#and thank you for tagging meee this was fun :)))
luck-of-the-drawings · 7 months
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firstroseofspring · 1 month
last line challenge <3 :)
rules: in a new post, show the last line(s) you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
i was tagged by the very coolest <3 @leohtttbriar, this is a wip from a fic where i'm trying to figure out what john and miral look like as a couple. also its not one line yayy
Miral has never seen a beach look so much like the desert. It takes time to get to the water, walking on powdery sand that sticks to the bottom of her feet, and the lack of clouds bathes everything in the light of Earth's sun, shimmering and stark against the cool shock of blue water, so unlike the thick black sand and soft green on the beaches she'd grown up visiting. The waves are small, barely rising up from the flat top of the water before folding into themselves unassumingly on the sand. Everything is harsh, and bare. There are no smooth boulders lining the shore like she's seen on Chu'paq, only more sand, and there are no caves to provide respite from the sun, only strange, curved trees with green heads that reach up several times her height. John's mother stares at Miral for a long moment when she sees her beach attire, and Miral holds her gaze, wondering briefly if the swimsuit she packed is unacceptable by the Terran standard. "Miral," Dolores says, and she trills the R in a way that John rarely does, quickly and subtly, leans into the vowels and stretches out her mouth. "Do you need a dermal regenerator?" Then one of his sisters, Laura, "I think the lifeguard keeps a first aid kit," and she eyes the long scar along her leg, and Miral looks at them, and realizes for the first time, despite the somewhat revealing beach attire they were all sporting- their skin is scar-less, smooth. Bare, like their beach. Miral had earned that scar, had stalked a sabre bear with her cousin, Rokar, for three days for that scar, and she cringes internally at the thought of healing it. "No," she starts, then adds, remembering, "-thank you. I show the scar intentionally. I received the wound recently on a hunting trip in the northern mountains, and the memory is dear to me."
i tag @mithrandirl, @gorseflowers, and @fauvester, plus anybody who would like to participate!
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idolverse-official · 5 months
Hello! Sorry to bother, but i've been trying to find some Idol's reference sheet and I couldn't, so I tought it would be a great idea to ask you if you could make a post linking everyone's reference sheet? Thank you!
....is being reconsidered...
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swordsmans · 7 months
oh shit! i made a book.
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remember back in september when i said i was going to learn bookbinding. well! weeks of trial and error later, i've finally finished my very first bind! as some of you might have seen in past posts, i decided to focus on my 90k zolu mermaid/mafia au the sea makes bones of bodies and now here we are!
the bind itself is a relatively simple 320 page cased-in flatback with a fabric spine and lotka paper covers and endsheets, but i decided to use it as a "test book" to learn a little bit of everything. so! it features hand-traced gold foil on the cover and spine, a hand-beaded bookmark tipped with a genuine shark tooth (iykyk), and what im calling "cookies and cream" speckled edges (lol)
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ive posted some screenshots of the typeset already so i wont go too crazy, but im actually pretty happy with how it looked all put together!! i sewed my signatures together too tightly, i think, so it kind of wants to flop closed (rip) but i tried to take some pictures of how it turned out!
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i have a ton of pictures of the text body itself (and fun things like the playlist page, the title pages, etc) but this post is already long enough, haha.
the absolute best, best, best part of this whole project was a huge, wonderful, amazing surprise from @fluffyartbl0g that brought the whole project together!!! they were sweet enough to send some incredible art (!!!!) that i sewed into the front and back!!!
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!!! AAA!!!!
overall, i learned so much and i took a ton of notes so i'll (hopefully) avoid some of my beginner mistakes when i do this again. i already have three more versions of the text block printed out and pressing right now! >:3c im going to keep practicing with this story for at least three more binds (because i want to get my technique down and i have some new ideas i want to try), and then switch to typsetting ocean theology and attempt a thinner 40k bind.
shoutout to renegade publishing for their wealth of technical help, and a big huge thank you to the dumbass zone for watching blurry videos of me flipping through printer paper at 3AM and just generally being so, so supportive while i learned all these new skills. you guys are the best!!
now... on to the next one!
EDIT: i've been asked for the typeset, so if you are interested in binding this yourself, you can find all the files here!! :D if you do make your own copy, i would love to see!!! PLEASE TAG MEEE!!!! :DDD
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thefallennightmare · 7 months
Just Pretend-six
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: Please, I beg you. Don't focus too much on the whole Trey part(i mean he is an asshole.) But when Noah and Angel are listening to music, please please please listen too Eiley by Too Close To Touch. That is all.
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98 @loverofagoodbeard @comfortcharactercraze @lma1986 @plutonikchaos1 @spicywhenspeaking @lyschko666 @somewhere-diamond
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"How are we feeling tonight, Milwaukee?!" I yelled into the microphone.
Cheers reverberated back from the ground up to the stage as I squinted my eyes when the stage lights cast over us.
"I'm glad you're having fun because if you weren't, this would be awkward," I joked with a chuckle while adjusting the microphone stand. "But all jokes aside, I wanted to say thank you for all of your support for Hollow Souls the last few years. It's appreciated more than you all could ever know. Because of your love and support, we're able to do what we love every night."
I pointed to Chase who did his typical ten-second drum solo then to Malcolm who strummed a few notes on his bass before giving an over-exaggerated bow. And reluctantly, I pointed to Trey who came up to me and threw an arm around my shoulder, leaving a kiss on my cheek; it smelled like vodka and cigarettes.
"Thanks, baby," he winked before chugging half of his clear water bottle that I was sure wasn't water.
Glancing over to the left side of the stage, I gave a wide smile to the guys of Bad Omens as they all watched out set. They had a killer set before us, this one I actually watched, and the energy that vibrated off of them stuck to me before I came out here, finally letting the excitement of performing to fill my veins. This was the first night in a while that I moved around on stage and put on a show for the crowd.
Noah flashed me a brief smile, memories of our day on the beach a few days ago still burning hot in my mind, and I gave him a small wave.
"So we only have two songs left," I spoke back into the microphone which in turn made the crowd boo loudly. "But you guys have to admit, we put on a killer show for you all tonight. But what about Bad Omens?"
The crow cheered but not as loud as I thought they should so I grabbed the mic off of the stand before going up to the little stage that Chase had his drums set up so I could stare down at the entire crowd.
"Oh, that was some weak shit, Milwaukee," I showed them my mock disappointment by placing my hand on my hip.
Chase looked at me with a smile, knowing what I was fishing for so he beat on his drum, hyping up the crowd.
"I want to hear every single one of you scream for Bad Omens on the count of three. Ready?!"
Cheers and screams filled the large venue hall, but I was greedy; I needed to hear it louder. These guys deserved it.
"One!" I held up one finger.
