#and i'm aware she'd had a crush on him since forever but it doesn't make sense it's a we are in love together with each other song
maddy-ferguson · 11 months
the soundtrack is my least favorite part of the summer i turned pretty there's just too many needle drops let's calm down why are you playing lover when we're seeing conrad for the first time
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icedragonlizard · 8 months
Kirby and Susie dynamic after Robobot
This is a dynamic I've had a lot of thoughts on. Susie is one of my favorite characters in the Kirby series, and I've always thought that she'd make an adorable friendship with Kirby after the events of Planet Robobot. I can explain my headcanons of this friendship.
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This image came from the Sparkling Pupupu manga comics. I'm aware it's not technically canon, but this scene right here basically exists in my headcanons!
In my headcanon universe, even though these two certainly didn't get off to a good start, they became friends afterwards.
After Star Dream was destroyed, Kirby wanted to see Susie again and thank her for her help against the machine, forgive her for what happened, and hopefully become her friend. But that didn't happen immediately, as Susie left Popstar to have some time for herself first before she comes back to the planet to apologize for what she did.
It's months after Robobot's events when Kirby and Susie encounter each other again. Thankfully, she didn't display any hostility, as Kirby had gained her respect. She allowed him to say what he wanted to say to her, which was essentially forgiving her and wanting to become her friend.
Susie was stunned that Kirby chose to be all nice and kind to her, considering what happened before. After being stunned, she figured that she wouldn't mind becoming his friend. She apologizes for the invasion, and he of course accepts that apology.
Kirby then expresses sadness over Haltmann's death, who he assumed was related to Susie. This is where things took a slight turn.
That's when Susie then began opening up about her past to Kirby. She revealed how Haltmann was actually her father. She talked about her backstory in essence, and then how she feels immense crushing guilt and remorse for accidentally causing his death. Her mood has been rather sucking after her dad died. She hasn't been too well.
Kirby, being young, didn't completely fathom all the details she disclosed, but he understood enough to make him realize that poor Susie has suffered a traumatic life. It made him really sad. He thought what happened to her was nothing short of heartbreaking.
He then gave Susie a hug, telling her that she deserves one after everything she's been through. This hug caused her to break down, as she literally hasn't had a hug ever since her Another Dimension incident, because her father refused to give her any after Star Dream ripped apart his mind. This sudden hug that Kirby gives her causes her to cry. She hugs back and thanks him so much for his sweetness.
This is the point where their friendship becomes cemented, as Susie began to really appreciate Kirby. She realizes that there's more to him than just being really powerful. She realizes he's also basically the definition of a friend with how forgiving, kind and sweet he is.
Kirby is the first friend that Susie makes in just about forever. She wishes that her father had given her as much kindness and generosity as Kirby has.
After their first post-Robobot encounter, they've been friends since. Susie doesn't ever move to living in Popstar, as she lives on a different planet where the Haltmann Works Company's main base of operations is located. That's her home. Kirby occasionally flies to her planet to give her a visit and see how she's doing. It doesn't matter if you live in a different planet, Kirby will still visit you if you're his friend. Ribbon has still been living in Ripple Star this entire time, and Kirby visits her every now and then.
Susie intends to revive the Haltmann Works Company and become its new CEO, but instead of mechanizing planets, she'll consensually help planets with her technology. This is what her dad wanted, before his memory erasure. This shift in the company's direction gets approved by Kirby, as he's glad to see that she's trying to be better.
At some point before Star Allies, Kirby brings Susie over to Popstar to have a tour and let the planet know that she's not an enemy anymore. There are many people such as Meta Knight and Bandana Dee that still don't forgive her, but most of the planet's population, even including King Dedede (he wasn't happy with her at first, but eventually warmed up to her acquaintance) has forgiven her. Popstar allows her to take vacations on the planet if she wants to. She does vacation on Popstar sometimes, as she gets to know Kirby's other friends.
She ends up interacting rather awkwardly with many of Kirby's other friends at first, as she tries to understand them and they try to understand her. Some of them end up not liking her, but there are others that do like her as they become friends with her.
