#and now SW has to pick up the pieces of that mess and make something decent out of it
lucifers-silly-duck · 6 months
I literally get so mad when people say “fnaf is too sci fi nowww :/” SHUT THE FUCK UP?????? ITS A SERIES BASED ON ROBOTS WHAT THE HELL ELSE WOULD IT BE???? “Oh it was better when it was just supernatural” OH YOU MEAN IT WAS BETTER WHEN THERE WAS NO FUCKING EXPLANATION WHATSOEVER????? YOU WERE JUST OKAY WITH “the robots are possessed and that’s the end of it” BE SO FUCKING FOR REAL WHAT THE FUCK???????? At least remnant gives some reason for them to be alive.
Also let me point out sci fi elements in the first four games:
• AI
• facial recognition software that connects to a criminal database
• advanced robotics way ahead of their time
And this part is just my opinion but paranormal stuff is sci fi. The idea that human consciousness can be held in a robot is a fictional scientific phenomenon, albeit a bit whimsical. And with the sprawling nature of this story it HAS to creep into the future. Henry burnt down that pizzeria in 2023.
TLDR: grow up fnaf isn’t “too sci fi” it’s just trying to make sense of itself for once.
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giggles-and-tiggles · 3 years
We’ll Find That Smile
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Thank you so much for this kind message! People probably aren’t sending in many things because of the fact that I just started this blog, or they just simply don’t know that my prompts are open lol. But THANK YOU!  This prompt was amazing and I was honestly so excited to write for it. Thanks for your inspiration! I couldn't sleep and felt the need to post this at 3 am.
PLATONIC Avengers x Reader 
Summary: You had a hard day at school, but when you get home, you see that the Avengers will always have a way to get you smiling again.  
Word Count: 1,777
<3 Reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
It was a rather calm Thursday afternoon. You had just gotten out of school and were entering the Avengers compound. You were walking in all by yourself because you had declined Happy’s offer to drive you home. So he and Peter got home way before you did. You just needed time to yourself and you figured that walking home was the best way to do it. 
Your day at school wasn’t the best. You couldn’t get any of your assignments correct, you kept messing up your locker combination, you dropped all of your belongings in the middle of the hallway, all of your mechanical pencils never had led in them, and you wet your sleeves when you were washing your hands. Your mind was just in a completely different place and everything just went wrong.
Soon enough, you reached the living room where everyone seemed to be hanging out. They all looked up from what they were doing to see you walk through the door. You’ve spent a lot of time with the Avengers, so they could tell just by the look on your face and your general posture that something was wrong. 
“Hey hun.” Wanda greeted. “Everything alright?” You didn’t really want to tell the Avengers what was wrong. You felt like you were upset for a stupid reason, and you would just waste their time explaining. 
“Yeah everything’s fine!” You said, trying to hurry to the stairs so you could get to your room as fast as possible. Tony then stood in front of you and placed his hands on your shoulders. 
“You didn’t want to ride home with Happy and Peter.” He said. “Any particular reason why?” 
You just looked down at your shoes. “Uhm no. I just wanted alone time. Y’know just me and my thoughts.” 
Tony stared at you in disbelief. He wasn’t buying a single word that was slipping out of your mouth. “Alright fine. But before you head up to your room, do you think I could get a famous Y/N smile?” Damn. Tony was onto you. 
You slowly picked your head up to look at him and slightly twitched the corner or your lip upwards. 
“Ha! That was the worst smile I’ve ever seen! I knew something was wrong.” Tony exclaimed. “Spill it kid, what’s up with you?”  
You sighed and looked anywhere, but at Tony. “It’s nothing important. You don’t need to worry about it.” You tried to walk over to the staircase again, but Tony scooped you up and tossed you on the couch in between Steve and Peter. 
“I’m fine! Can I please go in my room?” You asked, trying to get up again. 
Steve grabbed your shoulder and sat you back down. “I know this is going to sound really cliché, but you know you can tell us anything, right?” Steve stared into your eyes with nothing but love and kindness. “No matter how stupid you think the reason may be, we still care.” 
“You’ve been acting differently all day, Y/N.” Peter said, trying to get you to look at him. “I wanna help you.” 
“I say we just hang her upside down until she tells us what’s been bugging her.” Clinton joked. There were some collective giggling after Barton’s comment.
“I second Barton’s idea!” Bucky chimed. A joke like that usually would’ve made you laugh, but right now you couldn’t even work up a proper smile. 
“Y/N doesn’t seem to be very pleased with your commentary right now, guys.” Natasha said with a smile, looking you dead in the eye. 
“N-No it’s fine.” You spoke. “It’s funny.” 
Peter blinked at you in confusion. “So then why aren’t you laughing?” 
You simply shrugged. “I just don’t feel like it right now.” 
“You don’t...feel like laughing?” Peter repeated. 
You nodded. “Damn. That’s the saddest shit I’ve heard all day..” Barton was quickly silenced by a smack behind the head by Natasha. 
“How about a nice smile?” Steve said, nudging your shoulder and giving you a smile of his own. You really tried, but you just ended up pressing your lips together. It looked nothing like a smile. 
“I take back what I said before.” Tony said, taking a seat in front of you. “That was the worst smile I’ve ever seen.” 
“Sorry. I just can’t...right now.” You sighed. 
“Well that’s alright, hun. We’ll help you.” Natasha said, making her way over to you and taking a seat next to Tony. “Anyone got any jokes or something?” 
“Yeah, I have one!” Peter chimed. You gave your attention to Peter and waited for his joke. “What do you call a pig that does karate?” 
“What do you call it, Pete?” Tony sighed, knowing that this joke was going to be bad. 
“A porkchop!” 
Silence rang throughout the entire living room. 
“Aha! I get it!” Steve laughed, “Why aren’t we laughing? It was funny!” He looked around, hoping for someone to agree with him. “What? Do you guys not get it or something? It’s because it’s a pig that-” 
“No, Steve.” Natasha said, placing a hand on Steve’s shoulder. “We get it, it’s just that the joke was so horrible, no one found it funny.” 
“Well how could you not find it funny? It was clearly-” 
“Rogers. The joke was corny. End of conversation.” Tony stated. 
“How was the joke corny? It got straight to the point, it made sense-” 
“It was bad, Steve! It was a dad joke!” 
You watched the two quarrel over something as silly as a joke Peter made. It was amusing to you. You didn’t even notice the smile that sprouted on your face. 
“Hey, well you would look at that.” Peter smiled, looking at you. “Is that a smile I see, Y/N?” Tony and Steve stopped their bickering to look at your face. 
“Huh, I think it is.” Tony said, adjusting his glasses and squinting his eyes. That only made you smile harder. 
“Now can we get a laugh?” Steve asked, poking your side, causing you to jerk violently and bump into Peter’s shoulder. Everyone’s eyes widened in realization, and evil smirks soon took over their faces. 
“I think I have an idea on how to get Y/N laughing.” Steve grinned. “Hey, Buck help me hold her down, would ya?” Bucky quickly got up from his chair and made his way over to you. 
You felt your heart sink. They were going to tickle you to pieces. No doubt about it. 
“No! Wait guys, dohohon’t!” You said, already giggling nervously. 
“You don’t even know what we’re going to do yet.” Bucky smiled, lightly pushing you on your back and getting a hold on your right arm while Steve got a hold on your left one. 
“NONONO! Let mehe goho! Plehease don’t tickle me!” You begged.
“Ah, so you do know what we’re going to do.” Tony grinned, cracking his knuckles and wiggling his fingers in front of you. “Pete, wanna get her armpits while I get her ribs?”  A wide smile took over Peter’s face as he made his way over to your head and placed his hands right in front of your armpits, just to taunt you. 
“Noho! Get away from me! Lehehet mehehe up!” You struggled, trying your best to get out of Steve and Bucky’s grip. Obviously, it didn’t work. 
“Not until we see that smile.” Natasha said, hovering her hands over you thighs. 
“Alright guys, tickle her in …3″
You screamed at the top of your lungs. Peter had dug into your armpits, Tony started vibrating all ten of his finger son your ribs, and Natasha started squeezing the insides of your thighs. Hysterical laughter was instantly ripped out of your chest and you had the biggest goofy smile on your face. 
“Awhh. There it is~” Peter cooed. 
“That’s the smile we wanted! Keep it up, Y/N!” Steve teased. 
“Well, at least you know.” Tony smirked. 
You jerked left and right, desperately trying to get free. Since no one was holding down your feet, you tried kicking, but now matter what you did, Natasha’s hands were glued to the inside of you thighs. 
“Wanna tell us why you were feeling down?” Bucky asked.
“Wow you asked for this.” Tony said, blowing a long raspberry on your tummy. 
You tossed your head back and screamed, giving Steve and Bucky a perfect view of your smile.  
“Tell us what’s been bugging you and we may consider stopping.” Tony said. 
“Alright well, there’s more where that came from.” Tony said, blowing another raspberry right above your belly button. You shrieked and threw your head back once again. 
“We’ve already discussed that nothing you say will be stupid.” Steve reassured in a caring tone. 
“OHOHOHOHOKAY! LEHEHEHET MEHEHEH GOHOHOHO AHAHAHAND IHIHIHI’LL TEHEHELL YOHOHOU!” You begged, not knowing how much more of this you could take. 
