#and i tried to be really really light in terms of my personal hcs
moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
the yellow saber rey pulls at the end... it's not just some ha! new color! saber right? it's a lightsaber??? or something??? (i read a fanfic where there were a darksaber and a lightsaber and thennn i just watched rogue one and they mention documents about a darksaber briefly so that's a real shit?)
Oh yeah no Rey gets a cool lightsaber that is yellow, but it's just a normal lightsaber. The darksaber is uuuh something else you'll see in TCW, Rebels or The Mandalorian, but it's not in the movies. As its name indicates, it's black, and it looks extremely cool on screen. It's a lightsaber but also not really? You'll know when you see it, it has its own lore (you can go look at the Wookieepedia page for it if you want but it can be a little dry). But yeah it is really just "hey look we made it canon sabers can be yellow too!", on top of "look she gets Her Own! she's a Real Jedi now!"
Lightsaber lore for you: the kyber crystal inside a lightsaber is what gives a lightsaber its colour, during the prequels era the younglings would go to Illum as was tradition and walk around in the cave until the one kiinnda sentient, Force-sensitive crystal that would be the best fit for them caught their eye and they'd leave with it (like the wand that chooses its wizard, yes). This process is shown in one of the TCW arcs I recommended you actually! The kids are really cute in it <3 Incidentally, kyber is really powerful, which is why you might have seen the name Illum somewhere else: it's the planet that Hux chose to become Starkiller, the kyber core (that had been used by the Jedi as a source for their sabers for it is implied to be centuries) was used to power up the thing.
Kyber crystals usually are blue/green for the good guys (there's lore related to that but it's pretty niche), then Ahsoka had a greenish-yellow saber for a while, for some people (Samuel L Jackson) it can be purple, and with Rey we have canon confirmation (canon, canon, vite dit given how little people liked the sequels) that they can also be yellow, which we'd only seen in legends stuffe before.
They can also be red if a person falls to the dark side, because kyber crystals are attuned to the Force and so they do not vibe with people who use the dark side. When a Force user falls, their crystal eventually stops working for them, at which point they usually force the crystal to submit to their will and kind of mentally break their spirit? which is a processus called bleeding, and it's evil and bad because the crystals are implied to be at least kind of aware of some stuff, which means they are kind o torturing them, but they're darksiders so it's appropriate.
And Filoni made it (maybe not him but it's Ahsoka related so I'm pinning it on him) he made it so you can heal a red crystal, which Ahsoka does later on and which results in a white crystal. In the Fallen Order games you can customise your blade and they can also be orange, indigo, cyan and magenta, plus some other material has used orange as the colour of training, low power lightsabers. That's less important though.
The out of universe reasons they're those colours are they were just supposed to be blue and red to show good guys/bad guys, but then Luke got a green one so it would be obvious he had a new saber and the colour wouldn't clash with the sky of Tatooine, then Samuel L Jackson wanted a purple one because it's his fave colour (me too bestie), and the rest was probably because people thought it would be neat if there were other colours.
This is a piece of concept art (??) for the High Republic project, which basically is a multimedia project that showcases the Republic in its golden age, before the prequels era, and I love this art specifically because it shows a pretty good diversity in saber & character design while still keeping it clear they're all force-sensitives (/Jedi?). There's also a neat few pages in a comics on why they use lightsabers and not anything else, though they also have variations on the traditional lightsaber that you can see on the Wookieepedia page for lightsabers.
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(the darksaber looks like the black saber to the right, with a white halo and a black inside instead of a while inside and a coloured halo, which is super cool visually. This isn't the darksaber though I don't think, the handle isn't right. And maybe the person wielding it is a darksider given the golden eyes?? Whatever. Cool art)
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arcan3-reliquary · 1 month
VERITAS RATIO HEADCANONS (because we need more content of him that's him-centric)
And because you guys asked. Most of these headcanons are purely based on my readings of him or have 0 basis in canon, so if you don’t like them, feel free to scroll past them!!
fighting the war on autism on the side of autism. As a neurodivergent he's very nd coded to me, especially with the fact that he's a very caring person but terrible with emotions and words. He's losing the idgaf war so badly like there's no way a neurotypical person has a temper that short over the most (seemingly) inane shit
Kind of pasty. not just like porcelain skin, like clay-sickly-victorian-boy type palor. He tries to go outside more often, but by the nature of his job he's rather sedentary and inside alooot. He's perfectly healthy, he just looks like that. Same complexion as Freminet in my head, with fewer freckles and a tooth gap he likes to deny he has.
Wears the alabaster headpiece not just to deal with idiots, but to self regulate out in public. It blocks out smells, and dampens sound and light enough for him to tolerate some of the veeery overstimulating environments he visits.
For a man that values creativity explicitly, not enough people seem to believe he’d have an interest in the arts. So I think he's into sculpting. A chisel and hammer are very comforting weights in his hand, and while he doesn't particularly care for pottery or wet clay, he gets why it's so well liked. He uses himself as reference mostly because he's most familiar with his own body and asking others can be awkward or seen as weird.
The dude has extremely obscure taste in sci-fi novels. Like he will yap on and on about why he can't stand most sci-fi and recommend the most odd shit out there if asked.
Not really a hc, but he has very brittle self-esteem. It simply comes with the territory of being labeled “gifted” or “a child genius.” For years, a lot of his perceived worth came from the quality of his work or academic validation, and now his big reason for staying in academics isn't the knowledge itself, but rather the joy of teaching and sharing the things he knows.
Somehow both touch starved and touch averse. Contact must be initiated by him on his terms, or a shutdown will happen. But when someone he trusts does this, it's the funniest thing because he thinks he's being so subtle about his enjoyment of it. (Aven played w his hair once and Veritas passed tf out like that and Aven couldn't move for an hour.)
Chronic over-explainer. Either he misreads someone's tone and thinks they need the detail, or past conflict was caused by him thinking he didn't explain enough (it was usually just people being purposefully obtuse or daft.)
Unsurprisingly terrible to deal with when sick. Non-verbal, sits under a mountain of weighted blankets, and only communicates via the notes app on his phone or having Aventurine help him.
Ratio is terribly farsighted - just genetics. Lasic surgery fixed most of it, but he still needs reading glasses and contacts.
Intimacy issues alert. Vulnerability is scary and being put on a pedestal your whole life tends to make letting down pretenses a lil nauseating. Mortifying ordeal of being known and all that.
