#and we really only had cinder's design to go off of
saline-coelacanth · 1 month
You know I think one of my favorite things about Cinder is simply the fact that he's an elemental master with an element that we really didn't get to see a lot of before. And I mean, a lot of the elements from before are ones we haven't seen much from simply because there wasn't a lot of screentime they could feasibly give to the other elemental masters, but I just find it cool that now we have a much more important character with a previously underutilized element that we're able to see in action more.
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aley-nag · 4 months
Bumpy road, pretty result
Whoaaaa. This one...
The next fanfiction I bound was Cinder and Smoke by @thelittleblackfox. I lover their work to pieces. They write incredible thought out Stucky!AU's with a lot of fantasy aspects or really good scifi and I wanted badly to do one of their fics, but waited til I was a little happier with my results and could make a pretty cover. We decided together on this one and I started formatting... And then I stopped for a long while because Word is the devil.
Cinder & Smoke is a western!AU and just about the most romantic thing I've ever read. It has yearning and a little angst and a very distinct vibe that feels like Fernweh and wilderness and change. Go read it!
I worked on it between June and December 23 and Christmas was the only reason I finished it this quickly, but I did not want to leave it unfinished for the turn of the year.
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Sadly I don't have a lot of pictures, but when I'm finished with my copy I'll post some more.
Now we'll come to the journey it was to finish this!
It started out rather uncomplicated, because I thought I had gotten the hang of formatting and then, when I tried adjusting the font and overall look of the text body Word kept killing the italics. And I googled and tried and experimented and I just couldn't get it to stop. I was so frustrated, oh god. It put me off a little and I had to leave it for a while. When I came back around to it I found a slightly butchered solution, that works though so I won't question it. After that formatting went smoother and I was able to bind it. I used paper from that same supplier that fucked up my paper order for the covers from the notebooks. But only after I had it printed I noticed that it was cut crooked and wouldn't cleanly fold in half. I despaired a little, said fuck it and hoped it wouldn't be to noticeable. I think it's alright.
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Binding went really well and I think that's the cleanliest job I did to this date.
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Did the endbands by hand to match the color scheme I was aiming for. Because of the title I wanted to invoke fire and used primarily black and red for the coloring.
Then came the cover. First of all, don't use black bookcloth. You will see every. single. mistake. Also dust and glitter... I brushed this thing so often, you wouldn't believe it.
And I tried different vinyl. I couldn't find the right shade of red I wanted, it's a little hard to source it around here so I went an entirely different route and used golden glitter vinyl. What I didn't know until after I plotted the design: The glitter has texture. I couldn't see a single cut-line. I had to keep the picture open to work along the edges and not rip the letters. Still lost all of the i-points 😭
The flower was pretty easy though. Glueing it on was also quite hard because it just wouldn't hold and I got glitter everywhere. Which let to more brushing but I'm afraid mailing it destroyed all that work :D
Anyway. I am sooo happy with how it turned out I instantly forgot about all annoyances and was able to mail it before the end of the year and that was a really satisfying last project, so all is well :)
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This was also the first time I had the idea of choosing a little icon for the author's penname because most of the time I don't have enough space for the entire name. I reworked all of the other books to accomodate that.
Binding Details
Body Text: Garamond, 11
Half Title/Chapter Heading: Gold Lines Trial, 20
Full Title: Carnivalee Freakshow, 48
Word Count: 57.197
Pages: 232
Paper: publishing paper A4, 90g, 1,5x volume (from the retailer from hell :/)
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anthurak · 2 years
Rosebird Parents Theory Masterpost
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aka; Raven Branwen is Ruby’s real Daddy, aka; Ruby is actually Summer’s and Raven’s magic lesbian lovechild.
So I thought it was about time I actually compiled a proper consolidated list of the numerous discussions, explorations, ruminations and half-crazed rants I’ve done on this theory. In case anyone wants to see the full... scope of it all.
(Assembled in chronological order of original posting)
The shitpost that got me started down this rabbit hole.
“Raven the Deadbeat Dad” (first proper theory-post I ever did on the subject)
“When a Crazy Theory just keeps seeming more crazily plausible...” (holy shit I found actual EVIDENCE to this?!)
“Back on this Hot bit of Crazy...” (analyzing the ONE time Ruby and Raven have spoken on screen. Plus some musings on Cinder.)
Reading Between the Lines of just how LITTLE Yang and Ruby actually KNOW about their family (Remember how Summer, Qrow and Tai didn’t even TELL Yang that Raven was her mother until AFTER Summer ‘died’?)
A Rant about realizing that Character Designs are NOT accidental. (Holy shit, CRWBY had to have CHOSEN to make Raven look like she does...)
Why Taiyang is still Ruby’s Father (hey remember how we all agree that Summer is ALSO Yang’s mom?)
Reading Between the Lines of The Warrior in the Woods (has anyone ever thought about how much we ACTUALLY KNOW about the relationship between Summer, Raven and Tai?)
Yes, I do in fact know this all sounds crazy. (It’s not my fault is KEEPS MAKING SO MUCH SENSE!)
A funny little detail about Ruby, Summer and Raven... (Hey remember how this show is so obsessed with color-theory that just about EVERY character is named for a color in some way?)
A theory on how Raven could have knocked up Summer (AKA how it would actually be pretty fitting for Ruby to be a Rosebird magical lesbian lovechild...)
A short rambling/reaction to Summer’s official design (REMEMBER WHAT I SAID ABOUT ‘SAME THREE COLORS’?!!!)
Another brief rambling/reaction to the show giving us Summer and Raven mysteriously running off together before cutting back to Ruby.
Why Taiyang is STILL Ruby’s Father (and why it’s kind of hilariously irrelevant as an argument/point against Raven being Ruby’s secret deadbeat dad)
Why Tai and Qrow would hide Raven being Ruby’s dad (AKA, You know how adults in RWBY have a BAD HABIT of hiding really important shit from their kids?)
An In-Depth Analysis of the Interpersonal Relationships of Team STRQ (and why Rosebird is DEFINITELY a thing)
Why Rosebird Parents actually plays in a LOT of classic fantasy tropes (and how Raven has a surprising amount in common with a certain Star Wars character...)
(Supplementary Material not directly about Rosebird but related nonetheless)
Summer and the Crown (a theory on just WHY Summer went after Salem alone, and how Raven knows so much.)
The Disappearance of Raven SadEdgyBirdMom (theorizing on the REAL reason Raven left and why the reasons she’s given are probably bullshit)
Not the Bird You’re Thinking of... (analyzing the parallels between Team STRQ and Team RWBY and why Raven ISN’T her teams equivalent to Blake)
NtBYTo supplemental (Team STRQ is the ‘Disaster Team RWBY’)
Why the Vacuo arc is going to be VERY important to Ruby and Yang (or why the STRQ family reunion is going to be MESSY...)
The Ravens’ Odin (aka; how Ruby possibly/probably being an allusion to the norse god Odin can tie into all this)
An observation on the fact that only RUBY got to see the vision of Summer leaving with Raven... (hey look, a plot hook for RUBY to track down RAVEN)
Analyzing the fandom’s perception of the Summer-Raven-Tai relationship (and why we should probably be questioning just about EVERYTHING we learned about them from Yang...)
(Additional material to be added.)
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cinderswife · 5 months
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happy new year! as a treat, i have finished snow's outfits :D she's the last in the series after cinders and rose :3 as always, lore under the cut!
much like cinders, snow was designed to be in compliment to rose! we know from the album that she was beautiful and had long black hair but beyond that i wanted to make sure she looked like she could feasibly be rose's sister. she is also a bear girl <3
snow is fat! it was very important to me that she was fat with stretch marks and still extremely beautiful. so, here she is !!
i gave her a beauty mark because it's very classic hollywood beauty
you also probably couldn't actually see her tail at this angle because tiny bear tail but its so cute!
since this is pre becoming general white, she's a lot softer and gentler than her sister
fun fact: snow is actually her middle name but nobody ever calls her by her first name adelaide ever
also. this woman is so busy do you think she has the time to think about her gender and sexuality ever
dressing gown
snow is exceptionally wealthy and powerful so of course she has a monogrammed silk dressing gown. she doesn't actually wear it to sleep; she overheats way too quickly so she wears very little to bed.
entering the first appearance of snow's favorite color to wear: light blue!
yes, snow is wearing a wedding ring. since she's 29 and the head of a noble house, i figured she would be married. it was an arranged marriage to darr, the youngest child of some count somewhere because ze is entirely unambitious and willing to let snow do her thing
they also have a son together. his name is eret, he is 3, he looks up to auntie rose a little too much, his favorite animals are snakes and penguins, and he will quote space-disney at you incessantly.
duchess work dress
snow is the grand duchess of the duchy of delinore. she is the only grand duchess in the entire empire; this is the title that is equivalent to crown prince. yes she is technically his majesty king cole's heir due to being the current hereditary grimm on the throne of delinore. this is mostly a ceremonial fact since his majesty is immortal. delinore is 12 inhabited planets large and covers an entire star system which makes her perhaps the most powerful woman in the galaxy. snow is very tired all the time.
