#and so the demo sounds better since its the original
autistme · 1 year
walking is still honest intro+outro on reinventing axl rose, crime, self titled, and the original demo
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fallenclan · 7 months
okay, I have a few songs in mind for that Otterslip pmv! Just to let you know what to expect between all of these :) Give me your thoughts on these songs, I love these all dearly and really want to create something with all of these.
Toba the Tura by Forgiven Durden
Introduction to the Show by ミラクルミュージカル (Miracle Musical)
Alternatively, I use the Hawaii Part II Part II demo for Introduction to the Show because that version goes so hard. 10/10 demos. The piano is so crisp.
Time Machine by ミラクルミュージカル (Miracle Musical)
I will be using either the 1st or 2nd demo if I decide to do this song. The polished version on the official record won't do for Otterslip.
The Rockrose and The Thistle by The Amazing Devil
Worms by Viagra Boys
Poplar St by Glass Animals
I'd have to do this one carefully. Might have to edit my own version of the song for the pmv
I will be watching this post, so if anyone has more ideas.... then please share them in the replies or smth :)
YOUR MUSIC TASTE IS SO GOOD. all of these songs are fantastic and they fit Otterslip so well,,, i've listened to almost all of them before but i still had to make myself a little playlist to refresh my memory and listen to them with the context of Otterslip in mind. devastating btw, in the best possible way. putting my thoughts below the cut bc they might get a little long!
Toba the Tura:
SUCH a good song. especially for Otterslip. a few lyrics that really stood out to me.
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THE LAST ONE ESPECIALLY. that whole ending monologue just SCREAMS Otterslip. the girl he loved vacating to a new place? his daughter dying and going to the afterlife. a mountainous wall of stone to separate themselves from him??? its. a fucking mountain. they live in a mountain. theirs would be the light, his would be the dark. oughghghghg sobs and wails and cries forever
Introduction to the Snow:
what if i cried. man this song is so fucking SAD. and also not in a way. would work fantastic if one wanted to do a really lonesome depressing take on Otterslip's exile. im picturing an animatic with very few pov changes, just Otterslip maybe watching the stars or traveling through the outside of Fallenclan's territory, up until "you'll live forever tonight" and the piano afterwards, then i'm seeing lots of glimpses of his past life in Fallenclan, and the events leading up to Stormsight's death. ougghh
Time Machine:
GOD THIS WORKS SO WELL WITH HIS EXILE. "you'll have enough time to spend some time alone" HES LITERALLY ALONE. dice anon youre going to turn me into an Otterslip apologist. hes literally leaving today
The Rockrose and the Thistle:
jaw drop. a friend of mine introduced me to this band a while back but HOW HAVE I NOT HEARD THIS ONE. this song fits Otterslip so good its crazy. here's a couple lyrics that stick out to me
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i'm definitely seeing some hints of Grassroot in this song. maybe he's singing it to her, maybe she's singing it to him, idk but shes There. ouches
i've never heard this song OR this band before and it fucking RULES so first off thanks for pointing me in that direction. second OUGH i can see the Otterslip here. no lyrics in particular stand out to me but the Vibes... man the vibes they fit so well. i can see him singing this to Stormsight, esp since the "the same worms that eat me will one day eat you too" has such a threatening sound to it,,
Poplar St:
MY HEART. god this is so good and it works so well. again no lyrics really stick out to me in particular but MAN. the stress on "free falling love addict" is getting to me. considering Stormsight fell to his death. ouch.
conclusion! these are all fantastic song choices and you are a fucking genius. i'm almost temped to something with Toba the Tura myself, except i know I'd never finish it lmao. and as a side note, if you've never heard the Chonny Jash covers of a lot of Miracle Musical songs i would highly recommend. they aren't for everyone but personally I like them better than some of the originals, even.
and back to the topic of Otterslip: here's all the songs I have on his playlist at the moment (though i will be adding. probably all of the ones youve suggested.) in case you wanted more inspiration or simply some good tunes to listen to.
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ty for your wonderful ask!!! you have given me much to think about...
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mikunology · 10 months
Mikunology Reviews #1: Boku wa Hatsune Miku to Kiss wo Shita (2013) (Pt.1)
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Here it is, my very first album review! I figured I would do something I'm pretty familiar with first, so I decided to go with this one: a review of one of my favorite Vocaloid albums of all time, created by my favorite producer! Boku wa Hatsune Miku to Kiss wo Shita (or I Shared a Kiss With Hatsune Miku) by Mikito-P (2013)! This album also happens to be Mikito's first full studio release.
By the way, let me go ahead and state that I am not a musician, so I'm not as good at really phrasing my thoughts on things in a technical manner. But I still hope you enjoy my opinion :> I'm also a big fan, as stated, so I will probably get rambly > <" But let's get started!
Part 2 here
Hatsune Miku to Kiss wo Shita (I Shared a Kiss With Hatsune Miku): The eponymous title track: a soft rock ballad using Miku Dark (pretty sure at least) about a frustrated artist getting through life alongside Hatsune Miku. I won't lie that I'm a bit biased towards this song given its one of my favorites ever, but I like to think there's a reason for why I like it as much as I do. The strong-yet-not-overwhelming rock melody is very nice (especially paired with the piano), but most of all, I love Miku's gentle vocals: Miku Dark naturally sounds sad and tired, but the way she sings here seems almost warm given the subject matter. The lyrics are also very beautiful and relatable if you're a fan of Miku's; the struggle of feeling low confidence and finding comfort in a concept such as Hatsune Miku is written really wonderfully. A really good start to the whole album.
Shinzo Democracy (Heart Democracy): A really good second track, and a pretty popular one from this album? It has a more present melody going through it than in track one, but still with that signature atmosphere from Mikito. Miku sounds like Miku Dark here, too, but with a more airy, echo-y quality that reflects off the guitars  - I think it works well for the song. If you want something with a bit higher tempo than track one, this is where it is. I remember people talking about the PV in relation to the lyrics as well, since it can be interpreted as the narrator talking about himself in a sort of disconnected POV or talking about a gay love interest. Whatever floats your boat, I think!
Yuugure Twitter (Evening Twitter): This actually appears to be a slight remaster of the original song posted on NND - it's a bit cleaner, with better and clearer vocals and mixing and a longer guitar outro. I think I like this version of it best, to be honest, it really helps the song sell the sort of forlorn, dusky atmosphere it's setting. I also really like the way Mikito uses Miki - I really feel like his songs with her show his liking for the character. The guitar outro is also just…really good.
Kunoichi Demo Koi ga Shitai! (Even Though I'm a Ninja Girl, I Want to Love!): A MikuRin duet! This song is really goofy: just a fast-paced, lighthearted pop rock track following a kunoichi (a female ninja) and her efforts to be together with a noble's son despite the difficulties her job brings her. It's a really fun track, with a catchy melody and some fun, colorful visuals in the PV (plus Miku and Rin's tanuki/kitsune hoodies are super cute!). I also really like how Miku and Rin are framed like "narrators" instead of being characters in the story itself or being completely removed from it. Lastly, I really like the sort of "vrooooooom" noises Miku and Rin make at certain points, it gets you hyped up XD
Setagaya Night Safari: This one took me a bit to get into, but I can comfortably say I like it a lot nowadays. This one is a bit like track one in that the melody is a bit more…abstract? Than in like, Kunoichi. It also has these strange old-timey jazz segments at the beginning and end. But still! Miku Dark returns here again, and her vocals add a sort of melancholic wonder to the song, especially the chorus ("doko e iku no?"). A pretty good one, but I do think it might take a few listens to really sink in on whether you like it or not.
Tokyo Eki (Tokyo Station): A Rin solo track! I feel like this one isn't talked about very much, despite it getting a PV and everything. This is another atmospheric rock track about taking the train to see someone you love in the winter months. This track uses Rin Append (I'm assuming Sweet specifically) and I think she works really well! Like Miku Dark's vocals in Kiss wo Shita, there's a pleasant feeling of softness from how Rin sounds here, which fits the wintry vibe of the song. However, I still think that the premiere version of the song is the one using Len from ALL VOCALOID ATTACK 1…but whether you agree with me might be up to whether you enjoy Rin or Len's voices more. By the way, I really like the lead guitar and drums on this one.
