#and yes. the outfit is the main reason why i drew it lol
artsyhamster · 1 year
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✨  Teambuilding measures  ✨
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uva124 · 4 months
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INTRODUCING THE MOST MANIPULATIVE KING IN HISTORY , MAGNIFICO!!! 🎇🎇🎇🎇(I hate him but he deserves a redesign lol).
For those who see this post for the first time, I introduce myself, Hi :D! I'm Aled and this is a collaboration with @ animación , author of the rewrite of Wish that is on her profile (read it, the story it's soooo good) and I am in charge of drawing the redesigns of her story.
Now, coming back to the main thing, I will show how we got to this result :)
-Honestly, I never thought that getting used to drawing Magnifico would be so difficult lmao, how in most of my procedures to make the designs, I start with sketches and studying the structure of the character's face, this was a little difficult because I'm not that I'm used to drawing people over 20, but with a few practices I was able to figure out how to draw him :D
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(I also did digital internships, but I didn't save most of them because I forgot lmao)
-Don't think that I chose a palette of yellow and gold colors just because I thought it was pretty (well, that's also another reason), what happened is that when I was searching through conceptual arts, I found some designs by Magnifico where They used a blue and yellow color palette
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I did a quick search and found this:
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-Tell me this doesn't remind you of Magnifico, then yes, that's why I chose a yellow color palette, also adding a golden tone to give it a royal vibe.
-I also applied this in the design of Queen Amaya, in the publication of her design I explained why I added details of a dark blue color in her costume and Magnifico's costumes
-From the beginning I always wanted to modify Magnifico's cape by adding a rose as a brooch, and searching through the conceptual arts I found quite a few interesting models, so it can be said that I combined everything I liked and that's how I got the cape for Magnifico, Also adding other details that occurred to me.
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-The author sent me several ideas for Magnifico (thank you by the way :D), one of them was associating Magnifico with the sun, I really liked the idea and that is why there are so many symbols of the sun in his suit, plus these It reminded me how in so many cultures the Sun is worshiped, just as the kingdom of roses worships Magnifico, there are also other reasons why the sun fits with Magnifico but I already mentioned that in the publication of Amaya's redesign.
-The truth is, I only drew the other details improvised, this time I just got carried away, but hey! The outfit didn't look bad at all :)
-Another important part of Magnifico's costume is the "M" on his badge, but in fact it is not an M 😅, it is the sign of Scorpio ♏, this idea was from Anny Mation
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-So yeah, I had to add the Scorpio symbol yes or yes, at first I thought about adding it to the back of the cape but I wasn't convinced by the idea, but then I thought: "Wait, why don't I add the sign on the gold plate ? that would look elegant."
-I'm proud of how this turned out, I feel like it does justice to a villain that commemorates 100 years of Disney :)
-Also, I think that those who have already seen the other redesigns know which character is next, right 👀✨? For Aster, I don't know how long it will take me to draw him, since the boy is literally a walking animation studio lmao.
That would be all for now, until next time :D!
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here are the ref sheets i promised i'd post next! these designs.....are technically redesigns? lmaoooo
i'll explain it more under the cut, so do read it if you're interested/curious enough~ ^^
these designs are essentially redesigns. these six goofy goobers get these designs after rgverse's main story (which reminds me i STILL haven't started working on the story summary yet. Bare with me pls)
i have a LOT to say about these designs heheheheeheheh
1. abstruse
• ok first of all. he has a crown!!!!!! :D his outfit also looks more interesting to me. i wanted to make these designs look interesting while still looking simplistic. i do hope i achieved that goal well lol
• he has a lil ponytail, bc i cannot stand men without ponytails /j
• he also looks more happier <33333333 look at the lil guy go. look at my son go 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
• as for whatever the fuck is on his thigh.....idk why i added it there honestly. i just needed some extra touches to him ig? lol
2. primeval texture
• she also has another accessory on her hair. it doesn't look like it bc i Can't draw it for the life of me but it's a feather lol
• her outfit is more...idk. idol-ish??? IDK WHAT TO CLASSIFY THIS STYLE LOL but i like it
• best girl (real)
3. technicolour
• darker bg for him bc god. some colors aren't noticeable enough with the usual bg color LMAO
• ANYWAYSSSS look!!!!! my other son!!!!!!!!!!!!
• he actually has head accessories now. ayeee
• paint splatters on him bc he got into painting and art after the rgverse story ended!
• bandages on him bc uhhh....reasons elaborated in story :}
• it's not noticeable enough but there's also bandages on his neck. reasoning? also elaborated in the story :3
4. logos
• what...is that cloak on her for? idk. just a random design choice
• side ponytail hairstyle for logos real
• as for the random splatters on her outfit and hair accessory, it's another random design choice lel
5. ego eimi
• her halo and wings are more lighter in terms of colors. reason? ALSO ELABORATED IN STORY. HA.
• flowers to make her look prettier <3
• more better clothing than her old design god bless
• bandages on her leg and right hand (unnoticeable) bc of....ummmm injuries aha
6. arghena
• her hair looks a lil like teravolt's now. but hopefully it's different in some way
• TOP HAT. it's similar to chariot's honestly
• i don't have much to say abt her outfit lol
• random piece of clothing wrapped around her thigh bc that's her fucking choice actually. yea it's canon somewhat
• the 'bracelet' she's wearing on her left wrist isn't actually a bracelet. it's actually a watch. i just drew it like that bc of her goddamn hand position 😭
ok yea that's all lol. this was a pain in the ass to deal with but hey. it's worth it in the end :)
as for future plans, i'll work on more ref sheets. my main priority is make a post-rgverse main story design for unknown levels too, and then rework dawn a lil bc she's fine. except for her hair. yikes.
i'll also catch up on the characters who i haven't made ref sheets for yet. ad astra is next for that. thanks Spin The Wheel App
ok that's all ty for reading thru all of this nonsense <3
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If it's okay, Brawler for the characters thoughts bingo thing? (Maybe Hoodlum too, if that's okay, I feel like you have something funny to say about him for some reason.)
I didn't expect to get more requests for this and I appreciate those!! Also, let me tell you right away - I didn't end up clicking with a lot of what was suggested in the bingo for these characters, but that doesn't mean I don't have a lot of Thoughts about them. Or that I don't care about them. I do. A lot.
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For some reason I can't post the pictures side by side so I'll write about Brawler first and post the Hoodlum bingo next.
• They are soooooo cool looking & wow... they are LITERALLY me! : Yes I put those two together ahdksdkk bEAR WITH ME, Brawler. Strong man. Beautiful man. Pretty palette. Strong man. Dumb man. Long hair. Sort of my type. A few of my types. If you know you know. /ij So yes, he is absolutely cool looking, I have a few screencaps of him I kept "just in case I want to draw him", and I did draw him early on (he might be the first AD character I drew? It was a screencap redraw I was pretty happy with.). As for the second part... That's uh, a joke I still remember and sometimes reference, that I made on the Reddit-Discord server at the time, lol. I kept joking that they were making a live-action Akudama Drive adaptation and that I was going to portray Brawler. The joke is that I was the token short-hair woman, so Brawler wasn't the character anyone wanted me to claim... and also that I like claiming I am EXTREMELY jacked when I'm obviously not quite there yet. (I'm getting there.) So yeah, Brawler is #goals. And no, they didn't contact me for the stage adaptation. :(
• Wasted potential This one... There's probably a lot to say that I'm not equipped to explain right now. Hell I'm still mourning his death right now!!! There is something frustrating, on its own, about his early death. There is no doubt in my mind that his arc was over by this point - he was always written to die first. And in my opinion, that's what puts a limitation on his writing as well. He was a strong personality and could have had a lot more, interesting interactions with his surroundings, but he was instead written to be sent to death early. And then... During these last couple years, I have been facing my own biases and ignorance, and have started to understand a lot more about the deeper issues within Kodaka's (among others) racist writing. Looking into what is still his biggest work to date, Danganronpa, it's easy to notice inherent biases that repeatedly come up in his writing, that appear underneath Brawler's representation as well. For this reason, my belief is that Brawler could have been given a lot more potential if it weren't for his creators' inherent racist biases. The disappointment of seeing the classic and extremely obvious trope of the one dark-skinned character dying first is the final nail in the coffin, and once again, takes away from the viewer's potential enjoyment of Brawler as a character.
• If they were real I would be afraid of them Jokes aside he could absolutely kick my ass. And I don't trust him not to.
• If they were real I would marry them & the handbag thing I think those speak for themselves.
I would say this sums up my main thoughts about Brawler. He is hot and dumb and I am a morosexual, so I definitely appreciated him. And miss him. He deserved better.
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Like I said, I wasn't particularly inspired by these prompts when it comes to Hoodlum.
• Why do they look like that I mean, I HAVE to ask that, right? ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜ His hair and face are on point, but the outfit? The colours? Oh honey. And WHY IS HE RIPPED. SERIOUSLY IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. It's that "I look skinnier wearing clothes" joke from Angel Beats! all over again. What the hELL
• They work better as part of a dynamic I'm not the one saying that - the story is the one saying that. Doctor is the one saying that. She points it out correctly: Hoodlum needs someone to hide behind, and will use whatever means to get to that place. He will lie to someone like Brawler, he will obey to someone like Doctor. He, himself, mentions searching for someone to use early on - first Brawler, then Cutthroat, though at that point he can't help but defend Brawler, because you know, feelings. Not that he isn't efficient enough on his own. I fully see and believe that he is - but he's the one who doesn't! During the events of Akudama Drive, he was at a point where he couldn't help but be like that... and then he died, so it kinda ends there.
• wow... they are LITERALLY me! Like I said, I am a proud morosexual. (It's pride month after all! /j) I fully identify with Hoodlum's crush on Brawler. He is 100% me in that regard. Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ The colour I use for my username on the Wiki was his role colour on that one server - and I use his flair with the text "morosexual" on the Akudama Drive subreddit. (✿◕‿◕✿)
With all that being said - I love Hoodlum and I believe that he is one of the characters whose arc was the most satisfying and well-rounded, when many shortcuts were taken for other characters in the anime. He's probably one of the deaths I'm most upset about? I'm not necessarily satisfied about the fact that all the Akudama had to die, I think it was a bit... overkill... and if I had to revive someone, Hoodlum would be one of my options. [Trying my hardest not to start talking about my other option because this is not about them,] His death wasn't fully unsatisfying, it made sense, I was glad Doctor died the way she did, I was glad he stood up for Brawler, but... Did he have to die? Did we gain much from that? Like, Junior survived in the Director's Cut, so my boy Hoodlum could have survived his injuries in a similar fashion. You know. Be weak, be flawed, but keep on living. He's such a well-rounded character and right as he died, he was learning so much about himself and his way of living. I could go on lol
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Well, my wifi is not back, and wont be anytime soon. The very earliest luckiest would be getting it back by Tuesday (unlikely). The very worst my house burns down so theres that /lh /hj
This sucks so much because I really cannot read asks I dont see in real time, I have the same amount of reading comprehension for them as I do Frankenstein XD
Dm me links to any important syndicate asks I miss while I'm gone 👍
Bannnnnn I tried to draw the Jekyll brothers but Kent? Is inconsistent? The database (what I use) showd him as a clean shaven guy with a bit messy hair but google is showing Kent as a completely different model? Neat hair, Brokenshire beard. Like it's the ingame "identify" zoom in and I cant check whats right before I already killed himmmm
Anyway here art <3. I know I said I'd draw the DTIYS first but art inspiration is stored in the Syndicate au <3
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Also I've been thimking about Henry wearing a mask +plus ponytail to hide his identity like for the past two days. Yknow those theater masks? The weeping and laughing? He wears the sad one while in the Blighters and Templars and the happy one while in the Rooks because hes a dramatic theater nerd. Also! I like to think that if Jekyll has to be a templar he'd still wear the Blighter uniform when he could and pretend hes not high ranking. He gets away with it because Crawford doesn't care about him and Roth lives for chaos
I also drew Henry in a mask and ponytail but it's not done yet 😔
Also I did the math the the twins are 3 years older than Jekyll. Like thank goodness first of all because I fully went into ship entirely unaware on if there were canon ages or a scary difference. But also Jacob being 3 years older than Henry is kinda funny to me
All of Evie's outfits (besides her default) are bad and I'm gonna fist fight the designers because the secrets of london (where I only searched the locations of 3) is so bad, especially with the effort needed. How did they do Jacob so good, but utterly fail with Evie /lh
NOOOOOOO D: Man, I really hope you will get it back asap, and also that your house don't burn down!!
Man, if I don't know your struggle rn. However I shall do my best to link you to every syndicate ask that I will get from here on out bc I don't tend to get small asks for that au so <3
Huh-- oh wow you're right. I wonder if it is a set design or just a bit on random depending on the save file... I killed him a long ass time ago so I have absolutely no idea how he looked like <3
EITHER WAY OH MY GOD IT LOOKS AAMZING. I love??? How you gave all three individual personalities in just a single picture??? Kent looks like he is seconds away from murder and I LOVE Henry in the templar outfit, it fits him so well??? Man I really want to start thinking more of this branch. Would the entire Jekyll family be Templars so the trio got that role inherited? Are Raphael and Kent unidentical twins and Henry is the odd-one-out because he is the youngest? Were the three of them really close in Scotland, but left as soon as possible bc their family was abusive, only for Kent and Raphael to find refuge in the Templar Order while Henry goes to university? Would they still have that brotherly love if they were close as kids even when they are in the Order, or would they have a falling out and start despising each other (or Jekyll @ the older brothers at least)? Would Raphael and Kent secretly be protective of Henry and manage to keep him out of Starrick's line-of-sight so that Henry won't get in trouble for defying orders/ignoring them? Would they force Henry to join the Templars with threats or would Henry mostly feel obligated to join them? Since the Templar Order isn't illegal in London, would other people know that Jekyll is a Templar, or would he keep it hidden from the public? Would his brothers help hide his identity?? SO many questions and I'm so sad I won't be able to discuss them with you :'c
(also can I just say I love the poetic differences between their clothing. Raphael is just wearing a waistcoat/basic clothes and he is a brute and more open, Kent is wearing more clothes/layering up and he is the "brains" out of the two of them, Jekyll is wearing the most layers and is almost trying to hide himself and I just... *chief's kiss*)
Henry being a dramatic theater nerd and stealing Roth's costume supplies to hide his identity bc he is so ashamed of it and doesn't want people he knows to know about it my beloved <3 Plus the blighter uniforms doesn't look too far off of what he normally wears so he could probably use that as an excuse whenever some other Templar gets up his ass about not wearing the right clothes, yet it still doesn't make Henry feel any better knowing he has to bear the knowledge that he is actively wearing discreet blighter clothes to keep the Order happy and the public oblivious, knowing what cause he is reluctantly supporting. (him joining the rooks and suddenly coming into the Society all dressed in green lol)
Anyways I have now also decided that Maxwell and Henry are friends bc they both hate the Templars and Crawford and Henry gets to star in many of the plays he sets up. Plus they are both slightly insane so they match each other good.