Chase drummed faster; harder.
Two fingers up in the air as Chase put more force into his drumming.
Looking back over to where Bad Omens were watching with bright smiles as I hyped up the crowd for them, I held up three fingers, Chase breaking out in a full on drum solo now.
The screams were loud, deafening, and I took out my ear in so I could hear it for myself. My heart pounded in my chest as I ran down the steps from Chase's makeshift stage and ran to one end of the stage, throwing up my arms up in the air before doing the same thing on the other end of the stage. Malcolm played a few chords on his bass as I stood next to him.
"You guys might not think this now but Bad Omens are going to be huge in a few years. They'll be in our position selling out shows and Hollow Souls will open for them," I promised into the microphone.
Malcolm watched me with awe through the messy strands of auburn hair that covered his face. Tonight was the first night all tour that I interacted with the crowd this much and fuck, it felt so good. With the energy of watching Bad Omens play and the crowd singing to every one of our songs made adrenaline course through me and I couldn't stop.
Noah's words from our first night on tour came to mind: "Come alive out there. Have fun."
Trey watched me with pure distaste in his eyes as I hyped up Noah and his friends but I didn't care; I was feeling so good about myself that I even wore something different from I usually did. A short-sleeved white crop top with black high wasted shorts. It showed off most of my tattoos and when Trey tried to tell me to go change, I simply told him to fuck off before running out on stage.
As I walked over to the area by Chase's drum stage where I kept my water, I glanced to my right and noticed that all the guys of Bad Omens were giving me large smiles with Noah finishing it with a wink. I also had my phone on here and usually I never checked it during our set but there was this feeling deep in my gut that told me to check it. It shocked me to see it was from Mason, an old friend of mine.
I'm sorry it has to be through text but you needed to know. Keaton's gone.
My phone slipped from my grasp as I nearly choked on my breath, vacant eyes staring at the floor beneath my feet. I swear my heart stopped in that moment I read the text, almost not believing it. But knowing it came from Mason who was close with Keaton, it was true.
Keaton's gone? I just talked to him a few days ago, and we made plans to catch up once tour was over.
I sucked in a breath; the realization hitting me like a freight train, and I spun around to side stage just in time to see Noah staring down at the phone in his hand. His body was stilled straight, not moving an inch, but even from this distance I could see the cold expression that crossed his face. Nothing about his body language gave off what he was thinking; what he was feeling.
"Look at me, Noah." I muttered under my breath.
I needed to know what his eyes were saying.
Instead, he shoved his phone into his pocket before turning his back to me and disappearing from view, the rest of his friends following close behind.
Through my hazy vision, I glanced up to Chase who was kneeling on his makeshift stage so he could look down at me.
"What's wrong?" His voice was full of worry.
He must have seen me read the text and knew me so well to know something was drastically wrong.
"Uh," I blinked slowly, voice wavering, as the grief sank its feral fangs deep into the marrow of my bones. It's nails gouged through my heart, it bleeding to the depths of my stomach.
What was I supposed to do? Cancel the rest of the show?
No, Keaton wouldn't want that. He would want me to perform with every ounce I had left in me and that's what I was going to do. We could all grief together after.
"I'll explain after the show. Lets close it out strong," I nodded my reassurance to Chase before slowly walking over to my microphone stand.
I ignored the crowd as they chanted for an encore and pushed my way through the bodies of our crew members. Malcolm and Chase were hot on my heels, waiting for me to explain what the hell was going on. I rushed through the last two songs so I could get off stage and find Noah. I needed to know if he was alright.
Trey's fingers grasped my elbow in a tight grip to haul me to a stop. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why did you rush through the last two songs?"
"Fuck off!" I screamed while ripping my arm from his grasp.
Tears burned in my eyes, and I dug my palms into them to stop the tears from falling. I couldn't break down right now. I needed to find Noah.
When Trey tried to grab me again, Chase stepped in front of me and pushed him hard in his chest. "Leave her alone, man. Can't you see something's wrong?"
"This isn't your business!" Trey stepped up into Chase's chest.
Malcolm felt the immediate change in air, the tension growing its webs deep into the air around us, so he laid a soft touch on Chase's shoulder.
"He's not worth it, man."
Trey snickered. "You always have to come to Chase's rescue. Is that what true love is?"
Chase cursed before pushing past Malcom, laying his fist directly into Trey's jaw, knocking his ass to the floor. I yelped out in surprise while covering my mouth as Chase tried to get another hit in but now Malcolm was pushing him farther away from Trey.
"Calm down! You can't do that right now."
He spat at the floor where Trey sat while clutching his jaw. "He deserves it! I'm pissed I waited this long!"
Trey was fast on his feet to barrel past Malcom to tackle Chase down the ground, laying fist after fist into his face.
"Stop it!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.
Malcolm cursed then grabbed Trey from the back and basically tossed him to the side. Chase scrambled to his feet, spitting blood at the ground as he tried to go after Trey.
"That's all you got, pretty boy? Need your boyfriend to come save you again?" Trey taunted with a smirk.
"Fuck off, Trey!" I screamed while stepping between him and Chase, who immediately moved me behind him to block me from Trey.
"Oh, what's this?" He raised a brow. "Noah's dick wasn't enough, now she's sucking yours too?"
Trey's body crumbled to the ground, clutching his now broken nose that had blood pooling to the floor between his fingers.
Malcom cursed under his breath while rubbing his sore knuckles.
"You're a piece of shit," I seethed from over Chase's shoulder. "Not everything is about you!"
"The hell it isn't!" Trey screamed. "You're always taking everyone else side. I'm your boyfriend, Y/N! Why are you in such a hurry to find Noah? You should be with me, not some pussy kid who think he's going to be the next big thing."
Chase advantaged to Trey once more but Malcom was quick to step in front of him.
Malcolm grabbed Chase's face so he could look at just his emerald eyes. "I know, man. But look at Y/N, look at her! She's two seconds away from breaking down and we don't know why. She needs us."
Chase's nostrils flared as he gave one last glance down to Trey before his eyes fell on me, who was still covering my mouth, mind swirling with so many differnt emotions I didn't know which one to focus on. I didn't realize but tears were streaming down my face as I continued to stare at Trey.
"I can't believe you're taking their side. After everything I gave you?" He seethed while slowly rising to his feet.
I blinked, astonished he said that. "I'm not getting into this with you right now."
He spit blood at my feet, wiping it on the back of his hand. "You're pathetic."
I thought the anger would rise as he pushed past us but the grief was so strong; it outweighed all the rest.
"Y/N," Malcolm was now lifting my chin up towards his face, worry filling the emerald lights of his eyes. "What's wrong?"
"I have to find, Noah."
My voice was so quiet, and I knew they didn't hear me so after clearing my throat, I held my shoulders straighter so I could tell them the words that I was dreading to say.