Magolor and Taranza are the two most prominent friends that Susie has made. Those two are her best friends, aside from Kirby himself.
Gooey and the animal friends all surprisingly like Susie, as they're very generous and forgiving in general. Within them, she's formed a close friendship with ChuChu, who she finds to be super adorable. Susie and ChuChu, both being cute hot-pink bitches, love to do cute hot-pink bitch things together. Sometimes, they may even drag Kirby along in their cute hot-pink shenanigans, as he's always happy to join them.
The Mage Sisters also became Susie's friends after Star Allies.
It made Kirby happy to see Susie be successful in getting along with some of his other friends. He did feel like she really could've used more friends, as she went a long time without having any.
Kirby is basically Susie's little emotional support friend. He's no expert in words of encouragement, but he does often tell her that she's cared about and appreciated.
He's given her a lot of hugs throughout the years of their friendship. Kirby is a very huggy boi and gives hugs to all of his friends. In Susie's case, though, Kirby does really think she deserves them after what she's been through. Taranza is also someone that Kirby hugs a lot, because he's been through stuff like Susie has.
Sometimes, Kirby stops by at her home planet, shows up in her office room, and sits on her desk and colors while she works. She gladly allows this, as she appreciates his company.
There are times where she sings for him. He likes her voice. It's different songs from the 'Noble Haltmann' theme, though, as she hasn't sung that one ever since her father died.
As you would've guessed from the image near the top of this post, Kirby and Susie are ice cream buddies! 100%. It doesn't matter where they're at, whether it's Kirby visiting her or she vacations at Popstar to see him, they'll sit together eating ice cream. Susie has already managed to get her employees to build an ice cream place at her home planet, even though it's not quite the massive ice cream factory from during the invasion. She'll take Kirby to that place.
Even though Susie first adopted the nickname 'Pinky" for Kirby, she does get around to calling him by his real name as well. She may occasionally still call him 'Pinky' though at moments she acts silly.
At some point after Star Allies, Susie starts teaching Kirby how to use a gun. Which then makes her proud and delighted when Kirby tells her that he's used a gun-like ability, the Ranger ability, during his time in the Forgotten Land.
She visited the Forgotten Land a couple of times, as she got to witness Kirby using the Ranger ability. She also got to see the 'Space Ranger' outfit, which she loves. She thinks the 'Space Ranger' outfit is adorable on Kirby.
Susie, like all of Kirby's other friends, also shows up for him on his birthdays. The presents that Susie gives to him are robotic toys that her company mass produces. Oh and, um, Robobot Armor present in one of his birthdays as well. Hahahahahahahaha! Who would've guessed?!?
I'd like to say that basically wraps up my dynamic for these two. I'd like to say that in my headcanon universe, Susie can basically be considered a "big sister friend" for Kirby in a similar vein that Magolor and Taranza can be considered "big brother friends" for him.
Susie is still rather corporate in attitude, as she still tends to throw money and science at things. She lives outside of Popstar and has rather mixed results in her relationships with Kirby's other friends... with some of them liking her, as others don't. Some of them think she's fucked up, lmao. But despite all of that, Susie has gotten herself on Kirby's good side as she's been included in his vast colorful group of friends. He's her little buddy like he's everyone else's little buddy.
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piningpercussionist · 4 months
*another letter!* It's me, again, I... well... not trying to be creepy, or whatever. but I had a dream about you last night, and it felt so real and it kind of shook me. ever since then it's been like I'm suddenly hyper aware of just how lonely I am . and it's kind of getting me down. for as far back as I can remember, the only thing I've ever wanted is a sincere, genuine romantic relationship, and, even though I'm fairly young, around your age. the fact that I haven't been able to even get my foot in the door on that sort of thing really bothers me. figured I'd talk, or... I guess... write? to you about it, I don't know if it's particularly impolite to dump your personal issues via pseudo-anonymous letters. so I'll keep this my rambling to a minimum. thanks for putting up with me, by the way. you're genuinely sweet. safe travels -Crush Guy
((ooc: man. sorry to answer this in a nebulous future state again. coordinating things, am I right? /j. I would have had to do so regardless though, given what I have in store for Kim here... no spoilers! :) But we'll see what happens.))