“Absolutely not. We still want that smile.” Tony grinned. 
“I did not say that. I said that I would consider stopping.” Tony corrected. 
“I didn’t get to see your smile all day, Y/N!” Peter said down at your hysterical state. “Why would we stop so soon?” 
“You can do whatever you set your mind to, Y/N!” Natasha teased. 
“Oh don’t be such a drama queen. We’d never kill you.” Tony said. 
These guys really weren’t giving you any mercy. Tears started welling up in your eyes from laughing too hard and your chest started to burn. Your laughter went completely silent and everyone stilled their fingers. Bucky and Steve let you go, and watched you trying to catch up with your breath. 
“Yohohou guhuhys are are mean.” You giggled, wiping the tears from your eyes.
Steve chuckled as he sat down next to you. “You ready to tell us now?” 
“My mind was just in a different place today. I didn’t feel like myself. Everything I did just went wrong.” You sighed. 
They all look at you with love and compassion. “It’s alright, kiddo. We all have those kinds of days.” Tony said, rubbing his thumb on your cheek. 
“You guys wanna turn on a movie or something?” Bucky asked. 
“Sure, Barnes.” Tony agreed. 
“You down to watch a movie, Y/N/N?” Natasha asked.
“Mhm. I’m feeling a lot better.” You smiled. You got all snuggled up with the Avengers and this day really made you realize how grateful you were to have them. 
Even if they tickled you to bits sometimes.
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winteriron-trash · 6 years
Ok, so that fanfic questions ask meme? You wanna do ALL OF THEM?!
YES, LET’S DO IT, HERE WE GO, PREPARE YOURSELF I’m copy and pasting answers I’ve already done just so I don’t have to retype them and there’s a break because god this got long. I might link this on my About Me post, cause holy shit I spent time on this
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Actual fandom? Probably DC. That’s when I started reading fanfiction and really poked my head around online communities dedicated to media and all.
2. What is your latest fandom?
I don’t know, probably Marvel? Maybe Riverdale, but I was a fan of the comics before so
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
If I’m assuming this question is about the actual fandom and not the source material and the people in the fandom and its community as a whole? Probably the Percy Jackson fandom. Not really into it anymore so I don’t know the state of it now, but it was a pretty wholesome and positive community. Any community that calls it’s creator “Uncle Rick” has gotta be pretty dope.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
Oh lord save my soul for admitting I like this, but definitely Five Nights at Freddy’s. The indie gaming, creepypasta, underground subculture as a whole is something I regret getting into. Don’t get me wrong, I usually love the source material, but the fandom is just so bad. You probably know what I’m talking about, the fangirls who insist they’re insane and are in love with Slenderman or something.
But specifically on FNaF, lord, I don’t even know what the fandom is anymore. It’s a meme, a fetish, and a hellspace all at once. And I’m not gonna fucking lie, I’ve been in this hellhole long before any of that. Like, I can’t even try to escape it, I’m in it for the long haul. I was just someone who joined for the lore and now we’re here with fucking casual bongos and trash gang and fuck I didn’t ask for this. I can’t escape. I know so fucking much about the franchise it hurts my fucking soul. I remember when the FNaF 2 trailer came out and we were all micro-analyzing London Bridge Is Falling Down. I remember when Springtrap didn’t have a name and we called that fucking Spring Bonnie or Golden Bonnie. I survived that era and I have PTSD from it, trust me. I remember when we were naive enough to think FNaF 3 was the last game. I know what channels were born and what channels died because of that series. I know it all.
Oh, and a lot of bandoms I was in too. I went through an alt phase where I’d only listen to shit like BVB, BMTH, MCR, PTV, SWS, and so on. Once again, that sort of fandom was the same as the indie/creepypasta in being ‘different’ and ‘insane’ and all that and I was no different. I was a weird fucking kid when I was like 13. I regret all of it.
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
Marvel, DC, and a couple Riverdale. 
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Not in many fandoms but
Marvel - WinterIronDC - SuperbatStar Trek Voyager - Captain Janeway/Seven of NinePercy Jackson - Solangelo
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
Marvel - Stucky, Stuckony, Romanogers, Clintasha, any incest ones, (save me for admitting this) SpideypoolDC - Any batboys shipped together, Bruce/Talia
And I don’t really have NOTPs for my other fandoms? Marvel and DC are really the only two things I’m invested in the fandom of. I guess you could count Wincest as well for Supernatural.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
What even is my latest fandom? Um, we’ll just say Marvel because I’m really not into joining fandoms much anymore. Honestly, I was a big DC fan who felt the need to hate Marvel because no shit. Eventually, I just got sick of the absolute shit movies DC had and I decided I had nothing to lose by just watching Iron Man. When I watched it I realized “wow, superhero movies can actually be good???” and I just binged the entire MCU in one month and was ready to see the next movie in theatres and I think I’ve seen every single MCU movie in theatres since Civil War? Definitely since Homecoming. I gave up on DC movies. The new Aquaman looks like shit, I’m so fucking pissed they redid Mera’s look when she looked perfectly fucking fine before and now she’s oversexualized and it’s gross. I’m excited for the new DC Batwoman TV show because I HAVE BEEN WAITING TO SEE A LIVE ACTION BATWOMAN SINCE THE DAWN OF FUCKING TIME
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
Probably the Tony Stark Defense Squad. As a collective whole, I think the Defense Squad is one of the sweetest, nicest corners of the fandom. We’re incredibly kind to each other, write great meta and fic, and it’s just a great community. Of course, there are assholes, but you know.
I might get flamed for saying this, but also the HYDRA Trash Party corner of the fandom is actually really nice? Like, they understand consent and abuse aftermath and all the real shit better than the rest of the fandom, not gonna lie. Like, for as dark as the fic is you’d expect the people to be fucking nasties, but I have never met a rude HTP enthusiast. Or even one who’s unaware of how consent and whump work. They’re all very aware and kind. It’s bizarre, considering the source material. They get an awful rep though.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Literally any fandom I’m in besides Marvel and DC. I think I wrote like 2 Riverdale fics. Getting into reading fanfic and getting into writing fanfic are two entirely different ballparks. I don’t really read that much fanfic anyway, especially not anymore. I read Marvel and DC, but even then. I think it’s hard because sometimes you can’t switch off the whole ‘reading like a writer’ thing. That’s why I enjoy classic literature. I’m a slut for some good ass prose and symbolism.
11. Who is your current OTP?
WinterIron, of ducking course.
12. Who is your current OT3?
I’m not really a fan of OT3s, to be honest, I find I’m personally pretty weak with writing poly relationships and I don’t really enjoy reading them because one character is usually focused on a lot more than the other two. But if I had to pick, I would say T’Challa/M’Baku/Bucky only because I am solely responsible for the creation of that abomination and you have no idea how much people begged me for a series after the first one, it astounded me.
13. Any NoTPs?
As before listed, Stucky, Stuckony, Spideypool, Clintasha, Romanogers
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
IronWidow is my top BroTP, but I also like WinterWidow as a BroTP. Stucky is good as a BroTP too, as well as Tony & Rhodey.
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Literally any ship I have. Yall I’ve been here since WinterIron was obscure. But to name a specific one I’m just gonna go with Pietro/Tony. I don’t know, I just had an idea I was writing for them and I was thinking about how much missed out potential there was between them. And with Pietro as a whole, but you know. Marvel has to kill off the only good Maximoff they had.
Oh, Natasha/Pepper too, but they aren’t as obscure, I guess.
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Stucky, clearly.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Stony, and no. They fell apart for me, at least MCU-wise.
18. What ship have you written the most about?
By now, WinterIron, I believe. I recently passed my count of fics for Superbat.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Pepperony, probably. I think it’s actually a cute and sweet ship and I like their in-canon moments, but I just can’t get behind reading fanfic of them? It never works out for me, I don’t really get it. It sucks because I do enjoy seeing their cute moments.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
I’ll do a different answer I thought of besides the first time I answered this. But Thruce was a big shocker for me. I didn’t even think about it during Ragnorak but then I saw an incorrect quote for it and I was like? Oh? This? This is a good, pure ship right here. The funny thing is, I actually wrote a fic with them as a side ship long before they hit it big so like, I was shocked when they came out of nowhere. But hey, I’m fucking here for it. I’ll probably never write it, but I’m here for it. 
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Goodnight, My Angel. It was a Superbat fic and really sad, but I still love it.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Probably... You Deserve Love And You’ll Get It. No, I won’t link it because I hate it that much. I’m not even gonna talk about it.  It’s my most popular fic too why
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Super dorky, but The (Un)Wanted Kiss. It’s my first finished chapter fic, and the first chaptered fic I did on Tumblr and it just brings me a lot of nostalgia. It reminds me of where I was as a writer when I started it and it was an entire fic spawned from people wanting more of a simple 500-word prompt and that just blows my mind. It reminds me of the power of fans and how much love and support I got from it. It really kicked me off as a “serious fanfic writer” I think.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
All You Are Is All I Need. That is a hot fucking mess. Probably The Red Halo too.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
*sigh* You Deserve Love And You’ll Get It
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
I bullshit my way through them. My most recent fics have actually followed a trend of being named after songs.
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Summaries. I always make them so fucking corny, I hate it.
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
One Foot In Front Of The Other, probably. Just because I want more fem!WinterIron fanart. I can’t say what scene because spoilers but.... yeah, anything from that would be great, really.
