#and their whole being born from unconventional means
stressed-bird · 2 years
Four-Eared MK AU
Act 1: Macaque accepted the baby but... now what?
Listen... I have ravaged the tags and aus and blogs of so many people and eventually made my own to satisfy my insatiable hunger for more monkie family content—ahem
This is very summarized, there’s lots of small details I’m not including for the sake of getting it all laid down and on the board /lh
We (Stressed) believe in keeping the trend going about monkies being born in mystical ways.
There’s Sun Wukong, who I am electing to have in this au born from a rock—yes—but it was a rock that over many hundreds of years was collecting magic in it that one day during a storm was hit by a bolt of lightning which is why it cracked in half and surrendered the stone egg that a monkie promptly escaped from with some pre-existing celestial magic properties (Heaven created its own problem /lh)
And you know I am 100% behind the headcanon that Macaque was born from a hurricane/storm and the remnants of said heaven-sent storm (his canonical title from somewhere of “Great Sage of the Informing Winds” only further sold me on this hc)
Meaning of course that MK must have his own mystic monkie origins—and you are right
MK was born of a crystal-encased rock that was initially infused with the magic of swk, swallowed by accident by Macaque, and promptly left for a few many years to soak up the shadow and demonic-celestial magic of Macaque’s dead body that was 6 feet under
But this isn’t a face-hugger situation where he bursted from mac’s chest—no, what happened os that Macaque was casually revived by Lady Bone Demon and sent on his way by her... and after a day or so of being alive and having something in his throat, he takes a moment to try and cough it out and nearly coughs his lungs out in the process but successfully spits out a crystal (rock)
And has the incredible idea of... breaking it. See what happens because this sussy little thing was in his chest and he needs answers
But once the rock is broken, out of it seeps shadow magic (that could easily be recognized as like mac’s not but exactly his) that materializes and coalesces into a baby monkey demon
Macaque is watching this happen with deep confusion (and a lot of denial)
But he can’t escape fatherhood as baby mk has seen him and already instinctively recognized their similarity and is clinging to the older demon like a... well, a baby monkey—
So several attempts to leave the child behind later (from walking away (baby mk hitches a ride in mac’s shadow for this) to handing it away to a human village to be raised (baby mk learns the word Ma from this and shadow teleported to mac’s location for this)) eventually Macaque gives the child a chance
So now Mac has a child... but what do you do after?
The answer is no one knows and Macaque just puts his new demon infant in the shadow of his scarf close to him and feeds him (names him eventually Xiaotian, Qi (firstname, surname) mangoes (it’s tragic he doesn’t love plums too but at least it wasn’t peaches, mac would’ve never coped nor recovered) regularly and they travel the ancient world as it modernizes
The shadow demon no longer really chasing after the Sun anymore, he now has a child he has to look after and he gives him the unconditional attention he deserves (mac is projecting but it’s helping him cope and if spite to be better to xiaotian than swk was to him is what he needs to become a better man, you go girl i guess)
And 200 years have passed more or less, 200 years of Macaque bringing what is now essentially a child and not really a small baby demon anymore with him as they roam the land and live a nomadic life. A life is that is promptly shut down after Macaque wanders close to the territory of the Iron Bull clan and is met by Princess Iron Fan that looks at the two monkies and calls out that Mac has no clue how to be rearing a child
She’s right, and the demon has to eventually concede to her point, to which she gives the demon a deal (because that was her intention this entire time, she sensed a powerful demon nearby and sought to make an ally of them since... well, her husband’s land is being nipped at and eaten up by opportunistic rival demons since he got sealed under a mountain a few years ago and she can only defend so much land alone while also having child red son under her care
Discovering the powerful demon is the six-eared macaque (who she does know of since her husband and swk were bond-brothers before they disowned each other and swk always had the other monkey close by) who also has a little demon child only made it easier for her to make a deal on the spot that would help them both
Macaque gets a safe territory and new home (she suspects the demon monkies have drifted apart since there’s no swk in sight and mac probably lived on flower fruit but ffm is of course owned by swk) AND a safe place to rear his own demon spawn
And she gets a competent and strong demon as an ally to help her defend the Iron Bull clan’s territory)
Macaque agrees and Iron Fan is now technically his Land Lady as he stays in her territory semi-permanently (this does make Red Son and Mk now childhood friends—they’re something else and their friendship looks so dysfunctional but is actually reasonably functional.
I mean, red son is a literal hothead and mk has been a wild feral child and is raised by Macaque—mk can be snide and a little shit and biting with his words but still a good empathetic person that understands what red son says and what he means)
(Example being like in the season 3 episode where red son is yelling at mk if he wants milk and an extra blanket in what sounds like a sarcastic tone but is actually a genuine tone since he does get mk that milk and extra blanket)
They have nicknames for each other—Red Son calling mk well.. “Monkie Kid” and “Monkie Boy” and “Pebble Brain” (MK has taken the Monkie Kid nickname in stride)
MK calls Red Son many things from “Sparks” and “Firecracker” to “Hot Head”, he does still use Red’s name—his name isn’t long enough to warrant the constant use of a nicknames unless to be teasing
And that’s the pre-episode 1 content because... it goes somewhere it does- >:3
At the end, we have established a baseline for this AU now:
- MK is the child of Shadowpeach, Raised only by Macaque (and SWK is unaware of his existence, likewise MK is unaware he has a second dad)
- Princess Iron Fan and Macaque are proper allies (friends even? neither care to elaborate beyond “ally”)
- MK and Red Son are childhood friends (this is indeed set up for Spicynoodles, may become Chimerashipping eventually)
- Macaque is semi-redeemed (the monkie animosity is still there but he’s not trying to be actively antagonistic nor helpful to LBD’s plans, his sharp anger tempered by parenthood, very open to proper “redemption” under the right conditions)
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katakaluptastrophy · 4 months
You know how it goes: through some incredible circumstances, God and a young woman living under the shadow of an oppressive empire have a metaphysically unusual baby who grows up to be a general nuisance, won't stay dead, and sports a few additional holes...
It's the third Sunday of Advent and I'm a little concerned Bible studies for weird goth kids might be turning into a series... Let's talk about the Blessed Virgin Mary and Commander Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity.
Wake was probably never described as "gentle", "meek", or "mild", but there are a few similarities: distinctive outfits, snazzy shrines, commitment to putting down the mighty from their seats, and of course babies with great and terrible destinies niftily conceived without sex.
On the topic of conception, let's clear up a common, uh, misconception: the term "immaculate conception" does not refer to Mary becoming pregnant with Jesus. It's Mary's own conception.
Why are we talking about how Mary was conceived and what does this have to do with lesbian necromancers?
To answer that question, we have to go back further still, way before Mary's conception. Back to these guys and their unfortunate snack cravings:
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Remember how last time we talked about the concept of being in a state of grace? Well, the Christian read on Adam and Eve is that a state of grace was, as it were, the factory setting for humanity. They were fully in tune with God, there was no sickness or death, there was no sin. Until, that is, the whole unfortunate business with the apple. The first sin. The world is fundamentally altered. Humanity is expelled from paradise, burdened with sin, death, disease, patriarchy, and work. Worse, this sinful human nature turns out to be sexually transmissible: every human being is born tainted by this "original sin" of Adam and Eve.
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This is why Catholicism is so big on baptising babies: even if they're many years off being able to commit any sins themselves (a sin has to be something consciously chosen and understood), they're still contaminated by that original sin of Adam and Eve. Baptism is understood to erase original sin, wiping the slate clean.
Bear with me, we'll be back to necromancers soon I promise. Have a picture of Mary beating up the devil while an angel holds baby Jesus:
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OK, but what does Adam and Eve's danger snack have to do with Mary's conception?
The "immaculate conception" refers to the idea that unlike every human being between Adam and Jesus, Mary was conceived without the contamination of original sin. The rationale for this is complex, but essentially boils down to something like the saving power of Jesus not being bound by piffling things like time and space and thus saving his mother before her own conception and allowing himself to also be conceived and born sinless.
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But the important bit is that something specific about Mary means that she is uniquely able to be pregnant with Jesus.
You may be starting to guess where this is going...
Because while unconventional pregnancy seems to have been the plan from the get-go for Jesus, it was not with the artist formerly known as The Bomb:
“I had the baby,” said Wake. “The baby I’d had to incubate myself for nine long fucking months, when the foetal dummies these two gave me died.”
“Oh, God, it was yours,” said Augustine, in horror. “I thought you’d used in vitro on one of Mercy’s—”
“I said they all died,” said Wake. “The dummies died. The ova died. Only the sample was still active, no idea how considering it was twelve weeks after the fact, but I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.”
“So you used it on yourself,” said Augustine. “Anything for the revolution, eh, Wake?”
We have to assume the foetal dummies plan was hatched by Mercymorn, a brilliant scientist with a myriad of experience. If the problem encountered by Wake were as simple as Lyctoral infertility, I suspect Mercy would have spotted that long before.
