#and it’s a font that was inspired by the last kingdom
aelswiths · 2 years
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Mimi Evangeline, Deus Mortis
Inspired by this post.
Dedicated to @osferth
For @tlkafterparty, prompts: inspired by poetry + angst + inspired by colors
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etsuven · 2 years
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“your highness, your parents have requested your presence.” those were the words your loyal knight, xiao, told you one early morning. you were nervous, and rightfully so. whenever your parents needed you, they often just came to your room to tell you themselves. but to think that they decided to summon you in a more formal way…
you wondered what it was.
you stepped into the throne room, your heart pounding in your chest as you looked around. the elegant red and gold detailing around the room was awe inspiring, but when you’re nervous and worried about your heart pounding out of your chest-
it just made you feel small.
you glanced at your knight. xiao gave you a small nod back, his way of telling you that it would all be okay. maybe he was right.
“hello, my dear.” one of your parents spoke up, their place on the smaller throne making them look like the most powerful person in the world. “sorry that we have to summon you like this, but this is a very important announcement.”
you bowed/curtsied slightly, trying to hide the nervous look on your face. “i hope you’re not trying to marry me off to someone…” you spoke softly, but at the same time, it was loud enough for your parents to hear.
your other parent let out a loud laugh from their spot on the bigger throne, and you found yourself getting a tad bit more nervous.
“i wouldn’t say that, (y/n),” they smiled, and suddenly, you were more confused than nervous. “you are around the age you need to start getting looking for potential suitors, but unlike in other kingdoms…” they paused, glancing at your other parent with a knowing smile.
your parents had been part of an arranged marriage, something that was decided since they were born. they were lucky, and ended up falling in love through their teenage years and happily marrying. they had no idea how you would be if they forced you to marry someone against your will, so…
“we’ve decided to allow you to choose who to marry!” you glanced from one parent to the other, trying to process what they had just said. “you’re not… forcing me to marry?”
you had plenty of friends who had been forced to marry, and you were beyond scared that you were going to be next. but to your surprise, you weren’t. “i can choose who i want?” a smile graced your face, and you found yourself running up to your parents, hugging them tightly.
“thank you, thank you!- wait,” you pulled away suddenly. tilting your head in confusion. “i don’t have anyone in mind to marry just yet?”
one of your parents spoke up, their booming voice echoing through the throne room. “we’re not rushing you, dear (y/n)! you can take as much time as you want.” the other parent nodded, a gentle smile on their face.
“we know that whoever you choose, they’ll be perfect for you.” backing away from the thrones, you gave them another quick curtsy/bow, running out of the room. xiao quickly followed behind. you got to choose who you wanted to marry! this should be really easy… right?
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here is what you guys have been waiting for, my dear peeps! “Nova Affectus” the thing you guys voted on a while back! (here’s the little header thing, does it look cool, should i redo it? is the layout/font cool?)
anyways the characters should be revealed in a while, but it might be a few days since i still have to write the last few character introductions!
(for now though, i’ll fill the tags with everyone i write for. if i only tagged the people you voted for, you would be able to figure out who the characters are before i reveal them, and i can’t let that happen!!)
also um, sorry if this part is hastily written, i needed a prologue or something and it was written on my phone in the span of like… 50 minutes-
oh yeah, let me know in the comments how you feel about the gender neutral parent thing! i didn’t execute it very well in this part (like i said it was written in under an hour) so it may be a bit confusing as they seem like the same person at times.
should i just default it to a mom and dad, or use king and queen but keep the genders more neutral? (ex: the queen spoke loudly, their elegant yet commanding and strong voice sending shivers down the knights’ spines.) djjsjdskdnd just let me know in the comments, thankssss!!!!
oh, and for those of you who are still reading/liking, i have a taglist!! just reply to my comment if you wanna be on it! (limit of around 30 people)
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penthepoet · 10 months
ooh tell us about lis and arabash!!! :o what are your favorite things about them? what are they like??? also what are your favorite things about crow?? and do you have any other ocs?? 🖤🖤💙💙
I need whoever sent this ask in to know you are a godsdamn legend and I genuinely hope you find 50 dollars or your country's equivalent on the street tomorrow.
Qlisaiah 'Lis' Diablis Amaranth
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She's my FFXIV OC/Warrior of Light!! I have a literal 20+ page lore document about her and I am highly, highly passionate about her. She's basically the deranged zealot priestess of a scary dragon goddess (Angelus from Drakengard 1) and gets sent on a journey to record the stories of others. Along the way, she takes a major step up in self-love, gains a polycule, founds a kingdom, topples tyrants and more. She deserves the world and I will give it to her. She's inspired appearance-wise by the Female MC from Persona 3 Portable, and inspired personality-wise by various Drakengard characters + Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from FFXV. I gotta post more about her on here now that Twitter is a sinking ship, her story is a ride.
Arabash Lavellan
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Arabash is a similar character - they're in different fonts. Arabash is my Dragon Age OC for Inquisition - a blood mage and Dalish elf who basically gets elected the leader of a huge group of mercenaries, to the displeasure and horror of many. She basically goes on to make a lot more enemies and singlehandedly try to dismantle a lot of the systems that kept her held down in place for years and years. She is an absolute menace (affectionate) who takes a lot more work to become a kinder person than Lis and Crow Locke did.
What I Love About Crow Locke, the Crow of Memory
They are such an insanely good character it isn't even fucking funny. The way that Crow Locke struggles with atonement - she's hurt a LOT of people back when she was traumatized and working out what that meant for her. A huge chunk of her story revolves around accepting that she fucked up, that not everybody's going to forgive her, but that she can choose to be a better person than she was last. She can change from "a creature that lives for cruelty" into somebody that can bring shelter to the outcasted, justice for the abused, power to those without. I love the deep determination she has to keep going, how even at her lowest and most grieving, she refuses to give up.
She's going to deal with a lot of hardship, and she will cry, and it will hurt her so badly she can barely bare it... but she will make it through, and she will live. She'll live for the people she loved that may not be able to live anymore, and for the human life she lived that wanted to see the world, and for herself first and foremost.
There's a lot I COULD say and want to say, even, but just know they mean a shit-ton to me and there is a huge list of things I love about them.
What Other OCs do you have?
A bunch!
I have a lot of OCs for unfiction/ARG projects, for instance, like Tiernan Poet McCready, who is a silly little autistic knight determined to save others, and The Dreamer, a mysterious figure who has lived multiple lives upon lives.
I have QUITE a lot of OCs for my original works (don't even get me started on the Penverse/Mindscape, that's a WHOLE post all on its own). Conway Riley from Hotel For The Spirits, for instance, is one of the first ones to come to mind.
and for related content too! like my two tabletop campaigns, Persona: The Occult and the upcoming standalone sequel campaign, Shin Megami Tensei: The Goetic.
I've been thinking a LOT about Occult and Goetic lately. Especially, ESPECIALLY the latter as I've been plotting it out for over a year now and it haunts my every thought.
Take, for instance, my pal P.W. Pierrot-Welker from Persona: The Occult. He is a strange little pierrot who lives in an abandoned mall and speaks in an odd lingo. He loves eating moldy oranges and listening to Moog synths, and he was one of the major NPCs of the campaign. The players adored him and so do I.
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One of my favorite NPCs in Goetic so far is this girl, Azalea Winthrope. Her death kicks off the story and she is just... an absolute barrel of fun. :')
My main inspirations for her, to get a sense of just how fucking wild this girl is, are Rin Tohsaka from Fate/Stay Night, Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks, Ianthe from The Locked Tomb, and Carmen from Lobotomy Corporation.
Yeah. This Girl Can Store So Much Madness Inside Her.
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the-expose-on-girls · 2 years
Characteristics of Toxic Office Women
The girls who think being a receptionist makes them upper class, the heads of HR who think they rule the world, and everyone in between.
Either goes overboard with her fashion or dresses like a future Karen
There is no in between. On the one hand is the girl who thinks the office is her own personal runway. Probably has one favored aesthetic that she sticks to, which can seem very costume-y at times: like vintage bitch or old money. Or the less common type gets straight to the point by dressing as sexy as she can get away with to manipulate men and intimidate women.
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Then on the other hand are the women dressing old while still young, but they don't seem to realize it. They probably buy their clothes for the office at Maurices, Walmart, Kmart, or Ralph Lauren. Most outfits are comprised of unflattering billowy tops in floral print or blah colors, cropped pants like old ladies wear, and flats that only accentuate their stubby legs and make it look like they have duck feet. (Can we make that a new term? "Office Ducks") They think ankle "booties" are SUCH a power move.
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Will claw her way to the top of the office ladder, preferrably in a position like HR, marketing, or accounting, then squeeze every last drop of sadistic pleasure out of her authority. Usually makes coworkers miserable in the process. Has bullied at least one woman out of the office (either covertly or openly), yet men in the office will still be shocked then doubtful when women come forward with stories of how awful she is. Relishes every opportunity to correct others, exact punishment, appear more knowledgeable, show off, etc. She has no power in her personal life, so she pursues it at work to make herself feel better.
A legend in her own mind
Thinks her job is SO upper echelon, but all she actually does is answer phones, push around trivial papers that accomplish nothing, and gossip by the copy machine. Genuinely thinks she's a high power business woman of Wall Street or making a positive difference in the world, but she's just another cog in the machine.
Those in a marketing department post way too much and overshare on their personal social media, thinking they are demonstrating their marketing talent by doing so. No ma'am, you're not a high profile influencer or popular blogger; you are just a loud mouth with an Internet connection and narcissism issue. The promotions you design are lackluster at best.
Hypocritical, mediocre, and lacking all self awareness
Likes to make derogatory jokes about how hard work is, how ready she is for "Friyay", and how terrible her boss is (only if she is not the boss, herself). But will turn around and act like her job makes her a class above others, the mere peasants.
Mediocre life goals. Work her way up the office food chain to the end goal of something like HR, have an average-looking husband, drive an ugly SUV, live in a cookie cutter house, and have no more than 3 children, all with the most basic names. Once she achieves this, she thinks she's queen of the world and all must bow low before her. She sits in her little office with her "inspirational" Instagram font wall art and spends all day savoring the little kingdom she has carved out for herself.
Genuinely believes she is a "wine connoisseur" and that she's classy for it. LOVES wine, wine humor, and cheesy wine accessories. Not so subtly drinks wine on work video calls. Drinks heavily over her weekends and it definitely shows on Mondays.
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Climbing the corporate ladder
The younger toxics might be promiscuous cheaters. They know full well that their womanly qualities can get them moved up the office food chain. Oh, their poor boyfriends/husbands and the wives of the male coworkers they toy with!
GOSSIP is the top weapon in her arsenal for dealing with "competition" and other girls she is threatened by---other girls who have no ill will toward her and aren't actually trying to compete with her. She takes catty and passive aggressive to a whole new level.
Not all toxic women will exhibit all of these traits at the same time. But even having one of these characteristics can be enough to make everyone else in the office miserable. Be on the lookout!