YKNOW WHAT I WAS DAYDREAMING ABOUT WHILE BRUSHING MY TEETH RIGHT AFTER THIS ASK? Jekyll being forced to be the one to murder his brothers and the twins trying to track the murderer down just to know who tf are killing their targets, conveniently at the same time Maxwell starts meeting Jacob. Henry watching Jacob from afar getting smitten by him but keeping a distance bc he knows Maxwell is possessive, Jacob being the first to befriend Henry after Maxwell explains that both of them are against the Templars and Crawford, Jacob saving Henry during the fire of the theater? Yes pls <3
Thank god bc here I was imagining an age gap of like idk 15 years bc of the differences in the timeline but! I'm just going to keep the canonical age difference while also shoot the timeline up a lil so that the events of Syndicate and TGS takes place at the same time but they are the right age and stuff, just bc I do not like Evie's and Jacob's older designs and I do not want to imagine them meeting during the Ripper dlc <3 Also the thought of Jacob being older than Henry is funny. I think Henry has a type /j
They are so fucking bad and I'm going to scourage the Nexus to see if I can find any good redesign mods because they are so fucking bad. But to be fair, all female main characters' outfits are bad. Pearl? Lucy Thorne? Mfs looks like vampires. Even more reasons for why I only play Jacob, bc all other outfits on Evie are bad <3
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jafndaegur · 4 years
Sesskag Week 2020 | Day 1: Crime
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a/n: If you accuse me of writing a wannabe BNA au, then I mean...youre not wrong but way to call me out lol
Kagome took a deep breath when she woke up. The unfamiliar room and the unfamiliar sounds of a city that wasn't her own caused her to pause and bite her lip. Sitting up was a disorienting affair. It felt as though the air hammered against her from every side, and it took every second of her waking to try and just focus on herself and the action of sitting up in bed.
"You're focusing too hard on the wrong things," the low voice from the other side of her door huffed, slightly muffled. "Just breathe. Let everything flow around you."
She growled and grit out, "I'm not in the mood."
There was no reply and she welcomed the silence.
That man on the other side of the door infuriated her. If she could even call him a man for that matter. That male. She groaned and rested her forehead against her palms, wishing she was anywhere else but here.
Still...she wondered how solid his advice was, he who annoyed her. Taking a few stabilizing breaths, she focused on the sounds and shifted pass the sensations—like strokes through water. Gradually and painstakingly slow, the overstimulation eased away. The bombardment that had assaulted her mind, all those irritants that she couldn't quite name, finally petered off. Taking a breath of relief, she slid her legs off the bed and dressed for the day.
Opening her door, the back side of he-who-annoyed-her faced her from across the room. His head was bent down and yet his posture was impeccable as always. The shorts strands of his hair tampered back along the base of his head, stopping just above the nape of his neck—pointed ears displayed quite clearly. The rest of him was hidden away behind an ever-pristine white coat, a red t-shirt, and jeans. He looked so clean cut, Kagome was almost grateful he wasn't wearing a stereotypical PI outfit of trench coat and suit.
"You are in less distress." His tone never wavered and it never reached anything other than a disinterested monotone. 
"Thanks for the advice," she muttered.
"Hn." He shut the book he'd been occupying and returned it to the shelf in front of him. "You'll find no shortage of youki, jaki, and miasma in this city. For as long as you stay here, a natural ability to ignore it is apparently imperative for your daily functions."
Kagome bit her lip and nodded, despite the sharp pang of pride stinging and making her want to snap and tell him she knew exactly how to block out things that weren't her reiki—she knew he was just trying to help. In fact helping was all the man, male demon she corrected herself, had done.
He turned around so that the bright glitter of his gilded eyes, and the stark contrast of crescent moon and magenta stripes on full display. This was Private Investigator Sesshomaru. Current landlord of her loft (which was actually a rooftop janitor's closet in his study) and interestingly enough her savior.
He stared listlessly at his nails. "I've recorded and analyzed the scents at the site where you were found. Based on the olfactory trails that were left behind, you were kidnapped and dragged here by a centipede demon."
"Centipede demon?" Kagome echoed with an owlish blink.
He flicked his gaze up with an unamused expression and didn't repeat himself.
There was a pause as Kagome messed absentmindedly with her bangs. Three days ago she woke up in one of the most dangerous places a girl like her, a miko to be exact, could be. Shikon City. A city with a 100% population of demons or those of direct demon descent. Not knowing where she was or how she was there, she suddenly woke—her body ablaze and overreacting to the completely untamed demonic energy that saturated the metropolis. And in her loss of control that was when he-who-annoyed-her found her, knocked her out, and took her to his home. Because there was one teeny tiny problem about Shikon city, unless you were an official or extremely and brazenly overpowered, the barrier surrounding the town neither let things in or let them out. So obviously the PI had questions. Questions she couldn't answer. 
What's your name?
"Kagome Higurashi."
"I'm a highschool student—although I just applied for my first year at Tokyo university."
You realize demons cannot leave this area, correct?
"W...what do you mean demons? We're in Meguro...aren't we?"
You're human.
"Um. Aren't you?"
"Thanks to your scent being eradicated by your reiki outburst a few days ago, I can neither confirm nor deny that you are actually from outside the barrier," Sesshomaru clenched his hand. "However your little stunt did not vanquish the smells on the surrounding ground and further behind you. Congratulations Ms. Higurashi, you may be able to process out of here in less than a month if what you claim is true."
Ah yes. That was one other thing, and it was the main reason for why she'd so kindly dubbed him the annoyance of her existence. "I told you. I had a wallet on me, and it wasn't there when you found me. Someone must've pinched my wallet, but if you find that, my ID in it would prove that I really am not a demon or from this city!"
"And yet conveniently, said-wallet disappeared before I arrived on the scene of your kidnapping."
"Aren't you a detective? Isn't it your job to find missing things?" She bit out with exasperation.
"You need money to hire me, Ms. Higurashi." He gave her a cruel and fanged smile. "And that was stolen. Apparently. Be grateful I'm scenting without charge as to why you are missing from wherever you came."
Her lip curled up in anger and she stormed away. Sesshomaru made no move to stop her and she was glad. Maybe she'd find her own way out! She didn't need that stupid, smug, stuck-up jerk's help. After all she was a miko, if she could make a barrier then surely she could escape one.
Outside in the open-city was as unnerving as it had been the first day. Different auras of all demonic pedigrees pressed upon her as if they knew she were a human. As if they knew they could disperse the holy energies inside of her. She shivered and didn't like the idea. Trudging along she wrapped her arms around herself and tried to avoid bumping into people along the walkways. The demons here were for the most part humanoid. Sesshomaru told her no one took on their true forms unless it were for festivals or protection. And extreme emotional overload. Her warned her that for every chance that she could blow a circuit, so could a demon. And neither outcome would be pretty.
Something pulsed.
The air, herself, the aura inside her. Sight shooting up, she swung her gaze everywhere, trying to spot what drew in her power. And that's when she saw her. An eerily tall, four armed woman with wiry wavering locks. She was walking away from her, and right then and there Kagome felt a shiver of familiarity. A centipede demon. What were the chances? Honestly in a demon city, what were the chances.
Tucking herself to the crowd and trying to appear small, Kagome followed the woman. There was no proof that the demoness had stolen the wallet—but if it was the same centipede that Sesshomaru had sniffed out, then it was really truly super super possible that the wallet had been stolen by her kidnapper. The only question was, why go through the impossible hassle of dragging Kagome from the human city to a demon one. It shouldn't have even been plausible and yet somehow it happened. But all that was taken was a little tiny wallet that was hardly more than an over-glorified coin purse.
Kagome tailed the centipede demon to a back alley that led into a dumpster area—little more than a small turnabout for garbage trucks to circle around once they've picked up their loads behind the buildings. Crouching against the wall and doing her best to hide, she waited to see what the centipede would do. To her horror, the woman turned towards her direction and slid a long and slimy tongue from parted lips. Between clawed hands she reached into the pockets of her outfit and held Kagome's missing item in the air.
"Oh little human so predictable. Come out, come out, I'm hungry," she sang out.
Hand covering her mouth, Kagome paled. Oh no.
"You need this don't you?" The demoness didn't move, just swung the pink wallet back and forth like a pendulum without a string. "All I had to do was hold onto this and my little meal came back to me without a fight and more importantly without that stupid guard dog. How tantalizing. I like obedience in a girl."
Something struck a nerve. 
Kagome stood up and stomped her way over, holy pink aura unhinged with her anger. "I'm hardly obedient! Least of all to someone like you!"
"Oh but you came to me, didn't you?" The centipede dropped the wallet and lunged—maw outstretched and ready to snatch up her snack.
No time to lose, Kagome ducked to the side, wrapping herself around the woman's leg and sending out a bolt of her aura. Purification rose into the air like the crisp clean stench of bleach. The demoness fell back and screamed as her leg faded away to wisps of incense—her body spasmed in pain as the residual effects of the purifying blast took its toll. Smiling Kagome picked herself up and sauntered over to her wallet. Well that was that.
One moment she was on her own two feet and the next she was elevated upside down, body restrained by tight exoskeletal coils. Kagome screamed and kicked, sending wave after wave of her miko abilities. And yet the hold on her only constricted.
The centipede woman extended her jaw and giggled. "See if you can get through my skin now, little human. Your struggling makes me even more hungry!"
This is it. This is where I die.
A flash of white, an agonizing scream, and then Kagome slammed into the hard cold cement. Her head spun and her limbs protested in agony. But when she looked up, Sesshomaru stood in front of her—protectively, angrily—claws barred and nose in the air. The centipede woman was no longer in her true form. The centipede woman was no longer. She lay in pieces, in shambles, in tatters on the floor melted by acid and torn apart. 
Not a single spot of blood stained the PI's still immaculate jacket.
Sesshomaru turned around with a smug grin that quickly faded while she sat up. His nose flared and his gaze snapped to the abandoned and pink wallet by his foot. He grabbed it and flipped it open, staring at the contents as if they personally offended him. 
The glare he shot her could've burnt a hole through her forehead if she had been paying attention. It took her a moment, but she realized why his nose was acting up. That wallet, that precious little thing that she'd been desperate to find and that he hadn't cared to find, held one thing that spoke on more volumes to he-who-annoyed-her than the words printed on the plastic ID in the pockets. That wallet had been stolen before she woke up her first day in Shikon City, and subsequently before she had burned her own scent in the subconscious attempt to self-purify. 
That meant her pure and unblemished scent, the details of her original home and original whereabouts, all sat there waiting for him to take a sniff and realize.
"Will you help me now?" She staggered to her feet and cradled her side. 
His gaze slid to where her hand rested, and lifted a delicate brow at the sight of blood seeping through her shirt. One of the slabs of the centipede's skin must've sliced the side.
"Only a human," he huffed and pocketed the wallet. He easily slid his arms beneath her legs and scooped her up against him. "Once we patch you up, we'll take you to the police for an official statement. This one will be able to start conducting the investigation from there."
Kagome smiled weakly and poked his chest. "Hey. Did you save me for free too?"
He rolled his eyes and didn't answer, carrying her out of the alleyway.
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cobraonthecob · 4 years
list of my anti-LoK feelings
Excluding the Gaang’s treatment and trying to be spoiler free so that i can tell my brother about this, let’s go:
oh no it got long
none of this is in chronological order
- Poor mishandling of the concepts/conflicts (the Equalists being led by a bender)
- K/ya and Bum/i being treated poorly by the Air Acolytes simply because they aren’t airbenders 
- Bloodbending being the only bending subset art that’s demonized (meanwhile lightningbending gets to power Republic City)
- Harmonic Convergence - just random people getting airbending instead of people discovering they have airbending because Air Nomads are nomads and are likely to have descendants everywhere and it’s quite possible that the reason why Air Nomads are the only nation with a population that’s made up of 100% benders is because they gave nonbending children away to other nations, those kids carry on the genes but noooo it’s the most spiritual art or some random bs.
- the name of Republic City - whyyyyyyy you could’ve named it the People’s City in Chinese or something 
- Bu/mi getting airbending and apologizing to a statue of his dad for not being enough
- Te/nzin being the only Cloud kid with a family - because apparently airbending can only be passed down if there’s an airbending parent instead of bending being a wheel spin, coin toss, and draw of the hat chance combined with genetics so both Bumi and Kya could’ve had kids,,,but they didn’t. 
- “There’s LGBTQ+ rep!!!” yeah one of them is in the Fog of Lost Souls and a terrible person, Ky/a’s sexuality was confirmed in a comic that a good majority of the fandom doesn’t read bc the ATLA comics are notoriously abysmal, while Korra and Asami were shoved in last minute
- Kor/rasa/mi being shoved in last minute and that’s not because Nickolodean wouldn’t let Br/yke do it, they literally had no endgame ship until the last minute.
- the Spirit portals. Ah yes, make the Spirit World more accessible and make the Northern Water Tribe have an easy way to invade the Southern Water Tribe
- Water Tribe War of Why Would the North Want the South Except for an Ego Boost - oh stars i could write an essay on this: first of all there’s no reason for the two to unite - they’re on opposite ends of the world, two nations are between the two tribes so the constant travel between the two tribes is just too much. Secondly, we don’t do colonization in this household but apparently the North wanted to be like So/zin-Azul/on-O/zai’s Fire Nation. Thirdly: why. just why.
- The Western fashions and architecture - why is there a big ol’ statue of Aang in Republic City waters a la Statue of Liberty style -_- and why is there Western fashion asfjakjfkdj give me qipaos and i’ll shut up about it. (literally if everyone was wearing a qipao to be fancy i would give LoK less grief except for like “kind of boring but at least you tried”)
- As/ami is treated as a side character instead of one of the main four because she’s “Not a bender” (being removed from major fight scenes)
- Asa/mi being everyone’s emotional support and no one gives support back (sounds like someone we know...coughkataracough)
- non-benders having their roles being downplayed, and I don’t mean the Equalists being scary and then poofing out of existence after the first season. Benders get to be in all the action, but non-benders are mainly left out and only brought in to prop up the benders 
- immemorable/bad lines/immemorable characters (I can’t remember who was in what spot lol)
- the Spirit World looking more like Spirited Away rather than what it originally was (someone drew a bunch of Spirited Away LoK AU and I thought it was a bunch of Spirited Away screencaps until I saw little kid!Ko/rra and was like “????”)
