#and yes it means ray went crazy cause he only got that dick once. i stand by it
akkpipitphattana · 8 months
i’m entitled to my opinion that sandray only fucked once. mostly bc i just think it’d make everything else about them way funnier
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yunhostinyuyu · 3 years
bunny, bunny
pairing: friend!yunho x fem reader
gerne: pwp (im sorry), uni au, friends to friends with benefits
wc: 1.8k
synopsis: when your friend and you ended up in a bed in between each other’s thighs, your friendship was in danger of being disrupted. thankfully, you two came up with a solution…
warnings: cock warming, public play, exhibitionism, grinding, descriptions of past sex scenes, use of pet names, orgasm control? a little praise and a little degrading thrown in too because why not
authors note: this is not proof read and I wrote it at 1am please be kind <3
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It was a summery afternoon, Yunho and you spend it per usual at the park near campus, studying for your final exams. The last rays of sunshine shining though the pine trees that spend shade to the entire space decked in greenery and flowers. It was especially quiet at this time, which was the reason you went there regularly. Yet the specific place in the very back spend and enormous amount of silence that the both of you enjoyed thoroughly.
But despite the breeze that fanned over your legs and arms, your insides were burning. As if someone poured hot chili sauce in your gut, focus not present and the notes you compared and tried to burn into your memory were wasted efforts. The burn inside churning your stomach in all shapes, trying to sit still - but to no avail.
Why? Because your friend right next to you railed you last weekend, and since then acted as if nothing had happened between the two of you. Never had you ever thought of him like that, but ever since it happened, you couldn’t pull your mind off it. It was a thought chain that disrupted every effort to study, reimagining the things that went down in his bed. But anytime you tried to hint at it or even talk about the incident, he avoided it, changed the topic, or even flat out pretended he didn’t know what you were referring to. And it was exhausting. You were even considering forgetting about the whole thing to continue on with your friendship and not to get the mush of sexual fantasies and your blatant neediness between that.
But still, you thought about it. You couldn’t not think about it. Never had anyone… fucked you the way he did.
“I love the way your boobs bounce, the way you clench around me like that- fuck, like that. You feel so snug around my cock, so good bunny. Just for me.”
Panting. Moaning. Maintaining your rhythm. Repeat. He stretched your walls so well, the constant dragging against your velvet walls make you go crazy. Orgasm pending as your legs got more tired, yet trying your best to continue riding your friend.
“Dumb little bunny, getting tired already? Don’t you want to cum?” He teased, seeing and feeling your struggle, releasing a incoherent chain of moans and complaints. His smirk still ever present on his lips, clearly enjoying himself. After a few more attempts on continuing to get your release on him, he rolled over to change your positions, moments before your thigh muscles would have given out.
“Bunny, answer when I ask you something. Do you wanna cum on my dick, huh? I guess you don’t want to then…” he provoked, knowing exactly what he was doing while slowing his movements. “Yun, no! No I wanna cum, please don’t stop, I’m begging you, please please please, I’m just a dumb little bunny. Make me cum, please Yunho. I need-“ he muffled your pleas with his giant hand, pushing his fingers against your tongue while snapping his hips harder then before, sounds of skin slapping filling the room. Crying as he gifted you with your well earned orgasm.
“Snap out of it, Y/N. You’re off somewhere in Dreamland.” his deep voice woke you from the depth of your naughty mind.
“Fuck- Yunho! Don’t startle me like that!” Playfully hitting his arm as you try to compose yourself again and at least pretend to study, so you can find an excuse to get home and take care of the blinding ache that was slowly bubbling up in between your legs.
Yunho got another book out of his backpack, flipping through the pages as he side eyed you again and again. “What did you think about? You’re been really distant today, I’m almost offended.” His voice sounded calm. And yes, he was right, you acted strange - but to your defense, you didn’t know what the late events made you two. Mind rattling without coming to a conclusion, you simply sighed and looked up from your study material. Rolling over from laying on your stomach, to now rest on your back and searching for Yunho’s attention.
“Yunho, I don’t - no I can’t anymore. You idiot make me crazy, all I can think about is you fucking me and I can’t get this image out of my head. And I can’t stand how you keep on pretending it never happened. I hate this so much. I cannot get over it, and you certainly don’t help with your whole spiel.” words hitting him square in the chest, and even while they came out more forceful than you imagined in your head, it seemed to work in your favor… well more or less…
“Bunny, bunny, if you want me to touch you, just tell me. I can tell by the way your thighs rub together…”
“That’s not what I mean Yunho. You’re doing it right now, again! You’re avoiding the issue at hand, and if you don’t man up I’ll leave until you grow a pair of balls.” You shake your head, denying your arousal pooling in favor of getting your point across. His features turned serious for a moment. Closing your eyes in frustration and hiding your face behind your fingers to avoid his stare boring through your skull. But before he said anything, you felt something along your legs-
“You’re too riled up. But let’s talk this though if it bothers you - which it clearly does. But before that-“ his fingers traveled up until they felt the damp material of your panties, moving it to the side to push his own digits in. Mentally cursing at your choice to wear a skirt today of all days. “- let’s relax. Please, just sit up.”
Trying your hardest to keep any signs of newly found ecstasy to yourself, one hand moving in and out of your hole, the other wrapping around your waist to pull you up from your lying position and bring you onto his lap. His chest pressing against your back, his mouth ghosting over the shell of your ear. Whispering, only for you to hear “good bunny, now-“ he pulled his fingers out of you, which contracted a short whine from your end, and despite trying your best to play coy, you failed. Feeling a grin on his face as he continued to work you up. One hand untucking his half-hard member out of his sweatpants. Your mind went blank as you felt him teasing your entrance, hands searching for him to stop.
“Yunho, we’re in public, someone will see us. Please-“ you whine, slowly loosing control of yourself and almost grinding against him, begging for stimulation. Without answering, he slipped inside effortlessly thanks to your arousal that drenched your core. Lewd moans leaving you as his grip found your hips again, holding you close to him, while not giving you a chance to fuck yourself on him.
At this point all the built up composure was thrown out the window and you tried your hardest to get any stimulation from him, which his death grip on you prevented. “Stop clenching, let’s talk.” He commented, not letting up on you. Brows furrowed in confusion while glancing back at him.
“I didn’t expect you to be this needy for me in public. It explains a lot. But in all seriousness…” he started, and despite everything, you could think clear thoughts again, his rough touch comforting you in a way. “Let’s talk it through.”
Deep sighs escaped while chewing on the inside of your cheek. “You know, I don’t know. It was all so awkward since we… you know, did it. I don’t want to loose our friendship but at the same time my mind is filled with you. But not my friend from Uni-Yunho, instead it’s just ‘bunny looks so good doing this and that’-Yunho.” You found it surprisingly easier to talk your mind without having to look into his eyes. But your voice was thin and could break off any moment to turn into whispers.
“I’m- I don’t know what to say, honestly. Did I ever make you feel uncomfortable, or push you to do things you’re not okay with?” He asked out of the blue, and you shook your head vehemently at his question. His grip on your hips let up, feeling that his hold may cause a few bruises, but that was the last of your concerns. “Never. If it did, we would have never gone that far. You know me, I’m quick to reject people when I feel iffy.”
A soft, breathy laugh left him and you felt his warm breath against your neck. “I know. Suppose I’m lucky then.” Hands coming back to lift you off his cock, and you turned around to face him. Slowly sinking back onto him and finding his hands once you bottomed out.
You both were nervous about this, but nonetheless you were determined to get this topic over with, to come to a conclusion. A proper result to see where you both stand at.
“I have a proposal then.“ he spoke, hands leaving yours again to hold you and make you sink onto his boner once again, this time moaning louder than the first time, and a heat crawled up your neck and cheeks. “What if we…“ he guided you up and down, your hands frantically grabbing onto his shirt to deal with the sudden stimulation. Tiny groans tumbling from his lips as well, “Let’s keep this casual. Make it our thing. We don’t have to get caught up with any feelings or attachments. We can simply keep going as friends, and when… you know. We get desperate, we can play with each other.” He suggested while keeping a steady rythym, bucking his hips ever so perfectly, hitting your spots better than anyone before him did.
“Are you suggesting that we- oh fuck! T-that we… become friends with benefits? Mmmh- you sure about this?” trying your hardest to talk properly without drawing too much attention to your situation. Even if any bystander wouldn’t think you were getting off in public, your skirt hiding both of your private regions perfectly. Your sounds and movements would prove anyone otherwise.
Yunho slowly but surely slacked off and stilled his movements while staying snug inside you again. “That’s what I’m saying. You think you can do that?”
In all honesty, this newly found confidence surprised you, but it suited him so well, ever since becoming intimate with him. And having this side of Yunho, alongside a normal friendship, a friendship you cherished and celebrated? Where he still was that funny, yet slightly clumsy and sarcastic person? It seemed like a jackpot.
Breathily, leaning your forehead against his, and nodding at his suggestion. “I can. I want to. I mean, I wanna try this thing with you. Please-“
Suddenly, lips slotting against your own sloppily. Hands touching you everywhere, heavy breathing and panting.
“Let’s take this back to the dorms then, bunny. Be good and I’ll make you cum as much as you want. Sounds good?”
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seouliie · 3 years
bikini bottoms (m)
having a job as a lifeguard on the beach has you doing many things you’ve never done before. stopping fights between a 5 year old and a seagull, spending hours trying to dig a jeep out of a 4 foot hole some doofus had dug, and lastly, giving jung hoseok a blowjob.
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(gif from weheartit)
GENRE: e2l, smut, lifeguard!au
WORDS: 2753
MEMBER: jung hoseok
WARNINGS: really only a blowjob, implied smut, possible part two, hoseok is a fuckboy, mention of sexual harassment, there’s banter in this and hoseok slaps yn’s ass, but it’s all playful!!
The wooden chair of the lifeguard tower creaks as you sit down, as if releasing a heavy sigh after a long night of no usage, now to be sat on at the fresh time of 10 am- the start of your work day. From above, the people now rolling in to the beach start appearing, encouraged by the sunny sky and beautiful weather to get on their swimsuits and hop in the clear water.
This was an everyday thing for you- and you loved it. The fresh air seemingly always in the atmosphere, tinted by the salty smell of the sea, the sun, the sand- everything. It was the perfect way to start your day, and the perfect day to end it. Your mornings could never go wrong at the beach.
From the corner of your eye, you can see the outline of a rather familiar figure making his way towards the lifeguard tower, a frown naturally forming onto to your lips.
Well, except for one thing.
Meet Jung Hoseok, the heartthrob of the beach. Not gonna lie, the only reason you haven't filed a complaint for him to get fired was because almost half of the people who come to the beach are teenagers who want a piece of him. Not just him- his dick. If he did evidently get fired, then less people would actually come, meaning less money for you. Yes, you have thought this through before. And you prefer money.
You sigh, not wanting to interact with this sex machine at least until you've had your third cup of coffee. Lazily, you respond: "Yes, Hoseok?"
He smiles when you make eye contact with him, his gaze pure and playful. "You left your shoes at the shed! I wanted to bring them to you!" A hand covers his eyes from the rays of the sun, and he lifts his other hand to reveal your pair of dark blue flip-flops hanging off his middle finger.
"I know, Hoseok," you reply. "I leave them on purpose. I don't like the feeling of shoes on a beach." You rake a hand through your hair, your strands getting blown into your eyes from the slight wind.
"Well, I brought them, so you might as well wear it." He smirks as he waves the shoes around mockingly. From afar, the sound of a baseline is audible, hinting that the car of the boy-crazy girls have arrived.
You scoff. "Just throw them up or something. Don't you know how? Weren't you captain of your basketball team?"
Hoseok laughs, a sound that- for some reason- causes your stomach to flurry. "First of all, I was not captain and I barely played since the coach despised me. Secondly, I will not throw these up, and you will come down to get them."
High-pitched laughter rings through your ears, causing your mood to already turn negative. You roll your eyes. "Don't you have some girls to fuck? I can practically hear them calling your name already in their squeaky ass voices like some fourth graders."
At this, the raven haired boy pouts, slight wind brushing his bangs into his eyes. "Come on, I'm trying to be nice, princess."
You bit your lip. The sun was pretty hot today, the wood burning up below your feet. Maybe you should put some comfort between your skin the the fiery hot chair. "Alright fine." You stand up and turn around, going down the ladder one foot at a time.
Little did you know, Hoseok was not focused at all on giving your shoes back. After he saw you climbing down the little wooden stubs, his eyes were trained on your ass, naturally pushed out each step. Once stepping onto the grainy smooth sand, you swiftly grab your shoes from his hand, pulling him out of his trance.
