#anything is welcome
ladyannemarie5 · 9 months
So... Remember my old post of WarLord!Geralt searching for the bard and discovering that Jaskier is Radovid's consort in Redania?
You can see it here
Well, I couldn't stop thinking about that and here's just part of what I've come up with so far. 
Caution: Lots and lots of text. Almost 2k words.
Geralt's first formal order as Warlord of the North is to search the continent for the bard Jaskier.
Five years have passed since Geralt last saw Jaskier. Five years since the mountain disaster and the day Geralt made the bard believe that the greatest blessing of his life would be to get rid of him.
Since then, Geralt has found his surprise child, resolved his issues with Yennefer and formed a new empire under his and the other witchers' command. And there hasn't been a single moment when he hasn't regretted pushing his bard away. 
That is why, as soon as political things settle down and his mainly non-human subjects begin to form real households, the new warlord sends all available people to search for the man who made him White Wolf.
He knows from Yen, that Jaskier became the Sandpiper, so he has the witchers approach the smuggling network to help the refugees get to his new realm and also to gather as much information as they can about the poet's whereabouts. 
They hear rumors and whispers about the famous bard Jaskier singing in taverns and famous courts, but every time they reach the last place where he was seen, it turns out that the bard has already departed. It also seems that 20 years at the side of a witcher have made him very good at running away from them without a trace. 
Geralt grows more desperate by the day. He wants to apologize to Jaskier, he wants to tell him how sorry he is and how much he wants him to come back to him, because he is finally ready to stop running away from his feelings. He needs Jaskier by his side, either as his lover or simply as his friend. He just needs to know that the poet is safe and sound.
That's why his heartbeat stops for a moment when new information arrives from the bard. It turns out that Nilfgaard beat him to it and captured Jaskier months ago. 
Geralt moves all his people to search for the place where the bard is being held prisoner until they finally find the small fort where their sources say he is. Geralt himself leads the attack.
Everyone is really confused when they break through the entrances and discover that there is no one alive there. There are only remnants that there was once a small army operating in the place but they fled some time ago. 
Unfortunately, there are also remnants of torture in one of the fort's dungeons. Geralt feels an immense urge to vomit as he enters the place and the smell of Jaskier's blood reaches his nostrils. His eyes sting with tears of anger and sadness when he finds a piece of blue silk in one of the corners. His anger and grief increase when they find a funeral pyre on the outskirts of the site. Jaskier is gone forever.
Shortly thereafter, the University of Oxenfurt issues a statement mourning the death of its greatest teacher and legend, the bard Jaskier. Apparently, a Redanian convoy was on a reconnaissance mission when they found a fort with remnants of Nilfgaard troops. Upon entering they discovered that the soldiers had already left but had left the body of a man in one of the dungeons. One of the men, apparently a fan of the bard, recognized his belongings and alerted his superiors to the man's identity. Jaskier's body was burned by the Redanians due to the advanced state of decomposition. All that remained was a broken elven lute that was given to the university as proof of the poet's death.  
Geralt demands that the lute be given to him. Eskel and Lambert are required to hold it when the dean refuses to give the instrument to the witcher on the grounds that Jaskier himself had left them to them in his will. The document firmly states that all of the bard's possessions were to pass to the university to dispose of as they see fit. 
Geralt cries for the first time in years when he finds out. Officially, he has nothing left of his bard. 
The Sandpiper network continues to operate as usual, at least for a while since the discovery of the fort, until something incredible happens: Redania enacts a new law saying that all elves, dwarves and other non-humans would no longer be persecuted, and could even choose to be legal citizens of Redania. 
Years pass since then. Ciri, Yen, Triss and his brother witchers remain by his side and life on the continent continues almost unchanged as the White Wolf finishes consolidating himself as a monarch of a strong and prosperous territory. The hope that Jaskier will one day appear alive and singing about the Warlord every day fades. They hadn't seen the body and when Yen wanted to use a tracking spell with the lute just to make sure, it led to nothing.
