#anyway thanks to all of you for being jews and/or homosexuals i want you to know i appreciate it
unopenablebox · 2 years
broke fast with a friend tonight who tried to claim that she has a lot of qualities that are “really weird and embarrassing and easy to criticize” such as .... being bisexual and a semi-practicing jew
and like
i had to remind her that i am also a bisexual jew, in addition to being, for example, transgender, so uh, she’s certainly safe from me
i mean i thought i hung around too many straight goyim but goddamn.
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atheistforhumanity · 4 years
Hi. Sorry if this is a bit long, I would totally understand if you don't want to respond to this. So, I live in a very religious country, questions are immoral and we must follow said religion dearly or else. I have only recently begun reading about atheism and so far I feel my beliefs in religion are falling apart. I am no longer convinced of the religion, I am not sure sure if there is a god but i no longer care. However, there is one argument for religion that I just can't seem to respond to that is how do we get a sense of purpose and have a (objective) value system without religion. Without religion, we start lacking purpose because life doesn't matter and when we die nothing happens, so what's the point? With religion however, there is a sense that we were created by a god, who created us for an important reason and it's our purpose to discover that destiny and fulfill it. And without religion, we have no objective set of values, we merely rely on a subject ever changing world view. Like say with lgbt rights. I could say that everyone should do what they want as long as they are not harming others or themselves and that's why I believe that lgbt people should do whatever they want. But, someone might view it as harmful to others or the people in said relationships. So our values are subjective. With religion however, we can just refer to the rule book and that's it. While multiple religions have different set of values, they can still help communities agree on their values. So my question, in a world that lacks religion, how can we have consistent morals and identify our sense of purpose and reason for existence. Thank you.
Anon, thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts with me. I appreciate when anyone seeks my opinion. Thank you. 
You’ve brought up some important topics that many people struggle with. As you have said, I’ve heard many people say that confusion in these areas are most responsible for them being unsure of what they believe. Hopefully after this post you’ll gain some clarity and be able to make a new assessment. 
What is Our Purpose?
I often hear from people that a sense of purpose is their main reason for sticking with religion, even when they have doubts. The religious often flaunt their idea of purpose as an unmatched quality only they can provide. So here is a different way of approaching this question.
When a religious person asks me how to know their purpose, I first point out that they are assuming that we are meant to have a purpose or that an objective purpose is a requirement of life. Many people try to figure out life through the lens of what is meant to happen, but I believe this is misguided. We think this way because our minds seek order and finite understanding of the world around us. Therefore, we assume that we must be meant to do something. 
However, I submit the cold reality of our existence. We are the results of millions of years of evolutionary change on 1 planet out of many, many trillions. Our form of life does not have any objective purpose, because our creation was not planned or orchestrated. This is an idea religious people have a hard time grasping. That what exists was not crafted, constructed, or produced from a greater mind. All evidence points the fact that we are the result of trillions of random occurrences over billions of years. 
If you let go of the assumption that we were purposefully created, then you can let go of the idea that we require an objective purpose. After all, the idea that were created by an intelligent force has no evidence to support that view. There is no evidence to support the existence of a god. There is no evidence to support the idea that we innately have purpose. 
This is not a bad thing. Many people often dive immediately into the lake of hopelessness, saying that nothing matters without purpose. I reject this idea entirely. It is short sighted to say that if my life is not eternal then nothing I do matters. A nihilist says this while existing in a world wide society of billions of people where we see, feel, and know pain and happiness by our actions and the actions of others. We are all aware of well documented history where single figures have had profound world changing effects for good and evil. To put it simply, every action has a consequence, and regardless of how you feel about that consequence, since it undeniably miniscule to profound effects on others that live, it cannot be said that it does not matter. Not when we are creatures of wants, needs, and desires. No, to say that our actions don’t matter is an absurdity. 
Where Do We Get Our Values? 
I say that your actions matter for the fact that they have consequence. But how do we know what is right and wrong, or what those terms even mean without an objective guide?
I have a few things to say on this topic. The first is that the Bible or Quran do not actually set objective morals. Without getting into too much detail, we must recognize major contradictions in the holy books. Rules are set, such as thou shall not kill, but the rules are also broken very quickly and without remorse. Both God/Allah kills and murders on a whim, and on a mass scale. Both God/Allah instruct their followers to kill and slaughter. The morals given by these holy books are purely subjective because they only apply when they say they apply. For instance, rules against not enslaving your neighbors meant exactly that, don’t enslave other Jews, but you can enslave others. 
More importantly, these morals change and progress over time as society challenges the old ideas and ushers in new thinking. No Christians or Muslims live under the exact moral law as set down at the dawn of the religions. ISIS is an example of an attempt to do so. So these religious morals are not actually accepted as objective by the people. 
Second, religion only claims that their morals are object and cannot prove this claim. It takes very little critical thinking to know that one would rather live in America under secular law than any location in 12th Century Europe when religion controlled laws and morals virtually 100%. Every religion has a different set of morals that they claim is objective, yet none can show themselves to be better than another. More importantly, none can show themselves to be as moral as what secular philosophy has produced, which gives the Western world freedom and liberty like the world has never seen. 
As for the idea that it would be easier to follow a “rule book” whether that be the Bible, the Quran, or the teaching of Buddha the same could be said for any other moral philosophy. Society would be simple if we committed ourselves to Utilitarianism completely, but we cannot say it would be better. Our experience across the globe has bore out the simple truth that adopting eclectic laws in an environment where they can always be challenged and improved on is the best model the world has ever seen. There are still theocracies in the world and millions of people from around the globe do not flood to immigrate there. 
Not All Opinions Are Equal 
Once we remove the idea of objective morality, people often go straight to the idea that nothing can be determined because there will always be differences of opinion. They think that without objectivity set by a higher power that no idea can be proven wrong. This is just not true. There is a universal prohibition against murder. Regardless of the fact that some people find it acceptable, by virtue of intellect and practical application it is undeniable that forbidding murder is the best choice for all societies. 
Here we take our first steps toward a new idea of objectivity. Ideas are not objective because of their source, but rather by their merit and application. Universal agreement is not required for an idea to be objectively true. For instance, many people believe the world is flat, but this is objectively false. Morals work the same way. Murder is objectively wrong, but there are still criminals that take it up for sport or work. The fact that someone is too ignorant to see a truth does not mean it is not true. 
Let’s look at the issue of lgbtq people specifically. I wrote another post explaining why the American medical community ended its stance that homosexuality was a mental illness. For much of the 20th century in America, homosexuality was considered to be an illness and a moral wrong. This changed when the American Psychological Association actually started researching homosexuality and could not show any evidence that it caused harm of any kind. 
What if someone says that being gay is harmful to the person? Well, since we’ve found no justification for this, such a person is left with this argument. Homosexuality is bad, and therefore homosexuality is harmful because it’s bad, and it’s bad because it’s harmful. This is a perfect example of circular reasoning. 
While it is not always easy to tell who is right or wrong in a debate, we have developed knowledge of faulty arguments such as circular reasoning, and we know objectively that they are not valid. No matter how many people do not understand this or refuse to accept this is irrelevant. Circular reasoning will never prove anything, no matter how emotionally charge people are over the issue.  
I hope that you take some time to think about these ideas and apply them to the questions you’re wondering about. In short, I believe that religion attempts to create a false need in the mind of society to confirm itself as the answer. We are fully capable of living full, productive, and moral lives without religion in our life or society in anyway. 
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
That Krispy Cat: A Warning, part 3
The last of the images cause I don’t want this bitch on my computer anymore. 
Knowing tumblr I kept the images hidden JUUUUST in case no one reads the fine print and can’t tell I’m being critical of this and gets me in trouble.
VVV ((Just in case you thought the JewishGriffon piece assured everyone that Crispy couldn’t POSSIBLY hate people of color, some of her earliest Nazi art had her character Klaus beating up Amigo Bear. She also made Amigo into a liberal strawman. )) VVV
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((Dialogue to one of her TROLLARIOUS pictures that featured Amigo:
Amigo Bear: *muttering* "Your leader was a !@#$% little #@%^!@$^*!, you fascist feather duster..." General Klaus: "Fräulein, Ich vant you to cover your ears und shut your eyes as tight as you can." Crispy: "How come, General?" General Klaus: "Klaus ist about to say und do very bad sings zhat he does not vant his little Edelweiß to see or hear." Crispy: "Alrighty!" General Klaus: "WHO SAID ZHAT ABOUT DER FÜHRER? WER DIE FICK GESAGT? WHO'S ZUH SCHLEIMIG LITTLE COMMUNIST-SCHEISS SCHWANZLUTSCHER DOWN ZHERE, WHO JUST SIGNED HIS OWN DEATH VARRANT? NIEMAND?! GOTTVERDAMMT STALIN SAID IT! HERVORRAGEND! VHICH VUN OF YOU VANTS TO BE ZUH FIRST TO FIND OUT ZUH HARD VAY VHY MEIN FEINDE CALLED MIR DER BUTCHER BIRD?" ))
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also the disc. for this pic before it was deleted had a ‘joke’ about cooking Jews in ovens. Oh and yes, that IS Hitler she’s giving that ugly ass cupcake too.))
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^^^ (( - Thanks dA I never would have known I had a notifications unless eclipse blah -
This is one of her rants about how #Triggered she is that Starlight be compared to the Nazis when she runs a communist cult. Because A) that’s the real problem here and B) I too get upset when people say my OC is based on Jeffrey Dahmer when he’s so CLEARLY based on Ed Gein, Bwwwaaaah D> D> D> !)) ^^^
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VVV ((Ugly art of her friend’s awful OCs.)) ^^^
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VVV ((Crispy showing off why no one wants to be a patriot in our country.)) VVV
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((FYI, Crisp, that attitude will make the Hamilton fans stronger so just keep that SJW-flinging coming you little SJW.
WHAT?! Social Justice is a broad term and as Crispy’s plainly demonstrated, you can circle it around and make a majority-class sound like the real underprivledged if you have enough fancy frou frou know-how and furries. Also, if a Social Justice Warrior constitutes someone who takes their cause soooo seriously that they’re annoying/petting/cruel/stupid about it....idk I think Crispy qualified.))
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^^^ ((Crispy and her friend muse about what other races occupy the world of MLP in her headcanon. This, more than any other dA disc. and picture shows you her brand of “Segregationist-Nationalism is OKAY” thinking, cuz the art of these different races isn’t super offensive or cruel and neither are the characters. BUT if you scratch under the surface you’ll find that Crispy really likes these different people staying in their place and not in “someone else’s” country.
THEN, this same kind of thinking is used to convince you any mix of cultures is just cultural appropriation, again acting like she and her Nazi-stans are the only ones standing up to actual bigotry.)) VVV
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^^^ ((Crispy makes the world a worse place by bringing up actual decent points; like how Americans dress Thanksgiving up as progressive and for the natives when we all know that’s not true...all to better her worldview.
fyi, GET OUT whenever you see a selfproclaimed Nazi fawn over Native Americans, because: Nazi Germany had a deep fascination with American Indians and used their struggles about their land being taken away from them to justify their eugenic genocide.)) ^^^
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^^^ (( Crispy laughing it up on Furaffinity how she couldn’t be banned from her Furaffinity and then mysteriously never using her site there wowie.)) ^^^
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^^^ (( Crispy complaining about SOPA cause her freedom of speech and blahblahblah.
Freedom of Speech is important. Unfortunately what people like Crispy don’t understand or care for is there’s no freedom of consequence. )) vvv
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VVV ((LOL Joseph Mengele was such a stinkah let’s tell blithe jokes about him. At least WE AREN’T LIKE HIM!!!)) VVVV
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VVV ((Early onset eugenic BS from her Spyro stuff that would be easy to miss if you didn’t know what this woman was talking about)) VVV
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((Crispy admitting she thinks gays are pointless cuz they don’t reproduce but apparently loves them anyway. Also big shock Crispy’s seen Hetalia.)) VVV
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VVV ((Crispy probably wanting Weeaboos to attack her cuz aren’t Japan’s animations so laaaaaaazy?!!?!? GUUdd think’ I’m a naziaboo! Germany’s never made any shitty animation evah. You know what, I lied. She doesn’t deserve Hetalia. She just doesn’t.)) VVVV
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VVV ((Crispy dragging Brazil down with her as the apparent “Best South American Country”. Yikes.)) VVV
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VVV ((More “it’s trolling ergo it’s not harmful” shit. Bulgarians probably do deserve their own Care Bears, but they certainly don’t want yours Crispy.)) VVV
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VVV ((Disc. for her Richard Spencer bear art)) VVV
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I know, I know...this isn’t what you wanted to read today, guys. I know it’s offensive and I’m sorry if it made you ill. I also know I’m putting my own blog under fire by showing these images here but I think that should say something about dA’s bad policies that this art gets a filter slapped on it and nothing more when the artist is blatantly pro-fascist.
Crispy resonates with me so much - and no it’s not cause I DARED to be “triggered”.
It’s because, for one, she was talented. I MEAN I HAVE EYES! That’s some nicely drawn digital stuff I’m not gonna deny. She had some cool rewrites and sequel ideas that, had it come from someone else I would have eaten up and faved to hell and back onceupona2012. But I didn’t, where a ton of MLP and furry fans did because they undervalued their own talents and would say “well it’s pretty who cares about the message?” 
Unlike so many commercial+published artists, it’s REALLY hard to separate the art from the artist here because the artist is so connected and a part of her art and storytelling. If you fav her art, even if you didn’t like her, that was telling Crispy she’d won. It’s so defeating to have other artists say their gonna ignore their gut for the sake of prettypretty-Don-Bluth style art. And yes, that stigma DOES affect my view on 2D purists btw.
Crispy was so holier than thou’, and that attitude also was appealing to dA folks, not to mention her knowledge of art history by the time she dropped off the radar. Crispy was the kind of person who’d make long, detailed, justified rants against the design and color choices in Hazbin Hotel and then a bunch of antis would eat her redesigns up only to learn the awful truth later and embarrass themselves cuz they were so taken up by the craft they didn’t know they were reblogging a fucking Nazi.
Not to underplay Viv’s wrongdoings of course, but I’m sorry; the two aren’t comparable on the problematic artist meter. THAT’S HOW BAD CRISPY WAS.
If this somehow was just a faze and she’s come to her senses or doesn’t really think this shite she preaches...I don’t care. She said some vile shit and fuck no I’m not forgiving her. It’s like KenDraw or Shadman. You’ve changed your life around and realized you’ve done/drawn nasty shit that’s done real harm? Cool....I’m still not talking or ever promoting you, ya dingbat. You ain’t no Roman Polanski or Doug Tennaple. You’re a singular internet artist and any support of the project has to go to you - and you suck!
ThisCrispyKat was a wakeup call that showed me these people not only still exist but will be allowed to get away with it. I was very touchy bout this kind of thing back in the day. Fuck, I STILL AM TOUCHY. The rabbit holes I found thanks to Crispy opened up to reveal communities where people think my hair color’s going extinct. People would detail how much they wanted to rape me - a natural blonde - and kill my friends and family for not looking like me. That they want to jerk off in my naturally curly hair and see me in glowy German princess gowns preparing them dinner.
Crispy and other Nazistans would look at me; a blond-haired blue eyed Polish/German American woman and think I need to be “fixed” because I DARE to repeat propaganda that the Nazis were bad. They’d call me a traitor for thinking that celebrating the Nazi party ISN’T German pride.
People like Crispy make it 1000x harder to actually show interest in German things. Because I AM interested in German shit btw.
Like for real: it’s a country I’d love to visit one day (at least the black forest, which is where my mom’s fam comes from). I love German art and German fairytales slap. I really do want to explore my heritage through art and stuff.
