#and i want a binder not like i could have one anyway cuz of my parents but i want one
i wish i wasn’t poor :(
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aropride · 2 years
i dont think ill need a new binder for a while especially since winter is coming up so i can just live in my rnboo merch and a sports bra half the time but once they start falling apart ill have 2 take a Risk and figure out which new brand to try. terrifying
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rzyraffek · 7 months
This is my first time doing an ask, but I was wondering if I could request an ftm/ftnb reader x slasher fic (any character you think would fit/any character you want to add) where the reader has trouble breathing in the winter/cold and wearing their binder just makes it worse and their whole body is sore due to going up and down stairs so much so they can't keep up with the slashers longer strides and has to run after them.
Like, if the reader and the slashers were at the zoo or somewhere outside and the reader just started to take SUPER deep breaths just to be able to breathe normally or just to get air; especially after walking up or down stairs or hills.
And at one point the reader just gets tired of having to take so many deep breaths so they just go the the bathroom and take off their and layer two jackets over their shirt since they didn't bring an extra bra.
And like about 20 minutes later, reader STILL has to take super deep breaths just to actually breathe and having to run after the slashers just to be able to walk next to them; but with how sore reader is, they can't keep up with their partner and often has to take 3-minute breaks just to be able to catch their breath.
Remember binder users! You should wear them only up to 6hours daily! Dont ruin your ribcage!! I use to wear binder so yeah, I get it.
Anyways👹ofc i will write this!
So bacially, ftm s/o struggles with breathing due to binder and weather! You didn't specified which slashers so I will just go with flow on this one!
Slashers with s/o that struggles with breathing due to binder
Micheal Myers
Don't worry dude is used to noises of people choking to death lol
But fr dude gets a bit worried? He doesn't like how sometimes s/o has to take breaks just to breathe
If you guys are in rush and s/o has to take a break dude will just "hell nah fuck this" and pick s/o up
Micheal really doesn't care about gender or sex. Your a dude? 👍. There's no need to 'prove it' or look certain way for him to belive you
Brahms Heelshire
Dude fr will set a timer on his phone so s/o won't 'overdose' binder 😭
Erm honey you are starting to hyperventilate, its time for a break dont you think?
Brahms acually did his homework and read bunch of articles about binders and now he understands way more😊👍
Darling remember to exercise before and after you wear it so it less uncomfy
Finds s/o very cute and squishes them too hard sometimes
Billy Lenz
The fuck?Are you suffocating or something? *judges*
What feels worse? Wearing binder a bit too tight or billy sitting on your chest while your trying to sleep?
Bro doesn't understand what is "gender dysphoria" and tired to hide s/o binder once cuz he didnt trust it
Lucky for you Billy doesn't go outside, so you don't have to worry about him getting lost walking faster than you
What are pronouns?
Jason Voorhees
Oh Jason you big baby
Jason just feels bad, cuz he knows that s/o feels less cool without the binder but baby you cant breathe😭
Of course he will wait for s/o and he won't rush them at all!
Will try to convince s/o to not wear binder so often. Jason sees you as a perfect boufriend weather you wear it or no
Genuinely worried about s/o health
Asa Emory
Ah creature, why would you think that wearing binder for whole day was a good idea?
Dude is smart, he already knew what binders are!
He is aware that trans people often struggle with dysphoria and he can't just be like "dont wear a binder lol" so he tries to calming explain that nono honey you are a man even if you don't have a flat chest i love you
If he finds out that s/o whats a top surgery, Asa went "Alr bet" and then your bank account blew up
Funfact! If s/o was openly trans before they met Asa... dude was convinced that s/o just has severe asthma 😭 he was like ??? Uh do you have your inhalator with you?? Or like is it temporary???
👽guys I ate good chicken today. With sauce
Also im not sure if its good? I kinda forgot how to write entering stuff😭😰
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boydykedevo · 29 days
anyway my trans Devo headcanons:
He got a tonewheel for his birthday when he was 16, and that's where he learned what being queer was from Seldom's broadcasts. He identified as a lesbian pretty strongly for a while, but he always kinda knew that wasn't quite it. He was 17ish when he finally admitted to himself he was trans. (and once he started perceiving himself as a man more often, he realized he was bi -- he just hated the idea of being with a guy as a girl)
He's not a binary/monogender trans guy. BUT he is in heavy denial about it. He'll get there eventually...
Seldom gave him guy's clothes when he came to his school, but they're all very basic and colorless and boring. He was never a big fan of them. He didn't really come into his own with masculine presentation until Nermal's Pile; she lets him try out whatever he wants. He's still kinda feeling things out, but he's way happier and has a lot more fun with it now.
Hair length isn't strongly gendered in Founders' Wake, it’s more tied to practicality. Guidance always kept his at shoulder-length and never let him change it at all. He was growing it out after leaving, but after confronting Orlean in the infinite clam he had a breakdown and chopped it all off. Amber helped him tidy it up and he's kept it short ever since.
There's some sort of magic HRT in Founders Wake, but since magic is rationed he hasn't gotten on it yet. Seldom was helping him with it; he's on a waiting list.
His chest dysphoria used to be a lot worse, he did a lot of unsafe homemade binding back at the parish, which gave him chronic back pain. Seldom convinced him to stop and got him a proper binder. Even that he can't wear too often cuz of his pain. It sucked a lot at first, but he's started to make peace with his chest and his dysphoria isn't quite as bad. He still binds more than he probably should though.
He has a decent amount of bottom dysphoria, he packs pretty much constantly.
The name Damian is the one he first picked out when he was accepting himself, as a replacement for his birth name (not Devotion, the Cern one). But he started to really hate being called Devotion, and Devo was something he could spin as a nickname without raising suspicion. Guidance hated it and told people not to use it, but at least a few people did, so when it came time to pick a new name, he was attached enough to it he went with that instead of Damian Cern (also cuz his relationship with the Cerns is. complicated.)
(The Cerns do call him Damian, but Tolliver had no idea, he isn't exactly a part of family dinner. Last he heard he had some little sister who he’d never met. So when Devo was like "my real name is... Damian Cern" Tolliver's response was a cover for him internally going "what the fuck what the fuck since when do i have a relative named Damian hold on????? did i forget a cousin or something????????? oh my god this is humiliating" Devo does not clarify and Tolliver is too proud to admit to not knowing so it's a good couple weeks after that when he finally learns how exactly theyre related)
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casesandcapitals · 1 year
20 days post-op and I finally admitted defeat in thinking I could save my failing right nipple graft. So, I have an areola but the center is just a depression where my body is working on making new skin.
The left graft turned out fine, and in a month or two I'll know what the right one will look like healed and decide if I want to tattoo it or not.
My stitches are almost completely dissolved and switching from bandages to silicone tape has definitely helped me not feel so much like an invalid.
Just above where the drain on my left side was inserted there's a quarter sized chunk of scar tissue that's big enough to be a visable bump, but I'll massage it with all the other scar tissue once I hit that stage and hopefully it'll soften up.
I feel like I'm speedrunning wearing a binder, cuz I never have to bind again, but I've been wearing this compression vest for 20 days. 24/7 for the first week, and then 23/7 for 4-6 weeks after that, taking it off to shower and wash it. I have to sleep in it and my skin has gotten so irritated and sensitive it's actually painful. My ribs are so sore. I can't wait to never have to wear this thing again.
I've had a couple moments of almost missing limb syndrome, where I'll think to adjust myself under my binder but there's nothing to adjust. I leaned forward to rinse after brushing my teeth and pulled a muscle in my chest because there was no weight pulling down but I tensed up to bear that weight anyway. I was struggling to wash under my arms in the shower, since I still can't lift my arms up, and it took me a week to realize I was still holding my arm out as if to reach across breasts that are no longer there, and it's easier now that I'm reaching my arm directly across my chest. The 2nd or 3rd day after I was allowed to shower again, I got weirded out my the sight of my arms in front of me while holding soap, they looked too long and too thin and alien, and then I realized there was just so much empty space between my arms and my torso. Today I looked down at my ribs to make sure there was no bruising and realized that, not only have I not seen my ribs in maybe 2 decades, but the ribs on my left side stick out a bit farther than on the left side.
Like, I could go on and on. It's incredibly bizarre. Walking around topless still feels illegal and probably will for a long time.
Nothing could top this. I'm so happy and grateful and just relieved. Every single gross and painful and uncomfortable thing about surgery and recovery is worth it a hundred times over.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
was wonderinv who to ask then saw ur poston art school and went . yo!
anyway can i ask hows art school? like . is it worth it?? whats the experience and everything like + do u regret ur decision to go there? (dont feel forced to answer any of these) (for context + incase it wasn’t obvious ive been wanting and thinking of going to one if ever given the chance)
Oh man, where to start. Well first of all some of the main reasons to go to art school are the resources and the connections.
