steps behind you. His cock is brushing over your ass, causing you to moan quietly. He brings a hand to your neck and squeezes slightly, straightening your face so you’re staring at yourself in the mirror in front of you. 
You’re a mess. Your hair is darting every which way, tear stains on your cheeks. A sheen of sweat covers your body, your pussy dripping with anticipation. You can barely make out the hickeys and bruises on your neck, but you can feel them there. Josh reaches in front of you with his hand that isn’t wrapped around your neck. He drags it down your stomach, his finger tips starting a blazing fire across your skin before reaching your throbbing cunt. He slides his fingers through your lips, gathering your wetness. 
“Look at how pretty you are, Y/N.” he says, your eyes glued to each other in the mirror.
“Please what?” he says. “Say it.”
“Fuck me, Josh.”
He works circles into your clit again and you swallow loudly. “Meh. Gonna have to ask nicer than that.”
You don’t even care how pathetic you sound. You need it. “Please, baby. Please fuck my pussy. I need to feel you in me.”
“Look at you, crying for my cock. Bet you haven’t been fucked right in a while, huh? Them Tinder dates don’t know how to fuck my girl, do they?”
“No!” you cry. He pulls away and presses you against the cold wood. Your breasts smash against it and your cheek is laying flatly against the surface as well. 
“Gonna give it to you, okay? Gonna fill you up so good, and you’re gonna watch.” He growls, grabbing a fistfull of your hair and pulling you up so you’re watching yourself in the reflection in front of you. Josh is just as fucked-out as you are. His curls are damp, sweat beads running down his neck.
As you open your mouth to speak, he pushes the tip into your aching entrance. Your eyes roll in the back of your head, Josh’s doing the same. You both sigh in unison before he pulls out almost completely. With no warning, he crashes back into you, a pornographic moan filling the room. Using your hair as a handle, he fucks you merciessly. Skin slapping on skin fills the house, your moans leaking out into the hallway.
“You’re so fucking tight. Squeezing my cock just right.” he informs you through hooded eyelids. “Look at yourself. So perfect.”
“Josh, I'm so close. Don’t stop!”
“Yeah? Yeah, baby? Gonna cum on my cock?” he hisses. “Fuck. Are you on the pill?”
“Yeah.” you say as he thrusts into you.
“So dirty. You’re fucking getting it. Is that okay?” he half demands, half asks.
“Yes! Please, whatever you want, Josh.”
“Jesus.” he cries, picking up his pace. His thrusts are becoming sloppy, letting me know he’s close.
He reaches over you and cups your breast, his teeth sinking into your shoulder. He squeezes your hard nipple before moving it down to your cunt. His fingers work your clit and you’re about to explode. 
“Cum, darling. I can feel you clenching me so tight. I’m right here with ya. Make a mess.”
With his encouragement, your body explodes for the second time tonight. You let out a raspy curse of his name and he falls over the edge with you. You can feel him painting your insides as he continues to wreck you.
“Yes, baby! Take my cum, take it.” he cries into your skin. 
After Josh rides out his high, he pulls himself off your sticky back. His face is a deep red and is coated with sweat. He pulls out of you with a sigh and you flinch at the feeling of being empty of him. Within seconds, you feel his hot release begin to run down your leg. You’re still beant over the desk, trying to regain your composure when you feel a hand on your back.
“Hey, mama. You okay?” he asks, worriedly.
“Mhm.” you nod.
“Can I?” he asks. You’re not sure what he means, but given he just came inside of you, you nod. He places a towel between your legs and works the fabric across your thighs. Your heart warms as you realize he’s cleaning you. A few seconds later, he sets the dirty towel on the vanity and pries your hands off the wood. Feeling a bit stronger, you stand but throw your arms around him anyways. Could you walk? Probably. Did you just want to feel his skin again? Yes.
“How about a nice bath?” he asks.
“That’d be nice.” you agree. He kisses the top of your head and you close your eyes.
You stare at yourself in the mirror. The hickeys are more visible now and you run a hand over them. 
“So I belong to you now?” you joke, remembering his words.
“Oh mama,” he pulls you closer. “You’re crazy if you think I’m leaving you after tonight.”
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starscaptainwesker · 2 months
It's been a while since I done this, so let's hope I done it right. Nor did I want to be on here. I changed the url so you might not recognise it, but I wanted to give writing another shot, sorry for that confusion. It's John McGraw, Gabby. I tried to reach you on Twitter but to no avail via Solitares. I really messed up that up and how to approach you, sorry.
I know we can have a chat on here these days via messaging, and there's a few things I need it want to speak to you about, or even know something. More so than before.
I know I made some stupid mistakes that probably hurt you at the time, and I can't apologise enough for it. You probably don't want to dig all that up again nine years, I understand that. You don't owe me any of your time but I would like to be able to. Either on here or Discord, whichever works best for you. All I'd like is ten or fifteen minutes of your time. Hell, you can respond through this post, or even let me know? I wanted to say more but I don't want to push. It's your choice. Or I'm making a fool of myself to you by saying or doing any of this.
I won't lie but I'd like to be friends again and to be able to speak again. If anything to make up for everything, or because I want to get to know you again after all these years. I'm getting ahead of myself, I know. Or to start anew. Either way, I'm hoping you'll respond, and I still did this post right. This is why I decided against writing on here, this site is confusing to use for this old guy to get to grips with.