But guess what? Much as Crispy would argue to the contrary I DO know my WWII history and beyond and FUCK YOU if you honestly think jerking it to cuddly Nazi-furs is empowering or just “showing your interest in history”. Take your own advice and read a god-damn book.
TL;DR: I DO NOT have to be proud of Nazis to enjoy German culture and if you think otherwise, FUCK YOU. It’s a slap in the face to everyone even if you are ‘just trolling’ and it in no way values actual German’s feeling on the matter. It’s annoying how people undervalue real people just for the sake of fan art.
The Nazis were evil. They were racist, eugenic-genocidal idiots who killed over six million Jewish people, Romani, Slavs, Jehovahs Witnesses, disabled people, Poles, homosexuals and prisoners of war. They would have killed my dad’s side of the family if they were in Poland at the time. They made bullshit tanks that killed the people making them and didn’t work on the battlefield. Their leader was a fat, farting one-testicaled bastard who preferred animals to people.
They ruined everything for everyone and then took the easy way out, leaving the Germans that were left in the hands of the also-genocidal Soviets and Americans. Germany is still paying their war debts and now, 70-80 years later everyone else wants to laugh off this dark period of history with memes and forget what they did, and as such, are forgetting the victims of the genocide.
I have 0 tolerance for Nazi things for the sake of HUMANITY, let alone the individual groups they target. I don’t have to have German ancestry or know a single Jewish person to tell you any of this. It’s fucking history.
Eat shit.
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renee-writer · 4 years
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A Strange New World Chapter 8 Willie
Trigger Warning: Discusses the Holocaust
They end up making two meat pies, one lamb and one beef. She makes some of her homemade bread and even a bunt cake for dessert.
The men return as they are setting the table. “That roof is worse then we thought. Will require another day.” Brian tells his wife as they walk in.
“Tis' fine. He can stay here tonight and past, if there is need.” She looks at her eldest son with affection. He stands, arms and head down. “Go wash up for supper lads. Claire and I have made a nice dinner.”
They all take seats around the table. Jamie sits beside Claire. He had found himself missing here today. He grins at her. She returns it. They lower their heads as Brian says Grace. They slowly pass the food around. Willie's eyes get big.
“Aye, tis lamb. Claire asked after your favorite.” His mam says with a look of affection towards her.
“I knew you were all working hard. I wanted to do something special for you. Even made dessert.”
“Dessert too.” Jamie looks at Claire with his heart in his eyes. Willie has to look away. Not that he doesn’t want his brother happy. They are all happy with her. She is a kind and sweet lass. Given him that cookie. It wasn’t her. She wasn’t the reason he rejected it. It was he didn’t deserve any kindness. Not after..
His mind returns to the camp. After being captured..
“Brian, I would like to do something for Mary McNab. Claire and I ran into her today while shopping. She is just barely making it. Is there anyway we can hire her to do some work here?”
Brian smiles at her. “My kindhearted lass. There actually is. She has a fair hand. We need a woman to help design the new labels. You ken fine our whisky and gin is selling well to the lads but this new gin will be targeted to the lasses. If Mary wishes, I will hire her to design labels and marketing strategies to reach the fairer sex. I will pay her well.”
“Simply brilliant Brian. I will ring her tomorrow. I can watch Rabbie while his mam works. It will be nice to have the sound of wee feet in the house again.”
Willie is listening but can't reply, join in. He is trapped in the hell that was that Concentration Camp in Denmark, Camp Froslev. He can still smell the fear and unwashed bodies. The sense of desperation. A camp for Jews, Gypsy's, homosexuals, and others the Nazi's deemed, undesirable, unworthy of live. He even saw a priest there. He wasn’t to be there. By the time they realize their mistake and transfer him to a true POW camp, Of Lag 15, the damage is done. He has seen far to much. Horrors that still haunt his waking and sleeping hours.
The POW camp was filled with British and American soldiers. The British soldiers set out to make trouble for their captors. Escapes were common but they only lead to harsher treatment. They were feed a starvation diet, just a step above what the unfortunate prisoners were feed in the first camp. By the time it is liberated, they are walking skeletons, those that are still alive. He is restored to physical health but..
Jamie takes Claire out to the barn after dinner. To check on the animals but also to get the kiss he wouldn’t yet do in front of his family. As she leans over the pony's stall, he kisses her neck. “That was some good food Claire. I thank you.”
“Do you think I cooked to get kisses?” she teases, feeling light and free.
“You don't?”
“No, I cook because I like too. I enjoy providing for those who provide for me.”
“Sweet.” He says before he takes her lips. They cling together for a few minutes. “Ah Dhai. I need to get you inside afore they come looking for us and while I can still stop.”
“Yes.” She rest aginst him a moment. “We need to stop.”
He leads her back inside. It is soon time for bed, with farm chores starting early in the morning. He walks her to her bedroom door and kisses her goodnight. It is gentler then the kiss in the barn. They both sigh at the parting. “Good night Claire.”
“Good night Jamie.”
Sometime, deep in the night, he is awakened by unholy screams. He jumps up thinking it is Claire. He is on his feet and out the door before he understands it is Willie. He meets an equally shook Claire in the hall. They enter the room together.
Willie stands by the bed, his eyes wild, a dirk in his hand. Jamie pushes Claire behind him. He starts to speak to his brother in Gaelic. “It is alright Willie. It is me. Jamie. You are safe at Lallybroch.”
Claire comes from behind him. “I know Willie. I understand. I was badly abused and tortured myself by my husband and his brother. You can talk to me.”
It happens so fast, like a snake strike. He is standing there and then he is attacking. He lashes out and the dirk comes down on Claire’s arm. Jamie had the dirk out of his hand in seconds. Brian and Ellen enter and find Claire cradling her bleeding arm and Jamie holding his brother.
“I'm sorry. So sorry.” Willie says. They all stare at him, the man who hadn't said anything in many years.
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acoldfrenchfry · 4 years
Nothing makes me hate religion more than talking to religious people!
How do you install Christianity? I would love to do it. Thanks to religion, I cannot remember the last time I have loved myself. I have been told my entire identity is a sin my whole goddamn life. That did so much fucking damage. When I was 17 I tried to kill myself because it wasn't worth living a whole life just to go to hell. It was either dying, saying I'm a girl so I could go to heaven and free from my body I hate so much, or go to hell anyway because I'm obviously not a girl. Because the 3rd option of living my whole life in this much hurt, I just couldn't do it. You know what saved me? Not religion!!! While I'm at it, I got some fucked up things to say about Christianity.
The Christian community says that all sins are equal, so some borderline "normal" Christians will say that gays can still go to heaven despite how being gay is sinfull, as long as they believe in god. So by that logic, aren't pedophiles who believe in god going to heaven as well? Idk about you but that doesn't seem right. Child abusers who wreck a whole persons life get to go to heaven too I guess. Basically any shit bag can go as long as they believe.
That "love the sinner hate the sin" stuff some bullshit. If you apply that to trans people ur basically saying "I don't hate you I just hate trans people". Just say you hate me, it's a lot easier to tell you to fuck off that way
If god made everyone perfect how he wanted, why would he purposely make millions of people lgbt only to send them to hell, or, if you believe in the borderline normal mentality, you're just a sin going to heaven anyways. Why would you make someone inherently sinful
The answer to that one is often argued with "you chose to be this way, so you can choose to repent". I would like to say, if being trans was a choice, why the fuck would I choose to hurt this bad. Please tell me how waking up every day wanting to scratch my skin off or how when I look on a mirror and disassociate for 3 hours or how when I was 7 years old I'd go to bed praying to Jesus I'd wake up in the right body, how ALL of that, is a choice??? I would do ANYTHING in the WORLD to not feel like I do every day. Anything. And believe me, I have tried to pray the queer away before excommunication
I am aware that queer Christians, and even a few allies, understand there's nothing wrong with being gay. There's actually just 1 verse in the Bible that says it's wrong and there's about 5 different things in it's original translation it could mean, making the verse irrelevant. So the actual OG book these cultists believe in doesn't even condemn homosexuality. But this isn't the point. The point is the religion SURROUNDING the bible. If the majority of the community is condemning it, then I'm sorry it's simply toxic community that shouldn't be associated with. Why would you want to be with other people who think like that and call yourself one of them
Christians think their religion is the only one. They all think the Bible is the only right book out there simple because they were born in Western civilization. You know that people on the other side of the world exist right? And that if you were born there instead of here, you'd be believing in whatever religion is predominantly more popular right? Christians Hate Muslims but if they ever read the Quran they'd find pretty quick that a bunch of the stories are the same thing, just with different names and some tweaked details. So why is your book the only right one? Why can't you just leave people alone? Interesting how Jews, Buddhist, Taoists, and other religions aren't known for hate, but Christians? 🤔 Hrmmm
Most Christianity holidays are pagan. That tree you chop down every Christmas? Yeah that's from the pagans. Easter? Pagan. New years is pagan, labor day, valentines day is pagan. The Christians stole pretty much everything to make it all about them and most modern Christians don't know they actually celebrate pagan holidays all year round
I could really go on about other fucked up things on Christianity, but overall it sort of just ruined my life and gave me permanent psychological damage and my mental health and self worth has improved ever since I denounced religion.
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dicecast · 5 years
The Problem with Thanos Part 2
So the first video is basically about what is actually wrong with Thanos and by extension, Malthusian theory.   Today I want to pivot to something a bit more complicated, Thanos as a character and why he is a less good character because he isn’t a racist.  
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I’ve said before that Thanos is a good character and I think that is basically true but I want to clarify.  Thanos is a good character for you know…Superhero movies, where most of the characters at best are a list of consistent traits with a consistent voice and maybe one or two issues that define them . Thanos’s motivations make sense (they are morally and intellectually wrong but it makes sense), he has a general personality template, and he has more complexity than most marvel villains.  But there is a larger issue with his attatchment to Malthusian economics, namely that it doesn’t make any sense he’d be so attracted to it.  
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Let me jump back for a moment here.  See, in real life, the Malthusian notions of population control and necessary brutality for the sake of preserving the world’s resources is an ideology that comes with a lot of baggage attached.  From the start, Malthusians aren’t just saying we need mass purges to keep population in check, it always comes with a larger ideological view point about which people should be purged. Malthusianism in real life was directed at the Irish, Catholics, and the poor, and theories influenced by Malthus would be directed at African Americans, Slavs, and Jews, and today it tends to be used in the context of India, China, and Africans.  While it would be a simplification to say that the Nazi concept of “Useless Mouths” is purely Malthusian, the ideas are linked.  Eugenics, Social Darwinism, Imperialism, and Scrooge esc classicism have always been associated with Malthusian though, and that is why this doctrine is still around despite being debunked in the 19th century.  Its less a factual ideology as much as a world view, one obsessed with “us vs. them” mentalities and beliefs in “Nature is a warzone” despite the fact that this is not how society works.  
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      Now in theory you could have a debate about Malthusian population control without dipping into the ideologies always associated with it, but in real life…yeah good luck with that. Malthusian economics are like IQ, or Social Darwinism its some people get into to justify their existing racist prejudice, not an ideology that leads them to racism.  That is why it always falls apart so easily when you apply real science to it, because it isn’t just a false scientific theory, its using scientific jargon to justify the same old prejudice.  
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 But Thanos is that, he is a Malthusian without any of the baggage, he isn’t racist, classist, religiously intolerant, or a warmonger.  Thanks to the power of the plot, his population control method is actually unbiased, unlike real life Malthusians he doesn’t target a specific group as deserving extermination.   When Thomas Malthus spoke of necessary population control he wasn’t referring to his own group of middle class Englishmen, he meant the poor, the Irish, and the Catholic.  Thanos is truly “Unbias” in this view of extermination, which is equally stupid but lacks the bigotry that comes with Malthusian theory.  
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    Now let’s pretend Marvel actually understood the themes of their own movie and they genuinely wanted to talk about this world view, it is understandable they would want to desperate the idea from the baggage surrounding it, otherwise it is too easy to dismiss it.  So while in real life Malthusianism is linked to a bunch of other horrific ideologies, for the purpose of fiction it might be worth debating it on its own merits rather than as part of something else.  It’s not much of a debate because its objectively wrong, but I get the idea.  Try to argue with the theory on its own terms rather than what it is associated with.  
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Here is the problem, I’m not sure if it is actually a good thing to separate these ideologies.  Cause Malthusianism literally doesn’t make sense if it isn’t linked to a larger world view, and more importantly Thanos doesn’t make sense.  What I meant by this is that Malthusianism is basically a rational that bigots come to in order to justify their existing bigots.  You embrace Malthus if you already regard the Irish as subhuman, and you need a justification killing 1.5 million of them.  Or if you already don’t want to pay taxes for social programs that help the poor, or if you already don’t want to send aid overseas or sell weapons to war zones.  It’s not a true ideology so much as it’s a way to make standard selfish bigotry seem more reasonable and palatable.  You don’t become a Malthusian because of the strengths of its argument, you become a Malthusian because you already wanted to dehumanize large groups of people and this is a method lets you not come to terms with your own actions.  And this is why Malthusians aren’t convinced by evidence, cause its less a scientific theory so much has a psychological defense mechanism.  
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      And that is the problem, Thanos isn’t a bigot, so his attachment to Malthus doesn’t make any sense.  There is no reason why Thanos wouldn’t listen to anybody who suggests to him that “Hey this isn’t how like…anything works” or do some damn research on the subject.  Which means that Marvel is either
Positing Malthusian theory is correct in the universe of Marvel which is basically saying “In this world, Eugenics is real, but we should do the right thing anyways
Thanos is actually a really dumb guy who fell for the pseudo science and never checked his assumptions.  Which you know...isn’t impossible, but that isn’t how he is presented in the film, instead he is shown as a thoughtful if cruel man.  If his main flaw is not his indifference but instead his stupidity, then the movie did a very bad job of conveying that 
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      Now this entire time I’ve been giving Marvel the benefit of the doubt and assuming they were doing this on purpose in order to fight back against Malthusian economics, but lets be honest, they don’t deserve that much credit.  Which goes back to the earlier post, which is that they keep mistaking Malthusian for Utilitarianism.  So it is again presenting killing half the population as “Practical but evil’ vs. the protagonists “Moral but inefficient” but as I mentioned before, this simply isn’t the case.  Malthusian theory of population isn’t just immoral, its actively incorrect.  But that isn’t how the conflict is framed, when Thanos and Dr. Strange argue, Strange is like “This is wrong because Trillions will die” while what he, a scientist, should be saying is “This is wrong because....that would not fix the problem like...at all”.  Because again, Thomas Malthus ideas were debunked in the mid 19th century, the only reason why they continue to be relevant today is that they provide a handy justification for racist practices, and as Thanos is not a racist, it doesn’t make sense that he would believe this.  
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This also leads to another uncomfortable bit, in his discussion with Dr. Strange, Thanos says ‘Titan was like most planets, too many mouths, not enough to go around.  When we faced extinction I offered a solution”  That is actually quite similar to the “Useless Mouths” rhetoric used in post WWI Germany.  Historical context.  During WWI, Britain placed German under a blockade which basically put the whole country under siege.  Since Germany’s best chance of winning the war was a defensive conflict, slowly giving ground as the allies lost millions and hoping that the ally states would collapse, the steady lack of resources due to this blockade was devestating to the German War effort.  While France and Britain could endlessly resupply thanks to their colonies and the Americas, Germany steadily ran out of oil, iron, lead, and food, and the civilian population of Germany, largely unexposed directly to the war, slowly starved, particularly in the “Turnip Winter” of 1916.   While there was still food, most of it went to the army, leaving the civilians with nothing. About 763,000 German civilians*, the vast majority of German Civilian deaths during WWI, were due to the famine rather than Allied Weapons.   This is not counting those who died of the Spanish Flue epidemic, and an additional 100,000 civilians who died during the negotiation period.  This blockade would eventually lead to the fall of the Kaiserreich, as the civilian government eventually overthrew the Kaiser and negotiated the surrender of Germany.  
