#anti hannibal season 4
sempercredens · 4 months
Post about fannicalcascade part 2 because sigh.
Here's a link to my first post from the middle of December about them where I go over their takes on the s3 finale and their take that the love between Hannigram is unrequited from Will's side. At this point I also immediately want to say that I don't necessarily disagree with that they have a different opinion on the season finale, I just found it very poorly argued and gave counterarguments.
Not a lot of new talking points came up but that isn't the point of this post now. In the first one, I already broached the topic of their behaviour in the ending paragraphs because I found some of it very odd. For example, that they were sending anons to bigger Hannibal/Hannigram blogs in a clear attempt to bait them into discourse, how they claim not to be anti-Hannigram but tag their posts as such, and how I personally perceive the undertone of their posts as very condescending towards shippers.
This post here is basically just about expanding on that.
Disclaimer though: this is a silly internet ship war on a large irrelevant website, with no real world implications about anyone's morals. While I'm gonna say straight out that I find them annoying (and I will get into the reasons in the following), they have done no actual moral wrongs. Don't go insult or harass them (or the other two people running the blog. If you absolutely must seek them out, stay polite or get eaten. That includes refraining from using ableist language (e.g. calling them "delusional" or something). Thanks!
List of contents:
1. Shipping goggles 2. Cherrypicking 3. How they talk about Hannigram shippers and handle criticism 3.5. Middle school-isms 4. Arguments (or lack thereof) 5. General conclusion 6. "Fandom critique"
Let's get into it:
1. Shipping goggles
The fannibalcascade blog has stated in their introductory post already that they want to view the s3 finale without shipper goggles. So far, so good. However in this post they reveal the existence of a sideblog they have. It's been edited out by now and I'm unlucky not to be able to provide that evidence but said sideblog was revealed to be @/lecterlure. lecterlure has also been participating in replying to other blogger's responses to baiting anons, basically giving the typical fannibalcascade takes. As a benefit of the doubt I will also say however that according to themself the fannibalcascade blog is run by three people and lecterlure could be either of them. It adds up timewise for me since the first content on the lecterlure blog is from the beginning of January.
I'm bringing up lecterlure in the context of shipping goggles because as of me writing this there are just over 60 posts on the lecterlure blog which focuses on the book and Hopkins film version of the Hannibal canon. Half of the posts on that blog are unambiguously about Clannibal. (Yes, I counted.)
Nothing wrong with Clannibal, of course! You do you. The reason I'm pointing it out is just because it seems that the Hannigram faction is not the only one with shipping goggles. Considering they claim that they ship "neither", I just find that very untransparent.
EDIT: in the notes of this post lecterlure said that she is one of the three but NOT the one mainly running the fannibalcascade blog. My assumption that the two are the same people is therefore null and they are to be regarded as two people! She is only little involved in the blog's postings, merely sharing theories with thel and reading over the posts. Nevertheless, I'll bring her up again in some points since she is associated with the fc blog and whether that is her intention or not her interactions do reflect back on the fannibalcascade blog.
2. Cherrypicking
When they were called out for cherrypicking metas, they replied they didn't. The metas they've reblogged are from bonearenaofmyskull and mendelsohnben respectively. Said metas had been posted in the years 2015 and 2016. You'd have to do some digging to find them to reblog them straight from the ops.
Not to mention that there is a huge amount of Hannibal meta posts around when you search the tag for it. So to claim that out of those many, many meta posts, you organically found metas from over 8 years ago that apparently agree with your viewpoint - the view point of a minority in the fandom - does not come across to me as very believable. You've got to have searched for those.
3. How they talk about Hannigram shippers and handle criticism
Most of the criticism they received for their bahaviour around sending anons, cherrypicking, and reblogging ship posts to exercise "fandom critique" was, admittedly worded quite harshly and I don't endorse that. That said, it's not entirely unfounded.
There is two posts I'd like to highlight for this point. In this one they refer to the people who criticise them on anon as "pathetic teenagers" or "teenage conspirators" with "delusional takes". The "delusional" take being that fannibalcascade is behind the anons that people have received. While I can't 100% make the claim that fannibalcascade is in fact behind those anons - and I don't actually think they are behind all of them - I find it suspicious how the anon activity coincides with the activity of the fannibalcascade blog and how you can find the lecterlure account participating in the notes. The only other clue I can offer is how this anon highlighted the blog name in red, which is a very fannibalcascade thing to do since they like to highlight things in red in their posts.
The other post I want to highlight in this regard is this one where they mock shippers for thinking that getting validation from a bigger blog means they're right, and "How naive does one have to be to rely on someone else to stand for their points?" Which is rich coming from someone who reblogs the (old) metas of other bigger blogs to validate their own point, and are incapable of forming their own meta since their original meta posts are basically just repetitions of those they've reblogged. This is, for example, is just repeating this one by bonearenaofmyskull, but cherrypicked, reblogged only hours earlier.
In this same second post, they also point out how contradictory the statements of Hannigram shippers are, as if that was some big "gotcha". It's very likely that the people they mean here are, well, different people with different view points about the same thing. This is only a "gotcha" if it was the same person.
So my point here is: I find their handling of criticism and stance on shippers condescending, devaluing and not indicative of someone who's interested in a discussion on equal footing.
