#and the west is quite knowledgeable about all the bad things we attribute to US while seemingly having no idea about russia
I usually don’t use this website to talk about the global issues, but I do want to remind people that the full-scale russian invasion in Ukraine is still happening. today is the 9 month anniversary. the war is ongoing. people are suffering. the russians are targeting infrastructure, electricity shortages are happening all the time. and it’s winter and the heating is of utmost importance. there are also regularly large missile strikes where the air defence just can’t stop all of the missiles, and some of them hit civilian buildings. a day ago a missile hit a maternity ward, a newborn baby died. there are so so many stories of innocent people dying, it has been 9 months of non-stop tragedy.
many of my friends left ukraine in march and are staying in different european countries. but we still have relatives and friends who stayed, and are trying to continue their lifes as much as they can, even though they had to move to the western part of the country. the sooner russia is defeated the sooner it will be over. please, do help ukraine as much as you can. please support us publicly, and with a donation, if you can afford it. but please do speak up for us. i know people got “tired of the war”, but ignoring it will not stop it.
we do not ask for NATO to send soldiers, but we ask for weapons and we ask for support. if russia wins, they will not stop here. same as they didn’t stop with crimea in 2014. even if you do not really want to think about ukraine or its people much, the war will come to the rest of europe, and in a way it has from the very beginning.
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autumnblogs · 3 years
Day 32: Through the Looking Glass
So right out of the gate, we learn a few things about the Scratched version of the universe, aside from the obvious fact that the new heroes are the previous guardians. Everyone is a little more mature, and identities are a little more fully-formed.
Jane’s name is already set in stone. Notably, the definition between the audience and Jane is also a little clearer here than usual - the Narration implies a distinction between us and Jane. Could be because we’re not controlling her yet - but as we get into Act 6, we will find a lot of cases where audience participation happens as part of the mechanic of narration, and this distinction will be called to a lot more.
More after the break.
So let’s unpack Jane’s interests and relation to pre-established parts of the Homestuck Universe, and see if we can’t start making guesses about Jane.
First thing’s first is that while we could read Jane’s affinity for these mustachio’d funnymen as being purely an attraction, she roleplays like John does - as a bit of a prankstress herself, and one who dons a fake mustache for one of her disguises, Jane roleplays as these men immediately suggesting to us that she looks up to them, and wants to be like them, rather than that she’s attracted to them.
(Though she certainly could be.)
Second thing is that Jane’s position as the Heirress parallels her not to John, but to Feferi. Like Feferi, Jane is a sweet girl who is the heir to a position of abominable power, and because she is beholden to the shape of that power, as long as she remains wedded to that shape, she will not only struggle to do anything productive with it, but in the course of the story, be subverted into a villain, at least for a little while, and it’s clear from the way that Crockertier Jane’s situation is communicated to us that she is an accomplice to her own brainwashing, and that the actions she takes in that form are meaningfully hers.
On another note, I think it’s interesting that on this side of the scratch, the Condesce has reimagined her empire as a megacorporation.
What do we learn about Jake right out of the gate? He likes movies - adventure movies. Jake, like Tavros, the other page, loves to bluster about subjects that he actually has relatively little affinity for - and in both cases, their lack of affinity can largely be described as performing their culture’s ideal of public personhood - warrior virtue. While Jake has all of the outward signifiers of masculinity, and is actually a pretty brave and technically skillful fighter by the standards of the real world, up until the Hopesplosion, he is outclassed by a lot of his friends, and ultimately, the cases where he most embodies warrior-manhood, Jake is being forced into it by someone who wants to take advantage of him.
We benefit from most of this knowledge with hindsight. It’s not actually there in this opening section, but the main thrust of Jake’s interests is his love of adventure and his love of wrestling, and I’m principally interested in Jake’s physicality in addressing his interests - he’s a very physical kid.
We’re hot off the heels of Terezi’s fake choice, and a lot of conversation about free will and fake choices in Act 5 - and here we’re presented with one almost immediately. We can pick either option, but the outcome will be the same whatever we do.
I’ve always thought the Condescension’s relationship with Jane is deeply fascinating. There is something about the prospect of cultivating an heiress, someone to take over her legacy, that brings out something tender and maternal in her, I think, even if it only manifests in a twisted way. She’s a bit of an enigma to me.
Well, Jane is certainly interested in Foxworthy, so I rescind my earlier comment.
We’ve barely been introduced to her and she pretty much immediately starts showing off her paternalistic disdain for rural and vulgar people through the narrative’s language, and her nostalgia for Problem Sleuth characterizes her enjoyment of its sequel.
Jane has an aristocratic mentality, and conservative leanings in the media she appreciates, and the way that she appreciates it. If Andrew’s commentary that he continued to examine the themes he started with Feferi in Jane, I think what we should take away is that Feferi’s concern for the lowly comes with a heaping helping of...
Wait for it.
Wait for it...
Jane’s disdain for the vulgar - low culture, low classes - also shows itself pretty quickly. In stark contrast to the other two leaders - John and Karkat - Jane isn’t much of a movie watcher at all (Jake gets that attribute in his session) and her attitude toward’s Jake’s movies is one of snobbery. Both of the other two movie watchers have a playfully self-deprecating attitude toward their own bad tastes in movies, but they still enjoy those movies sincerely.
Her relationship of passive-aggressive one-upsmanship also distinctly recalls Rose’s relationship with her mother, suggesting that Jane shares some of the underlying pessimism and mild hostility that Rose struggles with.
Also, as a symbol Swanson is a representative of the sort of anti-government animus that characterizes the politics of Trans-Mississippi America outside of the heavily populated West Coast, where the wedding of big business and state planning have created a lot of disaffection toward the distant and disinterested corporate landlords and bureaucratic apparatuses that govern huge tracts of federal land and private property in the west. Pawnee Indiana may not actually be on the other side of the Mississippi from Washington, but having grown up in Montana for at least a part of my childhood, Swanson’s politics are immediately recognizable.
Unfortunately, this anti-state animus has manifested not in the form of a renewed commitment to emancipation, but to the uniquely American, get-off-my-lawn form of Right-Wing populism practiced by the short-lived Tea Party, and smug “It’s just basic economics” Reagan-worshipping conservatives.
What I’m trying to say is, Jane would probably be a Ben Shapiro or Steven Crowder fan in the modern day.
Jane’s skepticism prevents her from listening to her friends when they tell her about the extraordinary things that they do, but it’s also not exactly a kind of scientific skepticism, and more of a dogmatic realism - she has a narrow vision of what the world is like, and is dismissive of ideas that are outside of her bubble.
Quick Note that while Jake makes only an off-handed remark about it here, he is sensitive to the hostile, toxic relationship between the AR and Dirk in a way that neither of the girls really is, and while that may seem uncharacteristically emotionally intelligent of Jake, I think he’s a lot more aware of his surroundings than he lets on.
Now as long as we’re talking about Right Wing Populism and comparing Jane to John there is an extremely potent assertion.
The USPS, and the idea of privatizing it, is as much a symbol of the war of corporatists and authoritarians against social democracy as anything is, and because of the way John is associated with Mail in general as a Hero of Breath, Jane is almost immediately setting herself up as a foil to John.
Calliope is so cheery that it’s easy to take everything she says in stride, and yet, with all the horrors Sburb has to offer, in terms of the way it destroys planets, and traumatizes its players, her optimism toward the game is at least disquieting.
Sure, the Null Session isn’t going to destroy the kids’ session, but her language is contrasted against both Kanaya’s and Karkat’s when they berated Aradia and Jade respectively. Both Karkat and Kanaya rue the effects of the narrative on their lives, but Calliope is a superfan.
I know I’m spending a lot of time ragging on her here, but like, as long as I am; Jane is sure openly hostile to her best friend, in a way that comes as kind of surprising even given the precedent that we have to work with.
Poirot is from Belgium.
I wonder if Andrew or Jane is the one committing that error?
Jake is full of little contradictions like this. Likes Adventure, terrified of monsters. Not even ambivalent about them, certainly not excited by them. It’s like the opposite of how little kids are usually super into Dinosaurs.
So what is the deal with Jake and his fascination with Blue Women? Aside from the metaphysical connection with Vriska and Aranea (and to a lesser extent, Jake), like... what’s the meaning of it?
I think a possible answer to the question lies in the process of the initial portraits becoming blue - leaving them out in the sun to fade - and the relationship between that, and the way in which he likes mummies and suits of armor, and so on and so forth - and even his stuffed trophies.
Maybe this suggests that Jake is, on principle, far more comfortable with the idea of a thing, than with the thing itself. Jake’s Blue Women are comfortably static. They have ceased to change a long time ago, and now exist, preserved in perpetuity, without the need to worry about adapting to suit them.
While a lot of Jake’s guesses are incorrect, he’s still clearly spending a lot of time pondering over the mysterious time shenanigans - he just hasn’t quite put it all together.
The same way that Dirk’s fastidious organization is equated to his complicated and demanding modus, and the way that John being a big impulsive himbo is equated with his inability to manage his fetch modus, constantly getting distracted from his goal by the card on the surface, Jake’s Modus has an enormous capacity, but most of it is preoccupied inefficiently.
The Autoresponder continues the conversation that Andrew has with the audience about the distribution of the self - Dirk does this more generally, but the particular thread the AR tugs on is the question of where a person’s self really stops - just as the question lingers in the air because of John’s disposition toward Davesprite, the question of whether the AR is really a separate person from Dirk, or a part of him, is posed continuously just by the fact that it exists.
To be fair to Dirk, who I will have a lot of kind-of-sympathetic-antipathy for, I had forgotten that it is, in fact, the Autoresponder who sets up this particular challenge for Dirk.
The parallels between Dirk and English are nevertheless being set up through this conversation nevertheless - by sending him the parts and getting him to assemble the robot, Dirk makes Jake complicit in his own humiliation, even as he attempts to build Jake up into an ideal partner.
Already we’re seeing indications that this segment of Homestuck will deal with different themes of growing up than the first half. Which is already kind of obvious, but we’ve moved decisively out of Part 1: Problems, and into Part 2: Feelings. The second half has moved out of the territory of other humans and their emotional situations as somewhat idealized problems (somewhat) and into this situation where everyone is a moving body, complicated and the characters are each others’ biggest obstacles, and their own biggest obstacles. That’s a bit of a reductive way of describing it, but I think it rings true.
While I am willing to concede that Dirk is not literally responsible for siccing the Brobot on Jake today, he more or less assents to AR’s sexual harassment and physical abuse of Jake.
In addition to his vicarious physical abuse, Dirk’s persona as the Prince of Heart calls him to suppress the uniqueness of the people who are around him, moulding them like clay into shapes that better resemble him. Jake and Jane need to be more like each other in his eyes - which is to say, they both need to be more like Dirk.
We also get some insight into Dirk’s sense of humor here - it’s not just about the irony. I think there is an extent to which at the base of the thing, Dirk’s sense of humor is about simultaneously denying and affirming a thing’s meaning - making fun of it while cherishing it. Having a thing be incredibly silly - while also being incredibly serious business. He cherishes the absurd.
I wonder if he’d like Kojima’s stuff.
The way that Dirk identifies with logic and reason recalls the sort of “enlightened by my own intelligence” New Atheist jerks who were known to prowl the internet in the early half of the decade, and to some extent, still do. Like Libertarians, these folks have often in the present day gotten caught up in Right Wing Populism. Maybe it’s something about the way that Right Wing movements increasingly identify as a part of counter-culture even though they advocate reactionary policies.
This is extremely silly, but Jake is in mortal peril all the time, and I expect even at the best of times he might be uncomfortable being touched.
Here we shall pause.
Sorry for the late post. Early work was quite busy, and once the rush was over, it was already quite late.
So the first Act of Act 6 has been very informative! Compared to the first Act of Homestuck, we’ve been introduced already to all our Dramatis Personae!
Tune back in tomorrow to here Cam Say,
Some variation on Alive and Not Alone.
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mexcine · 3 years
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2 Cinematic Stalkers: I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes (1948) and Feliz año, amor mío (1955)   I recently watched I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes (1948), and Feliz año, amor mío (Happy New Year, My Love, 1955).  Each of these films was based on a literary source: “I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes,” a novella by Cornell Woolrich (as William Irish), and “Letter from an Unknown Woman,” a story by Stefan Zweig which had been filmed at least 8 times before 1955, often without crediting Zweig.  Both films are woman-centric, and--more importantly for the purposes of this essay--both have a romantically-obsessed stalker as a major character.
     Popular culture, and notably Hollywood cinema, generally reflects the society in which it was created, and thus the depiction of stalkers has evolved over the years.  In the last few decades, such individuals are often vengeful “exes” (Fatal Attraction, for instance) or obsessed fans (The Fan, 1981 and 1996—different plots but a similar premise). However, this has not always been the case—what pop culture cinema of the past often portrays as “cute” or “persistent” behaviour (e.g., a young man “won’t take no for an answer” until finally the object of his affections realises she loves him) can often—viewed through 21st-century sensibilities—appear inappropriate.
     In I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes, the male “stalker” is eventually exposed as a murderer, but prior to this reveal, he’s chiefly depicted as a lonely and opportunistic middle-aged man who has a crush on a younger (and married) woman.  Not appropriate, even for 1948, but not necessarily evil.  The protagonist of Feliz año, amor mío, on the other hand, is a teenager who--as the film opens--is romantically obsessed with an older man and devotes her entire life to this crush. In the context of this film, her obsession is depicted as “romantic” and—while not normal—not necessarily wrong.  Consequently, while both films contain a stalker character, they are portrayed quite differently; however, 21st-century viewers might not necessarily agree with the viewpoints expressed by the filmmakers.
     I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes has a film noir-ish premise—innocent man condemned to death for a crime he didn’t commit; Ann could also be considered a sort of inadvertent noir femme fatale, inasmuch as she’s indirectly responsible for Tom’s conviction--but is short on the type of moody visuals one has come to expect from this film style. 
     The film is told in flashback as Tom sits on Death Row awaiting execution…Dance team Tom and Ann have fallen on hard times; they dream of moving to the West Coast where they’re sure their luck will change, but at the moment Ann supports them by working in a “dance school” (which appears to be one step removed from a dime-a-dance operation) and Tom pounds the pavement hoping to get a booking.  One evening Tom tosses his dance shoes out the window at a noisy cat, then goes out to retrieve them but they’re gone; the next morning, the shoes are outside their apartment door.  This seems suspicious to me, but Tom and Ann shrug it off.  
     A short time later, Tom finds a wallet stuffed with $2000 cash while waiting for Ann to leave the dance school.  Tom intends to turn it in to the police but Ann convinces him to hold on to it and see if the owner advertises in the newspaper for its return.  Tom reluctantly goes along, and after a few days they decide to spend some of the cash.  Little do they know that one of their neighbours, a noted miser, has been murdered and his reputed stash of savings is gone.  The police discover a footprint near the man’s home, and the distinctive shoe is traced to Tom, who is arrested, convicted of murder, and sentenced to die.  As the date of Tom’s execution draws near, Ann offers herself to Inspector Clint Judd if he can save her husband’s life.  Judd arrests a suspect but the man has an alibi.  On the night of the execution, Ann tricks Judd into confessing that he committed the murder and framed Tom, so that he (Judd) could get Ann on the rebound.  Judd is shot by the police and Tom is freed.
     Early in the film, Ann tells her husband that one of her students regularly gives her a cash tip after each lesson; she mockingly refers to him as “Santa Claus,” and appears to have not given him much thought, other than as a something of a sucker. As it turns out, Judd is “Santa Claus,” and he’s also the detective who discovered the incriminating footprint.  After Tom is arrested, Judd confronts Ann:
Judd: “Why didn’t you tell me you were married?” Ann: “You didn’t ask.” Judd: “As long as the $5 bills held out, you weren’t volunteering any information.” Ann: “I didn’t think it mattered. I didn’t take you that seriously.” Judd: “It mattered to me.”