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theothershin · 25 days
More Fic Writer Asks
(Using it for original works and fanfics, since OP said that's okay)
the last sentence you wrote "Raising his hands in surrender, Gunther said, 'Take me to Arthur.' " - Heroically Foul
a character whose POV you’re currently exploring "And so he was loved because he was good at operating the kingdom, but only we know his black heart and dark ambitions." - Preservation of Those Three: Tybalt Arthur Verrell
how you feel about your current WIP Confidant. I feel like I'll get this done in a year or two, and well. There'll need to be rewrites and edits, but not much. Excited to put my thoughts down and share it with the world.
a story idea you haven’t written yet What if Romeo left Juliet, and she decided to marry Paris, and discovered he isn't all that bad after all?
first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP "But how to get to him?" - A Dream, a Heroically Foul side story
the word that appears the most in your current draft (wordcounter.net can tell you) More, been, and one. Not very interesting, but then again, I just barely began.
your preferred writing fonts Lobster for titles; Bad Script for chapter titles; Architect's Daughter for narration.
if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for… Help, video game fandom Aragami 2. it's a very in-depth and detailed version of one of the quests in the game where you play the main character, Kuro, or Warrior, going mad with anger and the desire for revenge - but you have lots of freedom. I took away that feeling of freedom, to show that he was doing what he was doing automatically, out of obligation, rather than because he really wanted to. I would write a sequel and even prequel cuz the game has great moments that would be great if narrated.
start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted? A little under a week, I believe.
what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it? Years. Let's leave it at that, yeah?
a WIP you’d like to finish someday Previously called My Lord, now renamed A World of Shadows, and more names pending, the fic is for the fandom, The Saga of Darren Shan/Cirque Du Freak, by tween Master of Horror Darren Shan. In the original book, two sides are fighting a war, and the fate of both sides lie with the main character, Darren Shan(has the same name as the author), and his friend, Steve "Leopard" Leonard. Darren, warned that his victory would eventually cause him to stray from righteousness in arrogance, sacrifices himself to kill Steve. In my fic, he kills only Steve - not himself. It explores Steve's mentor, Gannen Harst, as he tries to deal with his friend's death, his allegiance, losing the war, and his own brother - all while Darren slowly begins to lose himself to the dark side.
a trope you’re really into right now Medieval power struggle. Yes, I know. I told my sister just the day before writing this, "They're annoying in real life, but..." and then realised that isn't true. Sure, they can be annoying, but they interest me. Look into the morality/psychology, especially when there's sour kings who've gotten the wrong hand and are right but also wrong.
a fandom you’re thinking about writing for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The lore is vast and endless, and in a story where the main character's personality doesn't already exist yet they aren't just a blank-looking person and there's space to build a unique personality for them and act on it, there's lots of space for a fanfic.
where do you get your inspiration? Everything - literally.
favorite weather for writing Spring weather - it's ample time to sit down and write, but the weather itself is lovely. The birds are chirping in the sky, and sometimes they swoop down for a few seconds to grace you with the sight of their feathers; the ocean waves(I especially would love to write by the waves) crash against the rocks and sometimes splash on your face - but that's okay, because it feels good, and the bright, warm sun dries your book - and the sounds of nature helps you think.
favorite place to write I'm generally not allowed to sit and write when we're out and about, so on my desk. There's the most privacy, and I've written there so much that there's a vibe.
talk about your writing and editing process It changes over time and depending on which story it is and what type of story it is. I write fanfics between my originals - in school, between chapters, during writer's block for a specific story - and for originals, I write them every chance I can. I write down ideas for them whenever I can and have the notes stored away. When the time comes, I take out the notes and pour over them, changing them according to what I believe should be different and so on... I write down most of the events(then gradually all of them) and write them out of order(choosing from writing prompts), then put them together and read them in order. Then I edit them in order.
if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic I don't keep them, though it would be cool to be able to look back at it. I sort of keep originals, but I haven't published any yet.
the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic Prison. In my fanfic, Timeline, the main character goes to jail and rots away there until the end of his life.
in what year did you publish your first fic? 2021
when did you publish your most recent fic? 6 Jan 2024
do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that? Sometimes I worry, sometimes I don't. I write for myself. I got upset by some hateful comments once upon a time, and told my sister about it after following the criticism that they were saying, and she told me that they were wrong, and that they were only being hateful. I realise that since then, if the comment isn't nice, I block the comment and decide whether I'll adhere to it or not. I'm not a popular writer so I barely get comments and/or kudos, but when I do, it strengthens my resolve to be a great writer, but I don't let it affect me beyond that.
pick three keywords that describe your writing Messy but Organised
how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative? Organise notes. Read stuff. Play games. Do anything but be creative.
besides writing, what are your other hobbies? Reading novels and non-fiction. Playing games.
are you able to write with other people around? No. I don't know why. but the words fly away from me.
your favorite part of the writing process When everything's clicking together and my creative drive is never-ending and I get into flow.
your least favorite part of the writing process When the creativity dries up.
how easy is it for you to come up with titles? Not easy at all. I do it as I go along, but usually I get the right one when I'm done writing it.
share a fic you’re especially proud of Talk, for the novel series The Demonata by Darren Shan. It was inspired by Zukos_Honour and it's simple, to the point and savours the slowburn-one shot feels.
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edvardsenklit8 · 2 years
Where To Buy The Most Effective Stockx Ua Prime Quality Replica Nike X Dior X Jordan 1 Sneaker Uncommon ***low Stock Alert*** Hypedripz Is One Of The Best High Quality Trusted Clone Replica Pretend Designer Hypebeast Seller Website 2021
Your ideas on the bag's general form, flap form, leather-based trim and shade, hardware/buckle/ shape and engravings, strap, and logo stamp . Replica Dior Handbag Diorissimo trumpet purse, and medium and large look precisely the same, many women shall be confused with the Lady Replica Dior Bag. Lady Dior purse bag printed with the model iconic cannage pattern, and Diorrismo handbag is not any modification of the sleek leather-based. These expert craftsmen, shall be leather-based drilling, stitching processing, and finally the colour of the leather-based. Handbag inside and out of doors the two colours with seamless. In addition, “Diorissimo” handbag can be very concerned about the aspect of the dyeing, giving its distinctive graphics look. Check out the classics, the Lady DIOR, the Book Tote and the legendary Saddle Bag. Make positive to check the “8500” textual content on the interior side of the shoes. Mostly, the faux Air Jordan 1 Dior pairs have their text utilizing a unique font than the one used to print the text on the legit pairs. As for the fifteenth and the last step of the guide on the means to spot faux vs real Air Jordan 1 Dior High sneakers, we're going to have a look at the Dior 1 Highs for his or her textual content on the particular box. Gonna go ahead and pull the set off ❤️ Such a stunning bag certainly. This is why I don't do pre beloved, but with all the scams going within the actual shops with ppl swapping auth out for rep, who is aware of whag we will belief these days. I notice she never sent me manufacturing unit photos since I specified I wanted it from Angel factory. With over 20,000 authors and writers, we are a well known online resource and editorial providers site in United Kingdom, Canada & America . The three pieces of Christian Dior will value a total of $8,755, not including the accessories, which can be found on the Rodeo Drive boutique, which opens right now. High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Wallets are supplied here. High end replica and designer Replica Dior Scarves are provided here. High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Jewelry are offered here. Not solely is each single bag handmade, but every bag can be instantly inspired by the high fashion clothing and fragrances designed by Christian Dior himself. One of the final remaining Haute Couturiers in France, DIOR offers you the chance to be part of a long custom of fine luxurious items. When each bag is made only for you, it’s hard to cross up! With all of this being stated for the interior tongue label’s aspect with a quantity of strains of textual content for the fake vs real AJ1 Dior sneakers, let’s proceed to the subsequent step of the guide on how to spot fake Air Jordan 1 Dior sneakers. With a rating of ninety three.2%, this new age retailer has an excellent assortment of products. They deal with a broad variety of products such as leather-based handbags, designer summer time baggage, one shoulder messenger bag, sling baggage, wallets and more. So why pay $2000 for a bag, when you will get it for $100 or lesser? wikipedia handbags Most of these replicas, look the same, really feel the same and have an analogous craftsmanship. dior saddle bag fake On the up aspect, you can buy more than one bag if you're purchasing for a replica, for the explanation that these alternate baggage shall be less expensive. What this implies is that you could change up your appearance a quantity of occasions with the replicas, when you would likely solely be capable of purchase one genuine purse at any given time. But, if you don't want anybody to acknowledge that your bag is a faux, do your finest not to purchase your baggage in too many eccentric colors. I myself can certainly see why Princess Diana liked the bag. The 11 detailed steps outlined above may not be so sensible when you are in a hurry or if you need to buy the sneakers on-line. Basically, the state of affairs right here is basically much like the one we’ve previously analysed on the Jumpman emblem. Let’s take a look at two other variations of the replica Air Jordan 1 Dior’s color on the sole with the help of the picture below. The steps we’ve written thus far are the best methods to authenticate this item. The authentic footwear must seem like an hourglass, which implies that they should be curvy on the higher and lower sides of the shoes, and in the middle, they're imagined to have a narrowing.