"Keaton. He's uh-.," I swallowed thickly. "Keaton's dead."
Chase's anger left his body as he ran a hand over his buzzed head while Malcolm gave a slow nod, my words still registering with him. We all were close with the guys in Too Close To Touch but they knew the special bond Keaton and I had. They also knew how much I was battling inside my mind.
"Come on," Chase's soothing voice encompassed around me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leading us through the backstage area of the venue.
Malcolm showed us his phone. "Jolly said Noah's outside, he wanted to be alone."
I nodded numbly. "Maybe I'll catch him before we leave-."
Turning in Chase's arms, I saw Nick standing at the doorway that lead out to the back parking lot. His hair was a mess as if he was running his hands through his and while his eyes were red, it looked like he was holding in his own tears.
"He won't talk to any of us, not even me. He's shutting down and I don't know how to help him," Nick said with so much defeat in his voice, it made my heart wrench in pain.
"I don't know how much help I'll be if he won't even listen to you, Nick," I shrugged.
His eyes shined with the wetness of tears. "Please."
I was already loss for words and which made me unable to say the things that crawled my mind. How would I be able to translate how I'm feeling about this when truthfully, I didn't know myself?
"Okay," I let out in one breath. "Where is he?"
"When I left him, he was pacing in front of our bus," Nick said while motioning for me to follow.
Chase left a kiss on my head while Malcolm bumped his fist with mine, his way of showing affection, and I followed Nick outside where the sight broke my heart. Noah was pacing the length of the bus, running a frantic hand through his long hair. Jolly and Folio watched from afar with their hands in their pockets, not sure what to do. Noah let out a loud noise that shook the earth beneath me, the raw grief destroying him.
"Noah," I spoke softly.
Red, bloodshot eyes, stared back at me as tears stained his face. Noah's bottom lips trembled as a broken sob crawled out of his throat.
"Is Trey around? Because I don't want to deal with that bullshit right now."
"Fuck Trey," I spat, the altercation from earlier still burning low. "It's just you and me, Noah."
Both of us stood still for a long moment before the same magnetic pull that was etched in deep in our hearts made us both break out in a sprint towards each other. I fell into his embrace, nearly knocking him over, as his arms circling around me while he buried his face in my hairline. Noah completely broke down when my hands spread over his large back, needing to feel the heat of him. I cried into his shirt as my fists grasped the back of it. We stayed like that for so long, until neither of us could cry anymore, and his raw voice spoke in a hushed tone.
"He can't-." The words died on his lips as he choked on a broken sob.
Still in his embrace, I rested my chin on his chest as I looked up at him. "I just talked to him earlier this week."
Noah tensed in my arms for the briefest of moments. "Me too."
I rested my cheek to his chest again letting the beat of his heart calm my own. One had was running fingers through the long strands of my hair while the other grasped at my lower back. This pain was unknown; I'd never lost someone so close to me like this before. I didn't know the correct way to grief but knowing that Noah was going through the same thing made it a little easier.
"Kenneth said the funeral is on Friday," Noah's chest rumbled.
I looked up at him again with my arms still wrapped around him. "What do you want to do?"
Noah swallowed the large lump in his throat, doing his best to hold back his tears. "I need to go."
"Alright. I'll book us two tickets to Kentucky. I'm sure Ethan and Matt will understand if we need to cancel the next show."
"You're coming with me?" He asked, almost shocked. "What about-?"
I gently touched his cheek. "I'm not letting you deal with this on your own, Noah. Keaton was my friend too. I'm going."
With a relief sigh, he brushed his lips through my hairline, pressing the softest of kisses there and even though I forced the butterflies deep down to the pits of my stomach, I couldn't stop the small smile that pulled at my lips.
"Thank you, angel."
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Hoping out of the bathroom on one foot, I balanced while strapping on one heel before switching feet to do the same to the other. I straightened out and brushed away the stray hairs on my black dress before turning my attention to Noah, who was standing in front of the mirror in the room, staring at himself.
"I'm almost ready to go. I just need to find my jacket," I said as I rummaged through my suitcase.
He didn't say a word, just kept staring absentmindedly at his reflection and although he was already dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a black button him, something was missing from his outfit; the grey tie that hung loose from his fingers.
We arrived to the hotel in Lexington earlier this morning and almost immediately, Noah shut himself in the bathroom to get ready. I checked in on him after a while when I realized the shower was running for some time and when he called back. 'I'm alright, angel' I let him be. Noah needed time to heal and mentally prepare himself for today. I didn't want to add any extra pressure that wasn't necessary. Thankfully, both Matt and Ethan were more than alright with us taking two days off to come to Keaton's funeral. We ended up having to cancel tonight's show but once news broke online of Keaton's passing; the fans understood.
After the first initial shock of finding out about Keaton, Noah shut down. He's barely said anything to me or the guys since the other night and Nick stressed to me before we left I needed to make sure Noah didn't retreat into himself.
"He hasn't had an anxiety attack in some time but I'm afraid that with the weight of everything, it might cause him to spiral."
I promised Nick with a bone-crushing hug that I'd keep an extra eye on Noah.
Noah was already so far in his head that when we walked into the hotel room to see only one bed, he merely shrugged before shutting himself in the bathroom.
"Hey," I said softly while resting a hand on his back. "What's going on in your mind?"
He tore his gaze away from the mirror and held up his tie. "I don't know how to tie a tie."
"Here," I smiled while taking it from his hands and popped the collar of his shirt so I could slide it around his neck.
We stood in silence as I worked on tying it and Noah stared straight over my head. Our breathing was the only thing heard in the room as my eyes traveled away from the tie to the tattoo's on his neck and I bit the inside of my cheek when the urge to lick it filled me.
"Yes, it hurt."
Noah's deep voice broke me out of the trance over tracing over the design of snake, apple, and hand.
"Hm?" I peered up at him, fingers finishing the knot in his tie.
"The tattoo, it hurt. You were staring at it so I figured you were about to ask me that," he said.
The brightness of his dark eyes dulled the night we found out about Keaton and part of me worried it would never return.
"Yeah," I murmured, even though that wasn't what I was thinking about. "Well, I'm done."
Noah smiled a thanks before he grabbed his jacket off the chair in the room and slid it on. Next came the rings and bracelets and if it was a different circumstance, I would marvel at how attractive his fingers were.
I stared at him for a long moment as he stood in front of me, now fully dressed.
"What?," he asked.
I bit my lip nervously, unsure how he would answer my question. "Could I brush your hair? I can fix it so it stays out of your face today. If not, it's not a big deal. I just thought maybe-."
For the first time in a few days, Noah smiled just the slightest and handed me a brush from his bag. "Promise you won't braid it?"