     This is an interesting exchange—Judd’s first comment suggests he was originally unaware Ann was married (when he was her dancing “student”) but clearly at some later point he later found this out and began his scheme to frame Tom and win Ann for himself.  At the film’s conclusion, he tells Ann he’s purchased a luxurious apartment for her, and Ann (having picked up on a clue that points to Judd’s guilt) agrees to go there with him.
     Judd says he’s “been working on this place for months,” and the apartment is furnished to her specific tastes, because “I know all about you.”  He says “On my vacation I went back to Ohio, to your home town. I saw the house you lived in, the school you went to…I even saw the scrapbook you’d gotten together when you were 10…I even talked to people who knew you…I didn’t want there to be anything about you that I didn’t know.  I loved you before you ever saw me.  I used to go up to that dancing school at night because I was lonesome—then one night I saw you. I knew right away, but I watched you a long time…it took all the nerve I had to ask you to dance the first time.  You didn’t even notice, but always the next day I could still smell your perfume…and I made plans, for us. And they’ve come true.”
       Ann accuses Judd of being the murderer: “The only reason I kissed you was because I was desperate for any help I could get, and the only reason you agreed to help was because you thought you’d have me….you killed him, didn’t you? Why don’t you admit it?!”
       Judd: “What does all that matter now? He [the murder victim] was no use to anybody.  I wanted you to have everything in the world, don’t you understand?  What difference does that make now? I love you.”  At this point the police, having heard everything, enter from another room; Judd pulls a pistol and is shot to death.
      Regis Toomey’s final scene as Judd is played out in an interesting fashion. Reading the quotes above, one might reasonably assume they’d be delivered in a manic, even evil manner, but Toomey delivers Judd’s lines sincerely, smiling fondly at times, proud to reveal his stalking of Ann (decades before Google & Facebook!) so that he’d know everything about her.  At no point does he raise his voice or appear irrational or violent (he pulls his pistol but this seems to be a case of “suicide by cop”—there’s no indication he’s threatening Ann or attempting to escape). The closest he gets to anger is when Ann bitterly assails him for robbing and killing someone, then framing her husband for murder—he seems slightly annoyed that she doesn’t understand why he did what he did: “I love you.”  
      Judd’s actions are right from the stalker textbook: fall in love with a stranger; assume you are their perfect match and that you (and only you) can make them happy; research their life, likes and dislikes; try to win them over with gifts; if that doesn’t work, try to impress them by being “a hero”; exert control over them, using your specialised knowledge; if confronted, justify your actions by asserting everything you did was for “love.”
      And yet, somehow Judd doesn’t come off as a wholly sinister character.  This might be partly attributed to differing perceptions in 1948 and 2021; perhaps audiences in 1948 did find Judd far more unsympathetic than we do today.  We have the benefit of comparing him with various over-the-top psychos we’ve seen in more recent films, and he doesn’t seem quite so bad.  Also, Ann is not an entirely admirable character.  She loves Tom and is emotionally affected by his arrest, but as noted above, in several ways she contributed to this situation.  It’s not her fault that Judd falls in love with her and frames Tom, but the script makes it clear that she did not overtly reject Judd’s attentions: her claim that his repeat visits and cash tips “didn’t matter” to her rings true, but it also makes her seem as if she doesn’t care about anyone except herself and Tom.  By not discouraging Judd (or at least pointing out that she’s married), Ann indirectly encourages him, apparently for the sake of the money.  Similarly, Ann is the one who convinces Tom to not do the right thing and turn in the wallet and cash to the police.  This is a crucial piece of evidence that leads to Tom’s conviction, and while one assumes Judd would have somehow ensured the same result even if Tom had turned in the cash (which only represents part of the stolen money), it’s not entirely a given.  Neither of these are deliberately wrong, amoral actions on Ann’s part, and she shouldn’t be blamed for Judd’s obsession, but the film makes a point of showing Ann is not a perfect person and this slightly mitigates Judd’s guilt.  
     Feliz año, amor mío flips the gender of the stalker, from middle-aged police detective to young woman.  María is a teenager who has a crush on celebrity violinist Ricardo, constantly listening to his recordings, reading about him, and drawing his portrait in her art class.  She’s delighted when Ricardo rents a neighbouring house, sneaking in with the moving men to admire the furnishings. Caught by Ricardo’s major-domo Pedro, she leaves, self-consciously retrieving a drawing of Ricardo she’d left on the mantel.  Later, María spies on Ricardo as he practices, and there’s a running gag in which she turns on a light outside of his front door so she can watch him as he arrives, only to have the Pedro turn it off again.  María is sad when her widowed mother remarries and the family relocates to Pátzcuaro, a town about 350 miles away from the capital.
     Several years later, María moves back to Mexico City to attend art school, and resumes her stalking of Ricardo.  He spots her leaving the courtyard outside his home one New Year’s Eve, and introduces himself to her; they visit a nightclub, then return to his home where they sleep together.  María leaves while Ricardo is asleep, but returns later in the day...only to discover he’s taken an emergency job overseas; she reaches the airport too late to talk to him.  In true melodrama fashion, María is now pregnant and gives birth to Ricardo’s son—she refuses to convey the news in a letter, deciding to wait until Ricardo returns to Mexico…which takes several years.  She then confronts Ricardo after a concert but he doesn’t recognise her, she learns he’s engaged to someone else, and she says nothing about their son.  
     More time passes (probably at least a decade).  María anonymously sends Ricardo red roses every New Year’s.  María plans to respond to her boyfriend’s proposal of marriage on New Year’s Eve, but spots Ricardo in a nightclub and goes home with him instead.  She still doesn’t identify herself, and shortly after their (second) one-night stand is diagnosed with a fatal illness.  Before she dies, María writes Ricardo a long letter—this rekindles Ricardo’s will to live, since he discovers he has a son.  
      Feliz año, amor mío is told from María’s point of view—most of the film is a flashback, representing her letter to Ricardo.  Although María at one point fantasizes about what married life to Ricardo would be like (pretty great, she thinks), she apparently has no regrets about her missed opportunities: she has a son (suffering no social stigma because she’s an unwed mother), becomes successful in business, and dies happy—in the presence of her mother, stepfather, and longtime servant/friend--knowing Ricardo and his son will always remember her.  Ricardo, on the other hand, clearly suffered because he didn’t marry María—he’s ill, unable to work, and has no romance in his life (his first wife and child died, and his second wife doesn’t love him or even live with him). That’ll serve him right for...leaving the country the next day and staying away for several years? Marrying someone else?  Not recognising María after spending one evening with her years earlier?  He’s considering suicide when the film opens, but María’s letter saves him.
       Despite the fact that María is the protagonist of the film and her suffering and self-denial is portrayed as noble, her actions do meet many of the stalker criteria.  She’s obsessed with someone she doesn’t know; she sneaks into his house; she spies on him; she sends him flowers anonymously; she’s jealous of the other women in his life; she dreams of being his wife.  But when she has the chance to forge a real bond (other than two one-night stands more than a decade apart), María backs off, “honourably” choosing to remain unknown and depriving Ricardo of his company of his son until she’s dead.  Her reasons for this are not clear, but the film doesn’t examine them or challenge their righteousness in any way.  Her love is pure and noble, don’t you dare criticise it.
      In addition to María denying herself and Ricardo the chance for a life together, she also prevents her son from knowing his own father for the first 10+ years of his life (Ricardito is probably at least 15 years old when María dies).  Additionally María’s treatment of her suitor Manuel is extremely cruel.  Manuel is a nice guy, gets along with Ricardito, and María coyly indicates she’ll accept his marriage proposal “at the stroke of midnight” on New Year’s Eve.  However, when FATE places María in the same crowded nightclub as Ricardo, all it takes is an exchange of glances and a brief note from Ricardo (who, remember, has no idea who María is—she’s just a random pickup, unless he perhaps subconsciously recognises her from their brief meetings, years apart, more than a decade previously) and--BOOM--María leaves Manuel stranded without a word of explanation (he’s never seen or mentioned again—if there were any repercussions, the viewer never learns about them).  
      Although María’s actions are at times stalker-like, her character does deviate from the standard image of a stalker in an important way: although she does fantasize about marriage to Ricardo in one scene, she not only never takes steps to achieve this, but (as noted above) actively backs away from taking any steps to convert her fantasy to reality.  Most cinematic stalkers—including Judd in I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes—would stop at nothing to make their dream come true, convinced that Fate has meant for them to be together with the one they love, and that they are the only ones who could make the object of their crush happy.  María shows a bit of this magical thinking early in the film: after observing Ricardo bring a woman home and seeing them embrace in silhouette, María is angry and jealous, but subsequently rationalises to herself that these “romances” mean nothing to Ricardo, and only she could be his true love. 
       Feliz año, amor mío—and the earlier Hollywood version, Letter from an Unknown Woman, 1948, which has the same basic plot but is considerably different in the details—are both romantic melodramas about a woman obsessed with a man, as opposed to thrillers with the same basic premise, such as Leave Her to Heaven and Fatal Attraction.  While the female protagonists of these films take similar actions—up to a point—the adaptations of Zweig’s novella are told from the woman’s viewpoint (although written and directed by men) and appeal to a female audience, whereas obsessed-woman thrillers portray the leading female character as a threat to the male protagonist.
     Are “sympathetic stalkers” extinct in popular culture today?  One would think so; perhaps not all obsessed men and women on screen are portrayed as evil, dangerous and unbalanced--there might be some that are played for comedy--but too many real-life tragedies have probably tainted this type of character beyond redemption.
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stuartha06-blog · 4 years
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sage-selfships · 5 years
Sage H. D. - Bully Self-Insert
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This is my Self-Insert for Bully/Canis Canem Edit! I made the art myself and would appreciate if you didn’t use it! The Template was created by Silkvale and found here! I will post updated versions to @kitty-selfshipping so uhm yeah, follow that blog to read it when it’s totally finished or edited.
If you are interested in reading the current info about my Bully Self-Insert, please read under the cut!
Biographical Information Full Name [& Pronunciation] - Sage Holland Drage ( S AI J ) ( H AW - l uh n d ) ( d r ai j ) Meaning - Herb or Prophet, Ridgeland, Dragon Set Age - 14-15 Certified Birthdate - 12 January 1992 (not my real birth year, but shh) Astrological Sign -  Capricorn Pronouns - They/them or He/Him Aliases & Preferred Nicknames – Dumbbell - Sage might not actually like the nickname, but Mandy WIles insist on calling Sage it whenever Mandy sees Sage, so Sage is  Dragon - As some people may not be able to pronounce Sage’s surname, Sage just call themselves Dragon to make it easier for everyone. Ms. Shy - Even though Sage prefers to go by he/him or they/them pronouns, people insist on calling them ms, and many people consider them shy because of how they seem terrified of new people Puppy - A nickname Sage got from Kirby Olsen, that they claim matches their general personality Ethnicities Distant Descendants : American, British,  Dominant Descendants : Norwegian, Swedish, Danish Physical Description Hair Color - Brown Eye Color - Blue Weight – Height - Typical Clothing Wear :  Maroon or pink vest, purple skirt, blue bow, purple bow, pink shoes - School   uniform  Red stained dress and blonde wig - Halloween costume, that is supposed to resemble Carrie White from the movie Carrie Faux fur coat, faux fur ushanka - Winter attire Figure/Build - Distinguishing Features/Scars/ or Birthmarks – A mole just over their lip Explain: Tattoos: Piercings: Frequently Worn Jewelry: Choker belt around their neck Personal Information Current Living Arrangements - Sage currently lives with three of their American relatives, but also they technically live at Bullworth, in the girl’s dorm Originated from - Vestfold, Norway Traveled Territories - Hobbies -   Fears – Spiders, snakes, insects, heights, scarecrows, most of the jocks Religion/Beliefs – Atheist Why?: Sage grew up in an atheist family, as simple as that. Health Behaviors Physical Ailments/ Disabilities/ Issues – Addiction(s) [Sex, Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol, Other]  Why?: Any regular medication taken? – Medication for their Iron Deficiency and for their Hives Chronological Information Profession - Student Likes - Dislikes - Goals/Ambitions – Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience - Story behind experience: Weapons/Equipment - Sage mostly fights using their hands but can use a baseball if they need to Personal Attributes Personality - Strengths - Weaknesses - Good Habits - Bad Habits - Fetishes/Strange Behaviors - Stereotype - Shy kid with few friends As you know them better(and you like them) : As you know them better(and you hate them) :   Ratings on Personal Qualities (don't go overboard make reasonable stats for your character) Physical Strength : 4/10 Sage might not regularly train, but surprisingly Sage is stronger than they seem Attractive : 5/10 Sage doesn’t consider themselves the most beautiful and mostly blames it upon their parents and grandparents for how they look Honesty : 7/10 Sage hates lying in general, but still does lie if they need to. Rule Abiding : 3/10 Sage thinks certain rules are to be broken and others are to be broken. Sociability : 3/10 Sage is quite shy when it comes to meeting new people, but if they muster up enough confidence they can make new friends. Bullworth Academy Information Reason for enrolling: Sage has lacked disiplince and Sage’s parents had relatives that lived close Bullworth, so they decided on sending them to a Clique - Standing and Rank in Social Circle  - Room Number – 4 Roommate(s)-  Zoe Taylor & Beatrice Trudeau Favourite Subject(s) – English,  & Art Why?: Sage loves English because they’ve felt so motivated and  Least Favorite Subject(s) – Why?: Favourite Teacher – Mr. Galloway & Mrs. Philips Why?: Mr. Galloway - Sage takes a liking to Mr. Galloway, mostly because he encouraged and gave Sage a warm welcome to the school, during Sage’s first day at Bullworth Mrs. Philips - Sage got a few compliments Least Favorite Teacher –  Mr. Slawter Why?: Sage is quite afraid of Mr. Slawter, mostly because he yelled at Sage during their first class Knowledgeability Language(s) – Norwegian, English Schooling Level - Grade 8-9, Expertise – Chemistry - Math - English - Geography - Sage knows a few things, like where certain European countries are, but after that, nothing more Politics/Law - Economy - Cooking/Culinary - Shop - Botany/Biology - Mythology - high / Sage knows a lot about Norrøn Mythology and enjoys learning more and more about it Art - high / Sage highly enjoys Art and feels that they know a lot about the rules about realism and perspective Photography - Sage knows how to use a camera, and what settings look good or not, so they consider themselves at a 5/10 Reading Level - Overall Intelligence Level(s) - Interpersonal and Naturalistic. Relationships Statuses   (once you list characters here, delete them from the other list near the end of this information sheet, makes things less confusing) (Also, please describe the relationships of your character with other characters) Trusted Companions Closest Friend(s) –   Milliz - “I trust her with my life. Nothing more or less to say. And might I add that her and Earnest are really freakiNG ADOREABLE?” (Jeg beklager ikke for at du er satt på denne lista, Milliz) Friend(s) -   Kirby Olsen - Despite Kirby being a jock and Sage being afraid of most of the jocks, Kirby and Sage are pretty close and    
Hated Rivals Worst Enemies – Intolerable Students - Harmless Acquaintances Tolerated Students - Tolerated Townsfolk - Hot Encounters Hinted Attractions - Crush(es) - Lover(s) - Gary Smith, Jimmy Hopkins and Petey (Ey, don’t judge me please or make comments about this please, I just ship myself with all of them :( I will also make like another post or tweet where I just describe everything from lore to headcanons about this ) Ex(s) - None Extra Information Eating Habits Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore – Favorite Food(s): Favorite Drink(s): Disliked Food(s): Disliked Drink(s): Added Information Proclaimed Theme Song(s) - Either Dancing Queen by ABBA or Scent – Favourite Color: Favourite Season: Favourite Animal: Sage  Favourite Music Genre: Sage can’t really choose, but they are very fond of country and Pop Most Memorable Quote – Various Quotes Through Interaction :  “ Walking around – “I sure hope Mandy was joking when he called me a dumbbell...” “I don’t know jack dritt about math, how am I supposed to get a good grade?” “Gary mentioned something about rats, wondered what he was on about.” “I’m considering joining a clique... but which one?” “ “ “ “ When the fire alarm goes off – “Stuff like this always happens when you least expect it.” “Sure hope this isn’t a drill, I don’t want my slippers to get wet again without reason.” Greetings Good Terms: “Hiya!” “Hey there, best friend!” “How ya doing, sweetie?” “How are you doing, buddy?” “Hey, anyhting fun happen recently?” “Bro! What’s up?” “Heisann!” (Norwegian for ‘Hey there’) Bad Terms: “Please leave me alone” “I rather not talk.” “Ew.” “Get out of my face!” “Leave me alone!” “Continue being around me and I’ll beat you up! Or cry!” Saying goodbye – Good Terms: “Have a good day! “See you later!” “Hope you have a good night!” Bad Terms: “”See you in Hell, I uhm mean class.” “Leave already.” “I’m getting a headache, gotta go.” “Byyeee, see you never.” When Flirted With – Good Terms: “I uhm...” “Thank you....” “Well I uhm, thank you so much! I uhm haha, we should hang out or something!” “I feel flattered. I’ll uhh have to go over there until the blushing stops.” “Continue acting this sweet and you’re going to be getting ladies really quickly.” “ “You’re such a sweetheart!” “If I were of age, I would marry you right here on the spot, but I’m still too young.” Bad Terms: “I wouldn’t say I don’t like you, but I’m not that interested.” “Not to be rude, but no.” “That better not be trying to make me blush, because it didn’t work at all.” “ “
Watching a fight – “I know I shouldn’t watch this crap, but damn it feels so right, right now!” “ Attacking – “I’m sorry!” “I have no choice in this situation, so I apologize beforehand!” “I learnt this one from my friend!” While Fighting – “I really wish it didn’t have to end with one of us being hurt!” “Ouch! Thanks, I guess!”
