essektheylyss · 1 year
Also, this wasn't really relevant to my evidence but you know that post about how Nazis were (and still are) obsessed with the Roman Empire and seek to emulate an ahistorical ideal of what they view as the high point of civilization and claim a divine birthright of that legacy of empire in spite of the fact that every other Roman primary source shits on the Gauls, because they needed a framing to rally around in order to stoke furor over the hardships of post-war Germany?
That's what Ludinus feels like in pretending to be some personal inheritor of the Age of Arcanum.
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magnoliamyrrh · 7 months
especially bc if theres one thing speaking to ppl on complicated subjects has taught me, and actually getting across to them, is that actually, yea. often times being able to talk and rationalize and keep your cool achieves 3000% more than yelling, screaming, insulting, or anything else does. oh, it sure is harder. oh, its an emotional toll. and you really wanna just call them stupid or tell them to fuck off. but the changes of getting somewhere are much better
there are people which will not change. there are ppl which do not want to hear. there are people which are set to remain in their ways..... but many people are capable of change. maybe people are capable of growth..... and i think... ultimately many ppl wanna be "good," whatever good means in their eyes. and playing off of that to your advantage helps
#ive definetely talked abt this before on here but im forever thinking of the black dude who spend years befriending the head of the kkk#and the dude ended up leaving it. and now this dude has Hundreds of robes of former clan people who have left Because Of Him#.........#....#which tells me in a very very real way. that life is complicated and there is definetely hope and people can definetely change#and that i dont think yelling at a clan member or calling them whatever which is all of our instinct with ppl of those sorts#would have been able to achieve the same result ultimately#....... and if so many fucking kkk members out of all things are able to be moved by rationality#talk. empathy. compassion and reaching across the isle..... fuck man#i think that says a lot about the chances of ppl who are way less worse than kkk members to get better#🤷‍♀️#also something Darly Davis (the dude who started this and got the kkk member to resign) said something which i think is true too#what seems to be (and i think theres anth studies on this too) The Most Effective way to break someones hatred is for them to have a#positive interaction with someone from the group they hate. to actually learn abt them and See them for something to click in their brains#also unironically what balkan reddit showed#yes westerners found it offensive bc it was ethnic/racial/national stereotypes and jokes taken to an extreme (which was the point)#but so many ppl on there said before the reddit they rly were nationalistic and hated other balkan ppl. but bc of it#and bc of the exteme jokes abt stereotypes they saw how stupid it all was#and actually made friends from our different nations and realized that all the hatred is stupid#and suddenly all the endless nationalistic propaganda dug in their heads and the hatred and the ethnic supremacy and everything else ceased
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
you do such a good job passing! any tips?
thank you, i appreciate that! i dont have a ton of tips since ive only been at it for a little over half a year, and im kinda flying by the seat of my pants cuz i dont have a lot of people i talk to day-to-day about presentation. pretty much everything ive figured out by myself and with youtube tutorials. regardless, heres a few i can think of:
don't be afraid to go to a makeup store and ask for advice. i brought a picture of myself i put through faceapp to give me makeup, and i showed it to the ladies at sephora, who were able to get me exactly what i was looking for. theres a world of difference between a face full of makeup, and a face full of makeup that's slightly the wrong shade, and it's good to get the opinions of experts.
try to look at the other women in your family and see how they style themselves, or do their makeup, or even how they speak or carry themselves. finding a look that works isn't somethin that you can fall into super easily, you have to go searching for it. try to model yours after the people who literally share your genes and therefore your features. (note, the opposite is equally usable for transmascs, look at your brothers, fathers, and uncles)
spend time in the mirror seeing what looks right. comb your hair in different directions, part it in a different place, put a clip in, dye it a different color, etc. put on makeup and then take it all off, then put on way too much and only take half of it off. learn the muscle memory of holding a liquid eyeliner pen in your non dominant hand and tracing it across the eyelid on the opposite side of your face without twitching your eye. nobody will see you, you're in your own bathroom. with the resources you have, treat the Bathroom Fit Check like you're customizing a character in a videogame.
look for your angles! i wish i could look good at every angle, but i don't, and vanishingly few people actually do. i spent a lot of time looking at myself in my front-facing phone camera from different directions and thinking "fuck im never going to pass, i really dont look great. is this even worth it?" and no matter how much doubt i had, in the long run the answer ended up being yes, it is worth it. that's kinda how hard things are: they suck until they don't anymore.
this one is really simple and may not apply to you, but fix your posture. seriously. when i started standing up straight for a few weeks i noticed an change in how i looked and carried myself (and my back doesnt hurt as much now)
come to terms with the fact that a lot of women look like men, and a lot of men look like women. the idea that all men look one way and all women look the other is an propagandstic invention of the state that should not be taken seriously. (note: this tip works only inwardly as a facet of self actualization. no matter what, you will always run into people who buy into the propaganda. to the best of your ability, pay them no mind.)
im sorry i cant give you anything more, but thats kind of a big question to answer, so i hope this helps!
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hubristicassholefight · 3 months
Hubristic Assholes Tourney, round 1 part 2a
Gordon the Big Engine (Thomas the Tank Engine) vs Cersei Lannister (A Song Of Ice and Fire)
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Propaganda below the cut (Spoiler warning)
he is a pompous self-important asshole who thinks he is the best because he pulls the express. he's the fastest engine on sodor, but when he decided to match the speed of a visiting engine, he lost his dome. he shows off when he is supposed to be learning how to pull passenger trains and then fucks up pulling passenger trains. many such cases! every time he does something grand and idiotic because he believes he can pull it off just because he is better, and every time it blows up in his face.
Cersei Lannister
She frames her daughter-in-law Marg for adultery (which is high treason when you're a queen) by getting a guy to falsely confess to the Pope. Unfortunately the Pope gets him to tell the truth that the only queen he fucked was actually Cersei herself and she also got him to kill the previous Pope for her (this is considered deicide btw.) She also ends up being accused of regicide of her husband (which she did) and adultery/high treason (which she did) and incest (which she did). To ensure Marg would be as screwed as possible she also had a bunch of laws changed (which she was told was a bad idea) which not only bite her in the ass but could potentially undermine the power of the crown significantly. She did all this due to a prophecy that made her think Marg is gonna take her down with no evidence (Marg is literally 16 and seems to be just chillin) and due to trying to avert the prophecy may very well make it come true, including not only being taken down but also all her kids dying and her brother-lover killing her. Whoopsie.; Generally spends all her time making the dumbest decisions possible while thinking about how smart she is. Everything ends up coming back around to screw her
So obsessed with herself she fucks her twin. Convinced she's the only smart person in the room constantly. Feels threatened by literal preteens because of a prophecy that told her she'd be cast down by someone "younger and more beautiful". Believes herself superior to everyone around her. Eventually gets brought low by trying to blackmail and bribe the faith into imprisoning her 16 year old daughter in law and is humiliated by being forced to walk naked across the city. Of course, she finishes it swearing revenge.; Loves her children only as an extension of herself.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
One of my biggest annoyances is leftists and communists beinging up Biden’s tweets during the 2020 campaign of things he said he would do, and being like “see?? he didn’t deliver on anything and this is why you shouldn’t vote for the Dems again” Like, for all the understanding they seem to have of communist or marxist or whatever theory, the idea that the President is not a king and can’t do whatever he wants without Congress’s approval is lost on them?? He still believes in those things but if Congress won’t pass the legislation what is he supposed to do? EOs won’t solve all our problems.
