#and it just seems atp theyre
wc-confessions · 1 year
ykw i actually do not blame those who choose to see or genuinely believe nightheart is a unreliable narrator bc i can actually see. that. however its also so hard to really dig it because the erins keep backtracking then adding these weird comments that are bascially just 'sure hes unreliable but also you Should side with him look how sad he is and everyone just doesnt understand but also who knows maybe thats not true maybe it is'
like. i feel like its just hard to really say until we actually get a real conclusion so i think fighting over it is kinda dumb..bc rereading Everything it just seems like. even the erins arent quite so sure and are desperately trying to fight between babying their male protagonist and going with something unique and greatly altering for the series. cause certain scenes Do read like unreliable narration but then every other scene it feels like the world is kinda of justifying every occurance despite what we are supposed to trust does that make sense
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maelfe · 18 days
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mymp3 · 8 months
trailer talk
#compendiumnotebook#i probably articulated a lot of my trailer thoughts better to my mutuals and friends i was dming the other day#but the tldr of it is that im kind of disappointed they only seem to be adapting mostly movie and portable stuff#not that i hate hate portable or hate hate the movies#but saying that this is going to be a faithful remake of base 3 and having only portable events and options available + adding movie stuff#feels like a big slap in the face to fes and manga enjoyers. and dont get me started on the hammy lovers.#and also is just straight up incorrect. wish they would say what they're adapting rather than saying its a faithful remake#damn im so sorry yall. especially because if they wanted to do a portable adaptation she should be here.#even if im not her number 1 fan i get how dirty it feels#but tbh i am leaning more towards femc as dlc rather than the answer as dlc now#bc atp it just seems like they take fes for granted and brush it off#bc its not as popular#just feels kind of mean a bit#“manga and fes are there. but portable and movies seem to be popular so we can do more of that!”#minato being able to work a job is something i dont like. he's constantly overworked in every other department of his life.#now hes gotta work too?#it seems like this hero is less chronically ill tired angry and like theyre trying to give him more energy and “wipe away his wrongs”.#iddkkkkkk#im sure I'll warm up to it in game#and find a way to work this into my reading#but for now those are my thoughts#oh! i like his mp3 player saying hi to him. thats precious.
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myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
all these instances of dudes hitting from the back imagining their gf is someone else got me feeling rlly bad :/
#i mean.#like it seems like theyve been somewhat on and off and idk how much Commitment there actually is#and idk if theyve been going together this long its like obviously yeah theyre into each other#but just the realization tgat over all these months the probability hes imagined it was me at least once. :|||||||#i dont wike it.#that one crush situation lol#minors dni#see a lot of me wants to like . guess shes a 100% innocent party here but idk#they might be just taking it slow but idk how much SHES played around at least in the esrly stages. much less him#and atp im not even Too mad about the fact that early on he wasnt great being committal bc. few college students are but it seems like he#was at least TRYING. im just mad that hes dragged me along for the greater part of a year now with no accountability.#like thats just fucking cruel.#but idk whats going on with those two. he has a thing for Maneater types so idk what earlier stages looked like for them#or what shes even LIKE as a person and to be clear im not acting like i do#jus thinkin out loud here#but . yeah hes got a thing for emo girls who wear doc martens and look like they want to murder men etc#paraphrasing a rt. lol#part of me feels :/ cause like. what if i just seem kinda BORING cause ive just stopped acting like im not Tired#like i dont play around im just to the point and responsible like a boring 40something lmao#also like. after i left him the voicemail he acted even MORE Friendly™ and it PISSED me off like what do u WANT#and then my sisters gf suggested maybe he just liked that i seemed respectful and mature and like i take ppls feelings seriously#idk man. idk ehats going in in his ginger ass noggin#its just been a while since ive dumped out ALL my thots and feelings abt him on here so. yeah this is juts a periodical Vent ignore lol#probably wont have another for a while. tho j may have just jinxed it :/
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29121996 · 26 days
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tinukis · 4 months
i think ppl who arent aroace should stop talking about luffy ships and aroace luffy. ESPECIALLY if theyre very against luffy ships. (like it's fine to hc luffy as aroace and it's fine to not like luffy ships! but holy shit do NOT fill your bs in the ship tags unless you are prepared to be criticized or be sent hate (which is unfortunate bc it just makes us look worse when we're already in the dumps))
anyway fun fact of the day! i held a poll on twt (and i should here too) abt how many ZL shippers are at least on the aroace spec, and it turns out a VAST MAJORITY of us are!
and also if i may add, while it's fine to not like luffy ships bc of Your aroace hc... i find it a little odd that it's always people that arent aroace hating/disliking it. maybe it's bc there are people who know fandom etiquette and not put negativity in ship tags.
(and not to include shipping discourse... while it's not ALL zs shippers... it's somehow always zs shippers. theyre so worried about us 'icky' zl shippers when they go and ship ZS lmao...)
like im sorry but "i am not allowed to openly be your ally today it seems" and then you turn around and?? block aroace people??? that are criticizing you for being wrong??? im sorry but please dont speak for the community and how a HEADCANON is alienating us.
you want to raise awareness and yet you refuse to listen and just whine about hate instead of accepting youre wrong. should you be sent hate? no, of course not! should you listen to the aro ace people that are trying to educate you and NOT block them? YES.
sorry i ended up talking about it anyway. im just gonna trust aro/ace ppl with their luffy hcs/ships atp because... 😭
plus for some reason it's ZL always being targeted. i never see mentions of other luffy's ships, mlm or mlw. it just happens to be ZL every time.
i just think yall hate ZL and that you dont care for aroace rep. just sayin.