"I won't," I chuckled while motioning for him to sit on the edge of the bed.
He did, and I kneeled behind him to run the brush through his hair. It dried weird after his shower and kind of a mess around his face. I figured it would bother him today, so that's why I offered; not because I wanted to take care of him anyway I could.
From the mirror in front of us, I watched as Noah's eyes shut and a pure look of bliss crossed his features. The hard lines in his forehead eased and the darkness underneath his eyes lightened just from this simple action.
"You don't have to carry everything on your shoulders, Noah," I whispered as I set the brush down on the bed but remained kneeling behind him.
My hands rested on his shoulders as I stared at him through the mirror. His eyes met mine in a dull way but there was just enough spark of life that eased the grip around my heart.
"I know, angel," he nodded while grasping my hand, giving it a squeeze.
When he stood to his feet, my hands fell from him and I couldn't lie I missed the way his strong muscles felt under my fingers.
"Ready?" I asked once I had my jacket and bag on.
"No, but I don't have a choice. I have to say goodbye," Noah ran a hand over his somber face.
It truly worried me if he'd be able to make it through the day without showing some kind of emotion.
Instead of dwelling on it, I extended my hand towards him. "Come on. Let's go say goodbye to our friend then."
The warmth from his hand as his fingers intertwined with mine made my heart flutter in my chest and he reassured me he was in fact fine with a gentle squeeze.
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"I'll call you guys once the tour is over and all of us can get together for a dinner for Keaton," I smiled weakly to Kenneth.
"He'd want that," he smiled.
I wiped away a few tears before nodding. "Yea."
Mason motioned behind me. "How's he doing?"
Turning on my heels, I took in the broken sight of Noah who was sitting on a stone wall in the cemetery, pure grief on his face. The funeral wasn't easy for any of us but for Noah, it nearly brought him to his knees; if it wasn't for me.
My arm hooked through Noah's as I rested my head on his shoulder, the both of us staring down at the now filled grave. People has dispersed by now, going to the wake, but Noah wasn't ready to leave. He wanted to stay for a few minutes to say something to Keaton. But the longer we stayed in this position, I realized maybe he couldn't find the words to say.
I rested my chin on his arm while looking to the side of his face but the strands of his hair covered what I wanted to see the most so I brushed it behind his ear. "He knows, Noah."
A muscle in his jaw ticked. "It's not fair."
With a long sigh, I rested my head against his shoulder once more and looked at our friend's grave. "I know."
"Yeah, he will be. Might take some time but I'll make sure of it."
Saying goodbye to Kenneth and Mason, I walked over to Noah who slowly stood when he noticed me.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Yeah," I nodded.
I planned on walking next to him but when he extended his hand towards me, my heart did the same stuttered it always did when around him. So with our hands intertwined, our hearts seemed to slowly be, I let him lead me towards the rental car.
"Are you hungry?" Noah asked.
"I could eat," I shrugged.
Once we reached the car, he opened the passenger door for me and helped me into the seat.
"Noah, I can get in the car by myself," I giggled when he even clicked the seatbelt over me.
We were so close and I could feel his warm breath cascade over my lips as I tilted up towards him, almost closing the distance. It was the same pull, only this time it was stronger, the energy vibrating in our veins. Noah leaned closer but when my phone rang loudly from my purse, he pulled away while clearing his throat.
"You should get that," he said before shutting the door.
Trey's name flashed across the screen and with a grumble, I ignored it and sent a quick four word text to the group chat me, Malcolm, and Chase had.
Going dark. We're okay.
Once my phone was shut off, I leaned back into the seat as Noah started the car and drove away from the cemetery. Trey had been calling almost every hour since I left early this morning and it was getting to where I nearly chucked my phone out the window. He wasn't happy I was coming here, especially with Noah, but I told him to go fuck himself; he couldn't tell me what to do.
Not anymore.
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"Shower's open," I said while walking out of the bathroom, dressed in a pair of sleep shorts and a hoodie.
Noah sat perched on the edge of the bed still wearing his clothes from the funeral, and rested his elbows on his knees. When he heard me walk into the room, he quickly wiped away tears and cleared his throat.
"Okay," he kept his gaze cast downward to the carpet of the room.
Shit, he was crying.
Then I realized, a soft tune was filling the room and felt my shoulders fall; Keaton's voice grazed my ears as Too Close To Touch played through the bluetooth speaker Noah brought.
"Noah," I said gently while sitting next to him. "Please don't hide this from me."
"Angel," he warned but any malice behind his voice was deadweight.
He was exhausted and couldn't fight, as much as he wanted too.
I brushed my fingers over his face to tilt his chin towards me and sucked in a breath when I saw how red and swollen his eyes were. Not saying another word, I brought him down to my chest while his hands immediately grasped at my sweater, holding on for dear life as if he was afraid the grief would rip apart from me and drag him deep into the dark abyss.
Noah's cries tangled with Keaton's voice as I let his tears stain my sweater, his body shaking in my embrace. I brushed the air back from his face so he didn't have to worry about it sticking to his face with the tears.
"I fucking miss him, angel. It's not fair."
I blinked away my own tears. "I know. But he's still with us in everything we do. We have pictures and messages from him to remember, we have his music."
Noah sucked in a large breath, burying his face deeper into me. "I can't believe he's fucking gone. I can't. I've lost so many people-so many. I just-. I'll miss him so fucking much."
I rested my head on top of his. "Me too."
He pulled his head away from my chest and I raised my hand to brush away his tears, one hanging on by a thread on his eyelash.
"If I'm being honest," he took a breath to steady himself. "Sitting here with you tonight has also hit me like a train."
Another pause as he exhaled the breath, body shaking with nerves or grief, I wasn't sure.
"I can't lose anyone else. I can't." Noah shook his head. "I don't-I-want-"
"Hey," I cupped his cheek, thumb brushing over the tear that hung on his eyelash. "I'm right here."
His eyes twinkled with the wetness from his tears. "I don't want to fucking lose you, angel. No matter what; I can't. I won't."
"You won't," I repeated his words back to him with my promise, tears falling from my eyes down to his lap.
After the tears were shed and Noah felt a little lighter, he went into the bathroom to change into a pair of sweats and a shirt, throwing his hair up with a claw clip. I'd made myself comfortable leaning against the headboard and Noah followed, sitting right next to me. We continued listening to Too Close To Touch, almost in a way to honor his memory. Noah's knee brushed against mine but I didn't bother to move away from him; his body heat wrapped around me like a blanket and I reveled in feeling this sense of peace in so long.
A deep yawn fell from my lips, and when I gazed at the clock, I nearly groaned. It was only four in the afternoon but with all the emotional trauma we went through today; I was ready for bed.