Girl Anachronism by the Dresden Dolls makes me think of him. I can't explain it. I think it's a combo of him being hella self aware of his issues but also just kinda treating them like something of a character flaw or moral failing rather than something he can ask for help with. Just a thought
AND THATS ITS IVE YAPPED ENOUGH ABOUT RATIO. The Aveenturine and Golden Ratio posts will come soon but for now have these. He makes me insane.
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Hiiiii, let me just say I love you writing!!!!! <3
Anyway my request is headcanons of Percy with a child of Erebus s/o. Erebus is the primordial god of darkness.
Like as a child of a primordial they’re extremely powerful and have like shadow powers. They also have really good night vision. They’re like super powerful at night because of all the darkness and a possible blessing of their step-mom Nyx.
Anyway have a good day/night :))))
⋆⭒˚.⋆ percy jackson x child of erebus! reader hcs
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content: percy jackson x child of erebus! reader hcs warning: none!! author's note: i know the pics are very feminine, but i tried my best to make this gn bc i noticed the 'child' instead of daughter!! i think i did it???? if you guys see any gendered terms, lemme know so i can fix it!! i know this is basically the daughter of nyx one i did but i like nightime escapades okay???? (im actually terrified of the dark and sleep with a nightlight at my grown ass age)
"and what do you think youre doing?" a voice questioned from behind percy, causing him to slip and fall from the brick wall he was just beginning to climb
"ow," he whined, resting a hand against his surely bruised ribs and attempting to look through the darkness at whoever scared him
"sorry! sometimes i forget other people can't see so well in the dark," you laughed lightly, holding your hand out to pull him back to his feet
percy took it, giving you a slightly grateful smile as he was back on his feet
"you must be y/n, then? erebus' kid?" percy questioned, dusking his sweatpants off, suddenly wishing he'd changed into better clothes like he vaguely thought to do
what kind of impression does blue food dye stained sweatpants give???
a bad one, surely.
"yup! the one and only, spooky master of the dark," you mocked all, dramatically, waving your hands around, which percy could just barely make out in the darkness
"great title. i personally go by lord of the seafoam but that's what my enemies call me," percy joked, enjoying your chuckles more than he thought he would
"and what do your friends call you?" you questioned with a tilt of your head.
"oh, also lord of the seafoam. or percy," he winked with a beaming smile that you didn't need night vision to see.
"well, lord of the seafoam, you never answered my question."
"hmm? OH! right, well, you see, my step dad mentioned something about a meteor shower tonight and i was trying to get to bunker nine to sit on the roof to watch it," percy explained with a shrug
"no way! me too! well, i was gonna use the half blood hill, but still!" you replied, bouncing on the balls of your feet in excitement
"actually, could i come with you? you know how leo is, probably still working in there and once he starts yapping, he never stops. i'd probably miss the whole thing," percy lied.
he knew leo was dead asleep and he gave percy a key to bunker nine just so he could watch the meteor shower
but was he really gonna pass up the opportunity to watch it with someone so dashing?? he's stupid, but not that stupid
"yeah, course! c'mon, i got snacks too!" you nodded, instantly, reaching forwards and grasping his wrist and dragging him towards half blood hill
percy was grateful you were leading the way for two reasons: one, he couldn't see for shit in this darkness, and two, it allowed him to hide his blush behind your back.
you'd already set up a place by what used to be thalia's tree, a blanket splayed out and snacks splattered on top
it was a perfect view over camp and of the sky, percy sure it would be difficult to miss the shower now
but, while you guys waited, you and percy couldn't seem to stop talking
the randomest and stupidest stuff
"aliens. yes or no?"
"obvi. hard yes."
"is cereal a soup?"
"technically yes, but i'd like to live in delusion that's it not."
"who do you think-" percy started but got cut off by your hands shooting out and wrapping around his arm
"look, look! it's starting!" you explained, pointing up at some streaking lights through the dark sky
you guys watched in silent awe for a while before percy leaned over to you, which wasn't much of a distance as you still clung to his arm
"why does a shooting star taste better than a comet?" he whispered, his eyes still on the sky
you squinted at him suspiciously but hummed in question
"It's a little meteor."
silence and then the cutest giggles percy's ever heard
"that's so chessy!" you managed to get out between your laughs, basically curled into percy's side
and his smile was beginning to hurt his cheeks
then a comfortable silence settled over the two once more, their eyes drawn back to the fireballs shooting through the sky
well, your eyes were
percy's eyes stayed on you, his blood rushing in his ears and his heart beating like a drum
then you caught him, out of the corner of your eye, biting your lip to keep your smile at bay
you were sure he didn't know you knew, your excellent night vision being the only reason you could see his eyes on you so clearly
then the final meteor flew by and percy started praying for just one more, not wanting the night to end
"this was fun...lord of the seafoam," you mocked, bumping your shoulder with his
percy laughed at the call back, but his heart wasn't in it
he knew this night would end and you guys would just be acquaintances, someone you just wave at as you pass on the way to your cabin, but never another conversation to be had
or that's what percy thought.
"of course, master of the darkness," he tried to joke, trying to hide his disappointment at the ending night, "any time-"
before he could get another mopey word out, you were shooting forwards, a kiss pressed firmly to his cheek
the words died on his tongue
"you know, i think the full moon is tomorrow. do you wanna-"
"yes. totally. let's do it," percy instantly cut in, shaking off your nearly paralyzing touch, the need to see you again enough to break him of any spell or prison.
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okay so i love oliver so so much. so here are some hcs about him.:
he had a great relationship with his parents. obviously, his dad in the dreamer episode and stuff and his death, but before his dad died, he was on great terms with him. his mom died when he was 25/26, him and his dad went through it together.
speaking of parents, he actually had a very normal life prior to all the Horrors. his childhood was very unremarkable. i imagine that he liked to read a lot of those feel-good children books like roald dahl and maybe those henry huggins books. he really liked math growing up and that was really the reason he became a banker.
he is bisexual with a lean towards men. he realized this when he was 16.
a few romantic partners here and there in the later years of secondary school. graham was his first serious relationship.
i once saw this post that played around with the idea that oliver and graham broke up because they were too dependent on each other and they leaned on to each other so much that they couldn't be individual people, and i stand by that.