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awanderingcatharsis · 4 months
I've been sitting on these for awhile theyre finally here!!
//mentions of strangulation, fighting, etc.
-ben is the type of person to have a million different playlists. he's so me fr
-he has one playlist that's a couple of others combined. its like 6 hours long
-he listens to EVERYTHING. all the genres. (even a few country songs cause im sick of seeing "i listen to everything except country!" THAT ISNT EVERYTHING???)
-whenever i see chatfics he always types grammatically correct and that is WRONG. he's the fastest typer ever trust
-after they decided he was the medic of the group, i like to think he did like tons of reading and research on how to treat injuries . like there was no way he went from helping aiden with a scraped knee to a branch through tyler's stomach
-he knows EVERYTHING about EVERYONE. he's literally gretchen wieners. most people forget he's there so he hears the juiciest tea ever
-at the end of every week the group has a "gossip session" and its literally just them all calling (or hanging out) and ben telling them the stuff he's heard through the week
-ash and taylor too cause they seem like the kind of people to find the craziest tea
-ben and ash quiet kid solidarity
-i like to think ben gave a lot of clothes to lily :)
-i also think he'd be SUPER worried about her in school, esp when she gets to the older grades
-him and aiden once made mug cakes at four in the morning during one of the group's sleepovers cause they couldn't sleep (i did that once)
-aiden and ben are literally brothers atp and they know like everything about each other
-when they woke up after aiden hurt his ankle ben lectured him with a very angry and very loud text to speech voice
-I also like to think aiden has heard ben's voice at least once
-he's somehow the heaviest and lightest sleeper ever. he could sleep through an earthquake but also at the same time if you breathe wrong he'll wake up. he's me
-he used to sleep talk, kinda scared he still does
-he's a cat person and that's the end of it. me again
-he'd be very naturally warm but his hands are always freezing. idk it feels right
-he has once punched a phantom in the face. it didn't go very well
-i think he'd protect his neck a lot when fighting phantoms
-he has ptsd probably (they all do lets be real)
-I like to think he has dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) so he doesn't like to eat in public that much
-i think it took him a bit to warm up to the group about that :)
-he has lots of scars, like from fighting, nail scars on his neck, etc
-i like to think the reason why he wears grey all the time is bcs he doesn't want to stand out. he's working on that
-he still actively goes to therapy
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I just turned 18 and I was never into the political aspect of India and I'm not sure if I should be because everything is a mess and so confusing.
My parents are BJP supporters, being of the Scheduled Caste and we live in an urban area. I acknowledge the development BJP has done for India in the last years but im not well educated on the atrocities they've committed. I'm aware of their speeches being incredibly right-leaning and they create a sense of unease in communities.
And I sense that most people my age are aligned with Congress but I'm not sure why seeing that their urge to support Congress only comes from a feeling to remove Modi. I'm not sure how good a Congress govt could be, when they're aligning themselves with TMC which is akined to BJP.
I've heard Congress got a lot of minorities votes but also seeing that theyre promising 1L to Muslim women, if they win dosent seem like a good use of tax money.
I know India is far away from even getting close to the development we need, such as equal marriage opportunities, true secularism, abolishment of caste system and everything. But since there isn't a party/alliance in India that truly aligns itself with my views, I can't help but be stuck in a limbo between both the parties and feel helpless.
Do you think it's okay for a person to not be into politics in India, it's not something I want to concern myself with atm, but I'm afraid when I do start getting involved it might be too late.
Sorry, this was sort of a rant instead of an ask sjdhdh
I just wanted to get an opinion on how other people may view my thinking atp
One word of advice: Don't align yourself with parties. Develop your own worldview first, make it in such a way that you are ready to accept data and information in a way where you can analyse and create meaning for yourself. Have some non negotiable principles for yourself- don't forget humanity and compassion.
No party will ever have the ideology that 100% aligns to your worldview, hell, I voted against my own principles this election.
Also Congress isn't promising 1L to just Muslim women, its for ALL women. They're proposing a kind of Universal Basic Income to help try and bridge the MASSIVE inequalities in this country. That's why they're increasing the wealth tax.
But now that the elections are over, it doesn't really look like EVERYTHING they propose will go through. But our Parliament and the discussions in it will at least have livelier discussions and better viewpoints.
Anyway- whatever you do- work from grassroots. Join organisations that do work on that level, political parties (with maybe the exception of AAP) don't usually do this work. Gain a wealth of experience talking to your fellow citizens, and you will realise the complexity of our society.
-Mod G
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
With your language AU, I remember watching a video about a guy speaking angrily nonesense in an Indian accent and people thinking he was very angry. Imagine this as the Creator speaks angry gibberish to people and they just assume that the Creator is cursing them or something. (Or like when they speak gibberish to babies and everyone's like, "Aw the Creator is teaching that baby their divine language")
✨️I look pretty good for a dead bitch✨️
She's alivveee!!!