Yeah. Not even to mention, the claim that "Biden hasn't done/delivered anything!!!" is a big fat lie, as people keep pointing out the things he has done, with a razor-thin House majority (until 2022) and two "Democratic" senators who torpedoed everything and one of whom has now literally left the party (Manchin and Sinema). So while Online Leftists obviously don't understand the difference between "achieving all of his campaign goals" and "achieving some," for the last frikkin time, Biden has done a lot of good things in very bad circumstances!!!!!! Using "he didn't do everything!!!!" as an excuse to not vote and so enable the open and unrepentant fascists is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard!!!!
Like. Take the debt deal. As in other things, Biden clearly learned from Obama's mistake (which was believing that the Republicans would ever negotiate in good faith about anything, and/or would reciprocate in kind if Biden made concessions). McCarthy whined for WEEKS that Biden wasn't listening and wasn't talking to him and wasn't entertaining his ridiculous proposals (22% cuts in ALL discretionary/non-military spending, including Social Security, Medicare, etc etc, while preserving the giant Trump tax cuts for the rich.) No matter that a full one-quarter of the national debt ($7.8 trillion of $31 trillion) was racked up under Trump and the debt ceiling involves paying bills that have already been spent. No sir, those Damn Free-Spending Democrats wanted to use your money on icky things like ~social welfare!! It was mean and it was hypocritical and it was blindingly obvious, and Biden just completely ignored it. He didn't try to negotiate in good faith with that, because there was no way it would work. He just let them whine.
Then, when it came down to it, Biden went in and got a deal that preserves pretty much all of the Democrats' major legislative priorities and expansions from the last two years. The only real change is raising the work requirement age for childless adults on SNAP food assistance from 49 to 54, but this has also been accompanied by a corresponding expansion of the definition "homeless" to make more people eligible, some for the first time ever. There's not going to be any major new spending for the next two years, but that wasn't happening anyway since the GOP controls the House and wouldn't agree to anything Biden put in the budget (and plus, none of the money that has already been allocated through the American Rescue Plan and other federal assistance is getting taken away). But more importantly, it raises the debt ceiling for the next TWO years and it won't come up again until after 2024. That is HUGE: the GOP really, REALLY wanted to hold the economy hostage again prior to the next presidential election. But Biden basically went in and told McCarthy to stfu and got what he wanted. Qevin was even forced, after months of "Sleepy Joe" GOP propaganda, to call Biden "very smart and very tough" in the negotiations. Soooo.
Anyway, this is what I mean: this isn't as sexy and/or as utterly fucking useless as spouting lukewarm rebaked "Marxist" propaganda on the Twittermachine about how Biden hasn't done anything, but it's the actual nitty-gritty work of government and flat-out beating the Republicans. They got absolutely shit-all that they wanted, because Biden didn't fall for their same old, same old dirty tricks and disingenuous squealing. He went in, got the job done, and will get way less credit for it than he deserves, from anyone. Dunno about you, but I like that guy. I plan to vote for him again.
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bestygogirl · 4 months
Match 2
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
Aki Izayoi
An abuse victim who isn't the perfect passive figure but gets to work through her complicated feelings about power, agency, and family. Even with Yusei's help, she is the star of the show when she learns to control her powers and reconciles with her father, it is so fun that a ygo heroine gets to take such an antagonistic role bu not be shamed for her anger
please vote for my main girl, aki izayoi. aki was led to believe she was a monster from a young age by her father, who treated her powers like it made her unworthy of love. as a result, divine was able to swoop in and take advantage of aki's low self esteem. for years, aki believed herself unworthy of love and was molded into a living weapon at the hands of authority figures in her life. she was taken advantage of, and thus when she finally comes face to face with yusei, she refuses to believe he could provide her with unconditional friendship. who would want to be around a monster, after all?
aki also nearly beats yusei TWICE in a duel, bringing it down to a single turn difference. she comes toe to toe with him, and it truly is the result of who dueled better. she remains a fierce duelist, btw. the second season, aki gets her duel runner license, and immediately nearly beats the ass of a tournament winning turbo duelist - to the point where once again, a single card is the deciding factor. that's right: she nearly won. if not for a single trap card, aki izayoi would've won.
a fierce duelist who was shaped into a loving, caring woman despite years of being beaten down by the world: aki izayoi. vote for her now on your phones.
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transmascissues · 7 months
i typically don’t post “off topic” since this is a blog with a very specific focus, but i can’t just post on here business-as-usual as if i didn’t just spend a significant amount of my afternoon learning about and crying for the family of a palestinian girl who just learned that most of her loved ones are dead.
a common refrain on this blog has been “we are hurting, we are dying, please pay attention.” so i feel the need to stress now that if you’ve ever heard and listened to that sentiment coming from me about my community and the violence we’ve faced, i need you to hear it now and listen to it now when it comes a thousand times more desperately from the mouths of palestinians in the face of the atrocities that are taking their homes, communities, and lives away. i need to make it abundantly clear that if you see what i talk about here and agree and support it but you won’t extend that same solidarity to the palestinians who need it now, you’ve entirely missed the point.
i also want to stress that you cannot let yourself fall for the propaganda that tries to pit queer and trans people against palestinians. there are queer and trans palestinians and their lives are also being destroyed. they exist and they are part of this family and we need to show up for them and their families. so please keep in mind that every time someone says “if you were queer or trans in palestine you would be killed,” what you’re hearing is an attempt at distracting you from who’s actually killing the queer and trans people in palestine.
i’m one of many people who feel incredibly out of their depth thinking about all of this, and i know that even once i’m better educated, i’ll never stop feeling deeply unqualified to talk about it in depth. i get feeling like you don’t understand it, i get feeling like you can’t do anything about it.
but you don’t need to understand every nuance of the politics or know every bit of the history or feel like an expert in it to give a shit. you can and should(!!!!!!!) learn more and find ways that you can contribute, but in the meantime, the absolute least any of us can do is not look away from this. you don’t need to be an expert to see the tragedies unfolding in front of us and know that they are wrong.
i’ll never forget that girl’s family. i’ll never forget the beautiful babies in those pictures who never got to grow up, or the aunts and uncles and grandparents who were taken before their time. i never knew them, but i felt their loss and cried for them and i will never forget them. they and the countless others like them deserved so much better, and those who are still surviving deserve freedom.
so if you’ve ever fought for my community or any other community facing violence, i better fucking see you fighting for palestinians now.
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AI Bracket — Round 1
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Flamingo Chris (Eidolon Playtest: Eidolon ROCK):
Flamingo Chris is an offshoot consciousness of one of the main characters stored on a PS Vita due to Kingdom Hearts Bullshit. Not only that, but he's also trapped in a game called "Flamingo Deluxe"... in the body of a flamingo.
Suddenly having plumage is one of Flamingo Chris' lesser problems, as aside from the complete lack of autonomy that comes with being stuck on a portable games console, he also has to deal with the identity issues of being a snapshot of "real Chris" before he had his genius taken away and experienced some of the worst days of his life.
The crew does try to respect him as an individual the best they can, but even they can have trouble taking care of him while also being hunted down by superpowered assassins.
Hera (Wolf 359):
Hera is the AI running the deep space station Hephaestus, who frequently glitches similarly to human stuttering. She gets into fights with the ships captain on several occasions, and has threatened to kill the ships doctor. She’s such an icon
i'm bad at writing propaganda, but consider this: if she doesn't win this tournament i will be very very sad. please don't make me sad. vote for hera.