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Hitler, a soldier in the trenches and thus not starving, was among many of the German army who felt the civilians had betrayed them, leading to the “Stabbed in the Back” myth.  One of the big right wing talking points after WWI was that “we could have won the war, if only we had killed all useless mouths, or “useless eaters”, Lebensunweertes Leben.  Specifically the disabled, though this theory would also be applied to a lesser extent to Jews, Roma, Homosexuals, Slavs, and leftists.  The term used was basically “Life unworthy of life” and the idea was that the weak Kaiser government should have killed all the ‘worthless” people so that Germany could have won the war, and Hitler’s government used this to justify their own extermination of the mentally ill, the idea was faced with starvation, Germany should have made the “difficult choice” to kill the weak for the strong to survive.  
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(I hate this fucking story.)  
   Now obviously this world view is immoral but its also....wrong.  The fact is, even if Germany had killed all of the disabled, they would have lost the war anyways, its not like the disabled were using up oil and bullets that would have otherwise gone to the front, nor would it have fixed Germany’s manpower shortage or prevented the US from entering the war.  The conspiracy, like most conspiracy theories, came about because German soldiers didn’t want to face an uncomfortable truth.  That they had suffered, sacrificed, and fought heroically in a war they never had much chance of winning and all of their pain was in vain. The Useless Eater’s theory was just wrong, it was actively incorrect. 
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   Now how does that relate to Thanos?  See I am not calling Thanos a Nazi, unlike Hitler or Malthus, Thanos isn’t targeting any one group, he isn’t saying “We need to kill the Irish, Catholics, Jews or disabled to survive” he is applying that same sort of Life Boat morality in a way real life advocates of it never do, because he is including his own empire and family within the category of “those who can be disposed of”  Thanos is looking at a whole vein of right wing thinking which has always existed as a cover for their real policies and taking it at face value and applying it to its own logical extreme, and there could be value in a character like that but...why is Thanos like this?  Why is he mindlessly accepting stupid theories he really should be smart enough to just dismiss this nonsense.  
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And that lead to my larger issue with Infinity Wars, that I don’t think Disney realizes that Malthus was just morally wrong, but was factually wrong.  The conflict is presented as if Thanos’ ideas have merit, and so Thanos is presented as a smart guy who lacks empathy, while the actual problem is that he is incorrect.  And it fits the sort of “Status Que” feel of the MCU, where the Super Heroes are mostly preventing a worse future rather than building their own (Black Panther is the exception to this) 
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*That number is actually really disputed, there are some that put the number as low as 300,000 so don’t take that as the final word.  I tend to assume higher numbers because I don’t want to underscore the death of civilians, but this is not uncontested.  
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roidespd-blog · 5 years
« Grindr is a sociopath nest », Anonymous 
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Grindr was launched on March 25, 2009. About a month or so earlier, I lost my virginity to the sweetest guy you could imagine. I met him on what we could consider one of Grindr’s ancestors, Gaypax— I still have that account, out of nostalgia. The design is so ugly I wonder now how I did spend so much time on it (we weren’t picky back then…) So Grindr was born at the exact time my sexual and romantic life was unfolding. It means that, except for the few years I’ve spent frenetically masturbating to La Redoute’s underwear catalogues and downloading dirty pictures of Brad Pitt naked with a very slow wifi, I’ve always been accustomed to gay apps.
Recently, the new and improved french magazine Tétu published an article called « Faut-il brûler Grindr?». Though not as detailed as I was hoping it would be, it did not changed my general opinion about the dating app paradigm. 
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FLASHBACK France, 1971. A young gay man living in a beautiful city called Paris. Mike Brant just released his first major hit, Rock’N’Roll is slowly dying and Les Bidasses en Folie is this year’s biggest success at the box office. Unfortunately for him, the Gay Rights Movement is just at its infancy, homosexuality is still considered a mental illness and sodomy is punishable by law. So he shut his mouth and do his dirty business privately. he spends time around Place de Clichy and finds very discreet bars that can welcome him without too much judgement. He takes long walks toward the Tuileries bushes and sucks a stranger’s dong without any verbal exchange. He ends up marrying that fine young Marie, daughter of a friend of his dad, makes a couple of kids and from time to time, goes back to those places, shameful of himself.
That was the life of a gay man in France. If he didn’t get killed along the way. CUT TO 2009. Grindr is the first official gay dating app launched around the world. In France, the ban on sodomy disappeared in 1981 and since 1992, you are no longer considered a crazy person for being attracted to a person of the same sex (well, not from an official medical point, anyway). The app came to fruition through a simple question asked by its creator, Joel Simkhai : « WHO ELSE IS GAY AROUND HERE? ».
By 2012, 4 million people were using the App. 27 million as of 2017. Tinder followed in 2012 — you are welcome, straight people. Then SCRUFF, GAYROMEO, HORNET, BLUED, … What is wrong, then ? You damn well know something is wrong.
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If you go to a bar, you have to talk to the bartender, exchange a least a fews words with strangers, even dance as your look around and are being seen by others in the flesh. If you go to a gaybar, the same thing happens. If you go to a gaybar then the gaybar’s backroomn, rules change.
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As the dating apps was closing in on worldwide domination, it became clear that the natural human kindness and respect would ultimately have no effect on the way people would communicate with one another on Grindr. I’ve been working in a bookstore for the past four years, you see. I expect a “hello”, “goodbye” and a smile during any interactions with clients — from them and myself. So there’s nothing more annoying that someone coming up to you, barking what they want to and leaving without any civility whatsoever. The Grindr equivalent would be Step 1 : A DICK PICK (or ass pick. I once had a fisting commemorative photo sent to me) straight up. Step 2 : A terribly convenient “cc sava tu ch?” or a “cho?” Step 3A : If you are polite enough to answer something, a conclusive “tu reçoi” or “tu bouge” Step 3B : you did not answer a singe word and the guy either sends you a “????” or insults the shit out of you. I sometimes do not answer impolite clients at work. Guess what ? Bitches say hello if you stare down at them long enough. On the internet, never gonna happen.
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I remember the first couple of times I went on Grindr. I tried to answer everyone, even a “no, thank you”. There was always some “Hello”s, “How are you?”s, a few “My name is”s. But as the years went by, gay men (as I mostly talk to gay or bisexual cis men on these apps, I can only give my opinion on that category of people) adopted a series of unofficial rules to talk to each other.
1. If we are on this app, we are ready to fuck. 2. We do not have time for small talk. 3. We do not need your name, but dick size and multiple nudes are welcome. A picture is worth a thousand blablablahs. 4. We need to be very precise about what we want, so as not to waste our precious time. 5. Seriously, give us a full diagnosis of your body shape through pics, boy. 6. Chems ? 9. There are no rule 7 & 8, because 6 & 9. Now, turn around.
There are also lots of personal rules users seem keen on sharing them publicly as to implement unofficial rule number 4.
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“Pretty chill guy here. Very open minded and friendly. I love men from different cultures. Just no Asians. Asians leave me alone. I’m not racist” “Don’t message me. I’ll message you :). No Blacks Asians or fems. Love it when fats call themselves masc. hahahaha.” “Tell me if top/btm. Don’t really believe in “vers”. […] Attracted to Latin & White (trying to sound PC)” “Chill masc sane… just described nobody on here… Over 35, Asian or fem = block.. haha” “99% of you are losers. I’m the top 1%. So prove yourself first” The last one was written by a white male, by the way. They all were.
In our modern society, we’re not fools enough to believe that racism disappeared and everyone is accepting of others. Just look at the whole series of events called “while Black” where white people called cops on black folks for getting out of their airbnbs, talking in a Starbucks without ordering or falling asleep in a communal room at college. Nevertheless, you don’t see parades of racists proudly marching with “NO BLACKS” signs on the streets — you see another type of marches, yes. Free speech and stuff, sure. So why has it become acceptable in people’s minds to shade light on their racism in their profiles, barely hiding behind the “sexual preference” bullshit excuse ?
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In an article dated September 2018 called “Why is it OK for online dates to block whole ethnic groups?” (2), the Observer related the appalling anecdote of an elderly white man who responded to a Grindr user of asian descent : “Asian, ew gross”.
I myself was told that I was too fat, too small, too twinkish, then not enough of those, or too white (but so we’re clear : RESERVE RACISM IS NOT A THING. STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT A THING!).
Racism also works with the beliefs that if you look or act a certain way, you obviously are what someone’s fantasy is. You are a black man so I assume that my hole will expand by ten once you’re inside me. You a blond light weight with feminine traits. You’re a submissive bottom and a real whore.
The world works on assumptions (ex : the myth of the BIG BLACK DICK or the for-sure global instinct that Tom Hanks would never have to face any #MeToo accusations) and apps follow that same path but without any policing. The absence of ramifications from someone’s actions further implement a feeling of unapologetic mindfulness — the same way being in a dark backroom with strangers you can’t see does not seem to add any consequences to what you’ll do next.
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Recently, Grindr tried to course correct its past errors by creating “Kindr” (3). Was it a new app that would prevent people from actively using hate speech ? WELL WHY DON’T YOU PREVENT IT ON GRINDR THEN ? Was it a new platform to exchange ideas and experiences so that we can find another way to communicate together ?
Here’s how they introduce Kindr on their official site : At Grindr, we’re into diversity (MONEY), inclusion, and users who treat each other with respect. We’re not into racism, bullying, or other forms of toxic behavior (YOU ARE THE TOXIC BEHAVIOR). These are our preferences, and we’ve updated our Community Guidelines to better reflect them. Same app. New rules (DID YOU THOUGH?) Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Their type. Their tastes. But nobody is entitled to tear someone else down because of their race, size, gender, HIV status, age, or — quite simply — being who they are. (AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT PUT YOUR BUSINESS IN A RISKY POSITION) Join us in building a kinder Grindr. (DO YOUR OWN DAMN WORK). Express yourself, but not at the expense of someone else (OR US). Report discrimination when you see it (LIKE WITH THE JEWS BACK THEN. ALSO, WE THE USERS, ALREADY DID THAT). Use your voice and share your story to call out prejudice and spark change. Together, we can amplify the conversation and take steps towards a kinder, more respectful community (SEE, WE AT GRINDR ARE WOKE).
There you have it. A marketing scam to ease the pain of millions of users whose relationships and self esteem were affected by Grindr’s lack of interest in their consumers. How many years did it take for a simple statement from the CEO ? What’s actually concrete about these actions ?
in the community guide lines, it is stated that they “will remove any discriminatory statements displayed on profiles. […] Profile language that is used to openly discriminate against other users’ traits and characteristics will not be tolerated and will be subject to review by our moderation team”. FINE. So, if someone says “no short fat asians”, theoretically it would be removed from the profile. But if it says “more into vanilla and spice than chocolate and rice. So hit me up if this is you” (an actual Grindr profile, by the way), what can a Grindr moderator do about it ? The racism is still there. Are we to believe that EVERY single profile is being reviewed in detail ?
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#deletegrindr was a popular hashtag over a year ago. I’m not on twitter and I still heard about it. Was it a cultural shift in the way gay people wanted to treat other gay people ? Were we on the verge of a revolution ? Nop. Grindr released data informations of thousands and thousands of profiles about HIV status (something that you can put on your Grindr profile) to third party companies. Since then, Grindr released the Kindr initiative and rewrote its policies.
I’m not against dating apps. I think it was a wonderful tool back in the day to extend one’s horizon, explore and experiment with love, sex and adventures. It no longer works that way. I didn’t even talk about the spreading of drug using through profile description and the real danger of stimulants in someone’s sex life.
#deletegrindr should come back and this time, it has to work. Silicon Valley, go make an app from scratch. One that would implement actual kindness to the machine, not based on popularity. Think of what people need, not what they want. People are shitheads. I’m a shithead. What I want is never good for me.
And YOU. You, little queer boy reading this. Don’t go on Grindr before going to bed to check the hotties in your area. Forget about that 6'2 monster cock Swedish god that lives nearby and offered you a quick hump for the ride. Ask him for a drink, put down your phone, get to know him a little and then fuck his brains out. You’re still gonna fuck but you’ll find humanity where there was once none.
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That’s my preaching for the night. I gave up long ago on apps. I delete them all and stay away for months. Then, I feel lonely and get back to one or two. I met this new guy that way (4).The nice thing about it was that we did not talk dick sizes, favorite positions or any sexual desires until way after we actually met (and we’re talking two full weeks of messages). I’m not on any dating apps now.
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(1) https://tetu.com (2) https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/sep/29/wltm-colour-blind-dating-app-racial-discrimination-grindr-tinder-algorithm-racism (3) https://www.kindr.grindr.com (4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezra_Miller
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stickypo · 3 years
Is the struggle of white people hopeless?
America has changed a lot even before Donald Trump. Already today, there are more non-white children than white ones. With the current vector of development of events, it is not possible to turn back time.
In 1858, a then rather unknown politician named Abraham Lincoln and a man named Stephen Douglas engaged in a series of speech battles in Illinois. Both wanted to represent their state in the Senate - and their debates were conducted on a hot issue that was worrying all of America at that time: slavery. Douglas, a Democrat, was in favor, and Republican Abraham Lincoln was against.
From today's perspective, it is striking that Lincoln stated during this debate that he does not believe in racial equality and does not want blacks and whites to end up being politically or socially equal. He was not going to interfere with the rights of individual states to continue to keep slaves on their territory. Abraham Lincoln claimed that his only concern was to prevent the further spread of slavery in the West. For the first time, Lincoln stated that he considers the idea that blacks and whites can marry and have children together as disgusting as any other person in the United States.
All these protests were useless: Stephen Douglas won the election anyway. Lincoln, however, became so famous thanks to these public debates that three years later he was elected president of the United States as the candidate of the Republican Party. Most of the slave-owning states of the South found this so unbearable that they broke away from the Union and started a civil war - the bloodiest conflict in American history, in which more than 750,000 people died.
The North won this war. Slavery in the southern states was frozen; those slaves who were left to themselves and did not die of hunger, dragged out a miserable existence. But after the departure of the Union troops, the Southerners began to restore the slave system. To the surprise of many, the results of the American Civil War led to the adoption of more thoughtful racial laws, the development of which can be traced after the end of World War I: Such laws were designed to prevent Jews, Gypsies and immigrants from Southern Europe from settling in the United States - all of them were considered inferior. And Asians were undesirable in any case.
These racial laws were repealed in 1965 under President Johnson. Around the same time, the Congress in Washington abolished the rules of apartheid that had previously been in effect in states such as Mississippi and Alabama, passing the "Civil Rights Act". However, until 1967, there were still laws prohibiting blacks and whites from living together under the same roof.
You need to keep this story in mind to understand with what incredulous surprise an American of the XIX century would look at today's United States. America was a republic, of course; the Americans did not tolerate any king over them and insisted on their freedoms. The United States, without a doubt, was a country created by a white man and for him. Even John F. Kennedy , the first Catholic president, had to swear during the election campaign that the Constitution was more important to him than the Pope.
A white American who came out into the open after one of the speech battles between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas and was brought into our time by a mystical wind would cease to understand this world. And not only because there are planes, microwave ovens and smartphones in this world. Our white American could look, for example, at Georgia. He will see that a black woman is running for governor there - if she wins the election, she will become the first black woman governor in the history of the United States. Of course, his jaw will drop, if only because Stacey Abrams is a graduate of the elite Yale University: what - is a black woman allowed to study?