Yuudachi no Ribbon (Ribbon of Evening Showers): This song comes from MAYU's demo CD! This one is more high-energy than usual, but still with a melancholic air about it. This song is about a pair of girls trying to hide their relationship, while a third girl (heavily implied to have feelings for one of them) threatens to expose them, all under a rainy sky. I really love the melody in this one; it's very catchy but also full of the emotion and drama you'd expect from a song with this sort of premise (helped by MAYU's voice), plus I like the vocal bits interspersed in the instrumental parts. My favorite part is the "issho ni kaero" part in the middle, where the melody changes up a bit before the bridge. Definitely one of my favorites from this album, and a great introduction to MAYU!
Bansoukou (Bandage): This is another one that took me quite a few listens before I liked it; this is one of the slowest tracks in the album, with another more understated melody. This is a ballad song, no real description on the lyrics/theme since it remains untranslated. I like this track way more now because of the slow gentleness of Miku's voice, the piano, and the great guitar melody during the outro, but I also feel it's a bit on the dull side in comparison to the rest of the album. You might like it much more if you enjoy slower rock ballads or shoegaze, though, it has a bit of a keeno-like feel to it. (Funny, since keeno is actually in this album.)
Hikoukai Nisshi (Private Log): Another more fun one! This song uses GUMI Power, and what a great use of GUMI Power it is (plus some giggling sounds courtesy of Yukari's EX Voice). This is a refreshing love song, with the PV setting against a very cute pirate Gumi. I really love the vibe of this track, it's very pleasant and perfectly captures the sunny seafaring adventure Gumi is on - the melody, as usual, is really great as well. My favorite part has to be the final chorus when Gumi's voice hits its apex, her final "susume" is so great and full of emotion! I love this one a lot, it remains one of my favorite Gumi songs.
Alright, Tumblr is telling me there's a character limit for articles on this site, so I guess I'm going to have to break this into two posts. Join me in part two, then, for the second half of the CD!
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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[KEIKO]  "CUTLERY" Feels Like a Collection of Short Stories with Various Main Characters
Source: https://avexnet.jp/column/detail.php?id=1000604
Interesting tidbits:
All songs were written by a different composer and feature a different type of protagonist. It was fun for Keiko to slip into various roles
She explains her fast-paced releases with wanting to escape boredom. Everyone is getting bored easily these days and constantly looking for change (including herself) so having all these new singles and a new album every year feels exciting to her [I obviously understand the thought process behind this but I’d personally prefer higher quality and less frequency]
The title “CUTLERY” was inspired by her regular Uber Eats orders. Every order seems to have an option to add “cutlery”. Keiko feels like most people are probably familiar with the term by now. They are fashionable everyday items so the word seemed fitting for an album title
Keiko decided on the tracklist order by trying to find the most suitable placement within a person’s daily life (commuting, working, taking a walk, spending time at home, relaxing in bed, etc)
For the beginning she wanted some exciting up-tempo songs so no one would get bored. “Watashi Update” basically had to be even more crazy and unexpected than “Alcohol”. She compares “Watashi Update” to modern J-POP which apparently has a lot of words and less music. [Maybe one of the reasons why II can’t really get into this type of song]
The lyrics for “Watashi Update” are described as eccentric and rather self-centred. They reflect the thoughts of a young protagonist who is rambling to herself. That’s something that resonated with Keiko.
“Alcohol” with its sound and lyrics is quite sexy. Even though Keiko doesn’t drink alcohol she thinks the song has “Keiko-vibes”. It conveys a sort of tsukkomi image.
“Yoru no Uso to” features a very reserved and polite woman putting up a strong front in the face of a separation. The song awakens thoughts of someone you hold dear. Thoughts you wouldn’t usually allow yourself to indulge. Keiko feels like everyone has those kinds of feelings about someone which you would rather avoid or keep secret (whether it be a person of the opposite sex or the same sex) [Ohhh! Keiko once again sneaking in some possible hints. Makes the song even better!]
“KIRAI.” is apparently a song fitting for the TikTok generation but it probably also appeals to millennials. Keiko really likes it when girls are defiant and just won’t put up with any shit basically. The many rhymes and wordplays make the song sound light and fun but the topic is actually not that light since Keiko is singing about various worries of girls.
“Close to you” is soft and mature. A time to catch your breath between “KIRAI.” and “Amanojaku”. The structure is not very dynamic so quite unorthodox but it’s a gentle build-up. This was originally supposed to be in “dew” but she didn’t think it would fit.
Keiko highlights the peculiar guitar arrangement in “Amanojaku”. The song was written by a guitarist so there’s a lot of attention on the guitar. She thinks the girl in this song is incredibly cute.
“Fly, Black Swan” has a nice bass. Originally it was more jazz-y and digital sounding. The protagonist of this song is once again a woman but this time from the point of view of a man.
“Yura Yura” also has a sort of jazz-y feel but very different to the previous track. Strong vocals and impressive strings are what stands out here. There is a nostalgic and sentimental atmosphere.
“Your” was difficult. They lowered the key significantly compared to the original demo. She was advised to sing this a little aggressively and sharply with a strong male image.
“Hitori Janai Kara” was born out of her feelings during and after the pandemic. But she didn’t want a song that was too pushy and in your face. She feels like everyone has released songs like that during the pandemic because depression was strong. This is just a quiet statement to take time and face yourself.
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mpsideadump · 6 months
Lies of P records ranking!
Since “Music to my Gears” is finished, I am celebrating the completion of my fic with a personal ranking of the records in this game, including a brief explanation for each rank! To clarify, I will be ranking only the non-golden records. There’s nothing wrong with the Golden records. I still love them! I just feel like this ranking would be a little bloated if I included them. 
Quick reminder: This ranking is all my own personal opinion! If you agree or disagree with any placements, I’d love to hear your thoughts. In the end, we can all agree that every record in this game is absolutely beautiful. 
Now let’s get on with the ranking! This will be a rather long post, starting from B tier (because none of these records can really be considered bad or just okay imo) and will end on S tier (my absolute favorites). 
B tier:
11. “Misty Er’a” 
Starting off this ranking, we have “Misty E’ra”, a record gained by defeating an elite enemy at the end of the optional ‘dungeon’ the Hermit’s Cave. I do like the sound of this one! It reminds me a lot of a song that would play in a bar at midnight, as customers are leaving for the night and the owner is closing up shop. Very cozy, very nice! There’s not a lot standing out in this record compared to the other records, but that is A-okay!
10. “Divine Service”
This record is gained by completing the nun Cecile’s side quest. I don’t know if this is the right comparison but I for some reason think of an old abandoned desert town when I listen to this record. It has a slight hint of an old western feel for some reason to me. It’s just the way the instruments all harmonize with one another in this record that does it for me! 
9. “Far East Princess”
You get this record by lying to Eugenie about Alidoro’s fate during her questline. It’s a very beautiful piece, fittingly reminiscent of a song that could be plated by Eastern Royalty. Part of me actually wonders if maybe Eugenie actually is the princess of her country! And though she most likely isn’t, she’s at least blacksmith royalty to us! I will be honest, though. I didn’t think much of this record until listening to its original DJ MAX counterpart. That version of the song got me to appreciate this piece a little bit more!
8. “Shadow Flower”
This record is gained by giving Sophia peace when you encounter her at Arche Abbey. It’s soothing but also beautifully haunting in a way, as if something you’d hear in a dream. It’s why I wrote this song to be in P’s first dream in my fic. Knowing that this song is about Sophia’s longing for P to save her makes this song even better. Check out the translated lyrics and it just makes you feel for her! In addition, the singer of this record (if anyone knows who it is please let me know!) sounds absolutely gorgeous as well! 
A tier:
7. “Feel”
This record is received by completing the Weeping Woman’s side quest and lying to her about her baby, who is really a doll. We all know how this song serenaded us as this is the very first record in the game. If you played the demo, maybe you were like me and just knew this game would be something else upon listening to this song there! 
I loved this record so much that I went to learn it on the piano along with my sister. We figured out how to play this without any sheet music! 
It may come as a shocker that “Feel” isn’t as high on my ranking as others would probably put it, but don’t get me wrong. This record is beautiful, but I think when listening to the others, it doesn’t hold up as much! Nevertheless, I don’t think any other record could be better as the first one many of us listened to in game. 
6. “Fascination”
You find this record after giving Adelina an apple back at the Estelle Opera House and then returning to her after defeating Romeo. “Fascination” I’d argue is one of the main theme songs of this game. It has a significant presence throughout the story, playing all throughout the Rosa Isabelle Street level and during the White Lady’s boss fight. It even plays during the game’s end-credits! But this instrumental version really is something else. 
It sounds like a melancholic love song, something that could be played during a wedding. And this rendition of the song when played while starting Polendina and Antonia’s storyline is just chef’s kiss. 