Whats up i almost passed away from sheer academic workload, but im not in the ground yet 🥰 And with drafts outta my ass! :D
Hope yall ready for ur regularly scheduled Bullshit Genshin Sagau <3
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Well at least i can do polls thru this in the future?? Idk tumblr is ass so we'll see how this accidental test works out...
So these were the first thngs i thought of and its not super long bc ASKERS R GENIUSES OKAY
Saw the gif and couldnt help but think this is how ppl like Alhaitham or Diluc would react to u "speaking ur langauge"
"Our langauage" aka being a SIM 💀
Stop Albedo would ask you to teach him ur lang/grammar rules 😭
What u gonna do when Zhongli asks you to teach him some words-
Your ass: "GIGGLABAH means beautiful :) "✨️
Zhongli: "Oh thank you, how different from our own version, so excited sounding..."
You walk by him strolling the harbor and he just smiles at you and says
"You look gigglabah today my liege."
(honestly ppl paint him as oblivious but he kinda seemed like the type of bastard who seems like he's not aware but sometimes he secretly knows the truth, he's just getting too much amusement out of it to stop doing it, LOL he does shit like the above to see YOUR reaction- LMAO)
You're a maniac pls tell me u dont pass on simlish to all the serious characters-
(& he's not the only one, others too like Kaveh, YELAN, Ningguang, Nahida, DILUC, AYAKA LMAO-)
Some ppl i could see taking ur gibberish bullshittery and whether they believe its real or not is irrelevant bc theyre using it anyway-
And i dont mean in a good way 😭
"Be cheerful like the hugkukie,
and may your cup never leaky!"
And Diluc loves you.
Really he does, deeper than he thinks-
But his eye is twitching LMAOO
(Ok but if you did like multiple of these language shenanigans thruout the asks ive gotten, Kaeya would literally grow so fond of you and associate you with goofy funny shit that makes him laugh so hard that everytime he sees you he automatically is beaming with a smile, or trying to supress a warm grin- this got away from me but its 1:44am for me rn so i would love a smiley Kaeya rn -)
Speaking language bs I have my 2nd oral exam for spanish tomorrow, pls send whatever good vibes u got and i am also really open to prayers from any religion as well. sobs
Hope anyone got any enjoyment out of my response bc tbh the ask is what rlly matters to me atp lmao
Until the next shenanigan-
Safe travels,
♡the beloveds mwah ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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guessitrunsinthegenes · 4 months
also about noah, here's the even weirder thing, it seems like he's missed More than one shoot week based off pics in the office and them mentioning dates of filming and before the one todays video was part of he only shot one video (the tntl from almost 4 weeks ago). him being in shoot weeks at all atp doesn't make sense (please just let him go already im tired) but the way theyre going about it is even stranger? why would you even keep someone on your roster for one video in a shoot block like how they do with guests.. atp just actually have guests instead?
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Stsg anon back at it again with a new idea for you to eat!!! poly, teen!stsg where they both develop a crush on reader who’s quiet, who’s timid, who keeps to themselves. Not as strong as either of them and not as popular. They two are best friends and they certainly won’t fall apart over a crush, so they talk it out and decide they’re both perfectly fine with arranging some sort of polyamory (if you return their feelings, of course. That was something suguru pointed out btw 😭)
(…which they both convince themselves is totally just for the sake of maintaining their friendship, just for the sake of both of them getting to date you, totally not also because there’s some romantic tension between them that they aren’t ready to face yet.)
But they have such different ideas on how to go about courting you and they bicker (lightheartedly) about it all the time. Suguru who thinks that they should go about it gently, kindly, who thinks they should take it slow. Who’s so thoughtful, who recognises that being flirted with by two very attractive and popular guys could be overwhelming, especially for someone shy and introverted. Who’s charming because he’s gentle, because he brings you food when you mentioned you were in a rush and forgot to make your own, who’s just so kind and always seems to offer you a spot with him and satoru when he spots you alone in your classroom at lunch. Who gives the softest smiles and gently taps your shoulder to get your attention, who’s big hands gently brush against your own when he hands you a worksheet.
But Satoru is eager. Confident, exceedingly so. Who, when he wants something, he gets it. He’s the Satoru Gojo for the love of god, he knows he’s everybody’s dream man, so he sees no reason in waiting or being slow- who, not for the first time in his life, needs suguru to calm him down and force him to be rational and not freak you out. He’s the embodiment of a lovesick puppy. Who showers you in gifts even if you aren’t dating yet, because he just can’t resist ! Who brings you flowers he remembers you said you liked, who writes witty and flirty notes and chucks them at your head (gently) in class when the teacher isn’t looking, who’s always slinging an arm around your shoulder, flicking your forehead, ruffling your hair. Who grins and winks at you in such a satoru way, who excitedly grabs your hand and interlinks your fingers when he wants to bring you somewhere, who has to physically hold himself back from squealing and giggling like a schoolgirl when he catches you glancing or blushing at either of them.
Both of them who make sure nobody gives you shit, who are with you constantly, always making sure you’re okay and not upset about anything, who help you to become a little more self confident and extroverted (around them at least), and who don’t mind it when it’s one of those days where you’d prefer to just be your normal self, to read and be alone (alone from everyone but them of course, god forbid the clingy bfs go a second without you..)
Giggles so hard…. They’re such cutie pies <3333 this might be a little bit too long but I just needed to share this thought augh I’m such a sucker for them and how they respond and think about things differently yet are still each others ride or dies :3 !!
