#and you're one of them lmao
asterclaw · 7 months
6, 8, 21 and 25!!! If you're still doing this, that is. Also have a good day/night RAGHH!!!!
6. Ppl tend to think I'm 18-23 lmao will never forget that one time when (back then I was 13) was asked if I'm gonna go to a univ soon or smthn like that 8. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YE- I actually kinda... draw weird bs (horribly looking flowers) over my forearms to imitate tattoos... 21. Is nothing an option? :DDD The fact that I don't need anyone or anything to entertain me, I'm capable of doing that on my own 25. A perfect date.................... A night/twilight walk around a city, where the person gets me cappuccino or hot chocolate 👍
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iron-bullogna · 9 days
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autistic wizards just hit different
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a2zillustration · 5 months
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I have put Gale in so many Situations™ because I always forget I have a potion that can do the exact same thing a spell slot can, sorry bud.
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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froganni · 22 days
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Pearl's malicious compliance was really amusing :D
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cozylittleartblog · 28 days
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i can finally say real and sincere words i dedicate my song to you
print on my etsy
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niinnyu · 9 months
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Bonding over food, excellent.
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Thank you for this @galaxynajma :D:D
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thesoftboiledegg · 4 months
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neverevan · 6 months
Inspiration Saturday 📸
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This wip is loosely based on this post of mine and based on the initial outline I expect it to total out around 20k, but I have like 3 much longer fics on my list before this, so it probably won't be written any time soon, but it wouldn't leave my mind today, so!
After a serious injury on the job, Eddie takes up light duty as the temporary Instagram Manager of the LAFD and even though he's now physically healed, he's still not ready to return to active duty. The job has its perks though; namely the new guy who joined the 118 shortly after Eddie left.
Tags and a longish snippet under the cut 💛
“Hey Diaz, sure you don’t want in on the action instead of playing around with your camera?” Buck asked, lifting his helmet a little, probably to see Eddie better in the harsh sunlight.
He had ash smudged all over his face, giving him a ragged edge that Eddie thought fit him just a little too well. His turnout coat was open, revealing just how tight his shirt hugged his body underneath.
“And what if I prefer the camera?” Eddie asked playfully. “And I told you to call me Eddie.”
“Not until you tell me what it’s short for.” Buck grinned at him teasingly and Eddie clicked the button on his camera again, to capture the way the sun hit his laugh lines; sue him, the man was gorgeous.
Buck had this weird thing for nicknames and though Eddie found it kind of endearing, he didn’t really understand why Buck didn’t just ask the team what his name was if he wanted to know so badly — maybe it was part of some kind of game that Eddie never learned the rules for.
“You know this year’s calendar is coming up.” Eddie said, lowering his camera back down to his chest.
“Yeah? Are you the one shooting it?” Buck stepped in closer, still holding the jaws of life in his hands while everyone continued packing up behind him.
“Why? Would that make you wanna do it more or less?”
Buck chuckled lightly, before swiping a gloved finger across the tip of his nose, leaving yet another black mark there.
“I don’t know. Am I gonna be the only one taking my clothes off?” He raised his eyebrows suggestively and Eddie only had time to roll his eyes jovially before he was cut off by Hen.
“Stop riling up the poor guy and help us put these away, I’m starving!”
“I’m n-not rili—” Buck stammered, all his earlier bravado suddenly gone.
“Come on Buckaroo, it’s lunch time.” Chimney chimed in as well, walking past them and dropping his medkit into the back of the ambulance.
Buck looked back at Eddie and shrugged sheepishly. “Duty calls.”
“Yeah... I gotta upload these too.” He lifted his camera with a sigh, indicating the pictures he just took.
“Well, I hope you got my good side.” Buck smiled at him with a mischievous glint in his eyes and Eddie just grinned back at him.
As if you have a bad side, he thought to himself.
“Buck, come on!” This time it was Bobby who yelled over, so they both knew that they ran out of time.
