temeyes · 1 month
Can we get a nikolai tummy please? 👉👈
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HI ANONNN, made him extra hairy just for uuuu~~~
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waterghostype · 5 months
what the water gave me by florence + the machine but it's jay and nya
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But oh, my love, don't forget me When I let the water take me
im editing this post to put a fixed version here bc i dont like the one i posted but i kept it up for too long
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kate-bot · 2 months
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OKAY SO I've gotten two asks about my Noisette cosplay AND THANK YOU SM FOR THE KIND WORDS !!!!!!!! It was sm fun to make this cos, so I will gladly explain everything I did in hopes that it might help someone else!! also both anons please share your cosplays with me when theyre done i would love to see them....
I've tried to link everything where I can, where I got stuff etc... I only rarely cosplay (although I am thinking of going as the noise in May Comiccon) and this was my biggest ever project so!! It's very trial-and-error! But without further ado
Okay i’m gonna be real my mum helped me so much she basically did all the sewing for me. Sewing is the fucking bane of my existence I hate doing it so much so we planned it out together and she basically executed it. Props to her for that she’s so real… She also wrote down what she did!! So i’ll just paste and colour that in for you to read!!
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“The black material (seen in the above image) was originally a beanie hat that was picked apart to use as a template…
This was game changing basically. We had experimented with making the hat from scratch but it was far too difficult and we were both too stupid so we just unstitched a pre-existing hat and stole the template. The hat we cut up was one we had lying around for years so i cannot tell you where to get one from, but any beanie that is stitched together will work i guess! So I would recommend finding a hat that fits you snugly and doing the same thing!
…and the wool fabric that was utilised gave the finished product was stiff enough to be structurally sound.
I just got this from my local fabric shop, I would recommend wool over something like felt because it’s super sturdy and I was pulling on my mask a LOT.
Once sewn together, I attached a stiff card facemask to the front to help provide some structure, and to locate where the eye holes should be cut.
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I think this picture shows it pretty well, my mum was able to curve the shape of the fabric to fit a pre-existing mask- we got ours from Hobbycraft, just one of those stringed white template masks yknow. We cut off the string, made the eyeholes a little bigger and just stuck it straight on!! I should mention this was pretty much all done with a sewing machine as well!
After that, we made two ears from a paper pattern, stuffed them and put some wire inside to allow them to be positioned, before sewing them onto this headband, which was then sewn into the hat. The bottom of each ear was also stitched to the crown to give it some additional stability and to secure the headband correctly in position (having fitted it on the wearer).
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Yeah it was actually less of a mask and more of a headband!! That was what gave it most of the support and meant the ears would stay up, I’m not sure how it would work without it!! The ears were the only part that I could actually help with LMAO i just freehanded a little template, stuffed it, and then put in some modelling wire to make them able to be posed :)
Then it was a lot of hand sewing, and glueing the eyeholes to the mask to create a cohesive look.
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AND YEAH that’s pretty much all it was! I also attached some little felt eyelashes to add to it as well. Honestly I could never come up with a step-by-step guide for the process because it was such a trial and error thing (i’d made two test-hats before we even came up with the method) but it was so fun!!
I would 100% recommend if you want the ears to stay UP to stuff them AS MUCH AS U CAN and/or put wire in them!! :) I also made some cute little bows to clip into my wig in the same fabric to make it more cohesive!! I also put a bow (and a bunny tail heheh) on the back of the dress too!!
Super simple! I just found one online (okay for some reason the link has been taken off of the website, but just look up "overall dress" on google shopping and you will 100% find something super cute)- I made sure to buy the dress first, and then take it to the fabric shop to try and colourmatch the mask fabric as best as I could. Then it was just buying some big ol buttons off eBay and sewing them on!! (I could actually do that bit by myself, I'm bad at sewing but im not THAT bad)
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Cute patterned knee-high socks cuz shes cute like that. Leg warmers, I think I got them both off of Amazon... Converse I got from Depop and I had wanted to buy a pair anyway so I was super stoked to get them cheap!! I chose converse over a pair of high-heels or Mary Janes just for comfort reasons, I was walking around loads at the con so... Everything else apart from the shirt was from Amazon or just. Somewhere online(I have no idea where to get fancy white gloves LOL) and the shirt was from Depop as well! I liked how frilly it was, re: Noisette is cute like that!!
oh yeah and the wig. I hate wigs it was awful. I have no idea how to style them. underneath the hat was the most awful bowl cut ever I just. It wasn't my best moment. Dont ask me about wigs please .
Also I should mention I got this bag for the cosplay (which I now use all the time cuz its so cute) because i needed space to store shit and I wanted something on-brand with her cafe... this isnt the exact link I used but I just got it off of ebay :P
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Unfortunately I don't have a lot of WIP pictures of my props but they were pretty simple to make!! The coffee cup was literally just spraypainting over a reusable coffee cup and using POSCA pen to draw on the front! Fun fact the cup says "To Peppino" because originally my boyfriend was gonna go with me as Peppino before the Cruetly Squad brainrot got to him so. YEA
And the tip jar was also pretty simple, I just painted on the lid a plastic jar (can't be glass, not allowed at ComicCon) and cut out a bit of vinyl to work as the sign. The cobweb was just hot-glued 3D printer filament, and the spider was made with foam modelling clay (literally the best thing ever if you're making small models like that) and i stuck him to the lid of the jar with Kandi string so he'd bounce around :]
AND I THINK THATS IT!! i may as well post a pic of the full cosplay since I dont think many people would have made it this far.... But I think it turned out pretty cool!! I got recognised a few times as well which was amazing!! (cropped out my bf cuz idk if he wants his face on tumblr gfhhfg)
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SO YEAH!!!! if anyone has any questions please let me know.. but GOOD LUCK IN UR COSPLAY MAKING FRIENDS!!!! :D
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putting one more Cinderglass drabble request in your askbox (i am so sorry for the spam but i’ve been thinking about them nonstop aghfsk). again, feel free to ignore this!
i‘d love to see Sarah help Lex work through a panic attack or a traumatic flashback! maybe either so that he doesn’t have to drown himself in alcohol about it or she’s helping and calming him down while he’s drunk
Wildefire Masterlist
cw: alcoholism, emeto, hallucinations, withdrawals
He'd been sober for thirty seven hours.
Not long at all, really, but it was something, and he was trying, and it was fine.
Well, it was fine for thirty seven hours.
Outright quitting was the only thing Lex dared to do. Trying to just cut back wouldn't work, because what was cutting back? He didn't keep track of how much he drank anymore, he just drank until he felt like it was enough. Even just trying to regulate himself to one a day seemed risky business. Would he be able to stop, once he started?
He didn't want to find out.
Lex didn't tell Sarah, didn't want her saying it was a bad idea or insisting on staying with him. It was a rough ride ahead, and he didn't want to somehow hurt her in the throes of his panic or sickness. He... He didn't want her to see him like that.
So he locked himself in his room, told her not to bother him this week, that he'd be busy. The safehouse was old and decrepit but huge, and his room had a small bathroom attached, something he was doubly grateful for now.
He stocked his room with water bottles. It was impossible not to think of Sarah whenever he looked at their plastic cases now, Sarah staying up until early daylight, because she was worried. That was good. He could use his guilt there as a reminder; a reason to hold out.
He sipped at them and stared at the wall, every light in the room on, the old radio Sarah had gotten for him positioned at the foot of his bed. She'd given him a battered CD case with it, packed full of a few dozen discs. A Guns n Roses album was currently in, playing just loud enough to pull his thoughts.