Kim flops back down on her bed, letting out a long, low groan. That trip had exhausted her, thoroughly; she wasn't sure she wanted to think about or do anything for the next forever, at least, but... She cracks open an eye and looks over at her pillows, noticing another letter waiting for her. Sitting up with a sigh, she rubs her eyes before taking it up and opening it, trying to will herself to feel more alive.
Reading over the letter, Kim frowns, feeling something like a pull in her chest. She rubs at her sternum and brings her knees up to wrap arms around her legs, looking back over it a couple times thoughtfully.
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I can certainly understand that... she thought to herself, resting a cheek to one knee. I want for a lot of things, I guess. And do without them. But I can definitely understand that kind of longing.
She eventually uncurls and shifts about, moving to lean back against her propped up pillows, now placed to cover the gaps in her bed frame. Despite herself, she finds her thoughts taking her back- as they often do- to high school. She feels the painful twinge again, and she's thankful not to have to hide her emotions in the safety of her room- she'd locked the door, after all.
She could still remember what it had felt like, back then; to be loved. Or to think that you were. She'd still been herself- Kim Pine: bitchy, aloof, and sarcastic, with a corrosive tongue that loved to lash out- but with Scott she'd felt so warm, and she knew deep down that she'd let herself thaw a little, in that time. She'd been less cold in ways Lauren had called her on immediately, much to her displeasure, but she hadn't been able to deny it, then. She still couldn't now, really; she was just better at masking it. She liked to think she was, at least.
She missed feelings like that- the warmth; the carefree nature in which they'd spend their time together. The way he would look at her stunned and flush after she'd tease him over some stupid comment he'd made, or how he'd turn away whenever Kim would catch him staring at her during class...
She hates the way it still feels warm now, thinking back. Warmth paired with the uncomfortable hole in her chest- a paradoxically heavy weight to an emptiness, expanding outward, trying to numb itself and failing miserably- only spreading the fire. Though there are none, Kim finds herself rubbing at her eyes, concerned that she might find tears there.
You need to stop doing this, she thinks to herself, as ineffectively as always. The thought has no weight if she doesn't put effort into making it actionable; she knows, because she's thought it so many times before. It was high school, Kim. It clearly meant nothing to him. Let it be nothing for you, too. Please? It'd be easier.
She spends a couple minutes trying to pull herself together, picking at loose threads along the edge of her skirt. The feeling continues to linger, however, so she simply sucks it up and starts in on her reply.
Don't worry about it, guy; dreams take us a lot of places we don't intend. It's not really creepy- honestly maybe expected, with us talking like this. Hope it was a pleasant one. And it's alright, I think. I get where you're coming from, too. I mean, I've dated around, but it's hard to find genuine connection with people. The kind I crave, at least. You'll need to kill me before I admit anything beyond that, though, heh. No problem, and also thanks, I suppose. Though I have my doubts on how true of a statement that is.
She's not entirely certain if she's satisfied with her answer by the time she's done, but she shrugs and sends it anyway, too tired to give it much more thought. Maybe a nap will fix me... she wonders to herself, eventually moving to lay curled up on her side facing the wall.
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She would try for a while, but sleep would elude her; instead, a reel of memories plays back in her mind, haunting her with a distant, hopeful version of herself. How naive...
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mauesartetc · 2 years
Just some things since you keep saying Loona leaving Blitzo for Verosika would've been a better resolution. You do know that Loona only interacted with Vortex for an hour so at best and he has a girlfriend? You do know that Loona didn't interact with Verosika and only knows her through magazines? You do know that Loona's stuff is still at Blitz's apartment? You do know that Loona didn't have any story before this and making a main character leave the cast so early would be seen as a big mistake?
I'm aware, yes.
