#and to top it off they + another friend were hanging out together yesterday w/o me due to some other sudden plans
01themagician · 9 months
-- 4. When was the last time you had a life-changing revelation? What revelation did you have?
-- had a combo of really rough moments a few weeks ago and thought it would end in a total disaster, but it turned out fine. i stressed a lot and beat myself up over it--because the problems were a result of my own procrastination tbh--and in the eventual happy ending, the revelation i got was "i should be more responsible BUT ALSO keep calm/dont sit there stressing out & doing nothing if i do have a problem & just do my best to fix it". so really just a longer version of the Law of Holes i guess LOL.
-- today, I am looking forward to hanging out with my friends! and also enjoying some RAIN + cooler weather, finally:) -- today, I choose to think about the near future, responsibility style! -- today, my goals are to analyze & consider my spending habits... and also talk to my friends about some worries ive got re: how much time we could spend together before uni starts and eats up all of my spare time.
-- ♪ the bravery -- bad sun ♪
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starshine583 · 5 years
New Friends Ch. 17
Ch.1 / Ch. 16 / Ch. 18
“Guys, another picture came out!” Aurore exclaimed, clicking something on her phone.
The group leaned towards her to look at her screen. A picture of the akuma battle that took place yesterday popped up, showing Ladybug and Chat Noir being covered in a light green energy shield. 
“And they still don’t know where the shield’s coming from?” Wayhem asked curiously.
Aurore shook her head. “No. Alya’s pointed out that it’s the same power as Carapace, but we haven’t seen any extra heroes.”
Marinette and Felix shared a glance. It’s been a week since Bouclier’s picture flooded through the media. Since then, a few akumas have surfaced, and Buclier’s shield has proven useful. The people of Paris question where these random force fields come from, of course, but as long as the heroes are safe..
“There must be a reason they’re mysteriously keeping him hidden.” Kagami mused, taking a sip of her drink. 
Wayhem furrowed his eyebrows. “Him? How do you know it’s not a girl?”  
The group missed the teasing smirk Marinette threw Felix. 
“It could be. You never know.” Marinette shrugged. 
The blonde narrowed his eyes at her, but a smile ghosted his lips, prompting her grin to widen. They’d certainly grown closer over the week, talking together, fighting together. Marinette couldn’t deny how comforting his presence had become for her. Something about knowing someone had her back in and out of the suit, it was refreshing. 
And maybe more..
“Hey, does anyone know where Luka is? I thought he was meeting us here.” Aurore frowned, sitting up to scan the cafeteria.
Wayhem looked around as well. “I mean, he said he was gonna be here.”
Kagami simply took another bite of her food. “If he said he’ll be here, he’ll be here. We can wait.” 
Nino blew out a sigh, leaning back in his chair to catch a glimpse of Marinette’s table. Lila was sitting between him and Alya, raving about her latest meeting with Prince Ali and their trip to the zoo. Honestly, he didn’t even listen to her anymore. She was all but background noise now.
He’d decided a few days ago to start investigating himself since Alya wouldn’t help out. What he found- or rather, what he didn’t find -was..concerning. 
He searched everywhere, any website he could think of, but there was no sign of Lila’s “adventures” anywhere. No reports, no articles, no posts or pictures on social media. Nothing. You’d think things as memorable as “Saving Jagged Stone’s kitten” would be found somewhere. On top of that, you’d think Jagged Stone’s kitten would be found somewhere. Nope.
At this point, the only thing Nino is certain about when it comes to her is that her name is Lila.
“Do you guys know where Adrien is?” He suddenly asked, barely realizing he’d completely interrupted Lila.
Alya knitted her eyebrows together in disapproval. “Nino, Lila was talking. Don’t be rude.”
“No, no, it’s alright.” Lila jumped in, a sickly sweet smile on her lips. Wasn’t that smile just a little too sweet to be real?
“It’s only natural for Nino to be worried. I’m sure Adrien will be here soon.” 
Nino smiled tightly, subtly shifting away from her in his seat. His dude better be here soon. They really need to talk about his hunch on Lila’s stories.
But it wasn’t your hunch first, was it?
Guilt pricked the back of Nino’s mind, and he glanced back at the bright ravenette just a few tables away. She’d warned them, Marinette, and he didn’t listen. None of them did. Gosh, how was he going to apologize? They just.. Abandoned her! For a liar!
Calm down, another voice soothed. We still don’t know for sure. 
Right.. He supposed there was no actual proof that Lila lied. There just wasn’t proof her stories were true..
Nino clicked his tongue. He needed to talk to Marinette. Together, they could figure out how to expose her and show others the truth. Then, he’d talk to Adrien. They were best friends! No way his dude would pick Lila over him. Once they had Adrien on their side, convincing the rest of the class would be a piece of cake.
Now, to figure out how he’d get passed Mari’s defense squad..
Adrien peered around the doorframe of the cafeteria, staring at Marinette’s table. She looked happy enough, but he knew she’d be even happier when this whole Lila business was put behind them! Nino’s been glancing at Marinette a lot, which meant he was doubting Lila more. Alya was.. Looking at her too, though it was more of a glare..
But that’s okay! Once Nino comes to their side, Adrien’s certain everyone else will follow, especially Alya.
He saw the group laugh, and Marinette leaned towards Felix, putting her hand on his shoulder from laughing so hard. His cousin smiled down at her and..was that- was he blushing?
Adrien scrunched up his nose in annoyance. Since when did Felix let someone touch him? All while smiling, for that matter? 
On the other hand, Marinette did bring out the best in people. She was great. 
But Felix seemed.. closer to her somehow. I mean, they hang out all of the time, but this feels different, and Adrien didn’t like it. She was friends with him first, after all. It’s not fair that Felix would come in and just steal her away.
The blonde jumped, whirling around to see none other than Luka Couffaine.
“What are you doing?” The guitarist asked with what almost looked to be a glare on his face, but that couldn’t be the case, right?
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah, I was just.. you know.. trying to decide where to sit?”
Ugh, that was such a stupid excuse. You’d think all this time as Chat Noir would give him better experience when it came to those.
Luka nodded thoughtfully, looking over his shoulder to see the perfect view he has on Marinette’s table. 
“Right, right. Looking for a seat, because you’re not spying on anyone or anything.” 
Adrien swallows, but nods along, a nervous smile creeping across his lips. Was it him, or was Luka’s gaze steadily growing..darker..
“Yes, that would definitely be a bad idea,” the noirette continues, “especially if you were spying on someone who had a tight group of friends. Friends who would protect them to no end, or take care of certain people spying on them should they be asked.”
A chill crawled up Adrien’s spine. If he didn’t know Luka to be such a passive person, he might have called that a threat. 
“R-right, yeah. That’d be such a bad idea.” He agreed, stiffly taking a step back.
Luka’s electric blue eyes finally turned back to him, a small smile on his lips. Marinette’s energetic voice was heard in the distant, probably the reason for Luka’s slight shift in mood.
He then pat Adrien on the shoulder, just a bit too hard to be friendly. 
“Good luck finding your seat.” He said with a forced smile, swiftly moving around Adrien to approach Marinette’s table.
Adrien watched him leave, extremely unnerved. If Luka was starting to glare at him, maybe talking to Marinette would be harder than he thought.
Felix swung his bag over his shoulder, checking his wrist watch for the time. They had half an hour before the meet up at Luka’s. That should give them plenty of time for the walk to the river.
His gaze trailed from the watch to the ravenette in front of him. “Are you ready to go?” 
“Yeah, yeah, just give me a minute.” Marinette responded, biting her lip as she made the finishing touches of her design. 
He leaned over her shoulder, studying the sketch. “It looks good.”
Drawing during class wasn’t a smart idea, but he supposed he could make an exception for her. Besides, her being distracted in class only gave him a reason to see her more so they could study together.
 A blush crept up Marinette’s cheeks. “O-Oh, really?”
Felix smiled faintly. “Yes, it’s truly wonderful. You’re very talented.” 
To his delight, her blush deepened and a squeak escaped her lips. He’s trying not to indulge in those pesky thoughts and feelings, but it seems they’re quite persistent. 
Marinette doesn’t help his case either, talking to him more and more since they became partners in protecting Paris, blushing and stuttering and being adorable in general. It was getting to be a real problem, if he was being honest.
A clearing of the throat turned the pair’s attention to the doorway, where an awkward Nino stood. 
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but..” 
Felix stood immediately, sending a cold glare to the DJ.
Nino recoiled, holding his hands up in defense. “W-woah, dude, I just wanna talk!” 
Felix scoffed, opening his mouth to argue when he felt a hand on his shoulder. 
“It’s alright,” Marinette’s gentle smile hushed his oncoming rage, “I’ll talk to him.” 
Nino visibly sagged in relief, briefly lifting his cap to wipe the sweat off his brow. “Thanks, dudette-”
“You get ten minutes.” Felix interrupted, crossing his arms. 
Nino winced at the time limit, but nodded. 
“Alright, so I looked into Lila, like you said, and I’m pretty sure you were right. I can’t find any proof she’s lying, but there isn’t any proof she’s telling the truth, either. Isn’t that the same thing?” 
He’d started pacing the room as he spoke, flailing his hands about as if he’d discovered a groundbreaking theory of science. 
“I tried to tell Alya, but she wouldn’t listen. I knew I had to talk to you, though. I had to-” Nino paused, his gaze flicking to Marinette before sighing “-I have to apologize. For ignoring your warning. She just sounded so good, ya know? All the promises she made, the things she said..”
He shook his head. “Then she started talking about stuff you did, and everything else she said was so nice that we didn’t- that I didn’t question her anymore.”
“Nino-” Marinette tried.
“I should have, Mari. We’ve known each other for how long? How much have you done for me? And I just threw you aside because some stranger gave false promises.”
Felix raised an eyebrow. Dejected stance, wavering voice, flighty eyes- Nino seems genuine in what he’s said so far. 
“Nino, you didn’t know.” Marinette assured softly.
Nino scoffed, his voice cracking as he says, “But I did! You told me, Mari! I can’t- I don’t-”
He stopped to rub his eyes, then looked up at her.
“Can you ever forgive me?” His voice was barely above a whisper, broken.
Marinette choked out a sob- Felix assumed it was more for Nino than for herself -and she ran into the DJ’s arms.
“Of course I’ll forgive you, Nino.” 
The joy and relief on his face was unmistakable as he tightly hugged her back.
Felix knew this whole “Turning your back on the class” situation had taken its toll on her. So it was good to see them starting to apologize.
He’d still keep an eye on Nino, of course, but for now, it wouldn’t hurt to let her enjoy the moment.
