#another code r spoilers
alyss-kelly · 4 months
My opinion about Another Code : Recollection Part 1
First of all, I'm an old fan of the serie, so of course I compared the Switch compilation and the DS and Wii version.
I don't want to discourage people who are curious and want to play the game. If you're even a lil bit interested in them, play them, on DS, Wii or Switch, pick your poison and make your own opinion on it. Don't take my word as the absolute thing or whatever. It's not because I'm mixed about it that people shouldn't play it. Because I still think that a game that was, to me, very niche, from a studio that went bankrupt AND from 2005, is incredible. For a game like that to get a fully voiced remake almost twenty year after the release of its first installment, with most of the old crew working on them is to be celebrated ! Even if I didn't like everything, they still did an amazing job and I'm glad to see the franchise alive again in 2024.
I have strong feelings and I feel the need to share them to see if someone "relates" or not.
I may talk about spoilers but I'll try to limit them, be vague and put a warning before and after if I state it clearly.
Soo, now that this "introduction is over ~
In this essay I will
I have a LOT to say about Another Code Recollection. Good and Bad. Sadly, I have more things to say about the bad than the good. I have mixed feeling about it. I was very VERY excited when Recollection was first announced, I cried even, because I care about "Another Code Two Memories" and "Another Code R" A LOT, it's my childhood, they're in my top fav games list, they were very meaningful to me and I was sad it ended with Cing and with no hope of seeing the conclusion of Matthew's story. Even tho I was happy, I was still a bit scared about how they would adapt some of the puzzle on the switch. And I think I was right to have this fear. They did some cool things and others that I disliked.
I'll say my "+" and "-" and develop them further bellow each point.
+ Positive :
The graphism They're very nice, the characters's models are nicely done, the scenery and everything else is definitely a BIG glow up (mostly compared to the DS graphics)
The Redesign I like some of them a LOT, big glow up for almost everyone. I particularly love Charlotte and Janet. Charlotte finally looks her age! I kinda miss the old Matthew but his new version is also good.
Puzzles use the Switch motions thingy Just a few of them tho. I think that's cool, because they sadly don't use it very much in other games. And it's nice to see them try to replicate the same feeling you had with the DS and Wii games.
Confirmation of theories and new bits of story It's nice to see that after all these years. /!\SPOILER/!\ I'm thinking about Frannie's relative. /!\END OF SPOILER/!\
Musics They nailed the music; it still has that nostalgic and lonely vibe for Two Memories and the carefree with a hint of sadness vibe in R.
Voice Acting A very nice addition and very well done. I know there's English Dub but I played it with the Japanese voices. And being able to choose between them is nice.
Possibility to switch language That's maybe a very "me" + point, but the fact that I could change the game in every language available is cool. Even more for the jp, cause now if I want to I could try and practice my reading skills because there's an option to have katakana and hiragana on top of kanji. I just think that's neat.
Hint mode I just tried it in the tutorial but I think it's a nice touch for when you don't know where to go or how to resolve a puzzle.
Relationship between Ashley and D The way they would mimic each other poses was all I ever wanted. I love them a lot and seeing them being a little bit closer than I remember them to be in the DS version was great !
Art The new sprites are very pretty and it's nice to see the improvement the artist made. The endcredits was very pretty !
Flowchart & Map I like to see flowchart in any type of game, it's helpfull and pretty. I like that it was updated along with the story. And I also enjoy the map and the little commentary Ashley was "writing" on it.
End of Part 1
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 month
No no you don’t understand - that it was Buck (and another guy) ripping the sleeves off Eddie’s PINK shirt is so interesting and loud. Pink representing innocence and naïveté this season as a theme - so Buck ripping off a sleeve (and waving it around) is a physical representation of buck being the one to rip away part of Eddie’s innocence- his naïveté
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dandy-dog · 9 months
Another Code remake collection for the Switch?? HELLO????
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sebadztian · 2 months
I've watched the first episode, and I have some spoilers (is it still a spoiler if we have read the manga and know what's going on? 🤔)
Just to be safe though... Spolier below the cut!
It's great!! Some moments are actually quite funny. C & S first interaction is hilarious and reflects their relationship. Ciel is so sarcastic and Seb is one hell of a teacher.
Ciel's two different voices are so funny to me. It's like there's this 'real Ciel' (not to be confused with r!Ciel) that sounds like a grumpy old man. And then there's this Ciel that he presents to everyone else, and that includes his voice. When he gave Clayton the salute, I laughed. And I'm pretty sure Seb did too. We just didn't see it on screen. Reminds me of Smile, eh?
Tbh, I had dreaded Seb's new artstyle since it's very different from the previous Sebs, but I don't think he looks that bad. Just different. But I haven't seen much of him, so the judge's still out there.
Seriously though, it's good to hear Mr. Ono & Miss Sakamoto reprising their roles as Sebastian & Ciel.
They changed 'fag', but that's expected. They use the word 'drudge'. Diedrich the drudge. Heh!
I have no opinion on the P4 , surprisingly. They're ok. Not good, not bad.
The Opening song is... well, quite something. I don't even know what's going on. I watched it a few times, but still can't figure out where that titan comes from, lol!
Now, the ED... I can talk about the ED forever! It's PERFECT! Mellow, gentle, soft, and so very gay. I FREAKING LOVE IT! The artstyle is so gorgeous and Ciel looks absolutely adorable! A million Kudos for the people behind the ED, and of course, SID for another Sebaciel coded song!
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adragonsfriend · 1 month
Reading Darth Plagueis,
by James Luceno.
Ok I finished this book. It was a wild ride, here are some highlights, (anything in quotes, " ", is in fact, a direct quote). Spoilers, I guess.
“At some point, probably when he was focused on murder, a rock or other projectile had pulped a large area of his lower back.”--Plagueis
Yeah man that always happens to me too when I’m focused on murder
Me thinking, *Plagueis is way too normal for a sith,* about five seconds before the narration goes *Plagueis was hungry. he thought about eating the eggs of some sentient lizards and also the sentient lizards themselves, but restrained himself*
Plagueis, a banker: nOt all mUNns R bAnkErS u kNoW
A pirate who wants a bribe: be better for you if you were some financial wizard
Plagueis, a literal wizard:
Captain La (the random pirate): how do u know my name
Plagueis: *truthing* I sliced you ship’s systems,
Plagueis: *lying* it’s not like I’m a telepath or something
*at the evil rich people party*
"Republic senators, at least those that weren’t present, would be subjected to ridicule—"
I love how the narration says "subjected" like Bail Organa would give fuck about some assholes making fun of him
Plagueis in a business meeting as hego damask:
Repeats himself multiple times conducting experiments in trying to force suggest to a resistant species
His assistant: bro what r u doing ur making us look bad
omg young Palpatine is so Anakin coded. Genuinely he throws tantrums it’s perfect
Tag this accidental baby acquisition some random dathomiri lady just handed maul over like a sac of potatoes
Sidious, about to gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep, mansplain, manipulate, and threaten to manslaughter Nute Gunray within an inch of his life all in the span of a 2 minute zoom call: *wearing his Sith cloak on their holocall* what is up my guy? did u get the rare collectible bird I sent u anonymously a while back?