Even though Vortex has a girlfriend, there's nothing stopping Loona from just being... his friend. She doesn't need ulterior motives just to hang out with him (that's some gross Nice Guy shit right there), and based on the note she leaves for Blitzo in Ep 7, she's doing exactly that. Despite the fact she'd only known Vortex for a short time, he treated her much better than Blitzo did.
Second, because we meet the succubi in Hell, it stands to reason they planned to return at some point rather than stay on Earth forever. Hell's their home, and they've never shown any desire to move out. What sense would it make to just vamoose for no reason? Since she grew up in the same society as the succubi, Loona would know they planned to go back. Staying with them wouldn't mean she's staying out of Hell for good; just temporarily getting some much-needed space from Blitzo. There's no reason she wouldn't be able to go back for her stuff, and there's no reason being separated from the main cast means she's leaving the main cast.
Loona didn't have any story before this? Well she didn't have much of a story during or after this, hon. You want to talk about "better" resolutions? The conflict between her and Blitzo never even had one.
Let's review: Blitzo sees that Loona has a crush on Vortex and does his damnedest to interfere, which causes Loona to justifiably blow up at him. This character is a 20-something adult, so yeah, she'd want a little freedom from the overbearing father figure she never needed or wanted. Blitzo then slinks away, and Loona brushes this off to console herself and Vortex. He'll be fine, don't worry about it. What happens next in this plot thread? The portal opens up, and Loona goes home with the guy making her feel like a prisoner. That's it. Neither one apologizes, neither one makes sure the other's okay, and neither has brought up this event in subsequent episodes. The blow-up happened, had no bearing on anything else, and was forgotten almost as quickly. It was beyond anticlimactic. Any resolution would've been preferable to setting up a conflict with no payoff.
Instead, Loona could've stayed behind with Vortex and the succubi, planning to go back to Hell with them. Sure, she doesn't know this crew that well, but anyone who's pissed at their smothering, non-consensual guardian would gladly take a chance on strangers rather than spend another minute with him. She could've told Blitzo, "Hey, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I know you just want what's best for me, but I'm not a kid anymore. You can't make my decisions for me. Please, let me figure shit out on my own." Blitzo could've been sad but understanding, and could've went through the portal by himself. Then, the cops would arrest Loona along with the succubi, and that'd set up the next episode's conflict.
Just blue-skying here, but what if the hellhounds didn't "suck a lot of pig dick" to get out of jail like the succubi did? What if, in Episode 4, Blitzo sees Verosika return to Hell without Loona and demands to know where she is? Verosika would reveal that Loona and Vortex are in jail, and that she has every intention to go back for her bodyguard; she just had to make a pit stop to replenish her beelzejuice. This could lead to a reluctant team-up between them as they orchestrate a prison break.
Meanwhile, Loona and Vortex could find a way to communicate and help each other in the slammer, though they might realize their human disguises are starting to flicker away. They've been masquerading for too long, and it's draining their power. If they don't get out of jail soon, their cover's blown, and they figure the humans will ship them off to some top-secret government facility to be dissected.
Then, when Blitzo and Verosika arrive and engage in various shenanigans to distract the cops, Blitzo might find that Loona's already broken herself out of her cell. She was independent and self-sufficient, surviving just fine without him. Then they spring Vortex and fuck off back to Hell, with smiling faces all around. Blitzo could tell Loona how proud he was of her, and how he realizes she no longer needs his help. Loona could agree she doesn't need it, but maybe sometimes she wants it. She could admit that his turning up at the jail showed her how much he really cared, and that gave her the strength to press on. Wow, their relationship actually developed instead of stagnating! Imagine that.
This is what we could've had instead of C.H.E.R.U.B. I'll let readers decide which option is more palatable.
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jd-loves-everyone · 4 years
Chapter 1: Lee Minho
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At the age of 12, the school's yearly talent contest was probably the less exciting thing about my life, unlike what most of my peers thought. Not that it was boring but, considering I didn't have anything I practiced and/or was confident enough in to show off, I just felt slightly bad for all the dreams crushed at that damned event.
