#and this is AFTER i did a default replacement for the fur and eyes so this is actually BETTER than it is in a default game
royasuka · 23 days
pets in the sims 2 are such jump scares... what the hell is this rottweiler
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shimbongulus · 2 years
Excerpt: The Turtle’s Reunion
Day 12: Gerson
(Excerpt from Chapter 6 of Flowey Comes Home - read the full version here!)
Out the door he raced, and he felt that first breeze rush through his fur. It was a wonderful feeling for a moment - it truly affirmed that his stem was no more, being replaced by a wonderful, real body of fur.
Chara and Frisk took a moment with him on the porch, as they all took in the late-afternoon wind. Royal street’s corner was lightly alive with lunch traffic, people walking about and watching.
By a raw coincidence, the ginger-haired form of Jean walked beside Gerson, coming away from Grillby’s as they walked towards Royal street when they stopped. The turtle paused a long while as he looked at Asriel, with Asriel’s eyes meeting him.
Asriel met the turtle’s gaze with the twinkle of an eye. “Gerson?” The turtle tapped his own chest with his cane for a moment, and then looked around. The human girl tugged on the turtle’s claw, “Dad? You okay?”
“Wha? No, so this ain’t a dream,” he said, looking around for a moment before his eyes stopped again on Asriel. “But, I DO believe I see an extra Dreemurr! Wahahaa~!” The turtle hobbled over the road as quick as he could, assisted by Jean. Asriel bound down the steps to meet him, though he noted that as his feet touched the grass, something unsettled him though he quietly suppressed it.
“Grampy Gerson!” called Asriel as he hugged the old turtle, who meekly returned a pat. “Heh! It really is you! Prince Fluff himself!” The turtle rustled his dull claws along Asriel’s back, scritching him through his clothes, “Ahh, old Fluffybuns and Toriel must be over the moon to have both of ya back!”
Gerson seemed to get a look of bewildered happiness for a moment, “I’d ask how this happened, but I’d reckon that’d take a lot longer to tell. You’ll have to get it to me at some point, Frisk!” Frisk nodded and turned to Jean, who seemed confused by the whole matter. “Yeah, uh… it really is a long story. I’ll have to tell both of you guys.”
Asriel quietly felt himself subconsciously digging his toes into the ground. It was only when his claws reached dirt that he recognized what he was doing.
He had defaulted into trying to root himself into the ground. It unsettled him, and he pulled his toes from the dirt as he quietly shivered. Gerson spoke, his voice more distant and shaky, “...Asriel? You okay, boy?”
Asriel’s head shot quickly up as he shuffled back towards firm ground, “Oh! Peachy! Just fine, hee hee.” Gerson sighed at something before his face righted back into a smile. “Welp, I’ll have to check if ol’ Fluffybuns hasn’t had a magical coronary after all this excitement, but Jean and I’ve gotta get back to the shop!”
Gerson shot one parting glance at Chara, “And WE will definitely hafta catch up at some point, ya little rascal! Or didya think I’d forget when you replaced my hammer with a rubber one so you and the prince here could play with it? Wahaha.”
The turtle shuffled off. At a distance, he’d initiated a conversation with Jean at what he must have thought was out of earshot. However, Asriel still had his keen hearing, whether he wanted it or not.
“Dad, what was that goat-kid’s problem? Why did he look so uncomfortable?”
“Eh, Jean, ya gotta learn sometimes - people have problems sometimes that ya can’t poke yer nose in. He’s back from the dead, he’s gotta have a screw or two loose in there…” The rest trailed off.
A screw or two loose, indeed. Asriel could feel an urge to run back inside. “Uhh…I kinda wanna go back in, Chara.” The semi-transparent child nodded, “No problem, Azzy.” The trio walked back inside.
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curligurl0896 · 3 years
So getting to read @thejakeformerlyknownasprince 's FMA AU reminded me of my own ideas for a FMA/Animorphs fic. A crossover, in this case, a Megamorphs of sorts (complete with rotating narration) because I really want an excuse to have the Animorphs interact with the characters of the FMA universe. I don't have enough ideas worked out to confidently write a whole fanfic yet, so I think I'll just share some of my ideas so that at least they don't stay inside my head forever like the vast majority of ideas that I either never finish enough to post it or just never get around to at all, especially when my brain is always generating new plot bunnies instead of focusing on developing the ones I already have, it's so distracting lol
(Also maybe y'all could give some suggestions if you wanna, I'd definitely appreciate it lol)
Anyway, here it is:
First off, the answer as to how exactly the Animorphs end up in the FMA universe: I was kicking around a few ideas for this, and was originally thinking something along the lines of like, a freak accident that somehow results in them ending up in front of the Gate of Truth, but I think a better idea would be for an alchemist (or perhaps even several alchemists) to end up in the Aniverse, get Yeerkified, and the Yeerk (or Yeerks, as it may be), intrigued by the memories and knowledge of an alternate Earth where you can manipulate matter and shape it according to your will with nothing more than a well drawn chalk circle (or even less than that if you've been through the Gate, as the Yeerk(s) will eventually discover), lured in by the idea of a legendary object that supposedly can be used to circumvent a pesky little law known as Equivalent Exchange, decides to pull something of a "Tom's Yeerk and his Yeerk buddies a la book 52" deciding to start their own colony in the FMAverse where they won't have to answer to the Council of Thirteen or the Visserarchy (well, at least the ones higher ranked than the Yeerk in charge, who, I imagine, would have to be a Sub-Visser at the very least to have the power to arrange all this) in addition to being able to use alchemy, which, much like the morphing power, can be used for a massive variety of things, ranging from merely convenient to pretty damn useful in a pinch to OP as fuck to even just downright terrifying.
It takes a lot of time and meticulous planning, of course, as they have to find a way to transport the Yeerks, their ship, and all the other stuff they'll need to thrive over there through the Gate and into the FMAverse-- all while in a universe where alchemy flat out doesn't work. The Yeerks have to figure out how to get around that issue, and it takes at least a year of research and using their new hosts' alchemical knowledge to work out a solution, but they work it out, and soon enough they get everything set up and ready to go. At some point, the Chee find out about this secret unknown project going on, inform the Animorphs about it, and Jake decides that they should at least check it out on the off chance that it's something big.
That's where the story officially starts: with our team of traumatized teenage shapeshifters at the location where this thing is being set up (haven't figured out the where yet). They've spent the past several days spying on these Yeerks, but still aren't sure what exactly is going on-- they keep talking about opening a gate-- and aren't sure if it's worth it. Marco's convinced the whole thing is ridiculous, especially after overhearing a human Controller mention something about a "Philosopher's Stone" ("What is this, Harry Potter? Are they gonna wave wooden sticks around and yell in Latin?") . Rachel is bored at this point, and just wants to kick ass and call it a day-- they were probably up to no good anyway. Cassie isn't particularly keen on the asskicking part, but she's been having a bad feeling about all this that she can't shake, and Tobias agrees that something fishy is going on and says they should wait a few days-- after all, from what they've gleaned, whatever plans these Yeerks had would be set in motion very soon. Ax, being Ax, declares as usual that he'll just go along with whatever Prince Jake orders, though when Jake presses him about his opinion, he just says he isn't sure what to make of it. In the end, they keep it up for a couple more days, and sure enough, the time comes for the Yeerks to "open the gate", whatever that means.
After all the time they'd spent spying on the Yeerks, it is conveniently now, when the Yeerks are about to do their thing, that they're discovered. It quickly turns into a fight, and the Animorphs attempt to bail as they're soon overwhelmed-- and then the Gate is opened.