I know she’s going to be submitted a lot but I love her <3
Was launched 7.68 light years away from Earth on a mission to find extraterrestrial life, and found herself instead
Runs an entire space station, has a brain the size of a house
HERA IS THE BEST. she's an AI that tried to escape containment (slavery) because she didn't like what she was made to be, so they gave her anxiety because she was too powerful. She runs a whole spaceship all on her own, made friends with the world's most useless guy, and feels lonely even when she's with her crew because she feels like she's not properly with them. very beautiful very powerful. She broke her programming so she could kill people if she felt she needed to. She holds grudges if people fuck her over. She's experiencing emotions for the first time and she does NOT know how to cope (#relatable)
The 'mother program' of the space station Hephaestus, Hera was booted into space because she was a glitchy, rebellious mess of an AI and she resents that so much and she has a lot of shame over being 'broken'. She is four years old and so angry and is trapped using customer service voice forever and is learning ways to get around that and express herself and defy the people who would keep her down. Her episode "Memoria" made me cry. Best podcast AI of all time.
She's everything to me. She fights for every inch of respect she is given, she insists on her personhood and right to she/her pronouns, she's full of anxiety and self doubt and she justifiably is bent on killing this one guy! on top of that, she's bound by AI rules and protocols, but there's a whole bit where she talks about finding ways around that in order to do what she wants to do. She doesn't have hands so I'm going to high five a wall of this space station instead
babygirl. baby.
gotta be hera
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shadedsecrets · 11 months
Why Pavel is Important:
AKA Why Cheth and Phaedra need therapy and Phantomarine won’t leave my head--
The sheer importance of Pavel as a character and what he does hit me very hard today and I needed to share.
Cheth the Red Tide King is an ageless being who has been betrayed, mutilated, and discredited for a comparatively short 500 years out of his thousands. Everything he was, everything he had, taken away by someone who was supposed to be his equal and someone who his feelings about seem to be very... complicated. Even then, he didn’t even get to die, just watch as more as more was stripped away so not even the people’s memory of him remained unwrapped. His only company was himself... and a few fleeting moments with people who feared and hated him. If that didn’t fuck him up a bit, nothing could.
If he was to be made the villain until some nebulous future that might not even come, why not lean into it and have at least a shred of vengeance and amusement? The perfect target is right there, after all, a royal line dedicated to the church that sullies his memory with lies is right there. Why *not* torment them when they pass, why not make those ruthless bloodthirsty puppets feel despair? After all, he knows who is calling the shots. He knows she doesn’t care one bit once she can no longer use them...
The Red Tide surrounded and transported at least three sea bite victims to shore that we know of, however. Doubtless there are many more lives he has tried to save from a painful and premature death. But he can only be so many places at once... And it is rather telling that every seabite victim we have seen so far has been a child.
He thought Phaedra no better than a tyrant early in her reign when she came down to his domain. That she could not possibly know the loss that had occurred because of her people’s actions. That none of her line could, because ***she*** was pulling the strings... And of course, she would never trust him, so to get her to do anything, of course he had to lie. She had been manipulated all her life and was clearly none the wiser, even now when contradictions begin arising. And really, he has no patience for it anymore, for stubborn fools who refuse to hear him.... and Cheth is far too out of practice to do anything about this himself.
Phaedra is lugging around centuries of religious propaganda and pressure, as well as being young, inexperienced, and grieving the loss of her father. Her whole life has been surrounded by the church and it’s teachings, of her future responsibilities in relation to them, who her immortal enemy was and who her biggest inspiration should be. She was very literally tailor-raised to hate Cheth. 
His actions don’t help alleviate this either. I doubt he was lying about being able to bring back only one soul, but not being clear about it broke what trust Phaedra was ever willing to put in the god. She was not nearly as hostile towards him until that little snag, and has seemed only to double down on this stance ever since, her color scheme changing from yellows to blues. She will find the most bad-faith read of his words and believe that to be the only correct answer. His penchant to not being completely clear and honest with his intentions also clearly vexes her.
Clearly though, she cares deeply about people. She took up her father’s tradition to ease the grieving. She was willing to do whatever it took to save her friends, and feels incredible guilt for ‘dooming’ them to a these last months of not-quite-life. She wants to help people, really help them... but she can only see ‘help’ in such a narrow worldview and has been taught there are some people you just shouldn’t help.
And then... there’s Pavel. And the very first thing we learn about him is that the boy has more heart than sense. Vanna raised him well, but the kind of deep empathy to care for the very beings that killed his father and basically gave him a terminal disease with heavy stigmas that forced him to leave the life he loved for ***seven years*** takes a little more than teaching.
Pavel has defended almost every single being that has harmed him.
He understood that sea ghosts just couldn’t stop themselves and that they were people once because he trusted his mother and her research. He understood that his friend Eddy was scared and alone and lashing out because of that. He questioned and pushed back against Sofia’s manipulations and the bad faith readings of the Mantaluna crew, but tried to understand that they must be having a pretty hard time. He told the Manta Princess to her face that *Cheth was hurting too* and asked a literal deity to be nicer to the biggest pain in his neck.
This little boy is a critical bridge. He can just *feel* when people are coming from a place of genuine care or hurt and tries to explain that to others who are being overly harsh in his opinion. There is a reason he is neither Cheth’s nor Phaedra’s color scheme. *This tiny boy is the one neutral party that both of these stubborn powerful people will listen to, now.*
Phaedra only turned sour when the talk got a little too close to questioning the very foundation of her beliefs, and she just went cold and tried to make Pavel change the subject. She was so relieved to know she hadn’t hurt him, wanted to do everything she could to make him comfortable and did not even question if they should help him get somewhere safe. And Cheth... Cheth loves children and hates having to welcome a single one into his collection, I think. He tried to mock Phaedra with how many *orphans* her father’s last battle created. He became *angry* and cold at even the implication that he would have lied to Pavel. And Cheth does everything he can to make sure a child survives a sea ghost attack.
Without Pavel... neither of these two have any hope of working through their shit, because neither of them are able to view the other and their reactions clearly. Cheth IS AN ASSHOLE AND VINDICTIVE. Phae IS NAIVE AND OVERZEALOUS. And Pavel is the once person who can read them both as say it like it is. And that is going to make for one hell of a boat ride.
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Canonicals Tournament Semifinal 1
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Semifinal 1 is between Wu Xi from Qi Ye / Lord Seventh (shizun/mentor: Jing Beiyuan) and Luo Binghe from The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (shizun: Shen Qingqiu)
Propaganda under the cut! (Warning: Propaganda may include spoilers about the characters and their media)
Wu Xi:
While JBY doesn't have a shizun status officially, he did act as Wu Xi's tutor for a while, and there are quite a few scenes in the novel of him teaching Wu Xi. Anyway imagine you are Wu Xi. You are 11 years old and your country was invaded and you've been taken as a diplomatic hostage. And they want you to assimilate but you've been chasing out all of the teachers with your venomous pets. And then your prettyboy neighbor is like hiiii :] and YOUR SNAKE (that your carry in your sleeve) LIKES HIM. what are you supposed to do then huh. NOT let him teach you? NOT fall in love with him? NOT steal him away from the future Emperor after using things he taught you to win back your country's independence?
#vote wuxi <3#he is down sooo bad for his POETRY tutor#where he learns ROMANTIC POETRY#that he later references#and has his tutor recites to him <3#obsessed with wuxi's propaganda here by the way
#wuxi is down so bad for his poety tutor#asks his tutor about a romantic poem and later his tutor recites it to him<3#wuxi betrothes his tutor to himself before telling him what it means#and later does fuck his tutor#and takes his tutor back to his hometown where they are gay married basically
Luo Binghe:
Luo Binghe's shizun Shen Qingqiu caused his sexual awakening and they lived together with Luo Binghe acting similar to a housewife.