i was watching disney's snow white while designing this and the next outfit; i really like the blue and yellow look on her
this is a modular outfit! she can put on and take off the vest and cape depending on how formal she needs to be.
snow wears a lot of jewelry. this earring and necklace set was an anniversary present from her spouse!
the silver circlet atop her head is that of the duchess. you'll see it in almost every other outfit afterwards; it's like a wedding ring but for her noble status
court of stars
as his majesty's heir, snow is required to take part in the irregular meetings of his majesty's inner court: the court of stars. much of the lesser laws are handled by the council of stars and the other, lesser nobility. full disclosure: snow fucking hates this. she uses her position to do much good in the world and views his majesty like an extremely shitty and powerful grandfather she has to put up with in order to do what she needs to do. if the wedding day slaughter hadn't happened, she would still have eventually caused his death through an insane game of "political assassination cat and mouse." Y'know, different from the war.
this is the evil queen type fit. i just wanted to draw her as an evil queen okay
lorewise, this is the ceremonial outfit of her status tailored to her feminine appearance. black and red cape, deep purple dress, shiny gold jewelry, all designed to be as evil as possible
the bear clasp is the same as rose's! its the grimm family's symbol (cuz. they're all bears lol)
the dress sparkles like stars
she absolutely didn't have to go this hard with the makeup but she had fun with it. a small relief when dealing with his majesty
basically i just went really hard on the star motif
the crown is the ceremonial black iron crown of the grand duke that only ever comes out in court meetings. it's a smaller version of his majesty's black iron crown. its really heavy :(
the return of the blue and yellow! this is snow's favorite color combo to wear ever <3
snow likes to wear pants when she doesn't have to deal with the many duties of being the grand duchess. it's her casual fit!
this particular set of jewelry has the snowflake motif. it's extremely on the nose which is why she likes it.
i dunno what tank tops with the extra shoulder straps are called but i thought it suited her <3
she would fully wrestle rose in this fit btw. she wouldn't win but it'd be fun!
snow's ballgown for wearing to formal events (that she typically hosts). technically she owns a lot more, but this one is representative of her usual style. the bodice is typical, though it is a bit risque because it has no sleeves. the skirt is even moreso but she pulls it off because of her status and because she is commonly named the most beautiful woman in all the galaxy.
i thought it would be fun to put her in red! its such a loaded color in ouatis but she really pulls it off
and here's the light yellow she's so fond of <3
the boots are big and shiny and quite excessive; fully a display of wealth (especially since she's showing them off)
the drape of her skirt, rather than being modest and layered like cinders', is very form fitting and attention grabbing even without the slit
she would put her hair up but i did not have the patience to try and redraw her hair more than i had to lol
the gold jewelry she wears is big and heavy and almost armor-like. she likes it a lot
she put glitter on her makeup for this one <3
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bees-tornado · 3 months
3, 5, 18 for the Fire Emblem asks?
*cracks knuckles* only a couple weeks late (edit: longer than a couple weeks I REPEAT LONGER THAN A COUPLE WEEKS) let’s do this
3. Any criticisms about your favorite game, or anything you would change?
Hmmm let me see… it’s been a while since I last played fe3h so there’s probably a few gripes I’ve forgotten about, but here’s some off the top of my head:
I’m probably the thousandth person to make this criticism, and I won’t go on about it as long as I could, but the dissonance between “haha look at funny girl she scream and cry and run away” and “yeah hi im actually this way because I was Horribly Abused” in Bernadetta’s supports makes the former hard to watch sometimes. Often times I’m just kind of sad and uncomfortable for her when the game is clearly trying to be funny. There's some nuance here of course, and I could go into more detail on a good day, but I've been sitting on this paragraph for *checks notes* nearly 2 months so. Good enough.
Considering that you're meant to replay significant portions of the game multiple times between all the routes, I really wish there was just a tiny bit more variety in the map designs and objectives. Cindered Shadows some gets credit for addressing this (A Harrowing Escape my beloved/beloathed).
5. Which titles have you played?
I got into the series through Awakening, and since then I’ve played Three Houses, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Sacred Stones (got close to the end but never finished oops), and Shadow Dragon (only played the first map so it barely counts)! I've played both Warriors games too, if that counts, and I've been playing Heroes since launch. And we can't forget about my favorite Fire Emblem game, Super Smash Bros.
18. Do you have any special stories related to the series?
It's not much of a story, but during my most recent Awakening Hard Mode run, I decided to use Donnel (who I had never properly invested in before this playthrough) and promote him to Hero. By Chapter 11 he was already basically my champion, but he officially cemented himself in that role when he got a perfectly-timed crit and finished off Gangrel with a triumphant YEEEEHAW
Thank you for the ask, sorry it took so long to answer!! I put it off, then I forgot, then I tried to answer the whole thing at once and got stuck because I couldn't write a paragraph the way I wanted to, then I forgot again, then I figured I'd wait to answer because your blog was on strike, then I uhhh forgot a third time, and now we're here!
The ask game in question
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i-hear-a-sound · 1 year
Thank you for the ask! Here we go:
Favorite female character? Ilia Penny Pyrrha Ruby Nora(!!!!) Emerald Weiss and most of all… maria😔she’s so fucking funny i loved her energy v6. Further explanations, Ilia has an adorable design, great voice actor and decent enough representation. Nora’s timeskip design was unmatched and she’s very quotable, plus her personality reminds me of one of my close friends irl. Ruby’s struggles in V9 (until they fucked that up) really hit with me as I’d gone through something very similar, and Penny… Penny just makes me happy. What they did with her makes me angry, but Penny makes me smile. :D
Favorite male character? I got a couple but at the moment it’s tied by Sun and Roman. Sun has fun energy and Roman is himself and iconic. Others are: James is hot and so is the bad bird BF he got by being autistic. Mercury is cool for the 5 seconds of screentime he gets every volume now. Tyrian and Watts got impeccable swag and the 5 hour long make out scene between the two of them was very interesting. Adam is cathartic and fun as hell to write my little meow meow. Jaune is best when he’s just a little loser dork, and Ren is very pretty.
Favorite Volume? Surprise surprise, Volume 3. I fucking love tournament arcs. I. Love. Tournament. Arcs.
Favorite Episode? That whole Apathy Arc in V6!!! Great horror in my opinion. I wish they’d show off more creative Grimm like that again. And as a side note, V6 is just… the best looking volume.
Favorite cast member? If they count, Jeff and Casey!! SUCH good music.
Favorite ship? *cracks knuckles* Freezerburn, Catmeleon, Monochrome, Schne//ekos, Pussy Magnet Purrah, Greek fire, nuts and dolts, Bees Schnees, Khali, Spicecream, Seamonkeys, Emercury, If there’s one between Ilia and Ruby put it here, Ginger Snaps, Arctic Winter, Silver Lotus, *looks at writings on my palm* Snow pines, Ironqrow, James x Oz, Crimsun, Strawbana, Nuts and Volts, and Rosebird. To name a few. Some might not be my favorites, these are just ones I like/like in concept. :) Character I’d die defending? Sienna fucking Khan. The whole White Fang, honestly. I do think protesting through violence against your oppressors is very swag and real actually. Plus she’s hot.
A character I can’t sympathize with? Uhhhhhh…… SALEM!!!!!!!!!! Cinder too ish but Salem mostly. Like, I feel a TINY bit bad, only because the gods are undeniably awful garbage horrible terrible. She still sucks though.
A character I grew to love? …Adam. I did not give a single shit about his decently attractive redhead ass until that reveal and his death in V6. He has become my blorbo; my skrunkly. My cringefail loser, my girly pop. Engrained within my brain like a silly silly worm. He’s fun to draw. Fun to write. REALLY fun to write. I can put him in so many situations. So many bittersweet, melancholic situations. And in so many outfits.
My Anti-otp? Ive got a couple.
Bumbl//Bee. Not my thing. Could have been, had they not continually tried making “Only disabled main character losing her arm” something “romantic” as well as paralleling said character to her partner’s… um… ex abuser? Hello?
Embe//rald. Fuck Abusive ships.
Taura//donna. Fuck Abusive ships.
Frostbite. This one is actually one of my least favorite ships, as it is essentially a pairing between the ex-racist ex-heiress of a huge company to the in universe minority said company enslaved and branded while he was a child. Plus, again. Fuck. Abusive. Ships.
Ar//kos. Not… my… thing.
Winter and Marrow or Robyn and Marrow. Nope nope nope. No. Thank. You.
Etc etc etc I could go on all day. Thank you for the ask!