Nute Gunray: uhh…yes…um… its very nice…who are you and why r u hiding in that hood bro?
Sidious: it's the traditional clothing of my Order
Gunray: ur a cleric?
Sidious: "Do I seem like a holy man to you?"
Me: the only holes I see here are in your logic, morals, ability to feel compassion, and *waves hand all encompassingly* vibes
Dooku: if one more Jedi dies because of the indolence of the republic, I’ll leave the Jedi and refuse to look back
Palpatine: *listening attentively*
Plagueis & Maul: (separately) gloat about being Sith Lords to people they’re about to kill
Sidious: these idiots cannot keep a secret to save their lives—
Plagueis ACTUALLY believes Sidious is about to appoint him co-chancellor. what an idiot.
Padme shocking both Sith at every turn during the Naboo crisis is sending me
Oooh Sidious' murder rant is incredible. He's like Plagueis you manipulated and abused me, now i'm gonna kill you so I can go do that to other people without you hanging over my shoulder. It's like the evil but still cathartic version of Zuko's speech to Firelord Ozai.
Dooku: That zabrak guy was definitely a Sith. There has to be another one, probably the master
Sidious, standing right next to him in a shadowy warehouse wearing a black cloak: “how would one even begin to know where to look for this other Sith?”
“For an instant, Palpatine perceived a touch of his younger self in Skywalker”
This book needs to stop. Maybe consider pulling its punches sometime. The only mark of disapproval I have here is that this is portraying Obi-Wan as an asshole for the five seconds he’s present
Bad news, the book did indeed stop. I have been gravely injured, but also greatly amused. The experience of reading this book is just constant vacillation between *wow so Sith Lord, so scary, so evil* and *Plagueis, my guy, that is the dumbest ideology I’ve ever heard. maybe if you took a nap (for the first time in 20 years) you’d finally say something that made sense*
I will also confess that I was taking detailed notes about Plagueis for an AU idea I have that I will not be starting for at least another year because I am married to BHOT and I refuse to be like the rest of you sorry fucks with 17 wips (ignoring that fanfic is in fact the only genre of writing I do not have at least 17 wips in)
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armoredsuperheavy · 10 months
MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: An Insufferably Queer Film Review
I rewatched MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (1987) for the first time since it came out last night and WOW I have some thots about this thing. We enjoyed roasting the living shit out of it but there's a few gold nuggets in there despite the brutal budget cuts that impacted the plot and what not.
Contains plenty of spoilers.
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God bless Wardrobe
OK so … the film doesn't bother to set up any real motivations for the characters, and He-Man (an incredible looking Dolph Lundgren rrrowrrrr) has almost no dialogue which is such a fucking waste. But this complete lack of narrative framework means we can apply OUR OWN explanations to events.
From the very beginning Skeletor has this obsession with He-Man, which will simmer and then culminate in a final showdown. But before we get to that hot mess, we have to wade through the middle of the film.
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He gets as much screen time as He-Man.
Meet the utterly repulsive dwarf scientist Gwildor played by Billy Barty, a rinse-and-repeat of his performance as an utterly repulsive magic troll in Legend (1986). This dwarf is the film's Jar Jar. His face is like a deep dish pizza after an acid attack. His real mouth is visible behind the immobile thick prosthetics and it makes for some truly disturbing close-up dialogue shots. Please, pan away from Pizza the Hutt and give us another shot of Lundgren's pecs please I am begging you, DP
We find ourselves in Gwildor's hobbit hole, and he's a magical inventor. So he has this cylindrical object, it's not clear whether it's a weapon or a teleporter but I'm calling it the Butt-Reamer 9000. Inexplicably, there are two of these things and Skeletor has the other one, and wants to collect both of them. So Skeletor has an excuse to go hunting He-Man as he's hunting his missing McGuffin, er I mean sex toy.
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Features rotating ticklers, a big improvement over the Butt Reamer 8000.
The thing about the Butt-Reamer 9000 is its magical power to make even this promising setup devolve into a grind as it whisks the Eternians into the magical, enchanting world of a 1987 New Jersey parking lot. WHO WROTE THIS?
The entire middle of the movie is pretty much hot garbage and involves police detectives, arson, vandalism, high school prom, and other dumb bullshit. Aside from the distractingly naked He-Man, the good guys are an utter bore and include some Eternians, some regular Earth humans and their quotidian concerns which really brings down the fun of the movie. (No, baby Courtney Cox, I don't care about your imminent breakup with your mediocre boyfriend!)
The film owes a second mortgage to Star Wars and steals a lot of ideas from it, from bad guys in shiny black stormtrooper helmets, to heroes shooting blue lasers, baddies shooting red.
Let's turn from this depressing state of affairs and focus back on our cherished villain blorbos.
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(L-R: Karg, Evil-Lyn our goddess, and Blade.)
Evil-Lyn is beautiful, evil, a cold bitch queen. Gurl you can do so much better than sticking with this loser Skeletor.
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Dump! Him! He's gay anyway!
Skeletor is a shit lazy boss of Greyskull and makes Evil-Lyn run the goddamn place in general. He literally shoots the messenger at one point. Great for morale, there, Skel buddy.
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Look closer. Fierce!
There's a number of budget rate henchmen on the job, including Karg, who used a whole can of aqua net this morning and is running around in a white fur capelet with a massive bouffant. He is just doing his best okay, really it's hard to look fabulous around these other bitches.
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Blade definitely deserved more screen time
Also, Blade, who had a slutty costume of silvery scale maille or something, and was a bit like a sci-fi bondage Riff Raff / space Judas Priest. Best side character costume.
So, there we have it, the queer coded villain roster of the film.
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This homemade collage is for sure taped inside Skeletor's locker at school
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Note the gigantic brown eye.
Finally, thank Satan, we return to Castle Greyskull, though it's more like beige-and-brown-skull. But aside from the questionable use of faux marble finishes, this is a quality villain lair with hard points installed directly in the floor of the living room, convenient death pits, and an excellent throne setup that I'm pretty sure they recycled for The Fifth Element.
He-Man is captured alive and brought before Skeletor. Blade does the honors with a 15 foot glowing red bullwhip to He-Man's naked and oiled back, much to the delight of dyed-in-the-wool sadist Evil-Lyn.
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Movie is getting good now. Was the side quest to Jersey really necessary?
Skeletor, though, watches this action from the throne and has a lot of interesting responses. We had to conclude that Skeletor is a big old bottom but won't admit it. As a dom he is utterly ineffective. He's trying to make He-man kneel and all this shit but He-Man is not submissive at all. Skeletor is … lol. He really just wants to smell He-Man's dick.
The depths (heh) of his bottom nature will become apparent shortly. But first, a costume change.
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Skeletor's glow up --- i'm every woman.
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Honey we know you're just trying to impress He-man.
Werk tho.
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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Hole
The gigantic sky-sphincter directly behind the throne has slid open wide… "Begin! The Goatse Ritual! Join me, He-Man, as I become LORD OF THE GAPE" But He-Man's phallic symbol shines bright in defiance. In the end, Skeletor is vanquished symbolically by his own nature and instead of his hole swallowing He-Man, a gaping hole swallows Skeletor instead.