3.5. Middle school-isms
This is only a minor point but I wanted to point out how very middle schoolish their "arguments" sometimes are. They act all innocent when called out about adding their "shippers are delusional" takes to joke posts, the anon thing, and their down-talking tone. Examples: [x] [x]. Especially the whole thing about "my blog, my opinion" and "So I can't share my opinions now?" are such lackluster takes at this point. You're talking like a boomer who gets called out for a misogynistic take on Cpt. Marvel, like come on now, do better.
Also since I'm assuming they're the person behind this ask (linked above already)
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I'm perplexed at this appeal to authority. "I'm older than you, therefore I'm right". Again: come on now, is that really the take here? This is some kindergarten level of arguing. By that logic every Hannigram shipper older than them would actually be right. As crimsondinnerparty correctly says: that's not how it works.
That's the post I saw that made me "wow, that's cringe, I'm gonna write this big ass post".
4. Arguments (or lack thereof)
As alluded to above, they barely make points of their own that aren't noticeable inspired by the metas they've reblogged from other people before. Nothing wrong with reblogging posts you agree with, per sé, but that is very much not the same thing as leading a discussion with someone. On this post they proudly announce "Here I debunked another theory" when they've had no input on the post that was originally made by youweresoafraid with an actual worthwhile addition from bonearena. You didn't debunk anything. You just reblogged a post.
I find that case worth mentioning because some anon went to crimsondinnerparty's inbox to say that "Fannibalcascade also debunked the sailing thing" when evidently, fannibalcascade didn't add anything to it.
Another post that stuck out to me in terms of leading an argument was this one about whether or not Will is a murderer.
The answer:
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For a blog that promises deep metas and values the nuance of the show, I personally find this a very shallow take. If this is the promised deep meta and nuance, then I'm sorry but good night.
Not to constantly bring her up but bonearena also expressed frustration with how fannibalcascade is only capable of circular arguing [x] and their lack of evidence to support their claims. Despite fannibalcascade (or rather lecterlure in the notes) constantly crying for proof themself.
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Taken from this post's notes.
Edit again: While, as noted, lecterlure is not the same person as fannibalcascade, my argument remains that the members of the blog don't actually provide evidence of their own but constantly demand it from others.
So general conclusion to this point:
I personally think that fannibalcascade is just pretty annoying. Really, what else is new here on the interwebs? There's annoying people, wow, big revelation. They're not capable of properly debating and I don't think that they even want a proper debate. I find their approach to opening a debate insufferable, especially when they go "oh, I'm just asking questions? What's wrong with asking questions? Can't I have an opinion anymore? If you've got proof, why don't you bring it up? Oh, that means, you don't have any after all. Checkmate." entirely childish. People don't wanna talk to you because nothing you've said or done indicates a genuine openness for a debate on eye-level. The sheer audacity of calling themself "the only logical person available in the fandom now" - assuming that anon is them, even if not my point is still supported by their other posts - absolutely flabbergasts me. It's this condescending tone, the implied sneering of "you're all illiterate but I've eaten wisdom with spoons and I'm your logical saviour" that absolutely rubs me the wrong way.
That their blog also focuses entirely on the s3 finale is another thing I find very counterproductive to any genuine debate because the s3 finale is their only reference for anything. The majority of their meta posts (reblogged and original) focus only on Will pushing Hannibal and himself off the cliff. That is the only thing that is ever "debated" on the blog, and especially in regards to the whole "does Will love Hannibal back?" question is an extremely narrow frame of reference.
The entire "debate" they want to introduce is also entirely pointless as, as I said, focuses on the s3 finale and whatever could possibly happen in s4. The reason I find this a pointless debate is because s4 doesn't exist and every meta or theory or what have you is only fanfiction. We're all getting upset here over each other's fanfiction, like jfc. For all we know the fall transported them into some anime Isekai world.
"Fandom critique"
According to their tagging system, fannibalcascade is also motivated by offering critique to the fandom. Which I'm not against in the slightest conceptually. Personally, I think there are many things that can be criticised about fandom, any fandom. Just to give examples, two problems I see within fandoms is 1) the lowkey misogyny is fandoms dominated by m/m pairings or 2) the everpresent problem of people reposting other people's fanworks without permission. I think tackling such issues could actually improve a fandom.
What doesn't improve a fandom is telling shippers that they're delusional teenagers for shipping the main characters of a show that is explicitly centered around their relationship. Even while making their silly little posts, Hannigram shippers are entirely aware that in a real life context that relationship would of course be toxic and terrible. The reason it's such a big ship stems largely from an actual acknowledgement of the show's nuances. It's precisely those nuances and their engaging character dynamics that make them such a compelling ship.
Here's the point where I want to acknowledge all the beautiful metas people (who ship Hannigram) have actually written. You can find something about everything in the show. You can find meta about the religious symbolisms. Meta about the character's clothing styles and what they represent in which scenes. Meta about the most inconspicuous things in the background. Meta about shot compositions. It's there.
So why limit yourself to the last three minutes of 39 episodes worth of television? Like c'mon, step up your meta game.