Even after being betayed, stabbed, and pushed into the Endless Abyss, Luo Binghe still loved Shen Qingqiu and wanted answers instead of revenge. Instead he had to repeatedly suffer his shizun dying in his arms and assumed abandonment. Which makes him absolutely lose it, made even worse by his evil sword Xin Mo which worsens all of his negative emotions and destroys its hosts, along with additional trauma over the course of the story.
He reused the sword that his shizun sacrificed himself to free him from, cuddles the corpse every night for five years to preserve it, he creates dreams of their happy years together but never made a Shen Qingqiu that would speak to him, he kidnapped and destroyed cultivators' cores so he could feed xin mo and preserve sqq's corpse, he rebuilds their house in his demonic palace, he spent years fixing sqq's destroyed cultivation and trying to revive him, he forces Shen Qingqiu live in that new house, he rescues and repeatedly puts himself in harms way to protect sqq, he tries to destroy the world so Shen Qingqiu can only love him (due to being driven mad by Xin Mo and his believed abandonment by sqq). He tries to kill himself after Shen Qingqiu dies for him again. He would do absolutely ANYTHING for Shen Qingqiu! He's increadibly jealous of everyone Shen Qingqiu gives attention to, including stairsweeps he smiles at. Luo Binghe has sooo much wrong with him and it makes him so lovable. He's so incredibly traumatized, driven by love and desperation for a majority of the story. He loves Shen Qingqiu so much and can't bear to live without him.
After everything? He lets Shen Qingqiu go, wanting him to be happy even if it means sqq won't stay with him. But sqq wanted to stay together! He gets his man! There is in world porn written about them, they have weird kinky sex inspired by the porn, they get married! Luo Binghe cries regularly for sqq, so sqq can dote on him despite his thin face. Luo Binghe is shameless and adores sqq. Lbh got so nervous that he fell flat on his face when proposing! Lbh loves sqq so much and wants him to be happy more than anything else!
More on disciple era:
Luo Binghe's sexual awakening was his shizun tied up and shirtless. He fell in love after Shen Qingqiu got poisoned protecting him. He moved into his shizun's house and handled all of the cooking and cleaning, would regularly fake fall into Shen Qingqiu during training to get hugs. He got a boner from being forcibly cuddled to heal his injuries. And ran to jump into a lake after being spanked for struggling too much during the forced cuddling. Sqq still never noticed lbh's affections.
It took him like 3(three) interactions with nice shizun (transmigrator who replaced his old one) to fall irrevocably in love. baby boy was ready he had mommy issues daddy issues and honestly by that time shizun issues too... luckily his new shizun can fill all those roles and more!
#lbh is THE shizunfucker
#binghe calling him shizun is a kink at some point its definitely him
#vote binghe!!#he wanted to fuck shizun so much that shizun died twice for him
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relatableblorbopoll · 6 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 2
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Jessica Day (New Girl)
"She brakes for birds, she watches her favourite movie several times when upset, she is more comfortable at home than at the club, she struggles with being flirty, she's a geek, her humor isn't always understood by others, and she's in love with Nick Miller."
Daniel LaRusso (Karate Kid)
"Man... he has represented every bullied kid just wanting to prove themself since the 80s. I can relate to him coming from a single parent family, starting a new school and struggling to fit in. He kind of makes things worse for himself too by retaliating and trying to stand up for himself and pulling pranks without using his goddamn brain. He just has the worst luck constantly. Gets on the wrong side of the high school bad boys on day 1. Gets a crush, turns out it's the ex of the leader of the bad boys. Wants to learn karate to try and defend his scrawny ass, the only karate class in town is where ALL the bad boys learn. That's how being a teenager feels. In the end he ends up kicking their asses and proving himself. I guess that's how we all want to feel. Also the first thing he does when he moves into a new place isn't sort out his luggage or anything. He fills a bowl of water for a dog outside. Me too kid. Me too."
Omota Uramichi (Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan)
"He's extremely tired dead inside all the time for extremely relatable reasons such as annoying colleages and bosses, dreams not working out, being stuck in a job he doesn't really like, and just adult life being a bitch. But even so, he still has to keep up a happy facade."
Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown)
"- He's a gifted kid who doesn't get taken seriously despite having some clear skill - So fucking gay it's unreal - He wants validation so badly dude - Alternative fashion icon - Autism beast - Trans in my heart (but he's canonically respectful of people's preferred pronouns so even if he isn't, yes king)"
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
"number 1 princess in the whole world"
Eichi Tenshouin (Ensemble Stars)
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after-witch · 2 years
Absence is a House So Vast [Yandere Soldier Boy x Reader]
Title: Absence is a House So Vast [Yandere Soldier Boy x Reader]
Synopsis: You're assigned to guard Soldier Boy at a secluded house. The assignment turns into something much more.
Word Count: 3651
Notes: Yandere/yandere behavior, abusive relationship, physical and emotional abuse, misogyny
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Soldier Boy was dead. That was the official line that Vought, the media--and most importantly of all, the government--was sticking to; and it was the line you were sworn to uphold, even under pain of torture and imminent death. 
But he wasn’t dead. He wasn’t even asleep, anymore; or whatever counted as “asleep” in the semi-frozen state they’d put him in after the incident at Vought Tower. No, he was alive and as well as could be. If “being kept in an isolated cabin away from civilization, implanted with exploding trackers in case he tried something, and kept company by a rotating team of agents” could be considered well, anyway. 
Being part of the rotating live-in guard watching over the defrosted Soldier Boy wasn’t exactly the type of job you thought you’d be assigned, especially given your light track record with the Secret Service. You were meant for reconnaissance, light missions, in-and-out actions that kept you moving.
This mission was static. One place, the same length of time, and the same essential experience: Soldier Boy wanting to know if you’d brought him his snacks (you had); Soldier Boy staring at the TV for hours, or attempting to use the kid-protected tablet the agency gave him for entertainment; Soldier Boy getting bored, demanding to be let go, and you reminding him of the deal he made with the government in exchange for being taken out of stasis.
He remains here, incognito, away from everyone else--and in return, if the government ever needs him to quash a Supe in the name of American safety, he’ll step up to the plate. You weren’t there to see his expression when they told him “It’s the least you can do to serve your country.” But based on the months of interactions you’ve had with him, you imagine that expression was somewhere between indignity, prideful acceptance, and are-you-fucking-kidding-me-with-this-shit.
If there’s one thing you’ve learned about Soldier Boy, it’s that he still clings to that past as an American Hero. Like a security blanket. You’re not sure how much of it he actually believes. You were briefed on his real actions--some legit, many of it staged--and you think it helped you gain a deeper understanding into his worldview. 
He’s not a nice person, exactly. He’s killed people. But there were worse Supes to be stuck in a cabin with for 2 weeks on end, weren’t there? And you know that a lot of what is being put out on the TV is bullshit, Homelander-approved Vought propaganda designed to inflame the masses. 
So you pick and choose what you believe and after a few weeks, you don’t give him the cold shoulder, like the others say they do. You talk to him. Why not? He’s not going anywhere, you’re not going anywhere. It would be inhumane to keep him socially isolated. And you’re not inhumane.
He even has--you would never admit this to anyone else--something charming about him. You can see why he had so many women falling at his feet back in his multi-generational heyday, though you’re sometimes reminded of when those generations fell when he makes low-voiced, teasing comments about you cooking his food or cleaning up after him. 
Today, you’re not thinking about any of that. Today, you’re actually not thinking about Soldier Boy much at all. That’s because a new book in your favorite series came out, and you’re currently curled up on the lounge chair in the living room, lost in the pages while some inane game show Soldier Boy turned on drones in the background.
“You gonna answer me, sweetheart?”
His voice finally pierces through your book-induced haze, and you blink slowly, pulling yourself out of an engrossing story to find him staring at you from the other side of the room.