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cervantes00gupta · 2 years
The Place To Buy One Of The Best Stockx Ua Top Quality Replica Nike X Dior X Jordan 1 Sneaker Uncommon ***low Inventory Alert*** Hypedripz Is The Most Effective Top Quality Trusted Clone Replica Pretend Designer Hypebeast Vendor Website 2021
Your thoughts on the bag's general shape, flap form, leather trim and colour, hardware/buckle/ shape and engravings, strap, and emblem stamp . dior saddle bag fake Replica Dior Handbag Diorissimo trumpet purse, and medium and large look exactly the same, many women shall be confused with the Lady Replica Dior Bag. Lady Dior handbag bag printed with the brand iconic cannage sample, and Diorrismo purse isn't any modification of the graceful leather. These skilled craftsmen, might be leather-based drilling, sewing processing, and at last the color of the leather. Handbag inside and outside the two colors with seamless. In addition, “Diorissimo” handbag is also very involved in regards to the side of the dyeing, giving its unique graphics look. Check out the classics, the Lady DIOR, the Book Tote and the legendary Saddle Bag. Make certain to verify the “8500” textual content on the interior side of the footwear. Mostly, the pretend Air Jordan 1 Dior pairs have their text using a different font than the one used to print the textual content on the legit pairs. As for the fifteenth and the last step of the information on tips on how to spot pretend vs real Air Jordan 1 Dior High sneakers, we are going to have a look at the Dior 1 Highs for their text on the particular field. Gonna go ahead and pull the trigger ❤️ Such a surprising bag indeed. This is why I do not do pre beloved, however with all the scams going within the precise stores with ppl swapping auth out for rep, who is conscious of whag we will trust nowadays. I understand she never sent me manufacturing facility photos since I specified I wished it from Angel factory. With over 20,000 authors and writers, we are a well known online useful resource and editorial providers site in United Kingdom, Canada & America . The three items of Christian Dior will price a total of $8,755, not together with the accessories, which can be found on the Rodeo Drive boutique, which opens at present. High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Wallets are provided here. wikipedia handbags High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Scarves are supplied here. High end replica and designer Replica Dior Jewelry are offered right here. Not only is each single bag handmade, however each bag is also instantly inspired by the haute couture clothes and fragrances designed by Christian Dior himself. One of the last remaining Haute Couturiers in France, DIOR provides you the prospect to be part of a long tradition of fine luxury items. When each bag is made only for you, it’s exhausting to pass up! With all of this being stated for the interior tongue label’s aspect with a quantity of lines of textual content for the faux vs actual AJ1 Dior sneakers, let’s proceed to the next step of the information on how to spot faux Air Jordan 1 Dior sneakers. With a score of 93.2%, this new age store has a good collection of merchandise. They deal with a extensive variety of products such as leather-based purses, designer summer time baggage, one shoulder messenger bag, sling luggage, wallets and extra. So why pay $2000 for a bag, when you will get it for $100 or lesser? Most of these replicas, look the identical, really feel the same and have a similar craftsmanship. On the up side, you should purchase more than one bag should you're looking for a duplicate, for the reason that these alternate baggage might be inexpensive. What this implies is that you can change up your look a few occasions with the replicas, whenever you would doubtless only be succesful of purchase one genuine purse at any given time. But, if you don't wish anyone to acknowledge that your bag is a fake, do your greatest to not purchase your luggage in too many eccentric colours. I myself can definitely see why Princess Diana beloved the bag. The 11 detailed steps outlined above might not be so sensible if you finish up in a hurry or if you need to buy the sneakers on-line. Basically, the scenario here is actually just like the one we’ve previously analysed at the Jumpman logo. Let’s take a look at two different versions of the replica Air Jordan 1 Dior’s color on the only real with the assistance of the image beneath. The steps we’ve written thus far are the most effective ways to authenticate this merchandise. The genuine footwear must look like an hourglass, which signifies that they have to be curvy on the upper and decrease sides of the shoes, and within the middle, they're alleged to have a narrowing.
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mccoy22dennis · 2 years
The Place To Purchase The Most Effective Stockx Ua Prime Quality Replica Nike X Dior X Jordan 1 Sneaker Uncommon ***low Inventory Alert*** Hypedripz Is The Best High Quality Trusted Clone Replica Pretend Designer Hypebeast Vendor Web Site 2021
Your thoughts on the bag's overall form, flap form, leather-based trim and shade, hardware/buckle/ form and engravings, strap, and emblem stamp . Replica Dior Handbag Diorissimo trumpet handbag, and medium and large look precisely the identical, many girls shall be confused with the Lady Replica Dior Bag. Lady Dior purse bag printed with the brand iconic cannage sample, and Diorrismo purse is not any modification of the sleek leather-based. These skilled craftsmen, might be leather-based drilling, sewing processing, and eventually the colour of the leather. Handbag inside and outside the two colors with seamless. In addition, “Diorissimo” handbag can additionally be very involved about the aspect of the dyeing, giving its unique graphics look. Check out the classics, the Lady DIOR, the Book Tote and the legendary Saddle Bag. Make certain to verify the “8500” text on the inside facet of the footwear. Mostly, the fake Air Jordan 1 Dior pairs have their text using a unique font than the one used to print the textual content on the legit pairs. As for the fifteenth and the final step of the information on how to spot faux vs actual Air Jordan 1 Dior High sneakers, we are going to have a look at the Dior 1 Highs for his or her textual content on the particular box. Gonna go forward and pull the set off ❤️ Such a shocking bag indeed. This is why I don't do pre loved, but with all of the scams going in the precise shops with ppl swapping auth out for rep, who knows whag we are in a position to belief nowadays. I understand she never despatched me manufacturing unit photos since I specified I needed it from Angel manufacturing facility. fake dior bag With over 20,000 authors and writers, we're a well-known on-line useful resource and editorial companies site in United Kingdom, Canada & America . The three pieces of Christian Dior will cost a total of $8,755, not including the equipment, which are available on the Rodeo Drive boutique, which opens today. High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Wallets are supplied here. wikipedia handbags High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Scarves are offered here. High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Jewelry are supplied right here. Not solely is each single bag handmade, but each bag can be instantly inspired by the high fashion clothing and fragrances designed by Christian Dior himself. One of the last remaining Haute Couturiers in France, DIOR provides you the prospect to be a half of a long custom of fine luxury items. When each bag is made only for you, it’s exhausting to cross up! With all of this being said for the interior tongue label’s side with multiple lines of text for the fake vs actual AJ1 Dior sneakers, let’s proceed to the next step of the information on the method to spot fake Air Jordan 1 Dior sneakers. With a rating of ninety three.2%, this new age retailer has an excellent collection of merchandise. They take care of all kinds of merchandise such as leather purses, designer summer time baggage, one shoulder messenger bag, sling bags, wallets and extra. So why pay $2000 for a bag, when you will get it for $100 or lesser? Most of these replicas, look the identical, feel the same and have an analogous craftsmanship. On the up side, you can buy a couple of bag when you're looking for a replica, because the these alternate baggage might be cheaper. What this implies is you could change up your appearance a couple of instances with the replicas, whenever you would probably only be capable of purchase one authentic purse at any given time. But, if you do not want anyone to recognize that your bag is a faux, do your greatest not to purchase your luggage in too many eccentric colors. I myself can definitely see why Princess Diana beloved the bag. The 11 detailed steps outlined above won't be so sensible when you're in a hurry or when you wish to buy the sneakers online. Basically, the situation right here is actually much like the one we’ve previously analysed on the Jumpman brand. Let’s have a look at two different versions of the replica Air Jordan 1 Dior’s colour on the only real with the assistance of the image beneath. The steps we’ve written so far are the most effective ways to authenticate this item. The authentic shoes must seem like an hourglass, which signifies that they have to be curvy on the higher and lower sides of the shoes, and in the center, they are supposed to have a narrowing.
0 notes
hvidhendriksen7 · 2 years
The Place To Purchase The Best Stockx Ua Prime Quality Replica Nike X Dior X Jordan 1 Sneaker Rare ***low Inventory Alert*** Hypedripz Is One Of The Best High Quality Trusted Clone Replica Faux Designer Hypebeast Vendor Website 2021
Your ideas on the bag's general shape, flap form, leather trim and colour, hardware/buckle/ shape and engravings, strap, and brand stamp . Replica Dior Handbag Diorissimo trumpet purse, and medium and large look exactly the identical, many ladies might be confused with the Lady Replica Dior Bag. Lady Dior handbag bag printed with the brand iconic cannage pattern, and Diorrismo handbag is not any modification of the smooth leather. wikipedia handbags These skilled craftsmen, might be leather-based drilling, stitching processing, and finally the color of the leather-based. https://calsmedia.nl/dior-replica.html Handbag inside and out of doors the 2 colors with seamless. In addition, “Diorissimo” purse is also very involved about the aspect of the dyeing, giving its unique graphics look. Check out the classics, the Lady DIOR, the Book Tote and the legendary Saddle Bag. Make sure to verify the “8500” textual content on the inside aspect of the sneakers. Mostly, the fake Air Jordan 1 Dior pairs have their text utilizing a special font than the one used to print the text on the legit pairs. As for the fifteenth and the last step of the information on how to spot pretend vs real Air Jordan 1 Dior High sneakers, we're going to look at the Dior 1 Highs for their textual content on the special box. Gonna go forward and pull the set off ❤️ Such a shocking bag indeed. This is why I do not do pre beloved, however with all of the scams going within the actual shops with ppl swapping auth out for rep, who knows whag we can trust today. I realize she by no means despatched me manufacturing facility photographs since I specified I needed it from Angel factory. With over 20,000 authors and writers, we are a well-known online useful resource and editorial services website in United Kingdom, Canada & America . The three pieces of Christian Dior will value a complete of $8,755, not together with the equipment, which are available at the Rodeo Drive boutique, which opens at present. High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Wallets are supplied here. High end replica and designer Replica Dior Scarves are offered here. High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Jewelry are provided right here. Not solely is every single bag handmade, but every bag is also instantly inspired by the haute couture clothing and fragrances designed by Christian Dior himself. One of the final remaining Haute Couturiers in France, DIOR presents you the prospect to be a half of a long tradition of fine luxury goods. When every bag is made only for you, it’s onerous to cross up! With all of this being mentioned for the inside tongue label’s facet with a quantity of strains of text for the pretend vs actual AJ1 Dior sneakers, let’s proceed to the following step of the information on tips on how to spot pretend Air Jordan 1 Dior sneakers. With a rating of ninety three.2%, this new age retailer has an excellent assortment of products. They deal with a broad variety of merchandise corresponding to leather purses, designer summer time luggage, one shoulder messenger bag, sling bags, wallets and extra. So why pay $2000 for a bag, when you can get it for $100 or lesser? Most of these replicas, look the same, really feel the same and have a similar craftsmanship. On the up facet, you ought to buy a couple of bag when you're shopping for a replica, for the reason that these alternate baggage will be inexpensive. What this implies is you could change up your look a few occasions with the replicas, whenever you would probably only be able to buy one genuine purse at any given time. But, if you do not want anybody to acknowledge that your bag is a fake, do your best not to purchase your bags in too many eccentric colours. I myself can certainly see why Princess Diana liked the bag. The 11 detailed steps outlined above won't be so practical when you are in a hurry or whenever you want to purchase the sneakers on-line. Basically, the state of affairs right here is actually much like the one we’ve previously analysed on the Jumpman brand. Let’s have a look at two other variations of the replica Air Jordan 1 Dior’s colour on the sole with the help of the picture below. The steps we’ve written up to now are the best methods to authenticate this item. The genuine sneakers must seem like an hourglass, which signifies that they should be curvy on the upper and decrease sides of the shoes, and in the middle, they are supposed to have a narrowing.