Coming back to the point of fandom critique, both sides are just fighting windmills. We're already biased in our approachs, we're not going to change each other's minds like this. So why not employ some standard internet/tumblr etiquette and leave people be? What people ship is not a value judgment of their irl morals.
So again, I want to clarify:
I don't think fannibalcascade is a bad, immoral person. Despite all the things I've listed in this post, I don't hate them. I don't want to encourage any harassment against them. I don't mind at all that they're presumably partial towards Clannibal. Couldn't care less, really. They're allowed to dislike Hannigram. Couldn't care less. I'd even say it's a valid take, just badly argued.
Genuinely, this is very much just about how I find it annoying to see their takes (or their takes being repeated by people who agree with them) interrupt my peaceful scrolling through Hannigram posts. And I hereby challenge them to write posts about the things they like (about the show, about the books or the Hopkins films, doesn't matter to me).
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luciusspriggss · 11 months
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly. Tagged by @bluntbeard​ :)))
In no particular order:
Stargate Universe (SGU)
Schitt’s Creek
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
(Hannibal) - Hannibal :3
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
(OFMD) Calico Jack >:(
3. What's your favourite episode of 4?
(SGU) S2E18 - Epilogue
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
(Schitt’s Creek) i dunno man, probably the last one lol
5. What's your favourite relationship in 3?
(WWDITS) the father-son dynamic between daddy Lazslo & baby Colin
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
(Hannibal) - Will x Alana get that shit away from me
7. How long have you watched 1?
(OFMD) since it was airing lol. i haven’t watched it in a few months (directly at least, i have watched other people watch it on youtube lol), but that is because the next time i watch it i want everything to be fresh-ish.
8. How did you become interested in 3?
(WWDITS) tumblr lol. i loved the movie and had seen one episode and then moved on. tumblr is the reason why i went back and got caught up with all of it.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
(SGU) tie between Robert Carlyle and Ming-Na Wen
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
(OFMD, Hannibal, Schitt’s Creek) absolutely not, refuse to answer this
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
(OFMD vs WWDITS) i have watched ofmd 20+ times (i stopped counting at 20), whereas i have only watched the entirety of WWDITS 2 times. Soooooooooooo. probably ofmd.
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
(SGU) 😬😬😬i would not want to be any of them lmao. i would love to be on the ship with them, but in no way, shape, or form, do i want to be any of them lol
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
(Schitt’s Creek) no slopping that dick so sucky he dies from pure ecstasy
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
(WWDITS & SGU) when there is a will there is a way. send those vampires to space idgaf
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
(OFMD) Roach x Buttons
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
(WWDITS & Schitt’s Creek) they are both good for their own respective show. will not answer this as well. :)
anyone who wants to do this, may do so :))
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best-enemies · 11 months
Fave Shows tag game
Rules: List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
Doctor Who
The Office
Z Nation
Thank you so much for tagging me @veraynes-blog <3 ! Took me a while to pick a top 5 because my list always changes (except for the first one. Doctor Who has been my #1 show for over 10 years hehehe)
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
That's a rough one. Every character is hilarious in their own way and I have different reasons for why I love each one. Usually I'd say it's Pam, because I've always identified with her story and her character arc is the best one in the show imo. But lately, thanks to my many rewatches, I've been falling for Angela Martin. Despite being a very unpleasant person most of the time, her character is consistently one of the funniest of the show and to me, one of the most interesting. Throughout the run of the show we've seen moments where she shows she's more than the 'office bitch', and an actual person who struggles to connect to most people because she thinks she's better than everybody else. Of course, she's a hypocrite - she often judges people, like Pam, accusing them of doing things she does herself, like she's projecting. And by the end of the show, we see that amazing story arc, sort of a redemption arc for her character that was amazingly acted and UGH I just love Angela and I think she's so much more complex than people give her credit for, yes, even for a sitcom character.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
We've got like a thousand characters in 1 lol I don't know, I guess... Clara? Like, I used to dislike her a few years ago, then I tried to like her (I do love her outfits though), but now I just don't care much for her. I don't know, I always thought she was a bit annoying, never liked her 'bossy' personality, I thought her character arc was confusing (I do understand it now and... no comment) and now I just think people try to make her seem way more cool than she is. Like nobody has ever been able to sell me the idea that she's a good character. Maybe she is but I just don't care for her enough to try to like her again.
3. What’s your favourite episode of 4?
'Safe room' was my favorite episode because it had some really good comedic scenes, so it was a sort of a comfort episode for me even though it's not comfortable at all lol. But it was just because I felt like I had to pick one and it was the easiest one to watch, for me. But after sesaon 4 I have to say... all of season 4. I can't pick a favorite one, it's all so perfect. The performances were absolutely incredible in each one of them.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Season 1. It was much more consistent than the rest of the show in terms of quality (even though I love all of it - yes, even s4 and s5) and it has my favorite episode, 'Murphy's Law'.
5. What’s your favourite relationship in 3?
Hannibal and Will, duuuhh. Not the healthiest, that's Bella and Jack, and they're lovely. But Will and Hannibal remain my favorites.
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
I'm against all relationships that disrupt Angela & Dwight, my OTP.