"Here," Noah extended his legs on the bed and patted his lap. "Lay down. You should get some rest, angel."
I hesitated. "Are you sure? We never even talked about the sleeping situation. I can go lay on the couch."
Noah rolled his eyes with a hint of a smile. "We're two grown adults, we can share the same bed. I'll even put up a wall of pillows if that makes you comfortable."
"No, you don't have to do that," I giggled. "But I definitely will take you up on that offer of laying my head in your lap."
Something dark flashed in his eyes and his bottom lip caught between his teeth. "Go for it."
Ignoring the way my core clenched with the image of me doing other things in his lap, I rested my head against his thigh and almost mewled in pleasure when his long fingers ran through my hair, nails scratching lightly across my scalp.
"Is this alright?"
I nodded. "More than alright. If you keep doing this, I'll fall asleep."
Noah hummed. "That's the plan, angel."
"How can you say this was all part of your plan? Start explaining. Crafted from hope and hospital beds, she's gone."
"No," I trembled. "Not this one."
Out of all the songs, this one was the one I did not want to hear tonight; Eiley.
"It hits differently now, huh?" Noah noted.
"Yea, it does."
With the music and Noah's soft fingers through my hair, I dozed off only to awake sometime later when I felt intense eyes staring down at me. I opened my eyes in a daze and looked up to see dark eyes watching me, tracking my every movement as my lips parted in breath. His expression was something I'd never seen before; blank, lips drawn in a straight line, and his brown eyes blown dark.
I opened my eyes wider and his face lit up with a small grin.
"Hi, angel."
"Hi," I whispered.
Noah gently put his hand on my cheek to scan my face once more, almost waiting for a reaction. I met his intense gaze with my own and felt the intensity from the pull that seemed to be connected by our hearts pull me down so deep to the abyss that was Noah Sebastian and for the first time; I didn't ignore it.
I almost expected his kiss. It's always been right there between us, waiting hungrily. What I didn't expect, however, was his hands so rough, to hold my face tenderly. I didn't expect the furrow of his brows as his eyes darted from mine to my lips, almost in a silent question.
As the earth stood still, gravity nonexistent, Noah laid his lips to mine, kissing me softly, slowly. Everything around us blurring and disappearing. My fingers grasped his wrist to keep from slipping away from how light I felt with his lips on mine, gasping into his mouth at the sensation that came roaring to life inside of me.
A match lit in a dark room, flaring with brilliant light. My lips parted with that gasp to let Noah slip his tongue past mine, and then fight for dominance until eventually, he won.
He tasted fucking heavenly and when a low growl crawled from the back of his throat; I knew Noah thought the same for me.
"Fuck," I rushed out suddenly, sitting up from his lap in a start. "Oh my god, I am so sorry."
Noah raised his tattoo hand and gently cupped my cheek, his thumb grazing over my kiss-swollen lips. "Fuck, no I'm sorry angel. I shouldn't have."
He leaned in close so he could whisper his apology into the air and all noise ceased to exist. There was this tension thick between us and suddenly, I was afraid that with what happened, things would get awkward between us. But Noah broke out in a light laughter one that eased the erratic beat of my heart. I soon followed, both of us laughing away the tension.
"Nick let me bring the Super Nintendo. Want to play a few rounds?" Noah smirked.
I scoffed playfully. "Your ass is grass and I'm going to mow it."
Noah, who was still chuckling and out of breath, stood from the bed to get the game set up. "Whatever you say, angel."
Some people might think laughing and going to playing a video game right after an intense kiss like that was not normal but for Noah and I, none of this was normal. I appreciated he could tell the tension was too thick I couldn't catch my breath, so he immediately made the atmosphere breathable again, the only way he knew how, with blushing cheeks, familiar scars, and electric hearts. 
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live-laugh-lenney · 2 months
platform roulette | arthurtv
i've seen so so so many of these on my dashboard recently and i loved every single one i read/saw so lots of inspiration has come from it... testing the waters... seeing how well they go down... :)))
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yourinstagram never too early to start on the grind. (but first, i need an iced coffee).
user1 where are you going??
user2 that's st pancras right?? international girly!!
user3 is this for an arthur hill video?? man's taking us all international now!! can't wait for the banger video you put together <3333
arthurnfhill Bloody hell, you're there early. -> yourinstagram hurry up, maybe?? -> arthurnfhill @/yourinstagram George was late waking up. Honest. -> georgeclarkeey @/yourinstagram @/arthurnfhill False. I think you will find that it was Arthur making us late... slept through that alarm.
user4 An Arthur Hill x George Clarke video incoming! -> yourinstagram don't you dare forget the little cherub that is @/arthurtv. -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram What have I told you about calling me that??
arthurtv Not very summer attire that jumper... Am I the only one that will be wearing shorts today?? -> yourinstagram preparing for any kind of weather, i guess. you never know what'll happen.
user5 the arthur hill reference in the caption killed me. -> yourinstagram it's a certified banger. (the coffee, not the song, btw). -> user5 @/yourinstagram howling. i love you so much
yourinstagram posted a story
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[caption] filming something spectacular today 🎥 tagged; arthurtv, arthurnfhill, georgeclarkeey
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yourinstagram i see you girlies are starved of content. i hope you're hungry...
user1 she's one of us.
user2 oh good lord. where are you?
chrismd10 Thank you so much. My tummy is full up now. -> yourinstagram i left my phone unattended and now have a whole folder in my phone full of their shenanigans today if you want them for the bank later on? ;) -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram Please don't do that.
user3 why is she there??? who is she??? -> yourinstagram i'm one of arthur's videographers, babe... have been for a while. feeding you girls the content you deserve. all the credit that goes to him should go to meee <33
-> user4 you deserve an award for a, the insanely good content you give us. and b, having to deal with the insanity of men when they're drunk. -> yourinstagram The three of them turn into children when they get together and have a few drinks. It's funny watching it unfold.
user5 oh good lord. george and the two arthur's with alcohol can only mean one thing: trouble. -> yourinstagram you're correct. today was like going out with three kids. you'll be able to feel my pain in the video. just you wait for the video to be posted and you'll understand.
yourinstagram posted a story
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[caption] the perks of filming with arthur hill means i get to break into the arthur hill bank account and order the expensive beers. 🍺 tagged; arthurtv, georgeclarkeey, arthurnfhill
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yourinstagram we somehow ended up in deal and it's become my favourite seaside town this year. platform roulette coming soon!
user1 what the hell have you been doing today?
user2 please tell us when it'll be out. i'm so so excited for this.
georgeclarkeey Of all the content you took and videoed today, you posted that weasel? -> yourinstagram @/georgeclarkeey he's a cute weasel?? -> arthurtv I'd rather be called cherub. -> yourinstagram @arthurtv sorry, my cherub weasel. <33
arthurtv We should go definitely back. -> yourinstagram will you also pay for my train fare like @/arthurnfhill did for me today?? -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram Of course. Not very gentlemanly of me to make my girlfriend pay for a date. -> arthurnfhill @/yourinstagram It was work-related. Wouldn't have paid for you if it was just for fun. x -> yourinstagram @arthurnfhill my resignation will be in the post.
user3 Has YN just hard-launched her relationship with Arthur? -> user1 check out the comments under his comment above. without a doubt... they've not just hard-launched them, they've practically shoved it down our throats. -> user3 @/user1 Oh my god. -> user2 @user1 I KNEW IT!!!! STAN TWITTER CAN DO ONE!!!