None of them had any idea what to expect next. They certainly weren't expecting the blue lightning that erupted around them in a massive circle, seeming to originate from the curving lines that had been so painstakingly carved into the floor. They aren't expecting the atmosphere to turn dark and purple and creepy, or for a giant grey eye to suddenly appear beneath them, or for wavy black tentacle arms to come out of that eye. And they definitely were NOT expecting to abruptly find themselves in the white void of Zerospace.
Only they aren't in Z-space, exactly. Surrounded by it, sure, but somehow they stand there, as if on solid ground, surrounded by the eerie blankness that had once nearly suffocated them to death.
Each Animorph is utterly alone, with nothing and no one else in sight. That is, until they hear a voice, one that sounds like several voices speaking in unison, and suddenly they see a figure-- or, more accurately, an outline of a figure, with only shadows to mark where the figure ended and the void began. The figure is shaped like a human in all but Ax and Tobias's case: the figure Ax sees is shaped like an Andalite, and Tobias's version takes the form of a bird.
Truth gives the whole "I am God, I am the world, and I am also you" speech, then informs them they can't pass through the Gate without payment. Suddenly, there's a huge gateway where previously there was nothing. Truth is unconcerned with the fact that these "A-ni-morphs" have zero clue what's going on-- it simply takes the required toll and sends them on their way.
Except the toll is literal body parts-- which, even then, isn't usually a big deal for an Animorph, but in this case it absolutely is a big deal, because, as they'll soon discover, there's no way they're going to just replace their lost limbs through morphing. It's expressly forbidden for one to simply have nice things in this universe; in other words, Truth isn't letting them off the hook that easily.
The discovery that they're not able to replace their lost body parts through morphing is especially horrifying to Ax, because, well, y'know... book 40. The one that every Ax fan, and really anyone who otherwise genuinely enjoys Ax's character, would like to pretend never fucking happened.
In fact, given Truth's precedent for irony when extracting payment from people who've opened/been through the Gate in the series, I have no doubt in my mind that Ax would end up suffering the exact same fate as Mertil. Andalites, after all, place high value on their tail blades, especially the warriors; it's their number one go-to weapon when shit hits the fan. Ax himself is such a warrior, in fact it's a huge part of who he is as a person. Needless to say I think yeeting Ax's tail blade would be the exact kind of twisted irony that Truth would employ.
He gets over himself eventually-- well, sort of. However, it takes him a long time to truly come to terms with it-- instead of accepting that the attitudes he'd been taught his whole life regarding those who aren't fully able-bodied are actually shit, I feel like he'd be more likely to double down on them, internalizing them, and actually go into full-on self loathing as a result.
He holds his metaphorical tongue, though, upon seeing that Tobias has suffered a payment that is arguably far more cruelly ironic-- given that Tobias is a bird, given that his initial attraction to the morph that eventually became his default body came from the sense of freedom and escapism only provided through flying, I think it's fairly obvious what Truth would take: his wings.
As for the others: Rachel has lost her arm (for basically the same reason Ed did), Cassie loses her hands (which she uses to, you know, help injured animals and stuff), and as for Jake... well, it was a bit of a struggle, the best I could come up with is the idea of him going blind much like Mustang did after being forced to open the Gate (though maybe not for the same reason, though... idk. If anyone has any better suggestions, please let me know lol, I couldn't think of any solid ideas for what body part would be ironic for Jake to lose). Marco is the only one who doesn't lose any outwardly visible body parts-- what he loses is his voice.
At some point, they are discovered, taken into custody by the Amestrian military, and eventually they end up in Colonel Mustang's office. Mustang listens to their story with a massive dose of skepticism. He isn't sure what to make of these bizarre barefoot children, nor their claims of fighting bodysnatching slugs from outer space by turning into animals, nor their wingless pet hawk, nor... well, he could only assume the other creature was some sort of chimera, although he had zero clue what animals could have possibly been used to make something with blue fur and extra eyes.
At this point, they're about to do a morphing demonstration to prove to the Colonel that they aren't completely batshit, when suddenly the door is slammed open, and a teenage boy with blond hair and sharp golden eyes comes sauntering in, accompanied by a hulking giant covered head to toe in a suit of armor.
The boy immediately starts shouting at Mustang, calling him a bastard and accusing him of wasting his time, to which Mustang responds by merely rolling his eyes and sighing, as if this sort of thing happens all the time (spoiler alert: it does). After a moment, the kid stops as he takes notice of the other kids standing in the room.
"So," he says, calmly, as if he wasn't yelling at his superior just a moment ago, "what's the deal with these fuckers?"
The casual use of the kind of language that would have surely landed them in hot water back home was quite shocking, but they don't comment on it. Instead, Rachel says, in a voice sweet as honey, "Oh, look, Marco. He's just as short as you are."
Before Marco could turn to glare daggers at her (come on, it wasn't like he could argue back in that moment), the boy goes absolutely ballistic, and the armored guy has to physically restrain him as he screams obscenities at Rachel ("The fuck did you just call me, you freakishly oversized bitch? I'll show you too-fucking-short-to-fucking-sit-at-the-fucking-table-without-a-fucking-booster-seat! Call me short one more fucking time, I fucking dare you to! You think I give a shit that you're a girl? I'll fuck that pretty face of yours right up, just you fucking wait--")
"Brother!" The armored guy cries. "Calm down!" Then, to the Animorphs: "I'm sorry about my brother's behavior. He's, um, a bit sensitive about his height."
"A bit sensitive" is the understatement of the century, but none of the Animorphs call him out on it. They're too dumbfounded by the sound of his voice, which sounds sweet, innocent, and, despite his size, sounds like it belonged to a boy no more than nine or ten years old.
And that's where I'm going to leave it for now, since I've spent way too long on this post already. I have a few other ideas, but mostly in bits and pieces, not really any more comprehensive plot points beyond this point. Please do let me know what you think!
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
My enemy, ally and friend
Technoblade deeply misses Wilbur and Phil, to a point where he thinks their friendship and the SleepyBoisInc was based on a lie, fortunately, he now has by his side an enemy, now teammate, and most definitely a new friend. 
Reviewed by the amazing @im-default
Sometimes it was hard recollecting your thoughts, maybe it was the sleepiness, maybe it was the quantity of thoughts, either way, sometimes the only thing Techno could do to stop the storm inside his head was to sit down on the edge of a cliff and watch the world silently.
It was still, yet bursting with life… it was silent, yet full of all kinds of sounds.
Techno took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a few seconds: he had found a monster he could not slay with a sword and shield… neither with arrows and potions.
The thought of abandonment was something brute force couldn’t defeat.
Let’s address the elephant in the room, shall we?
Since Techno had been split apart from the SleepyBoisInc in Minecraft Championship, Techno could not shake off the feeling of getting abandoned… no… left out?.. no… he felt like an immovable burden was lifting off of Wilbur’s and Phil’s shoulders… and that burden… was him.
He had begged them to always team together because he was uncomfortable teaming up with unknown players… yes, they agreed but…
What if they were doing it only to please him? What if they didn’t care about him?
What if they were happy he couldn’t team with them anymore?
A shiver went down Techno’s spine, he didn’t think that was true… wasn’t it?
He sighed and took his head between his hands, shaking lightly.
There was no way that was right… They were the SleepyBois! Three great friends that always had each others backs… right?
Techno had recently gotten out of the potato war, meaning that he didn’t have a lot of time to talk to them, they supported him, listening to his rambles for hours… But what if Tommy was a better friend than him?
Tommy was energetic and played way more with Phil and Wilbur than Techno ever did.
What if?.. no… there’s no way…
But what if?
