#also i sure do hope you meant the nosy one cuz... the other way im fucked :D
asterclaw · 8 months
6, 8, 21 and 25!!! If you're still doing this, that is. Also have a good day/night RAGHH!!!!
6. Ppl tend to think I'm 18-23 lmao will never forget that one time when (back then I was 13) was asked if I'm gonna go to a univ soon or smthn like that 8. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YE- I actually kinda... draw weird bs (horribly looking flowers) over my forearms to imitate tattoos... 21. Is nothing an option? :DDD The fact that I don't need anyone or anything to entertain me, I'm capable of doing that on my own 25. A perfect date.................... A night/twilight walk around a city, where the person gets me cappuccino or hot chocolate 👍
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sunsetncamden · 4 years
An Idea for a Fic I'll Never Get Around to Writing:
Title: Fifty First Dates
Adrien finally decides to let go of his fantasy to be with Ladybug and decides to do something about the growing feelings he has for another girl, but he's uncertain how his confession will be received. Knowing how painful and embarrassing a face to face rejection can be, he decides to write her a note. Said note is confiscated during class before he can give it to her; Mme. Mendeleiev reads the note outloud: "I like you! Do you like me? Check yes or no."
Class erupts in laughter. Adrien is thoroughly embarrassed. Within a few hours all anyone can talk about at school is who Adrien's mystery crush might be. Speculation flies throughout the school as every single girl and quite a few guys hope that it's them. Alya is hellbent on figuring it out.
Marinette suggests the note was probably for Kagami, but Alya argues he was writing the note in class because he wanted to give it to someone present. Kagami's not in their class, besides they've been out on a date already.
He knows she likes him.
The single girls in their class are Chloe, Lila, Sabrina, Alix, and Marinette. Alya dismisses Chloe and Lila as the recipient because they obviously like Adrien and haven't been shy about letting him know "unlike some people" (sideways disapproving look at Marinette, who blushes), so a note to either of them to gauge their feelings would be unnecessary.
Alya thinks the note is for Marinette, who's at first near faint at the idea, but then self doubt prevents her from believing it. She says its obvious to everyone how she feels about Adrien, so there's no need to write a note to her. Adrien could just ask her out. Alya counters that when Adrien asked her point blank if she liked him after finding out her room is covered in pictures of him, she denied it, saying she only had them because she's an aspiring fashion designer. "Not one of my best monents," Marinette concedes. "Exactly," Alya agrees, "Adrien doesn't think you like him. Or at least that you didnt then, but its been several months since then, maybe he wants to find out if anything has changed." Marinette is still unsure.
Alya drags Marinette to Nino to get some answers. Nino's not giving any info up and chastises his gf for being so nosy instead of being supportive. "My bro's hurting, Dude. His confession got ruined. Have some compassion!"
Marinette knows all about ruined confessions and without thinking strides over to Adrien, who's sitting by himself. She tells him that she's sorry about what happened with the note, asking if he's okay. He nods, saying he appreciates her kindness as the guys have been mercilessly teasing him and the girls are even more pushy and flirty than ever. Worst off all he's embarrassed himself in front of his crush and is afraid he's ruined his chances. Marinette says she wishes there was something she could do.
Adrien brightens and says there is a way she can help. "Go out with me...on a date."
Marinette, of course, gets flustered and says the wrong thing. "I go? W-with you?" He nods. "I can't go with you. I mean, you cant go with me, you want to go with your crush, right? Im not your crush. Am i your crush?" she asks hopefully.
But Adrien's self doubt has set in and he stopped listening after she said I cant go with you. Panicking, he's realized he's getting rejected again! It's going to affect is friendship with Marinette, just like it did with Ladybug. He has to say something to prevent that!
"I didnt mean a real date," he lies. "I meant a pretend date."
"Pretend date?"
"Yeah, you know, um...like a practise date." Thinking on the fly, he elaborates. "See, i don't know if my crush likes me, so i was thinking maybe if I tell her where we'd be going on our first date then maybe she'd be more likely to accept. But, we could try it out first to make sure, you know, it would be special enough. What d'ya think?"
"I guess?" Marinette shrugs, not really sure what he's talking about. "Where are you thinking of going?"
"I dunno. You got any ideas?"
So over the course of the next day or so they come up with a list of ideas: lunch at a nearby restaurant, coffee at the local coffee shop, see a movie, go to a museum, etc. They pick one option and go together on the pretend date. Both agree it's not the right date option. Marinette doesn't want Adrien to go on a date with anyone else, so she tells him it's not good enough. Adrien doesn't want to go on a date with anyone else and agrees it's not good enough. They try out option #2. Also, no good. Rinse repeat, rinse repeat. Date after date, both having an excellent time, growing closer and secretly more in love with each other, only to conclude at the end of each date that it's still not good enough and they need to go out on another date.
Alya and Nino are watching this play out and cannot believe how dumb their friends are. Each trying to convince their bestie that they are dating their crush. Just admit it! Finally, after much prodding Alya convinces Marinette and Nino convinces Adrien that they have to come clean about their feelings.
So, here we are first date #50. They are having a picnic in the park, eating food from Tom & Sabine's bakery. It's a lovely day, not a cloud in sky, and everyone seems so happy. No akumas! They're laying on the picnic blanket, watching the clouds roll by, chatting and joking. Adrien absent mindedly sighs that "this is perfect" and Marinette agrees. Suddenly, sitting straight up they both realize what they've admitted. This is the date. The. Perfect. First. Date. It's over, their little ruse is over. It's now or never.
"Marinette, I'd like to thank you for helping me."
"Of course! I had a lot of fun!"
"Yeah, me, too." Adrien rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "Im almost sorry to see it end."
"Yeah, me, too."
Marinette nods and they both blush. Adrien reaches into his pocket and Marinette opens her purse. They each take out a folded scrap of paper. Silently they give themselves a pep talk before thrusting the paper in front of the other's nose. "This is for you!" they cry in unison.
They take the paper, open it, and read the exact same message:
"I like you! Do you like me? Check yes or no."
Then they reread it cuz they just cant believe it. Looking up at each other they laugh and nod, too stupidly happy to speak. They both have these dumb smiles on their faces. And then they kiss!
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