She's got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories
By now, Lex was pretty good at doing nothing, letting himself sink into the thankfulness that nothing was being done to him. Even a year after the Tower and weeks free of Uriah, the talent hadn't faded. Day one turned into night, and he didn't dare fall asleep. Just swapped one CD for another and let his mind cling to the lyrics.
Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time
It was around hour twenty two that the headache started, and it only got worse from there. Not long after that, Lex was clinging to the toilet bowl, heaving up the half-dozen water bottles he'd drank throughout the day, his head swimming, the pit in his stomach insisting couldn't he just do this later? Would it hurt to have one drink, to get rid of this shitty feeling?
No. All or nothing.
He moved the radio to the bed, putting his ear to the speaker, trying to drown out everything else. The album came to an end, and he replaced it with another, as quick as he could without scratching the disc with his stupid metal fingers.
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile
The girl with the kaleidoscope eyes
Fuck. He just needed to hold out, just for a few days, and this would be over. A little self control, and maybe he could call himself worthy of the people here. Not a loose end. Not an ex-enemy or a liability. Something better.
Lex wrapped the sheets around himself, held the pillow over his head to try and ease the pounding in his skull with the pressure. It didn't help. He almost fell asleep, but the nausea pulled at his stomach and his skin was crawling and too hot, and then he was throwing off the blankets; stripping down to his boxers in an effort to ease the heat.
Exhausted but unable to find sleep, he sat with his back against the cool wall and sipped water, trying to find the lyrics again and hold them.
I don't really want to stop the show
But I thought you might like to know
That the singer's gonna sing a song
And he wants you all to sing along
It didn't help, it wasn't enough. His own body was fighting him, roiling nausea and sickness insisting all he needed was one drink and it could all go away, it could all be okay (fray, gray, stay).
The radio hummed as the CD came to an end, a few seconds passing before the album began again.
What would you think if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
At long last, his own exhaustion was catching up to him, and he dragged himself back onto the bed, the heavy feeling in his chest spreading to his eyes and mind, as the music faded to a buzz and sleep overcame him.
He woke in the Tower.
It was impossible, he knew it was, but the fear seized him all the same, the crushing weight of walls he couldn't escape, the knowledge that this time, there would be no one to free him; this time he was here for good.
And the floor was wrong and Lex knew there was never music, but he fucking knew where he was.
He sat up, wincing at the sharp pain that rang through his skull at the movement, forcing down rising nausea. No one here cared if he was sick, if he was hurt, they'd hurt him more anyway, they'd do what it took to keep him down, keep him in line. He wrapped his arms
(Arms? It's wrong, stop, you aren't---)
around himself, squeezing his torso with a pressure that wasn't comforting. He felt shaky, blurred, weak. Had they drugged him?
(just one drink and this all goes away)
He tried to reach for the techniques he'd used to get through the days, tried to remember the things he'd done to stay sane, to stay alive, but any useful memory fell through his hands like sand, leaving nothing but the shadows, the nightmares (snares, glares, spares).
He knew what happened here, in his cell (hell). He knew what was waiting to spring on him at any moment, what would surely come for him if he let his guard down (drown), if he fell asleep, if he---
"Morning, scum."
Lex froze as the door swung open. Morning? But it was so dark, but it was always dark, the light never hits you here, and when it does there are worse things waiting---
"I knew you'd come crawling back. This is where you belong, it's home."
He could hear the voice clear as day, but couldn't see its owner. It didn't sound like Wade. It almost sounded like...
"Alexei. Did you really think you could hide from me?"
Uriah Fox stood over the bed, a smug smile plastered on his face.
"No," Lex choked out. "Y-you can't--"
"You always knew it would end this way."
(Fray, pray, stray)
He climbed onto the bed, straddling Lex, easily pinning him despite being so much smaller, despite Lex being so much stronger, and he couldn't move, he couldn't breathe---
The pressure in his chest faded, and he gasped for air, squinting into the dim light, unable to make out anything. A hand fell onto his shoulder, giving it a light shake, and he flinched back.
Sarah? He forced himself to breathe deeply, ease his eyes open. Her silhouette was blurry above him, and it was only then that he realized he was crying.
He brushed the tears away hastily with the back of his hand. "You... You should go," he managed to say.
She sighed. "I'm sorry if I scared you, I just... I heard you... screaming. Not loud or anything, but..." She tapped her earlobe. "Can't get much past these."
He swallowed, trying to push himself into a seated position, but his shoulders shook, his stomach twisting, and he fell back onto the pillow.
"Lex..." She bit her lip. "You could've told me. You know you don't have to do this alone."
He almost laughed out loud at that. What other way was there? It was his body, his choices, his mistakes. He'd drowned himself for too long, hoping it could save him, knowing it never would. He was reaping his rewards. No one else should have to deal with the mess that was him.
"I'm not your problem," he murmured, letting his eyes close again. What could she do, besides be there to fill the silence when music wasn't enough? Besides grounding him and telling him it wasn't real, he wasn't there?
"You're not a problem, Lex," she said, her voice serious. Tired. How late was it? Even trying to be fucking better, he was still screwing up her life.
"I just want you to take care of yourself, okay?" She kicked at an empty water bottle. "Is this the best way? I'm glad you're trying, I am, but don't you think it'll be easier on you if you come downstairs and hang out?"
He didn't want any of them to see him like this. "What good would that do?"
"Distract you, for one. For another, it'll be easier to remember meals. When's the last time you've eaten something?"
He sank further onto the bed, his gut twisting again at the thought of food. "I don't know."
"And have you been drinking anything besides water?"
"No, that's--that's the whole point, I'm not---"
"That's not what I meant. Electrolytes? A protein shake, maybe?"
"No," he answered after a moment.
She dropped her eyes, a grimace tugging at her mouth though she seemed to be trying to hold it back.
"Do you not think I can do this?"
"I think you're punishing yourself," Sarah said. "And I think you should stop."
Was he? His head spun almost too much to think about it. This wasn't self-inflicted punishment, it was cause and effect. It was something he had to get through if he ever wanted to move past the Tower.
"It'll be over soon," he muttered, and he hoped he was right.
She dipped her head, pressing her lips together tightly, and pushed off of the bed, moving to sit cross-legged on the floor.
"Look, I don't wanna push your boundaries, but I can't leave you like this. It's not safe."
"It'll get worse from here."
"Which is why I'm staying." She gave him a stern look. "If you want to be alone, I'll leave, but I'll be right outside your door."
Lex clenched his jaw. "I'll be fine."
"You're detoxing. You're already feverish. What if you start seizing up?"
"Then I've already dug my own grave."
"Lex." Her expression darkened. "You can't keep doing this."
"This is the only time--"
"Not this. Self-destructing. You..." She did grimace then, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You keep hurting yourself, and I can't keep watching."
He pressed his cheek further into the pillow, knees drawing to his chest. "Then why do you?" he said. "Why haven't you thrown me out yet?"
The words came out too angry. Accusatory. His own fault. Any filter he had was lessened by the pain in his head and the nausea and the fucking exhaustion. He didn't want her to throw him out, he... he needed her. Not in some bullshit emotional way, but as a reminder that there were still good things. Things worth fighting for, worth living for.
"I'd never throw you out," Sarah said, her expression turning to something that bordered playful. "I like you too much for that, you know. I just..." She exhaled through her nose, pushed soft dark hair over her shoulder. "I want you to try, okay? Can you agree to try to do what's best for yourself? To stop taking the harder path just because?"