I'll edit and add what I wanted to say here instead. I could talk about the past but I know I was to treat you as I did the last time because I was frustrated at the distance (I have an idea why you were now). I can't apologise enough for it, and I can only say I'm not that way anymore. And I lost all I wanted to say, damn. I'll try remember what I said. I realised I made a lot of mistakes from day one with you, small ones but they added up. You didn't deserve any of it. I enjoyed speaking to you but suffocated you by speaking daily, stuff like that. I regret all this because you were the kindest, warmest, sweetest person I've known (back then). I don't know how you feel or felt or think about me after all that. but you had a big impact on me and changed me for the better despite the short time we've spoken and known each other. I'm not happy to be trying to reach out because I feel selfish after all that and I'm trying to come back into your life, when you could be happy and a better place than before. I've always wanted the best for you and to be happy, and I'm sorry I'm doing this. I'm only asking for a chance to prove I'm sincere, I've changed, and in wanting to be friends again, start anew, and get to know each other again in a fresh slate. All I know is I can't show you anything by mere words but acting. Then again, It's all your call, your pace, if you want to do this. I dropped a lot on you and I'll give you as much time as you need to think, if you do. If you don't then it's fine, I had my chances. Like I said, I want the best for you and if speaking to me will stop that or upset you, that's fine. Anyway I'll be either on Twitter as Solitares (steelandsilence), here, or Discord on solitares6714 if you do decide to give me a chance.
0 notes
lanasdearie · 3 years
regina mills x reader (gender isn't specified)
- soulmate AU : you cannot see your soulmate's eye colour until you meet them
notes : hi everyone! this is the first little oneshot of the series I'm currently planning to write and post here! there'll be quite a lot of regina x reader, but I'm open to any type of request nonetheless!
i'm sorry in advance if there are typos, it feels like centuries since i wrote my last oneshot, and english isn't my first language. anyway, i hope you'll enjoy the reading!
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[ -----------------------------------------------]
"that's... very romantic, but what if you never meet them?" you said, shaking your head as you took a sip of your iced coffee.
you were at granny's, the small diner you discovered with a great feeling of delight due to you recently moving to storybrooke, a small city where your childhood best friend has lived in for ten years now, and since you were looking for a new job, they suggested (harassed would be a more appropriate word) you should definitely come around here.
"i understand you're being sceptical, but you never know what's going to happen. who knows, your soulmate could be in storybrooke?" your friend smiled as you could see a certain twinkle sparkling in their eyes, which you hadn't seen in what felt like centuries.
you sighed, taking the last sip of your drink.
"well, the day I'll stumble upon my soulmate here is also the day i'll go hiking with you." you replied as you emphasised the word "hiking". you weren't much of a sports person, and you absolutely hated when your friend tried to bring you into it without warning.
"you can count on me to remind you that every day of your life when that happens!" they laughed, while the both of you were standing off your seats.
you waved goodbye to them as they crossed the street to get into their car. since you didn't live too far away from the diner, you declined your friend's offer to drive you home. this was also an excuse so you could walk and have some spare time to think.
looking up, you watched your friend drive down the main street. you couldn't see the colour of the car, and in fact, you never have.
pieces were missing, and you longed for them.
living in a world where one or several colours remain unknown until you meet your soulmate wasn't that easy. if you do, everything will fall into place. no more nuances of a blurry grey, and if this one's your soulmate's eye colour, then fades to black. you were reminded of the void, of the shadows everytime you came across it, though it was rare since it fluctuates due to the intensity.
you didn't quite know what was the colour you couldn't see until your friend told you, an hour ago when you ordered an iced coffee. you never managed to remember its name, it made no sense to you. when you're not used to something, it's easier to forget.
"brown." you whispered as you did your best to recall every word of the conversation you've had with them.
you'd been staring at your drink for a few minutes before they dropped the word. they had guessed right, and you were surprised when they told you they've came across a bunch of people who had the same missing colour.
how inconvenient.
as you tried to slow down your racing thoughts, you realised you had stopped walking a while ago.
"i would win the prize of the worst overthinker if it existed..." you muttered, stepping aside to allow some space on the pavement.
you didn't hear the door of the shop quickly opening next to you ; the moment someone bumped into you, you let out a squeak and turned around just in time to grab their hand, preventing them to fall.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry! i will make sure to pay attention next time. are you alright?" you asked as you moved up your palm to their shoulder, a half-concerned and half-guilty look on your face as you checked their clothes. you noticed it was a woman.
"don't worry, it's okay. i've been used to people running into me these days." she said, chuckling slightly. your eyes traveled up her face, lingering a second more on her delicate red lips. until you eventually caught her stare, and that's when a sudden wave of shock got the best of you. you were so confused your hand slowly slipped from her coat.
brown. such a mesmerising colour it was. everything seemed to have stopped. you lost track of time, drowned into the dark, glittering amber eyes of the woman standing right in front of you. you recalled her name, letting it fall down your tongue.
"regina mills."
the letters sounded like music to your ears.
you didn't even bother to look around you as the world was finally becoming complete. you knew what holes needed to be filled with brown, replacing forever the sad fuzzy grey you had grown tired of seeing everyday.
even the mayor herself seemed astonished, though her eyes never turned away from yours.
"i don't think... we have met before?" she breathed, as she took a step forward, the sound of her heels clacking  on the pavement.
you could now feel her rich perfume. it was so fine and exquisite you wished you could burry your face into her neck so her fragrance would never leave your skin.