HELP MEEEEEEE THIS IS THE CUTEST THING EVER I COLLAPSED 😭😭😭 stsg anon u need to write a fic this concept makes me so weak
i know i already said it but u r just FEEDING me atp….. i lovelovelove reading these SO much pls never worry about them being too long!!! u could drop a whole essay into my askbox n i wouldnt mind at all <333 i adoreee poly stsg and ur thoughts on them !!
AND THIS CONCEPT …. hhhh :( so sweet. it gives me insane shoujo manga vibes anon !! just all heart fluttering n giddy. theyre cutiepies its true <33
and ofc i agree so much!!! sugu being the more gentle one, patient, considerate… (he’s soooo <33) while gojo is just so eager to see u smile and laugh and blush he LIVES off ur reactions……. him being his lil lovesick puppydog self and sugu trying to keep him in check LMAO thats so so cute!! squealing n giggling while sugu rolls his eyes (fondly) (lovingly) (in adoration) (i just feel like he’s so whipped for both of u… he thrives off ur joy </3)
(ALSOOOOO ANON….. the romantic tension between stsg…… i agree so so much. i think they just dont really have a word for what they feel for each other yet, but once they do… maybe there would be an adjustment period where they’re just figuring themselves/each other out but !! i think it’d be short. they just care for each other so much yknow??)
AND AND them being so protective <///3 u know the way to my heart. and understanding too!! we’ve talked abt this before anon but they really ARE such a great duo bc gojo is always there if u feel more extroverted and outgoing but on days when u just want to be silent and cozy sugu is waiting on the couch w blankets and tea <333 and them being so clingy LMAOO it’s so true…. on days when u want to be ALONE alone sugu has to literally pry gojo away from u w his bare hands 😭😭😭 n then he just waits outside the door like a dog. and sugu starts getting headaches bc he has this itch to tend to ur needs but he knows he shouldn’t disturb u PHDHDHS codependent losers <333
i loovveeee imagining them in more fluffy scenarios like this it makes me so happy wahhh… its what they deserve!!! i LIVE for ur thoughts anon tysm for the meal as always <333
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
dropping more tsukasa kanade lore guys >>>
i think that after kanade has the initial tsukasa jumpscare they start to get along well but like. kanade talks to think man because even though she goes to the same school as mizuki GUESS WHO NEVER FUCKING ATTENDS !!! and once she talks to tsukasa long enough she's introduced to rui and nene by being invited to ★★★ SUPER COOL EAT-LUNCH-ON-THE-ROOF TIME [kool kats only ★★] ★★★ and kanade sits down like "okay. these people seem calm. theyre probably normal. i think. i can do this :]" and then emu. climbs onto the roof. and kanade thinks "OHFUCKOHSHIT NEVERMIND NEVERMINDNEVERMIND"
so they eat lunch and kanade is introduced to tsukasa's not boyfriend, tsukasa's not girlfriend and tsukasa's not girlfriend. and they have a good time !!! kanade gets along well with nene, but also doesn't because i think the two of them are the equivalent of the "shy people vs introverts" meme. rui is fun but kanade cannot understand that man for the life of herself. and. emu. so ironically tsukasa is the one she gets along with most.
so they hang out and also i think that kanade has tsukasa look over her compositions and has probably gotten him to play an actual piano bit for one of nightcord's songs. idk which you just gotta trust me. and one day kanade comes to their daily meet up thing which happens in the park because silly and tsukasa isn't doing his usual thing. bc when she usually comes tsukasa is happy and smiling like :D :D :D and helping out little kids on the playground equipment but this time nobody's here and he's just. off. and kanade can feel The Vibes but she goes over anyways. and she sees him and he sees her and suddenly he's happy again but this time it's all wrong. and she leaves and goes back home and she thinks back and realizes how Wrong all their interactions had felt. but at the same time it didn't. and she's trying to make sense of all this and talks to nightcord about it because who else would she talk to ??? and general consensus is "make discord server with him" so that's what she does. yes this results in silly tsukasa uses discord for the first time shenanigans. and they all start talking !!! ofc she introduces mizuki as mizuki but mafuyu and ena are left as "my online friends enanan and yuki"
tsukasa ends up inviting rui nene and emu because WHO ELSE ??? and rui dms kanade like "okay i know why you did this but we. are getting nothing out of this. also is yuki mafuyu from the all girls school that emu goes to ???" also SIDE PLOT with emu not feeling creeped out around yuki like she is mafuyu. just wanted to mention. anyways rui is like "i know who you are" and kanade is like "help me help you help your bf (boy best friend)" and idk how but eventually tsukasa just. breaks down.
it's not even anything special he's just in a discord vc w everyone and they start talking about fun things they did as children and tsukasa realizes he can't even remember talking to his parents unless it was over the phone and he just. goes quiet !!! and that's not normal because tsukasa is never quiet so everyone is just a teeny weeny bit worried. and then they hear this man. CRYING ???
so of COURSIES they all meet up in the empty sekai bc we love sekai mashups !!! and idk from there tbh im just bein silly atp
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thestobingirlie · 6 months
i hate how theyre trying to make the supplemental media canon, especially when it counteracts established canon, either from the show or other supplemental media.