Could he? Even if he wanted to? The harder path was what he was used to. Less traveled, less trapped. Suffering for a goal was a habit. Muscle memory.
Would the path to freedom be as clear if there was no pain to pave it?
Still, something in her voice pulled Lex to nod against the pillow. "I'll try."
Her smile shifted to something more genuine. "That's all I'm asking." She began to push herself up. "I'll, uh... I'll be in the hall then. You are eating breakfast in the morning, mister."
"You... You don't have to do that," he started.
"Do what? Bring you food? Or stand guard? I already said I'm not leaving you alone--"
"You don't have to stay in the hall." Lex swallowed (followed), and it took him a second to form the words. "You can stay here. If you... If you want to."
Her expression softened. "Yeah. I do."
She found a spare pillow and blanket in the room's closet and began to settle down on the floor beside him, picking out a new CD to start the music playing again.
While we're on the subject, could we change the subject now
"I'm here if you need me."
"I know." I need you.
It was a paradox. The easier path to recovery, to a clear head, to control being the more difficult one. Because it was untravelled. Because he almost felt he didn't deserve it, that he should bear the punishment for his own vices.
But even if the path was unchartered, he had a guide. For once, he didn't have to walk it alone.
oh, and we carried it all so well
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@whumpacabra @enteredin2eternity @kixngiggles @whumpsday @kiichu @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @shywhumpauthor @distinctlywhumpthing , @bloodinkandashes , @fleur-alise , @whumpy-daydreams , @whumpwillow , @honeycollectswhump , @snakebites-and-ink
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stormyoceans · 4 months
There's a comment on youtube which said along the lines, 'puen read tun's diary, he must've known about tun's unrequited love for tess, so by saying puen is gonna live tun's life to the fullest could also mean that he is indirectly fulfilling tun's wishes of been with tess too' how come this never crossed mind! Even though puentalay didn't explicitly state to others in that universe they had feelings for each other, pretty sure their friendgroups understood the signs. So to think when Tun comes back and find out that the people in their bodies had loved each other and were happy he must've felt a sort of happiness. Because even though tesstun's situationship related to the first switch between universes, their comeback had very little to do with each other. They switched back solely because of puentalay and them realising they are each other's portkeys. Thoughts monica?
honestly i’ve never thought about puen fulfilling tun’s wish of being with tess specifically (WHICH. SCREAMING BTW), but i did think a lot about puen and talay trying to live tun’s and tess’ life to the fullest and being able to achieve all of their dreams while doing so. it’s hard to say if this was necessary to make them switch back, because im convinced that ultimately that’s due to puen and talay learning the lesson the universe thought they needed, but it’s also not a coincidence that they were given those specific bodies to inhabit, so i feel like they wouldn’t have gotten to that lesson without living those lives to the best of their abilities
idk how to explain this in a quick and coherent way because i have way too many opinions about portkeys and fate and choices and identity, but. like, everyone agrees that talay and tess switching back to their respective universe is all thanks to talay’s efforts (because tess literally did NOTHING), but i’ve seen a lot of people wondering if puen and tun switching back is due to one or the other. to me it’s clearly due to puen, not only because it happens at the culmination of his character’s journey (accepting himself and being finally ready to tell his name to talay), but also because tun, while obviously not ruining puen’s life LIKE SOMEONE ELSE DID WITH TALAY’S [SIDE EYES TESS], did not make it better either. when he comes back, puen is still alone. when he goes back, tun has achieved his dream of becoming a famous screenwriter and is in a relationship with tess. by using a stratagem like the travelling between universe, i think the show actually did a great job in showing the different attitudes someone may have towards life, not just your own, but other people’s too: you can live selfishly (tess), you can just survive (tun), or you can live life as best as you can (puen and talay). this is also why i get very annoyed when people watch vice versa and say stuff like ‘the concept was interesting but why they were making a movie rather than explore the fantasy part’, because THE FANTASY PART IS NOT THE POINT!!!!!!!! THE POINT IS WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO DO WITH THE LIFE AND THE TIME YOU’RE GIVEN!!!!!!!!! THAT’S THE MESSAGE OF THE SHOW AND THE GENERAL LESSON THEY ALL HAD TO LEARN BUT THAT ONLY PUEN AND TALAY REALLY UNDERSTOOD!!!!!!!!!!
anyway. not sure where i was going with this or if this makes sense but yeah i have way too many thoughts about this and all of them boils down to VICE VERSA SERIES OF ALL TIME PUEN AND TALAY CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME PUENTALAY RELATIONSHIP OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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djsadbean · 1 year
What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy?
For amazing cheese
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When Steven is struggling, Adam makes him comfort food and keeps things lighthearted to keep the stress of work from overwhelming Steven. Adam knows how to make him laugh so hard his sides hurt xD
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When Adam has a tough and tiring day, Steven and him will have couch cuddles and Steven brushes Adam's hair and holds him close. He can tell that sometimes Adam just wants to be held and loved. He knows Adam needs the world to be quiet for a few hours.
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faebriel · 9 months
howl’s moving castle but rainduo (platonic ofc)
CRACKS MY KNUCKLES. hmc is such a Classic nonnie so i had to do a bit of thinking to get it right (well.... to get it right in my head. but i feel everyone here is familiar enough with my particular kind of rainduoisms by now) but i think the outcome is a fun one :] i'm just gonna put my thoughts into bullet points
now originally i wasn't sure who should be who (oh my little bottle blonde anarchist......) but i did decide to put wil in a howl ish role and niki in a sophie ish role on the basis of how hard howl weaves narratives around himself and how hard sophie does not GAF. that element of them stood out so much that i was like okay cool that's how we'll do it
so niki is doing something semi unfortunate with her life. NOT baking that's for sure. holding onto an empty shop for a long-gone (not that she admits that bit to herself) old friend, and she's quite lonely. and then after crossing paths briefly with the local dipshit wizard she gets cursed by a snooty ass witch of the waste (idk who this would be.... open to suggestions i suppose)
and wilbur is the least competent wizard ever :] why bother to stay in wizard school when you could mix your own potions and refuse any and all help out of pride and trade your heart away to a fire demon for some companionship?
(i'm taking this as another opportunity to spruik albatross wilbur btw i know the wings aren't as striking as sleek crow-black but - )
the fire demon in question is fundy, who sort of came into existence as a being with a personality and such after falling from the sky and receiving wilbur's heart. wilbur smothers him too much. there's not many other people he keeps around to smother. fundy wants out honestly
(oh and it's not super relevant but i think tommy is markl hehe)
so niki marches off to track down the wizard who she overheard the witch mentioned and... starts baking in his kitchen. okay a rainduo thing is being almost too familiar with each other let's be honest. but yes i think they latch onto each other quite quickly. niki is at first just looking to have her curse cured but being old and hanging out in the house with people who actually seem to give a shit about her is freeing in a way, no more getting tangled up in the politics of her small town as it lunges towards involvement in the war, etc. wilbur thinks she's fascinating.
as for the broader "what's happening in the world" perspective i was thinking it was something along the lines of the antarctic empire being at war with another power, drawing all of these small towns and microcountries along with it.... wilbur is supposed to go home to his family but he doesn't want to because he's afraid of facing the trail of small, easily destroyed countries left in his wake, he doesn't want to deal with phil's questions or the scrutiny that he expects from phil. instead, he tries to sabotage the war effort on his own from the frontline
so he keeps receiving letters from phil, but he can't bear to face him. solution? uh.... get niki to go lol. it's even on the grounds of a small country wilbur once ruled (niki had to squeeze this information out of him like a sponge, and she only heard an inkling of it thanks to fundy), now called manberg, which ceded to the empire in the war.............