0 notes
blandaaen1 · 2 years
The Place To Buy One Of The Best Stockx Ua Top Quality Replica Nike X Dior X Jordan 1 Sneaker Rare ***low Stock Alert*** Hypedripz Is The Most Effective Prime Quality Trusted Clone Replica Fake Designer Hypebeast Seller Website 2021
Your thoughts on the bag's total form, flap shape, leather-based trim and shade, hardware/buckle/ shape and engravings, strap, and logo stamp . Replica Dior Handbag Diorissimo trumpet handbag, and medium and large appearance exactly the identical, many girls will be confused with the Lady Replica Dior Bag. Lady Dior purse bag printed with the brand iconic cannage sample, and Diorrismo purse is not any modification of the smooth leather. These expert craftsmen, shall be leather-based drilling, stitching processing, and eventually the color of the leather. Handbag inside and outdoors the two colours with seamless. wikipedia handbags In addition, “Diorissimo” purse is also very concerned about the aspect of the dyeing, giving its distinctive graphics look. Check out the classics, the Lady DIOR, the Book Tote and the legendary Saddle Bag. Make positive to check the “8500” text on the inside aspect of the footwear. Mostly, the pretend Air Jordan 1 Dior pairs have their text using a special font than the one used to print the text on the legit pairs. As for the fifteenth and the last step of the information on tips on how to spot pretend vs actual Air Jordan 1 Dior High footwear, we are going to have a glance at the Dior 1 Highs for his or her textual content on the special box. Gonna go ahead and pull the set off ❤️ Such a shocking bag indeed. This is why I do not do pre beloved, but with all of the scams going in the precise stores with ppl swapping auth out for rep, who knows whag we are ready to belief nowadays. I realize she by no means sent me factory pictures since I specified I needed it from Angel manufacturing facility. With over 20,000 authors and writers, we're a well-known on-line resource and editorial providers website in United Kingdom, Canada & America . The three pieces of Christian Dior will value a total of $8,755, not together with the accessories, which can be found on the Rodeo Drive boutique, which opens today. High end replica and designer Replica Dior Wallets are offered right here. High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Scarves are offered right here. High finish replica and designer Replica Dior Jewelry are provided here. Not only is every single bag handmade, but each bag can also be immediately inspired by the haute couture clothes and fragrances designed by Christian Dior himself. One of the final remaining Haute Couturiers in France, DIOR offers you the chance to be a part of a long custom of fine luxurious items. fake dior bag When every bag is made just for you, it’s exhausting to move up! With all of this being stated for the interior tongue label’s side with a number of lines of textual content for the pretend vs real AJ1 Dior sneakers, let’s proceed to the following step of the guide on how to spot fake Air Jordan 1 Dior shoes. With a score of ninety three.2%, this new age store has an excellent collection of merchandise. They take care of all kinds of products such as leather handbags, designer summer season luggage, one shoulder messenger bag, sling luggage, wallets and extra. So why pay $2000 for a bag, when you can get it for $100 or lesser? Most of these replicas, look the identical, really feel the identical and have an identical craftsmanship. On the up side, you can buy multiple bag when you're looking for a duplicate, because the these alternate luggage might be inexpensive. What this implies is that you can change up your look a quantity of occasions with the replicas, whenever you would probably solely have the power to purchase one genuine purse at any given time. But, if you do not want anyone to acknowledge that your bag is a faux, do your greatest not to purchase your luggage in too many eccentric colors. I myself can definitely see why Princess Diana liked the bag. The eleven detailed steps outlined above won't be so practical if you finish up in a hurry or if you want to buy the sneakers online. Basically, the state of affairs here is basically similar to the one we’ve beforehand analysed on the Jumpman emblem. Let’s have a look at two other versions of the replica Air Jordan 1 Dior’s color on the only real with the help of the picture under. The steps we’ve written so far are the most effective methods to authenticate this item. The authentic sneakers should seem like an hourglass, which means that they have to be curvy on the upper and decrease sides of the shoes, and in the center, they're imagined to have a narrowing.
0 notes
thetypedwriter · 2 years
Dark Rise Book Review
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Dark Rise Book Review by C.S. Pacat 
I have been thinking about this book for days now. 
The sequel to this novel shot to the top of my Christmas list as soon as I was done reading it, it’s just too bad that it won’t be out for probably another year or two. The thought makes me want to weep, but at least re-reading is always an option. 
People always ask me what my favorite books of all time are. I’ve told several people that, for me, a mark of a good book is when it sticks with me, when it sticks in my head.
 It’s when the characters won’t leave me alone, when it inspires my own creativity and imagination, when I hear songs and immediately think of scenes from the book and attach it to events. 
This does not lie mutually exclusive with “excellent” books. I’ve read trash stories that have had this effect on me. I’ve also read classic novels and while I appreciate them and I enjoyed them, I didn't have the after effects of the book lingering on my mind for days or weeks or even months afterwards. 
I finished Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat several days ago and It’s still at the forefront of my thoughts like a song stuck in your head.
 The strange thing is that I don’t think it’s a perfect book. It has problems, especially with pacing and world building, but I still find myself fascinated. 
That, to me, is a great book. 
Now, you might have heard of C.S. Pacat before, either online or even from my reviews. Last year, I read the Captive Prince trilogy for the first time. You can read my review of the trilogy here.
 I expected it to be meretricious, but to my delight and surprise I found the Captive Prince trilogy to be well-written, engaging, lovingly crafted, and leaving a lasting impression on me-just like Dark Rise. 
If that’s not C.S. Pacat’s super power, I don’t know what is. Simply put, I like her stuff. It’s dark, it’s interesting, it’s different, and it sticks with me. I’ve even felt the cravings to re-read The Captive Prince trilogy since it’s been a year and that desire has only doubled since Dark Rise. 
There’s just something about C.S. Pacat’s work that my mind can’t leave alone and I’m not complaining. 
First, I don’t normally mention book covers, as I’ve found that it truly doesn’t depict the inside, but I was immediately drawn to Dark Rise’s cover. I actually saw the cover first, the author second, and third, pulled out my wallet to purchase it a nanosecond later. 
The cover just draws me in. From the haunted look of the character on the cover, to the lettering and colors and bold font. I loved everything about it and fortunately, for me, it did depict the inside material quite well. 
The plot itself isn’t all that original. 
It’s a very classic light vs. dark, good vs. evil kind of story. 
I was trying to explain the story to my brother over Thanksgiving and when I finished, he remarked that it sounded like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. He’s not wrong because at its core, Dark Rise is a very classic bad guys versus good guys kind of story. 
However, it’s the characters, the writing itself, and the end that really left a mark upon me. 
The actual plotline of dark and light is very Kingdom Hearts where they literally mean dark as a force and light as a force. The Dark King versus the Lady of Light. They are not ephemeral or symbolic. 
The Dark King is named as such for his control over shadows and monsters, and the Light for its control over the same. There are some odd interwoven pieces of lore like unicorns, but otherwise the world itself felt pretty par for the course. 
The characters and the ending is what really shined for me. 
I like all of the characters. As I’ve remarked time and time before, that is actually quite an astronomical thing. I do think that Pacat introduces a horde of characters very quickly and it is a bit peeving to switch POVs because my curiosity was not quite quenched.
 I still feel like I’ve only really gotten to know the surface of most of these characters, but I find myself inherently wanting more. 
But that’s the thing: I want more. 
I’m dying to learn about these characters, their relationships to one another, and where they go from here. Will felt like a very archetypal hero before suddenly he wasn’t, Violet felt very tomboy and rough until she changed, Justice was just amazing, Cyprian developed a heart, Katherine showed she had worth on the inside as well as the out, a unicorn appeared in the flesh, Simon’s darkness, Tom’s cruelty, James. Just James. 
Honestly, half of the intrigue comes from James alone. 
There are so many interesting characters and I want more of it right now. 
This, in large part, was hugely due to the ending. I knew a twist was coming, it always does, but I also believed that the climax was behind me. And I was right, but I was also wrong, because the so-called twist I was expecting was actually very surprising and downright insane. 
It made me so interested in what’s coming next and dying to see the characters, which is quite a plot twist if I do say so myself. My brain certainly felt twisted. 
The beginning of the novel starts off quite strong, but the middle does get quite muddy. This is when Pacat spends the most time world building and depositing her exposition and while it is necessary, it is a bit bland and boring to get through. It would have been less of a chore if the exposition had been more interspersed throughout. 
But when the ending does come through, it comes through with shining colors and the forces of dark and evil using their full potential and power which left me breathless and unable to contain my excitement for the installments to come. 
Which they will. 
And I can’t wait. 
Recommendation: This isn’t a perfect book, but it was one I enjoyed immensely. C.S. Pacat does not disappoint and more than any book I’ve read this year, I’m more excited to read the next installment of Dark Rise than anything else and that is the highest praise I can give it. 
Read it. Then read The Captive Prince trilogy. And then re-read them again and bask in the interesting worlds and words that Pacat has created. 
Score: 8/10
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
Building an Embodiment of the Fairytale Princess in Dnd 5e
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No matter who you are, when someone mentions fairytales, we all think of the stock characters. You’ve got your beloved princess, your charming prince, and your tempting witch, with maybe a malicious dragon thrown in for flavor. And that’s what we’re looking to build today. Not any specific princess, but rather an amalgomation of every fairytale princess and princess trope in one character.
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For race, we’ll go with a human, or to be more specific a variant human. We were blessed by fairies since birth, and they gave us the gift of magic. The fairies gave you magical beauty and grace for +1 CHA and +1 DEX, as well as the gift of song for Performance for your fey-blessed skill. Tasha’s introduced the new feature Fey-Touched which gives our princess +1 CHA, the spell Misty Step, and one other 1st level divination or enchantment spell from any spell list. Charm Person, Command, and Sleep are all fine options.
For alignment, we’re practically a saint, so we’re lawful good.
And for background we’re a pretty obvious Noble for Persuasion and History.
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To be a classic fairytale princess, we’re going to need to be able to sing, summon critters to do our chores, and have a fairy godmother who watches over us. The best way to do all three is to be a Bard and an Archfey Warlock. However, in order to use the Bard to their full extent, the Bard has to reach level 18 to get all of their bardic secrets. Luckily, everything we need from the Warlock can be gotten in the first two levels. All we need from Warlock are the spells Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Armor of Agathys, Charm Person, and Unseen Servant. Then we get two eldritch invocations, we’ll pick up Beast Speech so we can talk to animals permanently and agonizing blast to make our eldritch blast a more effective cantrip.
For this build, Charisma is our top priority. We’ll want a good Constitution to maintain concentration spells, a good Dexterity since all we’re wearing is a set of clothes (fine), and a good Wisdom score primarily for the use of Animal Handling. Strength and Intelligence will get dumped. We’ll be sure to take up expertise with Animal Handling, Persuasion, Performance, and Religion, because you’re a good medieval girl who eats all her vegetables and goes to bed on time.
Fairytale-Based Spells
Basic Fairies
Dancing Lights: they’re called fairy lights for a reason. Faerie Fire: faerie lights that help you keep track of foes. Healing Spirit: a nature spirit with a fey appearance that heals your party. Spirit Guardians: They can take on a fey appearance, dealing radiant damage Conjure Woodland Beings: You summon fey creatures to help you fight. Conjure Fey: you summon a greater fey to help you fight
Snow White
Armor of Agathys: Surround yourself in a barrier of ice when injured. Reflavor as Snow White’s glass coffin.
True Polymorph: the fairygodmother turned mice into horses and a pumpkin into a carriage. Wish: everything the fairygodmother did was to make Cinderella’s wish come true.
Sleeping Beauty
Dawn: a loose connection, but one of sleeping beauty’s names is Aurora or Dawn. Dream: useful for when you’re asleep and need to call someone to save you. Wall of Thorns: to keep the princess safe, the fairies raised a ticket of thorns around the castle, which only parted for the handsome prince.