Marinette was bouncing off the walls as she and Felix neared Luka’s “pirate ship”.
Nino apologized! He finally figured out Lila was lying! Not only that, he was talking about telling the rest of the class! If they were lucky, Nino would have an easier time uncovering the truth than she did. Everything could finally go back to normal!
Well, not normal. Marinette knew nothing would be the same after this whole “Lila” incident, but at least there wouldn’t be as much tension anymore. She wouldn’t have to worry about shunning her classmates and being accused of ludicrous crimes every other Thursday!
“Mari! Felix! You guys took forever!” Aurore waved from the boat.
“Apologies. Lahiffe held us up.” Felix replied, stepping to the side to allow Marinette to walk onto the plank first.
Aurore frowned. “Nino? Was he trying to mess with you guys, too?”
“No, no! Actually, he-” Marinette paused, her grin faltering. “What do you mean ‘too’?”
 The blonde ushered them to the front of the boat, where Luka, Kagami, and Wayhem were waiting for them. They looked pretty angry.
“What happened?” Felix was quick to ask, a certain edge to his tone.
Wayhem huffed, while Kagami glared at the floor. 
Luka was the one to answer, agitation clear in his voice as he said, “I saw Adrien spying on you today.” 
Ice settled in her veins, and her eyes widened. “S-Spying? What do you mean?” 
“Isn’t it obvious?” Felix snapped, more upset towards his cousin than her. “It’s no surprise that he’s been following you. Adrien’s nothing if not persistent.”
“Yeah, but stalking her?” Wayhem growled, flailing his arms around. “What the heck!”
“I told him off.” Luka spoke up. “But it’s obvious he’s gonna try again.” 
Marinette sat down on the floor next to Kagami. Adrien’s been following her? I mean, she assumed he’d try talking to her again eventually, but how did she not notice?
Felix sat down next to her, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Then we’ll make sure to keep an eye out. We have the buddy system. If Adrien tries to spy on her again, we’ll go to Damocles.”
The others agreed, but Aurore still let out a groan.
“Why can’t they just leave you alone?” She sighed, plopping down between Kagami and Wayhem. 
“I wish I knew..” Marinette remarked. “But on the bright side-”
“There’s a bright side?”
Marinette giggled and nodded. “Nino apologized to me today!” 
The group perked up.
“What about?”
Her bright grin return as she shifted to explain the events. “He told me after class that he looked for proof on Lila’s stories and that he couldn’t find any. He said he was sorry for not believing me! I think he’s gonna try to tell the rest of the class about her!”
 A hearty round of cheers came from the group. They looked to Felix for confirmation. Not that they didn’t believe Marinette. He was just the more cynical of the two.
The blond shrugged, leaning back on his hands. “The apology sounded genuine. I think we should take the win for now.” 
Lila’s caused a lot of drama since she got here, and even more pain for Marinette. Who were they to rain on her parade? 
Besides, if Nino was actually sincere, maybe this was a sign that things were finally looking up.
Adrien tapped his fingers along the strap of his bag impatiently. After Luka’s subtle warning yesterday, he decided to use a different approach. He’d gotten to school early and hid behind one of the pillars inside the building. Luka- and occasionally Felix -walks Marinette to school every morning. When they get here, she’s going to have to go to her locker. Since Felix is obsessed with punctuality, he’ll already be in the classroom. Luka, not seeing Adrien because he’ll be hiding, will just tell Marinette to hurry up. She’ll run off, and Luka will go to his own classroom. That’s when he’ll talk to her about Nino. 
The plan was perfect, foolproof. Nothing could go wro-
“Dude, there you are!” 
Adrien flinched, turning to face his best friend with a plastered smile. “Nino, hey. I actually gotta do something right now, could you-”
“Yeah, yeah, totally, but I need to tell you about Lila first.” 
He paused. “Lila? What about her?”
Nino looked around to make sure no one was listening, before leaning closer. 
“She’s totally been lying, man. Mari was right!”
Excitement surged through his chest. Yes! Nino figured it out! That would give Marinette even more reason to come back to them. 
“I know it sounds crazy-” The DJ continued awkwardly.
“No, I believe you. We’re friends, Nino. I trust you on this.” Adrien assured, mostly trying to rush the conversation. People were starting to pile in, and he thought he saw Marinette in the distance.
Nino sighed in relief. “That’s great! I already talked to Marinette. Now, we just have to tell the others! With all three of us against her, they’re bound to listen.” 
His thoughts came to a halt. 
“You already.. Tell the others?” 
Adrien supposed Nino talking to Marinette was fine, but now he was talking about exposing Lila. Just like Marinette. 
“Yeah, they need to know.” Nino said firmly. “Lila’s been dogging Mari real bad, dude. Haven’t you noticed?”
Adrien had the decency to wince. He’d noticed Lila’s.. rougher attempts to silence Marinette, but she only did that because Marinette tried to expose her! Everyone knows a cornered animal will bite at you, and now Nino wanted to fall into that same mess? No, he couldn’t let that happen.
“We should tell Nathaniel and Juleka first. They’ll be more open.”
“Alya’s gonna be harder to convince, so we’ll save her for last.”
The boy scoffed. “Chloe probably knows already. We’ll have to think of something to give her to help us out.” 
Nino jumped, looking at Adrien with wide eyes.
He cast his gaze downward, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck. “You.. you can’t.”
Nino frowned. “What are you talking about?
Adrien resisted the urge to cringe. He could already tell Nino wouldn’t take this as well as Marinette originally had.
“I-I mean, you can’t expose Lila. It’ll only hurt her.” 
A solid minute of silence passed, aside from the chattering crowds of students. 
Finally, Nino spoke, “What?”
Adrien opened his mouth to respond, but Nino cut him off.
“Are you serious? Hurt her? What about Marinette? What about me? And Alya? And all the other people who she’s been lying to?” His voice was steadily growing louder with anger.
“I-I just think exposing her is a bad idea.” Adrien tried to persuade him. “She could get akumatized! If we expose her now, she won’t become a better person.”
Nino’s eyes bulged out of his head. “What?! You’re saying we just- just let her lie to the rest of the class? For the off chance she might stop lying?”
Adrien recoiled slightly. It sounded terrible when he put it that way.
“No! I just don’t think we should expose her. Her lies will crumble on their own. You’re proof of that! You figured out she was lying without us telling you!” 
That was apparently the wrong thing to say, because something seemed to click in Nino’s mind and a scowl formed on his lips.
“Dude! You knew she was lying, didn’t you!” It wasn’t a question.
Adrien stiffened towards the sudden glare, fumbling for some sort of excuse.
“W-well, yeah, but-”
Nino didn’t let him finish, jabbing his finger into Adrien’s chest. “You knew that all those accusations towards Mari were bullcrap and you let it happen?”
The blonde frowned, quickly turning defensive. “I didn’t! We agreed not to say anything!” 
Nino scoffed in disbelief, turning away from him and covering his head with his hands. 
“Oh my gosh, you pulled that crap on Mari too? No wonder she hates us!” 
“She doesn’t hate us.” Adrien stated firmly, though the hurt was clear in his tone. How could Nino say that?
Nino huffed, looking back to him with glare and flailing his hands in the air. “Yes she does! She hasn’t talked to any of us in months!”
Adrien went to reply, but the bell rang. 
“I’m trying to do the right thing, Nino!” He said in a last attempt to have Nino see reason.
The DJ shook his head, a pained expression hidden by the bill of his hat. “Keep telling yourself that.” 
Panic rose in Adrien’s mind as Nino walked away. Why did everyone have to be so difficult? Couldn’t they see that his plan had worked? All they wanted to do was create more conflict than necessary!
Marinette. He need to find Marinette. She would be able to talk some sense into Nino, right after he talked some sense into her.
Adrien dashed for the locker room, desperately hoping to find her inside.
Thankfully, something was going right for him today, because she was still rummaging through her locker. 
“Mari, thank goodness.” 
Her entire body froze when she heard his voice.
Adrien continued anyway. “I need your help. Nino’s planning to out Lila as a liar, and he won’t listen to me. We need to convince him not to expose her.” 
Marinette’s eyes snapped to his, something akin to rage swimming beneath her gaze.
“Tell me you’re joking.” Her tone was icy, sharp, eerily similar to Felix’s.
Adrien swallowed, straightening with determination. “I’m not. You and I both know letting Lila’s lies fall apart themselves is the best way to go.”
She’d put him through a lot of trouble from being so stubborn, but now that they were getting results, they could put all of that behind them. Results meant his plan was working. He knew Marinette would be smart enough to see that.
Or not.
“Mari, come on-”
“No!” She snapped, stunning him into silence. “I refuse to help you trap Nino into another one of your shaky promises for ‘the greater good’.”
Adrien blanched. He thought for sure that Marinette wouldn’t be so illogical. 
“What are you talking about? Trapping? Mari, I know it’s been a rough road, but I was right, wasn’t I? Nino came and apologized! That’s proof that letting Lila go is the best solution!” 
Marinette flushed, her fists clenching at her sides. “He only apologized because Felix and I said something! Nino even admitted that if it hadn’t been for Karma, he would’ve never looked into her at all!”
Adrien shook his head, disappointed. “So, what, you’re just going to let this happen?” 
“No. Unlike you, I’m actually going to stand by his side against Lila.” She stated, arms crossed over her chest. How could she act like he was in the wrong here!
“Did you tell Nino to go after her?” The accusation slipped out before he could even think about what he was saying. It made sense, though. Why else would Nino be so set on exposing her?
Marinette scoffed in disbelief. “Of course not! He decided that on his own.” 
Adrien found himself pressing on his previous statement. “Really? Because he sure sounded a lot like you.”
“Well, that just means he has common sense.” She bit back. The tension in the room could probably be cut with a knife.
“What do you have against her, Mari! You’re only causing more problems. Is that what you want?”
Marinette glared daggers at him, but he ignored it. They had to talk this out, or else she’d never come back to him. That’s what friends do, after all, bring each other back to the right path.
Her answer shocked him. 
Marinette swung her bag over her shoulder. “If exposing Lila causes more conflict, then fine. They should have listened to me earlier, or it wouldn’t be so bad.” 
Adrien couldn’t believe his ears. How could his lovely, sugar-sweet Marinette be saying such things?
He sighed, pure disappointment reflecting in his eyes. “Alya was right. You really are just a bully.” 
Adrien barely registered Marinette raising her fist. 
He grunted, his back hitting the lockers and his hand grabbing his jaw. Adrien looked up at her with wide eyes. 
Marinette didn’t respond, giving him one last scowl before running out of the room. 
Marinette hissed as she rubbed her knuckles. Punching Adrien felt too good, but it did little to sedate her growing rage. 
