chessentans · 7 months
Need a loth cat....
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celebrityveganime · 3 months
Hella Rude Neighbor!
My rude neighbor have been playing loud random noises repeatedly loud bass drums and guitar vibrations since 7:57 pm 3 hours now 11:20 pm almpst 4 hours of annoying disturbance! I emailed the sherrif department and police department to send someone to help stop the loud disturbance because I'm trying to sleep my neighbors are trying to sleep!
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ib3li3v3you · 4 months
Emerald fennel you are the love of my life. Youre the gift that keeps on giving. First a goddamn masterpiece of a movie AND NOW IN PLAIN FUCKING DAYLIGHT, MY LOVE,MY LIFE, BLOODY BARRY
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Draw your characters like this
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jopkajabki · 1 year
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explodes themn
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femmeidiot · 22 days
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Patrick and daisy tonight yippee
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weneedatdcharacterwho · 3 months
we need a total drama character who is a matchmaker, but they always pair up people with people they hate. whether it's an accident on the matchmaker's part or entirely intentional is up for interpretation.
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catastrothy · 4 months
Hey, what if, this gonna sound crazy, but what if uhhh your v-tuber-sona(?) bellybutton was sticking out, like itss unffdcovered from thhe shirt, huoohuh
could be real.........
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cameragore · 2 months
Watching people call shipping habit with anything being proship is objectively hilarious because the moral dilemma is solved if you make a fucked up tranny to have habit be their little freak like. It's not problematic cause it cancels out.
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veone · 1 year
I personally enjoy fight club because it’s very interesting to watch the physical and mental self destruction of person trying to find a purpose in life when they don’t desire the typical traditional american ideal life. To see the descent into delusion.
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Would anyone be interested in being put on a taglist for BtB scenes? I dunno I feel like I always manage to post things when like nobody's on and it gets buried before anyone sees it and I'm not sure if it's that or if it's just that nobody's interested 💀 idk I've been in a slump recently so I'm probably overthinking, just trying to check
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dragons-in-spaceee · 1 year
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The Moon and Venus together from this evening (+ random one of the stars I took to get the focus right)
I love seeing the earthglow on the moon!
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o-i-w-u · 2 months
Ask this to twelve most nicest followers/Mutuals/following you know OR anyone who probably looks to be a good person! If you get at least cinco (five) back you must be pretty awesome!!! ✨💙
awwwwww ty :D!!
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candyheartedchy · 2 years
Bedtime story
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almost engaged in some Leftist Discourse and Infighting but instead i simply blocked them. i would like a treat or a trinket or a medal or a plaque or a commemorative stamp or a challenge coin of some sort
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woennix · 8 months
Just a little qsmp discourse post, I've been thinking about it for a while and I just wanna share something.
I agree that everyone should have their own interpretations of characters and you don't need to keep up with EVERY pov to say what you think about a character, but I do think that people should be a lot more kinder with the interpretations they have of characters in general.
This comes mainly from seeing people talking badly about characters (the latest one qWilbur, but I've seen it time and time again, with characters I enjoy and characters I don't). This always ends up with people having more context for a character's actions than others, and others making a big judgement without seeing the whole picture, or people who actually try to listen and understand a character's motives but are still upset about it.
I do think disagreeing or even disliking characters is fair, I mean, I do dislike some characters, but ALL of them have motives and explanations for why they do what they do, and also ALL of them have done questionable things to eachother.
The thing is, if I try to, I can create a horrible narrative for EVERY character (I'm not joking, I'm pretty sure I can) where they are manipulative, self-centered, selfish, hypocritical... but telling everyone: ''This character is SO evil because of this specific one thing he did one time to my favourite character!!!'' when that was a cc having fun, or maybe a slip up etc, kinda kills the fun for the ccs. Something I feel some people not take into account is that this is minecraft improvised roleplay, where at the same time creators are meeting eachother and just playing and having fun.
Yes, lighthearted moments where people are joking around kind of are lore, but sometimes, ccs just wanna have fun. This happens a lot with qRoier, where obviously his joking attitude is integrated into the lore and his character is actually joking about a lot of stuff, but like, for example, him enjoying mines is like 90% the cc wanting to have fun, not his characters actually not giving a fuck about killing the eggs (just an example of some takes I've seen). Even though if we think about what he is doing realistically, it wouldn't be an absurd assumption to make that he doesn't care. Now, I think it should be interpreted as what it is,,, Roier enjoying and having fun in the server. What I mean to say is, is this lore? Yes it is, qRoier canonically enjoys mines. But also, are we going to overanalyze this and make assumptions on his character and actually apply real-life logic into how we interpret every interactions he has? I would say that's too much, and makes the server an only roleplaying server where creators can't just fuck around and have fun.
I will say to be clear, if someone wished to bring things into their interpretation of the character that are little details like these and make it a headcanon for themselves, thats completely fair! But that's not actually canon unless the ccs decides to make it canon, and it is important to make that distinction in my opinion.
Btw I chose the qRoier example beacuse I think it wasn't a very big deal (at least in my tl) but I do not mean to create or re-open a whole debate about his morality then if it was big, I am just using him as an example. And also I say this because multiple ccs have complained on some way or another about feeling a bit overwhelmed/upset with this kind of thing. Cellbit and Baghera complained about people misinterpreting their characters and projecting into canon things they didn't mean to do, and Roier has complained (albeit a bit jokingly) that things are too heavy and people are too intense with the lore.
Honestly if this didn't bother the ccs I would tell most people that even though I dislike what I see as mischaracterizations, you can go crazy lmao, but if it makes them not be able to enjoy roleplaying as much and being in general on the server, then yknow... It could be cool if we could find a way to criticize or say what we think about characters in a more contructive way that adjusts to the ccs' vision.
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