And then politics suffers another attack: King Vizimir of Redania is murdered. Yen says that rumors point to his own brother, Prince Radovid, being the one who murdered him, as he was crowned that very night at the side of his lover, a random nobleman named Julian. Geralt does not doubt it. Humans are cruel and ambitious.
The obligatory mourning passes slowly, one day all the kingdoms (except Nilfgaard) are summoned to celebrate the new king and his consort. To the surprise of everyone in Kaer Morhen, the White Wolf and his entourage are invited to the celebrations. Yen and Triss say that it would be rude not to go, as Redania fully recognizes their kingdom unlike other territories, so it would be beneficial for Geralt to attend and seal ties with a kingdom as powerful as Redania. 
Geralt wants nothing more than to stay in Kaer Morhen and continue to evade the outside world. Jaskier is no longer in it so there is nothing interesting out there. But he knows it's inevitable that he will attend the Redania celebrations, and Yen is right, it's a great opportunity. So he and his entourage leave for the kingdom. 
They are greeted in a grand manner, just like any other monarch and his entourage. Redania has shown that he wants to form ties with Kaer Morhen, so Geralt decides that he will do his best to make it all go well. It seems that King Radovid himself and his consort will welcome them once they have settled in properly. 
Geralt feels all the air leave his lungs, his head feels heavy and in turmoil, and he thinks he will burn Redania to the ground for such an offense. Next to King Radovid, stands a man with blue eyes and brown hair. A man resembling Jaskier stands right there, his arm resting on the king's arm. 
He introduces himself as Julian Alfred Pankratz, formerly Viscount of Lettenhove, now royal consort to King Radovid.
Yen cannot help but advance to him with a murderous look. He magically probes him and in an icy voice lets them all know that he really is Jaskier, the bard dead years ago. Julian replies that it's really good to see everyone once again. 
The welcome feast begins. Geralt can't take his eyes off Jaskier. The king and his consort act like any normal couple, both conversing with each other, together and very intimate. Geralt feels his stomach churn. 
At some point in the night, Julian manages to sneak into Geralt's room. He silently asks the Witcher to verify that no one is listening and that there are no traces of magic around. Geralt confirms that they are alone. 
Geralt has many questions, but he can't say any. Not with the man he thought was dead in front of him. But he finally gets something out of his mouth, asking for explanations. 
Julian tells the witcher that after the mountain he traveled for a while by himself, but seeing the injustices to the elves and other non-humans made him want to do something. With his contacts in the RSS he became the Sandpiper. He would go back and forth from Oxenfurt to other places on the continent to recruit new people into the network. During his stays in Oxenfurt and thanks to Philippa and Dijkstra, he met Prince Radovid. 
Geralt's heart breaks when he hears from the bard how lonely and desperate he felt until Radovid came into his life.
"By the time I realized it, I was lost and hopelessly in love with Radovid," he tells Geralt. 
The warlord can't help but mention that the bard fell in love with a king-killer. Julian jumps to his consort's defense and tells Geralt everything. 
Philippa and Dijkstra want to take Redania to war against Nilfgaard, they assassinated Queen Hedwig to make Vizimir give in to their advice, however, the king didn't. The two councilors then went to harass Jaskier, threatening his job as the Sandpiper to tell them the location of Geralt and Ciri, so they could use it as political leverage against Nilfgaard. Of course the bard refused. 
So Jaskier was kidnapped and tortured by Nilfgaard to find out the location of Geralt and Ciri. Radovid, madly in love and worried about Jaskier, set out to look for him everywhere, until he was finally found dying in the fort. Philippa and her magic saved him. 
Radovid, concerned for the bard's safety, proposed to him to fake his death in order to drive away all those who were looking for him, including the man who despised him on a mountain. Jaskier accepted on the condition that he stop pursuing the elves. 
As the announcement of Jaskier's death shook the entire continent, he and the prince planned to leave the castle and travel together, away from the intrigues of the court. Vizimir, happy for his brother, immediately agreed to let them both leave as long as they accepted his help and communicated constantly. The night of their departure, Vizimir was assassinated. 