You bend down to slide the soft material onto your feet and shake your head. "God, making me do all this extra work for nothing-"
A hard smack to your ass cuts you off mid-sentence. Jung fucking Hoseok. Almost breaking your neck from looking up so fast, you notice that the human incarnated form of aggravation is not in front of you like he was a second ago. He's halfway up the ladder.
"Hoseok!" You cry, shocked by how he slapped your ass and how he climbed the goddamn thing so fast. "The hell are you doing?"
"Getting away from those girls." He says as he reaches for another slab of woob. "Jesus, you fuck them once, and they get all attached."
The group of girls have already set up their towel on the pale sand, one of them already oiling themselves up. He fucked them all? Like.. at once or all tog- You huff a breath of air. You are not going to be thinking about that right now.
"Not all at once, of course," He calls out, which makes you wonder if you were thinking out loud. "Although it definitely wasn't individual." Hoseok talks with a sly tone, raising a brow at you.
Looking back at the girls, you see them talking amongst themselves. However, they are all turning their heads, looking for one thing- the thing that's sitting at the top of the lifeguard tower.
Realization hits you like a truck. "Jung Hoseok, you are not leaving me with those maniacs."
He snorts, raking a hand through his hair. "Yes you are! I got you your shoes, do me this favor."
You could not believe the audacity of this man. He practically forced you to take the shoes, and now as a 'favor' you had to deal with those hoes who you only wish would get a grip of self worth so they stop chasing after that man? What a great way to start your day.
"Oh my fucking God." Anger is flowing through your veins, taking over your thoughts and actions, and you no longer can feel your sanity. "This is not a fucking favor, this is you manipulating me for you sake, so fuck you slutty bitch!"
The sand is wet and warm as you roll it into a ball, turning around and chucking it at Hoseok’s head. You barely miss his slim face and hit his neck, but still doing damage by getting stuck to his skin. "That's for slapping my ass, asshole."
You miss the way he eyes your leaving figure up and down after wiping the sand off his neck. Oh, he just loved messing with you.
Swimsuits are tight. They curve around one's body perfectly, almost painfully, used for swimming or other water activities. They're actually pretty comfortable, if you do say so yourself, and you take pride in knowing the way your body looks in the bright red one piece of the lifeguard apparel.
But wet swimsuits are a whole 'nother story. Wet swimsuits are the devil themselves. They're sticky and distressing and tight, feeling like hell in spandex form suffocating your body and not letting you get the blood you need. Not to mention they take almost an hour to take off.
"God, can't I just take it off?" You whisper to no one in particular. The pad of your thumb scrolls through Instagram, images of other people's picture-perfect lives on view to the world. Feeling itchy, you continuously adjust your swimsuit, trying to find some relief for the discomfort you currently felt.
Sounds from the door break the much appreciated silent atmosphere you were miraculously blessed with, of course broken by the one and only  Jung Hoseok. "Help me," he quickly says, slamming the door of the hut shut. There's still some sand stuck on his bare upper chest from where you've hit him.
You scoff and look back down to your screen. "Help yourself, Jung. You've clearly been doing that the whole day, anyways." You squeeze your eyes shut as memories from earlier in the day came rushing at you.
The girls approached you right after you walked away from throwing the sand at Hoseok, ignoring the way he screamed your name repetitively. Not only did they waste your time by asking you where Hoseok was, but once you wouldn't let them go up the lifeguard tower, it got into a heated argument and one girl had the audacity to throw you into the fucking water.
She was strong, not gonna lie, but over what? A simple fuck? From the man who probably has a little tic-tac anyways? Oh, how you went off on them.
"They, uh-" Hoseok's voice slightly cracks, and he's talking in a slight panicked way, fast and mumbled. "They sort of attacked me- harassed me."
You look up. "They harassed you? You mean like... harassed harassed or harassed harassed?" He just blinks and shyly points to his trunks.
"Harassed harassed." Your eyes trail down, and the little bulge in Hoseok's pants momentarily shocks you.
"Holy shit, Hoseok."
Eyes wide, he nods. "I know. They fucking went after me once I got down the tower, so I ran here as fast as I could." When his breathing begins to slow, Hoseok moves to stand next to the big wooden table in the center of the room. "God, crazy bitches."
"And you got turned on from that?"
Not from them, he thinks to himself. But he wasn't about to let you know that he was already having his senses heightened after he saw your wet figure in the water.
"Well not exactly. It's kind of, just, you know," he sighs in defeat and shakes his bangs.
"And you want me to help... how?"
Hoseok stares at you, saying nothing. And you realize it.
"No, Hoseok, no way." You click your phone off and set it on the armrest of the wooden chair. "I'm not gonna sleep with you."
He lets out a frustrated groan. "I'm not asking you to sleep with me, just help me deal with this!" His hair comes out slightly ruffled after he rakes his hand through it. "I can't walk around with a fucking tent in my shorts around everybody. There's children!"
It takes all your self control and dignity to not look down at his crotch once again, for the outline is becoming more and more visible as the seconds roll on. And you've got to admit, he doesn't look as small as you thought. "Why should I do that? You've basically ruined my whole day by tricking me into getting down from the tower so I had to deal with those psychos. Not to mention, you slapped my ass and one of them threw me in the goddamn water!"
"Okay, well," Hoseok tries to counter argue. "You... threw sand at me." He knew he wasn't convincing anyone with that. "Please ________ just help me. I swear I'll make it up to you."
You think. You actually think about it. Blame it on the fact that the Jung Hoseok is practically begging you for it. An amused idea runs through your mind as you think of all the things you could make Hoseok do for you, all the embarrassment that would come with it, all the revenge you would finally get. Without saying anything, you make eye contact with his desperate form and stand up, walking towards him. His eyes widen.
"Woah, you're actually gonna-"
"Stop talking." You turn the both of you around and push him onto the chair, kneeling down in front of him. Hoseok is so stunned he doesn't even realize he bumped your phone off the armrest and onto the sandy floor. His breath gets stuck in his throat at the sight of you on your knees, ready to take him in your mouth. You run both of your hands up his thighs before slowly outlining his cock lightly with your fingertips.
"Jesus Christ," he breaks underneath your touch. He couldn't believe he was gonna get sucked off by you, the girl who's hated him since they first met. It was unbelievably hot. He sucks in a harsh breath when you squeeze his clothed dick. "Please don't fucking tease me, ______"
His length hardens in your hand when you begin to sensually rub your palm against it. You would be lying if you said that you weren't even the slightest bit turned on. "Patience, Hoseok," you grin. "God, you're so desperate for me, huh?"
A whimper. Jung Hoseok fucking whimpers.
Dominant, cocky Hoseok, just whimpered. For you. And it went straight to your core.
Rubbing your thighs together, you opt for some relief from the tingling you felt. Hoping to distract yourself, you toy with the waistband of his swim trunks for a few seconds before finally pulling them down his thighs.
It was much different than you would've ever imagined. In the past whenever you thought about his dick, which was rarely ever, you obviously knew he was packing some size considering the amount of times he slept around. However, seeing it in person has outdid all of your previous expectations. His dripping cock had length to it, but the thickness was shocking. It was unbelievably thick.
"Fuck," you whisper. You wrap your hand around the base of his cock, your fingertips barely able to touch each other. You give it a light squeeze before slowly sliding up.
Hoseok is watching your every move, his hands forming fists by his side to keep him from thrusting himself into your grip. "_____- shit." He leans his head back, clenching his jaw as you spread his precum around his length, making sure to coat every spot with his juice. The sight of his throat bobbing up and down makes your eyes flutter. God, why is he so hot right now.
"Your so naughty, Hoseok." You lightly trail your tongue up his cock, keeping your eyes on him the whole way up. Wrapping your lips around the head, Hoseok whimpers once again when you begin to suck on the swollen tip. He can't hold back anymore and snakes his hand into your hair, pulling at the roots while letting out deep groans.
When you take all of him in one go, he slowly pushes down on your head so that his tip meets the back of your throat. The sound of you quietly gagging sends him into overdrive, his body shaking from the pleasure. You grasp at his thighs, clawing your nails into his skin. "______, please please please, fuck."
Remembering a tip your friend once gave you, you hollow your cheeks and suck, continuously bobbing your head up and down. Obviously, your friend knows what she's doing, basing off of the way Hoseok lets out a loud vocal moan and thrusts wildly into your mouth. You've never seen him like this- so unhinged and in a way almost pathetically desperate. It was turning you on beyond belief.
He's close and it's obvious, sweat dripping down the side of neck, letting out a string of curses and swears as he gets closer to his high.
"Fuck, _____ don't stop, p-please don't stop." His voice sends a rush of warmth to your core, and his other hand releases the grip on the armrest to join the other in pulling your hair. Both of his hands are grabbing at your head, and you move even faster, giving his throbbing cock a couple swirls with your tongue until finally he's squeezing his eyes shut and releasing his seed into your mouth. The warmth in your throat seems to never end, akin to the strings of moans Hoseok lets out. After swallowing, you release his cock with a pop and wipe his cum off of your chin with the back of your hand.
Hoseok tilts his head back and keeps his hands in your hair, wanting to pause for a while for him to catch his breath. "Goddamn, ______." He lets out a breathless laugh.
You smile breathlessly and rub your hands up to his abs, tracing the outline lightly with your fingertips. His eyes darken again as they watch your lips swollen red and with his cum dripping down the sides. He forces himself to loosen his grip on your hair and slowly pulls his hands back.
You grab it before he can fully retreat. He looks at you, confused. A soft laugh escapes your lips.
"You still owe me a favor, shit head.”
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themichaelzane · 5 years
Jasmine - Morning glory
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
“pegasus and phoenix for sure.”
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls?
“vinyls all the way.”
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?
“Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. A classic. Relevant to our times and the state of our society, and just a great book I’d say anyone could and should read.”
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?
“i wear my boyfriend’s clothes all the time.”
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?
“@ray-moretti​ coming home, probably.”
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?
“be better to @noolivertwist​. be more open. be honest.”
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?
“the forest.”
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
“i don’t know, would i? @casey-blythe​.”
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?
“i vaguely remember being at an airport telling someone to let me through because g eazy was my husband.”
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now?
lavender dream; turn ons/offs?
“kisses on the neck, nice thighs, hands/kisses on my neck. can’t think of many turn offs right now, but that’s probably because i’m used to ollie and casey and i don’t think they do anything i don’t like.”
water lilly; when was the last time you cried? why?
“arguing with ollie.”
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?
“no. and i don’t expect him to.”
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?
“only a psychopath would bite into ice cream. lick.”
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?
“i can’t pick just one. it changes constantly. anything hitchcock, david fincher, tarantino. i love james dean and marilyn monroe. cary grant too.”
desert rose; do you like yourself?
“i put up with myself.”
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity?
“i don’t think i have.”
night owl; how many countries have you visited?
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle?
“i’ve been to @noolivertwist​‘s old mansion?”
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?
“most crazy shit i’ve done i wouldn’t call brave. just plain stupid.”
lantana; what’s on your mind right now?
“right now, in this very instant, i’m thinking about ollie.”
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.
“1. i2. hate3. listing4. facts5. about bonus: me.”
daphne; do you believe in karma?
“not really.”
queen of the meadow; ever been in love?
“madly so.”
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
“i don’t remember being read bedtime stories.”
remember me; did you make someone laugh today?
“oliver’s dad’s dick.”
iris; do you believe in ghosts?
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
“the 70′s.”
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not?
“no, i barely wanna live now as it is.”
primula; what makes you sad?
“don’t get me started…”
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?
“it was a typical day for the most part. nothing out of routine happened.”
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?
“i would trust oliver with my life. casey too.”
lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?
“coffee and stale bread.”
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?
“i wouldn’t change where my life is at right now. but, oliver once asked me to run away with him. i don’t regret not going because i’m happy now, things turned out suprisingly amazing for me. however, i do often wonder about that. daydream, maybe. who would he and i be if we’d run away? where would he have taken me? i wonder what we would’ve done there together. i think about us spending countless hours in bed, so long we don’t even know what day it is. the curious part of me wonders about it. the logical part of me knows my life would probably not be what it is now if i had done it.“
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?
“the galaxy from hitchiker’s guide to the universe, oz from the wonderful wizard of oz, and the harry potter universe.”
violet; favorite tv show?
“i don’t watch a lot of tv, but ollie got me into queer eye recently. my all time favorite might be dexter—but we don’t talk about that ending.”
sunflower; share a favorite quote.