“Coming!” Buck called back, still not taking his eyes off of Eddie. “Take care, Diaz.” He added gently before he finally turned around and jogged away, leaving Eddie standing in the middle of the road, watching as the engine and the ambulance pulled away.
“Yeah, you too, Buckley.” He mumbled to no one in particular.
I was tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz and @watchyourbuck thank you mwuah 💛
✨no pressure tagging: @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @daffi-990 @jeeyuns @ladydorian05 @steadfastsaturnsrings @eowon @heartshapedvows @nmcggg @rainbow-nerdss @jamespearce9-1-1 @eddiebabygirldiaz @theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @evanbegins
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shriggy-the-rat-king · 6 months
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Ianthony priest/demon AU because it's been on my mind since that promo was released. Yes, I'm still trying to write a fic about this but in the meantime i made art :3c
This was a bit of an experiment as it's a bit different than my usual style. I'm also trying to learn to use Clip Studio, so it was a fun exercise. Alternate version without the bi lighting under the cut!
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shima-draws · 5 months
Me: BRO. Can you imagine if Luffy activated Gear 5 2 years earlier at Marineford
AO3: Hey boo I gotchu
Me: AY-YO????
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aubeezz · 2 months
Uh.. aren't the bishops 'siblings' in a religious sense?
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So on Even if they don't look/aren't biological siblings, they're still classed as a family if u ship the bishops together please unfollow,,,,
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unknown-limes · 19 days
This is the farmer and his husband, Sam, and his husband's boyfriend Sebastian, and his husband's boyfriend's girlfriend Abigail, and his husband's girlfriend Penny, and his husband's girlfriend's girlfriend Maru, and his husband's girlfriend's girlfriend's boyfriend Harvey. Also, the farmer has something going on with this little freak in the sewers, not sure what that's all about but Krobus seems pleasant.
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basiltonpitch · 1 year
anyways. i hope byler makes out until they cant breathe n have to pull away gasping for air in s5
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aethersflood · 2 months
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bottlehawk · 10 months
hello guys. the fucked up ecto-inverse of dirkjohn isn't davejake. it's davejane. this has been a psa. and you're welcome
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radiance1 · 7 months
There was a day, a day where there was nothing that needed to be done, nobody to meet, not meetings to schedule, nothing to fight.
A rare, rare day for one Kevin the cat.
As the second in command of his Familia, who the Head delegates most of his responsibilities due to not wanting to do that at all, it is unusual that he no longer has much to do anymore.
With a pretty efficient system in place for each and every division to have an executive and their own second in commands who will soon take their place. It leaves Kevin with not as much to do anymore nowadays, most things being taken care of by other cats.
A meeting between the Familia Heads wouldn't be for the next few moons, and there isn't anyone around for him to fight.
So what does he do, exactly?
Snuggle up to gramps of course!
Danny doesn't mind Kevin invading his personal bed and personal space, as he has done it quite often and will most likely continue to do so for the rest of his immortal life most likely.
It seemed to be a pretty slow day, if his observations served anything. Nothing significant was happening, and the overall vibe was calm and slow.
A good day, a rare day, seeing the normal chaos that usually occupied this warehouse. Perhaps asking Selina to buy the surrounding ones proved effective.
Either way, it was a nice day.
Laying down, doing nothing except watching Tv and not really fighting the sleep when it came. He was drowsy, about to close his eyes and fall into a dream.
Then everything disappeared.
He snapped to awareness very quickly, feeling the familiar weight of magic in the air and what was most definitely the pull of summoning. Which is weird, because not many would summon him, most go for the King, which is Pariah Dark, and not the Prince, which is him.
Oh well, whoever summoned him is most likely some teens or adults who had nothing better to do than get together and try to summon paranormal entities and demons or such and such. He would take some of their food for summoning him, and be on his way.
Or at least that was what he thought.
Apparently, he was summoned by a genuine cult this time. He would take teens and adults with nothing better to do, as well as that one time he was summoned by wizards and got turned into a cat over being summoned by genuine cultists any day.