They don't really explain what happened to Evil-Lyn after He-Man's inevitable victory in final man to man combat but she was too smart to get caught sleeping in there and must have survived. What a hot evil competent BABE. After the events of the film end, I vote that Evil-Lyn seduces Teela (the good guy solder lady) and has a hot toxic lesbian affair with her.
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Evil-Lyn serves cunt in hell 4 evar
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Want some more?
Nice fanart
Another breakdown on Buzzfeed if you enjoyed mine this is even more gay headcanon
The movie is free on Tubi if you want to subject yourself to it.
ArmoredSuperHeavy, 19 Aug 2023
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crescencestudio · 11 months
Intertwine Post-Mortem
i lied. i don’t know if this qualifies as a post mortem. i don’t even know what a post mortem is LMFAOkxkak
but this is my post intertwine release “devlog” chock full of dev experiences, behind the scenes looks, and more for those who want to know more about the process of creating intertwine and thoughts i’ve had in reflection of release/experiencing otojam!
it’s long bc in usual crescence fashion, a bitch loves to talk. so buckle in gamers!
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my thank u offering for all the downloads and reviews
Committing to OtoJam
for those who didn’t know, i entered otojam on a sort of Whim. because i am deep in the alaris trenches, i didn’t want to distract myself for too long from my main game, especially when there are people who have paid to support development. after talking to some friends, i thought otojam would actually be good for me. i’d been struggling with burnout and was in a creative rut. on top of that, i’d been doing this dev thing for almost 2 years with no full game to show for it (cries). even if otojam would take time away from alaris, perhaps it would give me what i needed—a kick of Motivation, a dash of Creativity, and some GD Fun.
so i decided about two days into otojam to officially enter it! And thus Intertwine made its appearance
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the graphic that started it all
Oh, we are Otojamming
the intertwine editing team assembled and we got to work. because i already had a pretty solid idea of the game (it had been an idea i was sitting on for a while), there was less time spent on brainstorming and more time spent on writing and editing the script. for playtesters, i already have a group for alaris, and a couple of them kindly offered to playtest intertwine for otojam. i spontaneously decided to cast a va after some discussions with the editing team, and max joined. then, with One Week left of otojam, faefield productions entered the scene!
regarding development, the first month was largely dedicated to the script. weeks 1-2 were writing and fleshing out. weeks 3-4 were dedicated to editing and fine tuning. when my editors were reviewing the script, i was creating all the art assets. after the first month, i would say we had most of the gui, one cg, and the base sprite done!
at that time i felt pretty good. we were making good progress! i even was productive on alaris and irl work!
then the Second Month happened lmao.
i always forget the Horrors of fine tuning a build. i’m projecting right now, but i’d argue a lot of developers forget or underestimate the fine tuning/ quality testing stage. during the 4th-6th weeks of otojam, i wrapped up all the assets needed for the beta build. i finished the remaining cgs, all sprite expressions, and the rest of the gui. then i coded all the features into a beta version: learning how to create a messaging system for the first time, nailing the multiple iteration mechanic, cutting and editing the voice acting audio, and other Horrors that i’m sure i’ve since blacked out from my memory all happened during the sixth week of otojam. i was truly in the Coding Trenches.
BUT i got the build done and was able to send it out to playtesters for a week of quality testing. spoiler alert: the build wasn’t perfect and there were many bugs that needed fixing. the seventh week—the second to last week of otojam—was dedicated to this as well as my own tinkering so that the build felt completely Perfect (making sure expressions r exactly how i want them, transitions and audio fade perfectly, animations are perfect, that godforsaken clickable string to get to the next iterations that No One was clicking. all of the tiny aspects that make a game feel really polished). I am Not good with grinding. Suffice to say this was probably the most miserable week.
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me every hour: DID U CLICK THE STRING
But once again WE MADE IT! Near the end of the seventh week, orpheo of faefield productions reached out to me and after gushing to each other about how big of a fan we are of one another, we spontaneously collaborated for a custom OST. Enter the eighth week, and we were ALL grinding. playtesters trying out a second build within only two days. editing team making fine tuning edits for the best script. coding. voiced lines that needed the slightest bit of tinkering.
Come 3PM on june 30th (otojam ends 6pm june 30th) and i’m coding the new music room, adding and double checking the new ost, and more. Two hours pass and it’s 5PM. We have less than an hour to submit. 5:30something comes by and with shaky hands, i release the game page and submit to otojam.
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flashbacks to college 11:59 deadlines fr
On top of last week crunching, i was also dealing with extreme prerelease stress. i’ve never released a full game before. a demo, i can change. i can still tinker. this isn’t the final product. But a Full Game? My god. what if ppl hate it? or worse, what if ppl are so apathetic, they don’t even look at it and it gets sent to the void? after all, this year’s entries are stunning. they are Bold and Creative and Fun and intertwine is so….
Some Lessons—Take Them or Leave Them
lesson 1. don’t listen to prerelease anxiety. that is the devil talking to you. if u have friends at least they will play and be nice to u. if u don’t have friends and no one plays, well it’s not the end of the world!!!! there’s always the next game. and u fckn know what? at least u Made that shit. keep ur head high, icon.
lesson 2. have fun and take care of yourself. the reception to intertwine has been amazing. i couldn’t be happier with it. but at the end of the day, the reason i look back on otojam fondly is because of the very dear friends i had to support me and have fun with me thru it all. life is meant to be enjoyed. it’s meant to be about memories, not metrics! never forget what’s truly important in life (cheesy, everyone boos me, but i’m right idgaf)
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where would i be without them
lesson 3. plan. there is room for spontaneity and flexibility. after all, u can’t guarantee everything will go to plan. but with otojam being a crunch, plan as much as you can beforehand to not stress urself out during it. with intertwine, i had a somewhat outline and at least a pretty good idea of the concept, game mechanics, narrative design, mood board, etc. i had character concept art of van. if i had to do all of this during otojam we wouldn’t have made it i’m so srs. i also think when u plan as much as u can before, u have more room and time to have fun during! more polished build and more loving memories it’s a win win.
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early concept art tbh i never thought it’d see the light of day
Typical Brand of Crescence Cheesiness
if you’ve made it this far ur a real one. all i have left to say is thank you for the support. while i was proud of intertwine (until the last week of otojam lol), i didn’t know what the response would be. to receive so many kind words has been unbelievably heartwarming.
as i said before, i’ve been in this game dev thing for 2 years with nothing to rly show for it. but during otojam, i could really feel the skills and experiences i’ve gained shine thru. i had a better handle on narrative design, coding things, integrating gui, and even more dev friends to talk to (thank u to all my friends who have played and messaged me U DONT KNOW HOW MUCH I LUV U). it was rewarding in a different sense compared to releasing a game, and i really am glad i did otojam to give me that perspective <3
a lot of things seemed to cockblock otojam this year (or so i’ve heard) between the sheer amount of entries (go us tho), the release of a lot of aaa otome games, and then twitter literally breaking less than 24 hours after otojam ended. even with all that, i’ve been so humbled and honored to see ppl enjoy intertwine. the comments i’ve gotten have honestly made me emotional, with many of you comparing it to games that i heavily admire and or expressing emotions i never would’ve dreamed to have been able to instill.
the otojam experience has been incredible, from the memories to the game to the reception. and i’m very grateful for all the people who made it that way! thank you for enjoying our silly little game made with our grubby little fingies. i hope you all continue to enjoy intertwine (and the other otojam entries from this year) and van!