AAA I HAVE THOUGHT OF OLIVER FINDING GRAHAM AND TENDRILS IN HIS DREAM SO MANY TIMES !!! so my idea is that he falls asleep, dreams, you know. he finds himself on the canary wharf like so many times. like that dream with gertrude, he again feels that urge to follow that light or whatever that happened (been a while since i listened to that episode !). he goes to clapham and he is standing on the street between graham's apartment and amy's apartment. the tendrils are weirdly shaped like hands and they enter that open window. they're wrapped around this person, shrouding them completely, though oliver can't quite see who it is covering, he knows it's graham. he suddenly gets this feeling that he is being watched.
he wakes up from that dream and oh fuck, he needs to do something. he needs to warn him. oliver tries to call him but graham does not answer as there's still that bitterness. oliver even goes to his house to tell him and graham does open the door but only tells him to piss off. oliver urges him to listen to him but graham only screams at him to leave. there is no point. everyone oliver has seen in his dream, they die. no matter what.
now, i think that after like ten days, oliver does go check up on graham but i don't know how that might go down. would he think something was really wrong and tell that, whoever this is, that's not graham. would he not think something was amiss and just be so glad that graham is alive? hmm thoughts?
one last hc, as a child, oliver had trouble falling asleep. it was not anything major, just a small problem. his mother would sing him a little lullabye. he still remembers the song and post-change, he would hum it to himself as he closed his eyes.
oliver enjoyers <33 we love to see it!!
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crypticjackal13 · 8 months
Testing out these hc's and also NSFW. Don't like, don't read. What you do on the internet isn't my fault. (CW: mentions of trauma, food, drinking, and s3x)
My Ghost(Simon Riley) Headcanons
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He's not addicted to his mask. The dialogue between him and Soap about it is funny as hell("bet you sleep with that thing" "soundly.") But like he probably takes his mask off once he's home alone and what not. Sometimes forgets to wash it but he keeps a reminder on his phone to do it at least once a week. Has a few extras with his stuff, and carries at least one baclava in his uniform's pocket just in case.
He's not super insecure. He's confident, he knows he's hot. I could see him being a bit self conscious about his scars, and he likely doesn't like anyone touching them. But other than that, he doesn't mind how he looks(like his body weight, his height, etc)
Doesn't smoke(or very rarely does it). But he does drink. It's very controlled, though, and he refuses to have any more than 3 drinks because he doesn't want to be irresponsible. Some nights he's actually likely to be the designated driver if the team heads to a pub.
Eats regularly. At least two good meals a day, and he's fairly mindful about what he's eating. Sometimes he doesn't have the time or resources to get like a bunch of veggies or whatever, so he does settle for fast food or junk food. He doesn't starve himself, he knows he won't be able to do his job efficiently if he does.
I think he's not cold and emotionless all the time. He likes jokes and witty banter!! He probably doesn't mind listening to someone ramble for a while!! It might take him a bit to warm up to someone on his own, but he might feel better if there's a mutual friend(i.e. Soap). But he isn't a robot all the time it just takes him a minute to adjust to a new person. (He does always have that lingering fear of betrayal, though. He wishes it wasn't there always nagging at the back of his mind.)
Did go through a lot of therapy. Both for his physical health(after being hung by his ribs and what not) and his mental health(for basically everything). He wouldn't have been considered fit to serve if he hadn't done it. (I also think this would make him the type to make jokes about his own trauma sometimes just for the hell of it)
NSFW. It takes a solid couple of weeks/months into a relationship for him to feel comfortable with sex. He doesn't mind kissing/hugging/holding hands/cuddling, but in terms of intimacy he needs to know that he's safe with someone to actually do that stuff.
He's very nice about it. Checks up on his partner multiple times throughout to make sure he's not doing anything to upset them. If he is, he immediately backs off.
Manhandles by accident. Tends to get lost in the moment and so he just kinda,,, moves his partner around. Quickly apologizes and chuckles and asks them if they're alright in this position.
He's a little kinky. Not a whole lot, but I imagine he'd be okay with things like easy bondage, light impact play, and maybe some stuff with toys if that's what his partner likes. If his partner wants to do something new he does hella research first. Also he may be more leaning dominant but he's not gonna be a hard Dom.
Tends to pass out right after the fact. To combat this he usually tries to keep some snacks, drinks, and wipes in the room in case his partner wants any. Of course he'll make it up to them in the morning--I think he's really good at making proper tea and coffee.
TL;DR I see way too much mischaracterization of him. He's a little guy and he deserves better. :)
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mapoeggplant · 1 year
skip to loafer episode 6
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i think people might find it funny for me to say that, since they are chapters that definitely have a romantic undertone to it, but this weeks episode covers one of my favorite moments of shima and mitsumi, in terms of their platonic relationship.
first of all, we start chapter 10 with mitsumi and fumi talking about love, giving us a better in-depth on mitsumi's view of the matter. like any other teenage girl, the curiosity is still there, but the fact that she just instantly thinks about exams is so dear and funny to me.
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mitsumi is demi coded for me in many, many levels, which brings me a great sense of comfort. yes, we do have her running away, heart on hear sleeve, fumi on her ear while she questions about love — and that makes my demi hc even better. that's because she found her person, so love became something that can start to flourish. i just find all of that beautiful. but anyways, we're here to talk about platonic love so let's all focus on platonic love:
when i say that this chapter is filled with platonic moments between them, i'm most referring to mitusmi's worries about shima and, later on, her prejudices towards him based on what people told her. were they saying the truth?
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this creates a little doubt on mitsumi's mind and, since she was always the girl who knew everyone, who knew their parents and such, she starts to question how much shima, the guy he considers her first ever tokyo friend, is opening up to her and really wanting to be her friend.
well, if he's her friend...why he's hiding so much? why he's missing school? why do people say those things about him? mitsumi starts to get worried about her friend and, in a clumsy, very mitsumi way, tried to help the best way she can — which it didn't turn out great.
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while, on shima's side, he's being confronted by similar feelings. the bright golden girl he met and got so enchanted to was starting to believe on rumors about them, like all the other people on his life. that makes him lash out in a terrible way to her, regretting instantly.
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and then, we have the conversation with chris, that is number one of many, many others. chris is, somehow, the safe connection between his past and future, the one he can be the most honest with (and we'll only find more about it later on. right now, chris is only his quirky funny friend. can't believe we had no idea what was coming at us!!). and that's how we manage to see a crack on shima's walls: he's terrified of losing a friend he considers dear. he's afraid of making the same mistakes over and over again, a circle of regret.
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and it all comes to light on the famous scene at the stairs. shima, who would once again run away from his problems, pretend nothing happen, is suddenly confronted by a girl who won't back down until things are settled. mitsumi won't lose her friend, she'll fight for him.
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that's the chapter where we start to see their bond being created. it's not about romance, not about their romantic feelings (that didn't even start to grow): it's about not wanting to lose the one who means so much to them, about the chance of being completely open with someone.
yes, the chapter 10 starts with the discussion love and chapter 11 ends with it, i won't deny that. but what we have in between are two friends who are still learning to navigate around each other, who are exposing themselves little by little. bond is about love, platonic or not.