If you wanna get into furniture for example, that’s a lot easier if you have access to a whole workshop with tons of different saws. I’ve learned to use three different book binders as well as done hand binding myself, which is great fun for me but idk how I’ll make money out of that.
The thing is that depending on your major/department, a lot of the stuff you do in art school you could theoretically do on your own as well. So if you think you have enough willpower to make your own schedule and find your own resources then I’d say do that, and work on building your portfolio so you can show it off if you ever get the chance. especially if you don’t really have the money for college (I’m incredibly lucky to have someone help me cuz otherwise I’d be screwed)
If I’m honest, I didn’t really want to go to college at the time of me applying. I was kind of interested in learning how to wrap cars, and I wanted to take a course in that, if you can believe it. but all of my parents kids have to go to college no matter what (as in my mom forced me to apply to college and then sent me off like “I can’t help you pay for college btw good luck!”) so it was inevitable that I was going to go to an art school. which is fine because i've also always kind of wanted to go to a school, i was just stressed about not being able to afford it haha.
THEN there's what kind of art school you're going to. I'm at one of the most prestigious fine arts schools in the USA, because though I got admitted to others, I couldn't afford to go to others. the one I'm at offered the most money, because they could afford to. Idk what I'm gonna do with this degree but im in graphic design rn so I'll probably do something in that field. and it helps that the name of my school is renowned.
but if you, say, want to get into animation you're probably going to NEED to go to an art school. even if you cant get into an animation school specifically, any art school at all is better than none when it comes to animation (I think, idk for sure i'm not interested in animation as a job. my friend is tho so maybe I'll ask him)
now, HOW is art school? WELL. I've heard this isn't uncommon, but the first year was literally actual torture. it was really really bad. it made me more suicidal than I'd been since I was 12 and it ALSO made me start cutting for the first time ever. but I survived it, and the second year was way better! (if still stressful) the first year is for where they try to kill you, and the second year is where they go "haha just kidding ok lets get into what you want to know" at least that's how it is at where I am.
DESPITE the pain, and despite how even now I'm anxious about going back, I don't regret it at all. I really like my classmates and I love my professors. I love a lot of the work I've done and the skills I've learned. I liked living on campus and being so close to all that Art Stuff, even if i was too tired all the time to ever go out to any of the events.
plus on a more personal level, anywhere is better than living with my parents. so even if it was hellish the first year, i'm at least happy that i got things done and i wasn't wasting away at home with my mom.
hope that answers all your questions :)
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lostandfem · 2 years
hi ! I don't know if I could call myself detrans, since I've only transitionned socially/mentally. I discovered your blog throught the detrans tag and your 'comic' panel.
I apologize if it's weird, but I had this urge to talk to you, to someone who gets it.
I've identified as a trans guy from age 13 to 18, and had planned to have top surgery and T and all. It was far from a joke, and this also aggravated tons of social issues, my eating disorder, difficulties to breathe due to binder and self harm...
Nobody seems to really take it seriously. My trans Friends are just like ''yeah, you just were wrong about yourself'' and are okay with me as long as I'm not a 'terf'. My parents are happy to have a daughter as if it wasn't difficult for me.
I still have dysphoria. Whenever I see a man, Real, fictionnal, it hurts so Bad and I ache to be him. I can't accept my female body or voice, my social position either. To be made of this flesh is humiliating to me. I thought about transitioning in the end, even if it's Bad for the health and there's no way to be really a man, just to stop the ache a bit .
I know my situation is not at serious as you, since you medically transitionned, and I cannot imagine how hard this must be. (And I'm sorry if I offended you by comparing our experiences.)
Is there anyway to talk to people like me and you ? I feel so alone and misunderstood. Thanks you, and good Luck in your life .
I’m so sorry for your experience. And I’m so sorry I took so long to answer this. I was on a break for a while.
I almost just want to leave this ask here and let it speak for itself. Let it stand as a testimony for the experience. I relate a lot to it. I’m familiar with that ache. I want to be seen, to be understood, to share bonds and have belonging. And I’ve really only seen men represented that way in a way I can relate to. In a way that’s not about being catty or doing your nails or any number of stereotypes.
Part of the reason I stopped transitioning is that I had the realization that it wouldn’t work. There wouldn’t be any number of surgeries or hormones that would make me just like them. That I was only forcing my body to do things it didn’t want to do in order to fit some standard I decided for it.
It sucks a lot that it seems to be a common detrans experience that no one gets how hard it is. That it’s so easily dismissed as “oh yeah you had the wrong label for a while, but it’s okay cuz you have the right one now :)”. Even without medical transition, it’s still a whole mindset shift and facing your pain head on. I’m sorry you had to have your experiences dismissed so easily.
Tbh the only detrans people I talk to are in radfem spaces. Discords and more private spaces usually. But other than that I don’t have any idea. Most of the time, I think, we’re kinda pushed into the fringes or into silence so we’re hard to find. I’m happy to chat for a while if you need it. I can’t guarantee I’ll help with anything, but sometimes it’s just nice to talk to people you can compare experiences to
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*drops overflowing binder onto a table* oc info dump tiem
im only really gonna ramble abt my main boy, cyril, cuz he's one of the two ocs i made that i genuinely care abt lmao-
he's like peak scary dude who's honestly just a total dork ass and we love him for that. his design is unironically one of my most overly thought over because literally everything from his scars to his accessories was me actively going "does this work?" honestly i think the choice to make him raise ducks was my favorite overall choice to characterize him. i knew when making him i wanted to have some way to make a character who's main Thing is murdering people endearing and decided making him just super passionate about birds would be perfect. i specifically chose ducks because out of every domestic bird species theyre just the dorkiest, honestly. i would have given him pet pigeons had it not been for the fact i have another oc who raises pigeons and i just feel like id be recycling a concept that works better thematically for another character anyways. i also just love having made him a huge nerd for traditionally girly shit despite his very rugged, traditionally masculine appearance and just general Vibe. making him a sort of hopeless romantic who doesn't really feel like he'll ever have success in a relationship is just a fun thing to do to characters
im going to consider this sufficient infodumping even though ive barely scratched the surface of his character because theres... so much i could say abt him and i dont wanna send a thousand word essay as an ask
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
Watch "Sammy Hagar - I Can't Drive 55" on YouTube
You could use the firebird and just taking the haul off and put a different hole on they didn't have money for that either this is actually the car and it's disguised as a Ferrari and it moves out. And it does have a different motor no this is a Volkswagen motor suit up and it burns out and everything this car is awesome you don't believe it but our friend here knows what he's doing do you wants us to have this race for good or for bad to try and figure it out and he wants you to figure out what I'm doing and what happened to me and what's going on I lost the tools and some other things you need to know about it. Anyways going to start investigate you said that's good cuz I lost that battle the planetoids other battles of being lost that you don't know about. But this is important race to me and I'm thinking we should do it and what he's saying is you have to have a few races in order to make it work so I'm challenging Mac and he says it's a souped-up original Volkswagen motor and I say yes it is it says watch out and I say watch out I'm Lamborghini and I say I know that but I also have a very fast car and it's a GT2 the original motor souped up we're going to find each other and do it.
