#and the professor has STATED that this an easy way to get the participation grade for the class
wovenstarlight · 2 years
physically pained by today's class where the prof's asked us to take turns reading aaloud. some of you do not fucking know how to read for the class and it SHOWS!!! you have to PROJECT YOUR VOICE so everyone can hear you, you have to ENUNCIATE so you can be understood, you have to speak with some fucking ENERGY so it isn't just a flat incomprehensible stream of words, i want to know if this sentence is a question or a statement or a comparison from the tone of your voice!! holy shit!!! if i wanted to listen to white noise i would turn on a fucking fan!!!
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nagito-kissmaeda · 3 years
Mr. Komaeda’s Lesson
Summary: You should really proofread your assignments before submitting them... AKA: Professor Komaeda fucks you over his desk (literally my dream) Word count: 4258 Contains: she/her pronouns, explict sexual content, unsafe sex, professor/student relationships, gentle dom nagito (he’s very gentle i swear) Read on AO3  ミ☆ Please send me a DM or an ask if you’d like me to write something for you!
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The soothing smell of camomile lemon tea wafts around the small office. The blinds are half open, casting the orange light of the setting sun across the smooth leaves of a peace lily that resides in a pot hanging in front of the heating unit. The warm air rocks it gently back and forth. The atmosphere in the room is light and pleasant, but it does nothing to ease your nerves. 
“Do you want some?” Professor Komaeda asks as he pours himself a cup of the aforementioned camomile lemon tea. He has a little teapot sitting on his desk, it’s very cute. 
You clear your throat, fidgeting in your seat, “No thank you, I’m fine.”
“Okay, let’s get started then, shall we?” 
You’ve been dreading this meeting for weeks now. Your professor had been very insistent that this wouldn’t be a discussion about the quality of your work, but more about what he could do to help you maintain focus in lectures. There was also a brief mention about your most recent assignment, he said that he wasn’t concerned, but did want to run through a few things with you. 
He was very polite about it, which makes the true nature of your distraction only more reprehensible. 
“So, first I want to start with a simple question. How are you doing?” 
“Uh, fine?”
He nods and takes a sip of his tea, “No problems outside of our classes? You don’t need to answer if you aren’t comfortable.”
“No i- uh. I’m fine outside of classes too.” You fidget again, twisting your hands in your lap, “I’ve been...tired? But that’s my fault, I stay up too late.” 
He hums thoughtfully and rests his chin on the palm of his hand, “Could that be having an affect on your focus? I can see that you have been distracted in our most recent lectures and just want to make sure it isn’t a fault of myself or my material.” He laughs a little to himself, “I know I can be a little boring sometimes.” 
Professor Komaeda is not boring. He’s probably the most engaging lecturer you’ve ever had, passionate about his subject matter and very enthusiastic about class participation. He also wears really tight trousers and has long dexterous fingers that you can't help imagining inside of your-
“I mean, being tired could be the problem?” A bold faced lie. 
“Well in that case there isn’t much more I can suggest than a good night's rest.” He gives you a long look that makes you squirm in your seat, “I only graduated a few years ago myself, I understand the urge to make the most of your day, but you can’t keep burning the candle at both ends.” He takes another sip of his tea, a drop misses his mouth and rolls down his chin. He catches it with his thumb, which he then brings up to his lips and sucks. You swallow deeply, tearing your eyes from where his lips are meeting his skin. Your knee starts bouncing. Nerves. 
“Would it help if you sat a little closer to the front of the lecture hall?”
It wouldn’t. Especially not on warm days when he loosens his tie and undoes the first three buttons on his shirt. You spent a whole lecture transfixed on the dip of his collarbones once. Not great for your note taking, “maybe I’ll give that a go next week” you say. Another lie.
“Okay, try that out and let me know if it helps.” He gently sets down his teacup and starts working his white hair up into a bun. His fingers are so delicate as he combs through the strands, pulling his hair up and away from his pale throat, exposing the length of it to your hungry eyes-
A noise escapes from your mouth. Almost a whine, but not quite. Professor Komaeda doesn't say anything, but his intense eyes meet yours for just a moment. You clench your thighs together.
“Are you ready to talk about your assignment now?” He asks, picking the teacup again. It’s decorated with sunflowers, almost criminally cute, “No reason to be nervous. I want to make it clear that this matter hasn't had any affect on your grade, just some advice for next time.”
You nod shakily. Despite all of his reassurances, you are still very nervous. Partially because you wanted a good grade, partially because you had worked on that essay day and night with the intention of impressing him. So stupid. 
He gives you a pleasant smile and rifles through his desk for a moment, pulling out what you quickly recognise as a printed copy of your essay, “Take a look, i want to see if you can figure it out first.”
“Um...okay…” You skip past the title page and into the meat of the essay, reading through all of your points and making sure there weren't any obvious spelling mistakes. There wasn't anything that you could see, “Sorry...um...what page is it on?”
His teacup clinks when he sets it down again, leaning forward on his elbows and resting his chin on his hands. You can feel your heart fluttering in your chest, your palms are getting sweaty, “It’s on the title page actually. I’m surprised you didn't notice it.”
You shoot him a quizzical look and flip back to the first page. Your stomach plummets. 
Titles have never been your thing, summing up an entire essay in just a few words isn’t easy, so you usually use a placeholder right up until you submit it. You remember changing it, you remember triple checking it was changed before you emailed it through. But something must have gone wrong because in big bold capital letters, the title of you assignment reads: 
Your hands are shaking, the edges of the paper crinkling under your tight grip. You are going to fail...you are going to be expelled...you are going to-
“Ah. I see you’ve realised your mistake, hm?”
Your head shoots up, forgetting for a moment that he is still sitting across from you. 
“Professor...I-I’m...obviously I’m…” you can’t get out a goddamn sentence, your mouth has all dried up, “I don’t even...I can’t…”
You are taken aback, when Professor Komaeda giggles. It’s a light little sound, he covers his mouth with a hand, “You are very bold, aren’t you?” 
“No need to worry, I’m not reporting this to the dean or anything like that. I see no reason to expel you over a silly little mistake like this one.”
“You...You dont want me to drop you class?”
He laughs again, you shrink under the intensity of his green eyes, “I’m not going to make you, no. If the situation isn’t going to make it even harder for you to focus during lectures, you can still come to class. I won't stop you, it is your choice.”
He is being remarkably cavalier about all of this, it’s almost unsettling, but you don't want to drop his class so you can't help being grateful, “Thank you so much, I...I promise i won't do this again.”
Professor Komaeda hums aloud, eyes half lidded as he looks at you from across the desk, “Won’t do what again?” he asks, though honestly its more of a purr, “Won’t think about me fucking you, or wont make the mistake of writing it down?”
Hearing the word fuck drop from that perfect mouth of his sends you into overdrive. Your thighs are clamped so tight together that your legs are shaking, you can feel yourself breathing hard, “I...uh...I....” you swallow, “I won't do...either?”
“There's no need to lie to me.” He breathes, standing up from his chair and rounding the desk. You can feel yourself quivering in his shadow, he towers over you. Your breath catches in your throat when one of his hands makes contact with your chin, slowly lifting your head up until you meet his eyes. His expression is positively hungry, “I want to make something very clear. This is your chance to leave, if you do we will never speak of this again. If you don’t, well…”
All you can do is stare at him, mouth going dry with realisation. 
“Your essay was very good, by the way.” He leans down until his nose is almost pressed against yours, you can smell the tea on his breath. You can feel the warmth of his skin, you can count his eyelashes, “Good enough that i’ll fuck you over my desk if you still want me to.”
In a moment of hungry lucidity, you grab him by the tie and tug his lips down to yours. Colliding in a positively ferocious kiss. You feel him laugh against your mouth before he slips his tongue in between your lips and traces your upper row of teeth, his tongue is wet and warm, your thighs are rubbing together as you grow desperate for any sort of friction. Professor Komaeda must be in a similar state, because he grabs you by the waist and tugs you up to your feet. Pressed firmly against him like this, you can feel the evidence of his arousal through his slacks, a moan escapes you when you feel his hips buck. 
He laughs again, pulling away from your mouth to press a hot kiss to the side of your throat. You feel his long fingers toying with the hemline of your skirt, slowly slipping up underneath it, “These pretty little things…” he whispers, tugging on the top of your thigh high stocking and releasing it with a snap, “do you wear them for me?”
There’s no point lying anymore. You can’t stop shaking, “I...yes…”
You feel him moan against your skin, sinking his teeth into the join between your neck and shoulder, “Did you really think I wouldn’t take notice? Of the way you undress me with your eyes in class, of these tiny little skirts you started wearing?” He grabs a handful of your ass and you squeal, “you’re so gorgeous. You could have anyone in that class if you wanted, but here you are with me-“ he grinds up against you, cock warm and hard through his slacks, “-I don’t understand what I’ve done to deserve this.”
His voice is so soft and gentle, even while he’s palming your ass and grinding his hips against yours, he still talks like he’s giving a lecture on historical literature. It’s hot, how easily he is able to maintain his composure while you are little more than a quivering mess beneath him, but still...you want to see him come undone.
You hear more than feel your knees colliding with the wooden floorboards. Professor Komaeda is unable to give little more than a surprised look before you have his slacks and boxers shoved halfway down his thighs and his cock in your mouth. He lets out a shocked little moan, burying his long fingers into your hair as his hips stutter forward. Now that was the reaction you wanted. 
“Oh...ohhhh-“ he whines, slowly moving himself in and out of your mouth as you tease his head with your tongue, “ahh...your mouth feels so good, angel.” 
You were not expecting him to call you angel. It’s like a bolt of lightning to your cunt, your hands jump up the dig deep into the meat of his thighs as you moan downright salaciously around his cock. 
“I can feel you moaning.” He whispers, “I can’t believe how much you’re enjoying this” you look up at him through your lashes and see his cheeks are red, his perfect lips are swollen from his biting them incessantly. You moan again just from the sight of him, he hisses and his hips cant forward deeper into your mouth, “wow. You...You really like doing this don’t you? Wrapping your perfect soft lips around my filthy cock?” 
Filthy? That makes your eyebrows jump. You could always tell that your professor had some sort of inferiority complex, but you didn't realise it was...this intense.
“S’pretty.” You managed to slur around him, “Tastes good.”
He laughs again, it explodes from his mouth and shakes his shoulders. Unbridled, almost wild. He grins down at you, “I’m sure it doesn’t taste as good at you.” He purrs, tucking your hair behind your ear, “get up on the desk.”
Well, you weren’t going to say no to that. You give his cock one last long lick before standing back up from the floor, just before you hoist yourself up on the table, Professor Komaeda grabs you by the wrist, “Panties off, please.”
You feel yourself turn crimson, but dutifully shimmy out of your panties and let them drop to the floor. He smiles at you, hands curling around your waist as he leans into your ear, “that’s my girl.” He whispers, and lifts you up onto his desk. His hands are cold on the bare skin of your thighs peeking out from the top of your stockings, your stomach twists and curls as he slowly edges your legs open, and drops to his knees between them.
“Oh my god…” you squeak, he’s staring up at you with a look that is downright sinful and he doesn’t break eye contact, even when one of those perfect fingers slips inside you, “agh!” 
He chuckles warmly, gently thrusting his finger in and out of you, “you’re so wet, angel...I can’t imagine why someone like me is making you so aroused, but I’m not complaining.” 
His finger curls inside of you, and your hips jolt, “Mmph! Pro-Professor I-“ 
He smiles saccharinely as a second finger pushes its way inside you, “Nagito.” He corrects, pressing a hot kiss to the inside of your thigh, “We’re well beyond the need for formality. Don’t you think?” You cover your mouth to muffle a squeal as he adds a third finger. Your knees are wobbling and you can barely breathe, he’s just sitting between your legs and grinning at you, “Now let’s see if you taste as good as i imagine, hm?”
He pulls your clit in between his lips and sucks. You have to bite down on your hand to keep yourself from screaming, “F-Fuck...Nagito...I--hng!” 
“It is after hours, you know.” He whispers, you can feel his breath on your cunt and you shiver, “There’s no reason for you to restrain yourself.” He licks your clit again and moans, “Haa...It may be selfish of me, but i want to hear you. If you’ll let me.”
“Oh god-” You hiss out when his tongue starts circling around you, “-keep doing that, and you’ll hear me alright.”
Nagito giggles and peers up at you, “Then I suppose I'll get back to work.” He hoists your thighs over his shoulders, and starts eating you out in earnest. You lean back on your elbows, and watch his soft white hair bob between your thighs as his tongue works it’s magic, he alternates between running the flat of his tongue up the length of you and focussing directly on your clit. Your toes are curling, mouth wide open with a constant stream of moans and whimpers that you have no hope of stopping. It feels so good, you had dreamt about this alone at night in your bed and even in those fantasies it hadn't felt this good. 
His fingers slip out of you, but before you even have a chance to complain, they are replaced with his tongue. You moan so loudly that it rumbles through your chest, your hips rise up to meet his mouth and his hands curl around the soft flesh of your thighs, tugging you even closer. He groans. The wet muscle is slowly thrusting in and out of you when he presses down firm on your clit with his thumb, “I--mmph...Nagito m’gonna cum…” your hips are grinding relentlessly up against his face and you can feel your hair sticking to your forehead with sweat. 
“Cum for me, angel.” He whispers, thumb rubbing your clit in brutal circles, “I want to feel you squeezing around my tongue.” 
You throw your head back in a howl as his tongue slips back inside, the desk rattling with the force of your quivering hips. You can hear the slick sounds his mouth is making against your cunt, the way he is panting and moaning just from the taste of you. The tightness in your stomach grows unbearable, then he curls his tongue upward, and it snaps. You see whiteness behind your eyes, thighs shaking with the intensity of it. You can feel the vibration of Nagito’s moan inside of you and his fingers dig tight into the meat of your thighs. He’s enjoying your orgasm almost as much as you are. 
When he finally pulls away from you, the lower half of his face is glistening with your wetness. He gives you a pleased smile, eyes half lidded as he brings his wet fingers up to his mouth and licks them clean, “I knew you would taste good.” He whispers, wiping the mouth with the back of his hand, “Think you can cum again, angel?”
Just watching him suck on his fingers is enough to get you going again, “Yeah, I definitely can.”
He laughs and stands up from the floor. His cock is flushed red and dripping, you suddenly realise he hadn't touched it that whole time, he must be painfully hard at this point. You lick your lips, you can't help it. He follows your line of sight and smiles, “Be a good girl and bend over the desk for me, please.” 
You slide down off the desk, ready to follow his orders but quickly stop yourself, “Oh. One second.”
You grab the teapot from the desk and quickly rest it on the windowsill, “Sorry. That was a disaster waiting to happen.”
“Ah, yes. You’re right.” His hand slips up to your cheek, thumb resting on your lips. He smiles when you pull it into your mouth and suck, “I’ll have to thank you for saving my carpet. Unless you see any other hazards, i would still like to fuck you.”
That word again. It sounds doubly filthy when he says it, the way his lips mold around it is downright sinful. A shaky moan drops from your mouth as you turn around and do as he asks, your breasts are squished up against the sturdy wood, and the desk is a little too tall for you, your feet are dangling just above the floor. You’re shaking with anticpation, and it grows even worse when you feel the warmth of Nagito’s palm caressing your ass, “For my own peace of mind…” he whispers, his other hand running a finger up the length of your sex, “When do you graduate?”
You laugh, “It’s a little late for that, isn't it, Professor?” you feel his hand still on your ass and you clear your throat, “Uh, this is my last semester. A few months.”
He sighs pleasantly, “Ah, that’s good. This has been very fun, though i'm not sure we should do it again.” You feel the head of his cock kiss your entrance and hiss through your teeth, “At least...not for a few months.” You can hear the smirk on his face.
“I’ve waited this long.” You say, grinding backwards into his cock, “I can wait again.”
He leans down until his mouth is right beside your ear, “Good girl.” He whispers, and finally thrusts inside of you. It feels so good, he fills you so well. Your cheek is pressed firmly against the hard wood of the desk and a pathetic little mewl escapes your mouth at the feeling. You cunt already dripping from your last orgasm, you take him so easily, so smoothly. It feels like he is meant to be inside you. 
You feel a hand on your lower back, pushing you further down onto the desk and Nagito hisses through his teeth. Pumping slowly and deeply inside of you, like he is savoring it, “You’re doing so well, angel. I--fuck...You’re so warm.” his breathing is laboured, the rhythmic sound of his hips hitting your ass is echoing around the room, “I still can’t believe you’re letting me do this to you. I must be the luckiest man alive.” 
“Please...more!” you whine, trying to force him deeper inside of you with the movement of your hips. 
Nagito lets out a strangled moan and starts pounding faster, one of his hands slipping down between your legs to circle your clit, you cry out at the extra stimulation, toes curling inside of your shoes. The desk is shaking with the force of his thrusts now, there's a cute little statuette of a frog that falls down to the carpet with a clatter, but he doesn't stop. 
“You feel so good, darling...I--I don't think i can-” a groan rips through him and you can feel his thrusts growing sloppier, “-you’re so good for...so perfect...I can't hold--ah ahh” he swallows, “Please, angel, i want to feel you cum again.”
You’re close, mouth raw from panting and moaning, legs going numb from behind suspended in the air. Then, the finger on your clit presses down firm and his cock grinds up against your g-spot. That is all you need, you come unraveling under him, the walls of your cunt clenching impossibly tight around him.
“Ah, yes!” He cries, grabbing your hips and pounding you desperately, relishing in the feeling of your hot, tight cunt. Milking him dry, “Good, girl. So good for me.” Then, he cums, you feel his cock throb deep inside of you as his hips stutter and slow. 
It is only now that you are hit with the realisation. You just fucked Professor Komaeda. Holy hell.
All you can do is lay there while he slowly pulls himself out of you. Wincing a little at the wierd feeling of emptyness. You manage to roll yourself over, laying flat on your back with your legs still dangling from the desk. Nagito laughs and presses a kiss to your cheek, “Are you alright?”
You laugh weakly, “We’re going to get in so much trouble.”
“Not if no one finds out.” He tucks some of your hair behinf your ear, “Don’t worry about it, I’m very lucky with this sort of thing.”
“I just dont want you to get in trouble.”
He giggles, “That’s very kind of you, but this was as much my choice as it was yours.” he runs his fingers down your cheek and gives you a gentle kiss on your lips, “I meant what i said, about meeting up again.”
You manage to pull yourself up until you are sitting upright, you give him a sleepy smile, “Yeah, me too. I like you a lot.”
“How very sweet of you to say, angel.” He presses his forehead to yours and tangles your fingers together, “Let’s get you cleaned up now, hm? Can’t have you walking home like that”
To be honest, you aren’t sure you can walk at all.
A few months later, you are sitting in the local cafe and applying for some jobs on your laptop. You did well on your final assessments and graduated with flying colours. It’s only a few more days before you need to officially move out of the dorms, and finding a new apartment (along with a job to pay for it) has not been easy so far. 