And even if a guest from the past supported the abolition of slavery, he probably would have thought that giving blacks the right to vote, as well as the right to stand for election, was too radical a step. If you present this time traveler with statistics showing that 17% of all American couples today are interracial-and this curve continues to grow rapidly - he will probably faint.
You can also point him to Nikki Haley, whose parents immigrated from India - and then reveal to him that Nikki Haley is an anti-immigration advocate. Perhaps he could ask: "If this is what a woman working for an anti-immigration policy looks like, then what does a woman who is pro-immigration look like?". In this case, you could point to the name "Kamala Harris". Kamala Harris is a senator from the state of California, where she was the attorney general and implemented criminal justice reforms. In addition, she was quite a likely candidate for the post of president of the United States.
And we haven't said a word about many politicians who openly admit that they are gay or lesbian. After all, until the end of the 1960s, the police treated homosexuals in the United States with about the same tenderness as in the Eastern Bloc countries. However, today in California there is a "beautiful" town of Palm Springs (near Los Angeles), where a city council was recently elected, in which there is not a single person who is not gay, lesbian or transgender. By the way, by all accounts, this city council is doing an excellent job.
In conclusion, we will present our visitor with two simple statistical calculations. The first confirms that in 2016, more non-white children were already born in the United States than white ones. In other words, white supremacy in America can now only be represented as minority rule. Secondly, we will inform our guest about the results of the new survey. According to these data, three-quarters of all Americans consider immigration a good thing. Seeing this, our visitor would probably have gone completely crazy.
Source: https://www.welt.de/debatte/kommentare/a…
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deadtower · 6 years
i cannot BELIEVE i have a goyische christian trying to goysplain the torah and christianity to me as if i dont know anything about it lol but anyway here we go i guess @strawberry-milktea
original post here i just dont wanna be reblogging this giant fucking post and stretching peoples’ dashes
for your first paragraph ... i know. i fucking know lol i was christian for fifteen fucking years i KNOW all of that jfc lmao. i wasn’t saying “no one can ever read the scriptures besides jewish people” i was saying that your FUNDAMENTAL UNDERSTANDING IS FLAWED because they are JEWISH books written in HEBREW and there is ALWAYS GOING TO BE SOMETHING LOST when you translate from the original source. also like ... the christians back then are so fucking different from the christians nowadays that you can’t even compare the two so don’t even try it. and yes i fucking know jesus was a jew i’m very fucking aware bc y’all christians will NOT shut up about that fact as if it somehow bonds you to the ancient tribe y’all pretend like you had a shared history with when like ... you didn’t. that was us. lol
yes i call jewish people who believe homosexuality is a sin bigoted and vile as well lmao why ... wouldn’t ... i ... you really are sitting here thinking it’s only homophobic christians that i call evil for their views ? like as if if someones not christian but is homophobic im gonna be like “yeah mate carry on it’s fine” like ... lol ... anyway orthodox jews are becoming more and more accepting of lgbt+ people nowadays but you wouldn’t know that i guess lmao
i love how i talk about the torah because it’s what i have knowledge on and then you proceed to be like “oh it’s not just in the torah it’s in [list of new testament verses]” like ... you do know we don’t follow the new testament ... right ... anyway regardless of that, y’all literally stapled your book onto our tanakh and called it a day. i can write post-ending fanfic of my favorite book and staple it onto the end but it doesn’t mean that the original book is something i thought up or something i own in some way besides owning a physical copy ? idk why this is so hard for christians to grasp
this whole paragraph is shit i already knew because like i said i was a christian for fifteen years so you preaching at me about my own deity is like ... pointless because ive heard all that shit before
the problem with you is no one fucking asks you to share your homophobic viewpoint. like literally no one asked you to ‘warn’ anyone about homosexuality being a sin as you so think it is. literally no one lol. but as usual christians do this thing where they assume that everyone wants to hear the things they have to say on how they believe the world is and what G-d wants and they just assume people want to hear about how their lifestyle is a sin. which like ... they don’t lol. leave people alone because honestly no one wants to hear your bigoted ass telling them how theyre going to hell for being gay. like there’s literally not a soul on earth that wants you to do that so like ... shut your mouth lmfao
my problem with you is that you’re not only condescending to me, someone who has been studying both christianity and judaism since i was, like, a toddler (tbh i probably know more about christianity than you, but i’m not here for a dick-waving contest about who knows more, so i’ll let that one go and just say i have way more knowledge of your religion than you think i do), but your views that you say are just your own are something that you push onto people by ‘warning’ them about the dangers of their lifestyle. like, guess what ... that’s what happens in your religion. YOUR religion. as in, not theirs. so, like, the only person you should be worried about is YOU. and that’s it. that’s the problem that people have with you spreading your homophobic views. like, you think it’s a sin, great. then YOU don’t do it. leave other people alone especially if they’re not christian and if they have no intent to become christian. if you give me a cheese platter and i say “oh no thanks cheese isn’t for me” and you still try and force me to eat the cheese because, like, it’s SO good and it did WONDERS for your digestive system etc etc i’m just gonna be more upset at you for trying to force the cheese on me because i already said i didn’t want cheese. like it’s great YOU liked the cheese but it’s not for everyone and you have some kind of weird inability to accept that.
anyway that’s my two shekels about the whole thing
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ladygriffindor · 7 years
Falsettos PBS reaction
guys so I finally saw the proshot and god was I mess for the entirety of act 2. anyway these are all the things I noticed and thought. honestly it was perfect and i’m just so happy I was able to see it. it’s really long sorry
the opening dance in four jews is so cute
trina’s desperate motion to the chairs and laundry when she sings slaaaavery
the way whizzer said hepatitis
whizzer’s little nod on “will you be my valentine”
“DADDY’S KISSING BOYS.....................petty petty petty petty”
marvin’s little grind and ear nibble
when whizzer says “that’s it” after the little kiss in thrill of first love
the entire dance sequence in thrill of first love hot damn
anthony’s expressions in marvin at the psych are amazing, he just seems like he’s so lost and wants to understand what’s going on
trina’s little “I wouldn’t know” when jason says “what is normal”
how audible the flick was
(the rest under the cut bc it’s hella long)
dear lord “and then the bastard divorced me” down an octave
banana belting need I say more
marvin/trina/whizzer dancing in jason’s therapy
marvin’s little thumbs up when he says “biblical times”
brandon’s emotion during a marriage proposal is perfect
“hit me TWO TIMES”
cheeeeeeeck maaaAAAAAATE
god making a home was just so cute
literally all of the games I play
christian saying “baby you that I-” after he hits trina
jason looking so scared when marvin hits trina
everyone looked so sad in i never wanted to love you bc everything’s falling apart
marvin’s little giggle when jason says he thinks girls are the most beautiful thing in the world
jason’s urgency to hug marvin at the end of father to son
act 2
mendel pointing to the audience when saying homosexuals
applauding the pit hells ya
everyone was cheering for the lesbians when they entered
jason’s dancing in year of the child and christian genuinely laughing at it
“that’s how it’s ‘sposed to look” thank you charlotte
“flat as a lake” - I guess all the bitching at the beginning was too much for pbs
marvin and trina’s visible shock when jason says he doesn’t want a bar mitzvah
every time mendel calls himself out for awkwardness (aka: “....ok” or “i’m just gonna yea”
“call the applebaums! work it out! pick out a beautiful centerpiece! thank you!”
cordelia’s “not funny? ok...” when mendel tries to joke about parking
jasong going from being on the verge of tears to cynical bitch in .2 seconds
“I haven’t died yet”
christian barely holding it together in the beginning of 4 unlikely lovers then immediately switching to being funny >> his dorky ass eyebrow raise to the lesbians when they walk in
the raw emotions in 4 unlikely lovers
marvin’s dead-behind-the-eyes look as charlotte sings something bad which then turns to mistrusting and then acceptance in like 3 seconds’ time
all of you gotta die sometime. like I cried guys
whizzer still judging marvin’s style during the bar mitzvah (I mean marvin didn’t share his devotion at all, so whizzer’s still gotta be judgy on his deathbed)
marvin syaing “relax, relax” to jason and honestly I feel like this was just straight up christian talking to anthony
whizzer saying thank you to jason and then jason trying to follow them
“were just gonna skip that stage” honestly killed me
christian barely holding it together throughout the entire finale and then just losing it
the cube coming together as whizzer exits
the white king (oh my god I just realized whizzer was always white but also he was the first to ‘move’ aka die. holy shit i’m not ok)
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Don’t tell me no!
tw: homophobia, xenophobia, neo-nazi talk at the end (spoiler they get punched)
Alex Danvers has a history of making what some would call risky and/or incredibly dangerous situations.  A long history in fact.
For instance, all throughout high school she spent many days sitting outside the principal’s office. For what? Well for fighting of course. She couldn’t figure out what her parents expected of her, or rather her mom anyway. Eliza told her, ordered her to take care of and protect Kara.  So, what exactly was she supposed to do? Sit back and watch another popular douchebag or bitch try and hit her sister and then wince in pain. After all, her parents had pounded into her the importance of keeping Kara’s identity and abilities a secret. So, she did what she had to. She would walk up to the person terrorizing her sister grab their arm and push them back.  She may have learned advanced survival and defensive skills through DEO training but that wasn’t the first time she’d learned to defend herself.  She always heard Kara in the background shouting Alex no, stop. You’re gonna get in trouble. But she didn’t care. It was her job to protect Kara. If she got in trouble for doing that, well then at least she got to release some of her pent-up anger.
There were many other instances of these back and forth “Alex no/Alex yes” arguments. Sometimes they were between her head and heart. Like when she met Maggie.  The first thing she remembered feeling was the biggest desire to just be near Maggie. She wanted to talk to her as much as possible, learn as much about her as possible. She thought it was just because Maggie was a badass detective who loved motorcycles and aliens. So, when Maggie suggested that she was into girls, it was a shock to her system to say the least.  This exchange along with the conversations that followed involving Alex admitting that yeah, ok, yeah maybe she was slightly, a little bit, into girls. This admission took her to Kara. To whom she talked. And talked. And talked. Kara was 100% eager and ready to listen to everything Alex had to say. But when she heard Alex talking herself out of her new found sexual identity, she knew she had to put a stop to it.  Kara had to make sure that Alex stopped putting her life on hold. And she told her just that.
“Alex stop, listen to yourself. Just last week you came to me and told me what you were feeling-how you were feeling- about Maggie. You told me that you thought you liked her as more than just a friend. And, yes, it took me some time to understand what you were saying. But Alex, please don’t talk yourself out of how you’re feeling. You are the most amazing sister and you deserve to be happy and you deserve to love whomever you love. And if that’s Maggie great, she seems really nice. If it ends up being someone who’s not Maggie but still a girl that’s great too. Heck if it ends up being a guy that’s fine.  I just want you to be happy. So right now, all I want you to do is stop, think, and answer this question: what will make you happy? Because, if being with Maggie or any girl will make you happy then that’s who you should be with. It’s ok to let yourself be happy. And if anyone ever says anything negative about you for being with a girl, well then, I’ll just have to fling them into the sun.”
Alex stood staring at her sister, tears pooling in her eyes. Any words she could think of died before they left her lips. She wasn’t used to people fighting for her happiness, no matter how hard Kara tried. She wasn’t used to people telling her, yes, she can do something and the world won’t end because she does.
Then there are the times when she acts without thinking. Like when she decided to run in front of a bullet headed straight for Kara. Normally, she would merely cringe as the bullet bounced off her sister and fell to the ground. This time, however, Kara solar flared the day before. Alex couldn’t let Kara feel the pain of getting shot. She couldn’t stand there and watch a bullet rip through her sister’s skin.  Without thinking, she ran forward shoving Kara out of the way. Just as the bullet tore through the skin on her arm she heard Kara shouting her name. Alex winced but looked up from the ground and into Kara’s eyes.
Alex heard J’onn and Maggie take down the shooter but she returned her attention back to Kara. “Kara are you ok? Are you hurt?” Alex rushed out.
Kara starred at her sister mouth agape. She reached forward, pressing her hands steadily against the whole in Alex’s lower stomach.  Her eyes meet Alex’s again, the tears she’d been holding back spilling down her cheeks.  “Am I ok? Alex, you’re the one that got shot. You pushed me out of the way. Why’d you do that? You shouldn’t have done that.” Alex was losing more blood than either she or Kara realized. That fact was made abundantly clear, however, when Alex lost consciousness and was rushed to the DEO med bay for emergency surgery.
Kara was sitting up watching her when she woke up. She was groggy and her side hurt but she didn’t care. Kara was alive, unharmed, and sitting by her side.  Alex could tell that Kara was none too happy with her by the look on her face when she realized Alex was awake.   
Kara didn’t say anything for a while. She just sat there watching her sister breath, making sure Alex was truly alive.  Finally, she voiced the words that had been sitting in her mind since Alex pushed her out of the way. “Just because you’re my big sister and it’s always been your job to protect me, doesn’t mean that your life isn’t important too. It is Alex. And I know what you’re going to say. You’re going to say that Eliza would never forgive you if something happened to me and that you’re trained to take a bullet while I’m used to seeing them bounce off of me. Well, shitake mushrooms to that. I need you alive just as much as you need me. So, you need to start taking better care of yourself and your body. And you need to start listening to people when they say you shouldn’t do something.”
So, when Alex and Kara were out getting lunch one day and they ran into a homophobic, anti-alien, anti-anything except white people (especially white males), Alex was baffled. She did her best to ignore the man and what he was saying. She tried to ignore the fact that he thought someone should kill Supergirl and the rest of the aliens on earth. She tried to ignore the comments he made about how gay marriage should be illegal and that all of the homosexuals on earth should be killed. She tried her very best to ignore the incredibly rude man. What she couldn’t ignore, however, was how he repeatedly hit the ass of his server as she walked past him.  After the third time he slapped the waitresses ass, Alex was seething. The fourth time, found Alex standing so fast her chair fell to the ground. The fourth time found Alex making her way to the rude man. The fourth time found Alex grabbing the man’s right arm, forcing it behind his back and slamming his head into the table. The fourth time found Alex, whispering into the man’s ear about manners when he’s out in public. Whispering that touching anybody, male or female without their consent is inappropriate and illegal. Telling him that she was so happy that she was in love with a woman who was one hundred times the person he could ever hope to be. Making sure that he understood that the aliens that lived on earth had just as many rights as he did and that he should be thankful for them because they are doing the jobs no one else wants to do and they are being paid shit for it.
Alex drove home the point by pushing his head into the table a little harder and then releasing him and heading back to Kara. Alex heard him mumble under his breath and she flipped back around. She asked him to repeat what he’d said to her face so he did.
“I called you a dyke bitch. Hitler should have wiped your kind out along with the Jews” He seethed.  The next thing Alex knew, the man was lying unconscious on the ground and her hand was aching. Kara was by her side in a second guiding her out of the restaurant.
“Why didn’t you tell me not to do that,” Alex asked flexing her hand.
“Because he deserved it Alex. Heck he deserved so much more than what you did to him.”
Alex was in awe, it was one of her first experiences where no one, including herself, was there to tell her that she shouldn’t do something.    