This is how it's going to go and I'm pretty safe and we're going to do it with the original Bradley GT look too it's not going to be in disguise and with the bumpers. Boy that that thing fly it really moves. And people learn who he is and who we are it's a good idea. So it's challenged me and I challenged him and he says he wants people to support the race and start with a drag race and there's a place to do it and we're going to do it tonight and we're going to have beers and a party too
Tommy f
Just like westborough and we're going to get it done and we're going to have it at the track after with these cars and they look hot okay if you paint it right and you put in just a couple modern looks to it like the paint color and the paint type it changes the whole thing and the rims and tires it looks like an awesome supercar and really this kid is smart he knows he knows what he's doing we're going to have this race it's going to be ours
And there's a way to say it and he was saying it before he said "this is a race that I'm calling in my name the creator of this car in honor of the vehicle and the service it had for both sides" and that's how you say it and that's what he's saying
I'm also the creator of this vehicle there's only a couple of us we got a little help but no we made the whole idea and I'm saying this"I created this vehicle for fun and special purpose and that's what it's for I'm calling this race in order to revive it the special purpose it was made for and at this time in history these people think they can take advantage of it but they go ahead with it and get it going and it's going to be our vehicle" and also May the best man win the race
And Hera said that and Zeus the statement before. We're going to get this going and I'm going to do a few flybys in California and others will bring them out
Frank Castle Hardcastle
I'm going to start it up right now they're probably swap meets and everything and then you can sell it there and we have the literature and everything ready as a matter of fact we have a brochure and it has everything it goes into it it's listed and shown and in different groupings and that's what he wants and then it shows how it goes together briefly and it shows the specifications of certain vehicles and we want to do that and we want to issue that and we don't want to issue it in a nice glossy beautiful format which you probably have it in and yeah that's what I have it in we want to issue it in one of those binders is black and you're sticking together or something that looks like it's professional but it's not all glossy it looks like a million dollars and we do have a way of doing that and we're going to go ahead and do that
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
What are you saying is he's going to revive the past in order to change the future and that we're going to follow this if we allow them to make these I don't see what they can do I'd like to hear what they can do from them so we're going to have to have this race so we can try and figure it out
Mike tew
I'm all for it we have a couple of carry our weight pretty good and Preston is not very heavy and we think we can beat you
I have one and nobody asked me about it I was just sitting here listening hey I asked me a couple times to do something I got a little bit help of helping there but really we should get this going to see what the hell he's talking about and she's usually running that kind of weird stuff and I taught her a little bit of it I might race and as Frankie la Pena
We're trying to get this going and it's starting to work and he formally requested it as did she that you guys race to see who can win with very similar equipment and it's kind of limping along but they go around 180 that's very fast NASCAR really only goes 150 to 160 okay folks so light car you put decent tires on it and it really moves out and it handles very well this is a very serious race because it's faster than NASCAR
Formula 1 only goes about 170 most of the time these cars can get up past it and on the straightaway even on a quarter mile track I'm going to get mine on the race I'm not going to enter wherever it is and he says it's going to be impromptu races today to try and get it to go and I know how to do that it's really about what you put in it and how you did the motor and linkage and how you set up the gearing to make sure that works right original gearing and the motor don't work that great
I'm up to something and I'm going to go try and find people
I'm going to do my best to figure it out
Tommy f
We're going to race and I'm going to win
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sad-boy-mono · 1 year
Ima be whiny and rant about my morning getting ready for a roadtrip. Idc if I sound like a whiny bitch IM FEELING LIKE A WHINY BITCH SO
My mom said we'd start packing up the car around 10 (to quote her directly, she wanted to "haul ass at 10") but she didn't even get home from a doctor's appointment until 10:30.
I woke up at 9 anticipating we'd be hauling ass at 10 (I've been waking up at 1pm everyday for the past 2 weeks) and went to bed at 4 (not by choice) so I could've gotten at least a bit more sleep.
I'm already overstimulated cuz I'm tired and now more so cuz we're off the given schedule.
So much time just getting shit into the car.
A CD I got in May is stuck in my dad's car. My dad's car recently was taken into the shop for some repairs. My mom said she brought up my stuck CD. Is my CD unstuck? Nope!
(Also secondary rant but this CD being stuck has caused me so much more stress than it should. It was $12 so not a huge financial loss but it's also my favorite album and the CD is sold out. My family doesn't have a good way to listen to music from phones in our car cuz we don't have Bluetooth and auxcords always end up hella staticy so we use CDs and I was so excited to finally have some new music in the car but I got to listen to it once before it got stuck and won't even play music because my mom messed with it trying to get it out. And then there's the added feeling of when you're upset about something that isn't a big deal and you KNOW it isn't a big deal so you feel dumb about getting so worked up about it because it's just a fucking CD and you could probably figure out a way to download the album and burn a new one but you bought this one from an artist you love and want to support so now you just feel dumb and stupid and wanna cry everytime you think about it and WHY DIDNT THE REPAIR PEOPLE GET IT OUT DID MY MOM LIE ABOUT TELLING THEM? IM SO PISSED. SECONDARY RANT OVER)
I have much less space then I thought I would in the car.
I remembered I'd have to spend a lot of time around my cousins (not necessarily a bad thing. But my social battery is a constant 0%. Also I came out to my uncle as trans a while back and he reacted badly and I really don't wanna be around him :/)
We're on the road and I forgot how loud and bumpy highways are in this shit stain of a country (#americacore)
Also my mom smokes. The smell + open window being loud is not helping.
Did I mention the roads suck? Because the roads suck.
I'm crammed in the back and everytime we make a turn I'm crushed by my aunt's wheelchair.
I love my family so much like genuinely, but being around them is hard cuz they're always up here 📈 all the time and I'm always down here 📉 all the time so being around them is hard due to how our energies don't align for lack of a better term.
Did I mention the roads suck? Cause the roads really fucking suck-
I didn't eat this morning and am hunger. I cannot reach any of the food/snacks we packed
I spent like 30 minutes fighting back a meltdown low-key.
Having boobs is actually such an icky feeling? Like not binding was a good choice but when roads are as bumpy as there are here maybe I should've just worn a binder?
I don't have the money for Spotify premium (#brokecore)
Also I packed my laptop and every moment it isn't in my sight I fear it is being destroyed viciously (it is literally at the top of the bag pile and surrounded by clothing)
Did my hair this morning and it just like. Wasnt working with me :/
Anyways I'm excited for this weekend :]. I'm going to a powwow in my extended family's town and supposedly it's gonna be hella big. We're staying in an AirBnB and it has a lake n shit so we can go swimming n shit. I might have my own room? Idk tho if not I'll live. I got my headphones.
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twisted-tales-told · 2 years
how does one go about binding books? it sems so interesting and im just wondering if i ever want to prints fics yk
also picturess
FINALLY SOMEONE ASKING ME ABOUT BOOKBINDING. I have all this knowledge and no one ever asks. I LIVE for bookbinding. I picked up my phone to see this after bookbinding for the past hour.
So: here you go:)  A guide.
*This is specifically for fanfiction, if anyone has any questions about making journals etc. I can answer those too :) 
Before we start, here’s a start to finish actually binding it tutorial This Man Must Be Protected At All Costs. We don’t deserve him. He talks you through putting the book together really well.
I’m putting the rest below the cut because I’m nice. (there’s pretty + useful pictures there) 
Some Bookbinding language: 
Signatures. Signatures are the lil groups of paper u bind with. They’re usually grouped into four UNLESS you’re using water colour paper or cardstock. (Just in case someone reading this knows absolutely nothing about paper, don’t use either of those for your fanfic pages you’ll hate yourself and the final product.) (ignore the ice cube tray in the background, its my paint pallet. Don’t judge me. 
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Book Press: A thing used to press the signatures. Mine is so gross and destroyed I refuse to show it, you can make one out of cutting boards.
Bone Folder: yes, it is made out of bone. Yes you can choose to find a plastic or wooden one. I personally have terrible sensory issues when it comes to paper so I need to use one made out of bone. They’re used to fold the signatures. 
*You don’t actually need one if you have a book press, cuz the signatures get flattened in there anyways, but your hands will hurt a bit after all the folding if you don’t use one. Or, at least mine do.They look like this.
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Kettle Stitch :This is, in my opinion, the superior binding method for fanfiction. It’s simple, it’s easy to learn, and its great for actually reading cuz the spine is strong but the pages like flip well? That’s hard to describe. The link at the start of this is my favourite tutorial.
Materials & some tips.
Paper: You can use anything. But, beware of the thickness, I use eco recycled paper, which is better for the environment, but you need to be a bit more gentle when actually binding so it doesn’t rip. 
A) NYLON thread. Don't come in here with your cotton or polyester thread. Nylon. Is. Superior. It won't break and it's easier to untangle (waxed thread is kind of overrated and expensive)
B) a bone folder and book press: you can really use either or, but if you’re only going to use one, it should be the book press.
C) Board. It’s for the cover. I am begging you, if you are still learning, do not attempt a paperback. You will get severely frustrated. Get yourself some Davey Board or any thick(ish) board of any kind and use that. The tutorial guy will help you with sizing. The trickiest part is the spine, getting it the right size just takes practice. 
D) Fabrics: Repeat After Me: Book Cloth Is Stupid. Some book binders hate me rn, but its true and I’ll die there. And then, I show them This:
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Do you see this shit? Not one is book cloth. Look How Pretty Your Books Could Be. The purple one is drapery cloth, theres some cork board ones, and the top two are just thickish cotton. The book industry is just boring and they don’t know how to have fun. Also yes, I know the cork board two look kinda awful, they were the first ones I ever made. Leave them alone they’re doing their best. 
E) Glue. PVA Acid Free bookbinding glue is the best option, I recommend getting a one of the really soft paintbrushes from Walmart or whatever cheap and big softer one you can, it just makes spreading it easier. I’m really picky about the glue I use because I’m paranoid. This is the one I get, but It’s expensive, you can honestly use tacky glue and you’ll be fine
D) Curved Needle Please splurge on one. They’re like an extra dollar than one of the straight needles, and you will save yourself so many injuries. Every single tutorial will say “oh, you don’t need one” and they’re Idiots for it. Well I don’t like the feeling of stabbing myself repeatedly, and I’m willing to spend 10 dollars on a Set of 36  so that I’m not just in pain all the time. 