"you're right." you replied, your cheeks slightly colouring at the thought that just crossed your mind. "i moved here not even one week ago."
"oh, that explains everything.."
the way regina's gaze pierced right through you made you crazy. you tried to mark her into your mind, every detail, every small imperfection was printed and traveled your memory now and then, moving like a ghost. visibly, she was doing the same, as her eyes darkened as they traveled your body up and down. finally her lips stretched into a smile, revealing her perfect white teeth.  the kind of smile you'd kill for.
"it appears destiny has, once again, made another move." she said, keeping her voice low so only the two of you could hear.
"indeed. and because of it, i'll get my butt kicked during a hiking party." you growled, remembering your friend's words. you could almost hear the proud and victorious tone they'll take once you give them the news.
regina's laugh lingered for a few seconds, the most delightful ones.
"a hiking party? i've never heard of that before."
"yes, that's... quite a story. if you have some time to spare, i would gladly tell you more about it." you smiled.
the mayor's fingers brushed against your skin, making you shiver, as she linked her arm with yours.
"i have all the time in the world to hear it." she whispered in your ear, as you started walking together, heading for your house.
and as the sun was starting to set, you admired every single nuance of colour your eyes could take. you felt safe, at peace. you were happy at the thought of waking up in the morning, knowing you'd never have to face an unstable landscape, filled with holes that used to terrify you. a single tear rolled down your cheek as you realised regina's presence close to you, the closest you've ever been to someone.
little did you know the feeling went both ways. at your side the mayor lifted her head, embracing the street with her gaze.
"it makes sense." she thought, as her eyes stopped as soon as they saw the sky. it was the first time she'd truly ever looked at it. realised how beautiful it was, how it reminded her of your stare, of the soft pink that was spreading on your cheeks in this very moment.
"now that I think of it, I've been stupid enough to forget and ask for your name." you watched the way regina's  lips moved as you turned your head to her.
"[first name] [last name]. but i'm willing to be anything you'd call me." your reply echoed into the empty street you were walking in.
"i like it."
she chuckled once again, you caught a glimpse of the smile she was hiding in her scarf.
you wished it would never end.
your life and perception of it were changed forever.
thanks to your soulmate, and her glittering brown eyes.
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doggernaut · 3 years
I have no idea what it is I'm writing, but it started as a lighthearted Zimbits summer camp counselor AU and it's turned into a post-college "what do I do with my life?" AU (obviously Jack doesn't go pro in this) with an entire subplot about Jack's friendship with Camilla Collins?
Anyway, I still don't know if there's enough of a plot in my head to string a whole fic together but I kind of like this? I've just really been wanting more fic with Jack and Camilla as exes who work better as friends.
It wouldn’t be truthful to say Camilla Collins was Jack’s first everything, but she was his first a-lot-of-things, and she does happen to be the only ex of his that he’s still on speaking terms with. Not that there have been that many. Two of them, Jack’s pretty sure, weren’t even real relationships.
“Come in!” she calls when Jack raps twice on the door to her cabin. “Hi!”
She’s lying on her back on the top bunk she claims every year, legs up against the wall, head hanging off the edge of the bed. Jack thinks would probably give him a headache but she says it's a good meditating position. She sticks her tongue out at him from her upside-down position. “Come on up!”
Jack hesitates for just a second before climbing up the ladder and settling down beside her. The rusting, metal-framed bed, which has to be at least 30 years old and definitely was not designed with two full-grown adults in mind, creaks under their combined weight.
“Was wondering when you were gonna come see me,” Camilla pouts.
“I had orientation with Hall and Murray. I’m camp photographer this year.”
“I heard. Everybody heard.”
“I didn’t think it would be news.”
“Between you and me, I think people are mostly upset that you won’t be hosing down the water slide in your swim trunks anymore. Those abs, man.”
“Between you and me, I stress ate my way through last semester and those abs haven’t been visible for months,” Jack says.
“Between you and me, I don’t think that’s going to stop half the singles on staff from trying to make you their summer fling.” Camilla brushes Jack’s bangs out of his eyes. “Rough year?”
“How’d you know?”
“The dark circles under your eyes. Also, you haven’t answered my texts since February. I was out your way for a tennis tournament. Thought you might want to buy me a drink.”
“You thought I might want to buy you a drink!” Jack barks out. Then, “Sorry. I would have. I was just having a hard time.”
“Are things better now?”
“Well, I’m here.”
“Not what I asked, Zimmermann.”
Jack blows out a sigh. “Yeah. I made some decisions I had to make about my plans next year. And my doctor upped my meds. Things are starting to get better.”
“Good. Wanna blow me?”
“We have a staff meeting in ten minutes.”
“I’m kidding!” Camilla cackles. “You thought about it though, didn’t you?”
“I’m only human, Mills.”
“I’m not doing the friends with benefits thing this summer,” Camilla announces, even though Jack hasn’t asked. It’s this pattern they fall into; they begin every summer as friends and by the halfway point they’re hooking up every other weekend when Camilla’s roommates take their teen campers on the end-of-session overnight backpacking trip. “And that’s not meant to be pressure to get you to commit or anything. I’m in love.”
“Is he or she on staff here or—?”