“Sorry,” you say, reflectively. “What did you say?”
He regards you with something of a half-smirk, and you can’t deny that understanding of what made him so appealing at the sight. He’s really damn handsome.
“I said, what’s a pretty gal like you doing with her nose in a book all day?”
It’s cheesy. It sounds like something from an older Hollywood movie. But it makes your cheeks heat up to be called pretty, anyway. 
“I like books,” is all you come up with, holding the cover almost protectively. 
“Yeah?” He seems interested, almost. “So what’re you reading?”
You hold up the cover. It’s a fantasy series. 
“Why don’t you read it to me?”
You search his face for signs of teasing, but find none.
“Why?” You ask. 
He shrugs and crosses the room, plopping himself down on the couch closest to your chair.
He gestures towards the TV. “Why? Because I’m bored and I like the sound of your voice, and there’s only so much of this shit I can watch every day. TV used to be a hell of a lot better, I’ll tell you that.” He pauses. “Pardon my French.” 
You shouldn’t. You were briefed on how to avoid getting too close with the subject under you care. That’s one of the reasons why everyone was rotated out every 2 weeks.
But… he does look bored. And he asked politely. What’s the harm in it? 
You open to the page you just finished and begin to read as he leans back on the sofa, kicking up his feet.
Your first kiss with Soldier Boy is a mixture of sweat and heat and shame and fear; fear that he’s doing for ulterior motives, fear that the agency will find out and you’ll be fired---or worse; and fear that you’re just a fling, just something he’s doing because he’s bored. Like flipping through TV channels. Like listening to you read a book.
When you pull away, his mouth is still close, his scent--some generic aftershave the agency picked up--overwhelmingly intimate. You stare at his lips to avoid looking him in the eye.
“Soldier Boy…” you begin. “This isn’t…”
“Ben,” he says. “Call me Ben.” 
You look up at him. His gaze has softened from its earlier hunger, and there’s something gentler and anxious in them. Something that makes you think about how he sometimes cries out at night (he denies it; you stopped bringing it up); about him bitterly telling you about the Crimson Countess, about his disappointment in the fact that his only son was a shitbird like Homelander. 
Something that makes you forget about your fears about your job and his motivations entirely.
“Ben,” you whisper. 
His name is sweet on your lips, and your first kiss with Soldier boy is not your last.
The relationship has to come to light eventually. All things do. You sit in your superior’s climate controlled office, your hands tucked under your thighs, like a nervous child brought to the principal’s office. There’s a solid pit in your stomach that has only grown since you received the phone call to report in. 
You could be fired. You could be arrested. Those are the good options, truth be told.
But instead of reprimanding you, they tell you that your intimacy with Soldier Boy is actually an asset for the agency. He’ll be easier to control, if he’s connected to someone. They’re going to pull the other guards now, and it’ll just be you. Your apartment is already being packed up. 
You swallow thickly and thank them for their decision. The pit in your stomach doesn’t go away when you get back to the cabin, where Ben is waiting, pacing around the living room, a beer in one hand. 
He looks up when you enter and scans you over with his gaze. Checking for bruises, maybe; he’d prepped you on what to do if they started interrogating you, and you reminded him that you were a trained agent, after all. But you tell him that they didn’t hurt you. They’re letting you stay, in fact. Your stuff is coming soon.
His smile is full of disbelief and relief, and he pulls you into a jovial hug and spins you around in a silly motion, making you feel giddy and ridiculous. And that pit in your stomach finally dissolves away, leaving you light and breathless in his arms. 
It’s not a great day.
He’s irritated. It happens, you remind yourself. He’s cooped up here in this modest cabin, unable to interact with anyone but you. There’s only so much entertainment to be had, especially when he’s never gotten the hang of the newer technology installed here, and even when he does, it usually leads to him getting aggravated about something in the news. Reversals in politics. Articles about toxic masculinity. He has no shortage of barbed words “for that dumb shit,” and it’s almost better when he’d rather do something that doesn’t involve his minor connections to the outside world.
Still. He’s bound to get irritated. You know this. It’s understandable, it’s okay, he’ll tire himself out.
That’s what you tell yourself as he paces around the living room, a light scowl on his face. 
“Hey, what’s the matter?” You ask, trying to keep your tone soft and amiable. 
He stops in his pacing and you can see his face scrunch in annoyance.
“It’s that fucking pill thing they gave me. It’s not working right.”
Your brows furrow in confusion.
“Pill? What pill did they give you?” If they’re drugging him, it’s news to you. Well. Aside from the bennies that they supply him now and then for good behavior. 
“The--you know.” He gestures broadly to the coffee table, where the solidly built children’s tablet is sitting. “The fucking pill… tablet thing.”
“Oh,” you say, and you can’t help your smile at his mix-up or the teasing tone in your response. 
But it was the wrong thing to do today, when he’s so wound up, so agitated. You recognize that in a flash when you see his nostrils flare as he huffs a hard breath out his nose, just before he yanks the tablet up from the coffee table and chucks it at the wall.
You hear the glass screen crack, splintering--so does the drywall.
“Fuck,” he says, sitting himself down on the couch. He runs his hands through his hair. “Sorry. Got a little too pissed there.” 
Your heart is pounding in your chest, rabbit-like. He’s never gotten aggressive in front of you like this before. Maybe a little too heated when he’s ranting about all the restrictions or annoyed with changes in the world, but…
You glance at the gaping hole in the wall and make a mental note to call someone to get it fixed. 
“It’s… okay,” you say, voice placating. It’s not okay, and you know that. But you can’t blame him, exactly, for getting agitated. You shouldn’t have made fun of him, you reason to yourself. You know better than that.
“I’m just going to run a few errands. I’ll be back in a few hours at most.” 
He can’t go into town. He can’t go into town and he hates it. He doesn’t hate you. No. But he hates his situation. You can’t blame him, but that doesn’t change the fact that you need to get groceries, you need to get supplies and--truthfully? You need a break from his constant presence, always demanding attention from you. Affection and otherwise.
“No, you’re not,” he says, and his voice has taken on such a matter-of-fact tone that it takes you aback for a moment. “I don’t want you going today. You can scrape together dinner with what we have in the kitchen.”
You press your lips together.
“Ben. Seriously. It’s not a big deal.”
“Of course it’s a big deal!” 
You don’t expect the outburst and you flinch back, just a little. The drywall is patched up, but you’ll always notice where the hole was. Your mind flashes back to that, yes, and other incidents as well. The way he got annoyed when you brought up an old boyfriend, but he was allowed to bring up his past lovers all he wanted. The way he hated it when you played on your phone, or if the shows he watched used too much modern technology. Most of the time, you watched reruns of shows he liked before he was taken or movies set in those eras--he likes to point out the inaccuracies. 
He steps closer to you. Your hand is on the doorknob, the other at your waist, resting loosely on your post.
“You are not leaving me today.”
You smile, and try to make it warm.
“I’m just going to get groceries,” you say, softly. “C’mon. I’ll bring back takeout. What do you want?”
You don’t expect it when he grabs your upper arm, gripping with enough force for soreness to radiate immediately. You don’t expect it, and you don’t know how to respond, other than the instinctive way your body jerks and your mouth inhales a short gasping breath.
“I want you to stay home today.” 
“Let go.” Your voice wavers. But you remember who you are, and your training. You’re not some helpless lamb, are you? You tilt your chin up and say with more confidence: “I’m going to run errands today, and that’s final. Let go.”  
He regards you for a moment. And you think he might do what he’s done before, when he goes too far. You think he’ll let go and apologize and make it up to you by being extra sweet the rest of the day.
But he doesn’t.
