#and now they're lovers for me
platoniccereal · 2 years
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ah, the path of trust issues being healed step by step. :)
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ingravinoveritas · 8 months
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Michael and David are "so strong and so real and true." This is fine. I'm fine...
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skipblebee · 7 months
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HELLO PETRIGROF NATION 🤩🤩 Fionna and Cake finale destroyed me and made me very sad so I couldn't draw anything except silly doodles to cope pls enjoy
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brazen-art · 1 month
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Chiropractors near you:
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(continue your art journey today by looking at this cool murkrow!)
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flowery-king · 1 year
So what's Koda's relationship with Philip? Like is it platonic, queerplatonic, romantic, etc.?
As per usual I'm very predictable
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bonefall · 2 months
tall shadows line of "she was only a kittypet" kinda reminds me of the line "they were only slaves" from the prince of egypt.
What kills me about it is that like, at that point in the movie, the Pharoah Is Bad. Him saying that a billion babies where fed to crocodiles is A Bad Thing. It's the point where Moses realizes he can't be part of the royal family without being complicit.
But Tall Shadow says "calm down, Bumble was less than human anyway" and Gray Wing nods along (complete with the jiggly clicking noise that comes with shaking a can of spraypaint) and this is an example of them being reasonable. Level-headed, even, not getting swept away by the passion of the angry mob.
There are so many levels to how fucked up the Bumble Debacle is that you can't explore every floor all at once. It is an onion. It has layers.
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wikitpowers · 4 months
Ash unfolded the paper. A jolt went through his body. He turned away quickly so that Jace and Sebastian, deep in conversation, wouldn't see his expression.
It was her, the strange human girl he's once seen in the Unseelie weapons room. Dark hair, eyes the colour of the sky he only partially remembered. A murder of crows circled in the sky behind her. Not a photograph, but a drawing, done with a wistful hand, a sense of love and longing emanating from the page. A name was scribbled in a corner: Drusilla Blackthorn.
Drusilla. She looked lonely, Ash thought, but determined as well, as if a hope lived behind those summer-blue eyes, a hope that could not be quenched by loss, a hope too strong to feel despair.
Ash's heart was pounding, though he could not have said why. Hastily, he folded the drawing and thrust it into his pocket.
there is literally nothing (and i mean nothing) that anyone could say that would convince me that ash doesn't have the biggest crush on dru blackthorn idfc.
LET ME TELL YOU this ain't platonic in the slightest, okay?
this one is for the folks who doubt morgenthorn will be endgame *peace out*
like the "her" being in italics is already sus enough because he's like "omg it's the pretty girl i saw that one time *blushes furiously*" and then he seems so pleased to finally know her name????? drusilla???? and then like examines the drawing so thoroughly it’s actually mental???? he thinks she’s the most gorgeous human to ever walk the earth (and he’s not wrong)
and to top it all off he’s all “hmmm my heart is beating kinda fast lolsies i wonder why” and then wait for it HE FUCKING TAKES THE DRAWING!!! LIKE HE FOLDS IT AND PUTS IT IN HIS POCKET BC OFC HE DOES!!!! HE HAS TO LOOK AT IT IN HIS FREE TIME U KNOW BC THAT’S WHAT U DO (when ur a freaking simp)!!! he is so so whipped already and twp hasn’t even been released pls i’m so far gone for them save me
dru is getting like properly thirsted over AND FUCKING RIGHTFULLY SO bc she’s an absolute goddess and we all know it… and ash is the drusilla blackthorn fanclub founder idc like god he is gonna have it SO bad for her in twp and guys when she finds out he kept the drawing all these years, i will simply evaporate out of existence
morgenthorn is gonna be my downfall mark my words
i can’t wait yay A N G S T😀
[pterodactyl screech]
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 8 months
obviously it's wild that silver's response to flint telling him about thomas is to be like "sorry that happened but i noticed that all the people closest to you die, and now i'm the person closest to you so i'm worried about my safety," but it's even more wild that he follows that up with "but then i realized i'm so powerful now bc of how loved and feared i am by the crew that actually i'm probably going to be the one who causes your death, so..."
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annalyticall · 27 days
I think it's good to have at least one ship with a fanon characterization so wildly different to your own perception that you can't engage with the majority of its fandom content. Keeps you humble
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nelllover · 1 year
Something about Rory and Jess's dynamic that I don't see people talking about enough is the fact that he is the only bf of her's that was her friend before anything else (now granted both had huge crushes on each other since the start but still!!)
And I think that's why they're the best!
Jess saw her as more than just some pretty girl he saw her as someone that he could spend time with and not get bored and Rory saw him as someone who would finally not just tune her out and nod politely when she went off on a tangent about her interests (especially books).
another aspect of that is showcased in how they act in later seasons (s6 and AYITL) while yes they are exes (who are still in love with each other but don't tell them) they're able to go right back to the same rhythm with easy conversations like nothing happened (now granted that's not totally healthy and they should definitely have a conversation about everything but what do you expect from the king and queen of denial)
There is a reason why by the end of the series the only ex Rory has a good relationship with is Jess (and no not just because they were totally implied endgame) it's because they need each other in their lives so much that they're ok with just having those 'totally 100% platonic moments' (altho there as never been a moment where they haven't been in love with each other)
And I can tell you one thing for sure Jess is the only one who cares about Rory enough to do that you'll never see either Dean or Logan be there for her without a hidden agenda.
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iambecomeyourvillain · 2 months
oh my god the regulus black and jean moreau parallels...
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
New DW video diary from Georgia, and David once again cannot shut up about Michael...
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0bees-knees0 · 3 months
Hc!! That barbatos taught Solomon everything he knew about cooking and cleaning at one point in the past (maybe not nb timeline cuz idk what happens, I haven't finished it lmao) when they were maybe friends(or LOVERS \⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/) and since then they have become "enemies" and now Solomon cooks terribly on purpose just to piss him off bc he knows that ppl talk to barbatos about how much of a fuckass cook he is lmao 😭
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olgipolgi · 25 days
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baby baby you are my babbbye auyhahhh I finished her route but I wanna play it again 😭
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prongsmydeer · 10 months
I watched Red, White and Royal Blue, and I gotta say that Gay British Macauley Culkin really carried it for me
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wikitpowers · 2 months
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i really don't care if this is an unpopular opinion - but i wanted lucie and matthew to end up together so freaking badly :'))
artist: @camisala01-art
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