surprise! it was actually schlatt trying to pull Some Bullshit as a revenge trick. he roasts the other witch and then almost sinks wilbur and niki into the Void but despite his tendency towards problem avoidance, wilbur steps in to defend niki and they just barely make it away. that being said, niki has learned a lot about her new friend through this adventure that he has not been willing to divulge himself, and it stings. why does he shut her out?
also notable: wilbur gives niki a ring inset with three diamonds to help her find her way home
the atmosphere in the castle is not fantastic after that, all their fun little memories bitter now. wilbur swings between talking freely about ripping the armies apart with his bare hands (claws? talons? that secret is out and he keeps evading all of niki's questions with nervous laughter and quips about monsters) and saying absolutely nothing at all. his suicidal tendencies are the elephant in the room that basically everyone else refuses to talk about, except his own too-grandiose and vague comments on the subject.
niki tries not to stew over feeling excluded. the lonelier she feels, the worse her curse gets.
wilbur takes her to a flower field, blooms rolling long into the horizon, and for a moment she thinks they might be fixing things. (she's so wrong)
through a series of mishaps (perhaps a visit from one of niki's friends..... i feel bad doing eret dirty like that though lmfao) henchmen start breaking into the house just as bombs fall upon the city. niki is put into overdrive to keep the castle from falling apart as the city burns around them. wilbur, who is already doing extremely too much flying around and causing problems in the midst of bombs dropping decides to go exacerbate the issue in an attempt to go out in a blaze of glory. unfortunately for him niki, fundy and tommy are all stubborn sons of bitches who will be extremely pissed if he fucking dies, so we pick up the castle and start moving
okay yeah i kind of think the rest of the story plays out not too differently from the movie? niki gets split up from her friends when the castle breaks down and attempts to kick a dent into a mountain when she realises she's alone again. unable to find wilbur himself, with the last bit of power from the diamonds he gave her she finds the doorway into his memories and sees the moment he and fundy met..... they were both very lonely. very sad. she shrieks out to both of them to look for her in the future
she stumbles out of the memory and finds a pile of feathers wilbur and woooo forehead kisses and wooooooo niki finds fundy again and puts wilbur's heart back even if it means they both might leave her again. BUT THEY DON'T even if they're not all in the castle 24/7 niki now has a few nice friends and is so submerged in that feeling that she doesn't even notice the curse breaking.
and the war ends!! and maybe they even talk about their hurts!! the hurts they carry and how they hurt each other!! and they keep on living!! and they all live best friendily ever after <3
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officialbillhader · 1 year
who is bill hader
Hes like if anxiety was wrapped into a middle aged divorced man with really funny daughters and an absolutely natural talent for acting and director who can't believe he was the heart of snl for almost ten years for a lot of people
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There's a party where you MotoGP/2/3, WSBK/WSSP/300, F1/2/3, FE drivers/riders or whatever are invited, but there's a catch. They need to be dressed up as something that starts as their first letter of their name/surname or popular nickname. It can be in any language you know. It can be as general as Celestino going in blue jeans and a blue sweater with his face painted in blue with black dots, as he is going as 'cielo' sky in Italian. It can also be specific as Celestino as Captain America.
So who is going to the party, and what are they wearing?
My dumb ass accidentally clicked the back button and lost everything I had written because I didn't saved my response as a draft beforehand 😭😭😭 I'm sorry that it took ages for me to reply anon 💔💔💔
This is a really interesting ask and I want to at least have a concept going on. Therefore, I decide to combine both of my fandoms: motorsports and k-pop! I have no idea if this is a common thing but in k-pop, before a group release an album, they usually will release concept photos relating to the album. So I decided to make the letter is based on the name of the album and the outfit is based on the concept photos or other photoshoots for the album.
This is going to be a really long ride so buckle up!
1. Tatsuki Suzuki (Moto3) as THE CLAN pt.1 <LOST> (Monsta X)
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I actually thought of going with the code photoshoot when I saw these pictures of changkyun and jooheon but that's not really party coded. Tatsu always dress nicely and it's always a treat to see but I would love to see him wearing casual bf outfits and be a heartthrob in full force but we are going to a party and not a date so yeah. The clan outfits are quite simple but I think tatsu will still look fine as hell even in simple clothes. Personally I will dress him up in changkyun's outfit (the guy on the left) so that we can get a sneak peak of his chest and I would make the waist part a bit tighter to showcase his tiny waist more. Maybe add a few necklace there too? I'm not creative in designing but I may add a few more details on the suit to enhance it more or I'll just keep it that way. After all, sometimes simple is enough and he will slay every outfit anyway.
2. Ai Ogura (Moto2) as An Ode (Seventeen)
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I love the poet ver the most among the concept photos because the vibe is just *chef's kiss*. Ai mostly wear all black clothes and he does look hot af in them but I will want to add a few colours to his outfit. Minghao's outfit is nice too as well as jeonghan's aside from seokmin and wonwoo that I included in the picture above. I don't know, I think ai suits a not so formal outfits but not too casual either which is why I prefer the poet ver more than the truth ver. If I'm feeling bold, maybe I'll add a few laces but overall, I would not want to disturb the vibe of the outfit and will keep it simple.
3. Celestino Vietti (Moto2) as Chaos (Victon)
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I know cele is a private person but boy does he rarely post pics outside of racing. Even the pictures of him in casual clothes he posted is of him in merch instead. Anyway he usually wears simple t-shirt or hoodies (that outfit is still on of the best I've seen of him). So accuse me of favoritism all you want because it's true anyway, I'm going to make him stand out. Basically chaos outfits is mostly techwear core kind of especially the fate version and something that I honestly cannot imagine cele wears but I think he will look so good in. I will add chains and choker to the outfit and maybe clip-on helix earrings just because I can if it looks good. I will make him turn heads because it's my party and he is my fav boy. I actually thought of going with choice outfits especially time ver or in the iconic grey suits with fishnet but I know that I'll die if I saw him in those outfits.
4. Niccolo Antonelli (Moto2) as Nostalgia (Victon)
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I really love nelli's insta because it's like really neat and while it's dominantly filled with pictures of him in racing suits, there are still a lot pictures of him in casual clothes. I love nostalgia outfit especially the one used in the nostos ver concept 2 aka the one used in the album cover. I will dress nelli up in what chan (the guy on the left) wore because I really want to see him in formal casual wear (is that a thing? Idk I suck in fashion). But if he prefers a more simple outfit, sejun's (the guy on the right) outfit will do with a loose t-shirt and patterned jacket over it. But it's my party so I will make sure he wears chan's outfit anyway ✨
5. Tony Arbolino (Moto2) as The Name Chapter: Temptation (TXT)
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I like tony's style because I think it suits him a lot. One of my fav outfit of him is the one he wore a black jacket with white pattern(?) over a white shirt though he doesn't post any proper pics of him in that outfit. Okay back to the topic, tony has a lean body and the outfit in the lullaby ver of the album is basically fit turtlenecks with tight pants so that will do a great job in showcasing that. Since the outfit is quite simple, I will focus more on accessories like the chains or is that a necklace idk. Or maybe the string of lights or whatever on taehyun's outfit because it looks pretty. Maybe I'll include clip on earrings (does tony have ear piercings?) if I'm feeling bold. Well all 4 versions of the album has beautiful concept photos such as the nightmare ver, daydream ver and farewell ver so I can decide which one to indulge on 😌
6. Luca Marini (MotoGP) as Lotto (EXO)
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Luca is a model and everyone is aware of that. He can wear a simple black t-shirt and everyone will swoon. I was debating between love shot or lotto's outfit (he will look hot in jongin's red suit) but I want to showcase his tiny waist more so I go with lotto. Lotto's outfit is mostly suits with a belt over the waist so that's perfect with my agenda. I either will go with a simple necklace or a choker if I'm feeling bold. Basically I will spend a lot of time on detailing of the jacket of the suit(?) and maybe make it slightly longer to resemble a coat to showcase his long legs. Well either way he will stand out anyway because he is luca.