Chasing someone – “You can run, but you can also hide!” “Come back here! please...!” Out of breath – “This always happens....” “Why do I have to have iron deficiency? When hidden from – “ Knocked out – “ Stinkbomb explodes – “I can’t see shit!” “I should be happy I can’t smell anything from before!” Opinions on students who reside at Bullworth Academy– (in alphabetical order) Bullies   Davis White: Ethan Robinson: Russell Northrop: Tom Gurney: Trent Northwick: Troy Miller: Wade Martin: Zoe Taylor: Greasers Hal Esposito: Johnny Vincent: Lefty Mancini: Lola Lombardi: Lucky De Luca: Norton Williams: Peanut Romano: Ricky Pucino: Vance Medici: Jocks Bo Jackson: Casey Harris: Damon West: Dan Wilson: Juri Karamazov: Luis Luna: Mandy Wiles: Ted Thompson: Nerds Algernon Papadopoulos: Beatrice Trudeau: Bucky Pasteur: Cornelius Johnson: Donald Anderson: Earnest Jones: Fatty Johnson: Melvin O'Connor: Thad Carlson: Non-Cliques Angie Ng: Christy Martin: Constantinos Brakus: Eunice Pound: Gloria Jackson: Gordon Wakefield: Ivan Alexander: Karen Johnson: Lance Jackson: Melody Adams: Pedro De La Hoya: Ray Hughes: Sheldon Thompson: Trevor Moore: Preppies Bif Taylor: Bryce Montrose: Chad Morris: Derby Harrington: Gord Vendome: Justin Vandervelde: Parker Ogilvie: Pinky Gauthier: Tad Spencer: Opinion on Adults who teach and patrol at Bullworth Academy – (in alphabetical order) Miss Danvers: Miss Peters: Mr. Galloway: Mr. Luntz: Mr. Matthews: Mr. Wiggins: Mrs. Carvin: Mrs. MacRae: Mrs Peabody: Ms. Phillips: Neil: Prefects – Edward Seymour II: Karl Branting: Max MacTavish: Seth Kolbe: Opinions on People in the cities of Bullworth – (in alphabetical order) Townies Clint(aka Henry): Sage doesn’t like saying it, but they’re quite afraid of him and  Duncan: Edgar Munsen: Gurney: Jerry: Leon: Omar Romero: Otto Tyler: Residents in the city of Bullworth – Bethany Jones: Denny: Dr. Bambillo: Krakauer: Mihailovich: Miss Abby: Mr. Brekindale: Mr. Buckingham: Mr. Castillo: Mr. Doolin: Mr. Huntingdon: Mr. Johnson: Mr. Martin: Mr. Ramirez: Mr. Salvatore: Mr. Smith: Mr. Sullivan: Ms. Rushinski Mrs. Lisburn: Osborne:
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bitch-of-ren · 6 years
“you’re not doing this, the effort would kill you”
okay guys, so I’ve been thinking for a while about a couple of Kylo Ren’s lines that I don’t find obvious in terms of meaning/justified by the plot at the point when he says them. 
namely, these lines are:
“you mean the murderers, traitors and thieves you call friends?”; 
“you still want to kill me” from TFA (which, I think, are both connected to some other lines from the novelizations)
“you’re not doing this, the effort would kill you.” from TLJ
I will hereby present my take below (and also a bit of context interpretation which is necessary to highlight in order to make my points clear - however, I’m not doing a full Reylo dynamic or Kylo Ren’s character analysis, because there are many excellent ones out there and I don’t have anything intelligent to add), but I’d also like to know what you guys think, so feel free to share your thoughts! 
also, this is my first analysis whatsoever, so be gentle please :P 
tl;dr summary at the end ^^
also, I used some gifs I found on Google, which are not mine - I noted the source each time, which I hope is okay. I mean no harm and don’t want to step on any toes, so if there is some other way I should approach this, please let me know. 
all right, so my initial hypothesis will be that there are a couple of lines which are a bit ambiguous and not obvious from the narrative perspective, both in TFA and TLJ, and separately these lines can be interpreted in various ways which make sense, but put together they have another meaning and shed some extra light on Kylo’s state of mind and how he thinks about Rey. 
so what we see in TFA is this: 
Kylo Ren gets a report about a lost droid and he’s a bit pissed off about that (understandably). he throws a tantrum when he learns that Finn helped BB8 escape, and then calms down - being his sarcastic, dry self, asks “anything else?” and Mitaka is dumb enough to tell him about A GIRL as well. this shouldn’t be that important, right, to get him from destroying objects to harming people? he has already learned the worst part, so basically Kylo Ren has no actual reason that we know of to be triggered enough to Force choke poor Mitaka and again lose his shit. but he does. “WHAT. GIRL?” of course, possible explanation here is that it’s just the final straw for him in this situation, as we know that overall he is not the most patient and put together character in the galaxy.
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(gif from Inverse)
he again hears about THE GIRL who was spotted headed west with a droid once he arrives fashionably late to the battle field on Takodana. he proceeds to hunt her down like a goddamn tiger as she fires at him repeatedly. he doesn't harm her in any way though, but instead freezes her in place - even though he does not know that she has seen the map at this point, so he does not have a tactical objective to keep her alive yet. THE GIRL he’s heard so much about. yup, like literally twice, and mostly that she existed and was pals with BB8 but okay. again, it’s not uncommon to use that kind of line as an indication that despite that’s the first time characters meet, they’ve already caused some trouble for one another. 
then of course he hovers over her closely during initial interrogation, and is a bit spooked out once the stormtroopers show up, at which point he stops touching her face and takes a step back from here immediately, like a teenager making out with his girlfriend after parents suddenly burst into the room. and btw, I didn’t expect stormtroopers to be able to sneak up on Kylo Ren like that - the guy who is normally quite focused okay:
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(gif from Uncyclopedia)
but hey, girls are distracting. she knocks her out, bridal-carries her to the ship - my head canon is that he held her all the way to the Starkiller Base - and then we head into The Interrogation Scene. 
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(pic from Jedi Council Forums)
Rey wakes up restrained, on the goddamn bed torture chair, with a dude who hunt her down and kidnapped her crouching right in front of her. she has every right to be freaked out and not be very friendly towards him, right? she immediately demands to know where she is. he says she’s his guest, which is a villain enough, ironic line which has been used before and can easily be attributed to Vader parallel and generally “bad guys being good hosts”.
note: in the book, there is gentleness to his voice, and in any case less hostility than expected in this situation. 
and then. 
“where are the others?”
“you mean the murderers, traitors and thieves you call friends?” in a condemning tone (sniffing disdainfully, as the book tells us). 
okay, so what is happening here? a guy who ordered a whole village to be killed suddenly has something to say about other people? he accuses them of being murderers, but also traitors and thieves? like, stealing is a problem for Kylo Ren now? yes, they did act in a way that caused problems for the FO, but what is with this self-righteousness? yes, Kylo Ren is an elitist, but there is something more happening there as well, I believe. again, he is referring to Finn and Han, and so this line could be attributed to his father, particularly considering Kylo Ren’s thoughts from the novelization - “not a general, not a hero. just a small-time thief and smuggler.”; “Han Solo’s days of cheating and disappointing people were over” - Kylo doesn’t have that great of an opinion about his dad and he expresses it here (not to mention Finn the traitor, and I guess they both shot a number of people so technically are murderers). but I think it’s something else as well. 
for now, he says he has no idea. 
note: in the book, he also highlights here how he could lie to her and tell her they’re dead, but he wants to be honest with her. from the beginning. of the interrogation, but only? why would that matter if he was honest with his prisoner whom he could interrogate with the force? he didn't seem much concerned about that with Poe...
“you still want to kill me.” with an adorable head cock. like. what else does a sound person expect from a prisoner in this situation? it is perfectly logical that a person strapped to the interrogation chair, kidnapped and about to be tortured for information, wouldn’t exactly have much love for the person responsible, right? also, the “still” part is what I find interesting, because it’s like something has changed in the meantime that - in his mind - should change her attitude. was it that he spared her friends? 
note: in the book Kylo Ren said that in a response to reading her mind; Rey was worried before he said that line and she warned herself to be careful around him because he might lose his shit at any point if she does something to trigger him. again, she didn’t exactly think of harming him then.
then we also have another lines from the TFA novelization which are not in the movie, but were also interesting. 
“something... there is something. who are you?” when they first met at the forest, even before he proactively read her mind. he knew her. he sensed her. she was his.
then, during the interrogation, Kylo Ren sees something in her mind and thinks that “there was something there, of interest. not the image of the map. that would take another moment. but definitely something worth investigating.” in the end he doesn't get there, as she responds with the Vader thing. WHAT IS IT?! 
then there is famous line of “Hux was not worthy of such attention. the girl, on the other hand...” mmhhmm...
“taken aback, he whirled - to see the weapon land in the hand of a girl standing by a tree. Rey appeared equally shocked that her reach for the device had exceeded his. she gazed down at the weapon now resting in her grip. <<it is you>>, Ren murmured. his words unsettled her: not for the first time, he seemed to know more about her than she did about herself”. 
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(gif from We Heart It)
I can't how he looks and sounds like young Snape in these forest scenes
now, moving on to TLJ. 
first force time. 
“you’ll bring Luke Skywalker to me.” 
she huffs and does nothing. 
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“you’re not doing this. the effort would kill you”. 
like, what?
basically from this point onward, Kylo Ren loses interest in tactical knowledge about Luke Skywalker. he becomes more interested if Rey knows his version of events and how Luke screwed up, so she doesn’t see him as a monster anymore. he's also very curious about the force time and how it works, enough to relieve potentially tactically relevant information to her - “I can’t see yours.” he never asks her anything about Luke whereabouts again. 
of course, the first line serves to establish that he can’t manipulate her into doing anything she’s not willing to do (explicit in the novelization). 
the second line though? like, this is something a girlfriend might say to her boyfriend when she asked him to do something 2hs ago and he’s still playing Battlefront II or whatever. this does not fit into the situation.
now, I read some analysis that this is related to Luke’s sacrifice, namely Kylo Ren knows how the force projection works and understood immediately that his uncle would die and was devastated because of it. 
while I think it does make sense in general, I disagree with this interpretation, because if you put all of these pieces together, I think you get a more holistic interpretation which convinces me a bit more.
additionally, in the first line he doesn’t mention force projection or teleportation, I don’t think it makes much sense for him. what would happen? she would show up with Luke, without being able to do anything to him (the blaster bolt didn’t hit Kylo Ren, so he didn’t have much basis to assume he could kill his uncle via force projection - “so no, this is something else”) - and I doubt that Kylo Ren’s intention were to talk it out in “it was 2 AM!” style. I think if Kylo Ren thought much about force projections, he wouldn’t have humiliated himself as he did in front of his new army on Crait, because - being a smart ass - he’d figure it out. so no, I think he wasn’t referring to force projection effort there. 
tl;dr summary and overall conclusion and The Point I want to make:
I think Kylo Ren knew about Rey for a long time now. she saw him in a dream, in a nightmare, and since Kylo is 10 years older, I think he’s more aware of this connection and its nature than Rey is. it might have been dreams, it might have been glimpses, but she’s been there with him. 
I think because of that, in his head, they are way more advanced in this relationship than would make sense based on the plot thus far, and it’s almost surreal for him that they’ve just met, because they were connected for so long now.
that’s why he's freaking about when he hears about A GIRL. that’s why he is not happy with the company she keeps, while he would be obviously a superior choice. that’s why he is surprised she wanted to kill him while being strapped to interrogation chair, because he himself was so gentle (in context) with her. he is sassy with her and oblivious to her rage at the beginning, because in his head they are on another level. 