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dragynkeep · 2 years
antisemitism in the rwby fndm, or hey aisling why are you still beating this dead ass horse, by fallout boy.
mostly because it’s nearly 6am, less than a week away from tisha b’av  —  one of our fasting holidays that is specifically about our suffering, feel free to read about it here!  —  & the antisemitism from the last couple of days has really just left me exhausted personally. i’m not going to speak for other jewish people in the fandom but i do just wanna highlight how normalized antisemitism has really become in the rwby, & by large, rooster teeth fandom.
we’ve already been over how the goyishe  (read : non jewish)  writers in camp camp, miles & kerry, were incredibly antisemitic in their mockery of the shoah & jewish suffering overall in the show camp camp. that was dissected on a deep dive here which was written months ago in regards to rooster teeth & the antisemitism in their actions / writing. the show was not written with mocking hitler in it’s aim, but to mock the various ways of jewish suffering & ways jews survived the shoah & violent persecution / genocide by the nazi regime.
we have also been over coco adel being inspired by the nazi coco chanel is incredibly uncomfortable because the revelation of her nazi ideology was already exposed by time of her creation. not to mention coco chanel cannot be divorced into “fashion designer” & “nazi” because she was a famed antisemite nonetheless & gained that fashion empire via the means of stealing it from a jewish man. taking inspiration from coco adel in any way is by means of congratulating or drawing favour to that antisemitic legacy, there is no way around that. this character should’ve never been made & at the very least, should’ve been killed off in the fall of beacon to avoid further antisemitism; but now they cannot get rid of her without byg & i frankly have no sympathy.
but that’s rooster teeth, right? what about the fandom?
well, we’ve had a ww2 au where-in a jewish cinder works for salem, a nazi. emerald, mercury & neopolitan also worked for nazi salem; despite the fact that historically if this were truly accurate, she would have them all thrown into camps for the “genetic stains” they were as a woc & disabled people respectively. this doesn’t even get into the painful history of the sonderkommando, actual jewish people forced to work for the nazis, in order to burn our own deceased.
there’s also been “putting people in camps” ‘jokes’, because yay. those are always fun.
we’ve also had multiple goyim speaking over jewish people in the fandom, speaking over us in the facts that there is rife antisemitism in rooster teeth as a company & that it has clearly seeped into the fandom. those same people have spoken over us in specific characters we headcanon as jewish, specifically because of the axis of oppression those characters face & how well it lends to the jewish experience. even if they didn’t like it, it was never their place as a non jew to “hold us accountable” for those headcanons.
we have now also had a “satirical” site make light of the nazi regime, especially the ss soldiers, in order to further attack fans of a fictional character they dislike. never mind that the self identified white writer miles luna completely misused the term of genocide when talking about this character, james ironwood, but that it has then been spread amongst the fandom & clearly endorsed by miles.
there were, of course, multiple responses to the outrage from jewish people & ironwood fans alike. “it’s just a joke!” “it’s satire” “whatever you’re so sensitive.”
let me be clear, goyim do not get an opinion on if a “satire” of anything surrounding the shoah was appropriate or not. the only people who can reclaim jokes around this tragedy are jewish & romani people as the two sections of society singled out for genocide & outright extermination. 
this “satire” was wholly inappropriate. the two situations are incomparable & the trauma / tragedy surrounding the nazi regime & the terror imposed by the ss command specifically is not to be trivialized over a fake anime written by shitty ass antisemites. especially by fans of a ship where one half of it is voice acted by a jewish woman. this was wholly inappropriate & disgusting.
antisemitism is called the oldest hatred in the world for a reason; it is baked into every facet of every society & needs to be challenged at every turn. yes, even in the “jokes” you think aren’t that serious. even when it’s “not that serious.” because in the period of the pandemic, antisemitic hate crimes have reached heights they had not since ww2. that is fucking frightening. & in a fandom space so supposedly “safe for jewish people” as per one of rooster teeth’s employees, the actual seriousness of antisemitism is derided at every turn & jewish people are spoken over by goyim. it’s disgusting & it needs to change.
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whitleyschn33 · 1 year
RWBY V9, Episode 1: Liveblog Thoughts
This is the curse of long hiatuses, isn’t it? Back at the end of V8, I was like “I’m done. I hated the ending, the entire volume felt poorly done and uncomfortable, most of the characters I still care about are either dead or side characters, there’s no reason for me to watch V9, especially if we don’t see Vacuo.” But here I am, dragged back in by the separation of two years. The salt in the wound has stopped stinging quite so bad, and morbid curiosity has taken hold.
Against my own better judgement - pulls out the pirate hat - let’s take a look.
-Opening the volume with the narration from the teaser trailer, a voice we don’t know, is a choice.
-Close up of Blake does absolutely no favors to the models, I’m sorry
- Little would be a lot cuter if they couldn’t talk, but that would be inconvenient
-I know people have mentioned this before about the rain starting exactly when Ruby starts to cry, but it also stops when she stops crying, which is more evidence in the direction of Ruby effecting the weather. I am starting to hedge towards the island being connected to Ruby’s emotional state myself, but that would only be satisfying if the island is of Ruby’s own creation in her head, a delusion she’s made while falling to mentally process the fall. Otherwise, why would this other dimension island be connected to Ruby of all people?
-Blake and Weiss! Acknowledging the weirdness of them finding each doesn’t make the weridness go away, but since it’s whacko world where the laws of space don’t seem to work, I’ll allow it.
-And, uh, the vine scene is utterly pathetic. I get they’re exhausted, they can’t just burn the place down, but seriously? Weiss can create platforms, there’s no need for this reach down from the tree gag, Weiss is not the cheerleader type so that’s just jarring as hell, Weiss can also summon her knight to cut the vines for her or a flying Grimm to get them overhead - there’s a lot of smarter ways to go about this that doesn’t make our heroes look weak. Now, maybe they’re out of Aura still and exhausted from the fall. Okay, that makes sense - but it would also make sense for them to rest and regain their Aura and Semblances before attempting to retrieve Gambel Shroud and find the others.
-Laying on the “what is your purpose” theming very heavy
- “I don’t know if anyone else fell” I mean, a bunch of civilians got knocked in by Cinder, but I suppose they could be dead.
-Should have paid more attention in that hand-to-hand arc, Ruby. This creature though actually looks really cool, I do like its design and the twitching effect. Kind of a Grimm, but not. But... it wasn’t doing anything to them. Why immediately attack?
-And Yang’s here! That was fast. And apparently she fought the thing off and then decided to track it down to finish the fight? Okay... seems like a waste of energy if it had already left, but whatever. In character enough.
-”Damn it. You weren’t supposed to be here.” Okay, that’s a good line. I really like that and the delivery. 
-”if you didn’t think we’d come after you” - you didn’t. You got thrown in, Ruby.
-”What is that?” The skull beast thing was already talking, Yang, why does this surprise you?
-Cat pounce. Thought they’d go for a kiss, but that probably wouldn’t jive right with the pacing of the episode. We should get a kiss this volume, but I can see them waiting for either a moment when the two are alone, or a moment where they can build it up without immediately cutting to exposition.
-Ruby black out. I’m surprised her eyes didn’t activate, an instinctual lashing out like they did with Pyrrha. Ah well.
- Y: ”How are you feeling” R: Dodge roll!
- “Maybe we’re dead... I thought I was.” I mean, that would be more interesting, fighting their way outta hell, but unlikely.
- “I think we’re in a fairy tale” Not mutually exclusive, but okay. I’m going to assume that all these realms (that are so neatly sectioned off) are going to be Remnant fairy tale settings that Blake’s read over the years, which would indicate there is a way out.
-OP - chaotic, doing the progression of character thing V7 did and really hammering in the “Ruby’s really not feeling it”. Jaune is in the OP, but I believe only two or three times, and never with t!RWBY, which could either be a good or bad sign. None of the girls saw him fall, either, so they’re not expecting to look for him. Also, no hint of Vacuo anywhere in the OP, so odds are we’re staying here for the entire volume, or at least until the last episode where we’ll probably get a stinger for V10.
-New girl - Alice? I’m not sure why they bothered to hide her features for so long only to reveal them at the end. There’s also a shadow of a boy with glasses behind her in her portrait, so either another faller or maybe a denizen?
-Credits - “Jabberwalker” NOOOOOOOO, my snake dragon monstrosity jabberwocky T-T But if that poem’s on the table, I expect we may see some juju birds and bandersnatches (assuming that we haven’t already with the spoonbill and the thing that took Yang’s arm)
Overall? Not the worst episode of RWBY, but it just felt very... unpolished. The background animations have gotten a bit better, less unfinished (though still jarring in their vibrancy though at least that’s on purpose), but some of the dialogue and pacing feels like it was a first draft that never got refined. Like “Weiss and Blake find Gambel Shroud in vines that trap them as they try to get it out” was written, but wasn’t expanded upon in the individual actions, so you get some gestures at getting it out without any smarter actions that require effort in thought, and some of the emotional shifts felt jarring. For example, like the script said “Turn to Weiss, Weiss is crying”, and in the actual episode they click the emotion into place instead of giving Weiss a few moments to express that slip into despair. Just a few extra moments of Weiss’s face crumbling, her voice cracking, would have sold the emotion more, and there’s a couple moments like this, particularly when they go for humor. Speaking of, the comedy attempts were also not appreciated. Levity isn’t really something the show needs at this moment, and none of the jokes land. I don’t find Ruby screaming at a mouse or mice reacting in terror to Blake to be funny, and I can see the “Oh my God, this is so weird and strange” reactions getting old if it carries on for too long. I haven’t found RWBY funny for a few years now, though, so it’s not really surprising. 