7. Takaaki Nakagami (MotoGP) as The Book of Us: The Demon
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Damn I miss Day6 hhh Uhm, okay, so taka can be a model in whatever clothes he wear just like marini for me so I think he doesn't need much styling. I really like his style because it seems simple but casual and comfy at the same time(?). Basically the type of clothes I personally will want to wear. I notice that he usually wears bright clothes and I wish to see him in dark clothes a bit more. Jae's (the guy on the left) outfit is nice because obviously you can't go wrong with a suit. But I will prefer to dress him up in dowoon's outfit more (the guy on the right and the one standing at the center in that pic in that link). I don't even know what kind of style is that but it reminds me of a gentleman with power like uh noble? Maybe not I don't know but yeah I think it will suit him a lot though personally, with how hot he is lately, I think I will focus on him more than the outfit anyway AHAHAHAHA
8. Mick Schumacher (F1) as Minisode 2 - Thursday's Child (TXT)
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The title track of this album is good boy gone bad and I really want to see mick gone feral after everything that happened (we saw a glimpse of dgaf mick near the end of last season and that's sexy). Actually I thought of going with the hate ver outfit but it's like too drastic from his usual style so I decided against it. Anywayyyy I think he fits beomgyu's (the guy on the right) outfit more and that may be because I just can't imagine him wearing fur like clothes like hyuka (the guy on the left) did. Since mick doesn't even dress up much and mostly wears his under armour clothes, those kind of style will be really interesting to see from him. I'm thinking of a choker instead of that necklace but nothing too extravaganza to still maintain that 'good boy' concept. Actually thinking back, I may keep that necklace I don't know I'm indecisive. The lipstick smear is a must though as an indication to 'gone bad' part.
9. Yuki Tsunoda (F1) as Youth (WEi)
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There's not much albums that start with Y unfortunately so there's not much choices that I can pick from :( But I noticed that yuki rarely tuck in his shirts and I think junseo's (the guy on the left) outfit will look good on yuki though I prefer donghan's. Yuki usually dress quite simple and most of his clothes look comfy so I think that that leather(?) shirt donghan wore would be quite a new sight on him. Or maybe he had worn it before but I wasn't aware. Well either way, I think yuki is the type of person that steal looks even when he doesn't dress extravaganza so I would prefer to keep his outfit quite simple. Maybe a necklace but not much addition.
10. Guanyu Zhou (F1) as GO生 (Stray Kids)
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I initially thought of going with zhou guanyu with zelos by vixx as the concept but then I realized that I used first name for everyone else and decided to go along with it. That's why I used guanyu zhou even though I know zhou goes with zhou guanyu instead (and it feels kinda awkward typing that out since I'm used to zhou guanyu too). Anyway! I really love zhou's fashion style and his ig is so aesthetic like hhh He also seems like he is up to try something new considering he doesn't really stick to one style only. While the concept photo for GO生 is not too out of ordinary, I want to see him dressed in shiny jackets. It will be fun to put more details on the jacket to make it stand out more, especially if the jacket is already in bright colour like the red one seungmin wore in the photo. This can be a good look too! I think I will focus more on accessories or even hair styling like maybe one or two small braids? Either way, I think it will involve quite a lot of experimenting beforehand.
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stormyoceans · 2 years
hi!! did you ever do a follow-up post about how formally/informally vegaspete address each other in later scenes when pete is no longer captive? i found the initial post but i couldn’t find any other ones. if you haven’t, would you mind talking about it?? i need to know if either of them ever switches back to formal! 🥺 thank you!!!!
HELLO THERE!!!! i wasn’t really planning on writing a follow-up to that linguistic post, but i can definitely give you an update!!! (just like last time, im gonna remind everyone that im not a thai speaker, and that im still at a beginner stage of learning, so if anyone catches any mistakes please let me know!!!!)
so, like i said in my previous post, pronouns are a pretty easy way to recognize, at least in broad terms, in which type of register a character is speaking. as a quick reminder:
pom/khun: polite pronouns for i/you
guu/mueng: informal AND rude pronouns for i/you
up until episode 10, vegas used a polite but informal register to talk with pretty much everyone, including pete (which means he usually used pom for ‘i’ and the other person name for ‘you’, and also incorporated somewhat polite particles in his speech), while pete exclusively used a very formal and polite register with vegas due to vegas’ position as heir of the minor family (you can easily hear it in the way pete always calls him khun vegas, uses pom for ‘i’, and also uses the formal particle krap)
once pete is held captive, though, they BOTH drop to a very informal and rude register, using guu/mueng as pronouns and, if im not mistaken, no particles at all (i mean, there are some exceptions, but in general i don't think they use them), and im delighted to inform you that this does NOT change after pete gets free and that they never switch back to a polite register!!!!!!! knowing this, you can easily recognize the pronouns when they talk to each other: in episode 14, when vegas says ‘i love you, pete’, you can hear him say guu rak mueng, pete, and during the pool scene you can hear pete using guu all the time (‘i’m here’ = guu yu ni. ‘because i’m hungry’ = phraw guu hiu. ‘i’m your pet’ = guu bpen sat liiang khaawng meung [..i think ;;;;;; transliteration is hard. hearing as well actually, i wish iqiyi would give me thai subtitles too ;;;;;])
i feel like im just repeating myself from my previous post, but it’s really interesting that what initially started as a way to show a lack of respect was also something that brought the two of them on the same level: linguistically, they stopped being the heir of the minor family and a bodyguard a long time ago, and have been equals way before vegas recognized that pete is no longer his pet, but the most important person in his life. the two of them using an informal and rude register is now a sign of how close they have become and how much they’re comfortable just being themselves with each other
just as a quick comparison, when macau teases pete in the ending scene, you can see pete putting his mask back up again, not only by smiling – nervous and compliant like he used to be – but also by answering him with the formal particle krap: macau may be younger and vegas’ little brother, and they probably grew closer in that month pete took care of vegas, but pete definitely isn’t as comfortable with macau as he is with vegas. pete still sees macau as the young master of the minor family, which is actually why i love that both macau and vegas tell him 'don't be shy': it's their way of saying 'there's no need to feel uncomfortable, this is where you belong, with both of us, we're your family and you are safe here'
im gonna end this by saying that even if technically we didn't get to see vegas and pete interact in front of other people while they reprised their roles as heir and bodyguard, i think the writers still gave us a pretty good idea of how that would have gone: vegas talks to porsche about his feelings for pete pretty openly, so he wouldn't have had any qualms in using guu/mueng with pete in front of everyone, and while pete would have probably tried to go back to the formal and polite register that's expected from his position as bodyguard, i think he would have slipped up sooner or later, because his feelings for vegas are simply too strong to be controlled. the scene with vegas pointing his gun at korn is actually proof of this: pete does raise his gun on vegas, but he also speaks up to say 'vegas, don't' when it's very much not his place to do so and in such an informal manner (no khun, no particles) that leaves no doubt about where they stand with each other in front of the rest of the world
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
:D so glad you like the Mola designs! the pretty colors make me happy too :)))) another really pretty deep dive is visible mending and sashiko/boro stitches (if you get deep enough you will know those terms are contested and/or problematic but they are the only words we have that the moment). idk how much you are into textiles (probably less so than i am lol (most people are)) , but if you ever wanted to get your hands busy in addition to distracting you mind, i highly recommend visible mending as a task that is both satisfying and also keeps your favorite clothes from ending up in a landfill :D Happy web diving! -textile anon
visible mending looks soooooo fun but i have had a HORRIBLE time trying to sew in the past. i just dont think im coordinated enough for it :0 i like the way it makes clothes look tho, and i'd much prefer keeping well-worn jeans than having to toss them out
idk much about textiles but ark rlly enjoys sewing and stuff! i personally barely know the names of fabric types, so i'm definitely unfamiliar with styles and techniques, but even if i dont know much they're pretty cool and i like hearing about them :]
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ambivartence · 2 years
✨ GET TO KNOW YOUR CONTENT CREATORS ✨ Tell us about your creative vision! details you are proud of, but nobody noticed? The Best Feedback?? want to gush about a personal favorite or yours??? nows the time!