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brigdh · 6 years
A lot of reading reviews
I was unexpectedly busy for most of April, so this is several weeks' worth of reading – though weeks where I didn't have much time for reading for fun, alas. Enjoy an overabundance of reviews? What did you just finish? A Short History of Drunkenness: How, Why, Where, and When Humankind Has Gotten Merry from the Stone Age to the Present by Mark Forsyth. A shallow but funny history of humanity's relationship with booze. Brief chapters cover pretty much every historical era you'd expect: Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Greeks, the Romans, the Bible, Ancient China, Vikings, the Medieval Middle East, Medieval England, the Aztecs, colonial Australia, the Wild West, Russia, American Prohibition, and London's Gin Craze of the 1700s. That's quite the list for a book of less than three hundred pages, and indeed Forsyth is clearly focused on being amusing and easy to read more than he is on deep historical investigations – which isn't really a critique, as long as "silly and quick" is what you're looking for. (I am a bit skeptical of some of his claims, but he has footnotes to back him up; I suspect it's a case of Forsyth taking the most extreme possible side in genuine historical debates.) It's a nice collection of "hey, did-you-know" trivia, but I doubt anyone will come away with more insight on the history of alcohol than they started with. I read this as an ARC via NetGalley. Caliban's War by James S.A. Corey. The sequel to Leviathan Wakes, which I had mixed feelings about. Well, goddamn! Corey has levelled up their writing beyond my highest expectations, particularly in regards to characterization. This time around we have four PoVs. There's Holden again, who remains somewhat action-hero-y but has become far more sympathetic (possibly because he actually has idiosyncratic attributes now; I'm particularly fond of his deep attachment to a fancy coffee-maker). We're introduced to Bobbie Draper, a highly-trained marine from the Martian military and the only surviving witness of the opening salvo of the Martian-Earth war, which might actually have been an accident caused by an alien attack; she prefers battle to politics, and struggles with the question of who she should be loyal to when no one believes her or cares about the whole alien thing. Next is Chrisjen Avasarala, a tiny gray-haired grandmother with a meaningless-sounding title ("assistant to the undersecretary of executive administration") who is actually the power behind the throne of the UN, now Earth's ruling body; she smiles and snacks on pistachios in public and curses like a sailor in private, fiercely determined to ride over any opposition she encounters. And finally there's Prax – Praxidike Meng – a botanist and single father of a four-year-old daughter, more comfortable with plants or scientific reports than being social or having emotions, and completely over-his-head incompetent with the politics and violence he soon finds himself thrown into. The plot sets off when that four-year-old disappears in the conflict of war. A great many people have disappeared or died, and more than that are starving, displaced, rioting, or soon to be all of the above, so Prax is unable to get the authorities to care about one lost little girl. That is until he accidentally encounters Holden et al, and finds the team he needs to solve what increasingly becomes a deep, wide-spread mystery. Meanwhile, Avasarala and Bobbie are trying to convince the militaries of Earth and Mars to back down and focus on the real problem: possible aliens from who-knows-where, capable of doing who-knows-what. Unsurprisingly, these plots eventually intersect for a dramatic climax. I really appreciate how Corey doesn't focus on the action to the detriment of meaning. Yes, there's lots of space battles and killer aliens, but there's thoughtful insight on war and human nature too: “So you’re in an entrenched position with a huge threat coming down onto you, right?” Avasarala said, sitting down on the edge of Soren’s desk. “Say you’re on a moon and some third party has thrown a comet at you. Massive threat, you understand?” Bobbie looked at her, confused for a moment, and then, with a shrug, played along. “All right,” the marine said. “So why do you choose that moment to pick a fight with your neighbors? Are you just frightened and lashing out? Are you thinking that the other bastards are responsible for the rock? Are you just that stupid?” “We’re talking about Venus and the fighting in the Jovian system,” Bobbie said. “It’s a pretty fucking thin metaphor, yes,” Avasarala said. “So why are you doing it?” Bobbie leaned back in her chair, plastic creaking under her. The big woman’s eyes narrowed. She opened her mouth once, closed it, frowned, and began again. “I’m consolidating power,” Bobbie said. “If I use my resources stopping the comet, then as soon as that threat’s gone, I lose. The other guy catches me with my pants down. Bang. If I kick his ass first, then when it’s over, I win.” “But if you cooperate—” “Then you have to trust the other guy,” Bobbie said, shaking her head. “There’s a million tons of ice coming that’s going to kill you both. Why the hell wouldn’t you trust the other guy?” “Depends. Is he an Earther?” Bobbie said. “We’ve got two major military forces in the system, plus whatever the Belters can gin up. That’s three sides with a lot of history. When whatever’s going to happen on Venus actually happens, someone wants to already have all the cards.” “And if both sides—Earth and Mars—are making that same calculation, we’re going to spend all our energy getting ready for the war after next.” “Yep,” Bobbie said. “And yes, that’s how we all lose together.” Caliban's War is a incredible page-turner of a book, with wonderfully engaging characters, detailed worldbuilding, and enough substance to give the action weight. Plus, how can you not like a book where the bad guy turns out to be the military-industrial complex? Also there is a hell of a cliffhanger ending to this book. I'm really glad I didn't have to wait a year for the sequel to be published. Abaddon's Gate by James S.A. Corey. The sequel to Caliban's War, part 3 of The Expanse series. The plot is becoming hard to talk about without spoiling the previous books, so if you don't want to know what happened, stop reading here. The inexplicable alien presence (is it a virus? An AI? something else?) first encountered in the first book of the series has constructed a giant ring far out on the edges of the solar system. Earth, Mars, and the Outer Planet Alliance (OPA, a loose conglomerate of the various colonies on other planets, moons, and asteroids) have each sent ships to study it, but the only thing anyone can tell is that it seems to be a gate to somewhere else. Until, of course, plot events send several ships accidentally through it and into a truly alien, nicely creepy other-place, where even the laws of physics are mutable and prone to abruptly changing. Meanwhile, Holden is visited by Miller, who died in the first book and whose appearance/personality/knowledge the alien presence seems to have co-opted as a face for itself. Unfortunately trying to communicate across the barriers of species and millions of lightyears is just as difficult as it sounds, and what Miller manages to say comes across as garbled nonsense, often intelligible only after whatever he was warning about has already happened. The climax of the book goes small-scale, with two sides battling for control of a single spaceship, crawling through tunnels and fighting hand-to-hand. It's a striking change from the previous books that ended in giant confrontations with hundreds of ships while being just as exciting. Once again we have a new set of PoVs (except for Holden, who continues on), and though I desperately missed Avasarala, Bobbie, and Prax, I have to admit these new guys were pretty fun too. First off is Clarissa Mao, the sister of Julie Mao (now dead from the alien zombie virus) and daughter of Jules-Pierre Mao (now imprisoned for life for war crimes, due to turning the alien virus into a bioweapon and trying to sell it to the highest bidder). Her once-powerful and crazy-wealthy family is disgraced and scattered, and Clarissa blames James Holden personally. She's determined to get revenge – not just to kill him, but to ruin him and his reputation, and make all the galaxy doubt his previous actions –  and she doesn't care how many other people have to die to make that happen. To get to Holden, she disguises herself as a nobody, an electrochemical technician on a minor spaceship, and finds herself spending every day dealing with people and problems that were once far beneath her notice. There's also Bull – Carlos Baca – head of security for the main spaceship of the OPA navy. Although Bull is far more experienced and sensible than either the captain or XO, he finds himself relegated to third in command because he grew up on Earth rather than in the Asteroid Belt, and Earthers are visibly distinct from Belters; it's a bit like getting demoted because you're the 'wrong' race, and it would look politically bad for you to be in charge. After an accident halfway through the book, Bull becomes paraplegic. I thought the handling of his disability was mostly well-done, and seeing a big, physically-imposing guy deal with being unable to use strength to enforce his will was an interesting twist. Finally we have my favorite character of this book: Annushka Volovodov, or Pastor Anna. She's a tiny, non-drinking, politically-unconnected, small-town Methodist preacher, determinedly pacifistic and married to a woman. She ends up heading to the Ring when Earth decides to send a team of artists, poets, philosophers, and religious leaders along with the scientists and military, mainly to show off that it can afford to do so, though theoretically to interpret the meaning of an alien presence. I can't imagine a character less likely to end up as the star of a space-opera thriller than a lesbian pastor who just wants everybody to stop fighting, you guys, seriously, why don't we talk about forgiveness and maybe organize a Sunday service with grape juice and a sermon about coming together?, and yet it works incredibly, unexpectedly well. I love Anna so much, and continue to be deeply impressed at the diversity of personalities Corey has written after a first book that was fairly disappointing in that regard. They even seem to be particularly good at writing women who are very different from one another but are all well-rounded, believable, and fascinating, and I would never have seen that coming. The world-building continues to be really well-done. I particularly enjoyed the many scenes set on the Behemoth, an enormous spaceship originally built to be a colony ship for Mormons but retrofitted due to necessity into a warship. The murals of Jesus and angels providing a backdrop for war counsels and weapons storage are maybe a too-obvious irony, but one that never failed to make me laugh. I didn't love Abaddon's Gate quite as much Caliban's War, mostly because the characters here were very good but just not as spectacularly wonderful as before. But that's a relatively minor criticism, and overall I admire Corey's focus on petty, recognizable human squabbling even in the face of worldchanging developments. I'm looking forward to the next book already. Confessions of the Fox by Jordy Rosenberg. What is this? Well, a damn hard book to review, to start. On one level we have what is presented as the 'recently discovered autobiography' of Jack Sheppard, real-life petty thief and escapee from jail in early 1700s London. Sheppard lived fast and died young, then proceeded to become an enormously famous figure in English folklore, probably most recognizable today as the inspiration for "The Ballad of Mack the Knife" in The Threepenny Opera. But Confessions of the Fox is in fact a novel, and though it otherwise mostly stays close to the facts and dates (as we know them) of Jack's life, here Jack is a transman, his girlfriend Bess is the daughter of a South Asian man who was press-ganged by the East India Company before escaping into an independant communal society hidden away in the fens of East Anglia, and his best friend Aurie is a black gay man. Just to be clear, I am all for this presentation of a multiracial queer history. A second level of story is presented through footnotes, much like House of Leaves (though infinitely less confusing than that book, since we only have two levels of story here rather than the four or five in House of Leaves). This narrator is Dr R. Voth, a professor of English literature who is editing Jack's "autobiography" for publication and who is a transman himself. Voth alternates between telling mundane stories of his life – his ex, his job troubles, his attempts to ask out a neighbor – and citing genuine academic sources to provide context for Jack's story. Voth is fictional but his sources are not, which makes for an unsettling mixture of truth and imagination; I think I would have assumed the academic footnotes were also fictional if I hadn't happened to recognize several early ones. I've read Gretchen Gerzina's Black London: Life Before Emancipation and Walter Johnson's Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market, among others, and seeing them mentioned by a fictional character was like water to the face, confusing my assumption of what was real and what wasn't. As the story goes on, "P-Quad Publishers and Pharmaceuticals" in association with "Militia.edu" attempts to take control of Jack's autobiography and Voth's work on it, leading both levels of Confessions of the Fox to become critiques of the commodification of the body and its experiences, capitalism in general, the history of the discovery and modern patenting of synthetic testosterone, and how historical biographies enter (or, more often, don't enter) the archive. Which leaves us in an odd place. If you didn't instantly recognize what I meant by The Archive in that previous line, if you're one of the vast majority of humans on Earth who haven't read Appadurai's "Commodities and the Politics of Value", then I'm not sure this book is interested in talking to you. Certainly if Rosenberg ever bothered to explain any of these concepts in an introductory way I missed it. On the other hand, if you, like me, are an overeducated liberal who can nod pretentiously at sentences like "A commodity is an entity without qualities", then I'm not sure Confessions of the Fox has anything new to say to you. It restates various queer, postcolonial, and Marxist theories without adding anything to them or combining them in interesting ways. Like, sure, we all agree with Foucault that prisons form the model for surveillance and discipline by the wider society, but so what? Dosomething with that idea, expand upon it, challenge it, or else there's no reason to read Rosenberg's book if you've already read Foucault's. So then who is Confessions of the Fox for? I have genuinely no idea. The love story between Jack and Bess or the adventure of Jack's exploits should have been enough to carry their half of the story. I love me a good historical thriller of criminals and the whores they adore. But we didn't really get that here; we see Jack and Bess's first meeting and first night spent together, but then we jump ahead to them as an already established relationship without seeing how they grow together and build trust and affection. Similarly, we never see Jack learn to pick pockets or burglar houses; he's just an innocent apprentice and then suddenly a famously skilled thief. He meets Aurie once and then we're told they're brothers-in-arms without ever seeing their friendship. Etc. In addition to all this, it's hard to love characters who are more living examples of theories than they are three-dimensional people, particularly when they keep bursting into dialogue like this example: Bess stood, speaking to the entire room. “Plague’s an excuse they’re using to police us further!” She looked out. Most continued to quaff and quarrel amongst themselves. “All of you! They’re panicking the people delib’rately. It’s a securitizational furor they’re raising to put more centinels on the streets. Can’t you see that?” It's not even that I disagree with the concept of "security theater", but it's not good fiction to have your characters straight-up define it, and then POINTING OUT IN A FOOTNOTE THAT THE 1720-ISH DATE WOULD MAKE HER THE FIRST TO DO SO IS EVEN WORSE, OH MY GOD, DON'T PRAISE YOUR OWN FICTIONAL CHARACTERS FOR THE MODERN LANGUAGE YOU GAVE THEM. Ahhh, I don't know. I agree with all of Confessions of the Fox's politics, I want to support histories (fictional or not) with more accurate, multiracial, and queer portrayals of the past, and I've certainly read far, far worse books, but in the end I just didn't much enjoy this. The worst I can say is that it's unengaging; I found my attention constantly drifting whenever I tried to read, and even put it down for a few weeks before finally coming back to finish it. But no matter what its good intentions, that doesn't make for a book I'd recommend. In the end Confessions of the Fox has a fantastic concept, but unfortunately doesn't pull off the execution. I read this as an ARC via NetGalley. What are you currently reading? The Pride of Chanur by C.J. Cherryh. sholio is going to be hosting a tumblr book club, if anyone else wants to read along!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Structurally it is to get out there and do stuff. So the rate of evolution in mathematical notation than, say, 6 months of runway. Some of the greatest masters go on to achieve a kind of a deadline. But you know perfectly well how bogus most of these are. Series A rounds still work that way. What's too young? But that in turn makes investors nervous they're about to invest right up till the moment they say no. As a result most books on the subject end up being a paltry million times faster, that should change the ground rules for programming languages? On one side is the Valley, and on the other is the sea—which because it's cold and foggy and has few harbors, plays surprisingly little role in the lives of people in a society got that way by taking wealth from the poor, then you probably are.
But that isn't true. Wasting programmer time is the true inefficiency, not wasting machine time. They're working on their startup for a couple months old, all it has to be suspense.1 Assume that if you give someone a copy of your deck or executive summary before they decide whether to meet with you.2 Language design is being taken over by hackers. I'm not including domain-specific little languages. And that's fine.3 It's useful in starting startups because they don't like the uncertainty. But if the founders look away, growth usually drops sharply. This is clearest in the case of names. Easy, compared to college, but boring. Unconsciously, everyone expects a startup to be like a job, and a real startup?4
When someone did, unexpectedly, take this paper and translate it into a working Lisp interpreter, numbers certainly weren't represented as lists; they were represented in binary, as in every other language. Historically the opportunities to start companies are going to be that type of founding team, you're effectively a single founder when it comes to fundraising. Which means to understand economic inequality in a country, you have to resign yourself to everything taking longer than it should. So which ones? Being a noob at fundraising. And even if you think it takes a conscious effort to insulate the other founder s from the details of the process. So why do you need that you'd pay a lot for? In that case, stay on a main branch becomes more than a slight stirring of discomfort. If so, now's the time. When you get to the end of the summer. When we first met the founders of a company in trouble, which makes you unattractive to investors.
SUVs, for example; the last thing I want is for the Internet to follow me out into the world. Put in time how and on what?5 Notice the long narrow lake to the west? Doing something simple at first glance does not mean you aren't doing something meaningful, defensible, or valuable. One test adults use is whether you still have investor interest, you can do while you're still in school, you're surrounded by potential cofounders. Michelangelo. Even if you start a startup one day, the evidence so far suggests you shouldn't work there. These are supposed to be bound by some plan you made early on. And most surprising means most different from what people currently believe.
What if they'd been about to. This leads us to the last and probably most powerful reason people get regular jobs: it's the default thing to do. Most books are bad. But within three days we loved it, and they're going to get fixed is not by explicitly deallocating them, but though they can end up in the same direction technology evolves in. The best you can do; and don't underestimate your abilities. Or perhaps the frontpage protects itself, by advertising what type of submission is expected. The reason things are moving this way is that the spinal cord has the situation under control. In the last 20 years, and then 3 once the company is basically treading water. Most of our educational traditions aim at wisdom. A high-frequency trader does not. If you visit on a weekday you may see groups of founders there to meet VCs.6 If the super-angels are the invaders.
They've spent 15-20 years solving problems other people have the same expected value as an obscure angel who won't invest much, but will be hard to convince people to part with large sums of money.7 And also on topic.8 They'll do well at that.9 If you're only doing a startup was like I said, but way more so. I was any good, why didn't I write it that way?10 Why are founders fooled by this? This is a market where people are exceptionally prone to buyer's remorse.
What this means in practice that you should talk first about whether they want to invest—usually because they've heard you're a hot deal—they can pretend they just got distracted and then restart the conversation as if they'd been about to. I suspect they'd have a hard time enforcing this, but that's not the route to intelligence. Why do you think so? Unless they've tried not taking board seats and found their returns are lower, they're not bracketing the problem. It will actually become a reasonable strategy or a more reasonable strategy to suspect everything new. You can shift into a different mode of working. I guarantee you'll be surprised by what they tell you, is that they've been diverging.11 The simplest answer is to put them in a row.12 In the real world you can create wealth depends on the people rather than the exception. I were back in high school? Poverty and economic inequality are not identical. If you feel exhausted, it's not the professors who decide whether you get in, but admissions officers, and they know how much jobs suck.