- “spirits should live in harmony with humans” - world proceeds to get invaded with “spirit vines” along with ATLA fans going “wait what about spirits like Koh the Face-Stealer or an angry Hei Bai”
- non-con kisses. love triangles. didn’t need that but okay
- wait i just looked up the screenshots for that wedding and now i’m mad again
- I do not care if they’re Water Tribe. This world was inspired by China, we’re applying the full-on white outfit = mourning color to all nations because I can and I will do that.
- relationships having drama and I mean the type of drama that makes you groan and turn off the TV
- Bo/leska being played for laughs (switch the genders and this whole ship is a nightmare upon nightmare)
- Tenzi/n looking like an A/ang clone and doesn’t even have a hint of anything to suggest he’s half SWT - would it have killed the designers to give him Water Tribe arm wrappings???? 
- okay I said i wasn’t going to talk about the Gaang but I’m talking about Tenz/in so whatever. anyways neither T/enzin nor any of his kids look like they have SWT heritage and like. skin color can skip a generation and get into another. One of the Cloud grandkids could at least be a little tan instead of the entire family being the same skin tone. Ik/ki could’ve had hair loopies. Me/elo could’ve had a SWT name, and R/ohan could’ve been a waterbender.
- Ko/rra going to confront Zah/eer with Mak/o, everyone thinks that because Ma/ko was with her for a very emotional time that they’re probably going to get together because that makes sense, right? Heck, both of them are there for each other in the Big Emotional Scenes.
- The framing of the K/orra-Za/heer confrontation - Zahee/r is higher than her/is equal to her height, visually symbolizing that he still has power over her. This is very different from TSR where Ka/tara faces down her demon (Y/on Rha), all cards are in her hands, he’s sitting on the ground while she’s standing tall. 
there’s probably more but I’ve salted enough for now
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I wanted to request the “OC dressed by other OC” things but you’ve got so many!!! And they’re all so cool!! Would you mind saying what some of your favourite ones’ styles are (i.e. mod, psychedelic, hippie, glam, etc.)?
Love your art❤️
oh I am always up to talk about my characters and thank you for sending this!! I appreciate these sorta things because it’s a nice message AND I get to talk about my characters which helps me actually figure them out lmao
and I know you’re asking for my favourites but that is subject to change and I want to talk about all of them. and I’m not entirely sure exactly what styles of dress they each come under but I’ll use the terms where I see fit, and I’ll just. ramble about their individual dress styles. that’s the same thing right!
this is gonna be long (spoiler alert: IT IS) so to keep things short for those who don’t want to scroll through a mile long post, I’ll put it under the cut
so I’m gonna start with the starstrucks because they ARE my like. main characters. I am planning something with them which is in its very early stages of development but I’m hoping that when things around me settle down I can work on it a bit better than what I have (but I procrastinate the things I WANT to do so we’ll see. feel free to nag me about it though)
roger claire: considering he’s like. the main-main character (not intended, that was meant to be snowy but HERE WE ARE) his outfits and style of dress changes a lot but also it’s not that creative for a lot of it. at the start he wears more mod clothing, but he’s not that daring since he is pretty cautious. he had a strict family. anyway around 1965 he starts getting a lot more daring and he’s definitely not an extravagant dresser he does know how to dress sharply despite that so you get things like his peacoat that I DEFINITELY didn’t copy directly from micky dolenz on the cover of more of the monkees, and that really heavily decorated overcoat that’s 18th-century inspired but also Groovy, y’know? that sorta thing carries over into the seventies where he pretty much wears shirts with the sleeves rolled up, light coloured trousers, and a few t-shirts because Variety™. haven’t really thought about beyond that but he’d probably dress like a cool dad
pete sutton: he’s got sensory issues so he’s even MORE cautious in dress style than roger. main thing is turtlenecks though. and a lot of purple. there’s a quote about ray davies being the kink most likely to wear a tie offstage and I think pete’s the starstrucks’ equivalent
snowy smith: he’s got the most defined wardrobe out of the lot of them! black-and-blue striped jumper, a black peacoat, blue jeans, blue-green shirts, his leather jacket (which has blue-violet stripes on it so it’s unique from the million other jackets I draw) since he’s definitely on the rocker side of things and cuban-heeled beatle boots he doesn’t need since he’s already 6′1
charlie morris: REALLY mod. at the start of the story he has a collarless jacket with pink trimmings. his colours are yellow and green but I also always end up drawing him in red
davey peacock: mod, but the mod that your parents approve of. does get a bit more adventurous when his uncle, the manager, gets fired, and I gave him a union jack jacket like pete townshend had at some point lol. he also gives hippie clothing a shot around 1968 and in the eighties he has a mullet and not a good one
rory locking: SO MUCH ORANGE. aviator sunglasses, collared shirts with the first two buttons undone, his kinda short jacket that’s plasticky leather with a fluffy lining (those style jackets have a particular name don’t they? I can’t remember it) but like. there’s so much orange. why did I do that my markers are dying
mick lily: light was denim. that’s about it.
next we have the midnight delusions
jimmy jade: scarves. he has a gold embroidered black suit that I’ve drawn a couple of times and ALWAYS regret it because OW, pink, and a lot of black
teddy van alst: he has a leather jacket. wears interesting trousers and really plain shirts typically. he’s the one with the cool glam makeup even though it’s 1966 and glam isn’t exactly a thing yet. he’s a rocker though
arthur floyd: has a leather jacket like his bf teddy! it has roses embroidered on it. he has a rose sorta aesthetic going on, along with the blue-and-gold star outfit that I drew him in a couple of times. he’s sort of a carnaby street mod if that’s a thing lol
lucky littleproud: gonna be real with you he’s boring he wears colourful shirts and trousers that’s about it. I haven’t worked on him much :(
peter morrison: between hippie and mod. definitely more on the hippie side compared to his sibling
stevie maple (counting him here even though he kinda isn’t a Member): textured shirts, he’s more of an american mod. considering he IS american (unfortunately)
all of those side characters I have absolutely no idea how to group but are part of the same story as those two bands:
sylvia chase: mod, but she also doesn’t put much effort into her appearance. that’s the best way to describe her style
holly keys: she’s a model so literally whatever is the ‘hottest’ trend
james cassidy-bell: he dresses like brian jones in the early-mid sixties
katherine robinson: mod, and then the most avant-garde things she can find if she’s going in public. and a lot of red lipstick (that’s her Thing)
morgan morrison: MOD but also like that sorta soft aesthetic thing that was popular in like. 2017. because why not am I right
christopher goldstein: he is also a model but I draw him in really dandy-ish stuff a lot. him and jimmy sorta have a prep/goth dynamic going on
and that’s about it for the characters who really are gonna appear often enough to bother describing their dress styles! moving on now
keith neptune: band tshirts and anything with patches on it.
nico (haven’t come up with his surname yet, if y’all have suggestions I’ll take it): baggy jeans, sneakers, baggy tshirts, and has a denim vest with patches on it but Different types of patches to keith. if keith has the sorta etsy partches nico has ‘I pickpocketed these from a bikey who hasn’t showered in a month from a servo in the middle of nowhere’ patches
grey: they have a brow leather jacket that I think was inspired by jim morrison, a stamp out the beatles jumper, and a really big and motheaten black woolen jumper which they wear with beatle-boots, a white collared shirt, and like. not black jeans but very desaturated blue jeans that happen to be very dark
jude anne sutton (yes I know she and pete have the same surname they’re not related they’re in different universes): mod. enough said
rene shannon: mod but boring. he’s Repressed y’know
leslie (I’m gonna change her surname lol): honestly mainly shift dresses and that one really simple black-and-white dress, and their ripoff black watch tartan jacket, and tall boots.
danny: honestly? he dresses like a mod but at heart he’s a rocker. he’s a rocker who washes
that One character I won’t name: it’s complicated. he goes from trying to be a teddy boy with the rest of his friends and then it goes a little wrong and they fight about it and then they discover early rocker culture and he sticks with that for a while and then starts dabbling in more mod stuff and then DEFINITELY his style changes into the dandy stuff of the middle of the sixties. you know the stuff I’m talking about. and then he’s a hippie for about two seconds and goes back to dandy stuff but throws a few of his old rocker pieces back in. THEN he has a breakdown and fucks off to america for three years (returning home like twice for two days before fucking off again) where he’s got a peacoat, his old leather jacket, a turtleneck, a few shirts, and two pairs of jeans. that’s it. for three years. and workboots obviously because he’s trainhopping. I have that part very worked out as you can tell!
harper (character I have sketched exactly Once but have his style very sorted out): he starts off pretending to be a teddy boy in the way that a fifteen-year-old with a highly overprotective and lowkey horrible mother would probably be. he is also kinda Broke for that exact reason. and then he and the above character get into more rocker stuff and that’s probably where the two drift apart and where rene/jude/leslie/whoever else I may come up with would come in
anyway!!! I think that’s every character I have a defined style for. some of it’s a little hard to explain but I hope this cleared things up. I have also had a migraine for most of today so my ability to use words is extra impaired lmao!
and I’m so sorry for just. rambling. but I do have a lot of characters and I love them all so much and I’m so happy you like them too!!!
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
we watched 2 whole more eps but we’re abt to vacay so i better recap this biz now before i forget
ok so we finished the zoldyck arc and uhhhh gotta say we werent expecting like any of that to happen lol 
ok ill back up so we start w/killuas mom (i dont think we ever heard her name) confronting gon & co....and canary (i lov her) is not dead which i assumed but thank goodness. 
zoldyck mom was totally using nen. also she is off her rocker gotta say. tho that visor is super cool, albeit confusing - is it connected to a bunch of security cameras or something? how does she see all that shit? 
granpa is wild. his tunic thing that says ‘one kill a day’ or w/e is kinda hilarious, it reminds me of the ‘apple a day keeps the dr away’ saying...a murder a day keeps the....idk away????
i love that killua makes it abundantly clear that he couldve like escaped at any time lol. also tho why didnt he just escape....baby boy just leave 
killua getting all serious and threatening milluki if he messes with gon....my boys got it BAD 
this family has so many communication issues hvbjadkfbjaskdfj nobody is on the same page at all 
the butler guy continued to remind me of kuro one piece this whole time...i was waiting for him to bust out the ridiculous cat claws
oh my GOD wait the flashbacks of EVEN BABIER KILLUA were so precious ;_; he was soooo tiny and cute oh my god. so precious. and canary was also so tiny and cute 
baby killua really just wanted a friend :(((( and canary wanted to be friends w/him but knew that mom zoldyck would kill her if she overstepped like that :( thats so tragic mannnn
also canary is so cool man. her beating up all those guys was epic
ok that whole scene with killua and his dad was like, such a rollercoaster lmao
like....it was all over the place for me...first of all the ambiance was wack, the room lighting was weird and im p sure killuas seat was an electric chair??? and the dad was in a coffin thing..???? like....interesting aesthetic choices all over the place here 
also i see now where killua got his hair and also his catboy tendencies. the zoldyck catboy genes seem to trace back to zoldyck dad, who has kinda scary cat eyes 
also im guessing that the dad is the blood zoldyck and the mom is the one who married in. they sure seem to put a lot of emphasis on like, family legacy or w/e, but the two parents certainty go abt it in different ways 
the whole convo b/w killua and his dad was wild, it totally didnt go where i was expecting it to. his dad was weirdly chill while also being super intense? 
killua happily telling stories abt gon was so sweet....baby boy baby 
and his dad telling him ‘never betray your friends’ was rlly interesting...i wonder what his reasons were for saying that 
cause then he tells killua he can leave, and killua does, but then dad zoldyck tells mom zoldyck (i rlly need to find out their names) that he thinks killua will come back on his own time....inch resting 
i wonder if dad zoldyck made killua promise that bc he was trying to set killua up for failure - as in, he tells killua to never betray his friends, thinking that killua inevitably will & be distraught abt it, and then turn back to the zoldyck family when this happens. idk
also its interesting to me that zoldyck dad wants killua to lead the family someday. like, illumi is right there, hes the oldest and clearly dedicated to being an evil assassin, and he seems p good at it...i wonder why killua is the favorite....the grandpa (i think) did say that killua is Special(tm) which...yes he is a special baby boy i love him. i wanna see more zoldyck family flashbacks/interactions so we can see what led them to this point 
oh lord that reminds me of illumi briefly appearing in the killua flashback and hes just like, suddenly there, wearing some gay ass sweater....like ok dude did you just come back from the Evil Assassin Library or st?????