Score that’s mostly arbitrary and will probably forget to keep doing: 5.5/10. Perfectly functional, not a pain to watch or boring, but lacking anything that really makes me enjoy it enough to rewatch or recommend. 0.5 points for Yang’s “You weren’t supposed to be here” line alone.
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animehouse-moe · 9 months
My Happy Marriage Episode 7: Glamorous Lady of Summer
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Through cinder and ash, life will find a way to persist. Perhaps in a new and different form, or in a completely new area. This latest episode of My Happy Marriage (which I'm a day late posting, sorry) understands and executes on the concept rather well, leaving quite a few pieces in the balance for viewers to bite into in the mean time.
Overall it's a more sluggish, or maybe better described as methodic, episode. It essentially hits the reset button on plenty of characters and story arcs, allowing the series to take a step forward into its wider world. It's certainly not bad, it's just.... almost disinteresting. The episode is certainly at risk through the front half to maybe even two-thirds of turning people away due to the simplicity with how it approaches the subjects involved.
Of course, not all is typical or expected, as there's certainly good pieces here and there. The idea of Miyo's mother (and subsequently her own powers) being tied to the Sakura tree is well done and poses an interesting question: whose power is being used? Is it the same? The Sakura tree clearly represents Miyo's mother, but in the same breath it also expresses Miyo's life up until this point. With that in mind, it's possible that the Sakura "stored" (or more likely sealed) Miyo's powers away. But that doesn't leave me with an answer that I find perfectly satisfactory. To extend on it, it feels like not only was it Miyo's power that was in the Sakura, but her mother's as well. In fact, I'd go as far to say that the power is one and the same. Regardless of interpretation, it's undoubtedly a piece that needed to be explored and I'm really hoping they convert on the appearance of it rather quickly.
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Following Miyo's encounter with her mother's stump (a bit of a weird phrase, for sure) she finds Kouji amidst all the rubble, and the two strike up a conversation. It's solid, well thought out, and does well to close out the tension and partially heal the rift between the two of them. Kouji finally addresses the piece of him that he was avoiding, and a similar story is said on Miyo's end. There's not a lot to add to the interaction simply because it's very lightweight and serves only to deliver on that which it wants to. I suppose the only thing to add is that I enjoy they had this warm talk in the same location that they usually would, at least before Miyo was sent off to the Kudo household.
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And just to close out the front half, Kaya is sent to be a servant in a new home. Not too surprising as it's a form of punishment and brings the idea of noble to servant full circle with her story alongside Miyo's. I really don't mind it, but it feels a little too on the nose. Remaining within Japan, getting put directly to work as a servant, it feels too right for the situation. Personally, given the awareness and sort of background noise that's provided by the international world, I feel like sending her abroad to a Japanese household or something similar would have been a more sensible choice. It gives Kaya a totally new perspective as well as a reason to slowly blot her out from the story if need be. Keeping her in Japan just feels like they want to keep her around for just the right moment for Miyo, that her story does not have a suitable end. But yeah, just to re-iterate, I don't mind the current trajectory of her story.
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From here we move on to the back half which is far more interesting, and does a better job overall with its material. Even just simple things like the addition of Kiyoka's elder sister to expand on the cast. Though they make it into a one-two punch as they reveal her story partially through her character design. A far more modern and Western air wafts about her and her clothing, with simple things like the pearls displayed around her neck or decorating her ears. Or, things as obvious as the short hairstyle. The point remains that she's giving the air of someone up to speed with the times and the outside world.
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As for why she's showed up? Well, it's to give Miyo lessons on how to be a lady, and to fill the gap of Kaya as the "sister" in relation to Miyo. All in all it's a smart and rather effective move that also helps move our story along, even if just by a little bit. She brings energy and excitement into the fray, and drags the plot closer to a slice of life.
We don't dwell on Kiyoka's sister for that long though, as the episode must keep going. Following her up we move to a grouping of monks surrounding a large stone, focused in prayer or incantation. Very quickly things get out of control however, and the evil that they were sealing away in the massive stone is released.
I'd like to point out that while these spirits/yokai have two pairs of three eyes, thanks to how they appear at distance with the glow, the two in the background have what appear to be glowing heart eyes. A rather funny happenstance for sure.
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Anyways, on the event itself. The idea is interesting, but feels underexplored. It makes sense, but it doesn't add up. These people are in the middle of a forest praying away in the middle of the night? Their fire that they seem to consistently use destroys the barrier? There's not enough built around the scene to make it make sense. There's no change over of people to show that it's an around the clock thing, and there's nothing to directly indicate to viewers inherent foul play with the spread of the fire. Undeniably, the words of Kiyoka's superior that follow this scene confirm that there is suspected foul play, but in the moment there's nothing that tells viewers what's going on.
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Now, just to tie a neat knot on this episode, the production on it wasn't great. There is lots of off model work, the direction is rather flat and straightforward, the animation isn't impressive by any means, and the layouts/boarding really tend to linger and focus on closeups. By all means, the production is reeling from the effort put into the prior. Not anything to be wary of, but just worth pointing out as a pitfall of the episode.
At the end of it all, this episode does well to sever ties to the story arc prior to it and attempts to press onwards to explore the supernatural aspect instead. I think there's a lot more potential in it than there was the Cinderella story, but I also think there's even more danger in how they approach it. Whether or not Miyo involves herself directly and is given agency is an important piece considering her background. Even though she gets to better learn how to be a lady, Kiyoka exerts control (though for the right reasons) to limit Miyo's options. It's not bad, but continuing to lock her up and place her in the direct care of another feels, like it is for Miyo, very much limiting. So to reiterate, I'm still hopeful, just a little on edge.
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runn1ngn0se · 1 year
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I posted 5,814 times in 2022
That's 5,600 more posts than 2021!
137 posts created (2%)
5,677 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,807 of my posts in 2022
#runningnose - 285 posts
#shadowsight - 205 posts
#bluestar - 162 posts
#requested by me - 146 posts
#sol - 58 posts
#mudlizard family - 51 posts
#warrior cats - 38 posts
#ohno - 33 posts
#deathloop - 27 posts
#nightstar - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i still can't believe than in the left pic i had to color her a grey lighter cause i accidentaly used her actual dark grey for the lineart
My Top Posts in 2022:
I really hope that Nightheart x Sunbeam is a trashfire of a relationship and for that to be the point.
We as a society forgot that the point of Romeo and Juilet was that the two of them were rebelious, emotionally charged teenagers who got infatuated with eachother once, but then when their families steped in and started telling them no, in defiance they pushed further and further into eachother into it eventually killed them both. The tragedy wasn't that they never got to love eachother, it was because they never got to explore their relationship in an honest manner that wasn't them acting spiteful to everybody else.
The point of Nightheart and Sunbeam is that their entire relationship is based off them using eachother to act in defiance of or to escape their clanmates (Squirrelflight, Bramblestar, and Sparkpelt in Nightheart's case, and Lightleap, Blazefire, and Berryheart in Sunbeam's case), and that the two a very clearly both emotionally unstable [Ya sure Nighthearts show that plenty of times, but Sunbeam was just seething at Lightleap in the most petty manner durring her little bothers funeral]
My hope for Shadow and onward is that they have a honeymoon period at first where they're all lovey-dovey, but then relationship slowly but surely begins to slip apart as their more unstable elements clash, but the two will refuse to seperate because it would mean making Squirrelflight and Berryheart smug, so it just continues to rot until it finally explodes in dramatic fashion.
The fact the the will-they-won't-they aspect of the story is already over 2 books in (which is the usual way to keep a romance plot like this going, see BristleRoot), and they couldn't possibly fill 2/3rds of 4 books with "Berryheart doesn't like Nightheart", they need something more for their story and I think this would be great for material.
I know this fandom would hate a story like that, but I've always been capivated by the toxic trashfires of relationships like RaggedYellow, and I'm excited to see us get that as a plot in a main series arc.
I really do hope this is their intention, cause if they do play it off as actually genuine and correct, then this arc is gonna be another kind of trashfire.
I understand people's hesitation to believe that the Erins could pull of a storyline like this without it slipping and falling on its face given their track record, but I'm willing to wait it out and see if they can stick the landing. Shadow is going to be a really important book in solidifying how i feel about this arc going forward
Also people who say Frostpaw's chapters are the only good ones only care about "the plot" and I think those people are boring
76 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Something people aren’t talking enough about with the ASC covers:
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The Warriors logo color matches the eye color of the front-most character
102 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
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Felt like drawing something this morning, then I saw @lockandkeyhyena 's Cinders design for the 100th time and figured that looked like something I could bang out real quick, maybe even experiment with lineless art again.