But what do Wake and John have in common that Mercymorn or any of the other ova-having residents of the Mithraeum did not? They are both (to some extent at least) factory setting humans: unlike everyone else in the Dominicus system, they never died and were resurrected, nor are they the descendants people who were. John's abilities, while macabre, are not straightforwardly the necromancy otherwise practiced in the Houses. That necromancy is a direct result of one specific act of taking that resulted in the very nature of the world changing: a thanergetic system, inhabited by human beings who, necromancer or not, are fundamentally tainted by thanergy and by the after effects of that action of John's. You might call it a sin. An indelible sin. He does.
It's not an exact parallel, but necromancy certainly occupies a space not dissimilar to original sin: the result of a single action, tainting every descendant of its progenitors regardless of their actions of abilities.
And then enter Gideon, born in space away from the thanergetic energy of the Dominicus system to a mother lacking the 10,000 year intergenerational burden of the resurrection and necromancy. The child of Jod, born to die.
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blaithnne · 5 months
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Ok so my initial theory is that this baby is Johanna (it just doesn’t look like Hilda, the hair seems too dark and the nose too big) but she’s been protected from the big fairy(?) thing for a while now, but now something has happened to break that protection? Maybe it’s something that has to be renewed?
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Or maybe Johanna doesn’t even know, and it’s Astrid who’s placing some kind of protective seal. And she’s enticing Hilda and Johanna out to hers so she can renew it better, or because whatever the protection is doesn’t work so well in trollberg?
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That could be what this scene is, Hilda’s been sneaking around following Astrid, because when she tries to ask her about her Father Astrid brushes her off with the ol’ “ah but he family you have right here is what’s most important” jargin, but still seems suspicious the whole time Hilda is there. When she catches her red handed, it turns out she’s actually hiding something from Johanna, who enters stage left at the last minute like excuse me what. And here could be Johanna returning, angry at Astrid for lying to her, Astrid feeling guilty, and Hilda disappointed that she’s no closer to finding her dad
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Btw this scene of Hilda yelling for her missing mum is put right after the “I will come to take the girl” bit, which is also part of what’s fuelling my theory. ALSO looking at the Initial teaser with Hilda being so excited to find the fairies, it’d be really messed up if she was sooo excited but upon meeting them learned they were actually out to get her.
Anyways Johanna being born via magical means as opposed to Hilda is much more interesting to me, since Jo is for the most part just a regular dude who wants to eat cucumber sandwich and chill. It’s a fun misdirect!
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Ofc this doesn’t sense anything abt Hilda’s dad, but I like the idea of him just being a normal deadbeat father in contrast to all this magic. Hilda learning that unconventional families are just as good as conventional ones, sometimes better. She desperately wants her fathers absence to be tied to some big adventure or magical reason, but it’s not.
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cantheykillmacbeth · 15 days
bubby from hlvrai.
actually, all the characters from hlvrai
Ok, so, we've covered Bubby specifically before:
But I do think that there's an interesting discussion here when it comes to the cast as a whole. The verdict entirely depends on whether we're looking at the surface-level narrative or the narrative within the narrative. The whole premise is that Gordon is someone playing a game in-universe, and the AI of this game has become sentient. So, in that respect, all the AI characters could kill Macbeth, since they were programmed instead of born.
However, at the same time, there is a story within this fictional game with origins for most if not all of these characters. Bubby's origin just so happens to also be artificial creation within the game's narrative, but the main case of debate here is Dr. Coomer. He has a moment where he proclaims "[he] came from the surface, from [his] mommy and daddy." We can infer that this means that, within the story of the game, Dr. Coomer is of woman born. But outside of the game's story, Dr. Coomer is an AI- in fact, he's the character who displays this most often out of any of them- so it's very unclear whether or not he should count for UBC.
So, in the respect that they are AI: all of them apply for the Unconventional Birth Clause and possibly Birth Parent Clause. But in the respect of the game's story, then Coomer could NOT kill Macbeth, Bubby could under UBC and BPC, and Tommy and Benry are left ambiguous (Tommy is said to be G-Man's son, but we don't know exactly how that happened mechanically). And, of course, Gordan himself is the same either way, being ambiguous and presumably unable to kill Macbeth.
Thank you for your submission!
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total-drama-shark · 1 year
First impressions on every contestant!
Warning this gets long.
Was really interested on the possibility of a nerdy character from her introduction, but I feel like my biggest gripe with her is the whole “my generation” thing, it just feels slightly mean spirited and not realistic for a personality trait. Teens generally don’t like being told that their generation sucks or that they’re all dumb or have their use of technology criticized. The ones that do dislike their generation are those either trying to receive approval from older people or “I was born in the wrong generation” type kids. She’s just, unrelatable.
Her voice is higher than I expected, I like the survival theme and was surprised we got another zombie conspiracy nut in the cast (so happy we got a Shawn cameo/reference as well!) she really is like a mix of Jo and Eva with a sprinkle of Shawn and I wish we got to see more of her!
Super interesting to see a contestant raised by TD fans, and her intro was amazing! Baby and toddler Priya! Owen reference! She is 100% going to be an interesting character. I guess there’s also a subversion of a big Desi stereotype with her, she wants to go to med school but her parents want her to enter a more unconventional and unstable field, I don’t know exactly how to feel about this, specially since I’m not desi myself.
My man!!! I love me a skater/surfer dude and the Jude vibes are impeccable!! He is so chill and just here to vibe. I’ve audibly laughed at multiple of his lines and just love him so much. I also think he’s neat amputee rep, he’s casual about it and was just born that way, but can make fun stories up about it.
Am I disappointed by the fart and potty jokes? Yes, but besides that I actually really like his character! An annoying bully who despite his best efforts is a loser. Also if his voice doesn’t fuel the nowen child headcanons out there I don’t know what will.
A total newbie! Very opposite to Priya in this case and also super interesting character trait for him, I hope both him and Priya can function a bit to show off the POV of both old and new fans alike. He’s also very entertaining :)
Scary girl
Exactly what I expected from her and more! She is very much one dimensional compared to most the rest but I love her! I love wildcards! So excited to see her shenanigans
Introducing yourself as the first openly gay contestant is definitely a first impression! I’ve got to say I adore his competitive and scheming nature and you can tell he’s in it to win it, he also has amazing social skills and is overall an icon. I know not everyone will be into the idea of the first openly queer contestant being very stereotypical but I’ve always thought that just as while his sexuality isn’t the center of his personality and there’s at least another queer character that isn’t as stereotypical it’s all good, and by the looks of it that will be the case. Also I know multiple gay dudes that act just as him so I have a bias.
Did not expect a stunt Youtuber type guy but I definitely should’ve seen it coming, also DRAMA?? Pre established EXES??? I am so interested in seeing how this pans out
I love her voice first of all and I did not expect her to have been part of the stunt Youtuber group, hope the ex drama isn’t all there is to her character and I really enjoy her friendship with Bowie so far!
Oh I love her, we haven’t seen a character like her before and she has so much potential! A character that knows she’s underestimated and takes advantage of that? Yes please!
Pretty much a Justin copy, I can’t really say much about him and we knew how things were going to pan out so I can only hope he’ll make if farther and get more development next season.
Wayne & Raj
Hockey dudes! They’re such jocks and can sense the “makes fun of me lightly for being unathletic but cheers for me when I finally start participating in sports” energy from them so hard, they’re fun guys and feel so much like real teen boys.
An actual TV star! I didn’t see that coming but I love it! Love seeing the little flashbacks to her shows and movies and seeing someone in the show be treated as an actual celebrity, she’s also as far as I’ve seen pretty smart, level headed, and humble for a TV celebrity! So interested in seeing her work!
The influencer chick! Her intro was amazing and I definitely didn’t expect her to be into healing crystals, feel like she’ll be a very interesting character and I await her interactions with Nichelle.
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gornackeaterofworlds · 4 months
got any hcs for bay donnie 😇😇😊😊😊😊😊👁️👁️
-Even though Raph goes up top the most, Donnie is the one that wants to be human the most. Evidenced by his obsession with the mutagen, yes, but also his smaller behaviors. He wears more human pants and shoes than his brothers. He wears very generic glasses that everyone who's worn glasses has had before. He speaks the clearest imo. I think it's born from the fact that even though he's a turtle like his brothers, he's the tallest and least muscular of them. He doesn't feel like he belongs anywhere, a feeling that's made worse by their teasing.
-He has a really big fear of heights, and that's why he didn't dwell on the plane jump, he just powered through. That's also partially why he has Mikey on top of the truck instead of himself or a camera
-He is absolutely obsessed with racing games, especially those arcade ones where it's the whole seat and steering wheel. That's where he learned to drive, and why he goes so fast.
-He's a fucking loser. I know this is the running joke in the movies and everything but I mean he is pathetic. If this boy was a human he'd be on the edge of becoming an incel. Like, the back of the class "devil's advocate" incel. Too many people make him cocky, and he can be, but if he likes you that man is fumbling at every step, every word, until you fan his ego enough to get past his insecurities.
-I don't think Don is an incel though, I think his unconventional upbringing has made him more caring. Despite having low empathy, I think if he can realize he likes you then he'll do things for you out of kindness. Acts of service, if you will.