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cwnerd12 · 4 years
“I’ll Be Okay” David walks into a cavernous file storage room. Asher, Abby, Joel, Shay, and Monique sit on the ground, papers strewn around them reading files. David, “What is this?” Asher, “Fuckin’ files, man. We found our files. You don’t have a file, you have a box.” David sits down, Asher slides a box over to him. David opens it and thumbs through the folders in there. David, “Who else has a file here?” Joel, “Everyone. Seriously, look at this room. There’s a file for everyone the MSS has ever dealt with.” Abby reads from the file in her hands, “Franklin Hatch, Jr. Known pseudonyms: Frankie, Frank, Jr. They forgot to include ‘Dumbass.’” David, “I like Frankie.” Abby, “Okay, but seriously, if you yell, ‘Hey, dumbass!’ Frankie will turn around and say, ‘What?’” Shay, “I can’t believe this. Shay Mendoza: confirmed homosexual. I’m trying to overthrow the king, and that’s what’s important about me.” Joel, “Seriously? For you, that’s like saying, ‘Asher Levinson, confirmed Jew.’” David flips through his file, “Oh, I got a confirmed homosexual, too.” Monique, “Me, too. Apparently trans and bi people don’t exist.” David, “We’re unicorns. No wonder they can’t catch us.” Abby, “Aw, I didn’t get one, I’m sad. Especially considering the number of times I’ve banged the princess.” Joel, “Jack didn’t get one, either. You’re only a confirmed homosexual if it’s convenient for you to be one.” David, “Where’s Jack’s file?” Asher, “It doesn’t say anything about his condition. Sorry.” David stands up and begins to go down the aisle, looking intensely at the shelves. Asher, “What’re you looking for, David?” David, “I don’t know if they’re going to have his file, but I’m looking for a guy named Ivan Waters.” Asher, “Who?” Shay, “That’s Wednesday’s dad.” Asher, “The filing system here is kind of complicated, but I can find him. Why are you looking for him in particular?” David, “Wednesday doesn’t know what happened to him, just that he didn’t come home from work one day. Jesus- if we can start giving answers to families who are missing someone…” his voice trails off for a moment, “We need to start making these files public. We have to figure out a way to give them to the people who want them.” Asher, “There’s a lot of missing people in here.” David, “We can set up some tables. Get a bunch of our soldiers working them. People come up, request a file, and we send someone back to find it, and then we give it to them.” Shay, “We can do it, but it’s gonna be a fuckin’ mess.” David, “Then let it be a fuckin’ mess! Silas built his kingdom on secrets, and now we’re gonna tear it down!”
Early next morning, Monique steps out of the MSS building, and sees a line of people already wrapping around the block, with reporters and TV cameras there, too. She thinks for a long moment, and then has and idea and walks off.
Inside the lobby of the MSS building, AFG members work to set up a line of folding tables with laptops and chairs, ready to search databases and distribute files. AFG soldiers sit at the tables with helpers standing behind them. James and Ethan both help set up computers. Beth helps set up a refreshment table with coffee and snacks. Adam goes up to her, “Beth?” She looks up at him, and then quickly looks away, saying nervously, “Oh, hi.” Adam, “How- how are you doing?” Beth, “As well as I can, I guess. Been trying to keep busy. Helping out.” Adam, “Oh. Good. It’s- it's been rough for me." Beth, “Yeah, I- I mean of course it's rough, I mean..." she drifts off. Up at the front, Abby enters, with David following her. David greats James and Ethan while Abby goes to the center of the lobby, “Thanks for being here, guys.” Ethan and James, “No problem.” Abby speaks up, “We’re going to open the doors, but before we do, I just want to remind you all, some of these people have been wondering what happened to their loved one for over twenty years. They’re going to be emotional, and you need to be sensitive to that.” David steps up, “Today’s gonna be a long day, and it’s probably gonna be emotionally hard, but it’s really important that we do this.” He looks around and sees Beth and Adam. Beth smiles at him. David looks away, “Okay, so, open the doors, let’s get going.” Someone opens the doors, and people start to file in. David turns to leave. Beth’s face falls. She quickly turns to Adam, “I’m going to talk to David real quick. I’ll be right back!” She hurries off. When she nears David, she says, "David!" and reaches out and touches his arm. He turns around and then pulls away from her. Beth, “I was hoping to see you." David, rushed and nervous, "Not right now, we're pretty busy." Beth, “Can we talk later, maybe? I- I really want to talk to you." David, “Maybe, but not now." Beth, “Okay, well-” David interrupts her, “I've gotta go.” He hurries away, and Beth watches him leave. Slowly, Adam approaches Beth, “So… you've been talking with David?” Beth, “Oh, yeah. I- I’ve been talking to him about Ryan.” Adam, “When?” Beth, “What?” Adam, “It’s just that David’s been here and you’ve been at the safe house…” Beth, quickly, “Oh, we talk on the phone. I guess we got to know each other petty well being cooped up in the same house for a while. He’s a nice guy. You should talk to him.” Adam, “Yeah, I should.”
In an operating room, a surgeon performs Jack's cranioplasty. In the adjoining observation room, Michelle and Dr. Hussein watch. Michelle, “You know, for a little while, I was really jealous of Jack because he was there while David got an emergency laparotomy in the middle of the woods. But I think I’ve one-upped him, now. I’ve seen his brain.” Dr. Hussein laughs, “I’m suddenly very glad my sister is a teacher.” They both laugh. Michelle tensely watches the surgeons as they screw everything in place. Michelle, “So you’re sure, two weeks for everything to heal, and then he’s leaving the hospital, right?” Dr. Hussein, “As long as no complications develop. I can’t 100% guarantee they won’t, of course, but everything’s gone perfectly so far.” Michelle nods, “Good. I know Jack's ready to start the intensive part of his rehab. All the following orders and pushing your physical limits, it's almost like being in the army again. I’m actually pretty glad he’s gonna be at the rehab center instead of at home-” Dr. Hussein interrupts, “You mean the palace?” Michelle, “Yeah.” Dr. Hussein, “Queen Rose told me that she was bringing Jack home.” Michelle, “What? No. You told me yourself, Jack needs to go to the rehab center for the best possible outcome.” Dr. Hussein, “Yes, I explained all that to Queen Rose, but she said that Jack would be returning home.” Michelle, “Why?” Dr. Hussein, “She said something about security issues.” Michelle mutters, “God damn it,” she sighs furiously, “This wasn’t my mom’s decision, it’s Abner’s!”
Monique returns to the MSS building, which has an even longer line wrapping around it, carrying two plastic bags stuffed with cans of paint and paintbrushes. She leaves them by the front door, and goes inside. She sees David overseeing the delivery of a file and goes up to him, “David, come with me for a second, I have an idea.” David, “We’re pretty busy here, can it wait?” Monique, “Nope. Get Abby, Shay, and Asher here, as well.”
Monique, hands David, Shay, Abby, and Asher cans of paint and a paintbrush. Monique, “Every single person in that line lost someone they love. We’re going to deface this building with their names.” David, “What?” Monique takes off the lid of a can, dips a paintbrush into it, goes over to the wall, and paints ISAIAH CLEMENS, “We’re making a memorial to everyone we’ve lost. David, you can put your dad and brothers.” Asher, “Monique, this is brilliant.” He goes over to the wall and paints out LEO AND NORA LEVINSON, with a star of David next to it. Shay goes over and paints RODRIGO MENDOZA. Abby looks down at her can, “I don’t know if I want to add my dad to this.” Monique, “Then give your can to someone else.” David, “Are you sure this is a good idea? What if people start painting on the names of people we’ve killed?” Monique, “Then it’ll be a memorial to them, too. You want to convince people you should be king, right? Then why not show them a thousand reasons why Abner shouldn’t be king? Besides, we don’t kill civilians, right?” David nods uneasily, “Okay.”
Before long, clusters of people fill the wall with names. Reporters talk to people and TV cameras film it all. People take selfies by the names they’ve painted, eyes full of tears.
Inside, Liam approaches Adam, “Adam, bro, have you seen what’s going on outside?” Adam, “No.” Liam, “People are painting names on the front walls as some kind of memorial. Where’s Beth? She needs to paint Ryan’s name!” Adam, “I think she-” Beth emerges at the end of the hallway, and Liam runs over to her, “Beth! Hey, BETH!” Beth, “What?” Liam, “You need to put Ryan’s name on the wall.” Beth, “What wall?” Liam, “They’re painting names on the front of everyone’s whose died. You need to do Ryan.” Beth is taken aback, and stammers he reply, “I- I, I really shouldn’t do that, I-” she looks nervously from Adam to Liam, “You guys were much closer to him than I ever was.” Adam, “He really loved you.” Beth, “Look, I met Ryan when he ended up in the safehouse outside of Nob that I was running. We had some fun, and then the raid on Nob happened, and Ryan had to leave, and I went to another house, and we’d talk on the phone, but that was kind of it. Not much of a romance, really.” Ryan, “He talked to you every day.” Beth, “Yeah, we did, and I mean, I- I did have feelings for him.” Ryan, “Did?” Beth, “I still do, I just… You guys are the ones who were with him.” She shrugs awkwardly. Ryan, “Yeah, okay, well, come with us when we do it, anyway.” Beth, reluctant but resigned, “Okay.”
Out in the lobby, Monique talks to James and Ethan, “Where the fuck is David? He’s not answering my texts.” Ethan, “He texted me a little while ago, says he needs to space.” Monique, “Well there’s about a hundred TV cameras out there all waiting to see David paint a name on a wall.” James, “We’ll get him out, it might just take a little while.” Monique annoyed, looks around. Adam, Liam, and Beth enter. Monique sees them, “Adam!” He looks at her, “Yeah?” She goes over to him, “Have you seen David?” Adam, “No.” Monique, “Can you help me find him?” Adam, “We were going to put Ryan’s name up.” Monique, I need to find David.” Beth, “I’ll help you look,” she glances at Adam and Ryan, “You can wait a few minutes, right?”
Beth walks down an empty hallway, looking at office doors. She comes to one door that’s slightly ajar, and sees David sitting on the desk inside, deep in thought. Beth, “David?” He looks up at her, “Oh, hi.” Beth, “Monique is wooing for you.” David, “Yeah, I know.” Beth, “It’s about the wall.” David, “Yeah, I know.” Beth, Do you not want to do it?” David, “I do, it’s a great idea, I just…” he sighs deeply, “I don’t want to do it in front of a bunch of cameras.” Beth sits down on the desk next to him, “I’ll be there. Adam wants to put Ryan’s name up, and he wants me to be there.” David, “I’ll do it, I just need a few minutes.” Beth, “Okay. Do you want me to text Monique?” David, “Sure.” Monique talks to Adam and Liam as her phone dings. She looks at it, “Says he needs a few minutes,” she sighs, annoyed, “As long as he gets out here.”
Back in the office, David fucks Beth. Beth moans loudly. Davit mutters, “Don’t be so loud.” Beth, “What?” David, “Don’t be so loud!” Beth, “Oh, sorry.” She goes quiet and David keeps fucking her.
Outside at the wall, a bunch of cameras watch as David, Ethan, and James paint JOHN SHEPHERD, ELI SHEPHERD, and ROBERT SHEPHERD on the wall. A ways off, Adam and Beth stand next to where RYAN HITT is painted. They both watch David paint. Adam shifts uneasily from foot to foot, bites at his lower lip, and sighs. Beth, “You okay?” Cameras flash and David walks away. Adam watches intensely. Beth, “Adam?” Adam, “What?” he snaps at her, broken out of his concentration. Beth, “You okay?” Adam, “Yeah, I- I guess.” Beth, “I’m gonna go back inside.” Adam, “Wait.” Beth looks at him, “What?” Adam looks down at the ground, “I…. I, um…” he shuts his eyes tight, “I just… I-I have some questions. About how Ryan died.” Beth, “Why are you asking me about this? You were there. I wasn’t.” Adam, “I just… I dunno, I…. I can’t shake this feeling that maybe, somehow, it wasn’t necessary.” Beth, “Adam, that’s just your grief talking.” Adam, “I know! I know, I know! I know I miss him, and I know this is hard, and that he was a soldier, and soldiers die in battle, but…” he sighs deeply, “Ryan… Ryan got sent out to throw a grenade, and I- I just don’t think he had to. We could have taken the top floor without it. It would have taken longer, but we could have done it.” Beth, “Take it up with whoever sent him out.” Adam, “It was Joel.” Beth, “So talk to him.” Adam, softly, “I don’t think he’d tell me the truth.” Beth, “The truth? The truth about what?” Adam stares at Beth, thinking for a long moment. Finally, he murmurs, “I don’t know.” Beth, warily, “Adam, you’re traumatized and exhausted. I think we all just need to pray that David gets made king at Council, and we can finally stop fighting.” Adam stares at her, eyes full of doubt. Beth, softly, “I’m gonna go back inside. Maybe you can talk to Liam about it.” She turns around and walks toward the front door. Suddenly, Adam calls, “David really loves Jack, you know.” Beth looks back at him, startled, “What?” Adam, “Jack. Whatever decision David makes, it’s all going to come down to Jack.” Beth, unsettled, “Jack is brain dead.” Adam, “How do you know?” Beth, “Because how can he not be? David has to know this!” Adam, “Are you sure?” Beth stares at Adam, “You can’t get shot in the head and just be okay.” Adam thinks for a moment, and then looks back down at the ground, “Yeah, I guess so.” He stuffs his hands into his pockets. He glances back up at Beth, “Go back inside. I think I’ll just stay out here for a little while.” Beth, uneasy, “Okay.” She walks past him, awkwardly. He watches her go back inside.
Back in his hospital room, Jack slowly blinks awake form his surgery. He looks over and sees Michelle and Rose with their backs to him, speaking in low, furious voices. Michelle, “He won’t be able to walk on his own or speak in complete sentences!” Rose, “Yes, I know, Dr. Hussein warned me about all that. We can get all the right care at the palace.” Michelle, “That’s not enough, and you know it!” Rose, “We don’t have a choice here, Michelle.” Michelle, “You and Dad kept it covered put he first two times he went to rehab, why is this any different?!” Rose, “We could shut down any publication that said anything, and we still didn’t stop the rumors. These circumstances are very different.” Michelle, “Oh, bullshit!” Rose, “This can all change, depending on what choices Shepherd makes at Council.” Jack moans softly. Rose and Michelle both look over at him, startled. Michelle immediately puts on a smile, “Hey, metal head. How you feeling?” Jack groans and rubs his eyes. Rose get up, goes over to him, and kisses him on the forehead, “All you need to do is heal.” She steps back and heads towards the door, “I’ll go get the doctor.” Michelle, “You can’t just ignore this, Mom.” Rose, “Not now, Michelle!” She marches out into the hallway. She goes into the lobby and goes up to a doctor talking to a nurse, “He’s awake, Dr. Alexis.” The doctor looks at her, “Excellent.” Rose smiles and leads him back into Jack’s room. Michelle sits in her chair, fuming, as the doctor approaches Jack. Doctor, “Hi, Jack, how are you feeling?” Rose sits down beside Michelle as the doctor goes on, “The surgery went without a hitch…” Michelle furiously wipes tears from her eyes. Rose looks over at her, and says softly, “Nothing is settled until after Council.” Michelle, “It’s barbaric. He’s using Jack’s whole future like it’s some fucking playing card.” Rose, “I know. And I hate it, too.” Michelle stifles a bitter sob. Rose, softly, “How much faith do you have in David?” Michelle, “What?” Rose, “David. He’s given to dramatic rescues, isn’t he?” Michelle, “What, you're hoping he’ll attack the palace?” Dr. Alexis turns to them, “Everything looks good." Rose smiles, “Wonderful.” The doctor leaves.
