#annie gets anons
wexhappyxfew · 2 months
quiet reprieve
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(a/n): for the annie x brady mota girlies, featuring annie bradshaw, john brady and a cameo from ken lemmons, and the women of Silver Bullets. enjoy!!
"It was pretty much a crap-shoot the second we got across the channel," Lieutenant Montez said, popping the cigarette off her lip and glancing towards Annie - clenched jaw, slightly blank stare forward, white-knuckled grip on her peak cap in her hands, her knee going a mile a minute.
It had been basically a complete, utter, mess from the second the plane was prepping to drop the bombs; Achterberg yelling over comms about some flak coming in at 3:00, Rybinski hollering from the ball turret about a faulty piece of the gun that needed checking, just as a spray of bullets penetrated from just below, with Carlisle yelling over all the noise her coordinates. It had felt like chaos. And it had been. Annie remembered her glancing towards Lieutenant Montez at one point and seeing her cold-stone stare somewhere lost in the flurry of clouds and graying smoke in front of them as a few chutes went out to their right.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw, any chutes from Son of a Gun?" Annie looked up from her daze and found the entirety of Silver Bullets, along with the interrogator staring at her. Sitting up a bit, shifting a bit uncomfortably, she cleared her throat and nodded.
"Yes, sir." she said, "All 10. We all counted. Confirmed it with Stagliano." Annie looked towards Stagliano who pulled the cigarette off her lips with a nod.
"All 10, sir," Stagliano said, the few scraps along her face from the rocking of the fort scattered on her cheek, "I wouldn't say Flying Colors was as lucky. Only 2 chutes." The interrogator seemed to let out a quiet sigh and made a few notes.
Gazing at the group of women was an even sadder affair than she was sure she could possibly handle; the drawn out looks on their faces, the exhaustion, the level of tiredness that lingered in their eyes, or the way they just seemed relieved to be on the ground.
Annie slowly looked over at the other tables - their crews dispersed about, members giving both distinct and scattered descriptions of whatever the hell had just happened. Through her exhausting eye search, she found her eyes caught on another pair of eyes that were intently caught on her own.
Captain Brady - the one that had hopped a ride with her and Major Egan as she had been shown the officers' club. He looked slightly different without the peak cap on, and his face looked more worn than it had a day or two ago, his hair sweaty and stuck a bit along his forehead, the stress-lines strewn against his forehead and cheeks. He almost was looking right through her it felt, like there was this being behind her, waiting to take her away, but she could tell that he could sense her there.
"I couldn't see much beneath me, sir," Rybinski said, her voice dry and monotone - much more dampened and sodden than she had ever been in the short time Annie had known her, "it was pretty much gray smoke from over the channel to dropping the bombs. German fighter came pretty damn close though, sir. Little too close for comfort."
"Flying Colors definitely was only 2 chutes, though," Ratcliff said, leaning forward against the table and lacing together her slightly soot-covered fingers from the metallic of the ammunition, a sigh escaping her lips as she cleared her throat, "can't say much else though, it went down in a ball of flame."
An awkward cough seemed to follow her words. Annie had seen Flying Colors go down in a rather quick matter. An engulfed ball of flame. Plummeting to the Earth.
A flying grave.
"Their chutes caught fire," Harlowe offered, "sir, the two men who jumped." Annie noticed Harlowe leaning back and shutting her eyes. What they saw, what they heard. It lived in them, it grew and fed off their fear, off the memories, of all of it. Annie watched as the interrogator crossed off Flying Colors with a quick flick of his pencil.
"How were flying conditions, Lieutenant Bradshaw?" the interrogator asked, "Ideal?" Annie looked up from her spot, meeting the interrogator's eyes, and slowly clenched her jaw a bit.
"Just fine." Annie said, "Flown in worse." The interrogator marked it down on the mandatory box for weather conditions, before placing down his pencil; the table grew relatively quiet, a few coughs, finger tapping and shifting of people in their gear.
"You're all dismissed," the interrogator said and Annie looked up from her white-knuckled grip on her peak cap, "get yourselves some food and rest." A few other tables were slowly moving about, getting their things and heading to the mess hall, clearing tables, folding maps and taking last minute sips of coffee previously handed out, all the sorts.
Annie shook the interrogator's hand, gave an attempt of a smile in his direction and then turned and headed outside, placing her peak cap on top of her head.