that reminds me too, ruth tells me that apparently in the manga illumi and hisoka got married or something???? to which i say, thats fucking wild, but also it makes sense, those two are both horrible and disgusting and they absolutely deserve each other hbvajvhsdfjbak peak evil nasty gay rep, i love it. i cant wait to see whatever the fuck the context to that is bc, thats fucking wild
ok back to the plot so like its so wild to me how smoothly everything went hvubsjduhfbjsh like....killuas dad was rlly like ok u can leave and killua just went to the butler house and then canary woke up and was like ok gon & crew lets go to the butler house to see killua, fuck the rules, (and she didnt even get killed for ‘disobedience’ or w/e, or more likely - in most big shounen, she wouldve been attacked by the other evil butlers and gon wouldve had to fight them)
killua Rlly was like fuck this place im leaving my boyfriend and his parents are here to pick me up [puts on gayest outfit he owns and skateboards away] hvbhsjdfbjdkf
i love killuas weird gay preteen fashion so far and i cant wait to see more 
killua telling the butler guy to let him know as SOON as gon gets there cause he wants to see him AS SOON AS HE CAN ;_; bro they r....in love 
of course the butler is trickey tho lmao, any other shounen this wouldve turned into an 8 ep long fight scene sequence where gon has to fight the butlers in order to see killua 
and the of course gon is the same way, gon is like i need to see killua RIGHT NOW take me to him!!! ohhh my god babies
the whole coin game was wild, it was funny when the other butlers got involved too lmao 
when gon was like ‘hey leorio can i see your knife’ i was like OH NO I DONT LIKE WHERE THIS IS GOING. and i was right bc OWWWWW baby boy oh my god!!!! but that seems to have solved it even tho thats NOT how swelling works at ALL- 
anyways gon is a cute smart good boy and i also find it funny how killua eventually gets impatient and just busts in on this whole dramatic situation (and the tension immediately deescalates as a result lmao) 
tangent but god its so funny seeing all these butler guys deferring to killua, an actual 12 yr old....i wanna see the hilarious and hijink-filled results of killua being raised as a rich spoiled assassin prince. thats a lethal combo thats gotta result in some wildly skewed perceptions on how things work, especially paired with gon ‘probably eats dirt for fun and sleeps in trees’ freecess 
godddd gon and killuas lil reunion is SOOO cute they were so happy to see each other ;_; bro they are SO cuteeeee augh. two tiny babies
killua being like oh hi also uh kurapika andddd [looks at smudged writing on hand] lorpo 
hvhhbajfbs dont do my man leorio like that killua hes a hardworking father 
the fact that they just like. LEAVE...thats so wild. i cant believe how little fighting this arc had. this all wrapped up SO much faster than i could have ever anticipated lmao 
where the heck was alluka!? i assumed she’d show up here but uhhhh guess not......in the silhouette shot of all the zoldycks she and killua were holding hands ;_; my fucking uwus bro 
we also didnt see the grandma or great grandpa so im guessing theyll appear later 
gon being like fuck it im not using my hunters license til i punch hisoka in the fucking face hvbhahsfbjsk thats hilarious 
also a convenient way to let him have his hunters license but not utilize it til later in the story...its so early for him to have achieved that big chunk of his goal, which just shows that hxh is Not your typical shounen and isnt gonna just be centered around gons quest to become a hunter 
so we finally found out what hisoka said to kurapika....just as i thought, it was st to do w/the phantom troupe. so theres a handy setup for the yorknew city arc later. bam 
hisoka just being like ‘hey meet me in this (presumably) very large city on this date. no i will not tell you where in the city to meet me. bye seeya there’ 
tbf hisoka is very hard to miss 
god when they arrive and kurapika is just like ok well we got killua so im out lol bye everyone....bro hvbjkhgbfjhdksfhjk that felt so abrupt 
and then leorio was like oh yeah same i gotta go study time to take the fantasy MCAT or w/e
AND THEY BOTH LEFT....now gon and killua r chilling but im like oh my god no leorio kurapika come back, we need some (questionable) adult supervision over here 
and like immediately killua is like ok gon do you have money. and of Course gon doesnt have money. so killua is like well you need money and you need to train so you can deck hisoka, so lets go to a fantasy version of an underground fighting ring! this is why kurapika and leorio needed to stay 
tho they probably wouldve just gone along with it 
they did all promise to meet in yorknew city, but thats apparently like 6 months away. are gon and killua rlly gonna spend 6 months at heavens arena
the part where killua draws the diagram demonstrating how much of a n00b gon is....hvbajdkhfbhajskf
AND THEN when he drew himself into the diagram and was like :3c wow im so modest HBJHSKHDFHBJS that was so funny
it was like that post thats like ‘you can tell when a cats pupils change and they just shift into Silly Mode’ thats what killua looked like...catboy
so thats basically it i think, gon and killua are heading to heavens arena to join fight club or whatever. tournament arc time! 
i doubt this is the last weve seen of the zoldyck family. i mean we havent even met 3 of them, and we barely saw the ones we did meet...idk when theyll come back but i suspect theyll be making some big money moves later on and fucking shit up somehow 
i think maybe illumi or someone will like, spy on killua sometimes to keep track of him. or theyll track him by other means
ill use the prediction corner to reflect on incorrect predictions so heres a few. i rlly thot killua was gonna be more edgy than he is but hes rlly just a good boy huh. like hes a gay baby assassin catboy but hes so cute and good too. he just wants to live his life and hang out with his tiny bf like... omg :’) 
also i thot hisoka held a totally different narrative role lbvahkfjhjjaksfl i thot he was like main villain guy....hes more like an annoying creepy clown dude who (probably) shows up a lot to bother the main cast. we’ll see, but thats what i think of him now
like i thought hisoka would be like p1 dio, where hed be/quickly become a powerful antagonist who would amass a bunch of followers/minions (when actually the only person he seems to hang out w/is illumi, and theyre more like equals than an evil guy/minion dynamic)...or like i thought hisoka would be very well known as a scary evil guy but nope he was just another participant in the hunter exam, albeit a weird freaky one whose rancid vibes everyone seemed to pick up on 
anyways actual predictions, i think hisoka is gonna be at heavens arena, which would be super funny. gon is like im gonna train to beat hisoka and he shows up to do that and hisokas just there like >;) hey
i think if i had to guess, the zoldycks will show up again (in a plot important way) at the end of the yorknew arc/before the greed island arc. i know basically nothing abt any of the arcs but i do know the order they go in so theres that
i do think illumi will show up earlier than the other zoldycks tho, since he seems to be out doing his own thing more than the rest. also we still really havent resolved the whole mind control thing that im still convinced of 
i think nen will finally be introduced/alluded to heavily in this arc...or like, characters will use nen and gon will be like whoa whats that 
i think killua knows what nen is...maybe? it would make sense since im sure all the zoldycks can use it (at least, we saw mom zoldyck use it, probably)
can killua use nen already? that would be pretty funny. i dont think so tho. maybe u learn nen at a certain age. i have no idea what nen is 
also isnt gons nen power the power to like, turn into a really buff version of himself or something. how the fuck does that work 
ok enough nonsense its bedtime zzzzz
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kireiscorner · 5 years
I need help Do you have any tips on drawing female bodies?
1) Take half of what you've learned from anime and throw it out the window.
2) Take every male expectation of women and YEET that shit. Ask girls what makes them feel good, observe people around you, and start pulling from women in real life. I cannot tell you how excited my first animation teacher was that I drew women with muscle mass. Like, the dude outright thanked me in front of the entire class and then went on a tangent about how women have muscles too. Women have so many body types, research the look you want.
3) DO NOT SACRIFICE FEMININE FEATURES! I get it; some of you will be creating trans or agender characters, but keep in mind anatomy and how it works. And by that I mean the way their bone structure and such works. It's more realistic and easier to identify with when people can see their identity there than completely wiping out their journey. Looking more feminine but not identifying as a female does not change the fact that they identify differently. It's just how their body is and you dont need to wipe that evidence to make your point. I know trans ppl who still have feminine feature who identify as male or agender. Its normal??? That's real life, pull from real life.
4) Avoid giving stereotypical features where you can. THAT INCLUDES SLIM THICC AND BIG BOOBS. Not all latina and black women are thick. We dont all have thick lips and big noses or kinky hair. Fuck that. Yes there are common features between races but not always. My mom has a short upturned nose, I have a long bridge and bubble nose, and my Puerto rican cousin has a wide short nose. Pull from real life, but stay true to your character too. Have MULTIPLE refs, at least 7 or so to give you more variety. This includes for body types, lips, noses, eye shapes, etc. Cause I cant count how many times in hs I've seen ppl get mad when different Latinos or Asians got mad for being said another Latino or Asian was the same or that Africans and Blacks look the same or all white people look alike. Theres so much variety in the world, use it. God created it all for a reason. Feed that artistic brain yo.
5) Look to what in real life age groups wear. We dont wear uniforms, overly fashionable color scheme oriented outfits, or model wear. Think about what shapes look good on certain shapes. Think about where they're from, why they're dressed a certain way; again, avoid stereotypes. Not all black girls need to be dresses to be super ethnically-coded. I wear leather skirts, pajama pants, and yoga pants just like every other girl. We all like to be cute but we also like to be comfortable too! Sometimes we dont wanna dress up and sometimes we wanna give aphrodite a run for her money. We dont all wear makeup of have piercings. Anyone can inherit moles, freckles, etc. not just certain races.
6) Figure out personalities first if you can. A lot of times this can determine how a girl does their hair, makeup or no makeup, clothing style, etc. Their personality is very important and can also effect posture and gestures too.
8) One thing I constantly see is ppl thinking theres one way certain types of women look or can act. Like, short hair and "boyish" tendencies means ur gay. Feminine traits mean you're weak and soft. Girls who dont have interest in love are bitchy or gay. That's bullshit. Maybe shes content not having a partner, maybe she doesnt need one. Shes no bitch she just dont want you. Characters dont have to date, esp female characters to be an important woman. WE EXIST. There are very feminine, super girly, cuddly cute gay women. THEY EXIST. There are short haired straight women. Draw them. THEY EXIST. Break barriers, your character is yours and if you want a buff, tall, bisexual long haired goddess who believes all clothing must be made of lace do you boo. If you want a character who is lanky as hell, bald, and killer spicy mama go for it. Draw her too, shoot. Draw all the girls.
9) Everyone has different versions of sexy. Boobs and ass hanging out isnt everyone's sexy. Sexy doesnt mean sloppy, sexy doesnt mean turning the character into a prop. Respect your characters plz! You dont know who will see it and who u can influence.
And those are kireis main rules for drawing women. The most helpful thing is pulling from real everyday life, I promise you. That, and knowing women know our bodies best so we're gonna give you experienced answers. Hope this helps even tho I'm high key ranting lol
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someone-elses-star · 5 years
Episode 6x07: Nevermind Personal Narration
You guys seemed to like my personal narrative last week, so I decided to do one again! I’m super excited for this episode, and I’m really wondering if we will get Clarke back this week, or if the crew will somehow find out she is still alive.
Love hearing Eliza’s accent when she introduces the show!
Okay...give me some Clarke goodness!
Love hearing the voices of her memories! 
Lexa! Still ship bellarke but......LEXA!
Door is opening......
And back to older Clarke!
Is this the Jake Griffin scene?!?!!?
Is he still hot? I think he’s still pretty hot! Lol
No Clarke. You didn’t die. YOU FIGHT GIRL!
Awww poor Clarke thinks she’s dead. 
YES girl! You still alive!
Yes, baby girl. Daddy is in your head. But why should it mean it isn’t real? (Harry Potter references! lol)
Are we already leaving Jake? Is he coming back?! I want him back! Maybe he’ll lead her back after she beats Jo? She better beat JO!!!
I do love Jo, though. Very good evil girl! I just want Clarke back, too!
Ohh! ALLIE! and old Clarke grounder outfit!
Ohhhh....Allie saved Clarke! Coolll!!!!
Yes, save that memory! Use it to beat Jo! Use it to come back!
Face your demons, Clarke! Fight! Live!
Ohhh. Is the red door a Jo memory?
Damn right it’s not! Kick her butt, Clarke!
COMMERCIAL BREAK #1 Thoughts: If Clarke really dies is this show even worth watching anymore? If they save her through Madi’s chip instead, will she have to relearn all her new memories. That makes the most sense. I really don’t want her to forget Madi though! Also, random, but what do you guys think about the theory that this season will end with time travel to a past Earth before the nukes? I feel that that may take it a little too far, but I honestly just want Clarke back now, so that is my main focus. NANCY FUCKING DREW! Is anyone else excited?
Yes, Clarke. He did. Does anyone else want to punch Jo? She kinda has that kinda punchable expression constantly on her face. 
If anyone can fight brain deterioration it is Clarke!
It better hurt you psychopath!
I also don’t want Clarke to survive only to have to take a new body because I don’t want to lose Eliza either!
Ahh there is Jo’s little hair twirl.
Yeah, you fight Clarke!
Ohhh, love Clarke’s change in every room! 
Ohhhhh....memories are already fading off the walls!
Damn, Jo is quick. Guess she’s gotta be after all these years.
Clarke is a badass! Shut your bitch mouth!
Damn.....Jo is smart though!
Yes, Clarke beat her ass into the ground!
Damn......slamming her head with the door. Inspired!
Doubt this means Jo is dead though.
Yup....there she is again.
Ahhh, backup. LIke a computer. 
Ah so that is what the pill was. A sedative. Makes sense.
Don’t be so sure Jo! Clarke is a cockroach!
COMMERCIAL BREAK #2 Thoughts: Trying not to be worried about Clarke’s survival. I feel the writers know that a dead Clarke means the end of the show. Also, Eliza is a queen. Losing her would also mean the end of the show I think. Still....very nervous like last episode. Wondering if this episode was the writers trying to give us a final goodbye to Clarke. But I can’t let those thoughts win or I’m going to start having a panic attack. Not good. Need happy thoughts. Clarke surviving. Bellarke reunion. Madi burning these bastards to the ground. I wonder when we are going to get the Bellamy scenes from the episode photos. I want those scenes, but I also want to give Clarke plenty of time to beat Jo. But how will she do that when Jo is backed up? Kinda feel like she will need a window to take over her body and let the others know she is still there so they can do something on the outside that she can’t do from the inside. Then all she has to do is stay alive on the inside. Easy, right? lol
That’s bull! She fought a lot of battles. Don’t let your demons kill you Clarke!
OHHHH she brought up Bellamy!!!
Love the collision alerts every time Jo is coming on screen!
Will a projection of Bellamy help save her?
Oh, no! Maya! Damn!!!
Because she has people to live for! People who love her!
Awww honey. Gotta stop letting your demons break you down! 
This is worse than the eclipse psychosis! Poor Clarke!
YES! You’re in control Clarke!
She has an idea?!?! What did she do with the chip!? Ohhh I bet she controlled Maya to lie for her! 
YES I was right!
Jo reminds me a lot of a girl who used to bully me in school. Is that why I hate her so much? Probably.
Yes, shock her to death....until she reboots. Damn. She brought in an eviler Russell? Note that I said eviler because no matter how nice he’s trying to play he still killed Clarke and has killed many before her so the Primes could live. 
COMMERCIAL BREAK #3 Thoughts: Not many, honestly, I just want Clarke to live. It’s fun seeing her projections come to life in the form of old characters. That’s fun! Already half over? This show always goes by so quickly when I’m narrating it! Anyone else get these Liberty Mutual commericals with the emu? Do we like? I don’t know! OHHHH LOVE RUBY ROSE as the new batwoman! What a great casting call!
Oh no! Don’t watch daddy get floated again!
Uhh oohhhh....Jo is going to play mean with the floating memory!
Did they actually have Yatzee? That could be the only reason she knows that saying, right?
Oh....a little scary! Poor Clarke traumas! Isn’t that like....her whole life?
“A ringing endorsement.” Lmao. Sassy Clarke!
Damn, Jo is great at manipulation. 
Ohhhh bringing up Bellamy again!
“You have drawings, I have books. Don’t judge!” Lmao
Ohhhh....Clarke seeing Jo’s memories of Bellamy.
Damn....please don’t stop fighting!