-I think he's very emotionally dim-witted. As seen in the plane scene, he methodically goes over the plan and then jumps, not even seeing the apprehension from his brothers. You'll have to be direct and honest, he won't take offense to it.
Nsfw below the cut
-He's a fucking loser. If he likes you, this man is horny all the time over any little thing. Even when you're talking, he's entranced by the movement of your lips. He WILL be bad at sex at the beginning, especially because the most he's ever done is watch porn. He knows anatomy better than his brothers, yes, but don't think that correlates to romance or experience.
-A sucker for worship, from either party. He'll give it genuinely, because he's just so surprised you're his. That someone so perfect and human could love and want him and show him their naked body. But he also likes receiving it, he can turn into a cocky mf if you rile him up with praise.
-Does not care how you look or dress. Pizza-stained shirt, basketball shorts and greasy low ponytail? He wants to smash. Dolled up in purple just for a movie date? You won't remember the name of the movie, trust. He'd find all manner of body types, skin colors, hair textures, eye colors, etc very intriguing and beautiful, he wouldn't have a preference(none of them really would, seeing as they'd be lucky a human even looked at them with good intent). Part of it is you being everything he's always wanted. A partner, of course, but a human as well. He'd kill for that kind of opportunity and accepts his lot in life through having you.
-Once the first time awkwardness wears off Donnie gets good really fast. He's very observant when it comes to data, and he's seen that first sex as an experimental moment to help compartmentalize his feelings a bit and grow. He memorized every sound you made and what caused it, even if his memory is a little hazy at the end from all the pleasure.
-You will peg him, or fuck him if you have a dick. There's no debate here. And he will cry pleasure tears.
-Whines into the back of his hand. For all he's overcome, he's still insecure about his looks, especially his O face and his mouth. Partially insecure about the sounds he makes, and partially trying to muffle himself so his brothers don't hear.
-Also talks, but very incoherently. Like only the first half of his sentences and it's very rushed and breathy.
-Will try anything in the name of scientific experimentation(and bc he loves you). Any kink you have, however small, can be communicated honestly with him and he'll try his best. He actually really likes when you tell him these things, because it's just more assurance that you really want him.
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st-juliet · 2 years
Utmost Merit, Part II
Fandom: Henry Cavill as Sherlock in Enola Holmes
Summary: Sherlock presents the Reader with a most unconventional proposal.
Content: 18+ for suggestive language (breeding kink is the star of this fic) and smut, specifically our heroine being fingered sort of in public (indoors and uninterrupted), and frank discussion of pregnancy.
Notes: I prefer giving a name to the Reader rather than using Y/N, but I hope you will make the appropriate substitutes in your imagination. And hello, I’m back!!! I lost this whole chapter in a computer disaster, and then was occupied writing for my work, but I thank you for your patience, and for all the absolutely hear-soaringly lovely comments and reblogs on Part I of this story! Most especial thanks to my darlings: @crazybutconfidentaf  @inlovewithhisblueeyes  @donutloverxo  @ghotifishreads​
Previous Chapter: Part I
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The necessary legal and social arrangements were made with your brothers’ assistance, but when it came to the logistical matters, you and Sherlock had been left to your own devices, which in this particular instance meant that you invited him along for one of your early morning walks, on a beautiful sunny day, to discuss the particulars of your wedding.
“This is very peaceful,” he remarks, and you note with a pang of undeniable tenderness that he has matched his pace to yours, slowing his long strides to match your smaller steps. “I confess I am not always up before noon unless a client calls, but I’m beginning to see the appeal of the sunrise. I hope you will not cease this practice once we are married.”
“Not when it is half the reason we will be married in the first place!” you laugh. “I hope you will find some occasion to join me, when you wish to. And I think when the baby comes—” Ah, how easily that phrase has slipped into both of your vocabularies. “—I might have a little companion to perambulate with me.”
“You certainly shall. And we must spend summers on the estate—there you may walk for leagues in the woods and fields…I hardly know the extent of the grounds myself. And we might honeymoon there, as well.”
“I would be honored, Sherlock.”
“But we must of course set the date. When would you be married?”
“I see no reason to delay,” you reply, hopeful that he will not think your enthusiasm too bold.
“Excellent.” He nods approvingly. “Let us see: in three weeks’ time the reading of the banns shall be completed, so perhaps the ceremony could be held on the following Saturday? Will that give you time to caparison yourself as you prefer? I wouldn’t want to deny you the joy of your bridal provisions.”
“My gown will certainly be completed by then…and if I am a few handkerchiefs or nightgowns shy of a full trousseau, I’m sure you will not cast me aside!”
“I will not. Nightgowns are welcome…but by no means required.”
He casually glances away from you, then cuts his eyes back with a somewhat suggestive smile. Your careless joke has sparked a flirtatious tone in him that is a complete revelation to you. The Great Detective, flirtatious? Moveable by a nightgown? He had professed himself anything but a romancer, but in this moment, you thought he might not know the extent of his power…nor neither of you the extent of yours. But all these thoughts—of how you might move him yet further, of how your heart whispered that this was not just lust, not just the chance of a child, but something more, that drew you to him—are dispersed by the sensation of his hand brushing against yours, the offer of his arm, which you accept, bringing you a little closer together as you walk.
“Rosamund, let us endeavor to be entirely honest with one another.”
“A fine foundation for marriage,” you concur, trying to breathe deeply but not obviously to still your racing, reckless heart.
“Indeed. And upon that foundation, will you tell me if you are aware of the manner in which a child is conceived and borne?”
“Yes, I am. In theory. My parents were quite…quite bohemian in some respects, and thought it best I were properly, scientifically educated, for my own protection and my wellbeing in marriage.”
“I am very glad to hear it. And if you—should you have questions about anything, which I might answer more specifically or, as you say, scientifically, than your married friends, I entreat you to ask. We have nothing to be ashamed of between us.”
“Thank you, Sherlock,” you say, emotion welling behind each word. You walk in comfortable silence for a moment, before remembering your purpose:
“Oh, and—pardon me, if we might return to the day of the marriage proper—I was distracted—“ You laugh a little, hoping you are not so flushed in the face as you feel. “I would like to host a wedding breakfast at my—my brothers’ home, for my friends and for yours, if you do not object. A farewell to my childhood home, and a way to bring the old and new together.”
“Excellent; I should enjoy that as well. And on a similar subject: there is the matter of our own home. We have spoken already of the estate, of course, but my business will keep me in London most of the year.”
“Then we will stay with you. You should not have to take a train to see your children.”
This brings out a particularly beaming smile. Who in the world could have ever thought this man—this vibrant, capricious, thoughtful, witty man—an automaton? Does he even know, you muse, how dearly, wonderfully human he is?
“I presently reside in lodgings at Baker Street, and will maintain the flat to serve as my office—for the sake of your safety and privacy—but I mean to purchase a home, perhaps in Belgravia, that would be more suitable for our family. In fact, I will be viewing a house this very afternoon and have some hopes it may prove ideal.”
“May I accompany you?” you ask, and he smiles in surprise, and evident pleasure.
“But of course,” he answers. “Forgive me—I ought to have asked you to begin with. I did not mean to exclude you from the decision.”
“Not at all. It is something new for both of us—to think as part of a pair and not simply for oneself. We will both need to get accustomed to it.”
“You make it very easy to do so, Rosamund.”
Somehow, it is this simple, unromantic compliment, even more than his allusive comment about your nightgowns, which truly makes you blush, and your heart sing in your breast.
He makes it easy, too.
That afternoon, you arrive together at the house, met by the current proprietors’ solicitor who takes you on a tour. Sherlock rigorously inspects floorboards, delights in a magnificent marble fireplace, and scoffs at the gauche, bird-covered wallpaper when the solicitor isn’t looking, which makes you laugh. You feel as though you learn a dozen new things about him, by virtue of what he seeks in a home, and he is granted the same insight to you: he loves the color red but cannot abide purple, you love when floorboards creak because it reminds you that you are not alone in an empty home, you would both be inclined to convert the greenhouse in the garden to a music room, neatly solving the Problem of the Midnight Violin.
On the second floor, you are introduced to an especially sumptuous library. It still bears the mark of the previous occupants; though the books are gone, chairs, settees, and a substantial desk remain.
“They have yet to cart this furniture away,” the solicitor explains. “But if you like it, we might be able to arrange to purchase it with the house?”
“It is a little old-fashioned, perhaps but there is something picturesque in the antiquity,” you offer.
“I agree,” Sherlock answers. “And it would save us a good deal of trouble, to have some furnishings already provided. Sir, will you make your inquiry? The cost is not of consequence.”
“Of course. I’ll return—please do make yourselves at home in the meantime!”
The man departs, and as his footsteps down the stairs fade, Sherlock paces about, examining the library as thoroughly as if searching for clues.
“It is all very dark and dusty,” he observes. “I don’t mind the former and we can easily set right the latter—but I wouldn’t want to condemn you to the shadows.”