I feel like this version is very underrated compared to its Golden counterpart, but I’m here to give the instrumental a lot of love!
5. “Quixotic” 
You receive this record by giving the Red Fox and Black Cat gold coin fruit after defeating Victor at the Grand Exhibition. This record is rather unique, I’d say. Very daunting, almost heroic sounding. The singer Seo Jayeong is the same singer of “Feel”, but dammit I think her vocals just sound so much more powerful in this song. There are no pauses in between lyrics in the second half of this song, and that’s a very difficult thing to maintain! So kudos to Miss Jayeong for the performance! 
This one’s definitely one of the best records in this game’s collection!
4. “Proposal, Flower, Wolf Part 1”
Where the heck is part 2???
You gain this record by telling the truth to Eugenie about Alidoro’s fate(whether just telling her about Parrot stealing Alidoro’s identity or also including the fact that Alidoro’s her brother). 
This one is just…so, so nice. It gives off the vibes of an anime ending song, and I’m just gonna bet if they ever do make a Lies of P show, this would be like those songs that would play a lot in the background during emotional moments like in a Korean drama. I have a slight bias towards this song as well because I ended up associating this song with P listening to Romeo’s message for the first time. It’s how I wrote it in the fic, and I ended up having it play in the background while listening to Romeo on a new game run. Top tier emotional song. 
Side note: shoutout to Lies of P’s director Choi Ji-Won for singing the vocal in the Golden version of the song!
S tier (my favorites): 
3. “Someday”
You get this song by buying it from the Malum District merchant (we stan this merchant btw, this dude is legit the MVP of the game). 
I think this song gets bonus points for sounding so much more energetic and catchier compared to the other records. The singer (again, please let me know who it is if anyone knows) sounds very pleasant to the ear and the entire song is just such an earworm in general!
“Someday” is just a lot of fun, and I don’t think I hear enough people talk about it. In addition, the DJ MAX version sounds like something straight from an anime opening and I highly recommend anyone who hasn’t heard it to take a quick listen. It’s just as fun as the Lies of P version. 
2. “Memory of Beach”
This record is gained by completing Antonia’s side quest by curing her of the Petrification Disease and then finding it on her wheelchair after she passes away. 
This song and the next are actually pretty interchangeable in terms of being imo my favorite and the best in the game. 
Before I played the game for myself, I had already listened to the records thanks to a video on YouTube compiling them all. I know I shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t help myself, and what do you know I ended up making a fic dedicated to the music in this game. When I heard this record, let me tell y’all I actually cried just listening to this song. 
Everything about it from the piano being the only instrument and how the vocalizer (likely meant to be Antonia herself) is only humming just got me. The lack of lyrics I found reminiscent of maybe someone experiencing dementia and forgetting the lyrics of a song they had loved. 
When I learned how you got the record in the game, I cried even more. Losing someone is never easy, but it’s always important to remember all the good memories you had with them. 
1. “Why”
This record is gained by completing Belle’s side quest and lying to her about Atkinson’s fate. 
I had heard this record on YouTube because Neowiz decided to release it there early before the game’s release. Listening to those opening notes, I immediately fell in love!
I thought that if the music in this game was going to sound this good, I already knew I’d enjoy the hell out of it. 
The song is very reminiscent of a dance, a waltz in a ballroom, empty except for the couple who is dancing.
There was this fic I read that was written before the game’s release that was about Pinocchio finding this song out in the wild while exploring and dancing with a mannequin to satisfy his urge to dance to the song. I absolutely loved the imagery used in that fic, and imagining this song playing in the background as I read it helped increase my love for this song. It’s actually what inspired me to write the “Why” chapter in “Music to my Gears” the way I did. 
There’s plenty of beautiful music in this game and there are certain pieces that I think suit being the game’s theme better than others.  
However, this record I feel is the sound of a puppet becoming human. This record is the song of a liar.
With that, this was my personal ranking of the non-golden records in Lies of P! Hope you enjoyed that little read and I would love to hear your guys opinions, whether you agree with me or not! 
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theghostpinesmusic · 29 days
Surprise "new" album! This is the link to the YouTube playlist, but it's also up on Bandcamp for free/pay-what-you-like. If you want to know more about how it came together, keep reading!
So it's been almost three years now since June of 2021, when I released the four-album cycle of "Wilderness Amen," "Ride," "Maps," and "Fire and Rain," along with a demos collection titled "The Amen Demos" and an early proto-experiment with my looper titled "What Comes Around." It was a lot for one year, but I'd been working on all of those songs since at least 2017, it was just that COVID-19 and all of the disruptions it introduced (weirdly) gave me the time to finally get them all together in one place and finish them to my satisfaction.
I'd always planned to use some of my "off-time" during sabbatical to start working on a follow-up album. In 2022, I even bought a new stratocaster, expecting to use it to experiment with writing songs on an electric guitar for the first time. But, as usual, things didn't work out like I'd planned: life is full of both good and bad surprises, and I guess the most surprising thing of all is how often I have to relearn that particular lesson.
On the good side, I've spent a lot more time this year than I'd expected focusing on nonfiction writing, both related to my sabbatical and also, sometimes, just for fun. On the bad side, my main amp blew out almost two years ago, and I've been struggling since to find someone in the southern Oregon desert who can diagnose and fix it for less money than it would cost to buy a new one. In the meantime, I've been hesitant to start recording a new album with my $100 practice amp I bought twenty years ago, for obvious reasons.
I hadn't planned, then, on making this "new" album at all. About nine months ago, I had the thought to record a "single" featuring two of my favorite cover songs: The Grateful Dead's "Ship of Fools" and Goose's "A Western Sun." I wanted to record the main performance without amps, just me and an acoustic guitar, and then maybe overdub in a second, electric guitar once my amp was fixed. So I mic'd the studio for acoustic and vocals only, got the levels to where I wanted, and then realized I needed to practice both songs a bunch more for them to be satisfying takes/tributes.
With a few hours still left to play around in the studio on that first day, and having already played each of the two cover songs ten or so times, I decided to play through a bunch of my original songs, using the "alternate" arrangments of them I'd been developing over the previous two years or so of Instagram livestream sets. I recorded fifteen songs that way, with the sound in the room dialed in for acoustic guitar better (in my opinion) than I'd ever gotten it before.
It wasn't until months later that I listened back to what I'd recorded that I realized it could be a sort of alternate-universe version of one of the albums I'd released in 2021, and thus maybe worth a release itself. I eventually edited the fifteen songs down to the ten you have here and messed with a few EQ and gain levels, but otherwise these performances are exactly as they were recorded that first day of what was supposed to longer sessions for the "Ship of Fools"/"A Western Sun" single…which will still get finished one of these days, amp repair willing.
I put out my first-ever album in 2006, and it was titled "Not California," after one of the songs on it. Immediately after, in early 2007, I bought my first-ever electric guitar and amplifier (ironically, the one that's currently kaput), and immediately had the idea of redoing the mostly-acoustic "Not California" album as this loud, crashy, electric-guitar thing. I would call it just "California," as a way of emphasizing both its relationship to the original album and also its different, almost opposite tone.
I worked on the idea for a few months (it's where "Acteon's Groove" and "Cassie's Song" came from, among other things), but in the end I was, frankly, not good enough yet at guitar to make it sound like I wanted it to. But you probably get where I'm going with this. Basically, when I realized that this current, all-acoustic alternate-universe set of songs was maybe worth releasing, I thought it might be fun to resurrect the "California" album title. Also, this album starts off with a version of my song "California," so there's that, too.
It's definitely quieter than that original "California" album would have been, but it's a realization of that idea of writing some songs, releasing them, and then going back and playing with them until they turn into something else…and then releasing that, too, because hey, why not? Technically, each track on this album is already available elsewhere in its "original" studio configuration, so in that sense nothing here is truly "new": however, each song is re-arranged here in a way that I've come to really like. These re-arrangments are the result of years of playing these songs live, on livestreams, and in the studio, and in that time finding new facets of my original ideas that I thought were worth exploring. The album's cover, a photo I took of the Trinity Alps from Echo Lake, is meant to visually represent this process of rediscovery, reflection, and recreation: the longer I play these songs, the more reflections I find.
I hope you enjoy listening!