Stepping into the bright, rather warm sunlight was a world of difference from the inside of the interrogation room - the breeze was sweet, the sun bright and for a second, she almost had forgotten she'd been in the air not too long ago, one of the engines smoking, yelling over comms, bodies and planes falling from the sky in a smoldering array of death, the whizz of enemy fighters just outside of the fortress. It was unnerving.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw." Annie turned and found Captain Brady coming towards her, running a hand through his hair before adjusting the peak cap on his head and stopping just in front of her. Annie met his gaze and offered a quick salute and he nodded her off.
"What can I do for you, sir?" He watched her for a moment, his eyes seeming to hold onto hers as if looking away would suddenly shift the axis of the Earth.
"Was gonna go check on the fort," Brady said, nodding over to the tarmac where the ground crews were making quick work of some of the damage done, "lost a few engines while we were up there and want to make sure things are shaping up. Wondering if you wanted to come with. You look like you could use a step away from all this for a moment." Annie looked up at him and swallowed before nodding.
"Yes, sir," she said. He offered a bit of a smile - the corner of his lip turned up and for the moment, that was enough, especially after the hell of the day. The two started walking side by side, their uniforms still looking in a rather sorry state, but their gear was mostly removed and the breeze was beginning to wick the sweat from her forehead from the most part. It was quite beautiful when you forgot there was a war on, especially here at Thorpe Abbotts. The sky, the breeze, the green grass, the people all about.
"How'd it go up there for you all?" Brady asked her as they continued their leisurely walk forward, "And before you say anything, I must admit, that was the most relaxed I'd seen Lieutenant Montez coming back from a mission, even when today was a total shit-show." Annie looked up at him and noticed the slight quirk of his lips and smiled a bit and nodded.
"It went alright, sir," she said, "we lost a few engines, too, smoking, the whole-nine-yards. But, she did great up there. I'm lucky that she's my copilot."
"That you are." he said quietly, before glancing her way, clearing his throat, "I've been meaning to ask, what got you here?" She glanced at him and a slightly nervous laugh left his lips.
"A plane, sir." she said, the slight hint of a smile back onto her lips as she watched his gaze. The laugh that was playing at the edge of his lips slipped out and he looked to her again.
"I mean, what were you doing before you were here. What made you think - yeah, B-17s?" he asked and she chuckled quietly and crossed her arms and nodded.
"Originally, I was a translator, sir - German, French, some Russian….or well, it was a fair attempt at Russian, sir, can't say it ever went smoothly, but I was trying to just do that. Translating." she said with a nod and then glanced at him, "I was stationed at Fort Des Moines, and one of the women I was close with, got me a gig working on some of the planes - we had some B-17s there at some point. Started doing supply runs, started getting real comfortable. Eventually did so much with B-17s, that I got my license and then was training with a group in Texas. Then, I got the call." Brady watched her.
"And now," she said, smiling briefly, "I'm here, sir."
"I know the women are glad you're here," he said with a nod, "after everything with Birdie, I think you were what they needed." Annie watched him for a moment and nodded, her throat tight at the thought - the mental image yet again infiltrating her brain.
"Thank you, sir, I appreciate it." she said and Brady offered her a smile.
"It's the truth," he said, "you fit in well." Annie found herself unable to hide the grin and she nodded.
"And I know Major Egan is a big fan of yours," he said, a sideways look her way and she let out a laugh and shook her head.
"That's quite a stretch, sir," she said, "I think he didn't like the fact that I referenced him to be Cinderella at times." Brady laughed - had he always laughed like that? Because it was quite a nice sound.
"Well," Brady said, stopping and turning towards her, a small smile on his face, eyes soft in her own gaze, "I think it's kinda funny to see his feathers ruffled knowing you won't take any of his shit." Annie shrugged and stuffed her hands into her pockets and smiled.
"Ruffling feathers seems to be a party trick of mine, sir." she said, nodding at him, "I seem to bring it out when warranted."
"And with Major Egan, I can promise you, it's warranted." Brady said. Annie let out a small laugh and shook her head. She glanced over at Silver Bullets stood beautifully in the bright sunshine, noticing Lemmons and Wink there working away at one of the engines.
"Want to join me, sir?" she said nodding over to Silver Bullets, "Before heading to your fort?" Brady smirked a bit - smirked, yes that's right - and nodded.