Ah, Typesetting. Hell on Earth
You want pretty chapter titles? Get Canva. There’s a free version and she’s lovely.
I, personally, will die before I print from a PDF. That being said, I wish with all my heart and soul that I had microsoft word. Because I use Literal Pages (if you don’t have a mac, you’re confused as fuck. If you do and you’ve had the pleasure of attempting to use pages, yeah. I know. It’s not great but it’s what I have)
Get rid of all your margins. Make sure your title images, if you’re gonna be a fancy canva title bitch like me, are moving with your text. I wish I could help you with a table of contents but I do it by hand aka, insert a table & tracking the pages as I copy paste + “fix up” chapters. *by fix up I mean correct colouring, add the indents, change the font size & type etc. Add italics. 
Indents should be 0.5 inches or it looks weird. You can do the pages so they’re the professional wall to wall text, but I cannot stress how much work it is to make sure it copies properly. 
Now, if you’re stupid and use pages like me...you have to redo all the italics. Good Luck. 
If you want to risk seeing if a PDF works---which it really can go badly if your margins aren’t literally Zero (and even then sometimes PDF adds them which is rude of them) you can, and you won’t have to redo all the italics. It’s your choice and if you find a better way Tell Me. 
You want Chapter One to be on Page 7 of the typeset. Again, this might change if you’re not using Pages, but that took me so long to figure out that I need to include it here. Before that there’s the, what I call, The Blank gluing page, another blank for the back of that page, the pretty Image + quote page you open up to, a blank one, Table of contents, Blank, Then, Finally, Chapter one. 
You can also do some weird settings for changing the page numbers so Chapter one, aka page one, you “Start a new section” and “start at 1″ Then you can delete the page numbers from the previous 6 pages and you’ll get page one on the actual first page of the book.
Font Size: There’s going to be two pages on one paper, so your font size is going to be 16/17. I prefer 17 because I’m blind. 
Here’s a Muse In Secret Typeset as an example that I made one day because I was bored. I don’t know if the Author gave permission for us to print it out or not so I haven’t but I made the type set so I could learn with a decent sized project. 
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So that’s kinda what it looks like. 
You print it using the “layout--> Booklet” feature. Print in groups of “16″ which is 4 pages, 2 sided. 
Now for: Mistakes I’ve Made That You Won’t Have To Make Now
1.You need to use Thick Cardstock or something stronger to do the interior pages. 
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It needs to be strong enough that it won’t rip. Don’t be me and think, oh I can use pretty paper, because this happens
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*ALSO, and this is a weird one, A03 for some reason....the text is not black. And hey, you have to highlight everything to change the font size, type, and add indents anyways so you might as well change it to black as well. It makes a big difference. 
Other than these basics, the fun is the creativity and figuring it out. It’s okay to switch up fonts & design elaborate chapter titles, and add art and fanart you love. Make it personal to you. It’s why I don’t share my typesets. I put so much work into them and I can appreciate every little detail because of that.
Good Luck Amon!! It’s a really fun hobby, and it doesn’t have to be super expensive. Except for printer ink. I have no solutions for that one. 
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awhst-alt · 3 years
it's so long (literally 2k words) so im gonna put it under the cut haha <3
so basically this would take place after mike and will start dating or something, idk exactly the time frame (i picture them being like 18 or something and this is the summer before college) and will goes to this summer arts program for like 2/3 months (i dunno how long american summer is but something like that) and its all the way far from home so there is dorms and stuff and he's "not in hawkins anymore" (no pun intended)
mike and will decide after will finishes his school they'd go to college together (cuz they're gonna be comic book artists together bc thats boyfriend shit) so throughout these months he's practically just waiting for will (<333333)
so one specific scene i remember from my dream involved will and mike getting off the bus to the school and then they hug and then mike grabs wills hand and brings him behind the bus and then he gives will a biggg kiss bc he won't be able to kiss him for 3 months. then they say they love each other and will gives him another quick kiss and is like "two kisses". they agree they'd call each other every day.
so will goes inside and mike goes back on the bus and goes home.
and basically the whole day is a whirl, until the end of it, in which mike is sitting in the kitchen near the phone waiting for like 3 hours for will to call, and will doesn't end up calling.
so meanwhile at the arts program will asks like the front desk or something if he can call mike and they say phone is offlimits and they don't let him call mike
so then will goes to sleep and he's paranoid that he thinks mike is gonna hate him or something like that
mk than the next day in class there is this girl (they didn't reveal her name in the dream, ill call her stella) so stella is basically looking at will the entire class but will doesn't know it
so when they exit the class stella's like "hi" and will says "hi"
then stella says "i like your painting."
will is like rlly weirded out so he goes "thanks?"
"i um- hope this doesn't sound weird but i have no friends, do you want to be mine?"
and then end of scene (this does not sound like a normal conversation but it's my dream so it doesn't have to make sense"
so BACK AT HAWKINS mike is still sleeping even tho it's like 3 pm because yk depressed boyfriend shit but then the PHONE RINGS and mike gets out of bed frantically and goes to the phone and he picks it up and is like "will?" and then it answers "it's el, idiot"
i feel like this is important for context but el speaks english very well now and hoppers back and she lives with hopper and not the byers anymore. ANYWAYS
el says "how's will?"
mike says "idk he didn't call"
"he didn't?"
"no, he didn't"
"okay. well maybe he will call later"
"yeah mb"
"wanna come over"
so mike hangs up and gets changed and goes to el's house bc they r a couple o' besties and when he gets there it's like a therapy sessions bc mike usally talks to will every single day and he can't for like 3 months (unless will calls, but he's not going to) so he accepts he's gonna be depressed for 3 months and he's just talking to el about how he's gonna miss him so much and no be able to see his face and that shit
so el's like "well do u wanna do something to take ur mind off of him"
and mike's like "no im not gonna replace will" (I SCREAMED IN MY DREAM SRSLY)
but than el says "okay. guess im gonna go to the mall by myself" (ig starcourt is rebuilt by now)
and than mike bolts up and is like "fine"
"we can by something for will"
"okay yay"
so then they go to starcourt yasss!!
anyways back at the art school will is having lunch and stella is with he friends (even tho she said she doesn't have any friends) and one of her friends is like "omg did you see _____ he's so hot"
and another friend says "YESS! but ____ is cuter"
"what abt u stella? who do u have ur eyes on"
and they say "ew that kid who came back to life"
she says "yea. but he's cute, and shy, and once i wrap them around my finger i can get them to do anything"
so then she goes to sit down next to will at lunch
"hi will"
"im good"
"okay. good." and she gets upset because will goes ask how she is but she keeps her urging rage inside. and than they have this weird conversation and will is uncomfortable the whole time bc shes all like flirting with him and will is seeing someone obvi
but then she puts a hand on will's shoulder and he's shaking and then says something (idk what it is it wasn't explaining in my dream) then will stands up and runs to the bathroom. so he's just sitting in the stalls crying.
okay back at starcourt this part wasn't shown in my dream but im just gonna make up that mike and el go looking around starcourt for something for will (sort of like the mike/lucas/will montage where they were looking for stuff for el) and then i guess they find something for will and i don't have the slightest idea what they could have got for him BUT THEY GOT HIM SOMETHING GOOD
so mike's all happy but they'res still that depression inside of him lol
so fast forward a week, it really isn't explained but ill just make up that will still hasn't called mike, and he's super sad and all sleeping in but decides to look through his good ol binder full of will's drawings and in the arts school will and stella have a few more interactions im sure which are still very uncomfortable
okay so it's lunch again in the cafeteria and somehow will and stella are talking again but somehow it ends in stella kissing will and will like pulls away immediatley and is like "what is wrong with you!?"
and she says "what?"
"i'm seeing someone!"
