#anti tommy
jethought-s · 17 days
Nothing and no one will EVER be able to compete💖
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spicyrottingbrains · 1 month
If I see one more person asking for tommy as a main cast and tommy begins ep when we have whole ass sidelined characters like our gorgeous rocket scientist karen wilson(i wanna know eveything about her. I love her so much) and beautiful Ravi panikkar (his story is so interesting and I need more of him) exist I will lose my mind. Also he's been on screen for what??15 min in the past 7 eps combined??you're choosing a white boy who's barely done anything over ppl like karen and ravi???love him with your whole being guys, I don't care, you do you but don't you dare forget about characters who've been here for so long over him. And don't even get me started on the eddie hate this dude has brought into the fandom. I was very indifferent towards him initially but Sidelining amazing characters for him is making me like him even less. (I am talking about a very niche group of ppl here. And for some reason tumblr decided that those are the posts I'm gonna like???after the influx of not interested and blocking and filtering??)
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tvheartbreak · 2 months
I will preface this by saying that I have not seen any of these leaks that everyone is talking about (although I would like to, because I prefer to know first and avoid getting my hopes up), but I have had a theory for days, ever since the official stills came out, that I don't like at all, that keeps buzzing in my head, and that has become practically a certainty since Oliver confirmed that the stills in the loft are in 7x05 (and I don't understand how you can not see that. In addition to the two Buddie stills in the loft, I would also remind you of the existence of the official still, which you all keep ignoring, of Buck "alone," happy. Come on, how can this not scream "THIS WON'T BE ANYTHING GOOD" to you?
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Sure, Oliver and Ryan are going to be amazing as always, but what they're going to play, help, I'm already trembling from the backlash there will be! Not to mention that it will happen before the break. I'm seriously scared). If it turns out to be true, I don't think I’ll continue to subject myself to this tease (yes because to me it is and because the main reason I watch the show is Buddie. Everyone is free to watch it for the reason they want, so let's avoid unnecessary drama).
But I really want to thank from the bottom of my heart all the people who maintain positivity toward this ship in spite of everything. Buddie should become a reality mainly for you, you deserve it❤️‍🩹
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winterskydragonx · 1 month
I’m just fed of the way some people would go all crazy about Tommy, a character that’s been there for barely four episode. I never liked Tommy, but the way some people have reacted to him as made me dislike him more. I needed to write this down to help me feel better. (Also yeah I’m an Eddie girl first and Buddie second, so I’m might be biased.)
Under the cut, since this is long and a bit of rant. Please you don’t have to read it, it’s to help me cope with the way fandom and the show as been going.
One of the biggest problems with making BuckTommy relationship believable is that Eddie as been involved in Bi Buck narrative since the beginning. It's never been only about BuckTommy.
Here are a few issues with that character. (They might seem small, but it doesn't help his character for me.)
There as been no interaction between Tommy & Hen & Chimney. Like it was said they forgave him, but I have yet to see that on my screen properly. 
Tommy almost outing Buck on his first date to his friends. Shit comment to do knowing it was his first date with a man. 
Leaving him on the side of the road without telling him the date was over. (Like yeah, he was allowed to stop the date, but to wait until his own Uber get there. Nope.)
Newly dating and yet won't make one small effort to dress up for the bachelor party. Yeah, it's not that big of a deal, but why won't you try to impress your date. (Also please don't use he's on call. He would have to change anyway.)
This is my side of it, but their hugs were awkward as hell and since I don't see any chemistry between them so was their kiss. (Yet I agree they have more chemistry when they are kissing, but their interactions are bland.)
Him always calling him Evan feels weird to me, especially of what we know about Buck's past.
So as of right know they have gone on 1 failed date, a small coffee meetup and kissed twice. (If you see love in there, I don’t know why.) We have yet to know how they would treat themselves outside of kissing as the show as not shown that yet. So, it's hard for me to believe they are in relationship when they are not making the effort to show it. 
They could have made the effort to show him more involved in helping find Chimney during the wedding episode. Nope they had him come to the bachelor party not dressed up and then have him leave for the rest of the episode only for him to come back at the end to kiss Buck to advance Buck's story. 
So, it's a little hard for me to believe in this relationship when after three episodes they keep having Eddie involved and they keep him away from another storyline so he's not involved at all. 
Right now, he feels more like another lover interest than a character outside of Buck. For me Buck still feels like he’s on a hamster wheel and fell in another relationship that they are rushing through.
I love Bi Buck, but he doesn’t have to be with someone to learn how to realize those new feelings.
Buddie is it for me. No one can recreate what they have and if they want to keep him with a bland new love interest, then that’s it for me.
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Tommy. Ew. No. Stop.
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jenna-of-eluria · 4 months
TLOU 2 spoilers so... under a cut after the first paragraph. i gotta rant about tommy miller bc i don't like him at all.
okay controversial take maybe but Game Tommy can eat rocks. i never liked him much, he seems very weak willed - easily led/manipulated, and found absolutely no way to keep in contact with his own brother who has been by his side his whole life simply because he didn't feel like he could jeopardize his relationship with maria or his place in the jackson community. - that's all game one.
game 2? so fucking sorry but the perfunctory hug he gave ellie after joel was beaten to death in front of her, when she needed comfort the most? then the absolute buffoonery that followed shortly after when ellie is talking about getting revenge? ('we'd be leaving jackson vulnerable,' 'how do you know they're in washington/seattle? they could have moved/stolen those jackets,' (if it were us he'd be halfway there now) 'no he wouldn't') soured me on him for good.
the fact he couldn't be honest with ellie that he was riding out the next day to kill those motherfuckers and that she could come with him - who the fuck do you think ellie was to him? she ended up being more family to him than you were you asshole - regardless of whether he was right to do it or not, joel was there for you like any big brother would be, and then you just....stopped talking to him. you would have kept out of touch forever if he hadn't shown up, too...all because you preferred community and getting your dick wet. not even a 'i can't talk anymore/i'm okay' message just nothing. joel and tess risked everything for a goddamned car battery because he was worried for you specifically you idiot, but eventually ellie was like his daughter again. and you didn't even tell her you were going alone to exact vengeance for his murder? by yourself? and offer to let her come with you? you're truly stupid.