I could practically smell the sweat and tears (thankfully not literally) that would be spilled on the raised wooden stage as me and my friend, Maia, entered the auditorium.
Maia, my friend since the beginning of that year (not quite my BEST friend yet, but maybe ONE of them), with what I thought was an unmatched talent for musical theatre, was sat beside me.
She was supposed to be behind those giant puke green curtains, getting ready to take the award home. But because of a twisted ankle, she was unable to (something she cried about for at least a week, unlike what I would've done).
Even in that moment I couldn't understand why she'd want to even come see the contest, considering it would only hurt her more. But I didn't question it, and instead continued to make meaningless conversation with her about our day, as parents and children began to fill the space.
The show began shortly after the (way too long) speech from the principal about how we should all enjoy the show and have fun and all that.
I somewhat space after the disappointment that was the first girl, I feel some pity for her, being the first one to perform must not be easy. I did want to comment with Maia on it but she seemed to be in her own dimension, as I could also see the thoughts going through her head at 100 miles per hour, so I zoned out.
I remember seeing a boy with an exceptionally beautiful voice, which both me and Maia nodded along to and clapped extra hard for (even if when had been politely clapping for every participant, we gave it a LITTLE more effort that time), and I can recall little less.
There apparently were a lot more students participating that year, because the show to drag on forever and move slower than a snail, which quickly got pretty boring. I returned my attention to the brightly lit stage when seeing Maia sit a little straighter in her stair out of the corner of my eye in anticipation.
The contestant announced was "Lee Minho, the Dancing Gem."
'That's a bit much.' Was what I was planning to comment to Maia, before I saw the look of admiration in her eyes and the bittersweet up turn of her lips.
"You know him?" I asked instead. Her whole demeanor changed as she energetically turned to me.
"Do I know him? Who doesn't?! He's the most talented dancer in the district, I can guarantee you. My teacher watched him dance at a competition once and said that he had the potential to win at least a few national awards at just 13. That has to count for something." She declared passionately, waving her arms about.
I hummed a quiet (and unsure) 'we'll see', before turning towards the stage once more as the spotlights focused on the centre as the thick curtains parted slightly to let the next competitor through.
Upon first glance, there was nothing too special about his appearance. He was of average height, with somewhat broad shoulders covered by a white shirt, long legs dressed in ripped blue jeans and sneakers on his feet. That plus the usual straight black hair in the usual hairstyle really didn't make him stand out much. But god, was his face enough to make him stand out.
The best way to describe it was, pretty. He was just too pretty to be real.
He had double-lidded cat like eyes, a sharp and thin nose and a not too sharp nor too soft jawline. The most curious thing about his appearance was what I like to call a 'cat smile', a smile where the corners of the lips turned upwards while the rest remained in a straight line. It all just seemed to work. I could already imagine my mother saying something like 'Either puberty came earlier for him or he's gonna be a model when it does' and at that moment, I couldn't agree more with the imaginative comment.
'The beauty of simplicity' is as close as I could get to making justice to his features.
"You seem very focused now compared to earlier." Maia commented cheekily, making me blush. I couldn't even formulate an answer (to the clear jab at my ego), too caught up in wondering about truthfulness of it. Did he catch my attention more than the others? Obviously yes (not that they could really compare to him). Do I find him undeniably attractive? Hell yes. 'Oh god. I think I just got my first crush.'
I momentarily pushed those troublesome thoughts aside, instead focusing on the performance. And thank god I did, I soon realized I would've hated to miss even a second of the stunning act.
The way he moved was captivating in its own way. It looked natural, almost effortless, but it was also easy to tell that a lot of strict planning was involved, every move was flawless and not a centimeter out of place.
It was mesmerizing to watch, the charisma radiated from him in waves from the beginning all the way to the end of the performance.