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i luv u all!
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viofficial · 11 months
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[id: a digital illustration of mizuki akiyama and mafuyu asahina. they are standing in place, looking at the viewer, wearing a black dress. part of the dress is see through, specifically the sleeves, that are also decorated with black flowers. mizuki is smiling whilst mafuyu has a surprised look on her face. The background behind them is white with brown splotches and sticks with fruit on them. end id].
hello everyone !! this is prolly one of my first analysis posts, at least on this acc. I’ll be using screenshots from the game to illustrate my points, and separate the post into sections, as well as providing image descriptions and plain text for low vision ppl!! I will also be using she/they for mizuki and he/she for mafuyu, so if u dont like that then shoo. they r transfem (mizuki) and transmasc (mfy) respectively. Also spoilers for most of the events so uhh u shouldnt be reading this if u didnt read all of the mfy or mizu focused events. without furtho ado, let’s start!
Hiding One’s True Self
[plain text: hiding one’s true self. end plain text].
this is kind of an obvious observation, and it’s ofc for diff reasons, but both mafuyu and mizuki hide aspects of themselves to both niigo and the world. mafuyu’s is more subconscious, while mizuki is (for the most part) aware that she hides herself, esp from niigo. they’re both in a situation where it’s difficult to get out of, mfy with her abusive mother, and how her mother pressures her to conform and mold to how everyone, including her classmates, wants her to be. he’s seen as the perfect daughter, the perfect student, with no interests, opinions, anything of his own. mizuki, on the other hand, is very clearly transfem which i am not accepting critique on, and because she goes to great lengths to express her gender identity, even going so far as to change from the male school uniform to the female school uniform, ppl ridicule them, which causes them to not have many friends, esp not ones to freely talk abt their gender with. mizu’s relationship to ena mirrors mafuyu’s relationship with kanade, and they both serve as support to mfy and mizuki respectively. they specifically focus on wanting mfy and mizu to become their true selves, with kanade going so far to try to “save” mafuyu (which i have a Lot of opinions on but thats another analysis for another day). in the song samsa, from the event immiscible discord, there are lines sung by mizuki and mfy at the same time which further highlight these similarities, and go into what’s going on in the narrative.
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[id: a screenshot of lyrics, several color coded text in front of a black background. Kaito’s lines are outlined in blue, mafuyu’s in purple, ena’s in beige, mizuki’s in pink, kanade’s in red. some colors are combined, such as mafuyu and mizuki, kanade and ena, and kaito, kanade and ena. The lyrics read: It throbs, throbs, throbs (I throb in pain)
It aches, aches, aches (it aches, aches)
It throbs, throbs, throbs (I throb in pain)
It throbs, throbs, it aches
Throbbing, throbbing, throbbing painfully
Everyone barely escapes with their souls
It throbs, throbs, throbs
Eaten away by all the pain and the wranglers–taratta
But even so, I wonder why it still
Throbs, throbs, throbs (throbbing painfully)
It's as if you're biting into the apple, Sa-sa-Samsa
end id].
as u can see, mizuki and mfy are the only ones who sing the lines “i throb in pain,” “it throbs, it throbs, it throbs,” and “but even so, i wonder why it still.” kaito also joins in with singing the line, “it’s as if you’re biting the apple, sa-sa-samsa.” kaito is a manifestation of someone who’s trying to tell mafuyu the truth of his mother’s intentions, which mirrors meiko’s role in the event my footprints, your destination. while this event was a kanade and mfy focus, i have every reason to believe the song also parallels mizuki’s issues. while mfy and mizuki have sought refuge in niigo, they still are unable to fully open up. mfy feels she’s unable to become her true self and stand up to her mother, while mizuki is unable to disclose her trans identity. which brings me to my next point. 
[plain text: refuge. Plain text]. 
after a while of working with niigo, both mfy and mizu find a safe haven with kanade and ena, enough to be able to open up to them slightly. this is indicated in the videos of two events–and now, the ribbon is tied, and secret distance, two mizuki centric stories–that i’m about to share. it also shows how in a way, she relates to mfy’s struggle and feelings re: niigo. 
[ENG] And Now, the Ribbon is Tied - chapter 1 [Project Sekai event story]
when mfy mentions she feels at ease when working with niigo, mizuki takes note of it. she later says, near the end of the chapter, that they feel like they’re the same as mfy and think abt their past self. 
[Project Sekai] Event Story - Secret Distance [ENG Sub]
in this event, mizuki realizes that while they make music together, they don’t rlly know each other. so they set up an outing for the group to bond whilst stepping outside their comfort zone. after the outing, mizuki realizes how important they are to her, and how she finally feels like she’s found friends she feels comfortable with, enough to say she wants to do this next year. 
Relationship w/ School
[plain text: relationship with school. end plain text].
it’s said now and then that because of mizuki’s trauma, they consistently skip school. while mafuyu consistently goes to school unlike the rest of niigo, it’s clear he doesn’t like it and would rather make music with his friends and forge his own career path. when he had to go to cram school, he instead skipped school to be with her friends at fenilan. 
[ENG] Guiding a Lost Child to What Lies Beyond - chapter 5: The lost heart
Running From One’s Problems
[plain text: running from one’s problems. End plain text].
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[video description: the music video for kitty by niigo. Mizuki is wearing a black hat as well as an entirely black outfit, her hair down. Her fingers are curled like a cat’s claws. The layout looks like a camera on one’s phone, the options being mizuki, mafuyu, ena, len, and kanade. The video switches to mizuki’s current self and middle school self. Mizuki’s past self wears a red male school uniform, a pink ribbon, and her hands are on her cheeks, staring in horror. Mafuyu wears a ponytail with her bangs swayed, wearing a blue and red sweatshirt. Her child self has longer hair and holds a stuffed bunny. The video ends with len, who wears a sweatshirt and makes the same pose as mizuki. end video description].
before i get into that… lets take a break to see THIS part in kitty bc???? Oh my god??? 
okay anyway lets get into the most recent-ish (bc saying goodbye to my masked self has recently come out) event, our escape for survival. in this event, niigo is trying to find a way to help mfy and reach her as her laptop and synthesizer has been confiscated. throughout the story, mizuki compares her situation to mafuyu’s, and while it’s not the same, they still have similar while also having opposite issues. when they have a conversation with luka, she comes up with an idea to help mafuyu, as she does smth similar. during the hangout with mafuyu the next day, she tells him that it’s okay to run away, which ends up happening in goodbye to my masked self. while mizuki says that it doesn’t solve problems, i do feel like it mirrors mizuki’s situation, albeit in a different way. mizuki skips school and refuses to tell niigo abt their transness, just like mafuyu who initially couldn’t accept her mother being abusive, and chose to live in denial until kaito and the rest call her out. mizuki can’t accept the fact that others are able to love her for who she is, and so hides that aspect of herself. 
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[id: mizuki akiyama’s “the words i can only convey” untrained card, from the event our escape for survival. They look at the viewer, smiling whilst surrounded by lights and a crowd of people. End id].