A bully? Chloe terrorized the school daily and Lila manipulates the class as much as possible, but she’s the bully? Ridiculous!
How dare he call her that! 
“Marinette, you need to call down.” Tikki coaxed, trying to be as gentle as possible.
Marinette scoffed. Calm down? Why should she! After being treated so unfairly, she had a right to be angry! Screw the akumas! Screw Hawkmoth! For once, she just wanted to be angry. To feel something without having to worry about turning into a monster. She already was one in the class’ mind, anyway.
The bathroom door swung open, and she shrank into the stall she’d hid in. She didn’t care to deal with any of her other classmates.
“Marinette? Are you in here?”
Marinette sat up, confused.
“Felix?” She said, opening the stall door. That wouldn’t be as unusual except they were in the girl’s bathroom. 
The blonde was panting in front of her, a worried look on his face.
“Are you okay? I saw you run in here.” He asked, looking her over. 
“You’re not allowed in here." 
"Did you think that would stop me?”
A sense of warmth spread through her chest. Gosh, she loves this man.
Her cheeks flushed toward the realization. 
She loved Felix. 
There was no denying it now. He was so kind and gentle and stood firmly by her side since day one. How could she have possibly missed him before?
A scowl returned to her face. That’s right. She’d been too obsessed with that spineless jerk to appreciate Felix properly. 
Her newly discovered love was clouded over by hatred once again, and she soon found herself ranting about what had happened.
Neither noticed the black butterfly slip through the bathroom window, not until it landed on Marinette’s purse. 
“Marinette!” Tikki cried, when the butterfly outline appeared on her face. 
Hello, Miss Fortune. I am Hawkmoth. Your classmates have wronged you, and turned your own work against you. Together, we can show them what happens when they take their good fortune for granted. 
Marinette wanted to argue, if not for the sake of Felix who was panicking next to her, but she was so tired. Tired of fighting akumas, Tired of her words being twisted to make her the bad guy. Just. Tired. 
She vaguely remembered unclipping her earrings and handing them to Felix, saying a single word before she was swallowed whole by the darkness.
Tag list: @unabashedbookworm@bluerosette23@minightrose@kuroko26@im-here-for-the-content@angstyrastuff@clumsy-owl-4178 @fanboy7794@choaticneturcl@bigcheeseyboi@burntnugget-tae@ayuchan07@honorisfortheweak@knightrose15@mjisntme@rhub4rb@simplythebestbug@wilhelmares@zebrabaker@dargeon-lissa @kristycocopop @alumneia @kaydenth3gayden @thornangelic727@flirtshobi @whatamessofwords @offically-over-it @flashflashitsash@thewingting @aegyobutpsycho2 @zoeytheweeb @zeyheartstaylor@friedchickening @roseinbloom02 @totalgaydrama @god-is-dead-and-so-am-i @bitterheart12224 @krunchy-tuna @trapezoidoxide @izzynuggets @imfreakingmagical @vixen-uchiha @dani-ari @azureocean33 @tinkerbela @drama-queen-supreme @nerdyleafeon @tinybrie @jarofbuttons
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@mastery-in-procrastination, who is busy doing some awesome things for the community, was kind enough to send me this ask: “How long have you been working on "The Reaper's Only Daughter"?” Tumblr ate the ask, but I was able to save my answer! I may have gone a little over broad in my explanation. Thanks for the question, now sit back and experience the journey. 
Ah yes. My origin story. I remember it like it was yesterday. Allow me to take you back, to before the beginning...
2018! For me it was the year of television (as ‘17 had been the year of the movie). I vividly remember searching for shows on IMDB to compile a sort of list in January. Some well-known, some old hat, but two in particular stuck out to me. Two my mother specifically enjoyed and had for many years. Sons of Anarchy and Shameless. I was finally at the age to where I could start enjoying these shows and so they were added to my list to be watched later. I remember reading the description of SOA and looking through pictures of tough guys on motorcycles. I knew I had to watch it!
Fast forward to May 15th. I was nearing the end of my high school/senior year. I believe I had taken all of my finals at this time and just had a few meaningless things left to turn in for one or two classes. I had just finished The Punisher (thank the godz) and was ready to start the next series. It was again between SOA and Shameless and I have never made a better or more damaging decision in my entire life than when I hit play on the pilot episode of SOA at 7 am as I was getting ready for school that Tuesday morning. Mind you, my school was a dead zone as far as internet goes, but the media godz were shinning down on me that week. I chased the signal every single day.
For the next 6 days, it was all I thought about, all I watched, all I wanted to talk about! I watched 92 episodes, roughly 70 hours of content in 6 days. Though my mother has seen it many times (as it is also her favorite series with her favorite actor(s) in it) I retold her the stories (nearly every episode, or several at a time) as I watched them. She was the first person to see me “live react” to a show in text or otherwise. She enjoyed it because she hasn’t had anyone to talk to about the show in what is now nearly 5 years and she liked hearing my takes on things. 
I stopped talking to friends, I stopped eating (not really so extreme, but I mean...), and on the last 3 nights I hardly slept. I watched it absolutely everywhere! That Friday I skipped school. I reasoned I wasn’t doing work anyway and it wasn’t going to hold me back. If my memory serves me correctly, I watched the finale of S3 through S4 and maybe a little more on either side (but for certain these 14 episodes, technically my favorite in the series) in one straight sitting. In truth, nothing was going to be able to hold me back from this show. I was hard pressed to leave my room, much less my house which made work Saturday difficult. I told my coworkers I was watching it as I jumped up and down waiting to go home (business was slow you see) and I actually left early. I have a bad habit of watching things while driving (don’t do it kids! Listen to your mother!) and actually watched an episode on the way home. 
I ended up pulling an all-nighter on Saturday trying to finish it as I had more plans Sunday. Well, it didn’t work. I fell asleep around 4 am with 4 or 5 episodes to go. I watched a few episodes to and from where I was going in the car, but on Sunday night May 20th, 2018, I watched the final two episodes of the series back to back and a weight had been lifted off my shoulders (it also left a hole in my heart, quite literally). I was no longer susceptible to spoilers and I knew the “secret”. What’s more, I completely, 100% agreed with the creator’s decision as to how and when he ended the show. 
SOA was the first show that ever captivated my attention in such a way. I was never bored, not for a minute. I wouldn’t call many of the episodes fillers even now that I’ve watched each a couple of times (too many to count, for research purposes, I assure you.) And it is one of the most consistent as far as new ideas and character development/design I have ever seen. What's more is I absolutely adore the main cast and characters alike. It honestly took over my life and has changed it for the better. So much so, that it was still all I thought about for several weeks after I finished it. To the point where I had to watch it again top to bottom, though it took me about 2 weeks while sleeping that time. I’ve never watched a show like that, before or since, no matter how much I like a series.
Alas, life goes on, there were more shows to watch, and for the next month or so I turned to watching Shameless (another story entirely) and, though I didn’t want to, I stopped thinking about SOA for a time. That was, until I started thinking about moving to college. My mother had an SOA poster that use to be in her office that she gave to me to put in my apartment. I wake up every morning to see it hanging over my bed and I am reminded that I should be writing TROD. I went down to my college apartment about a week before term started. It was the first time I was technically on my own, though I have roommates, and you will never guess what I did during that week. Go ahead, guess. I did 2 things, actually.
I rewatched SOA, though this time I stopped on series 5 (and if you’ve seen it you may know why) and I “broke down” and created a Writeblr. I’ve always loved to write and actually was in the process of shelving what was originally meant to be my first novel length WIP (on the grounds that it did not have a plot to hold the characters together) that now hasn’t been updated in 6+ months. During this third rewatch an idea came to me. “What would it be like to be in this world?” More specifically, “What would it be like to be a woman in this world”?
This was apparently the right question to ask. The rest is history, swirling into a big black and crow feathered blur. I spent a few months creating Schuyler. I slowly stopped talking about the shelved WIP online and started answering questions for her instead. I figured if I was going to shelve 1 project I had better have another to replace it with, and so TROD was born! I nearly immediately had a character personality and a title when I started. The name Schuyler and her family lineage to link her to the canon story took more time. But while I was thinking of all the technical stuff I was also imagining all the fun scenes that would take place in this imaginary novel I was picturing.
I spent so much time thinking about it, specifically the first chapter which you have seen is now available to read on this blog, that the first time I sat down to write I wrote out 5,000 words flat. Many remained in what is currently “the final draft”. This had never happened to me before and I was inspired! I have been working on it ever since. As far as physically writing for it I have only been writing TROD for about 4 months. But in actuality, TROD has been a project a long time in the making. Nearly 9 months of thought and devotion to a Fandom nearly gone, but I’m here now to carry the torch!
9 months in and I have 6 moodboards, a chapter, and far too many tag games/posts to count. I have roughly 30k words written (continuously, obsessively tweaking the first 3 chapters) and another 2k or so of notes (outlines, dialogue lines, and ideas for scenes). This is actually the first story where I’m consulting a sort of outline (my own that I’m always adding to, but also the canon story) and it’s been my best writing experience to date!
This project is going to be long. Longer than anything I’ve ever dreamed of taking on before. I still have much to explore, plot kinks to work through, and many months, if not years, of work to go. But w/o SOA I would have never become so involved in media (as now I want to make it my career), met some of my favorite actors, created my Writeblr or been inspired to continue writing, and I certainly never would have entered into this inclusive community or met so many awesome writers!
*Whew. That was a lot. But SOA and my WIP TROD means a lot to me as you can see. Thanks so much for the ask. Feel free to stop by anytime! 
I’m also going to tag @themildestofwriters as I know you may be thinking about diving into this series yourself and I want to both warn you and wish you well if you choose to do so!
And @aspire2bu, as I believe I saw you post recently about how you first got into K-pop in the first place and I found it interesting. Hopefully you’ll find this interesting too!
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killer-barnes · 7 years
Cold As Ice: II
P. Parker x Shy Reader
Request: Yes
Summary: The Reader discovers more about their powers, as well as their relationship with a certain Spiderling.
Word Count: 3,736 
Warnings: language, shy reader, kissing, fluff, emotions.
A/N: Let me know if this sucks. 
*Also the biggest fucking shoutout to the wonderful @loratheorange for proofreading this, bless you.
Part I  Part II  
Flashback (end of part I):
Turning his direction towards you, he asks, “so… what’s your deal?”
Chuckling, you duck your head, answering, “I’m afraid that’s a story for another time, Spiderboy.”
Hearing him sputter out incoherent words, you decide to bid your goodbyes.
“Goodnight, Peter.”