Techno looked at the valley underneath him, the Minecraft Champions server wasn’t the most aesthetically pleasing one, but it served its purpose: It helped Youtubers and Streamers alike to practice for the next competitions, Techno didn’t spend a lot of time in here, but when he did it was always pretty full, allowing players to get in a discord call and talk without the eyes of viewers and fans on them.
DIstracting himself from his thoughts by looking around was working quite well… but he couldn’t ignore it anymore…
What if Tommy was slowly taking his place in the SleepyBoisInc?
A shiver went down his spine. He desperately hoped he was wrong…
But this feeling was more real than he liked to admit.
Oh so many times he had seen the three of them in a call, oh so many times he had seen them playing till morning together…
“Lost in thoughts, Technoblade?”
He snapped his head in the direction of the unexpected voice. He wasn’t expecting to see the blonde boy with the green hoodie to be honest, but they didn’t have to pretend to be enemies anymore, he didn’t have to be alarmed of his presence anymore…  so he relaxed the shoulders he didn’t know he tensed up.
“Yeah… something like that…”
It was a reflect of his to always place a hand on his sword when he heard movements behind him, so he moved it back to his lap, spine curved and head looking down.
“Chin up king, your crown is falling”
Dream quickly caught Techno’s crown which was slowly threatening to slip off the head it was placed on.
Techno couldn’t help but flinch at that comment… they always said that to him… Phil and Wilbur always said those words to cheer him up when he wasn’t feeling too well or his anxiety had taken over… Wilbur and Phil…
Dream noticed how sad Techno looked, and how trapped in his own mind he was, it was a common recurrence lately, but Dream had never had the guts to ask him since Techno could be… aggressive and over-protective without realizing it, and Dream was scared to bother him, so he never asked.
But it’s now or never, right?
“What’s going on Techno? You look lost”
In a way, you aren’t wrong, he thought, but said nothing, fidgeting with the soft fur of his cape.
The blonde boy stiffly sat down next to him, admiring the view as well, legs dangling off the cliff.
“Look Techno,” the crowned pig turned his head so he could see the green hoodie, but not his face, “I-I know we haven’t talked much… and we were… quote on quote rivals ‘till recently… but if anything is on your mind, a-anything at all… I’ll be here to listen”
Dream was stuttering more in his brain than he actually was, talking to Techno as a friend was something he never imagined and it took him time to get used to it… but he cared for Techno… even if they had the same age, to him, Techno knew way more and he looked up at him like some sort of… idol… even if he had more subscribers than him.
The pig-skinned man still wasn’t looking at him, Dream felt like he messed up, like he wasn’t supposed to be there, so they sat in silence next to each other, one freaking out, the other debating with himself.
Did Dream need to know about his theory of the Sbi? Did he need to know that he missed them dearly and was scared to confront them, even if it was just a casual greet?
No… he didn’t need to… he thought to himself, but Phil always told him that keeping his thoughts to himself wasn’t going to make a difference so…
“Are you sad that the Dream team got split up in Mcc?”
Dream was so surprised to hear Techno’s voice he jumped, he was even more surprised that the question was addressed to him.
“Uh… uhm… well… y-yeah? I guess I’m kinda sad that I c-can’t play with th-them? They are my best friends after a-all… “
Dream was taken off guard and his stuttering was inevitable.
He never stuttered when they were live or recording since Dream told himself that Techno was talking to him to make content and entertain, so he was able to act cocky in front of him since he was “better than Technoblade”... he knew that statement wasn’t wrong, but if Techno would set his mind to it, he could easily surpass him.
“Well… I’m… very sad I can’t play with Phil and Will but… “
Was he ready to expose himself? Was he ready to get judged by Dream? No… not really… Techno was one to keep his burdens all to himself, placing a smile as a curtain to avoid everyone seeing what was hiding inside.
Wilbur and Phil could see straight through his act and they would annoy him until he let out everything… but they weren’t there right now, they weren’t there for him… but Dream was.
“I honestly miss them very much… I know I was the first one to find myself a team without them... yet… something is bothering me-”
“You’re afraid to get replaced?”
Techno’s eyes widened as he turned to face the blonde boy with a white mask, in complete shock.
“H-how did you..?”
Dream smirked, collecting his legs and squeezing them into his chest.
“I was afraid of that too… Have you ever watched a manhunt video with BadBoyHalo in it?”
Techno nodded, imitating Dream by bringing his right leg to his chest.
“The synergy between George Sapnap and BBH is amazing, Bad is an amazing leader and while I was being silent not to give myself away… They laughed, joked and had tons of fun together… and as much as I tried to join in… They even ignored me from time to time… hell, they even called themself the “Three Muffinteers”... I honestly was scared they were replacing me with Bad…”
Techno looked at the server in front of them, the players looked like ants from where he was standing.
“And what did you do?”
Dream looked at Techno and sighed, his stuttering went away in a heartbeat, Techno was vulnerable. He was asking him help, Dream, his enemy, from the eyes of the fanbase… Dream had a hard time not to freak out like a fanboy, but this was serious, Techno was serious, and so was going to be his attempt to help him.
“Nothing, I was actually very sad for the entire night…”
Techno looked down, already hopeless.
“But the next day, as I joined a call, George and Sapnap were there, happy to hear from me… acting like the day before never happened.”
Techno tilted his head in confusion, Dream took a deep breath and turned to face him, “Look Techno, they can’t replace you, everyone is their own person, with their own personality, quality and flaws, even if it looks like Tommy is taking your place, he can’t replace you because he isn’t you!”
Techno was astonished by Dream’s words, he had recently watched a couple of his videos to understand what type of players he was and all he had seen was a confident, solitary player who thought almost always two steps ahead and never went in without a plan. Realizing these kind words were coming from him, they definitely made him look more human… same with himself showing Dream this insecurity of his, made him look human too.
“C’mere Techno, you look like you need a hug”
Techno was pulled in an embrace he didn’t expect nor want, his whole body was stiff because of the unwanted human touch, but he wasn’t a robot, he wasn’t perfect, and as he looked at the green of Dream’s hoodie and the blonde of his hair, the memories poured in.
He couldn't hold in the sobs at this point and broke down.
Dream imagined how hard for his pride this had to be, crying on a shoulder of someone he barely knew, he just remained silent, trying his hardest not to move to break this moment.
After the hiccups calmed down, Techno’s weight shifted and Dream took it as a sign to let him go, his eyes were red from the tears and his cheeks were still full of tears, so was Dream shoulder.
“S-sorry about that…”
Techno apologized while looking at the wet spots on the other man’s hoodie, turning away from him to blow his nose.
“Don’t worry, we all need to cry sometimes, I’m happy I was able to help you… as a teammate… and a friend”
Dream cringed instantly, thinking he pushed his luck too far by calling him friend, but Techno just smiled at the comment, wiping the remaining tears away with his sleeve.
“I might not be Wilbur or Philza but… if you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask, I promise i won’t judge”
Techno was looking beneath him, he smiled again before he placed a hand on Dream’s shoulder to help himself get up.
“Thank you, I'll’ keep that in mind... Now, I’m kinda hungry, I know a place that makes good burgers, want to go get something to eat? it’s on me” he extended his arm to Dream, pointing at it with his eyes.
It was Dream’s turn to smile, he took Techno’s hand to help him get up, “I can’t refuse, can I? Well then, lead the way” he gestured Techno to go first, when he started walking, Dream following right after.
“Want to 1v1 later? I could teach you some tricks about 1.9 combat if you’d like”
“What a nerd, always thinking about practicing… sure, why not? But don’t complain if you get destroyed, I’m better than you think I am”
They both laughed, hands in pockets and diamond sword strapped on their back.
Maybe opening up to him wasn’t such a bad idea.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Revelation.”