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coentinim · 10 months
Innocent characters and how they would treat someone traumatized
Charles... he has a lot of his own personal baggage. He's arguably the most traumatized in the story, and when he commits heinous acts, he just mutiliates his own soul further. So if he has to take care of someone deeply traumatized, he would not know what to do. He'd likely distance himself as much as possible, but if he really had to help, he would offer his medical knowledge. While he does find the situation relatable, he will NOT open up about his own abuse or how he hates his job. He will talk about unrelated topics he enjoys, like medicine, favourite foods or maybe happy childhood memories that aren't too emotional for him. Geniuenly wants to make you feel better but has no idea how. Also depends on his mood.
More utc
Marie's unhelpful emotionally. I don't know if she's a psychopath or something, but she does not feel remorse for any of her actions, so I'm going with this term to simplify (I might analyse her deeper one day). Marie will not be kind to you if you're traumatized. She herself is a victim, and an abusive mother. I read that as symbolic rather than "real", but she gives 0 fucks about her child's safety. She might give you some advice or maybe give you money for support. She's more likely to kill your abuser than anything else.
Who else, who else... Anne-Marthe does not help people out. She uses them. If being curt to you benefits her, she will be curt. If it's better to fake kindness and understanding, she will do so. She's very cold in her manipulation. So she will make you dependent on her. It's not in her interest to make you mentally healthier lmao.
Dad- uh, Jean-Baptiste is similar in a sense, but he's not as manipulative. He might try to manipulate you, but it's not as severe. He is a very distant figure, so he'd likely react like Charles - distance himself. But if he does help, he probably gives you advice in that stern fatherly tone. And he scares you, he's scary, but it doesn't matter because I hc that he has this calm, stoic aura about him even if he's insane. So he can have a grounding presence I guess, but he's reluctant to actually help. He will patch almost anyone up without question though. (I was joking with the daddy I don't have hots for this moth man I swear)
The most helpful on this list is probably André. Even though he's very anxious and doesn't know how to help, he would listen well and try to find a solution to any problem. He would open up about his own trauma too! He tries to help a lot, but he's ridiculously clumsy about it, and can make it look like it's him venting instead. But he's still the most eager to help and actually become friends.
Louis would definitely just vent. He can hold your hand once I guess, but he IS a king, he can't just make people feel better, he has duties and all. I guess he would give money and look with sad eyes, contemplating your tragedy for a week before another tragedy shows itself to him.
I could only see Antoinette being helpful in a modern au (even then she wouldn't care all that much, we see a modern au in canon and she's no different) because in canon she wouldn't really care for longer than a few minutes. She would treat it like rich people treat a photo of a starving child. She might throw money at you or just watch how poor and sad you are from a distance. I love her, she has no malitious intents, but she's too detached from reality.
Subyss is the one who traumatized you, period. He has no desire to help and he doesn't. Or no, wait, you could get drunk together and complain about stuff, or start a bar fight (I kinda want to hit him idk he's infuriating). But it's not healthy coping so I'm not counting that.
You know who came to my mind? Zero. They are shown to bring light and joy to people's lives, and I can see them being a good listener who would share their food with you. They're just very, very weird to talk to since they have weird communication habits and a skewed perception of reality. But they would definitely better anyone's mood.
Note: My first time posting something I imagined and wrote. Not a reblog, not a comment, my own hcs. So I was very anxious about it lmao.
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ran-orimoto · 5 months
What I like from your fics is that i can learn italian stuff everytime you write. I'm happy you are doing this for J.P. Can I give a suggestion? Can you write something about Junpie liking italian cinema because you say he fantasizes about being an actor in his detective tv series. I wanna know if he collects olld italian films and if he has favs he watches with Izumi and the kids, something like that.
Ahhhh so beautiful to hear, Anon💕. I’m glad you like knowing more about my country (maybe you are the one who’s learning italian? Since you all are mostly anons I can’t always recognize you). I will give more Italy in the following chapters ,then, ahahaha.
Your suggestion is brilliant. Indeed, I do headcanon Junpei will eventually become a cinephile someday, especially when it comes to old detective films and italian ones, thanks to Izumi of course ahaha. I can see him as a grown a$$ adult collecting VHS of black and white films…You know a bit of Fellini, Visconti, all those films featuring Mastroianni and Sophia Loren🤣. And I’m not sure Izumi will love this passion of his? What a curse having taught him about italian cinema history will become. I think she’d get pretty bored and annoyed, especially if he will start blabbing about the films as fast as a train, eventually making her snap a “Are you sure you want to watch this film???”. I believe she would be the kind of person loving romantic scenes ,though, iconic ones like the one in the Fontana dei Trevi from “La Dolce Vita”.
As far as concerns a favourite film I think Junpei would love a lot, I can’t help it, I can’t help picking Benigni’s “La Vita è bella” (1997). “Love a lot” is not even a term I should use here, to be honest. I think it’s more correct to say, “he would feel so connected to it / so emotional about it”. “La Vita è bella” is a…Tough film, despite it being a comedy. It is set in Italy during Second World War and it tells the story of a family that gets separated, dilaniated due to the immane horrors of the persecution of the Jews.
You might ask me why I would pick such a film as a favourite for Junpei. Well, this is a forbidden hc that I’ve been holding onto for years, since the first time I watched the library episode from Frontier. The scene featuring Junpei cheering up Tomoki because he is terrorized of what is coming next hit my head like a lightning. Junpei is the character that offers himself to lighten up the darkest hours the kids are living through with his magical tricks. The flowers shower he dedicates to Tomoki to make him laugh were initially dedicated to a little show he wanted to pull up in front of Izumi, so he really cared about brightening her mood as well.
“La vita è bella” ’s father ending up in that disgraceful situation with his kid is just the same. He tries making the kid believe it’s all a game, he comforts him with tricks and all the most disparate stuff when the day seems to never want to come. I could be k1ll3d over this but I can’t see why Junpei being a tenor should make him lose that side of personality of his. First of all, let me say you have got a very narrow perspective of opera singers; secondly, nothing would keep him from mixing his singing, theatrical and magical skills to bring light to unlucky children in hospitals.
This is what I can absolutely see an older Junpei like. Maybe his Light has always resided in his magical tricks.
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I guess it's time I get this started
So here's the thing, I am a classic disney fan through and through. I am a lover of disney in general but those older classic movies hold a special place in my heart, hey I mean it's what me and many others have grown up on right?
The thing is, the community for the classic disney movies, such as 90s ones like Aladdin or Toy Story and yada yada just isn't as big as the modern community is.