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mecachrome · 28 days
wahh thank u @scrappyracers for the tag i enjoyed ur answers a lot :') f1 tag game...
Who is your favorite driver?: i am an oscarybro first & foremost <3 he's the only driver i truly rep because honestly i don't think i have the bandwidth for more even if i wanted to/tried!!
Do you have other favorite drivers?: i would basically put alex below oscar in his own little tier and then it's just like [WALL]... but i'm also fond of yuki + lando + lewis and respekt maxv :') the rest of the grid i honestly don't think about 99% of the time LOL not in a bad way but because i barely have enough energy for My Guys as is u know
Who is your least favorite driver?: 😔 i feel bad sharing hateurisms on my family friendly blog. 
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: def drivers first but i genuinely like mclaren as a racing outfit so that helps!!! when oscar was still in alp i suffered so much because of it being a deeply unserious team and even back then when the cracks were still forming this was fairly evident because i had a rossi agenda, so i was like wegghhhh i guess i can enjoy a williams stint/swallow down alpine content for him. 😔 and then he replaced [answer to question above which at the time hindered my mcl support significantly] and i got the ultimate driver pairing at a team i'm actually quite fond of ❤️🤍🖤
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?: any1 else papayapilled??? 🧡
How long have you been into F1?: a little over 2 years!!! how i managed to get into this sport via an inactive reserve driver i don't know.....
What got you into F1?: several friends were getting into it & were reading mxl fic & things of that nature and even though i wasn't really invested in any of the ships presented i ended up biting as well... but fsr i was not compelled by most f1 content / barely watched dts and instead got reeaaally into feeder series, i think perhaps because at the time i was fascinated by prospect projections + mapping / modeling career trajectories + the idea of "ceilings" in hockey and was watching a ton of jr hockey so it kind of translated over and i got to enjoy masterclasses like litr the most broken broadcast streams ever of kimi driving off into the distance in adac f4. But anyway... i also watched chasing the dream and became obsessed with oscar from that and the rest was history 😌🐨🧡
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?: i definitely read it!!! RPF Is Fine etc. i've written 2 effwon fics very poorly and that's it but i peruse the 814 archives regularly..... i forever need to be better at commenting and feel very bad about my own shyness but i think this fandom has such a wealth of incred authors whom i am always in awe of x__x 🧡 tho i will say i'm also a stickler for the 4th wall and it mildly horrifies me that 814 are 75% public..... also fun fact 814 is my favorite oscar ship but it's only my #3 lando ship LOL. j(e|o)ndo you are so special 2 meee
How do you view new fans?: well i'm a relatively new fan so 💗 honestly i barely witness or process most fandom discourse wrt: gatekeeping the sport or dts fans or what have you since i do not frequent those circles of the internet (no public twitter / have never downloaded tiktok in my life) so i don't even know the primary arguments!!
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: i should never be put in charge of anything. now i'm just trying to think strategically like okay where would i want to live but even then i have no idea... 
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?: my family could not care less but def the former !!! 💗 going to my 2nd gp soon with my beloved chirlie friend who has been with me thru k-pop fandom for like 8 years now hehe
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: yes i'm just very shy & have multiple anxiety disorders Amongst other things so pls forgive my neuroticism 😭😭😭 but i love 2 have discussions.... oscar piastri lore is my passion in fact <3
0 pressure tagging @bright-and-burning @piastrisms @miamimaiden @goingxmissing If u would like !!! these r fun qs i like hearing about people's fandom journeys/experiences hehe :')
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dynamic-k · 2 months
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I just noticed your story is tagged with somebody is going to die.
You’re literally killing me 😭
(Also ur like one of the best writers in the ava fandom ever and I lurv ur stories sm :3)
Okaaay you got me
I was adding you to the story, and you're the one dying-
XD Okay, no, I'm kidding there XD
AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH THOUGH!! That just gave me really happy feet-tappies, hehe
Buuuut, nevertheless~
I cannot say who is dying~
Luckily for you, or perhaps not so luckily, you decide- It's going to happen near the end, close by chapter 20-22 or so as a rough estimate. I'M MAKING YOU ALL ATTACHED FIRST HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA-
Most of you are already attached, pff
This is too much fun, being diabolical lil ol meee
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celestie0 · 2 months
I've been dying laughing at other people suggestions about the date at the beach!
I can also imagine Satoru playing beach volleyball with the reader and letting her win. Or play with the frat boys, and be extremely aggressive. Another thing I like to think is that Satoru and the reader would like to collect shells on the beach, and Gojo would help and watch over her.
The headcannon of Satoru being afraid of big dogs is hilarious! Imagine a six-foot-tall man scared of his girlfriend's dog. Like, whenever he goes to her house, he makes sure the dog is locked in another room or outside.
Yes, I am a lover of studying history. Especially if it's classical antiquity and medieval history! I think it's interesting and cute that you have this type of memories and relationship with museums, because a lot of people don't like it.
I like to imagine that the reader and Satoru are appreciating a beautiful Greek statue and the reader begins to explain the canon of polykleitos (law of proportion in which the size of Greek statues are equivalent to seven heads), and Satoru without understanding what hell she's saying. Or he would compare her face or body to the statue. That would be very romantic!
I even considered writing a fanfic with Gojo x Reader, about history, but I don't know if people would want to read it…
I think that's it, Bye~
(Sorry if I wrote something odd, but english is not my first language.)
HIIII my love and yea same i was dying laughing too is2g you all know gojo so well bc the headcanons are TOO perfect 🤣🤣
OMG gojo wld be soooo competitive in beach volleyball 😭 but as soon as they switch teams n she’s on the opposing side, he lets her win 🤣😪🥴😖🥰 AWW I LOVE COLLECTING SEASHELLS THATS SO CUTE def reader’s idea
and i knowww right omg just this 6’3 man that runs up a tree when he sees a big dog pls. ok but thats me tho fr (minus the being six foot part)
AWW i love thattt also the fun fact ab the greek statues is so interestng ty sharing <33 him comparing her to ART 😩 i imagine gojo’s the type of guy to be accidentally romantic lmfaoaooa
OH HONEY IF U WROTE THAT I’d READ IT PLS TAG MEEE!! that sounds like such a cute idea plus you know a lot about history so it would be a joy to read from you!! i always think its cool when authors know a lot ab the source material they’re writing about :”)
thanks uuu my dear for the ask n omg your english is wonderful <33 hope u have a lovely day!!