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
Sort of. I make some of my friends like Pizza read over my shit before I post it, but that’s not often, only when I think I need it. I don’t just because I write a lot and I’d feel bad for constantly annoying someone with making them read everything I write. I hate inconveniencing people.
30. What inspires you to write?
The better question is what doesn’t. I never stop thinking like a writer. My brain forgot how to turn off that feature.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
Ummmm, I can’t think of an exact thing? I get so many beyond sweet comments and messages, it’s hard to pin down one comment. I think if I had to pick, I once got a message from someone on Tumblr who was old enough to be my mother complimenting me and telling me I didn’t write like a teenager and I think that was really sweet.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
Yes, yes, yes, yes. And honestly, any genre. I listen to everything. Everything. But specifically, Emilie Autumn has inspired a lot ideas/fics I’ve written.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
All of the above.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
Around 23k, I think?
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
Yes, and whatever I get prompted for, really.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
For fanfiction, I guess romance? I mean, that’s really all my fanfiction is. Otherwise, I’ll write quite literally any genre I feel like. I go wherever an idea takes me. I’m character based, not genre or plot based.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
Third. I fucking despise 1st person. I just do. That’s an entire rant we ain’t here for today.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
Usually canon characters. I only use an OC when I absolutely have to, to make the plot do the plot stuff.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer?
Nothing. My writing sucks. All of it is shit.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Everything. I screech the most about pacing and sentence structures though.
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
Most of these are actually on my to-read list but whatever.
Winter's End by ali_aliska Winter is Coming (aka Fifty First Avengers Dates) by 27dragons, tisfan My Love is Vengeance by seikaitsukimizu The caged Hawk by asamandra Fertile Ground by 27dragons, tisfan
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
27dragons tisfanChiaki_Hamano arianapeterson19 thepartyresponsible
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
Not really? I’m not knocking any of the other ‘big names’ in the Marvel fandom, but I don’t really draw inspiration from other fanfic writers. Not for plot, and definitely not for writing style. I get inspiration from fanart I see sometimes, but it’s never one main artist who I stalk to be inspired, just whatever I happen across online.
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
WinterIron, duh. I will not rest until WinterIron is the biggest ship in the Marvel fandom.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
I’ve mentioned this fic before and honestly, it hasn’t been topped yet, but  In the Company of Monsters by Chiaki_Hamano. It’s not even a Marvel fic, and it’s not even a ship I like, but god, I fucking adore it. I’d love to write something like it, but with WinterIron if I had the time, I think the entire world and setting would fit WinterIron beautifully.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Well, that all depends on what they’re looking for in my fanfiction. If they’re looking for WinterIron, I’d probably tell them to start with The (Un)Wanted Kiss just because that’s one of my most loved fics and I think I did really well with it. But if they just want a general fic, A Great Connection is one I’m really proud of and I still get gushing feedback about.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
For just writing fanfic, Ao3. Tumblr can be a pain in the ass, and I don’t even use ff.net.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
Yes. But only if 1, I really, really loved it or 2, I don’t think the fic has enough attention. It also helps if the writer responds to comments. I don’t see the significance of saying “I loved this!” if the fic has dozens of other comments saying the same thing. As a writer, I know what comments writers prefer. Longer ones, deep comments pointing out what things they liked, and so on. However if I write a comment that long, I like to get a response because you know, I love seeing the writer talking about the elements of the story I liked. 
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
Not really, to be perfectly honest. Yes, I love and cherish every kudos and note I get, and the sweet comments make me want to die of joy. But I write for me. Even when I take prompts, in the end, I write because it makes me happy. Yes, I love the validation. But even without it, I would still write. I do not write fanfiction for you, I share fanfiction with you. There’s a difference. Writing makes me happy. If I only cared about the validation, I wouldn’t have a folder reserved of fics I’ll never post but I wrote just because I wanted to. I write to write. The moment I start writing for validation, I might as well stop writing, because it’s not worth it.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
Ummmm I think I was just curious? I was new to internet culture, I saw fanart of Superbat and I discovered Ao3 and was like “wow, this stuff exists??? Words for free????? About my favourite characters being happy and dating each other??????????” and it was a downward spiral. I was like, 11 when I read my first fanfiction. I was obsessed with Superbat fanart, and I thought, what would it hurt to try actually reading it? Like, that was so taboo to me. And now we’re here. Tadaaaaaah
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Oh, a chance to ramble. Yay. I’m gonna rant because I’m a rant-y person.
I think something that annoys me about fanfiction is not necessarily a probably within fanfiction, but rather the outward view of it. Fanfic has an awful rep within the real world. The one-time fanfiction really took centre stage was when Fifty Shades came out, which only hurt the platform by furthering the stereotype that it’s all porn made for horny freaks who just want to get off.
I should not be ashamed to say I write fanfiction. I should not feel childish saying it to myself. No one should. At least half of my ‘fans’ are nearly a decade or more older than me. It’s clearly not something that’s immature or silly. Of course, it can be, but any hobby can be dumbed down to a kiddy version.
But fanfiction at its core is ignored for what it really is. When adults talk about fanfiction they belittle it and only see a tiny subsection of it, ignoring what it’s supposed to be about. It’s about creating transformative works for media you’re passionate about.
Fanfiction gets a worse rep than other transformative works such as fanart or whatever. Writing as a whole does. Fanfic is painted as this utter trash.
I’ve read fanfiction that made me cry, laugh, feel shit. I’ve read fanfiction that tackled heavy topics. Even on a sexual standpoint, I’ve read fanfiction that was willing to write erotica that published authors wouldn’t fucking touch. Both in a kink sense, but also in terms of how the relationship functions. I’ve read shitty fanfictions, sure. But I’ve read fanfictions that were better than 90% of the published books I’ve read. Even fanfics I didn’t like.
To put fanfiction into perspective, the average YA novel (the age group fanfiction is generally but not always aimed at) is 70k words. I’ve read fanfiction that blows that word count out of the water. And it takes fucking skill to write something that long. It’s not just writing a bunch of porn or cute scenes, that takes serious world building and character arcs.
Fanfiction kills so many tropes that are common in YA and literature in general. I read a YA after reading nothing but fanfiction for a long time and I was fucking appalled? It was a popular YA too. I won’t name what one because you could literally imagine anyone and it’d probably fit. The characters were flat, the romance was outright manipulative and toxic, the plot was dull, even the writing itself was bland. This was the type of book years ago I would’ve loved. But compared to most (of course, not all. Shit exists, but I think in fanfiction, we’re able to better filter out the shit) fanfictions, it was fucking trash.
When I started reading fanfiction, I assumed it’d lower my standards. The first time I picked up an actual novel I was relieved, excited to not have to deal with the problems that are in unpublished writings. But I quickly realized it was the complete opposite. Fanfiction threw my expectations through the roof. I expect fiction to include representation, fresh plots, interesting characters, thrilling romances, and decent fucking sex scenes if they’re there. But it just wasn’t there. It all fell flat. As someone seriously into the writing and reading community I hear so often that it’s hard for plots to be original and you shouldn’t judge on originality, but then I read fanfiction written by fucking teenagers that’s fucking mind-blowing with plot twists and original ideas, and I have to wonder is it really that hard? It’s clearly doable, you just have to take away the fanfiction part.
I have YA novels sitting on my sheld I know I’ll never read and enjoy because fanfiction just made my expectations too high. Which is good in a sense because I pray some of these amazing writers, when they get older will go on to write mind-blowing original novels and I hope that this generation of writers will put out great literature in ten to fifteen years, but for now I’m just… underwhelmed. I think it’s why I read a lot of classic literature too. Shit was better back then.
And yet despite all that, fanfiction is still made to look like shit in the modern media. It sucks so badly for fanfiction writers not to look like serious writers. I could publish one book, have it get the amount of attention my biggest fanfic got and be considered a serious author. My biggest fanfiction currently has 40k notes on Tumblr. Imagine if that were a published short story. It’d be a fucking hit. And there are others that make my numbers look small. And yet it’s brushed aside as unimpactful.
I think a lot of that stems from the fact that fanfic writers do generally start out younger. I’m 16. Others either are or were my age. But age does not equate to skill in writing. Sure, that is a factor, but it is not the entire story. I know a 14 yr old who writes some of the best prose I have ever seen. And even if younger fic writers aren’t on level yet, fanfiction is what’s helping them grow as a writer. But because we’re teenagers, we’re turned away just because of that. Even more specifically because we’re teenage girls (for the most part, I’m not saying other genders and/or age groups aren’t writing/reading fanfic) and we all know how society feels about them. It’s just a fucking shame that fanfiction can’t be respected for the legitimate form of writing it is because of the stigma. I’ve seen fanfic writers say they aren’t real writers because of the stigma, it’s awful. We feel the need to tear ourselves down for an admirable hobby. I can’t say my favourite book is a fanfiction I read, when I has every right to be a valid answer.
We’ll cut this ramble off here because wow I really went on didn’t I.
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sleemo · 7 years
star wars tag game
Thank you @bastila-bae​​ @kuresoto​​ and @cobwebbing​​​ for tagging me! 
There was also one other person but my notifications are such a mess that I lost track of who that was... sorry :(
Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger. 3. Post 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
I’ll skip rule 3 and 4 for now as I’m in a rush doing this on my break.