Knowing he’ll get nothing from you now, he says his farewells.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
Walking into Midtown High with the thoughts of what conspired last night, you knew you couldn’t face Peter. Yes, you were brave yesterday, and sure, you both gave up your identities, but you felt like a mess and you even kissed him for fucks sake! You can barely even get a word out to him! So, instead of walking with him to classes or meeting him before school started, you avoided any path of bumping into Peter. You knew he’d ask several questions and bug you until you answered. You just weren’t ready for all that pressure yet, especially with everything you both have together now.
Peter, on the other hand, was desperately trying to find you in a mass amount of students that occupied the halls in order to get to class on time. Peter didn’t give two shits about being on time. Honestly, he just wanted to talk to you and pray you’re not avoiding him.
Coming lunchtime where both you and Peter usually hang out in the library and eat, you decided to do something different in order to continue this excessive avoidance until it was unnecessary. So instead, you took out your bagged lunch and chose a shaded tree outside to relax and read a book. Not only was it like the library because of the quietness, but most people didn’t wander over to this spot, which meant you’d be safe from a certain Peter lurking around the school for you.  
However, once Peter took his seat with Ned in the cafeteria like he would if you weren’t there, he asked Ned if he’s seen you around. Ned, not knowing anything going on, shook his head. Peter’s worried thoughts raced in his brain.
Is Y/N mad at me? Did I do something? God, I hope Y/N doesn’t hate me… They’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time (even before the whole Spiderman incident). I need to find them…
He wanted to be more than friends with you, even before last night with the whole ‘kissing to shut him up’ situation. But he also didn’t want to risk your guys’ relationship over some stupid feelings he was thinking about sharing. However, if you kissed him… that must mean you like him too, right?
You’re slowly getting a better grip on what your powers are exactly, but you’re still struggling with the idea of having it and not knowing how to control it necessarily. Plus, you didn’t want to cause anyone harm, so it was best to just avoid everyone you came in contact with, even your family, but that was difficult since you live with them. In a way, you still feel like a freak with these weird, unexplainable powers. You thought it would make you feel more self-confident, but quite honestly, it feels like the opposite. No one can relate to you in this situation and if you were to talk about this to someone, they might send you away to the loonie bin or lock you away with no contact whatsoever. That was the extreme, but you tend to overthink on certain situations, causing the most serious situation to seem like the only option.
For the next few days, you get by without running into Peter, which you’re relieved about, even though you miss your lunch library time together.
However, today that all changed…
As you were rushing feveriously to your first period since the subway delayed by a few minutes, you accidentally bump into him while getting to class, just like how you two had met in the first place.
Coincidence? I think not.
You had no clue of this though, since you were too focused on already being late.
“Oh geez, I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to… Y/N?”
You whip your head towards the person’s direction.
Oh fuck…
“O-Oh, h-hey Peter…” you nervously reply, shoving your hands in your pockets.
“I-I haven’t seen you in a while. Are you doing okay? I’ve been wanting to tal-”
Peter is interrupted by the bell, once again and a swarm of students appear through the halls.
“S-Sorry, I-I have class. Uh, t-talk to you later?” you question, anxiety rattling your bones.
Frowning with a sigh, Peter nods. He is determined to figure out what is going on today. And hell, he’ll do whatever it takes to get you to talk to him. He needs to know you’re okay.
Peter knows what it’s like to go through the whole “discovering your powers” thing. It was a territory he was never expecting to go through. Plus, he wanted to help you. Help you learn to control the intensity, help you discover all you’re capable of, and so much more. He knows it’s definitely going to be a struggle if you go through this alone, so Peter just wants to let you know that he cares and wants to help you figure this out.
After the last class of the day got out, you headed to your locker to replace the books you had with the ones you needed for tonight’s homework.
Peter knew you’d want to leave in a hurry, so as soon as the bell rang, he sprinted through the school in order to get to your locker in time. Of course, he was trampled by a few upper classmen and shoved against some lockers in the process, but he arrived, looking like a sweaty mess, seeing you hurriedly stuff your books into your bag. He knew you’d be anxious, so he slowly approached you, making sure not to scare the living shit out of you in the process.
“H-Hey, Y/N.”
You tense and stiffly turn around, while shakily zipping your bag closed.
“O-Oh, hey P-Peter. H-How’s it going?”
He smiles at your nervousness.
“I was wondering if you, maybe would want to, y’know, uh, g-go get some coffee, or like a smoothie or something?” Peter questioned, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
You contemplated your options. You could either say no and ruin whatever this was with Peter or say yes and have to explain to him your whole ordeal, which you still weren’t fully aware of.
Closing your eyes with a sigh, you choose the latter. You don’t want to lose what you have with this boy. He’s something special, and you’re not saying that just because he’s Spiderman.
“I- uh, s-sure. I guess…”
A bright smile plasters Peter’s face upon hearing your reply.
“Great! I know a great place to go, it’s quiet and totally has that library aesthetic you love…”
Peter kept rambling as you two walked side by side out of the school, but you couldn’t pick up anything he said. You were too busy inside of your head, anxiously awaiting the conversation you were dreading.
A hand waved in front of you trying to gain your attention, which you realized was Peter’s. You completely spaced out while he was talking!
Dammit, Y/N!
“S-Sorry, c-could you repeat that?” you asked, a prominent blush on your cheeks.
He gives you a worried glance, which is quickly replaced with a chuckle, “I was just wondering what you were going to get, so y’know, I could order it for you?”
You blush madly once again, glancing towards the ground as a smile creeps onto your face.
“Oh, t-thank you. I- uh, well, w-what do you recommend? It’s your favorite place after all.”
“Hmm… well, I usually get the mango and banana smoothie, but the blueberry-pineapple one is the bomb! It’s like an explosion of flavor on your taste buds, it’s great.”
Giggling at his excitement, you tell him to surprise you.
Arriving at the smoothie coffee shop/library, you both get in line and patiently wait your turn.
You take in the area around you: the charm of the dark, cherry wood surrounding the entire building. The antique, yet rustic feel of it.  From the chairs to the shelves overfilled with an abundance of books, you could see why Peter loved this place. It was quiet and peaceful, and in a way, like the library at your guys’ school.
Turning your attention back to Peter, you realize he’s already gazing at you, a small smile on his thin lips.
You blush and look away quickly, only to be startled by the barista patiently waiting for your order. Peter takes care of it and you both pull off to the side to wait for your drinks in silence.
In all honesty, you both enjoy these silent moments, especially because Peter knows you’re observing your surroundings, which he sees you do all the time around school. He loves that these moments of silence don’t feel awkward or unnecessary. It’s moments like these that he can really take you in and discover something about you he’s never noticed before.
His thoughts are interrupted as his name is called letting you know your drinks are ready. Once you both retrieve the drinks, Peter urges you to take a sip.
“Holy shit, this is really good, Peter!” you exclaim quietly, only to cover your mouth at your phrasing.
“Right?! I think they’re the best I’ve had,” he dismays, adding, “… just don’t tell Aunt May that. She would have my head.”
You giggle, giving him a nod.
Going up a few staircases, you didn’t realize how big this place actually was. Peter led you to a corner of the top floor, where it was surrounded by bookshelves reaching to the tops of the ceiling. It was amazing, to say the least, and by the expression on your face, Peter knew he chose this place right.
After picking a spot in the corner of the room, you both set your bags down and pull out some homework. He knew you were avoiding the conversation, so he was going to wait a little before pressing it.
You, on the other hand, knew that Peter was anxious to figure out what was wrong with you. You weren’t ready. So, you instead decided that working on school work would quickly pass the time. However, you were wrong.
An hour or two passed and you had finished your homework just a few minutes ago. Taking a glance at Peter, you see him nose deep in his calculus book, eyebrows furrowing in concentration. Before you made it weird staring too long or accidentally catching his eye, you decided to wander around and see what books they carried.
“H-hey, I’m going to go browse around for a bit.”
Peter lifted his head out of concentration to look towards you, “oh, okay! I’ll be here if you need me,” he smiled.
Once you left Peter’s sight, you grazed your hands against the immense amount of books surrounding you on each side. The smell of old books inflamed your senses, causing you to let out a content sigh. You were beyond excited that Peter showed you this place. This will be one of your happy places for sure.
As you were passing through the different sections on the level, you were hit with a genius thought. Why don’t you try and look through these books to see if any of them address your current situation. Your icicle hands situation.
I’m a genius! And it only took me 2 hours.
You thought with a roll of your eyes.
Surprisingly, you found the fiction section easily. You knew you wanted something regarding superheros, but that wasn’t something most authors wrote about. It took you a little bit of digging to find cheesy kid books discussing superheros like the Avengers and X-Men, but that was it. You weren’t expecting much anyways, but kept looking in hopes of finding something out.
Maybe the internet is my only hope… Even then it doesn’t give me what I want. Ugh, this is a disaster.
As you started to reach for another book, a shot of pain coursed through your hand, causing you to drop the book and clutch your hand in agony. It wasn’t as painful as the first one you experienced, but it was pretty damn close.
Oh no… This better not be happening again! I cannot let Peter see me like thi-
Your thoughts were interrupted by another wave of pain, this time shooting through both hands. Taking a glance you see them change into a numb looking white color, indicating the presence of ice forming at the tips of your fingers.
You let out a small whimper, the pain increasing every time you clench your hands shut. Bending down on the floor, you press your back against the bookshelf, gripping your hands and closing your eyes tightly, mentally trying to shut the world around you out.
The pain you suffered through was unbearable sometimes and you just wanted it all to stop. You weren’t ready for something like this and you know you never will be. Peter is way more competent than you are. He’s fucking Spiderman for Christ’s sake!
You didn’t think you’d gain any attention, but Peter was over there as soon as he heard that whimper escape from your mouth. He didn’t see you at first since your body was behind a desk, but he saw a shadow on the floor and immediately booked it over there.
Tears slowly formed the brim of your eyes, not daring to escape as Peter worriedly approach your aching form.
“Y/N? W-What’s wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?”
You stiffen at his questions, tightening your closed eyes even more.
“Y/N, ple-please. What’s wrong? I-I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on,” Peter panics.
“It hurts, P-Peter,” you shake, releasing your grip on your hands.
He takes a glance at your frosty, white hands and suddenly realizes the predicament.
He needed to get you out of here, now.
Cautiously picking you up, he quickly gets back to your table and packs up both of your guys’ things. Once he zipped the last pocket on his bag, he carefully placed yours on your back and snaked his arm around your waist to guide you out.