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i think most ppl dislike make believe becuz its feels a bit "over produced" in a few bits.. it was originally going for a much darker and down to earth tone similar to pinkerton but (to put it in a simpler way) rivers stopped being majorly fucking depressed during production and thus wanted to go for a different sound, which kinda fucked over the whole tone of the album. theres still good stuff in it but it was originally going to be much.. better realized if that makes sense ( the demos are so fucking good i have to say this again sorry . they go so hard and theyre really easily available online im pretty sure youd love them based on how much you seem to enjoy the finished album so far
Ohhhhh that makes sense, also yeah I can relate, I had an old Comic (Not TCBA related BTW. If you’ve been around since My First Blog then you probably remember it, it’s Plushletale) that was. Way Darker but then I got Mental Help which. Screwed over the whole thing JRBSJFJDJDJD Anyways i will be checking out the demos When i finish The Album!! I just finished Freak Me Out, im on Haunt You Everyday now :3
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gaargoyle · 1 year
Opinion on the RE4 remake from what could be gleaned from the demo:
Definitely one of those remakes that doesn't need to exist. The original game is critically acclaimed, one of the all time greats, and has already been ported to nearly every console since its release. As a result it suffers from being nearly identical to the original with a nicer coat of paint, because they can't and won't change too much.
I dunno why studios are obsessed with "remake" when they mean "remaster" but I guess they assume remakes mean more money.
The fluff they have added and changed to attempt to justify it as a remake is questionable. They added a convoluted crafting system where one never existed before. The knife has a health bar. Leon now moves with momentum, feels heavier, slower and clumsier. And yet they made the enemies lunge and grab and attack more in quick succession, which makes avoiding attacks much harder especially since Leon doesn't have a dodge or block or anything (they gave the ability to dodge to Jill in the 3 remake so no idea why they omitted it from this). First time I've seen Leon die from being stunlocked by enemies.
Leon also noticeably doesn't comment on as many things he encounters. He is quieter and also more serious. Sure they kept the iconic bingo line, but they did cut out some of his other less serious lines leading up to the village. They even made an early cutscene different in an attempt to be "less ridiculous" than the original. I hope the rest of the game doesn't skew that way, because it would be a damn shame and disappointing imo.
It was also obvious they told Leon's new voice actor to sound gravelly and jaded when voicing him. It's really silly.
The demo is really short so I dunno if things will change for the full release. But the vibe was definitely unnecessary. I wish gamers would add "unnecessary" to their vocabulary because they have a bad reputation of just shamelessly buying what they like regardless of if the integrity of it is compromised. RE4 remake won't be different or better enough to justify buying the game again.
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(Decided to update the tier list a little bit (although looking at it now, I would’ve put Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream in between Mountain of Faith and Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom (and also Hidden Star in Four Seasons over Unconnected Marketeers)) and now I wanna explain my thoughts on them all like a Top 18 Touhou Title Screen Theme Songs video)
(So uh… read more time if you do want to read this very long post asdfsefdrgfth)
18. Subterranean Animism - Awakening of the Earth Spirits
Despite my dislike towards the difficulty that Touhou 11 has, the theme for its title screen works well. I like its frantic, yet mysterious feeling, and it fits well with the game’s feel, since you’re rushing through what was formerly Hell. It warrants the frantic feel of the song.
Otherwise, I dunno. There are other songs I think are better than it. (It might just be my dislike for Touhou 11 striking down again though ^ ^;)
17. Phantasmagoria of Flower View - Flower Reflecting Mound ~ Higan Retour
This one’s very calming. I really like the atmospheric feel it goes for with this one. Especially with this one smooth piano-like jingle in the song that persists in some of the other songs in Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
I will say that there’s three things that keep it at number 17. The first is that I like the other title screen themes more than it. The second is that even though the percussion is one of the more emphasized things in the songs of Touhou 9, I wish the drums were softer for this song in particular. They feel too strong, but they aren’t used too much in the song itself, so that’s at least fine. Finally… I hardly play PoFV, so I don’t really get to hear this song a lot.
16. Unconnected Marketeers - A Rainbow-Crossed Gensokyo
Maybe it’s because that this one’s still kinda new that I don’t really have a lot to say about it. I don’t listen to it much, but I still think it’s great. It’s slow, calm, and it honestly feels like it’s telling some kind of unheard of knight-like story.
I don’t really got much to say to it, I just think it’s pretty neat overall!
15. Hidden Star in Four Seasons - The Heaven Where Cherry Petals Dance Down
This song’s tone is really cool. It sounds amazing, yet foreboding and powerful. The beginning of the song is really good to hear and the rest of the song feels like a frantic whirlwind of emotions. It’s really amazing to just listen to.
It’s almost otherworldly as a song, thanks to the tone it has.
Despite its placement, I could really flip flop with where I rank it. You could really interchange it with number 14 and it’d still be correct. I like both this song and the song ranked at number 14 the same amount really.
14. Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom - The Space Shrine Maiden Appears
This song is really otherworldly. It’s odd and weird to hear, yet sounds really good otherwise. It’s atmospheric in a way that creates some sort of upbeat galactic setting thanks to how the song sounds, and that really fits the feel of Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom to me.
I can’t really explain it well, I just think it’s a really cool song.
Again, I could flipflop with its placement, as I like both this song and the song placed in number 15 equally.
13. Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream - A Dream Transcending Space-Time
I don’t listen to this one that much (probably because the song doesn’t keep playing when the demo starts (or that I don’t really play Touhou 3 much ^ ^;)) but that doesn’t mean this one is bad. It’s more like a hidden gem!
The song is rather whimsical in a way to me, the tone of it trying to create some sort of mysterious feel to it, with it being upbeat to make it almost like a mad dash to see what the mystery could be before anyone else can. Kinda like the actual story of Touhou 3 in a way.
Originally, this was #16 but when I decided to listen to it more, I look back on it more happily, thinking of it as a hidden gem of a song in the Touhou PC-98 games, only being held back by being the only Touhou PC-98 game to not have its title screen theme continue to play even when the demo starts… which sucks more too considering that the title screen doesn’t really stay up for too long before it goes to the demo.
I just feel bad for the song really. ^ ^;
12. Mountain of Faith - Sealed Gods
This song is odd to me. It’s definitely good and fits Mountain of Faith well. It has a adventurous feel to it, but it feels that the song has a sinister undertone in it… which, again, fits the game and its plot well. My favorite part of the song is the more atmospheric part where the sounds of water rushing and drops of water hitting a body of water play out during the song.
This might be a dumb reason why it’s only number 12 but… I associate Mountain of Faith with the Fall / Autumn season and… to be honest… this song doesn’t really give me that much of an Autumn vibe? Like, it doesn’t feel like it fits a day during Autumn well.
I don’t know, maybe that’s just me. I probably just think there are songs better than it.
11. Highly Responsive of Prayers - A Sacred Lot
This song feels rather mysterious… well, really, that’s kinda it.
Well, not really, I’d say it sounds fast too. It’s surprisingly fitting with Touhou 1, as the game can really get rather fast and frantic at times. It starts off powerful and just keeps rolling with that, using a nice percussion beat to go along with it and help it stand out more. Although, I’m not sure what to think about it being the first title screen theme Touhou has ever had. On one hand, I respect it for being the first. On the other hand, I’m not sure if I’d say it fits the Touhou we have now. Well, uh, maybe it’d fit Wily Beast and Weakest Creature a little.
Oh well, still a good one! ^ ^;
(I should mention that I’m basing my thoughts on this song around the Akyuu’s Untouched Score version of it, although I do like the original version of the song about the same as the Akyuu version, if not, a little less.)
10. Story of Eastern Wonderland - Eastern Demon-Sealing Record ~ Pure Land Mandala
As someone that isn’t too big a fan of Story of Eastern Wonderland’s OST, the title screen theme fits the game’s feel perfectly. It feels like the right tone for a game like this, like the game’s trying to give an enthusiastic first try. It’s basically a rather cheerful song that tries to be dark at a certain point before getting back to being upbeat.
I think it’s a really good song, but there are others that I like better. It’s definitely a highlight of Story of Eastern Wonderland’s OST however! ^ ^;
9. Lotus Land Story - Gensokyo ~ Lotus Land Story
This song has no need to go as hard as it does. It starts out powerful, keeps that going, and then mellows out a little closer to the end. It’s aggressive for a lot of its runtime and I feel like it definitely works with Lotus Land Story’s OST, considering that a lot of the other songs in Lotus Land Story (mostly the battle themes for the bosses) are also aggressive.
There’s just one thing though? This might be a silly thought but uhh… I believe that Lotus Land Story is probably one of the easier Touhou games to get through (I’d know since I beat it on Normal before) so the song being aggressive probably doesn’t fit the actual difficulty of the game itself. Oh well.