When it ended, I became aware of the flabbergasted expression I had on my face, jaw slack and eyes wide in awe. It was too much for my young brain to fully comprehend. And maybe it was my, still recovering, brain playing tricks on me, but I swore he locked eyes with me as he bowed respectfully, throwing one of those cat-like smiles in my direction before exiting the stage. Probably didn't happen.
Well, if I THOUGHT I had a crush just by looking at him, I was sure of it after seeing him dance. That and I had just discovered my new passion.
"Dude, my teacher was right. He is SO much better in person." Maia commented lightly, turning my way. She was only met with my wide eyes and flushed cheeks as I realized...
"I have a crush on Lee Minho... And I really wanna learn how to dance." Maia blinked owlishly at my declaration, before bursting out into laughter.
"Oh, you got it bad huh. Well, maybe you can talk to him after the show." She said teasingly, holding back from letting her lips spread out into a wide cheshire grin.
"Oh please. I'd just be bothering him." My blush darkened, mentally dismissing the idea immediately. Like he'd care about what I had to say.
"Come on, why not? I'm sure he'd appreciate it." Maia said, genuinely this time, as I looked at her doubtfully.
The show was over in no time, as I pondered about whether or not I should actually go and talk to my new found crush, as Maia pestered me to do so.
The awards were given out, Minho winning first place (which came as a surprise to no one), the other awards going to people who frankly weren't that great but it wasn't like the whole selection was anything extraordinary. They were the best of the worst you could say, mediocre at best. But who am I to judge, they were just kids, but I guess my standard rose a little too high after Minho's breathtaking and heart-shatteringly captivating performance.
I eventually relented, getting up and stomping with a newfound determination to the main school hall where everyone had gathered after the show, looking around.
The hall was filled to the brim with parents and students alike, chatting lively and congratulating each other (some simply for participating).
It was hard to make out anyone's face clearly in the ocean of people, but nonetheless I tried my best to look for the star of the night, despite the nerves and anxiety sizzling in my gut.
I finally caught a glimpse of him as he was leaving the hall towards the outside of the building, probably hoping to not be bothered as he probably had already been bombarded by questions and praises all night. I stood there, in a slight moment of hesitation. 'Maybe he went outside because he wanted space, I really shouldn't bother him.'
I, mentally, shook that thought out of my head, if I wanted to talk to him it had to be now or I'd never do it.
I began walking toward the door leading outside, pulling it open with probably more strength than necessary.
As I stepped outside, I saw the boy of the night, sitting on the stone stepped right outside the door, looking up at the tall buildings surrounding the school.
Upon hearing the door slam closed, Minho turned in my direction to see who had just stepped outside, a stern but subtle furrow in his eyebrows.
"Hey can I bother you for a few minutes?" I spoke with surprising confidence, that even I didn't expect.
Due to his seemingly annoyed facial expression, I thought the answer might've been a no, but his eyes widened as he carefully took in my features, what looked like recognition flashing through his eyes. It was hard to tell what it was exactly because of his calm, maybe even cold, expression. I might've missed the changes if I wasn't paying close attention to his face (which got harder and harder as I looked at how his eyes seemed to spark like stars. Which was honestly, unfairly distracting.
"You don't bother." He finally spoke, patting the stone next to him, for me to sit.
"We'll see about that in a few minutes." I said jokingly as I sat next to him. From the corner of my eye, I could see a slight, microscopical upturn in his lips. A break in his mask, perhaps.
"I... I know you've either heard this too many times already, or if not it's gonna sound really weird but... I-I... Just wanted to say that..." I tried my best to get the words out, but it got nearly impossible as I felt his curious eye on the side of my down turned face.
"You know what? Forget it. It's not even that--"
"Important? I think it is, if this hard to get it out. Come on, don't leave me hanging now." He cut me off with a light chuckle, a gentle and encouraging smile on his lips when I turned towards his voice at the interruption.
"Well... It's kind of silly but... I just wanted to say that... I sort of, fell in love with dancing because of you. Watching you perform really, ignited something in me. And I think I really just meant to say thank you for giving me something to be passionate about." As I finished I started rubbing my arms, it seemed like that temperature had dropped a few degrees. Or maybe it was just the contrast of the chilly night air with my blushing cheeks.