105 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
ok so apparently somebody has found a copy of a reprinted Skyclan's Destiny with a new cover THAT WAS NEVER ANNOUNCED!?!?!
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284 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I said this in the tags of a reblog and i just want to put this out there proper
Its wild that Runningnose was conceived entirely as a joke character. His single point of existence for Into the Wild was so that, when Firepaw found Yellowfang in ThunderClan territory, they could be like "but wait, if you're not ShadowClan's medicine cat anymore, that who... OHNO" *smash cut like a Family Guy cutaway joke to the single most unqualified-to-be-a-doctor person imaginable and play laugh track* Thats his entire place in the story.
Then they realized when they started writing the later books that the dumb joke character was still ShadowClan's medicine cat and was therefore too important to just ignore / write out, so they had to take him seriously as a charcater, and as more and more horrible stuff happened in ShadowClan the more and more emotional weight they put on the doctor who couldn't cure his runny nose.
Eventually we get to Yellowfang's Secret and its revealed that he had a neglegent mother and was the foster brother of the tyrant that ruined his life, and when we get to his naming ceremony Yellowfang has to say with a straight face "Your name will be a reminder that medicine cats can't cure everything" and they have to just straight into Yellowfang's dream cause how could you possibly write his reaction to that as anything other than him realizing his entire life is a joke.
And now we are at the point where people are reading stuff like Exile from ShadowClan where theres just a character whos a doctor with an uncurable runny nose named Runningnose and everybody had to treat him like any other serious character and can't even bat an eye at how foolish that is while the reader is left to wonder how we ended up in this timeline.
This is all just another reason why hes my favorite charcater
1,280 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mochithealchemist · 13 days
LORE for the dog story.
TW: Not really sure what to put here but the world I made is supposed to be really fucked up. I don't gloss over a lot here and try to get into why the world is so fucked up. Please be aware that if the description of gore, eugenics, genocide, or like I don't know politics isn't your thing this may not be for you.
Time Line
Age of Magic and Beast.
Before the time of written history magical beasts roamed the land. In their dominance, the Beast gods decided to make other animals. This created the main denizens of this world: Animailia. The Animailia created towns and farms to use the lands the Beast God gave them. The gods were impressed by their ability to learn and change and favored them over their other spawns. The magical beast noticed this favoritism and stuck down their parents. In doing so the Beast mistakenly destroyed the source of their power leading most of them to die. The few that were left set off to terrorize Animailia blaming them for their folly.
Age of Nomads and Nerdowells.
After the fall of the beast, Animailia came to be the prominent power of the world. Most would set up in nomadic tribes telling tales of the magical beast that once terrified them. This was still a recent memory and was considered history amongst the populous. Also during this time, a tribe of nomads became a large power on the continent. They were made up of the forgotten and rejected of different tribes and called themselves the Omitted. Led by a wolf warlord of a forgotten name the Omitted raided tribes all across the world.
Early Age of the Dog
As the Omittied grew in power they lost their original purpose of giving the lost and rejected a home. In this age of corruption, two major factions emerged the Beasts and the Cinders. The Beasts wanted to stay nomadic naming themselves after the magical beasts of old who at this time were no more than fairytales. The Cinders wanted to stay in one place and cultivate crops. They called them selfs the cinders believing themselves to be the last age of the Omitted. The Cinders also wanted to practice a form of eugenics to make themselves more suited for certain tasks. The groups broke apart the Beast going south and the Cinders going north. The Beast ended up disbanding and turned into multiple nomadic groups that continue to roam the south to this day. The Cinders continued to the north where they settled. After years of eugenics and political shuffling, they became a fascistic nation known as The North. Once The North was established nonbeast Animailia began to exist as we know them.
Age of The Dog
This era is defined by the brutal crusades of The North against any nomadic tribes that happened to be south of them. The cultural values of the north led them to believe that they had a genetic superiority compared to other Animailia. This superiority is rooted in the fact that every citizen is genetically designed to have a certain task in society and a value to the state. Individualism is shunned. During these raids “heroes” were made one such being Nathan Carnegie, a Doberman. He became the closest thing that the North has to a figurehead and is the face of all military operations. The government of the Noth is made up of noble houses focused on different breeds of animals. There is no centralized government only the arrangements of these clans. Eventually, the noble houses realized that the luster of their crusade was fading to their people. Because of this, they stopped the raids letting the soldiers come home to keep political favor.
Present day
With the war being over for now the country's growth is at an all-time high. New cities such as Houndsburg have come to establish themselves. The general populous favors the practice of eugenics. Any operation to these ideas is met with harsh punishment. The star of these would have to be “the chop” in which an animal is declawed or dehoofed. The southern nomadic tribes stand in ruin not knowing what to do. Old battlefields filled with skeletons litter their lands leaving a grim reminder of the injustices committed against them.
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richardsphere · 1 year
.Rwby Catchup”: V7 E13
Things Neo can conceal/disguise with illusions: Weapons, Armor, Clothes, entire planes (admittedly hard) Things she cant: The relic. Old Lady starts to go Ice-supersayian. Cinder generics into the scene as always.  Renora only just got together and they’re already having their first couple-fight. Oscar abandons crew, because thats going to be smart. Supersayian Oldlady has dementia, Oscar and James about to duke it out for the spear? “I wouldn’t trust me either”. And Jimmy shot the kid. I’ll be honest the whole “turn to the dark side” arc didnt really work for me. Not because i dont believe his dark side, but because i was never really sold on his “light” in the first place. Cant fall from grace when you are introduced without it i fear. (i mean i guess there were a few glimpses. But its more like he’s introduced as a fallen champion then that we get to see the champion fall if that makes sense) Cinders arm just got shattered, thats good? Is it going to stick? No, because it regenerates. I’ll be honest, Cinder still has too much going on in the design, Flaming eyes, Eyepatch, Amputated Monsterprosthesis, little brooch-like thing on her chest, earrings. Like one or two of these things are fine in a design but put it all together and her entire “deal’ gets cluttered. Why are penny’s maiden-flameeyes green?  Speaking of Green, Ozpins glowy forcefield/whatever his semblance is is back. Which begs the question: Do all of Ozpins Souls share 1 semblance or is this an a MHA One For All sort of deal? Qrow and Robin are off to prison again while Ozpin talks about fear and the montage implies cinder is afraid of failure. Which is might be the first time we have been given anything resembling a motive for the character. (we are 7 seasons in and our OG Main Villain is only now getting motivations beyond “im evil”) Salem got a backstory before Cinder did is what im saying. Winter’s still on the side of the Fasc, but at least she still cares for Weiss. Penny joins team goodguy (which is good, cause i never bought her on James’ side to begin with) Penny has 2 hands so she can cuddle Ruby and Weiss simultaniously. No Ozpin, i dont understand why Cinder does the things she does, it would be absolutely lovely if she got to have a personality beyond “generic looming threat” please. Wait Watts is still alive? I was under the impression James had executed that motherfucker when he held him by his throat over the arena pit that had been spouting lavaflames earlier that fightscene, and that them dramatically cutting away from his threat to “do whatever it takes to eliminate salem” was meant to imply an extralegal and brutal execution. while Watts’s “I hope you do” was a dignified set of last words before aforementioned extralegal execution. Congrats Watts, you live because the writers didnt have the balls. Pinochio just became the most important person in the arc, and a giant whale shows up. What a suprise. Salem get down from there, you’ll catch a cold. ------------ Final thoughts on S7: It’s basic foundational premise was not sold to me, but it managed to somewhat salvage itself half-way through. I rank it a B-tier season and it’s lucky to have that. The newly introduced villains (ACEOPS) werent really sold to me that well, and Clovers fall-from-grace/death didnt touch me emotionally. (though it sold me on Qrow being sold on it). Nonetheless i did like his character the most of the ops and their dynamic with Qrow was sort of weird, going from “possible loveinterest” to “Dickish Rival” at strange times. I hear that a lot of the FNDM shipped them? I never saw it but i could see where others might. (Also in hindsight: What was the point of using the Tournament in V3 to introduce 3 atlas characters with FNKI and Ciel when 2 are nothing but cameos I know from V9 that the absence of the latter is relegated to a joke).
0 notes
fadedneonzzz · 2 years
Many people have pointed out that Cinder’s Grimm arm seems to be spreading. And based on this evidence, they might be right.
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However personally I think it was a design choice due to technical limitations
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As you can see they had multiple designs for the V5 Grimm arm, it was probably easier for them to make it look like it was shorter than it actually was. When we got to V7, since Cinder was wearing a sleeveless shirt, they could show it off completely. I could be wrong, but I’m of the opinion that if it is something that is spreading across her body I think they’d make it more apparent or at least acknowledge it in the show.