"Lead the way, Lieutenant," he said, his voice lower than what it had been and she smiled slightly, before turning and moving towards the B-17 that she felt like she were slowly becoming both protective and maternal over.
"Hey, Lemmons," Annie called as she approached, Brady somewhere behind her - she could feel his eyes on her back, she just could at this point. Lemmons turned on the ladder in front of engine 3 and offered a wave, before saying something to Wink, and climbing down.
"Hey, Lieutenant," he said, reaching forward to shake her hand, before noticing Brady, "Captain."
"How's she looking?" Brady asked him, as Annie gazed up towards the cockpit of Silver Bullets, once filled with smoke and now still and silent.
"If only those engines hadn't gone," Annie said quietly and Lemmons smiled slightly.
"Well, I can promise you both she'll fix up just nicely," he said, "Wink's almost done with 3 and we'll be moving to 4 and then doing some refinishing, repainting - I'm rewiring something on Lieutenant Montez's side, that alright, ma'am."
"Of course." Annie said with a smile, "Whatever gets her in the air again." Lemmons smiled and readjusted his gaze to Brady.
"What's got you so concerned about Silver Bullets, sir?" Lemmons asked, "Your fort seems pretty much unscathed besides the engine so." Brady offered a slightly hesitant smile and glanced at a rather expectant Annie before looking back at Lemmons.
"Just wanted to make sure our replacement pilot has been getting what she needs, done," Brady said, "looks great, Lemmons." Annie caught Lemmons' eyes who raised a brow in her direction before turning away. Something shifted in her gut and she looked towards Brady, the sprinkle of red on his cheeks not just from the fact it was a little warmer than normal outside and she held back the grin.
"Well, sir, I can promise Silver Bullets is in good working condition, with an intelligent pilot to match," Lemmons said, looking up towards the berth of the wingspan, "I wouldn't worry too much. She flies like a beaut." Brady let out another one of his nervous sprinkles of laughter and nodded.
"I appreciate it, Lemmons."
"Don't you worry, sir," Annie said, looking up towards Brady, "Germans won't have a pot to piss in when she's back up and running again." Brady chuckled and then glanced at Lemmons.
"Your fort's coming along, by the way, sir," Lemmons said, "she's just over there, feel free to get a look at her and let me know if you need something else done. Otherwise, I'll finish up here, do your engines and move on."
"Alright, thank you," Brady said and then glanced at Annie at his side, "give me a few minutes, I'll be back." She nodded at him and watched as he took off around the side of Silver Bullets and disappeared. Lemmons glanced at her and chuckled.
"What's got him laughing so much?" Lemmons said and Annie glanced at him.
"What?" Lemmons came towards her, wiping his hands on a grease towel, smirk on his face.
"Captain Brady - giggling like a school girl, 'bout what? Never see him like that, usually got a sour look on his face." Lemmons said and Annie shrugged, crossing her arms.
"I don't know, probably trying to forget about the cluster fuck of a mission," Annie said honestly and Lemmons chuckled, throwing the towel over his shoulder and nodding.
"Right," he said, "that or the look on your face, ma'am. Either way, he's grinning like one of them Cheshire cats. Especially when he's around you." Annie watched as Lemmons smirked and then turned and walked away. Annie was positively sure her face was the color of the most ripened tomato you'd ever seen.
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ughgoaway · 4 months
first anon so I'm a bit nervous 😭, but I've been thinking about this all day
teacher girlie and annie making matty a valentine's day card (or some sort of craft)!! I'm thinking it would be something very cutesy pinterest diy because teacher girlie is a teacher (obviously), and she probably has pinterest boards FULL of cute little holiday crafts she wants to do with the kids!! - 🎸
omg welcome!!! first anon?? please, I am BLESSED! welcome to the chaos that is my blog, I am very happy to have you contributing to it :))))
now... I'm feeling emo today, and I love a bit of pining SO, I'm thinking pre-dating here. as you said, you're a teacher, so you always do holiday crafts for the kids, and valentines is no different! for today, the kids have a few options, they can make a card, make some paper chain hearts, and they all get a rock that they can make a heart out of their fingerprints on!