Anddd, for some reason they seem to be the most prone to fetish content. Now I'm not a kink-shamer, but I still don't want to interact with that side of things cause I'm not like that, a lot of us get that right? Right.
Well, that's ALL I ever really see of these movies and it's sad, and disgusting when the characters are specifically kids or animals. I can't stand going on Deviantart for this very reason because it's full of content like that and the site doesn't do much to prevent it like at all.
It's gotten to where the fandom is almost nothing BUT content like that and I've finally gotten tired of it
So to hopefully help my mind forget all the... stuff I've seen from Deviantart, and who knows where else, and to just bring back some innocence and fluffy cuteness, I've made a whole lotta fluffy hcs for a whole lotta disney movies! Alright let's start this off
The Lion King
. Simba
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~He is such a big cuddler, just a big cuddly boi. It's pretty much canon. I mean how many times does he get nuzzled or hugged throughout the movies. Answer: a LOT
~Of course he is kinda smug sometimes and has a bit of pride & dignity and all that mess so he'll pretend he's too tough for a cuddle
But of course he won't stop you if ya lean in for one anyway
~You can't tell me he and Nala didn't get into tickle fights all the time when they were younger! Reminds me, he is canonically ticklish, ok he gets tickled in the Lion King 1 1/2
Nala always won the tickle fights, much to Simba's embarrassment. He is a big lee (yes I'm using fancy terms from the tk community cause I can't think of any other words lol)
~His spots are his belly, sides, and paws
~ He has a light, hearty laugh
~One thing, you tickle him and he WILL get you back. It doesn't matter if he ends up losing again or not, he just wants to make you smile ... and get revenge
~Somewhat? merciful. Just kidding he would know when to stop
~Idk what to say he's just very affectionate and loving. He is so sweet to his family, always wanting Nala and Kiara to smile
. Nala
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~She's a cuddler too, just maybe not as much as Simba. She appreciates a cuddle, but other than with close family and friends, she only personally wants them at certain or rare times
~It's just cause she's a tomboy who would rather wrestle than hug. But like Simba, she wouldn't really stop you from hugging her if you tried to. She may be caught off guard by it though
~As said before, she would always win the tickle fights between her and Simba.
~I just don't see her as being very ticklish herself so that probably helped in winning lol
~Big ler, I swear she would call herself the ultimate tickle monster
Less merciful than Simba but she never goes too far. DO NOT try and get her back though cause it won't work and she will get you back... and it will be a lot less merciful than the first time
~She laughs right along with who ever she's making smile, whether by tickling them or telling them a joke, it doesn't matter how. Seeing others smile makes her smile. She has hearty laugh as well, just it's more feminine than Simba's duh
~As sweet as she is, she'll always be sassy. She could be cuddling Simba while they're looking up at the stars and it's all romantic and then throw off some sassy comment just because she can, though it's just to be funny
. Mufasa
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~If you're not sad that he died 20 minutes into the movie then we got a problem. Look at him, he's such a good dad! Biggest cuddler ever. Ok, he would pour hugs and kisses all over Sarabi and Simba in the morning and throughout the day when ever he could. If you asked him for a hug he would be more than glad to give you one
He is too good for the world, .. and apparently Scar thought so too (guys I'm so sorry :''')
~Definately would get into tickle fights with Simba just about every time they spend time together
~Definitely quite ticklish himself. I thought he was canonically ticklish cause of the scene where he and Simba are running through the field and chasing each other. Idk I still count it
~Spot is his sides
~Big switch. He can barely take what he dishes out though
~Very merciful, as soon as "stop" is said he stops. He never wants to go too far or accidentally hurt anyone.
~He has a great big, deep laugh that when heard, makes most others want to laugh along with him
~He may be tough but he is one of the sweetest beings in the entire pridelands
. Scar
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~Not much of a cuddler at all. If you asked him for a hug or a cuddle he would probably turn away from you in disgust. Closest thing to physical affection he had in the movie was when he was pretending to comfort Simba after Mufasa's death
~He's always had the same grumpy attitude ever since he was little, though he may have been loosened up a tad more back then
~Doesn't stop him from being ticklish though! As much as he hated it, Mufasa would always drag him into tickle fights when they were younger
~Surprisingly even more ticklish than Mufasa. He would always lose the fights, it not helping that Mufasa was the bigger and stronger of the two. (He is the only one that Mufasa does not show too much mercy to)
~Spots are his ribs and sides
~Big lee and he hates it. He is one for getting revenge though ... just like he's one for getting revenge on other things (I need to stop)
~Barely merciful at all. He won't stop until your on the ground almost passed out from laughter
~His laugh is like this low pitched majestic growl or cackle. That's the best I can explain it
~The hyenas once tackled him one day just to be funny and he lost it, laughing his head off. He waited for over a week before going back to them and of course chewed them off about how he could have swiped his paw once and they'd of all been on the ground dead, y'know if he had WANTED to
~He may be a bad guy but what a funny weakness
. Timon and Pumbaa
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~These two love a good cuddle! Timon doesn't let his pride get in the way of getting a good hug from Pumbaa or Simba. Pumbaa definately wants or needs cuddles half the time, especially if he's upset. These two may be outcasts but they're nothing but sweethearts
~Out of the two, Timon may have a bit of an attitude sometimes but he wants nothing but for his family and friends to be happy, though he may be a bit hesitant to admit such mushy stuff
~Yes, they get into tickle fights. Mostly happens when they're fighting or fussing over something, such as bugs. But they'll get into them for fun too. Got into them with Simba a lot more after they took him in
~Both are quite equally ticklish, though Timon squirms around more. Pumbaa just kinda sits there and accepts his fate
~Timon's spots are his underarms and ears, Pumbaa's is his belly
~Both big switches. Will sneak up on their target before attacking. (Like them chasing after the vultures in the movie)
~Pumbaa is more merciful than Timon is but they both know when to stop
~Timon's laugh is a funny slightly high pitched cackle while Pumbaa's laugh is a lot more gruff
~Anyway, they're so silly
. Rafiki
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~Y'all, he has probably got one of the biggest hearts throughout the whole movie. Definitely loves a good hug or cuddle, I mean just think of those scenes where he hugs Mufasa and Simba. He is very affectionate with most anybody
It wouldn't matter if he only knew ya for five minutes, he would already have his arm around you and would be telling you about some cool old story or teaching some life lesson
~Um have y'all ever paid attention to the majority of his dialogue? It's mostly crazy, funny, and contagious laughter. Though his family and friends are quite used to his eccentric laughter, someone new he meets will usually end up laughing right along with him the first time they hear him, even if they don't know what they're laughing about lol
~I've always pictured this but I imagine that when he was younger, he and Mufasa were best friends and would just goof around with each other (if you've seen or watched the Lion Guard, they would have a friendship equivalent to Kion and Bunga pretty much)
~Yes, even he gets into tickle fights. Most of 'em happened when he was younger and they were usually between him and a playful cub Mufasa. Even as they both got older though, he would every once in a while get a mischievous poke from the usually serious king when it was just them hanging out
~Quite ticklish and one of the only things that can push past his confident, eccentric attitude and get him flustered
Spots include his ribs and back
~He is a switch but ends up being a lee more than he'd like to be lol. Kinda hard to get the upper hand when your 3 foot tall and your being tickled half to death by a big 500 pound lion *cough cough* Mufasa *coUGh*
~It's who he's tickling that depends whether he's merciful or not.