(Should also mention that I’m basing my thoughts on the original version of this song and not the Akyuu’s Untouched Score version of the song. I’m indifferent to the lower pitch of the song in the Akyuu version, but I liked the original version’s pitch more. The lower pitch does make it sound a little more powerful though!)
8. Ten Desires - Spirit of Avarice
I don’t know how to explain this one. It’s a really cool-sounding and powerful song. Definitely has a different tone compared to the other title screen themes and it makes me really like it. It’s also just pretty catchy and chilled out and makes me want to power through anything that’s standing in my way… like the danmaku bullets!
Yeah, I really can’t explain why I like this song enough for it to be number 8. There’s not much to the song itself for me to talk about, but I just can’t help associating it with being the kind of song you’d hear in a flash game.
7. Wily Beast and Weakest Creature - Silent Beast Spirits
This was the first song I remember hearing when I first got into the later Touhou games. I haven’t committed to really playing anything from Touhou 10 to 16, so when I first tried out the trial version of Touhou 17 and heard this song pop up on the title screen… this is the song that I’d say was a breaking point for me. As in… it got me back into liking Touhou!
Considering Wily Beast and Weakest Creature is supposed to be the darkest of the mainline Touhou games so far, they really hammer it home in the title screen theme. This song is absolutely aggressive. It’s violent. It’s in your face. It has an immense amount of power to it. It doesn’t calm down too much anywhere in the song, it’s just laced with power and energy that persists throughout the entire song… and that’s why I love it so much! It really holds a special place in my heart… so the fact that it’s only number 7 is kinda surprising and really telling of the other entries here.
6. Mystic Square - Wondrous Romance ~ Mystic Square
The last of the PC-98 Touhou games and it went off with a bang. This song fits the word ‘mystical’ to a tee. It’s powerful, magical and mysterious in all of the best ways, as if you don’t know what will come up next as you take a journey through a part of Makai you’re never been through before.
I don’t have much to say when it comes to Mystic Square’s title screen theme, it’s just really dang solid in my eyes.
5. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - A Dream More Scarlet Than Red
Yeah, okay, no, this one’s just a classic. The OST for Embodiment of Scarlet Devil can be a mixed bag for people, but this song is really good in my eyes. I really love the nature of the song, it’s calm, but gets upfront whenever it wants. It fits the game a lot really, and is also just really memorable overall. Fitting since it was the first of the Windows Touhou games.
It may also just be because I’m a fan of songs that are done in the style of Touhou 6’s songs. Shoutout to the YouTuber ꧁𝙳𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚢_𝐔𝐰𝐔2006꧂ for making me realize that! They deserve a lot more subs for their pretty hard work turning existing Touhou songs into ones that sound like they’re from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil! ^ ^;
4. Undefined Fantastic Object - A Shadow in the Blue Sky
This song hits so many right notes for me, and makes me mad that I didn’t play Touhou 12 sooner when I was younger… even though I’m not good enough at getting through Touhou 12 yet, ahaha. ^ ^;
The way the song opens up is really great, and it keeps going with such a wistful, mystical and calm, yet motivating and adventurous tone to it! It feels like an old, nostalgic folk song that was spruced up and made better! Hell, it even fits the feel of Undefined Fantastic Object itself, being an adventure towards a flying ship to find out what’s going on and why it’s there. It’s a really mystical song, and it’s great at what it does!
This song may have also elevated to number 4 because of the instruments used in it, especially one specific one used throughout the entire song. I’m not a music wizard that knows everything and knows what every instrument used is the moment I hear it used, but the specific instrument I love being used here, sounds like the stringing of an old instrument, maybe like a shamisen or a precursor to a guitar.
3. Perfect Cherry Blossom - Mystic Dream ~ Snow or Cherry Petal
This song is so calming and atmospheric to me. It’s the kind of song you’d hear during a cold winter night. It’s calm and soothing, using the right instruments to really show that off, while also having some power to it through its percussion.
It’s really fitting for a game like Perfect Cherry Blossom. It carries the feeling of Winter well while being really soothing too. It’s so great.
2. Imperishable Night - Eternal Night Vignette ~ Eastern Night
It feels like ZUN grabbed Perfect Cherry Blossom’s title screen theme, and somehow made it even more atmospheric. To me, this song sounds like it’s both an upgrade, and also a continuation of Mystic Dream ~ Snow or Cherry Petal. Yet, it really fits the game itself and the setting of the game, taking place during what seems like an eternal night.
This song is just so cool and it feels so amazing to hear after doing anything that would be tiring, and that’s a big reason why it’s so high. It’s a song that calms your nerves.
Now, this would’ve been number 1… if I hadn’t played Double Dealing Character.
1. Double Dealing Character - Mysterious Purification Rod
Let me say this. The fact that this was number 1 to me surprised me a little. Especially considering that compared to the other Touhou games, when I was younger, I played the PC-98 and early Windows Touhou games way more and very rarely ever touched Double Dealing Character. So when I gave the game another look many months ago and I took the time to hear this title screen theme… I was amazed. I was angry that I never listened to it sooner.
This song is utterly, absolutely, positively… beautiful. Beautiful is what I’d use to describe this song.
This is the most welcoming Touhou title screen theme I’ve ever heard, no contest. It is also probably one of the most welcoming title screen themes I’ve ever heard overall. I love it so much.
It’s so calming, with a soft and hopeful beat and tone to it, using many different instruments really well to create such a beautiful song. It’s like a song that’s welcoming me with open arms no matter what. It’s enough to just make you forget about your anger and struggles for even just a moment. It’s there to calm you. To sooth you. To let you relax. To greet you with open arms. It feels…
…warm. Beautifully warm. I think those two words fit the song the best. Beautifully warm, as if it’ll always be there for you.
Yeah, Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night’s title screen themes both hold a heartfelt and nostalgic value for me since I heard them a whole lot, but this one… I don’t know what it is with this one, it just hits everything perfectly for me. It’s like a song to cheer someone up if they’re sad. Like there’s something to look forward too.
I just really think this song is absolutely perfect, and it shows, considering this one has the longest typed-out entry out of them all. Whoops. ^ ^;
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juanitasupreme · 2 years
ykw im feeling messy today time to be divisive and rank blackpinks singles best to worst.
1. Du ddu du: best raps, had a atual dance break, the hype during that era was unparalleled this was their first global hit ,basically but them on bullet proof boyscouts level
2.boombayah: the girls had one chance to prove to their company they were the new it girls and they did. lisa's rap outsold. jennies rap outserved. rose was on the sliding on the floor jisoo was a visual all was well. birthed blackpink in your era and i cannot lie "i dont need a boy i need a man" had me gobsmacked
3.So hot remix: technically is a single and not a comeback but i said i was ranking singles so get off my dick. the only reason teddy hasnt given blackpink an actual comeback like this is because he's afraid of success? i guess? has one of the least cringe english raps in their discography. like theyd actually body this. this remix came in the middle of a drought and got more streams than the original song in months. absolutley insane. hell they could probably still release it, just give jisoo lines and add a dance break omg.
4. Sour candy: technically not even blackpinks song but lets be honest it is. well its rose's really and we all know out of the 4 girls rose and lisa are the only ones really trying anymore at this point. once again if bp had a song like this they would devour. it would top the charts (deservingly) the reason its not higher on the ranking is because lady gahgah is on there, sorry ma'am
5.Playing with fire: she gave. everything. choreo was engaging, lyrics were deep. raps were slaying. everyone sounded good and this is the last time all of the members were seen trying during live stages. if bp released a song like this today blinks would cry tears of joy.
6. love sick girls: their last truly amazing song theyve put out to date basically manufactured in a lab to be a hit and it was.
7.whistle: its odd seeing whistle divorced from her sister boombayah but im gonna be honest here she has strong line distribution, good rapping but jennies vocals on the chorus never rlly hit for me. she sounds like shes straining, especially the bridge. honestly in my opinion they shouldve kept the demo version iykyk
8. Stay: i feel like people forgot about her. this is the only time bp released a slow song as a single. its very christian horsegirl music which was perfect for rose. i wonder if bp wouldve been better off releasing songs like this and their regular uptempo dance pop songs so that way they would have more depth as a group. but that would require actual effort from yg. bp has such a obvious formula for a lot of their songs that even when they try to break it it ends up more of the same *see, shutdown*
10. sure thing cover: ok i know im fucking pushing this it wasnt even a single but im putting it here because bp couldve benefitted from having a song like this in their discography
11.forever young: on the technicality forever young was promoted on music shows i will count it as a single. shes ok. i put her over kiss and make up simply because she has a dance break
12. Kiss and make up: technically dula peepas song but bp did good so im keeping it here.
13. Ice cream: npt as bad as people say it is its just painfully basic and selena didnt rlly add much but i digress.
14.pink venom: as soon as i heard it i knew they were going for early 2000s late 90s throwback vibes so i didnt hate it like everyone else what can i say i have the mind of a mastermind it was still a let down after waiting so long for a single though
15.as if its your last: i know the pinks hate this song it was the only new thing they had to perform for like two years.