7. How long have you watched 1?
Since I was about 12 years old. I was zapping through channels and since there was nothing else to watch, I left Dr. Who on. I remember it was Smith and Jones. Took 5 minutes for me to fall in love with the show.
8. How did you become interested in 3?
I started watching Hannibal back when it was still on, but I don't remember how exactly I became interested in it. I do remember everyone was talking about it on tumblr back then.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Okay it's impossible to mention just one. The casting choices for Succession were amazing and the performances are flawless. I did fall in love with the siblings even more in s4. I think Jeremy, Sarah, Kieran and Alan gave some of the best performances of their lives.
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
Doctor Who will always be my nº1 choice!
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
Doctor Who, definitively, for obvious reasons lol
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Believe me when I say I don't want to be anyone on that show lmao
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
I'd have to be crazy to kill Warren, but if she ever died, I'd want it to be a very dignified death. It's hard to have that in the apocalypse though. But I know I'd give her a painless death, because my girl has been through a LOT.
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Succession but with cannibalism and murder? Okay now that would be very interesting. I don't doubt any of the Roys would be capable of murder, but cannibalism... I don't know, probably would work better figuratively.
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
I keep trying to think of two characters but there are so many! I would like to see the 7th Doctor and the War Master. I don't know if they've ever been in an audio together but they'd be such a power couple and AMAZING enemies <3 can't go wrong with Thoschei.
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
I think both shows were very well cast - all the actors seemed perfect for the parts they were playing. I do need to single out Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal though, because Mads seems like such a sweetheart and at the same time a hot dad irl, but looks absolutely terrifying as Hannibal.
Tagging @thebraxiatelcollection @valdomarx @aphrodititi @katseternity @ichabodcranemills @xryptiid @theladyofspaceandtime in case you guys would like to do it as well. If anyone else wants to do this, it's super fun!
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sleepdeprived-idiot · 11 months
got tagged by @roycogaystar to do the TV Questionnaire
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood) SPOILERS!!!!!!!
Mob Psycho 100
One Piece
Saiki K
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Shigeo or Reigen, but Ritsu in s1 is so fucking relatable just ughhghghgh
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
SPOILERS!!! Shou Tucker
3. What's your favourite episode of 4?
im gonna go with arcs and then its probably that one filler arc, G-8 (other than that dressrosa, marineford alabasta or water 7)
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
the first because its the only one with a dub
5. What's your favourite relationship in 3?
uh uhm lesbians? not sure tbh
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
uuhmm ,,, theres litterally none??
7. How long have you watched 1?
first watched fma in 2013 and since ive watched brotherhood ive been rewatching it at least once a year
8. How did you become interested in 3?
i dont remember its so long ago
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
1, forever 1
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
random civilian on a far off island away from all the chaos, im not dealing with all that
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
accident, but like a stupid avoidable one (i also have the most angsty way but lets not entertain that idea, also im not telling who)
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
im?? not sure how???
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Sheska and Fokker? (they talked once) or Paninya and Winry? (but idk cause ed and winry are one of THE couples)
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
sweating nervously (3?)
not tagging anyone, but do it if u want to :)
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brianllama · 1 year
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
Tagged by @autisticharrywells, thank you!!
1. Doctor Who
2. Gotham
3. The Flash
4. Legends Of Tomorrow
5. Hannibal
Who is your favourite character in 2? (Gotham)
Alfred Pennyworth
Who is your least favourite character in 1? (Doctor Who)
Ashildr, maybe Danny Pink (although, I did start to like Danny after he died).
What's your favourite episode of 4? (Legends of tomorrow)
Moonshot in s2 maybe. I haven't rewatched much of the later seasons so I don't remember them that well
What is your favourite season of 5? (Hannibal)
Season 1
What's your favourite relationship in 3? (The Flash)
Atm it's Harry and Cisco
Who is your anti relationship in 2? (Gotham)
Uhhh, maybe Barbra and Jim in s1. I feel like Barbra only got interesting after she left Jim and became a criminal
How long have you watched 1? (Doctor Who)
Since 2005 when new who first came out
How did you become interested in 3? (The Flash)
I started watching Supernatural because my mate told me to, found Arrow through that, found The Flash through Arrow.
Who is your favourite actor in 4? (Legends of tomorrow)
Uhh, maybe Wentworth Miller? I like his vibes
Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
Doctor Who.
Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
I've rewatched the Flash a lot but it's definitely Doctor Who
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? (Legends of tomorrow)
Maybe Ray.
How would you kill off your favourite character in 5? (Hannibal)
My favourite character is Will. It'd have to be something that was horrendously aesthetically pleasing that ended with Hannibal eating him.
Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Yeah, lol
Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple. (Doctor Who)
The first thing that comes to mind is Donna and Martha lol. I think it would kinda work
Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
I do really like a lot of the cast of The Flash, but looking at the shows overall The Flash cast isn't as consistently good as I feel like Hannibal is. (idk if that makes sense in the way that I want it to but oh well).