You huff and push your hair back from your face. Your phone pings, and you ignore it. It’s been pinging for the past few minutes and you are not in the mood to check it. The job you are currently applying for made you retype all of the information in your resume even though you just uploaded it, and you are not happy. 
The phone pings again and you groan, grabbing it and flipping it over. It looks like it’s just the group chat, as loud as always. As you go to close the message notifications though, you see one from about ten minutes ago that isn't from your group chat. Your heart is racing. 
I still have your number from when you asked for an assignment extension at the beginning of last semester. I hope you don't mind me using it. It’s been a few months, I'd like to see you again, if you wouldn't mind.
Oh shit. Your heart is beating a rapid tattoo in your chest. You had been so caught up in the job hunt and apartment hunt that you had all but forgotten about...this. You swallow and manage to force your shaky hands to type.
Oh hey!
It’s nice to hear from you. I’m free this weekend if you want to meet up, I still live in the dorms though, so it’ll have to be your place.
It's only about a minute before you get a reply.
Lol! I was thinking we could start with coffee, but I'm not going to lie and say i wasn’t hoping it would end up in my bedroom. 
This weekend works for me. I can pick you up around 11?
You smile at your phone, cheeks turning crimson.
Sounds good. I’ll see you then.
You quickly update his contact details in your phone from Professor Komaeda, to Nagito <3.
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kurt-nightcrawler · 4 years
Baby Bird
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈𝐈 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Request: i kinda had this idea for a warren x reader and if you were intrested or had time i’d be very appreciative 👉👈. (warren has his apocalypse wings) so the reader is a new student she’s very like shy and timid but very sweet and her only friend is jean, she just like refuses to converse with others. and her gift is her wings and they’re exactly like warren’s except black (kinda like he was the bad boy with white angel wings and she’s the good girl with black wings,sorry i love opposites 😂) and be just hates her because it’s a reminder of his old wings and mistakes. fast forward to like a day at school or party someone is messing with r because she never shows off her wings and then like push her or something and jean freaks out and tells warren r doesn’t know how to use her wings (super sad childhood with very anti-mutant parents) so then warren saves her and they talk more and get closer.
A/N: this is so late! I am so sorry! But I am finally getting around to all my requests and this wasn’t in my ask box so it got kind of lost and I forgot about it for a hot minute! I hope you enjoy it though! 🥺💛
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: underage drinking, teasing, anxiety, and mentions of poor home life
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“Your grades are phenomenal, yet your class participation is lacking.” (Y/N) picked at her nails, looking down. Xavier called her into his office to “discuss her grades” but she knew that was the last thing on his mind. “I don’t want to push you into anything you’re not comfortable with, but at some point, everyone has to socialize.”
Her head shot up, “I do! I do socialize.” 
Sure, she ate lunch alone under the trees, would rather be alone than have a partner for class projects, and she didn’t have many friends— but she was new! Being the new kid was hard. Not to mention her parents were more than thrilled to get rid of her and her wings. 
Her big, black, feathery wings, that she didn’t even know how to use! She hid them under baggy sweaters, no matter the weather. 
Xavier gave her a look, “You don’t have any friends and you hide your beautiful wings.”
“Dr. McCoy and Mystique hide their true selves… and if Kurt had the chance he’d want to look normal too.” Charles sighed. “Look, um, Professor, I do— I do have friends.” 
“Jean Grey.” 
Saying Jean was her friend wasn’t a lie— however, Jean was her only friend. (Y/N) didn’t like to talk, and Jean read minds— easy friendship right there. 
Jean had other friends and even a boyfriend. (Y/N) felt like she weighed her down or was charity work, but Jean always said otherwise. 
Sometimes (Y/N) would sit with Jean and her friends. They were all kind and welcoming, despite her not saying anything. The only one who seemed standoff-ish was Warren. 
 Warren was tall and extremely handsome. Jean had teased (Y/N) for losing her train of thought more than once for looking at Warren and thinking he was pretty. 
He had these huge metal wings and tattoos on his face. (Y/N) thought they could possibly be friends, mostly because they both had wings, but that didn’t go so well…
The one day (Y/N) wore a t-shirt, with holes in the back so she could flaunt her wings, everyone looked at her. She didn’t like the attention, but she couldn’t blame them for staring. 
Jean’s friends showered her with a mixture of surprise and compliments with her wings. 
“Can I touch them?” Peter asked. (Y/N) nodded, making eye contact with Warren for a moment. 
He rolled his eyes and scoffed. (Y/N) quickly looked away and frowned. Everyone liked her except for Warren. 
Was he the honest one of the group though? What if all of Jean’s friends actually hated (Y/N)? What if they just put up with her because Jean made them? She was sure Scott didn’t like her much either, even if he never showed it. He was dating Jean and her friendship with (Y/N) probably cut into their time… Oh, God… They just think my wings are neat and soon as I stop showing them they’ll get bored of me… 
Warren was glaring at something, and then he got up as left. Just like that!
“Is he okay?” (Y/N) asked Jean.
“He’s just being dumb. You know how boys are.” (Y/N) nodded, but she was pretty sure Warren wasn’t just “being dumb”. He probably hated her. 
It was finally the weekend, and (Y/N) was hunched over her books on a Friday night. Normal for her, as Jean and her friends usually went out somewhere. 
A knock at her door interrupted her work time, and she opened it to find Jean and Jubilee standing in the doorway. Jubilee was bouncing and had a bag in her arms. 
(Y/N) let them in. Jubilee set the bag on the floor and started going through it— it was full of makeup and hair stuff. “What’s going on?” 
“We’re going to a party tonight, and you’re coming with us.”
(Y/N) glanced over to her work pile, “But I’ve got a paper due—” 
“Two weeks from now. I have the same class.” Jubilee answered. 
“Jean…” She whined. 
“One night out won’t kill you. Neither will a little makeup and a cute outfit.”
“Here, put this on.”
She examined the lump of fabric in her hands. 
It was a dress. 
“People will see my wings!” 
“Yeah, that’s like the whole point,” Jubilee said.
(Y/N) sighed and slipped off her sweater, putting the dress on in its place. 
“You look so pretty!” Jubilee cooed. 
“Thanks.” (Y/N)’s immediate reaction was to fold her wings in tightly to her back, so they weren’t visible from the front. 
“Relax,” Jean told her, soon as she noticed what (Y/N) was doing. Jubilee signaled her to sit down on the floor next to her, amidst a hundred different makeup products. 
“I’m just gonna do some light, subtle makeup. Enough to enhance your features.” 
“Thanks?...” The brush tickled (Y/N)’s skin, making her nose scrunch up. 
“Relax your face. This doesn’t hurt.” 
“Sorry. Sorry…” 
“It’s okay.” 
Everyone somehow managed to fit in one car— except for Kurt and Peter, they were racing to see who could get to the party first— Jean and Scott in the front, Warren, Jubilee, Ororo, and (Y/N) in the back. 
(Y/N) couldn’t help but notice Warren looked a little flushed, “Is Warren okay?” 
“Yeah, why?” Jean asked.
“His face is flushed. Is he just like, hot or something?”
“Or something…” Jean smiled, trying to act nonchalant. (Y/N) gave her a deadpan look through the rearview mirror. “I can’t tell you, but he’s fine.” 
“You okay, (Y/N)?” Scott asked, looking back at her through the rearview mirror. 
Scott nodded awkwardly.
Once parked, everyone quickly tumbled out of the car. Music could be heard from the inside. It was loud.
“I want to go home.” 
“(Y/N) we just got here— dance with Jubilee or go sit outside with Ororo and Warren.” 
“Warren doesn’t like me.”
“Not true… He’s just quiet.” 
(Y/N) started to retaliate but Jean walked into the kitchen with Scott, and (Y/N) tried to not interrupt her time with her boyfriend, so she shut up. 
Peter was playing beer pong with some kids. Jubilee and Kurt were dancing and both had cups in their hands. There was some wanna-be punk band playing.
(Y/N) decided to join them.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” 
She waved her hand.
“You look nice,” Kurt said.
“I did her makeup,” Jubilee bragged. 
Kurt giggled slightly, “Nice.” 
The band was mostly playing covers, but they were pretty good. (Y/N) was letting loose and dancing along with Jubilee and Kurt.
I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah! 
Two hundred degrees, that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit… 
I'm traveling at the speed of light. 
I wanna make a supersonic woman of you! 
(Y/N) accidentally hit Jubilee with her wings. “I’m so sorry!”
“It’s fine! They’re soft anyways.”
Don't stop me, don't stop me, don’t stop me. Hey, hey, hey! 
Don't stop me, don't stop me, ooh, ooh, ooh…
(Y/N) was actually enjoying herself. She was dancing and chanting incoherently along with the lyrics. She almost felt free. 
The last time she had felt like this was as a child. Before her wings grew in. Before her parents deemed her a monster who had to hide. Before she lost everything she had. Before she decided to speak less was better for her. 
She didn’t even think about any of it. She didn’t even think about how Jean was probably making out with Scott in a bathroom, or how Warren had been acting. She was having fun, and that was the only thing that mattered to her. 
At some point during the night, (Y/N), slightly tipsy, made it up onto the roof with a few other kids. Everything was fine at first, but they were way too drunk.
“Why don’t you jump off the edge?” One of them asked.
“Fly off the edge, birdie!” The other laughed. “Jump! Jump!”
“Jump! Jump!” 
In the rooftop kids efforts to get (Y/N) to jump, people on the ground started chanting too. 
“What’s going on?” Warren asked. Jubilee shrugged. 
(Y/N) was terrified, wings folded in tightly to her back.
Jean came running up to Warren, “(Y/N) can’t fly! She can’t hear me either, she’s too nervous, lost in her own thoughts.” 
Warren wanted to ask what he could possibly do, but he never got the chance. 
(Y/N) fell off the roof. 
Or maybe she was pushed off. Either way, it didn’t matter because she was screaming and falling and no one was doing anything. 
Warren bolted and flew up so he could catch her in his arms. She looked so weak and tired in his arms. She was crying and his heart dropped seeing her like that. 
Warren carefully brought her to the ground, making sure she could walk on her own. “Come here,” He gave her his jacket and wrapped an arm around her, letting her cry into his chest. 
“I hated that—” She sniffled, “—I’m never doing it again.” Warren nodded understandingly, holding her close to his side. 
“Let’s go home, okay?” (Y/N) nodded, still in a state of shock. 
The halls of the mansion were like a ghost town, everyone was either out, asleep, or couped up in one of the many rooms. Warren and (Y/N) were alone as they walked up to her room. 
“Why did you save me?” 
Warren blinked, looking at (Y/N). She rarely spoke to or around him. 
“Jean said you couldn’t fly.” 
“Oh…” She avoided Warren’s eyes in embarrassment. So Jean told him to save me because I’m useless. Of course…
“You could have died, falling from that high up,” Warren’s voice was stern, but he wasn’t angry. 
“Sorry…” She mumbled.
Warren furrowed his brows, “Sorry? What are you sorry for?” 
“I inconvenienced you…”
“What? No!” He stopped to stand face to face, holding one of (Y/N)’s hands. “You could never.” 
(Y/N) felt fuzzy inside. Was she getting sick? Was she allergic to Warren? Why is he so nice? Why am I so nervous?
“I’d do the same for anyone.” 
Oh. Yeah, no, he doesn’t really like me… nobody does…  “Right.” 
Warren noticed her mood change, but he didn’t call her out for it. 
“I’m gonna go to bed. Thanks for bringing me home…” 
“Of course…” He coughed for a moment, clearing his throat. “If you need anything, um, my room isn’t that far—”
“Thanks, Warren.” She forced a smile. “Good night.”  
 “Good night.”
Warren slipped off his t-shirt, discarding it on his desk chair. He laid in bed, thinking about (Y/N).
What if he hadn’t caught her in time?
He shook the thought away as he tossed in bed, slowly falling asleep.
Warren didn’t hate (Y/N). He just hated her wings… they reminded him of his old wings. The one thing he wanted most in life… his new ones were a constant reminder of his past mistakes, they were the wings of a monster. 
But Warren had changed, or so he thought. He hated seeing (Y/N)’s wings, despite them rarely being out. He was jealous and angry. Mostly at himself.
But (Y/N) didn’t know how to use her wings…
That was strange to Warren. Maybe there was more to her than he thought. 
(Y/N) awoke to a knock on her door. 
“Hggggg… Just give me a minute.” She groaned. She rolled out of bed and opened the door. 
“Jean? What are you doing here?” 
“I wanted to make sure you were okay! We got back late and Warren said you were already asleep.”
“Oh… Well, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Okay… Do you wanna come down for breakfast?” 
(Y/N) glanced at her pajamas. “Can I get changed first?...”
“You look fine! Most of the group is still in their pj’s anyway.” 
Jean led (Y/N) down the hall to the kitchen where her friends were. Most of them were chatting amongst themselves or shoving food into their mouths. 
“Hangovers?” She asked. 
“Yeah some, I’m surprised you don’t have one.” 
“I never said I didn’t.” (Y/N) got herself a cup and a plate, taking some of the food and drink available. 
“(Y/N), are you okay from last night?” Jubilee asked. 
She nodded. 
Peter let out a breath, “Thank God. Xavier would have killed us if you’d gotten hurt.” (Y/N) nodded again, trying to just focus on the food on her plate. 
“You’re lucky Warren was there to catch you,” Scott stated. 
“Is everyone going to keep talking about last night?” She asked herself.
“Probably. You could have broken your legs, or sprained an ankle— plus people like to talk.” 
“Gossip, you mean gossip.” 
Jean didn’t respond, she was too focused on whatever Scott was saying. (Y/N) rolled her eyes. 
Warren trudged into the kitchen— his curls tangled, wings almost dragging against the floor, and he wore the world’s most wrinkled t-shirt— he looked like he didn't want to be there. 
He opened up a cabinet and took out a mug. He closed the cabinet door and moved over near the coffee pot on the counter. He took it and poured plain, black, coffee into his mug. 
Then he took a sip straight from the mug. 
“There is creamer and milk in the fridge,” (Y/N) reminded him. 
“I know.”
(Y/N) focused on her plate again, trying to pretend the awkward interaction didn’t happen. 
“Hey, uh, I was wondering—“ (Y/N) quickly looked up at Warren as he spoke. “I could like, help you learn to fly.” 
“No one would see us. If you’re worried about that.” 
“Oh my god! You should say yes!” (Y/N) quickly twisted her head over at Jean and almost gave her the finger, but Scott was watching. So she just glared. 
She didn’t want Jean in her head all the time. Especially at a time like this. 
She looked back at Warren, “Sure. I have nothing else to do.” 
“Cool. I have some stuff to do, but I’ll get you in a few hours.” 
(Y/N) nodded, “Sounds good.” 
(Y/N) looked through her closet, trying to find something she could wear to fly in. Most of her tops weren’t exactly wing friendly. She sighed. 
She didn’t even want to do this— she just wanted to hide her wings forever and move on from last night. 
No. No, that wasn’t true in the slightest. 
She needed to learn to use her wings, they were a part of her, whether she liked it or not. She had her old life ripped away from her in exchange for the big black heaps of feathers on her back, weighing her down every day. She had to embrace them somehow. They were all she had. 
That and Jean… sometimes. And eventually, she’d have to leave the nest and talk to other people. 
Warren knocked on her door. (Y/N) glanced at her reflection— she still had her pajamas on! 
He knocked again, “(Y/N)? It’s me.” 
“Sorry! Give me a sec!” (Y/N) hurried and shut her closet, then opening her door to let Warren in. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine, are you—“ He glanced at her clothes. (Y/N) instantly tensed up, insecure by his gaze. “Why are you still in your pajamas?” 
“Uh… I don’t really have anything good for flying—“ 
“Just wear some shorts and a shirt with holes in the back. Nothing fancy.” 
“You don’t understand, I have one shirt with holes in the back, and it’s in the laundry.” 
“You sleep with your wings tucked in?” Warren gawked.
“Sometimes.” She defended. 
Warren glanced at something shiny in the corner of his eye. “Grab a shirt you don’t care about.” 
“Okay…” (Y/N) grabbed an old Xavier’s school tee. 
“Give it to me.” She handed it to Warren. He took the scissors from her desk and quickly cut slits in the back of the t-shirt. “There. Now you have something to wear.” 
She just stared at Warren. 
“Are you gonna put it on or?...”
“Can you step out of the room then?” 
Warren’s eyes widened in realization on what he’d set himself up for. “Right! Right, um, do you need any help getting your wings through the holes?”
“If I do, I’ll ask. Now leave so I can get dressed.” 
“Yeah, right, right.” Warren quickly stepped out into the hall, shutting the door behind him. 
(Y/N) huffed and slipped her large nightshirt off, throwing it on her bed. She grabbed the shirt Warren cut up and put it on without a second thought. 
Head pops out through the first hole. 
The arms go through the sleeves. 
The shirt slips down and covers the chest and torso. 
But the wing holes were new. (Y/N) tried to push one of her wings out but she struggled. It took her a bit of reaching back with her hands to spread the fabric a bit so she had more space before she could get it through the slit. 
The second wing she had more trouble with. 
(Y/N) couldn’t reach her arms back as easily to spread out the slit. And her whole wing wouldn’t go through since it wasn’t the loosest of shirts. 
(Y/N) opened her door and peeked her head out. “Hey, I need some help…” 
Warren perked up a little, following (Y/N) into her room. 
“Just like, hold the two sides of the slit out, and then I can get my wing through.” 
Warren did as she asked. 
“We’re they too small?” 
“A little, but also this isn’t baggy like most of my clothes, so…” 
“I can make the holes bigger if you want.” 
She dismissed him, “It’s fine. I’ll do it later.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I already wasted enough time getting ready. We should go out.”
Warren nodded, “Yeah. We’re gonna be out for a while.”
They were standing on the roof of Xavier’s, looking out onto the grassy campus. 
“So, uh, flying once you get the hang of it, is like a reflex almost… But uh basically, you just need to flap your wings, so you keep yourself afloat of sorts. Does that make sense?”
“Kind of.”
“Okay, um, just like, run off the edge—”
“Runoff the edge?!” (Y/N) asked, terrified of falling to her death. Scared of having a repeat of the night before.
“Just flap your wings, and if you mess up I’ll catch you.” 
(Y/N) stood at the edge, peering down at the ground below. “Are you sure?”
“Maybe back up a bit, get like a running start first.” 
(Y/N) did as he suggested, running off the edge. When her feet left the roof, she tried to flap her wings as Warren had told her. 
She felt herself flying like a wonky baby bird. Somewhat lopsided with each flap, but she was doing it! 
“Oh my gosh! Warren! Warren I’m doing it!” 
She could see Warren still on the roof. He gave her a thumbs up and some encouraging cheers. 
(Y/N) smiled, struggling to fly, but flying nonetheless. She looked down for a moment, and then suddenly realized she was many feet above the ground, in the air. (Y/N) panicked, and stopped flapping her wings for a moment, before she started to fall. 
“Shit!” Warren flew off the roof to save (Y/N).  