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croutonnet · 4 months
game time !! tagged by @voididol thank you uayy ^_^!!
favourite colour; yellow! ⭐️🎗🟡🏵💛
last song you heard; tear you apart by she wants revenge;3 i heard it on a couple insta posts and wanted to listen to the full thing... i love the rhythm but the full song isn't so much my thing, especially the chorus <_<
last watched series; Doctor who hahab
spicy/sweet/savoury; IM SUCH A FOODIE DONT DO THIS TO MEEE... well probably sweet because to put it simply- im always in the mood for sweet foods but less often in the mood for savoury and especially not spicy
relationship status; ive been with my boyfriend for nearly 4 months now!!! how the time flies
last thing you googled; twilight sparkle... she's cute and she's like meeeee :3
last thing you read; im currently reading othello and tess of the d'urbervilles which im both very very much enjoying!!! my literature teacher gave me The Mayor of Casterbridge which i plan on starting very soon :D
current obsession: pusheen and othello.... yerp
something you're looking forward to; im going to a sculpture park with my photography class this very Friday and seeing a performance of macbeth on the 12th of march!! otherwise im looking forward to spring and summer and fun days out and college:3
tagging!; @snakeater @stillfebruari @keichonijimura @italofobia @pinkiepietulpa and anyone else who wants to ;3
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simdreams · 3 months
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@treason-and-plot, thank you for thinking of meee!!! this one was super fun!! eheh
How tall are your sims?
do it here (or here)
I spent WAY more time than I should doing this and even made an "alphabetical order" chart, "crescent height order" chart and "comparing siblings height" chart (lucy/gia; luke/julian; jimmy/anna), but this is the "useful" one. Bringing you the twelve somehow reccuring young adult characters of the Thing (tm) Loveless universe! Bonus info: each character favorite colour! Bonus info II: I have some sort of character page here!
tagging @galaxytittus @studio-papillon @neondrops @sushiikinsss @plumbobem (:
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singeart · 1 month
20 Writer Questions
Thank you @mytardisisparked for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
An astounding 20! I never thought I'd write this many haha
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Star Trek Voyager and The X Files! I always thought about writing for Once Upon A Time but never felt a strong enough calling- I'm pretty happy with how Captain Swan played out ;)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
+ A Flower for Everytime I Think of You (chlonath from Miraculous Ladybug, I miss how popular this ship was ;-; I feel like I can't find anything new for it on here)
(the rest are from Voyager~)
+ Two Shorten the Road
+ Suspension
+ Compote
+ Gold Rush
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yeah for the most part! Especially if people point out a certain part they liked I live for that!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am a happy ending girlie, all the angst happens in the middle of my fics lol. That being said, I think For That Which Ails You could be considered a little angsty at the end because Scully is still terminally ill, nothing has actually changed, and Mulder wasn't there when she woke up. There's a bit of melancholy to it!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Compote! Fluffy throughout and then they share a laugh and a Moment tm at the end of it
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Writing kisses is hard enough lmao. I also just don't want to
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No I've never even thought about doing that! Voyager x X Files would be so fun though
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, though yeah AI has probably scanned some of my works
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, technically, but brainstorming with the bestie and mutuals is always great for inspiration!!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I can't choose, Janeway x Chakotay and Mulder x Scully are both profound to meee
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well...I had this idea for a Admiral Janeway centered fic but I don't think it's going to happen. Also a couple of AU ideas for J/C but eh they don't feel original enough u_u
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue babey, I think!! And the little meaningful exchanges that come with? I also think I can write subtle funny stuff pretty well though maybe it's only noticeable to me haha
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing a scene, I never do I am relying on the reader's imagination LOL
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Never had a reason to, not that I'm fluent in anything else :/
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Miraculous Ladybug ^_^
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I think it's still Kathryn Janeway, PI because I loove the idea of her playing detective and writing from Chakotay's pov was a nice challenge for me, but Hastilude is coming in at a close second... I really enjoyed coming up with a case that Mulder and Scully had to solve and figuring out how all the pieces fit together, plus I got to put them in silly little outfits, what's not to like?
Tagging: the user reading this!! seriously I want to know :3c
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cornflowershade · 5 months
Five favorite songs at the moment ✨
thanks for tagging me @distant-screaming ! <3
Okay let's see, what have I been enjoying of late? 🤔 Some picks, in no particular order... :)
ต้องโทษดาว (Blame It on the Stars) - Jimmy Jitaraphol ver.
Alright, where else would I start. I would be AMISS to not mention this because it's been my go-to song ever since I heard it in Last Twilight. This song is so calming to me on a cellular level and just so beautiful!! Literally any time I want to chill or like, calm myself down or be less anxious, I listen to this and it makes me feel so much better. <3 It's just so pretty idk! Makes my mind all dreamy.
Softly - Karan Aujla
This song is just a flowing bop to me. I enjoy the sounds and the beat and the tune and I always have to play it at least twice because it ends too soon! I like how listening to it feels both calm and tilty. (Does tilty make sense as a description lol? It puts you slightly off-kilter but in a fun satisfying way? Y'know that feeling of being out in a chilly rain when the air is all fresh and expansive? Yeah. That's the chorus to me.) I find Indian music is always very nostalgic (even though I was never taught how to understand any of it) so there's a comfort-music vibe infused here, too, that just... takes me back to childhood a little. :)
แค่คืบ (One Palm Distance) - Satang Kittiphop ver.
Again, Last Twilight soundtrack killing it. Lullaby vibes, okay. Satang's voice is lovely as ever here and it's just!! He made a great version of this song. I often listen to this after Jimmy's song and it's also quite tranquil to me. (Though now I do have a tendency to giggle at the "uuhhuhhuhhhuhh" parts because it reminds me of that clip where Satang is trying to sing this but falls apart with laughter because Mark is. Being Mark in the background.)
Sweet Venom - ENHYPEN
Okay time to get a little more upbeat! I don't listen to as much k-pop as I used to, but I heard this recently and it got to meee! It's one of those songs that's just a fun time and great to dance to as well! I got to play this on a speaker at work two days ago and it was very satisfying xD
มาดูแมวดำน้ำทำกับข้าวบ้านเรามั้ย (Saturday Night) - BRIGHT
Ending with another Thai song because yeah that's mostly what I listen to, still! I actually heard this one because I was watching a compilation of FirstKhao stage performances and they did a cover of this which I enjoyed a lot!! Absolutely recommend that version as well, they were great and it's probably my favorite rendition actually xD I like how it's kinda jazzy. I'm not always a fan of that but I quite enjoy it here, it's a vibeee!