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corvidae-syscourse · 1 year
Alter Intros
Obligatory pinned post for alter intros. Updated 12/30/2022 Catchall Pronouns: He/it/xe/they Catchall Name: Will/Crow (or any other bird in the corvidae family)
⚠ Fictive heavy ⚠
Roles that we coined:
Driver - allowed to drive our car Drone - one who does chores, schoolwork, or other menial tasks Struggler - one who struggles more with a certain disability Hobbyist - one who maintains a hobby for the body Internal Communications - can communicate in the inner world well Babysitter - supervises other alters Shield - fronts when a mental breakdown occurs Clone - refers to any duplicates of alters
Information we do not plan on sharing: body age, alter ages, alter sexualities/genders, inner system relationships
"Theme Song(s)" refers to songs that are positive front triggers
Frequent Fronters -
Will Graham Pronouns: he/it/xe Host, Driver, Drone, Struggler, Hobbyist, Clone Fictive - Hannibal (TV) Likes: fishing, kayaking, reading, geography, research Dislikes: math, shopping ANTI-ENDO Theme Song(s): Chemical Overreaction/Compound Fracture by Will Wood and the Tapeworms, That's Enough, Let's Get You Home by Will Wood, Screechin' Wheels by Shayfer James, 1985 by Bo Burnham
Season 1 Will
Season 3 Will
Post-finale Will
+ Comments: I have a love/hate relationship with existence.
Eddie Munson Pronouns: he/they Drone, Protector, Hobbyist Fictive - Stranger Things (TV) Likes: good music, video games, drawing Dislikes: sitcoms, pottery PRO-ENDO Theme Song(s): Demon Fire by AC/DC
+ Comments: N/A
Anthony J. Crowley Pronouns: any Gatekeeper, Internal Communications, Babysitter, Driver Fictive - Good Omens (TV) Likes: music, doodling, singing Dislikes: being ignored
+ Comments: Yes, he really does use the initial.
Valentine Pronouns: he/they Drone, Struggler Factive - IRL Friend Likes: music, carnivals/fairs/amusement parks, reading, writing Dislikes: talking w/ source friend b/c it's awkward
+ Comments: N/A
Billy Hargrove Pronouns: he/him/his Shield, Struggler, Protector, Driver, Persecutor Fictive - Stranger Things (TV) Likes: music and macabre trinkets Dislikes: people Theme Song(s): Fuel by Metallica
+ Comments: N/A
Hannibal Lecter Pronouns: he/him/his Protector, Shield, Caregiver, Clone Fictive - Hannibal (TV & book series) Likes: people watching Dislikes: people interacting ANTI-ENDO
Season 1 Hannibal
Post-Finale Hannibal
+ Comments: N/A
Steve Harrington Pronouns: he/him/his Struggler, Drone Fictive - Stranger Things (TV)
+ Comments: N/A
Roadkill Pronouns: It/xe Shield, Protector ANTI-ENDO Theme Song(s): My Ordinary Life by the Living Tombstone
+ Comments: N/A
Will Wood Pronouns: he/they/she Struggler, Driver, Drone, Shield Factive - Will Wood (musician) ANTI-ENDO Theme Song(s): anything by Will Wood and/or Will Wood and the Tapeworms
+ Comments: I dunno what to say.
Mozart "Ozzy" Pronouns: He/they/it/xe/ze/wyrm/rot/pup/thy Hobbyist
+ Comments: N/A
Other -
Veros Pronouns: they/he Babysitter, Caretaker
+ Comments: N/A
Klaus Hargreeves Pronouns: he/they/she Fictive - Umbrella Academy (TV)
+ Comments: N/A
Abigail Pronouns: she/her/hers Fucktive - IRL friend + Abigail Hobbs from "Hannibal" (TV) ANTI-ENDO
+ Comments: N/A
Beelzebub Pronouns: it/xe/ze Babysitter
+ Comments: N/A
Jacob Pronouns: he/him Little
+ Comments: N/A
Missing -
Odysseus Pronouns: he/him/his Gatekeeper 2+ years dormant
Mikan Pronouns: she/they Caretaker Fictive - Danganronpa (game) 4+ years dormant
Mason Pronouns: he/??? Protector 3+ years missing
The Twins, Percival & Atlas Pronouns: he/they 3+ years missing
Sage Pronouns: she/they 3+ years dormant
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queerhannibal · 4 years
Bryan said Hannigram's Love is Pure Love. And their Love have nothing to do if they are in Sexual relationship and not. He also said a LOT of Asexual Fans are HAPPY that Hannigram is CANON without them having sex, not like many other Canon Couple in many media that HAVE to show they're Canon by HAVING SEX! It's not Hard to understand really. If or when they have sex, they probably doing it in S5 because S4 Will won't be in his right mind and Hannibal want Will to Want him in his right mind!