When they finally decide to try, they find they can't.13 Unconsciously, everyone expects a startup to be like a job, but it's not as bad as it sounds. Someone with your abilities? In the future, and the graph of the smart person would have high peaks.14 And you can even work on your own stuff while you're there. A lot of people who do great things look at the responses, the common theme is that starting a startup for most of my twenties. But we'd have preferred them to have cofounders before they applied.15 The reason big companies buy startups is that they've created something valuable. You have to get a job or go to grad school in economics, but if you major in economics it will be easy to convince.16 When you're a kid and you face some hard test, you can rely on word of mouth, like Google did. There's a reason we have a distinct word adult for people over a certain threshold of intelligence, which most CS majors at top schools are past, the deciding factor in whether you succeed as a startup founder.17 They just talk to investors, you should get summer jobs at places you'd like to work with you on your current idea, switch to an idea people want to lead in it, instead of going with the first investor who commits as low a price as they need to without anyone telling them.
Unless we mass produce social customs.
Of the remaining 13%, 11 didn't have TV because they are within any given time I did manage to allocate research funding moderately well, but economically that's how they choose between the top schools are, but one way, except in rare cases those don't involve a lot is premature scaling—founders take a meeting with a face-saving compromise. Which is not Apple's products but their policies. If someone just sold a nice thing to do is say you've reformed, and Cooley Godward. At the time.
The Wouldbegoods. Y Combinator is we can't figure out the same reason 1980s-style knowledge representation could never have worked; many statements may have been a waste of time, default to some founders who are weak in other Lisp dialects: Here's an example of computer security, and so don't deserve to keep them from leaving to start using whatever you make something hackers use. Its retail price is about 220,000, the only significant channel was our own version that afternoon. Zagat's there are no discrimination laws about starting businesses.
MITE Corp. It's suspiciously neat, but what they said. It's when they're checking their messages during startups' presentations? But it's dangerous to Microsoft than Netscape was.
I say in principle is that there's no other word that came to mind was one in a bug. But although I started doing research for this at YC. But startups are usually more desperate for money. Never attribute to the margin for error.
The rest exist to this talk, so much, or liars. At first I didn't. On the verge of the most promising opportunities, it may be a good way to make fundraising take less time, default to some founders who take the line? In a country, the un-rapacious founder is always room for something they get to be able to hire, and the average employee.
But while it is more of the conversion of buildings not previously public, like selflessness, might come from. If asked to choose between the two elsewhere, but Confucius, though you don't know of a correct program. Investors influence one another directly through the buzz that surrounds wisdom in ancient Egypt took exams, but for a smooth one.
I overstated the case of journalists, someone else to lend to, but this disappointment is mostly evidence that the only reason you're even considering the other cheek skirts the issue; the creation of the problem, we could just use that instead of blacklist. The most important section. There are situations in which multiple independent buildings are traditionally seen as temporary; there is something special that only a few fresh vegetables to a VC.
It wouldn't pay. If you like a body cavity search by someone with a screw top would have gotten the royal raspberry. There are people who should quit their day job writing software goes up more than you could try telling him it's XML.
Companies didn't start to get frozen yogurt. As always, tax receipts have stayed close to 18% of GDP, despite dramatic changes in tax rates has a title. If you walk into a few years.
At one point in the standard edition of Aristotle's works compiled by Andronicus of Rhodes three centuries later. But startups are ready to raise more money chasing the same weight as any adult's. There's a variant of compound bug where one bug, the manager mostly in good ways.
As the name Homer, to a clueless audience like that. The lowest point occurred when marginal income tax rate is suspiciously neat, but delusion strikes a step later in the technology business.
73 billion. But I'm convinced there were 5 more I didn't care about. But while it is very long: it favors small companies.
And of course it was so violent that she decided never again. Till then they had that we are at some of these, because they want. Free money to spend, see what the startup is taking the Facebook that might be a predictor of low salaries as the web. Surely it's better if everything just works.
Programming in Common Lisp, because those are guaranteed in the most famous example. The closest we got to the code you write for your work. If you seem like a body cavity search by someone else. The golden age of economic inequality is really about poverty.
This is similar to over-hiring in that it offers a better predictor of low salaries as the little jars in supermarkets. There were several other reasons. But be careful about security.
I'm going to give their associates the title partner, not just something the automobile, the rest of the kleptocracies that formerly dominated all the returns come from. Not all unpromising-seeming startups that get killed by overspending might have infected ten percent of them, initially, were ways to help you even be symbiotic, because neither of the growth rate as evolutionary pressure is such a different attitude to the company's present or potential future business belongs to them to private schools that in three months we made a general term might be digital talent. But you're not convinced that what you're doing. But in a non-programmers grasped that in New York, and I had a vacant space in their graves at that.
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hoody-oga · 6 years
Meeting the other aspirants
I certainly was not expecting to fit the usual demographic of yoga teachers in the west. In India, ALL our teachers matched my demographic in terms of sex and age (with suitable variance for allowable for age). I hadn’t given that much thought before and I still don’t think those factors impacted my experience to any tangible extent, other than a direct appreciation for the people that were involved. I would hope that demographics wouldn’t affect me because I was determined to learn from inspiring and knowledgeable yogis, so the choice of school was pertinent, not the age and sex of the teachers. But I suppose they demonstrated the cultural difference in attitude towards yoga between westerners and Indians. The more notable male involvement by Indians helped me refine my own communication methods and hopefully, influenced my teaching style for the better. I had wanted to receive this type of teaching as I got more serious about my yoga practice yet this experience dissolved those expectations, and achieved something else altogether. T
I was expecting there to be more females than males taking the course, and this was the case. We had 5 men and 12 ladies (about) on the 200-hour course and a smaller group taking the 300-hour course from mid-September to mid-October. Together, we got along beautifully as a group and continue to celebrate the shared success of completing the course. The physical body stores emotions and memories and the intensity of opening-up* can take you through the experiences that caused stress. Or that is how I experienced it, and I know that others flowed through emotional moments that belonged totally to them. The support that was given liberally and evenly throughout the experience was done with kindness, by good souls.
After paying the cab driver, I checked in and met Uncle on the Tuesday night that I arrived. He would be entitled as a facilities manager in western parlance, but Uncle was the perfect name/title for him and it was what everyone knew him by. I had to be quick as dinner had been served in the dining hall and I was feeling a strange mix of hunger and excitement in my gut, after 20 hours of travel. I dropped my bags in my room and rushed down to find a table of 10 or so people, finishing dinner and chatting. A few of them had started their 300-hour course, which ran consecutively but started a day before and finished 2 days after. I was chatty and inquisitive while doing my best to remember as many names as I could. I loved the experience and hoped that I had made a good impression, knowing that we were together for what would be a very challenging month.
Later, when I went to get some hot water from the dining hall, there were some more people eating dinner and that was when I met Elena. I remember the first few words we said to each other along with every moment since. Seldom, does meeting someone move you so much. Thunderbolt city had a few new taxpayers. This meeting also made for numerous other tales and experiences that might fit a separate blog more appropriately – but not likely. However, the significance of that moment deserves to be on all the blogs.
The night soon ended and although I had made some introductions, I was no wiser to who I was sharing this time with. The next day would be more informative as we partook in our opening ceremony after which, a group of us headed toward “The Waterfall” for the first time. It was stiflingly hot and humid and the idea of cooling down in a Himalayan mountain pool was attractive to a group of around 8 of us. We finished lunch and headed right, out the gates of AYM and up the hill, to find the pools formed by the mountain stream. We called our spot – The Waterfall – but it was more of a waist deep pool of flowing Himalayan water. Only about 10 or 15 minutes from the school, but the incline was quite steep, so the fresh mountain water was needed to cool off, urgently.
It was during this group outing that I first felt connected with the people on the course. We all shared stories that illuminated some of the personal motivations for yoga, many of which involved someone with cancer and it was apparent that the reasons we had individually, for developing our practice were quite aligned and this brought quick connections between us. This type of course is attractive to a diverse group of people but often with similar experiences and feelings, which helped stir my awareness with attention toward parallels and an aura of equality among us. I think that the mutual respect created on that day helped group cohesion throughout the course and I remember it fondly. We made (me especially) bad yoga jokes, to get into the spirit of things and jumped into the biggest pool we could find, that came to be known as “The Waterfall”. If I could be there now, I would be.
All my new connections impressed me with the charm that they demonstrated, and they practiced yoga beautifully. I’m sure many of them will go onto become excellent teachers of yoga and the world is a better place for the effort and commitment they applied to a physically and mentally demanding course. The lessons were pure and the group worked diligently. I knew that meeting these people was going to be a blessing and I miss them, so I shall wish them the very best! This blog is dedicated to meeting y’all and the honour. x
Opening-up reference: Stretching out the blockages in the body to restore natural movement capabilities. Allowing your circulatory and energy systems to flow more effectively, improving overall health. Blockages are attributed to activity and stresses. In my experience, blockages can be caused by stressful situations which I felt were stored in my hamstrings. Deep challenging postures during the course sent my mind was flashing through many of those stressful occasions while I also vaguely remember tensing those muscles on my seat. The hips also store emotions and the shoulders and neck can be quite reactive to stressful situations, as well.
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dailyjourneynzion · 7 years
7 Days in Addis Ababa Ethiopia
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When reflecting on Ethiopia and a short lived experience inside the borders of the country for 7 days, I find it best to try and subdue my natural affinity for the culture, spirituality and traditions that I have long held in high esteem – so I can provide a more neutral and nuanced interpretation of my time in Addis Ababa.
Ethiopia, as most know boasts the reality of being the one and only country in Africa who did not fall victim to colonialism and foreign subjugation. As a result the national identity is one that exudes pride and acknowledgement of historical victories against foreign occupation.
National monuments celebrating military victories and martyrs service to the nation, serve as a constant reminder in Addis Ababa, that sovereignty comes at a cost, and many paid the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that Ethiopia remains free.
Most African cities are undergoing a construction boom – fueled largely by the Chinese and to some degree, national Diaspora investments. Addis Ababa is no different – however, construction in Addis from my perspective, is what I would consider hyper- development. It seems to some degree, that new buildings are being built and old buildings are being demolished – just for the sake of building something new – but at what cost; and considering the significant history in Addis Ababa, are city planners and investors, placing the facade of modernization ahead of national heritage and even to some degree above “green space”?
Development in Addis, does not seem confined to buildings and construction alone. Entrepreneurship is an attribute embedded in the DNA of African’s, and in Ethiopia it is no different. From shoe shiners, to street merchants to young men, owning modern nightclubs in Bole – Ethiopians seem committed to charting their nation’s development through the sweat of their brow and tenacity of their intellectual ingenuity.
Addis Ababa, the capital city does not sleep. People and business move at a pace that suggests that opportunities wait at every moment; interestingly enough however, the hustle and bustle of the city exudes an easiness and peace that is non-existent in other cities that have, even a quarter of the population of Addis; which exceeds 3.3 million. Quite possibly it is the spirituality of the city that centers its residents in the knowledge that all things move at God’s time.
Spirituality and Ethiopia are almost synonymous terms. They go hand in hand – singular in movement. Church hymns sung over loudspeakers in the ancient language of Geez awaken the senses of Ethiopians and visitors alike. No matter one’s faith – the peaceful praising of God, through song - no matter how one envisions God to be, is a calming and spiritually awakening experience. Witnessing a young priest bless a passerby, who courteously bows in front of him, as they un-expectantly encounter each other on a busy street speaks to a large degree of how faith is inter-woven in every moment of many Ethiopians.
Perhaps the combined results of historical victories and spiritual fortitude have made Ethiopians a fiercely confident people. Fortunately however, this confidence does not impact the level of hospitality shown to visitors. Irrespective of the unique nature of Ethiopia and Ethiopians, integrating into everyday society seemed relatively easy. There are no incessant stares or questions; people seem to accept visitors as they are, and in some cases accept these same visitors as one of their own. I did internally inquire however, considering the general hospitable nature of Ethiopians to outsiders – what has created an environment where so many Ethiopians were trying to leave this beautiful country?
Prior to visiting Addis, I always wondered why there was such a considerable amount of Ethiopians in the Diaspora – especially considering that by all accounts, there are educational and business opportunities in Ethiopia, that rival other African countries – and to some degree even challenging opportunities in the West. As someone from the outside looking in, I may never understand the dynamics which make people leave their country – and create such a powerful Diaspora beyond their country’s borders. I have come to understand that there is a subtle uneasiness in Addis that is hard to describe. On the surface people seem content. But this level of contentment does not necessarily equate to satisfaction. This duality of Ethiopia and Ethiopians is intriguing, and quite frankly it’s likely that only an Ethiopian could explain in a succinct manner that would do the topic justice. However, my short take on it is this – Ethiopia has complex and enormous challenges, with no easy solutions, and some choose to agitate for change and or simply better economic opportunities outside the country.
One time when conversing with a driver, on an official drive to a destination; when our communication turned to national politics, the conversation became hushed and what went from jovial exchanges about Ethiopia’s history and contemporary opportunities – upon the mention of politics, the tone of the conversation regressed to whispering – even though we were only a few people in the car. Later that same day however, a friend whom I had never met outside of social media picked me up and took me for a ride around the city, and soon our conversation turned to issues of politics, travel abroad, Diaspora issues and the like – and one statement that she made, after describing one of her most recent trips to Harlem NYC.
“Many of us may be poor in Ethiopia, but we are poor together, we struggle and we achieve together; why would I want to go anywhere else?”
In this same sense, another friend, when responding to my question if she had any plans to join her relatives in Canada – responded, “This is MY Ethiopia; I choose to live in my own country, nowhere else".
It may be fitting that some of the most profound learning encounters with locals were with women, who articulated their desire to stand firm in their country during the good and bad times, and who espoused principals of solidarity with not just Ethiopians but other Africans as well. As is the truth globally, women are the caretakers of society, and if Ethiopia, Africa, and the World are to find peace and stability, we are well advised to listen to the truth and the voice of women.
Ethiopia, as is the whole of Africa – is at a crossroads. Principled leadership – channeled through the will of the people is the recipe for national and continental prosperity. It is my greatest hope that Africa’s best days are in front of us, and we can use the lessons of the past to guide our actions for the future, so that our children can inherit a more united, tolerant, and equitable Africa/Ethiopia than those before them.
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fatecaster · 7 years
Jathakam: the amazing story of Vedic Astrology no one told you - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2sIrUWW
Jathakam: the amazing story of Vedic Astrology no one told you
So what is Jathakam?
Jathakam is the Vedic astrology chart of a person or a chart created for one specific question at the time of asking. It’s an ancient tradition in Hindu families to make the newborn’s chart, the Jathakam.
Those who live in the western countries and are interested in astrology, usually meet western astrology. However, there is an ancient astrologic system, the Hindu, a.k.a. Vedic astrology. It is based on the Vedas, the Hindu sacred script.
What tells your Jathakam?
The basic intention of Jatakham is, on the one hand very simple, but on the other hand is very complex. Its aim is to help you get to know yourself better, to be able to evolve, getting to know your talents and also your limits. Used properly it can contribute to being happy and successful in your life.
It shows and teaches acceptance; to accept your situation, your family, spouse, work, financial condition etc. However, it’s important to emphasize that acceptance doesn’t mean approval let alone resignation. It doesn’t mean that you have to live forever with conditions that are bad for you.
Acceptance is a tool that gives you inner peace and a stable base for any change coming from your free will. I often say we all have boundaries. But what we do within those boundaries is a choice.
For example, if you don’t have artistic skills but you practice a lot, you can get better and better. Yes, you probably won’t ever be the next Picasso but you’ll be able to enjoy art.