“i had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.” —jack kerouac
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?
“ollie and casey must be in it. anything else don’t matter much.”
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?
“does having sex count as a hobby?”
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?
"love. but i’ve done it now.”
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?
“i’ve never dated anyone younger than me.”
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why?
“casey because he is my first love and my soulmate. ollie because i’ve never known love like i do for him. i would do anything for them.”
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?
"johnny bravo and the red guy from cow and chicken.”
magnolia; coffee or tea?
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?
"a few months ago my answer might’ve been different, but today it’s extremely loved.”
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?
“neither. but if i were to have a pet, i’d probably go for a cat. however, i do love my boyfriend’s dog widget a lot.”
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction?
"being sad and complaining about everything. i make myself sad for no reason. i just can’t stop. maybe one day i’ll kick the habit.
on a much lighter tone, though. maybe i’ll say my boyfriends, cause i can’t get enough of them.”
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
“yes. vast, infinite, fascinating.”
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?
“well, they’re dead.”
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?
“night, maybe. evening, more like.”
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?
“i don’t think so.”
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert?
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?
“fuck guilty pleasures. it’s 2019. if i wanna read john green books i goddamn will read a john green book.”
lotus; best memory as a child?
“it was my parents’ anniversary, they had plans but the nanny couldn’t make it. i told them to leave me in the house, but they wouldn’t do that and obviously i’d be scared shitless if they did cause i was a child. they ordered food, my mom set up the table with candles and shit, my dad went to the store and got her roses. we just had dinner and then we played and watched home movies. it was the last anniversary they spent together.”
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?
“light brown eyes, dark brown hair.”
dahlia; do you like crystals?
“sure. they’re pretty. i don’t mind them.”
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house?
calendula; biggest pet peeve?
“people who breathe loudly. i know it’s not their fault, i don’t judge or blame them, and i’m aware it’s a very irrational pet peeve to have. but my god does it make wanna stab myself with a spork.”
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet?
“stay at home, always.”
blazing star; share a secret.
“i once broke into a random family’s basement on a really bad acid trip. i was far from home, and just too freaked out to make it home. spent the whole night there on the floor. made it out before anyone saw me. spent weeks thinking every time there was a knock on the door, that it was the cops coming for me. then again, i spent a lot of time thinking that while growing up.”
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier?
bluebell; do you wear glasses?
“i have a pair of reading glasses that look godawful on me. i’m supposed to use them all the time. i never do.”
nymphea; forest or river?
"forest, forest, forest.”
orchid; do you like exercise?
“yes. keeps my mind off of things. helps my mental health. body looking tight.”
pansy; do you like poetry?
“i love poetry.”
morning glory; any special talent that you have?
“i have no special talents, but how about a very useless one? I can dislocate both my shoulders and pop them back in again. i can also swallow a hot dog whole.”
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Only In My Dreams Part 8
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Summary: Courtney finally figures out the riddle, but not all of her questions are answered
Pairing: Sam x OC
Warnings: language 
Word Count: 1193
Courtney woke with a groan. Her head felt like it was going to split open, her stomach churned and she honestly just wanted to go back to sleep. “What happened?” She grumbled reaching up and touching her head. A hiss left her as she came in contact with the gash right behind her temple.
“You were knocked down and hit your head on the edge of the fountain ma’am. But don't worry we're going to stitch you right up.”
Finally opening her eyes Courtney looked into the purple eyes of a white haired woman. One she knew she had seen. “You?! Who are you? Why were you following me? Why did you leave those earrings?” She went to sit up and moaned as it made her head swim.
The paramedic smiled knowingly, but didn't answer any of Courtney's questions. Instead she placed a piece of gauze over the wound to stop the bleeding. “I think you have me confused with someone else, but it's alright. We'll get you stitched up and to the hospital for an x-ray and then you can be on your way.”
Courtney wasn't buying it. Something told her this was the woman who had been following her around in the other world. That smile of hers was the hint Courtney had needed, but if she called her out on it she would seem like a crazy person. That or they would think she had done a number to her head when she hit. No for now she would have to stay quiet and wait for the chance to get her answers.
The ride to the hospital had been a long and tedious one. Especially when she had to call her boss and explain to him what had happened. Dick was pissed. He ranted about how she wasn't getting paid for the time she was in the hospital and that if her insurance didn't cover it she was going to have to pay for it herself even though it was his fault she was at the mall to begin with.
As the paramedics unloaded her in the hospital room Courtney watched the white haired woman with scrutiny. She didn't trust her at all and she wanted to speak to her alone. Once the other paramedic left because he had forgotten some paper she needed to sign Courtney saw her chance. “So now that we're alone why don't you tell me who you really are and why you've been following me?”
The other woman laughed softly. “I'll give you one thing you're adamant, that's for sure. Yes I've been following you, but I won't tell you why it my real name. The only way you'll figure it out is when you figure out the riddle.”
Courtney stared at the woman for a second trying to figure her out. She didn't like all this riddle nonsense. She wanted straight answers and not getting them was upsetting her. But before she could say anything else the other paramedic came back. She signed the paper and both of them left, leaving Courtney all alone to try and figure out what White was going on about.
3 hours later Courtney was finally released from the hospital with the diagnosis of having a concussion. She was supposed to have someone watch over her and wake her ever 2 hours if she went to sleep. But who the hell was supposed to do that? She didn't have anyone to watch over her. Her stupid fucking job had taken over her life. She had no friends, no boyfriend, her parents lived 4 hours away. Not that she told the doctor that as she walked out of the hospital. She was going to go home and since she couldn't go to sleep, binge watch the previous seasons of Supernatural and see what she could figure out. Maybe it would spark some sort of memory and she would figure out the riddle.
With a fleece blanket wrapped tight around her Courtney watched the tv screen with rapt attention. She didn't want to miss a second of the show. What she was watching might very well be the clue she needs to solve the riddle and get everything back to normal. It was around the end of season two when she started to really feel something. Flashes of being taken to some abandoned town with Sam, of watching him die as he pushed her out of the way and got stabbed in the back, the pain and anguish she felt losing him. Then he was back, she had watched Dean make the deal. She knew she was going to lose him, that Sam was. All of it played out in her mind, not on the TV.
“Fuck me. Heartache and pain go hand in hand. That's what she meant. It has to be. I was physically hurting watching Sam try to save Dean. And the heartache I felt losing Sam and then knowing I was going to lose Dean.” Courtney knew she probably looked crazy with the way she was talking to herself and waving her hands around. Not that anyone was around to see. Even if they were she didn't care. She felt like she was finally on the right track to figuring things out.
Not wanting to fall asleep she chugged a bunch of coffee and started season 4. She already had her memories of season 3 and all the pain that had caused. Now to figure out the second part of the riddle; being lonely doesn't always mean being alone. Biting her lip she watched Dean find Sam with Ruby right after coming back from Hell. Her mind flashed again to her being with Sam and Ruby when Dean and Bobby showed up. She remembered that moments before she had been tearing into the demon, Sam had tried to defend Ruby and Courtney had yelled at Sam, “Ya know what fuck both of you. We're supposed to be in this together and right now I feel more alone than I ever have.”
Courtney paused the TV and laid her head back. Now it all made sense. She had suffered heartache and pain, she felt alone even though she wasn't, and...the last part of the riddle rang in her head. We all have our demons. Dean’s was going to Hell and torturing people, Sam's was having to drink demon blood and hers? That she had to really think about. Her whole life she had wanted to be normal, to have parents, to go to college and get a job. Her demon was wanting to have a normal life because she thought it would make her happier.
Yet she had a normal life and she couldn't be more miserable. At least Sam and Dean cared about her, at least killing monsters helped someone. Being a hunter wasn't glorious and she didn't like living in motels and eating junk from diners. But it was a better life than the hell she was living being Dick's paralegal.
She had finally figured it out, but how was she supposed to fix things and just why had this happened in the first place?
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such-a-common-girl · 7 years
Professor Winchester (Dean Winchester x Reader AU) Chap. 5
Professor Winchester Masterlist
Word Count: 4,453
Professor!Dean Winchester x Reader AU
Warnings: Student/teacher relationships, language, a little bit of angst, , jealous Dean, alcohol, smut!!, unprotected sex (please don’t do this IRL!) 
*gif not mine*
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The next morning comes all too quickly, and you’re guessing it has something to do with the fact that you were up until the late hours of the night (or, technically, the early hours of the morning) going over in your head what happened earlier that day with Dean.
You decided to not fill Nina in on the details, despite her being your best friend. You love her to death, but you know that she wouldn’t be any help in helping you figure out what to do. She, unlike you, doesn’t see the problem in any of this. She thinks that you should just fuck him and get it over with, but you don’t see it that way, or at least you don’t want to. You’d love to take her advice but there are so many risks; you’re not sure if it’s worth it. You could get kicked out of university, you could lose your potential future job…
What are you saying? You can’t pretend anymore, or make up excuses –it’d be total bullshit. You took all those risks yesterday and you loved it. You’re craving it again. You broke your promise to not get involved with Dean yourself the moment you told him you didn’t want him to stop. And although you and Dean both agreed that tonight would be just having a mature, adult conversation and hands would be kept to themselves, you don’t think you’d stop yourself if things got heated.
You roll over in your bed, quickly turning off your alarm as a bright ray of sunlight streams directly towards your eyes. You’re up way too early for your liking, and much to your disliking, you’ve got class today. Dean’s class. You want to skip, to avoid seeing him and the inevitable awkwardness, but you know that’ll just make things more uncomfortable between you two whenever you show up at his house tonight. You want to avoid him but you don’t want him to know that you want to avoid him. You don’t want him to think that you didn’t like what happened between you two- you liked it. A little too much, even.
“I’m overthinking this too goddamn much.” You groan, burying your face in your pillow. You lay in bed for a while longer, trying to gather the courage (and wake up a little bit more) before facing the day. Before facing Dean.
8:02. An hour until class starts. An hour to get your shit together.  
A venti coffee and a long, traffic-ridden drive later, you’re on campus and ready to walk into Dean’s class. The same feeling that you had a few weeks ago, whenever you were first going into Dean’s classroom after the drunken incident at the bar, has returned. The feeling of not knowing what to expect, which makes you a nervous wreck.
You’re surprised to see a group of students huddled outside of Dean’s classroom, most of them just standing and chattering amongst themselves or playing around on their phones.
“What’s going on?” You ask Preston, the man closest to you, after taking a long sip of your coffee. You’ve seen him in class a few times before. You’ve always pegged him as someone who’s stuck up and rude- a real frat boy type- and because of that, you’ve never really bothered speaking to him before.
“I don’t know, dude,” He shrugs. “Professor’s door is locked. He’s not here.”
“That’s…Odd.” You frown.
“I’m giving it a few more minutes before I head outta here. No teacher, no having to suffer through class, right?” He flashes a smile at you before winking.
“Yeah, wrong.” A voice says behind you. You turn around and see Dean pushing his way towards the crowd, holding a key in his hand, looking irritated.
“Sorry you’re having to suffer through my class today, Preston.” Dean spits out way crueler than you’ve ever heard him speak. “Feel free to drop out if you want. I promise you won’t be missed.”
Some people gasp and some people start quietly giggling, knowing that he’s right. Preston’s a real asshole, but no one expected Professor Winchester to point that out. You just stand there, jaw dropped, as you watch Dean harshly swing open the door to his room. Hesitantly, everyone starts to follow him into the classroom, no one daring to speak one word.
You take a spot in the seat you sit in every time you come to class, as you’ve grown comfortable with it. You call it your “unassigned assigned seat.” Everybody in the class follows that rule, normally. Except for today. Preston smiles at you, his white teeth almost blinding you as sits down in the chair on your right.
“This seat taken?” He raises his eyebrow at you.
“Uh… I guess not.” You say hesitantly. You can feel Dean’s eyes glued to you as he watches you and Preston. You look over at Dean, giving him an odd look, before he shakes his head and turns his attention away from you. What the hell is his problem? Someone must’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
“Today, class,” Dean starts, his hands interlocking as he walks up to the front of the class. All eyes are on him, confusion filling the room. The anger and annoyance in Dean’s face is obvious, and no one- not even you- have seen him this way. You have no idea what caused it, why he’s acting like this, but you know something must be bothering him. “Today we’re talking about something a little different. How many of you know what the Greek word hubris means?”
No hands go up, yours included, and Dean just nods. A few people look around at each other with wide eyes.