(this is the vibe with the rock craft lol)
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you have separate Pinterest boards for every holiday, and each one is filled with little activities. (Once you and matty do get together, he does make fun of you slightly for this... but he also has the time of his life when you practice them at home and rope him into it.)
but back to pre-dating time, you are mopey all day. you try to be upbeat for the kids, but it's hard when you're in love with a person who you absolutely can not date, and who has no feelings for you. (or so you think...)
most of the kids are oblivious to your feelings but not Annie, so she ends up dragging you around with her all day and doing the crafts as your co-teacher handles the rest of them. now, she's trying to be thoughtful, which you appreciate endlessly, but it's agony sitting with her all day.
little Annie healy is a carbon copy of her father. the same curly hair, mischievous smile, and cheeky laugh. so instead of distracting you from thinking about matty, it only makes it 100 x worse. especially because she won't stop chattering away about him and telling you about how she's going to give alllll of this to her dad.
you help her with the paper chains first, she folds them up and you glue them together, and she is quite happily nattering away.
"my daddy is going to hang these in the studio i think. he would put them over his bed, but he has too many pictures hanging over it already." she nods assuredly, which only makes you daydream about what mattys bed looks like. (and what he looks like in it)
"oh that's nice! Will your daddy's friends like them too?" it pains you to even talk about Matty today, so you're hoping she'll start talking about the boys and their partners.
"Oh yeah! my auntie charli and uncle George are going to really like them. They're having a posh dinner, not McDonald's or anything!" she then chatters on about the Hann's plans (dropping baby hann of with their mum and going to the cinema) and uncle Ross and his girlfriends valentines day (going to the theatre and then more fancy dinner.)
then, she goes onto matty, "but my daddy doesn't have a girlfriend, so he's not doing anything. but uncle George says he should "get over himself and ask her out" so I think he likes a girllllll" she drops her voice as low as it can go when she imitates George, and giggles when she mentions her dad having a crush.
to say you feel fucking heartbroken is an understatement. she really got your hopes up there by mentioning he was single, only to shoot them back down by saying he has a crush. and you'd swear you could almost see her face if you thought hard enough; young blonde model, 5"10 and 90% legs, wears beautiful clothes and laughs slightly too hard at all of his jokes. and they're both fucking smitten with each other, totally in awe of their collective beauty.
you do the rock craft next, and annie insits that one of the fingerprints is yours, so you do it. but it does feel like a dagger to the chest. Yet, it somehow gets even worse when she demands you sign the card too, "but you helped me miss y/n! you have to put your name too!"
so you scribble down your name with a strained smile and tuck it away in the envelope, trying to not let your soul die in the process.
soon enough, it's pickup time, and annie is the last one. Matty is usually late, but you can't stop thinking of why he's late today. did he ask the girl he likes out? did she say yes? maybe they're planning a date right now. or kissing and being all stupid and happy.
but matty rocks up, thankfully alone and with a small gift bag in his hands. probably for his beautiful girlfriend you think briefly, but you manage to plaster on a fake smile and greet him.
"hi matty!" you smile, watching Annie run over and give him a hug.
"oof, hi peanut! you have a good day?" he flicks his eyes up to you and mouths "sorry" he knew he was a few minutes late, but you waved him off and gave him an gentle grin.
"yeah! I made you sooo many things today, daddy. miss y/n helped too!" Annie is scooped up into matty's arms as she chatters away, describing everything she did in detail.
"Right, Munchkin, we've got to go to Uncle Adam's house and get your cousin! his grandma can't look after him anymore, so we're having a sleepover!" Annie squeals quite happily at this information, and you feel like you could too. you highly doubt mattys got a hot date whilst baby sitting two children under 10, so any image of a hot model falling off his arm is wiped from your mind.
"oh here you go by the way y/n, happy valentines" matty says with a smile, handing over the small bag with a nervous grin on his face.
you try to act slightly cooler than you feel when you accept it, and if it was any one else they would see right through you, but matty was so blinded by nerves he didn't notice anything.
"Wow! thank you so much, that's really kind of you. " Your heart is racing in your chest, as is Matty's. if anyone were around you and saw the lovesick look in both your eyes, they would know exactly what you were both thinking. but you were alone, so it stayed unspoken and unnoticed.
matty gives you a shy wave, and walks off with Annie in his arms. leaving you shell-shocked and holding that little bag full of mystery.
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moonspirit · 2 months
A hot take(?) but it's Annie who has the breeding kink and ends up passing it on/influencing Armin. She's the source of the degeneracy
Okay, this is gonna get N/SFW.