“Pfft. I told you I’m not doing the friends with benefits thing this summer. He is the captain of the men’s tennis team at your school, actually. Turns out somebody wanted to buy me a drink that weekend.”
“You know him?”
“We have captains meetings once a quarter.”
“Of course. He’s coming up for a weekend next month. He’s a good guy, right?”
“I haven’t heard any horrible rumors about him. Haven’t spent a lot of time with him either, but he seems cool.”
“Well, he’s no Jack Laurent Zimmermann,” Camilla says, knocking Jack’s shoulder with her knee. “But his blowjobs are phenomenal.”
“Is he bi? Did I miss out?” Not that it would have mattered. Jack was so depressed last semester that Camilla could have paraded through his apartment wearing nothing but his jersey and he wouldn’t have been able to get it up.
“Guess you’ll never know,” Camilla says smugly.
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cata-linaa · 3 years
Hello, how are you? Okay, well not gonna lie it's my first time requesting anything, so I would like to request a match-up. If possible. :) If I have any mistakes you are more than welcome to correct me or tell me to do it again.
I am 20 years old, female and from Germany. I study medicine, am in the 2nd year. I can speak five languages and am currently learning Icelandic - I don't know why to be all honest- and love to read and draw in my free time. I am also in a MMA club, it's my fourth year now -it's a miracle that I'm still alive, hahaha- and I've played football for seven years. Because of the pandemic we are not allowed to participate in any sports, so I'm rather at home and studying. I also love volleyball, not gonna lie, I've watched HQ because of it. I never played volleyball professionally but I would like to. The adrenaline when I play with some friends is indescribable! To my personality, well I am really "direct", if something doesn't add up in my mind I would not hesitate to tell my opinion. I am a really good listener and give amazing advices, in my 20 years I've been through a lot, my mind is like a 70 year old person's. Due some traumatic experiences, I've developed depression and its best friend anxiety. Even though I have the feeling that I have no friends -which I have but, I don't know how to explain, it's more like you try to keep the friendship up, ya know?- I have depression and anxiety right next to me as my friends, they come and go to check up on me can't deny their effort for that. Damn, I wrote a lot. However, to the last things, I have brown hair and hazel-green eyes. If you want to know anything else -which I don't think- Hahaha.
I wish you a nice day! ❤
hello hello! sorry this is so late, my life is VERY funny, and by funny i mean I’m a piñata, and life is a blindfolded child with their older sibling’s metal baseball bat. But i’m hopefully going back to my semi-sporadic schedule, maybe posting once every week or two, or if i’m feeling extra inspire-y i’ll do more :)
yo anon you’re legitimately one of the coolest people ever from this description alone my smoker lungs could never do sports tf i’m jealous-
anyways, are you ready…. to…..RUMBLLLLLLLEEEEE?!!!
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i match you with… 
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Lucky lucky you!!! (this got very long I got carried away-)
Listen, I can already TELL this one is gonna be a good one
You’re a polyglot? He could listen to you speak all day, he would even try to help you learn another language with flash cards, even if he has no idea, you’re you, it’s important! 
He can’t draw, but he sits at the kitchen table with you nevertheless, and has some fancy art paper and materials for you (because you deserve it) and some 8x11 printer paper and a 12 pack of colored pencils he purchased form the local corner store. He often wants to draw you, the warped ms paint-looking drawings are quite charming, and you find yourself keeping them in your bag, or on your desk. 
You in turn, give him a portrait you drew over the course of a while to him as a part of a birthday gift, and he brings it wherever his job takes him, pressed neatly in a clipboard or notebook, he sometimes brushes his fingers over the lines drawn by you as if it was strands of your hair
Imagine this real quick: medicine??? Being an athletic trainer??? those studies are kind of similar, so y’all would meet in class hypothetically in the weird idea bank that is my head
Iwa is a complete sucker for interesting features in someone, green eyes? He will melt, and thinks about your eyes and how they light up when you smile, when you look at him he genuinely loses his train of thought and starts to lose his cool and stutter a little bit, oikawa teases him a lot about it, you two are close and 
it’s a match made in hell when you two go party together, and you guys have to get Iwa to come pick you guys up (i feel like every writer on here has made a post about this very scenario, its just canon at this point)
When you had your football games, (idk what position you play but i hope you mean the soccer kind of football bc thats what i’m imagining) he’s always at the edge of his seat on the side of the field, if you score a goal/block a goal he stands up and he’s cheering for you, or even better, when you look at him, he has the most supportive look In his eyes, and smiles at you, and shit, the other team knows they can’t stand a chance now. 
When you’re doing MMA, he finds that SO HOT PLS- 
Forbid if you ever get hurt while doing sports, he will run to your sides where he is watching you and make sure everything is okay, because he can’t have someone else go through that, not on his watch ouch lmao sorry
you two often play sports together in the park or something, maybe a morning run or two to keep yourselves active during the pandemic (can you tell i’ve barely ever even thought about athletics i’m so sorry) 
You guys definitely have one of those friend groups where you do shit like climb a mountain or do a bootcamp for fun and post it on social media
The two of you look GOOD in athleticwear together. 
strong people are his absolute weakness, both physical and mentally
When he sees you caught up in a rant, even if its about something serious, a part of him smiles, since that passionate energy is what attracted him to you in the first place
when you told oikawa that he looked ugly in the outfit he picked out, Iwa laughed so hard he couldn’t fucking BREATHE for like ten minutes
On a more serious note, when you’re not feeling your best, he stops everything to make you feel better. One call and he could be on the next car ride, bus, train, or flight home, ready to tell you that you are loved and valid. Everyone loves your presence, he reminds you, and if your’e comfortable with it, he invites oikawa and the rest of your friend group for a self-care/movie night, just to show you just how much everyone wants to be around and how they and him will just show up to you, no matter what. 