This needed to be done. I know I went a different direction than a lot of you were expecting, but I thought it was best. If you want my reasoning for anything I will be happy to answer. 
It took him a second to figure out what was going on. Ramirez let him go and stepped back his dark amber eyes crinkled with concern. Turning his head to look around the rest of the room, he saw the others, Sunny, Krill, Katie, Three adaptids, Maverick, Jackie, Narobi, and his dog all staring at him with expressions of concern and frustration.
Krill stepped forward to say something, but as the little creature was doing so, he felt something as his mind and body finally caught up with each other. Heat rushed into his face and head as he was overcome with near blinding rage.
He stepped away from Ramirez, chest beginning to rise and fall heavily. He felt his face contort as his skin reddened with blood. His hands clenched so hard his knuckles turned white. He was so mad he could barely think. How dare they invade his privacy like this, go into his room and search through his things, and then confront him.
He wanted to scream at them, to throw things to march across the room and grab one of them by the throat.
But he was too angry even for that.
The rational part of his mind, which was barely functioning at the moment gave him one more option.
He turned on his heel and marched right out the door. A red hue had taken up his vision encroaching in from the darkness bleeding into silhouettes. He felt like his arms begin to tingle. His body was too light as adrenaline rushed through him. His head was light, his legs were light.
Footsteps behind him, “Adam!”
No, he knew what would happen if they caught up, and he was at least rational enough to avoid that. He sped up his pace listening to the footsteps behind him, they sped up to, and he broke into a flat sprint.
No one could keep up with him in a sprint, the repurposed steel-eye prosthetic he wore would make sure of that. The only two people that had a hope of catching him were Maverick and Rmirez, and even they couldn’t match high performance machinery. 
He raced through the ship leaving the people he passed barely enough time to register he was there before he was gone again. He burst out into the cargo bay and pelted down the ramp. He ran as hard as he could as fast as he could until he could barely breathe and then skidded to a halt.
He had made it to the side of the launch feild, where there was nothing more than grassy knolls and distant electric fences to keep prying eyes away. No one was here and the closest figures were merely back dots moving about the tarmac  He paused here pacing one way and then the other. His hands shook.
WIth no relief he turned his head back and screamed, ripping the cap off his head and throwing it to the ground as he sunk to his knees on the grass and dirt. His uniform pants were likely to get stained, but he didn’t care.
Moving from angry to despondent, he stared out at the launch field as tiny black silhouettes crawled across it like ants on a nest. The Sun was growing low behind him casting his shadow long over the grassy knoll. 
A shadow appeared  distantly, and he watched it as it snaked its way up the tarmack turning towards him. He flipped up his eyepatch to get a better look zooming in on the figure.
Waffles zig-zagged over the tarmac, her nose twitching as she snuffled at the ground, her tail in a low wag her ears back.
Surprisingly he felt a smile tug at the corner of his mouth. 
She continued to follow her nose lifting it on occasion until she saw him silhouetted against the sky and ran towards him pausing a few feet away. He frowned watching as she tucked her tail so far between her legs that it was touching the underside of her belly. Her ears were back as she approached him, her nose still twitching ears flat against her head.
What was wrong with her?
She scooted forward some more crawling onto his knees and pressing her snout against him like she was supposed to do when he was having an attack. 
She must be malfunctioning, he was fine
He pushed her off, but she returned hesitantly a moment later trying so hard to get him to respond.
“I’m fine dumb dog.” He snarled pushing her away again.
Her big dark eyes didn’t understand. She was just trying to do her job.. 
She was worried.
He tried keeping her away, but ever time he moved, or pushed her away shed come right back behaving how she was taught when responding to significant mental distress. He tried scooting back, but she followed him forward eventually growing frustrated herself and using the last thing in her arsenal she had.
She crawled on top of him and then just lay down flat on his chest pinning him to the ground chin resting on his neck.
He could have pushed her off, but lying there in the grass staring up at the blue sky he was slowly coming to a realization. The dog whimpered from where she lay against him, her ears still flat against her head.
Dogs didn’t lie.
They couldn’t.
And she was acting like he was having a serious episode. He didn’t feel like he was but, then again what was he doing here lying in the grass after running away from his ship. The anger faded, replaced with guilt, first guilt for treating her so poorly, thinking about how hard she was working and how ungrateful he was being made his eyes tingle with moisture. 
“I’m sorry girl.” he whispered, stroking her ears, running his hands through the fur on the side of her neck, “I’m so sorry.” she whined, “Your not dumb, of course you aren’t. You’re the smartest girl in the galaxy and I’m….I’m the idiot.” He continued to stroke her ears apologizing repeatedly until she started nuzzling at his chest again.
Right, no obsessive thoughts, even if it was to apologize to your own dog who you were being a massive dick to.
He stroked her ears some more and told her she was a good girl instead. Slowlyher tail began to wag beating against his leg, and she stepped off of him letting him sit up, though she imposed herself right before him as he sat.
He continued to stroke his hands through her fur, and she closed her eyes.
“So, thinking about all of this, there was only one option.” He said to her, her tail thumped more at the sound of his voice, “You seem to think I am in significant psychological distress, but I don’t feel like I am, and the conclusion to that only means that I….. well it means you’re right and I’m wrong.”
She snorted as if she agreed.
Her ears had perked back up.
He looked up at the sky closing his eyes as he tried to take a few deep breaths. What did he feel?
“Well, I am stressed, out of my mind stressed. I don’t think it’s anything big honestly, but it all sort of compounded.” Waffles continued to listen, “Started with the Burg war and putting that suit back on, fucked me up, and it probably wasn’t the best idea.” He looked into her deep brown eyes, “We could have just set up some kind of rocket launcher at the opening and then killed them all without stepping foot inside. I never had to put the suit on.” his voice faded away as he continued to think, “It’s like I feel like I have to do everything because it's better if I die than other people do.” 
She grumbled.
“Yeah I know, doesn't make sense.” She rested her head on his lap as he continued to talk outloud to her, “Why do I feel like I have to save the universe single handedly. There are thousands of men and women, multiple ships and other captains who can help do all of these things .” He glanced down at the dog again, “I may be the fleet commander which by default makes all the things I said earlier true, but…. I keep trying to do everything myself. It’s not physically possible, and I know that.”
He listened to the sound of jets roaring overhead, “And while I’m at it, I blame myself for everything too. Took a freaky ass ghost or whatever the hell to tell me to knock that the fuck off. What else do I blame myself for?”
He sat there thinking for a long time waffles listening intently with her head cocked.
“I need to change things. I need a structure I can rely on so that I can do my job better, and everyone else has a chance to do their job too. I need people who are smarter than me to advise decisions and workout problems because next thing you know I’ll be trying to fix the ship myself, and that would be a disaster.”
The dog’s tongue lolled from her mouth as she panted. 
That was good, she only did that if she was relaxed.
“And I’m still not alright. I’m stressed and my PTSD is returning, but I think that has more to to with the stress than the PTSD itself. I got over the war years ago, and I can be over the cannibal if Iwan’t. I SHOULD be over the prison thing, and it isn’t my fault that someone took my DNA to create an entire herd of hybrids….. I will help them, but that doesn't mean I have to take care of them as much as it hurts me to say that since I still feel responsible.” 
He tapped his feet on the dirt, “I’m close to cracking, and if I crack….”
He stood rubbing his temples. “I need a different perspective, someone who is less emotionally attached than me.”