The Little Mermaid
Suggestion: Mermaids have hypnotic voices that lure men to their deaths. Tidal Wave: Mermaids control the tides and waves Mass Suggestion: How to brainwash an entire ship crew. Control Weather: Mermaids were blamed for violent sea storms. Tsunami: Like tidal wave, just bigger and more destructive.
Beauty and the Beast
Unseen Servant: In the original story, the beast’s servants were invisible. Tiny Servant: to bring a tiny object to life, like the Disney version. Animate Objects: make the room attack someone, like the Disney version. Charm Monster: beauty soothes the savage beast.
Rope Trick: You create a safe pocket dimension that can only be reached by climbing. Galder’s Tower: create a two story tower. Reminiscent of Rapunzel’s Tower.
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Race: Variant Human Background: Noble Alignment: Lawful Good Class: Glamour Bard (18)             Archfey Warlock (2) Base Stats: Strength: 8 (-1) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 10 (0) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 20 (+5) Saving Throws: Strength: -1 Dexterity: +8 Constitution: +3 Intelligence: 0 Wisdom: +2 Charisma: +11 Combat Stats: HP: 163 AC: 13 Speed: 30 Initiative: +2 Proficiency Bonus: +6 Passive Perception: 18 Dark Vision: 0 feet Proficiencies and Expertise:    Animal Handling (+14)    History (+6)    Perception (+8)    Performance (+17)    Persuasion (+17)    Religion (+12)
Spell Slots
1st (6) 2nd (3) 3rd (3) 4th (3) 5th (3) 6th (1) 7th (1) 8th (1) 9th (1)
Fairytale Spellbook
C Dancing Lights, Eldritch Blast, Friends, Light, Mage Hand, Mending 1 Armor of Agathys, Charm Person, Command, Faerie Fire, Healing Word, Sleep, Unseen Servant 2 Animal Messenger, Enlarge/Reduce, Enthrall, Healing Spirit, Misty Step, Suggestion 3 Conjure Animals, Mass Healing Word, Spirit Guardians, Tiny Servant 4 Charm Monster, Conjure Woodland Beings 5 Animate Objects, Dream 6 Mass Suggestion, Wall of Thorns 7 Mord’s Magnificent Mansion 8 Glibness 9 True Polymorph, Wish
Countercharm. Creatures within 30 feet get advantage against being charmed or frightened following a performance check.
Bonus Actions:
Bardic Inspiration. Add 1d12 to an ally’s d20 roll 5 times per long rest.
Eldritch Invocations.    Agonizing Blast. Add your Charisma mod to your Eldritch Blast damage rolls.    Beast Speech. Cast Speak with Animals without using a spell slot. Enthralling Performance. Up to 5 creatures must make a DC 19 WIS saving throw or become charmed by you. Fey Presence. Creatures within 10 feet make a DC 19 WIS saving throw or become charmed or frightened by you until the end of your next turn. Font of Inspiration. Regain all uses of Bardic Inspiration on a rest. Jack of All Trades. Add +3 to skill checks you’re not proficient in. Magic Initiate. Choose two cantrips and a 1st level spell from the cleric spell list. Mantle of Inspiration. As a bonus action, give up to 5 creatures within 60 feet 14 temp HP points, and they can move without provoking an opportunity attack. Position of Privilege. You are welcome in high society, common folk go out of their way to accommodate you, and you can get an audience with other nobles. Song of Rest. Regain 1d12 extra HP on a short rest after singing. Unbreakable Majesty. Take on a majestic appearance for 1 minute, the first creature to target you each turn must succeed on a DC 19 Charisma saving throw or choose another target. If it succeeds, it has disadvantage on saving throws against your spell DC next turn. Use once per long rest.
Fairytale-Based Items
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Pumpkin Carriage (Cinderella)
Common Wondrous Item - Vehicle
Weight: 600
This vehicle ignores difficult terrain.
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Glass Slippers (Cinderella)
Rare Wondrous Item - Attunement Required
Your movement speed isn’t slowed by difficult terrain, and spells and other magical effects can’t reduce your speed. However, you cannot cross terrain that would harm you, such as lava. Because the shoes fit only one person in the entire kingdom, this item requires attunement.
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Golden Stair (Rapunzel)
Rare Wondrous Item - Attunement Required
Your long hair can be used as a Rope, Hempen and a Grappling Hook. It’s attached to your head, so it cannot be broken, stolen, lost, or used up. The hair can also be used like a lasso to bind and pull switches or objects weighing 10 lbs or less closer. It has a range of 60 feet. Because it is attached to your body, this item requires attunement.
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Sleeping Spindle (Sleeping Beauty)
Rare Weapon (Dagger)
This cursed spindle deals 1d4 piercing damage. When a creature is struck by this blade, they must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or fall into a magical sleep for 24 hours. The curse can be broken by the spell Remove Curse. Once the curse has been used, it cannot be used again until the dawn of the next day.
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Poison Apple (Snow White)
Common Weapon (light, thrown)
When this item is thrown, deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to any creature it hits. When this item hits a creature or a solid surface, it explodes, creating a poisonous cloud within 5 feet centered on where it landed. Creatures inside the area of the cloud take 1d4 poison damage and make a Constitution saving throw against DC 10 + your INT mod or become poisoned. Crafting: requires fresh fruit, a poisoner’s kit, and knowing at least one spell. Crafting takes 10 minutes.
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Ring of Teleportation (Beauty and the Beast)
Epic Ring - Attunement Required
Choose up to three locations you have been to before and know well. Once per day, turn the ring three times and you and any creature touching you will be teleported to whichever location you desired. You can change your three saved locations at any time, but you must be at the location to save it to the ring. The ring resets at dawn following its last use. Because the ring can only take you to places you’ve been before, the ring needs to be attuned to you.
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Magic Mirror (Beauty and the Beast/Snow White)
Legendary Wondrous Item
Once per day, choose one of the following:
Cast Scrying without using a spell slot. The mirror will show you what you ask to see.
Cast Legend Lore without using a spell slot. Ask the mirror a question and it will answer truthfully to the best of its ability.
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chofitia · 2 years
Gee, Kodansha, wouldn’t it be nice to get some of the market share of the influx of Chinese-inspired fantasy that’s coming in the next couple of years?
Do you happen to know someone who holds the rights to a multi-volume, highly researched, Chinese-inspired fantasy series with a well-known illustrator that appeals to much of the demographic that Seven Seas Danmei is setting out to capture? I mean, if I had the publishing rights to a multi-volume, highly researched Chinese-inspired fantasy series, I’d be looking for a team of skilled translators, proofreaders, and editors last month. Especially since the long-awaited conclusion to a story arc was recently published.
I’m sure that with a skilled team, who showed love and care for the project (and not ones, who, say, forgot what fonts worked with the files they were using for the published version so the reader would have the one-of-a-kind experience of seeing the you-don’t-have-that-character squares in a physical book), you’d be able to get some of that sweet, sweet market share. TL;DR: Get off your ass and publish a do-over of Twelve Kingdoms. All of it. I will buy every last novel and scream about GyouTai and be fucking insufferable.
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rpgsandbox · 4 years
‘I do believe in fairies! l do! I do!’
Peter Pan - J.M. Barrie
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Experiencing visions of a mythical land throughout your childhood, you are suddenly transported to the Inspirisles, a kingdom ruled by the fey. Responsible for a pact made long ago by your ancestors, you must now earn Belief and the respect of their gods or find yourself trapped there forever.
INSPIRISLES is a completely original tabletop RPG aimed at teenagers. It will promote empathy, life skills and deaf awareness with an emphasis on teamwork and creativity.
Play as teens gifted extraordinary powers.
Meet famous characters and fearsome monsters from Celtic folklore.
Work together to heal a crumbling land and restore a fractured kingdom.
Learn British/American Sign Language as you cast spells and solve puzzles.
Become apprentices to the gods.
Offer Belief to earn your tickets home.
This project came about after running my teen Dungeons & Dragons group Hatchlings for over a year. I wanted to create something for them. Something they could have a hand in building. And something I could take beyond the group to use in schools and communities as a workshop model. Inspirisles is the result of this, a game for young players that reflects my interest in folklore and my ongoing work with the deaf community.
Though Inspirisles is aimed at children, it can be enjoyed equally by adults and we are especially encouraging parents, educators and tabletop beginners to invest in our game. Many of us have fond memories of 80s fantasy classics such as The NeverEnding Story & Labyrinth. Inspirisles aims to capture some of that nostalgic magic and transport its older participants back to a more carefree and imaginative time.
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                         Standard & Limited Edition book mock-ups
A5 premium-colour hardback with over 150 pages of material, including...
History of the islands and their Friends.
Creating your Foundling character.
Collection of spell, ability & item cards and the tools to invent your own.
A host of worldbuilding ideas & mechanics to breathe life into your quests, including using the arts in roleplaying, creating challenging environmental puzzles, alternative ways to earn Belief, rules for Inspired apprenticeships, exploration, downtime & Doom.
Scriv’s Tour: Follow the famous bard as she journals the key locations & personalities you will encounter during your adventures.
Scriv’s Story: Fiction retelling the moment our bard met Athelyn for the first time (Limited Edition only).
Menagerie of monsters from Celtic folklore & the tools to invent your own.
Starter adventure: ‘Duster Trials’.
Stunning art from cover to cover, including maps for locations and encounters.
Two page spread of Josh Somerville’s spectacular knot art (Limited Edition only).
Dyslexia friendly fonts throughout to prioritise accessibility.
Handouts: Blank character sheet, Shaping alphabet (BSL & ASL), milestone certificates & Grail template.
* terms in bold explored below.
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                    Page sample by Anna Urbanek of Double Proficiency
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Belief is the keystone of the Inspirisles. The energy binding all things. In its absence, the land and its children would fade from life and from memory.
If Belief were to run dry, it would have terrible repercussions. Imagine something calamitous like Earth’s polar caps suddenly melting or electricity disappearing from the globe overnight.
Though Belief is generated through such things as exploration, the arts, work and even battle, these pale in comparison to the amount collected from human children.
As children believe in magic less and less, the inhabitants of the Inspirisles must come up with new and increasingly creative ways to convince them otherwise.
Belief gathered from Earth is taken to the World Tree and released over its roots. This energy then spreads throughout the land, healing the foundations of the islands.
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A place where the gods walk freely, where dragons are hunted for hoarding Belief, where a war rages between Friends, where reforging an ancient sword can reforge a kingdom, where sign language is used to cast spells, where there is no death, only Disbelief, and where heroes rise and fall together.
It is also a setting to reflect the struggles of our own world. You’ll find environmental calamity, political greed and social injustice to name but a few. Making Inspirisles relatable to our future generations was an ambition from the very start. However, we would never want to push an agenda, so building a platform for whichever stories need to be told has been our sole responsibility.
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Our system and its mechanics are entirely built around the theme of Belief. Players must work together to collect this wondrous commodity, reaching the heights before deciding whether to stay and enjoy the renown or return home and reunite with their true families.