He’s your safe space, and wants to spend every part of his life with the thing that matters most- you. 
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nervousenemychild · 4 years
hi I'm trying this for the first time ever. posting what I've written online for other people to see.
“James,” she said, entering the kitchen where he was organizing the glassware in cabinets too high for her to reach. She was surprised to find he was adequately following her instructions as to how she preferred them organized. “Please don’t be angry with me when I say this.”
He immediately put down the tea cup in his hand and turned around to face her. “Sure.” He of course was wearing his signature goofy grin.
She shook her head and smiled. “You don’t even know what it is yet.”
“Well, you’re you, so…” He trailed. “What could you have possibly done? Lily Evans, known horrible person.” He rolled his eyes in reply, still smiling.
She decided not to respond to his sarcastic remark and instead just break the news. “I think I may have misplaced the golden snitch from your Seventh Year Cup in the move,” she said, her eyebrows furrowing. 
His face fell and she cringed. “I’m really sorry.”
He shook his head and walked past her out of the kitchen.
“No, Lily. That was irreplaceable. What do you mean, you misplaced it? Where do you think it is?” he asked, irritation evident in his tone.
“I don’t know, James. That’s what I mean,” she replied. “I thought… When I packed up our bedroom, I could’ve sworn I put everything in our dressers in different boxes, knickknacks included. All of my journals are with my clothes, so—“
“Oh, so I guess all of your stuff is neatly squared away!” he exclaimed, swirling around then to face her. His face was beet red.
“I didn’t mean to—“
“But you obviously were careless about it. Shit, Lily, what is wrong with you?” he snapped.
She folded her arms. “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me that I packed up our entire bedroom last minute last night while you ran around and started schoolchild brawls with the same stupid people?”
“Better than misplacing something of extreme personal and historical value.” He sat down on the couch. “And better yet, I was protecting you.”
“Let’s you and I make a distinction between protecting me and being an idiot, once and for all,” she retaliated, “for the umpteenth time. If someone comes up to me and begins threatening me or shoving me or stabbing or kicking or—“
“You misplaced the one thing that used to make me fucking happy!” he screamed.
Tears came to her eyes as they stared at each other in silence. “The one thing that used to make you happy?” she asked him finally. “Quidditch. Quidditch is the one thing that used to make you happy?”
James pursed his lips and folded his arms.
“You’re a literal child!” she exclaimed. “Such a fucking baby, you are. Get over it, James. It’s a stupid ball!”
“A stupid ball. A stupid ball?” he asked. “Of course you didn’t pack it, Lily. You clearly don’t care about something that means a lot to me.”
“Well, you clearly don’t care about me because I don’t make you happy,” she choked back a sob before she fled the room.
At around ten o’clock at night, she retreated into the living room and threw the snitch at the couch. “There. Now you can think back on all the times you were happy with this hunk of metal.”
“No. I don’t want to hear you. I’ve been looking for that stupid thing for hours and you haven’t said a word to me,” she said as she made her way back into their bedroom. 
He followed her to find the room completely unpacked.
“I was unpacking the kitchen. I’m finished,” he explained.
“Well, that’s two rooms done,” she said resignedly, sitting on the bed.
“I’m sorry,” he said finally.
“You’re not sorry,” she replied. “You were so eager to yell at me. Why did you flip the switch like that?” she asked.
“Honestly…” he began, “I’ve just been really angry all day and I had no right to lose it like that.” He joined her on foot of the bed, and they both looked down at their new bedroom carpet. “You do make me happy, you know,” he said, his voice small. “You know that.”
“I guess,” she answered.
“You guess?”
“I don’t know, James. You screamed at me today,” she recalled, beginning to really be harsh towards him. “Over something of extreme personal and historical value,” she mocked, her voice adopting a childish pitch. “Something. Not someone. I said I was sorry, and I’d never lose it on—“
“I know you wouldn’t. Look at me,” he commanded.
She sighed and glanced over at him. “What?”
“I can’t believe I have to say this. You are way more important to me than anything, anyone even. Especially a snitch. Okay?” he asked.
They stared at each other in silence again before Lily broke it.
“Are you happy?” she whispered.
He wrapped his arms around her and broke out in tears. He sobbed into her shoulder for a moment before pulling away to find her face stained in tears too.
“It’s not that I’m unhappy, Lily… It’s just… All day, I’ve been thinking about how we had to move to live somewhere that I’m only somewhat confident is an area where you won’t be murdered for being who you are,” he said then. “And I can’t help it. I start thinking about how mad I am, and sometimes the only way to calm myself down is to think about our times at Hogwarts. And I know you weren’t even completely safe back there which is why when Sirius and I saw those creeps at the bar last night… Lily, I can’t see their faces without thinking about the threats they’ve made about you, how they look at you, how—“
“Okay, James. We’re away from it now. I don’t like it either, but it doesn’t mean I—“
“Sirius talked me out of it until they started bugging me, saying they knew we were moving and they were tracking us, and they…. Lily, what they said they were going to do to you,” he bawled then. “I can’t just stand by and let that happen. I physically cannot. You’ve asked me to I don’t know how many times, and if I could, I would. I promise.”