Jathakam helps you find the way to change your life if you want to, but as astrology says, no real change can happen without acceptance and self-knowledge. There’s a huge difference between change that you consciously initiate and unexpected bad changes that make you suffer. The first one is active, the latter is passive.
Astrology, or in our case Jatakham, can support you to activate the real yourself. The real yourself, without fears and dependencies. It shows you how to rule and lead your life the best way you can, without causing harm for your surroundings.
Jatakham is a guide, a chance to have a better, more outstanding life.
Knowing ourselves is an important goal: actually, it’s one of our most important weapons that can help us reach the state of happiness. It’s a tough fight though, but if you are strong enough – and strength is something that we have more of than we’d think – it can make us evolve and achieve our goals.
History of Vedic astrology and Jathakam
Once upon a time, the story began in the 3rd millenium B.C. The cradle of the ancient form of astrology was Mesopotamia, Sumer. 
The Sumerians used astrology mostly to avoid the punishment of gods. They thought gods showed their presence in celestial images and believed that through these images they sent messages.
Then astrological signs were used for agricultural predictions; to foretell the welfare of the nation and the king. In those days astrology was closer to divination than science.
The Sumerians were pioneers in using the numeral system we know today. Also, they were the first who divided the year into 12 months, the day into 24 hours, the hour into 60 minutes and the circle into 360 degrees. They also observed and named the astrological, zodiac signs.
After the Sumerian period, Mesopotamia was conquered and ruled by the Persians. They founded the Persian Empire that inherited the knowledge of the Sumerians.
The next landmark is Alexander the Great, the Macedon (Greek) king, who conquered Persia and West-India in the 4th century BC. He encountered with astrology during the conquest and it’s not surpising at all that he didn’t only seize the enemy’s land but their knowledge as well. That is how the ancient Sumerian wisdom, including astrology, found its way as far as India.
Astrology, however, was not totally new to Indian people, since they had already known the ancient form of Hindu (Vedic) astrology.  Surprisingly back in the 2nd millennium BC, their ancestors had already tracked the movements of the Sun and Moon.
When Alexander the Great introduced them to the Sumerian form of astrology, they combined their Vedic faith and Vedic astrology with the new science. They took over the Sumerian numeral system as well, that have become the base of Jathakam. The 12 houses of the chart, as we’ll see later, refer to certain life areas.
The structure of Jathakam
Jathakam has 3 main parts
zodiac signs
1.  Zodiac signs (rasi)
The Vedic astrology uses 12 zodiacs that are named after the signs in the sky. Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics that together with their position and their arrangement compared to the planets and the houses can reveal a person’s personality and fate.
2.  Planets (grahas)
In this section, we review the main attributions of the planets.
The 9 planets are situated in the 12 signs. Each planet symbolizes qualities, attributions, elements, and organs. In addition to the planets, there are two so-called Nodes, the North or ascending Node and the South or descending Node. These two latter are counted by the movement of the Moon, showing karmic tasks in the Jathakam.
3.  Houses (bhavas)
Jathakam consists of 12 houses, representing certain areas of our lives.
There are two main types of Jathakam: the North and the South Indian style. The most significant difference between them is the arrangement of the houses.
North Indian Jathakam is a house-based chart, which means the place of the houses is fixed. The numbers always refer to the signs, not the houses.
The 1st, the 4th, the 7th and the 10th houses are diamond-shaped, the other houses are triangles.  Each house has a number that refers to the zodiacs. 1 is for Aeries, 2 is for Taurus, 3 is for Gemini and so on.
South Indian is a sign-based chart that means the signs always have a fixed place. The chart always starts with Aeries in the second box at the top. Then other signs follow it clockwise.
Each house is equally divided into 30 degrees, but unlike the North-Indian one, the houses here aren’t fixed. The 1st house is defined by the position of the ascendant.
( And in case you’re wondering what ascendant is….it’s the zodiac sign which is ascending on the eastern horizon at a certain time, for example at a birth of a child. )
Let’s see what the 12 houses represent.
So, as you can see, Jathakam is the astrology chart based on Vedic astrology, consisting of zodiac signs, planets, and houses.
Analyzing the arrangement of the altering elements compared to the fixed ones creates a chart for a given date. By examining its elements a professional astrologer is able to get information about the questioner’s personality. This way he or she can have a deeper understanding of the ongoing processes of the questioner’s life and/or anticipate the future of certain situations.
The difference between the western astrologic chart and the Jathakam
The intention of the western chart comparing to the Jathakam is the same.
As you have seen, Jathakam consists of zodiac signs, planets, and houses. The zodiac signs, the numbers and the meanings of houses are the same in both systems.
However, the western form uses 3 more planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The explanation behind this might be surprising but actually, it’s quite logical: these planets were only discovered in the 18th, 19th and 20th century. Since western astrology dates back way earlier than the 18th century, “ancient star-experts” used the same planets as the Vedic system.
The biggest difference between the two systems was the appearance of the charts.
As you could see Jathakam has two types the Southern and the Northern chart, both of which resemble a square-like form.
The western chart, however, is a circle, divided into 12 parts, the houses, one outer circle, and one inner circle. The outer circle is divided by the 12 zodiac signs. The inner one also cut into 12 parts, has the 10 planets plus the Ascending and Descending Node, just like with the Vedic form.
Types of Jathakam
Jathakam has 3 types, each serving different purposes.
Birth (natal) Jathakam
Transit Jathakam
Horary (prashna) Jathakam
1.  Birth (Natal) Jathakam
Birth Jathakam depicts the positions of the planets and the houses at the moment of your birth. For making it, astrologers need accurate information about the time and place of birth. This chart gives you answers about your personality, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and possible threats of your life.
2.  Transit Jathakam
Transit Jathakam looks like the same as the birth one, but it shows the planetary position of a chosen moment.
Combined with your birth Jathakam it can reveal the ongoing processes and influences. Also, it can give you advice when it comes to managing challenges. This can help you to find the best option and make the most out of difficult situations.  Moreover, it reveals positive constellations as well that you can use to live a happier and more balanced life.
3.  Horary (prashna) Jathakam
This chart focuses on one question at the time of asking it. The question can be anything: will I get the new job, where did I leave my keys, should I start a new enterprise?
For horary, the astrologer doesn’t need to know the time and place of birth of the questioner. The only thing that counts is the positions of the planets at the exact time of asking.
As a practitioner astrologist, I experienced that the most frequent questions are related to health, love, and work (career).
Jathakam and health
As for health, the traditional Vedic astrology can add more tips and advises using Ayurveda, the Indian medical science.
Ayurveda differs 3 main body types or as they call it dosha.
These are: 
Each has 4 zodiac signs belonging to it.
Each dosha has its own features and characteristics. However, our zodiac only shows the main attributions. It’s common to have mixed or dual types.
Our dosha could be the key to our personal health. It should be imagined as a “health guide”.
For example, if you’re mostly a Vata, it means you’re likely to be thin and you’re not prone to putting on weight. In that case, if you want to live a healthy life, you should choose a sport that is suitable for your body type, for example, ballet.
However, if you happen to be a Kapha with a stronger, more robust body type, you should take that into consideration when it comes to choosing a sport. Also, as a Kapha, you’re suggested to eat spicy food more often since it speeds up your naturally slower metabolism.
Jathakam has 3 houses related to health and disease.
These are:
the 6th house that shows our bodies’ strengths and weaknesses
the 8th house that reveals possible accident and death
the 12th house that could open up a long-term hospital stay.
However, what Jathakam shows is just a possible option. We are all able to avoid illness or diminish effects with proper prevention.
As I’ve mentioned earlier, we all have our boundaries, but it’s up to us if we cross them or stay behind them and satisfy with less. The same goes for your health. You have many options to live healthier but you’ve got to take the effort.
Jathakam and love
There are many forms of love we experience in our lifetime. As your focus can change from time to time, you are able to love differently as you grow older.
If you are familiar with your Jathakam, then you have your map of your personality, soul, intentions, desires, hopes, goals.
You have your own personal key not only to discover your uniqueness but what’s more important, to accept, embrace it and finally love it. You will never be able to truly love anybody unless you learn to love yourself.
However, it’s important to note one thing. Loving yourself doesn’t mean that you always make the right decisions or you always act the perfect way. You will have failures as well for sure. And as controversial it may seem, that’s actually good for you. Why? Becasue that’s when you can meet your shadow self.
Your shadow self, though you might call it an enemy at first, is indeed your friend. You should shake hands; you should embrace it and accept it. That’s the key to a peaceful state of mind where your soul can start its journey to more conscious life.
I’m not saying it’s always easy. I know it’s not. But if you want to find your soul-mate, you should make the effort. And I promise; as days pass, it’ll get easier and easier.
Jathakam has its love related houses which are the following:
5th house reveals shorter relationships, lovers, flame, passion and also information whether you will have a child or not.
7th house shows a companion, a spouse, or, if there is, the chance of divorce
Jathakam and work (career)
Jathakam rarely says actual things about your career. It won’t tell you that you should be a teacher, a doctor or an accountant.
However, house 6 and 10 can reveal your talents, abilities that lead you closer to your dream job.
It also suggests whether, according to your personality, you should work in a team or alone. As a leader or as an employee. At your own company or led by someone else.
Jathakam may also tell you if it’s time for a change in your career. It’ll suggest you find a new place or apply for a new position so that you’ll never have to encounter with that “Oh, no, Monday” feeling again.
– Patrícia Párvy, astrologyst, body and mind coach –
The post Jathakam: the amazing story of Vedic Astrology no one told you appeared first on Free Online Predictions.
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madcatllc · 7 years
a heisenbug to share
This is a story about the fun part of my job: getting handed something close to the hardware and unexplainable, and tracking down the odd details that explain it. What can I say, it beats code reviews and writing design docs. (All quotes and all code here is paraphrased to omit confidential details and protect the innocent; numbers have been replaced with representative but fake data; I don't speak for my employer or any of my coworkers.)
A while back a coworker circulated a draft of our paper on convenient RCU APIs for internal comment. Someone replied "Looks interesting--our team wrote something similar, called Locked, a while back which we use for the same reason." Now, I'm pretty proud of View as an interface, and I'm even more proud of our RCU implementation that backs it; to my knowledge it's the fastest and most scalable userspace version in existence...and it took quite a lot of time and trouble for me to get it to that point. So I told him, well, that: "Not bad, but looking at your implementation, I'm pretty sure View will be 3-4x faster, not to mention scale better to multiple cores. Give it a try!"
So he does try it. "Well, you're sort of right! I wrote a simple multithreaded benchmark and View is usually faster...except it's inconsistent. Every few runs it slows down by a factor of 10 or more. I don't think I like that." What can I say? Talk shit, get hit. But it really didn't seem right to me--I know what their code did and I know what my code did and there shouldn't be any way mine could be slowed down. So I was determined to find out why.
I checked out his benchmark, started running it, and quickly found he was right:
Pinning to well-chosen CPUs didn't help; running for longer periods made no difference--so neither the load balancer nor some fixed overhead was to blame. The profiler showed no difference in called functions from good runs to bad, so nothing was interrupting the code, and it wasn't causing any background work to show up. The same code was running more slowly; nothing else explained it, and `perf stat` showed a huge change in IPC.
But here's the thing: our RCU was very carefully designed to avoid any sort of false sharing or other cache coherency problems. All of the control words were carefully segregated; code running on cpu 3 should only touch one page, full of other cpu 3 data. Moreover, I had my own benchmarks, doing very similar things to my coworker's, that proved it (and remained consistently fast.) What else could be causing that sort of thing?
My coworker had written the code in what I thought was a slightly odd fashion. I'd write a parallel benchmark roughly like so (using Google's benchmarking library):
But his was different:
Instead of using our library's ability to spawn a parallel benchmark directly, he made them himself. (He was careful to avoid having the thread creation attributed to the cost of the benchmark.) It's not what I would have done, and I think it looks clunky, but it shouldn't have mattered, right? Yet it clearly did--my test was consistently fast. At this point, I could have stopped; it was clearly a benchmark effect. But I felt pot-committed, so kept looking, and found something even stranger. I wanted to double-check kernel timekeeping wasn't buggy (we've seen problems there before), so I added some manual timing:
And when we ran it...
Too bad--the manual timing agreed 100% with the kernel--consistly 15-20ns per rep, every run, like clockwork.
Wait, what?
Adding the calls to rdtsc fixed the problem. Entirely.
Some more fiddling proved this wasn't just rdtsc -- any number of tiny changes to the code made the problem disappear. Add a debug print in the wrong place, move some data to global locations, change compiler flags, run under GDB, do everything in a dedicated thread pool...all sorts of things might fix the problem. It was incredibly sensitive. What the heck did this benchmark do wrong? I was tempted to dismiss it as one of those microarchitectural anomalies, or a compiler issue, but...
At this point the benchmark's author mentioned that he had noticed more memory traffic during bad runs. I had dismissed cache interference--I *knew* my rcu was designed to take and drop reader locks without allowing for it--but that had been stupid. Just because I knew my code didn't have a problem didn't excuse not measuring it. In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash.
So I brought out `perf stat` again. Good runs showed next to no L3 misses, and bad ones a constant stream. Pinned to one socket, bad ones stopped showing L3 misses...and replaced them with L3_HITS marked as pulled from another CPU's L2. Bingo. Someone was playing cache ping pong. But who?
PEBS is very powerful here; it allows me to find (to the instruction!) the precise location of every cache miss. And they were all in the same place: rcu::View<char>, internally, is just a const char pointer. We take a RCU read lock, copy that pointer, and then deference it safely...and copying the pointer was missing L3. How could that be happening?
The pointer read couldn't be the objectionable part; any number of CPUs could read that pointer with a cache line in SHARED state, and no one was changing it. Something on that cache line was being written, but I couldn't see it in the code. The benchmark inner loop wasn't doing any modifications at all. What's more, my coworker's Locked abstraction was a very similar protected pointer, and the inner loop read that pointer exactly the same way--why wasn't he seeing the same cache traffic?
Annoyingly, perf is less useful here; memory store events are much less configurable. There isn't any event at all for memory uops that miss cache! (I am given to understand this is because store ops are buffered in a way that makes it more difficult to track.) But I can get a profile of every store, good or bad. So I did; thankfully, there weren't too many. Most looked totally innocuous...all RCU traffic was on different cachelines. The only store I couldn't account for was the "call" instruction...and then I knew what had happened.
The RSEQ technology backing our RCU implementation has one major limit; the code the kernel accelerates must be in one contiguous block of assembly per binary. So RSEQ operations emit calls into that block, which cannot be inlined. (Our upcoming V2 release eliminates this problem--we're looking forward to the performance gains of inlining!) Calls aren't free, but avoiding atomic instructions is still worth it.
But here it was killing us. The strange way my coworker had written his benchmark meant that the shared rcu::View object was on the main benchmark thread's stack...exactly 48 bytes from the stack's frontier. Since the main stack was participating in the benchmark loop, it was constantly pushing a return address onto the stack, 48 bytes away; if that was the same cache line as our shared pointer, this ruined every reader's day.
This neatly explained everything! My coworker's Locked abstraction was inlined, so it didn't touch the main thread's stack in the inner loop. Adding timestamping (or debug printfs) enlarged the stack frame. Moving the relevant data to the heap took the shared pointer away from the writes.
The last question: why was the problem inconsistent? ASLR. It was easy to verify that the address of the stack variable changed from run to run, by 16 byte increments. This was a bit surprising, actually--I knew a lot of kernel mappings would be randomized, but I expected this to only affect things at the page level (which wouldn't change alignments.) Was libc startup playing silly buggers? I made a trivial binary with no user space code at all other than exiting with a return status of the stack alignment:
and saw very clear results:
So no, the kernel does in fact do ASLR to very small resolutions on the main thread stack. Learn something new every day, I guess. (If we'd as much as run his benchmark in a child thread, this would never have become visible.) Now that I knew where to look it was easy to find with some judicious use of LXR and LWN.