Yeah I know all of these things lol
First of all the idea that wanting to have sex is somehow impure or corrupting to love is Fucked Up. Love that doesn’t include sexual desire is not on some higher level than love that does, and generally speaking when one really really loves their partner and also in general likes to have sex, they want to have sex with their partner for the closeness and bonding even if they’re not sexuallly attracted to each other
If they were gonna be good ace rep in the sense of “people who don’t want to have sex” they’d have to have not had sex with anyone, not just not want to have sex with each other?? Like I’m literally asexual and I love ace interpretations of these characters and I even really enjoy fanworks in which they don’t have sex with each other because of that, but there’s a big difference between what I’d want to see in a fanwork and what is good representation in media, and “two queer men who like to fuck in general but don’t want to have sex with each other” is not it. That’s homophobic gay rep not ace rep. And I know Bryan is gay so that’s not how he means it, but it’s playing into the trend in media to avoid physical intimacy in mlm couples
I can be happy they haven’t had sex in the show as it stands and still know that it would be homophobic to not have them have sex if the show continues. If he’d wanted them to not ever have sex he shouldn’t have put them in so many sex scenes or even had sex scenes in the first place
Of course Hannibal will want Will to want him in his right mind, it’s absurd to suggest otherwise, but there’s absolutely NO reason Will needs to be out of his mind??? The idea of Will being out of his mind in s4 is absolutely absurd and makes no sense whatsoever based on where he was at the end of s3. I have no interest in seeing Will out of his mind again, they’ve done that and it was my least favorite part of the show. If they go with a “Will is out of his mind” storyline for s4 (which is their choice!!!! They don’t have to do that!!!! It makes no sense to do that!!!!) and use that to explain why they’re pandering to homophobes, I will not be watching season four
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captainmilf · 3 years
Okay but real talk I hope we never get a season 4 because we don't need to give br*an f*ller another job
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sad-trash-hobo · 4 years
I think the most unpopular opinion that I could give to the Hannibal fandom is that I fucking hate Alana Bloom. Everything about her. Her voice, that I can see all her teeth when she talks, her eyebrows piss me off, her as a character makes me ridiculously mad. Any scene that has her in it brings me closer to throwing the remote at the tv. And a second unpopular opinion, I hate Margot too
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hehimhannibal · 3 years
ik hannibal ended perfectly and everything but i still want a season 4. its 2021 we could get a hannigram sex scene
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archidrews · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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britishguyslover · 4 years
Something I look forward when season 4 happens: Will is finally honest with everyone. He can now tell Jack to go to hell.
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citrinekay · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
You are one of two anons to send me this message so thank you to both of you 😘
1. The Papermill Revivals - this is a Mindhunter AU set in late Prohibition Era featuring jaded FBI detective Bill Tench who has a drinking problem and questionable life choices, and Catholic priest Holden Ford, a true bleeding heart with his own sordid past. Together they have to work together to stop criminal business tycoon Ted Gunn from securing their small-town of Papermill, Virginia in his evil grasp. This fic is quite possibly the best thing I've ever written as far as plotting goes. If you're so inclined, you might even enjoy it without ever having watched Mindhunter.
2. The Way Home - this is another AU but of Black Sails this time. An intergalactic science fiction journey set in a war-torn, apocalyptic future. James and John are marooned together on a dying planet and must work together in order to escape with their lives. Romance and adventure ensues.
3. This stretch of sand and sea - Black Sails post-canon anti-fix-it. Silver contracts Hanahaki disease after ending the war and sending Flint to the plantation. The disease plagues him for 10 long years until he at last begins the journey to find Flint in the Americas and try to confess all the things he never said. (WARNING: this fic is grim and sad and not entirely hopeful. Don't read if you're not a fan of ambiguous/possibly unhappy endings. That being said, I am probably most proud of this fic out of all my Black Sails writing)
4. Trust Among Thieves - Since I can't rec the whole series, I offer you the first out of seven fics set in a canon-compliant timeline where Silver and Flint take up a sub/dom relationship during the pre- season 3 raids. Featuring a lot of kinky stuff but mostly cock & ball torture. Sounds like a lot or something you might not usually find sexy?? Just give it a try and trust me. I put my heart and soul into this one.
5. The Painted Veil - the oldest fic of mine I'm gonna rec here mostly because my twin loves this story and that makes me even fonder of it. A Hannigram post-fall fic set in Iceland that has Will and Hannibal sharing the tiny spaces of a defunct lighthouse. Heavy on dialogue, fancy metaphors, literary and biblical allusions, and a surreal sense that maybe none of this is actually real.
I'll tag @mail-me-a-snail @willgrahambf @etoilesombre and nobody else because I think my other writing buddies already got this ask. Only if you want to of course 💖
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freakadr0id · 2 years
OFMD and My Experience With Queerbait and Fandoms
I don’t think I can emphasize just how cathartic Our Flag Means Death is for me and my relationship with queer media and fandom space in general. It has made me grow optimistic for the state of queer television, and reminded me why fandom spaces are so important for the queer community online.
BTW this is a VERY long (seriously it’s too fucking long), kind of trauma dumpy post. If that’s not your jam, just skip over this. I don’t often do this sort of word vomity personal post, but OFMD has been stuck in my brain for a solid week and I have a lot of feelings when it comes to this show. There will be TL;DR at the end, but if you end up reading it, I have a feeling quite a few people will relate to my experience. I’ve bolded the elements that I think are most important in this mess of a thought dump.
Just like so many queer people, I have been burned again and again by shows, books and movies who have hinted at the promise of representation yet continuously end up disappointed. The presence of fanfiction and fandoms were a solace for me for many years, as I explored the subtext and queer themes that many shows have to offer, even if the representation wasn’t really there. However, one show ruined all this for me, and I began to resent most television shows and their fandoms, excluding animation (I’ll get to that in a bit).