Mufasa: no
Anyone else: yes
~His laugh, well his laugh is hard to miss in the movies. It's just crazy. Ok, he cackles a lot! It's very flamboyant and contagious in my opinion
~Best crazy monkey ever
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~Not much of a hugger or cuddler because he's small and doesn't want to accidentally be crushed when trying to be hugged by a giant lion. Appreciates the thought and consideration of it though
Perching on someone's shoulder is something he considers affectionate though
~He may be snarky at some times, but he is very caring and loyal
~Like Rafiki, I can picture him having a cool relationship with Mufasa when they were younger. He woulda been the nerd of the group lol
Never gets into tickle fights much, again because he's small, but there was once when Simba got him after pouncing on him. He was a flustered mess afterwards.
~Moderately ticklish, like just enough to where he'll laugh a good bit
~Spots include under his wings and his neck
~Again, doesn't get into tickle fights much but when he does he's a switch. Can use his feathers to an advantage but will get flustered if you so much as look at him funny
~Very merciful because he's afraid if he doesn't show it, he won't receive it himself
~His laugh is a bunch of chortle and snorts, that's all I got
~He may seem snarky but I love him
Alright well then, here's the first bit! I intend to update this a lot whenever I do other movies but for now have this if ya want!
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reveseke · 1 year
Confessions confessions
PT. Confessions confessions. PT end
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Image ID. A medium sized banner made of a picture featuring 5 arcade game machines colored mainly in purple in a tilted position lined up against a wall, there is a small glimpse of mat in the far right corner of a simple 90s star arcade design with varying colors. The first machine has visible text that reads "gauntlet legends", no other text is visible. Image ID end.
-Request? Yes
-Cobra Kai
Enby!Reader(you/your), Anthony Larusso
Heed the warnings: fluff, no actual warnings by far lol
Other info : Reader isn't part of any dojo, no pronouns used but he him & he they mentioned for the reader, R has light background. This isn't exactly what the request said, but i'm adjusting and need HC rn lol this is a character i haven't written for before and i will absolutely go write a blurb for this afterwards bc i think it's a really cute idea and i want to write a blurb for it but this is a little too long for it already. :< Also i try to avoid gendered language on readers behalf so there's a brief pause over terms.
Also i included a brief personal Sam Larusso headcanon there somewhere which is kinda relevant to pronouns. Have fun with it, Ig?
DNI - Fudanashis/fujodashis, women & fem-aligned, profic/proship, anti - LGBTQ+ folk & exclusionists, anti-antis, Necro- Zoo- Pedophiles + (NO)Maps(and other terms), basic DNI criteria, kink/nude/nsfw/sh/vent/pro-ana/ed/18+ blogs
Squishy squishy squishy squishy warm soft pricks and needles i think that would be how he'd describe the feeling he has when he sees you.
I don't see him being that easy to sway off his legs. But when you do he'll Be a little boisterous and a show off.
He'd absolutely use white lies if he speaks with you(like in P.E or you other shared classes), like mostly of the karate; saying he's practicing and really good at it! Meanwhile he's yet to actually even joining myagi-do.
He'd imo be the type to be a little akward and just observing from afar for a little while.
If you have any pins on your clothes or bags make it pronoun, gender or interest or just for aesthetic he's most likely seen them and carved them into his mind.
Using these as separators as my eyes can't keep up lmao
Wouldn't even question it much if your nonbinary. He'd rolls with it and if he doesn't understand it completely he's absolutely googling or asking around to understand it.
Imo He's a respectful little man; pronouns, gender identity doesn't matter he'll respect you!
He's seen through the struggle of being misgenred and tries his best if you solely use they/them pronouns, with he/they pronouns he will try to include the they them pronouns somewhere in there.
And something about gn/masc gendered language, he'd ask you if you'd prefer either one or both to be used.
I think he would absolutely make sure you aren't misgendered. He'll gladly correct others upon it.
Personal headcanon on Larussos I'm including bc i can ! I think Sam's transfemine and got on HRT & puberty blockers pretty early on being able to be as she is in the series. :³
↑ this helping Ant adjust pretty easily to they them pronoun use for you. Bc he had to adjust to his sister's.
Also never say that Sam wouldn't be making fun of Ant's little crush on you when she catches on.
It's the big sibling duty from what I've observed and gone through as well. He would absolutely end up spilling to her about you.
And if she has heard of you she will be either surprised or shocked. It really depends on if your known for something or just striking to the eyes, if she has not she will seek you out in the crowds especially when you get to be a junior in highschool(am i using that correctly? Lmao )
Also about the being striking or well known for something i meantlike something around these at first and don't feel like deleting this part lmao -> Like alt style, other kind of style that's striking like really colorful or bland outfits/accessories, mitch-matching etc, piercings? Being public about being gay/male-/masc-loving, being public about being nonbinary or something like that etc etc. Something you did, your family (or rather siblings or possibly parents, maybe pets?), being a menace etc etc etc. These are mere ideas none will be used tho in this lol
Using these as separators as my eyes can't keep up lmao
The little man is nervous as he brains storms good ideas for a confession. Does he go in just face-to-face or or.. wait valentines day.
Let's think it the way students get the cards and they aren't read out loud anynomous and you have to write your name on the card y'know.
So you get a valentines day cards from your friends, or rather those that did them. To say you were rather surprised, no matter if he's in your class or not.
Just.. what if the card is just that, a long and a little messy confession where he fumbles over the words even if written and it kinda looks hilarious and circles few things around and around. But ending with his phone number.
You went on your day like always, but Ant did shine more in the crowds than usual in your eyes. No ody could blame you after what you read. And he was actually just blanantly staring at you sometime even and turning away swiftly with fluster.