@bastila-bae​​’s questions:
• Where do you think Kylo’s allegiances will lie at the end of TLJ?
Not with the FO or the resistance, but with Rey and Leia. I HOPE??!
• What would make Leia slap Poe?
I imagine Leia slapping him as he’s about to go off to do something dumb and reckless that would endanger her son/other members of the resistance.
• Do you think the amphibinuns on Ahch-to will speak basic?
I was actually just wondering about this the other day. I think they could be bilingual like Maz - they speak basic with Luke but make snide comments about him in their own tongue, lol
• How do you picture Finn and Phasma’s fight going? Does she unmask?
He’s totally going to win that one but I don’t think Phasma would willingly unmask during their fight. Perhaps Finn knocks it off her head somehow? That would be different.
• Will Rey call him Kylo or Ben?
I think Leia and Luke will be the only ones to call him Ben in tlj but maaybe Rey will do that in episode ix.
• How does Rey get the cut on her shoulder?
Could be during a fight with the praetorian guards. A few of them look like they wield weapons that can make that sort of cut.
• Favorite piece of SW music?
Ahh I really can’t pick just one. Across the Stars is beautiful, I love the harp that plays that motif at the end. Rey’s Theme is lovely and March of the Resistance never fails to get me HYPED. 
• On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you for Solo: A Star Wars Story?
My eyes glaze over whenever I read any kind of news about that movie so I’ll go with 1 lmao
• Prediction for subject of next standalone after IX?
Not sure what’s happening with them in tlj but like JJ, I would love to see a standalone about the Knights of Ren.
• Recommend a good fic please
This series written by @undergroundvalentine called Where Soul Meets Body still kills me. 
• How many times do you think you’ll see tlj in cinemas?
4-5 times maybe? My first viewing will be in 3D but I want to see it on IMAX for sure.
@cobwebbing’s questions:
• Did you pre-order Battlefront ii/are you going to watch other people play it online?
I don’t own a PC or console that can play it so I don’t really have a choice 😭  I’ll just have to wait for you guys to tell me all about Kylo’s story from the game.
• Are you planning on reading any more of the articles that come out this month?
I’ve kind of made it my thing to post about them so yes, definitely.
• What consequences do you think Rey will take her hair down in?
No clue but it’s probably following Luke’s rejection and some huge revelation.
• How about taking off her vest?
Rey wakes up on Ahch-To one day and sees that her vest is not by her bag where she left it. Turns out the porgs have stolen it while she was asleep and are using it to build their nests :)
• Assuming Kylo and Rey fight again, do you think one will triumph over the other or that it will be disrupted/end in a stalemate before there’s a clear winner?
I think their fight will show that despite Rey’s inexperience, she and Kylo are meant to be equals so no I don’t think there will be a clear winner.
• Are you as disappointed with the lack of Rose in advertising as I am? :(
ughh it’s pathetic. I’m still on the lookout for that short clip of Rose that Rachael saw. I NEEEEED IT.
• How long is Kylo’s goth bandaid going to be on?
I have a feeling he’s not going to be wearing it by the time he gets to Ahch-To.
• Do you think we’ll see any Force ghosts in this movie?
I doubt it but they can communicate by other means.
• What’s your favorite Star Wars creature?
Since discovering them last night, it’s PORGLETS!!!! 
• What color/style of lightsaber would you pick if you could make one?
I want a teal double-bladed lightsaber with a black hilt :)
• Assuming Star Wars had a higher rating and could be more scary/gruesome/sexy/etc, what would you want to see happen in 8?
Just thinking about the extent of Snoke’s manipulation of Ben creeps me the f out but I do wonder how much more they could explore if it wasn’t PG-13. 
@kuresoto’s questions:
• How do you want to see Reylo realistically happen? 
Honestly I just want Rey and Kylo to reach a point where they can trust each other. Anything more will be icing on the cake for me.
• How do you take your tea? (I mean real tea, not fuckin gossip smh) 
No milk, no sugar, but sometimes with honey if I feel like it.
• What is ONE Star Wars object you wish existed IRL? 
Droids! I want a droid friend to help me run errands and do chores. That would save me so much time.
• What do you prefer in Reylo fics: Angst or Fluff?
Based on my AO3 bookmarks, imma go with ANGST.
• Who do you think will do/want to do the infamous robe drop in ST?
It would be hilarious if Luke was the one to do it.
• How many times do you think you’ll end up watching TLJ in cinemas? 
(answered above)
• Are you going to do a media blackout the closer it gets to TLJ?
I’ll probably step back around December 12th but I don’t know if my self-control is strong enough...
• Do you think that Rey has intentionally killed someone on Jakku before TFA?
Hmm no I don’t think so. She’s even willing to save Unkar Plutt in the Star Wars Adventures comics which just goes to show how compassionate she is.
• Do you think we’ll go back to Jakku in Ep 9? 
I hope we do! I want to know what secrets are hidden there.
• Do you honestly believe we’ll get an explanation IN THE MOVIE for that boy Rey saw in her Force-back, and it’s not just a massive mistake on their part?
If anything they’ll cover it in the books but I don’t expect to see it in the movie.
• Knights of Ren or Praetorian Guards? 
I thought the concept art for the Knights of Ren were SO COOL when I first saw them so I would go with them.
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darkwalk · 7 years
Didn’t have a lot of internet access over summer, which is why I wasn’t really on Tumblr. 
Now I’m just going to post a bunch of ideas that have been pestering me:
Medics have magnets in their servos for various reasons, but some humans see Ratchet or First Aid use the magnets to grab some tool away from Sideswipe who was messing with things and they’re like “Oh My Gosh You’re a JEDI!!” “DO IT AGAIN! USE THE FORCE!”. No medic is safe from Star Wars and Jedi jokes after that. 
There’s a battle between the Bots and Cons on Earth and the wind starts picking up and the sky goes dark. And no one notices or cares because they’re fighting. And then these heavy torrential rains start pouring down and everyone looks over to see this massive funnel cloud forming. And they all look at each other like “oh shit”. And then an unanimous decision to retreat on both sides. Earth weather is damn scary. And they’d rather fight each other than fight earth weather. Even Cybertronians are in trouble in 200 mph winds. 
the only ones who really think earth weather is amazing is the Twins, Beachcomber, Hound, and the Seekers. Although Starscream won’t admit it. But he tends to fly through less intense storms for the thrill of it. Skywarp is just as bad. 
When mechs get angry or upset, their optics pale or glow but the metal around their optics also heats up because of the excess energy and the metal changes color slightly.
What if the seeker trine was accidentally shoved into one frame because of an experiment gone wrong or an artifact? Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp have to cope with sharing a body and that would seriously suck. 
Or what if they were one spark split into three?
Early in the war Shockwave was taking seekers and splitting their sparks into three so they’d have more soldiers. And Starscream’s trine worked so hard to keep it secret that they were actually three pieces of one spark and make sure Megatron didn’t find out. But he the one who ordered Shockwave to do it in the first place and Starscream’s trine doesn’t know that. Starscream and Skywarp are the more unstable pieces of the whole and Thundercracker is mostly stable but occasionally he doesn’t react emotionally to things he should or reacts with the wrong emotion. 
And then somehow they find a way to put their spark fragments back together into one spark but they don’t quite mesh the way they used to because they’ve grown and changed. It’s like having multiple personalities instead of one person. And they find out that Megatron is the one who ordered their spark to be shattered in the first place.
An AU where the bots and cons are working together against the Council. And they’re technically one faction but they can’t agree on a name so they just have the bot side of the faction and the con side of the faction and mostly get along. OP and Megs argue a lot though. 
Megatron encourages the humans to shoot the new recruits with slingshots if they pick them up without asking.  Random human: “Ratchet’s mad at me again. He says he’s running out of spare optics.” Megatron smiles, “Don’t worry about it. My medics have some to spare.” Optimus, “Stop encouraging them!” Innocent smile from the warlord, “But Optimus,~ they’re poor defenseless humans! ~What else are they supposed to do?~” “Oooooh-hoooo, you’re hilarious.” Optimus rolled his optics and muttered sarcastically. 
Prowl tries to get the meeting back under control, “And what are our plans if the Council attacks so and so place?”  Megatron gives him a serious face, “We shoot them. With cannons.” (He and Ironhide get along so well, much to everyone else’s misfortune)  OP groans, covering his face. Prowl narrows his optics. “And what if they shoot back?” Sighs, as everyone actually gets to work. 
And then OP, Megs, and some others are on a team trying to retrieve some of their own on a really cold planet that has giant organics that look like dinosaurs and when they get back Megs makes a comment about how “That was fun. We should do it again.” just to mess with Optimus who is obviously exhausted. And OP just looks at him with this stare. Ratchet calls over that murder is still illegal. While Megs laughs, Optimus mutters something about shoving Megs off the roof later. 
Hot Rod is in rec room being a dramatic volcano/lava god. blocking energon despenser. Jazz comes by, "Yo. Can I scoot by oh powerful god to get some energon?" Hot Rod looks at him and waves a hand. "Oh yeah, sure. Go ahead." moves aside to let him pass than then goes back to dramatic declarations. rest of room laughing as Jazz makes victory signs behind him. 
