#and thats ok
j3llyf1shdust · 3 months
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I love them sm i dont think I can even express it properly
also heres a version with a little bit of cleanup
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pyrotechnicallyabee · 9 months
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I cannot begin to explain how much I love this part of the new episode.
He's just Luffy. That's it. He's just himself.
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He's Monkey D. Luffy, the one who will be the King of the Pirates.
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hattiestgal · 5 months
Man, I used to feel sad whenever someone self deprecated, but more and more recently, I've just found myself getting increasingly frustrated. Not at the person self-deprecating per se, but rather the fact the circumstances reached that point, y'know?
I hate that we're taught we're terrible people if we can't keep up with every little thing or that what we do isn't worth the effort just because you're not doing that thing every day or doing it enough to keep up with rapid consumption and just like... all these stupid little circumstances.
Quit pushing yourself around. The outside world does that enough already. You're way way cooler than your brain ever makes you out to be, I promise
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fjordfolk · 5 months
every puppy we've raised has matured into what they were like on a good day and im just crossing my fckn fingers
melis has dropped one bad behaviour (refusing to come inside at night in -10c) and picked up a new one (hunting the other dogs for sport) but hear me out: shes very cuddly rn
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i think one of the things i liked about acftl were the jacks being absolutely unhinged moments WE GOT TO SEE A LITTLE BIT OF THE CARAVAL JACKS WE KNOW AND LOVE!!!
i feel like we talk abt only the negatives with this book WHEN THERE WERE SOME PARTS I REALLY LIKED!!!
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crowtechs · 1 year
hey: your f/o is so proud of you. they are so proud of how far you came from what you went through, it mightve been tough and you mightve thought you would never be about out of that type of situation, or simply think you cannot build your walls again from the crumbling down but truth is: your f/o is so proud of you. 
you made it. you are here. even if you are still healing from those things, even if there are days where everything feels wrong: your f/o is so proud of you and will always be there for you no matter what. for comfort, to vent, to anything; they love you.
remember that <3
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larapaulussen · 1 year
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robbie-verse · 4 months
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sketchbook dump !
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copdog1234 · 9 months
"The characters and writing in the miraculous movie are so much better than the show!!" Just say you hate personality.
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need2thneeds · 2 years
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brascu · 2 years
I beg you ç.ç
Let Klaus be happy, yes, but PLEASE, let Dave stay dead
Let Klaus find happines ahead instead of back
Please, I’m beggin you
let the king of death, our pretty prince of darkness, move on. Let him move foward. Let him deal with loss.
And if he’s to find Dave, I want it to be because Klaus died  and powerless at the end of the show. The little girl tells him he’s finally welcome and then he’s with Dave. That’s THE ONLY WAY I’ll accept it. If Klaus is unable to come back and dies in the end.
You want Klaus alive? Then let Dave rest. Both alive is just zzzzzzzz
I want my boy to love and be loved by more than one person in his life, for gods sake
and I want it to be sparrow Ben, but it doesn’t have to be
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silliestintheworld · 11 months
i am so NORMAL about milesganke guys i swear
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Posting this here because I think I'm funny
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kermit-p-hob-brainrot · 7 months
Ok y'all I have promised my beloved mutual @pop-squeak that I would write a post on my most beloved invasive marsh plant, Phragmites australis also known as the common reed. This thing is so invasive that it is considered a model for invasive plants as a whole.
Some things before we start
Most of this is focused on Virginia since that's where a lot of the research on this bad boy is being done but it does exist elsewhere
I will have citations at the end if you want some more reading
This is based on research I did for a paper like a year ago so there might be new research I am unaware of due to having other classes to do
Please brush off your shoes when you enter/ leave a park so you don't bring stuff places it shouldn't be
Please read I promise it is really really interesting and important to the resilience of out coasts in North America especially in the mid Atlantic to the south :)
If you have questions don't be scared to drop them in the replies/ reblogs
I am an undergrad!!!!! I am generally new at this but I am fairly familiar with this specific subject and trust that everything in this post is accurate, but in general with invasive species it is a heavily nuanced topic that can be very complex. This is my best attempt to simplify this species for general consumption since I think its just really cool and important to coastal botany rn.
This thing lives in the marsh which is the area often between forest and the ocean/ body of water of varying salinity. This thing loves moderate salinity marshes since it can somewhat resist salt water intrusion. This is a part of what makes it so invasive especially in this era of severe sea level rise. Many coastal forests are dying as sea level is rising pushing the marsh farther inland. Part of the problem is that many native species can not move as colonize the new land as fast as the common reed can.
Phragmites as is incredibly good at reproducing and growing so close together that nothing else can live even close to it. It makes clonal offshoots of itself (THEY CREATE CLONES OF THEMSELVES?!?!?!?!?) and creates networks for communication. this dense packing leads to a monoculture where for miles in the strip of marsh 95% of what you see is phragmites. It is a magnificent and horrifying sight as you see the dead trees in the middle of these fields of phragmites knowing it was only 5-10 years ago that that was where the forest line was. It is the beautiful horror about being slowly consumed by the ocean. This monoculture does not only apply to flora but also fauna.