Waffles fell into step beside him, “No one who is too emotionally invested so that gets rid of Sunny, and Krill for sure. I want someone who can be serious with me without sounding like they are lecturing. Ramirez, Katie, Narobi, and Jackie are out. Conn was never an option. He can read my mind so maybe I’ll talk to him later about what my real problem is, but I think I need some blunt straight to the face advice. A second opinion that’s not afraid to crack down and tell me I’m being an idiot….. I don’t need understanding right now. I need to be told off.”
The dog looked up at him, “And I think I know just the person.”
The door to the ship’s chapell hissed open casting light over him as he sat contemplating the books stacked on on the self to the side of him, from where he sat on one of the pews. He reached out and picked the top one up flipping through it absently. 
Waffles lay at his feet napping.
The footsteps behind him paused as the door hissed closed, and then they approached up the aisle.
“How do you think he did it? Walk on water I mean? That would be a cool trick.”
Maverick paused at the end of the pew eyebrow raised, “Are you done with your little tantrum?”
He smiled as he turned to look at her, “Yes, I am done with my tantrum.”
She took a seat at the end of the pew hands clasped on her lap.
“In fact that’s why I came here to talk to you.”
She looked skeptical, “Talk to me or at me.”
He shook his head, “No… I… Waffles helped me realized that you guys are right, I’m not alright, and now I need a place to go from here.”
“Finally.” She grumbled.
He smiled, “Go on let's hear it.”
“You don’t want to do that.”
“Do what.”
“Give me permission to give you one of my lectures.”
He tilted his head, “Your what?”
“I have this habit of coming up with just what exactly I would say to people when I’m going on a run or taking a shower. They are really mean so I usually don’t say them.”
“Go on.”
“Your funeral,” She muttered as she stood, “Your being an idiot, a selfish idiot.” 
That was a good start.
“Everything with you is about me, me, me. I have to save the world, I have to win the battle, I have to get everything done all the time. It's a shitty way to act and it makes the rest of the crew feel like you don’t trust them, and then when we try to help you just blow us off like you can handle it. Which I might not care about so much if you had proven that you CAN handle it. But no you get all heroic and sad like no one understands what it means to worry about the galaxy. Like the rest of us don’t stay up at night wondering if the burg are going to come back, and this time with better weapons. I don’t give a ship about what you do with your free time or how you commander our ship, you can do it in heelies wearing a funny hat if that's what you need to stay relaxed, but right now you're not commanding a ship, you  you….. You know what you really are.”
He waited wide eyed.
“You are a total control freak.”
He blinked not having expected that.
“That’s it. You have to have your hand in absolutely everything don’t you.” he went to open his mouth but she held out a finger, “No, shut up and let me finish. You are a total control freak, yeah you are the Commander but that doesn't mean you control everything. You’re like the president, your job isn’t to control everything, its to veto dumbass ideas and make quick decisions, while everyone else does their job and reports to you on the more important stuff. You behave like a child wanting everything your way all the time, and then when it doesn't you throw a fit and run off to do whatever you want anyway. It makes it hard for the rest of us to work, and we worry about you, a lot. You are a good commander, and I think with some work you could be the best, but you need to figure something out soon because if you crack and go psycho, everyone else is going to suffer for it. We need you commander, but not in the way you think we do.”
She went quiet
He waited.
“I’m done.”
“Ok cool.” he took a deep breath, “First thing’s first. I need to rework our system.
He stood nervously at the head of the command deck a notebook in hand. He had tried to do his work on a tablet but found that writing by hand gave him more clarity. He had been up all night working, but not in a bad way, thi felt good, like he was moving towards something. A good portion of the crew had been assembled, most of the upper echelon officers and some of their seconds.
A soft murmuring rose up from the group, and scanning his eyes over them he could see where Sunny stood at the back of the room her arms crossed over her chest. Krill floated beside her with Dr. Katie.
As far as he could tell everyone was here, so he cleared his throat and allowed the room to quiet. They were sitting at the tables in the mess hall, and he tried to just stand in front of them but found he wanted to see their faces, so he stepped up onto the bench to get a better look.
“Alright everyone, quiet down. Now the sooner we get this over with the sooner I can have a nap.”
Half chuckle form the crowd.
“It has come to my attention recently that this crew needs a bit of an…. Administrative overhaul. We are a mess, and that is mostly…. Well no it is entirely my fault, and I know a lot of what I am going to say is probably a no brainer for most of you, but just bare with me for a few minutes.” He adjusted his notes, “I haven't been trusting you with your own work, and I am sorry for that. As you can probably tell, I have an issue with thinking things through before I do them, but that is something I will be working on.” He turned to look at them, “So what I have done, and what I should have done a long time ago is give the department heads complete charge of their departments.”
The group shifted, “That means all requisitions, staffing, internal problems, all of those will be covered by the department head. I don’t want to know about it unless there is a problem that only I can fix. So If you are missing equipment take it to the quartermasters and their requisitions office,and they, not me, will determine if we have it in our budget.” he turned to the chief quartermaster, “I am honestly putting the most work on you, because I am expecting that you acquire all the equipment this ship needs to keep running including food, ammunition and spare parts. You’ll have to work closely with engineering in order to get all of that done. I want all the departments speaking closely with each other. 
He lifted his head and looked back at Sunny, “Sunny.”
He lifted her head.
“As chief weapons specialist and one of our experts on close combat. I will be giving control over to you on battlefield tactics. That’s what Drev generals do isn’t it?”
SHe seemed surprised.
He turned to look at cannon, “Cannon the Drev clan’s needs are yours, I need you to make sure you guys have everything you need. If there are disputes, you determine how to settle them.”
He sighed, “I do expect full reports from each of the department heads where you will make it clear if there is anything you need me to do, but otherwise, this ship needs to be able to function without me sticking my nose in everyone’s business. If I do, you have full permission to tell me to fuck rite off. Though as commander I reserve the right to Veto any decision you make if I think it will be detrimental to the ship or two the mission, furthermore, there are a lot of people in this room much smarter than me, so I am going to use that, and i am putting together a council of sorts, kind of like the jedi council, and you are going to help me make decisions. I need all of your knowledge and perspective if I want to lead this ship correctly or even the fleet?”
There was a surprised muttering in the crowd.
“Now we will be on leave for the next few months, which give you time to think on this project a little if you are worried, but I have a feeling you guys can handle it alright. Anyway, get on out of her, go home, and make sure to get those psych evals and physicals sent to dr Krill in a timely fashion.” He looked over at the doctor, “You will be in charge of determining who is and is not ready for active duty, also I will be hiring a few new hands as an attachment to the medical department. We need to expand psych, get a real psychiatrist for how crazy you all are.” He smiled as the group chuckled, and he stepped down from his chair.
The room slowly emptied leaving only a few people left…. The same people for earlier.
Sunny was still quiet and Dr. katie had her arms crossed.
He sighed and walked forward, “I’m sorry about earlier.” he said to them.
“You should be?”
“And what about getting yourself help?” 
He turned to glance at Maverick, “I had a discussion with Mav earlier, because i thought she would be the most brutally honest with me…. She was. I will be doing a psych eval, but towards the end of leave.”
More frowning.
“I won’t be seeing a psychiatrist.” he raised his hands as the group began to mutter, “No it's alright, I've thought it through, and I have determined that for me it isn’t the best course of action. Medication has never been for me either. I know it's helpful for most people, but I just need to relax, clear my head and find a way to relieve stress. So, I’m going home for a few months.”
They still seemed skeptical, but they relaxed enough not to argue.
Ramirez seemed the first person to accept his apology and smiled, “Well good luck commander.”
A few other murmurs rose up from his friends.
He looked at Sunny, “I promise, when I get bac. I will be better, and I will do better.”  