You're not wrong. Annie IS the source of Armin's wild side. One look at her and he's got a million crazy ideas he wants to try with her.
But to put it simply, Annie's the horny one. Armin's the freaky one. Both play into each other you know.
Annie can get needy, so desperately needy she's clawing off his clothes and begging for him to fuck her. Armin, however, uses her horniness to test out his freaky ideas and to experiment, because when she needs him that bad, there's little chance she's really going to stop him from doing whatever he's got in mind.
So maybe Annie's the one preventing him from pulling out when he's about to finish, and it leads to him releasing inside her. For Annie, this is pure need, all physical pleasure and ecstasy, in not letting him go because her legs are wrapped too tightly around his waist he can't move away.
For Armin though, it's the psychological element of finishing inside her. Because holy shit, that looks and feels so good, once he actually recovers from his high. She was so far gone she didn't even care that he didn't pull out - and what does this result in? Armin wanting to keep doing it, keep finishing in her each time, she's just going to have to get pregnant then, no way around it.
Of course, there's also the whole situation of Annie actually getting pregnant, having that pregnancy glow, and Annie herself asking him for more babies and all that - that's a whole other tangent now xD
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grendelsmilf · 11 days
also you're so right about abed hating jeff, i think that at best he occasionally feels a little pity for that man!! like saying that jeff "holds the group together" is not even really a compliment to him? abed could adapt to any variation of the group (not talking about troy because i think they exist beyond just. "the group") but the one thing we know about jeff is that he can't.. and abed knows that
right like jeff needs the group (“who are you always texting? everyone you know is here”) he is clinging to the group by his fingernails he needs to have control over the group to maintain the illusion of security and agency in his life he throws a fucking tantrum every time the group doesn’t listen to him for even a single second. and it’s not cute, but watching him go insane can definitely be fun to watch. and like, yeah, in s1, abed still does genuinely like jeff. he is one of the first people to treat him any actual kindness, and he defends him both from within (phys ed) and beyond (xmas) the study group. abed can sense that jeff also has “bullied kid” energy and feels that they are kindred spirits. he also knows that jeff has the most archetypal Sitcom Protagonist vibe and has yet to realize that this is being set up specifically to later be deconstructed (but note how abed is the first character to be introduced, he introduces himself, even, and yet we’re still meant to believe that this whole show is just gonna be about following jeff around). so the way that abed’s opinion of jeff goes from “awww pathetic control freak he is funny and nice to me” to “he needs to die” in s2 can feel abrupt, but like, presumably that’s also how most people felt after he kissed annie, so…? so jeff’s pathetic codependency stops being mostly pitiful and becomes mostly concerning to abed after that. i don’t get how anyone can think that abed isn’t saying that if jeff wasn’t there to micromanage and police all their behaviors they would genuinely all be having fun and getting along with each other with fewer insecurities holding them back, and that this somehow doesn’t mean that jeff is abed’s least favorite member of the group (pierce being a close second, obviously). he has a sort of anthropological fascination with jeff, to be sure, but beyond s1 (where their friendship is pretty mutual, although even then abed still finds it funny to fuck with him) abed does not actually like him as a person. jeff is basically just his pet psych experiment / stress toy. lol
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distortedclouds · 4 months
I love reading aruani pregnancy fics or fics where they have kids cause my mind automatically goes to Armin giving Annie cream pie😭😭
this ask gave me whiplash holly fuck!
but I mean.... Armin knows storks aren't gonna get him his babies sooo
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kimtaegis · 6 months
OH ANNIE🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️
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SOOOOOO CUTE 🥺🥺🥺 just adorable
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kindahoping4forever · 8 months
I don’t think we talk about Teeth (10 Year Celebration Show Version) enough
Luke’s deep voice?? Ashton with a guitar??? The overall vibe of that video????
Their harmonies are just so 🤌🏻
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ad-hawkeye · 1 year
okay but the writing for the game in general has been so shitty lately, like? during this artem's bday event, when they go to the cat cafe (!!), something he asked for (!!!), and even got nervous about since the cats could dislike him (!!!!), MC throws a whole tantrum over a cat cuddling with artem, to the point he's like "okay, we'll never visit this place again!" like it's so normal and romantic 😍 to be so jealous over A CAT being affectionate you literally ruin the plans you boyfriend was excited about? and MC doesn't even question his decision to never do the harmless thing he wished he could enjoy again just because it made her irrationally upset? god, this made ME irrationally upset because it could've been such a wholesome moment for them both but instead we got... whatever the fuck was that. jail to whoever's been writing the artem route.