She kissed him on the cheek. “Calm down. You know they only do it to get a rise—“
“Really, Lily? Really? When we both know I’ve worked on cases where those threats happened to real Muggleborn women,” he said. “I understand it’s easier and probably healthier for you to just not take them seriously, but I won’t ever let my guard down around those scumbags. I hate them. Do you know how many cases they’ve been suspects in, how many times they’ve been taken into custody and released?” he asked.
“I know, James. I know. You’ve told me all about it,” she said, resting her hands on his shoulders then. “Calm down. It’s okay. I’m right here. I’m not hurt.”
“And I’m never, ever going to let you get hurt,” he cried, embracing her again. His sobs shook his entire body.
“Okay. Okay,” she told him. “Calm down. We’re right here together. Nothing is going to happen to us. We’ve got the place all secured, and it’s way out in the middle of nowhere. You made it that way, remember? This was finally the place you agreed to,” she reminded him. “It’s all right. This is the safest space for us to be.”
He kissed her hair. “I’m so sorry, Lily. It shouldn’t be you comforting me. You’re the one in danger, the one I treated terribly today—“
“I can tell that you were on the verge of a panic attack now,” she said softly. “You have been all day, haven’t you?”
“I’m sorry,” he gasped out. “Fuck. I’m sorry, Lily—“
“No, James. It’s okay. Just cry. It’s fine. We can talk afterwards,” she assured him.
He shook his head. “I can’t believe I yelled at you like that today.”
“I know. I was confused, too. Just cry it out,” she encouraged him, and finally, he lowered his head back onto her shoulder and cried a little more before stopping. “Okay?” she asked.
He nodded.
“Okay,” she said. She pulled away from him and kissed his forehead.
“I’m sorry, Lily,” he said then. “Really sorry. I should have never gotten that upset with you over something like that. You found it anyways, and if I was that concerned about it, I could have packed it myself,” he told her. “You make me so happy, which is why I love you so much and I never should have lost my temper with you.”
She nodded. “I understand. It’s okay.”
He kissed her on the lips. “I guess I just… In the moment you told me, I immediately thought about how if it was left in the old house, I didn’t want us to go back and look for it because it’d be unsafe. You know, with me starting a new sector at work, and being so far away form the city out here… It is kind of like starting all over. I don’t want to leave the old us behind… The us that took laps around the castle, studied in bed together, when you’d come and cheer me on at my Quidditch matches… That’s one of my favorite memories of us together, when you’d support me and scream your little head off for me. The snitch reminds me of all of those times we had back in the castle. It… It kinda sucks we have to leave everything behind in order to keep you safe. It’s ridiculous, it’s scary,” he said.
“I know,” she told him. “It’s like, all our friends think we’ll still be around, but… I don’t know. London has proved to be pretty dangerous, and now that it’s so far away… We’re just going to have to see if they want to make the trip.”
He nodded. “We have each other, though. And you make me so happy, and you have for a very long time now. I love you so much.”
She smiled. “I love you, too. You make me happy.”
He grabbed her hand and brought it to his mouth to kiss it. “I’m sorry, really.”
“It’s okay, James. It honestly startled me more than anything,” she told him. “I love you, James. I know you’d never… You’d never really treat me like that.”
He kissed her cheek. “I never would want to. I’m supposed to be someone you can trust. Come sit with me.”
She rolled her eyes. “James, it’s—“
“Come here.” He held open his arms and straightened out his legs.
“I’ve gained weight since we left Hogwarts, you kn—“
“Come here to me.”
She sighed and crawled over to sit on his lap.
“There, there. It’s all right. I’m right here.” He wrapped his arms around her and began to gently rock her side to side. 
“I’m not a child,” she protested, but her voice was too soft for him to take her seriously.
“You quite enjoy this. Don’t lie,” he said back, smoothing her hair and kissing it. “There, there, Lily.”
She rested her cheek on his shoulder and shut her eyes. “I am tired.”
“Of course you are, spending all day unpacking and whatnot. Let me soothe you to sleep,” he said.
She looked up at him for a moment. 
“What?” he asked her.
“Nothing,” she replied. “Nothing. Go on.” 
He rocked her a little longer before he moved her up the bed to tuck her in beneath the covers. 
“Undress me first,” she commanded.
“What? I’m going to fall asleep with my day clothes on?” 
“Your jumper and sweatpants?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Take my clothes off,” she restated.
He nodded and did just that, pulling her jumper over her head and then shimmying her pants off her. “Better?”
She nodded, grinning. “Much.” 
He kissed her and moved the comforter overtop her. “There. Let me climb in next to you.” He positioned himself to spoon her, but she almost immediately flipped over to face him. 
“You are going to be such an excellent father,” she told him.
“I am?” he asked.
She nodded. “Someday. Right?”
“Right.” He kissed her forehead. “Someday soon if you aren’t careful.”
She smiled at his honestly lame flirtation. It was strange yet pleasant how she became giddier and easier to impress the longer they stayed together. “Yeah.” She nestled her head under his chin before saying what she wanted to next. “How soon do you think we should think about it?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know, Lily. We have the see what’ll happen with the war. How safe we are in this house should play a big factor, too.”