It's just, not for him really.
They did, however, do their research. Very powerful wards that was built to keep whatever was summoned in, that whenever he tapped on actually hurt him.
Drawn with the extract of blood blossoms for ghostly beings from the infinite realms.
A red mist flowed around the room, one that made Danny's lungs felt as if they were on fire and withering all at once.
A mist made from Blood Blossoms.
To top it all off, there were multiple Blood Blossoms scattered throughout the place, most of which were around the circle that summoned him. It felt like someone brought a hammer to his skull and kept pounding, his muscles felt taut and like jelly all at once, barely keeping him standing on his own paws as his eyes stung from the mist around the room and from the Blood Blossoms themselves.
Whoever this was, they knew their stuff, and whoever this was, decided that going overboard was far better than underboard.
He thinks he heard one of them speak, but he couldn't quite make out whatever was said from the ringing of his ears. Eventually, he had to fall, his eyes struggling to be kept open.
He should turn back into a living cat, get out of his ghost form. But he couldn't, the willpower necessary to do so slipping out of his grasp and instead being replaced by pain, pain, and even more pain. Even the very magic in the air was against him, whatever intent those who summoned him imprinted upon it was made to specifically weigh him down, as if gravity itself were his enemy, to go against him at every turn.
Weaken him.
If he could, he would laugh, but he's in far too much pain to do so. In all of his 150 years of existence, he never expected to encounter something like this. Something this strong.
He wondered, if in all of Pariah Dark's infinite power, if he would be able to stand up to something like this. Perhaps he would, infinite power would let him be able to stand up to something like.
Infinite power, while weakened, is still infinite.
But he, Danny, Prince of the Infinite Realms, did not have infinite power. With his title came a recognition of his raw power, of his ability, and given him political power almost unmatched as he was one of the few that reigned over infinity.
But that was mostly it, perhaps a bit of boost to his power, and maybe a distinct signature due to his newfound status. But not much else.
And is this what it granted him? An end, where he was stripped away from comfort, from his home, from his Familia, where each and every breath he took burned and withered. Where his limbs failed him, where his own power was useless due to his willpower being drained by overwhelming agony.
He would not die, no. For he is incapable of death.
Yet that makes it even worse.
Would he spend an eternity like this? Trapped with nothing but overwhelming pain for company, becoming intimate with it as it raked its hands through his fur, under his skin, between each strand of muscle and piercing his brain?
He doesn't know, and that scares him.
The Justice League, with help from a few members of Justice League Dark, appeared to prevent the summoning of the Ghost King, known as a tyrant who enslaves worlds and a being of infinite power.
What they found, however, was not the Ghost King. But instead, magicians surrounding a circle in a room of red mist, in the middle of the circle a passed out, glowing white cat floating via magic.
They saw it as preparation to summon the Ghost King, perhaps the cat was a sacrifice? Regardless, they went in, and fought. Eventually gaining the upper hand due to have far more powerful members than just magical practitioners.
The cat, without aid from magic, fell to the floor, and Zatanna was quick to dispel the summoning in case it was in the process of calling forth Pariah Dark from beyond the veil. They took the cat back with them, for surely it had some kind of importance if they were using it for their summoning.
Later on, Constantine would choke as he recognized the significance of the cat, a signature quite similar to that of the King of the infinite, yet different.
They weren't just offering any old cat to the Ghost King, no, they were offering him his Prince, and if the look of how they handled it was any indication, it was planned to use said Prince as a bargaining to get the King into their servitude of some sort.
Meanwhile, back at the Familia.
All hell has broken loose, what semblance of order there was broke, the head was gone, missing. Not even the second in command, who was with him the longest, had a clue where or what happened to him.
He was there one second, gone the next.
Not many stays calm about it, the ones who do mostly trying to calm down the kittens after the panic of so many other grown, adult cats.
Kevin, the second in command and de-facto leader whenever the Head isn't involved. Panicking does not help any of the other cats feel assured.
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