The Twins aren’t paying attention, walk right by. Hot Rod yells in mock fury. "How dare you insult me mortals! Wrath! Wrath and doom upon you!!" Sideswipe catches on really quick and falls to his knees in dramatic agony. "Nooooooh! What have we done?!" Sunstreaker just looks around confused. "Wait, what?" then catches on. "No." turns away to get energon. He’s not getting involved in this. Sides throws an arm over his optics. "Sunny Why??!!! You've doomed us." Hot Rod: "Doom and a fiery death upon you impudent mortal!"
Special Ops are always noisy when playing poker in their shared quarters. OP has human representatives coming onto the base and tells them no yelling swears or cussing loudly. Optimus is in the meeting, everything is going fine and then everyone hears a very loud and angry bellow of “Baloney!!” from farther in base. OP tries not to facepalm. That was not what he'd meant.
Bluestreak and Blaster love to narrate the mock battles in the rec. room. sometimes it's sparring, sometimes it's dancing or singing, and sometimes it's whoever can make the crowd laugh the most. It's usually comedic.
 "And in this cooooorrner, we have the infamous gunslinger of the west,.....Ironhide!!!" Cheering. Sometimes the other opponent is a surprise. Raise a curtain, youngling comes out. Entire crowd roars and 'oooohhhhs'. Ironhide gets an 'oh scrap' look on his face. Bluestreak announces, "Well, we can see how this is going to go....." “Quite right,” Blaster replies, “I don’t think there’s anyway Ironhide can win this one.” And the youngling just goes up and mock punches Ironhide in the leg making a cheesy “pow” noise. And Ironhide falls over like he’s knocked out cold, which makes everyone laugh.
Jazz is talking to Soundwave on comms, (they’re on shuttles/ships) messing with him. "Hey Soundwaffle. We're gonna raid your ships." SW makes comment about his name being Soundwave. And Autobots being defeated. "Sure sure waffle." "Soundwave." "Sir Soundwave of the Decepticon Royal Court, prepare to be raided!" cuts off comms.
This is my absolute favorite. Please don’t use this. I’m saving it to put it in one of my stories:
They ground bridge to tropical place. A parrot comes through accidentally and the science bots convince the officers to let him stay for two weeks as a "study" on earth avians. Teach him a neat trick. Every time Ratchet raises his voice, the parrot screams, "Why is all the rum gone?!"
“All right, you lazy slaggin-!”  “WHY IS ALL THE RUM GONE?!”
“Perceptor! Get rid of that glitched-!”  “WHY IS ALL THE RUM GONE?!”
“Quite laughing you hooligans!”  “WHY IS ALL THE RUM GONE?!”
*Ratchet whispers “Someone get rid of it. now.”  Parrot:“......why is all the rum gone?”
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thefoolsloop · 7 years
The mistress of your charms: SNM Shanghai, show no. 1
**(Spoilers for Sexy Witch and Bald Witch loops, but not for any 1:1s. I have deliberately - and sometimes accidentally - changed the order of events in the loops, and I’ve redacted details which aren't in the New York show or which are just too much of a spoiler. I’m not accustomed to writing about a show which most readers won’t yet have seen, so I’m trying to exercise self-editing while still giving a genuine flavour of the experience. If I mess up, I apologise.
The first draft of this write-up came to 3,000 words; so I have gone through and excised a great deal. There’s basically nothing left which I would consider a spoiler, but your mileage may vary so be warned.)**
I came to Shanghai on a promise.
In 2015 I had promised Miranda that if she was ever cast in Sleep No More I would come and see her. I was assuming of course that she would be cast in New York. Then, many months later, the news came through that Punchdrunk was mounting SNM in Shanghai, a city I had no interest in visiting. Sure enough, she was in the cast. And so were twelve other TDM alumni.
I don’t break a promise. And the thought of seeing not only Miranda, but Sam, Omar, Fania, Ben and many more besides, people whom I had followed loyally in TDM, people who made that show for me, who made the world of Temple Studios so real that in my mind it still exists, I still visit it every day - the thought of all that overcame my reluctance to travel and the limitations of my budget. Some experiences are so obviously special that to turn them down is to live a life of regret. And I’m done with regret.
So after three months of Mandarin lessons I find myself, in the company of @drinkthehalo and a tiny handful of other ex-pat enthusiasts, in front of a huge, gleaming building on a main road in the west end of Shanghai. A most incongruous setting for a Punchdrunk production, accustomed as I am to seeing them in unmarked warehouses, barely-opened museum archives, crumbling stately homes; but not at all incongruous for Shanghai, a rapidly growing city apparently intent on erasing anything old.
You're not guaranteed an Ace at the McKinnon, no matter how early you queue; but the gods are smiling on me, and I’m in first lift. I make it to the ballroom while the party is still happening. I don’t know who’s in the cast for today, of course; but as I advance towards the centre of the room, searching for anything I recognise, I immediately see them: those incredible green eyes. Thank you, sweet Lord Jesus (more on him, later) - Miranda is Sexy Witch in my first show.
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(Photo from sleepnomore.cn)
She’s upside down. Macduff has her in the middle of a backflip. But the moment I lock eyes with her, she holds my gaze as she returns to upright. I’m here, I try to say with my eyes, I kept my promise, I’m here. I know, she says with her eyes, I recognise you. I knew you’d come. Then she turns her attention back to flirting with Macduff. I look around and my joy is increased - Fania is here, a natural choice for Bald Witch after her ice demon PA in TDM. Olly is Boy Witch - too big and tall for the part in my view, but clearly enjoying himself enormously. Omar is Banquo - more hair than when he was in TDM, and he looks handsome and full of life. I recognise American performers whom I saw in New York - Emily, Eric. A family reunion, like Christmas.
I follow Sexy’s loop as far as the 1:1 (which I lose to @drinkthehalo, but that’s OK, I was miles away from the right spot). I could wait, but I don’t know how long for. It might be better to get accustomed to the space first. It would also make sense to see a Sexy Witch loop in full, from the top. And maybe there’ll be someone else interesting to follow. So I wander upstairs, see how the rooms have been changed, how the space seems better used than at the McKittrick. The fourth floor is the same and yet different, somehow twistier, less like a High Street and more like a whole town. I glimpse Jude’s Taxidermist, but he swiftly disappears into a 1:1. I see Lily in a costume I don’t recognise. I find the rep bar - Shen Ni looks like a performer worth following. But the beat of the rave is starting and I have to get out of the way.
I wander around until reset time, then head to the lobby. Here are the witches; when Macbeth appears, the three of them climb the walls like spiders. It’s such a delight to see them together. Once they were bopping along to ‘Bulldog’ in Studio 5: Andrea, Dwayne and Faye. Now they’re spinning, plotting, enchanting Macbeth in a scene with a very different tone. It’s a class reunion - and somewhere Daniel’s Porter is lurking; like Frankie, only on the margins of the big scene but waiting for his moment later.
I attach myself to Miranda like a limpet, it seems to be the way here. The loop has changed - there are new moments among the familiar stuff. There’s a new scene which I daren't reveal but it suggests that the character of SW has been fleshed out further, given an extra strand, more motivation. Not just a witch any more, now an avatar of someone else. Wonder if this has been done for all the witches.
Wherever she goes, Miranda fills the room with her presence: impish, sly, teasing, powerful, her timing constantly perfect. As the ballroom scene comes round again, I wonder what must it be like to dance with her (I miss the chance this time). I remember how Leslie in New York felt so light I could have breathed on her and watched her blow away on the air. Miranda seems made of tougher stuff, it’s what made her Romola less of a doormat and - perversely - made her story even more tragic.
The rave approaches; I follow the witches into the room but then I must make my escape before the flashing starts (I mean the strobes, of course, there is no flashing of the other kind in Shanghai - which I don’t think matters much; I have rather a lot I could say about this, but this isn’t the time). I wait in the corridor; once the lights stop, I hurry back in to see the witches hold up their miniature trees to Macbeth. The parties split up, their followers disperse. Because I’m at the back of the rave crowd, all I have to do is turn around and I’m at the front for the bar dance.
Ah, Miranda’s bar dance...
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(Image by @arfman, reproduced with permission.)
There are some works of art that are simply too perfect, too accomplished, too striking, moving, disturbing or compelling to be described. Once you start using words to convey them, they immediately become diminished. Miranda’s bar dance belongs in this category.
Doesn’t that sound absurd? Well, all I can say is in the context of the piece, coming at the point it does when the atmosphere is elevated by the rave, when Sexy Witch’s persona is so possessed by... something... that dance, in which she seems to express all the demonic mania, all the suffering, all the rage, all the bloodlust, all the pain that runs through this show from top to bottom, that dance is one of the stand-out moments in the entire production. I’ve seen five, maybe six Sexy Witches do that dance, and none of them could touch the way Miranda does it. And I’m talking about some seriously great performers - Leslie, Lily, Emily O. Every time I saw it in New York, each performer seemed to do it better. And then Miranda comes and tops the lot of them. And I really can’t put into words what it is that makes it so great; it just.... IS.
(I’m biased, of course, but I check with my fellow English-speakers post-show and there is consensus on this point.)