Peter only lived a few minutes away from the cafe library, so he knew his place was the only option at the moment. He prayed May would still be out working, especially since he’s never brought you over before. Or any girl for that matter…
After maneuvering through the crowded streets of Queens, Peter finally arrived at his apartment, your shaking figure still pressed against his side. May must’ve still been at work because the apartment was dead silent, which Peter was more than happy about. Opening the door to his bedroom, Peter led you to the bottom bunk of his bed, helping you lie down and pulling the covers to the tip of your chin.
Peter’s face laced with confusion and worry as he took in your shaken form more prominently. He doesn’t know what to do, especially since he has no damn clue what is going on with you!
Hearing you rub your hands together for what seemed like warmth, Peter ceases your movement with his own hands on top of yours. In that moment, the pain started to subside, no matter how cheesy and ridiculous it sounded. Peter’s warm, soft, lanky hands engulfed your own, not leaving any inch uncovered. As your shaking came to a reasonable halt, Peter lifted his hand off your own to move the hair out of your face, causing you to heat up in embarrassment over what just occurred within the last few minutes.
Slowly sitting up, you avert his gaze.
“I… I-I… fuck,” you quietly stutter.
You feel the bed dip, noticing Peter has joined you.
His hands return on the tops of yours.
“It’s okay.”
You give him a weary smile as you mumble out an apology.
“C’mon now, there’s no reason to apologize, alright? I just want to make sure you’re okay. D-Do you need anything? Water? Food? A hug…?”
“P-Please don’t go,” you mumbled, squeezing his hands in your own.
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere, okay? I’m right here,” he cooed, “plus, this is sort of my room, but y’kno- yep, nope, not a joking matter right now… got it.”
Inching closer, Peter wraps his arms around your form, pulling you comfortably into his lap. You could feel the rapid beating of his heart, and he knew it too.
Peter continued to hold you for another hour or so before you started squirming in his hold. As much as you loved being in his warm grasp, you weren’t used to this much of affection since, well, ever really. All the hand holding, hugging, and touching was overwhelming you a bit more than the problem with your hands. Most of your family knew your boundaries, but you never had  discussed it with Peter before.
He seemed to sense your uncomfortableness and carefully lifted you off his lap onto the bedside next to him.
Feeling self-conscious, you pretend to pick at something on his comforter. After a couple minutes of silence, you decide it’s time to talk about the shit load of events that have occurred in the past few hours. You’re probably worrying him. No, you know you are and it’s causing your insides to tie in knots.
Covering your face with your cold hands, you mumble against your palms, “you probably think I’m a freak, huh.”
Your statement leaves Peter perplexed. He cannot believe you said something like that. Lifting your hands off your face, he moves your chin up to look at him in the eyes.
“Y/N, why would you say something like that? You are not a freak, okay? Hell, I must be a freak then too! I got bit by a spider and now I can climb walls and swing around the city with webs! Like, how fucking weird is that?! You’re not alone in this, Y/N and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to prove to you that you are not a freak. Even if it takes forever, you are worth every single second,” Peter explains, softly kissing your now cherry red cheek.
“God, I don’t deserve you, Peter. I-I’m such a mess.”
You knew you shouldn’t of said that, but you couldn’t help it. You didn’t deserve him. You’ve probably worried him beyond belief. Ignoring him wasn’t the brightest thing to do and you knew that, but you just never wanted to approach the problem head on and cause his anxiety levels to plummet through the roof, even though they did.
You hear Peter laugh, which gains your attention.
Why is he laughing?
“Y/N, you’ve got it all wrong… I don’t deserve you. Trust me, you aren’t the only one that’s a mess. I’m surprised I was even able to talk to you in the first place! Ned kept nagging me every fucking day. Man, I’m happy he did though, or else I would’ve never had this moment or any other moment with you. I know you’re afraid to tell me what’s wrong, but I’m here to let you know I will never judge or criticize you, okay? These powers, or whatever they are, don’t have to control you. You are the only one that has the power to decide that.”
“I-I know that, Peter. You deserve to know, though. I-I’ve been dragging this out for too long a-and I don’t know how much more I can take,” you admitted taking a sharp intake of air.
Peter gave you a simple nod, urging you to continue.
“L-Let me start from the beginning, I guess. Uh, do you remember that day you bumped into me and my books went everywhere? A-And you commented on my cold hands? Well, uh that morning was when I knew something wasn’t right with me. I-I was walking home that day and out of nowhere this unbearable pain shot through m-my hands and I couldn’t control it… I-I didn’t know what to do. I went into the alley to avoid people looking at me like I was crazy, b-but that’s w-when it happened,” your voice getting the best of you.
Peter notices and rubs your arm for comfort.
“Take your time, Y/N. There is no rush, okay? You can do this, it’s just me.”
You nod, closing you eyes. After letting out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, you continued.
“S-So the pain started to get worse and out of nowhere… uh, ice spewed out of my palms? I-I sprinted home after that a-and tried to look up anything I could regarding ‘ice powers’ I guess and all that I could find was something about Cyrokinesis? Y’know, like creating ice by manipulating molecules of matter? Oh and don’t forget that incident with the gross pervert a-and Spiderma- well, you… I-I don’t know, Peter. I don’t understand it all. I mean, I-I guess I was always cold as a child, but how the fuck is this a useful ability?!” you exclaimed, pulling lightly at your hair.
“Hey, hey Y/N, listen. That’s so awesome! Imagine all the stuff you could do! Make melted ice cream frozen again, snow days, freeze people?! Okay, well maybe not the last one, but still, just think about it.” Peter pleaded.
You sighed taking in his words.
“If you want, uh I could have you meet Mr. Stark? He might know what to do more than me, y’know? Him being Iron Man and like the head honcho of the Avengers and all…”
“I-I don’t know about that,” you nervously laughed. “I-I mean, I don’t know if I’m ready f-for something like that, Peter. I don’t really even know w-what this is!”
“Well, maybe he will, Y/N. Either him or Dr. Banner will. Trust me, please? I will be right there with you every step,” Peter sympathized, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“You promise?” you questioned with worried eyes.
“I promise.” 
To be continued…
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bittersweetfacade · 7 years
Lack of Oxygen
Lack of oxygen. That's what my smartass friend always told me was why I yawned so much. But in reality it was because I was so damn tired all the time. That didn't matter though because like every morning my annoying ass alarm clock went off at 7 o clock blaring terrible country music so I'll have to wake up and change the station. I roll over to get out of bed and fall straight on my back. With a loud groan I get up and hit my radio a couple times till it switches to some alternative station that always plays Pearl Jam. I had about 30 minutes to get around for school which wasn't really enough time for me but I'm always late anyway. I down a cup of cold coffee that I never got to drink from yesterday and cringe at the bitter taste. I finally emerge from my bedroom and head across the hall to my bathroom. I check out myself in the mirror and almost laugh at the sight of my hair. It was standing on end but I was too lazy to fix it so I went with the look. I mean it was the punk way. I take my time cleaning each one of my facial piercings. From my eyebrow to my nose to both my lip piercings. I do all the other necessary things that just about every boy does in the morning from brushing my teeth to shaving my face only I leave some stubble because that's what the ladies like. I head over to my room and pick up a pair of probably dirty black jeans with many holes in them and random band tee from my drawer. I run downstairs and grab my boots and not bother saying good by to my mom because she's already out drinking at the bars anyway. It's 7:10 by the time I get to school and school started at 7. I hop out of my truck and take my time walking to my first period class because it's math and no one likes math. "You're late Castiel!" Mr. Singer tells me. "Please Bobby call me Cas," I say smirking at him. "Also it's because I needed a coffee or I wasn't going to make it through your class" Mr. Singer stifles a laugh and returns to teaching his lessons. About half way through the lesson a boy and our principal walks in. Holy shit from all the way back here I could see the boys fan fiction green eyes. (Yes I read fanfics, sue me). Our principal said something about there being a new student and his name which I didn't catch because I was too busy having a staring contest with the new boy. "You can sit behind Castiel, Castiel raise your hand" Mr Singer said. The boy and I broke eye contact and I raised my hand, smirking. I saw the boy blush noticeably. He came and sat next to me and immediately faces forward. I turn around in my seat and obviously look him up and down and finally lean forward to talk to him. "What's your name kid?" I ask. "Oh um..me?" The boy asks. "Yes you" "Oh um... I'm D..D..Dean" Dean stuttered. Internally scolding himself for stuttering in front of the punk boy. Right before I turned about in his seat I said a quick "welcome to Stone Ridge High school Deano". Dean blushed and said a quick thanks not sure if I was being sarcastic or was actually being welcoming. Either way he couldn't help but stare at me and all my persona. Dean took in me, the punk boy from my blue tipped hair to my facial piercings to my nirvana shirt all the way down to my Doc Marten boots. I knew Dean was staring but decided to let him. The bell rang and rang and rang time and time again as school went on slow and monotonous like always. Then finally it was last period. Gym. Dreadful gym. It wasn't that I was lazy I just hated how all the dumbass jocks showed off all their "skills". Today the class was outside playing rugby. Skins and shirts were the two teams and of course the coach always made the weird scrawny kids skins and made rude comments to them telling them to "buff up". While I was tuning out all the rules I heard my name being called by the coach and then the word "skins" following it. I smirked and noticed that Dean was in my class and also staring at me almost in anticipation. I shed my shirt and threw it somewhere in the opposite direction. I could hear muffled gasps as all my tattoos were out in the open. I spread my arms out in the "look at me world" way and did a little spin so everyone could see the art that decorated my body. I turned back around and saw Dean eyeing me up and down and then when he met my eyes again he blushed a bright red. "Alright Castiel you can stop the show, you're lucky that Principal Roman doesn't know about that "art", Coach says to me. The thing about our school is that it's a public school but everyone acts like it's a private catholic school minus the uniforms but Dean made it seem like we had uniforms with his slacks and fucking sweater vest. --- I was walking to my truck after school when I noticed a beautiful 67' chevy impala in the high school parking lot. After I noticed the car I noticed a nice ass hanging out of the backseat of the car. The person must of been putting a bag in the back or something. I walked around to the other side of the car and noticed it was Dean. "Hello Dean" I say to him. "Holy shit!" Dean said hitting his head on the roof of the car. "Weren't expecting me huh?" I ask, smirking. "Um uh not really. What are you doing? Like uh talking to me I um mean?" Dean asks getting flustered. "I noticed your beautiful car and then saw your beautiful ass hanging out of it and thought I would come give a nice Stone Ridge High School hello" I feign excitement. Dean blushed a darker red lost for words. "Also I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and I could tell you the ups and downs of this high school and show you some cool music" I state firmly not really letting him give me a no. "Um I uh g..g..guess. Let me just tell my little brother to d..d..drive home himself" Dean says in return. "Alright sweet, my truck is this way" I say, pointing in the opposite direction. Dean followed me to my car and the whole car ride I could feel his nervous stare on me. "You like you stare huh?" I ask. "W..what?" Dean responds not realizing that Castiel could see him. "You heard me. We have almost every class together and I can just feel you eyeballing me all fucking day dude. Like