But it was a false alarm, for, by the time Warren was about to catch (Y/N), she’d regained herself and was no longer falling to the ground.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Um, it’s just really high up, I’m scared of falling again, like at the party.” 
“Hey, hey, relax, don’t focus on the ground or your wings. Just— focus on me, okay?”
She looked at his face— his blue eyes, his plush pink lips, the dark lines adorned all over his face, and how he had a few untamable, blonde curls that framed his face— she looked at Warren’s wings and tried to copy how his fluttered and kept him aflight. 
“You’re doing it!” He told her.
“Really?” (Y/N) was almost in disbelief.
“Yeah, you’re doing great!” 
(Y/N) looked at her wings, realizing what she was doing. She was worried she’d fall, but it never happened. 
“I’ll race you to the mansion next door.” 
“Next door? That’s like several acres.” Warren gave her a knowing look, and then it all clicked. “Oh! Oh, you’re so on!” 
Warren laughed and they both flew off at high speed, away from school.
They got back to the mansion after sunset, both giggling and playfully fighting about who won the race. 
“I think I won—”
“Oh, yes, beginner’s luck, Baby Bird.”
She raises her eyebrows and points at him, “Aha! So you admit I won.”
“I may have let you…” 
(Y/N) scoffed, “Yeah, right.” 
“Yeah, you got me. I wouldn’t go too easy on you.” Warren was headed for the kitchen, but (Y/N) was going in the opposite direction.
“I was gonna get a bite to eat. Wanna join me?”
“Um, I was going to shower first…” 
“Oh… I’ll see you later then?”
(Y/N) was suddenly very awkward and nervous, “Um, yeah! Pfft, of course, uh— yeah. Yeah!” 
“Great!” Warren was also suddenly somewhat nervous. 
The two were on their separate paths, before (Y/N) turned back for a moment.
“You good?” Warren asked.
“Yeah, um,” (Y/N) kissed his cheek. It didn’t last long, but it left her heart pounding and Warren flustered.
“Thanks for today. I’m gonna go shower.”
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cybernaght · 3 years
Guardian rewatch: Episode 9
This episode starts with Zhao Yunlan being a bloody good boss. I’ll talk about how the opinions of others must have affected this man’s perception of himself a little later on, but in this scene it is important to note that Zhao Yunlan is supportive, caring and loyal. Wang Zheng comes to him in tears, asking for permission to leave and see the home she had just remembered, and he not only supports her verbally, but drags his entire team on the trip with her the very next day. Sure, he has are ulterior motives, as he strongly suspects one of the Hallows must be around the same area, but I maintain that Zhao Yunlan would have insisted on going with Wang Zheng regardless.
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There are complications to this trip; namely, Wang Zheng is a ghost energy being and can neither be in sunlight, nor leave the SID really. Thus, the plan to take her on the trip includes buying a doll. The implication is that Wang Zheng can be somehow placed inside it, and thus be able to move, but the details of how this is done are actually curiously hazy. I’m not sure if censorship is the reason for muddled writing, but there really is very little explanation for the ghost in a doll situation.
Guo Changcheng is tasked with securing a makeshift body for Wang Zheng, and the boy, eager to act fast, and without much to work with in terms of instructions, ends up buying this.
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We can only thank the Universe for the role of Wang Zheng not being played by a blow-up doll for three episodes straight.
Zhao Yunlan instantly realises that being places inside this thing might be a little bit upsetting for his subordinate, and lashes out at Guo Changcheng with an excellent “Is the thing above your neck a urinal?” This snaps Zhu Hong out of her mirth, too; she rushes to her friend’s side to offer emotional support, and will remain there for the entire episode.
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I love this blocking, in which Zhu Hong is the only one who feels comfortable approaching Wang Zheng in a situation where she is seemingly being mocked by her male colleagues, as Zhao Yunlan and Guo Changcheng look on, unable to offer a meaningful apology.
The evening prior to this Shen Wei is musing over ancient map of the region. His costume is arranged deliberately so you can see the Pendant of Pining hanging around his neck.
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I am really wondering when this was shot, because it looks very out of place. The costume differs from Shen Wei’s usual attire, including chinos and an uncharacteristically ill fitting shirt. His hair looks so wrong I am wondering if this is styling, or a different haircut entirely. And, since we’re on this train of thought, his eye colour is so off I genuinely spent quite a bit of time examining the shots in order to figure out whether he’s wearing contacts. I don’t think he is, by the way, but the colour grading makes his warm syrupy-brown irises look almost olive green.
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During the scene it is revealed Shen Wei’s only worry in regards to leaving the city and rushing into what could be trouble is a possibility of Zhao Yunlan encountering danger in his absence. It is easy to see that Shen Wei here firmly associates his own worth with his work as Hei Pao Shi, and his own needs with Yunlan being safe and sound. You could trace this thought process back to the mountainside conversation ten thousand years ago, and to years of loneliness and isolation that followed. While, frankly, equating self-worth with comfort of other it’s not necessarily so unusual, and neither is equating it with one’s work, Shen Wei’s disregard for his own life is still horribly upsetting.
The morning after, Zhao Yunlan with his team and Shen Wei with his students move out of Dragon City. Destination - North-west. I have to ask though, why is Shen Wei taking his students with him? I get that it’s a cover but also: he can totally just teleport where he needs to and do his stuff as Envoy, can he not? It’s fast, efficient, and can all be done during the night without arousing any suspicious.
As it happens, Shen Wei goes by car, which breaks, and causes him to instantly cross paths with Zhao Yunlan. What I like about this meeting is that we see it from an outsider perspective, as we drive into the scene with Lin Jing, Chu Shuzhi and Guo Changcheng.
“Is that Professor Shen? This must be their destiny. They keep meeting each other wherever they go.”
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Zhao Yunlan confesses that he feels like Shen Wei bugged him and pops up everywhere he goes; Shen Wei counters by saying that in this case Zhao Yunlan who followed him. Zhao Yunlan can just laugh awkwardly. It’s kind of adorable how the two men just basically admit that they’re stalking each other, and are both kind of okay with that. Shen Wei then introduces the other man to his students as his good friend.
Zhao Yunlan, having already figured out that he is not likely to get any answers from Shem Wei, goes on a charm offensive with his students. I think this is the first time Shen Wei sees Zhao Yunlan using his jovial manipulation on others, and he is not particularly happy about what he is witnessing. Below are the series of facial expressions he wears every time it happens throughout the episode.
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The way I read it, this could equally be jealousy, or the daunting - and incorrect - realisation that Zhao Yunlan is being like this with everything that moves. He could be even beating himself up for falling for this man’s charm now that he sees that Zhao Yunlan using the same wide smile as a tool to placate, gain trust and access information. In his mind, this is a further confirmation that he is not in any way special in Zhao Yunlan’s eyes. Again, Shen Wei’s supposition cannot be further from the truth. But you could imagine how he may have come to make to this conclusion.
In this particular case, Zhao Yunlan uses his charm to get some information out of Jiajia, and ends up hearing the direction of their expedition.
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Shen Wei nervously adjusts glasses in the shot which is not even his close-up. It’s lovely, seeing how good of an actor Zhu Yilong is. Good actors don’t need to be directed to to most of the little things their characters would do, and don’t have to be told what their character quirks are.
Shen Wei very politely shuts Jiajia up when she starts talking about the earthquake, asking her to get out of the sun, despite this not being a hot day.
“Chief Zhao, you are really good at making people talk.”
As he is making this observation, he is offering Zhao Yunlan his water, because the man mentioned that he may be thirsty, and hydration is important. Should I once again be obsessing over how their fingers are touching here? Perhaps not. I am, once more, doing it anyway.
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During the conversation that ensues here, Shen Wei reminds Zhao Yunlan that he was asked not to leave the city, and makes one more attempt at forcing them to part ways after the car fixing is done. Chief Zhao is having none of it. He reminds Shen Wei that no promises were given, and suggests they work together and protect each other instead. It’s interesting how their end goal is similar: they want to keep each other out of harm’s way. But for Zhao Yunlan, who works with a team, this implies sticking together. For Shen Wei, who has been alone for what could have been centuries (we are never given a timeline for when his magical coma ended), this implies being as far away from each other as possible. Many things about their relationship will change - but this one will never do.
Zhao Yunlan proceeds to charm his way into driving Shen Wei’s car. He is after all very good with people, and he’s not afraid to use this skill to keep himself near the Professor.
Next, we have intercut scenes depicting conversations in two separate cars.
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Lin Jing is driving Zhu Hong, Guo Changcheng and Wang Zheng in the jeep. There, Guo Changcheng tries his darnedest to offer exceedingly moody Wang Zheng apologies and consolation, but his weak attempts to very little to lighten the young woman’s dark disposition. In the meanwhile, Zhu Hong is seething with resentment and jealousy. She notes discontentedly that Zhao Yunlan once again chose to go and spend time with Shen Wei, hypothesises on why Shen Wei is unmarried, and then goes into a long-winded rant about Zhao Yunlan being an uncaring person. Lin Jing reluctantly participates in this conversation, but he does not look very much like he cares for it.
I have mentioned in my previous recap that those around Zhao Yunlan comment on his crassness, and now I am wondering how much this creates a vicious circle for the man in question. He may have heard - from his father, from his previous romantic partners, from his colleagues - that he is a failure, a boorish, unloving and superficial man who only does things to chase clout and carnal pleasures. It is difficult to not internalise that, and Zhao Yunlan may have just grown to see this as an unshakeable truth about himself.
As for Zhu Hong’s part in this, it is easy to call someone not responding to your advances an uncaring jerk. It does not, however, necessarily make them one.
Curiously enough, the only person speaking up in defence of Zhao Yunlan here is Guo Changcheng. He notes that he considers Chief Zhao to be a nice person; despite only being with SID for a month, he is able to see good intensions behind the bristles. No doubt, this is another case of Xiao Guo being incredibly empathic.
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In the other car, Zhao Yunlan is driving Shen Wei and his students. Here, we see the chief continue to crack jokes and use his bountiful charisma to find out more about their expedition. Presumably, this has been going for a while, and Shen Wei’s patience finally runs thin when Zhao Yunlan states that their research must be very important. “Thank you for the compliment”, states Shen Wei flatly, according to subtitles.
According to my dictionary however, what he actually says is, roughly, “Chef Zhao overpraised [us]” (“赵处长过奖了”), which even with my very basic comprehension of Mandarin, I can see as overly formal and clearly dismissive.
Zhao Yunlan seems to be taken aback, and a few seconds pass before he composes his features into one of the chuckles he uses as a mask: it is loud and wide, but does not quite reach his eyes, sliding off his face almost instantly. In the passenger seat, Shen Wei is slowly and deliberately readjusting his own mask.
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We cut to Zhu Jiu trying to secure assistance of a whole bunch of Youchu he drags out of the cave. It goes even worse than his other plans do, with the beasts grumbling and effectively refusing to do any work whatsoever.
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Zhu Jiu’s ineffectiveness is actually pretty sweet on rewatch, and I am starting to kind of appreciate Wan Naichao in this role. It’s not that I find his performance particularly good, but between the costume, the wig and the script, he does not have an awful lot to work with, and he nonetheless appears to have so much fun hamming it up to his heart’s content. He is not intimidating by any stretch of imagination, but he is surprisingly, albeit ironically, watchable. And, honestly, I would rather watch an actor being hammy and enjoying it than visibly longing for death on set.
After passing a checkpoint through a combination of Zhao Yunlan’s connections and ever-present charm, the now joint SID/DCU expedition shuffles around in cars once again. Despite their destination being allegedly twenty kilometres (or about 12.5 miles) out of town, it takes them a whole day to reach it. Who knows, maybe the Seastar’s measuring units are different.
This time, it is Lin Jing driving, with Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan having relocated to the back. We see that Zhao Yunlan has got a cold again - which could theoretically be from being so close to the hallows. He sneezes, and Shen Wei microexpressively overreacts.
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Then, Zhao Yunlan unceremoniously arranges a pillow on Shen Wei’s shoulder and settles in for a nap. Does he remember napping on Shen Wei’s shoulder a few nights prior to that? Because he might do, considering how comfortable he feels with this casual close contact.
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After a momentary panic, and a comment about flu meds, Shen Wei not only lets Zhao Yunlan do it, but also rearranges his pillow several times to make it more comfortable for the other man. I have no hot takes on this apart from just... those two. I love those two. How are they so adorable.
The car enters CGI fog, and promptly get stuck. To make matters worse, Lin Jing says he does not have a phone signal and asks Shen Wei to check his phone. “He does not have a mobile phone”, deadpans Zhao Yunlan before Shen Wei even opens his mouth.
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Finally, Zhao Yunlan’s head vacates Shen Wei’s shoulder, and the professor leaves the car to scout the area. Jiajia tries to follow, but Zhao Yunlan dissuades her and goes after Shen Wei himself, catching up just as the other man is starting to scry the surroundings with his powers.
Zhao Yunlan enters the scene quoting poetry to highlight the beauty of their current location.
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Shen Wei instantly tries to send him back: partly to continue using his dark energy, and partly, perhaps, out of genuine worry. In response Zhao Yunlan notes that Shen Wei is the only one who can order him around. This is not all done in cheek: it’s actually kind of true. Even before finding out that Shen Wei is powerful and ancient, and imposing, Zhao Yunlan is readily listening to him, and following his lead.
As a precursor to returning to the car, Zhao Yunlan takes his jacket off and drapes it over Shen Wei’s shoulders, despite the other man’s loud protestations. Again, Yunlan has got a cold, and he is visibly filling the chill air later in the scene. He has no way of knowing that this jacket will become a catalyst for his suspicions about Shen Wei’s alter ego, so there can’t be any other reason for him forcing his jacket onto the other man apart from a desire to make sure he is warm and comfortable.
Shen Wei stares at Zhao Yunlan in absolute wonder.
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It is easy to believe that the idea of someone wanting to look after him is foreign no Shen Wei: we know from the text of the show that before Kunlun no one has shown him any consideration, and seeing Shen Wei now, it is not difficult to imagine, heartbreaking as it is, that no one has done it since.
Jiajia’s scream cuts through the air, interrupting the scene. As the two men take off in the direction of the sound, Shen Wei grabs Zhao Yunlan by the elbow as they run out of the shot.
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When they rejoin Jiajia and Lin Jing, she girl stammers a few words about ghostly presence that she witnessed, and Lin Jing confirms her words, sharing his knowledge about ghosts seen in this area. Zhao Yunlan reprimands him for speeding feudalistic and superstitious concepts. Just remember that their HR manager literally is a semi-corporeal dead woman. This line is such a blatant and somewhat tongue-in-cheek appeasal of the censorship, that it sounds delightfully silly.
The group finally reach the remote village they were heading to. As everyone files out of the cars, they notice a strange looking crow nearby - clearly Ya Qing is checking in on them. Lin Jing proceeds to tease Xiao Guo, saying the young man in unlucky. Chu Shuzhi is looking disapprovingly at this comment, but it’s actually Zhu Hong who shuts it down. She does use this excuse to make an impolite jab at Shen Wei, noting that the misfortunes are someone else’s fault, while looking at her romantic rival from the corner of her eye.
Shen Wei graces the screen with another one of his “why does the snake woman hate me?” faces. 
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It’s quite amusing that as the group starts walking towards the guesthouse, Zhao Yunlan sends his people off while he himself deliberately lingers in place, so he can walk with Shen Wei, sneaking a hand across the professor’s back. 
Just as the company enters the premises of the guesthouse, they find a human skull. Of course they do. But the reason I am including this here is to point out that Shen Wei’s reaction is to cover Jiajia’s eyes. Zhu Yilong does not do it in all of the takes used in the scene, which indicates to me that this is an in the moment acting choice. 
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Shen Wei then leads his students away to give the SID a chance to investigate. While Lin Jing and Zhao Yunlan do just that, Wang Zheng sinks to her knees and starts praying to comfort spirits of her ancestors. Hilariously, this goes unnoticed for a while.
After completing some preliminary checks on the skull, Zhao Yunlan suggests they park the investigation for the night, citing that he does not want students and their teacher to get ill as the reason for doing so. Da Qing notes that this is more considerations than he shows his subordinates. I don’t think he means it, but it’s a lovely little jab at Zhao Yunlan’s unmistakable crush.
Inside the house, everyone settles in to hear Wang Zheng’s tale of the Hanga tribe. What follows is an massive exposition dump. She sets up as “some things she heard from rumours”, but considering how forlorn she is throughout this tale - and that she was praying earlier - it is pretty obvious that she is of the Hanga tribe herself.
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Again, I love the blocking here. Zhu Hong is keeping her shoulder in front of Wang Zheng, protecting her from the strangers (and Shen Wei) that they are sharing the table with. Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing are watching from afar, and Chu Shizhu is perching above them on the stairs. The composition is easy on the eye, and implies that the SID men are ready to protect those at the table from all directions.
Soon, they are interrupted by a villager pretending to be a ghost, and a reluctant village head explains that the outsides may not be welcomed because there has been a murder here in the recent days. Zhao Yunlan and Zhu Hong leave to investigate the crime scene. As they do so, Zhao Yunlan catches the woman gazing upon him in adoration, and freezes uncomfortably, for a second before laughing it off.
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He should really force himself to have an uncomfortable conversation with her, but he won’t do it until pushed.
In the meanwhile, Zhu Jiu is having more luck riling the actual ghosts up than he did with the Youchu. After some hesitation - and some baseless threats from our unfortunate villain - the Hanga tribesmen launch an attack against the guesthouse.
Just to note: their masks don’t look anything like the masks Wang Zheng drew. Considering that the guesthouse parts of the episode was likely to have been shot together, I don’t see any explanation for this as it pertains to production.
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Chu Shuzhi and Xiao Guo leap into action to fight the ghosts - and the young man actually successfully fends one of them off. They are soon joined by Lin Jing, who leaves Shen Wei in charge of looking after the students and Wang Zheng inside the house. The ghost woman energy being asks to be let outside because she guesses correctly that the ghostly warriors are here for her, but Shen Wei refuses to let her go. The reason he states for denying her is that “Zhao Yunlan would never agree to it.” He knows that the other man would never put his crew in danger - and adopts the same attitude.
Shortly after, Zhu Hong and Zhao Yunlan arrive on the scene.
Here we see for the first time Zhao Yunlan’s painful flashback to his mother’s death, followed by him freezing with the gun in his hand. Zhu Hong does save the way by snatching the weapon away from him and firing it, but she also goes on full offensive afterwards, berating the man. Hers is not a kind response at all, and this type of a reaction is likely to be the reason Zhao Yunlan has not felt comfortable talking about his tragic past, perhaps even seeing it as something to be ashamed of.
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After the ghosts disappear, Zhao Yunlan stays outside with his team, and uses the Dial in attempt to locate the other ancient item which he knows is somewhere close.
Shen Wei, on the other hand, tells Wang Zheng about the totem hidden in a cave, and asks her for any information on the matter.
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His interrogation does not get him anywhere, but he does get suspicious enough to refrain him from drinking the drugged water she offers everyone present in the very next scene.