[plain text: conclusion]. 
so yeah!! I feel like their dynamic is severely underappreciated and underwritten, and i’m so glad our escape for survival highlighted their parallels even more. i rlly hope that the game and the fandom thought abt them more, and not just in a ship sense, bc theyre a lot similar than u think. also purple and pink go so well together LMFAO also i love their area/side story convos. Like:
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[id: screenshot of “a moment of jest” second side story that reads: 
Mafuyu – “Amia. Why do you care so much about me? K promised to compose a song that will save me. But neither you nor Enanan have any reason to care about me that much. So... why?”
Mizuki – “Why, huh...? Don't be such a stranger. We're friends, aren't we?”
Mafuyu – “Friends? I thought we were only members of the same songmaking group?”
Mizuki – “Don't worry about it. I'm doing this because I want to. So you don't have to think too deeply into it.”
Mafuyu – “I see. I'll take your word for it, then.”
— "A Moment of Jest" second side story
End id].
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[id: screenshot of an area conversation in the empty sekai that reads: 
Mizuki – “Huh? What are you doing here in the afternoon? Don't you have school?”
Mafuyu – “We have tests all week, so we only have half days. What about you? Are you skipping class again?”
Mizuki – “No, I actually came to school today. Class was just super boring, so I decided to come here♪”
Mafuyu – “Hehe. In other words, you're skipping. Maybe I should let Miku know so she'll send you back.”
Mizuki – “Huh?! Oh, hey! How about we write some music together?! What do you think? Sounds fun, right?”
— Area Conversation in Empty SEKAI
 end id].
Yes i got this from the mizumafu shipping wiki don’t judge me fhdjkghfhj but yeah!! Lemme know what u think in the replies, i love discussion esp discussion of these characters. And if i missed anything pls let me know, i’m willing to correct/edit some things!! anyway byebye stan mafuyu and mizuki they r . transmasc transfem solidarity <3 (heart)
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rainofthetwilight · 9 months
alr now that ive finished studying..PT SECOND TEASER BRAINROT TIME 😎
(spoilers under cut)
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literally my dumbass screamed "YANG???" the moment i saw this part.
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bro look at my guy dorama. look at this idiot showcasing the three dragon cores to beatrix. hes so loser (affectionate)
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anyway. theres still no jay.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ʀɪʀɪ ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍꜱ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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Character: MCU!Riri Williams
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: Some general headcanons of mine for MCU’s Riri Williams!
Warnings: Some BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER spoilers if you haven't watched the movie
A/N: This is more MCU! Riri with a hint of comic book Riri, I personally combine them both in my characterization, but others may not and that's okay!!
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Riri may have a tough exterior but she’s literally the biggest softy. Of course, going to a school like MIT and being a black girl, there are people who wanna take her out of the game and she had to develop some thick skin on an elite campus like it. But when you peel back those layers, she’s really just a big goofball full of love and loyalty.
She doesn’t party or go out like that, at least not in Boston. She prefers Chicago nightlife a lot more, in spaces she’s more comfortable with. So when she is back home for breaks or just in general, she’ll be taking a stroll along the Magnificent Mile, the Lakefront, etc, just generally to clear her head
She doesn’t let just anyone into her work spaces. Granted, Shuri and Okoye kind of had to go to her Boston garage, but they’re the only two who’ve been inside it. Similarly, her garage at home (which is quite literally her mom’s garage that she converted to her own workstation) her mother only has access to it.
As an introvert she leans more into being a homebody. She doesn’t have friends to go out with or invite over, so she often spends time with her mom. They have a really good relationship, with her mother Ronnie supporting Riri’s aspirations no matter how far out they may seem
Riri listens to a lot of old school 80’s-90’s rap and R&B, with a sprinkle of current artists as well. Her most notably favorite artists are Tupac, Lauryn Hill, SWV, Queen Latifah, Flo Milli, J.I.D., WizKid, to name a few. (She won’t admit but she does listen to a bit of King Von...it gets her hype lol)
Her room at home has lavender walls and posters everywhere. She’s got a tapestry hanging above her bed and the corners of the ceilings are lined with artificial vines. In one corner there's a pile of metal she keeps telling herself she’s gonna go through and never does, and in the other is a butterfly chair stacked to the brim with stuffies. Everything has a place even if some people say it's messy; so long as she's able to navigate it, that's all that matters.
She uses slang wherever she goes with whoever she’s talking to - she doesn’t care at all. She could be talking to the president and she’ll still throw in a ‘bro’ or a ‘gang’ into the conversation. She gets shit for it from her mom sometimes but she’s learned to live with the fact that some people will just arent willing to understand her, and she shouldn’t have to stress about code switching with people who don’t even respect her
Definitely can walk through every block of Chicago untouched. People in the city know Riri, her name brings inspiration to thousands of kids who find comfort in science and technology. She’s a ray of hope. No one dares to touch her.
If one wants to start a friendship with Riri, they’d have to be taking the lead for a minute before she’s comfortable enough with you. Not to say she won’t put in effort, but she needs to feel you out to make sure you’re worth her energy
Once that stage has passed, though, she is a fiercely loyal person, coming to your aid whenever you need it. She’s very attentive, and shows her appreciation in acts of service and gift giving rather than verbally. Best believe you’ll never know or have another friendship as genuine as hers.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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alyss-kelly · 4 months
My opinion about Another Code Recollection Part 4
It's the last part, I promise and it's the just the last point of the negative...
That one character This... This I still don't get... Why ? Change their story so much ? I saw the hints and choose to think that maybe I was just thinking too much... Well, I was right and I really hate it. That's the second thing that pissed me off the most in the game. I'm wondering if I would've liked the plot they went with, if I didn't know anything on the game and quite frankly... I don't think I'd enjoy it either. That's a problem in itself. I don't think I'll be able to say much without explaining the changes that were made and how I feel about them. I'll avoid naming the character and refer to them as "X". But I'll talk about plot point from Two Memories, R and Recollection. So heavy spoilers ahead.