“The word hubris, or hybris, is a personality trait. Foolish pride, dangerous overconfidence, you know- your typical frat boy.” His eyes narrow in on Preston, making Preston’s face flush. “This is a common trait in some of the gods, as you may know by now. Zeus, in particular, has a hell of a lot of pride, as you surely know after spending all this time in my class. I’m sure we all know someone like that, right? Someone who thinks that they’re better than anyone else, a frat boy whose absolute dick just to make up for the fact that they probably have a small one?”
You didn’t think you could drop your jaw any further than it already was, but boy, were you wrong. Preston is basically sunk all the way down in his chair at this point, humiliation obvious in his face. Your own cheeks are turning a bit red at the secondhand embarrassment you’re feeling for him, but at the same time, confusion is filling your mind. Why is Dean going after Preston? Sure, he’s an asshole, but…
‘Oh my god… He’s jealous.’ You think to yourself, realization hitting you. Preston was flirting with you earlier, just as Dean had been approaching, and then he went out of his way to sit next to you in class. Dean’s annoyance and “a little different” lecture are suddenly making sense. He’s jealous.
You can’t help but let a small grin escape your lips; maybe his feelings for you are a little stronger than you originally thought.  
“So class, the point of this is, don’t be like Zeus. No one likes a Zeus, and no one certainly likes boys who try to act like men. Don’t let hubris overcome you. Right, Preston?” Dean raises his eyebrows at him.
“Uh, y-yes sir?” Preston stutters.
“Awesome.” Dean grins. “Class dismissed. Have a good day everyone.”
Everyone looks around, no one speaking as they just slowly get up and leave. You don’t get up from your seat as you watch everyone get up and leave, Preston included, who basically hightails it out of there. “Professor Winchester” is known for being one of the coolest, laid-back professors there are, and this new side of him has everyone surprised.
You glance over at the clock; you were only in class for about five minutes, maybe less.
“Professor, do you mind if I talk to you about something quickly before I go?” You speak up. A girl that’s walking past you looks at you like you’re crazy, and you only roll your eyes in response.
“Actually, Miss Y/N, I have to get ready for my next class. We can talk when I see you later tonight.” A look of panic crosses his face once he’s realized what he’s said. “When you come in to the office. For work. Because you’re my assistant.”
“Okay, Professor.” You say slowly. You know damn well he doesn’t have a class after this- being his assistant means memorizing his schedules like the back of your hand. But, instead of pressing it, you decide to let it go.
Even though Dean’s probably scared off most of his students, you’re only finding yourself more into him. You’ve never had a guy get jealous like that because of another man flirting with you, nonetheless a man who you’re not even dating. And you’ve got to say, it’s a bit of a turn on.
The rest of the day drags on oh-so-slowly. Your English class seemed to last for hours, then you got stuck in rush hour traffic on the way back to yours and Nina’s apartment. If you’re honest, you’re just getting antsy about tonight. Being at Dean’s house with him, alone… You know you’re the one who said you wanted it to be kept “hands to yourselves”, but you’re strongly reconsidering that.
You’ll just go with the flow. And if that flow happens to take you right into Dean’s bed, well… You won’t be complaining.
“He’s making you work tonight?” Nina groans. “Seriously? I wanted to have a girl’s night. Watch the Notebook and eat ice cream, just like we used to do freshman year. The only difference is now we can drink without having to worry about our RA catching us.”
“Sorry. He needs…stuff to get done and I need to work my hardest if want to get my recommendation letter. Can’t really tell him no just because I want to sit around and watch movies all night.” You sigh, not liking that you’re having to lie to your best friend. You just don’t think it’s the best idea to tell anyone, not even her, especially when you don’t even know what’s going on between you and Dean. All you know is that your feelings for him are skyrocketing, and his seem to be doing the same.
“What time do you think you’ll be back?” She asks you.
“I don’t know. I’m heading over there at seven, after he finishes his evening class, so maybe ten? It just depends how much work I have to get done.” You bite your lip, trying to think of ways to change the topic of conversation. You’re a decent liar to a certain extent, but if she keeps questioning you about it, you know you’ll crack. “Anyways, how’s Matt? You break things off yet?”
“No,” Nina groans. “I fucked up. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with him in the first place. He’s been my friend since high school, and I always promised myself I wouldn’t get involved because I knew this would happen. Now he’s in love with me, and I feel terrible that I don’t feel the same.”
You and she continue to talk about her love-life problem for the next hour, her explaining everything that’s going on to you. You love listening, and this was no exception. If anything, you’re grateful. It took your mind off your own problems for a while.
Before you know it, it’s almost time to leave for Dean’s house, and you’re growing nervous; a feeling you’ve become very acquainted with lately. You’re not even sure why you’re nervous to be around Dean anymore- there’s no reason to be, not really. Sure, he finger-fucked you against a wall yesterday and the two of you haven’t spoken about it since, but you still feel like you shouldn’t be so anxious to see him.
Dean Winchester’s got you whipped- something you never thought you’d ever say.
You walk into your closet, going through your clothes as you decide what you should wear. You decide to go with something casual, opting for jean shorts and a tank-top. There’s no reason to dress all cute just to sit on Dean’s couch all night while you two “talk about things.”
“I’m outta here,” You call out as you grab your keys and start to walk out the door. “I’ll be back later! If you’re still awake by the time I get done, I’ll swing by the store and grab some candy and we can watch a movie or somethin’.”
“Okay, bye! Work hard!” She yells back, and you just laugh in response before shutting the door behind you.
After entering Dean’s address on GPS, you’re in the car and on your way to his house. Your hands are practically shaking the entire time as you think about what you’re going to tell him. Should you bring up the whole jealousy thing from this morning in class? What are you going to say about what happened yesterday?
“Fuck,” You groan to yourself. “I have no idea what the fuck I’m going to say.”
You’re at his house less than five minutes later, and you gape once you pull up. You’re not sure what you were expecting, but this was certainly not it. It’s a beautiful house, to say the least. Even with the sun just barely still in the sky, you can see why Dean loves it so much.
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As you walk up to his front door, you can see Dean sitting on his couch, the blue light of the TV reflecting upon his face. He’s wearing normal clothes, something you’re still not used to him wearing, but you’re growing to love it. You’ve never seen jeans and a flannel look so good on a man.
You’ve not even begun to knock on the door when it swings open, Dean standing there with a smile plastered on his face.
“Hey,” He smiles warmly at you.
“Hey.” You mirror his expression. “So…”
“Oh, shit, sorry, come in.” He scratches his head, opening up the door more to allow you to walk in. “You want a drink or somethin’? I’ve got about everything you can think of ‘cept wine.”
“I’m good, remember what happened last time we were both drinking in the same room?” You joke lightly in an attempt to lighten the mood. You’ve not even been inside his house for five minutes and you can already feel the awkwardness.
“You’re so funny,” Dean laughs sarcastically. “I’m watching Game of Thrones, wanna join?”
“I’ve gotta admit, I’ve never seen it, but yeah I’ll watch it with you.” You offer, following Dean over to his couch. You plop yourself down beside him, pulling up the covers over your body as you slightly lean into his side as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. It certainly feels like it. Nothing’s ever felt more natural and comfortable to you than cuddling on the couch with Dean.
He pushes play on the remote, and for the first few minutes you try to pay attention. Eventually, the thoughts of why you’re here in the first place distract you and you have no idea what’s going on the TV. All you can think about is what happened yesterday, how he took control and just slammed you up against that wall…
“Y/N?” Dean’s voice throws you from your thoughts.
“Huh?” You look up at him, smiling sheepishly.
“The show’s been over for a good five minutes and you’ve been staring off into space. You good?” He frowns at you.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good… We just, we need to talk,” You sigh. “That’s what I’m here for, right? Not to watch Game of Thrones. No offense.”
“Yeah, sorry, guess I’ve been avoiding that conversation.” He chuckles. “You sure you don’t want a drink?”
“Why the hell not,” You mumble.
“You like beer?” He asks as he gets up from the couch and walks towards the kitchen.
“Yup, just bring me whatever you’re drinking. I can handle it.” You answer, leaning back further into the couch cushion. You’re not sure what’s about to happen, and man, does that drink sound good right now to calm your nerves.
Dean comes back into the living room, holding two beers. He sets them down on the table in front of the couch before taking a seat back next to you. You take a long sip of your beer before turning your body to face him, taking a deep breath before starting the inevitable conversation.
“So… Yesterday.” You begin.
“Yeah… I don’t really have an explanation for that one.” Dean smiles weakly at you. “I’m not sure what to say. I can’t lie anymore at this point and say that I’m not insanely attracted to you. That secret was outted a few weeks ago at the bar, even though I tried to blame it on the fact that I was drunk. Truth is, I find you hot as fuck when I’m drunk and when I’m sober.”
“Oh.” You bite your lip in an attempt to hide your smile. You weren’t expecting him to be as forward as he is.
“Sorry, damn, that was kinda creepy.” Dean shakes his head.
“No, no, it wasn’t.” You crack a smile. “I… Well, you know how attractive you are. You’re the talk of all the undergrad students. So I guess we’re in the same boat. It’s not like I was exactly saying no yesterday.”
“I’m not the talk of the undergrad students.” Dean rolls his eyes. “I’m the talk of the grad students, too.”
“You’re so cocky.” You laugh, taking another sip of your beer.
“I’m joking.” He smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling up. “Sort of.”
Dean places his hand on your lower thigh, squeezing it lightly. Chills run through your body just from the simple gesture, and you want desperately to get back into the position that you were in yesterday. Fuck, do you want to feel his hands all over you again.
“And this morning?” Your voice cracks.
“Preston’s an asshole.” Dean shrugs. “Had it coming to him.”
“You and I both know that’s not what that was.” You smirk at him, moving your body closer to him. You wrap one of your legs around his waist, allowing yourself to straddle his lap. He looks up at you, gulping, as his eyes suddenly become darker. You can feel his jeans slowly becoming tighter, which only gives you more confidence to continue what you’re doing. You’re not normally like this, so confident and sure of yourself, but something changed in you tonight. You know what you want, for what feels like the first time in your life, and you’re going to get it.
“You’re right.” His voice comes out husky. “He was hitting on you and fuck, I hated it. Can’t stand the thought of another man touching you.”
“A bit jealous, huh?” You whisper in his ear, your hands running up his chest.
“What happened to hands to themselves?” His voice sounds strained as he pulls you away from him, looking at you dead in the eye.
“I changed my mind,” You smirk, pressing your lips against his neck, causing a small moan to emit from his lips. “Touch me all you want, Professor.”
“Fuuuuuuuuck,” Dean moans, gripping your ass as you suck down lightly on his neck. “Fuck, baby.”
He suddenly moves his body, pinning you underneath him on the couch. His lips frantically press up against yours, the kiss full of hunger and lust. Your hands tangle in his hair as you wrap your legs around him, pulling him in closer to you.
“Bedroom,” He pulls away, picking you up swiftly. You wrap your legs around him once more as he carries you upstairs, not making it to the bedroom before he slams you up against the wall.
“Dean,” You moan out as he kisses your neck, nipping at your sweet spot. Your hands travel down to the hemline of your shirt before lifting it up off your body and throwing it onto the hallway floor, not even caring.
He finally carries you over to the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him with his foot as he lays you down underneath him on the bed. He pulls his shirt off his head, his muscles bulging, before he leans back down to kiss you.
“You,” he plants a peck on your lips. “Have,” He kisses your collarbone. “No idea how long I’ve wanted this.”
“Show me,” You say sultry. He grins, unclasping the back of your bra before taking one of your nipples into his mouth, making you throw your head back in pleasure. He licks and sucks at your breasts, and you’re only growing wetter by the second.
His hands grip your hips tightly as he begins to trail kisses down your torso, landing just above your shorts. He quickly slides your shorts and underwear down in one go, placing small kisses all around your inner thighs.
“Dean,” Your voice comes out needy. He licks a long strip up your clit, and you moan out at the feeling. His tongue does small kitten licks on your clit before beginning to go faster, latching his lips onto you and sucking.
“Oh god,” You moan, gripping on to the sheets harshly. “Just like that.”
He laps at your clit, now pushing in two fingers into your entrance. His fingers pump in and out at a slow pace, driving you crazy and in need for more. You buck your hips up for more friction, but his free hand goes up and keeps your hips still.
He quickens up his pace on both his tongue and his fingers, and you can feel yourself getting close. Your pants and moans fill the room, the familiar feelings of your orgasm finally hitting you.
“Oh, fuck, Dean!” You cry out, pleasure overcoming your body. “Fuck!”