It is clear from this shot that after toasting with warm water, everyone goes to down their cups - apart from Wang Zheng and Shen Wei, who lock eyes over their cups for the second.
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Having escaped her protectors in the night, Wang Zheng heard towards the cave in which Sang Zan’s spirit is kept, Zhu Jiu hot on her heals, and we witness the first of many flashbacks to her life and death.
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Next up, Episode 10: Death By a Thousand Flashbacks.
The next post here will actually be some thoughts on the Lost Tomb Reboot which I have spent this Easter Weekend binging. And if this post is more Zhu Yilong-centric than usual, this would also be why.
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fluffysparklyham · 4 years
Uni Student Akaashi Headcanon Dump
I am highly invested in literature university student Akaashi coming out of his shell and enjoying uni life + bokuaka
Now with Bokuto’s side here
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Akaashi gets through his first year with wonderful grades, he's well rounded and good at gen ed courses but he's always loved to indulge in literature.
He's afraid of telling his parents that he's decided on what is considered an arts course. They tell him he could be a successful businessman, a lawyer, doctor, so why settle.
But ultimately, it's Bokuto, abroad with an international team, who tells him that, "Life's no good if you're not doing what you love." That makes Akaashi a bit more brave.
By 2nd year he moves into the dorms with other literature students. They are colorful and kind, all obsessed with variations of media, icons, and art, and it expands Akaashi's mind.
What Akaashi loves is that the student body is so diverse that his resting stoic face and calm demeanor does not dissuade anyone from approaching him.
He also realizes that there is no such thing as caring too much. His classmates over analyze character intentions, costume designs, author appeal, reader influence. This applies to real life scenarios too, suddenly everyone speaks so candidly (a contrast from the traditional way he was brought up).
Eventually Akaashi ends up with a solid group of friends and they go to slam poetry sessions, group studies, karaoke, and college parties together. They eventually ask him if he's single and uhh-
Bokuto and him are a thing. Bokuto has always been candid about his feelings, it is Akaashi that's holding back because- "You'll meet many new people, Bokuto-san", and, "University keeps me busy, we might not have the time."
And as a compromise, Bokuto stated, proudly, that he would court Akaashi for as long as it took. "Court... like volleyball court?" "DON'T SAY THAT AGKAASHI, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN."
What he means is the idea from old traditional English literature that detailed the process of a man winning over his object of affection through time and offerings of love. Bokuto has learnt this from Akaashi's many literature readings and thought the idea was great!
"We're Japanese, Bokuto-san, things are different." "But I like you, Akaashi! What difference does it make."
Being courted by Bokuto means receiving random food deliveries to his apartment while Bokuto is overseas and getting convenience store flowers when he comes by to visit. They see each other multiple times a month, Bokuto becomes friends with his roommates, and they hold hands when they go out to dinner.
Their dynamics don't change, Bokuto knows Akaashi likes him back. He compiles playlists for him to listen to before big games, asks about his food intakes, progress, and teammates, and comes to all local games. Bokuto is aware that they are both young, he's not earning much yet, and Akaashi is drowning in his readings, part time job, and probably not sleeping much.
What Akaashi both likes and dislikes about literature is that brains don't factor much to success. He's used to studying, practicing, even memorizing but with writing, you need talent, passion, skill.
He does great in his theory of literature class but his writing is embarrassingly subpar at first. His teacher, a younger woman who lets her class call her by her first name and comes to class 10 minutes late, tells him such. "Your grammar and construction are good, Akaashi-kun, but this is a love story and I don't feel the passion."
What she means is that despite Akaashi describing the feeling of falling in love like seeing the stars for the first time, he paints the girl as someone with brown hair and eyes. There is no synergy with the heroine and the apparent love story.
"I don't think she's the one you are writing about." His teacher gives him a knowing smile, but Akaashi feels embarrassed and exposed at how easily undone he is.
He thinks about why he chose literature, unstructured and unpredictable. Why he chose to endure his parent's disappointment and the expectations of his peers. Why he enjoys the debates his new friends drag him in, absorbing new types of literature every week, writing essays on what each author wanted to say just for him to be wrong.
Most of his friends go either way, or are at least curious, it's not even a revelation to them when he comes out. But for Akaashi, it's something he's struggled with and something he rather Bokuto not struggle with as he gets recruited into a division 1 team.
"But Akaashi, all the greatest love stories begin with overcoming the greatest challenges. Think of the Greeks, the Romans, the-", the comforting words of his roommates.
In the end, Bokuto knows about Akaashi's tendency to overthink. He gives him space but knows when it's about to burst. All his feelings, frustrations on his writing, anxieties on Bokuto's progression and his own future- come out while Bokuto is staying over and his roommates are visiting home.
Bokuto listens, chuckles and brings him tissue, let's himself be cried on. It's not embarrassing for Akaashi to pour out his feelings, there are never secrets between them.
"It'll be hard but not impossible."
Bokuto says, just like the last time Akaashi cried during their last tournament. A refute that left him speechless before and leaves him speechless yet again.
"You know Akaashi, I think you're easy to love."
He knows this isn’t true, after all he's released several months of pent up emotion despite them already existing domestically, practically together without the label. Bokuto goes to practice, Akaashi is in university but it's always been easy for them to give space and get back together. They've always had the reassurance that there would be more laters, a future for the two of them. For Akaashi, love wasn't like literature, it was easy.
Bokuto adjusts from being the-guy-Akaashi-is-dating to Akaashi's-boyfriend, much to his friends' delight.
Akaashi is still bad at writing romance. "Too flowery, too much fluff- I think you're overindulging yourself here." But his professor is happy and teases him relentlessly; he sticks to other genres to avoid talking about his boyfriend every assignment.
Akaashi in university is really happy. He eats too much unhealthy food, doesn't always arrive to class on time, participates in every ridiculous plan his friends have, and openly shows off his boyfriend when he starts making the news.
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rakeshys · 4 years
Things you should be knowing as student
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1) If you take control of your Sunday, you take control of your week.
2) When assigned a long-term project, finish some amount of work toward its completion that very same day.
3) Start small and start immediately.
4) If you cannot maintain an organized room you will never truly feel that your life is organized.
5) It is important to keep your room clean. And it will make your mother happy.
6) Apply to the scholarships.
7) You should never begin studying without a systemized plan for what you are going to review, in what format, and how many times.
8) Before you even crack your first book, take ten minutes to actually write down exactly how you plan to study.
9) The planning is as important as the process.
10) If you want to become a standout student, you must befriend a professor.
11) Reading a daily paper provides essential food for your ambitious brain. Make sure you don't go hungry.
12) if you are constantly worried about avoiding anything negative, you will never do anything out of the ordinary.
13) Don't let others dictate how you should feel about yourself; strengthen your identity—then go conquer your world.
14) do yourself a favor and give time-blocking a try. It's a much smarter way to manage your day.
15) Remember, giving up, when done strategically, is not a weakness. It's simply smart life management.
16) The happiest students are also the most involved students. When it comes to crafting your slate of collegiate pursuits, the sooner you get involved, the better.
17) always be working on a"grand project "
18) take art history and astronomy before you graduate.
19) Imagine the following scene: Your professor is handing back a major research paper to your class. The groans that begin to fill the room indicate that the professor was particularly demanding for this assignment. And rightly so, it's worth forty percent of your grade. As he gets to your name, he asks you to stay after class. Uh oh. Nervously you wait as your classmates file out, and when you are the only student remaining in the lecture hall, he walks up to you . . . and then shakes your hand. “Congratulations,” he exclaims, “your project was by far the best in the class!”
Sound good? Well, get used to it.
20) One or two good questions a class is enough to keep the professor happy, but not enough to solicit the annoyance of your classmates.
21) Getting involved with research early is like drinking an elixir of success.
22) If you pay your dues with grace and enthusiasm and are mindful of the opportunity you are receiving, you will maximize the many positive benefits of participating in original research work.
23) Take ten-minute breaks in between each fifty-minute chunk.
24) One, it makes you feel better about yourself. If you look good, you can imagine that cute guy or dimpled girl in the front row shooting some glances in your direction. This will make you happy. And when you are happy, you have more energy and pay attention better in class. Two, it makes the day official. When you look like you just rolled out of bed, it's all too easy to imagine rolling back in. If you dressnicely, you are sending yourself the message that you are ready to get started and attack the day.
25) Decorate your room.
26) experience the joy of dominating a test without any hard work,this is done by studying Two weeks in advance.
27) Force yourself to write as much as possible. It is an essential, irreplaceable skill for succeeding. Master it.
28) taking the time to eat a social meal with your friends is a great idea; just don't do it more than once a day.
29) Schedule an escape for yourself every single week. And do it alone. Treat it like taking medicine.
30) “Why waste your time and money in the minor leagues of college courses when you have the ability to be swinging in the majors.”
31) When it comes time to study, go where it counts.
32)The best way to learn difficult material is to go over it by yourself, with a lot of concentration, again and again and again until the concepts become second nature.
33) As long as you are paying so much money to attend college, you might as well maximize what you get out of your investment. If you can get into an honors program, do so. No excuses.
34) The key is consistency.
35) Getting fired up, once or twice a month about subjects that interest you, will go a long to way to helping you succeed. Go to guest lectures and keep your intellectual fires stoked.
36) Don't let the decision to exercise become a debatable question. Instead, make it a habit, like going to class or brushing your teeth.
37) You never realize how important your back-home friendships are until you begin to lose them. Stay in touch.
38) Sleep is just a tool to help you function. Treat your body like a machine—give it exactly what it needs to perform its best, not any more, not any less. Give the snooze button a rest. Try to sleep only the amount you need to make it through the day.
39) The best state for your mind to be in is confident and calm. Take the hour before an exam to relax.
40) Read a nonacademic book. Listen to music that makes you happy. Run a couple of errands. Have a conversation with a friend. Work on unrelated—nondemanding—schoolwork. The key is to keep your mind active and energized, but not exhausted. Then head over to the exam fifteen minutes early. On the way, start to lightly review some material that you feel particularly good about. Imagine yourself writing a strong essay on this topic, imagine the professor handing the class a copy of your essay as an example of a good answer. This technique is more than just shameless ego-stroking, it builds your confidence, and, more important, it warms up your mind in a good and controlled sort ofway. When you arrive at the test location, avoid the temptation to frantically catalog all the concepts you are a little shaky on. Try to keep your mind blank, or, alternatively, continue thinking confidence-boosting thoughts about doing really well. When the exam is finally handed out, take a deep breath and have at it. You should be mentally nimble, rested, and energized by the time your pen hits the paper.
41) If a friend invites you to do something and you are not too busy, find the energy to go. If a friend invites you to do something, and you are really busy, don't go, but make plans to get together later in the week. Most important, if a good friend needs help, drop everything and go.
Making friends your number one priority doesn't mean sacrificing your other obligations, but it does demand that you keep them in mind.
42) Be mature and make the right decisions to keep your mind and body in a condition to perform your best.
43) The point is that there are too many factors that can account for both good and mediocre academic performance on any given day, and none of these factors has anything to do with intelligence.
So save yourself a lot of unjustified grief (or pride), and simply ignore your classmates' grades. Worry about your performance and progress; let your classmates worry about their own.
44) A good listener at college is rare.
45) Don't decide to start working the day before.
46) Find something every single day that will make you laugh.
47) Using a high-quality notebook will not guarantee you success, but it will create the right environment for it to flourish.
48) if you don't actively seek out fun, it won't actively seek out you.
49) Take the most important projects or commitments with which you are involved, and pump up your criteria for success.
50) corporate recruitment sessions, and yes, even parties. In the chaos of classes, extracurricular activities, and a healthy social schedule, these optional events are easy to avoid. Don't avoid them.
51) If you want to be a successful student, forget about your G.P.A. Ignore it. Don't talk about it. Make no attempt to know the numbers. You should approach your collegiate career with confidence and energy.
52) Always go to class!
53) Set arbitrary deadlines.
54) eat healthy
55) don't just volunteer, volunteer quietly.
56) approach every paper as if you were trying to win a Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting.
57) Attend political rallies and keep the flame of progressive thinking alive.
58) Once you have decided on a destination, explore many routes to get you there.
59) Don't take breaks between classes!
60) Don't network. But keep your connections strong.
61) If you can maximize the use of your surroundings, you can maximize your performance as a student.
62) Organize the messages in your e-mail in-box like you would your paper files
63) To be a successful student, you must abandon the start-slow, end-fast mind-set, and instead approach all projects by aiming to start fast, end slow.
64) Spend a semester studying abroad.
65) you want to succeed because you love the excitement of pushing your potential and exploring your world and new experiences, if you want to succeed because life is short and why not fill it with as much activity as possible, then you will win. If you approach life with an attitude of never having regrets and always having a hopeful smile on your face, you can find a measure of success in all your endeavors. Don't have no regrets, but have plenty of fun along the way. In the end, that is what it is to really win.
66) “Don't have no regrets.”
The above points are all from the book I read...
Book: - HOW TO WIN AT COLLEGE: - surprising secrets from the country's top student's
Anime forever ✌
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arteducation · 4 years
Powtoon: ITEC Tool Time Showcase
By Erika Folk
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· Tool Name:
· Tool Creator/Company:
o Ilya Spitalnik, Daniel Zaturansky
· Cost:
o Basic Subscription (Free), Pro Subscription ($19/mo or $2228/year), Pro+ ($49/mo or $588/year), Agency ($89/mo or $1068/year)
· Platform (iOS, Android, Mac, PC, etc.…):
o Windows, Mac, PC, Android, iOS
· Target audience
o Teachers, students, Company: Human Resources, Internal Communication (employees), Marketing
· Features
o Allows users to make professional-grade videos and animations.
· Details: PowToon allows users, with easy to follow guides and access to a variety of assets and resources, even at the basic level, to make videos and animations to present information. You can use the PowerPoint extension to recreate your PowerPoints into videos. You can also use the Adobe extension to incorporate Photoshop aspects into your work as well.
· Usability
o The basic form of PowToon is quite easy to use, only requiring an email or simple login in information. All the individual needs are access to some form of Wi-Fi or internet source. Once the account is made, the video-making can begin through the use of tutorials to walk you through the process.
· Aesthetics
o PowToon is an organized tool, breaking down the aspects of its site by the workspace, the different resources for different clients, the prices, other resources for the site itself, and so forth. The color scheme of the website itself is white and a bold blue to help it stand out. The font is clean and forward, and everything is easy to read and follow along with.
· Technical issues/concerns
o Some technical issues that may arise would be having a device that is stable enough to be able to work on creating the video properly. Different devices and applications may present the screen differently which may change the aspects of what tools are easily presented. The saving process may also be different compared to other video editing programs so some users may find saving their work to their account and on their desktop difficult.
· Value
o I do think that this website is worth the money is that they yearly plans are not only saving you between nearly seventy to eighty percent sale off versus the month pay out but with the plans, you immediately gain access to more resources. With the different per package, you get increased storage, more access, unlimited premium exports, you get the opportunity to build your characters with certain packages and you even gain third party seller rights, something to which can be proved beneficial in the chance that others may want to use your assets.
· Emotional Reaction
o I was quite shocked to come across this tool because of its easy usage and guidelines along with its accessibility. I always felt as though animating videos and creating them were so difficult to do. It also felt like there was nobody to teach me how to use it. With PowToon however, it is so much easier to understand and take part in and be a part of the experience of making those fun, memorable infographics a lot of my teachers and professors like to share with us.
· Recommendations for educational usage
o I would recommend this outlet to teachers and students being that many businesses use this when it comes to human resourcing and animation. I feel it should be first introduced to the teachers, not only as a way of learning themselves how to make their videos to present their information in a new and exciting way with their visuals but also learn it that way when it is the students time to use it, they can help the students learn how to use it if they are having difficulty following along with them. This tool can be used, from my perspective as an art teacher, a news outlet and experience for students to use as video making/ editing/ animation is a genre of art in its own and I would like for my students to have that opportunity to be able to see if maybe that is the outlet for them to express.
· A — Analyze learners-->
o This tool can help in analyzing one’s ability to retain visual and auditory information through a series of digital media presentations. This can also help analyze students via the different styles and methods to which they create their content and then see how the students are understanding the program, liking the process, see where they do and don’t understand, having ease and difficulties.
· S — State standards & objectives-->
o This tool has the capability of meeting learning objectives in the art classroom as it is not only able to be used as a method of interaction and presentation of their activities and information, but it can also help students develop their skills and create their presentations to show what they have learned from the standards through creative visuals.
· S — Select strategies, technology, media & materials-->
o PowToon allows students to interact with the new forms of learning materials as well as an artistic digital platform for the students to be able to try with and experiment with. They also get the opportunity to learn about other platforms such as PowerPoint and Photoshop to add to their repertoire of digital skills that they can then use towards presenting information in their other classes.
· U — Utilize technology, media & materials-->
O Students can no only have a new way of having information presented to teachers in a more personalized matter as we, the educators, can begin to make our content and personalize it towards the broader learning capacity of the classrooms. The students also can then take that interest in that personalized learning experience and put it into the won work that they can then use to re-install the information.
· R — Require learner participation-->
o Powtoon has the chance to increase learner participation because the information and animations can be personalized to the students and the classroom for easier understandability.
· E — Evaluate & revise-->
o I believe that this tool can be highly meaningful in revising instruction because of that personalization in expressing information as well as personal student expression. The art classroom has many mediums to which the children use to learn as the curriculum changes and grows more advanced and requiring the students to learn more skills, I feel as though this multi-dimensional outlet can help to make instruction meaningful and easier to retain.
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pineapplesquid · 5 years
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Profs. Crowley and Fell have taught a lot of students over the years. A selection of the comments that they’ve inspired.
Also available on AO3. Plain text version under the cut. 
Anthony Crowley
Overall Quality: 4.0
Would Take Again: 72%
Level of Difficulty: 3.9
Tags for this Professor
See how other students describe this professor
Tough Grader, Participation Matters, Group Work, Amazing Lectures, Skip Class? You Won’t Pass, Accessible Outside Class, Beware of Pop Quizzes, Respected
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 5.0
Level of Difficulty: 4.0
Tags: Tough Grader, Skip Class? You Won’t Pass, Accessible Outside Class
Intro bio with Crowley isn’t easy, but it’s totally doable if you stay on top of the material. Show up to class, take really good notes from lectures, and do the practice problems that he gives you. Oh, and do the reading and post in the forum, he does check and give credit for it and it’s easy points. And go to his office hours and ask a lot of questions—he’s not warm and fuzzy, but he’ll help you out if you ask. The only reason I passed is because I started to go every week with questions. And he has a snake in there, sometimes! Which I guess some people might not like, but if you’re going to be a bio major you’d probably better get used to it ;)
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 5.0
Level of Difficulty: 3.0
Tags: Amazing Lectures
BRING BACK THE CHILI PEPPER!!! crowley needs ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 4.0
Level of Difficulty: 3.0
Tags: Beware of Pop Quizzes
He made us bring our phones to class so that we could answer questions and stuff during lectures. Which was fine, but be warned that he KNOWS if you’re doing something else on it and get distracted. One time he took a selfie of himself teaching and posted to some kid’s instagram because she was on it during class. Another time he sent a text message to someone’s mom. Lectures were interesting enough, exams were fine. He does like pop quizzes, though. Better than some of the other people who teach intro bio, it’s worth trying to get into his section even though it’s early.