Moving away from systems found in many popular tabletop RPGs, Inspirisles is largely aimed at young adults and does away with traditional mechanics such as racial bonuses, class systems, ponderous combat and even death.
Though our players should expect an open, sandbox experience, it’s nice to have an overall goal in mind. As such, the concept of healing the land as a team for rewards and progression is at the heart of Inspirisles.
As with any roleplaying game, Inspirisles will throw challenges at its players. As well as social and environmental encounters, Foundlings (players) will inevitably come across familiar monsters of Celtic legend, such as the Questing Beast who will stalk them across the land. Within the book, you’ll also discover many nasties of our own invention and the tools to invent your own.
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                                                  Don’t go it alone!
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Foundlings will have six attributes: sword, shield, speed, smarts, social & survival. When facing obstacles, they can lay down up to three cards representing spells, abilities or items. These cards display unique properties that will have an impact on their attribute bonus. Players then roll 2d6, adding the attribute bonus plus any additions from the cards. If the obstacle they are facing is truly perilous, they may turn to their Grail Pool as a last resort, a resource only carried by Foundlings.
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                                     Sample obstacle resolution
Obstacles can include social interactions, puzzles, environmental challenges and battle. Whether the obstacle is resolved through roleplay or combat, if it requires a check, it is always contested between player and Grail Guide (Game Master).
With every failed encounter and instead of suffering injury or death, Foundlings will instead experience Disbelief. If too much Disbelief is accumulated as a group, players must pull together to reduce it using the Belief they may be saving for a rank or new cards. This balancing act encourages empathy between participants, but also prevents Doom from affecting the islands.
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                                                Puzzles & predators
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                        Guinevere & Arthur, our Grail Guide choices
Our version of a Game Master is called the Grail Guide (GG). A participating adult or teenager will take on the role of GG and become the spirit of King Arthur Pendragon or Queen Guinevere. It will be their task to guide the players on their journey, making decisions on the rules, lending voice to the citizens and fangs to the denizens, and encouraging everyone to work together, share the limelight and have fun.
As the GG, you also have the unique opportunity to gift your players their Grail Pool, a set of polyhedral dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 & d20). Foundlings are the only beings able to carry this water poured from the Holy Grail. Even a sip will offer them an edge when facing the greatest of challenges and most dangerous of foes.
Talking of the Grail, with the book will be a template for the holy vessel that GG’s can cutout before sessions. This prop is then placed in the centre of the playing space and can be flipped whenever a player finds a theme or scenario too difficult. The GG can then move on swiftly without disrupting the overall session.
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                                                        Safety tool
It is also the responsibility of the GG to add tension and peril to the experience. If their players accumulate too much Disbelief, they can consult a Doom chart. This will change the Inspirisles in dramatic ways, such as causing a volcano to erupt, introducing the Questing Beast to hunt Foundlings, having Excalibur seized by an enemy or building a troll bridge on the outskirts of a city.
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As a player, you take on the role of Foundling, a human teen drawn by fate to the islands. Instead of selecting a race or class, Foundlings are trained by one of eight fey clans, otherwise known as Friends. The Knockers, Glow, Wyrmbitten, Capra, Piskies, Giantheld and Bucca populate distinct locations from city to forest, tin mine to tundra. Seven of these races work tirelessly to restore Belief and prevent the collapse of the Inspirisles. Whilst the eighth, an exiled people known as Glimmers refuse to help, sheltered far beneath the surface where the cracks go unseen and the tremors unfelt.
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As a Foundling, once Belief is gathered, it can be used in 3 distinct ways...
Pilgrimage to Avalon where the World Tree sits. Belief is offered to its roots in exchange for training.
Patronage to the Inspired. Belief is offered in exchange for spells.
Provide for the community they were embraced by. Belief is offered in exchange for items.
Regardless of how Foundlings offer Belief, they will earn the favour of the ruling houses and feel their reputation and power grow.
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                                           Foundling character sheet
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The Inspired are the closest thing the islands have to deities. Their influence can be felt across the kingdom at all times and ultimately players will need to impress them if they are to return home.
As well as being great teachers of magic in the form of Shaping, they have trades in their homelands, allowing Foundling players to become apprentices and earn Belief through hard work and dedication.
Kilna of the Fire has his forge.
Egrain of the Earth has her vinyard.
Athelyn of the Water has their bath house.
Vorm of the Air has his skyship.
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                                                    The Inspired
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Travelling via All’s Well, a mysterious portal leading to the British Isles, on their 15th birthdays, the brightest and bravest Foundlings are sent Earthwards to collect Belief. These elite are known as Dusters.
With the help of a Wellwisher, a common mammal transformed by Athelyn to be more like you and I, Dusters will be guided to a child without Belief, a teenager struggling to feel magic in their life.
Players will then roll a six-sided Dusting Dice (d6), revealing the target child’s particular sensitivity. 1: Fear 2: Joy 3: Wonder 4: Help 5: Story and (6: Other - determined by GG). Through roleplaying this sensitivity, Foundlings must convince the child that magic exists before collecting their Belief to take back.
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                                    BSL alphabet by british-sign.co.uk
As well as speaking the common tongue for the sake of interactions with humankind, the fey use a form of sign language they believe communicates right to the heart.
The technique is known as Shaping, a term derived from the hand and finger movements used and a deeper meaning of shaping the world around them. Spells are solely expressed through Shaping, with gestures building energy before being released from the fingertips.
Spells are taught only by the Inspired. Only they know the deeper intricacies of the language necessary to harness magic.
Though optional, we are introducing British Sign Language (BSL) and Sign Supported English (SSE) into our game. We are using it as part of the spellcasting process and to solve some of the setting’s most challenging puzzles, encouraging our young players to learn the alphabet and more as they play.
When you back our core book, whether digitally or physically, you will gain access to a video workshop on the art of Shaping produced by our friends in the deaf community. Whilst not a comprehensive introduction to British Sign (see Stretch Goals), it will teach participants enough to encourage them to pursue the language beyond the game.
The core book will also come with an American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet sheet. The video tutorial unlocks through a stretch goal.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Mon, August 17 2020 12:00 AM BST
Website: Hatchlings
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sunbellylou · 3 years
ask for writers !!
thank you @tomlinvelvetfics​ for tagging me! and thank you @soldouthaz for making this tag!
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted: i’ve been writing for years now, i started with het (ew!) 1d fics in portuguese back in 2011, it was actually those little imagines we used to write, don’t know if anyone remembers hehe. i posted them on a facebook page i was part of and i remember the first thingy i wrote was something with niall, but i really don’t remember any details (but was probably bad as heck since i was 11).
my first larry fic i probably wrote around 2012 when i found out the gay fanfics world haha, i don’t remember what it was or anything tbh, in my head i always wrote and posted gay fanfic.
my first fanfic in english was a little one shot (like 400 words honestly), it was a translation of a previous work i wrote portuguese. i posted it a year and a half ago and it’s called playground love (please don’t look).
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?:  i usually write from harry’s pov because i love love l o v e describing louis and how angelic he is, so usually i tend to see louis as this ethereal ish character, cause it’s usually about harry falling in love with him. so whether i like it or no, i tend to be closer to harry’s characters in my fics, i always like to put a bit of myself on him and make the character real, you know?
3. where do you often find inspiration?: honestly? anything! i’ve written fics inspired by tumblr posts, tweets, pictures, songs, movies, things that happened in my real life, books. i literally wrote a pwp because i couldn’t stop thinking about leather pants (go read my robin hood au).
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?: in the beginning it was really helping me, i’d stay up till 4am everyday just writing like crazy, but then i got into the worst writer’s block and didn’t write shit for months. (and of course right when i started getting new ideas, i started working so i have no free time).
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence? always listen to music, all the time. i can’t do anything without music. mostly because my brain is a mess and music helps me concentrate. i usually go for some chill songs, some indie pop and stuff.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?: oh my god, when i’m writing and two or more paragraphs start with the same word, one after the other. it drives me crazy!!!! and sometimes i spend hours looking for ways to word differently the sentences, just so i don’t have two paragraphs starting with “the”.
also when my paragraphs are two (or one) lines long, i can’t! it has to have three or more lines.
7. describe your ideal writing setup: at the dining table, in the middle of the night, with some soft music playing in the background and some popcorn with me!
8. favorite time of day to write?: well, just said it hehe i like writing at night.
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?: woah, that’s tough because i literally write any genres! i really love writing fantasy and horror stuff, but i feel like it’s not really well accepted in the fandom? (spec horror). and when people like it, they only read from bigger authors so i usually keep myself from writing those. aaand tbh i probably already wrote most of fic genres out there, so there isn’t much left to try.
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? how do you typically overcome it?  i’m writer’s block bitch and i do not know how to overcome her
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult? outlining tbh, i usually don’t (and it comes back to kick me in the ass). i always have too many ideas at the same time and can’t stick to one, so outlining and finding the right plot is really hard.
12. how do you come up with original characters? (if applicable): lately i haven’t really had the chance to come up with ocs, but when i wrote original books (not fanfics and stuff), i usually started with the gender and one outstanding personality trait and went from there.
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word?  i love the words ethereal and breeze, omg you’ll find them A LOT on my fics. and my least favorite word is growl.
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?: i think i describe the vibez in the scene really well, it’s my favorite thing to do. and i need to work more on building my sentences, because theyre always supermessy.
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?:  definitely the fic i’m working on right now! i’m putting so much work on the world building since it’s a fantasy fic, so i’m planning every little detail about it. i hope other people like it too when they read it !!
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?: comic sans, 12pt, single spaced. don’t come at me.
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?: because english isn’t my first language, i always change like ‘th’ for ‘d’ (because it has a similar sound in portuguese), so catch me typing ‘de’ instead of ‘the’ or ‘dey’ instead of ‘they’.
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?: i didn’t understand the question so i’m pretending i never read it hehe
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?: my favorite to write is probably,,, love/adoration, like harry looking at louis like he’s the whole world and thinking about how amazing he is? i love it.
and the most difficult is probably anger, i find it really hard to write like fights and stuff like that because usually i make the characters sound more sad than angry.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?: i never thought about that but,,, i hope they start finding joy in small things that happen in their day. that’s something i use a lot in my fics and i think it’s very important to bring it to real life. like enjoy that late night tea, showering in the morning, spending a summer day in the house, cleaning, etc.
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?: i think the best advice is one i got from someone i no longer talk to, they told me this when i first started writing in english and it is to stop trying to write fancy or like native english speakers, because it’s much better to write simple sentences that i’m confident about than write sentences with words i barely know how to use.
and the worst advice is TO OUTLINE! i know i should maybe i dont know but leave me alone, i hate outlining bye
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?:  ok so,,, it’s a book i wrote like three years ago with original characters. it’s called great evil and i wrote it in portuguese. it’s full of violence and acid humor, about a very evil and sarcastic demon and an angry hunter. (one day i’ll translate that book and turn it into a larry fic)
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?: chronologically. always
24. how do you handle criticism?: really bad. please be careful with what words you use. i’m already really hard on myself when it comes to my writing, so sometimes someone says something and (it might be dramatic but) i feel my world crumbling and i want to stop writing right away.