Let me take you back in time to late 2018. I’ve just discovered this show called The Magicians (you might have heard about it) and I have fallen hard into the fandom. More so than I’ve ever done before. Not only am I consuming all I can surrounding the show and the books, but it’s also the most active I’ve ever been in a fandom (it was the first fandom Discord I ever joined). I talked to people in the fandom, felt like I was truly a part of the community, and even started setting up a rewatch of the show when it went on hiatus between seasons 4 and 5.
Then The Magicians season 4 came out, and it all came crashing down. They had killed their bisexual main character in the worst way possible, and every bit of queer rep the show had built up was all but destroyed. So many people struggled after that finale, heartbroken and upset at how they handled Quentin’s death. My mental health was in a terrible state at the time, so seeing Quentin, a character I so strongly related to, die the way he did was devastating to me. The fandom was shattered, and this little community I deeply loved became a source of pain to me. I never saw season 5 (I only read synopses) or watched the show ever again. Not even fanfiction could help me through this and I left the fandom entirely. I abandoned the rewatch project I helped set up, and I stopped talking to the people I met through it. Although I think it was best for my mental health at the time, this is something I still regret.
The Magicians was the final straw when it came to queerbait. It left more than a bad taste in my mouth - I lost interest in live action shows almost entirely, since most of my experience with queerbait came from that medium. There have only been two live action shows I’ve really watched since The Magicians: Hannibal and Good Omens, two shows that I knew going in were accepted by the queer community for their representation. The rest have been animated shows, which have been pushing the boundaries of queer rep in television over the last decade.
Fandoms were still a place I dreaded, since so many of them are full of antis, ship discourse, and bad takes (the animation community has some fucking AWFUL takes on shows and the industry). There were a few I continued to follow, but they were for things that have long since ended. Ongoing fandoms are strictly off limits.
I’ve learned an important lesson from The Magicians: most queer ships are never going to happen. I see so many fandoms hype up certain ships, swearing it’s going to be endgame (TJLC style, although not quite to that degree), yet I know most of them will end up only upset and disappointed. Why bother with an ongoing fandom, if I knew that any potential ship in the show wasn’t going to happen.
When I saw OFMD trending on Tumblr two weeks ago and I saw all the excitement surrounding it, I decided to give it a chance, and I loved it. To be fair, the first three episodes were rough for me (I get secondhand embarrassment really easily), but by episode eight, I saw what this show was doing. This was the show I had been waiting for – that we all were waiting for. I still had my doubts when it came to Stede/Ed, even with everything David and the cast were saying, but I finally had hope.
A kiss between Ed and Stede was something I simultaneously knew would happen, but never thought would exist. When we got the kiss in episode 9, I was overwhelmed with excitement, surprise, and most importantly, relief. For once we weren’t being lied to and the subtext became text. This isn’t some final episode conclusion that ensures straight people and homophobes continue watching the show throughout, but a first season promise that more is to come. The feelings we had upon seeing the kiss is something we should have been experiencing this whole time. It has been a long-fought battle to get to this point, and hoo boy does it feel good.
You would think that the excellent queer rep that this show provides would make me more resentful of the shows that failed in doing so, but I’m not. If anything, I’m more at peace with how those shows made me feel. For a long time, I hated what those shows did, since those shows were our chance to see finally ourselves on mainstream tv (let’s face it, Hannibal is a niche show). Time and time again we were denied that chance. Now, we have this show. We finally have a queer show that appeals to a wide range of people, straights included. I can accept my disappointment in shows like The Magicians now that there is better queer content to enjoy. It is just another broken steppingstone on the path it has taken to get here.
I’ve never been in a fandom this early on, and it has been a joy to see it grow. People are celebrating the show and the community surrounding it has been incredibly supportive of each other. I joined a OFMD Discord, the first one since The Magicians, and the people I have talked to on there have been absolutely wonderful. Of course, there has been a bit of discourse in the fandom (I think the kiss was excellent and the awkwardness of it was entirely in line with Ed and Stede’s character arc), but overall, I have seen nothing but amazing, talented people sharing their love for this show in their art and writing. I have people I can enjoy the show with, even if I don’t irl, and I am reminded why I enjoyed fandom spaces to begin with.
Has my faith in television and fandoms been totally restored? No, and it likely never will. We will get queerbaited by other shows in the future, and fandoms will always be a somewhat problematic culture. However, I believe that this show will set an example for queer media, setting a standard for what it can look like in the future and how creator honesty and fan expectations can improve in fandom spaces.
TL;DR: The Magicians ruined everything I loved about live action television and fandoms as a whole. I hated the constant queerbait and toxic fan culture that surrounded many of these shows and removed myself from them as a result. OFMD and its excellent queer rep (and lack of queerbait) has improved my outlook on live action television and fandom cultures, and helped me accept the pain I felt from past shows that failed in executing, or straight up lied about their queer rep.
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dirigibleplumbing · 3 years
fic writer meme
I was tagged by @elcorhamletlive! Thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 56 (16 of which are fanart) 
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 390,774
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Every True Thing,  Ashes to Ashes, Into Words, Mobius Strip, and Edges. All are Steve/Tony
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, eventually. I do it because I can and I think it’s a nice thing to do if one can. (I mean “can” in the “emotional and physical capacity” sense, to be clear. I’m slow at it because I don’t always have that capacity. And I have the utmost respect and love for authors who do not have that capacity for literally any reason.)  