I know I'm attractive but damn I don't have that much to look at. Okay sorry that came off as rude but I just want to know why you've been looking at me all day, especially at gym" I say. "I like your wings". Dean states "My what?" I ask. "Your wings, on your back. I like all your tattoos actually. They are very unique. I really like the bee though with the Morse code underneath it." Dean says calmly and without stuttering almost like he wasn't thinking before he spoke. "Thanks, the wings aren't finished yet though, but I'm getting them finished soon." I say back. "Here we are. The Novak residence." Dean and I walked inside and I didn't even bother apologizing for the mess of beer bottles and clothes because it wasn't my fault that my dumbass mom was an alcoholic. "Follow me" I shoot behind me as I walk up the stairs to my bedroom. My room was fairly clean. There was just yesterday's clothes on the floor and some records strewn on my unmade bed. My room was probably scary as hell to Dean with the posters of punk bands on my wall and my black walls and all dark room other than the light from my window streaming in. "Welcome to my sanctuary" I say to dean, winking. Dean looked away but before he could I noticed a bright red blush appear across his freckled face. "You know," I say taking a step closer to Dean "you blush a lot for being an 18 year old dude but I'll let it slide because you just look so damn adorable when you get all flustered around me" I say taking another step closer to him. I took a few more steps until I'm practically on top on of Dean. I make him think I'm leaning in for a kiss but I reach around him and grab my pack of cigarettes. I grabbed a cig out of the pack and put it snugly between my lips and searched around for a lighter. After I found one and lit the cancer stick Dean spoke up. "You smoke?" Dean asked without the tiniest bit of disgust in his voice. "Yeah" I said shrugging it off like smoking was not something that would give me lung cancer. "I've always wanted to try but I never had the opportunity" Dean said bluntly. I was taken back a bit. This little nerd wants to try smoking this stupid little tobacco stick. "You wanna try?" I asked "Yeah but I'm afraid I'll cough and you'll make fun of me" Dean said without thinking. "You can just shot gun it then" I said not realizing that I was talking to the super nerdy boy who probably is still hasn't had his first kiss. "What's that?" Dean asks. "It's when I take a hit of the cig or blunt and then blow it into your mouth" I say Dean turns bright red thinking about our mouths being that close. "Um uh yeah okay" Dean finally says "Alright then!" I say clapping my hands together. I take a long hit of my cigarette and hold it in while I grab the collar of Dean's button up. I take my hand and pull his chin down so he knows to open his mouth. I put my hand on the back of his neck and I can feel him shiver as I pull him closer and closer till our lips are millimeters apart. I exhale and slightly blow the smoke into the nerdy boy's mouth. Dean closes his eyes and takes in the smoke carefully almost as if he doesn't want to hurt it. Just looking at him like this makes my heart and my stomach do this weird thing, almost as if feelings were rising up in me. Dean mutters a "woah" but before he can open his eyes I grab him closer and close the gap between our lips and kiss him roughly. It starts out sloppy and slowly begins to become more caring and soft. We finally pull away to catch our breaths and I swear I couldn't breath. Some may say I had a lack of oxygen.
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Lack of Oxygen
Lack of oxygen. That's what my smartass friend always told me was why I yawned so much. But in reality it was because I was so damn tired all the time. That didn't matter though because like every morning my annoying ass alarm clock went off at 7 o clock blaring terrible country music so I'll have to wake up and change the station. I roll over to get out of bed and fall straight on my back. With a loud groan I get up and hit my radio a couple times till it switches to some alternative station that always plays Pearl Jam. I had about 30 minutes to get around for school which wasn't really enough time for me but I'm always late anyway. I down a cup of cold coffee that I never got to drink from yesterday and cringe at the bitter taste. I finally emerge from my bedroom and head across the hall to my bathroom. I check out myself in the mirror and almost laugh at the sight of my hair. It was standing on end but I was too lazy to fix it so I went with the look. I mean it was the punk way. I take my time cleaning each one of my facial piercings. From my eyebrow to my nose to both my lip piercings. I do all the other necessary things that just about every boy does in the morning from brushing my teeth to shaving my face only I leave some stubble because that's what the ladies like. I head over to my room and pick up a pair of probably dirty black jeans with many holes in them and random band tee from my drawer. I run downstairs and grab my boots and not bother saying good by to my mom because she's already out drinking at the bars anyway. It's 7:10 by the time I get to school and school started at 7. I hop out of my truck and take my time walking to my first period class because it's math and no one likes math. "You're late Castiel!" Mr. Singer tells me. "Please Bobby call me Cas," I say smirking at him. "Also it's because I needed a coffee or I wasn't going to make it through your class" Mr. Singer stifles a laugh and returns to teaching his lessons. About half way through the lesson a boy and our principal walks in. Holy shit from all the way back here I could see the boys fan fiction green eyes. (Yes I read fanfics, sue me). Our principal said something about there being a new student and his name which I didn't catch because I was too busy having a staring contest with the new boy. "You can sit behind Castiel, Castiel raise your hand" Mr Singer said. The boy and I broke eye contact and I raised my hand, smirking. I saw the boy blush noticeably. He came and sat next to me and immediately faces forward. I turn around in my seat and obviously look him up and down and finally lean forward to talk to him. "What's your name kid?" I ask. "Oh um..me?" The boy asks. "Yes you" "Oh um... I'm D..D..Dean" Dean stuttered. Internally scolding himself for stuttering in front of the punk boy. Right before I turned about in his seat I said a quick "welcome to Stone Ridge High school Deano". Dean blushed and said a quick thanks not sure if I was being sarcastic or was actually being welcoming. Either way he couldn't help but stare at me and all my persona. Dean took in me, the punk boy from my blue tipped hair to my facial piercings to my nirvana shirt all the way down to my Doc Marten boots. I knew Dean was staring but decided to let him. The bell rang and rang and rang time and time again as school went on slow and monotonous like always. Then finally it was last period. Gym. Dreadful gym. It wasn't that I was lazy I just hated how all the dumbass jocks showed off all their "skills". Today the class was outside playing rugby. Skins and shirts were the two teams and of course the coach always made the weird scrawny kids skins and made rude comments to them telling them to "buff up". While I was tuning out all the rules I heard my name being called by the coach and then the word "skins" following it. I smirked and noticed that Dean was in my class and also staring at me almost in anticipation. I shed my shirt and threw it somewhere in the opposite direction. I could hear muffled gasps as all my tattoos were out in the open. I spread my arms out in the "look at me world" way and did a little spin so everyone could see the art that decorated my body. I turned back around and saw Dean eyeing me up and down and then when he met my eyes again he blushed a bright red. "Alright Castiel you can stop the show, you're lucky that Principal Roman doesn't know about that "art", Coach says to me. The thing about our school is that it's a public school but everyone acts like it's a private catholic school minus the uniforms but Dean made it seem like we had uniforms with his slacks and fucking sweater vest. --- I was walking to my truck after school when I noticed a beautiful 67' chevy impala in the high school parking lot. After I noticed the car I noticed a nice ass hanging out of the backseat of the car. The person must of been putting a bag in the back or something. I walked around to the other side of the car and noticed it was Dean. "Hello Dean" I say to him. "Holy shit!" Dean said hitting his head on the roof of the car. "Weren't expecting me huh?" I ask, smirking. "Um uh not really. What are you doing? Like uh talking to me I um mean?" Dean asks getting flustered. "I noticed your beautiful car and then saw your beautiful ass hanging out of it and thought I would come give a nice Stone Ridge High School hello" I feign excitement. Dean blushed a darker red lost for words. "Also I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and I could tell you the ups and downs of this high school and show you some cool music" I state firmly not really letting him give me a no. "Um I uh g..g..guess. Let me just tell my little brother to d..d..drive home himself" Dean says in return. "Alright sweet, my truck is this way" I say, pointing in the opposite direction. Dean followed me to my car and the whole car ride I could feel his nervous stare on me. "You like you stare huh?" I ask. "W..what?" Dean responds not realizing that Castiel could see him. "You heard me. We have almost every class together and I can just feel you eyeballing me all fucking day dude. Like I know I'm attractive but damn I don't have that much to look at. Okay sorry that came off as rude but I just want to know why you've been looking at me all day, especially at gym" I say. "I like your wings". Dean states "My what?" I ask. "Your wings, on your back. I like all your tattoos actually. They are very unique. I really like the bee though with the Morse code underneath it." Dean says calmly and without stuttering almost like he wasn't thinking before he spoke. "Thanks, the wings aren't finished yet though, but I'm getting them finished soon." I say back. "Here we are. The Novak residence." Dean and I walked inside and I didn't even bother apologizing for the mess of beer bottles and clothes because it wasn't my fault that my dumbass mom was an alcoholic. "Follow me" I shoot behind me as I walk up the stairs to my bedroom. My room was fairly clean. There was just yesterday's clothes on the floor and some records strewn on my unmade bed. My room was probably scary as hell to Dean with the posters of punk bands on my wall and my black walls and all dark room other than the light from my window streaming in. "Welcome to my sanctuary" I say to dean, winking. Dean looked away but before he could I noticed a bright red blush appear across his freckled face. "You know," I say taking a step closer to Dean "you blush a lot for being an 18 year old dude but I'll let it slide because you just look so damn adorable when you get all flustered around me" I say taking another step closer to him. I took a few more steps until I'm practically on top on of Dean. I make him think I'm leaning in for a kiss but I reach around him and grab my pack of cigarettes. I grabbed a cig out of the pack and put it snugly between my lips and searched around for a lighter. After I found one and lit the cancer stick Dean spoke up. "You smoke?" Dean asked without the tiniest bit of disgust in his voice. "Yeah" I said shrugging it off like smoking was not something that would give me lung cancer. "I've always wanted to try but I never had the opportunity" Dean said bluntly. I was taken back a bit. This little nerd wants to try smoking this stupid little tobacco stick. "You wanna try?" I asked "Yeah but I'm afraid I'll cough and you'll make fun of me" Dean said without thinking. "You can just shot gun it then" I said not realizing that I was talking to the super nerdy boy who probably is still hasn't had his first kiss. "What's that?" Dean asks. "It's when I take a hit of the cig of blunt and then blow it into your mouth" I say Dean turns bright red thinking about our mouths being that close. "Um uh yeah okay" Dean finally says "Alright then!" I say clapping my hands together. I take a long hit of my cigarette and hold it in while I grab the collar of Dean's button up. I take my hand and pull his chin down so he knows to open his mouth. I put my hand on the back of his neck and I can feel him shiver as I pull him closer and closer till our lips are millimeters apart. I exhale and slightly blow the smoke into the nerdy boy's mouth. Dean closes his eyes and takes in the smoke carefully almost as if he doesn't want to hurt it. Just looking at him like this makes my heart and my stomach do this weird thing, almost as if feelings were rising up in me. Dean mutters a "woah" but before he can open his eyes I grab him closer and close the gap between our lips and kiss him roughly. It starts out sloppy and slowly begins to become more caring and soft. We finally pull away to catch our breaths and I swear I couldn't breath. Some may say I had a lack of oxygen.