He pulls himself away from you as you finish coming, a smile plastered on his face. “You taste so good, baby girl. Goddamn.”
You smile innocently at him as you sit up, beginning to unzip his pants. You slide his jeans and boxers down his legs, his throbbing cock springing free from the tightness that had developed in his pants.
“You don’t have to,” Dean offers, but the lust in his eyes is saying something different. You wink at him as you begin to slowly pump up and down his length, running your thumb over the precum that’s leaked out of his tip. You bend down and swirl your tongue around his tip, making him throw his head back onto his pillows, his body completely relaxed underneath you.
You take him into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down. A string of curse words flies from his mouth as his hands go up to hold your hair, helping you move your mouth up and down. You take him fully into your mouth, and a loud “fuuuuck,” comes from Dean’s mouth.
“Baby girl you gotta stop. I don’t plan on coming in your mouth today.” He places his elbows underneath him as he leans up. “Come ‘ere.”
He pulls your naked body on top of his as he kisses you roughly, his tongue exploring your mouth as he grinds his hard cock against you. You get up on your knees, aligning him with your entrance, before slowly lowering yourself down onto him.
“Fuck,” the both of you say at the same time. Neither of you move for a few seconds, allowing yourself the time to adjust to his size. If it felt half as good for him as it does for you, you know that he needs a few moments as well.
You begin to lower yourself up and down on his length, his hands tightly gripped on your waist to help you move. The sinful sound of the mattress squeaking and skin slapping against skin fills the room, and you know that neither of you are going to last long.
He begins to take control, bucking his hips up into you quickly as he pounds into you, indicating that he’s close.
“Fuck, Y/N, fuck,” He groans, his headboard slamming into the wall behind you. “I’m gonna cum, fuck.”
“Me too,” You breathe out, using your dominant hand to begin rubbing your clit furiously. You can feel your walls clenching around him and your second orgasm hits you as you cry out Dean’s name. He grunts as he slams his cock into you a few more times before his warm cum spurts into you.
You roll onto the bed, breathing heavy. Dean does the same, neither of you speaking as you revel in what just happened.
“That was… Wow.” Is all you can manage to get out after a minute or two of silence.
“Yeah.” Dean agrees. He reaches over to the side of his bed, grabbing his t-shirt to clean the both of you off. “You were… That was… That was way better than I ever imagined. Fuck.”
He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “So much for us keeping our hands to ourselves.” You laugh softly, pressing your back into his chest.
“Mhm,” He kisses your shoulder.
“I probably should go…” You trail off. You didn’t want to leave- it’s the last thing you want to do right now. But you’re not even sure what you and Dean are. Your teacher that you just fucked? Your boyfriend? You’ve never felt more confused.
“Stay,” Dean’s voice comes out hushes. “Stay with me.”
“Okay.” You whisper. “What is this, Dean?”
“I don’t know.” Dean says. “I don’t want this to be a one-time thing.”
“Yeah, me neither.” You agree, pulling the blanket over both of your naked bodies. “Let’s just see where things go, alright?”
“Alright.” He nods, kissing your head before flicking off the light in his room. “Goodnight baby.”
“Goodnight, Dean.” You yawn, beginning to close your eyes. You’ll deal with the consequences of not going home tomorrow, what you’re going to tell Nina. For tonight, you’ve got Dean- and you’ve never enjoyed yourself more.  
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eatgraypes · 7 years
✩ Prompts ✩
Feel free to request any of these to any character / person. You can request more than one, for example; #4 and #36.
1. “Fuck, s/he’s got me wrapped around her/his finger. I love them so much, ugh, I just… They’re the best thing to happen to me.” “That so?” “How long- uh, how long were you standing there?”
2. “I could kiss you!” “What’s stopping you?”
3. “You’re so fucking full of yourself.” “Soon you’ll be too,”
4. “Dickhead.” “Actually, my dick is in my pants and not on my head. If you don’t believe me you can come and check it yourself.”
5. “Go fuck yourself.” “/in a different language/ I’d rather you do that.”
6. “I’m flirting with you.”
7. “I’m starting an idiot jar. Any time you say or do something stupid, you have to put a dollar in it.”
8. “If you die, I’m going to kill you.”
9. “Marry me?”
10. “Clearly our child would have my looks.”
11. “Is that a challenge?”
12. “Is that /name/’s jacket?”
13. “I’ve never seen someone so red before.”
14. “Please, don’t cry.”
15. “Is there a problem?”
16. “I’m sorry, what were you saying? I got lost in your eyes,”
17. “I’m pregnant.”
18. “I think we should have another.”
19. “I saw you staring at each other, I just wasn’t sure if it was sexual tension or murderous rage.”
20. “Shut up!” “I was just breathing!”
21. “This was a mistake.”
22. “I loved you, asshole!”
23. “That’s so stupid. Do it.”
24. “You sure you’re not the bad guy?”
25. “Don’t fucking touch me!”
26. “Are you hitting on her for me?”
27. “Are they… Are they fucking in my bedroom?”
28. “Can I kiss you?”
29. “Do you ever think if somebody heard our conversations, they’d lock us up?”
30. “Stop saying that!”
31. “You clean up nicely,”
32. “I look great.” “Don’t lie to yourself, that’s a sin.”
33. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, why?” “You’re wearing crocs.”
34. “Grab my hand and make it look believable.”
35. “Did you know?”
36. “Don’t go,”
37. “Gross. My soulmate’s you?”
38. “Stop smiling like that.”
39. “Eyes up here.” “Sh. It’ll get there eventually.”
40. “What are you, a fucking snake?” “Hissss, bitch.”
41. “Come to bed.”
42. “Back at you.”
43. “At least buy me a drink first.”
44. “Ah, classy.”
45. “I want a little brother.”
46. “Both of you are going to sit in this closet and either make a compromise, make out, or continue to hate each other and rot in here.”
47. “I can’t swim.”
48. Do you like me? Check yes or yes.
49. “You’re so childish.”
50. “You don’t have the fucking right to say that now.”
51. “You didn’t deserve any fucking thing I gave you.”
52. “Don’t give yourself so much credit.”
53. “Kiss me, I’ll explain later.”
54. “If the shoe fits, wear it.”
55. “How did you talk me into this?”
56. “I don’t hate you.”
57. “Did you just slap my ass?”
58. “If you weren’t my brother’s best friend your blood would be on my hands by now.”
59. “Feisty.”
60. “Who’s your crush?” “What are we, eight?”
61. “Hey, my friend thinks you’re cute.”
62. “We’re engaged!” “That’s… That’s great! He’s- a great guy.”
63. “You brought this woman into our bed!”
64. “If you keep bumping into me wearing such little clothing I don’t know how long it’ll be before I rip the remains off of you.”
65. “I’m not fucking cute!”
66. “This is wrong.”
67. “Ha! That’s what she said!”
68. “Have I entered an alternate universe, or did you just smile for me?”
69. “I’m over him!” “Are you really?” “No…”
70. “You need professional help.”
71. “I don’t deserve you.”
72. “No, no, no. Don’t die.”
73. “Just stay beside me, that would be enough.”
74. “You’re crazy.”
75. “You were flirting with him!” “My brother? That was my fucking brother.”
76. “Fuck, I feel like I’ve been hit by a car.” “You did get hit by one.” “Oh, right.”
77. “Why are we shopping for baby clothes- wait.”
78. “For some reason, I’m attracted to you.”
79. “I- I’m sorry.”
80. “Chill, bro.”
81. “Adorkable.”
82. “/in a different language/ Bitch.” “Google Translate told me you were talking shit.”
83. “You ran for two minutes, why are you sweating?”
84. “I don’t feel the same. I’m sorry.”
85. “Shoulda kissed me sooner.”
86. “Well, gee, thanks.”
87. “That’s hot.”
88. “Must be nice having a best friend like me.”
89. “Come over here and make me.”
90. “We can’t work with eachother, he’s impulsive!” “She’s incorrigible!”
91. “For once, we can agree on something.”
92. “You’re not the jackass I thought you were.”
93. “Careful waving that around!”
94. “I’m over it if you’re over it.”
95. “I love him, but he’s getting married.”
96. “I love her, but she’s getting married.”
97. “Since when could you sing?”
98. “Your ego is so big, I can see it grow.”
99. “Aren’t you a little ray of sunshine this morning.”
100. “I know that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it.”
101. “Y/N, why is your tongue purple?” “I had a blue slurpee.” “And I had a red one.” ( a friend asked y/n and y/n had a blue slurpee and character of choice had a red one )
102. “Fuck me,” “...” “Sorry, I meant ‘fight me,’ Damn autocorrect.” “This is a verbal conversation.”
103. “I’m going to Taco Bell, want anything?” “For Y/N to love me.” “Yeah, I’ve only got twelve dollars.”
104. “Say something nice and be yourself.” “Which? I can’t do both.”
105. “Can you answer questions without the sarcasm?” “Can you answer questions without the stupidity?”
106. “You from Heaven?” “Yeah, I’m a ghost. I died twenty years ago, just like that pickup line.”
107. “Fuck you.” “Was that an insult or a to-do-list?”
108. “Darn.” “Hey, I’m upset too but watch the fucking language.”
109. “Hey, I’m /name/ and you are?” “Questioning my sexuality.”
110. “Why are you following me?” “My mom told me to follow my dreams.”
111. “Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by you again?”
112. “I’m cold.” “Well, damn, I can’t control the weather!”
113. “I’d tell you to go to hell, but I don’t want to see you there.”
114. “It hurts to see you with someone else.”
115. “You must be Jamaican, ‘cause Jamaican me crazy.”
116. “Quit with the fucking pickup lines.”
117. “That guy over there bought you a drink.” “Really? I already had one. Do you think he can buy me mozzarella sticks instead?”
118. “I have a permit.” “This just says ‘I do whatever I want.’”
119. “You want to go there?” “Oh, I went there, bought a house, moved in, and now I’m remodeling the kitchen.”
120. “I’m going to charge you for hurting my feelings, three bucks a minute.”
121. “I must be in Hell.” “Actually, it’s America. But don’t worry, a lot of people make that mistake.”
122. “What’s your problem?”
123. “We need to think straight.” “Well, shit, bye guys.”
124. “I fucking hate you!”
125. “No, get away from me.”
126. “God, I fucking love you.”
127. “Leave!”
128. “It doesn’t matter what they say.”
129. “Let’s raise a glass!”
130. “The thought of you scares me.”
131. “Thanks, that’d be twenty dollars.”
132. “Was that supposed to be charming?”
133. “I’d like you a lot more if your mouth wasn’t running a million miles a minute.”
134. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it!”
135. “I just want to go to one party, one party, where you aren’t trying to get me home as soon as possible.”
136. “We’ve been married for ten years, had a child, and I’m still addicted to you.”
137. “Aw, you had a crush on me!” “We’re married.”
138. “I’m torn between loving and hating you.”
139. “Pack up your shit and leave.”
140. “What you see is what you get. I’m easy to read.”
141. “How’d you know?”
142. “We’re acquainted.” 
143. “E-Expecting?”
144. “I’m pretty.. positive! Hah, get it? ‘Cause I’m pregnant?”
145. “What a fucking Goddess.”
146. “What a fucking God.”
147. “You make me want to be a better person.”
148. “Bursting through the door isn’t necessary!”
149. “Did you seriously just wipe your popcorn fingers on me?”
150. “I said no more dogs, and what did you do!? You got another dog!”
151. “I hope you choke on your own spit and die.”
152. “What’s a rubber?”
153. “Next time you’re hungover, I’m not going to hold your head out of the toilet. I’m gonna let you drown.”
154. “I’m only letting your little sibling put this God awful makeup on me because if I can impress your whole family then there’s a possibility that I can get into your pants later.”
155. “It’s really not that complicated.”
156. “Close the door on your way out.”
157. “It’s three in the morning.”
158. “I should have told you a long time ago.”
159. “Why are you helping me?”
160. “You have to leave right now.”
161. “Just trust me.”
162. “I’ve been waiting a long time.”
163. “You’re in love with her!”
164. “Come here.”
165. “What are you thinking about?”
166. “I thought you were dead.”
167. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
168. “Was that supposed to hurt?”
169. “I can explain.”
170. “Love is overrated.”
171. “Watch me.”
172. “I’ve missed this.”
173. “Sometimes, being a complete nerd comes in handy.”
174. “What a nerd.”
175. “Aren’t we breaking a stereotype? I’m supposed to be following around a football player but instead I’m talking to the biggest dork of the century.”
176. “We have to be quiet.”
177. “You’re trembling.”