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 5.0
Level of Difficulty: 4.0
Tags: Group Projects, Respected, Tough Grader
He’s not the kind to get really enthusiastic in class, but you can tell that he knows everything about plants and really loves them. I honestly didn’t think this class would be that interesting, but Dr. Crowley made it better than I expected. Used a lot of case studies in plant phys, so we got to see why stuff actually mattered.
Rating: Average
Overall Quality: 3.0
Level of Difficulty: 4.0
Nearly ran me over when I was walking back to my dorm. Fine for intro bio, though.
Rating: Poor
Overall Quality: 2.0
Level of Difficulty: 5.0
I don’t know why they let him teach intro bio, half the class was terrified of him. Need to find someone who doesn’t scare off students!
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 5.0
Level of Difficulty: 4.0
Tags: Group Projects, Amazing Lectures
More excited about plants than anyone I’ve ever met! He really just loves them, and so you do too. For Botany we did a service project where we went to a state park and helped survey native plants. Half the class got poison ivy, but it was still really cool to actually do something useful for the class.
Rating: Average
Overall Quality: 3.0
Level of Difficulty: 3.0
Tags: Lots of Homework, Participation Matters
It was the first time the class was flipped, but it worked ok. Video lectures to watch before class, and practice problems in groups during class. If you don’t like learning from videos, you might not like it much. I don’t know how he assigned the groups, he got the weirdest sets together. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people get in fights in a class, but if you just figured out how to work together you learned a lot. Crowley usually just watched and laughed while they were yelling at each other. Definitely not the most hands-on professor, but he never minded answering questions if you were doing your work.
Rating: Poor
Overall Quality: 1.0
Level of Difficulty: 4.0
Tags: Group Projects
Plants are boring. Group work sucked. The blog entries we had to do were stupid.
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 4.0
Level of Difficulty: 4.0
Tags: Accessible Outside of Class, Tough Grader
Look, people say Crowley is scary, and I get it, but he’s not mean to students. One guy in the class said that he didn’t know that plants took up water through their roots instead of their leaves, and Crowley started yelling for twenty minutes about how bad science education is because of standardized testing. Poor guy was terrified, but at the end Crowley told him that it wasn’t his fault for not knowing something if nobody ever taught him, and that he wanted students to be able to ask any questions, even if it should be obvious. So, yeah. He’s actually a really solid dude. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in his class. I’ve never seen him try to make students look stupid, no matter what they said.
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 4.0
Level of Difficulty: 5.0
Tags: Skip Class? You Won’t Pass, Participation Matters
He’s really into the clickers; asks a lot of questions during class, which can be annoying but does help you learn the material. Takes attendance with them too. And he always seemed to notice when someone was checking in for a friend, so you really do have to go to class. He has way too much energy for an 8:10 section, but it helps you stay awake. I think he might be better for upper-levels, but at least he’s trying with the intro class.
A. Fell
Overall Quality: 4.2
Would Take Again: 65%
Level of Difficulty: 3.3
Tags for this Professor
See how other students describe this professor
Get Ready To Read (4), Participation Matters (3), Inspirational (3), Caring (3), Tough Grader (2), Gives Good Feedback (2), Hilarious (1), Amazing Lectures (1), Lecture Heavy (1)
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 5.0
Level of Difficulty: 3.0
Tags: Caring, Inspirational
Dr Fell is a ray of sunlight! He always just made me happier walking into class, I want to take every class he teaches just to see him smiling at me in the morning. Knows his stuff, and just really seems to actually like his students. I stumbled across his office in a back hallway one time, and he gave me tea and let me pet his snake!
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 4.0
Level of Difficulty: 2.0
Tags: Get Ready to Read, Tough Grader, Gives Good Feedback
Had him for intro to brit lit. He’s super awkward most of the time, but really excited about the material, which helps keep it from getting too boring. Lots of comments on essays, but lets you revise for a better grade.
Generations of students want to know- what does the A stand for???
Rating: Average
Overall Quality: 3.0
Level of Difficulty: 3.0
Do NOT try to go to Fell for help. His office is in a really hard to find hallway, and it doesn’t have his name on it or even the room number (which was wrong on the syllabus). Even if you find it, he’s never there for his office hours. The class is fine, but if you want help you’re just out of luck.
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 5.0
Level of Difficulty: 4.0
Tags: Get Ready to Read, Participation Matters, Tough Grader
Fell is one of my favorite profs in english! Yeah, he talks a LOT, but it’s all super interesting stories about the authors that we read and stuff. He makes even really boring books interesting. DO the readings, though, because you can’t get away with bullshitting in discussions. He just keeps asking you more questions about what you thought and why, and if he figures out that you slacked he just looks really disappointed in you.
Rating: Poor
Overall Quality: 2.0
Level of Difficulty: 5.0
Tags: Lecture Heavy, Skip Class? You Won’t Pass
He’s always covered in chalk dust, and I don’t know why, because he hardly ever stops to write anything on the board. And it’s not because he has power points instead, because he doesn’t. I don’t think he even knows how to use a computer. He doesn’t allow them in class. Anyway, if you want to be scribbling frantically for the entire period without knowing how any of the many, many names he’ll say are spelled, you’ll love him. He will ask about them on the exam.
Rating: Average
Overall Quality: 3.0
Level of Difficulty: 3.0
I don’t know who tagged him as inspirational or hilarious, his lectures are all just really boring. I kept falling asleep. He did ask me if I was ok, so he cares about students i guess. Good luck not getting super distracted by his clothes, though. Takes the eccentric professor thing too far.
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 5.0
Level of Difficulty: 2.0
Tags: Caring, Get Ready to Read
I love Dr Fell!!! He’s seriously the only reason I graduated. I was seriously thinking about dropping out because I was flunking orgo again, but one day he asked me to stay after class and told me that he wanted to nominate my paper for a student award, and told me that I really had to keep writing. I started crying, and he just gave me a tissue and told me I had to stay. One of the most caring professors I’ve ever had. I’d never even told him I was thinking about leaving.
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 4.0
Level of Difficulty: 3.0
Tags: Amazing Lectures, Inspirational, Hilarious
One of the smartest people I’ve ever met. Occasionally he forgets that the rest of the world can’t always keep up, but he’s usually really good about going back and explaining if you ask. Goes on tangents, but they’re always really interesting. Ask him about the history of Edinburgh, he talked about it for like 40 minutes and it was one of the most interesting classes I’ve ever been in. Also just a really sweet guy. I’m a bit jealous of his husband, ngl.
Rating: Good
Overall Quality: 5.0
Level of Difficulty: 4.0
Tags: Inspirational, Participation Matters, Tough Grader
TAKE A CLASS WITH PROFESSOR FELL! I promise, you won’t be the same person afterwards that you were before.
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marsmoonqueen · 5 years
There’s Nothing to Fix
Professor!Negan x Reader
Warning: Long as fuck. Nothing else I can really think about.
Prompt / Summary: Reader is Negan’s favorite student. How is he going to fix the things between both of them?
Note:  Well, this is the second part of “ Sleeping Test” Hope you like it! 
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A week passed after the “incident” with Professor Negan. A week in which Y/n did not go to any of her Mythology classes, with the excuse that she was sick. In those 5 days, she had enough time to think properly and heal a little. A part of her wanted to go back to Negan and apologize, to ask him to forgive her and take all what he said back, to beg him to keep thinking of her as his favorite student. But the other part, the prideful, spiteful and choleric part of herself was wrathful, and wanted him to regret telling her that, to regret making her cry. Because it wasn’t her fault. Yeah, she partied all night long, the night before her test, but everyone has done that at least once. And everyone has done that because it feels good. Because we are humans and we deserve to be carefree and wild for a night. And even after all, she didn’t regret going to that party to support her best friends.
“When are you going back to your classes?” Tyler asked her. They were in her room. Y/n was lying in her stomach doing the Mythology’s homework to catch up, and he was in her couch reading some Biology stuff.
“What do you mean? I haven’t missed a class since Wednesday, and I caught up with the subjects already.”
“You haven’t missed a single class since then? You sure?” He insisted.
“Shut up.”
“You know you will have to go back one day, right?” Tyler tried to sound comprehensive.
Y/n didn’t respond.
“And that day will come sooner than later.”
She stopped writing and looked at him for the first time since he started talking.
“I’ll go next week.”
“Well, that’s awesome, and so convenient because in two days is Monday again and-”
“No, I mean, next week, after this one.” The girl interrupted him.
“Oh hell no.” Tyler got up from his spot in the couch, walked to his friend and took her wrists, making her get out of bed gently but firmly.
“Tyler what the-”
“You, my friend, are going in two days to that stupid class, no next week, no next month, two days.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Oh, you don’t want to, but you do want to fail de class, eh?  Stop being a cry baby. Yes, he made fun of you in front of, what? 50 people.”
“52, thanks for remind me.” She answered with a bitter tone as she got off his hands and sited down in her bed.
“Oh shut up. What’s the big deal with that? Do you think you are the only one that has passed through that?  Don’t you remember Glenn?  The boy is always getting detention for talking too much with Maggie!”
“It’s… It’s just not the same.”
“Then enlighten me! What’s the difference?”
“He… he had never talked to me like that before. That was the first time that he raised his voice at me.”
Tyler’s eyes softened and he took sit next to her to hug her.
“I know, but… you can’t let him get away with this.  Would you rather avoid him for a month and then have to see him in the summer because you failed the class for non-attendance?”
“No, I would rather not to.”
“Then woman up! Go to his class, show him how intelligent and badass you can be at the same time and end this. For you are just hurting yourself.  Do you really think that he is sad?  Or that he regrets yelling at you?  I’ll answer that for you, no, he doesn’t.  So, go get some pants, or a skirt if you prefer, and do your god damn job.”
  But, truth to be told, Negan was sad. He regretted yelling at his girl, and more than that, he hated that he was the reason why she spilled tears. All he said, all he screamed, he really didn’t mean it. How could he be serious about her being a wanna be Barbie?
It’s just that… he was so mad and… and disappointed. Disappointed because she went to that party with that boy who couldn’t treat her half as good as he could. Disappointed because she chose that son of a bitch instead of him… but again, she really didn’t choose anyone, she just went to a party. Her only mistake was not studying, and even then, she had an acceptable score.
Why did he have to be so rude to her? Why did he have to make fun of her score in front of the class? Why did it affect him that much?
“You know, you could apologize.” Professor Rick Grimes said as he entered the room and left some papers in Negan’s desk.
“What are you talking about Ricky Dicky?”
“I’m talking about the student to whom you yelled like she had murdered a puppy just because she went to a party a day before.” He answered taking sit in the desk, facing the chairs and giving his back to Negan, who raised his brow but said nothing about the action.
“Shut the fuck up.”
“I mean it-”
“Well, how the god damn hell am I supposed to apologize if she keeps skipping classes? Eh? You have any ideas mate?”
“She can’t skip classes forever.” Was his only answer.
Negan growled and rested his head on his hands, frustrated. “That’s not what I asked.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not really sure what you are asking for.”
“Help.” Rick turned his head to see Negan, who was already looking at him. “I’m not sure of what to do.”
Grimes noticed the difference between the Negan of last week and this one. The one in front of him looked like a living corpse, with bags under his irritated and red eyes and everything. He noticed everything since the beginning, but blamed the stress. Just now he realized that the stress had nothing to do with it.
“Why did you yell at her?” He asked curiously, after some minutes of silence, turning his gaze to the front again. “It’s not like any of your other students haven’t done that.  Or worse.”
“It’s different with her.”
“She has a lot of fucking potential, and I don’t want her to-”
“Waste it. Yeah, that’s what I was told you told her.” Rick interrupted, standing up and facing Negan with his arms supporting his weight on the desk. “Now, tell me the real reason why you lost your shit.”
Negan froze. “Wha- What are you talking about Dicky? I didn’t lose my shit.” He got up and gave his back to Grimes.
“Yeah, of course.” Rick rolled his eyes. “And it has nothing to do with her boyfriend using her and her being a… how did you called her?”
The man swallowed hard. “A fake-doll” He whispered feeling guilty.
“Oh, yeah that.” His friend pushed, trying to make Negan cooperate with him. But he only managed to make him sight and look at his shoes. “Negan, look at me man.” He did. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong. C’mon, talk to me.”
“You want me to fucking talk? Okay, then lets fucking talk.”
  “Hey, Y/n, it’s good to see you here again.” Said Beth smiling, when she arrived to her Monday Mythology class. She just smiled back.
Other classmates also greeted her, telling her about what she missed and all commenting about Negan’s bad humor the anterior week. Once more, she just smiled, made smooth comments and avoided the topics about the teacher, feeling safer every minute about the fact that nobody was bringing the elephant of the room to the conversations.
All the laughs and smiled faded when a loud blow sounded. It was the door from which a frustrated Negan entered, as he passed by, he gave them all a quick look, and went straight to his desk, demanding silence.
“Hope you have read today’s topic, because it can be easy as hell if you did, if not… you’ll be fucked.”  Then he turned around and froze. He saw her.
Y/n held his gaze when his eyes met her, she didn’t make any expression, nor got flushed or flinched, just raised a brow, and that was enough to punch Negan out of his state.
She was mad and wasn’t going to let that anger go away easily. She had finally understood that it wasn’t her mistake, and was going to pay him back with her indifference.
The two hours’ class passed slow for both of them. Negan hadn’t lied when he said they all would be fucked if they hadn’t read the topic, for it was a complex one. Y/n did not participate willingly in any question he asked or in any activity he dictated. But Negan asked her the majority of the questions and asked for her point of view in the activities. She responded to all with a correct answer, but with a monotone tone and expression.
When the second bell finally ringed, she got up and without rush she leaved with her friends around her asking about her last week. She didn’t give Negan time to ask her to stay, but he doubted she would have.
 The week passed with similarity. In the beginning Negan though she was acting that way just to make him feel guilty. But she laughed with her friends and lived her life normally. She didn’t even try to avoid him, and when she saw him outside class, she just ignored him. Of course she greeted him in front of other teachers, but her face never changed. All of her was screaming at him that she didn’t care. At least not anymore.
  Friday’s class arrived with rain, a relaxed Y/n and an equally stressed Negan; and also a test. The instructions were the same, except for a little variation. Nobody was going home until everybody got their test was graded, and the tests were going to be grated after everyone had finished. Everybody thought the same “Bullshit”
Usually Negan would let the go after they finished a test, but this was the second time he changed his strategy, the fist being the night of the “incident”.
Y/n gave it back a little before the second hour started, and spend the rest of it in her laptop making a book report, with Negan’s eyes glued to her.
After everyone gave them back, Negan finished grading them and started to distribute them. One in one her classmates were exiting the room after taking their tests. Y/n had already packed everything except for a book, and was currently listening music and reading in her chair in a careless position. She seemed bored and wanting to go out, not because his presence made her nervous or something, but because she was disgusted, or tired. Or that’s what Negan thought.
But Y/n was an excellent actress. She was sweating and her heart was going to an abnormal rate. She couldn’t concentrate in her book and had to listen to her favorite band and hum her significant songs to avoid panicking. And being the last one in the room with her professor didn’t help at all.
“This is yours, very well sweetheart.” Negan said out loud, looking at her eyes.
Y/n froze; she couldn’t move from her place. Her eyes traveled from her book to Negan’s eyes to her phone, and changed the song with her shaking hands. Of course Negan didn’t see this, he just saw how she ignored him.
The girl was having difficulties finding a song that could calm her down enough and give her the strength she needed to go and take her test. Finally, she decided to take it from his desk after he had gone.
“Your test pretty girl.” Negan said putting the paper above her book. He was in front of her with a nervous smile. One she had never seen in him. “Well-fucking-done honey.”
“I heard you the first time sir.  I just thought that I was fake-doll now, no sweetheart, no pretty girl, nor honey.” She said, with a cynical smile. She herself, got surprised by her outburst, but regretted nothing as she got up from her sit and took her bag in one hand with her book, test and phone in the other.
Negan who was shocked, took her by the elbow. “Wait a motherfucking second, and stop acting like that!” He whisper-yelled at her.
“Acting like what?” Y/n said, tuning to face him fully, and taking off her headphones in one go. “I’m not acting in any specific way, sir.”
“Stop it! See, you are fucking doing it fucking again!”
“Fucking doing what? Eh?” She got closer to him. Her face red, his jaw clenched, her eyes teary, his eyes darker than usual, her body slightly shaking, his tense as hell.
“Stop fucking acting like-”
“Like fucking what?” She interrupted him. At this point their noses were centimeters away from each other.
“Like you don’t fucking care! Like I didn’t hurt the hell out of you!” Negan growled, with the same tone he used that day.
The girl in front of him gasped “That’s what you want? To know that you hurt me? That you made me cry?” She broke, her expression changed, and her eyes were at the verge of shedding tears.
“No- no, sweetheart that’s not what I meant.” He said softly, regretting had yelled –again- at her. “Hey, hey, no, come here.” He gently pulled her from her elbow, that he hadn’t let go, until she was between her arms. When she realized what had happened it was already too late. His arms imprisoned her.
“Let me go!” She whispered as she withed in his arms.
“No, no, you and I are going to stay like this until we fix this.” He told her as he moved carefully to his desk. Once there he leaned in his desk to have some support and continued hugging her. Y/n had already forgotten the idea of fighting and was just crying her heart out in Negan’s chest.
“There’s- There’s nothing to fi-fix” She managed to say between hiccups.
“Yes there it is… you know that, sweetie.” He whispered to her ear.
“You haven’t even apologized.”
“I know-”
“You were so rude, you made me feel bad with myself.” The girl said raising her head to see his, her red puffy eyes connecting with his, making him feel guiltier.
“I know baby, I’m- I’m-”
“Why would you do that?!” Y/n pushed herself away from him, but it was pointless, he didn’t let her get away.
“Hey, hey, okay let me explain… I, well, I had a-”
“A bad day? That’s why you treated me like that?! Like I was the worse trash.”
“You are no trash-”
“I know that!” She yelled again.
Negan was losing her, she was panicking and getting angrier. The peace and willingness to hear his version was fading fast because he couldn’t get his shit together. Y/n was looking at him and trying harder to get out of his embrace. Even though it felt like heaven, he wasn’t going to apologize, or explain. Being there was pointless.
Just when she was going to finally scape his arms, his lips connected with hers. She tried to resist. But the devil won in the end, and she deepened the kiss, dropping her bag and book pass her arms behind his neck. A melody came to her brain and made her smile in the kiss. Damn his lips were addictive, but air was necessary.