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An Image From Last Night
~a noragami one-shot~
summary: it’s been days since hiyori has visited yato and yukine. one night, yato secretly decides to pay her a visit and stalk her. a one-shot exploring yato’s deepening feelings for hiyori and his thoughts on being with her.
genre: fluff, romance
*inspired by viria’s artwork of yato and hiyori on twitter*
In the attic of the home of Kofuku, a cute and seemingly little girl also known as the goddess of poverty, and her shinki, Daikoku, Yato and Yukine were busy with each other’s lives, minding their own businesses. Yukine was focused on his homework prepared by Hiyori, for it’s been weeks since he’s put off doing it to accompany and help out his master in his “jobs”. He would look at Yato’s direction every now and then just to make sure he wasn’t planning to cause trouble as he usually would. He seemed to be caught up in his phone looking at something. No, he wasn’t just looking at it - he was practically staring at it so much he was starting to drool.
“Yato, will you excuse yourself? You’re drooling again,” Yukine uttered in disgust, as if he wasn’t already used to it.
Yato, who seemed to be in a spell, could only murmur, “... Eh?”
Yukine simply rolled his eyes. “Honestly, Yato. You’ve been on your phone way too often nowadays.”
“Nyah, what’s it to ya?” Yato turned his back on Yukine.
Yukine, knowing his master all too well, knew just what to say in order to get his attention. “You know, I saw Hiyori yesterday.”
Then, in a span of seconds, the god ran to his side and gawked at him with widened eyes and blushing cheeks. “You did?”
Yukine nodded. “Mhm. She looks alright. Says she passed her exams. Looks like she won’t be failing any of her classes.”
Yato sighed in relief. He had this sad look in his eyes, just as how a child would react when he misses his mother.
“She hasn’t answered my calls nor replied to my texts. She hasn’t even visited us for weeks or even months now!” Yato whined. “It’s been so long I’ve lost count!”
“It’s only been three days.”
“Give Hiyori a break. It was her finals week, after all.”
But Yato, being Yato, had something else in mind. Grabbing his jacket which was messily laid on the floor, he opened up the window and jumped out to the trees.
“Oi oi, where do you think you’re going?” Yukine shouted. “It’s the middle of the night and there aren’t any phantoms around!”
“Yukine,” Yato uttered in such a serious tone that it made Yukine flinch. “Whatever you do, don’t follow me. If they ask, say I went to the store or something.”
And with that, he leapt away, leaving a dumbfounded Yukine alone in their attic.
Hearing some sort of commotion, Kofuku entered the room to check up on them. Finding no Yato anywhere, she asked, “Did Yato-chan run off on his own again?”
Yukine could only let out a sigh as he had an idea where his master was going, but decided to let him be.
“Ah, yeah. He’s... visiting a friend,” answered Yukine, making the goddess even more curious and a bit confused.
Yato knew he’d be in big trouble if he were found out, but he didn’t care anymore. Besides, it wasn’t like he hasn’t already done it before.
Back then, he only thought of Hiyori as a dear friend, that’s all. She would save their asses over and over again, so it was only natural that they would have formed a bond with one another.
But these days, the feeling’s been different. Yato could feel something else, like a feeling he wasn’t quite sure of. He’s never felt it before to realize what it was, nor has he ever felt it because he believed that he should never feel that way at all. But one thing was for sure: Yato would do anything it takes to see Hiyori, no matter the cost.
Standing in a branch of the tree that stood right next to the Iki residence, he had a perfect view of Hiyori’s pitch black bedroom. She was fast asleep, whereas Yato was, well, being the usual stalker that he was with Hiyori.
Slowly, he opened the bedroom window, silently sneaking in so she wouldn’t bolt awake and use Jungle Savate on him as she calls him a pervert. He made his way to the bed where a quiet Hiyori laid peacefully in deep sleep. Yato slowly lifted the bed sheets and laid down right next to her.
He looked at Hiyori with longing eyes, an expression he would make only for her. She was snoring, but it was the cute kind of snoring - to Yato, at least. Of course, he wouldn’t be this nice, sweet, and all giddy when she’s awake, because what then would happen if she were to realize his feelings?
Seeing her free hand laying on top of her pillow, he reached in to gently hold it and use it to caress his cheeks. How he longed for Hiyori’s affection and her touch. Unfortunately, even he knew it was too much to ask.
It was Tenjin himself who told him to cut his ties with Hiyori. But he was surprised - and extremely glad - to find out that she didn’t want that and would rather stay with them longer. If only she knew how happy he felt when she said those words.
So it was true: Yato truly loved Hiyori, but he knew the consequences all too well should he decide to act on his emotions. There was also this huge possibility that she might forget about them sooner or later. For his and Yukine’s sake, he’d rather stay this way than risk everything, only to lose it all in the end.
Just as he was about to stand up from the bed, a hand grabbed him by the back in his jacket. Turning back, he saw that Hiyori was still asleep, but her hand was clutching Yato, as if begging for him to stay longer.
Yato couldn’t breathe. It was enough that he might get caught and she’d leave another nasty mark on his face and be teased by the three at home, but the thought of Hiyori wanting him... It made him feel all weird inside, like having butterflies in his stomach but worse because every drop of blood inside of him went straight up to his head that he felt like bursting. He knew it was only kidding himself, but the thought of it made him blush nonetheless.
He stayed quiet, not moving nor making a sound. Suddenly, he felt her coming in closer, to the point that their bodies stuck together. She lifted her whole arm and placed it on top of his chest. He tried so hard not to make his heart pump so loudly.
Just as when Yato thought she was done moving, she placed her head on his chest, and smiled. “Yato...”
Why is she mumbling my name in her sleep? As if Yato couldn’t breathe any less, his cheeks had now become as red as a cherry. He still wasn’t moving, but he was looking at Hiyori and listened to her mumbles carefully, as she sounded like she was still murmuring something in her sleep.
Hiyori took a huge, deep breath, and as she exhaled, she murmured, “I... love... you, Ya...to...”
The next thing Yato knew, he was back in Kofuku’s attic with Yukine sleeping on the mattress next to his. He could only guess what happened to him, but he didn’t bother filling it in with the details. The fact that he woke up with red, wet, and puffy eyes and that the sleeves of his jacket were wet as though it was used to wipe something were enough for him to remember.
“I... love... you, Ya...to...”
The image of Hiyori kept playing back in his mind. Yukine noticed how his master looked like he was in a daze all day, looking far off into space. Even when he insulted him, he didn’t budge. It wasn’t like Yato to pass the opportunity to tease his shinki, making Yukine worried, wondering what might have happened last night for him to become like this.
Turns out, it only had to take the voice of Hiyori to knock him back to reality.
“Yato! Yato!”
Blinking furiously and regaining his consciousness, he stared at the angel that was standing in front of him.
“Hm?” Hiyori started to look concerned. “Something’s not right. Usually you’d go, ‘Oi, Hiyori! Did you bring me any snacks?’” She said, copying his usual movements to mock him.
She leaned in closer to him, making his cheeks red, “Did something happen last night?”
Yato tried to move, but he couldn’t.
“I... love... you, Ya...to...”
All of a sudden, Yato jumped, remembering the image of Hiyori from last night. He ran off to the other side of the room near the window to cover his expression.
“W-What? No, o-of course not! What are you talking about? I, uh, I was asleep here like always! Right, Yuki?” He was stuttering so much he tried to laugh it off in an awkward manner.
Yukine only looked at him with the same frustrated face, yet Hiyori looked genuinely worried.
“Well, well! Time to look for more jobs, eh? I’ll see you later, Hiyori!”
Just as he was about to jump out the window, Hiyori uttered, “Uhm, hey... Yato...”
Yato paused for a moment, then looked back at her. She looked like she was blushing as her cheeks were red, although not as red as Yato’s. She wanted to say something, it seemed, and yet she couldn’t form the right words.
Then she laughed in the same awkward manner as Yato.
“Ah - haha, never mind. It’s nothing,” she said, scratching her head.
As much as Yato wanted to hang out with Hiyori and Yukine longer, he just couldn’t look at Hiyori’s eyes without remembering the image from last night. Whether or not what she said was real, Yato knew he couldn’t and shouldn’t think about having that kind of future with her, knowing he would simply bring her down with him. He was nothing but an unknown god, anyway.
What’s worse is, she was going to grow older and, in time, would forget about them. About him.
“W-Well, I’m off!” Without another word, he leapt out the window through the trees and flew into the sky.
It’s better off this way, Yato thought as he jumped from roof to roof, feeling the air brush in his cheeks and wet, puffy eyes.
Forgive me, Hiyori.
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intothespideyverses · 7 years
what I imagine going down next season (as a result of everything that happened in sesson 3) warning for discussion of suicide/self-harm:
-ok since the whole sex subplot was never really resolved (they SAID they talked but we didnt see shit so) I think this would be a good time to introduce ace!Shay. Now another part of me would also like for shiny to have sex just so esme could stop fucking with m'daughter's head but shay seemed way too opposed to the idea of sex in general (and not in a nervous way, but in a "why would I ever have sex?" kinda way). And maybe once Shay's comfortable with being ace she can just deck esme right in the nose idc idc idc she had it coming! Fuck a $230 skirt bih! Tiny would be weirded out and probably disappointed at first but bc he’s literally the perfect bf he'd come around eventually. Hopefully they could highlight that there are ways to be intimate in a relationship w/o having sex. I just want shiny happiness and for people (lola up until she apologized, esme) to stop going out of their way to make shay feel so insecure and then getting mad at her when she reacts to their bs.