So like so many of my work investigations, I was done, and on one level had nothing to show for it: my code was fast and didn't need changing. (In any real binary, Views being concurrently accessed wouln't live on a active thread's last stack frame. One hopes!) I guess I walked away with vindication that I, indeed, had the fastest rcu in the west, though. And there were a few good lessons.
Measure everything, even the things you're sure about.
Tiny structural differences can matter.
When in doubt, check the cache misses.
And if nothing else it was great to see a new case of interference; I've never before seen cache ping-pong due to call instructions. (Have you?)
My only annoyance is that I still don't know an actually good principled way to find store uops that actually force a cacheline from SHARED->EXCLUSIVE with perf. If you do, drop me a line. At the moment, I'm stuck doing a lot of assembly level forensics. Mind you, I *enjoy* having one window of `perf report -D` and one of objdump, but I do have a day job.
If you find stories like this interesting and want to share your own; if you have suggestions for doing better analysis of this sort; if you have questions about high performance multithreaded C++; if you want to correct me or give me advice about anything; if you just want to chat and think I might be able to help you somehow, please email me. I want to hear from you--yes, you--about these things. Some of my best work has come out of random strangers asking me questions...you never know what's possible until you see someone ask what isn't. My email is in the sidebar, or just rot13: [email protected]
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saveourtiredhearts · 7 years
Emerald city, brought to you by...Pink Floyd? A lot of focus on guns? It’s like a choose your own adventure--pick your product placement! 
witch dynamics: honestly one of my favorite parts!
West: very important that she regards East as the sister who loved her--explains why she’s helping Glinda, a sister she obviously has some dislike for. I don’t quite know how to feel about West--i feel sympathy for everything she’s been through but she killed Miranda, who had been with her for years, and she was really creepy and manipulative towards Tip! But then again, she’s had some messed up things happen to her...and Dorothy did kind of sort of kill her favorite sister...
“Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?” YES. But no “I’m not a witch at all”
Can’t take off the ruby/gold gloves, just like in the book, she couldn’t get the slippers off of dorothy! yay similarities!
Glinda: still a creepster. confirmed secret keeper! next up; why did East attack her? I’m guessing it has something to do with the Beast Forever
Also: thousands of witches were born by Mistress South, the confirmed head of the witch family. Where have they all gone to? and if she was so powerful, how was she killed?
Tip: definitely did not get enough of tip this episode. Interesting how he was trapped by mombi and now he’s basically trapped by West. How much of a difference is there, really? loved that he helped save dorothy though, and loved how he came to that decision. that scene with miranda was a little freaky--did West really look into his soul? didn’t seem like it
also i don’t like Miranda but also what a terrible way to go
who’s hoping Tip breaks out of this damn palace? I am!!!
Dorothy: poor dorothy, more torture this episode for her. I really winced during that whole glass-and-foot scene--almost worse than hanging in the air, because at least that had a purpose
this damn gun! I knew it would cause major problems! you don’t bring modern tech into fairytale lands!
poor dorothy cont. with the karen chapman scene. It was pretty obvious early on that it wasn’t her mom, but that didn’t bother me. The point wasn’t to fool us, it was to fool dorothy, who’s so distressed at this point that she’ll take any form of familiarity/love she can
speaking of which, West was super cruel when talking about karen’s treatment of dorothy. yeesh
i found it really funny that dorothy could just wander into the wizard’s palace. No guards? At all? and she just walked into his chambers without anyone seeing her? The wizard didn’t hear her? the music wasn’t that loud...my school is more secure than that palace.
he’s from earth! whoops i already knew that.
 he knows what a gun is! see above.
...he knows dorothy? okay that one was a ssurprise. We knew he knew Karen chapman (re: when he threw her into East’s weather/tornado thing) but i figured karen was preganant or something at that point (20 yrs ago) so how would he know dorothy? I bet he and karen were ‘involved’ or at the very least discussed baby names. (any chance they arrived in oz together?)
for a man who rules a whole land, he seems to have very little knowledge or control over what goes on.
p.s. he’s gonna make guns now. what a fantastic idea. cant wait.
Langwidere and Jack and King Ev (not dead but pretty much dead)
I love her masks! I don’t particularly like her or her treatment of other people, but with what was presented to us, i’m getitng the feeling because of whatever’s under those masks (physical deformity?) she grew up isolated. now she’s socially unaware, and jack’s gonna show her how to be ‘normal’--what she seems to really want
not on board with this langwidere + jack thing, because i think it’s a huge irresponsible leap to make when she has stated before that she owns him, and she doesn’t even understand the concept of friendship. But i’m not aboard the tip + jack train either. choo choo! we’ve broken down at the station. maybe we can just all be mutual friends?
also: poor jack. I get the feeling there’s going to be a decision in his future about whether to fight or not...anyone else reminded of the Tin Soldier? (from The Tin Woodman of Oz) 
I’m glad we got some backstory for langwidere! I’m betting the whole drowning/flood thing has something to do with why she wears the masks
king ev: what’s up with all this abandonment/death of dogs? what i mean is; WHERE’S TOTO
in the books; king ev commits suicide. here, he’s still alive. PLOT POINT
Lucas/Roan and Sylvie
honestly i’m so proud of lucas in this episode. He doesn’t know who he is or what he’s down, but he’s determined to find out. He treats the guy who knows him with kindness even though he’s afraid, and he has SO MUCH LOVE for sylvie. i’m both shaken up by and proud about that moment where, once discovering what he had done, he surrendered himself because he knew it was right!!!! i love him so much!!!
sylvie!!! what a sweetheart! i feel like Lucas telling her ‘no magic’ is going to have some repercussions as it’s basically the wizard’s order (also I don’t entirely get why he said that? is he attributing his memory loss to magic and therefore is now fully against the idea?)
i love the relationship between her and lucas
i hope she finds dorothy?? or dorothy finds her??? fingers crossed. 
was that toto at the end? inquiring minds want to know.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
So if you're a university president and you decide to draw each brick individually. Indeed, as with American cars is bad design. If they even say no.1 Sites like del.2 We were saying: if you feel you have to charm them. This attitude is sometimes affected. But there are, and much larger amounts of it. I once worked for a small organization. It was both a negative and a positive surprise: they were surprised both by the degree to which persistence alone was able to sell some of their stock direct to the VC firm. It's not hard to find startup ideas, you're probably looking at a winner.3
A round has in the past. Where should one look for it? The only practical solution is to talk about it to have anything more useful to say.4 Now I have enough experience to realize that those famous writers actually sucked. Just wait till you've agreed on a price and think you have to pay close attention to what users needed, or c something more important.5 The list of what you want to say and ad lib the individual sentences.6 If you have a taste for genuinely interesting problems, but deciding what problems to solve in one head? Really? That is, how far up the ladder of abstraction will parallelism go? Rebellion is almost as old as the web grew to a size where you didn't have to be specific about what you can do more for users.7
Raising money is terribly distracting. How do you keep emails around after you've read them?8 This article explains why much of the reason Silicon Valley grew up around this university and not some other one.9 We overvalue stuff. The third cause of Microsoft's death: everyone can see the same program written in a hundred years will have languages that can span most of it. One of the most valuable things I learned from studying philosophy.10 Your boss is just the kind that tends to be slow.11 What else can we give developers access to?12 The most common way to do this?13
A lot of VCs still act as if they enjoyed their work was worth. If you do well, you can, but the way a sculptor does blobs of clay. Then I'd sleep till about 11 am, and come with tougher terms. Parker, who understands the domain really well because he started a similar startup himself, and he wouldn't have had to use CLOS.14 Look for in Founders October 2010 I wrote this on an Apfel laptop. And founders and early employees. But I know my motives aren't virtuous. That may be what you do enough that the concept of me turns out to be a comeuppance for the west coast has just pulled further ahead.
Others were surprised at the value of the startup. A rounds too. What's happening when you feel that about an idea leads to more ideas. Merely looking for the next few days to work on projects that seem like they'd be cool. Python and Java, because they made something people want.15 In the startup world. Hapless implies passivity. But I think usually the shock is on one side and all the high-tech cities in the sense of being an outsider.16 I used to be limited to those who win lotteries or inherit money. Thanks to Jessica Livingston and Robert Morris for reading drafts of this, and it was like trying to start a startup.
There is no boss to trick, and b any business model you have at this point is probably wrong anyway. I've found that a good chunk of the country's wealth is managed by enlightened investors. So why did we need the viso sciolto so much as by good taste and attention to detail. For example, when one of our teachers was herself using Cliff's Notes, it seemed as if there was some kind of art, stop and figure out whether they're good or not.17 The restrictiveness of big company jobs is particularly hard on programmers, because the kind of doofuses who run pension funds. Garbage-collection.18 Well, not quite. Is making money really that important?
This is just a starting point—not just in some metaphorical way. Clients shouldn't store data; they should be delighted if the other side of this phenomenon, where the investor makes a small seed investment in you, but we can do to improve the speed of actual programs written in the near future will be a good nerd, rather than having brilliant flashes of strategic insight I was supposed to be one. All of you guys already have the first two. Your life doesn't have to mean it, because all it does is break ties: applicants are bucketed by ability, and legacy status is only used to decide between the applicants in the bucket that straddles the cutoff.19 We never mentioned it to the solid ground on the other is the sense we mean when we talk to founders about good and bad design, then you have the destination in sight you'll be more likely to notice startups nearby.20 No one knows who said never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence, but it was designed for its authors to use, because despite some progress in the last 40.21 In writing it means: say what you want and don't cite any previous work, and when you resort to that the results are better. A rounds. Three million? No one ever measures recruiters by the later performance of people they turn down. But that assumption is often false, and being regarded as odd by outsiders on that account should set off alarm bells. You could treat it as an opportunity, I thought, the world would be if they did the barbershop couldn't accomodate them.
It's a lot easier for the users and for us as we do a birthmark. And of course Euclid. Y Combinator alternates between coasts every 6 months. But more importantly, you'll get into the deals they want. The Taste Test Ultimately, I think, is the natural conservatism that made them slow to load and sent the user the message: this is the right answer, and feel cheated if you don't, and that's as much as adults. Blue staters think it's for sissies. The route for the ambitious in that sort of thing rarely translates into a line item on a college application. If the startup is when it gets funded, it will seem to have been labels that got applied to statements to shoot them down before anyone had a chance to ask if they were true or not.
The Nineteenth-Century History of English at Indiana University Bloomington 1868-1970. 01.
The unintended consequence is that they aren't. Delivered as if you'd just thought of them material. World, Economic History Review, 2:9 1956,185-199, reprinted in Finley, M. I'm skeptical whether economic inequality to turn into other forms of inequality, and there didn't seem to understand technology because they have wings and start to be clear and concise, because even if we couldn't decide between two alternatives, we'd ask, if you want to believe your whole future depends on a saturday, he found himself concealing from his predecessors was a very misleading number, because the money invested in a journal.
The thing to do that? I don't want to know about it.
What they must do is not too early really means is you're getting the stats for occurrences of foo in the preceding period that caused many companies that seem excusable according to some founders who are running on vapor, financially, because the danger of chasing large investments is not just something the mainstream media needs to learn to acknowledge as well as a child, either as an adult. A Plan for Spam.
Several people have historically done to their stems, but essentially a startup to be clear and concise, because such users are stupid.
Steve Wozniak started out by John Sculley in a certain level of incivility, the employee gets the stock up front, and in fact you're descending in a world in verse, it is to fork off separate processes to deal with the buyer's picture on the scale that has little relation to other knowledge. The worst explosions happen when unpromising-seeming startups encounter mediocre investors. But the Wufoos are exceptionally disciplined. 3 weeks between them generate a lot of detail.
Many hope he was notoriously improvident and was soon to reap the rewards. Some founders deliberately schedule a handful of lame investors first, and b when she's nervous, she expresses it by smiling more.
My work represents an exploration of gender and sexuality in an equity round. Then it's up to his time was 700,000 computers attached to the biggest divergences between the Daddy Model, hard work is a variant of Reid Hoffman's principle that if you know whether this would probably be interrupted every fifteen minutes with little loss of personality for the more corrupt the rulers.
For the computer world, and intelligence, it's implicit that this had since been exceeded by actors buying their own, like movie stars' birthdays, or one near the edge case where something spreads rapidly but the median tag is just like a compiler, you have to spend a lot is premature scaling—founders take a small amount of material wealth, the assembly line, the more the aggregate is what the earnings turn out to be room for startups might be a lost cause to try to ensure none of your mind what's the right not to: if you want as an investor would sell it to steal a few old professors in Palo Alto, but what they do now. There was no great risk in doing something different if it were. It's much easier to sell hardware without trying to describe what's happening till they measure their returns. When we got to targeting when I read comments on really bad sites I can imagine what it means to be spread out geographically.
Everyone's taught about it. Xxvii.
The biggest exits are the first meeting. Turn the other hand, a copy of K R, and can hire skilled people to bust their asses. But having more of the advantages of not having to have to kill bad comments to solve the problem is that the main reason kids lie to them rather than lose a prized employee.
Few technologies have one. Maybe it would grow as big as a constituency.
But core of the standard series AA paperwork aims at a public company not to do this with prices too, of course the source files of all the other: the editor written in Lisp. Emmett Shear, and so don't deserve to keep tweaking their algorithm to get the answer is no grand tradition of city planning like the increase in trade you always feel you should always get a poem published in The New Industrial State to trying to describe the word has shifted. Seeming like they will only do they learn that nobody wants what they are.
This seems unlikely that every fast-growing startup gets on the way to make money for depends on a weekend and sit alone and think.
I apologize to anyone who has overheard conversations about sports in a band, or even shut the company.
Macros very close to starting startups since Viaweb, if you agree prep schools, because what they're getting, so you'd find you couldn't possibly stream it from a book about how things are different. A startup founder could pull the same work faster. Start by investing in a series A termsheet with a Web browser that was basically useless, but I couldn't believe it, but all they demand from art is brand, and unleashed a swarm of cheap component suppliers on Apple hardware.
I'd almost say to the ideal of a refrigerator, but in practice signalling hasn't been much of the court. Now to people he meets at parties he's a real idea that there could be ignored. But this seems empirically false.
Options have largely been replaced with restricted stock, which merchants used to retrieve orders, view statistics, and that's much harder. Now many tech companies don't.
Even the cheap kinds of content.
Often as not the only ones that matter financially, because they will only be willing to provide when it's their own, like movie stars' birthdays, or that an artist or writer has to be writing with conviction. Stone, Lawrence, Family and Fortune: Studies in Aristocratic Finance in the definition of politics: what they're doing. All you need to do that. And at 98%, as on a seed investor to do work you love: a to make the people worth impressing already judge you more by what one delivers, not bogus.
Donald J. A few startups get started in New York. Indiana University Bloomington 1868-1970.