but the stranger things creatives dont seem to know the meaning of the word "canon" because they counteract previously established canon in the show.
take the atmosphere of the upside down.
in s1, it's well established that the atmosphere is toxic. lab employees use full hazmat suits and breathing apparatus when they're even going near the gate, let alone through it. joyce and hopper are given the same equipment when they go to get will. will is obviously very sick from the atmosphere.
in s2, the toxic atmosphere remains. hopper gets sick after spending a night in the tunnels. he then has to be decontaminated in the lab by agents in hazmat suits. when owens shows him the gate, they're all wearing hazmat suits. when steve and the kids go into the tunnels, they all wear makes and goggles.
but in s4, it's fine. steve, eddie, nancy and robin spend hours running around the upside down trying to escape, and none of them seem concerned about the toxic atmosphere, or that steve has open wounds in a toxic atmosphere. the kids don't pick up on it either. then they go back into the upside down again without anything to protect them from the atmosphere, and we're supposed to believe that they're just fine afterwards.
i honestly think the duffers have just forgotten, and also can’t be arsed lol.
i guess maybe they also kind of needed to tone down the upside down being toxic so no one really questions how vecna (still human despite looking like that and being dickless) managed to survive down there for so long.
steve just has canonical magical healing powers atp, because that boy should be dead lmao. running around open wounds. barefoot. not a care in the world. doesn’t even get his wounds checked. and stobancy got strangled for about half an hour. and somehow they don’t even have bruises lol.
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harley-style · 7 months
VBS fans i offer for you an AU : VBS in the Reaper's Game aka TWEWY.
Ok ok SO. This is before their RISE event aka Kick It Up a Notch and shortly after Find A Way Out. The four of them are heading to weekend garage before BAM they die
They dont know HOW they died is the thing. That was wiped from their memory.
The one who personally puts them in the game is Neku but Joshua supports this decision (neku is the conductor in this au nc shinjuku fucked with his existence blah blah handwavvy canon). Theyre both personally interested in this group (and WxS but theyre still alive) bc the group is breathing life into Vivid Street and shibuya by extension.
Such important souls should not die so early so like, yeah, theyre given a chance to fight for their lives.
Neku goes to them in a reaper outfit and explains to them (patiently bc akito firmly goes into denial for the first half) that they are DEAD and they will be given a chance to be ressurected (incorrect but vbs are kind of not in the right mental space to brain their way through this) by playing a weeklong game.
Toya is immediately suspicious and asks why specifically them.
Neku doesnt answer bc honestly confidential, and kinda just says its a whim even tho its rlly not, VBS needs to be alive. Joshua personally sees into a potential future where VBS doesnt exist and its kinda bad.
How are our beloved street musicians doing you ask? Well.
Kohane is scared, but she handles her terror well. She asks the right questions and quickly adapts. She thinks Neku is hiding something (he is) so she has the most questions about this 'game'. She doesnt want An, Akito or Toya to be dead, so shell do her best to ensure that isnt a permanent reality. No matter what price she has to pay.
Toya is very skeptical about the Reaper's Game, but atp he doesnt really have a choice. Its not only his life on the line here, its the people most precious to him as well. So he squares up. But the poor boy reverts back into his cold facade when neku meets them. He only softens when he notices An (Akito can tell how he really feels on the inside so he doesnt feel the need to soften around him)
An is literally two seconds away from a total mental breakdown. Out of everyone she is handling it the worst. Shes thinking about vivid street, her family, her DAD...nearly works herself into a panic. Toya and Kohane hold her hands to keep her grounded, but only barely.
Akito is similarly not handling it well bc goddamnit, why did it have to be his team? They dont deserve this. Hes angry and accusatory towards neku, but his senses have sharpened to a point that he notices a few holes in neku's explanation. But the bastard doesnt seem intent on actually explaining, so once again, akito has to piece things together. Similar mindset to kohane-- he will do ANYTHING to get them out of this fucked up game.
Neku himself is pleasantly surprised by the fire in VBS' eyes and feels kinda guilty about whats about to be done. He explains the entry fee and it doesnt go well.
Kohane needs to lose her voice -- its something she feels brings her to VBS so she considers it very important. Her personal challenge will be to connect to her teammates without the power of her voice
An will become an Eri-Shiki situation and will have Nagi's appearance for the duration of the game. She needs to face her issue about being reminded of Nagi, and wanting to be like her when she doesnt need to-- An needs to find value in herself first.
Akito loses his passion and this hits VBS hard. Akito, i consider, is the literal backbone and foundation of VBS that keeps it working, yanno? Hes very meticulous when it comes to his teammates, his value and the most important thing that kept him going is his burning desire to chase his dream. IG he's like rhyme? He cares about his VBS, but he no longer understands why they chased after...what was it again? (Throughout the game he mostly just likes hanging around VBS and having fun with them. He would still very much like to leave the game but like...yeah
Toya is tricky, bc its not actually explicit what he values most. The entry fees are also meant to help the players in a way, so i cant just take his love for music bc there would be no point lol. His entry fee is...probably the ability to express his love. I feel like he needs to be able to show he loves his team despite it being taken from him.