Now they could easily be trying to subvert it by not paying it any mind, but I still find it odd Cinder hasn’t really acknowledged it herself. None of the characters seem to care a human being grafted a Grimm arm to their body. I get RWBY has other things to worry about, but they don’t say anything.
I bring this up because I really don’t want Cinder to be taken over by the Grimm arm and turned into some grotesque monster. One of my least favorite cliches ever is when a villain becomes more of a monster to become more powerful. It often has the opposite affect and dehumanizes the characters. This is okay for villains from, say, Resident Evil or BioShock because they’re science fiction horror games, that’s the point. RWBY has elements of horror, but they tend to stray away from extreme body horror.
Even similar characters like Velvet Crowe from Tales of Berseria isn’t taken over by her demon arm, and it’s arguably even more dangerous.
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If for whatever reason Cinder is taken over by her Grimm arm, I hope that she’s rescued or she keeps her sanity. I would hate for her character to go to waste just to be turned into a mindless monster. If/when they have their final battle with Cinder, it should be the same Cinder we’ve been with since V1.
The same goes for Salem too to be honest, and I can only really see Tyrian going full mindless monster because he’d do whatever Salem wants him to do and he has very little regard for his own life.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Can we see the designs for Team SPRN?
I didn't do the art like I did for the RWBY designs, but I have full body models for their outfits instead.
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So Sun’s Beacon outfit isn’t that different from his canon outfit. I only changed the symbol on his necklace and added the Chinese style clouds on his shirt for some detail.
Also don’t look at the chest scars that I forgot to add.
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Unlike canon, I gave Sun a new outfit for his time in Menagerie. He still has the cloud decals that’ll remain on all his outfits, but I changed a few bits to show his development from Beacon. Namely he has the arm bands and sash for Pyrrha, and the necklace was changed to honour someone else close to him. 
I also darkened the colour of his blue from a denim blue to a more navy, with the yellow dots looking like stars to sell more of his space theme. 
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I went more with his Menagerie outfit inspo for his Vacuo outfit, obviously with the addition of the longer hair and different minor details. He uses this look for both times he’s in Vacuo, as he and his team visit that kingdom more than RWBY do, as they come after Atlas. 
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If I talk about clothing being appropriate for Atlas and show Sun’s arms off here, no I didn’t-
Honestly, I think his Atlas outfit is my favourite Sun outfit. I love the balance of colours here, and his jacket looks so cute. I grew out his hair into the little strands that he keeps behind his head in Atlas, just to show some maturity and growth in Sun at this point of the story. 
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Tits out, Full Momkee-
Since he’s a full adult by the time of this outfit, I went for a more drastic change to show where he is now compared to his time in AZRE, while still keeping more to his style and colour scheme. He’s completely shirtless now, so the cloud decals are on his sleeves now, which would cover his arms and a small bit of his back should he wear it properly. 
As Oz’s next host too, his bandages keep going further up his arms because of the damage from Ozma’s magic.
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Similar here, Pyrrha’s outfit here is pretty much her canonical outfit. I didn’t change much since her old outfit works so well, but I added some extra things to better suit my vision.
She has a mesh vest under her corset to protect her chest, and her skirt was changed to shorts just to avoid flashing anyone. Plus, I gave her a more olive skin tone like many Greek people typically have, and I think it helps with Pyrrha’s overall warm colour palette.
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These next outfits for Pyrrha run more on a hypothetical event where she survived the FoB and accompanied Ruby and her team across Mistral. Plus, I wanted to draw cute outfits for her.
Similar to Ruby, Ren and Nora, I wanted to give Pyrrha an outfit that looks more protected and suitable not only for the long and dangerous journey through Anima, but shows her progression as a character. Her high ponytail was swapped for a low braid, both for a more mature look for Pyrrha and because the braid actually connects her to another character that she’ll start forming a friendship with in Volume 3 of AZRE.
Her sash now goes over the chest, having the red more over the midsection and giving some protection. Her shorts are now pants, and she has a skirt with the wave patterns on her gauntlets there too. Her leg armour tends to stay the same length, but the knee guards were changed to the shape of spartan helmets, along with the arrows on her shoes too. 
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With Pyrrha’s Vacuo outfit, I wanted to have her protected but not bogged down by metal armour in a desert environment. So a lot of her metal had been toned back, especially on the legs, and now has thicker soles on her shoes. It also helps to add a bit of red on the lower part of her design. 
Also, she absolutely has abs and I will take any opportunity to show them. The design of her chest piece was actually one I designed for a genderbent!zanthus around a year ago, so I repurposed it for Pyrrha. 
At this point, she would’ve really started to end her storyline with Cinder, so the shorts and pin on her waist is meant to mirror that with her main enemy along with Ruby. 
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Similar here, her Atlas outfit was changed to help with the colder climate, keeping her Mistral pants with reduced leg armour so the yellow didn’t overpower the black underneath too much. The added armour on her right shoulder adds some asymmetry without looking too dumb imo.
The only thing I’d do is maybe cover up the shoulders, like it’s chilly baby, there’s only room for one cold idiot on this team and Sun was here first.
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I gave Pyrrha a more casual look for adulthood since she’s the one out of the team I really see retiring, finally having a chance to explore her life outside of fighting. So she’s in none of her armour with a more motherly hairstyle with her shorter braid brought forward.
Her necklace replaced the neck armour she previously wore, and I added a heart in the middle as a little tie to Nora, since AZRE goes for Valkos. I think it’s cute for what it is, and really just shows Pyrrha letting go of her past to relax for the first time in a long time. 
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The only thing I changed for Ren in his Beacon look is the gold being changed to silver to fit with the rest of his outfit colours, and his braid being swapped with short hair. I just like Ren with shorter hair in Beacon.
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Similar here, Ren’s Mistral outfit is basically the same as canon because I love the upgrade he got in the Mistral arc. The only thing that’s different is his toes are covered and the little details on his previous shoes were changed from black to silver just to stand out and add a little interest.
I love the arm bracelets that he wears for Pyrrha, and I had the long bang in between his eyes grow more to resemble how Pyrrha had hers. Just so each member of Team SPRN had Pyrrha’s colour and a part of her design in their own. 
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I actually saw an outfit with a hood and used that for Ren’s outfit in Vacuo. Really, his style doesn’t change all that much throughout the show, rather adapting to the different environments and times in his story that he’s at. The first time he’d be in Vacuo would be when the knife sheath would be added, being balanced by the red rope and bells on his right so his legs aren’t too unbalanced.
Also, his gloves still have the pink gradient but I was a dope and forgot it. 
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His Atlas outfit really doesn’t differ too much from his Atlas one, but I took more inspiration from his Mistral outfit and bulked it out for the colder weather. The shirt underneath was changed from black before to white so his gloves stood out and I added more of the flower decals to his design, with his shirt pins, the emblem on his knife holster, and the petal designs on his shoes.
Also no going back to braid Ren, he is being allowed to let his beautiful hair loose goddammit.
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I think Ren’s adult outfit is my favourite out of the team’s. I love how he looks older and more mature with the flowy longer robes, while still keeping his important features like the gloves, his knife holster, and using the designs from his Mistral outfit for his current one.
The shape of his coattails make him kinda look like a cricket.
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With Nora’s Beacon outfit, I only really slimmed down the metal corset she wore with more elastic parts, mostly because I didn’t like how constricting the corset looked in canon. Plus, I gave her some blush, painted nails, and added a darker pink collar that would be changed to red in her later appearances. I also swapped the boob window for a pink heart instead.
The scar on her leg is a dog bite from her time on the street, something I wanted to add just to show the harshness of Nora’s past. Ren has them too but he covers up a lot of his body so you don’t see them. 
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Similar to Ren’s Mistral outfit, I didn’t change much of Nora’s Mistral look because I love it that much. The only difference was her painted nails crossing over from her Beacon look and both her winged circlet and her heart on her chest now being red with an arrow through it, symbolising Pyrrha and the effect her death had on Nora.
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I would maybe change a bit more just to differentiate this outfit from her Mistral one, but I gave Nora a lighter hoodie and socks for the Vacuo environment. Plus, the holes on the back of her gloves are heart shaped now to carry on her heart motif.
Her heart on her chest is still the same shape, but I changed it from red to pink now to show Nora starting to move on from pyrrha, even though the loss is still something she would remember.
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Her Atlas outfit is pretty different from her canon one. It’s more similar to her Mistral look before with the jacket zipped up and having longer sleeves, as well as light pink leggings to cover her legs. They were originally navy like her jacket but I think it made the whole look a bit too dark, so they were swapped to a light pink instead.
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I actually used the Ice Queendom look as inspiration for her adult look. I changed the jacket to navy like before with the pink accents, Her light tights were changed to a darker pink gradient which I like, especially with the light pink hearts. Overall, I think it’s a cute growth from her more preppy look before. 
The one thing I’d try better with Nora is making each look more different, since they’re a bit too similar imo. I really like them, but I’d like them to stand apart as well as a part of a line.