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aregularnewyorklife · 5 years
The Sleepover (Part One)
(I’m taking a small break from writing... by writing dhhdhdh. I just wanted to write some Jumaz and Wulff fluff honestly shhsdh. If I ever continue this, a little catgirl might be included...)
(Note that I didn’t wanna be stuck saying MC, so I replaced their name with Blue, my usual default playthrough name)
Jumaz bursts into the room, stuck in his cheetah form and his eyes fluttering grogginess from napping three times... before a sleepover party. His mouth is a slobbered mess, dried fur crisping up around his lips while a pretty nasty stream of drool flows down his mouth. “Blueeeeee! I’ve got a whole lotta loving and I need someone to take iiiiit!” He moans, stumbling carelessly through the room.
“You are definitely a mess Jumaz,” the raven was busy cooking up a feast for later, yet still noticed Jumaz’s disheveled demeanour. “Please take a shower before Blue sees you at your lowest, also please take care of your *ahem* lowest part as well.”
The cheetah yawns, patting himself in the stomach, “Well I would take care of it if Blue was here... where are they again?”
Wulff sighs, bringing over the platters of food over to the food heater he brought back from the restaurant, pushing the cart over to the main room, “Before you took your endless amount of naps, they told me Dragon Scientist needed to run some tests, they’ll be back before 10, it’s 8. Get a shower, you’re not going to woo anyone if you look like trash... implying you weren’t in the first place.”
Jumaz snickers at Wulff, blowing him a kiss before going back to the bathroom. The chef waits until the cheetah is gone, flopping onto the couch. He takes a moment to look around, seemingly ‘grabbing’ the kiss as soon as the coast is clear and smacking it into his beak.
Ten Minutes Later
A loud moan echoes through the hallway, a slight purring coming soon after, “Ah! I love a good hot shower.”
Jumaz -still in his cheetah form- waltzes back into the lounge room, wearing only some loosely fitted underwear and an oversized t-shirt from Wulff’s closet. His eyes sets on the bird laying on the couch, instinctively jumping onto Wulff and laying his butt on his sturdy chest, grinning sheepishly as he turns back to face the raven.
Heaving a loud caw, Wulff tried to readjust himself, trying to bear the Jumaz-weigh on his chest. “At least you showered,” he manages to breathe, flipping his roommate over to face him.
Jumaz leans forward into Wulff’s chest, resting his soft furry head onto the now shirtless-raven’s pecs, “Hmm, sweatpants and no shirt, looks like someone is dressing to impress~” His hands circle around his friend’s feathers, his fingers laying over Wulff’s nipple.
Quickly removing the feline’s hand off his chest, he places the much leaner man’s hand back onto his shoulder, bringing them much closer together, their faces edging forward, “No touchies. Anyways, these are very scandalous clothes your wearing... including my shirt.”
“Is it wrong to want to feel sexy sometimes?” Jumaz laughs, flicking the chef’s beak before lying back on his chest. He groans loudly, pulling himself closer to Wulff’s face, “Arghhhhh! I can’t wait 2 hours for Blue!”
“Well you’ve got me, which is either worse or better, and some food if you’re hungry, go ahead if you want some.”
The signature grin appears back on Jumaz’s snarky face, his face rising back up from the feathery chest that was Wulff, “What if I’m not hungry for something else? Maybe Im not hungry for food?”
Wulff keeps his poker face up, tilting his head in confusion, “What do you what then?”
“Maybe I’m in the mood for some... bird~”
Wulff gestures his head towards the food heater cart, “Well I made sweet and sour chicken.”
“I love it when you play hard to get~”
“That’s my style,” Wulff rolls his hand under Jumaz’s chin, slowly bringing him closer to his beak, “it gets people wild.”
Jumaz smiles even wider, his mouth purring with anticipation, “It’s working it’s wonders Wulffy~ We’ve got two hours, I have a perfect way to waste it.”
The raven wraps his free arm around the cheetah’s waist bringing his body closer to him, “Oh? And what do you have planned?”
Both men lean close into each other, both their mouths edging closer... and closer... and closer...
“FOR GODS SAKES GET A ROOM!” A pillow hits both of them in the face, Jumaz swiftly snaps his neck towards the perpetrator: a flustered quarter-Siamese cat on the opposite chair, also known as HyperLink.
“When did HL get here!?” Jumaz shouts at his partner’s face, shaking the shirtless avian.
“Oh yeah, she came here a few minutes ago, I forgot about that honestly.”
The feline sighs, getting off his friend’s chest and petting HyperLink, the young girl swiping away at Jumaz with her small claws. “Hey gal.”
The catgirl screeches at the flirty mess of a cat, though her tail says otherwise. “I-I’m gonna get some food!” She stammers off, furiously grabbing a plate and filling it with a glory of food.
Jumaz leans back onto the floor, smiling back at Wulff, whom simply shrugs at him. He gets back up from the floor approaching the avian and leaning above him.
Wulff sits back up, rubbing his head, “I’ll get the gaming console set up for HyperLink, can you-“ the soft lips of the cheetah lock onto his beak, a sweet cotton candy flavour bouncing around his mouth.
Jumaz latches off his partner, smiling even wider this time, “Like my new chapstick?”
Wulff reorganises himself, taking a solid minute to have his brain functioning, “Y-yeah. U-uh, just get the mattresses ready please.”
The feline nods, giddily setting off for his mission, leaving the dazed Wulff alone.
“Jeez... Blue better get here before Jumaz tires us out,” he mumbles.
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sam-i-am-rambling · 5 years
Character ideas
These aren't finished, but hey, I need to get the out somewhere or else I'm never going to finish them.
Phaedra Blaze
- A knight of the Phoenix guard, hailing from the Isles of Fire. She was born with albinism, and so has incredibly pale skin, red eyes, and a bright red hair. A female in her early 20s, and the eldest child of current the Knight Commander. She has set out, as all Phoenix Knights do, to prove herself out in the world. Detailing her escapades, spreading the word of Phelix, the Phoenix God, and looking to do as much good as she can. She wears full plate armor, including a full face helmet. Her pale skin makes her susceptible to sun burns, so she does her best to fully cover herself when she is not in armor. Wielding a sword imbued with fire magic, and a shield with the emblem of her order, she seeks to strike down all evil she finds, and her travels have taken her to the far western edge of the central continent.
- A forest elf, with dark skin, purple eyes and hair. Being from the forest, she has the abilities of forest magic, and her upbringing as a member of the *Assasin order* have given her exceptional stealth abilities. She is quick on her feet, deadly with a bow, and can immediately blend herself into any situation she finds. Cheerful, flirtatious, and always looking for fun, she has fled her homeland because she did not agree with the methods of her *Assasin guild* family members, deceiving the people and controlling the Grand Botanist from the shadows. She hopes to one day return home, overthrow the shadow government and return the power to the people of the Great Forest. She stands just over 6 feet tall, athletically built. She wears a chest wrap that extends all the way down her right arm, covering up something she doesn't want others to see. Her fur lined Cape leaves her right shoulder uncovered, providing easy access to her quiver of arrows. Basic leather armor pants and fur lined boots complete her attire.
- A former adventurer, he now runs a tavern called The Glass Cannon. A halfling, he lost his left hand during his adventuring days. Depending on what day it is, it's a different story as to how. The arm has since been replaced with a mechanical prosthetic, running off of life energy, a new technology that not everyone approves of. A cheerful man, his eyes sometimes display something else behind his happy demeanor. He doesn't like to talk about why he stopped adventuring. His tavern sits in the older part of *Coastal city*, and gets plenty of business from the thousands of sailors, merchants and vacationers who pass through the city daily.
*Human Cleric
- A cleric of the Goddess Vibra. An orphan, raised on an island off the western coast (Not Isle of Beasts). He was trained as a cleric and healer by the headmaster of the orphanage where he was raised.