ANON HELPPPPPPP the way i was just about to bitch about this?! i'm glad im NOT ALONE!!! 💀💀
i literally just got to this part last night and could not believe what i was reading, like?? WHAT? okay is this a good time to go off on my annual rant about how much i hate jealousy and possessiveness being played as something cute and romantic in media, bc i really hate how much jealousy and possessiveness get played as being cute and romantic in media.
it might be because i'm aspec and i have less of a tolerance for this sort of thing, but even i know several Very allo people who hate it too. so like? back to being confused. i hate it so much. jealousy isn't cute. it's a human emotion, sure, and there's nothing wrong with feeling it, but letting it affect your relationships is not cute. i'm sorry. i don't find it charming. this is why i find atmospherics to be a very notable Flaw Card. artem's behavior wasn't cute OR sexy!!! sorry!! he was being a dick and deserved to get yelled at!
i find possessiveness to be infinitely worse. anyone in a romantic relationship with someone possessive needs to get the fuck out. i'm very much of the opinion that a relationship being romantic doesn't make it superior to platonic or familial ones, so possessiveness being played as cute and romantic drives me up the WALL!!
and this is about other human beings - let alone a CAT? A CAT AT A CAT CAFE??? WHAT? this is something that has always bothered me about tears of themis and otomes in general, but like. yeah. it's been getting worse. i try to ignore it as hard as i can but man. i do not get it. artem deserved to enjoy his cat cafe : ( and miss rosa deserved better writing!
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I hope that if Billy comes across the Gen V college kids, that they are able to give him a taste of his own medicine. Just for once it would be great to see him get the beating back that he's always given out himself...
ya got a bloodlust in ya anon. and i can't deny this would be entertaining as fuck
billy's a major cunt--
ye old pessimist in me feels the need to say it's more likely those kids were added to the story just for billy to end up manipulating, betraying, and killing...
my personal choice (apart from them just staying the fuck away from him) would be having annie blast the fucker or kick his balls in so hard they become a pussy<3
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blueiight · 1 year
i have a theory. anons come to you with weird theories and when you don't support them they start whacking you and arguing with you. and yet you're handling their asks seriously and taking your time to answer. but they want a feeding frenzy where people are wailing about antoinette and crying about betrayal from production.
and you're just like oh this doesn't make sense to me for this reason
im happy that people want to talk with me about a common interest but im not here to be a vessel for someone else’s feelings nor do i intend to argue with anons? i have my own thoughts & im willing to engage w/ anyone elses, but ur right in that there is a tendency around certain topics (especially iwtv/vc fan cuz thats like my only interest that has an ongoing tv show ppl watch. blood & water fans not talking to me about the s3 cliffhanger) where theyll like. beg for me to repeat myself, accuse me of saying things i never said, get mad at me for not 100% agreeing or send me downright hate which i never post for engaging with something that was sent my way? im not an empty submission blog or a wall this is my digital apartment..i like to think i rely on concrete evidence that isnt just rumors & people want me to buy into their rumors(?)
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t0bey · 11 months
Truth anon.
Alternative to Truth having a rival is it revealing she's been secretly working for Duke White Raven or Dm and having a whole arc around that.
If i remember correctly the Phantom event mentioned a case involving Inference and Paranormal investigating the duke and some paintings... I was honestly expecting an event around that case. It would be fun if White Raven is involved with Truth as considering Emma's the mascot and Orpheus is a protag.