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Probably Lay Me Low. Even in the sequel I’ll never write, which ends with regular Steve and Tony both being back, they’d still be stuck dealing with the aftermath of Secret Empire and everything that happened in my story. It’s tough though because the versions of Steve and Tony in-story at the end are kinda thriving! The same is roughly true of A Borrowed Body. In a way though I think the ending of A Borrowed Body is worse because they both have some awareness of how fucked up what’s happening is. 
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? I’m gonna go with  Down the Aisles because it’s just so fluffy and, of course, their marriage prevents Civil War. 
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? Yes, though I usually regret them, lol. I adore reading crossovers, though, so I keep writing them. Back in ye olde LiveJournal days there was a multiverse fandom exchange (as far as I know there is no existing archive of these fics) full of the most amazing and bonkers universe combos out there. I still remember one written not long after Order of the Phoenix was released where Sirius passes through the veil and then shows up on Serenity and figures out that River is a witch (in the Harry Potter sense). If that sounds cringe to you then I’m sorry you don’t enjoy fun, except also I totally get you because that’s kinda how I feel about my own crossover fics! I’m not sure how to measure crazy here, but I’m gonna go with my old Leverage x MCU fics. I just don’t know if it’s possible or even desirable to reconcile the anti-corporate, anti-billionaire message of Leverage with, y’know, Tony, and those stories are just short little “the characters I like meet the other characters I like and are FRIENDS” indulgences. 
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? I don’t know that I’d call it hate, but yes, I get occasional comments from people who don’t like one side of MCU Civil War, don’t think Steve should forgive Tony, don’t think Tony should forgive Steve, etc. 
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? Yes. I’m not sure I understand this question but pretty much all my smut has D/s overtones even if it’s not outright kinky. There’s often a service element, usually with a service dom. There is also pretty much always penetration of some kind. I’m trying to branch out, lol, but I’m kinda single-minded. 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! It’s so cool!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, though I’d love to if the right idea/partner came around. 
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? So far it’s been Steve/Tony. I will sometimes go months at a time without reading any new stony fic, either reading other ships or mostly pubfic, but so far I’ve found them to have the richest relationship and the most potential stories in them. I also seriously think we have a really high concentration of amazing writers. There are wonderful writers in all the fandoms I read, but I hardly ever encounter fic for other ships that blows me away the way so many Steve/Tony stories do. 
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I despair of ever finishing my Will/Hannibal post-season-3 road trip fic. I have other WIPs that I’ve just given up on, and others that I’ve gone as long or longer without working on but seriously think I will return to. I even have another Will/Hannibal WIP I started at the same time, also post-season-3 except they’re on a boat, that I feel more confident about completing. The way I want to write Hannibal fic involves a lot of research and intensive dialogue rewrites, because people on that show don’t speak like humans, so anything I write for that fandom is slow going. The boat one gets increasingly surreal, though, which is more freeing, while the road trip one I want to feel grounded in reality and I find that hard to balance with the tone of the show, the murders, the dialogue, etc. But I have the whole thing outlined and there are aspects of it I’m really excited about. 
15. What are your writing strengths? I think some of the metaphors/imagery I come up with are awesome. I’m often proud of my plotting, too. 
16. What are your writing weaknesses? I mostly like my dialogue in terms of the words that I have characters say, BUT the part where they move their bodies and look at each other while speaking? Definitely a struggle for me. My WIPs have a lot of people looking lookingly with their lookers if you know what I mean. I have other weaknesses for sure but I’m not sure they apply when it comes to fanfic. Like, I love happy endings and don’t worry very much whether they’re 100% “earned” by a narrative. That’s something I want to work on for original fic, but for fanfic I endeavor not to give a shit. 
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Most of my thoughts about it have to do with accessibility (where are the translations, do those translations work easily on other devices like e-readers, do they work on mobile, do they work with screen readers) but generally I’m neutral about it. I have some Irish dialogue and song lyrics in an early fic, and I have mixed feelings about the style choices I made with it. 
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Harry Potter, though I didn’t finish it or publish it. I was approximately 14 years old and wrote it by hand with a purple fountain pen in a spiral-bound lefthanded journal. It was from Luna Lovegood’s POV, had something to do with Sirius Black, and I think it was gen. 
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? I have WIPs in fandoms I haven’t published in yet, mainly Dean/Cas and Kirk/Spock (I’ve technically published a Hannibal fic, it was a short X-Files crossover). There are probably others but that’s all I can think of right now. 
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Right now it’s The Culling of the Stars. I have an undisclosed WIP that’s sort of my favorite, too, though I wish it would finish itself. 
I tag @fanfictiongreenirises @arukou-arukou @kiyaar @hollypunkers @sineala @veryvincible @ishipallthings @ghosthan @oluka @onlymorelove and anyone else who wants to do it! 
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bowie-boy · 3 years
I had a nightmare that a trailer for season 4 of Hannibal was released and it was an anti-Communist propaganda Marvel crossover, I think this is a sign
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