"oh i uh- i didn't know."
the whole cafeteria is staring at them
so will's freaking out almost on the verge of a panic attack "idk what to do, he's gonna hate me and-"
will has the look on his face like shit shit shit oh fuck no
"you're gay?"
and will runs off once again. and everyone in the whole cafeteria knows that he's day and ofc with everybody being homophobic will knows it's not good at all bc everyone's gonna bully him
so then the next day he goes to class and the teacher is like "does anyone care to tell me where ___ is?" (it would be like a math question like 'where x is' but in art idkkk) and then the teacher calls on "will? can you tell me where ___ is?" and they'res a pause and then the teacher says "or perhaps you'd want to find your boyfriend instead?" (giving me anne with an e vibes prolly cuz i did a rewatch last weekend but i won't explain more in case some people haven't watched it but) anyways will stands up from his seat, everyone is looking at him, and he's shaking and so concerned but then he goes "fuck. you" badass will yeaaaa thats my boy
so then he runs out of the classroom and out of the school in a really cool montage way but then he realizes he's like 2 hours away from home but he runs and runs and he goes to a random bustop (it's not even garanteed if it takes him to hawkins but whatever) he gets on and tries to go back to hawkins.
and soon enough, he gets there, and immediatley goes to the wheelers because he needs to see mike and apologize for everything. so he's at the wheelers, and rings the doorbell, realizing he's still in his uniform lol but karen answers and mike is upstairs in his room sulking (i picture it would be 8 pm by now) so will asks for mike and karen calls mike. mike groans obviously because he doesn't know it's his boy, but he comes down, karen gets out of the way and as soon as he sees will they have a really big hug and it's super sweet and my heart UFHEIOSKA
mike says his usual "are you okay?" and mike is still confused as shit but will says "i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry" and mike says "you don't have to be sorry for anyrhing" but will says "ill explain"
so then they go to will's room, side-by-side on his bed and will starts explaining everything
(this is mostly improvised by me but it's still pretty similar to the dream)
"i hated it."
"the school?"
"yeah. there was no you, (mike blushes lmao), everything was terrible, i felt so lonely, they didn't let me call you-"
"they said the phone was off limits. i wanted to talk to you so bad and i thought you'd hate me"
"i could never hate you, will, even if i tried." will smiles
"and then there was this girl, and she hit on me and i didn't know what to do bc i'd be the face of the school if i told her i was dating you and was gay and today she kissed me"
"im sorry im sorry i didn't kiss back and i was so scared bc i never was in a relationship before and i was so scared it was considered cheating-"
and mike LAUGHSS
"what? mike? what's wrong?"
"if you don't do anything back, it's not considerd 'cheating'"
"oh. good. are you mad at me?"
"what? no! no never!" so mike opens his arms and says "come here" so will and mike hug or something like that and then mike says "do you need me to beat her up?"
and will says "you can't even beat eggs. besides, your noodle arms wouldn't be able to do harm to even a fly"
so mike laughs and says "i'm glad your home"
so will blurts "i cursed out a teacher"
"you? cursing?"
"might have to start calling you a bad boy now"
will just smiles and says "i love you"
and mike says "i love you too"
edit: i have no idea what mike did with the present him and el bought for will but i guess they ended up giving it to him lol
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nyxation · 3 years
SBI + Witch-Hybrid Reader
C OR CC: Character
WHO: Sbi
WARNINGS: Swearing | Character Death [Mentions]
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Okay, so I imagine the reader has vitiligo-type skin, like patches of the grey witch skin ya' know?
Like it's grey and makes them look sick in some places
Reader could probably have one dull purple eye
Also, cats would probably be very attracted to them, like reader just come home one day with 50 cats and Phil doesn't even question it anymore because 'For fuck sake [Y/N] it's the fifth time this week and it's only Tuesday'
Also, reader can trade with villagers easier, they get the good stuff for less money (Techno using this to his advantage and getting items for insanely good prices) this armor is seven gold? nevermind one coal will do
Reader being a master at potion-making and enchanting, trying to teach sbi how to enchant, and just
none of them being very good at it
first off, Wilbur's just shit, okay he got bane of arthropods seven different times. Bitch what?
Tommy's next, he's also shit but not as bad as Wil, he only messed up five or six times, but he was like ten when you showed him so, you can't really blame him for being bad
Wilbur though he was like 16/17-ish so he has no excuse
Techno was okay, a lot better than Wil and Tommy, he got the enchanting down very fast, it was bane of arthropods but he got flame on his next try so reader didn't have to help him too much.
Phil was fine, he struggled with the inscribing but overall he did well (he already knew how to enchant but he wanted to support you and your passion)
Also reader with one of the big mumza hats with the veil on it, just, 6-year-old [Y/N] with a massive hat that they stole from their goddess mom, and it's way too big and keeps falling in front of their face
it probably still does, and the veil is so long it drags along the floor like a train, Tommy would probably steal it from you {like a raccoon}
[Y/N] being the cool aunt/uncle/Auncle/(other name for 'sibling-of-my-parent'), to Fundy and Micheal and taking care of them when Wil and Sally/Tubbo and Ranboo were away
or ftm![Y/N] giving Fundy their old binder (or sewing some for him), helping him bind, setting timers, giving him some of their hoodies, and just being there for him when/if he gets dysphoric
Okay so onto the lore,
If Reader joined L'manberg, they would probably be put in a safe, isolated area, not too far from the center but still pretty far
I doubt Wilbur would have told them about the war, so how did Reader find out?
Maybe it was when you intercepted a letter from Dream, a declaration of war, now that surprised you
Or was it when you little brother showed up at your house rambling a mile a minute about Dream, War, L'manberg
Wait did he just say he died?
You sit him down and start cleaning and healing his wounds while he re-starts his story, starting at the creation of L'manberg and ending with his death moments prior
"So Dream-"
"Shot me, yeah"
"And Wilbur-"
"Did nothing to protect me, no"
"... What the fuck"
You might just take a cannon life, you had always been a more peaceful soul, never really enjoyed the fighting Techno did, or at least not in the way Techno did.
You never thought it was very fun that was about to change
If Tommy hadn't stopped you, you might have just destroyed Dream, and every other person there, family or not.
Onto the election, mainly the results
I doubt Schlatt would banish you, especially since your a witch, he would need potions (which are like alcohol I guess)
So you'd probably leave a join Pogtopia, there would probably be a massive fight between you and the cabinet just so you could leave
They'd probably put you on house arrest, despite not fighting very often you were strong and your potions made it harder to get to you
So you were a pretty well rounded fighter
And they were definitely wary because of you relation to Techno
You breaking out and immediately going to Pogtopia
Wilbur being so relieved that his little sibling is okay
He puts you straight to work, helping ready the weapons
Forgetting that your now a wanted person
Okay, onto Wilbur's death
That fucked you up
Your dad just stabbed your brother and it hurt
Sure the explosion was a little far but killing him?!
You really didn't know and didn't want to stay and find out
So you left, you ran far away into the deepest caves cuz who tf would find you here?
Ranboo found you
Somehow, this bitch is like 8 feet tall how did he fit in the cave
Anyway, he told Tubbo and Tubbo brought the (newly made) Butcher Army to your house, and since you were a criminal
You were supposed to be executed
You escaped before reaching L'manberg and ran to Techno's house
He had told you about Phil through an earlier conversation, he tried to help you
But you lead the army to his house, you also met Ghostbur for the first time
"Is that Wilbur?"
"Ghostbur actually"
"But is he Wilbur? "
"I guess, he's part of brother, like his soul almost"
"Does that mean Wil's with momma now?"
This definitely wasn't what the army expected to hear
"Your siblings?!"
"Yes!" "No"
"Don't deny it big brother, I'm amazing"
Maybe hitting the blood god whole you couldn't run wasn't the best idea you've had
But it certainly wasn't the worst
Ya' know what was the worst?
Breaking off the presidents horn during your escape
Now you were a criminal and a bad person
You and Phil made up and you hung out with Ghostbur
You were happy, Dream was finally put in prison and you didn't have to worry anymore
Your family was back - Broken and no longer the kids you once were - but back
Until Ghostbur dissappears during his visit to Dream
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sjweminem · 2 years
Do you have any like really weird kinks? I want to send more outlandish Mobius concepts but only the crazy stuff like lactation is fun to write and I want to make sure you're having fun with the stuff that gets sent.
If you don't really care, maybe I should ask if you have limits for these asks? Things you will not publish?