“I’m sorry, baby. I wish I hadn’t yelled at you, it was a bad fucking day, and… and I was mad at you.” He said when they got their breath back.
“At me?  Why?” She looked at his eyes with a curious and innocent expression, all anger gone.
“Why? I dunno, maybe because you didn’t fucking study for the test I god damn told you to study for, just because you wanted to go to a party with your idiot of a boyfriend.” Even though that was the reason that made him blow a week prior, he couldn’t find in himself anger to lecture her, instead, he kissed her nose as he spoke softly.
“My boyfriend? That’s all? You- you were jealous?” Y/n asked with a goofy smile. Negan’s lips were making her incoherent.
“Yeah, that damn idiot. And no, I was not.” The man stopped petting her so she could focus, and maybe, tell him what he was dying to hear.
“Ty is not my boyfriend, just a very good friend, I don’t like him that way.” She said all serious. Negan studied her for a moment, then broke in a smile.
“Oh, really? Then who do you like that way? Mmh?” He continued placing his lips in her cheeks and neck, checking from time to time the door, to be sure no one was coming.
“Well- I- mhh.”
“I don’t know that fella.” He tickled her sides.
“You! Agh, stop it.” She laughed.
“Fan-fucking-tastic sweetheart. That’s what I wanted to hear.” He kissed her again. “Now, why don’t you let me repay you with a date and more kisses? Mhh, what do you say beautiful?”
Y/n giggled. “I would love that.”
@nijiru @neganscherryblue
Thanks for all!
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ypcdreke-blog · 5 years
N for notes is another word I chose off my list. I chose this word because a note is one of the best things you can receive. It can be mental or physical taken notes. Taking notes is a healthy literature practice.  Just by taking notes, it helps you remember better. Notes can be short and simple, as long as you understand what you are writing down.  The more you take notes helps refresh the brain, so you won’t second guess yourself or even forget something.  Notes are kind of like clue finders or helpers. It can even be like a review tool.
Q for quotes is one of the words I chose off my list. I chose this word because you can find them anywhere. Quotes are meaningful to me when it's a reason behind it. Quotes are healthy literacy because you can see them, and some quotes give motivation. It's crazy when you can see a quote and it relates to your problem or situation. I feel if you see a quote it's meant for you. Some people overlook quotes when it really means something. Just by reading a quote a day helps you because you're reading and using clues in a way. 
L is for lyrics. Reading lyrics is a healthy practice for literature. It actually helps you read better. I chose lyrics because a lot of people don't like to read but can listen and sang music all day. So if you take just a couple minutes out of your day to read a couple lyrics, it can improve the flow of how your read. It helps with not boring you while you read but really understanding what you're listening and singing about. It's a really weird interesting way of healthy literacy but it helps me out because I like music.
K is for knowledge. I chose this word because without knowledge I wouldn’t be where I am today. Knowledge is awareness or understanding something such as facts, information, and skills a person has experienced. Building your knowledge is a healthy practice for literature. Just by experiencing new words and ways of writing can build your knowledge. Knowledge can refer to a practical understanding of a subject. Just like notes the more you take them, the better you know the information. Therefore, knowledge the more you practice the better you build on it.
 O stands for online work! In this case, this could be a good or bad case for some people. Online work is good because you can do it online and don't have to worry about pencils, papers, or pens. Also you don't have to travel that much when you got online classes to do your work. It can be a bad case to, some people don't have access to computers to do work online. Doing work online helps me stay organized and on top of my game. I don't haft to be around everyone to do my work, I can do my work anywhere and anytime.
U stands for underline. I chose this word because underlining is a healthy way of practicing literature. Just by underlining certain words and sentences can help out a lot. Some people underline sentences and words they don't understand. Underlining helps me out by taking the underline sentence or word more serious. I'll rather know what I am reading instead of just reading over it. Even if you forget a word or sentence, if you underline it you can go back and review over it. Underlining key words and important things will help you stay organized by the way. It's basically like highlighted words. 
 T stands for text messages. One of the biggest problems in the world nowadays is a phone . Some people think that a phone gets to much attention and not having enough time for a book. Well I think receiving text messages can be healthy in some ways because you're actually reading and replying. It's something that you want to read so you're more focus than ever. You also have to reply, so that plays a big role in reading and writing. Most of the time you receive text messages thru the day so therefore you constantly reading through the day. 
B stands for brainstorm, this is a tool for healthy literature. Brainstorming is a way you can generate your ideas within your group setting. When brainstorming you should think freely and have many ideas. Brainstorming can be done in a group, this also makes it funnier to have everyone's opinion and ideas. This tool is usually done in the beginning stages of a project when someone don't quite understands what's really going on. I been using this tool since I got introduce to it. Brainstorming helped me out doing my previous years in school, hopefully this tool will be a success in college. 
J stands for Junie B. Jones.  When I first read this book, I was in the third grade. The book captured my interest when I first read it in Mrs. Jones class. The whole class took turns reading out loud which made it fun to read. Junie B. Jones books became my favorite books to read. I think if every child read this book it would make them want to read more because it is for kids and really interesting. 
R is for review. Reviewing is a practice for healthy literacy. The more you review your assignments or whatever you need to know makes you more confident with your answer. I use to review my Spanish words for 20 to 30 minutes a day before the quiz. Just by doing this it showed me how important this strategy was. If you don't quite get the understanding of something reviewing will be the best thing to do. 
P is for phone. Once I got my first phone I would say it effected me in a bad way but also a good way. Well for one it helped me by learning how to spell words that I had problems with. I can pull up anything on safari or download a book app to read books on the phone. It also effected me in a bad way. I got to the point where I ain't want to do anything but be on my phone either texting or watching highlights. It helped me with spelling but also hurt me in a way because I ain't to have to do anything but click on the word I was trying to spell. 
D stands for Dr. Seus. My first time reading the Dr. Seus books played a major role in why I find it interesting to read. I think I was in Kindergarten when I first read it. The book was easy to read so I read more of them. I continued reading those books until my vocabulary grew and I heard about new books. As time pasted on, playing football became apart of my schedule and I became so busy perfecting my craft. I then found reading tiring and boring. Most teachers use to assign books to read that was very boring and not something that I was interested in.
A stands for alphabet. Well you should know if it wasn't for the alphabet this world would be so backwards. This is the first thing that you actually learn once you get in school. Even before kindergarten kids are learning their ABC's. All the letters make up words with different sounds and pronunciation. I think the alphabet get over looked because it's just a lot of letters. I use to think like this but my professor opened my eyes with this assignments that we're doing now. I don't think the alphabet can harm or effect you in a bad way.   
C stands for Childers. Well Mr. Childers was my 11th grade English teacher. I can actually say that this guy made english kind of fun and funny. I remember when the class would be talking to loud, he would always say “Guys, cut the chatter”. He taught the class in a different way. He made reading and writing so much easier. and built my confidence on reading out loud. What kind of hurt me was when I stopped participating in class and started sleeping everyday. The books that we was reading was kind of boring to me.He wasn’t the teacher to wake you up, he went on with the class. So the more boring books we read, the less reading I did. 
W is for writing. Writing played one of the biggest roles in my life, good and bad. I started taking my writing more serious once I got old enough to understand the correct way to speak. Writing papers, discussions, and other assignments that involved school helped me out because my teachers would correct something that was wrong. It opened my mind up to new ways of how to say new words and how to use them in different ways. I use to write a lot once I got to high school and now that I'm in college writing is more frustrating. I don't like it as much as I use to. 
V stands for verses. I read verses from time to time for faith and words of encouragement. One of my favorites verses is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I actually got that verse tattooed on my forearm. Just by reading those verses, I taught myself how to read with a better flow. I wasn’t never into reading books unless I picked it myself. Reading a quote a day can help by building knowledge and help out with reading period. 
M is for music. Music played a big role for me practicing my literature. It's kind of crazy to say but it helped me out a lot. I remember when I first started doing this. I use to read the lyrics and flow with the music. It made reading way more interesting for me. When it came time to read in class, I had a perfect flow of reading and was never nervous. Most people can try this exercise but I don't know if it would help them like it did me. The reason why I say this because people don't read the lyrics, they just leave the song on repeat and learn it like that. Also just by reading the lyrics you figure out the true meaning of the song. 
H is for homework. When I was young I use to love to do homework but as I got older that feeling left away. Doing homework helped me out because it was basically extra practice. My grades stayed up just by being discipline to my work. I started getting older and sports became involved in my life, that's when my grades start slipping. I stop doing homework at night and started doing it at the last minute. What made me stop liking homework was when I didn't know any of it and the teacher assigned to much of it. I stated all that just to say stay on top of your work.
"F" stands for father. My whole life, my father pushed me to be great at what I do. It wasn't just on the field but that went for the classrooms to. He always told me to get my school work did first before anything. So there was this  boring summer, If my friends wasn't around I would just do old school work or either read books that my grandma had put up around the house. Just hearing my father telling me to be great at everything I do, motivated me to write more and learn how to read better. Once I got a little older and started getting better at ball, he started slacking on seeing was I still grinding the way I did in the classrooms. 
"I" stands for internet. Having internet is one of best thing a person can ask for. Internet been helping me since I learn how to use it, but I had to realize I couldn't rely on the internet for everything. Anything I had a question about or wasn't quite sure what a question was asking, I would just search it. It's so many different answer and opinions on the internet, therefore when looking for some you should know something about what you searching. The internet also can hurt you in a bad way. Searching information and plagiarizing can be one of the worst thing you can do. 
G stands for good grades! I remember when my dad told me, “ You earn good grades it’ll take you a long way.” If you had good grades in my household you would get rewarded for hard work. This made the house grind extra hard in the classrooms. “How they get a new phone and I didn’t”, my baby sister said. She had brought a bad grade home so she didn’t get rewarded. My parents stop doing this method as I grew up. Even though they wasn’t rewarding us like they use to, I continued to bring good grades home just because. 
E stands for email. I always use to make accounts but never use it. To sign up for a social media pages, you had to have a email. I use to make all these accounts and never checked my email. I started checking my email my senior year of high school. Checking my email keeps me updated on a lot of things. It basically like the message app on a phone. Getting a email isn't hard to set up. Letting all the information pile up is kind of bad because you will just have random junk on top of each other.
S is for silent reading. I like reading silent because you don't get judged on how you read. I use to feel that you learn or understand what you reading better when you read it to yourself. As I got older that mindset approached a little differently. Once I got to high school, we didn't have a choice but to read out loud. When I would mess up on a word my classmates or teacher would help me pronounce the word the right way. Usually I would skip over the word when I was silent read
Y is for yellow. Yellow is a color to many people won't miss. I chose this word because this is the most common color you see words highlighted in. The words was black so therefore you still can see whatever was written or typed. Whatever was highlighted in yellow, I knew it had to be important. It may be bad for some people because yellow might be a color they can't see. They got other colors you can highlight information in but yellow was the one stood out for me. This a color I will forever use because this was the first color I ever used to highlight something.
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yournpostlewaight · 5 years
Self-Assessment Reflection
It’s no secret that I have never really been into writing, I am pretty sure it’s because I was taught only one way to write. I also had strict guidelines on what I could say or how I could get my point across which is no fun. In high-school it was also the same, the writings I did, looked, sounded, and pretty much were the same just with a different topic. It seemed repetitive and redundant, like doing chores around the house I did not want to write. In this class, however, I have learned that there is so much more to writing. At first, I will admit I didn’t want to have to put in a lot of effort, I still wanted to learn but the writing was not of interest to me. As we did more and more assignments that related to me and who I am and how I can write, I put more and more effort in and learned a lot more about writing and myself. Now, this doesn’t mean that I now will become a professional writer or anything, but I have found a new liking for writing.
When I first started this class, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. Obviously, I had never taken a college writing class before. I thought its probably like high-school but much, much harder. I couldn’t have been more wrong, except about it being hard. I mean not hard as in I didn’t have the necessary skills to write, but hard because I had to explore my mind to find my voice and inspirations while incorporating what others thought of writing and the different aspects of writing.
As a participant in this class, I definitely started off more reserved and quiet. I was scared to state my opinions and had to practice how I was going to answer a question in my head a million times over before saying it out loud. I was more of a passive participant and not as engaged. However, as the quarter progressed I found that in discovering my voice and more about the different writing aspects I was opening up more and not as afraid to share what I was thinking. I’ve always been shy and so this class has given me more confidence in myself and my writing. The readings we did also helped me to find my own opinions as some of them I really liked and related to and so my engagement in the class became more open. One thing I can say is I never missed a class day and wasn’t on my phone until the break or class was over.
Writing is more than a grade because it helps you find who you are and write in a way that isn’t confined by certain parameters. I think that if we had grades throughout this class I would have been trying to write more of what I thought Dr. Kt wanted and not what I really meant or wanted. Grades put this weight on your shoulders that kind of keep you from expressing yourself in your writing. For me, this is especially true as my GPA means a lot to me so I will do anything to get a good grade. In saying this, having no grade so far has put me out of my comfort zone, in other classes it’s like oh I have a good grade, so I don’t need to do well on this assignment, whereas, in this class I constantly am trying to do every assignment to best the of my ability. I feel like having no grade has made me work harder than ever.
I believe I am a pretty engaged participant, I work hard and strive to do my best, and I am trying to show more of myself in my writings. It’s not easy, but that’s life I guess. Its no longer high-school were the bare minimum gets you a good grade. I would rate myself as a 4/5 on the “rate my professor scale”, what nobody’s perfect.
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Professor Winchester (1)
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A/N: It’s finally here!! I’ve had this story in mind for a very long time (since like halfway through The Stand-In, actually) but I wanted to get all of it written before I started posting it. And I just hit 1000 followers, so what better way to celebrate than with a new story? Thanks everyone for all the love, and here you guys go!
Pairing: Professor!Sam Winchester X Reader
Warnings: CHECK THE WARNINGS FOR EVERY CHAPTER! I don’t want to spoil anything, so I’ll post the warnings on every individual chapter. This one doesn’t have any.
Word Count: 1708
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
Want Dean Instead?
"Hi, uh, are you Professor Winchester?" you ask with a small smile, fingers coiled together and showing nervousness. 
"I am," he leans back in his chair slightly, cocking his head to the side as you exhaled quietly. "Please sit down."
"Um, my name is [Y/N], and I've been having some trouble with one of my classes," you begin with a shy smile after placing yourself in the seat in from of his desk. "I've tried SI and tutoring, but it's not really getting me anywhere."
"Did you try small group or one-on-one tutoring?" he asks, making a mental note of your name. 
You seem like a sweet girl, if not exactly his type.
"I tried both," you sigh. "So I asked my professor if a transfer to another teacher's class would be a good idea. He recommended that I see you first, to discuss my options and see if you might be able to help me without all the hassle of changing classes."
"I'd be happy to help, [Y/N]," he gives you a smile and leans forward to click a few buttons on his computer. "What is your current professor's name?"
"Dr. Lindt," you state, and he types the unfamiliar name into his computer. 
"Dr. Lindt is a pre-law professor, you do know that right?" he asks, reading the title and biography of the older professor. 
"Um... Yes sir," you nod unsurely. 
"What did you say your major was again?" Dean asks, flickering his gaze to you in confusion. 
Why was a pre-law student coming to the history department? 
"Um... Pre-law," you remark, your confusion evident in your face. "I'm sorry, didn't you say you were Professor Winchester? Aren't you one of the professors in the pre-law department, sir?"
"Oh," he laughs, leaning back into his rolling chair with an easy grin. "You're looking for Sam."
"Pardon?" you ask, and he stands up quickly, making his way to the front of the desk where you are sitting. 
"You're looking for my brother, Sam Winchester," he explains, and your face contorts in understanding. "I'm Dean Winchester, with the history department."
"Oh, so you're... Oh. I must have checked the wrong room online," you feel heat rising to your cheeks. "I'm so sorry to bother you."
"It's no problem," he says as you stand up. "I can show you to his office, if you'd like."
"I'd hate to waste more of your time," you return shyly. 
"Sweetheart, does it look like I have anything to do?" he asks, gesturing to his empty desk. "I'll show you, it's just down the hallway."
"Thank you, sir," you rush out as he makes his way to the door and holds it open. You shuffle through, moving away so that he can lead. 
"You're not the first person that's had this happen, don't worry," he reassures you as he walked quietly down the hall. "Sam just joined our faculty this semester, and there's been some confusion signing up for meetings and such. I'm sure it will be cleared out and fixed by next semester, after they've had both of us for a while."
"So... He's a new professor?" you ask, rounding the corner and passing by a vending machine. 
"He is, and smarter than half the ones who've been working here for years," Dean acknowledges. "Here you go, right here."
He knocks on the door before opening it. 
"Sammy, I have a student who's looking for you," he states, pushing the door open to reveal his longer haired younger brother. 
"You must be [Y/N]," Sam says from behind his desk. "I was starting to wonder if you'd skipped out on our appointment."
"Oh, no sir. I just got a little mixed up and wound up in his office," you point to his older brother, who gives him a wink and closes the door, leaving the two of you together. "I'm sorry about all of that. I didn't realize there were two Professor Winchesters here."
"It's no problem," he grins standing up and moving to a small table with some beverages. "Please sit. Would you like any coffee or tea?"
"Oh, no thank you," you shake your head. "I don't want to be a bother."
"It's no bother to me," he says as he fills a mug of tea and returns to his desk. "So tell me a little bit about you, Miss [Y/L/N]."
"Um, I'm pre-law, I'm sure you saw that when I scheduled a meeting," you inform him nervously, twisting your hands together. 
You’ve never been one for speaking to older or more experienced people, and the fact that you’ve already made such a big mix up has you frazzled. 
"I did, with a minor in criminal justice?" he prompts, and you nod. 
"Yes sir," you agree quickly. "I'd like to see many aspects of law, and I figured if I at least had a minor in criminal justice, it might help me in the long run. Whether getting a job or defending a case. I know it's kinda pointless, because a lot of it is the same, but... I just wanted to do it and... I don't know, I don't really have a very good reason."
"Hey," he says gently, and your gaze lifts to his. "Calm down a little, take a deep breath." He takes one and you mimic the motion, feeling your hands slow their shaking a little bit. "It's okay, I'm gonna try to help you as best as I can. No need to be nervous."
"Sorry, I just... Professors make me nervous, especially ones I don't know," you admit, twiddling your thumbs slightly. "I'm not much of a people person, and talking to people makes me anxious, especially when I'm wrong or talking to the wrong person for five minutes before I realize it."
"Well, you have no need to be nervous or worry, if that helps any. I don't judge students looking for help," he says with a smile. "Hell, I was a student up until this past year. I know how intimidating it can all be."
"Yeah, that's sorta my problem..." you murmur with a sheepish smile. "Have you ever met a lawyer that's scared to talk to people?"
He gives a smile at this, and it makes you sigh softly, relaxing under his genialness. 
"Can't say that I have," he admits. "But that's okay. Once you get into the groove it'll get easier, and you'll give less of a shit what other people think."
Your eyebrows raise and he gives a little smirk. 
"Pardon my language," he states. "But that's the most effective way to get the point across."