David sleeps in his cot, but is woken up by a flash of lightning and sudden BOOM of thunder. His eyes shoot open, and he realizes it’s just thunder, “Oh, fuck.” Flash, boom. He sits up and rubs his face. Flash, boom. David goes over to the desk and begins digging around. He pulls out a bottle of meds. He opens it. Flash, boom. David jumps and accidentally drops the bottle, “Fuck!” He turns a light on and begins scooping up pills. Flash, boom. David cries out in frustration. From his sofa, Reinhardt, “Thunderstorms are a bitch, aren’t they?” David, “Shut the fuck up and go back to sleep.” He takes a pill and drinks from a bottle of water. Flash, boom. Reinhardt, “Sounds just like being under mortar fire. Took me a long time to not hate thunderstorms.” David, “What the fuck do you have to be traumatized about?” Reinhardt, “Watched half my unit die when their transport got hit by an RPG.” Flash, boom. David shudders. Reinhardt sits up and lifts his shirt, revealing two bullet wounds and a laparotomy scar, “Also, I got shot.” David lifts his shirt, “I got stabbed, by Alek Amal, no less.” Reinhardt takes his shirt off as best he can, and turns his back, revealing a long scar, “Some asshole high on angel dust did not want to get arrested.” David takes his shirt off and shows the burn scars on his shoulder, “I got bombed and then spent three days and three nights in the woods with no food and no water.” Reinhardt, “You just have to keep one-upping me, don’t you?” David, “I’m an asshole.” Reinhardt, “You never did let me sign your cast.” David, “Where are your pens?” Reinhardt, “Top left drawer.” David opens the drawer and takes out a pen. He goes over and hands it to Reinhardt. He sticks his cast out. Reinhardt signs it. He glances down at a scar on David’s ankle, “Where did you get that one?” David, “My brothers tried to run me over with a golf cart.” Reinhardt laughs, “I forget, sometimes, that you’re just a kid from Bethlehem. Honestly, I never would have guessed you were capable of getting scars from something as mundane as your dumbass older brothers.” David, “Shut up and go back to sleep.” He goes back over to his cot and lays down. He and Reinhardt both lay in silence for a little while. Reinhardt, softly, “I feel stupid asking this, but has Lydia been by at all?” David, “Who?” Reinhardt, “My outrageously beautiful wife, dumbass. You met her.” David, “Oh. I dunno. I don’t deal with that sort of thing.” Reinhardt, “I haven’t gone more than a day without speaking with her since we’ve been married.” David, “It hasn’t even been two weeks.” Reinhardt, “For two weeks, she’s all I’ve been able to think about.” David, bitterly, “At least you know she’s okay.” Reinhardt, “You’re the same way about Jack, aren’t you?” David, “Shut the fuck up.” Reinhardt, “Yeah, I figured as much. You’ve got to face Shaw the day after tomorrow, you gonna rip his throat out?” David, “Shut up, or I’ll have you gagged!” Another boom of thunder. David takes in a sharp breath, trying not to panic. Reinhardt, seriously, “If anyone did that to Lydia, and then kept me away from her, I’d kill them. No hesitation. Just fucking kill them.” David, bitterly, “You’re not leading a revolution.” Reinhardt, “No, I’m not,” he pauses for a moment, “I’d still do it, either way.”
In the morning, another long line waits outside of the building, and more people add names to the wall. At her station in the lobby, Beth works takes a family’s file request.
Monique adjusts cuff lengths on Asher’s formal uniform jacket. Shay and Joel also get measured and fitted. David comes in, looking tired, “Hey, Monique, what do you want?” Monique, “Finishing uniforms today. Do you and Abby still have yours?” David, “Yeah, I think so. Can you make three in a day?” Monique, “Four, I’m making one for me, too. I’ve been working all week, and I’ve got some friends helping me. We’ll have everything ready for Council, don’t worry.” Shay, “We’re gonna look fuckin’ snazzy.” Asher, “Have you thought at all about what you’re going to say tomorrow?” David, “A little.” Asher, disappointed, “How little?” David, “I have something in mind. Don’t worry about it.” Asher, “Abby and I both want to go over everything with you.” Monique, “I want to make sure your uniform still looks good.” David, “It’s up in my- I mean Reinhardt’s office,” he looks over at Asher, “You and Abby can talk to me in there.”
In Reinhardt’s office, David dresses up in his wrinkled uniform while Monique inspects. Abby shows Asher some papers. Reinhardt watches from his spot on the sofa. Monique, “Well, it needs to be pressed, but the fit still looks good.” David tugs on the jacket, “Good.” Monique, “Where are your medals? There’s no way in hell I’m letting you sit down without those.” David, “They’re in my bag. Don’t worry.” Abby comes over and hands David a stack of papers, “I drew up some talking points for you. You need to keep all of these in mind.” David flips through the pages, “This is a lot, Abby.” Abby, “Yeah, well, this isn’t your high school debate.” David, “I was on my high school debate team, and we were regional champions.” Abby, “I wrote my master’s thesis on Royal Council.” Reinhardt loudly snorts with laughter. David, “Ignore him.” Monique, “David, take your uniform off, I need to press it.” David puts the papers down on the desk, “Yeah, sure.” He takes the jacket off and begins to unbutton his shirt. Reinhardt, “You know I always assumed the pictures on OMGossip were carefully curated, but you really do take your shirt off more than the average person.” David, “Shut up!” On the desk, David’s phone rings. David, “Shit.” He picks it up and sees a call from Laura. Asher, “Who is it?” David, “It’s Laura.” He accepts the call and puts the phone up to his ear, “Hello?” Laura, sitting in her private jet, “Hello, David!” David, “Uh, hi, what’s up?” Laura, “I’m on my way to Council. I have some people with me that I think you’ll be glad to see.” David, “What who?” Laura hands the phone over to Jessie, “Hey, baby! I can’t wait to see you.” David, “Mom?! What- what are you doing, it’s not safe for you to come to Gilboa!” Jessie, “I have protection from Laura, and she says that with the MSS being taken over, there’s no one to arrest me. I’m perfectly safe, don’t worry.” David, “Mom, I still don’t know if this is a good idea.” Jessie, “David, it’s worth the risk if it means I get to see you and your brothers again. I’ve missed you so much! Every night, I’m scared of what I’ll see on the news. I need to see in person that you’re all still in one piece. How have you been?” David struggles to think of what to say, “I- I’m holding it together. It’s been rough, but, I’m okay.” Jessie, “You boys come to my hotel room and we’ll order room service. How does that sound?” David, “Sounds good.” Jessie, “Tell Abby her brother is coming with us. Would you like to say hi to him?” In the background, Frankie yells, “David, bro, what’s up?!” David, “I’m okay, Mom, really.” Jessie, “I’ll see you in a few hours, then, okay?” David, “Yeah, okay. I’ll see you then.” He ends the conversation, “Fuck.” Asher, “What’s wrong?” David, “My mom’s gonna be in Shiloh in a few hours, she wants me and my brothers to have dinner with her. Fuck! Do you have anything nice I can wear?” Monique, “Don’t you dare wear your uniform shirt, I am not spending all night washing soup stains out of it.” David, “I don’t want to show up to dinner wearing an old t-shirt and cargo pants.” Reinhardt, “I’ve got an extra suit in my closet. You’re free to wear it.” David, “Seriously?” Reinhardt, “I’m not using it.” Monique looks from Reinhardt to David, “Ought to fit you good, too. Get it out, I’ll press it, along with your uniform.”
David, dressed in Reinhardt’s suit, walks out into a hallway, where Ethan and James wait. David pauses and looks at them. Ethan, “Nice suit.” David, “It’s Reinhardt’s.” Ethan, “Seriously?” David, “Yup.” James, “Fitting that you’re the one dressed up.” David, “I can put something else on.” James, “Don’t. Let’s just get going.” They go out into the lobby. The file exchange is still going on. Beth still sits at her station, tiredly writing down a name. David glances at her as he passes, and she looks up and sees him. The woman Beth was talking to speaks up, “That’s G-R-E-Y.” Beth snaps back to attention, “Oh, sorry,” and writes down the correct name.
Outside the MSS building, David, Ethan and James cross the street and unlocks an SUV. As Ethan and James get in, David turns and looks at the building, now covered in names of those who have died. He stares for a moment, at the Shepherd names on there, the enormity of it all weighing down on him.
David walks down the hallway of a fancy hotel, Ethan and James behind him. David, “What room is it?” Ethan checks his phone, “523.” David spots the number, and stops by the door. He looks back at his brothers, “You ready?” Ethan and James both nod. David sighs and knocks on the door. Jessie answers. She looks at her boys for a moment. David smiles softly, “Hi, Mom.” Jessie sweeps him into a big hug. Ethan and James both go in and hug her. Jessie, “Oh, I’ve missed you boys so much!” Ethan, “We’ve missed you, Mom.” Jessie steps back, I have a surprise for you.” She swings the door open a little wider, revealing Arthur and Sean waiting on the other side. Ethan and James go over and hug them, greeting each other with brotherly laughter. David, “How?” Jessie, “It doesn’t matter.” David looks at Sean, “What are you gonna do when it gets reported to the army that you were here with me?” Sean, “Glad to see you, too, David.” David, “No, it’s not… I’m glad to see you, it’s just, I- I’ve seen people get tortured for less!” Ethan, “David, we still have Reinhardt as leverage. Nobody’s gonna mess with us as long as we have him.” David sighs deeply, “Yeah, yeah, you’re right- I’m sorry. I guess I’m still stuck in war mode.” He goes over and awkwardly hugs Sean, “I’m sorry.” Sean, “It’s all right. You’re just looking out for everyone.” David goes over and numbly hugs Arthur, as well. Jessie looks at her remaining boys with intense pride and sadness, “It’s been too long since I’ve had all my boys together.” James, “When was the last time?” Arthur, “I dunno. I think it was Eli’s funeral.” Ethan, “I dunno if it’s really fair to call that together.” Sean, “It was after you got acquitted. I remember because right after that I got sent to Shiloh. I kept trying to have you over for dinner, remember, David?” David, “Yeah, we were both always busy.” Sean, “Yeah I guess so. I guess you never expect something like that to be a last time, huh?” Jessie, “I have a room service menu right here, why don’t you boys take a look at it? Queen Laura’s paying for everything- get whatever you want.” James, “Oooh, then we definitely have to order something fancy!”
Everyone sits around a table and eats. James and Ethan eat with gusto while David quietly picks at his food. James, “Oh man, you don’t realize how much you miss eating real food until you actually eat some! I mean, no offense David, but AFG food kind of sucks.” David, “It's the best we can do.” Sean struggles awkwardly to eat with one hand. Ethan, “How’s the farm?” Arthur, “Still in Gath.” Ethan, “You had any luck trying to get back into Gilboa?” Arthur, “Margaret and the kids are free to go to Gilboa but I can’t leave without giving up the farm.” Ethan, “That’s bullshit.” Jessie, “Language.” Ethan, “I’m sorry, but it is!” Arthur, “Best we can do is keep doing what we’ve been doing all along: just keep praying something happens. For a while it looked like the Gilboan army might re-take Bethlehem, but that stalled out once the war with Ammon started.” David, quietly, “I’m sorry.” Arthur, “Don’t say sorry, David, it’s not your fault.” David, “It kind of is.” James, “Hey, don’t pay any attention to that shit that Amal said.” Jessie, “Amal? What did he say?” James, “A bunch of crap trying to mess with David’s head.” Jessie, “When was this?” James, “Don’t worry about it, Mom!” Sean, trying to change the subject, “So, David, do you know what you’re gonna say tomorrow?” David, “I- I dunno. Hey, make me king? It’s a lot to think about.” Jessie puts her hand over David’s, “Whatever happens, we’re all very proud of you.” David, “Thanks, Mom.” Sean, “Eli would be proud of you, too… and Dad… and Robert.” David tries to smile, “I’m doing my best. I dunno if it's enough, but, it’s my best.”
After dinner, everyone gives David their encouragement. Sean, “You’re gonna kick ass tomorrow, David!” James, “Yeah, kick Abner’s ass for all of us, okay?” David, “I will. Don’t worry.” Jessie, “You boys don’t go and do anything stupid until then.” All the bros, “Yes, Mom!” Jessie, “All right, good night!” David, “Night.” Jessie closes the door, and then looks over at David. She smiles at him. David, quietly, “So, what did you want to talk about, Mom?” Jessie, “Come sit with me.” She goes over to the sofa and sits. David follows her. She looks down at his hands, and takes the injured one in hers. The cast is now decorated with the signatures of all the bros. Jessie, “How did you get this?” David, “I knocked Alek Amal’s teeth out.” Jessie sighs, “Oh, David. It drives me crazy when I don’t know what you’re doing, but when I find out, I wish I hadn’t.” David, “I’m sorry, Mom.” Jessie, “You don’t have to apologize. You’re doing the right thing.” David, “Not always.” Jessie, “What do you mean?” David shakes his head, “Nothing. I just can’t remember the last time I knew what the right thing was. I’ve had to make a lot of really hard decisions, and I don’t know if I’ve always made the right choice.” Jessie smiles proudly, “That’s good. It means you still care.” David, “I’ve done some really terrible things, Mom.” Jessie, “Oh, David, baby.” He starts to cry. Jessie hugs him. Jessie, “You said you wouldn’t disappoint me by becoming a bad person. And I’m not disappointed. I’m proud. I am so, so proud of you. You are good. You’ll be okay.” David sobs into her shoulder.
0 notes
hurglewurm · 7 years
12.07.17 get ready I saw falsettos in theatres
it’s always fun being in a theatre mostly full of teenage girls, young gay men, and old couples, (and me and my mum), and just crying a whole bunch. collectively. as a group. anyway below are some chronologically segmented thoughts on this experience™ warning it’s long
“four jews” was so good, so bouncy, so happy. I love my kids. To Be Honest I was already crying a bit tho from the start just with the. uh. knowledge of what is to come
by “tight-knit family” christian borle was Already sweating and honestly, same
in “love is blind”: 
the “daddy’s kissing boys” kiss was SEEN and REMEMBERED because BOY HOWDY they MADE OUT
and before that happened andrew did an eyebrow waggle?? and a “come hither” crooked finger beckoning marvin near??? help??