We run to the door of the Taxidermist’s, where she pauses. Something is happening. She reaches out into the distance. For a moment I assume it’s just another gesture, but her hand stays out. I’m halfway down the corridor, some way out of reach. Another hand emerges from the crowd, a Chinese person looking for an opportunity. Miranda shakes her head, ever so slightly, and the person drops her hand. It seems this is meant for me, after all, and I step forward. I can’t say much about this interaction because it would spoil too much, except that once again Miranda seems to discharge a mountain of emotion in the course of seconds, her presence filling the entire corridor, her personal magnetism enchanting the crowd. This open-air interaction has a stronger effect on me than the 1:1 (which I’ve picked up earlier, now that I know where to stand). I’ve never known a performer like this.
I simply must spend a loop with Fania, so I pick her up around the reset. I don’t remember the early parts of the loop (the penalty of doing a write-up a week later), so let’s cut to just before the ballroom scene. I’ve been following her closely for a while now, and she’s rearranging the trees in the room, almost hidden in their midst (one place where the McKinnon’s improved lighting levels don’t have an impact). Then she draws the curtain, takes my hand and we’re dancing. She feels as tall as me (she isn’t, but Fania seems to exceed her dimensions, so compelling is her presence) and I try to remember months of ballroom dancing lessons from decades ago. As we part she whispers in my ear something which I will have to redact, but which makes me nod conspiratorially.
I’m now seeing the party scene for the third time tonight, and the infectious good humour of the music is rubbing off on me: I’m tapping my foot, nodding my head in time. My face has a broad grin on it - perhaps Fania can see it, because she catches my eye and breaks out into a grin too. We do the odd eyeball at each other as my gaze follows her around the room, then the crowd disperses and she goes into her muscular, spasmodic de-wigging solo. This is, just as I had anticipated, a massively athletic undertaking and is almost the match of anything Miranda does.
But, as Fania goes through her loop, I’m hugely impressed yet also slightly surprised. After seeing her PA in TDM I was expecting Bald Witch to be another contemptuous ice maiden. But this Bald Witch is fiery, defiant, with much more warmth than I would have imagined - more like Andrea’s evil twin. And her relationship with the religious artefacts and imagery in her environment - of which there is a plethora, far more than in New York - is so violently sarcastic that I expect the flames of Hell to spring up around her.
The rave happens. I go upstairs to investigate the fifth floor, so transformed from the McKittrick that I barely recognise the features (on a superficial level it’s not that different, but it feels different). I get a glimpse of a powerful scene in the new story, which I had been tipped off about, but once I’m past that I realise the rave must have finished. Maybe I can catch Miranda again, although my focus is on what Fania’s going to be doing. I head for the staircase. I can’t find the staircase. I do find the woods, however. I wander through the woods, looking for the way out. I don’t find it. I do find myself back where I started, however. OK, try again. Stick to the right hand path. No, that doesn’t work. Good God, don’t tell me the woods have only one way in and out?
I won’t answer that question, but I will say that after a couple of accidental detours into the toilets I find myself at last on the stairs down. So I’ve missed a chunk of the loop, but I do eventually manage to find Fania. Bald Witch is having fun, upping the ante on the relationship with her Redeemer. There’s no redemption here. It would be a massive spoiler to reveal what she does, but there are moments in the loop which make me jump with shock. Then we’re downstairs for the finale. As the walkout music plays, she comes round to the front of the stage, offers me her hand to help her down, and holds onto it as we walk out into the Manderley. A fabulous Fania smile and a gentle kiss, and my first show is over.
Fania and Miranda are about as perfect a pair of female witches as I’ve ever seen. While I may not be an SNM diehard, and may have missed some spectacular combinations over the years, the relationship this pair has built up through their work on TDM has granted them a naturally symbiotic dynamic in which they flourish - and the presence of Olly merely tops this off (I would like to have given him more time as Boy Witch, but he just seems to me a more natural fit for his other roles, Speakeasy and Macbeth). I would give anything to be able to see them all together in the rave, but I can’t take the risk with my health, especially on my first night.
And what a first night. To see these wonderful performers on their own would have been heaven. To see them together, and on top form, is... well, again, words fail me.
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paradife-loft · 7 years
man, as much as I love the worldbuilding in a lot of them, the various Belsavis stories taken together are a huge mess because first we've got the question of how it was discovered by the Empire to begin with, which iirc we find out has to do with Ivory sending up a signal with scavenged tech? (which might also be connected to another quest... Pub side? involving prisoners making transmitters? if not then yet another loose thread.) but also I remember something in the SW story implying Baras's spy networks were the ones who found it? did Ivory's transmissions get picked up by Baras? we don't know. and then we get to what the Empire is *doing* on Belsavis... goal number one is clearly "free all our important POWs we suddenly found out aren't dead", along with "also free all manner of people who will cause maximum chaos for the Republic, including fucked-up Jedi and political prisoners we can use as propaganda pieces". at the same time, the Emperor is also getting his fingers directly in the pie as well, when it comes to the Dread Masters rescue operation... but he also very clearly has a team sent out to figure out how to *destroy the planet*. gee, I hope the Dread Masters have managed to get their shuttle offworld before Krannus shows up because otherwise what? the Esh-Ka are also an interesting bunch, considering there are at least two groups with their own agendas for breaking free of the planet (presumably?) - the "eat the Dread Masters" bunch and the "release the World Razer" bunch. (not to mention all the sub-commanders you kill in various questlines, like the vault key one, the war leaders from the Pub side planet quest, the guy torturing that Talos-lookalike Sith - was there also a group bent on killing Hallow Voice's peace faction?) are they just really disorganized? is there some master plan involving all these pieces that isn't ever revealed to us? what does their organization look like, anyway? how does Krannus expect to detonate the planet core if it apparently has the scary murder lava monster living in it, how are those things going to interact? (I mean, simplest explanation is just that ol' Vitiate didn't know about the World Razer and it's a good thing we stopped him because that would have gotten messy, but... on the other hand I'm a bit bugged by the lack of parsimony in having two separate questlines involving doing stuff to the planet core, and now I want to figure out how to resolve the World Razer quest and the JK class quest into a single thing. the Empire didn't actually wake up the Esh-Ka by accident, it was really Krannus who'd been sent there to dig up their information and use them and the World Razer to jumpstart the Emperor's galactic death scheme? hmm hmm.) so yeah. Belsavis. what a clusterfuck.
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
The Best Things We’ve Eaten Lately added to Google Docs
The Best Things We’ve Eaten Lately
Seattle is open for outdoor dining, which means there are over 100 restaurants where you can eat outside today. And if you can’t decide where to start, or you’d rather order something great for takeout, you have some pretty fantastic pickup and delivery options. That’s why we’re highlighting the best dishes we’ve had recently, all of which are available for takeout right now. From ice cream cones to garlic mashed potatoes, here’s a look into our personal food journals.
If you’ve had a great dish that you want to share with our team, send us an email at [email protected]. Now, on to the dishes.
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plus more restaurant intel you won't find anywhere else. ATL ATX BOS CHI LDN LA MIA NYC PHL SF SEA DC Subscribe Smart move. Excellent information will arrive in your inbox soon. Do you have friends and family who also eat food? Enter their emails below and we’ll make sure they’re eating well. (Don’t worry, we won’t subscribe them to our newsletter - they can do that themselves.) Help Your Friends No Thanks Well done. You’re a good person. All good. We still like you. Want to quickly find restaurants on the go? Download The Infatuation app.   THE SPOTS  Joyce's Market And Cafe $$$$ 2717 E Union St
S’mores Cookie
“As summer comes to a close, it’s important to reflect, and ask yourself if your s’more consumption lived up to what it was last year. If you decide you need more, I highly recommend popping into Joyce’s Market and grabbing what is the greatest dessert I’ve had in the past few months. This soft-but-sturdy cookie has nutty brown sugar, shards of dark chocolate, and a torched marshmallow, all baked on top of a graham cracker. One taste is enough to put even the most architecturally-pristine campfire s’more to shame.”
- Aimee Rizzo, Staff Writer
 Manao $ $ $ $ Thai  in  Capitol Hill $$$$ 1222 E Pine St
Zesty Crispy Chicken
“I’ve had the same significant other since 2008, and while trust, honesty, and affection are important to us, the core foundation of our relationship was built upon sneaking bites of each other’s food. And what have I stolen lately from my partner without asking? That would be Manao’s incredible zesty crispy chicken stir fry. The creamy coating has all the tartness and sweetness of a key lime pie filling, only here it’s wrapped around some nuggets of fried thigh meat. This dish alone makes this corner spot one of the best Thai restaurants in the city.”
- Aimee Rizzo, Staff Writer
 Donburi Station $$$$ 5503 Airport Way S
“I am constantly on the lookout for places where I can get excellent raw fish without feeling like I threw my wallet into Lake Washington. The newest spot in town where I can achieve this joyous feeling is at Donburi Station in Georgetown. If you also love to feel this way and have $15.50 to part with, their chirashi is filled with so much fish including tuna, chopped toro, eel, albacore, shrimp, salmon, yellowtail, and masago all over rice. This bowl makes me want to hug every single fisherman and tell them thank you, I appreciate you, and I love you.”
- Carlo Mantuano, Staff Editor
 Lady Jaye $ $ $ $ American ,  BBQ  in  West Seattle $$$$ 4523 California Ave SW
Prime Bulgogi Short Rib Melt
“I never thought that there could be a sandwich from Lady Jaye that could compete with their fried bologna, but here comes their brand new prime bulgogi short rib melt. I may have completely destroyed my 2001 Camry by eating this glorious, drippy mess of sesame-marinated beef, spicy mayo, pickled carrots, and melty American cheese in the front seat, but truth be told, that car’s been through worse.”