omg this is so cute !!! who sent this 🥺💕
my creative vision is to try to convey how much i adore the person that i draw to everyone who sees my art :D
ppl almost always notice all the lil heart eyes that i sneak into my drawings <3 some other details from recent drawings that i liked: - jureumi engraved in the wooden counter railing - jeno's heart headphones - lino cheek & eye heart highlights - player / replay wordplay for sunwoo's neck tat - jeongin's heart dimple matching with his teddy bear - the way the light hits han's lashes in the second to last frame of this animation
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the best feedback i got recently was from everyone who was in the ghiblipop discord recently and helped give me feedback on my lee know as kiki's delivery service drawing <3 especially keeping me sane as i lost my mind over bread and ultimately deciding not to include doongie and dori bc there simply wasnt enough space :(
a personal favorite piece is definitely the drawing i did for DK's bday this year 🥰 im so proud of how it came out and especially because that was the day i posted 4 drawings in less than two days lol that was fun :]
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twopercentboy · 5 months
For forty days and forty nights I have, in the dead of night, brushed my legs and wings against your petals and made honey that will only be your sweetness
I am not selfish, nor do I doubt my wings can beat against the petals of another
But if I fly by during as the days is bright and the other rose's thorn pricks me
the honey we made turns acrid
I hope this little honeybee and the rose he met in a field in the autumn
will still shine as the dew drops cool in the shady early morning
honeybee metaphor poetry 🥰🫶
sorry it took me so long to respond to this one, this weekend has just been wack yk 😭
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dragonjesterwrites · 5 months
rereading sywsar because i have no selfcontrol and ive realized i have had the exact same reactions every single time i reread it.
I hope they're good reactions! 😂 But jokes aside, I hope you enjoyed your reread :D
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dapotatoauthor · 1 year
What if your ocs were in a dating sim?
I was kinda planning to draw this BUT I have no energy to do it today so writing it will have to do wkllkre
(This is a reference to my post, 'INTRODUCING: MY OCS!') (I'll be doing my main 4 oc's but I have too many ocs LMAOO)
Tory Matthews
Lmao good luck talking to her
She's very timid, and she doesn't talk that much
She's struggling with what's reality and what's not since there's a literal demon inside her that's controlling her and manipulates her memories
But if you do manage, she's very fun to be with
She love video games and is willing to try others
She's a little competitive and smile cheekily when she wins because that's how she is
loves the outside, but not much people
While she might be scared getting attached, if you show her that you're not going anywhere (and you're real) then she'll come around
who knows
now that I think about it, her demon is kinda like a symbiote omg
you're technically dating two people now so uh yeah
"I hope I haven't caused you that much trouble."
Lyrnn Sanders (Rainbow)
Shit I just realized that I didn't develop her properly so I am just gonna write what comes to mind
If you ever want to get her, you have to show it
otherwise you'll be treated like a bro for eternity
surprisingly, she's oblivious when it comes to someone loving her
She doesn't really believe it if someone likes her THAT way
Show her your true feelings, and she'll show hers
She's very blunt and doesn't sugarcoat things
She'll tell you what you want/need to hear, even if it hurts
But she means well
She has a soft spot for kids
Even if she seems like she doesn't care for you, she does
Will die for you honestly
The outside is like her home more than her own home
"Watch me live on the streets instead lmao" "Rainbow, no."
Roadtrips for daysss
You can ask her for song choices, she's open to any genre and will gladly listen to what you have to offer
Candy G̴͕̣̣̱͙͇̰̎̓̇̔͗̿̕̕͜a̷̡̖͔̼̍͐͂̈��̋͂̓͠l̷̳̖̺̻̦̼̮̻̥͊̍ė̶̛̞̰̪̱̩̥̞̍̑̋̄͜ͅṣ̷̨̹̠̙̘͙͍̗̹̮̪͂̔̅͂ (Cotton Candy)
Think of Pinkie Pie with a tiny mix of Rainbow Dash, then you have her
Her name 'Cotton Candy' is her stage name so you can just call her Candy
She's very sweet, lives up to her name
Life of the party <33 She just gets along with everyone
If you ever catch her attention, she'll try to stick to you as much as possible
But not to the point of suffocation oh no
But she'll check in on you every other day, asking if you need anything or just company
She's surprisingly very forward
If you ever complimented her/flirted with her. She'll compliment/flirt with you back (that is, if she's interested LMAO)
Ideal date probably in the amusement park or a trip to the bakery
"I just wanna say you look very beautiful" "Aww, thank you sweets! you're not so bad yourself!"
vs. "Damn girl, what that ass do?" *Stares in disappointment and kills you/hj*
Maddeline R̶̼̹̟͖̗̈́̄̀̂͝ͅh̸̹̓̍̏̒͠ÿ̶͚́͐̏̕m̵̨̡̢̤̰̰̔̃͑͒͆͐̂͝ȩ̶̖͙͔̥̝̳̣̝̐ (Mad Hatter)
She is the most sane out of everyone
I’m here to tell you that she’s also one of the ocs I HAVEN’T DEVELOPED AT ALL so my bad HAHHAHA
Maddeline is a level headed woman, she thinks things rationally and logically
She’s the mom friend of everyone I put in the list
So if you have mommy issues… 👁👁
She won’t treat you like a child but she will be there to help and care for you
You know, just like a mom would
She’s kind of uptight too so don’t do something stupid unless you want to get lectured
Despite owning an amusement park, it isn’t really an ideal date for her
Yes she owns an amusement park
Wait, isn’t she technically a sugar mommy?? BDJSNSKSNKS AHAHAH
She’s a workaholic so having a relationship isn’t her number one priority
But if you try, maybe something will happen
“Never in a million years I would’ve thought I would be here, getting myself a special someone. I guess you really are different.”
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ln444 · 7 months
my english love affair
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cw: MDNI+18, f!reader, strangers to lovers, soulmates au, fluff, smut, maybe slight angst? depends on how you see it lol, fingering (f), penetration, soft dirty talk, a lot (like a lot) of kissing and sharing long gazes, whipped lando again bc im obsessed sorry.
now playing: english love affair by 5sos, let me by zayn.
notes: omg this took so long 😭 i'm not really confident abt my smut, i feel like i'm writing fluff way better but i hope you like it!! i might write a part 2, let me know if you like this one! enjoy🤍
requested by anon | requests open!