178. “It was you, the whole time.”
179. “Does that answer your question?”
180. “This is why we can’t have nice things.”
181. “Say it again.”
182. “No, you don’t.”
183. “Prove it.”
184. “Do you regret it?”
185. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
186. “Lie to me, then.”
187. “You’ve thought about this haven’t you?”
188. “We need to talk about what happened last night.”
189. “I never stood a chance, did I?”
190. “I feel like I can’t breathe.”
191. “Are you drunk?”
192. “I still remember.”
193. “I think about it, about you, every time.”
194. “How much of that did you hear?”
195. “What happens if I do this?”
196. “Why are you whispering?”
197. “You make me want things I can’t have.”
198. “I don’t want to screw this up.”
199. “People are staring.”
200. “How about now?”
201. “You did what!?”
202. “Fuuuuuuuck.”
203. “I need to slip into something more comfortable, like a coma.”
204. “I really felt a spark.” “I had pop rocks in my mouth.”
205. “I’m sorry, I just sneezed and liked your post.” “And commented ‘damn daddy’ on all of my selfies?” “I have the flu.”
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p-artsypants · 7 years
320 State Street- 4 (May 9)
AO3 | FF.net  Part 3
If anyone is wondering what the 'based on actual events' means, all of the customers are based on real people (I work at Ace Hardware). Astrid’s roommates are based on my roommates (I’ve had the worst of the worst). I'm also basing this Berk off of my home town. The Melonheads are a real thing, and it's terrifying. Gobber's store is based of a place called 'Skellville' (you'll find it if you google it). Some other plot points are based on real life.
Also, I added the year to the chapter titles because I had an idea. Is it a good idea? Heck if I know.
"Where’s the duct tape?”
It was a justified question, being a hardware store, and if Astrid had been there longer than a few weeks, maybe she’d know.
She raised the radio, like she had dozens of times before, “Hiccup, duct tape.”
“Oh…uh, aisle three, middle rack, bottom shelf.”
The old man who asked the question nodded in appreciation and dived into the fray.
Now that Astrid had plenty of experience under her belt, Hiccup deemed her capable enough to run the register without him watching. She still had to ask a few questions, but that was to be expected, especially with a store as big and crazy as it was.
Mildew had just left, as Astrid had come in an hour early. Though, it seemed like every shift she came in earlier and earlier. Sometimes she came right from school, still in scrubs with a gym bag over her shoulder and a McDonald’s bag in her hand.
It had been a slow day, the rain keeping most customers away. Except this old, creepy toothless man who came perusing the store.
The old man returned, and put a roll of black tape on the counter. “It’s 20 times stronger than duct tape! Perfect for tying up the wife!”
Astrid finished the transaction with a poorly concealed cringe on her face.
Not but a few moments later, Tuff came back from his delivery. “Hoff, radio me.” He demanded, without so much as a ‘how-do-you-do?’
She slid it across the counter as he hiccuped loudly.
“Oh dearest Henry,” he began, pausing to hiccup again, “your presence is requested in the foyer of the employment institution.”
“Come up front.”
“Hang on.”
From the back of the room, a larger clatter was heard along with a shout.
“Hiccup!?” Astrid shouted.
The radio beeped, “I’m all right, I’m allllll right.” It was just a few minutes until Hiccup emerged from the pile, dusting off his jeans. “Okay Tuff, what’s up?”
The boy in question hiccuped.
“Do the thing.”
“What thing?” Astrid questioned, leaning on the counter.
“Behold!” Hiccup shouted, as he raised his hands. He clapped in a circle around Ruff’s head and clicked his tongue. Then he waved in hand right in his face, making his eyes follow his fingers, then he tapped the sides of Tuff’s face with an ‘allakhazam!’”
The hiccuping ceased.  
“Oh, so that’s why they call you Hiccup.” Astrid mused. “How’d you do that?”
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” Tuff answered pointedly.
“There’s a pressure point right in front of the ear that relaxes the diaphragm. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.” Hiccup shrugged.
“…the magic is gone.” Tuff sighed. Then he snapped his fingers, “Oh Hiccup, I thought you might want to know, but Alvin is sitting across the street.”
“Again?!” The boy looked out the window of the door with a frown. “Why does he do that?”
“What exactly?” Astrid asked, peering out the window too.
Hiccup groaned, going back to the counter and grabbing a broom. “He watches the store from across the street, because he’s afraid we’ll screw up or someone will steal something. I don’t know exactly, but in a little bit, he’ll come over here and blame something on me. Just act busy.”
Tuff yanked the broom out of his hands and started half heartedly sweeping.
It wasn’t more then a minute later when the man in question came in.
He had dark hair, groomed carefully and eyes that were razor sharp. Unlike Gobber in his sloppy attire, this man was dressed in a expensive looking suit. He glanced around the shop and eyed Hiccup.
“Henry,” he stated, his voice cold like ice and sickeningly gritty.  
“Alvin! H-hey, boss!” Hiccup was a poor actor. “What brings you here?”
“The store is a mess.” The man stated, his voice even.
“Well, we’re all working hard to get it looking nice.”
Alvin’s gaze looked over to Astrid, who worked quietly and diligently sorting the screws from the box. “I’ve never seen you before.”
She met his steely eyes and smiled with all her grace and charm. “Pleased to meet you, my name is Astrid Hofferson, and I just started work a couple weeks ago.”
“Hofferson, you say?”
“Yes, sir.”
He continued to stare, his eye raking over her form. “This was a good hire.” He stated. “But, your hair…”
Astrid self-consciously grabbed the high ponytail. “What about it?”
The man gave a smarmy smile. “It’s not really professional. You look like a high schooler. It’s all well and good for here, but if you want a real job, you’ll get it cut.”
She raised an eyebrow and responded. “My dad really likes my long hair, I really wouldn’t want to cut it.”
“Well, a man really shouldn’t be a factor in a woman’s appearance,” Alvin argued.
“Like what you’re doing?” Hiccup muttered under his breath.
Alvin either didn’t hear it, or chose not to comment.
“Gobber’s in the back, in case you wanted to talk to him.”
“I thought he was working on the refrigerator project?”
“He finished it an hour ago.”
“How much did they pay?”
Hiccup shrugged. “You know he never tells me that kind of stuff.”
Alvin rolled his eyes. “Then what good are you to me?”
Hiccup gestured to the store, “I don’t know. I’m sure anyone could have organized this mess.”
Alvin shook his head without a word and went into the back.
“Man, what a walking bag of dicks.” Tuff huffed, “I don’t know why he talks to you like that. Me? I can understand, but you? It’s a mystery.”
“Its ‘cause of my dad.” Hiccup elaborated. “There’s some weird legal history between them, so he’s kind of harsh on me because of it. At least, that’s what I think.”
The pile of nails laid forgotten as Astrid soaked up the juicy gossip. “Is your dad a lawyer or something?”
“Chief of Police, actually. I don’t know anything else though, don’t really care.”
Astrid snapped her fingers, “it’s harassment though, and he could get in a lot of trouble.”
“And then what would happen? The only reason we have jobs is because of Alvin. Gobber does great work and makes good money, but not enough to keep this store running.”
Astrid pondered it for a moment. “Then why bother keeping the store open, if it’s not turning over a profit? Why bother renting the building?”
“Gobber owns the building. It’s totally paid off.” Hiccup supplied.
Suddenly, there was shouting from the back. “300?! The client and I agreed on a thousand!”
“And we’ll get a thousand! Richard’s wife just had a baby, you can’t expect them to pay off the bill in one lump sum!”
“And who’s going to pay for the parts you replaced if they aren’t?! Surely we aren’t making enough up front to cover it!”
“Oh calm down ya big baby! I have a good reputation with the company. I already called them and they’ve agreed to let me pay as the Lawerence’s payment comes in.”
“You can’t keep doing this! One day your ‘reputation’ won’t be able to cover you!”
“If you think so, why don’t you just get out while you can!”
“You know I can’t do that!”
“It’s not my fault you got caught! What if you, oh I don’t know, keep your deal with Stoick instead of yelling at the boy all the time!”
Alvin’s response was too quiet to hear.    
“It was your idea to install security cameras!”
The room went quiet.
“Holy shit,” Tuff laughed. “Gobber’s so hardcore.”
“Profanity Tuff,” Hiccup scolded.
“There’s no one here.”
“Then what am I? Chopped liver?”
The door to the back opened again and Alvin returned, looking as calm and collected as ever. He glanced around the room and then left the store without a word.
“I see what you meant,” Astrid stated, watching him through the window. “I didn’t want to meet him.”
Hiccup met her eyes, “Your hair is fine, you know. There’s no reason to cut it if you don’t want to.”
She smirked. “Thanks.”
Gobber came out of the back room, in a sweaty t-shirt and a scowl. “How much of that conversation did you kiddos hear?”
“All of it.” Came the unanimous reply.
“Good. I don’t want to hide things from you all.”
Astrid knew as the most recent hire, she was the most out of the loop, and probably had no right to ask, but she did anyway. “Why does he stick around if he doesn’t like what your doing?”
“Ah, lass, now there’s a good story.”
Astrid and Hiccup both leaned in on their elbows on the counter. Tuff sat on the ice cream freezer.
“Now, I’m not too sure on how money works, so don’t take my word on everything. But as I’m sure you’ve figured out, Alvin is a bit of a financial wiz. And he was once employed by a Mr. Stoick Haddock.”
“My dad,” Hiccup clarified.
“Now, while Hiccup may not look like it, the Haddock family has a lot of accumulated wealth. Mr. Haddock sought out a financial advisor, ergo Alvin T Retcher...”
“Now, it was ten years since he was hired when Stoick decided to pull money out to pay for Hiccup’s amputation and other expenses when he discovered that the ten thousand dollars that were supposed to go into some growth fund had gained zero interest.”
Tuff’s eyes glazed over and he went back to sweeping.  
“Even in a bank, that money would have tripled by then. But nothing. So, being the chief of police, Stoick pulled some resources and x-rayed Alvin’s account and found over 10 million bucks being laundered in. Not just from him either, a bunch of other business owners were caught up in the scheme.”
Tuff’s interest returned at the mention of 10 million bucks.
“Stoick and Alvin settled it outside of court, since really, Alvin had no chance of winning his case. A deal was made to return all of the money down to the last penny to the people he’d stolen from. As punishment, Alvin had to become my financial advisor with zero commission. He decided to make the best of his situation by investing in the store, with gave me money to fix up the building and hire employees to run the front. That was…how long ago was that Hiccup?”
“Uh…probably when I starting working here…so, seven years ago?”
Astrid slapped her hand against the counter. “You’ve been working here for seven years?!”
“Yep, right after I lost my leg at 14.”  
Tuff, who had followed along thus far, added, “what does Hiccup have to do with this?”
“Hiccup, bless the lad, costs more to us because of his leg.”
Hiccup frowned in reply.
“Since Stoick and I are best friends, we were already talking about Hiccup having a job here before he lost it. So it kills Alvin to have him here. But really boy-o, there’s no one I’d rather have on my team than you.”
The door rang and a customer came in. “Huh…my toilet’s backed up and the plunger isn’t doing it. Help.”
Gobber sprang into action, “certainly! Let’s see what we can do!”
It wasn’t a half hour later when Hiccup clocked out for his break. He came out of the back room with a paper sack and a can of coke. He took a seat on the high chair behind the counter by Astrid.
“Are you allowed to eat up here?”
He shrugged. “Never had a problem before. Especially when I had to run the register by myself.”
“Fair enough.”
He took his sandwich out. “Oh that’s right, I have a present for you.”
“Is it that sandwich?”
“I mean…you can have it if you want it. It’s ham and butter.”
She crinkled her nose. “Pass.”
He grinned and dug around in the pocket of his jacket. “So, this is just a thank you for taking me home and staying with me when I hit my head last week.”
“Oh Hiccup, you didn’t have to get me anything! You made me dinner and gave me a place to hang out when I was feeling down.”
“Regardless,” he held out a wrapped square. “I remembered you said the only CD you have to listen to is Disney Princesses. And I love ‘Bonjour’ just as much as the next guy, but I’m sure it’s getting old.”
“A bit.”
“So I thought to myself, ‘what sexy male singer would a girl of any age enjoy?’”
“I swear if this is Justin Bieber, you’re about to have another concussion.”
He grinned, “not Justin Bieber….”
She looked at him carefully, then unwrapped the package. “Justin Timberlake. I am okay with this.”
“Really? I was expecting a punch in the arm.”