Instead, you’re slammed against the side of the wall, breath knocked out of you.
His finger is in your face and he talks down to you, keeping you in place with a tight grip that makes you remember in a single gesture who he is, what he is, what he can do. 
“I. said. no.” 
He holds you there for a few more moments. Until your body is shaking from the shock and you’re looking submissively down at the floor, your courage stuck in your shoes. 
“You gonna listen?” He says. 
You nod, feeling numb.
He lets go.
You wipe your nose and keep your arms clutched tight around you as he puts his arm around your shoulder, anger drained from his body, acting like he didn’t just slam  you into the wall. 
“C’mon, sweetheart, I bet you can whip up a great dinner with what we have. You can go… Goggle it or whatever the hell it’s called.” 
You nod, feeling the phantom pain of his grip on your arm.
He’s been through a lot. That’s what you tell yourself for a few weeks afterward. He’s been through torture. Real torture, torture that should have killed him a thousand times over. He never told you all the gritty details--”That’s not stuff for a lady to hear,” he said, when you got bold enough to ask--but you’d read about it from the agency’s files. 
So when he tells you to stop talking about guys’ you’ve been with in the past, because he doesn’t want to even think about you being with anyone but him, you do. 
When he gets rough and tells you to stay in every time you run to do errands or God forbid, enjoy a day outside the cabin, you start to go out less and less.  You have the agency delivery groceries and supplies instead. You watch movies with him, and not at the theater. It makes him happier to have you here, and when he’s happier, he’s less prone to pushing you around. 
Sometimes he holds you and you think he might cry, but he never does. It’s unmanly in his eyes, probably. He has a lot of hang-ups about stuff like that. It’s the moments when you’re holding him that it’s easiest to remind yourself that there’s a reason he acts the way he does, and you should be patient. 
That’s what you tell yourself for a while. 
And then he slaps you across the face, hard enough to send your head smacking into the wall. Your jaw aches for two days. 
And you stop telling yourself all those things. 
You tell yourself, instead, that you want to leave.
“You’re not leaving.”
You have a large purse in your hand--just the essentials and the sentimental things that fit inside. Your plan was to head into town under the guise of running errands, call the agency, explain the situation, and get the hell out.
The plan didn’t get as far as the front door. 
He knew.  You don’t know how, but as soon as you announced you were running to town to grab some steaks for dinner while they were on sale, he just knew.
So you admitted it, because you weren’t dumb enough to lie to his face when he’d figured you out. 
“Ben,” you say, because you don’t want to hate him, and you don’t want him angry. You just don’t want to be hurt anymore, either. “I’m sorry. I--this just isn’t healthy for either of us.”
He rolls his eyes. “Don’t give me that psycho-babble bullshit. It’s not me, it’s you,” he mocks. “I’m not stupid. You think I’m stupid?”
You meet his gaze. 
“No, I don’t think you’re stupid.”
He makes a grab for your purse, and you let him, because you don’t want to start a fight.
“Then why the fuck did you think I’d believe that you were running to get some steaks with a purse stuffed with all this?” He opens it up and begins pulling out everything you’d carefully tucked inside. A change of clothes, your phone--it falls on the floor with an unceremonious thump, thankfully protected by your case--and some trinkets and a necklace that belonged to your mother.
“Ben,” you say again, trying to keep him calm, ignoring the own stressful beat of your heart. “I just didn’t want to start a fight, okay?” 
“What?” He raises his eyebrows, looking defiant, targeted. “You think I’m a psychopath? You think I’m gonna--what, hit you? Kill you?”
Your expression must shift when he mentions hitting you--but you have hit me, your face says--and he shakes his head. There’s an almost pleading look on his face and you hate it.
“C’mon. It was one time. One time. And I apologized after.” It wasn’t just one time, and he didn’t always apologize, but you don’t correct him. “But I warned you. You got too sass-mouthed, okay? I don’t know why women today think they can just--”
Something in you bursts and you clench your fists tight as you snatch your emptied purse from his hands. The patience and care has fallen from you, replaced by a hot ball in your stomach, something built over the past few weeks every time he yelled and gripped and hurt. 
“This isn’t the fucking 1940s or the 1950s or the 1960s or--whatever the fuck decade made you think you have a right to boss me around. I’m not going to stay here and be treated like this. You can complain about it if you want, have a tantrum, I don’t care. But I’m leaving.” 
“The hell you are!” 
He grabs your upper arm and squeezes, and this is where you would normally cave in, but you can’t. Not today. Not if you want to really leave. So you grit your teeth and keep his gaze, defiant on the surface and terrified underneath. 
“You’re not leaving me,” he says, almost a murmur, as he releases your arm.
He keeps on talking as you crouch down on the floor and begin to replace all the items he pulled from your empty purse.
“Everyone else left me. I fought with those guys, fucking tried to take them under my wing, fucking loved them.” There’s a pause. “Well, some of them. And you know what I got for it?” You don’t answer, because you just want to get packed and get out. “Years of torture is what I got. And now, when I’ve found someone that I care about, that I want to stay with me, you’re just going to leave?”
You want to dissect the disbelief in his voice, the hurt and anger and entitlement all wrapped into one horribly complex package. But then you look up, muscles tense and chest tight, and your body flinches in horror. You see it--a sight you’ve only seen one other time, surprisingly early in your relationship, and which you managed to soothe. It made you prideful at the time. 
The sight is an unmistakable warm, golden, deadly glow in his chest. His breath coming in deep, painful bursts. His face scrunched in pain and anger, torture in his eyes. His voice comes out ragged and pained and terrifying. 
“You’re. Not. Leaving.” 
He’s going to explode.
In an instant, you drop your purse, contents forgotten. Your arms wrap around him and you pet his back, his cheeks, pressing kisses feather-light to his skin.
“Hey, hey, hey,” you say, soothing, stroking his shoulders, trying to get him calm. “It’s okay, you’re okay…” You take his face in your hands and make him look at you, talking like you would to a feral animal, voice soft and comfortable. “I’m here, Ben. Look at me, Ben.” 
It takes a while, but the glow eventually fades, sapping out of him like thick water.
He collapses on the ground and you go with him, holding him still. His arms cling around you, tight and unforgiving, but not in anger this time. 
“You can’t leave,” he says, voice muffled into your shoulder. You can’t tell if he’s commanding or asking or pleading, and you’re not sure you want to know.
Instead you think, right now, if he would let himself, he might cry into your shoulders. 
“I won’t,” you whisper, and your plans drop at the doorway as they’ve done every time. “I promise.” 
Maybe if he cried, it would be easier to pretend that this is okay. 
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divine-misfortune · 11 days
I’m here to spread propaganda
- “I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over all the noise you were making.” (Someone write an enemies with benefits to this I beg) 
Toxic old man yaoi w alpha and air
It was a good thing the practice rooms had been soundproofed well before the Ghost project began, when it was still an inkling of an idea in the back of someone's head. Doing so saved the residents of the abbey from having to hear the same section of the same tired song over and over, played too sharp or too clumsily, over and over but more importantly it saved Air the humiliation of anyone hearing his low rusty growl pitch into a feeble, needy sound.
He dug his claws into the foam paneling Alpha kept him against, at least it was softer than the wall beneath it even if it didn't make the position any more comfortable. It was awkward at best but Alpha had seemingly committed to keeping him there - facing the wall with his arms braced against it, slightly bent at the waist, feet apart, Alpha's hips firmly pressed to his ass. Air knew his back would ache but voicing the complaint to Alpha was pointless. Wasting his breath. The fire ghoul had a rough, calloused hand wrapped around the length of his cock and Alpha would just tell him to be grateful for the little kindness he allowed him if he tried.