Farmers often actually welcome phragmites to their land and are resistant to get rid of it. This is because as native species have died off, phragmites has been able to colonize these areas fast enough to help resist further salt inundation and prevent flooding. This unfortunately is only a band-aid solution, especially in southern Virginia near the Chesapeake bay which has some of the highest rate of sea level rise in the country, since native plants and diverse marshes make them more resistant to flooding. It is better than nothing though, so we must keep in mind transition plans for farmland when trying to manage phragmites. We practice science to help every day people, not in spite of every day people. They should be included in all management decision making. We work for them not the other way around.
Competition is the name of the game for Phragmites. It beats is competition not only with its cloning abilities (there's a lot more to this but i had to read like 7 different papers to figures out wtf anybody was talking about so I'm not going into it) and sheer density, but it can also just poison the other plants around it. It can release a toxin that inhibits growth and seed sprouting in other species. It is also resistant to flooding and drought and it has been found that ground disturbance can make it spread faster. This makes it highly resistant to most disturbances that occur in marsh and wetland habitats.
Because it is resistant to like everything it is so hard to kill. To the point where some of the people who management have told me that eradicating it for an area is near impossible and an unreasonable expectation. Reduction has become the best case scenario. This makes early identification important. You can try to kill it by herbicides, mowing, fire, smothering with a plastic tarp, throwing a bunch of salt on top of it, and flooding with fresh or salt water.
The common reed is an interesting mix of being both a native and invasive plant. Phragmites australis has a subspecies native to North America, but this subspecies has been largely replaced by a more aggressive non-native European subspecies. Phragmites can grow from three to thirteen feet with broad sheath like leaves. Its considered one of the most invasive plants in the worlds having a broad geographic range. It exists on every continent except Antarctica.
As someone who has been in a field of them you can not pull these out of the ground. The tops break off but you have to dig them out of the ground if you wan them out. Also just a pain to walk through.
Here's a pic: (Yes that a person, yes they can be that tall)
Works Cited
Langston, A. K., D. J. Coleman, N. W. Jung, J. L. Shawler, A. J. Smith, B. L. Williams, S. S. Wittyngham, R. M. Chambers, J. E. Perry, and M. L. Kirwan. 2022. The effect of marsh age on ecosystem function in a rapidly transgressing marsh. Ecosystems 25: 252-264.
Humpherys, A., A. L. Gorsky, D. M. Bilkovic, and R.M. Chambers. 2021. Changes in plant communities of low-salinity tidal marshes in response to sea-level rise. Ecosphere 12.
Accessed 9 December 2022. Invasive alien plant species of Virgina: common reed (Phragmites australis). Department of Conservation and Recreation, Virgina Native Plant Society. https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/natural-heritage/document/fsphau.pdf
Accessed 9 December 2022. Common reed (Phragmites australis). Virgina Institute of Marine Science. https://www.vims.edu/ccrm/outreach/teaching_marsh/native_plants/salt_marsh/phragmites_facts.pdf
Theuerkauf, S. J., B. J. Puckett, K. W. Theuerkauf, E. J. Theuerkauf, and D. B. Eggleston. 2017. Density-dependent role of an invasive marsh grass, Phragmites australis, on ecosystem service provision. PLoS ONE 12.
Accessed 9 December 2020. Phragmites: considerations for management in the critical area. Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Coastal Bays. https://dnr.maryland.gov/criticalarea/Documents/Phragmites-Fact-Sheet-Final.pdf
Uddin, M. N., and R. W. Robinson. 2017. Allelopathy and resource competition: the effects of phragmites australis invasion in plant communities. Botanical Studies 58: 29.
Meyerson, L. A., J. T. Cronin, and P. Pysek. 2016. Phragmites australis as a model organism for studying plant invasions. Biological Invasions 18: 2421-2431.
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avatar-of-the-blank · 8 months
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cat-of-starlight · 5 months
Watching plot/character things happen in Limbus Canto V is WACK because my brain is playing tug of war between
"Oh ok wow- this is her plot arc and she's going to face her struggles in her own way. This is a well written character, and the struggles will add to the plot! Good luck, girl!"
and also
"Holy shit this is so annoying. I hate you. We'd never get along. If we met, we'd immediately begin arguing and it would become violent. Leave my fav person in this cast alone and shut your mouth, or actually help us. Explain your thoughts for actually once in your life- maybe they'd be useful, but berating everyone else's ideas without clearly stating your option helps NOTHING and NO ONE"
So yea, gotta love the difference in
Character creation brain: This works in the plot and is important to the current character's plot as they struggle through their issues that they are perfectly valid in having
Player Brain: Girl if you start shit, ESPECIALLY with my fav again, I'm gonna reach through the screen and beat you with hammers. even as I read, I'm killing you in my mind. PVP Enabled.
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