“I still could, don’t tempt me.” She looked over the song list as Gobber came out of the backroom. “You know, when I was in elementary school, I used to have a huge crush on him.”
“Oh, you shouldn’t have told me that.” Hiccup snickered.
“A crush on who?” Gobber asked.
“Justin Timberlake.” They said unanimously.
“Oh good ole JT? He’s a dreamboat.” Gobber waited for their laughter to subside before saying, “Astrid, I just got a bunch of Ice Cream for the freezer up front, can you restock it when you get the chance?”
“You can go as soon as I finish my break.” Hiccup added, “I’ll watch the register.”
“Cool beans.”
“Can you two behave for a half hour? I have to run to the bank.”
“No problem.”
“Good, just no more injuries! I don’t want to pay more into disability then I already do…” and with that, he left.
“So…” Hiccup leaned on his elbow. “Justin Timberlake, huh?”
“It was a mistake telling you!” She exasperated.
“I’m just curious! I don’t hate his music. I just didn’t take you as the type to crush on a celebrity.”
She rolled her eyes. “I said I had a crush on him in Elementary School. Like, he was fresh out of NSYNC. I haven’t listened to him since ‘Cry Me a River.’”
“I have different taste in men now.” Astrid’s phone buzzed and she hurriedly glanced at it. Then with an irritated huff, she shoved it back into her pocket.
“Let me guess, Scott bailed on you again?”
“No…” She lamented. “He just wants to have dinner early so he can go to the bar with his buddies tonight. I haven’t seen him in two weeks, and he just wants to get dinner somewhere.”
“Tell him no,” Hiccup muttered into his soda. “Put your foot down and tell him that he’s spending the evening with you, instead of getting drunk.”
“The thing is, he wouldn’t listen to me anyway. He does what he wants.”
“Is he going to do that when your married?”
She looked at him skeptically. “I don’t know if I want to marry Scott.”
“Then why are you dating him?”
Astrid didn’t have an answer.
“You’ve dated for two years, so the trial period is kind of over. He’s either the guy you want to be with forever, or you should move on.”
“That’s pretty harsh.”
He raised his eyebrows. “I never met this guy, but by how you talk about him, I can only picture him as, well, as Tuff would say, a walking bag of dicks.”
Astrid was silent.
“Having a few complaints about your significant other is one thing, but you never have anything good to say about him.”
“He’s plenty good!” She argued. “He’s kind, and he compliments me, and he’s generous. He’s funny and handsome, and I love him.”
Hiccup nodded once. “Okay, then you have officially talked good about him.”
She chewed her lip, “why do you even care about this?”
He shrugged. “I guess I shouldn’t, but I would date for marriage. Like…what else is there if you aren’t trying to find your soulmate?”
“Not being alone?”
“I’m alone and I seem to be happier then you.”
She glared at him.
“Right, sorry, that was rude.”
She pushed passed him, heading for the backroom. “Looks like you finished your sandwich. I’m going to use the bathroom and then get that ice cream.”    
“I wouldn’t use that bathroom…”
“As a nurse in training, I’ve seen some pretty disgusting things. I think I’m fine.”
“Whatever you say!”
Still angry, Astrid snuck into the back. She opened the bathroom, stopped and slammed it shut. The stench was overwhelming and made her eyes water.
He was right…again.
Her body felt hot and her hands trembled.
How dare he?
How dare he be so right in everything? How dare he make her triple guess her decisions and her relationship with Scott? She had already decided to stick with him, so how dare Hiccup get in her head?
She opened the freezer and started looking through the boxes and boxes of Häagen-Dazs. The freezer door slowly swung shut and latched.
Astrid glanced over, panicked for a second, before she saw the latch on the inside.
She finished loading a big box with an assortment of ice cream, and then went to open the door, only to have the handle break off in her hand.
“Of course.” She spoke out loud. “Everything else in this place is a piece of junk, why wouldn’t the freezer be?!”
She pounded on the door. “Hiccup! I’m stuck!” She continued to pound on the door until her hand hurt from the cold metal.
Astrid tossed the box of treats off to the side and stuck her hands into her armpits. It was May, and she only wore a short sleeved blouse. Not even a cotton one, just some thin, itchy material.
“Well, Hiccup thinks I’m in the bathroom, Gobber’s off on errands, and Tuff’s delivering a fixed snowblower.” She sighed, her breath coming out in a cloud. “I’ll have to wait no matter what.”
She rubbed her hands and pounded on the door again, as long as she could.
“This is like that SpongeBob episode where Squidward gets stuck in the freezer and gets transported to the future.” She sat down on a box in the corner, as far away from the motor as possible. “Except when I get out of here, I’m sure I’ll be looking at the inside of a casket instead of a chrome landscape.”
She leaned against her legs, which were fortunately covered with jeans.
Minutes passed as her teeth chattered. Every once in a while, she’d pound on the door.
She trembled again, but not in anger. Her shivers were so persistent that it hurt.    
Just a little longer…
The freezer door opened suddenly, and she fought to stand.
Hiccup’s hand reached in and pulled her out of the cold air and into his chest. Astrid was stunned for a moment, but let it happen anyways.
“I heard thudding, but I didn’t realize what it was at first!” He spoke into her hair. “I’m so sorry!”
“It’s not your fault…” she chattered. “Where you worried about me?”
He pulled away from her, still holding her arms. She continued to shake. “I was trying to warm you up, but if it bothers you…”
She uncrossed her arms and pulled him back into the hug. “No, this is nice.”
And it was. He was boney, and her cheek rested on his sharp collar bone, but he was warm. And he smelled good.
He held tight, rubbing warmth into her with his hands.
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing! It’s not your fault we have an ancient industrial freezer just for ice cream!”
“I…I wasn’t talking about that.”
He stopped his motions and just hugged her. “I do care about your relationship with Scott, because I care about you. As a co-worker and a friend. I don’t like seeing that disappointed look on your face. But I’m sorry I said what I did, it was mean.”
She rested her head on his shoulder. “You were right though. I’m going to have a talk with Scott tonight. I’ll see if I can’t change his mind about us.”
Hiccup pulled away and smiled at her. “Are you still cold?”
“Why don’t you go back up front? I’ll get something to help with that.”
Her arms wrapped around herself once again, she made her way back into the empty store.
It was only a few minutes later that something warm was draped around her shoulders. “Sorry, it’s my crummy jacket.”
Astrid quickly put her arms through the sleeves and zipped it up to her collar, his scent clung to her heavily.
Damn, he smelled good.
“I also found this space heater. I don’t know how well it works, but we can try it.”
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you, Milady. Can’t have our only shield maiden going down in a blizzard.”
She arrived at Papa Vinos at precisely 6:38, still in her work clothes.
“I thought you ditched me,” The man speaking was short and beefy in build. His broad chin was dotted with the faint hairs of an attempted beard. His hair, raven black, was parted in the middle, and curled around his ears. His ocean blue eyes, the same eyes she used to gaze into for hours, had not changed, but great amusement reflected back.
“Sorry, I got out of work kind of late. One of those customers that came in at the last second before closing and didn’t know what he was looking for.”
“Ah, I see.” He nodded, looking at his phone. “Hey, I ordered for you.”
“Yeah, your usual shrimp scampi.”
She raised an eyebrow, “I never eat shrimp…”
“Oh? I could have sworn you did. Well, we’ll just flag down a waitress and change it.”
“Thanks though…for trying.”
“Of course, babe.”
She drummed her fingers on the table. “So uh, anything exciting happen to you this week?”
He didn’t look up from his phone. “Not particularly.”
“God damn it Scott!” She nearly shouted, “I haven’t seen you in two weeks!”
“We talk all the time.” He argued.
“Yeah, through text! That’s not enough!”
He set his phone down and eyed her critically. “Where’d you get the jacket, Astrid? Looks a little big for you.”
She swallowed as she looked down to Hiccup’s jacket that she was still wearing. It was so comfortable that she forgot about it. “Oh this? It’s actually a funny story. I got locked in the freezer at work.”
“In the freezer? I thought you worked at a Hardware store?”
“I do, but it used to have a soda fountain in it, and the freezer is ancient, and that’s why I got locked in it.”
“Okay, go on…”
“So, I was in there for like 15 minutes before my coworker found me and gave me his jacket to warm up.”
“It’s a hardware store, I’m the only girl that works there.”
“Astrid…you aren’t cheating on me, are you?”
She rolled her eyes. “No, I’m not. We’ve been over this, I have never cheated on you.”
“What about that guy you went to dinner with a months ago? David said he saw you two together all weekend.”
“David’s an idiot, and I don’t know why you insist on being friends with him. That guy is my cousin. He stayed with me while Uncle Finn had his house fumigated. You remember my Uncle Finn? You went to his house for Halloween our first year together.”
She reached across the table and took his hand. “Scott, I know you’ve been cheated on before. But I’ve given you plenty of reason to trust me. I love you, and I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our relationship.”
He looked down at the table and then back at her. “Okay…”
“Is this why you’ve been avoiding me lately? You think I’m cheating on you?”
He scratched behind his ear. “No…I—…” He dropped his hand to the counter. “Look, I have to be honest. We never laugh anymore. All I ever hear from you is complaints and woes. It’s kind of depressing.”
She crossed her arms over the table and sighed. “I know. But I really need you right now. This job has been good for me, but with my rent and my dad—…”
He heard her starting a tirade, and he cut her off. “Hey, it’s not my fault your dad’s retarded.”
She sat up suddenly as she stared at him, “What did you just say?”
“I’m just saying…you dwell on your dad too much. You’d be happier if you didn’t worry about him.”
Her nostrils flared. “Unlike you, I have a good relationship with my dad. I wouldn’t expect you to understand what I’m going through.”
Scott grimaced. “Sorry I brought it up.”
She sighed, her anger spent. As it always was with Scott. “It’s okay.”
There was a pregnant pause. “I’ll try to lighten up a bit. I’m sorry for weighing you down with my problems.”
“Hey, it’s okay. But don’t you have anyone you can vent to?”
Her lack of friends was a sore spot for Astrid. She used to have plenty of friends in Highschool, and then she graduated and went to college. By time she came back, everyone but Ruff had moved on with life. Heaven knows Ruff would blather about her problems to everyone.
“What, like a therapist?”
“With the money I have?”
“I could spot you the money.”
“Absolutely not, I already owe you too much.”
“I’m not expecting you to pay me back soon, just…when you get the chance. Don’t stress about it.”
She sighed, once again. “Okay.”
Scott waved to a waitress, “Hi, can we change that order?”
I have a playlist for every fanfic I write. The playlist for this one is all just Justin Timberlake.  
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axkcolin-blog · 6 years
inauthentic | m
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Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader Genre: mature, romance, college au, (smut eventually) Word Count: 3140
“11:53….I should be leaving any time now.” You slipped your phone into your butt pocket.
You plopped onto your bed while taking one last gaze around the room you knew you wouldn’t see again for awhile. Despite the stuff that was obviously missing, you could still remember your childhood and the many things that had taken place here. You had your fair share of good and bad memories in your room -more have been unpleasant than pleasant, but irrelevant to you now- To some, leaving home may seem like the biggest blessing in the world, but you were pretty much a combination of happy and bummed. Today, you were going to move out and get into your dorm; you needed to get all your belongings out since the semester was going to begin soon. Not to mention, orientation was going to be the following day. In all honesty though, time had passed by too quickly for you to register. Well, whatever now, it was not something you could really dwell on at the moment. Besides there were plenty of other times to reflect on your life and feel nostalgic, but right now wasn’t that time.
You scrolled through your phone looking at your notifications. A lot of your friends and family wished you luck in your next milestone in life. Although you had already did your rounds of farewells and goodbyes, they still wished you well. That was nice. Even your grandparents commuted 2 hours from where they lived to stop by and give you money, and of course, a few tips on how to survive college. The kind of tips they said, went like ‘make smart decisions’ and ‘don’t feel peer pressured to do anything’ typa stuff. Your grandparents were especially strict on the no drinking rule, telling you that it was a big no-no, because nothing supposedly good ever came from it. Well, you had to admit that some part of that is true, since you were infamously known from your group of friends to do idiotic things when you were drunk. Anyways, you promised you wouldn’t do so, but it was a broken promise to begin with either way.
A knock on your door frame interrupted your thoughts. “Hey, your dad and I finished up everything, we should start heading out.”
“Got it!” you replied, as your mom walked downstairs.
“Well, this is it.” You took a deep breath and hopped off your bed, following after your mother.