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professorspork · 3 years
Hot take, perhaps, but if/when Penny 3.0 happens I don't think she should have Floating Array, etherial or otherwise. It's just too bound up with her self-image as a Weapon instead of a Person. If Penny gets a sword, it needs to be a sword she can put down.
This is-- a fascinating take! I’m not sure I agree with it, but I think there’s some meaty ideas here worth unpacking. And I do think we agree on the fundamental premise (i.e. Penny’s autonomy needs to be foregrounded above all).
You assert that Penny’s current problem is that she sees herself as a Weapon and not a Person, and I don’t think that’s exactly the case. 
One of the things I admire most about Penny is is that when people try and tell her who (or, insultingly, what) she is, she quietly but assertively refutes them. Though early on her conviction in her own personhood was somewhat shaky, when her friends encouraged her she took it to heart. After Ruby “I Love You And Your Beautiful Soul” Rose told her that she was real and Winter “Everyone’s Feelings Are Valid Except For Mine” Schnee told her that her opinions mattered, she got-- really quite bullish about this. To illustrate:
Random citizen: It's Ironwood's robot! Robyn: [suspicious] Penny. Penny: I-- I didn't! [7.06, A Night Off]
Vine: I thought you were supposed to protect the people, not hurt them. Penny: I would never hurt anyone. Elm: Well Winter’s in critical condition, because of you. Harriet: And you repaid her by stealing the power that should have been hers. Penny: But taking the Maiden power was the only way to stop-- [8.03, Strings]
Cinder: You’re just a tool to be used! Penny: You do not know what you are talking about. ... Cinder: I don’t serve anyone. And you wouldn’t either, if you weren't built that way. Penny: That is not… I choose to fight for people who care about me. [8.05, Amity]
Which isn’t to say Penny isn’t prone to self-doubt, because she absolutely is, or that Penny doesn’t have a self-sacrifice streak a mile wide, because she absolutely does. But Penny wouldn’t have that reflexive, Janet-saying-“Not-a-girl”-style reaction to people telling her she’s nothing but a weapon unless she genuinely thought they were wrong. She’s not defensive, in these moments, even though she’s defending herself. She’s certain.
Maybe this is me splitting hairs with your argument, but I don’t think Penny’s issue is that she sees herself as a weapon. It’s that she sees herself as a hero. Not just a soldier, but THE soldier. The Protector of Mantle. She’s not Winter; she’s not most comfortable when she’s got orders she can hide behind so she can reassure herself she’s doing the right thing because someone else already did that math. She’s-- she’s Spider-Man. She feels a tremendous responsibility to save everyone she can, because that’s what you do. And yes that’s also, literally, what she was built for, so I can see where the argument is coming from, but I think it matters that the argument’s being made about someone from Remnant.
And on Remnant, your weapon is an extension of who you are.
We’ve never, as far as I can remember, seen anyone straight up switch their weapon. Ironwood made the nuke attachment for his pistols, but it’s still Due Process underneath. Maria only carries one of her two canes, now, but she didn’t make any design changes. Same with Yang and (lefty) Ember Celica. Jaune gave Crocea Mors substantial upgrades, but it’s fundamentally the same weapon; Blake chose to solder Gambol Shroud back together rather than replace it... and if anyone had an argument that using the same weapon might be too traumatic, it would be her. I mean, hell, the Messrs Oz have been using the same staff for millennia.
Weapons aren’t something you turn your back on. I don’t think it’s something that would occur to people. It would be like-- like turning off your Aura. That’s you. 
Unless, of course, you’re Cinder.
Cinder gave up on Midnight after the Beacon arc, and we’ve never seen it since. She relies exclusively on Maiden weapons instead-- some of which she molds into forms quite similar to her old swords or bow, but still. She tossed it aside. This follows the logic of the show: Cinder discarded the weapons, and with them the person she used to be, when she found it all to be lacking. Instead, she embraces what she sees as a higher form of power.
I don’t think Penny would think of Floating Array that way; as a sign of her failure. Nor do I think she’d see it as the prophesy/burden your take implies.
Granted, Watts used a sword from Floating Array in order to get access to her code and install the virus; it ended up being the vector for a huge breach of autonomy and violation of consent. But so was Tyrian using Harbinger to murder Clover, and Qrow’s still using it.
And granted, Penny didn’t choose Floating Array in the same way most people chose or designed their own weapons. She was born with it; activated combat-ready. But then, that’s not so different from Jaune inheriting Crocea Mors, is it? It might not be what either of them would have selected or been most suited for if they’d had the chance to say for themselves at the start, but... well, we’re far from the start, now. And Penny does choose Floating Array, when it matters. When she conjures weapons in her new, self-created body, she instinctively reaches for what she knows, what’s familiar. Her father’s providence. So for me, the moment you’re alluding to... it’s already happened. The whole point of leveraging Ambrosius’ limitations in the way they did is that Penny is separated from the parts of her that can be weaponized-- she watches her synthetic body eat itself, consumed by its own self-destructive urges. It doesn’t get much more metaphor-made-literal than that!
What remains, then, is Penny. And Penny uses Floating Array.
If Penny comes back and doesn’t resume the Winter Maidenhood (which I think is... low on the list of options, given Winter’s desperation and the likelihood that Maiden transference shenanigans are going to be a part of the vehicle that allows Penny to return in the first place), then she won’t have a choice. Either because that will mean she’s back in a 3.0 robot body (in which case it’s the same lack of choice she always had; Pietro wouldn’t give her an unfamiliar weapon after all that) or because she’s a Regular Normal Flesh Gal now and unless her Semblance is telekinesis (which it may be!!! we don’t know!!!) a weapon like Floating Array just isn’t on the table. But all of that, as I’ve already laid out, has to contend with so many unknown factors. How she comes back, and in what form, and at which time.
If Penny does end up designing a wholly new weapon, to me that would signal total transformation, given the rules and themes of the world. And that... well, it depends on the execution, I suppose, but I think I’d find that a little alarming. That she’d choose to have so little of her old self in her new form. But on the other hand, maybe I’m dead wrong there! That could also be read as yet another gorgeous act of creation by the Maiden best suited to it; it could be Penny choosing to yes-and herself into doubling down on her identity. She could be SO MUCH of a person that she, and she alone, gets to make a new weapon for her new self. I’m not against any of that! 
But even if that’s the case, I still think we’d see the hard light version of Floating Array again, especially if we have a Maidenbowl Redux. Even if I were to concede to your point that it’s too bound up in her self-image issues, that doesn’t imply to me that she’d have to move beyond it. If she’s to contend with herself, if she’s to decide she’s a person and not a weapon as you lay out, she’s going to put all of herself in the effort. As the speech goes, it’s a part of her. Even if it’s just a part, that’s still... a part. And this show has never been about severing yourself from your broken bits; it’s been about embracing them tenderly and letting them actually heal.
...also, Floating Array is *checks notes* cool. 
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winchesterxxi · 3 years
For the Best (Din Djarin x Reader) | PART 1
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PART 2 ⇒
Rating: G (General Audience)
Type: Angst
Summary: Din has put his life at risk one too many times in order to protect Y/N. But how much is too much?
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: CHAPTERS 14 & 15 SPOILERS
A/N: this a long one, so strap in. and fun fact, that’s my favorite gif of din, ever. something about the ruffled hair, the worried eyes and the facial hair just hit the spot. (UPDATE: Hi so apparently people want this to be a series??? So part 2 is in the works but because this was intended to be a one shot apologies if it seems rushed)
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Din would give his life to protect the ones he loved. It wasn’t just a case of honor and duty anymore but rather of pure unfiltered love, which he’d never admit out loud or phantom of letting you know. Most of the times he’d do it so unconsciously that it was as if a primal instinct took over him when it came to protecting either of you. Sure you were a grown woman, with amazing hunter skills but for him, you were something that he had to protect, without making it too knowledgeable to the people around him.
That is why he was quite reluctant to take you along with Mayfield to the hidden Imperial rhydonium refinery on Morak to get Moff Gideon's ship coordinates.
“Din, I’ll be fine.”
“What if-”
“No discussions. I’m going.”
And he just silently nodded his helmet in a yes ma’am manner that made the whole crew on the back of The Slave side eye each other.
Once inside the officer's mess hall, where the terminal Mayfield needed is in, he notices his former commanding officer, Valin Hess, and fears being recognized, refusing to step into the hall.
“This is your part of the job. You go in there and you get the bloody coordinates.” you hiss at him through your own helmet.
“My part of the job? I drove us here while under attack and saved our asses, and you have the nerve to say this is my part of the job? No way I’m going in there.” he looks between you and Din.
“I’ll do it then.” you say decidedly, but before you could take a single step into the hall, Din grabs your upper arm.
“What do you mean no? He won’t do it and you’ have to take your helmet off which is not happening.”
“Why would I have to take my helmet off?” he questions through his modulated voice.