At his silence, I slowly lifted my head to gage his reaction. I found shock written all over his face, the last crack on his emotionless mask making it shatter completely. I also found that the expression he wore was absolutely adorable, making me unintentionally let out a small giggle, which seemed to make him snap out of whatever trance he had been under. It also seemed to ease the tense atmosphere that had built up around us due to his previous lack of reaction and my own nerves.
He looked as if he was holding back a smile of his own, but it broke through his facade as  he turned towards the buildings once again, their lights reflecting in his eyes.
"You were wrong you know? No one has ever said that to me before and it's not weird at all either. It's actually really touching. I never thought I had that effect on other people, I just thought all of them felt a sort of enjoyment at watching me. I never imagined I could move someone's emotions like that." He admitted chuckling, his eyes seeming to hold a new, beautiful shine to them.
"Well, now you know." I said awkwardly, fiddling with my sleeves. His stare was just a bit too intense for me to handle, making my blush darken (if possible).
"If you're serious about dancing, maybe you should join the dance club. I'm part of it, so I could help you out if you need it."
"Oh no, I don't know if that'd be a good idea. I would just be slowing you down." I said, furiously shaking my head in denial.
"It's no problem at all! I'm actually thinking of becoming a dance teacher when I grow up so, helping YOU helps ME." He smiled cutely.
'Why are you so damn cute?!'
"If it really isn't a problem, I guess I could try at least one class. Just to see if I like it. But I don't promise that I will!" I gave in after looking into his pleading eyes and (adorable) pouty lips. The contrast between his expression at that moment and at the beginning of our conversation was almost enough to give me whiplash. I preferred this expression much more.
We continued to talk for what seemed like an hour, though I couldn't be sure.
I did, in fact, join the school's dance club and stayed in it all the way up to high school (which wasn't covered by our school so we had to move, luckily we went to the same one, something I very anxious about).
In the dance club, I realized that it was a good idea for Minho to become a dance teacher. Under his guidance, I quickly got used to my new hobby, which soon turned into passion. He made everything seem easy and simple, and moved in a way that highlighted the precision of his moves.
I didn't think he could improve his dancing anymore, but he proved me wrong, as it had become usual, by continuing to win various awards which only got bigger and bigger.
As my love for dancing grew, so did my crush on him, as I got to see more of his 4D personality, and met his 3 adorable cats: Soon-ie, Doong-ie and Dori. I was even there when he got Dori, so I was pretty attached to the cat. (To all of them, as they were just absolutely adorable).
I've also experienced his slight... change in personality. How he became flirtier, how his compliments became bolder and how he became touchier. I tried not to think much of it, but I couldn't help but be hopeful, as those compliments weren't directed at everyone.
It only served to fuel this hope further when Hyunjin, a younger (and very handsome) dancer joined our highschool's dance club, since then we only seemed to get closer.
The moment I realised that my feelings for Minho were more than a meaningless childhood crush was actually a chain of events, not exactly one moment. Sometime after Hyunjin had joined the dance club.
It was time to go home after a long afternoon of practice, most other students had already left, bit me, Hyunjin, Minho and a few others had stayed behind to slowly pack up and tidy up the room. I was picking up my duffel bag, ready to head out, when Hyunjin called out to me. I walked over to where he, Minho and a couple other guys were gathered.
The others looked as if they were up to no good, which had me kind of curious, but I didn't dwell on it and instead turned to the one who had called me over. He also seemed odd, fiddling with his fingers nervously, his cheeks pink from something other than exertion.
"Hey. What's up?" I asked, hoping to snap the boy out of his little bubble. Seeing him like this wasn't usual, and was pretty entertaining to watch, but I didn't that snapping him out of it was the better option.
"H-Hey! Uh, well, I--" Deep breath.
"I was gonna ask you if you'd, maybe, want to go have coffee with me? Today, perhaps?" He managed after calming down, looking ready to be rejected. (Apparently. Would anyone actually reject him? No. So why was he so scared that I would?)