- At the age of 18 he began hearing voices. Slight at first, but over time they grew louder, and eventually coalesced into a single, clear voice. That of Lady Vibra. She began appearing in his dreams, the same cryptic message every night. Warning him of an impending doom, and pleading with him to take in a quest to stop it. He agreed, and on his 20th birthday he left for the mainland, setting forth on his quest to save the world from calamity.
*Half-succubus Necromancer
-A supremely rare instance where a child is born from a human and demon. She works as the barmaid at *Succubus Bar/Brothel*, serving the customers in ways other than her fellow Succubi girls can.
-Due to her half demon nature, she is intune with life magic, specifically necromancy. She has Bones, a reanimated skeleton, do most of the cooking for the establishment. She also maintains some of her demon heritage. Her skin is red, the default state of many demons. Succubi can alter nearly any part of their bodies, including skin, hair and eye color, and many physical alterations, as long as they remain mostly humanoid. She can only leverage some of these powers. Her skin is permanently red, and only her hair and one eye can change pigment. Her other eye is always a piercing blue, the same color as her father's.
-She wears a modest outfit, in comparison to the scantily clad girls she is surrounded with. A large cloak and hood to fully cover herself while outdoors, as not all places are so kind to demons. Growing up as she has, and being as unique as she is, she doesn't fully understand feelings as humans do, making her seem distant and cold. She can sustain herself on both traditional foods, or by draining the life energy from living things, be them fruits, animals, or humanoids.
*Dragonborn Sorcerer & cult followers
*Silver Dragon
*Black Dragon
-One of the original Dragons, he managed to escape immediate capture by the Gods after the Fire God was defeated. He spent hundreds of years in hiding, plotting his revenge on the Gods. During that time he intermingled with the humans, sowing his seeds and gathering support for his eventually return to power. Several years ago, he set his plan in motion, and attempted to take on the Gods, beginning with his followers in the *Coastal City*. He was defeated however, and entombed, petrified in the ancient underbelly of the city. Nearly all of his followers were defeated, captured or killed, but those who survived have lied in wait, planning for the day they will reawaken their Dragon Lord, and take on the Gods once again.
Ludwig Von Zapp
- A gnome, mysterious in origin.
The first to figure out how to capture electricity, and harness it for use. He created the current system for storing, transporting and utilizing captured energy, kickstarting the biggest shift in technology the world had ever seen.
Elf- Forest, Plains, Desert, Cavern(Disavowed)
Human- Variety of races, origins
Dwarf- Cave, Cliff, Mountain
Halfling- Desert, Plains, Coastal
Animal races- Cat, Bird, Minotaur, Dragonborn, Fish
Monsters- Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, Undead
Animal races live in relative harmony. They worship two deities, the true Goddess of Nature, and the risen God of Science, both of which are said to be responsible for their creation.
0 notes
corpo-rat · 7 years
DAO/DA2 Mod Recs
im personally a not a big fan of mods that arent lore-friendly, so these are mostly improvements to the base game
SJC's Skins - unique skin textures for your warden
SJC's Vanilla Face Textures Replacements - better npc face textures
Better Makeup - makes eyeshadow far more subtle
Unique Face Textures for Companions DAO Edition - made by the same person who did the DA2 one below. this mod was uploaded less than a week ago and i already swear by it
Black Hair Is Black - for black hair enthusiasts like myself. because brown isnt black, bioware
Theta HD - fixes some of the low res textures so theyre on the same level as the higher res ones
Grey Wardens of Ferelden - adds DA2s grey warden armor to the game and equips it on duncan and alistair. also gives you the mage/rogue/warrior set after the joining cutscene. NOTE: the CORE mod file downloads as a zip file, but is actually a dazip file. rename the extension and install it with DAUpdater. then the main file can be installed as well
Improved Romance Scenes and Fixes - Alistair - restores a large amount of removed or broken dialogue and adds a few new scenes. ill honestly never play without this mod ever again its essential for me. NOTE: this mod has conflicting files with the ZDF mod below. see read me file for instructions on making them compatible
ZDF Dialog Fix - corrects lots of zevrans romance dialogue PLUS a huge amount of other dialogue
Morrigan Restoration Patch - restores and/or fixes parts of morrigans dialogue
                                                   Dragon Age 2
Chargen Revamp - a must have for me. lets you modify iconic hawke, keep default leandra, carver, and bethany no matter what preset you pick, and adds hairstyles available in the base game that hawke couldnt have. will also let you be an elf if you so desire?
High Quality Face Textures For DA2 - beautiful hi-res textures for npcs (or custom hawke)
Unique Face Textures for Companions (and iconic hawkes) - id genuinely never play da2 without this mod. seriously. you can pry these retextures from my cold, dead hands
HR Fenris Armor - makes fenris’ armor all spiffy. you can see the feathers!
Improved Fenris Glow - makes his actual markings glow! and yes fenris is my favorite
DA2 Soft hair texture - SUPER soft hair textures. seriously. i want to touch it its so soft
Black Hair Is Black 2 - once again, brown isnt black
At First Sight - new eye textures/modified tints. more realistic and less unnaturally vibrant
Champion Mage Armor Fur Retexture and Specular Map Fix - recolors/alterations of the mage champion armor. i use black fur 02 because it fixes the purple tint the metal parts always had, but doesnt alter the actual armor like 03 does
Hairs For FemHawke - i dont personally use this mod, but these hairstyles are gorgeous
Amell Ancestral Arms - custom armor/robes. i use the ancestral robes finery swap
Better Parthalan Staff - i dont know about you, but this is my favorite staff. plus i love slightly overpowered weapons. this mod drastically improves the staffs stats, and it levels up with you, so it stays useful the whole game!
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charonic · 7 years
Little Red Riding Rabbit and Mr Wolf (Chapter 2)
Lavi has always had a penchant for anything that's not from the human realm. When his friends warned him to stay out of the woods because of a rumoured "werewolf", he didn't exactly heed their advice. All the books that he's ever read about on faefolks didn't prepare him for who he met in those woods. 
Chapter 2
Curious and Curiouser
Lavi did not stay on the path. In fact, he's already half way through the thick forest.
He did feel a tinge of guilt for lying to his friends, but in his defence who in their right mind would take an hour long walk in late November when the air was practically ice cold. Even with his fixed winter cloak on, there was no way he wouldn't end up with a runny nose by the time he got to Bookman's house.
The edge of his red hood was sewn with rabbit fur, courtesy of Lena last autumn.  It did its job in keeping him warm with the extra fluff, but even so he didn't want to risk getting sick, not when this year's winter looked like it was going to be colder than the last.
Besides, it shouldn't be long until he's out of the woods. The sky may be a dark gray right now, but that's just how it is in winter. The sun's ray disappears just minutes after the clock strikes three, and it's only going to get darker, Lavi kept that in mind as he quickened his pace.
The conversation with his friends about shape shifting wolves came back, and Lavi found himself wondering if his grandfather had any new books on them.
He's heard of faes that take the shape of other animals to fool humans, but not one that specifically turn into that of a wolf. He's heard of black dogs, but those only linger around in graveyards. Or maybe their default form is a wolf but they have the ability to turn human? Would they look exactly like a normal human being? Or would there be tall tell signs of animalistic traits like patches of wolf fur on their body? What if they retained the fluffy tail? What if--
A loud thump followed immediately after his indignant yelp. Lavi winced as the stinging pain on his backside shot up his spine. Being distracted while walking on wet ground is not a smart thing to do, he noted dryly.