“These windows face the West,” you note, and with an easy tug, you pull aside the curtain to reveal an exquisite sunset, painting the drab room anew with lovely, light colors. “We may have light or dark as we choose.”
Sherlock comes to stand beside you in the streams of fading light, and you are struck again by his handsome features. It always takes you off guard, how his magnificent eyes, curving lips, and sharp jaw affect you. This is meant to be a matter of business, of family, of providing a good man with a deserved heir…but still, you find yourself somewhat giddy, playing house with your husband-to-be, and seat yourself in the chair by the window, even daring to raise your arms in imitation of cradling a baby. “And here, Mr. Holmes…a more complete picture for your consideration. What do you think of it now?”
“Well, this is in all ways ideal,” he avers, smiling at your pose, and—seemingly without thought, on a sudden impulse, he kneels beside you, looking first into your eyes, then letting his gaze wander to your posed arms with their imaginary child, and down further still to your skirts spread about you. Almost transfixed, he fingers the lace at the hem of your light walking gown.
“Allow me to say that I have always appreciated the way you dress,” he states, his voice low and deliberate as he continues to trace the trim…and then his hand slips beneath your skirt. “It becomes you so well…soft and simple and fresh…”
His fingertips brush your ankle, your calf, your knee and you smother a gasp, but you cannot possibly pull away. Such an intimate touch sets your skin aflame through the silk of your stockings, and you find yourself pressing against his touch, encouraging the caress as his hand climbs higher.
“Tell me, has your scientific education found any practical application?” he asks, his voice calm but intent as he strokes maddeningly gentle, light circles on your thigh through the fabric of your drawers. Your blush deepens.
“As I have said before, sir, I am…curious…” you manage, and you nearly shatter in an instant as he boldly, shamelessly finds your most sensitive place and begins to circle that bundle of nerves, guided by touch alone beneath the many layers of cloth that still separate you. He huffs in satisfaction as your hips move in time with his hand, seeking more friction, more heat, more closeness.
“My god, I can feel you—you’re wet for me—why, Rosamund, was it me you thought of in your curiosity, hmm? Have you wondered what it will feel like, when I take you to my bed?”
“Yes, oh, Sherlock,” you gasp, covering your mouth with your hand and glancing furtively at the door, terrified that at any moment the gentleman may return…and not for fear of your reputation, you realize, but because it means Sherlock would stop. And he cannot, he must not stop—it is too, too good—
“You want this, don’t you, Mrs. Holmes?” he murmurs, and your heart swells at the sound of your soon-to-be name falling from his lips. His sharp, keen eyes are fixed on yours as he moves his hand faster, more urgently. “You want to come for me, like a good, obedient wife and call out my name while I put a baby in you…“
You want it. You want it more than anything.
And in mere moments, you do come for him, just as he says, pressing your hand tighter against your mouth to stifle the absolutely indecent sounds that threaten to reveal your compromised state. He works you through your peak, whispering, “Good girl, good girl…”
And then, reality returns.
You stare at each other for a long moment, both of you crashing down to earth even as you tremble with the aftershocks of your orgasm. Hastily, but not at all ungently, he withdraws his hand and stands, putting distance between you as you right your clothes and rise from the chair, both of you breathing deeply.
“Please, Miss Marlow, I must ask you to forgive me. I let my…my inclinations run away with me. I meant no disrespect—“
“I think there can be nothing to forgive!” you reassure him at once. This is a side you have not seen of the man you are to marry: he is uncomfortable, apologetic, almost shy as he glances back at you over his shoulder. “You yourself said we have nothing to be ashamed of between us, and you seek to satisfy my understanding of my own body, not any prurient or selfish desire.”
“You think very well of me,” he replies doubtfully, but his posture eases and his voice is a little less constricted.
“I have reason to, sir,” you state firmly, and this truly seems to touch him. “And it will facilitate our purpose, will it not…for me to…feel as I have just felt?”
“Yes, I have it on medical authority that it will,” he says, returning to stand beside you, all tension melting away into a your usual, familiar ease.
“Then there is utmost merit in practice.” He laughs softly, and you cannot help but tease him a little further. “Even under such daring circumstances.”
“I am somewhat wont to run into danger,” he admits.
“Then I will simply have to run after you. Sherlock.”
He inclines his head, and you tilt yours up to meet his kiss—
“You can keep the furniture!”
A voice in the doorway, the eager solicitor, interrupts you, and you draw apart, assuming a more respectable distance at once.
“Well, what do you think of it, sir?”
Sherlock glances down at you and pulls out his chequebook.
“We’ll take it.”
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<3<3<3 If you liked this story, please do comment, reblog, or visit my masterlist! And here’s Part III!
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chezzabellesworld · 10 days
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Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton
Forget Megan Fox for a minute, and her partner Machine Gun Kelly a.k.a. Colson Baker these two are the original crazy couple. They were known for coming to Premier high off their not on stuff mainly heroin and never jokes according to the blind I am to the love of each other lives forever and when are you looking in there in their synastry you can see why.. so what was it about? These two? That made them so appealing to the general public? I’ll tell you what they were different. They appealed to the weird kids. They appealed to their and popular kids, they even appeared to the popular kids and people who didn’t know how to express the side of themselves from a very young age Angelina had a very let’s say unconventional sex life for someone very young, her mum even allowed her to have her different boyfriend stay in the house and it’s so believe that she went out of one of her mother’s partners. I don’t know how true this is but I’ve had it a couple of times.
Angelina loves her mother, unfortunately she lost her mother to cancer which gave Angelina the ideas to get tested for all the things that her mother had and she had her breast removed and she had the test for like cervical things and she had a very high chance of getting what her mother had, John VOIGHT, who is Angelina‘s father? Have a very strange relationship. They work together on a film. I believe it might have been too raid or films she did after it and they worked together fine on Saturday and bloody bloody blah blah criticism like a lot of Angelina life you can see that she’s been really criticised by those places that even the general private making fun of her for adopting babies from other countries which in the early 2000 seem to be a massive thing with her and Madonna, I’m not sure maybe because they were older but Angelina isn’t that old I feel like she just wanted to help children from other countries. He didn’t get the chance to have a mother around that subject for another day.
I think the thing that makes her different between her and Megan Fox is the fact that Angelina was doing this before. This was even a thing she invented the whole being different and a bit crazy and kind of like when the rider but we have more of an edge , in fact, character girl interrupted reminds me of what Angelina could actually be like in real life especially being a Gemini 🌞 sun.
Carrying each of his role of blood around each one and others necks with a thing with these two also this is where I believe things went down for Angelina after Billy Bob but like I said if you want to believe the bond these who have been hooking up and secret for many years , and after they broke up and said having sex with her like having sex with sofa , very bitter and mean .
So now let’s get into the ministry of these two birth chalk and add a little spice to what’s going on here…..
His son is Leo. Her sun is in Gemini. Her moon is an Aries with a cancer rising making her moon the chart ruler she was born on June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles at 9:09 am a late cancer ascendant Venus is almost exactly rising in cancer and a tight square with Uranus and Jupiter closed and exactly the same conjunction of the midheaven. She has an Aries moon which is conjunct her Mars and Aries her mercury is in Gemini.
Billy Bob has a number of planets in Leo mercury Venus mars Jupiter and Pluto, although his moon is opposing to Leo being an Aquarius, which has a Scorpio myself is my favourite moon sign?🌙, so although Angelina‘s birth time is accurate, we don’t have one for Billy Bob here we go there Billy Bob has a huge coralstion reaction of planets in Leo with all the personal planets except the moon in Leo with this concentration and he’s going to impact another person in a concentrated area of their charts in the case of Angelina impact on her house. No wonder she couldn’t keep her hands off him you see guys this is how it happens and cussing on that house the second house is in but for her it would be in Leo and the second house being ruled by tourist generally and always let’s take away the factor it’s her chart is to do with the senses adding the part where they said they couldn’t keep their hands up each other, he is almost exactly conjunct her Venus in sin. This aspect is a major indication of attraction the Venus person in this case Angelina is actually unfed with the Uranus person and the begins quickly quickly and this kind of election electric attraction ruling electricity,,,,
The sinner story between the moon is remarkable. Their son is in trying with the moon moonshine mercury many sex ties involving personal planets and more Angeline son moon midpoint at 13 15 is activated by Billy Bob on Mars and Saturn is a two-way mars and Jupiter and the list goes on in an interview with the Rollingstone Angelina has described how she felt when she met Billy Bob it was a feeling of disorientation. It’s no wonder at all.
The couples shed quite a few natal configurations for example Angelina has been escort Uranus aspect as dominant aspect in her chart and bill Bob has Venus conjunct Uranus both attracted to the unconventional exciting relationships both have Mars conjunction Jupiter in fire signs indicating in insatiable appetite, adventure activity and sex.
Then, if you wanna go a little bit deeper, you can look at composite charts, Which is a different way it’s not like sin is how the relationship has viewed in the public how the relationship views and different parts of an aspect of the relationship rather than the compatibility and say this composite chart however has some serious clashes are most obvious in the composite chart chart reveals the ultimate fate of relationship. Mars conjunction Jupiter and aspect present in their individual charts and these planets are involved in a T square with the moon car on Saturn neon and Pluto the noodle actress is immediately involved with this configuration as well.