"Well..." you sigh softly. "I hope you're right."
"So let's get into some business, shall we?" he says, and you nod. "You want a transfer and they told you to come to me first."
"Um... Yes sir. I was looking to transfer into your class," you admit, your head dipping slightly. "I looked through your syllabus and I noticed that you don't have as many um... Active participation grades."
"Because you don't like to talk to people," he checks, and you nod. "So you'd rather sit back and listen to a lecture than get hands on and debate."
"Yes sir," you wring your hands in front of yourself. "I can handle presentations, but I don't like debates."
"[Y/N], I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but my class is actually heavily based on debates and mock trials," he tells you, watching your shoulders fall. "I don't take the debates for a grade, but I do still have them, and many aspects of the trials and debates we work through wind up on my tests. I believe in hands-on applications."
"Oh. I see," you exhale, your form drooping. "Well... Maybe I'd best stay in the class I'm in now."
"Why don't you come to one of my lectures and see?" he asks gently, noticing your discourage at finding help for your problem. "My students are amazingly supportive of each other, I think you might really grow to like debates and trials if you could see them from a positive view, rather than how a lot of the other teachers portray it as a competition."
"Isn't it a competition, though?" you ask, frowning. 
"It is, but..." he pauses when you look away, and he waits for your attention once more before continuing. "...positive criticism and understanding make a world of difference in the performance of a student. For you, dreading a debate gives a negative aspect before you even begin. You need the positivity, I think."
"Thanks for the offer, but I really just..." you sigh and looks to your lap. 
"Come to one lecture, please?" his voice softens, as he can see the inner turmoil that you are going through. "You don't have to participate unless you'd like to. But I really think that seeing how I teach would be beneficial to you."
"I'll... I'll give it some thought," you finally agree, and he smiles. 
"I'm glad to hear that," he says. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"No, I think..." you sigh. "I think that about did it, if not a little more than I was expecting."
"Hey," he stands up as you rise to your feet, crossing to the front of his desk to pat your shoulder gently. "I want to help you however I can. If you don't want to come for a lecture, you don't have to. I don't want to pressure you if you already don't want to do it."
"I just thought this might be an easy fix," you whisper, fixing your bag over your shoulders. "I was stupid enough to think that I could just transfer classes and have it magically be fixed."
"Sometimes it is that easy," he tells you. "Like I said, I don't take grades for participation, and if you don't feel like participating then you can just watch. But I'd love to see you come out of your shell and I think that you might be able to do that if you were in my class. You seem like an intelligent woman, and a good-hearted one at that."
"Thank you, Professor Winchester," you smile sadly. "I'll think about your offer."
Tell me what you thought!
@dslocum89 @thesupernaturalmoose1967 @queencflair @sisterwinchesterwriter @ambivalent-timid-nefelibata @ria132love
Series Tags: 
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Overwatch Teaches Highschool
(In order of the current selection screen; all future posts will be in the new selection screen order, with Tanks first, Damage/DPS in the middle, and Supports at the end.)    Offense: Doomfist: The football coach, but he won't let you on the team unless you have 3.0 GPA (Grade Point Average) or above. He cannot stand having unintelligent players. He gets really into the plays and strategies, and pushes his players to the absolute limit during practice. The team have been champions of the region for three years straight since he's started coaching. He secretly blackmails the other teachers to get his players out of assignments if it would distract from football. Genji: Teaches foreign language classes. All the weeaboos in the school take his classes just to fangirl/fanboy over him, because, being honest, he's a teacher straight from an anime. There's an anonymous blog run by a student composed of pictures of his butt. Unfortunately for him, he knows about all of this. He used to lose his temper a lot over this, but over the years he's learned to keep his cool. McCree: The teacher that everyone loves because he lets them goof off work at their own pace after he hands out the assignment for the week. Super chill. Lets you retake tests whenever, as long as you have semidecent grades. Teaches english class, and at the end of the year he'll brings in a bunch of old cowboy movies and marathon them with the class. Pharah: Strict; if she sees your phone out she'll take it. She wants your utmost attention. Probably teaches math. She's one of the newer teachers, and rumor has it that she used to be in the military. No wonder she's so strict. Weirdly enough, if she sees you outside of school (probably getting coffee,) she's pretty friendly, even if you're one of the troublemakers. Reaper: Straight up scary. He's the most intimidating teacher in the school, and extremely strict. No one dares to mess around in his class. He grades super harsh, and don't expect to negotiate any score you get, unfair or otherwise- some rumors say that he might actually murder you. This is hyperbole, of course, but still. It's easy to get that sort of vibe from him. Drinks coffee as dark as his soul. Teaches math. Soldier 76: The Ag science teacher and assistant football coach. Not a whole lot of science gets done in his class: he really teaches more about being a good leader and having integrity. Gets pretty preachy at times. A staunch 2nd amendment advocate. Believes in arming teachers. Also drinks super dark coffee, and he and Reaper have been sighted fighting at the coffee machine. Speaking of, you get extra credit for bringing him expensive coffee. Sombra: The computer applications teacher. She teaches lightning fast, as if she expects you to know this stuff already. She thinks it's easy, so therefore, it has to be easy for you, right? Those that learn at her fast pace get special treatment from her; those that don't, suffer. Oh well. She can be bribed with good coffee. Everyone lowkey knows that she's into illegal stuff, and she can be seen on wikileaks during class. Tracer: The true english teacher. She loves giving creative and cool assignments. Quotes memes often, and if they're not current, she apologizes. However, she's very bad at keeping track of your assignments, so you might want to photocopy anything you give to her beforehand. Drinks tea and wears a bow tie every day. Teaches fairly fast, so some of the slower students can feel left behind at times, though she always allows makeups.    Defense: Bastion: The art teacher. Super quiet, so it's hard to hear them if you're sitting in the back of the class. They're pretty self-conscious, and would rather show slides. One-on-one, however, they're an excellent teacher and very patient. Their art is incredible; they love to draw nature and birds and several students are pretty sure they've seen some of their work in an art museum. Drinks tea always. In their office, there's a military flag. Don't ask about it. Hanzo: The business and marketing teacher. Not a lot of students take his class, which makes him mad. He's very close with the group of kids that do attend. He tells them about the other teachers' antics whenever he gets bored. Assigns way too much homework though. If he's mad at you, he'll show it with worksheets. Drinks some sort of liquid out of a flask. People are pretty sure it's sake. Junkrat: A science? teacher. He thinks the curriculum is way to boring. Back when he was in school, they were allowed to blow things up! He lazily teaches whatever the curriculum says, but he tells the most ridiculous stories. No one's sure if they're entirely true. There's a rumor going around that he vapes. Never gives detention, like, ever, even to kids who deserve it. No one's sure if he even has a teaching diploma. Hmm. Mei: A science teacher. Probably the nicest teacher in the entire school. She moved up form the elementary school last year, and treats everyone like elementary students unintentionally because of it. Drinks hot cocoa and you get extra credit if you bring her flowers or an apple. She's actually a really good scientist when she gets into it, and everyone wonders why she's here instead of out changing the world, but teaching is her passion. However, it's easy to get away with things in her class because she's rather lenient. Torbjorn: The metal shop teacher. Super grumpy 24/7. He's gruff with nearly everybody, even parents and authority figures and such. Picks favorites though, and is obvious about it. However, nobody can deny that his welding skills are out of this world, and that the student welding team has been to nationals yearly. He knows people in the welding industry and helps his favorite students get jobs. Widowmaker: The substitute teacher for the foreign language classes. She's universally feared because she expects nothing less than perfection. She speaks 15 languages fluently and works as a diplomatic translate most of the time. She hates children. She shouldn't be anywhere near this school, but money is money. Can be bribed with dark coffee and french chocolate.    Tank: D.va: The substitute teacher for computer applications, for when Sombra is out doing (illegal) things. She doesn't really care what you do during the class period as long as you don't disturb her. She plays Starcraft the entire day and chugs mountain dew like no tomorrow. If she sees you playing a similar game she'll actually come over and start giving you tips. Rumor has it that she's trying to go pro and took the teaching job for the money. Orisa: The new english teacher. She just got her teaching certificate last summer and moved to this town about a week ago after she was hired over the phone. She's super excited to work, but she has no idea what children are like. She tries to make a bunch of references to be "hip" but they're super cringy. Has a really cool accent though and tells entertaining stories about where she's from. Reinhardt: The history teacher. Gets super into it, practically acting out the history in the front of the room. He's very loud and eccentric and startles people in the hallway but means well. He often calls on people who don't have their hand up and brings them to the front of the class to act with him. Participation is not optional. Assigns a lot of creative projects and keeps the best ones on the walls of his classroom. He's super old and the other teachers wonder when he's going to retire, but the students know that he'll probably die teaching. Roadhog: The substitute PE teacher. He's old, fat, and probably snorts coke in the bathroom in between periods. He sits on a chair in the corner and makes everyone run laps around the gym until they pass out. When they pass out, he leaves them their until they wake up. He hasn't been fired yet because no other teacher wants to sub for PE. However, he isn't around much because Zarya hardly ever takes days off. Winston: A science teacher. Super nerdy and goes off on tangents of science that don't have anything to do with the current lesson. He's friends with all the other teachers and often arranges meetings to talk about the school's problems and to resolve fights. Used to be a college professor but found it too impersonal. As a result he's very awkward talking one-on-one with students but is great at presenting in front of the entire class. He knows people in the science industry and helps his most passionate students find jobs. Zarya: The PE teacher. Was going to be an Olympian but got busted taking steroids. She's the ultimate drill sergeant and hands out detentions like there's no tomorrow if she doesn't think you're giving it your all. She instantly knows if you're chewing gum no matter how discreet you try to be. She's ruthless, especially with the members of the school's sports teams. She's made several students cry before and isn't afraid of doing it again. She and Doomfist have a great working relationship.    Support: Ana: The lunch lady. Used to be a teacher but quit for unspecified reasons. She makes the best meals, though they're never within the nutritional limits as specified by the state, but nobody would dare report that because it's so tasty. She bakes fresh cookies for all of her lunch helpers and often leaves those leftover in the break room for the other teachers to enjoy. Everyone loves her, and if any student is mean to her or tries to steal from the lunch line, their grades plummet. Brigitte: The student teacher for PE. She's from a nearby college and is one of the few people in the world who actually wants to teach PE as her future career. She's apprenticing under Zarya but she isn't allowed to do very much other than the paperwork, much to her dismay. She used to play games with the students on game day, but she won every dodge ball game so she wasn't allowed to play anymore. She's actually pretty lonely so if you show her some respect you'll be her favorite. Lucio: The music teacher. Who else? He was originally just the choir teacher, but took over band and orchestra after the other teachers quit. He's everyone's favorite teacher. Super casual but upbeat, and the concerts that he organizes always have the best mixing. He mixes original music in what little free time he has and if the students behave well he'll drop a couple beats for them. He also announces for the school's sports events. Mercy: Teaches anatomy and is a part-time nurse for the school. She's very busy all the time. She looks nice but everyone knows that she's one coffee away completely losing it. She has her own personal coffee machine in her classroom, and if you're her favorite student she'll let you use it. She cares a lot about her students and feels bad for assigning so much homework. If you're ever feeling sick you can go lay down in her office. She gives painkiller to students who need it, even though it's against the rules. Moira: The psychology teacher. Uses her knowledge to manipulate students, an activity that she finds enjoyable. Mercy hates her for doing this. Calls freshman "freshbabies". She drinks tea and has a dark sense of humor; if you laugh at her jokes, you're her favorite student. She makes everyone give presentations way to much. Some people wonder if she's really here as a scientist to study the behavior of highschool students. Symmetra: Teaches architecture 1 or philosophy, depending on the year, because they're both really obscure classes that no one signs up for. At most she has five students. She gives way to much homework and expects you to study on your own for a couple hours a day. She doesn't understand why students need a summer break and wants school to be year-round. Lectures way too long. She should probably be teaching college instead. Zenyatta: The civics teacher. He's great at keeping the classroom under control and pacifying heated debates, which often come up in civics. He tends to lecture, but with slides to keep it interesting, and encourages participation. He loves it and gives extra credit when a student presents an educated opinion on a subject. At the end of the year he assigns students civil service projects, like running a charity or volunteering for the community. He keeps crisis hotlines written on the whiteboard, and don't be afraid to come to him if you need someone to talk too.
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8 Benefits of Spin Class That’ll Convince You to Finally Try One
One of the many reasons we love cycling is that it allows us to get outside and explore. But with winter at our doorstep, sometimes the weather is just plain awful or there’s just not enough time in the day. The next best option? A Spin class, of course.
Most studios offer a variety of class options—some as short as 20 minutes or as long as 90 minutes—so you’re always able to fit a workout into your schedule. Nowadays, there are even at-home magnetic spinning bike available that stream classes directly into your living room from companies like Peloton, NordicTrack, and Technogym. Peloton’s beginner-friendly classes, for example, teach participants the correct form and technique that will translate to every other level.
Plus, the work you do in a class—whether that’s at home or in a gym—complements your on-the-road training perfectly, according to Peloton instructor Jess King. “It’s an opportunity for you to play around with your training—there’s something for you to hear, learn, and experience that you can take with you back on the road. So why not dip into both worlds?” she says.
Spinning is one of those things that seems a bit intimidating if you’ve never done it before. But as long as you have access to a gym or a bike, you can take classes that range from beginner to expert, King says, each of which helps build the main muscle groups used for cycling and your cardiovascular system.
“We have this unique opportunity to create something for everyone,” King says. But most studios and instructors offer a variety of options that will suit your needs or experience level.
And if you’ve already got the stamina to climb hills and ride long outside, you’re that much more ready to conquer a Spin class. Both studios and at-home options offer longer, more advanced classes as well.
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It goes without saying that taking a Spin class is not the same as riding outside. While you can still experience similar terrain (hills and flat ground), King says in-studio and virtual Spin classes can feel more like a party than a workout.
“There’s music from all different decades—from classic rock to EDM—and we use interval training, tabata training, and heart rate training, so it’s still a great workout,” she says about Peloton, though competitors offer a similar experience.
A lot of times when you’re out on the road, it’s just you and the voice that’s in your head. That can be a good thing when you want to escape to nature and clear your mind, but it can be a bad thing when the voice is telling you to turn home. Being in a class setting changes things up—especially when you have the motivation of an instructor cheering you on. (Because let’s be real, there are times when you just really don’t want to do that interval workout on your own.)
“Spin gives you a new perspective on how to ride, breathe, and think about your body,” King says.
When you take an indoor cycling class, everyone from the instructor to the other participants are there to encourage and support you.
“Everyone is rooting for you—you’re not alone in this experience,” King says. “We’re using the bike as the medium for that connection and energy.”
And Charlee Atkins, C.S.C.S., former master instructor at SoulCycle and founder of Le Sweat, agrees. “[Everyone] is very supportive—they hold each other accountable and celebrate each other’s wins and losses,” she says. “They oftentimes can become an ‘extended family’ of sorts.”
It can be really tough to be out on your indoor cycle spinning bike alone, struggling to finish a particularly challenging ride. Sometimes your first instinct is to give up. But when there are other people around you, it makes you want to keep going and prove you can finish what you started. That’s exactly what taking a Spin class does. And that mindset can and will benefit you on the road, too.
If you’ve already found a great community of riders outdoors, indoor classes offer the same camaraderie and accountability, just in a different setting.
4. It’s a great total-body workout.
Not only does a Spin class benefit your muscles—everything from your legs to your core—but it’s also a great low-impact cardiovascular workout, which improves your blood flow, increases your stamina, boosts your mood, and prevents against chronic issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, according to Mayo Clinic.
And because of this intense cardio workout, you’ll burn a ton of calories, too. While King says the average is about 400 to 600 calories per class, she’s seen some riders burn more if they’re going particularly hard and long.
Some indoor cycling classes even incorporate the use of hand weights to “promote upper-body work, since cycling is a predominantly lower-body workout,” Atkins adds. So in one 45-minute session, you can challenge your upper body, lower body, and core.
5. It’s convenient.
Riding outside can take a couple of hours to complete, and most people don’t have that kind of time during the week. So taking an indoor cycling class either at home, at a gym, or in a studio is a great option for when your schedule is packed, and you only have an hour or less to work out.
But don’t worry—exercising for a shorter amount of time doesn’t mean you aren’t reaping the same benefits as a longer workout. Many classes feature high-intensity intervals which help you build increased cardiovascular and muscular fitness in less time than a longer but steady-state ride out on the road.
6. It’s low impact.
Indoor cycling won’t beat up your joints like other forms of cardio such as running. “It’s great for people who are coming back from an injury,” says Atkins, because your hips, knees, and ankles won’t take all the impact. This makes it a great choice for those who aren’t yet functioning at 100 percent after getting hurt, older adults looking for a way to stay active without putting extra pressure on their joints, or those who suffer from arthritis.
7. You can make it your own.
Out on the roads, you can’t lower the grade of a mountain if you’re not up for climbing it that day. But the beauty of a Spin class is that you can customize it to your own needs. The Spin instructor is there to guide you, but you can always modify the workout.
For example, you don’t have to stay on the bike during the upper-body workout portion of the class if you feel safer on solid ground. You can also go slower if you need to—you don’t have to worry about getting dropped. And if the class motivates you to push yourself even harder, maybe try racing your friend next to you. Everyone in class is there to work out to the best of their ability while enjoying the motivational vibes of the group. So whatever you’re feeling, go ahead and do your thing.
8. It gives your bike a break.
Switching it up with some Spin classes will also give your commercial spinning bike a break from the elements, not just your body. Rain, dirt, and snow will take their toll on your components over time. Replacing just some of your workouts with Spin classes will give you the opportunity to buy and install new parts, or time to take your bike into the shop for a tuneup.
Spinning might look about the same as outdoor cycling or riding a stationary bike, but in many ways, it’s a far more intense workout—and one of the easiest to overdo.
First, there aren’t many (if any) breaks in spin class. “When you’re biking outside, you have to be aware of road dangers like water and cars, so you have to slow down at times,” says Dr. Maureen Brogan, an assistant professor of medicine at New York Medical College who has conducted research into spinning. Especially if you’re a novice road rider, it’s going to take some time before you’re comfortable enough on two wheels to really push yourself hard for long distances. That’s not the case on a spinning bike, where newbies can hop on and ride hard from the start.
Popular spinning studios like Flywheel and SoulCycle have their riders clip their feet into the stationary bikes. As long as the wheels turn, legs keep pumping. Combine this always-working aspect with the thumping music, enthusiastic instructors and energetic group atmosphere of most spinning studios, and it’s easy to get intense exercise and burn calories by the bucketful.
“The muscles you use on spinning bikes, the gluteus maximus and the quadriceps, are some of the largest in your body, so you’re using a lot of energy,” Brogan says—600 calories an hour, and sometimes more.