Oh God.....she’s considering this! She’s going to sacrifice herself again!?!?!
Do you actually trust her, Clarke?!?!
What.....my heart is breaking. Are we actually losing Clarke? NOT MY Daughter you bitch! (Yes, another HP reference. I can’t help myself!) 
COMMERCIAL BREAK #4 Thoughts: I think I’m dying. I feel like this was to be expected because Clarke is a self-sacrificing angel, but oh my gods please let this be fixed somehow! In a way that does not have Clarke dying...and preferably with her memories of Madi still intact. But that last part can be negotiable in lieu of new memories. There is NO replacing Clarke! I will RIOT if they actually kill Clarke off. Who’s with me? We still have twenty minutes. Miracles happen in this show all the time! Especially in the last couple of minutes! KEEP THE HOPE ALIVE! I’m wondering if we are going to get a, “I bear it so they don’t have to” from Clarke anytime soon. That would fit well in this episode. 
Okay. Now she is in her old hut. With....MONTY?!?!?!?! Oh my fucking GOD! MONTY!!!!!
Yes, Monty! You tell her! Tell her not to give up! Save her Monty! This is so much better than a memory of Bellamy saving her! 
AHHH THE QUOTE! I’m so good! Yes, bring up Madi! Don’t leave Madi! 
They wouldn’t bring back Monty if she was going to actually die, right?!!?
It’s never over, Clarke! Yes, Monty! Lead her to freedom!
I’m crying over Monty. Are you? 
Yes, going in to Josephine’s mind! You can do this! You have Monty! Everything is better with Monty!
Damn.....that is a lot of books.
Ohhh....she knows you are there!
“I like your drawings better.” I love you Monty! We never deserved you!
Yes, control your body! Our predictions are coming true!
Oh. The scene of Jo being murdered in her last body! 
Ohhh. How is Clarke going to use this memory? Or any of the memories she sees?
Nulls? That’s what they call those who can’t bear a host? Damn....
COMMERCIAL BREAK #5 Thoughts: So, Clarke is fighting again with the help of Monty. They are discussing her controlling her body through Jo’s memories. GOOD! BUTTTT....we have less than ten minutes. What’s going to happen? Could Clarke take control of her body and interrupt Bellamy’s meeting with Russell that we saw pictured? Will Jo take over at the last minute and try to convince them that she was just joking...and that Clarke is really dead? Could that send Bellamy into exploring Clarke being alive? If Clarke stays inside her head for more than this episode do we get to see more Monty?
He got it! Go Monty! 
And we’re....in a cafe. With XMAS decor. OHHHH Earth before the bombs?!?!!
Yes, why would she lock this memory away?
Oh are the bombs about to go off?
Water rationing protest? Is this our future? Probably. 
Oh......what is this guy to her? Damn...a gun?!?!
Oh MY GOD! I would want to hide this memory too! 
Ohh more fighting! 
Oh no! She’s awake! 
No! She can’t win! Clarke can still be alive!
Oh....he’s using Morse code! Is that Morse code?
Bellamy knows!!! He can see it! He knows! Clarke is still in there! 
It is Morse code! 
“I slept through most of Earth skills so....” Lmao! I love Miller! We never get enough Miller!
Yes, go last five seconds of Bellamy finding out about Clarke still being in there!
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benhaardy · 5 years
king of my heart || b.h.
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(i apologize i do not know where this gif is from i found it on weheartit but im not sure thats who made it but here is the post. if you are the owner please let me know so i can credit or take it off at your request. thanks!)
Summary: Ben takes you to the Bohemian Rhapsody premiere and you reminisce of his accomplishments and your years-long friendship.
Request: Can you do a fluffy first kiss imagine with Ben? Thanks!
A/N: so uhhh the request was literally the simplest thing EVER but my extra ass had to put some Extra Sass™ upon this lol. idk why i wanted to go big for such a simple prompt but its ben and its his birthday today so HE DESERVES IT!
gotta add in that S H E E R D R E S S S H I R T because i’m still not over it, thank u, next.
the outfit i had in mind: dress (the one in the middle) shoes necklace earrings, though obviously you can imagine your own outfit.
song that the title/some of the fic is based off: king of my heart by taylor swift
obviously, i am a huge fan of the longtime best friends to lovers cliche and idk if anyone else thinks this but i write my characters as super affectionate in the first place so i hope it isn’t weird to anyone to have like the really touchy-feely best friends or friendships in my stories ig? idk, just a thought cause i literally just noticed how affectionate my characters are ANYWAYS here's wonderwall
thank you for sending a request in! hope you enjoy it!
also happy birthday to our king i hope he has a beautiful day
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: a few frick words (2). fem!reader. mention of nudity. fluffy!! not proofread, but beta’d
“Ready, Y/N?” Ben called from downstairs
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
You put the final touches of your outfit on. Perfume on your wrists, Tiffany necklace on, you went down the stairs carrying your nude Louboutins and adjusting your earrings. It wasn’t really your style to do any of this, really, but your best friend Ben had wanted to take you to the Bohemian Rhapsody premiere. Go big or go home, you figured. At his asking, you didn’t see or know what he was going to wear so you played it safe with a black dress.
You went down the stairs and got to the bottom floor. Ben was standing in the middle of the living room, back turned to you. He was looking down at the cat weaving in between his legs. As far as you could see, he was wearing an all black suit. “Ben?” you said. He whipped around to see you as you were putting on your shoes.
“Oh, wow, Y/N,” he beamed. Ben put his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide with surprise. “You look so good!” You opened your arms to embrace him, to which he stepped into, his arms around your waist.
After a few seconds, you both pulled away but his arms still stayed in their place and your hands lingered on his biceps. “I could say the same about you, Benny! Everything looks great!”  He let you go fully. You looked up and down at his outfit. Sheer black dress shirt, black blazer and trousers, everything was tailored perfectly to his body. You grinned. He cleaned up very well, but it wasn’t like he didn’t dress nice in the first place.
“Ready to go?” he asked. “Car’s waiting outside.”
You watched from the side of the carpet as the main cast were getting photographed together. That was your best friend! Standing next to Roger fucking Taylor and Brian fucking May. Everything still felt surreal, though he had been in the public spotlight for the past few years, this felt different. Your senses just felt heightened. The flashing lights, the hues of purple and pink and gold all around, surrounded by people you either knew well or were complete strangers to you. Your eyesight was crisp, noticing everything you could, taking it all in. You did musical theatre, you hadn’t really dealt with something as big as this, even with Apocalypse.
And here your best friend was, in the middle of all of this. Your mind played back all the memories of you two in drama school with his all-nighters, monologue after monologue, script after script. You couldn’t be more proud of your closest friend, all of his hard work going to this. You could remember Ben’s shifty eyes backstage the very first show of Judas Kiss and the blush on his cheeks after the show when he remembered that you had watched him perform and there was that one scene of full frontal; he figured it was worth the embarrassment, it’s not as if you hadn’t seen worse.
Back to Eastenders and its countless shirtless and kissing scenes. You thought back to the countless nights that you spent up with him when he was weighing leaving the show or becoming Archangel. At your own urging, Ben left Eastenders, ready for the next chapter, ready for the next big thing. One of the best memories of your life was traveling to the United States with him for Comic-Con and driving up and down the west coast a week before he had to attend it. He took you to Disneyland and Universal Studios after everything with the convention was said and done.
Now, Bohemian Rhapsody! You laughed at the memories of Ben scrambling to find a good drum teacher close by and how he turned up in the middle of the night to your flat to tell you he got the part. You couldn’t ever forget his embrace in the dark of your living room, his face buried in your shoulder and his arms, tight and strong around your waist. Your happy tears wiped away by Ben’s hand as you drew apart. Though you both were excited, it was still the middle of the night, so you both just slept in your bed once more with the cats.
Ben would always invite you over to watch him play and give your input. You had to admit, he had gotten pretty good over all the lessons. Though you discouraged his lying about playing the drums and seeing the consequences in his clamber to learn as much as possible, it paid off in the best way possible. They started the process of making the movie. Though you couldn’t really be by his side throughout filming, you were basically there, his perpetual FaceTimes keeping you in the loop with everyone. You even “met” the guys and Lucy, who you hit off with very well. Ben made sure you were always by his side and he was always by yours.
So when you saw him here, at his biggest premiere surrounded by even more amazing actors and actresses, you couldn’t help but shed a tear. This role of Roger had basically brought him into the light.
You watched them take pictures until Ben beckoned you over, the group disbanding and walking over to their families and significant others to pose for their own photos. You came over and he put his arm around your waist, hugging you close. Your hand was on his back and you both posed for pictures, the flash basically blinding you, the sounds of the shutters all around. “Smile,” Ben whispered into your ear.
Everyone was at the rooftop restaurant that you were all going to eat at after the premiere. You were sitting in between Roger and Ben, having been introduced to all of the people around the table. Never in a million years, you thought, never in a million years did you think you’d be here, conversing with the real Roger Taylor or getting along with his daughters, or telling Lucy Boynton and Anita Dobson where you got your necklace and earrings.
“If you’ll excuse us, Y/N and I are going to go out to the balcony,”
You scooped another spoon of food in your mouth before saying, “Oh, okay we are? Okay.” You gave a polite smile to Roger, who you were talking to before Ben got your attention. Standing up, you followed Ben out of the tall, ornate door, out to the terrace where you could see all of London. The view was breathtaking.
“What is this all about?” you inquired as you came over to Ben standing with his hand on the glass, observing the scenery in front of him, the various coloured lights illuminating London.
“How do you feel about all this, Y/N? The whole shazam,” he questioned, wanting to know your true feelings about everything.
You shook your head, “What can I say?” You looked out along with him. “If you had told me in the first year of uni when we met that we would be here right now. Eating dinner with two freaking members of Queen and their families and being around some of the best actors and musicians in the world!” You said, your voice breathy. It was crazy what your best friend had been able to accomplish. “I would’ve slapped you and called you mental. This is all so... wow.”
“I couldn’t have made it here without you, Y/N. I’d be a complete and utter trainwreck. I wouldn’t even, like, survive without you, you know?”
“Ben,” you shook your head vigourously, “Don’t…don’t. This is your thing. This is your work. This is your doing. I was just there along for the ride and you were there with me,” you reasoned. “It’s just...just that simple.”
He shook his head but smiled. “None of this is that simple.” Ben turned to face you, still looking down. You moved to look at him yourself. “You mean everything to me, really. It’s not just the support. It’s the little things. It’s how you never fail to put your jumper sleeves over your hands and bury ‘em in your face. It’s how you look at me when you’re adjusting my suit and doing that little,” he paused and did little sweeping movements in the air, “that little sweepy thing on my lapels and you look back up at me and smile. The way you smile, the way you look at me, love, it just- it drives me crazy in the best way. You’re always there for me, yes, but that is not the only reason that I love you.” Ben took hold of your hand and held it close to his heart, his hand encapsulating yours entirely. “I want you, Y/N.”
You leaned forward and an abundance of holy shit holy shit did I just do that did I really just do that did he reeeallly just say those amazing things about me?’s rang through your head, echoing and echoing. You kissed him. His plump lips were upon yours finally. At first, Ben was stiff, taken by surprise at your sudden action but he softened quickly with the feeling of you on him. Your hand stayed on his chest while his moved down to your hips. As the kiss deepened, you laced your hands around his neck.
He pulled away. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted that, love,” he said, breathless, his lips swollen and pink.
“Me too, Ben.” You smiled and cupped his cheek in your hand, to which he kissed your palm and held your wrist lightly. He looked down at his shoes, blushing.
“We should—“ he started, his thumb pointing back to the inside. “We shoul—“
You exhaled. “Y-Yeah, yeah we should, we should.” Ben grabbed your hand and led you inside. He pulled your chair out for you and you sat in it. You brushed imaginary dirt off your dress, trying to act casual.
“Looks like you two had fun out there!” exclaimed Roger, a bellowing laugh coming from him.
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Launchpad’s Association with Della Duck: A Secret Agenda?
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When it comes to working for the McDuck family, I don’t think LP’s just along for the ride. He certainly can't be in it for the pay: in the old show, Scrooge pays him pennies an hour. If that's still true, why on earth would LP bother sticking around? That isn't enough money to sustain him. (But then again, Scrooge stated “Every dent is coming out of your salary!” which ultimately causes him to work for nothing...still though.) I’m sure he wanted to befriend Scrooge in the process since he wants to be friends with everyone and possibly because he wanted to take the opportunity to work for someone so important, but maybe he’s also hoping for an exchange of information. The main reason why he could be working for Scrooge might be to find out what happened to Della. If anyone has an idea, it’d be Scrooge.
When the reboot opens up, we find out that LP just started working for Scrooge. He was really eager to talk about the aviation aspect of his life. His mentions of being a pilot could have been him seeing if he could carefully segue into asking Scrooge about Della. (Because bad things do happen to those who speak of her.) He was low-key trying to motivate Scrooge to come out of retirement so he could go on an adventure with him. Maybe he’s hoping that one of Scrooge’s adventures could possibly lead him to her or he wants to stay close to the family in case anything important leaks out.
Launchpad could be playing dumb (to an extent) so no one will suspect anything and to remain on Scrooge’s good side.
Launchpad has access to the mansion and he’s just roaming around the place. Does he live there? He just so happens to be behind the door whenever the word “pilot” is mentioned. Was he eavesdropping?
In the pilot episode of Darkwing Duck, “Darkly Dawns the Duck”, LP mentions having a scrapbook of newspaper clippings. Frank Angones confirmed on his Tumblr that this will still be relevant in the reboot. When Scrooge goes to look at his diving outfit, he walks past an old ripped up newspaper with a headline that alluded to Della’s disappearance. It’s likely that LP could have his own copy of the same article in his scrapbook with who knows what else.
Della and Launchpad definitely could have known each other, they’re both from well-known families with aviation relations: LP from The Flying McQuack stunt pilots (assuming this will be carried on into the reboot) and Della piloting for The Richest Duck in The World.  Della may have been his friend from flight school or their paths just so happen to cross one day and a friendship formed from that. Launchpad was probably a fan of hers; he was probably a fan of the McDuck’s in general with their globe-trotting and whatnot. Heck, Della could have been a fan of his family. For all we know, they may have inspired her to become a pilot️! The more active you are in your field, the more people you’ll meet within that field.
Why are Della and Launchpad matching? No, they’re not straight up matching but they're both pilots wearing brown and green.That doesn't automatically mean that they have a connection, but sometimes in art, it can signify importance.  One could argue that they have these colors because they’re pilots, but judging by characters like Baloo, Ripcord, Loopy and Gadget, it doesn't seem to be a requirement to wear them.