“when the lights go out, she's all i ever think, i can't forget my english love affair, today i'm seven thousand miles away”
the thought of finally going back to his f1 driver life fills lando with excitement. sure, lando loves england — it's his home, after all. but nothing can compare to the rush he feels when he's in an f1 car, traveling all around the world and meeting his fans.
for his last night town, lando's friends convinced him to hit the club. normally, he prefers staying in to rest before the start of the season but a little fun doesn't hurts, right? he won't have much time to do it during the grand prix.
despite his fame, lando still gets surprised when someone recognizes him, especially at the club. he knows he's known for his looks, and he's aware of the attention from admirers, but it still catches him off guard in real life. sometimes, the attention can be overwhelming, especially when he just wants to have a good time with his friends and ends up with some overly clingy girls.
lando decides to excuse himself, seeking some fresh air. the pressure of the coming season is getting to him, and the situation doesn't help. he finds a quiet spot with a few people smoking and making out, leans against the wall, and closes his eyes for a moment, letting out a relieved sigh.
suddenly, a voice startles him from his thoughts, "did your friends force you to come here too?" his head jerks towards you, and you're standing beside him, out of nowhere. he takes time to answer, surprised by your unexpected presence. after realizing that he left you without any response, he clears his throat, a bit confused, "nah, just needed some fresh air" he mumbles, a small smile forming on his lips. you chuckle slightly, and comment "not surprised, having so many girls fawning over you must be exhausting", there's a small hint of tease in your voice that makes lando's smile grows.
finally, as he turns to study your features under the soft glow of the night lights, lando finds himself entranced by your captivating beauty, the grace of your features leaving an indelible impression on him. he can't help but get lost in your eyes shining in the dim illumination, making it difficult for him to look away. it takes him a good minute to quickly look away, thanking the night for hiding his rosé cheeks.
he gazes at the sky, trying to think of something to say that doesn't sound awkward — and also trying to get his shit together. he suddenly feels the need to make a good impression. "i mean, it's not that i don't appreciate the attention, but wow, they can be quite persistent."
his hands find their way into the pockets of his jacket, and his eyes avoid meeting yours, fearing he might get lost in them again. "yeah, i know. they're my friends," you say with a small chuckle, not because he's making fun of them, but more because of the use of the term 'friends.'
lando's eyes widen, and he turns to you, 'i'm sorry, i didn't mean to-' but he stops himself, looking down, feeling too embarrassed to find the right words. you laugh softly and move closer to him, your shoulders brushing and lando can feel his body tense up due to the closeness.
"hey, it's okay. i don't really consider them my friends, anyway," you say nonchalantly and lando lets out a sigh of relief, a smile slowly spreading on his face. "wow, that's nice for them", you both laugh and lando doesn't miss the way you subtly lean into him, your shoulders finally touching. he turns his head away from you, clearing his throat once more, trying to control the warmth spreading through his body.
"hey", you suddenly call out after a minute of tranquil silence and lando dares to meet your gaze, instantly regretting when he's captivated by your radiant eyes. he finds himself unable to look away and you both share an intense, unspoken connection, as if you've known each other for years. everything feels perfectly right at this moment.
"wanna get out of here?" you finally suggest, your words barely more than a whisper, your focus entirely on lando's mesmerizing eyes. you take his hand, both fitting perfectly like two puzzle pieces and you let him drag you in the dark streets.
after a walk filled with stolen gaze and silly conversations, you found yourself on lando's couch, engrossed in his f1 souvenirs and you have never felt so much passion, feeling your heart soften every time your see that sparkles in his eyes. lando never thought that his night will end up like this. sure, he might ended up with a girl from the club like he usually do, but this time was different. he never really experienced this; having sweet and innocent conversations with a stranger from a club. the atmosphere is tranquil yet there's a subtle tension in the air.
lando couldn't help but be his flirty self, playfully teasing you from time to time. however, your responses makes him somewhat nervous — it's a new sensation to him, having a girl making him feel this way. perhaps it's the way you gazes at him with patience and attention, your lovely smile that you share generously with him or how closely you listen to his random f1 stories. lando and you end up scrolling through photos in his phone, with him recounting the stories behind each one. he couldn't help but feel his heart melt your reactions; your smiles, your laughs, and your curiosity as you ask for more details and share your own anecdotes.
a soothing silence descended, and the two of you sit beside each other, thighs and shoulders lightly touching. lando struggles to contain the fluttering feeling in his stomach when you turn to look at him. he dares to meet your gaze, trying to focus on your eyes rather than your enticing lips. lost in each other eyes, you can't tear your gazes away. a brand new emotion envelops both of you, one that's strangely familiar yet undeniably unique, as though destiny has brought you together in this very moment and lando can't help but wonder if soulmates might actually exist.
you finally speak, after what feels like an eternity, in a soft voice, "you can kiss me, lando", you whisper like it's a secret. lando stomach tighten and he don't even take the time to answer, gently placing his hand on your cheek to pull you for a shy kiss. your lips discover each other, timidly and your hands instinctively slides around his neck to pull him closer.
you can't seem to get enough of each other, savoring every moment as you explore each other's mouths. lando's hand venture on your hips, and the chill of his touch sends shivers down your spine, as you suppress a soft moan in your throat. the kiss grows more intense, both of you yearning for more. without the need for words, you share an unspoken understanding of each other's needs, as if you've been intimately connected for ages. out of breath, you both finally pull away, foreheads touching, sharing a playful gaze, giggling and blushing like teenagers experiencing their very first kiss.
after one last sweet peck on the lips, lando takes your hand and stands, guiding you towards the bedroom, careful not to stumble due to both your impatience and the lingering dizziness of that passionate kiss.
not wasting time, he gently guides you onto the bed, positioning himself on top of you. he can't resist the urge to pause and admire you, your eyes shimmering in the soft glow of the dim lights. before he gets lost in that gaze, his eyes roam to study every detail of your face, causing you to blush and squirm beneath him. your arms tighten around his neck, and you chuckle, bringing lando back to the present. "like what you see?" you whisper, stealing a smile from him as he draws closer, his lips teasingly brushing against yours. "oh, absolutely," he murmurs before capturing your lips in a kiss. this time, it feels different; electrifying.
lando's hands slips, beneath your dress, and this time a whimper escapes your lips, making lando smirk through the kiss. his hands dares to explore the skin of your thighs, creating an unusual feeling in your stomach — and making your pussy slightly throb. your fingers finds their way into his curls, gripping onto them as the kiss becomes messier; your tongues dancing together.