And do you prefer readerxMobius or prezLokixMobius?
i have no problem answering very personal questions or talking about dark/taboo/etc subjects. i simply don't make a habit of doing it of my own accord cuz that feels annoying and self-centered lol but i think if you're a person who's willing to share the Ugly, you ought to do it, since most people won't, and there are likely folks in similar positions to you who feel alone and "wrong" for their feelings. if i ever receive an ask that crosses a line, i won't get mad. I'll just say i'm not comfortable giving those details.
putting my actual answer under a cut- TW for CSA and violence (and just..generally preeeeetty disturbing shit??)
i actually had way weirder kinks as a very little kid, just cuz that's how i privately processed my m*lest*tion (about which i LEGIT don't give a shit to this day lol) at 3 or 4. for instance that's also when i began m*sturbating and it was always to thoughts/depictions of people being seriously injured. i did not know what m*sturbation even WAS till age like....12 or 13? but as young as i was, i somehow knew this was something to keep to myself ALONE. so in childhood i never let anybody see me j/o or admit to my very, VERY weird f*tishes. now i'm almost 30 so i don't remember what they all were, just that the pain and suffering of others, regardless of age, gender, or even species to an extent really did it for me (fortunately family was off-limits). medical settings and procedures were also a big turn-on for preschool and elementary school me, and a lot of my artwork from that time which we've kept reflects that (although i'm the only one who knows they were, to little kid me, er*tic in nature. cuz who the fuck would suspect that from a 4 year old lol.
while i had a crippling fear of being sick or injured myself, i loooooooved blood. In That Way. in middle school i began writing fanfics about, and making fanart of, my most beloved characters getting r*ped at very young ages. like, a lot of it. constantly. or i'd draw them severely injured/violently tortured by any means i thought up. again, this was something i instinctively knew needed to stay private and i had this bigass binder full of VERY disturbing artwork and writing hidden in my room.
anyways i could write books upon books on this chunk of my life 😭 nowadays, however, i am comparatively vanilla i guess? my fantasies are far less violent but i consider myself a very dominant person- i.e. i'd like to be the one doing the punishing/humiliating/etc. not that there aren't occasional exceptions, but for the most part i'm not interested in being the one on the business end of the whips and chains. honestly i think this has just carried over from my childhood when i had my fucked up fantasies, except now things like safety and consent matter to me. crossdressing is also Nice.
lactation doesn't do anything for me, and i used to have a major aversion to pregnancy, but now i can kinda..appreciate certain things about it....i just wouldn't consider it a wholeass kink cuz a lot of parameters need to be met for me to appreciate it in a sexual way. i don't care for traditional mpreg (i.e. cis men getting knocked up) but trans mpreg is fine. i mean, just look at how often pregnancy popped up in my trans pete AU! but it's less about the pregnancy and more about capitalizing on the hormonal shit it brings, like the person being especially horny, or their partner just like worshipping their body and other intimate shit.
and don't worry, i personally have no negative emotions about what happened to me in my preschool years, truly i don't care. more than anything i find it fascinating to pick apart the lingering effects and the ways in which it shaped me sexually.
OH, and to answer your LAST question......fuck that's a hard one!!!! but i think, if it's written well, i prefer prez loki/mobius but only by the tiiiiiiiiiniest margin!!!!
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camotherogue · 3 years
wings of fire brainrot is returning
have two hivewing bbys! their old designs were boring as fuck so ive revamped these two kids to look way cooler! Cantharis hasn’t changed a whole lot, but COBRA- hOOOO BOYSIE LEMME TELL YA I AM SO HAPPY WITH HIS NEW LOOK-
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Here’s Cantharis (She/her) to start! Pretty close to her og design, with a few changes ofc.
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And then Cobra (He/him, Xi/xir), with and without wing markings! (inhale) HOLY FUCK I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHHHH
I decided that xir old yellow and orange scheme was BORING and tried smth new and REALLY COOL OH MY FUCKIN- (exhale) hoooooooooooooooooo boy i could yell abt it for FOREVER! I’m still working out why he has those markings but I’m gonna chalk it up to some magic disease since that’s how the WoF universe explains EVERY cool deformity or physical condition that isn’t mainstream or attachable to an irl phenomenon. Fire-sickness sounds cool... anyways the condition is like vitiligo but with melanism instead.
I’ll drop some character deets below the cut cuz this is already long. Base by @kingdarkstalker​! Go check them out!
(slams down binders of information)
Cantharis first! She’s a student at one of the Hivewings’ many schools, studying to become a construction supervisor. She has a major sweet tooth and a work ethic like nobody’s business. She has a brother named Darkling (He/they), a sister named Tarantula (She/Her), her father Alizarin (He/him), and his spouse Beetle (They/them). She’s close with all of them except for her father, and absolutely dotes on Tarantula with her brother. Friends wise, she’s rather social, but her best friend will always be Copper. Copper (She/they) is a very bright Silkwing, and a bit younger than Cantharis. The two have basically been pals since they were hatched, attached at the hip.
Cobra next! Xi’s a suave, charming young drake with an eye for painting, though this isn’t the career xir family wants xir to go into. He can get a bit self conscious but otherwise wears his Fire-sickness markings with pride! He has two brothers, Tiger (He/him) and Ocelli (He/him). Ocelli, unfortunately, passed early, leaving it to be just Cobra and Tiger. Their parents are Plasmid and Viceroy (Both they/them), though none of the brothers are/were close with them. Cobra also has a Silkwing mate, Iris (She/they), and a dragonet named Lily (She/her). The trio fled to Phyrria after the death of Iris’ father, and the two dragons are happily raising Lily in a place where she will be respected and safe.
I have a LOT more information on these guys buy I don’t wanna bore y’all to death lmao
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masquerade-story · 3 years
Chapter 1 - Moving In
"Whose dumb idea was it to go camping like this anyway?" Grey grumbled, smacking away a tree branch that seemed determined to get friendly with his face.
Walking behind him, his twin sister Lillian rolled her eyes and poked the small of her brother's back. "Yours. It was your idea."
"Oh please Crystal! Please oh please might we go live at the haunted house in the woods where we'll certainly perish! I, Dorian Grey Duvall, swear on my sister's honor to let you protect me!" Rayne fluttered her eyelashes, lowering her voice to sound more like Dorian. She yanked the handcart she was dragging over a set of roots, careful to steady its contents before resuming her walk.
"Has to swear on my honor cuz he doesn't have any of his own left after the last time," Lillian snickered, while Grey pointedly ignored their teasing and continued clearing the overgrown path.
Bringing up the rear with a digital camera trained on everyone's back, Crystal grinned and panned the camera to take in the large, dense trees, and huge, leafy bushes. "For a haunted forest, it's actually pretty nice here. Ah, more meadow rue! Specifically thalictrum rochebrunianum, neat."
"Gesundheit," Rayne said, eliciting giggles from the group.
"The lacy one over there with the purple flowers," Crystal clarified. "There's some rue anemone and meadow rue 'splendide' around here too. Don't touch the white flowery plant up ahead by the way, it's giant hogweed. The leaves and sap can give you phytophotodermatitis, making you blister up in the sun."
"Bro, how do you remember any of this? And as for you, you're a scary bitch," Grey cringed away from the plant in question while swearing at it, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at its pretty little flower clusters.
"I read a lot."
"Me too, doesn't mean I absorb any of it! I spent like six hours on Wikipedia the other day, don't even fully remember what I looked up."
"Was it about The Hobbit or Merlin? Cuz that's all you ever look up."
"Look, Lils. I know I'm walking in the front and all, but you don't need to stab me in the back like that. Also sometimes it's Pacific Rim, thank you very much."
"Was it Pacific Rim?"
"No it was The Hobbit."
The group talking and laughing were the self-proclaimed 'Fairy Rock' band Aos Sí Echtrae. Each of them wore a hiking backpack containing personal items, while Rayne also tugged along a sturdy handcart holding supplies and instruments with ease - a drum kit, harp, bouzouki, and keyboard piled up alongside some smaller instruments and the camping stuff Crystal insisted they bring along.
Though their banter was light-hearted and comfortable, they took their excursion very seriously. After all, they'd temporarily rented a locally infamous haunted house to use for a music video! It was a large investment, but they'd become popular online and had enough supporters that they were able to fulfill one of their member's dearest dreams.
Dorian Duvall, or Grey as he preferred to be called by friends, and his twin sister Lillian Duvall played bouzouki and keyboard respectively. Both had the same willowy stature, button nose and almond eye shape, but despite their similarities they both gave off very different impressions. Where Lillian looked soft and gentle, with large doe-like green eyes, and a kind smile, Grey had a mischievous glint in his hazel eyes and a roguish grin that he utilized with careless abandon. Lillian wore her sleek black hair long and loose, falling down past her waist and kept away from her face by a cloth headband, while Grey wore his hair in a high ponytail decorated with small braids.
As the one who absolutely loved haunted houses and anything spooky, it was Grey's idea to film on location for their new Halloween-themed album, Masquerade. Though it was the middle of July, they were hoping to get everything ready for an September promotional release before the album dropped in October, and so hurriedly set up for their video shoot in order to give themselves plenty of time for editing.
All four of them worked together to compose their music, write lyrics, and design stage costumes as well as fan merchandise. They also lacked anything resembling a lead vocalist, taking turns depending on what sound worked best with each song, and preferring harmonies rather than solos.
"Ray! There's a log up here!" Grey called out suddenly, kicking the fallen tree blocking their path. Rayne grunted acknowledgment, and shuffled around Lillian to help move the obstruction.
Rayne Rose played the drums, and also did a majority of the heavy lifting due to being the strongest person present in any room that didn't involve professional weightlifters. Her muscular arms were covered with watercolor flower tattoos, which she proudly showed off by refusing to wear any shirt with sleeves. Her curly hair, dyed a gradient of aqua blue and purple, was cropped close to her face for summertime weather. The short style purposefully revealed ear gauges and more than a dozen total ear piercings, matching the many piercings on her brows, lips, and nose.