As soon as you got in, your parents drove off. A minute hadn’t even passed yet, until your mom went on again, about how you couldn’t afford to fail, literally. You sighed and slouched further into your seat. Your parents had given you this talk so many times; it was repetitive. They had, had this conversation so much, you actually remembered what they said- word for word. And once they started going on the topic about why you shouldn’t be drinking, you lost it and immediately attempted to force yourself asleep. Sleeping was always much more preferable than hearing your parents lecture you about stuff you shouldn’t do. They were telling you not to do things, you knew that had done when they were in college. Whatta bunch of hypocrites.
You managed to fall asleep the entirety of the commute, much to your surprise, and was left sitting in your car in confusion. You sighed and sat up, feeling sore in different spots of your body. You extended your arms and legs, and stretched it out until you heard a satisfying pop. You then looked around your foreign surrounding and spotted your parents. Once you did, you noticed that your parents weren’t alone, they were standing there with a tall, dark haired man. You impetuously shivered, despite not seeing his face. You couldn’t shake off the iffy feeling you were getting. Either way, something just didn’t seem right. Whatever vibe this guy was emitting, you didn’t like one bit. Nonetheless, the identity of this person had peeked your interest, so you moved around a bit in the car, to try to get a good look. Before you could do so, your mom pointed towards you and all three of them faced in your direction. You impulsively went back to your chair and positioned yourself in, what you thought was a sleeping stance. You pondered, “Wait why am I hiding? I didn’t even do anythin-”
Not long after you had that thought, the car door near you jerked open and a ray of sunlight hit you directly in the face, making you furrow your eyebrows. The sudden action had startled you a bit but you were more annoyed by how forcibly the person was being. “Hey what the hell?” You immediately brought your arm over your face.
You tried to spot the person responsible for startling you, but all you could see, was a silhouette. Without warning, the figure suddenly towered over you, “Get the fuck up sleeping beauty.” a chirpy voice came from the figure.
You froze, and your eyes widened as you came face to face with the person who had been responsible for your uneasiness. You finally registered what this person said, and then it hit you. That voice...you recognized that voice; you wouldn't have even been able to forget it, even if you tried. You glared, “That explains why I got bad vibes coming from you...Jung.” You cursed.
“Hey you, it’s been awhile. Two or some years, right? How have ya been.” He flashed a fake smile at you.
“‘The ‘you’ has a name you know.” You gnarled at him.
Hoseok leaned closer to you, in an obvious attempt to press your buttons, “I really don’t care y’know. I’ve been trying to forget your name and everything about you.”
Jung fucking Hoseok is about 2 years older than you, he was your neighbor and had used to be your brother figure- and old crush. Anyways, this guy was the last person you’d want to ever see right now, nonetheless ever in your life. You can guarantee that every person who’s talked to him, believes Hoseok is a ray of sunshine, however in your eyes, he was he was far from that. If someone asked you to explain the type of guy he was, you’d have to say it’s inexplicable since there isn’t enough words or phrases that could be used to describe how terrible, heartless, abhorrent, and a total jackass he is. The thing you’ve always dreaded however, was that your parents had a huge favoring over him, and always referred him as your childhood friend, when in fact, it wasn’t like that at all. However, you guys hadn’t always been on bad terms, in fact, you had used to be good friends- as you stated earlier, he was like an elder brother, but things changed when this ‘angel’ suddenly started being a straight up dick to you. You guys were actually really close, you The charming guy whom you admired and actually had a crush on for while, turned his back on you, for no reason. To add oil to the flame, Hoseok started sleeping with a ton of girls- a fuckton of girls; he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. Every damn girl wants to hookup with him for some reason, and you even lost some friends because of the hookups he had with them. It was disappointing already, that he had given you the cold shoulder, but now he had countless hookups. It was sad and disenchanting cause’ now you really knew that he’d never go back to the kind, brotherly Hoseok, who was also your inspiration in dance. yes that’s right folks, Hoseok is actually the reason why you started dancing and got so much interest, but you’ll never admit that to him. And yes, it’s no surprise to anyone that he had moves, you adored him for that, but that was his only redeeming quality. You liked his dance skills, but not his character.
“Aw, you missed me love?” He teased and backed away.
“Hardly. It was fantastic until you came.” You glared at him.
“Good to know that the feelings are mutual.” He flicked your forehead roughly.
"OW! God damn, why the hell did you do it so hard?”
“Thatswhatshesaid,” Hoseok said in one breath.
“You’ve literally not matured at all, you ass-twat.”
He scoffed “Ass-twat? Seriously, I know you can do better than that.”
“Shut the fuck up.” You snapped.
“Hey, you two doing okay over there?” Your dad yelled.
“Yes sir,” Hoseok smiled, “just catching up.”
You got up from the seat and immediately dread. The heat was insane and you now were really regretting your outfit choice of a sweatshirt and joggers.
“Wow, that’s definitely an appropriate outfit. You afraid of the sun?” Hosoek picked at your sweatshirt.
“LET.GO.” You muttered through your teeth.
“Yikes she bites, I’ll make note of that.”
“Hoseok!” your mom called, “while you’re over there, do you mind helping carry the stuff in?”
He sighed, and glared at you, before responding, “Of course ma’am,”
You stuck your tongue out and walked towards your parents. “So….mom, where is it?” You looked around you, but you saw no dormitories nearby.
“Right here, you’ll be staying here.” Your mom grasped your shoulders and faced you in front of a house.
You turned your neck towards your mother so fast, you actually could’ve gotten whiplash.“I’m sorry...what?”
Your mom sighed, “Your father and I decided it would be best for you not to be in a dorm, for multiple reasons. Plus it’ll save money for us, so we can save money for your car.”
You stared at your parents in utter confusion, “Uh, what? I need clarification please.”
“Wow, you really are fucking stupid.” Hoseok whispered while walking past you with your luggage.
You were honestly considering strangling the hell out of Hoseok if another word came out from his mouth. But you knew if you did so, your parents wouldn’t hesitate to punish or kill you. Deadass.
“Well, in order to save money and help getting adjusted, you’ll be living with Hoseok. And you really should be thankful to him though, he’s willing to do this for you, that’s considerate of him. Plus, with someone as reliable as Hoseok watching after you to make sure you don’t do crazy things, it’d give your mother and I a peace of mind, and have one less thing to worry about- he’d be your guardian for us.” Your dad explained.
“You mean babysitter?” You scoffed, “are you kidding me?” your parents really were just totally oblivious to the type of relationship you two had had for the past years. “Well, would it have hurt you that much for you guys to at least talk this over with me?”
“We are right now.” your dad responded.
You rubbed your face, “Dad, that’s not the point.”
“Sweetie, you’re making this seem like a bad idea. Why are you so against it? We’re saving money this way, so we can buy you a car, and be able to send you money for your other necessities? This is a blessing in disguise for you, but look, we’re sorry if we disappointed you, but we really couldn’t turn down this offer...we hope you can understand.”
You sighed, in frustration; you trusted your parents words. You well aware that in your parent’s perspective, this was the cheapest and best option, so of course they would want you to do this. Also, these were your parents- they were stubborn- so you knew you couldn’t change their minds. So in this situation, all you could really say was, your hands were tied. “Okay, okay, I get the message, I’m good with whatever decision needs to be done.”
“Now that’s the spirit, huh?” Hoseok pat your back harshly, almost making you fall over.
You had to hold back the urge to curse, “Don’t you have stuff you should be transferring?”
“I already did it all, and you’re welcome.” Hoseok bitterly smiled.
“Aw, see you guys are already mixing in well, but that was expected already, since you guys are already such great friends.”
Hoseok and you had both unintentionally sighed at the comment.  
“Anyways sweetie, we know that the campus is about 4-5 miles away, and we know that it’ll be quite far to walk, so we brought along your bike, so you have some sort of transportation.” your mom smiled.
“Thanks,” You were obliged to say.
“So this is it,” your mom smiled once more, “make sure to make smart decisions and call us if anything happens, and most importantly-”
“Don’t drink before I turn 21,” your mom and you had both said in unison.
“Good, you remembered,” your mom pulled you into a hug, “make us proud.”
“Yeah, I will.” You returned it.
“Okay, you should go ahead and start getting unpacked; you have a long day tomorrow.” Your mom stroked your hair comfortably.
“Mhmm,” you nodded, before walking into the house.
Hoseok followed you back into the house but your parents called him once more.
He took a deep breath and turned around with a radiant smile before going to your parents. He sure did know how to put up in act. You went inside and quickly gazed over your surroundings. It was rather homey and not exotic, like Hoseok’s style. To simply put it, this house was calm, and welcoming- just how you like it. That didn’t change the fact though that, you were sharing a house with a troll. You sighed again, how many times have you sighed today, you wondered. You went ahead and plopped yourself on the couch, waiting for him to come back. Your parents explained why you had to stay, but you wanted to get some answers from him. Not long after you had this thought, the door opened and Hoseok turned around, waving, to who you assumed were your parents. After that, he turned towards you with that deadly expression you knew he had been hiding from everyone. “Well, we’re alone now, so say what you want now. I’m pretty sure you have a lot to say to me, whether I want to hear it or not.”
“First off, WHY? Why’d you offer this to my parents? We fucking hate each other!”
Hoseok scoffed, “Please, do you really fucking think I wanted to see your face everyday? You really believe that I wanted you to be roomie?” he walked towards you, clearly agitated, “your parents somehow heard that my roommate moved out, and they took the damn opportunity. They asked me to do all this shit for you. Jesus fucking Christ, they actually talked to my parents first to confirm this all. At this point, they twisted my arm- I couldn’t deny them, they had my parents against me! This is your fault for being so damn irresponsible, that they really had to send you to me. Pathetic, really.”
You got up in his face, “Excuse me?  My fault? You were the fucking reason why I got in so much trouble when we were younger. You’re the main reason why my parents have trust issues with me, so in all honesty, you’re the one to blame.”
He rolled his eyes, “I honestly have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.”
“Oh really? Need I remind you of the time you came to my party, uninvited and had the audacity to have sex in my house with one of my friends? Like seriously, you were like 18 at the time, did you only have two brain cells? And no, don’t answer that because you being the stupid person you were, threw the damn thing in my trash can, for my mom to see! She was mortified over the idea that her 16 year old had apparently had sexual intercourse- which I didn’t!”
“First off, there is no evidence of me doing that, so get off my back-”
“Angie bragged about it to me when she slept over my house that night. Do you know how mortifying that was for me at the time; for me to find out that my best friend at the time, hooked up with someone like you?” You hollered, “She fucking knew I hated your guts, yet she still hooked up with you. I gave her constant warning about how you treat all your women, and she didn’t believe me. Angie was fucking sobbing when she found out you weren’t serious with her! She cut off connections because she was embarrassed about what she did. She claimed that being around me reminded me of you somehow. You ruined stuff for me.
“W-what?” Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, “Who’s Angie?”
You froze, “What?”
“Look, I don’t know the names of your ‘bffs’, just give me a refresher or something.”
“For Pete's sake, she’s not my friend anymore, I lost her because you played with her, like you do with all your girls!” You rubbed your palm over your forehead and ruffled your hair, “You don’t even remember the girls you slept with....Seriously, you’re a pig.”
“So what? I’m out here trying to live my life; I live a good one, not a long one.”
“Do you not have a heart or something? Ugh, how am I ever gonna deal with you?” You threw your hands into the couch, only to feel something foreign.
Your curiosity got the better of you and you dug around into the cushion. You caught a hold of something lacy and long, and you pulled it from the couch. You were appalled by what you just revealed. Out from the couch, you pulled a lacy red bra, that was obviously not meant for wearing on a casual day. “OH MY GOD, WHY IS THIS HERE?”
Hoseok turned and noticed what you held, “Oh, that’s where it went.” Hoseok casually responded.
“EW!” You screeched and flung the lingerie towards Hoseok, which he easily dodged.
“You’re a fucking pig, you’re a fucking pig, you’re a motherfucking pig!” You cringed.
“Hey sorry to break it to you, but there’s a reason why you found it on the couch,” He raised a brow.
Your eyes widened once you registered what he said and you immediately jumped off the couch. “I’m never touching that fucking couch again!”
You ran to the faucet and washed your hands as fast as you could. You were losing it. You were gonna snap, and you haven’t been here for longer than a day. “I swear to God, Hoseok, if you want to do your girlfriend, do it in your goddamn room and make sure she gets all her belongings!”
Hoseok picked up the bra, “Okay, whatever, and by the way.” Hoseok waved the bra, “This isn’t my girlfriend’s; cause’ I don’t have on-”
You interrupted him, “STOP TALKING JUNG.”
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