16.ready for love: whew the hype for this song died so fast. its not even bad just forgettable
17. shut down: i will give the song this, the lyrics actually are catchy. the melody of the chorus was stuck in my head after the 2nd listen which is strange since its a lackluster song. rapper jisoo showed up which was a welcome surprise. the english raps left a lot to be desired.
18. awesome screen awesome camera: yes i put an ad with just lisa and rose here to make the number on the list even, and yes this samsung jingle is still better than kill this loveand hylt
19. kill this love: the first time(and not the last) i remember being truly disappointed by a bp comeback.
20. how you like that: ....
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mellow-island7 · 9 months
Twitter Drafts
was writing down my twitter drafts in a word document cause i'm gonna deactivate my twitter again cause i'm getting overwhelmed again by everything and thought i'd share some of these on tumblr lol
These drafts start from now (8/23/23) and go all the way back to i think like a year ago or something like that, some of the drafts are unfinished but yea anyways heres some of them
(pt 1)
(ps my bad i probably sound like an asshole in some of these, i was really sad and have been stuck in a perpetual shit cycle for the past 3 years)(but also i have to learn to stop apologizing for things that i don't need to be sorry for)
Stuck in a body that isn’t mine,
Everything is a waste of time
Dumb yuppie mfkrs talking about being “broke” with a car, a house, gear that works and a house that has food everyday :|
Lol :|
We need a show in south florida for the Daniel Johnston fans all 5 to 6 of us
Mfkrs will literally kick you down and be like dude get up already, stop being lazy
Its funny hearing people talking about getting older and gaining weight and running out of breath and I’m like “dude literally all you do is smoke weed and watch shit on Netflix, what the fuck would you expect”
Lol you really not grown till you get sued for the first time
Mad respect and appreciation for anyone that takes the time to try and and understand themselves emotionally
In my head thinking about how it totally not cute to be this sad at my age
In my head counting all the people that hate me
I’m grateful for the people that I’ve been friends with since middle school
The online therapists are exploiting mental illness, places like b*tter help want you to think you are weak and they want you to think you can’t do it yourself so that you can pay them a good amount of money to talk you into fixing your own problems
Yea I’m probably gonna hold off on doing shit seriously till I have money again
I know where I am, I know where I’m going and I know how I’m gonna get there
You should be scared you fucking limp dick weasel, I hope you get everything that you have coming for you
Wtf you could bs nose slide? :o
I just wanna skate and make music with my friends, its not that complicated
This mini ramp is slowly but surely making my brain so much stronger
Don’t understand plus don’t care plus don’t wanna understand plus I gotta st
Do things for genuine reasons
I need to stop apologizing for things I don’t need to be sorry about
(added this in rn, wasn’t originally in our twitter drafts ^^^)
Nick is like the mike Sinclair to my billy marks
One day when I’m older and more stable with money and more in a place of comfort, I look forward to being able to smoke weed while playing playstation 2 games
Lifes moving in such a weird direction and I’m really happy and excited but also a lil sad also goddamn some of the things happening  are so bizarre
Educate the yuppie jits, they don’t know any better
You are exactly like all the people you complain about and if you weren’t busy having your head so far up your own ass maybe you could see that
I love being an internet music nerd, all I wanna do is be on my computer and listen to music and make shit
I’m trying very hard to stay optimistic and keep working hard towards things that I think actually matter and if you are in any way trying to impede on that optimism (no matter how false you think it may be) then FUCK YOUUUUU just SHUT THE FUCK UP
Growing up means literally faking being happy every day
I can’t wait to turn 30
I need a job so fucking bad and I desperately need to leave this house
Steel reserve suicide? 👀
Fuck it lol I think imma finish as much as I can of the ruffans stuff and put it out as a demos album LOL (at this point that makes more sense than having this be an actual album)
Definitely gotta keep our friends humble cause :| some mfkrs are getting so prideful and arrogant :|
I think we need to start roasting our friends a bit more, so many specific people are getting way too prideful and arrogant, like there’s nothing in with feeling a sense of pride in your self but definitely gotta humble people when they’re getting out of pocket
Being in a car with people that drive like shit :| is so fucking annoying :| and then they wanna act like you’re annoying as fuck for being scared :| fried ass mfkrs :|
Too many people down bad rn, get it together
:| talking about these things with the people you love is :| so :| fucking :| hard :| life is moving and changing in so many directions in so many ways :| and
You will only come to realize this when it is way too late and you’ve done an insane amount of irreparable damage and then you will regret so much as we all come to do
Life at 17: I need to kill myself Σ('◉⌓◉’)
Life at 24: yea fuck this dude I’m out :|
Lol its funny to me that theres people that only like me because I’m so sad and that feels soo fucked up for some reason
I don’t care if it’s good enough because it is genuinely the best can do
Phone password is **** and my computer password is ******, theres a lot of live video and audio recordings of peoples bands and maybe some photos and logos and art and other random bullshit, if anyone cares to go and try and find that, go for it
I tried, sorry, thanks
(anecdote: lol fucking dumb edgy imbecile thinking anyone would give a fuck to try and find any of that garbage
Its fireeee :,| <3
Goddammit ramon just do it already, watching you get up and keep trying is humiliating it feels like watching a one legged dog keep tripping over himself tryna cross the street, its so fucking sadd
No I’m not doing okay why the fuck would you askme some stupid dumbass question like that, tryna be on some hold your head up king bullshit, like I’m glad that you’ve managed to convince yourself that you’re happy, that’s awesome for you I love that for you genuinely but what the fuck I am obviously not happy why the fuck would you ask me that like what the fuck am I actually supposed to say to that
I am not too fond of punk music or shoegaze music or metal music(as genres), theres specific bands and individuals that I like but in general sense most of those genres are so fucking boring
I feel like I haven’t had a real conversation with another human being in so long, I feel so detached from reality like as if I’m not real and I’m watching myself continue on autopilot from outside my body
I’m the kind of stupid where I’ll have no money, get $5 and decide to share it with someone so we could eat together
Sitting thinking about how many days will have to pass before have to sell my fuzzwar and amp and other belongings that mean a lot to me?
(something is wrong/broken)
One brain cell dimwit human being who is not doing anything to fix it or help in any way: “why are you not fixing this? What is wrong with you you useless irresponsible asshole?”
I wish I had what you had
I’m getting real close to selling my fuzzwar, at this point in life I have no one I’m close enough that would know what that would mean to me or even care but maya gave me that for my 19th brirthday, it was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me ever
Jesus christ the way that asia argento looks at rip torn in marie Antoinette and just thinking about times in life when someone looked at you like that while touching your face
0 notes
bearpillowmonster · 1 year
REsident REvil 4 REmake REview
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Attack of the games I've tried and didn't like then came back later to love.
I've played RE3 more times than I care to count because I had a lot of fun with it but fun doesn't always equal the perfect game, it has its flaws. I just run through it so much because it's easy and I've learned it, the actual game I gave a 6/10, all I ask is that this one beats that.
I don't know if I'm going to be the first person to say this but here are my honest thoughts…let me preface by saying this is the PS4 version. It ran fine, a few hitches but nothing unplayable, nothing intolerable, just small little stuff. Graphics are obviously downsized as the same with file size which I expected but judging from the PS5 footage I've seen, that mainly affects performance, the graphics remain similar enough.
When I first saw the trailers, the graphics looked obviously good, I was blown away with RE2 and I'm not a total graphic fidelity guy or anything, I still play old games but I can also appreciate a good graphics game as much as anyone and I'm sorry but that first chapter of the game is just bad. His hair glistens, which sounds pathetic to complain about but in a nighttime setting, especially that opening scene, it just doesn't make sense when Leon's hair lights up the room more than his flashlight. In the light, it looks real good but aside from the environment, it renders the photo mode almost pointless because Leon's face is so stock it's not even funny. It wouldn't be a problem because you're looking at his back anyway but photo mode allows it, so you see it. There aren't filters or poses either, maybe I was just spoiled by Horizon Zero Dawn. But that's not even all.