- Aimee Rizzo, Staff Writer
 B-Side Foods $ $ $ $ American  in  Capitol Hill $$$$ 421 E Thomas St
Egg Sandwich With Ham
“I promise I’m not being hyperbolic when I say that the breakfast sandwich from B-Side is sometimes my only motivator to get out of bed in the morning. It’s hard to articulate precisely what makes it so brilliant - the pickled daikon? The neatly-folded scallion scrambled egg? The paper-thin country ham? Or maybe it’s just the holy, serotonin-inducing combination of it all. The sandwich, which comes on a soft, toasted English muffin, is packed with flavor and deceivingly filling for its size - and you should order one immediately. Grab an iced latte next door from Analog to wash it down.”
- Julia Chen, Editorial Assistant
 Lil Red Takeout $ $ $ $ BBQ ,  Jamaican  in  Columbia City $$$$ 4225 Rainier Ave S
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
“For some reason, I grew up with an obsession for mashed potatoes. In fact, I used to (and still do) lovingly call them ‘mashies.’ That said, I hold pulverized spuds to a high standard, and it’s my firm belief that ones from Lil Red are the best in town. They’re seasoned perfectly with a bunch of garlic and spices - which makes them taste just as comforting on their own as they do in the same bite as a mouthful of smoked brisket and cheesy macaroni. Also, forget gravy - just douse the heck out of these garlic mashies with Lil Red’s jerk sauce.”
- Aimee Rizzo, Staff Writer
Tyger Tyger $$$$ 114 Republican St
Yu Xiang Eggplant Fries
“I have a friend who really hates eggplant. He’s written up a manifesto about his dislike for it and has called me vain for enjoying it. Well, Cary, I wish I could serve you the ‘Yu Xiang Eggplant Fries’ from Tyger Tyger. Each piece is so soft and tender, super garlicky, and has soaked up a bunch of delicious black vinegar and juice from the pickled chiles. All of you eggplant haters out there, please give this dish a try.”
- Carlo Mantuano, Staff Editor
 Tyger Tyger $$$$ 114 Republican St
Pork Dumplings
“Look, I love the aubergine as much as the next person. But I’m here to make a case for Tyger Tyger’s handmade dumplings. Slick with chili oil and stuffed with flavorful ground pork, they’re the real crown jewels of this Queen Anne Sichuan spot’s takeout operation. But you should also add a side of fried eggplant because Carlo told you to.”
- Aimee Rizzo, Staff Writer
 Yeh Yeh's Yeh Yeh's Sandwiches $$$$ 19915 64th Ave W
Grilled Pork Banh Mi
“This summer, I’ve been on a bit of a banh mi kick, which has turned into a months-long pursuit of the best one in Seattle. And I’m happy to report that the grilled pork banh mi from Yeh Yeh’s is a top contender. Their house-baked baguette is stuffed with a generous helping of tender marinated pork, pickled daikon and carrots, jalapeño, cucumber, and mayo - plus, it’ll only run you $5.95. If you can make it to Lynnwood, this is a sandwich that’s absolutely worth the trip.”
- Julia Chen, Editorial Assistant
 King's Deli $ $ $ $ American ,  Ice Cream  in  Central District $$$$ 2800 E Cherry St Ste C
“There’s no shortage of soft serve in Seattle, but being from Long Island, I had given up on finding a suitable stand-in for Mr. Softee. But then I stumbled upon King’s Deli. It’s a convenience store in the CD that serves fried chicken and jojos, but they also sell massive vanilla/chocolate cones for two dollars. On a hot Seattle day (so, 75 degrees) when nothing but a creamy swirl in a cake cone will cure any grumpiness you’ve got, King’s Deli is the place.”
- Aimee Rizzo, Staff Writer
 Sazon D'la Baja $ $ $ $ Mexican  in  Queen Anne $$$$ 2232 Queen Anne Ave N
Diabla Shrimp Torta
“My summer strategy has been to eat as many tortas as possible (this city has some great ones) and to enjoy a picnic in one of Seattle’s parks. I was recently able to do both by picking up a “Diabla Shrimp Torta” and taking it to eat in Gas Works Park. Besides spilling the delicious spicy shrimp juice all over my shorts and being made fun of by some neighboring picnickers for taking a picture of my food, I had an excellent time.”
- Carlo Mantuano, Staff Editor
 Kedai Makan $ $ $ $ Southeast Asian ,  Malaysian  in  Capitol Hill $$$$ 1802 Bellevue Ave
Chili Turmeric Fried Chicken
“In the Before Times, a long wait at Kedai Makan was one of the only constants in life. And now, while you should still order ahead to reduce said wait time, getting your hands on their incredible turmeric fried chicken no longer requires two hours of obsessively checking your phone for a “your table is ready” text. The crunchy, flavorful chicken is served over jasmine rice, alongside a spicy mint chutney, cucumber, and pickled onions. Don’t forget to order a side of roti jala.”
- Julia Chen, Editorial Assistant
 L'Oursin $ $ $ $ French ,  Wine Bar  in  Central District $$$$ 1315 E Jefferson St
BBQ Tofu Sandwich
“There are so many sandwiches in this city. Crab rolls. Turkey clubs. Fried Chicken. But the options are limited if you’re looking to have a meatless moment. At L’Oursin’s new takeout pop-up called Old Scratch, they are serving a smoked tofu sandwich covered in BBQ sauce and slaw on a potato roll. The smoke doesn’t overpower anything, the bun is fluffy, and the tofu itself is just as beefy as a slab of ribs. Take a break from your BLT (sans the B) and grab this for lunch instead.”
_- Aimee Rizzo, Staff Writer
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/seattle/guides/best-dishes-weve-eaten-lately-seattle Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created September 5, 2020 at 04:42AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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The Boy Gives Life &... (ep. 10 part 2)
part 2
     “Red Hood” brutally rips apart the flower from the garden, crumpling it, and throwing it away; almost hitting the three second grade children with little stones that the flower pot had.
- Hey hey, hi… how are you, uhh… Little Red Riding Hood…? – says Maria, trying to “stop the fairy tale” – W-what’s your name, girl? Is it really Little Red Riding Hood or do you got another name?
- Name, you say…? – asks the “hooded girl”; thinking a little – Everyone calls me that; however, in actuality, my real name is Genevieve…
- Really…? The real name of Little Red Riding Hood is Genevieve…? – all of the three from the second grade have this thought.
     Antonio then asks:
- Can we call you Gege?
- Yes, you can call me that. – says the girl from the tale.
- Gege… hehe… I mean, sure, Gege – Maria almost laughs; but then remembers why she was there – Uhh… Gege, you can’t destroy the flowers from the garden, you know…
- That plant was stuck in this sw-oops, it fell down – “Red Hood” picks the piece of the potting soil from the floor, and tries to put it on the piece of Big Leandro’s hair – Curses, I’m such a fool, but I should clean this sweet before placing it on my basket…
- Alright, you three – says Leandro, approaching the four children – Who is this girl? Have you guys used Charlie’s powers?
- Uhh… - the three second grade kids did not knew what to answer; (while the fairy tale girl was rubbing the piece of soil in her clothes as like she was cleaning it).
- Hey, dude, I need your help; there is a 5th grade boy who escaped class and now he is fighting another one from the 4th grade – says Shirley (the cotton candy lady who floats in a cloud and had a french accent). She was approaching Big Leandro – I couldn’t split their fight and…
     The cotton candy young lady notices Charlie’s creation, and asks:
- Who is this girl?
- I’m gonna beat you up, dork! – says a boy from a slightly far away place – My gang is now here to beat you!
- My gang is also here, you dork! Come at us! – says another boy, from the same place.
- Go take care of that you two already – says a teacher who had just arrived; he had a very apparent tired and sleepy face. He says to the three second grade children and the fairy tale girl; who was still trying to clean the piece of soil – You 4, back to class.
- Sir, she isn’t fr… - says Shirley, being interrupted by fistfight sounds from the boys who were at the other side, fighting each other. It sounded like there were many other little guys fighting each other along.
- We take care of that later, Shirley, let’s split them apart – says big Leandro, running towards the fight.
     Without much of a choice, the cotton candy lady follows him.
- You 4 didn’t hear me? To class, now! – says the teacher – I already didn’t had my coffee… don’t need any more problems…
- Class? What would this b… - asks the girl from the tale…
     Being interrupted by Maria, who takes her to class by her arm.
      Now we see Charlie’s classroom. The teacher was writing a lot of stuff on the blackboard…
     The one who could give life was talking to Rodrigo and Julia; the teacher was so focused on the board that she doesn’t notice the many conversations from the class.
- Man, so you gave life to the Red Hooded girl herself? – asks Rodrigo.
- Yes. – answers Charlie.
- And where she is? – asks Julia.
- Yard… - says the one who gave life to the fairy tale.
      In the second grade class, we see all of the students copying the blackboard while the teacher waited for them to copy. In waiting, he falls asleep, hitting his head on the desk.