Ofc, in true TWEWY fashion, they lose memories about their meeting with Neku, so they wake up confused and something missing
Kohane is with Akito near Hachiko. An and Toya land somewhere near Main Street. They all quickly realize something is wrong. Akito panics when he realizes Kohane cant talk. Kohane has to keep an arm on him at all times to keep him from spiralling and to prevent him from leaving her behind. Bc of his lost passion, akito comes off a lot nicer, which is weird, but kohane doesnt know why it unsettles her until later
Toya is a lot colder, this time, but he cares a lot about An (his entry fee wasnt his love for his teammates but the ability to express it ig) so he holds her hand all the way once he recognizes her. An initially doesnt realize she looks like Nagi until Toya points it out...by being a dick lol
An: Toya! I found you!
Toya: ...who are you?
An:...its me? An?
Toya: You dont look like An.
An: wtf do you mean *sees reflection* WHY DO I LOOK LIKE NAGI-SAN????
Theyre accosted by a mean-spirited Reaper who tells them they are dead and they have 1 week to win to be revived. Toya quietly points out that akito and kohane had been there before they ended up here. So begins the search.
They all instinctively form pacts bc theyre stupidly in love with each other and they trust each other. They are In Sync!!!
They do struggle though -- kohane has to act a lot bolder to attract akito's attention. Kohane quickly loses her shyness in the determination to survive and drags akito along, whos confused as to why kohane is trying this hard. Kohane slowly realizes why akito is acting a lot more subdued -- his fire, its gone. Hes not passionate anymore.
Akito rlly only cares about reuniting with VBS. Hes not thinking about how to get revived immediately, thinking he can just take his time. They work better as a team, yadda yadda.
So kohane has to struggle being the only one determined to get out
VBS reunites chaotically bc Akito sees An and is like Toya what are you doing with Nagi-san? And An is like akito its me tf! Surprised mf is he. Kohane explains (with limited vocab) that they need to survive for one week and complete missions etc...or face 'erasure'. None of them want to be erased to like yeah might as well.
An is having a TIME as Nagi. Bc as it turns out, some reapers are actually big RADder fans! They keep asking her to sing when she comes across them and she tries to oblige but ppl can tell when youre pretending to be someone youre not. Poor An has to live with the fact that shes barely like Nagi, even if she looks up to her so much.
Im sorry but we r also going thru an AkTy divorce arc 2. Toya resents akito's current situation bc wtf happened to his partner??? Akito is worried about Toya's sudden attitude and can tell hes mad but doesnt understand why. Akito is FINE. But stupid Toya doesnt see it that way.
Poor Kohane actually needs to wrangle these idiots bc akito cant muster up the willpower to, An is a little distracted and Toya isnt helping. With her voice out of the picture she really needs to try, with them. It forces her out of her shell more.
An slowly realizes that its not fun being seen as Nagi, bc shes quite proud of herself. Akito actually helps her make this conclusion bc he is attuned very well to VBS. No i will not shut up about how much attention akito pays VBS. Anyway An cries abt wanting ppl to love her for HER and not NAGI. VBS tells her shes being stupid, they already love An Shiraishi and no one else.
Toya is a lot less positive, sometimes even bitter, especially towards AkKh. He still very much loves them with all his heart, but you can resent a part of your loved one's character, yknow? He doesnt like that Akito is a lot more chill now, almost following along with Kohane. He no longer has his sights set forward and that fucks Toya up a bit. Where do they stand now, if his partner looks so lost? And man, Kohane. He appreciates that shes stepping up, but theres an ugly feeling thats welling up inside him. Its kinda like the feelings Akito had for kohane pre-main story ish.
AKITO. man akito. Akito starts off strong, willing to take the heat with Kohane and VBS, but on day 6 he practically doesnt give a shit. Kohane has to drag him everywhere, to get him to do anything. He has to be bribed. He just doesnt see the point, plus they figure out that they can just come back as reapers. He and Toya get into a fight about it -- toya pointing out that reaper duties would interfere with practice, and akito getting confused as to why theyd need to practice. They discover that akito no longer recognizes rad weekened and thus has no desire to surpass anything. Rather than his passion (honestly at this point theyre the same thing), they took his DREAM. Ouch. Its a good thing he still likes being a musician with VBS. But he thinks its just a fun thing. Kohane and Toya get really mad. An tries to mediate.
They all nearly die on the sixth day but Akito finally gets out of his funk and helps them. He may not understand why theyre trying so hard, but he loves them (he is a kind and caring boy fight me) and hes willing to try for their sakes
Kohane struggles with inferiority issues, but most of her struggles are physical. She really just needs to recognize that her value isnt just her voice, she is valued as KOHANE. She also becomes a good leader (not that VBS has a leader, just someone who takes charge in certain situations) bc she is willing to do anything she can. If she cant be a good singer for VBS, shes going to damn well shine in other ways.
Same thing with An and needing to be Valued as An Herself, though there are a lot of angsty stuff that happens throughout the week. An breaks down a lot, its not pretty. Especially when a reaper lets it slip (hes a part of the Vivid Streed community) that nagi is Dead DEAD and cue An not wanting to return to her old self bc she desperately wants Nagi. So she is also resistant to the idea of ending the game which doesnt sit well with kohane or toya. Eventually she does admit that she wants just to be AN, not Nagi despite how much she wants to see her again (but she cant). She learns acceptance!