AND THEN there was 'so...she gets to live?' 'yeah. you okay with that?' 'i guess i'll have to be.'
AND THEN after EVERYTHING you're bitter and shitty toward ellie. i'll never forgive tommy for that bullshit at the farmhouse. you lived, you idiot, and you can't just be content with that. you lived...and you're being a piece of shit trying to guilt ellie into getting revenge for your missing eye and limp. i'll never forgive him for that and if there's a 3rd installment i hope to fuck he's not in it.
they'd better not do gabriel luna like that in the show, he's already more of a real man than game tommy but you know...not too much.
neil, craig...please don't do show tommy like game tommy...he's a piece of shit, don't make me throw my tv in the trash like that....y'all are better than that, surely. don't make me turn into ron swanson.
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tommy in fanfics vro
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evans-kinard · 16 days
People have the right to love and/or hate whatever ship, character, storyline, etc they want, but they also need to know where to draw the line between fiction and reality.
Tommy Kinard is a fictional character. You can hate him as much as you want and absolutely loathe Bucktommy with your entire being.
But Lou Ferrigno Jr is a real person. Bullying him online, editing him out of cast photos, speculating that Oliver/the entire cast actually hate him based off of a 3 minute interview, criticizing his physical appearance, calling him names, etc IS. NOT. OKAY. He’s a real person with real feeling who more than likely sees your comments about him as a person and that can really mess with someone. It doesn’t matter if his character is “in the way” of your ship, he’s a real human being who has done nothing to warrant this kind of behavior.
Stop harassing actors just because you can’t stand the thought of your two favorite fictional people not kiss on-screen.
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getting tired of seeing people making chimney’s jab at gerrard about buck and someone who was complicit in gerrard’s actions when nothing chimney said had anything to do with either of them….
like don’t get me wrong i LOVE buck more than my life but the way some of yall have tried to make everything this season about him and his relationship with the pilot is getting really old like that was a moment of chimney getting to stick it to one of the men who made his life hell, it was not a moment about your ship for fuck’s sake
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bellabrady · 18 days
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incorrect buddie quotes part idk
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jethought-s · 1 month
When you order it online Vs When it gets to your house (I used Tommy's real face, someone had to do it)
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spicyrottingbrains · 8 days
Ok I wanna talk about the implications of the wording of the 'god I hope so' in the context of the ep. You mean you hope your partner has trauma???that they have something fundamentally fucked up in their life?? For what?? How do you hear that and think there is nothing wrong with that. Especially considering the fact that that they just mentioned that they were afraid they'd lose a father figure and was being vulnerable. How does a person take all that into consideration and decide joking about it in a way that implies you'd like for it to translate into your sex life is in any way an ok thing to do????
And I have no issue with the daddy kink of it all. I may not get it but I'm not gonna yuck someone's yum. But doesn't everything have a time and place???and while we're on the topic why are you dismissing the whole can't have someone else as a dad when bio one is alive because he's a horrible person when you yourself have a horrible one you don't talk to!?!?! It's just such bad writing and no one can convince me that that entire scene had any point except to reiterate how not good of a person Gerrard is. The whole thing is just comes off very wrong to me exactly because of the context. And context matters. Context always matters. And don't even get me started on how ooc buck was for most of the ep.
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imakatperson22 · 2 months
Them: Wait, so, you think Tommy’s closet joke was actually hysterical and made you love his character even more instead of hating him?
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winterskydragonx · 1 month
Yeah sorry, but nothing will ever change my mind about Tommy. I dislike him as a character and I don't need him to stay. I need him gone, but I'm afraid he's here to stay. Which sucks for me. (My fear is the show will take the easy way out and said, oh look people are jumping ship.)
I'd rather have Buck out there dating as a bi disaster. That would have been more interesting than having him stuck in a relationship that felt rushed again. There is no connection and chemistry between them.
Also please get rid of Marisol. Eddie is always stuck with no storyline or a prop to other character storyline.(Why involve him in the Buck bi arc?) And now this season he's stuck with a love interest that has meant nothing yet. Like we are literally spending a whole season with her and after 5 episode she's still a blank boring slate.
Please free Eddie.
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moonshine-009 · 26 days
Some people really think buck is dumb.
No buck isn't confused he likes Tommy , he isn't secretly in love with Eddie..
He literally said out loud what he likes about Tommy do you all watch a different show or something??
Also the other thing I want to say the idea that buck Tommy can't be endgame because buck apparently needs to date more men is really weird..
You also wouldn't say that when it comes to b*ddie..
And the characters are all over 30 so stop acting like they all dumb especially buck he doesn't need to be told who he likes lol..
The last buck Tommy kiss didn't tell you that or ???
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"Tommy calling Buck 'Evan' is cute and sweet and important for Buck's healing and makes Buck (and me) melt" and "It's not his name, Philip 🔪🔪🔪 he's name is Buck, not Evan" are sentences that can and should co-exist
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