Some released from tensions of this configuration is found in mercury which tries the moon and Kairon the Sextile the volatile urine is Saturn and Pluto and Neptune which trying moon Cron and sex tiles Uranus, Saturn and Pluto the three square is volatile in his power and energy with Neptune supporting some of the elements of the free tries and sex ties we would expect that the couple was able to talk things out and come to some acceptance of diverse and extreme energy present in their relationship at least some of the time..
He wrote a song about her….
I can understand him being so attracted to Angelina Jolie who isn’t she has his elected of tea with people even with that woman Jenny she feels things straight away which I give her and her moon and Aries being in the same and being passionate and seeing things through straightaway.
You are a strongly involved of the moon mars and Jupiter might have been easier to handle for the couple has both Angelina and Billy and they to leave configured to handle urinating in relationships, however Saturn tightly can jump glue to opposing and squaring their personal plants is much more challenging to grips with. Even though Venus looks at first glance to be unrespected in the composite chart it Semi Square Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Pluto forms Square to moon Kron Venus is involved and his challenging manner. All of the clashes present in the composite chart certainly worse stimulating and exciting but dementia too demanding.
Let’s go with Angelina having these challenges with Brad Pitt where she was attracted to him straight away and vice versa and both being mutable signs where they can adapt and become basically mirroring the signs, a Sagittarius and her being a in Gemini, here is some more with Brad Pitt people over expecting interest in a relationship between Angelina and Brad astrologically speaking the sinister between the two is for less striking and the example above and not hugely binding especially if Angelina Saturn or Brad North node which is often a separate aspect and his mercury and Mars opposing her Saturn with many of Brad’s personal planets falling in Angelina is six S. there is an imbalance present in the relationship which may over time be draining.
So now I want to take you to the blind item world, and we will look at some Angelina and Bob blind items alright so blind items are about celebrities where they’re a bit play onwards that they can’t say exactly who they are and there sometimes give them nicknames but here is one from September 15, 2019 and remember guys he broke up in the early 2000 supposedly it looks like the Oscar winning actor is getting closer to confirming that what I have been saying for a decade he is still hooked up with the permanent A-list mostly movie actress of his and has done so despite who they might have been involved with over the years, isn’t that right? Sport .
NT lawyer crazy days and loves to say this about Billy Bob calling everybody sport …. she’s been hooking up with for decades supposedly she does her own PR here is another blind item dated April 10, 2012
Number one is Academy award-winning actress who is an A-list apparently still believes in old flames she has slept with her ex-boyfriend a few times in the past year because she just can’t get him out of her head. I wonder what her A-list actor would think of it
Number two this A-list movie actor has a very unusual girlfriend for his first celebrity fling. She was probably B+ this movie actress at the time as it is now a wacky being minus with other interest. Our actor had never met her but told the male producer he could not speak with him to get apart back in the day because he had a girlfriend her was the first one he came up with and had to say with her until the producer finally gave up number one revealed
Angelina Billy Bob and Brad Pitt
Number two Brad Pitt Juliet Lewis
Here on lipstick all over find more Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt find items reveals July 8, 2016 and remember this is the time they split and things weren’t really sour. They were actual going up to the room of this A+ list mostly movie actor married to another A-list actor I never knew he was a stripper guy. He was always being a sucker for a PR people group Pitt/Angelina Jolie
28th of April 2016 this this mostly movie the actress is in bad shape health what is the drug uses out of control and she is slowly wasting away nothing Angelina Jolie very sad some of these
28th of July 2015 the wedding of his oranges new black address is on hold not for any other reasons giving but she is enjoying all the access with fans that she has been having in the past few months. She managed to hook up with this A+ this may be amazing actress and that is Ruby Rose and Angelina Jolie October 8, 2015 is a mostly movie address who is A-list more for fame than acting at this point has dropped so much weight that our husband has someone with her to make sure she eats at least at some food every day too many fainting spells and emergency goes to the doctor for dehydration. I’ve led to this
I wanna end this on a good note , Angelina has been out of the public eye for a bit. I feel recently and hopefully she is getting some good time with her children and looking after herself we’ve got a member she was very young when she hooked up with Brad Pitt and he was at least 10 years now, he was married and he should’ve known better. We’ve stop blaming things like this. He’s probably told her many lies about him and Jennifer and they probably won’t even together millennials Angelina was a blood sucker but now we love her. I’ve always loved her. She was like I celebrity crushes a woman she’s just so beautiful. I do hope she manages to sort her problems out as that video of her doing heroin and being on the phone to her dealer, which is really worrying she needs to have people around her if she is a good person I just wanted to show you may seem very appealing and the machine gun Megan Fox , Travis Barker and Kourtney k there are many problems too 
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azierumart · 4 months
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more oc stuff!! another redesign and also put some notes about him down (: i have a lot of lore about the creatures of my universe and stuff especially warlocks (they’re my favourite)
also if you’re viewing this on a phone or smth i’m sorry the colours get fucked up you literally can’t see anything
anyway!! here are some ramblings about warlocks
warlocks are probably one of the most powerful creatures. they can do all kinds of conventional magic, pretty much all exceptionally well. their magic is very instinctual and VERY ruled by their emotions (im a sucker for strong emotion bursts of accidental magic), and it also occasionally has a mind of its own. they can still specialise in a certain type of magic ofc and tend to be better at one or two types, but they also have their own sort of unconventional magic thing or combine conventional magics in ‘odd’ ways. their unconventional magic doesn’t fit with any specific type of magic and it’s the kind no other magic users can do. they are humanoid usually but basically can look like anything, have any sort of features/non human attributes, wings, tails, horns, what have you. most have non human looking eyes, non human eye colours and ‘weird’ irises. their eyes also glow when doing magic, and when doing very powerful magic completely cloud over whilst also glowing. every warlock is autistic/adhd/audhd (judged by human standards). every warlocks brain has a more similar structure to an autistic/adhd/audhd human brain than a human allistic/non adhd brain. theyre also immortal and live long long long lives…. some powerful ones can’t actually die, or at least haven’t found a way to yet (even if they want to… which most of them do. yes that’s cruel but i love to torture my ocs). they’re exceptionally rare, there’s probably only about several hundred/thousand?? being that old obviously leaves way for a lottttt of trauma. people liked to hunt them a lot in the past, take the things that make them look inhuman as trophies meaning many of them are without/have damaged parts of their inhuman characteristics. and ofc any other trauma, lots have childhood trauma from parents being freaked out about them, many are abandoned, they’ve lost many many people, etc etc. they are born or seem to be born from human parents at random so they tend to be very unexpected. many of them have ptsd or c-ptsd and have been depressed/are depressed. obvs being autistic/adhd/audhd that leaves them with higher chance of that anyways. their magic is their whole being basically, it’s so intrinsically them and natural to them. overexerting themselves with magic can have dire consequences like with any kind of overexertion. they’ll be ill for a while after, very weak and usually with a fever or something, maybe unconscious. it could physically damage them too. at a certain point they stop ageing (and they tend to physically age slower than humans, how slow varies) and stay looking that same age forever (this age also varies). no one knows where they come from and there’s no real pattern to how and why and when they’re born. many people think they’re children of demons and don’t like them, think they’re dangerous etc. some use wands or staffs but they don’t really have need for them and they’re usually just for the aesthetic
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noxiatoxia · 1 month
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even as a small kid i felt like i didnt belong in this world. not in qn edgy way either but genuinely in a "i was born in the wrong lifetime" sort of thing. and then as i got older i got obsessed with the idea of stories and characters and people that were fixated on suicide from the moment they were born or people who never felt like they should have been brought into society or be human. i got obsessed with stories about unconventional means of happiness and love and living. ways of living life or being happy that most people would be perplexed at, i found comfort in those sort of stories, because i felt it was the closest id ever get to feeling like i belonged.
noww not to say i DONT like living. in fact i do. i have fun & despite all the bullshit in my life i do not want to end it all or w/e. i can have fun and be happy but that does not change the fact it all feels like a lie to others. hanging out with friends and talking to family feels like an eternal game im playing, never actually connecting with anyone or anything. and thats fine, bc its still fun and i still have fun, but living life day to day feels as real and sincere as a video game. i could play games for hours, get immersed and invested in them, fall in love with those pixels on the screen and cry at the story, but theyre still made up lives inside a digital world at the end of the day. thats what my life feels like. a very very fun video game! but its all shallow anyways. idk if that really bothers me exactly. i do often times find myself yerning for that place i belong that ive dreamt of before i could even read. as an abstract concept, one with the earth, or somewhere in the atmosphere, in space, dunno. i know ill never find it in this lifetime, and thats fine, as long as i can have fun and adventurw right now. and then when i die, i hope i can find where i truly fit in, and what my soul truly was meant to be.
i could go on abt how its likely this is a big reason i project myself through media and rely on it heavily to express myself, since im not really myself in real life, dont really have a being in real life, so i can pour my base desires and wishes into a fictional world where it all makes senae to me. and i could also acknowledge that i might be a bit mentally unwell, but if i have felt this way my whole life, perhaps this is just who i am. as ive always felt, some people simply are not destined to be human or to be alive. what some people want or how thwy feel cannot be changed through reprogramming or drugs. they are "lost causes", those who want nothing more than to dedicate their lives to killing, to killing themselves, to drugs, to living in the woods, to living with wolves. their happiness and desires are unconventional and perhaps can never be changed. maybe theyre "broken", but theres a lot of them out there, and i feel a connection with them. we get one life, lets live it how we want, theres so much more outside of this constructed society. normal is weird and weird is normal. for me, ill just wait.