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Tᴏᴘ, Lᴇғᴛ ᴛᴏ Rɪɢʜᴛ: Tʜᴇ TᴀʟᴇSᴘɪɴ ᴠᴇʀsɪᴏɴ ᴏғ Bᴀʟᴏᴏ ᴀɴᴅ Gᴀᴅɢᴇᴛ Hᴀᴄᴋᴡʀᴇɴᴄʜ ғʀᴏᴍ Cʜɪᴘ ᴀɴᴅ Dᴀʟᴇ : Rᴇsᴄᴜᴇ Rᴀɴɢᴇʀs.
Bᴏᴛᴛᴏᴍ, Lᴇғᴛ ᴛᴏ Rɪɢʜᴛ: Lᴀᴜɴᴄʜᴘᴀᴅ’s ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ; Rɪᴘᴄᴏʀᴅ MᴄQᴜᴀᴄᴋ, LP ᴏғ ᴄᴏᴜʀsᴇ, Bɪʀᴅɪᴇ MᴄQᴜᴀᴄᴋ ᴀɴᴅ Lᴏᴏᴘʏ MᴄQᴜᴀᴄᴋ.
Only Baloo has been confirmed for the reboot (not explicitly, but c’mon, you can’t have Cape Suzette without Baloo), but I think it’s safe to say that whenever any of these characters will show up, they’re not going to lose their signature colors. That breaks the rules of the character designs they’re going for. This show likes to update old characters while still retaining key features. (Like Webby for example, she has an indigo vest and a purple skirt now, but she still has pink articles of clothing.) Brown is very common when it comes to what pilots wear, but those shades of green? Whenever green is incorporated in aviator outfits, they’re usually in much duller shades and sometimes boarder-lining brown.
At first, I thought their colors were some kinda indicator of the flight school they went to, but I later began to doubt that. Their outfits probably aren't something that a school would enforce anyway, they’re a little too casual; Della’s wearing shorts and LP’s even more so with his t-shirt and cap.
I also thought maybe what Della is wearing in the reboot was a reference to her pilot outfit in the “80 is prachtig”/”Family Ties” comic that the show-runners drew inspiration from for her character. I took another look at it and the design is completely different from what Reboot!Della wears. Green and brown are present, but overall, the design of it isn’t strong enough to make a good comparison.
In “Woo-oo!”, Della is depicted in an outfit closer to what LP used to wear in the old series, but in other depictions, her outfit falls more in line with what Reboot!LP wears when he's adventuring.
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Nᴏᴛᴇ: Tʜᴇ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇᴏɴ ᴛᴏᴘ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴛʜɪs ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ ɪᴛ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀʀᴀɢᴇ. I ᴀʟᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ɪᴛ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴛᴏ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴀɴ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴏғ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪɴ ɴᴏʀᴍᴀʟ ʟɪɢʜᴛɪɴɢ.
Tʜᴇ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴛᴛᴏᴍ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɪs ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍɪᴄ “Oʟᴅ Mᴏɴᴛᴇᴘʟᴜᴍᴀɢᴇ Hᴀᴅ A Cʜɪᴄᴋᴇɴ!” ɪɴ Issᴜᴇ #2 ᴏғ IDW’s DᴜᴄᴋTᴀʟᴇs sᴇʀɪᴇs
Della’s scarf is often a shade of blue-green and LP’s hat falls in that spectrum. Blue-green is the dominant color in Della’s dedication room (and the dining room where she shoved Donald’s head into a cake, lol). LP was mainly wearing a shade this color and other various shades of green in “The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest”.
Launchpad’s standard wardrobe has never had the color green or blue-green in it until the reboot. (As far as I know, anyway.) He had a light-green scarf in Fabian Mense’s concept art and now he wears two green articles of clothing. LP completely loses the color green when he’s a chauffeur. Based on the covers for the new DT comics and other early promotional material, it’s suggested that he was originally going to wear his chauffeur outfit consistently no matter what task he was doing. Somewhere later in production, it was decided for him to have two separate outfits.
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Tᴏᴘ, Lᴇғᴛ ᴛᴏ Rɪɢʜᴛ: Fʀᴏᴍ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏғ 2ᴠᴇɪɴᴛᴇ’s ᴘʀᴏᴍᴏs, ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ Cᴏᴠᴇʀ B ғᴏʀ Issᴜᴇ #4, ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ Cᴏᴠᴇʀ B ғᴏʀ Issᴜᴇ #5.
Bᴏᴛᴛᴏᴍ, Lᴇғᴛ ᴛᴏ Rɪɢʜᴛ: A sᴄʀᴇᴇɴsʜᴏᴛ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ Dᴜᴄᴋʙᴜʀɢ Qᴜᴇsᴛ ᴍᴏʙɪʟᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ, ғʀᴏᴍ ᴀɴ ᴇᴀʀʟʏ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ ᴏғ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴏ ᴀʀᴛ.
Della and Launchpad’s outfits seem to suggest that they’re very in-tune with each other. This is looking a little too close to purely be a designing coincidence...
So...they’re both pilots, they have a good chance of knowing who the other is, it’s very likely they were friends and they’re sporting similar colors. With all these similarities, factors and connectedness going on, one can’t help but wonder…
Could Launchpad…
...actually be…
....the long-lost father of the triplets?!
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(Yes, I'm going THERE! And yes, I know, but here me out.)
I mean, with all this talk of mom, it’s only a matter of time before there’s talk about dad, right? LP and Della are oddly connected from the get-go. In “Woo-oo!”, the pilot episode, Launchpad, a pilot, constantly states “I’m a pilot!I’m a pilot!I’m a pilot!” and what do we find out at the end of the two-parter? HDL’s mom is a pilot. Like...what’s with all this pilotception? I’m having a hard time believing that the show-runners would set something up like this for it to go nowhere️.
We still don’t know too much about Launchpad. He has this mysterious background that the characters aren't really paying attention to; especially Scrooge. He constantly ignores LP every time he tries to talk to him about his life.
It seems to be implied that he was a world traveler before he started working for Scrooge. He claims that the road is his office and he has the ability to speak other languages. (How well he’s able to speak them isn’t exactly certain. He suddenly spoke in Swedish when Webby was trying to lie to her grandmother and he probably knows Chinese as well.)
It’s been confirmed that the old episode, “Double O Duck” will be reworked into this show, and depending on how the crew plans on using its story elements, he could have been or could still be a spy! Back in the 90’s there was a Disneyland live show called “Plane Crazy” that involved Launchpad along with a few other Disney Afternoon characters being recruited by the FBI to retrieve a stole spy jet. There’s another secret agent connection right there! The show-runners aren't just pulling from the comics and the previous show, there’s a good possibility that they could use something like this as a source. (I mean, they made something as obscure as a Toontown Online reference! Almost anything is possible!)
No one expects much from Launchpad McQuack. People think he’s just this stupid comic relief guy who keeps crashing planes everywhere. The Macau trip proved that there’s more to him than what he seems. LP is an outsider with a ton of connections.This won’t be the first time he surprises us.
If he’s the father, why does he not remember his children? At first I was thinking that maybe some mind-wiping might have come into play. (How far is Scrooge willing to go to cover up Della’s existence? What the heck happened to the mailman?!) It would explain his odd behavior and why he’s so unfocused, but now I’m leaning more towards an event in the past that could have prevented him from returning to his family.
He could have gone missing himself, he probably didn't even know Della was pregnant during his absence. Maybe he had a severe injury that kept him sidelined. (No one has ever died during LP’s crashes, but has anyone ever gotten hurt?) LP is already a clumsy-accident prone character who always ends up getting in some sort of dangerous incident. In the episodes we've seen so far, something always ends up impairing him during the adventures.
                       Let’s check the hit counter:
Bitten up by snakes
Falling off a mountain
Freaking out about ice fever
Several arrows to the back
He had an eye-patch in that same episode, so he possibly sustained an eye injury
Crashing into a wall
Getting paranoid about mole monsters
He’s also apparently sunk a helicopter in a wave pool once
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Tʜᴇ Iɴsᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ ᴅᴇsᴄʀɪᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ɪs ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ. Iᴛ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇғᴇʀʀɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴍᴏᴜɴᴛ ᴏғ ᴛɪᴍᴇs ᴛʜᴇ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴡɪʟʟ ʟᴏᴏᴘ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ Lᴀᴜɴᴄʜᴘᴀᴅ ᴄᴏɴsᴛᴀɴᴛʟʏ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴ ᴛᴏ ʜɪᴍ, ʙᴜᴛ sᴛɪʟʟ.
In HDL’s original comic debut, their mom leaves Donald a letter, mentioning their father being hospitalized due to a firecracker exploding under his chair. Doesn't sound too far off from some kind of crazy thing that could have happen to Launchpad. 
[Note: Della originally started out as Donald’s cousin.]
Sky Pirates exist in this universe due to Talespin, maybe they raided his plane and kidnapped him. If he’s a spy, he could have been called out on a long mission. Launchpad could have also been in the military. I've seen comments when some viewers were speculating that LP might be suffering from PTSD due to how badly he reacted in “Terror of the Terrifirmians!”. The oldest illustration of the triplets’ father (WHY did they give him human ears?! ARRHG!) depicts him having a buzz cut hairstyle. This could be suggesting he was a soldier. Launchpad did army crawl in “The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!”, and there was a scene where he was acting like a drill sergeant in “The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra!”. Heh, I guess that could be another explanation to why he’s wearing green.  (LP just strikes me as a character who has had multiple occupations in the past.) 
[Note: Della was previously called “Thelma” and “Dumbella” before her name was finalized.]
If he’s the father, how could Donald and Scrooge not know who he is️? I really don’t think they would know...Della probably didn't properly introduce them to him. This could have been due to his possible disappearance. He could have been really busy due to whatever job he had at the time or maybe she was afraid to tell them who he was because they could have thought poorly of him. (He probably was notorious for his constant crashing around.) I have a bit of a feeling that Della kept certain important things in secret; her love-life probably being one of those things (And the possibility that she was working with Magica). I’m sure Scrooge could care less about who Della’s dating, he just needs her to be available for adventures.
Now with Donald, I dunno. In the “80 is prachtig”/”Family Ties” comic, Della just randomly shows up at Donald’s door with the triplets. He had just returned from the navy and he didn't even know she had children. Why wouldn't she tell Donald? It feels so weird for someone as close as your twin sister to lose contact like that. (Really? No letters? No telegrams or whatever means of long-distance communication that existed in that time frame?)
D’oh geez...what if Donald knew or had a feeling but saw Launchpad unfit to take care of the boys?  He already isn't very fond of LP for mishandling his damaged houseboat. I just wanna see Donald show a general annoyance towards Launchpad regardless of it having anything to do with Della. LP’s character was basically created to r̶e̶p̶l̶a̶c̶e̶ help fill the void Donald left behind in the old series after he went off to the navy. It would be entertaining to see something meta like that.
Towards the end of “Woo-oo!” where Scrooge instructs HDL not to tell their Uncle Donald about going to Atlantis, Launchpad says “Wait, who is that?” This could suggest that he doesn't know who Donald is, but it’s possible that it was the “Uncle” part that threw him off. Donald wasn't an uncle 10+ years ago, so maybe he thought Scrooge was referring to another relative. It’s also possible that LP wasn't paying attention during Scrooge and Donald’s exchange in the earlier part of the special. Depending on how far the spy element will be worked into his character, he could also be pretending he doesn't know who Donald is so his cover won’t be blown. (Would Della not tell Launchpad about her brother? If so... why?)
If the relationship Launchpad and Della have is a romantic one, I don’t think the show runners are going to be quick to confirm it. Frank Angones stated that this show isn't about romantic relationships. That doesn't mean that there won’t be any romance, but it’s main focus will be on the platonic relationships that go on in a family. Discovering who both of HDL’s parents are fits perfectly with the family theme of the show, but we probably won’t see this get addressed until maybe the third season or the end of the show in the fourth season. (Disney has a rule about how their shows can’t exceed four seasons.) The relationships of the main cast needs to be established first before a surprise element like this can be thrown into the mix.
While it may take a long time for their connection to be addressed, I believe there may already be hints to insure that this is happening. In my next post, I'll be discussing some other interesting things I've noticed and what they could mean.
Are you up for more reading? Continue here.