"O-Oh, I mean, yeah, I'd love to." I immediately felt a pang of guilt in my chest. 'What about Maia?' I thought. 'But it doesn't need to be a date, I could just try to tell him how awesome she is.' I thought, slightly bitterly, I did want a date with Hyunjin, but as my (best)friend, Maia was a priority. (Just spending time with him wouldn't hurt either).
As I accepted, Hyunjin got a small, shy smile on his face, his blush getting even darker. The boys around him laughed, patting his back. I caught a glimpse of Minho's face, his eyes were wide, jaw slack in disbelief. I brushed it off.
"Should we get going? It might get late--" I started, before being interrupted by Minho.
"Actually, she can't go today. She needs to... Help me with my cat! Yeah! I need some help with Dori!" It was clear he had made it up, but considering it was extremely out of character for him, it must have been important so I relented.
"Sorry Hyunjin, I'm gonna go with Minho. Raincheck to another day?"
Hyunjin nodded, somewhat sadly, as Minho basically dragged me out of the room by the arm as I tried to wave everyone goodbye.
Once we were out of the building, we settled into a comfortable walking pace towards the bus stop, as I texted Chan saying that he didn't need to pick me up today.
The bus ride was mostly silent (which was unusual), save for the small talk each of us tried to make. It wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but not exactly wanted either.
As we were walking down his street, nearing his house, I decided to finally ask the question that had been bugging me.
"Do you REALLY need my help with Dori? I mean, I know she likes me better, but it's still manageable right?" I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.
He looked as if he'd been caught stealing from the cookie jar.
"She doesn't like you THAT much. But I'll admit, that wasn't my actual intention." He said sheepishly. I was finally able to put 2 and 2 together, even if it was highly unlikely.
"Wait. Were you jealous?" The question made him hesitate as he was unlocking the door to his house.
"Uh, I... You know. Uh, you know what, I don't even REALLY know why I did it anyway." He sounded sincere enough, so despite my curiosity, I dropped the subject as he seemed genuinely torn.
"Welcome. My parents won't be home until later, so we're alone for now." He walked in, taking off his jacket as I put down my duffle bag, already heading towards the living, where the cats would most likely be.
As I approached the room, I could already hear them scratching at the door and meowing loudly. I opened the door, petting Soon-ie and Doong-ie as I passed them, heading towards the window on the far end of the room, Dori's favorite spot because of the heat the sun provided when it hit.
And there she was, laying in the last remains of the already setting sun. And with no signs of injury or anything to be worried about whatsoever.
"So, what exactly was wrong with her?" I turned to Minho as he entered with a teasing look, already anticipating his answer.
"I told you already, didn't I? I lied. Not sure why though." He walked to where Dori was sat, reaching to stroke her head, making her purr in delight, as the others also got closer to their owner at the chance to get petted. In response, Minho sat down next to the newest kitten, as Soon-ie and Doong-ie tried to climb onto his lap at the same time. This made him giggle, trying his best to satisfy every one of his "children".
It was like the world froze or slowed down in that moment.
The best was to describe the way Minho looked at that moment would be angelic, but even that wouldn't cover it.
His dark hair shone in the sun, looking too soft to resist, his dark eyes gazed fondly at his pets as a beautiful, peaceful and joyful smile broke out across his face. The sun framed the scene perfectly, making look picturesque, and suddenly I wished I had my camera with me at that moment to truly capture it in all its beauty.
I realized that the difference between our first meeting and then, was humongous, in the best way possible. He had become so open to me and so... Lively and relaxed. I loved the change.
That was the moment when I realized that my crush for Lee Minho was not going away anytime soon and that it wasn't just a silly childhood crush that would disappear in 2 weeks to a month. It was there, in my heart, to stay.
"You gonna just stand there looking weird? I know you love looking at my face but..." He directed that heavenly smile toward me as he spoke.
On that day, not only did I realize the extent of my feelings for Minho, he also realized the nature of his feelings for me.
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