/!\SPOILERS/!\ Where do I start... This character shares similarities with Ashley. Three to be exact. 1) They both have a scientist parents. 2) A father that worked so much that it created a rift in their parent/children relationship, inadvertently or not. 2) Both characters had the same traumatism of watching their mother get killed in front of them when they were kids. It ends there but what's interesting is how the living parent reacted to the death of their wife and what they did to help their kid. Richard obviously left Ashley with Jessica, his sister and proceeded to find the truth about Sayoko's killer. Being so young when her aunt took her custody, she forgot her dad's face and didn't saw him again before Blood Edward Island. We don't know much else beside that Jessica was very caring with her and that she loves her very much. So, we can only conclude that she grew up as a happy kid and it shows in her personality too. "X" was older than Ashley when they saw her mom die. And this traumatized them to the point that they started to emotionally distance themself, it broke them. Their dad, decided to use the Another or something similar to erase the memories of their mom and the accident. I supposed he did it out of love because he didn't want to see his child suffer any longer. This is where Recollection decided to changes things up. In the Wii version, "X" 's lived and their dad made them believe he was just their mentor. In the Switch version, the character dies and their memories are stored in a container, in their dad's lab. Recollection tried to use a more "modern" way to deal with the character, maybe to make us feel more emphatic toward them. To make them less violent ? I'm not sure. They decided to kill "X" when their dad experienced on them as a kid but kept on living as a somewhat Artificial Intelligence, unknowing of their parent. In R, "X" grows up to become a sociopath and it is believed that deleting their memories damaged the part of their brain that process emotion. Growing up "X" follow their "mentor" 's path and becomes a scientific too. They later learn that what they always believed was "just" their mentor was in fact his dad. This character is very intelligent but also manipulative, they mask their emotionless side from everyone and the reveal about their dad made them resentful to the point of seeking revenge. It is also shown through the game that they could be suffering from depression too, explaining what they do at the very end. "X" didn't feel any fondness toward Sayoko in R like they showed in Recollection. In R, the character actually manipulated the one who killed Sayoko in order destroy their dad. It wasn't the only thing they did to ruin their parent but it's one that involve Ashley. In Recollection, they made it feel like it was ok to do crime because it wasn't a real person after all. In the Wii version, they did terribles things but in the end, they had to take accountability for everything they did. It felt right, it felt realistic. I wasn't even a fan of that character in the first place, but when you see that every meaning they had was deleted... it's a bit infuriating. Because it doesn't just erase their character but it affects Ashley too. I liked how you could understand that if Richard took the same steps as "X" 's father, Ashley could have taken the same road "X" took. I really like how they kinda reflect each other. Their motive was petty and a bit childish but very human too, you could understand their circumstances but you could still think they were bad and fucked up. Take away the humanity aspect of the character and now the rest is meaningless. What can you do about an AI only Ashley can see to make them amends for their wrongdoing ? Not much. /!\SPOILERS END/!\
(Something I couldn't put it either category, because it's not related to Another Code's story, is that I enjoyed to see the little Hotel Dusk cameo a lot !)
In conclusion, I enjoyed the Another Code Two Memories part of Recollection (even if it was missing some things), and I didn't like Another Code R from the remake. My issues mostly lie in the second game. And in the loss of characterization for a Ashley and the others. Once again, I have mixed feelings about it, which sadden me with how happy I was when it was first announced. But I'm still glad this game exist.
It's the first time I'm doing something like this so I hope my points and everything makes sense to everyone.
End of Part 4
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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rinbowaman · 1 year
Another spoiler…I just wanted to point this out becaaaaause….there is actually a coded message regarding the events that will unfold in heelels chapter. Soo…. Initially I was just going to see if y’all would remember as you read the next chapter but figured that not a whole lot might remember the exact verbiage….unless it was pointed out 😏 sooooo….Highlighted in red….
"To all you mortals, demons, angels, and Gods,
Disburse yourselves, gather in numbers, no matter even or odd.
Cast your armies of Heaven’s Guardians, led by the great captain, the archangel Michael.
Or unleash the demons of Hell, that stem the darkest souls, through scripture and tale.
One chance is all I’ll permit, go forth and bear your arms.
Gather every weapon imaginable, your spells, chants, and spiritual charms.
Take every man, woman, and child, and teach them to kill,
Exhaust all matters you can, in keeping me chained, bloodied and still.
To all you weak mortals, bloodthirsty demons, sinful angels, and ignorant Gods,
Do what you need to, as I will stand and give applause.
Let it be known, since the creation of Heaven and Hell, the birth of the Earth, Moon, and Sun,
That I have remained, and will stand victorious, no matter if you fight, defend, hide, or run.
Make every attempt you must, and cover every inch of land and water,
There’s nowhere for you to go, when I am in the mood to slaughter.
I am the fire that burns within your veins,
I am the raging beast that you cannot tame.
I am the shadow that casts the darkness in your blood,
I am the pain and pleasure in both, hatred, and love.
I am the ruthless killer, a disease that infects your soul,
I am the kind archangel, that heals your wounds, sealing every hole. 
Take your knee, and bend your bows,
God will not save you, no matter how much you vow.
Look away from my eyes, you filthy whores, and farmers of pity,
Only she who removes my mask, will be eternally worthy.
Now rattle yourselves in fear and equip yourself with prayers, as I The Devil, Lucifer, The Prince of Darkness, The First and God’s Most Favored Archangel, and Master of Hell.
Will split my crown, and birth the Goddess of Sacred Sin, the Queen of Acedia,
Eternally my muse, my beautiful desire, and everlasting mania."
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C H A P T E R 9 I N E
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry@honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07@raishaii @@yangjungwon33@lhspeachie ; @differentchildwombat ; @prettykia ; @kimsseonu ; @stvrryhee ; @en-thralled ; @hoonzdzbl ; @yuppppp ; @jinniespuppy ; @browsehnnie ; @they2luv1naia ; @aetherl0l ;
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animehajimemashou · 2 years
Personal headcannon: Ran has good intuition or is good at reading people.
(TW: r*pe, de*th, spoilers)
Here are the reasons why I think this is so.
(A) The person he admires is Kakucho, a very good, nice, loyal human and the person who won the best boyfriend award in Tenjiku.
The people he dislikes are Kisaki and Hanma. Not Mucho or Izana who are known to be vicious, not Shion who boasts but could not deliver. He dislikes Kisaki and Hanma and unless something happened behind the scenes, I believe this is because he knows there is fundamentally wrong with those two. I mean, both staged with the rape of one civilian (i.e., Pah’s buddy’s girlfriend) and the death of another (i.e., Emma) — and both women at that.
Assuming that Ran did not know about the rape, then the only thing he could use as reference would be Emma’s death. Now, I think that these could mean at least one of the three following things: (1) he has a code of honor to not involve civilians in gang wars like Draken, (2) he respects women, or (3) he took killing one’s sibling to hurt an older brother VERY personally.
Maybe if he thinks that if Kisaki and Hanma are fine with these, then there is nothing off the table for them. As we see in Kisaki’s future timelines, this is actually the case.
(B) He was able to discern in a few moments that Angry may not be as weak as they thought he would be. That is why he warned Rindou.
Actually, these are my only proofs or references from the manga 😂 But sometimes, I cannot help but wonder if this intuition is something he honed as an older brother. He is only a year older than Rindou but I would like to believe that he takes his responsibility as an older sibling very seriously. So he has to hone his survival skills because Rindou relies on him, too. He needs to learn how to read people and figure the situation out to ensure his and Rindou’s safety.
I believe that that is the reason why he did not engage Mitsuya anymore. Although technically, Kanto Manji Gang has the upper hand, he may have felt that something was about to happen. And should the train not have been stopped, a mass murder could have happened. And that would end up in two ways: either they would be harmed, or they would be implicated as suspects.
Maybe that’s why he sleeps a lot as well 😂 He always has to be on guard for him and Rindou when he is awake 🥺
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fnf-beyond · 25 days
Because I don’t wanna write still, I have decided to list the chaos quartet in strength. Then their abilities (without giving away a huge lore thing), and their weaknesses (w/o giving away a huge lore thing).
Without further ado.
Blue is the weakest, obviously, as he has no unique powers, despite the fact he holds three other fucks in his mind, and can let them take charge. Another thing I just remembered, he has a higher resistance to being corrupted due to lore (laughs in “he still gets corrupted anyways lmao”)
His weaknesses are pretty much the same as a standard human, same with his strengths.