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feitanswife · 7 years
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ALRIGHT I DREW THIS PICTURE TO PROVE A POINT AND IT TOOK TEN MINUTES TO GET IT FACING THE RIGHT WAY SO LISTEN THE FUCK UP. This is the first oc I ever really tried on, or at least a rendition of the one outfit of hers I distinctly remember. I remember it so well because when I was deciding what she was gonna wear, I looked down and described what I was wearing. I've since tossed the pants but I still have that shirt. This is my self-insert, did-my-best OC, Sparkle, from a fanfic called Colors. Yes I fucking said Sparkle. It made sense in context. She's a Pokémon oc, and if they can have characters named Leaf and Platinum and fucking X, I can have an oc named Sparkle. I'm not just gonna call her Suzy. I think there already is a character named Suzy. But there definitely wasn't one named Sparkle, which was basically the only requirement for Pokémon character names because holy fuck there are a lot of characters across all three main universes not to mention the side universes! So,long story story this is me but thinner with a cool name. And a few other things. Long story short she was born in the Pokémon world but got kidnapped and taken to ours by the evil people. Still don't know why, I've always been a figure-it-out-as-I-go type. Her father is Cyrus because I like Sinnoh and he doesn't have kids that we know of yet. She has a HUGE crush on N, again self-insert here. Projecting big time. I was so obsessed with N. it was really unhealthy. But that's a post for another time... and another blog. Personal shit that weird people out goes on the sideblog lol. So basically she has several mental breakdowns because she can't figure out whether she wants to follow her lifelong dream of being a coordinator or get a hot hippie to kiss her. Because when I wrote this I thought I was straight and that dating and guys was hella important, more so than a potential career. But tbh it IS N, I'd think twice even now. I mean it's fucking N. who do you think I am?! So she's having Teen Troubles and shit, and her brother- OH I forgot to tell y'all, Paul and Reggie are her older half brothers for No Fucking Reason!!! Ok there was a reason. I wanted Ash and Paul to date and I couldn't think of any other good reason for either of them to be there. Still ship that hella hard, first not straight otp and it has stood the test of time. (S/o to the people who wrote those fics with them over on ffnet, without you I'd probably have never broken away from my parents and their shitty opinions on sexuality.) Plus it was dramatic as hell when Sparkle realized that Mars wasn't her real mom and that her dad cheated on his wife. Not sure where I was going with that. I think I was covering my bases on the fact that he looks nothing like anyone in that family. So then it gets WORSE!!! Some generic evil people start causing chaos and start trying to steal Mew and Mewtwo (again, really irrelevant but they're my faves) so the entire squad hunts them down and somewhere along the way Nay and Harley show up and N squires a shiny Espeon named Nova to match Sparkle's Umbreon Luna. And then there was a train hijacking and Sparkle ended up lost in a forest. And that's as far as I got. Because I got fucking cyber bullied off FFnet for two years. Later figured out it was my "best friend". How she found my account I'll never fucking know. SO, SOB STORY OVER HERES THE ACTUAL POINT OF THE POST ^^^^^^^^^^ ~~ Being terrible to kids over their ocs is really fucking shitty. I did everything my 14 year old self knew how to do to make her realistic. I really wasn't good at writing, but my intended characterization is probably the best I've ever done save for my in-progress novel. She had terrible anxiety that manifested in her crush on N, she felt inadequate and worried about performing well. Her biggest fear was doing things wrong and having him hate her, because she idolized him too much. And she failed often. He did too. They fought and bickered over stupid things and it hurt everyone involved. No one was free from issues. But over the story she was going to learn and change. I only ever got a fourth of the way, if that. I even planned to break it up into a first and second story because it got too long. I was in it for the long haul. Colors was my baby, I gave up all my class time to work on that. I nearly failed my freshman year because I put so much time into it. By the end of it Sparkle was going to grow and learn and change and become stronger, and N was going to do the same. And as incompatible as they seemed at the beginning, they learn from each other and eventually it works. And they got together and it was great. And even though I started rewriting it four years later... I don't think the end of Colors is ever going to see the light of day. Mostly because I'm not sure what it is exactly. But also because I can hardly call her a self insert anymore. I've changed so deeply over these four years, she's no longer anything like I am at all. I can't get in her head and write her anymore the way I used to, even though now I have the means to get across what I wanted to. That girl is dead, she's gone. But she didn't have to go so fucking early. It hurts so much because I love this story and it's so special to me and all I want is to watch it bloom but I just can't finish it. I just can't. The words won't come anymore and it's just dead because some FUCKI G JERK KILLED IT. SHE FUCKIBG KILLED HER. SPARKLE GALACTIA-HARMONIA IS DEAD. I HOPE YOURE FUCKING HAPPY YOU CRINGE CULTURE FUCKS. THERES 15 WORD DOCUMENTS SITTING ON A FLASHDRIVE WRITTEN WITH A LITTLE GIRL'S HOPES DREAMS BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS AND THEYRE FUCKING DEAD. 15 OUT OF WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN 30. COULD HAVE BEEN 40. COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH AND NOW ALL OF ITS GONE. IT WOULDNT HAVE BEEN FUCKING SHAKESPEARE BUT IT EPULD HAVE BEEN DAMN GOOD FOR SONEOBES FIRST FUCKING TRY. I HOPE YOURE HAPPY.
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quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
1-5 Reaction
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: I'm doing the next one sorry for all of the messages
wow what was even that opening
what girl?
febuary 2017. I remember this month well.
Q: Who's this girl?
hey she looks like an adult! Second girl without her main feature being boobs :D
no mai is dead I took her spot though, she was in the tutorial level.
:D yay am I better
yes phoenix please I like this girl a lot
i didn't know my name could also come with one m!!! My name is Emma, I had no idea people could also be named Ema with one m
aww so she isn't an adult I still like her though
phoenix please she's only like 10 years younger than you
BF: Hahahaha yeah, Ema is the Maya stand in for this case
BF: She returns for the fourth game, which takes place 7 years after the third game
BF: Still not very busty, even in her mid twenties haha
Q: :O Interesting!
I like Ema.
Q: What age of people did they think were gonna play this game? If kids then why does it seem they talk down to them so much?
I'll get back to playing
Q: oh so that beginning scene actually meant something
She's know Mia because she was kinda well known
okay why is she bad
how did she even get in teh office in the first place?
hahahaha no im not trading my badge for 50$
what do you mean ''yet''
Q: it's obviously a coincidence that the two siblings are so alike, but if it motivates you then sure I wanna get to the second game
Q: you're telling it from the witness' perspective Lana. Do you remember what happened? What was your motivation?
Q: hi cowboy detective please don't kick me out
Q: why are we having this stepladder conversation again
Q: this office looks like Edgeworth
Q: maybe you wouldn't be low on money if you did your job
Q: five thousand???
MAN edgy must be rich!
BF: The stepladder debate is one of the running gags of the series haha
Q: interesting!
Q: that and Phoenix (and later Apollo and Athena) presenting his badge every chance he gets, and cross-examining non-human witnesses
Q: yaaaaay I liked cross-examining the parrot. 
I still can't believe they let me do that
Q: wait a second the bundle doesn't come with the fourth game just the first 3
oh well it's still a lot
Q: examining the examined. This could be useful.
Q: yeah, no, just the original trilogy
Q: alright, makes sense. Are they still making games for it?
BF: the fourth game came out well after the original trilogy ended, and it only JUST got an updated port to iOS and the 3DS e shop
Q: great an adult woman with a main feature being boobs. I liked the other ones more.
ah, alright. how good/bad is the anime I'm curious
BF: and yes!  in the main series, there are six games total...five and six only came out in digital form for the US, no physical release
don't focus so much on the boobs, it's just drive you crazy
and Angel really isn't THAT busty, she's just got a bust emphasizing outfit
Q: huh, alright. If I feel like it maybe I could get them.
fine. I'm not eating whatever she just handed to me though, she doesn't seem very trustworthy true I guess, not really as bad.
BF: she very much does that on purpose to put you off your guard, btw
she's not EVIL
but she's smart as hell, and she's not necessarily on your side right now.
Q: oh so it's intentional, alright that's more forgiving than the developers just wanted another boob-joke.
Q: angle please we're looking for evidence please stop freaking out Ema
Q: yaaaay edgy! I knew this was your office!
BF: hahaha yep
his office is as frilly as he is
Q: "this office looks like edgeworth"
why is there a dead body in your car that car looks too dirty to be yours it isn't even purple
BF: oh and to answer one of your comments from last night when I was asleep...Phoenix/Edgeworth is an overwhelmingly popular ship, to the point where it can become a bit annoying if you ship either of them with anyone else.
or if you like any of the rarer pairings, period hahah
Q: edgy we know you didn't do it I'm on your side and always will be
except when you're not on my side
With how his dialogue was set up in that chapter I am not surprised how much of the fandom ships it.
Q: Phoenix that was a very cruel joke, remember the case two months ago? Very cruel.
Q: gumshoe isn't dead lol must be mia's fualt he randomly appeared in my head, same with maya
Q: ya why do random flashes of random people keep appearing
how do i investigate this
BF: hah...if it's the bit I think it is, that's just Phoenix connecting him to the INCREDIBLY NEAT AND CLEAN OFFICE
BF: which Gumshoe totally takes times out of his day to keep tidy because that's just the kind of stuff he would do for Mr. Edgeworth, pal!
Q: Well I bet the lunchlady and edgeworth and I'm investigating while edge is in his office.
possibly but phoenix actually commented on "why did i just have ___ randomly appear in my head". whatever I'll keep looking
I guess!
BF: gumshoe just a big old loyal puppy who loves Edgey
lol no that's the reason hahah
Q: gumshoe!!
still needs a better name
Q: I need to copy paste my reaction in a place I'll be able to easily get to later because this will probably be very valuable to me later on.
(Edit: Fuck me for making me do this)
Q: edgy tell me what the trophy thing is
no mumbling
edgy you did good why are you being so defensive over the shield
Q: well the fact it's broken could be important so please tell us
Q: oh ya! I can examine the examined now :D
Q: well 5:12 and 5:15 are very close to each other so this is important that they are so precise
who's this cartoony cop!!! he doesn't look like he's drawn in the same style as everyone else in the game!
Q: noooo i want the report
Q: Edgeworth in the Wild: A Documentary
Ema why
Q: huh, so apparently phoenix doesn't just teleport? man that must be so annoying when I don't know where I'm going for them
Q: blue badger looks like a pokemon that is why he seems familiar
Q: yaaay i found gumshoe
ema knows too much poor edgeworth indeed, I hope soon he can get a break
dance till you die
Q: "they make a good pair" so I guess this game isn't against gays, cool.
Q: well i mean the letter probably will get us somewhere if this game is going to progress
Q: oh so is Angel dating Marshal? What a turn of events
yaaaay i can get in now
...I just realized I can use headphones on a DS... Interesting....
Q: the music hahaha. Marshal theme song
Q: don't think too hard on cannibalism and you'll be fine
Q: Marshal is fun
BF: hee hee yeah, I like him.
Q: "well if phoenix showing his badge to everyone is a running joke guess I better help with that by showing it to everyone".
This case is pretty fun so far, not even a single irritating thing yet
BF: LIke Ema and Lana, Jake Marshall is actually deliberately made to be sort of a nod to another pre-existing character haha.
BF: and yeah, Rise from the Ashes is a good case!  I remember finding some of the trial segments to be tricky, but overall, it's solid
tQ: "Noe to self: when finding evidence, think of Texas"
who is this pre-existing character?
BF: and it makes good use of the new mechanics that were introduced for the DS
Q: it does!
BF: you won't meet him until the third game haha
but yeah...Ema and Lana are clearly meant to be nods to Maya and Mia
BF: Jake, less obviously, is sort of a nod to Godot
Q: and thankfully this gets Phoenix motivated again
godot... who's that? I should probably know
BF: Godot plays a MAJOR part in the third game, you'll know him the second you see him.
He...stands out.
to put it mildly.
Q: can't wait to meet him
when will the Y guy (shack guy DL-6) appear again he's already pretty interesting that's probably spoilers
BF: Yanni Yogi?  He only appears in that case, sadly.
though there's a background reference to him in one of the spinoff games.
BF: He's one of Zarla's faves
Q: I assumed... he seems pretty interesting, sad he had to leave so soon. As you saw I was REALLY shocked when a character zarla drew appeared that I didn't even know would be in the game... sad to see him leave so soon.
Q: forgot to talk with Marshall, maybe I can progress through this
oh yay the autopsy report
Q: tell me about yourself marshall, how long has your cowboy career been going on?
why would you kick out gumshoe!!!
D: I don't know if I should break the news to him or not
Q: well that isn't even an option so
the detention center doesn't even update ever
Q: uuuhhhhgggg I hate being stuck like this where can I goooo
Q: still stuck >:( It's been almost an hour
just let me gooooo
03/24/2018 (Two days later)
Q: FINALLY I DID SOMETHING there was a note in the trunk but it seemed to have done nothing... don't even know if the two people I can talk to would react to it.
as i suspected it did nothing >:(
I think the phone is the key but the only thing it will let me examine is the trap!!!
Q: I asked my brother to help and he FINALLY HELPED
He found another scroll bar on the examination thing that I never noticed and found it :D
Q: no cowboy pls i really worked hard to get this far
Q: phoenix has a phone? how come we can never use it?
...what do i do with the phone?
how did my brother turn it
= and -... where are those buttons?
Q: going to my brother
Q: why not press the button again???
Q: where do i gooo
Q: i give up I need to draw
BF: hahaaha
BF: aaaah sorry I've been busy unpacking boxes
I wouldn't have even thought to tell you about those double screen investigation rooms!
there are like...at least two of those in this case.
the car park area and the evidence room
Oh, and because this took me FOREVER to figure out when I played it the first time: when you dust for finger prints, you blow the powder away by blowing into the mic on the DS
Q: I don't expect anybody to be on while I send messages. Do not worry, I do not expect responses immediately. Also packing boxes??? did you move :O
double screen investigation rooms? tell me more. If you mean ones where you have to move the screen I did do that a lot... and yet I still can't find much. I finally got the phone in my inventory and tried to check the last call but it still won't do anything THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME THAT IN ADVANCE I GARENTEE I WOULD'VE GOTTEN STUCK
Q: Where I am si that I think I have all of the items in my inventory. A full page and then the phone on the next... am I missing something? I heard that Ema is supposed to tell me that I have everything I need
BF: aaah if you are in the car park, one place you need to check is the muffler of the car
Q: muffler? I got the paper that was in the back, I'll examine the car more I guess
BF: and yeah, the game usually gives you some hint when you've found all the things
BF: I forget if you can get it now or not, but there's some cloth shoved into the tailpipe of the car
Q: dont' think i can thanks though
I'll tell you what I have in my inventory and you tell me what I'm missing for the first part
Q:badge, id card, knife, shield trophy thing, parking stub, blue badge pannel, goddman's autopsy report, note from the back of the car, and cell phone
BF: hmmm....and you've shown absolutely everything to everyone and poked at everything on every available screen?
Q: yeeeesssss
:( I'll try again
BF: (oh and to answer your earlier question, yes, I did move into my house today)
Q: yaaaaay
shouldn't there be a wiki or something for this that says what to do
BF: if you are absolutely stuck, I'd look up the Games FAQ walktrough
Q: :(
why does this game make me so stuck all of the time
BF: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ds/925589-phoenix-wright-ace-attorney/faqs/44304    here, this one is spoiler free, you just gotta get down to the right case
Q: :D thank youuuu
Q: Lana why are you not on edgy's side
Q: of course you don't know everything going on here phoenix, if you did we would win but right now we don't win
this game but we know everything beforehand
Don't believe your client, just believe in them. got it.
Q: oh ya angle exists i forgot about her
I had to trim the grass in the front yard. We got an actual letter saying that we needed to so that was odd. It's done now though
angel will never stop talking, and Edge doesn't seem as annoyed as some of the others. huh.
oh my god judge can't you be a little more professional ARE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO EAT RIGHT NOW
Q: you decline every offer phoenix until an impossible one pops up. Phoenix why
Q: If you hate prosecutors so much then maybe you could help me
please I'm begging
Q: wait you have more then one boyfriend
did i hear that wrong
ugh so she does
"care to join" If that is what I have to do to get information out of you!
BF: hahaha
yes, Angel and her many boyfriends
Q: Ema's notes are funny
BF: this boyfriend, that boyfriend, the other boyfriend
you know, as you do
Q: "the yet another boyfriend is still open"
I'd like to know who is who
Q: wait isn't B block for defense attorneys not visitors?