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waeirfaahl · 1 year
Early version of Aku
In final show we got the supernatural creature with incredibly interesting biology and pretty tragic shades in backstory (I recommend to read my analyze of Aku for whole picture). How we found out, Aku’s backstory and nature in 1 season differs from what we finally saw in “Birth of Evil” dilogy. In 1 season various characters called Aku a wizard, even Aku called himself a wizard instead of demon. Talking about creating the story, Tartakovsky referred to Aku exactly as wizard, not demon or whatever. That means, originally Aku supposed to be a sorcerer, i.e. human, apparently corrupted with black magic. And looking at his early designs... that’s not surprising. Although having the ability of shapeshifter, he looks like a human in kimono and helmet. And here he is named after Loki, so there’s various anagrams of this name (Ilok, Ikol, Kilo, Kloi, Koli etc). I don’t know, how this early version would work in the show. At least, if we discuss about character design.
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This one is the closest to the final animalistic design, and he’s pretty creepy. Some eeriness in this old man in black cloak and spiky helmet. And he reminds me a bit Grunwald the ice sorcerer from anime “Hors the sun prince” (1968).
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In final 1 season 1 episode there’s still some easter eggs of this early design:
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And if inside the classic seasons, since they had no finale yet, the  otherworldly demonic creature with an animalistic appearance, born from a particle of cosmic dark matter, looked intriguing, epic, tragic in its own way and with great potential for cool unconventional character development... then, with the existence of 5 season and its very banal plot and primitive ending, a reasonable question arises — what’s a point to make Aku a descendant of an ancient cosmic being, i.e. to make him a demonic being, if it is not revealed in any way and does not come up in any way and does not affect the character and the story? If they had left him a sorcerer from the time of 1 season or from earlier versions, nothing would have changed at all.
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terrence-silver · 9 months
Do you have any headcanons about Terry McCain's younger life? His childhood, parents, family, time in high school, college etc?
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― Born into a background just about as traditional as can be, I imagine, somewhere in rural Illinois on the outskirts of Chicago, on a big farm. Father might've been in law enforcement himself (a running multigenerational tradition, from grandfather, to father, to son?) mother a classical homemaker and Terry himself --- a good Catholic boy from a good Catholic household. The type that helps out at his local parish. Volunteers around the church or a soup kitchen. Feeds local stray animals around the neighborhood. Gets into fights with other kids he figures abused them, acquiring a taste for dishing out justice and pursuing what is right quite early on. Singing as a choir boy during Sunday mass, yes. Perhaps, taking up the occasional extracurricular of some local folklore troupe and getting into Irish dances and singing --- playing an instrument, sure, proving he has a knack for music; his first passion in life. Going on a heritage trip to Ireland? Maybe indulging in some occasional (and yet still weirdly innocent) mischief and pranks by switching out the local nuns' rosaries during prayer, for all we know. Nothing unconventional or controversial to see or read here. In fact, you can slap the man's face on a Norman Rockwell painting and you'd fit Terry McCain's upbringing fits the bill quite well.
― Had an equally Catholic educational phase too. St. Mary Institute or whatever it was called, and these years --- college and further studies pretty much left a pristine mark on his future too as someone diligent, hardworking and multitalented, considering how I envision Terry was groomed to be a cop very early on and that was a career choice that was simply a given he'd go into. Something, he in equal measure wanted to be, as much as it was a calling he inherited. As such, he attended an All Boys institute where he made lifelong friends (like Dylan) and later, a Police Academy and I imagine he got employment in this field extremely early on, possibly immediately post-graduation, which means by his early twenties, Terry McCain was probably already climbing the ranks within law enforcement, being a workaholic overachiever and fully dedicating himself to the job, fully detecting himself to his specialization and fully dedicating himself to martial arts; perfecting his weapon usage, combat skills and the pursuit of becoming just about as excellent as he can be in every regard, because I do believe Terry McCain is an idealist at heart and always has been, entirely convinced the myth of the 'good cop' doesn't just have to be a myth, especially how it might've been a career path numerous men in his family were in and the issue hit close to home.
― Was a definite country boy in the big city, and the somewhat drastic switch rendered him both hypersocial and introverted at the same time, meaning that in equal measure, a young Terry McCain was capable spending whole nights at the novelty that were jazz clubs, performing on stage, schmoozing at bars, honing his love of music, entertaining a crowd, being a generally liked, universally popular guy...and then retiring to his bachelor pad and being solitary for weeks and weeks, entirely bubbling himself in with the sole exception of being a cop. I think it is because Terry is a family guy at heart, plucked from his roots. Growing up in a tightly knit family unit. Instilled with family ideals. Possibly an only child who missed his family home and 'the good old days' or someone with a huge amount of siblings and nothing in between, being away from this traditional, post-card worthy environment due to the callings of his profession made it difficult to wholly adapt which he coped with by making his colleagues at the police force his adoptive family, in a sense --- which is exactly why their subsequent deaths were such a major blow to Terry. Why he went on such a rampage of revenge in their name.
― In spite of winning the genetic lottery in the looks department, being a star pupil in nearly everything he pursued, being athletic, tall, something of a jock and being undeniably popular in a sense, Terry McCain as a teenager was uncharacteristically humble about it. He might've been brash, a hothead, but, he was never a jerk. Never was a heartbreaker either, even though he very much could've been where young love was concerned. In fact, it is a shocker that Terry McCain doesn't have an extensive dating life behind him or nearly any at all, with rare exceptions. In fact, he seems like the type who would cordially take to prom someone who's parents know his parents and be a perfect gentleman about it and throw hands with anyone would be disrespectful about it. Pretty chaste about it too, as I do see that his later dedication to his profession consumed so much of his time that even as a young adult, Terry had no opportunity to put himself out there, regardless if he constantly turned eyes his way simply by walking into a room. Nobody would ever guess that this man had his first kiss relatively late and became sexually active relatively late as well just because he had this firm belief that he should do all of these things with someone he profoundly cares for and that the wait is worth it.
― Yet, I do imagine that there's a price to pay for being quite so continuously perfect in every regard and that's, yes, a whole load of pent-up repression accumulated over a great many years. Anger. Aggression. Being a bit of a pervert. Yeah, Terry has it all. And he's had it all since childhood, which means that in his adulthood and his continued career as a Detective, it actually takes anywhere from very little to a lot to trigger this man into turning a whole city upside down and leaving a literal trail of body bags behind him to enact what he sees as justice, righteousness, vigilantism, revenge, settling scores, tit for tat. You name it. Man has issues with rage galore. Issues with stubbornness. Issues with tense emotions. Issues with taking 'no' as an answer. To the degree he not only managed to hook up with a foreign model simply by being in relentless pursuit and then refusing to break up. I envision that as far back as his childhood or teenage years, Terry simply had a naturally fiery temper. That he was a kid of raw emotion and impulse. That he'd be capable of going toe to toe against a group of children all by himself because they bullied someone he considered a friend, even if the odds were stacked against him. It was the right thing to do, though, so he did it regardless.
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slutsukio · 4 months
⋆˙꒰ SUKI'S ORIGINAL CHARACTERZ .ᐟ ꒱ prior to delving into my ocs, please acknowledge that every character that is presented on my profile are exclusively and personally owned by me. i have placed blood, sweat and tears into these characters, as well as their whole being + making. please do not plagarize + steal my layout, nor my characters.
☆ !? xoxo, yours truly !? ⋆
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⋆˙caine ceres eugen .ᐟᝰ
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꩜ names + etymology. the name caine is of english origin, and is often used as a surname. the meaning of the name caine is not definitively established, and interpretations may very. one translates to "chain" or "maker or chains." another possibility is its connection to the hebrew name cain from the Bible, which is associated with meanings like "acquired" or "possession." ceres has both mythological and etymological significance. ceres is the goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility, and motherly relationships. she is equivalent to the greek goddess demeter. although ceres is particularly a given name for women, the etymological name ceres is believed to have originated from the latin word "cerealis; cernere", which means "to sift; to separate." finally, eugen is derived from the greek word "eugenes," meaning "well-born" or "noble."
꩜ nicknames. cai, used by his close friends / friends. cainey is used by his little sister. whereas his parents just call him by either his first name, or his last.