Spirit is next, he does have a slight buff in strength when he’s trapped in Hating Sim, but that’s only because he can use the game’s code/system to his advantage. Outside of that, he has the ability to stretch out his limbs far past their visual length and create two other, disfigured, spider-like limbs from his back that he can also shoot out far past their visual length. He can alter his form every now and then to permanently be something different (I.e, when he switches from his “pink blob” form to a “pink Senpai” form to his final “pink Sebastian” form), though it takes a lot out of him- hence why he can’t do it frequently. He can float, though it’s only when he trades his legs for a “ghost-like” whisp. Also, as a spirit, he can possess people and objects- however that is practically void as he is permanently stuck with Blue.
His main weakness is the Ghostbusters. All jokes aside, inside the Hating Sim, Glitch is the only being who is stronger than him, due to Glitch’s advanced abilities with code, and just his corrupted nature. Outside of Hating Sim, anyone who is faster and stronger than him, or just flat-out a demon or Angel, is stronger than him. So yes, Sophie is stronger than Spirit. Besides that, he doesn’t really have any weaknesses that isn’t a joke or just plain obvious. He’s dead, he can do that.
C is next. As a being of pure corruption, he can corrupt others through either physical contact (the primary way) or by insulting, berating, or just generally talking down to someone (secondary/assist way). He can also create/use illusions to assist in corrupting someone as it lowers others morale- depending on what illusions he creates. He- similar to Corrupted Sophie- can extend four “tentacle-like” limbs from his back. Something unique to him is being able to “crack” living beings until they explode. Essentially- if he has any sort of physical contact with someone, he can start making their skin “crack” like glass, allowing a black substance to leak from it, before the person shatters once they crack enough. It is stupidly painful and does leave scars if C is unsuccessful in killing them or he does it as torture.
He can regenerate/rapid heal*. The asterisk is because- if you noticed in recent art I’ve drawn of him, he noticeably has a missing eye and hand. He- and other corrupted beings- can heal minor injuries. Any life-threatening or generally major injuries can’t be healed without completely draining the corruption from their being (for example- y’all know how CPico has a blood splatter on the side of his head that suggests he tried to kill himself via gun? Minor spoiler for this, but he does manage to do so when against Darnell and Nene, but as he shot on the corrupted side of his head, the corruption on him instinctively tried to heal it, and did- saving him and bringing him back- though it resulted in him becoming uncorrupted). C can also hide in the shadows, due to his dark body. He can also see in the dark. He also has a heightened sense of strength and speed.
Now for weaknesses. All corrupted beings are weak to fire. Why? Idk I just felt like it. All corrupted beings are also weak to light-based powers, like Angelic powers, especially because they are demonic in nature. Positivity and happy shit does weaken him, because the whole “lmao ur trash” shit he does to corrupt others (this weakness is also the same for other corrupted beings). Bright lights shone directly into his face/eyes hurts because of his night vision.
Lastly is Soul. He is the strongest of the four, and by far the most dangerous. I am not joking. There are a lot of things that Soul can do that I can’t talk about right now, due to
it will take *literally the whole fucking fanfic* before I can talk about it. Though- I might talk about it earlier if I feel like it’s a good time- though it will be a lot later than y’all are gonna want lmao.
With that out of the way, here are the very few things Soul can do that I CAN talk about.
Soul can manipulate other’s emotions *ever so slightly*, see in the dark, teleport to places he can see (he can also teleport others, but he has to go with them and touch them), fly, and dim his glow to hide in shadows. He also has a very heightened sense of strength and speed, which makes him physically stronger and faster than Spirit and C as well.
His weaknesses are being in confined spaces, as being unable to see the outside of where he’s stuck, and/or having no space to move, he can’t teleport outside of where he’s stuck. Bright lights shone directly in his face/eyes because of his night vision. He *does* have a weakness to light magic like angelic powers too.
And that’s it for them. I like explaining the goobers and how they function. I’m gonna be honest, I’m both excited and nervous about how y’all will react to the hidden lore stuff about Blue, Soul, and even Pico. *Especially* Soul since he actually is a combination of *three-ish* hidden lore things.
I’ll try to hurry the fuck up with this arc and get to the corruption segment (which will have a slightly faster pacing compared to this arc) so that I can write Soul and Spirit and develop them more as characters :p
I need to actually write and get past Hating Sim’s final chapter, the Winter chapters, and *maybe* week 7’s chapters, tho I’m thinking about omitting that week from this fic due to the fact idk how to write it across *three chapters-*. Weekend 1 won’t be included at all due to how I’ve written Nene and Darnell’s relationship to Blue being vastly different from canon them, plus this arc is solely in Blue’s POV.
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techgirltourney · 1 year
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Welcome to the Tech Girl Tourney!
With a whopping 64 gals who are cyborgs, robots, programs, and more this is shaping up to be a fierce and fun competition!
Here are some rules and such before I give you a written list of contenders and their schedules.
Play nice with each other. No harassment or bullying of any kind will be tolerated. It’s a silly little competition! Stay silly! Stay kind!
Think to yourself: "is what I'm about to type about my opponent something I'd like to hear about my favorite blorbo or fandom?" If the answer is "no" don't type it. Hype up your blorbo rather than trash-talk the other gal.
Propaganda is welcome and encouraged (so long as you're following rules 1 & 2). If I miss your propaganda don't hesitate to hop in my inbox and point it out to me. I don't always get notifications on this tumblr account for some reason.
HERE BE SPOILERS (potentially). I don't know every fandom in this tournament but given the nature of these sort of characters, spoilers are highly likely for character reveals! By continuing to follow this blog and participate in this tournament you're consenting to seeing spoilers. I would tag them but I genuinely don't know which characters are spoilers and which aren't.
Play nice with me, your friendly neighborhood tournament runner. I am not a professional tournament runner. I am just another person on the internet with feelings. Don't come flying into my inbox to yell at me about things like seeding, or that your specific blorbo didn't get in, or that you think a certain character doesn't count. I will just delete and block messages that I feel are too hostile toward me. I've seen the kinda stuff other poll runners have had to put up with and I don't want to deal with it here. I just want to have fun!
All polls will go up at 12 pm EST and be up for 1 day each except the final poll which will be up for a week.
With that out of the way! Onto the contenders and schedule!