(Truth working for Dm is just a theory based on how golden rose commander's skin description where she asks a question like golden scissor and the count- I suspect that skin is truth since we know Jack is the same in all his t&l costumes- plus we never got an explanation why Monstrous bird was briefly Dm's assistant during stormy night.... Maybe they're building to something. Idk. I hope Truth gets fun lore soon. :<)
same, there's honestly so much potential with truth bc emma as a character is so interesting past her exterior, like how she's a lot more crafty and potentially morally dubious if pushed enough. i'd love if they somehow expanded on truth's backstory past the orphanage, since a core part of emma's main lore is her family (the fact she doesn't have a leo in this universe so far </3333)
idk much about how valid that theory is but itd certainly be interesting! personally i hope she's a genuine good guy but just want her to take the stage more directly instead of letting inference take the reigns most of the time to drive the plot. i do wish they bring back the ravens soon though, even if its only been a year lol
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wexhappyxfew · 12 days
Annie Brady… has quite a nice ring to it
my initial reaction to this more than anything because i saw the first half of this ask as annie brady and SCREAMED:
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MR AND MRS BRADY!!!!!! john and annie brady!!!!! brb going to go sob because that’s what they deserve more than anything 😭 what i’d give to give that to them <333333
(and u are SO RIGHT it has such a nice ring to it omg 😭)
going to go have a moment with this ask anon fr, it has a beautiful ring to it
thank you for this ask hehe :)
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ughgoaway · 6 months
Potential conflicts for the I love you blurb/fic
1. Annie gets injured at school. Proper injured and has to be taken to hospital. Matty loses it completely, snapping at everything and everyone, including reader. He snaps at her and reader starts to cry (she feels like absolute shit and Matty is clearly not helping) and goes to hide in the bathroom. Once Matty is told that Annie will be alright, he goes and tries to talk to reader, but she's still shaken and doesn't wanna talk to him. He tries to apologise, and in his apology, he says that he loves her.
2. Reader starts hanging out with an old friend of her, maybe a high-school friend or something like that. Matty gets jealous but doesn't say anything at first. Then Annie tells him how reader brought her friend to class and he thought them about whatever it is that he does (maybe he's a firefighter or something that kids think is cool). Matty, like the little shit that he is, instead of communicating his discomfort, he starts distancing himself from reader. When she, tired and confused by his antics, approaches him to ask for an explanation, things get heated, and they start going at each other. When Matty suggests that she's cheating on him, she says something like: Are you stupid? Why would I cheat on you if I love you?
both of these are very, very good. I love them!!! I wanna give my thoughts on both, but I only have the energy for one rn, so here that is! and when I come back and add more, I'll reblog this lol <3
(no proofreading, just vibes)
okay, I'm gonna alter the first one a lil' and maybe make it sadder... apologies, but I promise it ends nice <3
I can see Annie falling off a swing at school and breaking her arm. matty gets the phone call and drops EVERYTHING.
he gets to school and the nurses office and sees you sat with Annie and she's sniffling and holding her arm, her eyes red from crying.
matty runs in, and as soon as Annie sees him, she days, "Daddy?" and then bursts into tears, matty actually feels his heart splinter into 1000 pieces and comes rushing over and holding her, shushing her and stroking her head as it rests against his chest.
"What happened?" he says it kind of angrily, but you brush it off just assuming he's stressed.
"Oh, don't worry too much," you can see matty is annoyed at your words, but you still shake it off and contuine. "Annie was just swinging a little too high and fell off the swing. the nurse says her arm might be broken, so you need to take a little trip to a&e. you'll be okay though, won't you Annie?" As you ask you stretch your arm to stroke her head, but matty jerks her away from you, and you shoot your head up to look at him questioningly.
mattys jaw ticks before he sighs and starts angrily whispering, and if Annie wasn't there, you're sure he'd be shouting. "she'll be okay? where were you? aren't you meant to be watching her? " he hissed.
you're a little taken aback and say, "Well, I was on the playground, but I can't be everywhere all at once, you know that"
matty immediately jumps down your throat and says, "It's your job to keep her safe, and look what's happened? just- go away. I'm taking her to a&e now." he sighs angrily and scoffs at the tears brewing in your eyes and walks off.
as soon as the door clicks shut, you start sobbing, sitting down on the chair with your head in your hands. I'm talking like full snot bubbles aggressive crying.
hurting Annie is your worst fucking nightmare, and you felt guilty enough before matty came in here acting like a dick. you try to be mad at him but you can't help but just blame yourself.
it was your fault she fell. it was your fault she's hurt. you're to blame.
cut to hours later, Annie has a new cast and a lollypop in her mouth and quite honestly couldn't be happier. she got to choose the colour (stereotypical pink but she loves it) and all the staff signed it. she got a sticker and her favourite flavour of Lolly, as well as lots of fuss from everyone, so she's pretty chuffed.