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This game is a remake of something from 2005 and it reflects that, there are a lot of narrow linear passages to get from point A to point B, it feels like you're heading from town setting to town setting to wipe out waves of zombies. I know this was more action based than that of the previous entries but still, do you beat enemies or outrun them, do you save ammo or not? It's a gamble.
One of the things that turned me off initially from the 2005 version was that everything seemed very samey, like I was shooting these villagers that were copies of each other and they just kept reappearing. Now there are some zombies that you'll see copied but now it's not so glaringly obvious due to the upglow. But it can get really irritating hearing them say the same voice lines over and over, I missed when they didn't talk. But what that first chapter covers is when I sold the original game back, heck it's what they based the demo off of. When I played the RE2 and 3 remake demos, I was blown away but had I played this one, I might not have picked it up. But! It kind of gets better and better as it goes on so you're clear :)
There are certain parts where it hit that whimsy because I would be like "I'm actually doing this." I don't really wanna spoil those moments for you (if you don't know them already from the original) but even knowing some of them were coming, I was reminded of how cool some of the gameplay context moments were in Jedi Outcast and how rare it's been since then to feel that.
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Leon is very reactive, whether it be his grunts and breathing or when he's hurt to when there's poop and flies and he waves his hands and puts his hands up to his face. There were some points that I knew what was going on just based on his reactions alone. I mean the controller itself is used quite effectively too with voices coming on it and such.
Leon's whole personality has shifted, he was a dork in the last game (RE2) but he's become hardened, something that I've always found the contrast of as a little too much, too uncomfortable for me but hearing his voice lines, he's still a dork at heart, just has a lot more going on and is better prepared for it…mostly. In RE2, he'd say "What the-" whenever he saw something unnatural like a zombie now he says it when he sees something common like a bodybag. I mean, what happened between 2 and 4 is really up to a few second recap so a whole game could've filled that period but whatever. If you get confused, apparently Darkside Chronicles has some of that information but you probably know that's not an easy one to find.
One of the things I enjoyed about RE3RE was that it had the quick dodge. Some people thought this mechanic was too broken because once you got a rhythm down, you could parry. Well you don't have the quick dodge this time (THANKS A LOT!) but you have an evade which is a quick time that appears whenever it feels like it. But you can also stealth kill if you have the knife and if they have a knife then you can parry that and I say if you have the knife because it now breaks and you can either repair it or find a new one but eventually it wasn't really a problem because I found them so frequently. You also have a melee which after getting a zombie stunned you can kick for a wide effect (hitting multiple targets) and or depending on the situation, strike them with your knife. It's especially helpful when they've hit the ground because you're not awkwardly standing over them to try and aim your reticle to make sure they stay down while they're rising up again, instead, you just give it a finishing move. But what's that? You have no room for a knife in your inventory because it's packed with grenades? Just use the item box. What's that? You can't store just anything? Mainly weapons? Well, that sucks. So it gives, it takes.
In fact, I feel like what I liked about RE3 wasn't really present here but what I disliked about RE3 wasn't really an issue here either, leaving room for new things to like, perhaps even more. With that said, there are parts reminiscent of RE3RE like how the Hospital plays out, having Jill out of commission and you play as Carlos to go around the place, getting key cards and such, running into pale heads, giving her a cure. That's basically done the same way with Ashley and Leon, it's not a tired trope because it's only happened once before as far as I know but that's the only pass I'll give it for that. This is also a much longer game than the previous ones so it's not as detrimental.
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There are traps now, stuff to slow you down and hurt you just a little but enough that it may hurt more in the long run (not like poison but if a zombie gets you or something, you're down that much more) but you can eat chicken eggs now, so you're good! Speaking of zombies, they are indeed zombies but more like people with a spell put on them sort of. Necromanced or whatever. You can jump through windows, the world is bigger to explore but not so big that you're getting (totally) lost (I mentioned linear passages after all). This allows for more collectible opportunities.
Money, there's a money system which is obviously used for the merchant, this allows for challenges you can complete for dough, similar to that of the ones that are usually in the menu. Most of your weapons come from this but that's the thing, I feel like everything is a soft introduction and I in no way mean that in a bad way, I mean it in the best way. You're not forced to use the merchant if you don't want to but it's definitely helpful and you can still pick up some of the weapons and items here and there like any other game if you wanted.
There's a treasure system which you can collect stuff and then apply gems to make them more valuable to sell. It'd be cool if the treasures were collectibles in the menu and you in turn put gems in them to unlock the models and concept art they already have in there but still cool. Use that money to get upgrades and repairs and stuff.
It's split into chapters for whatever reason, which I don't really care for, it doesn't exactly hurt the experience but it does add to a series of other problems I had, making it feel like each chapter was something new but at the same time disjointing it overall. Sometimes like a tv show. Revelations did that as well. At one point I remember thinking "Did that happen in the actual game?" referring to the original, as if I wasn't already playing a game, it was kind of like an adaptation to me, where these scenes that I felt like I should know were being brought to a new screen kind of like HBO's The Last of Us. I feel like this was probably made for fans of the original. One thing I already know I prefer in the original is Ramon's design. He was a creepy little kid before, almost like a puppet but now he's just a little old man that acts like he's at the opera.
It ended up ranking about where I expected with me preferring RE2 just a little more for being a bit tighter around the edges but this game does improve on a lot from the ones previous, putting it above RE3 overall, we'll see how the memories of this game hold up though. I may even visit the original (is it that different?) now that it gave me interest. I was a little disappointed by that ending though. Not by the final boss or cutscenes but more that Ashley was pushed aside "We're a team, right?"
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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2023/06/08 Blog post by Wakana いよいよ今週はインストアイベント!!〜最近やっとリリース出来た事を実感しています〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
this Week it’s Time for my In-store Release Event!!〜My Album has Finally Released〜
To celebrate the release of my album, I got to write a lyric essay for Uta Net. This was my first attempt at writing such an essay, I took on the challenge by reading many essays in advance😲!! II honestly had no idea what to do, I kept worrying until the very end😂 The recital was a lot of fun 😳Actually, I came across something very interesting called a “sound shield” at Yuji Toriyama-san’s studio where I did most of my vocal recording for the album. I was so intrigued by the item that I bought a mini size. These sound shields or microphone isolation shields are crucial because they provide a better environment for the microphone to produce good sound quality. They pick up reverberations that occur when voices or musical instruments echo in a room. Typically, I use a handheld mic when I practice but I record all my demo songs with a mic on a mic stand at home so I knew that investing in a shield like that would increase the quality of my recordings considerably! I took the plunge and bought one. When I recorded my reading of the essay using this filter, the audio was recorded very well 😳I think it sounded great because it delicately picked up my breathing! It felt like I was almost in a professional radio recording environment 😳However, it's quite a hassle to set up the filter on the mic stand so I've removed the filter at home but here’s a picture of Toriyama-san's studio! *laughs* (of course I have his permission to post this😉) It's a great way to easily improve the quality of your recording environment!
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
I recorded a total of 3 lyric essays at home using this newly acquired armature(?). Please be sure to listen to them😊
Well now. On May 31st of last month, I finally released my 3rd original studio album "Sono Saki e"!  \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////On the release day, I visited Tower Records Shibuya where I will be holding a release event on Saturday! I'm so happy about the display😭! ! ! 😭✨✨By all means, if you happen to come to Shibuya, please visit Tower Records Shibuya♡\(^o^)/
How did you like the album? 😊This 3rd album was a big challenge for me so please let me know what you think!
And on Saturday, June 10, I'll be holding my in-store event together with Hirotaka Sakurada-san. It’s been such a long time since I’ve worked with him! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Saku-chan's piano playing feels even more tingling than before!😭😭😭😭✨✨Everyone, please come to the event! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))(The in-store event in Shibuya will also be streamed online! And you can get a clear file at the venue!) See you at Tower Records Shibuya on Saturday\(^o^)/
Until next time☆(*'▽'*)
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2023/06/08 Instagram post by Wakana
Only 2 days left until the Shibuya in-store event 🥳🎉 These days I am finally starting to realise that my album has actually released. From last year to this year, I was busy creating the album, facing each and every song carefully. I’d like to look back on some of the fun photos which were taken during the album recording 🤭 Here we have a group photo of Konno Strings during the recording of "Asu wo Yume Mite Utau"🎻 Seeing Takebe-san in the booth giving instructions to the string players almost felt like we were on the set of a TV program. On the one hand it felt quite hectic but on the other hand, there was an overwhelming sense of reassurance that the production was in capable hands 😳✨It was a really amazing recording😍 (Source)
“Sono Saki e” Oricon Ranking
As mentioned in another blog post, “Sono Saki e” made it to #14 on its first day in the Daily Oricon Charts. That’s honestly a lower entry-position than expected but not too shabby (in comparison, Keiko managed to reach #8 on the first day).