25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?:  just,,, do it. there’s no right or wrong way to do it. there’s no such thing as too much or too little, bad or good plots. every idea is a good idea. write it for yourself, write something you like. go ahead and just do it. there’s always someone out there who will enjoy your work, no matter what.
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?: any comments make my day tbh, if you comment on my fic i’ll be forever grateful and will be smiling like a fool the whole day. honestly, even a “omg i loved it” comment can make my day.
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend?: the one i’m writing 100%, please i want to live in a fantasy world. i wanna live in the water kingdom and have faerie louis as my king please.
and i’d like to befriend louis from my fic kiss me in your chevrolet, he’s a sweetheart and i must protecc.
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?: anything! i rarely get asks so anything is good hehe
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?: it’s such a big part of my life, i spent all my teenage years writing and it really is what built my personality. it helped me being more creative with all aspects of my life and take life lightly, enjoy little things and moments. 
30. why do you write?: i just love having ideas and putting out there, playing with words and finding new ways to describe daily things.
boost yourself + tags!
1a. share the last sentence you wrote:
The path through the dense forest, covered in slippery rocks and burning trees is already difficult enough, but it becomes ten times worse when you’re being pestered by small, demonic creatures. 
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about:
i’m honestly only working on one fic right now and i’m super duper excited about it
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of:
"I mean, I still don't plan on watching Star Wars, so…" 
The boy groans playfully, throwing his head back and Louis' eyes are suddenly really interested in the column of the guy's throat. 
"Americans really have no culture." He shoulders Louis slightly, warmth spreading through Louis' dainty shoulder and making him trip to the side lightly. With a faux outraged scoff, Louis waves a dismissing hand. 
“What do British people know about culture? All you do is drink tea and talk about the weather all day,” Louis teases with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Also, Star Wars is American, just so you know.” He rolled his eyes playfully, feeling surprisingly comfortable in his presence.
Skater Boy sighs comically, shaking his head, his wavy locks falling gracefully on the sides of his face and Louis can’t stop thinking about how soft his hair must be. 
“You got me there.”
not posted but i kinda like it (i’m not really good with dialogues, so it was really hard to find one lmao)
4a. share the best first and last lines from your work(s): I will do only those that are already published:
best first lines are from a halloween fic i never finished: 
Louis’ blue eyes snap open. His heart pounds fast inside his rib cage, making something as easy as breathing almost impossible. Sweat drenches his body and he feels like drowning. He feels too awake and wary as his breathing calms down, as well as his grips on the sheets under him loosen.
best last lines are from my 2019 BLFF there’s more than one place to call home: 
Their life was utter chaos, and they were definitely complete opposites, and sometimes Harry wished Louis would just shut the hell up, but at the same time, Harry wouldn’t change a single thing about his life, because he had Louis, and that was all that mattered to him. 
5a. link the last fic you read: it was the devil's in the details by @raspberryoatss​
6a. link the last work you published: you could take a lick (but it’s too cold to bite me)
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable): cinnamons
8a. someone that inspires you: louis hehe 
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year: tbh i don’t read a lot of fics, but there’s this work a friend of mine wrote. it was in portuguese and she ended up deleting it but it’s amazing.
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag! @bottomlwt @raspberryoatss 
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snidgetsafan · 5 years
Whom the Gods Love Die Young
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Rating: G (for the moment)
Summary: The bride bit into the shiny red apple as everyone cheered around her, the wedding ceremony ending with this ritual gesture. The clapping and hurrahs soon turned to screams of horror as Snow dropped the apple, choking and clutching her throat as she fell in her groom’s arms, a last I love you leaving her lips before she died, David’s screams the loudest of all.
David and Emma travel to the Underworld to claim back Snow after her untimely death. In order to do so, they're going to have to face the dark and mysterious God of the Underworld and complete his challenges.
Seems simple enough until you add magic, divine quarrels, and the worst thing of all: feelings.
Notes: And here it is! The first chapter of my @cssns​! Thanks to the lovely ladies who organized this second edition! I took inspiration from both the Hades/Persephone and Orpheus/Eurydice myths, which I hope you’ll enjoy. I’d like to thank @shireness-says​ for betaing for me (at such short notice too!) and for cheering me one. Thanks darling, you’re a gem! I’d also like to thank @distant-rose​, who helped me with the mythological aspect of my fic when I was plotting it. She is a font of knowledge, people! All mistakes are mine, however. I’d also like to thank all the lovely ladies at the CSSNS Discord, who helped me when I needed it, and who always encouraged me when I needed it. Love you guys! And last but not least, I’d like to thank @tennant-the-tigger​ for the fantastic art she made for this fic, and which you can see at the top of this post. Thank you so, so much! (Go give her some love!)
Word count: 3.6k (on AO3)
The bride bit into the shiny red apple as everyone cheered around her, the wedding ceremony ending with this ritual gesture. The clapping and hurrahs soon turned to screams of horror as Snow dropped the apple, choking and clutching her throat as she fell in her groom’s arms, a last I love you leaving her lips before she died, David’s screams the loudest of all.
Emma’s eyes follow David as he paces back and forth in the dark room, not unlike a lion in its cage. They’d been asked (well, asked was not quite the right word; almost physically pushed in would be more accurate) to stay in this waiting room until the King of the Underworld could receive them, but Emma isn’t fooled. There are no windows in the room – probably because they’re deep under the hill the palace is built against – and Emma is pretty sure at least one person is standing on the other side of the only door. They’ve managed to travel to the realm of the dead quite easily, but Emma fears it will take a lot more to get out.
It had been surprisingly easy to get this far. After David had convinced her to accompany him on his mad trip to reclaim his murdered bride, Emma had sought the counsel of Elsa, Hecate’s High Priestess and Emma’s mentor within the temple. Prayers to the goddess had resulted in the appearance of two golden boughs on the altar, which the young priestess understood to be Hecate’s blessing.
(The strange dreams which plagued her that night must have been another gift - visions of boats, three sets of glowing eyes in the dark, pomegranates, and whispers of a word. She has no idea what "Killian” means, but she feels that it's essential to their quest.)
The legends about the whereabouts of the entrance to the Underworld were surprisingly accurate, and showing the golden boughs had allowed them to cross the Styx on Charon’s boat. The sedative-laced meat that David had brought took care of the three-headed hound guarding the gates of Hades (hadn’t that been a frightening explanation for the glowing eyes), and they had soon arrived at the doors of the dark palace.
But that’s where it had gotten more complicated. The guards they had come upon apparently weren’t used to having to deal with living people, as David had barely been able to explain why they were there before they had been shoved into this room, were they had been waiting for what felt like hours, leading to David’s pacing. Emma, for her part, was trying to keep a calm façade in case they were being watched (they were, she just knew it, could feel eyes on her, had been able to since they had stepped into the Underworld).
Waiting for such a length of time is not beneficial to Emma’s nerves. Ever since Snow’s death, David – and Emma by extension – hadn’t stopped moving and acting. Emma knows that for her brother, this is a way to avoid confronting the memory of his bride ( wife , she can hear David’s voice insist in her mind) dying in his arms during their wedding ceremony. Grooms traditionally give an apple to their bride to symbolize their ability to provide for their future household, and the bride’s eating of the apple signifies her acceptance of her husband, the final act of the wedding ceremony (well, before the very last act of consummation of course, but that was not something done in public, nor something Emma wants to think about in relation with her brother. Ever). Except that this time, the apple had been poisoned by Snow’s witch of a stepmother in an unthinkable desecration of the wedding ritual and a blasphemy against Hera, and only a single bite had been enough to kill Snow in mere seconds.
The witch had been immediately smote, her heart giving out even before Snow had taken her last breath. Her corpse had been found on the steps of Eris’ temple, where she had probably been trying to seek refuge. Seems like not even the goddess of revenge can protect you from Hera’s wrath. She’d probably gotten a straight ticket to Tartarus, Emma thinks grimly.
Good riddance.
But David hadn’t let misery take hold of him, and had instead gone straight into anger, arguing that Snow should have been protected by the goddess of marriage during her own wedding, that it wasn’t fair, and that the gods help him (or not, Emma couldn’t help but think), he was going to find his wife and bring her back. Emma had followed him, mostly so he wouldn’t end up dead too, but also because Snow was her friend. She could still see her collapse into David’s arms every time she closed her eyes.
The young priestess’ thoughts are interrupted by the door opening and a mousy little man wearing a red Phrygian hat comes in, looking surprisingly… ordinary. David stops pacing too, coming to stand next to his sister as they watch the man approach them, followed by a tall helmed guard.
“Good evening, Emma and David, my name is Smee. I was told you’d like to speak to his Highness?” the little man says, looking at them expectantly.
Emma blinks, jarred. The man – Smee – looks so out of place, with his colorful hat and affable manners, stepping into this dark stone room in the heart of a hill which is itself in the heart of the Underworld. The siblings have both been gearing themselves to meet with opposition and hostility, not… politeness.
“Er,” she says eloquently, looking at David, who looks as flabbergasted as she feels.
“This way?” Smee continues as if nothing is amiss, gesturing towards the door before exiting into the hall.
David leads the way out of the door, before slowing down to let Emma step up beside him as they walk down the corridor, sandwiched between Smee and the guard. David steps closer to her, allowing the folds of their chitons to conceal the frantic way he grabs Emma’s hand, the strength of his grip betraying his anxiety at the meeting to come. Emma doesn’t mind, as she’s grabbing onto her brother’s hand as tightly as he is, although perhaps not for the same reasons. David’s only goal is to get Snow back; he isn’t thinking about anything else. Emma can see the bigger picture, and that bigger picture is that they’re going to be face to face with the freaking God of the Dead .
Very little is known about the God of the Underworld. Emma knows he is the brother of Liam, God of the Seas and of Arthur, God of Thunder and King of Mount Olympus, that he was given the Realm of the Dead to govern, and that he rarely leaves his kingdom. So little is known about him that mortals don’t even know his name, forcing them to use one of several monikers when referring to him such as King of the Underworld, Lord of the Dead, or even simply Hades, as if the god were equal to the realm he rules. Despite all these names, the god is rarely mentioned in the mortal world. His very role of Agesander , the soul carrier, makes him the most terrifying figure in the Pantheon to most people.
Emma can still feel eyes on her, even more intensely than before. Her shoulder blades itch from the uncanny sensation of being watched, but she refrains from squirming, not wanting to show any discomfort to their escorts. She has to stay strong, she repeats to herself as a mantra. David’s sanity and Snow’s life (and their own, too, she guesses) are at stake here.