she's looking forward to going to school tomorrow and getting everyone to sign her cast and ask lots of questions, "Did it hurt really bad???"No, but that's because my daddy says I'm really brave, so it would probably hurt you"
(she was crying for a good 45 mins from the pain, but he lets her live in delusion)
and once Annie is asleep in bed and matty is sat on the sofa left with only his own thoughts, he realises he was a fucking dick.
he says, "fuck" out loud and hangs his head down, he wants nothing more than to call you but he knows he should wait until he sees you in person. you haven't moved in yet, but you've been together a while so he could just go over to your place and beg for an apology but he can't bring himself to do it.
him and annie show up early to school. He leaves Annie in the library, showing all the librarians her cast and recounting her story. he sneaks off to your room to apologise.
he walks in, you look up and roll your eyes before going back to your work. overnight, you had gone from guilty to pissed off.
matty knew how much you love Annie, and yet he still treated you like you had personally thrown her off the swing.
"Look, I deserve that, I know. I was a dick yesterday, and I'm so sorry. " matty sighs as he walks over and leans on your desk beside you on your chair. you spin around with your arms cross and nod for him to contuine.
"Please forgive me, baby. I'm so sorry. seeing Annie hurt just broke my heart, and"
"And it didn't break mine? God matty you're such a fucking dick. you know I love her."
he waited for you to scream and shout more, just take it out on him, but you stay silent and stare.
matty was stressing out at your silence, so he did what he did best when stressed. He rambled.
"Please, you have to accept my apology. I've been killing myself the whole night. the way I spoke to you was just- awful. inexcusable. I know you love her, I love her too. and I love you so much. but the whole situation got on top of me and-" matty stopped when he felt your hand on his arm, and he finally had the guts to look you in your eyes and he once again saw them brimming with tears.
before he could stutter another apology, you stand up and hug him. Whilst he's confused, he just wraps his arms around you and hugs you.
he feels you mumble against him but can't quite make it out, "what was that, sweetheart?"
you pull back and give him a teary but happy smile and say, "I forgive you. and I love you too"
it's only then that matty realises what he said, and the look on his face has you giggling immediately. you bring your hands up and rest them on his cheeks.
"Love you," you say, making his eyes look at yours.
you see them soften before he says, "Love you too."
more blurbs from this au here :)
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moonspirit · 2 months
Different anon, but now I must ask for an elaboration on the "Annie asks Armin for more babies" part <3
There's very little for me to add other than asking you to go read Kiss me once, twice, then three times, darling by @distortedclouds xD
But still, a few thoughts! It's the ovulation, anon! She neeeeeds to feel the way he fills her up, before, during and after sex!! With butterflies, with his fingers and him, and with liquid love!
It's the end goal in mind, to put a baby (or many) in her, that drives the heat up to ridiculous degrees. It's the singular need to get her full and as satisfied as possible, with zero restraint and inhibition, with no need to bother about "what ifs" or "when's". And guaranteed, Armin will do a hell of a good job putting a baby in her lol.
When Annie is on the receiving end of sex that good and hot, why WOULDN'T she be asking for many many babies? RIP yes, but the sex...
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 5 months
Since when were the loser irrelevant side characters considered of quality to be shipped with dazai? They should be lucky they get dazai not the other way around @alleywaymeetcute
All you did was break the first ask down into two separate asks… I’m starting to think you’re just a bot
negative 3,000 points
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kimtaegis · 5 months
still not used to how naked bangtan appear rn... years showing only flashes of their abs (mostly in performances) and now..🥲 they already had enough age for that for a long time now but it started just now and that's how it's gonna be
but i can't get used to it, i'm in shock everytime 🤣 i guess that in the next scenes of them at the beach or in the pool they won't use shirts anymore and there'll be nothing coverting them anymore.. imagine all 7 naked at once
oh god
ah I must say, I’m not as affected by all that as most seem to be 🫣 it always makes me feel a little uncomfortable when many fans lose their filter and share their lewdest thoughts once the guys are topless or something. also as a content creator, it’s a little sad to see that only gifs of them showing skin get notes these days… like suddenly the fandom is active again, it’s.. well, quite superficial and sexualising, and as a cc a little frustrating. for me, their sexiness/ appeal mostly comes from their aura, energy and stage presence tbh, e.g. all of them in their run bts dance practice video, or jungkook during the infamous lotte concert in 2019 (there’s a gifset of him in my queue rn!)… those are the real deal for me haha
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