꩜ family. caine's parents, linnea and solomon, harbored a peculiar history of enmity during their college years, disdain for each other's very existence seemingly etched in their disdainful encounters. strangely, it was precisely this animosity that magnetically drew them together, the magnetic allure of how spiteful and caustic they could be toward one another becoming the unlikely foundation of their connection. thus, what began as mutual antipathy metamorphosed into a twisted attraction, culminating in the unexpected consequence of a one-night stand that brought forth the existence of caine. following their college graduation, a significant juncture marked by caine's tender age of two and a half, linnea and solomon grappled with the realization that the nascent family they inadvertently formed demanded their commitment. with parenthood thrust upon them, they resolved to forge a united front, learning to navigate the complexities of companionship for the sake of their shared progeny, caine. as the years unfolded and familial bonds deepened, a pivotal moment arose when caine reached the age of 14, and the unexpected addition of a baby sister further reshaped the dynamics within their unconventional family. this newfound sibling connection nudged Caine toward a heightened sense of empathy, transforming the once self-centered boy into, a partially refined gentleman.
꩜ prns + gender + sexuality. in all honesty, caine has no interest in, what his words would be, "whatever the fuck that shit is." he is a heterosexual male, with a preference for any kind of women. fortunately, he is a straight ally. he doesn't care if guys like guys, or vice versa. its NONE of his damn business.
꩜ zodiacs. caine is a taurus. taurus's are individuals know for their grounded and practical approach to life, their appreciation for comfort and beauty, and their steadfast loyalty in relationships. taurus's are practical and grounded with a down-to-earth approach to problem solving, and known for their common sense. with a virgo sun, caine is associated with practicality, attention to detail, and a meticulous approach to life. he has a strong sense of duty and a desire to contribute meaningfully to his work + relationships. caine's pisces moon adds a touch of emotional depth, empathy, and sensitivity to his personality. he has a vivid imagination, a strong connection to the arts, and a compassionate nature. finally, with a scorpio rising, caine is often percieved as intense, mysterious, and magnetic. there are elements of passion and depth into his outer personality, as well as a keen sense of determination and resourcefulness.
꩜ birthdate. april 23rd, 2004.
꩜ age. 19.
꩜ race + ethnicity. white (romanian + scandinavian ancestry). romanians, also known as români in their native language, are the people of romania, a vibrant and diverse nation nestled in the heart of eastern europe.
꩜ languages. english, latin, german, french, spanish (currently learning).
꩜ height. 6'3
꩜ eye candy. evadne esperanza
꩜ college major. caine is striving to pursue his career by attaining a bachelor's degree in fine arts + a masters of fine arts in sculpture.
꩜ hobbies. smoking, drawing, sculpting, guitarist, drummer, archery, stargazing, studying
꩜ pets. caine (and his family) has a male dobermann. his name is rocky. he is a year and a half old. (he's so sweet and gentle, its literally adorable).
꩜ music taste. van halen, whitesnake, guns n' roses, nirvana, metallica, pink floyd, tyler the creator (wolf, cherry bomb, goblin, ocasionally igor), frank ocean, childish gambino, the pixies, radiohead, korn, the smiths, slipknot, disturbed.
꩜ birthplace. in the rugged grandeur of the rocky mountains, montana city exudes a charm that resonates with the tranquility of its natural surroundings. far removed from the bustling urban landscapes, this quaint town unfolds like a hidden gem, embracing by rolling hills and verdant valleys. known for its panoramic views of snow-capped peaked and sprawling meadows, montana city captivates with a serene beauty that reflects the untamed spirit on the west side. this picturesque enclave, with its rustic charm and welcoming community, is a haven for those seeking refuge from the frenetic pace of modern life. tucked away in the shadows of towering pine trees, montana city invites visitors to explore it's winding trails, breathe in the crisp mountain air, and bask in the warmth of its close-knit community.
꩜ mbti. istj is a personality type with the introverted, observant, thinking, and judging traits. these people tend to be reserved yet willful, with a rational outlook on life. they compose their actions carefully and carry them out with methodical purpose. istj's are honest & direct, disciplined, very responsible, calm & practical, organized & effective, and research oriented. istj's are also stubborn, insensitive, always follow rules by the book, judgmental, and prone to burnout.
꩜ personality quirks. he's the type of friend to help you clean up your room so you guys can go. whenever he smokes, he always goes onto the rooftop and smokes there, or its either at night in his room. keeps a big dufflebag of snacks in his room for his midnight munchies. when he's mad, he'll turn nonchalant or he'll start speaking to you in a language you don't know. he is both an early bird, and a late owl; he could be up until the ass crack of dawn, and still wake up before noon. he only has one playlist ranging back to fucking 2017, he thinks making more is "a waste of space." only wears neutral colors (white, grey, black.), but ever since him and evadne got closer he started wearing more diverse colors. the only superstition he believes in is the, "step on a crack, break ya mama's back." he has NOT stepped on a crack since he was 6.
꩜ personality 101. caine is a strategic thinker, determined, persistent, reliable, responsible, independent thinker, and has a disciplined work ethic. caine is also stubborn, socially challenged, anxious, risk averse, difficulty delegating, and is resistant to change.
꩜ job. caine is employed at a bustling music store adorned with a diverse array of instruments that span the spectrum from the resonating hum of electric guitars to the melodic allure of xylophones, he finds himself in the dynamic role of assisting customers in navigating their musical aspirations, guiding them to the perfect instrument that resonates with their creative vision; additionally, he's in charge of curating and managing the vinyl section. (p.s, evadne and him met at his job, IN the vinyl section *giggles*)
꩜ likes. smoking, bands, loud metal music, tyler's crazy songs, open mics, concerts, thrifting, gaming, skateboarding, guitars, insects, urban exploration, grafiti art, street art, museums, renaissance time period, collecting vintage items, ambient lights, podcasts, lasagna, collecting weird mugs and gifting them to his friends
꩜ dislikes. loud chewing, cold showers, traffic jam, poor hygiene, anything political (ex. political talk, debates, meetings, etc.), public speaking, injustice, happy assholes, cilantro, loud ass people, unwanted advice, hard seats, dirty ass restrooms, lack of responsiveness in communication.
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❁ suki speaking — laid-back spoiled rich boy caine! he has a fatty crush on evadne, and the fact that they go to the same school doesn't help it. also, his dad is a prestigious business owner and his mom is a nurse. best read in light mode with white background. enjoy :3!!
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hausofneptune · 4 months
[the astrology of pedro pascal] - hard uranus aspects (major) | uranus opposite chiron
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hey y’all! in this series we’ll be covering major hard/challenging aspects (squares and oppositions) to pedro’s uranus. he doesn’t have any minor soft aspects to his uranus, but the rest of the major and minor aspects to the rest of his planets and asteroids in his chart will be covered in an upcoming series! i also want to note that when it comes to these aspects, they have to be examined through the lens of the entire chart, as they’re influenced by a myriad of factors within it.
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uranus opposite chiron (within 8.0°) 
(this is a 40-year generational aspect, everyone born from the 1950s to late 1980s will have it in their chart)
in this aspect, there is a polarity between the planetary bodies and they are at odds with one another. uranus signifies sudden and unexpected events. it’s the co-ruler of aquarius in modern astrology, and represents innovation, eccentricity, rebellion, and unpredictability. it’s also a generational planet, and it stays in the same sign for 7 years, meaning everyone born in that time frame will share the same placement. chiron is notably referred to as the “wounded healer.” it is representative of the strength we find through our pain and vulnerabilities, and our ability to empathize and pass on wisdom through our suffering. 
with uranus opposite chiron, there can be wounding surrounding one’s individuality and the things that make them unique. this aspect can make for someone who’s extremely innovative, and would excel in fields related to science or technology, as well as more creative, art-focused careers as well. they may also enjoy work related to these topics that grant them the ability to positively impact the lives of others as well. these natives may actually struggle to recognize their creativity, and may deal with feelings of imposter syndrome in relation to how impactful their work and presence within their field of expertise actually is. 
these natives might have grown up with an aversion to sudden change, or found themselves hesitant to embrace certain ideas or embark on new journeys as a result of this wound. this could’ve been a result of experiencing sudden upheaval in their youth, and in turn, they may find themselves in adulthood resisting change and progression that would otherwise help them, and others, evolve and expand in life. this may also manifest as changeability in their self-expression or outlooks as a means of self-preservation at times, which can alienate them from those around them that they wish to advocate for and help. 
when they operate from this wound from a healed, progressed perspective, they’ll often find that they can propel a large amount of change to the lives of those around them, and to society as a whole. their unconventional nature can influence others to feel comfortable enough to accept the more unique sides of themselves and express ideas that will bring progression. they’re typically very social, witty people who enjoy good conversation. albeit, they may have a tendency to come off “erratic” in their communication and hop from topic to topic often. 
this aspect can also be indicative of having an aversion to “authority”, or being bound to the social expectations imposed upon them (this is an energy that comes up in pedro’s chart a lot), they tend to prioritize their freedom and sense of independence. they may seek out a life/career that doesn’t constrain them, that grants them the space to explore the world around them and transform both themselves and others through this process. they may also find themselves in positions to heal others, or to mentor others who seek similar things out of life. 
ultimately, they should recognize the true source of their motivations, as to ensure they’re not navigating life through their desire for validation and acceptance. they should seek to utilize their resentments or frustrations in a constructive way, and as a means to express themselves and their ideas in a positive, healthy way. 
as always, if anyone has any of the placements or aspects mentioned in this post i’d love to hear how it personally manifests in your own life and how it impacts your personality, or if anyone has anything to add in general feel free to reach out and let me know!