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However, Wakana is still in the Top 30 for the Weekly Oricon Charts which is actually pretty neat. Not as high as her 1st (#19) or 2nd (#22) original studio album but much better than her cover album (#42) => Oricon
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zhongrin · 2 years
I suppose that make sense considering GI take at least a year to add a new world/archon lol. From my understanding, they tend to base things in real life? Like I've heard that `Sumeru is based on the Middle East and South Asia? Oh, that doesn't sound too bad then and it's sound quite ethnical, at the end of the day GI want to make everyone happy lol which is probably why they made the game for free. I've seen clips of the Windblume festival and it seem like it hit the viewers in the feels? Lol, I don't know but I have seen gifs of it on here. Maybe, GI thought they would be safe since the game is free. I get where you're coming from though, it would be a massive turnoff for the hardcore fans. Yes, I'm nowhere near finishing, I still have a lot of things to look forward too ^^ That sound neat! Yh, I would imagine that the PC version would be the best one to play but again apparently it's lags depending on your system. It's probably because of the IOS update? It works better on the newer models but GI is only available on the Apple Store, it's not available for Non-Apple users so I'm not entirely sure, it seem like their focus is more on Windows users. What phone do you have now? I have the iPhone 11 ^ I'm sure that the adapation will be in good hands since it's Ufotable, I would hate to imagine what would had happened if Netflix got their hands on it lol. That's a short time to catch up with the game! You must really like it then, how long did it take for you to meet Zhongli? That still sound like a good range of characters! It must be fun to have Itto though considering his demo/personality. I download the game last year in the summer, I have Thoma, Noelle, Gorou and another one? I can't remember their name though. I found Thoma to be the most useful one, I was pulling for Itto but I didn't get him ;-; - Moon Anon
yeah... at least they have events and such tho! ahh there's a lot of opinions that goes for sumeru's origins and what it's based on so i'm not gonna open that can of worms, but yeah you're right! all the regions are based on certain countries and cultures!
windblume festival was nice! i liked lantern rite more but i'm probably biased bc liyue is my favorite nation lol
it's good! your journey is still far from over!! you mean GI is not available on mac? yeah, it's not (mac user here lol) haha not too sure why since it's available on iPad and iPhones ;;;
i just changed to iPhone 13 early this year bc my iPhone 7 was getting far too slow & its battery can barely last an hour if it's used hahah
honestly, i don't watch netflix original series so i'm not sure about their adaptation quality, but i have heard many bad things... given hyv's background tho, i feel like that option isn't something they would explore?
hahah i think the fact that previously i've played on my brother's account helped a lot! i was already familiar with the controls, characters, and a few other things. for zhongli, i've met him on my brother's account but he only came home last august in my account haha (he made me pull out my card ;;;;)
i love thoma! i wanted him to be my main pyro dps but he wasn't built for that... and my brother was like "he's no good don't build him" ;w; BUT with the dendro reactions he's a good party member now!! >:)
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i2mt · 2 years
Midterm Song Project
I made a song :-D
I'm pretty proud of it right now, I'm kind of surprised I was able to finish this before Tuesday. Instead of using loops, I really wanted to write my own stuff--which ended up being pretty ambitious of me lol. I also wanted to make something that had room for vocals, so left open some space for a vocal melody.
For the piano, guitar, and bass parts, I used Captain Chords and Captain Deep from the Captain Plugins suite. I don't have a particularly vast musical background, so Captain Plugins really helps me a lot with expressing and organizing my ideas musically. It definitely makes things faster too--there's no way I'd be able to write all of this in less than a week without it!! For the key and mode, I picked D Dorian... I like to reference this page about keys/modes and emotions before I write, and I was liking the idea of making a gloomy but upbeat song. I don't remember why I picked D, maybe I was in a bad mood or didn't want to take too long to decide. From there, I used my knowledge of chord tones and experimented with a lot of things until I found something that sounded nice!! I'm not sure if I completely stayed in D Dorian though, since I ended up tweaking the piano backing chords for the verse in Ableton's MIDI editor afterwards.
For my environmental sounds, the Beat Pizza, and my synth sound, I decided to include them all in the build-up to the chorus. I had a feeling that the car passing by would be the easiest one to incorporate into the mix, so I chose that one. The Beat Pizza and the synth sound were a little less straightforward... I knew I probably wouldn't want to use a Beat Pizza beat the whole way through (I'm not good at writing my own drum parts yet), so I made it simple and used the clapping from the trap drum kit on there. Originally I intended to sample the synth sound and use it like a keyboard, but I couldn't figure out how to do that in time, so I ended up using a sampler plugin I had (Output Arcade) and utilized a small bit of one of the synth recordings as a sound effect--it's that ringing noise that plays before the chorus. Perhaps it's not ideal, but it probably sounds fine...
And then for the drums, I used EzDrummer !! I've had it installed for a little while, but this is my first time really trying it out. EzDrummer seems to have a range of features, but for this project, I pulled from its vast collection of editable drum MIDI (which I didn't do much to, besides decreasing the overall velocity of the drum machine since the hits sounded a bit harsh at first), and I'm very impressed with the results!! I think it really boosted the mix a lot.
Speaking of the mix... It's really simple. By the time I got to mixing, this assignment was almost a day late, so I didn't want to take up more time that I had to... I adjusted some of the track's panning and volumes, and I EQ'd the guitar because it was a little too high-pitched.
Overall, I'm happy with this project, though I also think I could've made it better had I done better sound selection (this came out nothing like I expected it to,) and had more time to perfect it. I imagine this project as more of a song skeleton rather than a finished project--there's still a ton of mixing that I could do, for example. I think the first verse might also be a bit long/repetitive, if I kept working on this I'd probably put some more variation in there.
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limetonki · 2 years
Magic leap magic leapbassbloomberg
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The taller viewing area also meant that stuff on the walls would still be visible when I was looking at the table.įield of view has been a big limiter in AR glasses: Existing hardware has a restricted zone where AR effects can appear, and outside of that box, they disappear from view. One thing I immediately noticed was that the wider viewing area allowed me to get closer to the table while still seeing everything on it. (I gathered at a similar round table for a HoloLens 2 demo back in 2019 at Microsoft's Redmond headquarters, too.) The demo, which was made using satellite data and meant to represent a potential use for how AR can represent large-scale map data and multiple virtual monitors at once, turned the round table into a 3D landscape, while the monitors on the walls provided extra simultaneous streams of data. My first demo showed a familiar holographic situation-room-type experience, a common style of demo for AR. There's no way to easy illustrate the headset's dimming, but it feels like AR glasses turned into sunglasses. But the most notable thing is a feature I've never seen before on any AR headset or glasses: The lenses can dim the outside world, becoming a pair of blackout sunglasses that AR can display on top of. Plus, the Magic Leap 2's field of view is notably larger, showing more holographic objects in front of me in a taller, wider area that isn't as cut off on the sides. It's not phone-connected like Qualcomm's upcoming AR glasses: It's stand-alone, but with that hip pack as part of its package.Īll of these parts feel upgraded. And there's still a handheld, wireless, pointer-style controller. It uses an AMD-based processor this time, which Johnson says is more powerful than the previous Nvidia-based chipset. They still tether to a processor box, which is large and hums loudly as it clips onto my belt. There's a pair of goggle-eyed glasses, which unfortunately don't work over my own prescription glasses. But this Magic Leap 2 headset I wore is real, if relatively similar in concept to the original. Then-CEO Rony Abovitz showed me a table with a cloth over it back in 2018, claiming the Magic Leap 2 was under it. It takes the combined effort of courageous, hardworking and adventurous people of all backgrounds who want to help build the future.Promises of Magic Leap's next-gen hardware have been around since, well, my first visit. We are looking for artists and engineers, dreamers and explorers, scientists and storytellers. Headquartered in sunny South Florida and with offices around the globe, we are a company of people who see and do things a little differently. We know it sounds impossible, but that’s kind of the point.
So imagine music you can see and touch, movie screens that can be put anywhere, and games that pour into your living room with characters that take over your couch. One that frees the digital content from behind screens and brings it into the world around us, making everything from shopping to entertainment to communication and productivity better and more natural. One that’s lightweight, wearable and capable of changing the way we experience the world. So, naturally, the journey starts with building a totally new kind of computer. One that’s changing how people interact with the digital world. We’re Magic Leap, and we’re a different kind of tech company.
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