Q: how she names them reminds me of the chicken 'mine'
"That's mine, that one's also mine, that's another one of mine, that one is yours, and that one is not yours." we actually considered naming our chickens that haha
Q: Ema is learning my table-slamming technique.
Q: "my boyfriend worked in the photography division" WHICH boyfriend?
Q: "Prosecutors are, by nature, well-versed in the location of a man's vital organs" I already had to prove with twice Edgy did NOT murder anybody!
yes phoenix kill the egg
Q: okay so i learnt as much as I could while pressing, and there seems nothing wrong... I need to find the objection item
Q: of course it was planned! We already established whoever the killer is planned to do it in edgeworth's car
Q: "mommy, are prosecutors bad people?" hahaha oh my god
yes lets tell the audience how to commit murder
edgy that pun was terrible and you know it
Q: Ema what is that note
you can't smell his breath from over here what
I do have an objection!
Q: I'd like to know how she got into the food business
Ema you're on MY side
Q: remember?
Q: it's so rare when the thing I immediately think of and object with actually works and the characters see what i see
Edgy you look like you're on my side
Q: Ema do you hate me
Q: The person that seems most on my side in this case is f***ing edgeworth and he is actually the one pitted against me so you're all failures.
Q: >:(
I got so stuck at this part and had to retry a few times and I finally gave up and went to the tutorial and that isn't helping
Q: :(
Q: Why can't I just gooooo none of the evidence I have works at all
Q: she'd lie because as I said she has a grudge
Q: five minuets???
wow that's a long time
Q: if you have evidence please tell me
how was this judge hired
what is this blood type it could also be common
Q: why does edgy continue to seem like he is on my side lol
Q: that brings in the question: how many lunches do you actually have in there
Q: if it does how come she was blee- oh ya the hand injury
Q: ohhh to wash away the bloood okaaaay
now to defeat you edgy
Q: Okay so more then one photo, I NEED MORE PHOTOS.
Q: Mia thank youuuuu
oooo the fun music started playing, im onto something
Q: "Yeah! (I'll think later" is the best line in the game
Q: Salmon swimming upstream in a river of quicksand
ya sounds like Phoenix
Q: the muffler in the muffler
Bad feeling about following advice given to you by Marshell??? What a silly thought!
Is something wrong edgy? why are you so upset?
what is bothing you Eedgy pls tell me
OH MY GOD ANOTHER SUPRISE CHARACTER HOW HOW IS HE IN ACE ATTOURNY WHAT ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
is he just gonna stand there or...?
Q: Udgey... that's a new one
afriad indeed, terrified I might say.
Wrighto... also new
Q: when i send my live reaction to the game should i have more context to what is going on
Q: rereading it i think i should
Q: I've been taking more pictures of art I wanna send you but it still isn't doing anything
Q: Alright so i opened the Ace Attorney save file and I have no idea where i am. I'm pretty sure this is right after the first trial
tiny village... where am i and why
i think this isn't my file??
BF: I was about to say...
Q: ruinion and turnabout?
what? something is wrong
BF: if you are in a tiny village, the only one I know of is Kurain. and you don't go there the first time until 2-2
yeah, you are in game 2 there
that's Maya's village.
Q: we fixed it!
My brother wanted to play and he mistook the game two save files as extra save files and he just decided "fuck it im not waiting for her to finish" and just started playing through
interesting :o
swimming? why that specifically?
little worthy? is that a name?
aww so if he's number one he probably won't be on my side :(
damon gant, I like this guy
OH YA I forgot about edgeworth! Worthy haha didn't think of that nickname yet. I'll add it to the list. He must be very scared of this man
BF: hahah yesss Gant is great.
Q: so a muffler is a scarf? is that just another name for a scarf or is it a type of scarf?
he just keeps standing there and blinking
edgy back on this feet, finally stopped just sitting there silently in what I'm assuming is anger and fear
BF: it's a type of scarf. I can't tell you what exactly makes a muffler a muffler though. they just wanted to use the pun, though, I think
aaah the Gant stare.
Q: they seem to love naming puns, not just the people's names now.
"That's not fair!" There are a lot of things that aren't fair in this world, edgy.
That kid from earlier in the audience: mommy is this how trials usually go? Mom: no. I am not even sure what is going on.
BF: hahah trust me, the pun names get more intense with each game.
Q: I feel bad for edgy haha
I can't wait
Q: ...the note may have something to do with this
but along with everything else i think of in this game it's probably wrong
nah okay
Q: time to look through my items another 20 minuets and hope the character see what I see
Q: when in doubt press on everything
Q: good job ema! I'll examine the knife!
Q: SL-2... something similar  that wasn't a tag. again was it the note
Me and gant both love 'objection'. I'm still mad at Edgy for that. I will hold it against him forever.
BF: you and your habit of updating the autopsy report
Q: "Do you have evidence?"
"yes! (I'll think later)" is still the best line in the entire game
a habit of mine? is that not something everybody does?
I feel so honored being told "I win, Wrighto!"
BF: heh
Q: :D He'll tell me about the knife now!!!
Q: I only get to hear bout one thing.... better choose wisely.
Where the victem was found could help, seems like it could work How the victim was killed could be a little more risky but all of these are pretty good When the victim died... it could also be 5:15, and I could find a way to show it was planned... but I'm not sure
there probably wont be any consequences though
I'll roll my di
Q: it's 1 so i guess we're going with that
Q: didn't we GO to the evidence room?
Gant: :long stare: Gant: You two make a great pair! I swear this is intentional. It's not even just that chapter.
Gant: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Gant: :long stare: Gant: Sure why not! well alright then! I'm learning about it unofficially :D This is already very casual so why not
Q: why is the victims gender there
that is unimportant WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT HE MURDER
Q: Gumshoe won't die Phoenix he was in the credits!
Q: alright now not only is edgeworth being called worthy he's being called little worthy
do these two know eachother???
Q: that id is the same as the one we have here >:O
Q: :D the fun music is playing
Q: hehehe FINALLY Edgy looks like the fool instead of me :D
Q: What i think happened is that they were killed, and their body was dragged through the back of their care, and brought here
oh boy angel's back
Q: What I think happened: somebody killed the detective, put the body in the back of edgy's car, Edgy drove back to where he should, left, later the girl opened the back. something about her stabbing him.
Q: no that doesn't fit
screw this case
Q: oh no I'm defending Meekens now too???
Meekens just looks a lot more cartoony then everything else
Q: why did they let him bring a megaphone
Q: oh so goodman's the villain.
BF: uhhhh...nooot exactly, no
Q: i learnt that quickly
I found gant again! he has his own theme song. Sounds like a king.
Q: Honestly I still feel bad for Edgeworth, hope he gets out of this.
Q: uhhhggggg I just got stuck i really wanna figure this out fast instead of wandering around forever. Not sure if it's just with me or if this game just needs better... instructions maybe?
Q: In court when your stuck press everything. In over world when stuck talk to everyone again, present every piece of evidence again, and examine everything again. Then still find yourself stuck.
BF: this case is one of the worst for that sort of thing, I'll admit. I've played it multiple times and there are still places where I forget how to proceed
Q: I don't like using the tutorial at all but I've had to use it twice to proceed, at least I have that. When this game came out people would just be stuck and never get to f***ing leave, and when they did they would be like "THAT WAS IT THE WHOLE TIME I MUST BE DUMB". Are the later games better at this?
Gant: If somebody just walked up to me and asked for 50$, i'd give them 50$! in that case can i have 50$
Q: You know I want to get to the evidence room but why not let's just sit here and talk with Marshell for another 6 hours
Q: I can finally go the the evidence room yaaaay
Q: See, Gumshoe's got the right idea on those 50$
BF: it varies by case, I'm not going to lie!
Game 2 has some added trickiness because it introduces a new mechanic during investigation mode.
said method is a touch more refined in the third game.
Q: in your opinion what is the best game (random question)
general stuff happens, i didn't comment on it
Q: I'm sorry, the game wants me to go to the secret room, do all these things, get no sign that I found then all, and then go to edgeworth's office???
Q: fine a little bit of a clue but this case really wants players to get stuck
Q: hahahaha I can see how you got stuck when the game told you the blow, It did NOT specify in the mic.
Q: non bloody prints???
I can't choose any of the fingers and all 5 are bloody! what do you want me to do im stuck on this sceen
Q: my brother helped :D
BF: heh
BF: Um...my favorite...well, tough to say.  Obviously, I'm particularly stuck on game 2, though on retrospect game 4 is pretty fascinating (both for what it is and what it could have been)
BF: Generally speaking, most people agree that game 3 is the best of the original trilogy, though (game 2 isn't hated, but it has this ONE CASE that is near universally hated)
BF: Of the spinoffs, I'm personally partial to the second Ace Investigations, though that one you can only play in English via  a fanpatch
I'm still playing game 6, so I don't know how I'd rank that one just yet
and there are two spin off titles that I have no way of playing in English at all right now, which is frustrating. No idea where I'd rank either of them. but the animation for those is PRETTY.
BF: Oh, but if you get a chance, one game I strongly recommend that was created by the original creator of Ace Attorney that isn't an Ace Attorney game (though it is allegedly set in the same universe) is a game called Ghost Trick.
Q: Interesting! I'll be sure to check out ghost trick. I wonder if I'll be able to tell what the hated case in 2 is when I get to it...
BF: hahah I'm willing to bet you'll figure it out. I personally liked the case, but it has some issues for sure
Q: alright. I was gonna start playing again if you still want me to send you the endless messages that give you no context to where i am or what im reacting to
BF: AMONG said issues is that it does what no other case had ever done before it, and it has a couple of cross examinations where you can get frigging penalized for a bad PRESS
Q: oh no D:
BF: It warns you when you get to it, but it's still really annoying
taking away my ability to badger the witness without repercussion!
but yeah no, feel free to ramble, I'm just here working and rewatching episodes of the Maxx
Q: >:(
I saw a post and thought of the judge from this game. "The judge could sentence you guilty for murder wearing hello kitty pajamas under their robe and you would never know” yaaaay
Q: About to go to the court thing. FINALLY lana is back it's been a while >:(
Q: oh yay lana gets to be a witness
nvm im a moron the cartoon guy i forgot his name gets to be
Q: there seems to be a lot of talking down to kids in this game :(
Q: why do people let him bring his megaphone
same answer with the kid and his sword
Q: i mean i like the blue badger
Q: bet the tape won't help much
well hey it was a little helpful
Edge: :slams hand on desk: What the hell was that wriggling piece of plywood!?
my new second favorite line
Q: the problems was he was wearing gloves
probably not that's what first comes to mind though
Q: or the light was already on
Q: gloves were rubber? how did i not notice that
Q: why would he need the gloves in there if he was goodman
Q: he could've stolen the card
who is the 777... card at the top
Q: :D I think edge just complimented me, it's probably going to turn into an insult though so ill just enjoy it while i can
Q: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuu
Q: the fake killed goodman not lana
no that wouldn't work dammit screw you
awww lana's finally being useful
Q: Ema don't run it's just a serial killer
Gummy why >:(
saaave pooiiinnt
oh my god Marshell i forgot his personality
Q: please provide me with a reasonable explanation why there were bloody handprints of yours in the evidence room (and no ID saying you signed in but i think i just missed something on that)
Q: somebody actually messes up in grammer in court and one of them yells objection but its about the grammer and they keep fighting about i
Q: edgy don't worry just let me get to my menu my lack of experience means nothing
wait is he giving me advice? is he being nice???
Q: noooo just let him beeee
or not his reasoning was okay though
Q: At first i was sad to find out it was his brother now im just thinking COWBOY PROSECUTOR THAT WOULD BE FUN
Q: what do you think happened to your brother jake
you know i could put that anywhere in almost any case and it could still work (with a pronoun swap but aside from that)
Q: edgy is being very nice to her yay
Edgy is used to me making claims with the idea "I'll think about it later" in mind of course hes going to scoff at everything i say
Q: hey hey jake's back i was wondering where he went
Q: "Just one moment! I will not let such far-fetched balderdash in my court room"
Q: why is everybody immediately blaming edgy again I already defended him from two murders WHEN A VERDICT WAS ALREADY GIVEN
Q: stop being so mean to edgy
Q: hi lana please help me
ocassionally what what i didn't understand what they said i need to know
awww how dare you now your going to get all three of us in trouble
Q: that kid in the audience actually as an adult took the weirdest trials hes been to and put his own characters in it and made it into a game
oh my god the noise of the crowed is so terrifying because it's on repeat i need to turn the sound off
Q: saaave
Q: good think ema isn't dead
Q: Ema it’s not yours its your sisters putting blame on yourself just leads to depression okay
Q: Deal with the devil as a minor so that when your older he doesn't have a legal claim to your soul.
that's unrelated and unhelpful but
Q: now to show you every single piece of f***ing evidence
Q: or not
Q: do do do
do do ddoo dodo doo dodo do doooo ddo do dooo dooo doDOdodoooo
(Edit: do do doooo
do doooo
do doooo
(now go reread it from the top with those last two as the start) )
Q: no marshel come baaaaaack 
Q: I just wanna get to 2-4
Things are going well!
Q: :D Thank you Jake!
Q: Well gant does make a good point
Also about you paying my rent Edgy
Q: I wonder if there are anymore choices or it it's just dialogue.
did I win??
Lana smiled at me :D
"stop it mah you're embaressing meeee" is how this dialogue feels like
Q: yaaaaay I win
Q: awww ema I she'll say she's proud of you too
Gummy you keep doing this
bring him back
Lana :D
Q: Maya will be very proud of me when she comes back
awww hugs!!!
wait edgy was hiding why is he angry
aww ty
Is Lana making you scared I'm pretty sure she was your boss at some point or something I forgot at this point
Q: oh nooo Gant make Edgy scared of who he might be in 10 years. Somebody teach him not to do that.
Q: Aww thanks Lana
the difference between you gant and vampire is that you have friends doesn't that makes you feel better
Q: bye edgyyyy
Edgeworth you keep saying that and it's wrong every time >:( please stop breaking promises
what a storybook ending
couldn't you make edgy do it instead i don't have money
BF: Did you notice you could do fingerprint powder on the bottom screen during the credits?
Q: ya! Can i blow it too?
BF: Make bonus images appear haha
Q: :D
After this i need to sleep this is fun though!
time for game two :D
Q: will blue badger get to stay though is my question
Q: Hey so Angel will be on my side, it will just be in the next game!
Q: I really do think the judge it wearing hello kitty pajamas under that robe
Q: credits done! That was very satisfying :D
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