Side A - Group 1 - Round 1 [May 25th]
Motherboard (Cyberchase) vs Synergy (Jem and the Holograms)
Robot Candace (Phineas and Ferb) vs Tima (Metropolis)
Uran (Astro Boy) vs Ohno (Mighty Orbots)
Roll (MegaMan) vs Penny Polendina (RWBY)
Viv Vision (Marvel) vs Jenny Wakeman (MLAATR)
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) vs Orianna (League of Legends)
Teto Kasane (SynthV) vs Arcee (Transformers)
Robot Girl (Robot Boy) vs Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
Side A - Group 2 - Round 1 [May 27th]
Small Foot (Challenge of the GoBots) vs R. Dorothy Waynewright (The Big O)
Miri (Jetter Mars) vs Accord (Drakengard 3)
Ruru Amour (Hugtto Precure) vs Aigis (Persona 3)
Pixal (Ninjago) vs Ritsu (Assassination Classroom)
Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain) vs Sage (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell) vs Falulu (Pripara)
Cutie Honey (Cutie Honey) vs Renais Shishioh (The King of Braves GaoGaiGar)
Jinmay (SRMTHFG) vs Mimi (Super Paper Mario)
Side B - Group 1 - Round 1 [May 29th]
SHODAN (System Shock) vs Drossel von Flugel (Fireball)
GLaDOS (Portal) vs Aradiabot (Homestuck)
Karen Plankton (Spongebob Squarepants) vs Tex (RvB)
Striker (Suisei no Gargantia) vs Miss Monochrome (Miss Monochrome the Animation)
Naomi Armitage (Arimitage the Third) vs Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa)
Toa Nokama (Bionicle) vs Poppy Pipopapo (Kamen Rider Ex Aid)
Raptor 283 (Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger) vs Cindi Mayweather (Janelle Monae's Metropolis)
Alpha Hatsuseno (Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou) vs Magine (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger)
Side B - Group 2 - Round 1 [May 31st]
Lal (Star Trek TNG) vs .GIFfany (Gravity Falls)
Megagirl (Starship) vs Hera (Wolf 359)
Monika (DDLC) vs Aelita (Code Lyoko)
Arale Norimaki (Dr. Slump) vs Piper (Robots)
Robecca Steam (Monster High) vs Sari Sumdac (Transformers Animated)
Aya (GLTAS) vs Fey (Welcome to Night Vale)
Orisa (Overwatch) vs Rebecca (Cyberpunk Edgerunners)
Chii (Chobits) vs KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)
Side A - Group 1 - Round 2 [June 2nd]
Motherboard (Cyberchase) vs Robot Candace (Phineas and Ferb)
Uran (Astro Boy) vs Roll (MegaMan)
Jenny Wakeman (MLAATR) vs Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
Arcee (Transformers) vs Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
Side A - Group 2 - Round 2 [June 4th]
R. Dorothy Waynewright (The Big O) vs Accord (Drakengard 3)
Aigis (Persona 3) vs Ritsu (Assassination Classroom)
Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain) vs Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
Cutie Honey (Cutie Honey) vs Jinmay (SRMTHFG)
Side B - Group 1 - Round 2 [June 6th]
SHODAN (System Shock) vs GLaDOS (Portal)
Tex (RvB) vs Striker (Suisei no Gargantia)
Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa) vs Toa Nokama (Bionicle)
Raptor 283 (Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger) vs Magine (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger)
Side B - Group 2 - Round 2 [June 8th]
.GIFfany (Gravity Falls) vs Hera (Wolf 359)
Aelita (Code Lyoko) vs Piper (Robots)
Robecca Steam (Monster High) vs Fey (Welcome to Night Vale)
Orisa (Overwatch) vs Chii (Chobits)
Side A - Group 1 - Round 3 [June 10th]
Motherboard (Cyberchase) vs Uran (Astro Boy)
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) vs Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
Side A - Group 2 - Round 3 [June 12th]
R. Dorothy Waynewright (The Big O) vs Aigis (Persona 3)
Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain) vs Cutie Honey (Cutie Honey) Side B - Group 1 - Round 3 [June 14th]
GLaDOS (Portal) vs Tex (RvB)
Toa Nokama (Bionicle) vs Magine (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger)
Side B - Group 2 - Round 3 [June 16th]
.GIFfany (Gravity Falls) vs Aelita (Code Lyoko)
Robecca Steam (Monster High) vs Orisa (Overwatch)
Side A - Group 1 - Quarterfinals [June 18th]
Motherboard (Cyberchase) vs Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
Side A - Group 2 - Quarterfinals [June 20th]
Aigis (Persona 3) vs Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
Side B - Group 1 - Quarterfinals [June 22nd]
GLaDOS (Portal) vs Toa Nokama (Bionicle)
Side B - Group 2 - Quarterfinals [June 24th]
.GIFfany (Gravity Falls) vs Robecca Steam (Monster High)
Side A - Semifinals [June 26th]
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) vs Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
Side B - Semifinals [June 28th]
GLaDOS (Portal) vs .GIFfany (Gravity Falls) Finals [June 30th]
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) vs GLaDOS (Portal)
GLaDOS (Portal)
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phozphor · 9 months
Okay, whilst I'm getting back into recording audio for the side order video I'm working on, I need. NEED TO INFO DUMP ABOUT THE CODE WEVE BEEN FINDING IN THE UPDATES.
If you don't Wana be spoiled on even minor mechanics, I gotcha, so their be spoilers and dragons beyond this read more.
Side order's campaign is nick named 2 things in the files. "Sdordr" and "tower".
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This isn't anything special. My guess from the file naming "talkstagerandom" and "worldrandom" this is probably copy paste of Maria's code from splatoon 2 and how you could talk to her on different valleys and she would say random things. Nothing shocking, just that we know theirs gunna be a hub world.
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These strings really don't have anything interesting. Mainly test scenes and unreadable strings.
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Yet again, nothing interesting BUT WE GOT ENEMY STRINGS!!!!! CANON SIDE ORDER HAS ENEMIES!!!
On a real note maybe "shell" is a way of deflecting ink? Like those enemies from mega man.
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Okay HERES the meat.
"Person_sdodr" refers to the credit scene, so it's come for enough into development to have its credits developed. But what's these strings about a ball? And a goal? Wait.
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On returning mechanics, snake block prolly refers to the same snake blocks found in splatoon 3's single player, it's nice to see them come back.
Grind and ink rails need to intro, and paint target area defenetly refers to ink buttons, so they're gonna return too.
"Explode spawner" probably refers to the inkable balloons, so yet again not a big surprise.
"Concrete spawner" interests me though. Maybe they spawn concrete blocks that we can ink? Can we ride them like boats? Anyway, let's get onto the enemies.
Ballking could be this Fucker from splatoon 1.
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It's ball shaped. Yeah. But there's also another king that's ball shaped. That I'm worried may show up. For. A. 4th. Fucking. Time.
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Please. Let it be the octowhirl.
Towerking interests me though. Some people think that it's going to be the final boss, but I don't think so.
The nils statue was never called by any boss names in its files, but was still the final boss. Hm.
1. This handles ALL tower bosses. Like a default string telling the game its boss time.
2. With how we have code implying different worlds, maybe the towerking appears more than once?
Or my personal favorite:
Let's get onto the next strings.
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We get some more person strings, Yada Yada.
But wait no stop. Creator. Why is creator in there. If this code was being run FROM an editor, a creator string wouldn't be required.
Unless there planning on making a single player level editor. But that can't be the case right..... r-right.
Anyway anyway, the next strings about "tower layer" DEFINITELY are talking about the hub worlds. Seems well be getting 4 in this dlc, a beginning, low, middle, and high, as well as a "query" [loading zone?] For both.
And yeah that's it! Here's a summary
What we think we know:
-8 ball stages will return
-Ink snake blocks, ink rails, ink grind rails, and the balloon pufferfish bomb things will return as mechanics.
-2 bosses as of posting (a ballking and towerking)
-a "victory lift"
- and possibly 4 "layers"
What I speculate will be added
-a single player mission editor. [Very unlikely]
- the return of octowhirl.
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