“All the terminals in this refinery can only be accessed after a facial recognition scan. I noticed it while we were making our way through the halls.” you explain causing Mayfield to throuw an impressed look in your direction.
All three of you fall in silence for a few seconds, considering how you would go about reaching the terminal and before you could say another word, Din steps away from you and Mayfield not even giving you time to process what was happening or try to stop him.
With just a few strides he was standing in front of the target terminal pressing a few buttons and for two times getting an automated voice stating facial scan required. Sensing his distress, you try to walk to him only to have Mayfield’s hand forcefully grabbing you and pulling you back to where you were standing.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he whisper-yells, scolding you.
“I’m trying to help.” you answer with the same voice tone, releasing your arm from his grasp.
“He can take care of himself.” you don’t say anything but instead turn your head in Din’s direction, just like Mayfield as you hear the facial recognition being asked for a third time, initiating a countdown.
Din reaches for his helmet and you cut your own breathing. and there’s a slight buzz in your ears. The world stops spinning when your eyes catch the back of his head and the curling of his brown hair strands there resting. You can’t believe what he just did, exposing himself like that and introducing his face to virtually every security control in the galaxy. 
Even though his back was still facing you, there was almost a sense of disrespect in looking at him, almost as if you’d caught him undressing. 
Then, from the corner of your eye you can see Hess approaching him. 
“Trooper!” Hess shouted to him. “Hey, trooper!”
Din turned his head in Hess’s direction and as soon as your eyes caught a glimpse of his skin, you looked away - this didn’t feel right. He didn’t have a say on whether or not he’d want you to look at him and you didn’t want him to be even more uncomfortable than what he already was.
“Pay attention when a superior addresses you. What’s your designation?” 
“Transport crew,” he said. No helmet modulator whatsoever and his honey like voice slipped so easily into your ears. 
“My designation is Transport Copilot.” his voice said again and you could hear to slight tremble in his statement.
“No, son. What’s your TK number?” Hess insisted
“My TK number... is...” he tried but nothing comes out, and you know that this might be the moment that gets all three of you killed. That is until Mayfield steps in front of you and quickly strides to Din’s side.
“This is my Commanding Officer TK-593, sir,” Mayfield quickly says, and gave Din a look of reassurance before turning in your direction and motioning with his head for you to come closer. Slowly, with the riffle still under your harm you approach the three men all looking at you. “And this is my First Lieutenant TK-234. I’m Imperial Combat Assault Transport Lieutenant TK-111, and Sir, I’m afraid you’ll have to speak up to him a little bit, since his vessel lost pressure in Taanab.”
You are standing next to Din and you now realize how he was only a few inches taller than you without the beskar armor, his chin just little above your eye line. For a moment you imagine how enjoyable it would be to lay your head against his shoulder or nuzzle against his neck, heights perfectly matching.
“What’s your name, Officer?”
“We just call him Brown Eyes,” said Mayfield with a mocking undertone in his voice “Isn’t that right, Officer?”
Brow eyes you thought. Brown eyes... that suits him.
With your peripheral vision you can see Din slightly nodding with his head. You still din’t dare to look at him.
“C’mon, let’s go fill out those TPS reports, so we can go recharge the power coils-” Mayfield started, trying to get done and over with this situation 
 “You’re not dismissed.” you all froze. 
“You the tank troopers that delivered the shipment of rhydonium?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir.” 
“Yes, sir” Din was the last to answer and you could feel the vibrations of his voice next to you.
“Well, you three managed to be the only transport today to deliver their shipment. Come with me, hmn? Let’s get a drink... Brown Eyes.”
As soon as he turns his back Mayfied follows suit and you can see Din looking at you, once again, through the corner of your eyes, but you look straight ahead and walk behind Mayfield.
What you didn’t see is that you left a hurt man behind, one that wished for you to be the first person to look him in the eyes but that now thought that he was so hideous that you couldn’t even bear the sight of him.
Sitting down on a nearby table, Mayfield took the seat in front of Commander Hess and you to his right, leaving the seat in front of you free for Din to take his place at the table.
“So,” said Hess, “What shall we toast to, boys, and girl? I can blather on, about ‘to health’ or ‘to success’, but... I’d like to do something a little less rote.” he turns to Din “Where you from, Brown Eyes?”
“How ‘bout a toast to Operation Cinder,” Mayfield intervenes.
“Now,” says Hess “That’s what I’m talking about.”
“No,” Mayfield continues. “No, you don’t get it - I lived it. I was in Burnin Konn.”
“Burnin Konn?” “Mm.”
“That was a hard day. I had to make many... unpleasant decisions.”
An exchange between the two men initiates but all you’re focusing on is keeping your eyes looking down at either the table or your drink avoiding Din at all costs. But then, feeling his eyes practically burning a hole in your forehead you realize how much of an asshole you are acting like right now.
This man trusts you with his life. And you with his. You both had made sure to make that known a few weeks ago when you almost got killed by this enormous Ice Spider in Maldo Kreis and he told you to instead of running away from the spider to try and run into and under it.
“Are you crazy?” you cried out
“Do you trust me?” he asked
“With my life.”
“Me too. Then do it.”
And so, your eyes start to trail their way across the table. To his chest plate. To his neck. To the bottom of his face, noticing his light stubble and mustache. To his eyes. And then, just like that, wind knocked out off you. 
Your furrowed and anxious brows soften and your teeth release you lips, that you were biting trying to not think too much. Your whole body softens and as you look at him in adoration.
And he is looking at you. Adoringly. These two people that have known each other for so long, longed for each other for so long are finally meeting each other, actually seeing each other for the first time. For him, it’s the first time he sees the true color of the flush of you skin or how blood tinted your lips are as he doesn’t have the slight darkness of his helmet distorting them.
He wants to kiss you, so bad.
“You see, kids,” Hess says snapping you both from that moment “Everybody thinks they want freedom, but what they really want... is order. And when they realize that, they’re gonna welcome us back with open arms.”
He lifted his glass, and Mayfield chuckles. Both you and Din look worriedly at him knowing how he is about to go out of his mind
“To the Empire.” He drank and Mayfield fires.
You and Din look shocked at each other before turning to Mayfield.
“What the hell?!” you scold him.
Suddenly, stormtroopers appeared from all sides, and the three of you grabbed your weapons, starting to shoot everyone on sight, Din in front of you. Eventually, they were all down and there were just the three of you standing in the room.
Mayfield jaunts ahead “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Turning back to Din, you meet him looking down at you, his expression soft again. You reach for his helmet, pressing it against his chest.
“You did what you had to do. I never saw your face.” He looked back at you.
“It’s okay. If there is a next time that I can look at you, I want it to be out of want. Not out of need.”
He looks at you, actually thinking about whether or not he’d go back to hiding himself from you but ending up nodding and putting it back on.
“Thank you.” he says voice muffled by the helmet.
“You’d do the same for me.”
Yes he’d do.
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You sat in the main chamber of the Slave next to Mayfield as the rest of the crew conversed in the upper room trying to come up with the next part of the rescue plan.
“You’re going to get him killed.” your head turns in his direction. 
“What?” you question not sure of what you heard.
“You’re going to get him killed. Today, that man went to the terminal to prevent you from going. He put himself in front of you, shooting at a whole battalion of stormtroopers. He stayed behind so that you could be the first to climb into this very ship.” 
You look down, remembering today’s events.
“He just did that for you, and Cara told me that yesterday he almost made a roast of himself when he thought you were on the Razor Crest when it got blown up. He was actually going to walk up into a ball of fire because he thought you were there. Don’t you get it? He might be one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy but that man goes completely irrational when it comes to you.”
“What are you trying to say?” you asked confused and trying to mask the hurt in your voice.
“I know this is going to hurt to hear but... maybe you should go away. At least until he gets the kid back so that he can concentrate only on that.”
“Are you saying that I’m a distraction?”
“Your not a distraction to him. You’re his priority. And that has proved itself to be beyond dangerous.”
He stands up without another word and climbs to the room above, letting you to sit with your thoughts, going over the exchange that just happened.
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Boba had stationed the ship on some random planet for the night and while everyone was sound asleep, preparing for what they had to face the next day, you spent the past hours pacing in your room, Mayfield’s words still echoing in your head.
That’s why you were now standing next to your bed, a bag with all of your belongings on top of it. This is for the Best. If I stay he’ll probably get killed. You repeat over and over, recalling all the times that Din risked himself for you, the ones that no one but the both of you knew because they weren’t there to witness them.
This is for the Best.
Decidedly, you sling the bag over and across your shoulders, silently opening the door to the outside of your chamber and sliding it close. It’s better this way: to leave without saying goodbye, during the dark of the galactic night. A goodbye will wreck you and a goodbye would make you stay.
This is for the Best.
You repeat one last time, once you step out of the ship into the frosty night air, taking one last look back, before walking away, wishing that the next morning people wouldn’t panic and rather understand your decision; wishing that Din would some day forgive you.
This is for the Best
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