"just take it off already" you huff and puff, seeing lando struggling and he lets out a chuckle "damn, someone is impatient", he says, teasing you, before finally taking your dress off. his eyes travel your body, and you've never felt so vulnerable, your cheeks burning. lando let out an unwanted groan, completely loving the view and he stares a bit too long until you pull him for another kiss to put him out of his thoughts. he takes a moment to kiss you back and it's your turn to slide your hands beneath his shirt, playing with the lines of his abdomen, making him moan softly against your lips.
after a good minute of kissing and touching, you finally take off his shirt and his pants, on the way, leaving you both in your underwear. lando leaves kisses along your jawline, going down to your chest, his hand sliding in your back to unbutton your bra and the way your boobs bounce out of it makes lando groan, feeling his erection grows. your grip on his hair gets tighter as you watch him play with your nipples, flicking it and licking it and the view drives you crazy.
you moan his name softly, pulling on his hair to make him look at you and you share a long stare, full of lust, both craving for more. you pull him for a sloppy kiss, trying to show how impatient you are and lando gets the message, pulling down your panties and getting rid of his boxers.
lando's mouth leaves yours and is replaced by his fingers, stealing a whimper from you. your eyes meets his as you suck on his fingers and, if they could, his eyes would burn holes into yours. lando found himself getting more and more impatient, the way you suck on his fingers with that irresistible look making it harder for him to contain it.
pulling out his fingers out of your mouth and without leaving your eyes for a second, his two fingers found your hole, slipping gently in it and you throw instinctively your head backwards, a moan escaping your mouth. lando take a good look at you in that position before taking the opportunity to leave kisses on your exposed neck, fighting the urge to suck on it to not leave marks, not wanting to overstep your boundaries.
"feeling okay?" he whispers softly, his breath hitting your skin, making it difficult for you to fight the whimpers escaping your mouth. lando takes a minute to look at you, to make sure that you don't feel any pain or discomfort.
"mmh'yes, you can move, please oh my god" you desperately says and lando can't help but pull you for another messy kiss. his fingers start moving in you, stretching your walls and you become a moaning mess, your eyes closing and lando takes advantage of it to admire you, his moves getting faster and faster.
"are you close, princess?" he murmurs close to your lips, feeling your body trembling and hearing the way your moans gets louder. you can only shake your head; feeling the bottom of your stomach getting warmer and the nickame almost make you choke on your moans. lando slows down to make scissors movements, his thumb rubbing your clit to help you reach your climax. he can't take off his eyes of you, inspecting every aspect of your face; the way your face crunches and your mouth is slightly open to let multiple sounds out of it. he could almost come just by this sight, his own crotch getting bigger.
with a loud and long moan, you finally climax, arching your back and lando plant soft pecks on your neck, whispering sweet words to you and telling you how good you're doing. breathless, you absently stroke his hair and close your eyes for a moment trying to calm the beat of your heart but lando makes it hard; his hands traveling your body and his lips attached to the skin of your neck.
the sudden emptiness when lando pulls out his fingers make you whimper and he lift his head to meet your gaze — he lost count of how many times he got lost in your eyes tonight. your hand make its way to his cock and the sudden touch makes lando slightly startle, a groan leaving his mouth. before you start stroking it, his hand comes to stop you immediately and you look at him, confused and with a hint of worry; silently asking him if you did something wrong.
"wanna fuck you now or i might go crazy", he says, almost whimpering and you slightly laugh, pulling his face closer to yours. "someone is impatient huh", you tease, a small smirk forming on your lips and he can't help but mirror that smirk. "how can i not when you look at me like that?" he takes your bottom lip between his teeth before kissing you again, his body getting closer and his cock brushing on your pussy makes you both moan through the kiss. you take his dick, once again, in your hand to guide it through your hole this time. and slowly, he penetrates you, a long groan escaping his lips at how tight you feel around him and you break the kiss to moan loudly.
"so fucking tight, baby, just for me", he mumbles close to your lips and you can't even answer, too overwhelmed by the way he's filling you — and his dirty words. when you finally adjust, he doesn't waste any minutes and start moving. you both moan in unison, holding into each other like your life depends on it. he watches you go crazy over his cock; the way your eyes gets watery, the way you hold into the sheets — your other hand too busy pulling his hair —, the way you can't control the continuous moans, his name slipping out of your mouth from time to time and encouraging him to go deeper into you. and he does go deeper, slowing down the pace to thrust into you as deep as he can, reaching your sensitive spot.
"right here? like that, baby?" he moans, feeling you tightening around him. his voice makes it harder for you to hold your growing orgasm. your hand leaves the sheets to hold onto his shoulder, your nails crawling into his skin. lando suddenly feels the urge to look at you in the eyes — maybe because his orgasm is getting close too. his hand finds a way to your neck, his fingers wrapping around it gently "look at me, angel", he says in a husky voice that could make you come at any moment. struggling to keep your eyes open, you try your best to hold his gaze, the way he's looking at you making you insane.
his thrusts gets faster and you can't control the sounds escaping from your mouth anymore. you look away for a moment, too overwhelmed and lando's hand travels to your face, cupping it gently to keep it straight "eyes on me, love". you obey, meeting his gaze and it's all too much for you.
you don't even have to use words for lando to understand that you're getting close, the way your eyes gets watery and your body shakes is enough. with his hand going back to your throat, lando accompany you into your orgasm, enjoying the way you scream his name and you manage to hold his gaze. his own orgasm comes a few minutes after yours and he makes sure to pull out before ejaculating, his groans echoing in the room. he immediately falls besides you and you both just stay like this: his leg over yours, your hand still in his hair as you try to catch your breath. lando uses his last drops of strength to grab a tissue from the nightstand and clean his fresh cum on your stomach.
he pulls you close again, linking your legs together and letting you play with his hair. the silence is so peaceful; the warm of your bodies making you both relax immediately. a smile unconsciously forms on lando's lips at the sight of your tired face, your eyes shining in the almost dark atmosphere of the night. you look back at him, smiling back and giggling, making lando raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"what's so funny?" he says, fighting the smile growing on his lips. "i just slept with the lando norris", you tease and lando groans, hiding his face in his arm. "i knew you were a fan!" he replies playfully, playing along. you laugh in sync and lando's heart feels at peace; all the worries about the incoming season completely forgotten. your hand gently plays with his curls as you absently stare at the ceiling, an unbeatable smile on your face.
lando, on the other side, can't take his eyes off you, watching you slowly fall asleep and enjoying your fingers in his hair. and just before you completely close your eyes, you turn to him, offering him a last kiss; so tender and passionate that your hearts both might burst out of your chests. pulling out, lando watches you fall asleep, not fighting the smile on his face anymore.
he usually struggles to sleep before an important day but this time, his mind is only filled with you and this night spent by your side. and just like that, it's lando's turn to meet the sandman.
with a groan, lando struggles to reach and silence the blaring alarm. the morning sunlight aggressively shines through the curtain, making him shield his face with his arm, staying in half asleep state for a minute as he gradually gets out of it.
then it suddenly hits him; you're no longer beside him.
lando suddenly starts to panic, jolting him into full wakefulness. he springs out of the bed and desperately search for any signs of you in every room of his apartment but you're nowhere to be found. he mutters curses under his breath, passing a hand to his messy hair — the thought of you messing his hair last night making him even more frustrated. defeated, he returns to the bedroom, his gaze falling on the tousled sheets where everything happened. as lando realizes that he didn't even ask for your name, frustration festered within him, causing him to clench his hair.
however, amidst his self reproach, a small piece of paper on the nightstand catch his attention, and he immediately rushes to it.
"we will meet again, i promise. you're going to kill it, lovely boy. y/n, x"
lando can't even fight the smile creeping on his lips, his heart softening — it was beating way too fast just by the thought of not even knowing your name. he sinks back onto the bed, your smell immediately hitting him and making him even happier. he reads those few words repeatedly and his hands falls onto his chest, holding the paper close to his heart as he whispers your name again and again, savoring its melodious sound. lando can't help but tell himself that soulmates might exist.
"i am going to kill it,", lando murmured to himself, a foolish grin etching on his face.
part 2?:p join the tag list here!
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