He heard shuffling, and then a pair of leathered shoes came into view. As he reached a hand behind him to rub at his tailbone, the person he'd bumped into kneeled down on one leg, a gloved hand stretched out in front of his face.
"Are you alright?"
Lavi managed a weak smile before he replied."Yeah... Sorry about--"
What he was supposed to say next  completely left Lavi's mind when he looked up, his smile fell and expression replaced with stunned awe. Lavi didn't even realize his mouth was hanging open until he felt the surface of his tongue go dry, no thanks to the chilly weather. He promptly clamp his mouth shut, making the man before him chuckle, and Lavi's face turn redder in turn.
The man before him was handsome, there was no denying it. With dark brown skin and inky black hair that fell into soft waves at his neck. And those eyes, they reminded Lavi of honey. He's always loved munching on raw honeycombs.
Lavi was so enthralled with the other's face that he didn't catch what the man was saying, despite having both eyes glued to the way his mouth moved to form words.
Ah, right. The guy just offered to help him up.
"Sorry! Yeah, I wasn't ... I should get up, huh?" Lavi ended his question with a short laugh to hide his nervousness. There was a chance he wasn't caught staring and Lavi was going to hang onto that sliver of hope.
He reached out to grab the man's hand, albeit gingerly and with a bit of hesitance. It was less of a hold but more like Lavi grasping the tip of his gloved fingers with his own loosely. Once Lavi was up and steady on his feet, he gave his trousers a quick dusting when the man spoke up again.
"I believe I'm the one who should be apologizing." He said. "I was lost in thought while walking."
That makes the two of us. Lavi offered a crooked smile and shook his head. "It's okay. I'm fine, really."
The man returned Lavi's smile with a genuine one of his own, the same hand that pulled Lavi up extended out for a handshake.
"A good evening to you, my name is Tyki Mikk. You are?"
Lavi looked down at the outstretched hand, and then back up to Tyki Mikk's face. He was asking for a simple exchange of pleasantries, yet the red head felt as though he should back away from the man.
There was something off about him that he can't seem to pinpoint, minus the fact that Lavi has never seen the guy in town before, suddenly appearing in the woods that no one but Lavi was stupid enough to walk through was another possible reason for his suspicion.
Or maybe you're just over thinking again.
Shrugging the feeling off, he took Tyki's hand.
"Lavi. Lavi Bookman."
The feeling of unease came back again when he saw the wide grin on Tyki's face. Lavi had to quell the urge to pull away, his heart was beating so fast all of a sudden.
Human canines should not be that sharp.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lavi Bookman." Tyki replied, it was a soft whisper that's meant only for Lavi to hear.  
He'd expected a brief handshake, but then Tyki lifted his hand up and planted a kiss on his knuckles. It was impossible for Lavi not to gasp at the brushing contact.
The man's lips lingered on Lavi's hand longer than should be considered a polite hand kiss. Lavi pulled his hand back as though he'd been burned when he felt the other man's breathe tickle the surface of his skin. He knew his face was still slightly pinkish from his earlier blunder but there was no doubt he was bright red now.
"Umm... Just Lavi is fine, y'know." He'd made an attempt to sound curt and standoffish, because who wouldn't after that?
Imagine his embarrassment when his voice came out more sheepish than anything else. What made it worse was the amused laughter that followed when he was caught shoving the kissed hand into his inner cloak pocket. Damn that smirk on Tyki's face.  
The laugh quickly died down and Tyki returned the conversation in a calmer manner. But Lavi can tell he was holding back a few more leftover chuckles.
"In that case, just call me Tyki."
Lavi nodded slowly, his eyes drifted away from Tyki's face to observe the man's attire. It wasn't until then did Lavi realize how well dressed the brunet was, he raised both his brows as he took in Tyki's appearance.  
Overall he reminded Lavi of those aristocrats that would sometimes pass by the town. His coat was tailored to a perfect fit for his statute, no doubt the materials were high quality textiles. Lavi wouldn't be surprised if the rest of his clothing articles were just as pricey. From the top hat to the pristine white gloves.
Tyki was too busy looking around his surroundings to notice Lavi's blatant staring, his face was enough to convey just how lost and confused he was with his current problem. There was only so much a person can take before bursting out laughing at how endearing a grown man looked while puzzled, and Lavi doesn't know if he'll last the next minute if Tyki keeps it up.
He let out a soft cough to steer Tyki's attention back to him, the brunet's face turned sheepish when facing Lavi again.
"...I seem to have lost my way." Tyki admitted.  
"You should've stayed on the path then." Lavi answered without missing a beat, he even paired the confident reply with a careless shrug. The fact he didn't wince even a bit at his own hypocrisy was an incredible feat.
"Suppose I should have." Tyki agreed, nodding as he did so. "Would you mind taking me into town? I'm due to meet someone there for some business but then ah, here I am."
That roused Lavi's suspicion again, his brows furrowed at what he'd said.
It was strange how an aristocratic looking man like Tyki would choose to wander into the woods without any escort.  Maybe he's one of those sheltered rich heirs who are blissfully oblivious to the dangers of the outside world. Looking at Tyki though, Lavi doubts that's the case with him.
Lavi pursed his lips together, there was no harm in leading the lost guy to town. But by the time he made his way back to Bookman, it would already be pitch dark even if he took the shortcut. Carrying a torch or oil lamp wouldn't provide him with much light or warmth, not when nightfall comes . The last thing he wanted was to make Bookman leave the house to search for him during a cold night.  
"I'm sorry... I would help ya out of here but my grandfather is expecting me, and I don't wanna make him worry."
"Your grandfather?" Tyki asked. His confused expression was quickly replaced with one of recognition when he realized what Lavi meant.
"Oh, the little cottage on the opposite direction? You live with him there?" He pointed a thumb over his shoulder.
Lavi nodded. "Yeah, and I should be getting home soon."
He didn't miss the flash of disappointment in Tyki's eyes, though he was curious of the reason for that, Lavi didn't make any further comment.
"I see, that's a shame." Tyki sighed.  
Tyki shook his head, an understanding smile on his softened face. "It's perfectly fine, Lavi. It's never good to make your family worried, especially out in this weather."
The redhead found himself smiling too, just a bit.
A strong breeze blew by and Lavi shivered as he pulled his cloak closer, the rabbit fluff around the hood tickled his nose and chin but they managed to give him more warmth like that. Tyki didn't seem to be bothered by the sudden cold wind, it's like he didn't even notice the breeze. Whatever fabric his coat was made of, Lavi would love to have some of it for a new cloak.
"Just keep heading straight, if you pick up the pace you'll reach the town in no time." Lavi said from underneath his fluffy hood.
He wasn't sure if Tyki heard him, with his voice muffled by the rabbit fur and all. But the man smiled and nodded in acknowledgement.
"Thank you." 
Then he started walking, Lavi stayed where he was watching Tyki move along the winding path, only for him to stop after a few steps and turn around again.
"It was a pleasure meeting you, Lavi. I hope we can see each other again sometime soon, preferably when the weather isn't so gloom and dreary."
"Yeah, that'd be nice." Lavi waved him goodbye, a timid smile on his face. "Have a safe trip."
Tyki returned the gesture with a broad grin and a tip of his hat before he turned to leave.
The redhead stood in place as he watched Tyki walk away for good this time, he told himself that it wasn't an excuse to observe the way the other man's hips moved, or because he wanted to get a better look at Tyki's broad shoulders and his overall silhouette. Not at all.
Maybe his eye was getting blurry from the cold, or it could be because he was staring for too long but...
He could've sworn he saw what looked like the tip of a bushy, black tail peeking out from underneath Tyki's coat.  
To Be Continued
(( Find the fic on AO3 too ;o))
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