You did think it was cute tho. Not to mention you had had a small crush on him as well for a year or so by now, but you couldn't make yourself confess.
Using these as separators as my eyes can't keep up lmao
. Also i have no idea how to write actual dating, i have never been interested in it so i ask you to spare me for it, I'm trying/hj lmao
When you answer him in the end he'll be over the moon. He'll also be an utter mess and absolutely be running to ask his sister for help.
Setting up casual hang outs at first and getting to know each other, going to the arcade and golfing and maybe helping each other with school work if you may lol.
He's in person very nervous and rambling about all the stuff, he might even question you about your pins esp if they are about your interest and bring them in converstations.
I think he could be a curious kind when brought out of the shell and be interested in learning a thing or two. Extra points if you end up bonding rather tightly because of a shared interest.
Also his sister pestering the two of you? Like embrassing Ant like any sibling would do in front of his crush and later on date. Love interest?
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qwuilty · 1 year
God I love ur takes on p1 dude so much!!! Do u have more hcs to share!!! Angsty and not :0?
Yeah i think i can share some, pardon if any of them are a bit of a run on sentence though, math homework has fried my brain a little XD (warning for like, discussion of military related trauma sorry if the warning is bad again my brain is fried <:'') )
As i said before I'm starting to come more around to the idea he enlisted after dropping out of college, if you've been around like. Any US high school or college you've probably seen recruiters perched in the halls like vultures (though it's probably more so nowadays honestly) and i think that feeling of complete failure, mixed with his need to try and 'redeem' himself by doing something 'good with himself' after may have pushed him to do so. And by all means, physically he was capable. He wasn't a star athlete but he was fairly well built and able to make it through training, it was mentally where things went wrong.
I think already he was a pretty high stress person with bad coping mechanisms, but actually having to be there on a field of combat, where slight mistakes could very well mean you never return home, i think that REALLY fucked with him. It's when his insomnia started getting worse, this looming fear of something going wrong, and it all boiled over to the ordeal i headcanon as to why he got kicked out.
After a long bout of insomnia, sleepless nights on edge as he dealt with auditory hallucinations, trying to keep himself up in one piece to not Fuck This One Chance Up as it were, it lead to a pretty bad incident one night. He (thought) he was the only one awake out of everyone else there, having a very bad night of nagging fear that there was going to be an attack on everyone else with "warning signs" (most likely small, unrelated issues blown out of proportion) and another soldier, very unaware of his current state accidentally snuck up on him asking for a light and scared him absolutely shitless.
Needless to say, startling a man very much on the edge thinking he may have to be the only one awake to keep his fellow men from dying that night was a very bad idea, thankfully someone spotted them before he choked them to death, but he was deemed unfit to serve after his 'sudden' outburst.
But even if he hadn't served full time, i think that kind of experience REALLY fucked with him, partially why he tanked so hard mentally on top of the existing college stuff and his sense of being a failure. I mainly think of the events of Postal 1 as kind of a tale of hundreds, millions of little things that lead to one big implosion, but it's one of those things to others that comes "out of nowhere" because he tried very hard to seem like he was ok.
I'm also more partial to him having served just out of logical sense, it makes sense for him to have prior training to explain how he's able to go against the military and SWAT force, why one of his first places to go after finding out about the 'virus' was the air-force, use of terms like 'flyboy', 'solider', 'grunt' and all. So i think on top of his already existing mental illnesses, the time served in the military added on additional PTSD explaining why he had auditory hallucinations of gunshots at night and fell back into his bad mental state.
This was mainly just kind of one big long headcanon explanation, but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
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yifftwiceplz · 5 months
do one every ten lines :)
🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual
big fan of dave (yifftwiceplz) and dave (dj-shitslot) basically looking in a mirror at each other at all times, younger self in awe of "older" self (its just that dj is a guardian / has more responsibility) and older self looking back at younger self fondly. thats the good shit. they dont make shit like that anymore but we do like you pass your 13 year old self on the street and your gut reaction is to light up and say oh my god i love you and your 13 year old self is like holy shit, the parts of myself i always wanted to shine through are right there plain as day, we made it
🌇 for a headcanon about morning- or evening rituals
dave wakes up in the afternoon and mostly just lounges around for a few hours. due to his audhd and dysfunction he cant do Anything in any day unless 1. it was preplanned a week in advance 2. he has his obligatory four hour Do Fuck All time. where mainly he smokes weed and listens to music loud enough you can hear it across the house (even though he's wearing headphones). and then once he feels like a person he'll have breakfast, shower, brush his teeth etc and focus on work
😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
it's so hard to make dave angry. maybe it was easier in sburb but he's genuinely a very happy guy. i specifically decided to RP him after i saw that smile on daves face on the lilypad i thought. my guy can heal now. so mostly any time he gets mad it's probably just that he's overstimulated. which is nebulous and random and hard to predict and he tries to grit his teeth and not show it until he snaps, which isn't ideal but he hates looking sensitive or asking someone to back off him in terms of actual real true anger - i dont think he feels it. maybe for a brief moment if someones attacking his friends - only a moment because immediately following that he's got his body and sword between them
🚗 for a transportation-themed headcanon
this bitch cant drive. bro never drove; they lived at the top floor apartment in a walkable neighbourhood what good would a car do yknow? bro had the hoverboard for any long distance trips actually it would be so moe of him to start skating again maybe i should do that. but anyway mostly he walks everywhere he goes. he FREQUENTLY forgets he can fly because thats like... a super power to him. to be used during a fight. but a long fly doesnt work as well as a long walk to clear your head if you have attention issues and mildly dissociate. hed end up in tennessee
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
oh boy definitely the drinking is his worst habit. it's well-managed but sometimes gets out of hand which is HARD to recognize because dave does not typo when he's drunk. he says roxy is either weak or faking it. striders in general are high dexterity builds so it doesn't matter if his eyes work or if he's coherent - them fingers are gonna find the keys. but he's also a fun drunk! he and roxy share that trait where you get a little booze in them and it's a little easier for them to laugh and open up and be confident in themselves so dave is really good at playing off being totally wasted with being totally charming. and it leads to people letting him drink more than he should quite frequently. luckily karkat isn't as fond of drinking as he is and has a keen eye for when dave is too far gone
hc + 🎥 for a film/tv-themed headcanon
dave is very passionate about film/tv even with his limited "real" education on it, dude just has an eye for it. good editing / camerawork tickles him to death like in a reality show where the interviewee is oblivious to something and there's a slow camera zoom in... got him seal-clapping and kicking his legs in glee part of the reason he's always so busy and tired (which is hard to see because he's always online and blogging casually - that's just part of his process and he just responds to a couple things at a time) is he's such a perfectionist with his own videos. he will not hire an editor. no one understands his vision.