Tagging: @celestial-sapphicss @qt-qtoey @khaofirsts @firstkanaphans @lamonnaie ~ no pressure! <3
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solitaryandwandering · 4 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favorite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
Tagged by @telomeke (here). I hope those deadlines have been treating you well!
I have like, no original posts but I was kinda curious to see what was most popular, and I am procrastinating doing my dishes so. Here's another heinously-late post from meee!
✨JANUARY 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST - The first tag game of the year. Actually, reading this back was kinda fun. I do love the Disco Elysium fanfic I shout-out here.
✨MARCH 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST - Another tag game. I was just starting to slowly talk to people here, and being tagged in Tumblr games was legitimately so morale-boosting. Thank you @waitmyturtles for always being so kind and inclusive. <3
✨APRIL 2023✨
FAVORITE POST - Actually has zero notes, but it's a watchlist tag! Keep Your Hands off Eizouken! did end up being a 10/10, and I did end up watching the entirety of A Shoulder to Cry On. Why? No clue.
✨JULY 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST - My list of favorite Thai QLs!! I spent so much time on this post, I'm very happy it's the most popular of the month. I'm particularly proud of naming the dinner scene in Lovely Writer as one of my favorites. Still stands, unlike my selections for "most anticipated" series.
FAVORITE POST - I like my list of favorite television series, haha. I've been rewatching season 1 of Gravity Falls recently and that's on the list!
✨AUGUST 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST - A "get to know me" tag game, wherein I largely lament the lack of glasses (unfortunately also marking a decline in my remaining vision).
FAVORITE POST - A reply to an ask from @dnana-2809-blog about my favorite forms of media, which sent me down a very nostalgic spiral inclusive of some of my favorite books, movies, and films.
MOST POPULAR POST - Another ask game, which I also did to procrastinate on important tasks. I did end up watching The Eighth Sense, which turned out to be one of my favorites of last year!
✨OCTOBER 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST - Yet another tag game, this one asking me to put my Spotify On Repeat playlist on shuffle and report back the results. Mine were interesting, to say the least.
FAVORITE POST - An ask by @wen-kexing-apologist that pressed me to name 5 things that made me happy, which came to me in the midst of a supremely bad mental health day. It was a sorely needed exercise.
MOST POPULAR POST - This was the month of my La Pluie watch-along, so my most popular post is my watch of episode 6 (when Tai and Patts first attempt to defuse some of their sexual tension).
FAVORITE POST - I have two I really like, though my absolute favorite has to be the one which chronicles the absolute unhinged watching experience of episode 10 (with THAT fight):
I'm also proud of everything I wrote about the use of deafness as symbolism in episode 5 (which ended up aligning with @shortpplfedup's connection to the apostate/true believer theme!)
To see all my posts in my La Pluie watch-along (which I rated a "9/10, two thumbs up, singing in the rain") and read other fantastic meta, see @lurkingshan's round-up here.
MOST POPULAR POST - Ended the year with the "decorate my tree" tag, and I am still so thankful to everyone who took the time to leave me a message!!
P.S. This site (JetBlackCode) is super-helpful in searching for and filtering your posts.
No tags, enjoy 2024!
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interxstitial · 4 months
NAME? rochelle :>
PRONOUNS? she / they
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION? tumblr im or discord!
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)? of jiwon's three verses, og jiwonie is the most active \o/
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS? 10+ years :x across various digital and physical platforms LOL
BEST EXPERIENCE? any time i get to scream at my writing partners about all the fun and/or terrible shenanigans our muses could get up to !!
RP PET PEEVES? i don't.. really have any..? i do prefer more text than images on the dash. i am also iffy about when someone makes multiple blogs but isn't really active on any of them. having like 2, 3, or even 4 are fine, but after that.. i can't really explain why, but i start to feel uncomfortable
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT? depends on the verse! fluff for golden verse jiwon; angst and fluff for otherside jiwon; angst for bitter julien :) not opposed to smut, just rarely write it on the dash
PLOTS OR MEMES? i love both! even if we have never spoken before, i will accept both with all the enthusiasm ♥ (so yes ahem this is an invitation to visit meee)
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES? i tend to write longer replies, but i like matching my writing partner's length, give or take a couple sentences. i would also love to try my hand at shorter (100-200 words) replies as an exercise to convey more information in less words, be more deliberate with my writing ooooh~
TIME TO WRITE? after work and on weekends! depends on my energy level, but i can write for quite a while in one sitting if my brain is full of Thoughts c: on that note, thank you to all my writing partners for being so incredibly patient with how slow i can be sometimes !! love you all!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)? NO SLKDJF well, i guess we all share an abnormal amount of anxiety, but that's about all we have in common. it's hard to write jiwon sometimes bc he's so.. different, but it's also very fun bc it's like wearing a funky new hat and trying to blend in at a murder mystery party. there are many qualities about jiwon (in all their verses) that i would love to adapt in my own life, but there are others that i absolutely cannot stand and/or fear dkfjskdfjdk
tagged by: @myriadxofxmuses (thank you !!) tagging: @idleds @itsacriime @weedzkiller @luneblush @volonata @fadinglights
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zhalar · 26 days
rules: shuffle your spotify 'on repeat' playlist and list the first ten songs
the libertines - music when the lights go out (fucking. Love this one. theres something super sexy about the guitar ? twang in here. the question mark is genuine i am Sobad about instruments. this song is easily one of my recent faves)
camera obscura - french navy (springy feel to me... very wavy)
the housemartins - happy hour (this really has come up on shuffle a fair bit lately. big fan)
noisettes - don't give up (the singers voiceeeee. ooohh. skritchy-scratchy...)
ben folds, regina spektor - you don't know me (the. Pace? beat. the clap. clap. clap. yknow? fun and nice. you dont know meee (YOU DONT KNOW ME AT ALL)
camera obscura - come back margaret (the clapping bit (the actual hands together clapping bit) delights me. short thing in the middle there but. yeah.)
the donnas - take it off (easylistening. like a garage band. to me)
franz ferdinand - ulysses (the sneaking around energy in this. the sorta song i'd like to dance and vibe to in big dramatic arcs)
chappell roan - red wine supernova (yeah i mean. fuck yeah!!! the songs that i have listened of hers simply are so so so much fun. spotify wants to insist i listen to this One specific song all the time for some reason tho lmao)
i'm only speaking to aurora at this time actually, ok, others can listen to these too but im keeping from tagging anyone sparkle on thursday <3
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