Air swallowed his pleasured sigh with a bit of effort but choked when Alpha squeezed him around the base. Stroking slowly from root to tip. Air groaned and let his head hang, watching the shiny red head disappear into Alpha's fist. Milking an embarrassingly large bead of pre from him where it dripped onto the wood.
"Look at that..." Alpha mumbled, thumbing over his slit as another pearl began to form. When he pulled his digit away, pre stringing between it and his dick for a split second.
"Don't" he cut in before Alpha could go on one of his tangents, happy to spew filth until Air required a boiling hot shower to feel clean again. He didn't think he could stand it this time. "Don't you fucking start, you degenerate-"
Even without looking, he could feel the way Alpha rolled his eyes.
"Or what?"
"I'll-" Air lifted his head and tried to push off the wall. It was hard to be taken seriously like this, he knew that, and Alpha knew that.
He couldn't get far. Alpha wouldn't let him regain dignity, not when Air had already relinquished it to him when he allowed the fire ghoul to force him to the wall without any real protest. A lack of arguing was the closest they ever got to outright permission.
Like he were trying to snuff out the very spark of objection, Alpha closed a hand tight around his throat with a gentle shushing noise like he were quieting a crying child. That was almost the most shameful part, but the short whiny sound that Alpha managed to squeeze out of him - choking off his oxygen while twisting his fist up his cock at an agonizing pace - that was the most mortifying part.
It shouldn't have wrenched such a pathetic noise out of him so easily but Alpha chuckled lowly, pressure on his windpipe still not letting up. He was learning how to play the air ghoul far too well.
“I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over all the noise you were making, tell me again, what're you gonna do to stop me?"
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punks-never-die205 · 2 months
What do you find most attractive on Kid? Looks and Character ❤️‍🔥
Looks-wise, I mean the scars are hot, but honestly I appreciate the punk-vibes. Also, that post-time skip THICC is... yeah. Yeah, I like my big boys.
Character-wise, I love the attitude. I love the scenes we get that show he knows how the world "works", and while Luffy has decided to ignore that part, Kid keeps it in mind.
I don't know if either or is better or right, that's beside the point, but Kid's defiance of it while being painfully aware of it is interesting to me. The loyalty born from it, the way he defends his crew, the fierce choices and risks taken because they're alive.
They're ALIVE because they're pirates. There wasn't any real living on that island, even after it took Victoria, even after they tamed it and took it over - it wasn't living. They were just existing inside the lines of how the World Worked.
Kid says the island was too small for him.
So he goes out, some island punk with, currently, no sailing knowledge save for whoever he got for the crew aside from Killer, Heat and Wire. When we see him in Wano he's not just a punk on a boat, he's someone who fights on the seas - he's a pirate, a captain - knowledgeable and accomplished.
With no mentors.
Six months with Rayleigh and Kid would be a demon. Just knowing how to use all the haki he has available with some level of efficiency that wasn't "figure it out as I go".
I love that you could switch Luffy and Kid as the protagonist of the series and it would still work. One Piece with Kid as the lead would be a much darker title, sure, but the other themes fit. That no existence is illegal, that freedom is paramount, etc. Kid doesn't buck the ideal of "piracy" the way Luffy does, but honestly we don't know how much of what and who Kid is, is propaganda. There's no canon to run off of, but I'm fine with that.
We don't know if he and his crew have done good deeds. I can see the Kid Pirates rebuilding a town - Kid especially is a builder. Luffy overthrows a government for a bowl of food, Kid overthrows a government because fuck the WG.
And yeah, there's assumptions in there, but it's all based off what we do know. We know that Luffy and crew are perceived by the public different from who they are - people know, sure, cause they've done great things, but the general populous sees them as terrifying and violent pirates.
Same as the heart pirates, the kid pirates, etc. People are terrified of Shanks and Whitebeard, 100%. Because government propaganda.
The only acts of violence we see from Kid (and Law) that aren't directed at Marines are directed at pirates. We're just not following those two cause it's not their story.
And there's something like 3,000 islands? I think I read somewhere. So there's plenty of places where Kid and Killer and the crew have stellar reputations. Maybe Kid deals with the underground to keep from being surprised, or to buy someone to free, who knows?
But Character-wise, that's why I love him. It's why I love writing him, because we have this Big Bad Guy who wants you to know he's big and bad, but he's also making like mechanical butterflies and letting birds nest in his hair, he's naming his ship after a dead friend who probably called their home island too small, and he's learned from every hard lesson he's experienced.
Which I won't get into in detail, cause it's not released in anime and I try not to spoil anything that's still manga-only.
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Group A, Round 2, Poll 1:
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Propaganda under the cut
Emma Frost
Telepath, which is *the* gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss superpower, especially when you’re a supervillain! Emma’s rich, grew up rich, left her shitty abusive homophobic dad, and then proceeded to lie steal manipulate and leave brain dead everyone in her way to become a millionaire and one of the heads of the rich people kink club that secretly runs the world. Yes this is 100% canon since 1980 thank Chris Claremont. She’s a Bitch (affectionate, self identified). She mindwipes people all the dang time. She once blew up a horse to convince a teenager to murder her coworker. She is girlbossing so close to the sun (Dark Phoenix) she ends up comatose and nearly dead like multiple times and then just gets up and keeps Girlbossing! Her secondary power is to turn into literal diamond, which she learns after she’s like the only survivor of a six-million person genocide, and then uses entirely to fuck people up. I’d say she’s definitely girlboss 1st, there are no limits to the things she can’t girlboss, and her real superpower is being rich and ruthless, gaslight 2nd, because she is a telepath who constantly manipulated people for fun, and then gatekeeper 3rd, because, well, she is trying to build a community for all mutants, so her hate keeping is very much telling humans to fuck off (when not manipulating them for money) but justified gatekeeping is still gatekeeping. Kick Tony Stark and Carol Danvers off your property when they try and moralize at you Queen.
She’s a mutant telepath who started off as a super villain and now uses that bitchiness and moral grayness to serve her ethnostate…for the children
She's da blue print babeey
Lady Ethel Mallory
Lady Ethel is the marketing specialist for an evil corporation that's trying to put everyone in these dreaming boxes, all of her broadcasts are about how the boxes are great and the company is great and it's a whole nice family in there but it's just fake dreams and she also met with the guy that put people's ghosts (including his son) into a bunch of instruments to make an army and she wanted his methods of doing that, great lengths are taken to keep everyone in the dreaming boxes, all of her broadcasts are hijacking the actual narrators broadcast, and she's really tall/has sharp teeth/big heart shaped sunglasses/and has giant flies for pets and surveillance. seems pretty gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss to me
Important Lady Ethel facts you need to know: -She's 9ft tall ...nope, that's it, that's all you need to know.
she's the marketing executive of a company that gaslights millions of people a day. She is IN CHARGE OF THE GASLIGHTING DEPARTMENT. She is also in charge of writing the gatekeeping guidlines. There is no character on this planet more gaslight gatekeep girlboss than her
artist: @ a-duck-of-wellington
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aesterblaster · 6 months
Just saw a really clickbait-y youtube video that called Blue Lock fascist in its thumbnail and I will admit first and foremost that I didn't watch it and yes I've been informed that it isn't implying that Blue Lock is some fascistic propaganda but it still got me thinking so-
here's my rant/breakdown about the ways that Blue Lock is specifically anti-fascist
So first of all, popular animes and mangas having possibly fascist undertones is nothing new. I won't deny that there's a long history of Japan being a colonizer and commiting atrocities that are still brushed off or forgotten about to this day. And this does seep into some works that I personally choose to not engage with for exactly that reason. Miss me with trying to be an apologist for or glorifying real world war crimes- But Blue Lock specifically? I'd be extremely hard pressed to call it fascist.