Geralt is shaken when Jaskier tells him that Philippa and Dijkstra killed Vizimir so they could manipulate Radovid and take Redania to war. The new king is stalling as long as possible, but there is no denying the influence of both advisors on the king's decisions. Geralt snarls when he learns that the sorceress and spymaster are threatening the former bard's life to make Radovid do as they command. 
Jaskier knows that Geralt hates him, that he is not complying with the one thing he has asked of him, but he needs him to get Dijkstra and Philippa out of the picture so he can save Redania and his lover from going to war. And so he lets the witcher know. 
And well, that's it. At least until now. 
I want to clarify that anyone who wants to write this has my absolute permission to do so, just tell me so I can read it because I definitely don't think I'll write it myself. If you want to comment on something, another idea, another point, an insult, change something to this. etc., you are welcome to do so. I don't usually reply much but I really do read everything posted on Tumblr. 
Thanks if you read all this verbal vomit and apologies once again for the huge amount of words.
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hockybish · 10 months
would anyone be interest in au where trevor and reader (or ofc if ya'll would like) are like best friends (maybe they met in michigan and have a lot of the same friends?) and they both went to bu and one night in early '20 they have a little fun and she finds out they're gonna have a mini running around sooner rather than later (sometimes all it takes is one time even if you're careful). she wants to keep the baby and trevor will do whatever she wants to do. so they decide to do this thing but they remain best friends that co parent and they keep the fact that trevor his the father a secret (the main friend group knows, they either find out on accident or t or she tells them). and sometime after little dude is born, she transfers to some school in cali so they can be closer and stuff, and eventually after sometime they become more than just friends and stuff.
this would include fluff like when they find out its a boy. and angst like when trevor says "I **** ** *** ***** ****." on accident or when he misses the birth of the little dude.
i have a couple of major events planned out but i would love any thoughts comments and suggestions.
i hope this makes sense. please let me know.
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sadthixx · 5 months
time to make one of these picrew games :)
this one lets you make a doll, i tried making Requiem but he just looks a bit incomplete lol
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@vovoniaa @berry-berry-blu @beananium @ma-mariarie243 @justsomeunsurefancat Y'ALL HAVE BEEN SUMMONED FOR THIS ONE (if you wanna join ofc)
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altijd-november · 3 months
song recs?
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vomitgaze · 4 months
send me film recs?
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I need jason content as a distraction please. A crumb is all I ask.
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requiesticat · 7 months
"Sour Taste" anon here, when I said Enjel and the others don't deserve to be the strange boy's slaves for all eternity, I mean they don't deserve to be in his custody at all, even if they aren't outright slaves 😔
Ah, I got what you meant, so no worries! I do feel that all the girls should be free, especially the main character- since he created them he has a "right" to ownership, but they're partially owned by Goldia since they're representations of her personalities. They're also not real, but are mostly independent, having free will of their own and... huh.
This is more complicated than I thought
Considering Harpae, Lisette, Fleta, and Egliette are confined to "imaginary" worlds, they may not literally be able to enter the real one without shattering. That's what essentially happens to Enjel when she faces off with Goldia. But something like a comic or fanfiction exploring this scenario would be interesting, tbh 🤔
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xojennyfabxo · 2 years
Jenny was sitting at the park reading a book when someone walked bast her, kind of pushing into her book making her drop it. She didn’t know if it was on purpose or not but either way it kind of pissed her off.” Exchuse you” She said looking at the person.
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Black men in Nia Long’s DMs right now
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seospicybin · 2 years
(And he only needs my head between those juicy thighs and let me do some magic ✨)
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princemick · 1 year
anyway, anyone online?? I'm tired n still at work pls talk to meee
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shylittlefrogg · 2 years
I don't really have much to do today, so you can send me things to draw!
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What itemlabel thing shud I buy tonite because there’s a sale
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buddyhollyscurls · 2 years
I was feeling very down today but music helped and I'm feeling much better but I would very much appreciate any feel good movie recs? :) anything is welcome as long as it makes ya feel happy
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xoglitterbomb · 28 days
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alexbutrandomthoughts · 2 months
"Can't two guys be just friends?" If they stop looking at each other like that then sure
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