“but so am IIIIIIIIIIII” I love brandon uranowitz, I love mendel
I watched andrew rannells as he did the “ah-ah” and he was a FLAWLESS boy, thank you camera crew for giving this to me
“the thrill of first love”
was so much more??? sexual??????? than I’ve ever seen it be??? andrew rannells put your tongue bACK in your mouth, oh my god
they. were. PALPABLE. that is all I can say
their little bickering and random spurts of dialogue were cute tho. like after The Kiss, whizzer said “that’s all you get” and I was like lmao my boy
legit I’m not joking about how steamy it was like they were mouth to mouth breathing the same air by the last “LOOOOOOOVE” and I was sweating
in “marvin at the psychiatrist” anthony rosenthal is the purest boy, best boy, absolutely flawless, KILLED IT YALL HE DID THAT. VERY PROUD
in “everyone tells jason to see a psychiatrist” 
whizzer stared at marvin for sO LONG after the flick. 
also can I just mention? andrew rannells? as whizzer? loves jason so much, and you can really tell
in “this had better come to a stop” the fluidity with which andrew rannells delivers his L’s in “late for dinner late again” is just incredible honestly, never fails to impress
“I’m breaking down” 
was the first song where the cinema audience clapped really hard along with the filmed audience. 
yall sjb killed it, she killed me, it was amazing. 
she d e s e c r a t e d that banana
“please come to our house”:
“hello to my house, so good of you to travel on account of my unraveling now let’s eat some food” anthony rosenthal’s fake smile was so on point during the delivery of this entire line and I was like. my boy
“I’ll wait for yoouuuuuuuuuuuuuu” trina held that note for SO long as she left the room, smiling shyly at mendel, and it was cUTE
“a marriage proposal”:
“I’m… not a giant man” “good” AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
“a tight-knit family reprise”:
mendel is so??? happy???? marvin pls let him live
“king of the losers” “at eighty an hour” the camera man was just ON MENDEL like. yes my boy deliver it
“I just got a family” “the family was mine” still fuckin gets me. damn. mendel is so happy and just?? full of bliss at his new life??? and marvin is so… act one marvin… you get me
“march of the falsettos”: 
bran uran’s voice sounded so strained my poor boy
whizzer: “stop pulling my shorts!” marvin: “they’re so hard to take off!” oh my god
whizzer screaming into the void for the blocks to be thrown up like: “hit me! another one!” 
the finger thing with marvin and whizzer? yeah that happened. they both gasped in fear
“the chess game”
bitch it was t e n s e
idk andrew rannells made the choice to call marvin “man” a whole bunch in this production and??? ok
after marvin storms off, whizzer is like “mARVIN” still in that growly voice from the last “life’s a sham” (nice) and he starts to say “it was just a g—” and then he sees marvin and goes. quiet
also from midway through this song until the end of act one, andrew rannells has this big Curl of Messy Hair in the middle of his forehead and I’m sorry but it was a blessed sight
“making a home”
hi the little zooms on whizzer? unpacking his suitcase in the corner? being sad? broke my heart, thanks
“could he love me?” the angle of the shot had happy mendel in front and whizzer kind of behind him off to the side and stop this, camera crew, stop
for “the games I play” I have no words. andrew did so good. so good. he was so sad. and he hIT those high notes yES boy. the audience clapped a bit after this one
“marvin hits trina”
he just barges into their house and starts yelling and tears up their wedding invitation like holy fuck marvin, what is ur damage
“I am so dumb.” and there is the longest silence as he walks all the way around before he starts his Lil Rampage
the actual Hit was p quiet but that’s what makes it all the more poignant, because you can hear trina’s little cry of shock and pain, and it takes her a second to bring a hand up to her cheek
after the Hit someone behind me in the audience just. let out an audible breath, like the wind got knocked out of them, and I was like. same bitch
“I never wanted to love you”
the mood of this musical changes so quickly when it gets to this song and it’s. Good. like it cleaves my heart in twain don’t think it doesn’t but it’s. good
trina needs a fucking hug (and mendel is going to give her 20)
“how do I start… not to love you” FUCK
whenever marvin looks at jason tbh my heart hurts bye. which bRINGS US TO
“father to son”
the pure adoration and faint amusement on marvin’s face as his son is all like “I think… girls are” like it’s so cUTE
near the end as marvin was singing about love the camera just showed us whizzer? sitting alone in the dark? leaning his head on a corner of the Cube™? how dare you
anyway christian borle was crying and so was I
act two time because there was no intermission which was…  not great to be honest oops
bran uran had little glow sticks in each hand and at “homosexuals” he just pointed at the audience and the music stalled as he just waved about at them like “YALL ARE ALL GAY JUST TAKE IT”
“and a teeny tiny band” a bunch of little paper cutouts of the band rose up from the Band Area Void and bran uran did a little dance to incite people to love and cherish the band (always love and cherish the band guys they’re so good they do such a good job)
“nancy reagan” andrew slapped the blow up doll so hard lmao
in “about time” marvin holds jason close and is like “as mature as my son who is tHIS TALL!! that’s all!!” and you really can see… just how much he’s changed, my boy,
“year of the child”:
anthony rosenthal is the cutest kid alive
his little dance between his parents as they’re all like “my chiiiiild” is. just. incredible
“I’ll bring women from the wrong side of the tracks” mendel says out of the corner of his mouth, as he tucks jason under his arm and leads him away, like a bad influence
“the baseball game”
when whizzer first appeared and marvin was all “what is he doing here??” he hid behind charlotte while simultaneously trying to get a good look at whizzer and it was. adorable
whenever marvin touched whizzer’s hair, whizzer couldn’t keep the smile off his face. I’m deceased
“how would I know… without him… my life would be flat as a lake” ok but who is responsible for this lmao
“would it be possible to see you or to…......... kiss you” BASHFUL MARVIN I REPEAT BASHFUL MARVIN
“a day in falsettoland”
“yEEEESSS IiiIiiIII dOOOooOoO” u already know it was perfect, I don’t need to tell you
charlotte pulled cordelia in with the apron and their part of the stage went dark but they kissed, they did, saw it with my own two gay little eyes
“what more can I say”
andrew had his leggy out
before whizzer rolled over he?? gave marvin a lil kiss on the cheek? it was really audible????? I’m???
when marvin looked under the sheet, instead of his customary simple eyebrow waggle, this man Dared to laugh in delight along with the audience like “yes I love this boy he is mine and I am his and that’s incredible”
ALSO AT THE END when they both just cuddle into each other they… kissed each other’s faces a bunch… h e lp me
“something bad is happening”
charlotte is so upset and I am upset because hERE WE GO
“more racquetball”
the costume department is full of geniuses tbh like the loosening of whizzer’s costume? genuinely just looked like the poor man had lost a bunch of weight
he fell so hard and abruptly and something in me fell with him
“days like this”
someone forgot to turn on andrew’s mic at the beginning so his mouth said “good morning” but you couldn’t hear it
“kid you’re looking very good today” whizzer just gives a self-deprecating smile and he. he Knows. 
cordelia’s laugh is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard in my life
“I’ll let you win, whizzer” “don’t let me win…” “I’ll let you win” I’m really upset, whizzer looked so… wrecked
at the end of “cancelling the bar mitzvah” mendel’s fucking “why don’t we tell him that we don’t have the answers” whole thing got me w r e c k e d. he says those lines like a man who knows how awful it is, but he knows how true it is, and he’s helpless to stop it
“unlikely lovers”
“marvin? did you hear what I said?” they were both crying, you could hear the tears in andrew’s voice, and christian borle kept… sobbing… between his lines… 
like when marvin stopped singing and cordelia/charlotte were at the door he just had to crumple for a moment and just lie there shaking?? a broken man?? just to recuperate for the next bit of the song? kill me
the way marvin looks people in the eye and just says “I love you” with the softest voice. god
so “something bad is happening reprise”: charlotte sang this directly to marvin, a steadying hand on his elbow, peering into his eyes past her own film of tears to make sure he understands what she’s saying. and he does. and he just turns away and walks off
“you gotta die sometime”
when he swung his legs out of bed his voice broke from the effort
he got really choked up after the second verse and he was openly crying by the end of it (still killed it tho, my boy)
this is my favourite song but I can’t watch anyone sing it ever
“jason’s bar mitzvah”
jason rushes in, bubbly and cheerful, and andrew is still fucking sobbing and it takes him a while to come down from it and everything hurts
“don’t know why, but he looks… like marvin” fucking crying already and then there’s a little pause, jason is really agitated, and marvin just whispered something like “hey you got this” and I WEPT
marvin kissed jason’s head. he loves this boy so much
whizzer also kissed jason’s head??? jason has so many dads who all love him so much
whizzer’s “thank you” was just a whisper but it rang through the theatre and then it was so quiet. I could not breathe in the space after whizzer’s final line. (I mean I was sobbing but I was real quiet about it)
“what would I do”
andrew was crying, christian was crying, I was crying, it was beautiful tho
whizzer just walks out in his pristine white shirt and it’s. it’s poignant. it’s such a stark contrast from the last time we saw him, it hits really hard
“I’d like to believe that I’d do it again and again and again” the crescendo that christian puts in these lines leading to that really Powerful last “again” shakes me to my fucking core (and yeah, makes me cry, you guessed it)
“we’re just gonna skip that stage” it sounded like it hurt to say that. it hurt to hear it too
just in general there’s this softness to christian borle’s voice when it’s live that’s not really there in the cast recording but it’s really, really beautiful
whizzer gives him one last, sad, little smile before the lights change
there were three men sitting beside me and my mother and they were all sobbing
“falsettoland reprise”
marvin buried his face in his hands for most of this, but there were moments where he didn’t, where he tried to be strong in the face of his loss. he couldn’t do it anymore once they put the gravestone down. 
to be honest i could barely see jason put the chess piece down because everything was too blurry from my tears
as my mother put it, “there was no catharsis at the end. it was really, really sad. but it was realistic about that, about death, and love, and everything.”
20000000/10 would watch again, please release a dvd
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rhinco · 7 years
So I was ‘studying’ History and I wrote a fic
Dean watched as Cas squinted at the textbook for a few seconds before shutting with a sigh and putting it on the bed, then pacing the room.
“I just don’t understand this, Dean.” Cas frowned, and stopped pacing for a second, “why would anyone think that a fascist dictatorship is a good idea? The proposal of being ruled by onky one person is obviously a flawed system. And having complete control over an entire nation seems to be a ridiculous amount of power for one person.” He continued pacing.
Dean raised an eyebrow at his friend. “You lost me at ‘fascist’.”
Dean was sitting on his bed, and Cas was studying for his History exam in two weeks. Dean’s dad was out for work - he was a pilot, currently flying to Rio - and Sam was out with his girlfriend, so they had the place to themselves.
Cas ignored Dean’s last remark. “And this... enabling act? He had total power, and there was no democratic system.” Cas sat down next to Dean This Von Hindenberg seems like he should never have been in power - he actually wanted Hitler to be Chancellor. Why was Hitler so fixated on control, anyway?”
Dean shrugged, and said, “well, isn’t God a bit like that?”
“God isn’t a power-hungry genocidal maniac, Dean.”
“No, not God - I mean the system in heaven.”
Cas tilted his head slightly and frowned. “I suppose you’re right.”
“Anyway - why are you even studying? The exam’s in two weeks,” Dean said, let out a yawn and lay down on his bed. Cas lay down next to him.
One of the things Dean would never understand about Cas was his lack on knowledge about social customs and the world in general. Dean almost took things like World War 2 for granted, in a way - it seemed a given fact for him that some people were just plain evil. But Cas was always curious. ‘Why are they evil?’
Good question.
“I think Lucifer is more like Hitler,” Cas said, snapping Dean out of his thought train. Dean turned his head on the pillow to look at Cas, who was staring absently at the ceiling.
“Demons are like Germans - the ‘superior race’,” Cas continued, “the Knights of Hell we learned about in Religious Studies could be the Gestapo - Secret Police, and us humans would be the Jews, and homosexuals. Of course, ten percent of us are homosexuals, but you get the point.”
“Yeah,” Dean agreed, realising that he’d been staring at Cas for a long time, and also realising that he didn’t want to stop.
“I’m not sure what the equivalent of concentration camps would be. Perhaps where they torture sinners in hell?”
Dean was subconsciously studying the was Cas’ lips moved as he spoke, the was his head shifted slightly and his eyes furrowed as he thought.
“Satanists performing acts of sin could represent Kristalnacht, when Nazis destroyed Jewish houses and synagogues. I wonder if there would be corruption in hell, such as how Hitler assassinated threats to his power? Probably. I mean, totalitarian systems all seem rather similar.”
Dean could only see half of Cas’ face - Cas was staring at the ceiling as he spoke - and Dean suddenly had a thought of wanting cas to be looking at him, not the ceiling, and wanting to look at Cas’ gface instead of just its profile.
“...what do you think, Dean?”
Realising Cas was asking him a question, Dean felt his cheeks flufh as he also noticed Cas’ nose was less than an inch away from his own.
Lost for words for a few seconds, Dean swallowed, Cas’ eyes seeming to x-ray him as he looked at them.
Then he quickly moved away, and tried to brush off the moment. “Personal space, Cas.”
“Uh, right. Sorry, Dean.”
“No problem.”
There was a few more seconds of awkward silence before Cas continued with his analogy.
“Of course, we can’t really compare a mortal figure to Satan himself. What I’m more interested in is why a human would want so much power?”
“I dunno, Cas.” Dean wasn’t really listening any more. His heartbeat felt alarmingly high for someone who had just been lying on a bed.
“I think it’s also fascinating how Hitler exploited the public. He used propoganda to make himself seem like the Germans’ saviour. Did you know that while Hitler actually needed glasses in real life, he never wore them in photos and posters because he thought they made him weak?”
“No,” replied Dean, trying to avoid looking at Cas.
“And he was always standing, looking stoically into the distance with a bright light behind him.”
“Really? That’s, uh, interesting.”
“It is, isn’t it? So many people were manipulated through propoganda, speeches and rallies.”
“Dean, are you alright? You’re quite quiet today,” Cas said, and Dean finally turned his head to look at Cas, whose eyebrows were slightly furrowed as he looked at Dean.
“I’m, uh, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“I said I was fine, Cas,” Dean snapped, and immediately regretted it at the look of hurt of Cas’ face.
What felt like an hour passed, Dean looking away from Cas, yet feeling the burn of Cas’ eyes on the back of his neck, and feeling his heart beating fast in his chest.
“Dean,” Cas breathed, so Dean could hardly hear him. Despite his stubbornness, Dean gave in and turned to look at Cas again. 
Everything suddenly seemed to click into place, and then Dean was kissing him, and Cas was kissing him back, and it felt like the whole world had come to a stop in that moment-
Dean jerked away from Cas at Sam’s voice.
“Sorry, Cas, I-”
“Thank you, Dean.”
Yay some fluff. I’m feeling kind today. Next time it might be some heart wrenching stuff so be warned.... it all depends on my mood >:)
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van-goghs-right-ear · 7 years
I gotta say something, I live in a rural and predominantly Christian place, I mean there are Amish everywhere and my family even used to be Amish. But I'm not a Christian and I am gay (Not that the two are mutually exclusive). And if I'm being honest, your post almost brought me to tears. Suddenly I felt this overwhelming relief and tension leave my shoulders and I don't quite know why yet, but I just want to say thank you for accepting even if you don't agree. You don't know how much it means.
Hi friend, thanks for reaching out! I’m sorry this is like five days late! I’ve been trying to think of how to answer you without saying something wrong. This is super carefully worded since it’s such a touchy subject, and it’s gonna be REALLY SUPER long (I’M SORRY), but I do hope you’ll read it and come away with a new perspective of Christians. If you have more questions about what I’ve written to you, please, do message me privately and let me help! I’m not trying to shove stuff down your throat either; I’m just explaining stuff, and there’s a lot to this. You are so welcome to do what you wish with the information I’ve provided!
There’s a lot of things that many Christians don’t understand about what it means to love as Jesus loves us and how to spread God’s Word and the Gospel. Now, that doesn’t mean they’re bad people or bad Christians, but that they may just be a little misguided or just don’t quite understand yet. Likewise, there are a lot of things that both Christians and non-Christians alike do not understand about the Bible and how to use Scripture (I sure have a TON to learn yet!).
Before we go on, understand the following, because it is important with where I’m going with this response: GOD AND JESUS = LOVE.
I’m sure you have heard many times the scriptures in the Old Testament that call for those who practice homosexuality (there is a note about the term “practicing homosexuality” below) to be put to death or that it is an abomination. The people who use these scriptures to come against the LGTB community take them out of context and use them in a way that is condemning and hurtful (not what God wants!!!) The first 5 books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, called the Torah in Judaism) contain the 613 laws that God gave to Moses for the Israelites to follow. They contain religious laws (observe the Sabbath, do not worship idols), moral laws (do not murder or steal/honor your family), and ceremonial laws (ritual burnt offerings [aka sacrificing a lamb for Passover or sacrifices for atonement of sins]). The Jews back in Biblical times (as well as today) strive to follow all 613 laws (what a feat to undertake! Though I doubt many do some of the ceremonial ones because sacrificing animals and such is somewhat frowned upon in today’s society, but if you’re curious, I’d say ask a Jewish person about how they were taught to follow God’s 613 Laws because I’m not that well versed in that area). 