She yawned. “You’re right. I just… I guess I’m somewhat eager. We have been married for almost a year now,” she said.
“Secretly married,” he contradicted.
She rolled her eyes and emerged from under his chin, kissing him on the lips. “Same difference. James, the reason we got married is because we wanted to be together forever as soon as possible if this war was going to rage on and keep us from doing that. Isn’t it just the same with a baby?” she asked. “I want to be a mother. I’ve wanted to be a mother since I can remember.”
He shook his head. “Not at all. I’m not bringing a child… our child… into an unsafe situation,” he explained.
“Nothing’s going to happen,” she told him. “Really. I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t want that either, you know that.” She grabbed his hand. “A baby would be great for us right now. Don’t you want something else to think about other than violence and hatred?”
“Sure. I’d love that. That’s not what a baby’s for,” he replied. “I really don’t need to speak any more on it, Lily. Give it awhile. I’m not getting you pregnant until I’m supremely satisfied that we are safe.” He brought the hand he was holding to his mouth to kiss it. “Okay?”
She nodded. “Okay. I understand.”
“Goodnight, Lily. I love you so much, and… and I really do hope that one day we can have a baby for you, for me, for the sake of having a family. I just want that baby to have a long, healthy life alongside us both.”
“Of course,” she replied. “Right. I love you, too, James, so much. Too much, I think, sometimes.”
He smiled. “Never too much for me. Goodnight, okay?”
He shut his eyes and she immediately snuggled closer to him, her chest pressed against where he held her hand at his heart.
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bygone-age · 5 years
A fun little idea I had while my mam was catching up with some recent Holby episodes and I decided the writers don't know how to do happy and fun.
It's an AU of course - Dom isn't adopted, Lofty didn't cheat, Ric isn't suddenly past it, Jac is happy (and still in charge of Darwin), Kian is around, but a bit less annoying (I'm getting used to him), Serena and Bernie are still together and Hanssen is not in Sweden. Also Gaskell wasn't a total bastard and Roxanna is still with us.
So anyway, here it is!
Sacha Levy was not fond of working nights, but he owed Dom a favour and it was only for a few days.
Of course, night shift had its advantages - his last ward round had passed without incident, the patients were settled for the night and barring any unforseen emergencies, they should remain that way till handover in the morning, so all he had to do was check in with the junior doctor and ward nurses every now and then and the rest of the time was his own.
He had a supply of good coffee (a present from Jac and Emma, along with a mug covered in doctor jokes), he'd managed to get ahead of his paperwork for once and he'd even gone over a research proposal from his junior, so he was going to spend the next hour with Agatha Christie. Or least, that had been the plan. Almost as soon as Hercule Poirot had boarded the Orient Express, his office phone rang.
"Mr Levy?" it was the rather shaky voice of Nicky McKendrick. "could you come down to Darwin? I- I- I know you're probably busy, but... well, there's a problem with Ms Naylor."
Five minutes later he was hurrying out of the lift and onto Darwin. Nicky was waiting for him, looking positively queasy.
"Nicky, what happened?"
"Well, everyone was settled for the night and she had me doing half a mountain of paperwork and practicing for tomorrow morning's surgery, while she worked in her office. About ten or so minutes ago, she stuck her head out and said she wasn't to be disturbed unless it was a critical emergency. She said anyone who did would be thrown out of her office window."
"That's pretty standard for Jac."
"Yes, but I walked past her office and I could hear her going "he's an arsehole, she's an arsehole, he's never going to win, she's just crap" and I knocked on her door to see if she was OK and..."
"and what?"
"She told me to fuck off. Then she threw a cupcake at me."
Now he was just curious.
"OK, first you need to calm down. Get yourself a cuppa and take five minutes, then try and tackle the rest of that paperwork. I'll go and see Jac."
Nicky went off to the break room and Sacha went to Jac's office to see what was going on.
"I thought I told you to fuck off!?!"
"Not since I knocked Emma's glitter onto the floor!"
Jac turned to see it was Sacha, rather than Nicky butting in as she had before.
"Oh. Sorry, I thought you were Nicky bothering me again."
"No and you should apologise. And explain why you're throwing cupcakes."
"I told her - no interruptions. The cupcake was burnt, it shouldn't have been in the box, but Emma insisted it was fine and I forgot to take it out of the box."
Sacha sat down beside her on the couch and finally noticed what she had on on the portable TV on the coffee table.
"Still mean though, you should ap- Bake Off? I thought that started next week!?!"
"Tonight. Half of them are doomed, but Hollywood is such a dick, I want the worst one to win just to spite him."
Sacha laughed out loud and settled in beside her.
"Mind if I join you? Watching you critique cooking shows is one of the funniest things you can get away with at work!"
She nugded him playfully and grinned.
"Shut up and make yourself comfortable... if you can take time away from Agatha Christie!"
"She can wait for a hour, but I will nip up during the break and grab some of that lovely coffee. And while I'm doing that, you can apologise to Nicky"
He looked at her with just a little bit of sterness and she gave him her best put upon sigh - one borrowed straight out of her daughter's playbook.
"Fine! As long as she isn't going to make a big deal out of it."
They settled in to a comfortable silence for the next few minutes and when the break came, Sacha went to fetch the coffee, hearing Jac call Nicky over as he left.
"Oi, foetus! Put that lot down, I need a word!"