The twins had fresh yet roguish charms, while Rayne had a more heroic air with heavy brows and an intense black gaze over lips naturally curved into an amused smirk. She dusted off her hands after tossing the log aside with little effort, while Grey panted for breath from the exertion of merely helping her lift it. Crystal, for her part, made sure to get the whole thing on video for future blackmail purposes.
Crystal Rose, Rayne's older sister, played the harp. Unlike her athletic and statuesque sister, Crystal was on the soft and plump side. Her long, wavy blonde hair was pulled back into a messy twist to keep it off her neck, the ends still pink from the last time she dyed it. Her face was round and childish, with bluish gray eyes above an upturned nose and broad cheekbones, unremarkable features made more charming by her innate overwhelming charisma and natural exuberance.
She was the kind of person that random strangers would strike up a conversation with, lost kids would try to hold her hand, wild animals would approach like an old friend, and when she raised her voice even the most crowded room would quiet down. She was also the kind of person who got carded when buying alcohol despite being thirty years of age, due to what Grey dubbed 'Acute Babyface Syndrome'.
"Anyone need to clean their glasses?" Crystal asked, pulling a cloth from her pocket to swipe hers clean. Aside from Rayne, who wore her contacts, Grey and Lillian both opted to wear glasses for the hike so they wouldn't have to worry about losing a contact forever if they tripped - a serious and ever-present concern for the slightly clumsy twins.
"I'm good!"
"Not yet, thanks."
"I'll take it," Rayne said, keeping her expression blank, and Crystal narrowed her eyes.
"If you wipe your sweaty face with the glasses cloth I'll push you into the patch of poison ivy over there."
"Ope, nevermind then."
The haunted house was a thirty minute hike from the nearest road, along a mostly uphill path that hardly anyone ever used and certainly wasn't wide or steady enough for any automobiles. By the time they reached the stone fence encircling the house's enormous overgrown yard, everyone except Rayne was ready to collapse.
"I'm gonna be so in shape after this if my binder doesn't kill me first," Grey wheezed, leaning on the stone fence and looking up at the haunted house of his dreams with a longing yet exhausted expression. It stood atop a hill in the distance, surrounded by several acres worth of mostly empty property speckled by a few large trees and scraggly bushes. Behind it was a small barn, a chicken coop that hadn't seen use in ages, and a greenhouse conspicuously lacking anything actually green. "A stone brick cottage in the middle of the woods overgrown by vines, a sagging peaked roof with exposed beams, and gaping windows whose panes are cracked like spiderwebs... Looks spooky enough! If the door doesn't creak ominously when we open it, I'm filing a complaint."
Rayne pulled the handcart into the yard, then glanced over her shoulder at Crystal, who was panning the camera up to take a wide shot of the house from just inside the fence gate. "How's it feel, Coco?"
Crystal frowned, furrowing her brows. All four of them believed in the supernatural after they all experienced several strange circumstances growing up, and Crystal had long proven to have abilities that most people would've considered fake nonsense.
She kept a dream diary after experiencing incidents where she'd dream events before they occurred, and wanted to prove to herself it wasn't a figment of her imagination. Whenever something weird happened, she was the first to alert everyone and get them away from danger before anything bad happened, and had an uncanny sense of whether people were lying.
"Hard to say. It does feel... Weird. The walk through the whole forest was fine, but as soon as I walked into the yard... The air's different."
"Really?" Grey raised his eyebrows, hopping over the fence and holding out his arms. He was the second most sensitive to any external oddities, with a particular penchant for finding rather nasty unexplained phenomena. After a few seconds he frowned as well. "No, yeah. That's a weird vibe for sure. It's like, the forest was fine and funky fresh, then you get over here and it's..."
"Musty," Crystal and Grey finished at the same time, and exchanged wry smiles.
"Could be trepidation from perceived fears," Lillian pointed out, gesturing toward the house. Though she also believed in the supernatural, Lillian also liked trying to find reasonable explanations before resorting to the occult. "The big empty windows feel eerie because people expect houses to be brighter and look more lived in, right? It's possible it's just a subconscious response to an old, dilapidated building."
"Dilapidated..." Rayne muttered, raising her eyebrows as she surveyed the house. She had a sensitivity to people's emotions and motivations, and could sometimes pick up lingering feelings from objects, but she didn't feel anything in particular coming from the building. "I don't think it looks that bad? We've lived in worse."
"It hurts me, physically, every time you and Crystal tell us about that kind of thing," Lillian sighed, patting her hand over her heart while Grey nodded next to her. "This place looks gross! It's horrible to imagine little Ray and little Coco in a place even worse than this..."
"Hey, they hired someone to clean the inside and arrange some basic furniture for us to use," Grey said. "It won't be fancy, but the interior shouldn't be too gross! And we'll sleep in the same room for safety! After all... This is the Corpse Consuming Cottage!"
"Ugh, that name..." Crystal and Rayne both cringed at the same time, while Lillian's eyebrows shot up.
"Wait, it's called what?!"
"Yup! Bad, right? But it's earned the name cuz of how many people have gone missing here. Poof! Gone without a trace! Every single person who's ever bought this place has disappeared, along with any family they brought along." Grey grinned, wiggling his fingers at his suddenly horrified twin. "I even made a spooky spreadsheet citing all my sources, aren't you proud? It's legit, this place is either hella haunted or hella cursed."
"Will we be okay!?" Lillian muttered, color draining from her cheeks.
"There's a loophole," Rayne said, and Crystal nodded.
"Yeah, we didn't buy the house. We're just renting. Supernatural stories are always big sticklers on rules, right? Chanting something three times, turning a certain way, walking a certain pattern. If buying the house is part of the problem, then renting it shouldn't be counted as the same thing because possession isn't being transferred." Crystal turned the camera to zoom in on poor Lillian's pale face, hiding her mischievous grin behind the lens. "Theoretically."
"Don't even pretend you aren't absolutely terrified too, Miss I Can't Go On The Haunted House Ride At The Amusement Park I Have A Doctor's Note," Grey scoffed.
"I don't like ghosts or wraiths or poltergeists or whatever wicked whatsits terrorize the night because I feel bad for them thanks very much, but..." Crystal glanced over at the house and frowned, furrowing her brow again. "I feel bothered but not... Threatened? Like there's something here watching but it won't hurt us."
"That's as good as a gold star to me. Let's crack this bitch open and make some lunch!" With renewed vigor, Grey fished the key from his shorts pocket and ran up the creaky old porch to the front door. "Come on in, it's nice and cool inside! Comparatively speaking, I don't think there's an air conditioner. Just fans. But it'll be clean!"
Like he'd promised, the interior was cleaner than the exterior condition belied. Furniture was sparse, but they were all fine wood antiques with a hand-polished sheen. Everyone dropped their backpacks in the foyer and stretched for a moment before getting to work.
"Water's on!" Grey called from the kitchen, where he set the tap to run. "There's dishes and cookware in here too!"
"Silverware?" Lillian called back, in the middle of helping Crystal and Rayne unload the handcart.
"Yup, as requested! I think they're all antique like the rest of everything here."
"Don't you dare break any antique dishes, Dorian Grey!"
"No promises!"
"Electricity works," Crystal said with some surprise, flicking a nearby switch after setting her harp case on the floor in the living room, alongside a towering pile of boxes holding personal things they'd had delivered via the realtor. She held her breath to listen for any crackles or pops, but the overhead light didn't give so much as a flicker. "Wires might actually be okay? That's surprising, this house is really old. Must've been recently renovated."
"Probably to try and reel in prospective buyers," Rayne said, setting down three drum cases. The rest of her kit was already unloaded, so she took a moment to glance around the living room with Crystal. "Inside looks much nicer than outside."
"We can make it look spookier with filters and editing," Crystal said, running her finger against the windowsill. When it came up without dust, she furrowed her brows. "They were real thorough cleaning this place."
"Found the terrifying cellar!" Grey's faint muffled cry echoed from somewhere in the house, followed by the sound of Lillian shouting his full name and charging off after him.
"Any cold spots?" Crystal shouted down the stairs after circling the entire bottom floor trying to find them. The cellar door was tucked into the kitchen's pantry, which was a full walk-in room rather than a little cabinet.
Since the house was so far from town, part of the rental contract involved the current real estate agent making sure the kitchen was stocked before tenants took over. All the shelves were packed full with newly purchased dry goods and spices, mostly sorted into pretty glass jars for aesthetic appeal.
"No cold spots, just some nice shelving, big old ground freezer and a wine rack! Fruit preserves and stuff but they didn't leave any complimentary wine. Zero out of ten, not recommended."
"What makes it terrifying then?"