     “Red Hood” “fixes” her “basket”, and thinks while she was getting up from one of the extra desks; (from students who missed class in this day):
- I shall gather more sweets to my dear grandma…
     She then walks to the door, and opens it; Maria notices it, and gets up, trying to go after the fairy tale girl…
- ‘Marina’! Don’t you even think in getting out! – says the teacher, who finally wakes up; but doesn’t notice that the fairy tale girl was already out of the class – Go back to your chair!
- But ‘Gevieve’ is out of the class! – says Maria.
- ‘Ge’ what? Do you mean Geovane…? She isn’t from this class… oh yeah… the roll call… I forgot about that…
- But teacher!
- Sit down already, ‘Mariana’, I’m gonna do the roll call…
- But…
- ‘Manuella!’
     The second grade girl goes back in her chair.
     The sleepy teacher starts the roll call…
 - Teacher, can I go to the bathroom? – asks Rodrigo, in our group’s class.
- Yes you can, go there – says the teacher, still writing on the board.
- Awesome – the big boy, (Rodrigo), gets out of the classroom…
- Why did I have to ask to go drink water at the beginning of this class…? – thinks Julia.
      Little Red Riding Hood glanced at the mess of the 5th and 4th grade students from next to the school’s entrance, and thinks with herself while going back to the school yard; while big Leandro and Shirley were trying to stop the whole fight:
- Oh dear, the Big Bad Wolf must be there; I would rather stay on that place from before…
     She goes back to the schoolyard, and foes back, searching for candies and sweets… when she notices some spheres, painted like planet Earth. These were clearly exposition art from some class. The fairy tale girl’s eyes focus on a particular sphere that was a little dirty and crumpled.
     Rodrigo enter the yard; and finds the fairy tale girl…
     He is delighted with her appearance…
     He messes up his hair, and decides to talk to her, ignoring that she was ripping off the sphere from where it was.
- Hey sweetie… - says Rodrigo, trying to do a stylish voice – How ya doin’?
- Oh, hello, boy – says the alive fairy tale – I am trying to find sweets and candies for my grandmother… you have a very peculiar voice, don’t y…
- Sweets and candies…? – the big little guy from the third grade who was flirting with her find it very strange the “candies” and the “basket”; but decides to keep trying to flirt with the alive fairy tale – Oh, I can bring you to a lot of sweets… I have some with me…
- Really? Where?
- Ah, my lips with yours would be very sweet, baby… - says Rodrigo, making kissing gestures with his mouth and raising and lowering his eyebrows – Wanna test if it’s true, baby…?
- Oh, I can see that, there is a very odd candy in your mouth; thank you – Little Red Riding hood grabs the boy’s lips, and tries to pull them with her hand.
- Hm! Hm! Hm! – Rodrigo tries to scream while having his mouth being brutally pulled by the fairy tale girl.
- Hey, what is going on here? – Wellington, (the bubblegum man that Charlie created in episode 4), was nearby, and asks.
     “Red Hood” releases Rodrigo’s lips; who now looked like an elephant’s trunk, after being stretched so much.
- Uhh… - Wellington didn’t knew what to think; even more because the girl from the classic tale was looking at something in his face – What is it…?
- There is a peculiar pink candy on your face – says “Red Hood”, who then tries to reach the small goatie beard from the bubblegum man – Please, give me! Give me!
     Wellingtons, noticing what she has done with the third grade boy’s lips, says to the fairy tale girl; having an idea:
- Ok, I will give you this uhh… candy… if you follow me, ok?
- Follow you to where? – asks “Gege”.
- To the director’s office – says Wellington, while Rodrigo was going back to his clas while trying to fix his mouth.
- Wait, sir, I cannot follow strangers, my mother does not allow me.
- Uhh… - the man analyses the girl, understanding that was probably Charlie’s creation and who she probably was; saying – I know a shortcut, and candies.
- Really, sir?
- Really, just follow me, please.
- Thank you, sir – Little Red Riding Hood starts to follow him.
     Wellington thinks while walking with her:
- Am I the Big Bad Wolf now…?
the story will be continued in part 3
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chalicefarms-blog · 5 years
CHALICE TV | "Leather Storrs" EP.
Penn: We're here today with Leather Storrs he's a restaurateur and part owner of Noble Rot, an incredibly successful restaurant in the Portland area, and one of my personal favorites. We just wanted to talk to him a little bit about, one, his upbringing as a chef and the foray into cannabinated foods and cooking with cannabinated foods. I want to start with, where did it start, where did the love of cooking start? How did you get here?
Leather: When I was born, my dad was 50. So he’s quite a bit older and so we didn't you know throw the ball when my dad said go out for a long one. And you take three steps, thats it. But there were things that we did together, and food was a big one. He did most of the cooking in our family and he was invigorated by it, he made it exciting, he took us places with his food and that was a place where we were able to bond.
Penn: You dabbled with cannabis all kind of throughout formative years, when did you decide that cooking was past the family past the connection with your father? When did you decide like that's what I want to do and that's my passion 
Leather: Greg Higgins who had a restaurant of his same name was the chef at the Heathman at that time, and to watch him orchestrate the service throughout whatever sort of hiccup whatever sort of personality issue, whatever sort of disorder. It was magic you know, and to be a part of that team, to feel that adrenal rush and to feel like you're accomplishing something in a
short period of time was really exciting for me.
And so that. really honestly focused me because of my comfort with food from a young age and because I traveled quite a bit I had some familiarity with cuisine and it was just a perfect fit.
We moved Noble out here in 2008, opened it up and we've been doing great ever since and then. When the cannabis started to gain momentum and because I've always been intrigued I
started to mess around I started to figure some things out and I started to make some things with cannabis that were actually kind of delicious. And the first thing that I made was a version of the caramel sauce that we made here, 
Weed is supposed to be fun. Here's the play and it's silly and maybe this is the time that all of 
these things come together, and it was at that point that I realized that that was the ingredient missing from my plan. That made what I had to say about food both unique and resonant. Being able to play and being able to do it legally with cannabis to a receptive and an enthusiastic audience has been.. I've been tickled.  It really a lot of fun I am most interested in being able to deliver a known quantity with delicious food that is playful, interesting, a little silly, and so all my efforts have been towards that idea. 
Penn: It's almost like you have a certain amount of tools in your tool chest to work with as a chef. I just want to know what it's like to go through your entire culinary life and then have another tool added to the shelf, and that tool is varied and nuanced and psychoactive.
Leather: I think more than anything is an affirmation and an encouragement to kind of keep questing. But again, most importantly a reminder that things are always moving and so why don't we mess around with a fat preparation and then I'll call preparation and we'll do it with some stuff that we pick upstairs !
Penn: So we are up on the roof of Noble Rot, where you actually grow almost all of what herbs vegetables grown.
Leather: We use everything we grow. We grow everything we use. 
Penn: But a lot of that connection to like craft quality products right here.
Leather: Exactly this is sort of the epitome of our approach in our mindset so we'll use some of those leaves, tea leaves, those other cute little green things.  It's amazing kind of haunting, it's like seems to be sweet arugula right there. 
Penn: So we're here with our offerings from the garden and we're gonna, I mean it blows my mind, but we're gonna turn this into food. that isn't what's sitting right in front of me
Leather: ideally I don't wanna like let have training wheels okay for your first foray and let make it calm and easy and seated. My goal my plan is a quick cure on some steelhead which is in season right now. If we're curing a fish and we want to do it quickly it's about service area, so we'll have to cut it down. 
I'd ike you to go through these, we don't need a big salad we’re not gonna use all of it but we'll need a good collection of the things that we picked. The trio of sexy greens these are all from the mustard days. We want equal amounts mizuna, ruby streaks, arugula. Okay a little bit of chervil, a few of those gem marigold pieces and then I'll keep this sorrel. We'll mix it in with our tartare. I'll get cutting on that fish. This is a shallot, remember the onion family 
Here's that sorrel that blew you away that nice sharp shiny sorrel to visit and I'm just gonna take
it off the stem here again really nice fine filaments of shiny bright soil
that's gonna pop in there with our fish 
Penn: Well I think that's always my struggle with cooking is, and I ran into this with cannabis as well, when I first wanted to learn how to water a cannabis plant. People just let just feel your plant like well how do I know what it should feel like? And often times with chefs it's you know how much of that did you put in? ‘Oh I just kind of felt right!
Leather: Now so in a few of those okay gem marigold pieces. Here's that Everclear thing okay and just put your hand out I'm just gonna put a couple drops, I put a couple drops of tincture in there with that fish and so we'll give that a little mix just to kind of coat everything. Start those flavors going but we're gonna also salt it. And when we do the clock will start because salt will denature the proteins. So that is pretty pink, it will start to become opaque. So we're gonna get everything ready and taste it. I'm gonna grab two spoons, keep picking little tiny pretty stuff don't go crazy. We'll just let that kinda hang out and see where you are. Right in our salad and here this grapeseed oil is infused. This is about 10 milligrams of THC per gram. Okay again and so that's where gonna give you. 
I'm doing it from the ground up with flower, numbers that I know, with high quality ingredients. A little fresh olive oil to finish that fish. Right there a sexy little garden hammer, with about 25 milligrams.
Its this idea that, I'm really trying to balance, we're trying to taste that salad. We're trying to take advantage of the place, we're trying to show a time stamp, and then you get those those nifty weird flavors up a little pop of the fennel yeah that's strange gem miracle. Did I pass the audition?
Penn: it's so good!
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