Toya is desperate to leave the game, and is almost harsh for it. He feels so fucking hollow and depressed and he hates it. He wants out. He pushes them a lot and its only akito getting angry that hes acting like his father that toya gets a reality check. It nearly breaks him. He loves his father, but he doesnt want to end up treating his loved ones the same way his father has treated him. He apologizes after a minute of self reflection.
At this point, in the seventh day, theyre all in agreement that the goal here is to find a way out of the game. By the seventh day, they have to fight neku and its an extremely difficult fight. Neku hits hard and he hits home, both physically and emotionally. Its more of a test on his part, he needs VBS to truly shine, and they do. Akito, even without his passion/dream, displays that he loves, and he loves fiercely. He loves VBS, and thats all he needs to fuel him further and further.
Kohane learns to shine and impact others even without her voice. She is a heavy presence on the battlefield and demands your attention, giving her friends time to whittle away at the enemy
An does things her own way, and she does so by riding the momentum of her teammates. She dances to the beat of her own tune, and even though she wears the appearance of Kotaki Nagi, its clear that she is An Shiraishi and no one else
Toya learns to channel all of himself. He has a distinct ugly side, and with it he learns to wield it without hurting others, but instead support them. Just ok im losing words for this but he is there he learns to accept himself yeah thats how he fights
Neku deems them good enough and shifts down the plane and explains to them, finally, why they specifically have been chosen to play this game. Its very ominous, his warning of "Shibuya needs you. It needs VBS" bc YEAH NO PRESSURE RIGHT. Anyway, they learn Neku is like chill af and they get his card. Akito bugs out bc. CAT???? WTF??? neku doesnt explain but invites them to Mr. H's cafe instead.
They wake up in hospitals. A week has indeed passed since they got killed lmao. A worried ken visits An, Ena is sobbing over Akito, Kohane gets piled on by Minori and Emu, and Toya gets worried Tenmas lol.
VBS goes to the SEKAI (previously being unable to in the UG) and tells the VS about their troubles. MEIKO doesnt let them out of the cafe for HOURS. Miku Len and Rin hover over them, and even KAITO and Luka seem worried. But theyre gonna be ok.
VBS, after getting out, are a lot more cohesive as a unit. Now youll catch akito referring to kohane and an as his partners along with toya. Toya has a bit of a mean streak and his vocals have gotten more powerful. Kohane gains a hell of a lot of stage presence and An begins to defy expectations, bc everyone always was like "just like nagi, just like ken, just like taiga" to her but now shes unapologetically An to everyone.
Thats not the only thing thats changed with VBS. Now theyre able to identify Reaper aligned stores and mostly hang in there. They meet Shiki in Gatto Nero and become instant fans (especially akito. Hes delighted when hes offered a flexible job from her lmfao)
An is a little uoset that her town hid a big secret from her, but mostly doesnt dwell on it bc like, hell, shes been through the wringer. She DIED, and came back to tell the world she LIVED, BITCH.
vbs meets hanekoma and honestly mr h doesnt know why secrecy is a thing anymore and exasperatedly tells them highly edited accounts of neku and joshua. And their world. Vbs realizes that, yeah, they really are THAT important, and while they are pressured, theyre just all the more incentivized to practice and become the best musicians. RAD WEEKEND is now just another stepping stone for them -- they have their sights on bigger and grander things.
Which is why, during RISE...things happen a bit differently. Kotaro, Arata and Tatsuya are in for a big shock bc Kohane KILLS it from the get go, white lines and all. An is so fucking proud (and she went through the nagi angst already so no "she looks like nagi :(")
things calm down with EVER and Kotaro and Arata. And then VBS comes on stage and blows the crowd away. Wheeee.
Taiga still does the thing where he challenges a bunch of teenagers and young adults but is absolutely thrown for a loop when, after revealing the secret, an goes "i know. Youre a dick for keeping it secret, btw"
VBS nearly matches Taiga and that serves to shock all of them even more. Where the hell is this fire coming from? Taiga begins to doubt his intial impressions of VBS. He thinks they could actually surpass rad weekend, but doubles down and slams them with his full strength
And Vbs. Doesnt even. Flinch. (Well, yeah, compared to fighting a 24 story tall monster who can absolutely toss you at a building, an intensely singing middle aged man is significantly less terrifying. Like. Noise is based on emotions, negative emotions especially. So like, theyre pretty intense, you gotta fight them with your full soul.)
Vbs loses only bc their voices cant properly convey their passion, but the fire in their eyes dont die out. Theyre steady, and more than ready to take on whatever bullshit the world decides to throw at them.
So when Ken finds them hes surprised to see them all just chatting quietly. An asks him to explain why vivid street lied calmly. An finalizes her resolve -- she wants to take nagis dream as her own, and fulfill it in her own way, with VBS.
Oh yeah, ken still trains them, but VBS also gets in contact with a bunch of the reapers who want to give them a hand. 777, especially, takes an interest in them. Vbs expands their community to all around shibuya. Everyone is like, why is vbs running around shibuya like all the time without looking tired???? (Bc they went through 7 days of exactly that. Running around shibuya without looking tired.)
Anyway more fun HCs their pin powers: kohane gets puppy (forgot the brand but its happy puppy? Puppy? The paw brand one fuck) pins and pins themed around spring. An gets star types and ones that let her move around the field heh. Akito has fire based ones and minor telekinesis. Toya somehow has a basic ice pillar, lightning, and the healer pins. He was their angry healer.