"Big spiders."
Crystal grimaced and backed away from the cellar door, narrowly evading Lillian as she retreated up the stairs at maximum speed.
The house was surprisingly large. The ground floor had a large open kitchen with an attached breakfast room, a living room, a dining room, a sitting room, a study with empty floor-to-ceiling bookshelves alongside display cabinets, and a laundry/changing room attached to a bathroom with an enormous sunken bath large enough to be used as a hot tub.
"I would buy this house just for the tub," Lillian said, stroking the porcelain with obvious affection.
"Please don't," Grey muttered. "We're evading the horrible disappearance curse via fairy loopholes, don't you go walking into the trap face-first like that!"
"Fine, but when we leave, we're bringing the tub with us."
"Yeah sure that's completely feasible and not at all slightly insane."
The upper floor had five large bedrooms with attached changing rooms, two lavatories, and a walk-in storage closet. Rayne carried their bags into the master bedroom, then returned to the handcart to retrieve the extra supplies they brought - a couple of brand new air mattresses, blankets, boxes of instant food, tents in case the house was in worse shape than expected, a first aid kit, and little tools like scissors, binoculars, and lighters.
"This place is supposed to be super haunted and cursed, yet..." Rayne hummed to herself, patting the mattress in the master bedroom. Every bed in the house was neatly made, with clean sheets and blankets that still smelled like soap. "Won't need the air mattresses. They really worked hard to make this place nice, huh?"
Finally, the attic under the peaked roof had a few small gaps in the shingles, but otherwise lacked any signs of weathering or exposure damage. The only things occupying the space were a few cobwebs in the darkest corners. "Ugh, nothing for us to snoop through," Grey muttered, poking his head into the attic for only moment before heading back downstairs to start moving boxes from the living room into various bedrooms for later sorting.
Crystal and Rayne turned the fans on in all the rooms to start circulating air, opening windows on the shaded side of the house to catch any stray breezes, while Lillian and Grey got started on making lunch. The house which stood empty for so long soon filled with laughter, conversation, and the smell of good food.
"I just can't get over how unhaunted this haunted house is," Grey lamented, tapping a fork against his empty plate. "I've been looking and there's not so much as a suspiciously shadowed corner or creaky stair board!"
"Are you sure those disappearances were legit?" Lillian asked, gesturing for Crystal to pass the salt so she could douse her potato salad. "You checked the sources themselves, right?"
"I did! That's why it's so weird!" Grey drained the remaining water from his glass, glaring down at the ice cubes rattling at the bottom. "Other than the terrible cell reception, weak internet signal, and our gut feelings, there's really no sign of anything being weird. I was promised jumpscares!"
"You were promised no such thing," Rayne muttered around a mouthful of grilled chicken sandwich, deftly capturing some lettuce before it escaped her lips and hit the table. "The outside looks spooky enough for use in our video, we can think of this like a vacation and relax for a bit until we have to leave."
"There's a barn out back, maybe that's haunted?" Crystal suggested, but Grey shook his head.
"I already checked... It's clean as a whistle. No disturbed earth or rattling rusty tools or anything!"
"Would you feel better if one of us got possessed by a demon?"
"Maybe. It'd have to be a really good possession though, if you're not crawling on the ceiling I want a refund."
"Oh, you're paying us?"
"Hell no, a refund of my feelings. My feelings!"
"Speaking of feelings, how do you feel, Coco? Lils?" Rayne interrupted just as Grey was about to get dramatic. "That was a doozy of a hike. You guys alright?"
Both Lillian and Crystal suffered from several health problems when they were younger, and were still weaker than the average person because of it. They had to work harder to remain healthy than most people did.
Lillian, since her mouth was full, flexed her arm and gave a thumbs up to show she was feeling alright. Once her mouth was clear of food, she added: "Mostly just sore, but nothing a long bath and some music won't cure!"
Crystal gave a start, realizing she'd been staring out the nearest window for awhile and tuning out the conversation. She turned back to Rayne and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, what was that?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just feel a bit woozy, I think."
"Sensing something weird?"
"Honestly? I don't know." Crystal sighed, opening a can of grape soda and pouring it into her glass. "I still feel like we're being watched. And..."
She hesitated, then shook her head. No matter how Grey tried to cajole the rest of the sentence from her, Crystal kept the rest of her thoughts to herself. If she felt they were in danger she wouldn't be so tight-lipped, so they dropped the subject and started discussing their upcoming album instead.
After lunch they moved several beds into one room, turning the master bedroom into a big slumber party area. The rest of the afternoon and early evening was spent getting video and photos of the house and its yard, trying to find the perfect angles for use during the actual performance recording.
Rayne gathered some logs for firewood after noticing a fire pit in the back with some carved stone benches surrounding it. Dinner consisted of an open flame barbecue using packaged meats they found in the fridge, and a few veggies and fruit rolled into foil packs.
"We've really gotta thank that agent lady," Grey said, reclining in his chair. "She really came through with the supplies! It's so good having a fully stocked kitchen from the start, I was worried we'd be having pancakes and instant ramen for days."
"I'll head to town tomorrow and grab more meat for the freezer in the cellar," Rayne said, chewing on a skewer of chicken. "It's got a little variety right now but I'd like to stock up so we don't have to make as many trips. You and Lils might be fine with rabbit food, but Crystal and I need that good good protein."
"We're natural carnivores," Crystal agreed.
"Is there anything else we need from the store?"
"Nah, I can't think of anything. There's like, four entire bags of toilet paper, and towels and wash cloths and soaps and detergent and even pads and stuff. Like, I know we paid for the service but the level of consideration is really impressive!"
Crystal stared into the flickering flames, watching the embers rise into the rapidly darkening sky only to flicker away among the stars. The strange feeling she'd had all day was building to a crescendo, swelling in her chest in anticipation of...
Rayne glanced over, nudging her sister in the arm. "Coco? You're out of it again."
Crystal nodded. She opened her mouth, closed it, then opened again. Seeing her strange behavior, Lillian and Grey both fell silent.
Finally, Crystal heaved a sigh and poked at the burning logs with a long stick. "Remember when we first posted the video for our band? It was uploading and we were all watching the loading bar while holding our breaths? How it felt?"
"Don't get nostalgic on me old man," Grey muttered. Though his tone was teasing, there was an affectionate smile on his face.
Lillian nodded and smiled. "It was so exciting and terrifying at the same time. Maybe nothing would happen, maybe we'd be one of many bands that never got any traction. But maybe... Maybe we'd get lucky."
"It was kind of a relief too," Rayne added, gesturing with the skewer in her hand. "Like, we did it! We made our first song, and did our first video, and were gonna show it to the world. It felt really real right then. All our hard work."
"Yeah... And remember what I said?" When they all shook their heads, Crystal chuckled and poked the fire hard enough to send a flurried shower of sparks into the air. "I said it felt like a change was coming. For better or worse, something big was about to happen."
"Right, right! We'd either succeed in our dream or fail absolutely, with no in-between. That's what you said, yeah?" Grey sighed, patting his full stomach. "I remember. Man, that was heavy. I couldn't even sleep that night, you know?"
"Is it happening again?" Lillian asked, her voice even softer than usual. "That feeling?"
"Yeah. I've felt that way all day. I thought maybe it's cuz we never did anything as big as this, renting a house and doing a whole video shoot on location, that maybe I was worried about how ambitious our idea was, but..." Crystal bit her lip, poking the fire again. She made a point of avoiding their gazes, focusing on the burning embers and crackling logs. "I think if we stay here tonight, there's no going back."
Silence reigned for a few minutes. Then, quietly, Rayne whispered: "Are we in danger?"
"It's not like that. It's just... A massive change, that feels... Overwhelming. This is bigger than the previous time."
"Bigger than chasing our dream?"
Rayne reached over to grab Crystal's hand, while Grey hopped up and sprawled across Lillian's lap despite her protests. He just laughed and said, "What's that matter? No matter what happens tonight, tomorrow, or whatever! We'll get through it together like we always have. You and me, sweethearts. Us against the world!"
Crystal smiled and gently squeezed Rayne's hand. "Yeah. We'll be fine, no matter what."
Once dinner was finished, the fire fully smothered and the leftovers packed away for later, everyone did rock-paper-scissors to determine order of bathtub usage. One by one, they soaked away their worries, changed into the pajamas they brought, and crawled into one of the master bedroom's beds.
As midnight ticked over, a single shaft of light from the full moon filtered through the room's lacy curtains, illuminating their peaceful faces. The sleeping occupants remained blissfully unaware of the tendrils of fog creeping along the ground, emerging from the forest to wrap the entire house in a dome of mist.
Several hours later, as the first rays of dawn burst from the horizon, they were finally awoken by a piercing scream.
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