However, when Jesus died on the cross to take on our sins upon himself and save us from what we deserve as sinners (death), He fulfilled the Law and made a new covenant with those who believed He is the Messiah/Son of God. Obviously God wants us to follow the good moral laws that He had set in place (aka don’t murder, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery, etc.), but because of the New Covenant, Christians are not required to follow many of the 613 Jewish laws. Jesus tells us the greatest commandments of the New Covenant, and are found in Luke 10:27:  “He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” 
(^^^This is where people get confused! They don’t understand that many of the laws in the Torah were relevant to the time when they were written, as well as many other verses in the Bible [aka how women should be silent in synagogue/church and societal stuff like that] were for social purposes. For example, [forgive me bc i can’t find the verse] somewhere in the New Testament where the apostle Paul writes to one of the early churches, he mentions how women should cover their hair. This is because women’s hair was sexualized in that particular society, and so they should dress modestly, just like women shouldn’t walk around with their boobs/butts out or how men shouldn’t be taking their genitals out in public. Get it? Okay! It’s good to know historical background for a lot of stuff in the Bible, and I’m still learning a lot about it, and admittedly doing some research to fact check myself as I write this so I don’t give you bad info!!)
ANYWAY. So in Leviticus, this particular law that everyone mentions calls for those who practice homosexuality (notice I didn’t say “homosexuals” because the point is to call out the sin, not the person, because sin does not define us) to be put to death. This obviously is not how things are done today (it’s a societal law relevant to the time it was written), and NOWHERE in Scripture does it say that God hates you if you’re gay (that’s an example of how people take that particular verse out of context!!!!! It is NOT true that God hates gay people!!!!) But God’s Word is consistent in the stance He takes on things, as seen in 1 Timothy 1:8-11 (New Testament letter written by the apostle Timothy): 
8 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious [irreligious meaning those who refuse God], for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine11 that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.
God sees the practice of homosexuality as one of the things that is considered sexually immoral (which also includes prostitution, sex before marriage [something I’ve been guilty of and forgiven for, I’m not ashamed to admit], adultery, incest, bestiality; basically anything that isn’t sexual relations between a husband and wife only), whether it is in the Old Testament times or the New Testament (because God does not change. He is the same loving and just God and Father as He was, is, and always will be.) But listen, this is not to condemn you or judge you, please know. I’m still just explaining things. I’m getting to my point, I promise. :)
PLEASE NOTE: the term “practice of homosexuality” means engaging in the act of same-sex sexual relations. NOT same-sex attraction. The latter is a result of the Fall of Man (when Adam and Eve were banished from Eden for disobeying God and eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge) and so same-sex attraction is merely a temptation, not the sin itself. It is what those who experience same-sex attraction do with that temptation that determines whether it becomes sin or not.
The next part of this puzzle here can be found in the New Testament when Jesus is doing His teachings. See: Matthew 7:1-5 where Jesus gives his followers this analogy:
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
What He means here is that we cannot judge (condemn) others for their sins, since none of us is free of sin (except Jesus). If a brother/sister (in Christ or literal, doesn’t matter ha) has a “speck of dust” aka a sin, how can you condemn them for it when you have a plank (aka a sin as well) of your own? It’s kind of like a “you who has not sinned throw the first stone,” sort of thing. Who are we to judge others’ sins? We can’t. God is the only Judge. The only way to help our brothers with their specks is to repent of our planks and have our hearts right with God.
BUT, here’s where it gets cool. To God, no sin is worse than another. He hates all sin equally, but he loves each of us as if you or I (or anyone else!) were the only human on earth to love, even though we are sinners. He made Man originally as blameless (aka without sin), and the Devil came and introduced sin to the world through the deception of Adam and Eve when they ate of the Tree of Knowledge (known as the Fall of Man). And so, to defeat the Devil and sin, God sent His Son to die and take on all the sins of the world; the ultimate and last sacrifice, all because He loves us so much and wants us to have eternal life through Jesus instead of death (John 3:16-18). 
But remember when Jesus said “Love your neighbor as yourself”? That’s where many Christians go wrong. Scripture instructs us to rebuke sin, but we are to do it in a way that does not condemn. (”Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ” Romans 8:1) We are supposed to love each other as God loves us (the Devil knows our names but calls us by our sins and condemns us, whereas God knows our sins, but calls us by our names!). God wants us all to come to repentance through Jesus (John 14:6) and be freed of the chains of our sins (no matter what they are!!! I am just as guilty of sin as a murderer or a thief or a liar in God’s eyes, but God forgives [and forgets our sins!] and has grace on all of us when we repent, and we are washed clean). A lot of Christians (most notably the ones who picket and shout nasty things at people) don’t understand the “love” part. They don’t get that there is another side to the story: salvation. They don’t get that calling people out by their sins doesn’t do anything to further the Kingdom of God or to bring people closer to Him unless they do it in a loving way (aka not shouting nasty things or saying God hates you, which is bogus anyway...) and explain how people can be saved from the fires of Hell (which is by accepting and believing that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and died for the atonement of our sins, making a way for us to get to Heaven through Him). Many of these Christians who you see shouting condemnation at people either are misguided or do not understand that they also need to preach about the fact that God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to save us from what we deserve by taking our place. Yes, it is necessary to explain what happens when we sin and do not repent (sin separates us from God and dishonors Him, which is why He hates sin, because He loves us so much and wants us to be in a close relationship with Him), and what the ultimate consequence of our sin without accepting Christ is (spending eternity in Hell, which is and should be terrifying for those who are not in Christ), but it is just as necessary to explain that there is a way out of that punishment by way of God’s grace (there is a verse below from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians at the Church of Ephesus in Greece that connects to this).
All in all (through this hugely long winded response I am so sorry haha), just know that as Christians, we need to love everyone in order to show them the true Jesus. Condemnation and judgement is NOT Jesus. (“There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?” James 4:12)
But, (last thing I promise) “acceptance” is not the word I would use, because I do not accept the practice of homosexuality (or any other sin!!!!) as an okay thing. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN I (OR GOD!!!!) DO(ES) NOT LOVE YOU OR ANYONE ELSE because who am I, a sinner myself, who is trying my very best (and failing in one way or another, whether it’s an impure thought, or a nasty word, or talking back to my parents, etc.) every day to not sin. That’s where God’s grace comes in. We fail God’s expectations of us every day (Literally the only one who has not failed Him is Jesus…) and with repentance comes grace through Jesus’ sacrifice and His blood, and that’s beautiful because God is choosing to bless us with life and a second chance rather than curse us as our sin deserves (4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions [sins]—it is by grace you have been saved. 6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:4-9.) (I hope that paragraph makes sense… It’s not really coming out the way I want but catch me another day with this part and I’ll hopefully have a better way of saying it.). If this paragraph rubs anyone the wrong way, know that sin does not define any of us, Christian or not. So the fact that I do not accept any sin as okay does not mean that I don’t accept you and love you as a person. (yes I know, “but you’ve sinned!” no one’s perfect, I’m trying and I know I fail, so I’m not judging you because that would make me a hypocrite. That’s where the verse above about grace comes in.) 
Okay i’m gonna stop there bc this is like an essay and I’m sorry it’s so long! I’m so glad you liked my post, and I hope you found something in here that speaks to you about the true nature of God and what He wants Christians to really do vs. what the world sees a lot of Christians doing.
I love you, friend!!! I’m not sure if you follow me and if you will actually see this, but I hope you do and choose to message me to talk about this stuff (or literally anything bc my DM’s are always open!) God loves you so much, I want you to know that! Be well!!!
I think I did this right: here’s a link to the post my dear anon is referencing: 
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The content of this blog may OFFEND members of various demographic groups, including but not limited to:
Trolls, orcs, goblins, demons, angels, fairies, spirits, deities, gargoyles, gnomes, werewolves, vampires, zombies, robots, androids, cyborgs, elves, hobbits, giants, dwarves, humans, other primates, felids, canids, other mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, worms, molluscs, arthropods, echinoderms, cnidarians, sponges, bacteria, viruses, fungi, plants, minerals....
....men, women, intersex people, agender people, transgenders, cisgenders, heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, pansexuals, demisexuals, asexuals, sadomasochists, furries, otherkin, fictionkin, aliens, natives, white people, brown people, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Asians, Middle Easterners, Hispanics....
....conservatives, liberals, moderates, libertarians, progresssives, industrialists, globalists, colonialists, fascists, socialists, capitalists, gardeners, farmers, ranchers, pet owners, false environmentalists, anthropocentrists, humanists, transhumanists, biohackers, transcendentalists, atheists, rationalists, agnostics....
....Christians, Jews, Muslims, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, Taoists, Heathens, Wiccans, Satanists, Scientologists, scientific researchers, computer programmers, office workers, medical professionals, religious leaders, false prophets, paranormal skeptics, paranormal investigators, government officials, military personnel, police officers, social justice warriors....
....feminists, civil rights activists, eugenicists, terrorists, vegans, vegetarians, pescatarians, paleo dieters, pet owners, pregnant people, infertile people, parents, oocytes, spermatocytes, embryos, infants, children, adolescents, adults, elders, baby boomers, millennials, college graduates, or high school dropouts....
....As well as anyone who has been vaccinated, fluoridated, fumigated, irradiated, intoxicated by alcohol, circumcised as an infant, artificially inseminated, fertilized in vitro, sexually assaulted, born with a chromosomal defect, diagnosed with a chronic illness, or prescribed prescription medication.
Could you make it through all that without puking, panicking, punching a wall, or popping a pill? Good. I don’t mean to offend, but it’s so hard not to these day, and I want to make sure I’m being inclusive enough. Patience and compassion are virtues I’m still working on, so please bear with me. What I share could save your life or limb some day.
Who am I? For starters, I’m a very private and security-minded person. I like to remain as anonymous as possible while still appearing as an individual. With the dangers of identity theft, cyber-terrorism, electronic surveillance, and preteen hackers, I suggest you aspire for anonymity as well. Keep it simple and vague like me.
Bisexual cisgender young adult female, childfree unmarried housewife, mostly white European heritage, living in the central United States of America. Been labelled nerd, geek, emo, goth, punk, hippie, rebel, freak, bipolar, autistic, narcissistic, antisocial, uneducated, genius, witch, doctor, rewilder, primitivist, prepper, survivalist....Take your pick.
I have a strong passion for....a lot of things. So many hobbies, interests, miscellaneous areas of expertise, etc....I could prattle on endlessly about the utterly irrelevant. But what is most relevant to YOU? I’ve already failed to keep it short and sweet, but I’ll try again anyway.
My passion for biology should really sum it up. Although that usually isn’t good enough for most people, not without expressing just how hot that passion burns. Geobiology, deep ecology, biochemistry, botany, herbalism, zoology, anatomy, psychology, anthropology....I’ve studied it all more in-depth than you could ever dream of.
Supplemented heavily by astrophysics, metaphysics, theology, history, archaeology, and bushcraft, of course. For well over a decade, ever since preschool, I’ve felt a mysterious drive to study all these things. Why? Well that’s the mystery! But I suppose I should use my knowledge to help people.
I’m a semi-nomadic hunter-gatherer. I walk everywhere, squat to pee, eat wild plants and meat, build simple shelters to sleep in, crawl and climb through the woods, and don’t drink alcohol or use any manmade medication, Do I suggest you live the same way? Yes. That’s how humans evolved to live, not as an overpopulated petrochemical-eating virus. We are animals.
Sure it sounds like a dirty, bloody, painful, difficult life. It can be at times, but so can modern “western” life. Are terrorist attacks, hate crimes, environmental pollution, and disease outbreaks not dirty or painful? If the human population was smaller again, just another animal in the ecosystem, we wouldn’t have those problems. Think about it.
Mammals with brains our size can socially track 50-150 individuals. Extended family and close friends. Healthy well-fed hunter-gatherer bands have usually numbered in that range, with 25-200 miles of forest or savanna between communities. A far cry from the cities and highways of today.
Why is there racism, sexism, starvation, sickness? Because our personal territory is being invaded! Human life is considered so valuable, more than the trees and bees we rely on, and every measure is taken to preserve human life and promote population growth. But the quality of all life has been lost.
When a human suffers an injury or illness that silences their heart, they are resuscitated, drugged, butchered, and often left disabled or disfigured anyway. If an athlete breaks his neck and stops breathing, if a child receives a 3rd degree burn over 75% of her body, they should be led peacefully into a merciful death. Not kept alive in misery for the corporations and politicians to continue cultivating the masses for their own profit.
Likewise, infertile people are aided in conception. Disadvantageous genes that would otherwise die out are then perpetuated in the population. The resulting children often have a higher rate of preterm birth and congenital abnormality, entering this life requiring drugs or surgery as newborns. Helpless babies being butchered, just because their parents needed someone to love.
Many mental illnesses are also affected by genetics, including susceptibility to suicidal ideation. If you are dissatisfied with your personal life, depressed by the state of the world, or simply curious about the afterlife, you have no right to die. Your body is owned by the government, and it is a crime to vandalize government property. The pharmaceutical corporations that fund their campaigns make a lot of money from psychotropic medications.
Children are raised as livestock, all to turn a profit. We’re all livestock. Thanks to human overpopulation, dozens of other species go extinct each day, but still we suffer the most from our own mistakes. No other animal struggles so much with disease. If there were less humans, sure there would be less of us, but there would be so much more for everyone!
Without providing the infertile a chance to have triplets through in vitro fertilization, there might be less congenital birth defects and less overpopulation overall. A smaller population, thus more isolated communities, limits the spread of infectious disease. And less humans but more nature means more natural resources.
Like clean water, space to move around, and fresh food that isn’t loaded with dyes or preservatives. You know, all those basic human needs we wage wars for. Yes, politics and religion might be part of it too, but violence is mostly science. Psychology. Biology. Our food, water, and space is being threatened by human overpopulation, so we have the inexplicable urge to kill each other off. As we should.
Our global ecosystem, the biosphere, is imbalanced and infected. By us. Like us. Earth is running a fever and shaking with the chills, fighting the virus that is our species. We can either go with the flow of Mother Nature, or we can continue trying to fight her. But this is a war we cannot win, because if the trees and bees die, so do we. They feed us with the breath of life.
Demcocrats, Republicans, everyone between and beyond....Folks of all creed, color, sex, gender, ethnicity, and/or philosophy....You are ALL being LIED to! The hatred you feel toward each other is sorely misplaced and misunderstood. Women against men, black against white, liberals against conservatives, youths against elders....You are ALL wrong!
More government-mandated social programs are NOT the answer. Neither LED lightbulbs, nuclear energy, vegetarianism, nor flying to Mars will save this society or this planet. We’ve been running toward the edge of a cliff for several thousand years, and we may or may not have jumped to our deaths within the past decade. It is time to “get back to basics”.
Humanity did fine for hundreds of thousands of years as just another animal in the food web, even millions if you count all the Homos before us Sapiens. And Earth did fine without us for BILLIONS of years. Learn to live as our ancient Paleolithic ancestors did, how to build, hunt, forage, cook, pee, and sleep like the cavemen. Heal and protect yourself and your family like we all know you can.
In a nutshell, this blog will contain wilderness survival tips, natural health hints, fun facts about science and history, as well as sociopolitical commentary. There might also be occasional references to the liberal arts, mostly pre-2000 music, psychoactive herb use, and erotica/porn. I have a major hurt/comfort fetish, like a shamanic Florence Nightingale, and the medical experience to back it up. TRIGGER WARNING!
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