A few minutes later, having checked in with Keller and grabbed his coffee maker, Sacha returned to Jac's office to see her and Nicky side by side, Nicky practically bouncing with excitement and Jac trying very hard to keep a stern look on her face. He avoided eye contact and set the coffee up on her desk.
"Sorry I'm late, I stopped in at the break room to fill this up" he motioned to the cafetiere. "what have I missed?"
"They're making Angel Cake Slices for the technical" Nicky pipped up brightly "I don't know why-"
"Because you don't know anything. Now be quiet or you'll get another burnt cake thrown at you."
Sacha smiled. Jac wasn't fooling anyone, she was enjoying the company and she knew it. As if on cue, she softened (slightly. Very slightly) and turned towards Nicky as he passed out the coffee and sat on her other side.
"It would be too easy to just do three traybakes and jam them together. This way requires much more skill, so it's a better challenge."
"Oh! That makes sense. You know, you should-" Nicky sneaked a quick look at Jac and decided against what she'd been about to say. "nevermind. It can wait."
"Good. Now, not another word unless the judges make someone cry"
NEXT: BISCUIT WEEK. The action moves to Sacha's flat. Jac makes ginger snaps, Nicky brings tea and Ric has definite opinions on the "loose vs bagged" debate.
Hope you liked that! I'm going to try and do one for each week, so I know I have some to catch up on and I've never been very good at deadlines, but I will try and if anyone has any ideas, drop me a line any time.
This is especially for @foxyroxysstuff, who I hope will forgive me for delaying finishing her prompt to finish this first! I'm going to do yours now, promise!
EDIT:- Forgot to post this 👇 👇 it's the coffee maker that Jac and Emma bought Sacha.
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aibrechts · 6 years
(4/?)(sorry about the length, by the way. I swear I'm not always this chatty. I just really did miss you haha). Anyway, I've seen a lot of your art, and not gonna lie, if that's rushed? You absolutely can't tell, first off, and secondly? Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous! I would say I liked it, but I loved it, so that wouldn't be entirely true, huh? Lol. (may you have more peaceful, relaxing time to work on your art in the future though if that's what you'd like). It was absolutely fantastic!
(again i got all the messages preceding this, it just doesn’t seem like something to post ahahaha but god your sister sounds exactly like my niece-in-law, smarts and sugar and glitter and all
(5/?)(good lord again I apologize haha). I'm really glad you've had some good days, by the way! I'm sorry about all the frustrations though. May the rest of your holiday be as enjoyable as building a fence (which is pretty impressive, by the way), if perhaps less work and more play haha. You deserve only the best, after all. As for working outside, I definitely understand that, and completely agree, so I'm glad you got to do so!
it has been, it’s been absolutely wonderful
(6/7)(okay the next one should be it lol) There's a glorious freedom to the outside world and the honest labor found in it. And beer and pizza are /always/ a good combo. I'm actually sitting her with some honey bourbon right now hahaha. Tough days call for stiff drinks, and that I get to talk to you makes tonight all the sweeter a victory. I hope bleaching your hair went well, by the way! I'm sure you look stunning! (And yes, Walker indeed. What's next? the innocence and the eye to match? lol).
yesss the ‘drink of the season’ (lol) this year was apperol spritz, but i only had one before defaulting back to beer. honey bourbon sounds absolutely wonderful though, and i hope you’re thoroughly enjoying yourself!!!!!! of course, i didn’t think id be able to talk to you today (i thought you would be busy with christmas, after all) so being able to talk to you really is the icing on the cake!!! (or, should we say, the star on the tree?? glaze on the ham???? prawn on the barbecue???? lololol) 
my hair turned out wonderfully!!! and what with the way i comb it back, and my brother the ginger he is, i think the two of us ended up quite weasley-malfoy today ahahaha
FUNNY U SAY THAT THOUGH, because i do actually have plans for a sleeve tattoo on my left arm that will gradually turn into the design of Allen’s crown clown at the shoulder ahahahahahahaha
(7/7) Not that you couldn't rock that look. You definitely could. Teasing's just a bit of a habit of mine. It's a sign of affection in my family I swear hahaha. Anyway, as for starboy, please, take your time. Having a life is a good thing, remember? And you deserve to have fun! All of your effort is definitely appreciated, and no matter when it gets done, I'm sure it'll be a knockout. And of course, as always, I hope you're having a good day! Thanks for listening to the chatter btw hahaha. {~J}
talking to you is always wonderful time out of my day, of course, so please talk away as much as you’d like!!! in terms of starboy, i somehow ended up writing about 4k of it between everything that was going on today. i feel i rushed through a couple of scenes, but i also feel like they were scenes which needed to be rushed through lolol. 
all up im definitely happier with this chapter than i was with the last, which realistically had been written months ago. so this is more in my own style, and the other not nearly as eloquent as i’d like it. i’m at about 14k all up for this one, and if it were any other story i’d cut it somewhere but.... well, starboy is structured a little differently. 
there are ten chapters, and each chapter is.... more of an act, really, in a play. certain things have to happen, regardless of how long they take to get through. i know chapter 6 is comparatively very short, but it acts more as an interlude than anything. a twenty-minute intermission, before things pick back up with a vengeance. 
but anyway, as much as i’d like to finish it tonight i am quite wrecked after everything lololol as wonderfully enjoyable as it all was. thank you so much for stopping by to talk, you really are so wonderful
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