Joshua meets them at one point and Akito immediately susses him out. Neku tells them joshua is his boss and vbs is like Oh. 🧍‍♂️ (they are legit terrified of him. Joshua thinks theyre cute.)
Vbs also starts dating shortly thereafter, but their dating lives are a mess. They dont know what to call each other! Bc atp girlfriend and boyfriend feels too shallow. They default to partners but its rlly more than that. Kohane starts calling them her soul, akito follows with his heart, an calls them her lights and toya gets rlly sappy and calls them his everything. They dont know what theyre doing. Someone help them.
Like genuinely theyre not sure if theyre dating or just really really clingy, and theyre not interested in exploring it either. Theyre just happy being together, yanno?
Kohane starts up her solo shows again but this time shes experimenting with styles. She missed her voice a lot and is a lot more self assured so she makes more mistakes but gets a lot farther with making her voice a unique tone.
Akito no longer has that filter holding him back and just pours his whole soul out. Ken is so fucking proud. He refines what akito has and lets him loose
An also works on her stage presence, starts upgrading more than just her voice. She gets lessons from haruka! And her charm shoots through the roof (shes a quick study lololol) she nearly gets scouted by a label but is like nah sorry ive got a music group? Im just doing this for training 😊 she and kohane also go to WxS for lessons on acting and stage presence!
Toya, in a surprising turn of events, dives into classical music (patiently explaining to his father that he still wants to pursue his music career with vbs) bc now...now toya wants to devour EVERYTHING. All music. Because every music is valued. He expands his repertoire and truly comes up with some of the most unhinged demos for VBS (some are unreleased bc vbs only does the best but they keep the unreleased ones bc its just plain fun, they realized along the way that they dont HAVE to sacrifice what is fun for what is exceptional)
Overall VBS just gets a major upgrade and joshua is as pleased as pie bc shibuya is once again thriving. Now if only he can get the other units to thrive too... thats only if they die, like vbs did, and get put into the game ofc.
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fisheyezzz · 9 months
Can you tell me more about this prison au it’s so painfully intriguing
okay okay this may just be repeating things ive said already but ill just give u a quick rundown.
basically, a few days or so after the events of octo expansion, q was arrested by the government for various major crimes they committed during octo expansion (i would say what this is but its still something that happens in normal canon. the reason q is arrested in this au but not in canon is because this information is leaked to them due to them coming in possession of q’s employee model CQ-80). the government would have overlooked this because of their agent status, but it freaked them out enough to come to the conclusion that q was a threat to them, therefore being the reason they are imprisoned.
all of the nsbs finds out about this pretty quickly, which leaves everyone (including alice though she feels they deserve it) really shaken. they kind of slow down operations due to the government watching them more closely.
basically the same thing happens with alice—shes suffering from extreme self hatred and trauma so instead of facing that herself she projects it onto q. she goes to where they’re held whenever she’s under stress to try and cope with that.
q is probably the most different in this au cause theyre forced into this isolation immediately after they were very traumatized by kamabo co so theyre a little bit off their rocker atp. they often smile and start laughing when alice comes by to yell at them cause they believe theyre getting what they deserve from her.
basically things go like this for a while until alice realizes how strange this all is—there doesnt seem to be a reason why q has been locked up as this info wasnt disclosed to the nsbs. she tries asking them directly one day instead of shouting at them, but q refuses to tell her and instead goes silent. this makes alice even more confused and she decides to try and figure out why q has been put in there. why?? probably cause she wants something to distract her from her emotional state . so overtime her and q’s conversations become more calm as alice tries to get closer to them in an effort to understand them better. she starts to develop feelings for them but she has NOT stoped using them as a coping mechanism or confronted her real feelings so this attraction to them really weighs on her alot and she refuses to admit it. also the fact they are literally in prison for something she doesnt know ab and apparently the government is scared of them. so shes also scared of them.
if u have any otuer questions shoot them my way this is my best explanation of this au w/o any prompts 💀
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noxiatoxia · 3 months
goten and trunks as kids would always bathe together and play in the brief family's large ass tub and make a mess but as they got older like preteens trunks started feeling weird abt it bc yaknow puberty and becoming aware of The Sexening and "well im not gay and this seems a little gay ..." but goten genuinely seemed to have 0 issues 0 reservations as if he still viewed it thru the lens of a 7 year old and that behavior made trunks be like well hes so innocent about all this. so its not gay. & then they get to teen years and they are STILL bathing together !?!? bc goten STILL acts unaffected and trunks atp is so used to this that hes doesnt really care much anymore either altho he still gets a little cagey when goten is like "hehe let me wash ur back!" bc wow....kind of........... homosexual ? but goten doesnt care. its not that he doesnt know how this can be percieved. in fact he knew that for a long time. he just literally Does Not Care and he knows his intentions & feelings and theyre alone no ones watching so who cares? this is normal to him. no useless pride to get in the way of living his best life. now if trunks DID think it was too gay but also accept it into his heart of hearts and was lije omg goten you dropped the soap bar haha (eyes full of intent) goten wouldnt say no in fact this is just another activity for him qnd his best friend. no different than sparring like OMG we are going to .. SEX !?, HIP HIP HOORAY! and then goten leaves the bathroom that day unaffected abt his outlook on his relationship with trunks. give it up for our amarous king!?!??!
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