What feels like hours later, but is probably only minutes (five flights of stairs, though; she had no idea coming to the Underworld would be so physical), they arrive in another, more airy part of the palace. There are actually windows here, and she can feel a breeze ruffling her hair and the edges of her clothes. While made of dark stone, the palace didn’t seem as gloomy as she had expected, Emma notes with some surprise. Light streams into the halls, making the floors gleam, and a glimpse out of the window affords her a view of what seems to be an orchard and rolling fields beyond that.
Soon after they enter the hall, their guides stop in front of two massive basalt doors. The portal opens soundlessly in front of them, revealing a grand throne room beyond. Smee and the guard in front step in, heading towards the throne at the other end of the room, and David and Emma follow, taking a deep breath to center themselves.
A man – no, a god – sits on a high-backed throne on a grand dais, seemingly bored, if his slumped position can be believed. His lavish black clothes and spiky crown clearly designate him as the ruler of this place yet something feels… odd. Emma frowns but says nothing as she approaches with David. After all, it’s not like she has anything to compare the situation with. While becoming a priestess of Hecate has afforded her easier contact with her goddess, she hasn’t met her. Not even Elsa has had that privilege, and she is the High Priestess of their temple. Still… this doesn’t feel right .
“So, you dare trespass on my kingdom?” the god’s voice booms in the cavernous hall as soon as they are in speaking distance.
David steps forward, dropping on one knee at the foot of the dais and bowing his head in deference, Emma demurely following his lead.
“We’re sorry, my Lord,” David begins, his eyes still lowered to the floor. “I merely wished for an audience to beg a request of you.”
“A favor, eh? I have temples for that, why didn’t you use the traditional method?”
“Because you must get these kinds of prayers every day, and I wanted to be sure you��d listen to mine. My bride – my wife was killed during our wedding, and I’m here to beg you to let her come back home.”
“You’re right, I do get prayers every day. What gives you the idea that you are any different from all of these people?”
Emma frowns as David tries to justify his plea. Hecate has gifted her with the ability to detect lies, and that is what she feels coming from the god right now. Can her power even work on a deity? Is it a blasphemy to even presume it can? And yet… something’ s not right. Keeping her eyes downcast, Emma nonetheless focuses all her senses on what the seated god is saying. The feeling doesn’t go away; on the contrary, it amplifies as he goes on. What’s going on?
“Please, my Lord,” David is pleading, desperate to sway the being in front of him. “I’d do anything to get her back.”
“I can’t give you your bride back,” the god says. True . “Can you imagine what would happen if people heard that the Lord of Hades lets people go? The kingdom would be swamped with people wanting their lovers, children, or evencats back.”
Emma decides to intervene, seeing her brother flounder in his desperation, and wanting to test a theory.
“The only way we were able to get to you, your Highness, was because Hecate helped us. I feel that if she deigned to assist us, it’s because she feels our quest is justified.”
“Help from Hecate?” the god asks suddenly, straightening on his throne, a move echoed by Smee and the guard still standing behind Emma. “What are you talking about, mortal?”
“The goddess gifted us with these boughs to pay the ferryman,” Emma answers, prompting David to open his satchel to show the glimmering branches. “And she gave me… instructions,” she finishes a little lamely, not knowing how to explain her dreams.
The god is silent, gazing over Emma’s shoulder, seemingly lost in his thoughts. Emma watches him, waiting for his decision.
Which is not the one she hoped for.
“Nonetheless,” he says, slouching back onto his throne, “a death is a death. I might be the Lord of the Underworld, but there are certain lengths I won’t go to, and this is one of them.”
Lie . A big, fat, blaring lie that sets all of Emma’s senses aflame as she takes a surprised breath.
“No, you’re not,” she blurts out, staring at him incredulously now. What’s going on? Who is this man – no, not a man, divinity definitely oozes from him, he is a god… but not the god of this place.
“What did you just say.” the god rumbles, David’s hissed “ Emma!” drowned by the sound echoing all around them. Everything is still in the room – deathly so, she thinks a little hysterically as she realizes she has become the center of attention. The stares from the men in the room, as well as the invisible eyes which have been following her every move, weigh on her like so many lead weights. And yet…
“You may be a God, my Lord, but you are not the ruler of this place,” she repeats a little more assuredly, ignoring David’s attempts to shush her. The more she thinks about it, the more Emma’s sure of herself. And the angrier she grows. They’re here to beg for Snow’s life; David is slowly going mad with pain, she’s grieving for her friend as well, and these gods (because the Lord Hades has to be part of this masquerade, he has to) are playing games with them.
“Quite presumptuous of you to make such a claim.”
“I know when someone is lying. And you are,” Emma answers calmly, knowing there’s a chance those could be her last words.
“You have some gall, mortal. I like it. Well, this was fun while it lasted,” the god says as he rises, his solemn demeanor dissolving into nonchalance as he descends from the dais, walking towards them. “They’re all yours, pal, have fun with them,” he says as he passes them without stopping, clapping the guard behind Emma on the shoulder before sauntering out of the room.
Emma and David turn as one man towards the guard, both having the same thought. Had the actual God of the Underworld been with them the whole time? How had they not noticed ? Because now that they look at him, the same powerful aura that had emanated from the pseudo-Hades also seeps from the guard’s skin, clearly betraying his divine nature.
The guard sighs, looking to the ceiling, before he unclasps his helmet and takes it off, looking at the siblings exasperatedly. Stepping in front of them, he throws the helmet to Smee before crossing his arms, his clothes changing right in front of their eyes from a soldier’s garb to a black himation revealing one of his strong shoulders as well as part of his chest.
“Cat’s out of the bag, then.”
Emma tries to keep her cool. It would serve no purpose at all for her to berate a god.
David has no such qualms, however, his temper getting the best of him. “You… you mean all of this was just a joke? Who was that?”
“That, as you so eloquently put it, mortal, was Hermes, messenger of the gods. Before you put voice to the thoughts I can so clearly see on your face, may I remind you that he is my nephew, and you are in my domain?”
David swallows nervously before chancing a look at Emma, who surreptitiously nods. All true, even the threat. Especially the threat. Hermes had been all talk; his uncle will not hesitate to put action to word.
“No, your Highness,” David mutters apologetically.
“Good. Now, let’s be quick about this: I cannot help you on your quest. Your fiancée has died, and dead she shall remain.”
David’s face crumples as he hears the god deal his judgement in such a final tone, before he steels himself once more, straightening his spine and raising his head.
“But it’s not fair! She was killed during our wedding ceremony! She should have been protected by Hera!”
At this, the god perks up, looking more closely at David. “Your fiancée is Snow Leukḗ?”
“Yes!” David exclaims, his hope renewing at the god’s recognition. “You’ve heard of her?”
“I’ve heard of her killer,” the god corrects, sneaking a glance at Emma. “It’s not often we get new guests in Tartarus.”
So Regina had been sent to Tartarus to endure eternal torment, then. Emma doesn’t feel as satisfied as she had been earlier, but she can’t feel any pity for the woman either. She had gotten what was coming to her. Taking a look at her brother, Emma is surprised not to see a smile on his face at the news. The gods know he had ranted and raved about what he’d do to Regina since Snow had died and they had embarked on their quest, but now that he knows she’s suffering far worse than anything he could have come up with, he just looks… grimly resigned. Which shouldn’t really surprise Emma anyway; her brother is a just and fair man who would never do ill on any other soul, despite his words.
“So you agree that Snow’s death was unfair, then?” David tries to press his advantage.
“My role is to care for dead souls, not to pass judgement on their lives or deaths,” the god answers shortly, clearly growing tired of this conversation. “Now, I’ll kindly ask you to leave my kingdom, unless you want to be made permanent residents of it sooner than you expected.”
David isn’t budging. “But, the goddess Hecate – “
“Hecate gave you two trinkets and a dream and what, I should indulge your desires? You think you’re the only one who’s ever gotten a god’s favor to come down here? Orpheus did, and Orpheus failed. This is my kingdom, my realm, and I will rule it as I see fit, whether or not it pleases you, your sister, or bloody Hecate!” the god shouts in anger, getting closer and closer to David until their noses are practically touching.
Emma watches all of this, thinking furiously. When put in this light, Hecate’s gifts did help them get here, but now if looks like they’re on their own. Are they, though? Every step of their quest, every difficulty had been thwarted by a hint or a boon from the goddess. Why not this one too? Emma thinks about her dream. She doesn’t see how pomegranates could help her in this situation, which leaves her with…
“Killian,” she says, looking up at the god, who freezes as soon as the three syllables pass her lips before whirling to look at her, completely ignoring David and an agape Smee.
“What did you just say?” he growls, stalking towards her, his blue eyes flashing.
This is the first time she has the full attention of the god, and it is… intense. It feels like being under a hundred gazes at the same time, watching her from all angles. Actually, she has felt like that several times since arriving in the Underworld, even though the feeling hadn’t been that strong then. Was that the god’s eyes she had felt? Had he been watching them since the gates? If he had known about them, then why hadn’t he come to them earlier?
“I said ‘Killian,’ your Highness... That’s your name, isn’t it?” she realizes, seeing him react once more to the word.
“Who told you?” he demands, now towering over her and ignoring her question.
“I– it was in my dream?” Her answer sounds more like a question, the god’s proximity and the fire in his eyes rattling her and making her lose control of her voice. “I told you, Hecate sent me a dream, and that was– “
“Yes yes, that was part of it, right,” the god – Killian – interrupts as he once again whirls around, pacing agitatedly in front of the two siblings. In the distance, a dog barks (there are dogs in the Underworld? Are there other animals?) and the god stops walking, his back to them. Dragging his hand heavily over his face, he sigh   s as he goes to slouch on his throne , mutters of “bloody meddling hag ” reaching Emma and David before the god speaks up, sounding as if each word is a chore to utter.
“Very well. I agree to give you a chance to reclaim your fiancée. But!” he hurries to say, before David and Emma can get their hopes up too much, “in order to be allowed to leave the Underworld with her alive, you must accomplish three tasks for me to prove your worth and devotion. If you can complete them, then I’ll give Snow Leukḗ back to you, and the three of you will be able to leave freely. If you fail one of those… you’ll be taken out of the realm, and only allowed back in after your death. Are we clear on this?”
David seems about to burst with joy and hope, barely daring to believe this reversal of fortune. Overcome with emotion, he nods enthusiastically before thanking the god profusely. Emma too feels fit to burst with relief, bowing to the god before looking up, catching his eyes scrutinizing her before he turns away, his himation swinging about his legs as he walks towards his throne.
Emma has no idea what pushed the god to change his mind so suddenly, but she knows it has something to do with his name. No one knows his name in the living world, so she understands that it has at least some importance that Hecate chose to reveal it to her. But why did Had– Killian fold so quickly?
Three tasks to get Snow back. Seemed reasonable. If Herakles could manage twelve, Emma and David could manage a quarter of that, right?
Right? Tag list (tell me if you want to be added or removed!): @hollyethecurious, @shireness-says, @gingerchangeling, @slow-smiles, @wingedlioness, @branlovesouat, @snowbellewells, @kmomof4
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