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luz noceda for the ask game
Anon you caught me right before I was Abt to go to sleep but I can't not do this. It's for my girl (feel free to send me more while I sleep btw these r fun)
favorite thing about them: LITERALLY WHERE DO I EVEN START. She's one of my top ten protagonists of all times. I love the lessons she learns, the way she learns them, I love watching her grow and struggle and thrive. I love her so so so much. To keep things simple(ish) I will say that my favorite thing about Luz (which I've mentioned once or twonce before) is that she's an objectively cringey, very ND coded kid who's still given the utmost love and respect from the narrative. She gets to be objectively fucking uncool and this story still loves her. And it's nice it makes me feel loved by proxy
least favorite thing about them: I mean, I'd say in season 1 it's the tendency to flatten the boiling isles and it's people into 2 dimensional tropes for easily comprehension, but that's also one of my favorite flaws of Luz and the narrative always makes an interesting point out of this attitude. Maybe it's the suicidal ideation bc it really scared me the first time I watched thanks to them. I knew nothing bad was gonna happen (within reason), this is Disney, but I was like DAMN THEY'RE GOING THERE!!!
favorite line: okay I actually cannot in good conscious choose one bc my friend once informed me that me and Luz just. Talk the same. Same silly idioms and phrases same whimsical expressions and syntax same humour, etc etc. It's a chicken egg situation and do not know who started it but I know that it's frighteningly accurate. So I'll just go for the safe classic "the only thing I've ever really wanted was to be understood" bc. Y'know. Best moment in the whole show and everything
OTP: you guys already know I'm here for lumity but I will let you guys in on the fact that when I first watched the show and was still on the early episodes of season 1 where Amity is a dick I was firmly on team willuz. I still love them <3
nOTP: Luz and Hunter. It's just really not for me, even if I can see why it appeals to others. I'm too attached to the familial reading of their dynamic and the doors that opens up analysis wise. Also my irl brother is a hunter kinnie and I just outlined my credentials for being a Luz kinnie so /j
random headcanon: she played guitar when she was younger! The one in the basement belonged to Manny and he'd sit her on his lap and show her simple chords and riffs. She got a ukulele so she could practice. Then when Manny died she fell off playing it bc it felt wrong doing it without him, even though she still played uke sometimes. She picks it back up though during the season 3 timeskip and post canon! Also she was born in New York and lived there til she was 2/3, at which point she moved around a few states until landing in Connecticut at the age we see in the thanks to them video diaries (I wanna say 7 or 8?)
unpopular opinion: I also think Luz gets characterized as more bitter/vengeful/surly than she really is, especially in fics set around season 3. She wants to be happy, to have fun with her friends, she just feels like doesn't deserve it. Also I low-key think Luz is like. A genius. Just in an unconventional way. She rediscovered a lost form of magic and then taught herself it all on her own. She probably struggles with long division but I mean it when I say she is literally a genius imo
song i associate with them: TOO MANY TO NAME MAN!!!! LITERALLY!!!!! The ones on my brain rn are sweet hibiscus tea by penelope scott, underground and life on mars by david bowie, people pleaser by yet to bloom, towards crescent park by bad moves and fine, great by modern baseball
favorite picture of them
Tie between the iconic "to be understood" frame (boarded by Emmie Cicierga) or like. Literally any Dana art of her but specifically the "see you in 2023" gif cycling through all of luzs most iconic fits. I love both of those sm
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ahalal-uralma · 1 year
I was tagged by the beautiful and very sweet @ov-bloodspells to answer these questions. 💖
1. Are you named after anyone?
I am named after my mother. My parents could not agree on anything else. My mother wanted to name me after Lili, the princess in the film Legend, while my father wished to name me after Bridget Bardot. There were other names that were not agreed upon, either. My dad had this whole idea to name me like Briar Rose from Sleeping Beauty, but my parents could not understand each other’s perspectives.
Aurora is my self-chosen name that validates my parents, while giving myself something I feel resonates with me more specifically.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don't wish to think about the last time I cried.
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I don't want kids. If I were to change my mind, I would want to be more financially situated and physically healthy; especially, because I would prefer to adopt. I don't see the logic in bringing more human beings into a world that's severely overpopulated and so many are trapped in orphanages.
I think the obsession with surnames needs to die, if that's the only true motivation to give birth. I know that this mentality stems from royal and wealthy families in an effort to preserve status and safe-guard finances, or positions of power where they feel responsible for the governing of an entire country, but most of us in modern society do not face these challenges/consequences. If it's about having a human being to love, then that should be sufficient--because, how is one who is alive under circumstances out of their control any less valuable and worthy of it from someone who was born under yours? I guess that answers the question, some parents want to use the excuse of direct blood-relations to control another human being.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Do I?
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? Eyes, Personality, Tone and Body Language. It works for both attraction (platonic, romantic, etc), but also works for self-preservation. I do not observe them singularly, or in any particular order, but generally notice these attributes as a combination. If someone is speaking kindly to me, but their body language and eyes look very hostile and tense, like they wish to mentally or physically harm me, then my first instinct would be to guard myself with them.
I've learned from growing up around people who are harmful, or in some cases very dangerous--they can't always hide in their faces or movements, what they can hide easily in their voice. I'm wired to immediately notice these four basic signals of human interaction for the practicality of survival. A person who is about to strike you will have their eyes dilate a specific way for example. Another hint might be the tension in their shoulders or around their neck. It's not true for everyone that has a single one of these traits that will mean something bad or negative. My golden rule is to look always for more than one sign, and to base these signals off of other context like the presence of conversation and surrounding appearance of an environment.
6. What's your eye colour? I don't have a particular eye color, but a condition that is likely a type of Heterochromia where they shift or can be multi-colored. Not in the way some people have one blue eye and one green eye, but in the way that both eyes have areas of varying color. This is genetic and my mother's are the same.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy Endings, but in the epic fairy tale/dark fantasy (sometimes horror) sense. I love an intriguing and creative storyline mixed with exceptional character/world building. I don't mind cliches, if they're balanced with complexity and nuance. I love unconventional endings with moral and ethical ambiguity, too. Also, I'm not against the villain getting their victory if it's interesting and you can convince me it's justifiable. Happy endings don't have to always involve the most popular and palatable character's.
8. Any special talent?
I have two I can think of, but I would consider them more like skills than talent: the first is related to typing. I only type on a keyboard with a max of two fingers (pointer), but I can handle using just one finger if I wanted to. I don't know why I'm like this. I used to take a course for typing back in middle school. I used to type up to 250 wpm. Now, I'm 116 wpm the fastest or on a bad day I'm around 57 wpm. I think I’m rusty. My other unique skill is that I am fast at gift wrapping (fastest time is 45 seconds) and I can wrap just about anything without the aid of a measuring tool. I can gaze at an item and know exactly what amount of paper I need. I used to do this professionally for a customer service job. I was tasked with lots of other duties like sales, running intercom, phone lines, ticket master, lottery, etc. One of my largest packages I've ever had to wrap on the job was a hammock, if you're wondering.
Other than that, I did have one coworker as a joke ask me to wrap them in paper to see how fast I could do it at the time, and I got that task done in about three minutes max. I really want to say the exact time was two minutes and thirty seconds. They were a man, if that matters.
9. Where were you born? Out of the abyss.
10. What are your hobbies? Photography, Crafts, Nature Walks, Drawing, Painting, Reading, Writing, Studying, Baking, Gardening, etc. I love collecting things, but I don’t want to exhaust people by listing everything I collect. Star Wars is one of my biggest fixations, however, that I collect a lot for. I enjoy going to parks, book stores, libraries, museums, zoos, botanical gardens, historical locations, etc. I used to do a little bit of freelance modeling many years ago, but that's on the back-burner.
11. Have you any pets? Not yet.
12. What sports do you play/have played? I used to play soccer when I was 13 years old, and it was not my favorite. I might have liked it a lot better if it wasn't for the fact I was forced to play defense, when I would have done a lot better with playing offense. I'm not big on waiting around to guard the goal.
13. How tall are you? 5'5.
14. Favourite subjects at school? Intro. To Art, Art History, Comic Illustration, Creative Writing, English, Reading, German, Home Economics, Social Studies, World Government (ironically, I hate politics) and Biology.
I wish I could say Photography, because I took a couple of courses for it back in High School for 10th and 12th grade, but I would entirely congest this post venting about it.
15. Dream job? Author, Illustrator, Model, Photographer (slowly starting) and one other dream job I'll let you know if I ever succeed in marking off my to-do list. ;)
I won't tag anyone today. But, if you want to do it, then you can!
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