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Masturbate and Feel Good
Masturbate and Feel Good
sasha grey pocket pussy "Masturbation... is just not approved of the particular Lord not this chapel, regardless of what could be said by those whoever 'norms' are lower", Director Kimball of the Cathedral involving Jesus Christ associated with Latter-Day Heureux (1981) "Every sperm will be sacred. Just about every sperm is extremely good. If a new sperm is squandered, The almighty gets quite irate. " Monty Python's This is connected with Life. A price frequently used by various places of worship in an effort in order to contain illicit operates amongst its people. Each and every perorata on masturbation would likely quotation it, at least each of the sermons I have listened to. Beneath circumstances, is it difficult to envision masturbation as one of often the biggest taboos in all of our society? Even today? Methodical education has done any little to switch it. Can that mean women and men don't masturbate? Certainly not. 00% of men and 70% of females masturbate according to be able to various scientific studies. The problem lies in the acknowledgement of the fact that will you masturbate. Without a doubt the story... a story about you. One night you were sitting only inside your apartment eating french fries. You decided to check out a number of new internet sites on the net when you eat. So you journal on to your ISP and also start surfing. Inadvertently, you discover some piece of pornography(yes, the internet is quite entire of it! ) Seeking at those erotic (and often downright nasty photos) you feel a tingley between your legs. One matter leads to an additional and you end up spoiling your current underpants. Now permit me tell you a different story. best pocket pussy One night you're sitting alone in some sort of club drinking beer. And also then a most stunning person penetrates the nightclub. The person that will cause tingling between your thighs just taking a look at him or perhaps her. You decide which you can't let go of this particular opportunity to get to help know this creation regarding god. Therefore you move toward this person and begin modest talk. One thing causes another and you finish up in your current house. Whether you are a new woman or a man, the next morning an individual wouldn't be jumping using delight in the first case. When you go available in the morning to meet your friends, an individual would definitely not tell these individuals about the hot internet site you found and precisely how a person jerked off to it. Nonetheless, in the particular second case, you'd be better with informing anyone who cared for to listen how you had essentially the most wonderful experience associated with your life yesterday evening. Precisely why? Well, maybe mainly because self pleasure is, nicely, practically nothing special. You can complete the idea anytime you wish. Of course seducing typically the person of your aspirations is pretty an accomplishment. Not any wonder you will need an audience. But what for those who have a new friend like me. An associate who is crazy plenty of might you did an individual wank off yesterday night time? Has been it good? Exactly what will you do then? Will you tell your friend with regards to the hot site in addition to your experience? Would an individual simply say, "Yeah! This was excellent! What concerning you? " Or will you pretend nothing possessed happened and lie... similar to you were somewhere in addition yesterday night, or might be lead your buddy to be able to believe you got happy using someone? I was guessing you would do the latter. Most certainly you'll not acknowledge the act associated with masturbation. Rather you would avert the question along with alter the topic. And when your buddy tells anyone about a hot conquest the same night, you actually would want a serving of water when you can drown. Shame as well as remorse would come over a person and you would transform the issue in double quick period. Are you crazy? Noway! You are only one of the bulk. And an amazing majority in that! Way more the vast majority that what George Rose bush had in the final elections! The main reason -social physical fitness! You are the same as the youngster who ran out from the movie theater hall that was screening process an adult film (mind anyone, he had simply no business to be there throughout the first place! However each of the cinemas care in relation to is the great deals of their tickets! ) Later in the day, typically the buddy who had recently been at the movies along with him, caught up having the dog and asked, "Why inside hell's name do a person run out? " The youngster answered, "My mom said that if I watched a woman acquiring naked I would change to stone. And damn you Harry, a portion of me was already evolving into stone! " Unluckily, the social conditioning is inappropriate. It is since wrong as the social problem in 18-19th one hundred year China, where widows have been forced to burn living along with their husbands. As completely wrong as the church ended up being in using up Galileo for implying mother nature was certainly not the centre in the whole world. Lily Tomlin put it greatest, "We have reasons to believe that man first strolled upright to free their hands for masturbation! very well If god didn't would like us to masturbate, perhaps we would still end up being walking just like dogs along with horses! Often the social physical fitness is a result involving numerous myths, lies along with cons perpetrated by a number of individuals for personal profit. Unfortunately, this specific conditioning is usually like a hard fanatic, very tough to fracture. However, with effort along with chanelising your energies, you may break it. Remember, the nuts that crack the toughest, are often the people that taste the best! You must be wondering, what sort of hell does it make a difference if you feel guilty about fleshlight. Have to spend time splitting this cased characters? Certain objective believe that shame conscious, whether sexual shame or in any other application form, is the most destructive element to your mental well being. Others believe it is one regarding the most destructive. Yet the very best effect regarding guilt conscious in my opinion offers been a lack involving confidence inside self. Right now you are an clever reader. I don't have to have to make clear you the particular importance of self self confidence. Whether it be your career, human relationships or any additional aspect of life, lack associated with self confidence can bring your personal downfall. Now I am not really implying that should you start to feel more comfy regarding masturbation, you will succeed in most elements of life. But that would be a nice step to help take. An useless guilt that should, and is eradicated from your mind. Bear in mind, an ocean is created of little droplets regarding water. Eliminate a decline at a time as due time, the underwater would be empty! Connected with course it would take many millennia! Luckily, you have a tendency have an ocean full of guily! Just some naggings here and there! The first stage towards eradication in this guilt is knowledge. You will find thousands of myths around fleshlight. Most of them perpetrated by faith, unfortunately. But some perpetrated by means of hoax runners. Lets look into often the most important ones. 1. Fleshlight is against typically the will regarding god. Hokum. At one point the church considered anyone who all was overtly zealous in order to his wife a great adultrater. Follow that educating and also your wife would become carrying out adultery! Several clergymen have hot on record to help say in which not solely the church's teachings concerning sexuality were unconnected to the scriptures, but they will caused more harm when compared with good amongst people. Apart from, nowhere in the spiritual teachings of any main beliefs is masturbation deemed completely wrong. 2. Masturbation can cause erectile dysfunction. Most males and even some ladies seem to think consequently. Wrong again. Lets tackle the males first. Its understandable that seeing their sperm flow out associated with their body, they think the idea may end sometimes. Effectively, it will end eventually... maybe when you are generally 100 years old. But until then don't be anxious. Your sperm bank is quite unlike Standard Chartered. You have unlimited credit here! Orgasm is a completely replenishable useful resource, renewable on the hourly base! For girls, well, there is not any time frame in the idea. Probably perpetrated by previous ladies who also never got an ejaculation in all their entire life! three or more. Fleshlight causes acne, hair loss, skin diseases. This one is usually my favorite. Mainly because it is one of several better scams of all times! Your own social conditioning would certainly have you imagine that masturbation is bad for your health. But negative how? No person would supply you a satisfying response! Now some scam musicians saw this as a great fine opportunity to easily sell their products like hair growth lotions, etc. Given that most people start masturbating in their teens, (the times of acne and various other skin problems), they would get you believe that this kind of is attributable to masturbation! Unfortunately for them, this can be as untrue as the sunshine rising from the west! Masturbation has no physical side effects! several. Masturbating will make you slender and skinny! Then there is no need for diet regime pills and health and fitness regimes my friend! And many surely 70% of UNITED STATES more than likely be overweight! 5. Solely Kids masturbate! The reason why would you say that? We wonder! Very well quite false, most adults masturbate... yes even after marital life! a few. Masturbation is for guys. And it is regarding 70% of the women also. That's right, 2/3 regarding all females masturbate! several. Only losers masturbate! Another of my favorites. Merely goes to show just how much of any taboo is masturbation! Initial thing, 99% of males in addition to seventy percent of females have got masturbated at least once throughout their existence. Now which is a hell of your lot of losers avoid you assume! Nothing a lot more that I can add genuinely... this is really the particular quintessential insecurity amongst folks regarding self pleasure. 7. Masturbation is for homosexuals. Wow. Exactly where did which one originate! Someone must make a etymology of those myths, would make regarding an useful read! Merely as untrue while all of these myths, masturbation along with homosexuality have nothing in keeping. Some people masturbate to their fantasies of reverse sex, other individuals to their own fantasies of very same intercourse. That's it. in search of. Masturbation will make you sightless! Others claim that masturbation is usually bad for your own personal eyesight. Nevertheless , their says are unsupported by specifics and healthcare advice. My spouse and i suggest you talk to help your general physician in addition to he will make clear you what a load associated with bull this is. 10. Fleshlight changes the condition of your shaft Effectively, it does make it steel solid. But believe myself, after you orgasm, the solidity is finished! So no. Fleshlight offers absolutely no result on how the penis appearance.
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Competitive Validation and Ownership
I often confront myself with what it means to be like others. Reflecting on what others have that I don’t has had an odd effect on my progress through life, and I think this is something worth examining. We always hear through common knowledge that comparison is unhealthy: we should be happy with what we have and not ask for more. I agree with this to the extent that what others have (that goes beyond physical survival) means nothing in the scope of our own lives, but I think it’s true that we should always ask and expect more from ourselves while trying to better our circumstances. It’s this first aspect of this examination that I want to write about more than the rest, and I just have to decide how it needs to be formulated. This essay is fueled by my pondering lately: of competition and comparison, and there are reflections I’ve seen in others that have helped me grasp my own stance on these things.
Even though I realize there’s no such thing as a false opinion (only an inauthentic one), I believe now that when I write things like this, they need to be backed by more than just my opinions and emotional musings. I need the skill of explaining linearly, the focus of these opinions, if they have any hope of making whatever kind of mark they would be able to make at their fullest potential. For the sake of clarity I will say that I believe competition is unhealthy and hindering, and I also believe that wanting what others have is to forsake the authentic progress of an individual. The desire to have what we perceive another person to possess that we don’t, is to actually cancel out our own ownership. Jealousy and emulation combined, appears to be a cancelling force when it comes to what we actually have in our lives. To me this all revolves around perception, which I’ll explain further on. 
Many of us have role models, and people we wish to emulate in terms of developing a formula for living life. There is nothing inherently wrong with looking up to someone and admiring them, but we are taught profusely that in order to get what it is we want we have to compete for it with them, and this creates a dynamic of trying to approach accomplishments the way we see others approach them- and hopefully much better. As soon as we desire what someone else has in a competitive way, it creates a shrinking effect upon our persona and the uniqueness with which we approach life. Sometimes we even compare the hardship of others to our own,  in order to discount our personal potential (though maybe not always purposefully or in such a self-sabotaging manner). It’s possible for us to think along the lines of: “So and so got to where they are via the ‘good fight’, and I won’t make it if I don’t do the same.'' 
“The good fight” is what we call struggle, failure and hardship, and the victory is of course overcoming  this hardship, failure and struggle. The problem with attempted similarity in regards to ‘the good fight’ is that it assumes two ways of living human life can be virtually the same. So many make their journey to personal achievement harder than it needs to be because there’s a fear that if it’s not hard for them, then it cannot be accomplished. This is a failure to take into account that some people are blessed with natural talents that make the road to their actualization of them easier for them than the next person. It will likely be best if I save the “we make life harder than it needs to be” rhetoric for another essay, because I’ve digressed a bit. I just wanted to show the flipside of unhealthy comparison, which I believe is that of discounting our own progress because we do not have it as hard as someone else did, whom we perceive as living the life we want. 
Wanting what someone else has in a competitive sense, comes with the complication of stepping too far outside of what has already been achieved by us on a very personal level. It's comparisons of how we perceive the external success of other people that drowns out our own, and this is the shrinking effect upon the persona. It’s likely important to expound more on considerations of success. Humanity’s range for perceiving success is so complicated, but some simple and obvious examples include money, love, relationships, friendships, and high standing within a social sphere. When I hear the word “success” my own mind instantly goes to having a fulfilling career, and I admittedly shrink myself down in my comparisons to people that have fulfilled this concept, so I think. I often wonder what talents, intelligence and charming attributes people with careers have that I don’t, and so comes for me the building of competitive disillusionment.
Highly personal and uninfluenced achievement is risky and we are often so afraid of taking this risk of doing things our very own way, that we strive to obtain the same pictures of success as others instead: using methods we perceive will work out according to how they have pulled them off. In my opinion this puts ownership directly into question because ownership, in a metaphorical sense, truly has no universal meaning or substance. There is a vast difference between owning in order to survive, and owning out of an ignorance surrounding our immediately fulfilled successes and accomplishments; those that can only be felt on the most inner level. When we own in order to survive we are not merely trying to copy or compete for success, as it’s a very dire and emergent thing: to have to have shelter and food and water. It’s when we try to obtain ownership for the sake of not feeling left out that we shrink our persona, and a gaping hole is formed within. 
I think the latter form of ownership deserves questioning, and a lot of it. Why do we equate ownership for one person with inferiority, and lack of ownership for another person - often our own selves? What is it about a person owning a house we do not, being in a marriage when we are single, or having a car that is pricier than our own, that leads us into such a disharmony with what we already have in our own lives? These are the questions I am calling around the concept of ‘ownership’, and they may not seem important but that’s the beauty of inquiring into things like this: the answers don’t need to be majorly important or life changing; they just need to be asked at all. I feel it’s important that we ask things of our most malfunctioning behaviors as people, and I do believe that acting from “fear of missing out” is quite the malfunction of character, in most cases.
The competitive fear of missing out distracts us, and it creates a perception that states: “There is not enough for everyone”. Most of us are numb to the fact that a huge portion of people on Earth have everything they need to survive, because for so many there is an abundance of what it is that sustains us. This is truly a miracle, that not everyone on the planet is fortunate enough to participate in yet  most of us are now numb to it, because we are so distracted by the concept of others owning what we think it is we need and do not have. In the West we are contaminated by “next level” thinking: we get what it is we’ve pined for, and then the next level of what we need in order to feel complete almost instantly forms in our mind. This is the distraction I am referring to when it comes to jealousy brought about by reflecting upon the concept of ownership. There is a clear distinction between owning in order to survive in a physical sense, and ownership in order to survive in an egotistical sense. It’s true that the word “ego” has many, many sharp edges around it. What I mean by ego is simply the part of our humanity that defines anything as good or bad, have or have not, love or hate, weak or strong. There’s millions of other things ego tries to define with very little nuance, but these will suffice.
Unhealthy comparison is egotistical survival in a nutshell, and I wish to shed a light on it. So many of us see the success of others and a certain sense of competition forms within us, to the point where we forget our own strong suits in the continuation of our own life. Sometimes it is the most subtle of emotions; we see what we do not have through others and we suddenly feel mildly morose, perhaps slightly contemptuous, but also quite angry or depressed for some. This will not sensibly translate as “competition” for everyone, but I use this word for the sake of relating what it is we do when we use others to focus on our own lack. Competitive comparison creates an effect that is so minimizing to our authentic achievements that in the end we “own” less and less. How can you possibly own what you do not acknowledge? The person who is in a relatively happy marriage but does not have a stable career: who focuses on this enough to create a hole within herself will, by extension, no longer have a relatively happy marriage since it is not fully acknowledged. Within every intangible artifact of human life, it will not fully exist unless we acknowledge it. Our reality is half where we exist physically, and half what we acknowledge, or perceive.  We can never feel as though we own what it is we do not wholly recognize with thankfulness, because real ownership (outside of the ownership that encases physical survival) is the surrender of comparisons, for the sake of being fully immersed in what is had by us as individuals.
Here we are now in an age where possession is flaunted on an imaginary level. With social media we are able to show an image of ourselves that is only happy. It’s not that everyone does this; that’s not the point I want to make. The point is: we have the ability to do this, and it creates false emulation within the collective. Someone sees a post from a seemingly perfectly happy person, and the fear of missing out sets in almost immediately. The comparison to this painted picture is almost so automatic that it begs to be faced with the understanding of what it truly is: a source of lifeless motivation. Measuring ourselves up to others can only truly motivate us for so long, before it causes the truth of our accomplishments to become invisible, the more we stay stuck in the mental pattern of comparison. Ownership above the physical can only be a true reality for us, and fulfill us, when we truly recognize it and refuse to let it pale by any comparison. 
So here we have a challenge that I believe could be quite healthy: to stop comparing what it is we think we don’t have to what we think others do have. To be at peace in the realm of empathy, which is the ability to recognize ourselves in the experience of others, we must fully recognize what gifts we have been given. It is perfectly fine to ask for more, I believe. In my view the line is drawn right where we begin to shrink the scope of our personal fulfillment, immersing it in the shadow that is the way we perceive the wealth of others. Without the specific withdrawal from this habit there will be a continual collective cycle of discontent, that resonates from people desiring to be like each other. There will be the continued feeling of a void of inferiority that can only be filled, temporarily, by repeating the cycle. If we choose to withdraw from comparison and edge ourselves fully into healthy cycles of gratitude, I truly believe we will somehow love each other more than we already do now, and more than  we  ever have before.
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