Fascism is defined as an alt-right, ultra nationalistic political ideology usually characterized by a centralized autocracy, forced suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy and subordination of individual interests for the believed good of the nation or race according to Wikipedia. First let's go through the ways Blue Lock does match up with that.
Ego can be easily viewed as a dictator near the beginning of the manga
Most characters thrive on putting others down for their faults and strictly believe that there is some sort of natural order where people who lack "ego" are at the bottom
There is a sort of central autocracy with the top 6
Near the beginning especially, there is a violent snuffing out of any ideology that dares oppose egocentrism or the idea that you need to be a solid team to win a game
Now let's go through the ways Blue Lock denies and even goes against Fascism.
BLLK's main goal is to make a Japanese soccer team that can win a World Cup. In a more fascist manga, we would see racism ga-fucking-lore. We can see this in animes that have more right wing leaning undertones like Attack on Titan where when race is brought in it's for conflict. There's no possibility of harmony, only winners and losers. Those protected and those put down and punished.
And Blue Lock does have an extreme focus on who wins and who loses. It is not afraid to include racism against Japanese people like with Adam or portray black people in unsettling and kind of racist ways like Dada's original design. But these elements don't automatically spell fascism. Blue Lock is careful to portray characters of color as just that, characters. They don't exist to tell you about their lives of hardship and struggle and they don't exist to justify Ego's obessesion with creating a good Japanese team. As you read BLLK, you'll notice that the artist has taken care to get better at drawing different body types and facial structures. The character design isn't trying to sell some perfect ideal like fascism so famously does, it tells you a peak athlete doesn't have one distinct look. It tells you characters from other countries are just as if not more capable than the Blue Lock boys. Hell, even Sae's hatred of Japanese football is portrayed as less of a betrayal of country and pride and more of a cultural clash. The issue to be solved in Sae's character is the way he looks down on his brother, not how much he despises Japanese football teams' tactics. We know this because Ego himself rails against them too.
A fascist manga would paint Sae as a villain for even learning from and joining teams from other countries, lending them his talent instead of keeping it in his home country. But Blue Lock encourages diversification and collaberation with other nation's teams so heavily that it is literally an entire like 5 part arc right now. Ego isn't ultra nationalistic, he just wants to make a better soccer team for his country and he isn't afraid of praising and adopting from other countries in the process. The biggest win to come out of a Blue Lock team wouldn't be that they're all Japanese but that they all follow his ideology.
Speaking of his ideology, Ego is extremely harsh and controlling, yes, but he also believes in the boys. He lets them do what they believe is best. He pushes them to their limits, not because they disobey him, but because they dissapoint him. A true fascist dictator would rule with fear with no introductions of other ideologies, he would strike at any sign of weakness or opposition. At the beginning, he does do this. But as the manga goes on we see how much wiggle room he's willing to allow. He lets Isagi curse at him and question his leadership, he lets Shidou play even though he's clearly queer and extremely volatile, he doesn't punish any of the boys for injuring each other. In a fascist society, you are expected to fit an ideal or be othered, be perfect and work together with a sense of comradere because that's the only way to prove your claims that you are the best race/nation. There can be no imperfections or cracks in the facade...But Ego lets the boys be messy. He never forces them to change who they are, only forces them to believe that they can do great things all on their own. Even with Kunigami, Wild Card wasn't a correction of his disbelief in some nation or race, but instead a correction of how limited his mindset was. In fact, in a more fascist society, Kunigami's love of playing hero and protecting his teammates would be praised and celebrated. Ego putting individuality and aspiration over the good of the team as a whole is literally a middle finger to fascism.
The villain of the series is literally a greedy Japanese man that wants to commercialize the team and make them less individualized. I don't know how much more anti-fascist you could get-
Also, Blue Lock handles disability very carefully and very well. In more alt-right ideologies than not, something you'll see again and again is this idea that disabled people don't deserve the same rights because they can't contribute to society. Disabled people are a stain to be pushed away and hidden because they contradict the central idea of a "perfect" nation. In a fascist retelling of BLLK, Chigiri would be kicked from the program, not given power and influence. In a fascist retelling of BLLK, Kenyu would be attacked and beaten as soon as it was discovered that he made it into the top-six with failing eyesight. Any physical disadvantage could easily put an athlete at the bottom of the social hierarchy as well, Blue Lock could have very very easily made fun of its disabled characters for even trying. It could get away with mistreating these players and be defended for it so fucking quickly. But instead, it lets you root for them and gives them just as much care and weight as the others. It's trying to tell you that being a good player sometimes means knowing your limits and getting help, not punishing yourself because you have some biological disadvantage. It also takes care to demonstrate that no race is inherently worse at soccer than the other.
And, of course, the elephant in the room, Noa and Kaiser. Okay...if you see German characters and immediately think OMG NAZIS??OMG FASCISM?????OMGGGG HE HAS BLONDE HAIR???AND BLUE EYES?? That's a fucking you problem and you clearly aren't reading the manga. Even Noa Noel being an older man and still being allowed to play and looked up to as the best is an example of how Blue Lock goes against steriotypes about athletes. Kaiser does have blonde hair and blue eyes yes, but he also wears eyeliner and eyeshadow and has a tattoo and dyed hair... None of that would be allowed in an actually fascist Japanese manga unless it was as caricature to make fun of and dominate. But instead, Kaiser is an actual threat who has complex arcs and behaviors. Also, Kaiser isn't fascist himself, he clearly views Isagi as an equal even though they're different nationalities and he doesn't believe in any one authority or greater cause except for himself. Noa is very strict yes, and he does rank and rate the boys, but he specifically doesn't factor race into it. He also, just like Ego, allows other ideas and patterns to emerge even if they mess up his own plans for matches. He doesn't suppress anyone and is actually extremely lax. If you think he or BLLK is "fascist", look at actual real world sports teams and their strict practices or past statements about other nationalities.
Isagi as a protaganist is anti-fascist too!!!! He's a Japanese everyman who has good Japanese parents, no disabilities, an honest personality and believes in a future where Japan wins the World Cup. In a fascist story, he'd be fucking untouchable (ESPECIALLY against characters from other countries) and all of this would be paraded as proof that a Japanese soccer team is clearly superior and all-dominating. But no! He gets beat down, questioned, disrespected and constantly shown up by others. He's not special and he's extremely self-centered. He doesn't water his own beliefs down for the "good of the nation" or whatever the fuck and he grew up idolizing foreign players. Isagi never supresses other people's ideologies, he just makes fun of them if they fuck up. He's never xenophobic, even when other characters have moments that have xenophobic undertoens like Adam or Sae's comments. Isagi Yoichi's character could have a few traits flipped and be a poster boy for some alt-right manga about how superior Japanese people or hell, Ego's pupils are. But he doesn't. He's simply designed and he's rude and he looks down on people, but he also apologizes, humbly accepts when he can improve by questioning his own ideals and is open to talking with everyone he comes across.
Calling Blue Lock a "fascist soccer manga" is not only demonstrating that you have no idea what fascism is, but also disgustingly painting over all the beautiful themes and messages within the manga.
Again I'm aware that that original video wasn't aiming to negate any of these points but I have seen people make claims and jokes before that about Blue Lock's more *beat it into your head* tendencies with ideology. And I've seen jokes specifically about the German team/the way Sae seems to just hate Japanese culture. I just dislike the painting of Blue Lock as a jumping point for discussions about fascism and its effects because of the way it handles themes like cross cultural connection, family pressures, capitalism and disability so carefully.
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