This puts spinning near the top of the list when it comes to high-intensity workouts. A study from Sweden found that one hour of spinning was enough to trigger the release of blood chemicals associated with heart stress or changes. While that may sound like a bad thing, these blood chemicals—or biomarkers—signal the heart is getting a good workout. “These kinds of findings have also been seen with prolonged exertion such as marathons,” says study author Dr. Smita Dutta Roy of Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden. While more research is needed to tease out the risks or benefits associated with exercise of this intensity, she says that some of the biomarker shifts her team observed could lead to blood vessel repair and renewal.
It can also help improve body composition, decrease fat mass and lower blood pressure and cholesterol, says Jinger Gottschall, an associate professor of kinesiology at Penn State University. Some of her research has shown that high-intensity spinning can increase fitness levels even in trained athletes. “In every study we’ve done, we’ve seen increases in heart and lung capacity,” she says. She calls spinning “the optimal cardio workout,” and says you can get all the intensity of a treadmill or stair-climber without the impact.
The low-impact nature of spinning makes it great exercise for older adults or people recovering from orthopedic injuries, she adds. “Because you can adjust the resistance and moderate the pace and intensity of your ride, it opens the door for many people to participate,” she says.
But it’s also easy for people who are new to spinning to overexert themselves. “If you’re not used to vigorous exercise, or to exercising the large lower-body muscles involved in spinning, you can overdo it,” Brogan says. She’s a kidney expert by training, and some of her research has linked spinning to rhabdomyolysis, a condition in which muscles break down to the point that they release a protein that can poison the kidneys. “People have swollen legs or trouble walking, and sometimes they take aspirin or NSAIDs for the muscle pain, which is the last thing they should do because those can also damage the kidneys,” she says. Problems like this can set in a day or two after spin class, she says.
While overexertion is possible with any form of exercise, she says the risks during spinning may be higher—especially when you consider that some spinners lose up to a liter of water during an hour-long session.
Even for trained athletes, there’s some evidence that spinning too often may lead to trouble. A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research concluded that spinning may push some people past the threshold at which the exercise is beneficial. “If indoor cycling were used as an everyday training activity, it is possible that the overall intensity would be too high and possibly contribute to developing nonfunctional overreaching,” the authors of that study write. (“Nonfunctional overreaching” is sports science lingo for a workout that’s so strenuous it leads to fatigue and performance declines, rather than fitness improvements.)
Overall, spinning is exceptional exercise. But if you’re new to it, you need to ease in and give your muscles time to adapt to its intensity. Even if you’re an experienced athlete, pushing yourself to your limit the first or second time you get on a spinning bike may be risky, Brogan says. Even once you’ve found your spinning legs, daily sessions may still be overkill.
But if you’re looking for a high-intensity workout a few days a week—and especially if running or other forms of vigorous aerobic exercise hurt your joints—spinning may be the ideal way to keep your heart and body in shape.
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monica2016 · 3 years
RPSC Assistant professor ABST Recruitment 2020-21
In this blog we will cover assistant professor vacancies in Rajasthan including its syllabus , exam dates , exam pattern , books , notes , how to apply  and special tips by toppers about how to crack this exam .
RPSC Rajasthan has issued the notification for recruitment of assistant professor vacancy in Rajasthan for 82 vacant posts in ABST i.e Accounts and business statistics.The exams for proposed recruitment of abst assistant professor was to be held in April 2021 but now the exams are postponed and exams are proposed to be held in September 2021 and scheduled dates are from 24th September onwards. RPSC conducts these exams so if you are looking for teaching profession after post-graduation , you can prepare for this exam and for Rajasthan lecturer vacancy you need to clear UGC NET exam/ State SLAT exam .
we are providing complete Video lectures, Short Notes , 5000+ MCQs and Practice Mock tests of professional knowledge part ,for paper 1 and paper 2 of RPSC Assistant professor ABST exams, which is most important has weightage of 150 marks out of 200 Marks written exam.
Key Highlights of RPSC Assistant professor ABST Recruitment 2020-21
Eligibility for Rajasthan university recruitment of assistant professor
For assistant professor vacancies, Post-Graduation with NET/SLAT is required in relevant subject for which you are applying .
For ABST Subject or Commerce candidates who are looking for assistant professor exam should have following educational qualifications-
Post-graduation in commerce with 55%  or equivalent and
NET/ SLAT or similar qualification ,or
Candidates who is holding PHD as per UGC
Exam pattern of assistant professor vacancies
There will be two stages of exam
Stage 1.  Written exam – MCQ based – 200 Marks
Stage 2. Interview – 24 Marks
Stage 1 of written MCQ based exam will have Three (3) Papers as under exam for assistant professor
Paper 1– Financial Accounting. Corporate accounting, Management accounting and cost accounting (Total 150 Questions for 75 Marks)
Paper 2- Audit , tax , business statistics (Total 150 Questions for 75 Marks)
Paper 3- Rajasthan GK (Total 100 Questions for 50 Marks)
Detailed syllabus of ABST Assistant professor is given at end of this blog for refence
Negative marking in Rajasthan lecturer vacancy
1/3rd penalty for each wrong answer will be deducted.
Exam and centres of assistant professor abst exam
It will be notified by RPSC Rajasthan very soon along with the admit cards .
Job profile of assistant professor in Rajasthan/workings In Rajasthan government as assistant professor Job.
Job of Assistant professor is most prestigious and as well very easy workings, as a professor you need to take only 3-4 lectures daily and along will that number of holidays are also good
RPSC Assistant professor ABST 2020-21 Vacancy and news regarding Number of expected vacancies
The present vacancy of assistant professor vacancy in Rajasthan is for total of 900+ posts for all subjects and number of vacancies for ABST is 82 , which is a very good number . further its is also expected that in 2022 Rajasthan government will issue notification for assistant professor exam, as soon as the rpsc exam time table is released on www rpsc gov in recruitment notification, we will notify it here.
RPSC recruitment of assistant professor exam date
for 2021 vacancy of assistant professor notification, exam dates proposed is 24th September 2021 onwards by rpsc. For any further updates about rpsc lecturer exam date keep checking this portal or you can also check latest updates at www rpsc govt in
Rpsc assistant professor salary
Salary of rpsc assistant professor is very good in comparison to other teaching jobs. with grade pay of 6000/- , rpsc assistant professor selected candidates get total salary of 80000+ after completion of probation period of two years .
How to apply for assistant professor
In order to apply for assistant professor exam, you need to follow the below given instructions
Step 1- Visit SSO Portal of Rajasthan Government and register / login to your sso id for applying rpsc assistant professor exam
Step 2 – go to recruitment portal on SSO and then you will be re-directed to new page where you will see assistant professor vacancies
Step 3- Click on Junior accountant and fill in details asked and save them.
Step 4 – submit the form of rpsc assistant professor exam and process for online fees payment
Step 5 – pay fees for assistant professor vacancies exam form
Note- take print out of Application form of assistant professor vacancies
Or alternatively you can also apply through an e-Mitra
Admit Card of RPSC assistant professor vacancy in rajasthan
Admit cards will be released very soon and well before exams and the admit cards will be available for download at official website of RPSC i.e www rpsc gov
Answer key of ABST assistant professor Rajasthan  
Rpsc will release the answer key for rpsc professor exam after the exam is over and before the release of result and cut off.
Result of RPSC Assistant professor ABST
To be declared after 2-3 months of exam
Cut off of RPSC Assistant professor
It will be released soon after exams are held on official website of RPSC , we will intimate about dates as soon as it is available
Books & Notes for all subjects of Junior Accountant Exam
On this portal you will get complete course for Assistant professor ABST or assistant professor commerce best books and short notes and MCQ and mock tests are available on oneexam , you can checkout these contents as these are all prepared by India’s Top Faculties including CA , university professor and Toppers of Last exam . Hundreds of students have trusted over our specially designed material for this exam.
Coaching for RPSC Junior Accountant
At OneExam.in we have the best course designed in such a way that you can get maximum marks in your commerce part. Watch our free demo videos over YouTube and then trust .we assure you that Nothing better then this you have ever seen for each and every single concepts and topics we have best contents with short Notes and revision charts .
Follow us for latest news of assistant professor exam and RPSC assistant professor notifications
The detailed syllabus is as under university assistant professor exam or RPSC ABST assistant professor exam –
The syllabus of RPSC Assistant professor ABST Recruitment (rpsc assistant professor) will be as under –
Paper 1 (150 questions) (each 0.5 marks)
A-        Financial Accounting
Introduction, meaning of Book-Keeping, Accounting and Accountancy, Distinction between Book-Keeping and Accounting, Accounting Process, Objectives of Accounting, Various users of Accounting information, Limitations of Accounting, Accounting Terminologies, Accounting Concepts, Principles and Conventions. Accounting Standards (Indian Accounting Standards), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Recording of Transactions Secondary Books, Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors, Final Accounts with adjustment entries, Closing entries, Financial Statements. Bank Reconciliation Statement, Bills of Exchange, Partnership Accounts- Admission of a Partner, Retirement of
Partner, Death of a Partner, Piecemeal Distribution of Cash and Amalgamation of firms, Depreciation Accounting, Price Level Changes Accounting, Hire Purchase and Instalment Payment Methods, Voyage Accounts, Accounting from Incomplete Records, Accounting Methods for Non-Profit making organisations.
B –        Corporate Accounting
Introduction to Company Accounts, Kinds of Companies, Formation of Companies, Share Capital, Issue of Shares, Under Subscription and Over Subscription, Issue of shares at premium and discount, Buy-back of shares and Treasury stock, Accounting treatment and Ledger Preparation, Issue of Bonus and Right shares, Consolidation and split of shares, Redemption of Preference shares and Issue and Redemption of debentures, Preparation of final accounts with calculation of Managerial Remuneration, Disposal of Company profits and Distribution of Dividend, Accounts of Banking and Insurance Companies, Valuation of Goodwill, Valuation of shares, Amalgamation of Companies, Internal and External Reconstruction of companies (including scheme of Reconstruction) Accounts of Holding and subsidiary companies Liquidation of a Company, Double Account system (Accounting for public utilities companies Problems of merger and acquisition.
Accounting for agricultural forms, Government Accounting, corporate social Accounting Accounts of Solicitors, Accounts of Hospitals. Forensic Accounting, Accounting for tour and travel agencies, Basic financial and Accounting System for MFIS.
C –        Cost Accounting
Concept of Cost and Cost Control, Cost Accounting methods (Job costing, Batch costing, Contract costing or Terminal costing, process costing including inter process profit, Single output or unit costing, Operating costing Operation costing, Multiple or composite costing, Departmental costing and uniform costing), Non-Integrated and Integrated cost Accounting system. Marginal Costing and Break-Even Analysis, Decisions based on Marginal Costing techniques, Budgetary Control and Preparation of various types of Budgets, Standard Costing and Ascertainment of Material, Labour, Overhead and Sales Variances, Activity Based Costing. Transfer Pricing, Life Cycle Costing, Strategic Cost and Performance Evaluation, Mechanic Accounting and E.D.P, Productivity Accounting and Implication of Computers for Cost Control and Cost reduction, Programmes and Planning, Employee’s Participation in cost reduction programmes.
D – Management Accounting
Objectives and Scope of Management Accounting, Ratio Analysis, Preparation of Fund Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement. Capital Structure- Theories and Decisions, Cost of Capital, Working Capital Management, Capital Budgeting and Expenditure Decisions, Dividend Decisions, Balance Score Card, Measurement and Performance – ROI, MVA, EVA and Risk Analysis.
Value added Accounting, Human Resource Accounting, Responsibility Accounting, Operating and Financial leverages, Trading on Equity, Lease Financing, Inventory management.
Note:- Pattern of Question Paper
Objective type paper
Maximum Marks : 75
Number of Questions : 150
Duration of Paper : Three Hours
All questions carry equal marks.
Medium of Competitive Exam : Bilingual in English & Hindi
There will be Negative Marking.
A. Taxation:
Direct Tax
Income Tax Law and Rules with reference to assessment of Individuals, HUF, Firm, AOP and Companies, Assessment Procedure and types of Assessment, Advance payment of tax, Tax deduction at source, Refund of tax, Double taxation, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion. Introductory part of Tax Planning with special reference to salaried employees and individuals. Minimum Alternate Tax Net.
Indirect Tax
Custom duty – Role of custom in International Trade, Important Terms and definitions under the custom Act, 1962, Assessable value , Baggage, Bill of entry Dutiable goods, Duty Exporter, Foreign going Vessel, Aircraft goods, Import Manifest, Importer, prohibited goods, Shipping Bill, Stores, Bill of lading, Export manifest, Letter of credit, Kind of Duties, Prohibition of Export and Import of Goods and Provisions regarding notified and specified goods, Import of Goods- Free import and Restricted import, Types of Import- Import of cargo, Import of personal Baggage, Import of stores, Tax Liability and Valuation of goods, computation of custom duty. Appeals and revisions.
Important terms and definitions under Central Goods and Service Tax Act 2017 and State and Service Tax Act 2017. Basics of GST. Meaning and scope of Supply, Levy and collection of Tax. Time and value of supply of goods and/or Services, Input Tax Credit, Transitional Provisions, Registration under CGST/SGST Act. Filing of Returns and Assessment, Payment of Tax including payment of tax on reverse charge basis, Refund under the Act. Maintenance of Accounts and Records, Composition Scheme, Job work and its Procedure, Various Exemptions Under GST. Demand and recovery under GST. Miscellaneous provisions. IGST-Scope of IGST, important terms and definitions for determining the place of supply and place of supply of goods and services, Zero rated supply.
B. Auditing:
Meaning, Objectives and Types of Audit. Internal Control, Vouching and Verification of Assets and Liabilities. Assurance and Audit standards, Audit Programme, Working Papers, Documentation, Audit Reports Audit of Companies Appointment, Removal, Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Auditor. Audit of Banks, Insurance Companies, Charitable Trust and Educational Institutions, Management Audit, Efficiency Audit, Cost Audit, EDP Audit, Environmental Audit, Social Audit, Performance Audit, Tax Audit and Audit of Accounting Information System.
C. Business Statistics and Operation Research:
Introduction, Definition and Functions of Statistics, Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Skewness, Moments, Kurtosis, Sheppard’s Correction and Conditions for applying it, Index Numbers, Analysis of Time Series, Interapolation and Extrapolation, Vital Statistics, Correlation and Regression Analysis, Multiple Regression, Association of Attributes, Statistical Decision Theory, Sampling, Test of Hypothesis, Sampling and Non-Sampling errors, Sampling distributions and Standard Error, Sampling Methods, Large and Small Sample Analysis, Sampling of Attributes and Variables, Test of Significance. Z-Test, T-Test, F-Test, Theoretical Frequency Distributions, Probability, Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments. Linear Programming, Network Analysis-PERT and CPM, Game Theory, Replacement Theory. Statistical Quality control Discriminant Analysis.
Note:- Pattern of Question Paper
Objective type paper
Maximum Marks : 75
Number of Questions : 150
Duration of Paper : Three Hours
All questions carry equal marks.
Medium of Competitive Exam : Bilingual in English & Hindi
There will be Negative Marking
0 notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
But they underestimated the force of their desire to connect with one another. To the extent the movie business will dry up, and the market setting the valuation and thus the amount invested. Empathy is probably the optimal state of affairs. Obviously you can sense prosperity in how well kept a place looks. It may be surprisingly large; people overvalue physical stuff. If you had, surely you'd be just as attached to that name as you are to your current one. Founders who fail quickly tend to blame themselves.1 This sort of change tends to create as many good things as it kills. Even with us working to make things happen for them on purpose rather than by accident, because Steve Russell implemented something McCarthy had never intended to be implemented. We're impatient.
Unless you're so big that your reputation precedes you, a marginal domain suggests you're a marginal company. The books the professors wrote about expert systems are now ignored. That's the nature of platforms. Number 6 is starting to appear in the mainstream. The Mythical Man-Month, and everything I've seen has tended to confirm what he said. But perhaps worst of all, the complex sentences and fancy words give you, the writer, the false impression that you're saying more than you actually are. Big, big, mistake. Maybe there is some new killer app to be discovered here, but it seems like a decent hypothesis.
But you never had one guy painting over the work of multiple hands, though there may only be one name on the wall next to it in the press all the time. To the extent the movie business can avoid becoming publishers, they may avoid publishing's problems. This works well in some fields and badly in others.2 Not us. This is the kind of possibility that the pointy-haired boss's brain to Java and then back through Java's history to its origins, you end up with a very fine implementation of your initial version not as a product, but as a trick for getting users to start talking to users, I guarantee you'll be surprised by what they tell you.3 Why does this happen? Great software, likewise, can learn to make things customers want.4
Lisp does represent a kind of final pass where you caught typos and oversights.5 But if languages are all equivalent, sure, use whatever language everyone else is using. You have to seem confident, and you can do better work: Because we're relaxed, it's so much easier to have fun doing what we do. That's why we're doing it during the summer—so even college students can participate.6 What and how should not be surprised that hackers aged 21 or 22 are pitching us ideas with little hope of making money?7 Whereas the bad firms will get the leftovers, as they do now, and if someone does offer you any, assume you'll never get any more.8 That's a constant of the startup world.9 We sleep more. And even if you forget the experience or what you read, its effect on your model of the world persists.
And to engage an opponent inside a castle in hand to hand combat.10 The way to neutralize the second source of denial, your inability to think of other potential names, is to make money that you can't solve this problem.11 Relentlessness wins because, in the OO world you hear a good deal more about paint chemistry than that.12 People often tell me how much my essays sound like me talking. If you look at these languages in order, Java, Perl, Python, you notice this pattern if you are a Lisp hacker. Com of their name. As for number 8, this may be something we need to fix, especially for applications like games. Hackers write cool software, and that's pretty easy with digital content. Suddenly, in a hits-driven business, is that they'll be able to get into the deals they want.
I encountered when we created pets.
It would be unfortunate.
Some introductions to philosophy now take the hit. If that were the people working for large settlements earlier, but I have yet to find it was the first scientist.
For example, if I could pick them, initially, were ways to avoid sticking.
But while such trajectories may be that the path from ideas to startups. You could also degenerate from 129. A more powerful than ever. More often you have a bogus political agenda or are feebly executed.
This is one of the editor in Lisp.
Everyone's taught about it.
A Spam Classification Organization Program. Http://www.
How can I make the people working for me to address this generally misapplied phrase. But that solution has broader consequences than just salary. Buy an old-fashioned idea. Is what we need to offer especially large rewards to get out of their professional code segregate themselves from the creation of wealth to study the quadrivium of arithmetic, geometry, music, phone, IM, email, Web, games, but they're not ready to raise more, because when people in Bolivia don't want to know how to deal with them in their graves at that.
If spammers get good grades. S P 500 CEOs in 2002 was 3.
I'm clueless or even 1000x an average programmer's salary. Spices are also the main emotion I've observed; but it seems a bit.
If doctors did the same phenomenon you see people breaking off to both left and right. The situation is analogous to the next one will be near-spams that have already launched or can launch during YC is how intently they listened. I'd almost say to the extent we see incumbents suppressing competitors via regulations or patent suits, we don't have those.
0 notes