-speaking of which as much as I hate to see her miserable I think shay needs an angsty storyline. She solves her problems so quickly and efficiently, we never even see the emotions she must be going through. i don’t think her being ace would cause her too much stress, she'd do her research for a bit, have a fight with tiny about it (maybe even suggest to keep the relationship open, which would offend tiny) but other than that the real source of angst would come from esme. lets say esme finds out, y’all already know she would never let shay hear the end of it. that, on top of esme being EVERYWHERE and the two of them competing to be both the smartest and most athletic girl in school, would probably really get to shay's psyche. maybe esme goes too far one day, and shay just says fuck it and throws hands?? or maybe she breaks her phone?? idk something rly impulsive bc shay doesn't normally make impulsive decisions. of course esme makes shay out to be the irrational one and shay tries to quit the track team, her grades start slipping, etc etc. esme gets bored without having someone to compete against, or maybe she notices the change in shay's demeanor (and bc of maya’s suicide attempt and her mom) is afraid she pushed shay over the edge. they talk after class one day, esme still being bitchy but by the end a little teary eyed. I think their talk would be reminiscent of anya and holly j in season 8?? 9?? where anya was all like "why are you so mean to me" and hj's like "bc u let me bitch :)" so esme CLEARLY isn't gonna take any real responsibility for bullying shay but shay decides that shes NOT gonna be the bigger person for once. Idk how this would end but I definitely want shay to be more confident by the end, and for esme to learn when to stand down.
-Tiny's line about shay just seeing him as a "good nerd boy" rly stuck out to me. How much does shay know about tiny's past?? This definitely has to be brought up at some point, and I really thought the show would've mentioned that but w/e. Shay probably knows SOMETHING about the gang stuff but not how far it goes, or his family, etc. Tiny has an image that he keeps from everyone else but saves only for shay, which is adorable (they have boggle ((is that like scrabble???)) dates...need me a freak like that) but at some point shays gonna have to see the rest of him. Tiny is tired of shay assuming so much about his intentions too. That and shay not wanting sex period will (in my vision for s4) definitely be the biggest conflicts for shiny, but they'll work through them quickly bc unlike every other couple on this show they actually know how to communicate :)
-also how does tiny feel about the crash?? he looked all the way fucked up when they rushed him into the hospital so...he has to have some sorta trauma from that come on now
-this is gonna be messy lol. triles and mola are two very polarizing ships so we already kno theres gonna be some mess once tristans back at school. tristan may have been all "okay w/e idc" at the play but we all know once his petty ass is able to speak he's gonna go out of his way to make lolas life living hell. its truly gonna be slutshaming for days, and lets not forget the biphobia. he wont really direct any anger at miles, except tight-lipped quickly concealed bitterness. i can already picture these scenes yall like this is literally what is gonna happen WATCH.
-miles is of course gonna still feel guilty about the whole knocking her up thing, and he rly does love her and values her friendship (their friendship was so cute) so he's gonna want to keep hanging out with her (it’ll start off with just checking up on her every now and then like craig after manny’s abortion, but it’ll grow to miles getting an actual job at lola’s, etc). tristan will be okay with this on the surface but as soon as he and lola are alone (maybe tris is @ the hollingsworth household while lolas there for frankie or hell even miles and miles leaves to get some snacks or something) tristan just lays into her!! on some "you were NOTHING to him" shit. on some "you tried to trap him with a baby" shit!! some “he never loved you, just pitied you” shit!!!! and then tris is all back to smiles the second miles comes back. lola’s on the verge of tears but keeps this to herself cause she doesnt want to start drama so soon after tristan coming back and bc she loves miles too much etc etc. miles of course eventually finds out, and he and tris have the fight of the century where it ALL comes out.
-now I just read a list of PERFECT mola headcanons (by @beach-city-mystery-girl!) that should definitely happen throughout the season! idk if triles will stay together or if mola becomes official but at some point someones gonna be all "make. a. DECISION" at miles so!!
-lola should also find value in being alone and being comfortable with herself. she and yael become genuine friends (bc she needs someone outside of frankie and shay and miles) and form a weird almost symbiotic relationship where they give each other advice on things the other lacks. baaz flips between trying to flirt with her and making insensitive comments about her abortion. lola finally sets him straight for once and for all. 
-maybe something goes down at the restaurant? idk I just started caring about lola’s existence yesterday idk how this goes
-I think frankie eventually finds out that miles and lola hooked up, idk how but she does and she’s not happy about it yikes.
-actually after just reading another great post (by tristanmiligay), a lot of tristan’s insecurities could also lie in the fact that he’s disabled now. maybe miles rly wants to get tris up on his feet again and do something FUN and EXCITING but homeboi literally just got out of a coma and can’t make it, so I can see miles asking lola to go instead (like maybe its a couples thing and he already reserved it or w/e) and that kinda sets tristan off the first time. he’ll probably try to force himself to heal faster, maybe even injuring himself further in the process? he’s gonna have a lot of self-doubt and internalized ableism like the post said :/, and all of that is gonna manifest in hate for lola. 
ZASHA/GRONAH (is that what we're calling it??) 
-okay so this section is kinda tied into the maya section and rly just centered around grace so yeah. but thats mainly bc there wont rly be any drama between zasha (except like normal preparing for college type stuff, like zoe wants to go to some rly good school far away and rasha wants to stay in toronto bc she just got there).
-zoe's pretending to be fine with getting kicked out but its absolutely destroying her on the inside. she and her mom were so close despite everything. zoe starts going thru mad identity issues bc everything about her was sculpted by her mom. if shes not in her life anymore then who is she? she keeps replaying "i love you despite who you are" in her head and its killing her. she sometimes sneaks out of grace's room at night and leaves voice messages on her moms phone (which ms. Rivas never responds to) and ends every night crying on the couch. grace grows super concerned for her but has no idea how to balance both helping maya out and helping zoe. one day at school grace tries to confront zoe about the voicemails but zoe brushes it off and says something cute like "being with rasha makes it all worth it" but grace is still like 👀.
-grace then moves on to trying to help maya but maya is sick and tired of everyone walking on eggshells around her and she tells grace shes fine and that she needs to back off, but grace knows somethings still off. later that day she spots zoe in the student council office trying to call her mom and leaving an angry voicemail, ripping mama rivas to shreds!! "you were never a good mother, a mother who cant love her own daughter shouldnt even be having kids, i hate you, go to hell" type of shit. at the last minute she realizes she doesnt mean half of that (or she does mean it but that scares her) and tries to backtrack but by then the voicemail's already been sent. zoe starts freaking out and crying again and leaves another one like "im sorry I didnt mean any of that please just let me come back. Im sorry, im sorry, im sorry" like just saying sorry over and over again, and grace finally steps in like "sorry for the voicemail or sorry for being gay?" and confronts zoe again. zoe tries to get the attention off of her by asking about maya and grace is like "she's 'fine' just like how you're 'fine'. cut the bs binch" or whatever and zoe breaks all the way down, but before grace can comfort her she sees maya and esme fighting outside the office and she runs out to stop it. zoe, now that shes alone and still crying, contemplates self harming again (im gonna end this here cause this is long enough I deadass would write this whole episode if I could)
-anyway juggling between her upcoming surgery, college apps, and two lowkey suicidal best friends, grace is stressed tf out. this is where gronah steps in lol. i dont care much about jonah but i do know hes much more interesting and likeable when he's with grace. he gives her advice and shit and they go on a bunch of golfing dates, grace maybe takes him to yoga or something, they help each other with college apps, and well gronah happens! jonah basically goes from boring to manic pixie dream boy who tries to show grace that life is worth living and blah blah yall know the drill
-rasha needs a plot outside of zoe and i think her pursuing acting could be a thing!! she goes out to casting calls but every director says something along the line of "we just...envisioned someone else for the role" or "we dont rly think you'd...fit" bc shes muslim and then the one time she gets picked up for a student film, its about a terrorist attack and rasha doesnt realize until she shows up to rehearsal. she goes off on the director (and reminds her that most terrorist attacks are domestic lol) and runs off to goldi and they talk. maybe she tries to write her own webseries (probably with the help of winston) and it becomes a hit!! maybe we could have a probably cheesy as hell famous youtuber plot (and vijay gets jealous lol) and they have some sorta subscriber war where everyones taking sides. baaz, yael, and hunter try to sabotage rasha's show and bc our girl loves scheming she hits them back even harder :).
-also maybe we find out what happens to her friend back in syria? i dont want her to have too many depressing plots so maybe her friend is okay physically but not mentally and she has to deal with that :(
-so like I already said maya's done with everyone bullshitting her and being overbearingly nice, so she starts closing herself off. this just makes everyone even more worried tho, so she forces herself back into music and her studies. grace and jonah are all over her, zig always looks guilty as fuck and treats her like a baby, miles forgot she existed but if they pass each other in the hall he'll ask how shes doing, zoe hugs her randomly one day, and esme...esmes the worst one. she starts lowkey stalking maya and its getting on her last nerve.
-she avoids saad like the plague at first, but eventually realizes that he's the only person who doesnt treat her any differently (or so she thinks). they go to the roof one day (cause that shit is never locked no matter how many suicide attempts happened up there) to talk things out, and saad completely switches gears. "what were you thinking??? why would you do that???" type of stuff. maya gets mad at him talks shit about his pictures maybe, idk. saad reminds her that its a coping mechanism after everything that happened in syria, maybe he says he once contemplated too?? idk all the ideas I have are depressing moving on
-one day maya explodes on everyone after she dissapears for a bit (umm maybe she was chosen to perform a song at a school event but, after hearing some girls talking about her suicide attempt in the bathroom, she decides to ditch) bc everyone (grace, jonah, zig, esme, zoe maybe) gang up on her to check if shes okay. she goes off, saying "none of you cared before i tried to kill myself so why care now?" and idk where I was going with this, I want maya happiness and closure but idk how to get there smh.
-uhh she finds hoot! she goes home after school and finds hoot stuffed in the back of her closet. she writes a bittersweet song and after a long talk with her mom, decides to call grace. maybe grace invites her over for a sleepover?? and zoe and maya can finally have a real conversation since The Incident too! Also grace can kinda kill 2 birds with one stone.
-I cant stand this child but shes the writers' baby so she'll get at least 5 main plots next season oh my god. My wishful thinking speaking, but maybe she'll learn its okay to be alone and finally learn to like herself! Hopefully she sees the value in sticking to the sidelines and helping her friends through their issues. Ooh, maybe she learns how to be a good ally after gorillagate and educates her brothers on why their many intolerances are wrong (lbr here, hunter probably uses "triggered" as an insult and continues to call all the refugees "scary", same with miles) BUT come on this is degrassi :) so the writers are probably gonna throw in a new male character for frankie to obsess over. Well, either a newbie or someone completely random thats already in the cast like fucking baaz or saad.
-zig and esme spend a lot of their time obsessing over maya I think, esme bc she sees her mom in maya and zig bc he feels like he made her do it. umm noah fence but i dont rly care about these two so thats all I got lol
if anyone has any specific headcanon requests I’d love some!
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