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ilgaksu · 9 months
sorry that you're having trouble sleeping. I was going to ask you about heihua insomnia hcs but I feel like you had something about hxz playing violin at hours that neighbors wouldn't appreciate in one of your fics - is that an insomnia thing or just ending up on weird sleep schedules on purpose (for crime reasons or some such)?
(Also did you want non-fic related asks and if so, on what? I feel like you've set up something of an air of mystery on purpose so I don't want to interfere with that)
For the Hei Xiazi violin question: it's actually insomnia, probably sometimes as a result of weird sleeping schedules! I honestly think spending so much of your job in places without natural light has got to RUIN your circadian rhythm, right??*
*I have a ruined circadian rhythm without this excuse.
I think violin has such a full-body requirement to play that it's soothing for overactive insomnia, and also honestly looks like it can get physically exhausting.
With more headcanons, I tend to think Hei Xiazi gets much worse insomnia than Xiao Hua does, and I have no clue why I think that, aside partially from the fact I think Hei Xiazi stays up overthinking a lot more than Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua overthinks literally all the rest of the time. Also, I have a long-standing headcanon that neither of them are really compatible with the idea of sleeping in the same bed in terms of actually sleeping well a lot of the time when they first meet, but genuinely stubborn it out because they both like the intimacy aspect (lbr, Xiao Hua went from behaving with complete off-putting, wooden confusion about being cuddled post-sex, never mind any other time*, to straight up pulling a Miette-level of glaring if it Doesn't happen). Also, to be blunt, I genuinely think Xiao Hua's very mercenary and unsentimental about a) his body/bodily needs and therefore b) solo insomnia and just gets out his vibrator and tries to use that to relax enough it'll knock him out.
*Sometimes for my own dopamine, I imagine the first handful of times Hei Xiazi tried outside of specifically afterglow scenarios, and Xiao Hua stared at him like What Are You Doing, Actually? because I like to laugh at him for sport.
(That sounds fun! Uhhh, I am trying to think, and I'm like. I love being asked about writing process, and why I made decisions in fic I did, but that's.....also fic. I think questions about other interests I have, like history or, idk, favourite tea, or something are fine. I'm less comfortable with questions asking about my job/personal life in terms of the specifics/that kind of thing, and if I don't want to answer something, I'll just not and make up a new question to reply to. I'll also let you know if this changes, since I hadn't really considered that too deeply before you asked and I find having a degree of privacy now suits me a lot, but some more neutral stuff feels like it could be fun? This is really sweet of you to check and as a fandom cryptid, I appreciate it <3)
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everybodylovesyuu · 2 years
why MXTX is my new most favourite author
So recently, I started watching The Untamed and then decided midway through that I want that bl so I tried to switch to the novel and that... was a whole fcking mess where now I have no clue what's canon and what's not cause I ended up finishing it by half watching through The Untamed, half through the manhua and half through the novel...
And then I decided to try Scum Villain (SVSSS) and then Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF) as well because I enjoyed both MDZS and SVSSS. And 3 books later, I'm now writing a post just to express my love for MXTX's wonderful amazing writing. And just to scream into the void of all the reasons why I love her works.
1. Premises
Starting off, her ideas are just very unique and I absolutely love how hooking each of them are!! The world building, the plotting and the settings are insane in practically all of her novels and I'm just in awe of how consistently she keeps coming up with something fresh and interesting that will grab the interest of everyone who stumbles across it.
2. Genres
As somebody who likes to write myself, I consider comedy as the hardest genre to write. Followed by sexual/erotic scenes. And action too! MXTX somehow manages to do all of them so well and I just feel a lot of admiration for her as a writer for all the fun and the heartbreak that she puts into her stories.
3. Romance
MXTX's romance is just *chef's kiss*. There's no other word for it, it's just mind blowingly good. It never gets to the point of being "cheesy" or "cringey" or too forced. It always sounds natural, feels good and feels deep. There is a pattern to how she writes her main characters but I love it. I love that pattern. It's always the other MC (LBG, LWJ, HC) that falls first and falls deep while we see the story from the point of view of someone who falls without even knowing it (SY, WWX, XL). What that leaves behind is the constant thrum of anticipation, of knowing what their actions mean while the main MC is being dumb and frustrating lol. Her dialogues and scenes between them are always just 😵‍💫 [Eg. wangxian's first kiss?? hua cheng's 3000 lanterns??] There is so much love through actions and acts of service and it translates so well into what they have. She writes romance that is meant for the centuries.
4. Characters
MXTX's characters are just. so. good??? Like I'm not even talking about the main characters, it's always the side characters. Like she just has a way of writing such rounded fleshed-out characters with their own stories and own behaviours and own reasonings and you can't help but love them. Really, even the antagonists have so much in them that you can't help but feel for them, even if you hate what they have done. I love how her characterization for each of them is so distinct and clear and their conversations are always so so natural and real and I feel so in awe of the situations she builds up around them. Their problems are always something that can never be blamed onto a single person– they are deep and multi-faceted just like real life. The choices made by the characters are always right in their own terms and you can't even hate them for those choices because you understand the reasoning. That is how real life is and MXTX captures it so so well.
5. Side Stories
Also, what's with her side stories being so fcking angsty 😭 Like beefleaf (Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan) and Banyue in TGCF, XXC/SXC/Xue Yang in MDZS, Shen Jiu and Yue Qingyuan in SVSSS??? She does NOT hold back on the side characters and gives them so much depth that you just start caring for each and every one of them. You see them in a thousand different lights from their own monsters to the smiles they have on now. She writes her side characters like they are real people too and I absolutely love that. So much. That automatically made her one of my favourite authors ever.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my long rant for why I love MXTX and her writing so much lmao. I don't think anyone is interested but I had to get it out of my system. She's fcking amazing.
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clovers-garden-co · 2 years
im literally gonna start crying.. this is ridiculous- 
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I hate brainrot so fucking much hhhh 
I’m on the verge of tears I hope this isn’t CRINGEY
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definitely makes dad jokes. the first thing that popped in my mind. 
he’s been rejected like 20 times.. so when he catches feelings for you he desperately tries to not make it 21 😭
y’know i think he’s a relatively good kisser. not in the “oh my god my fucking knees are going to COLLAPSE-“ no. but in the “my heart is melting from how sweet this feels” kinda way. those kisses that really warm your heart. 
he most likely has a variety of petnames and terms of endearment that he calls you, but it’s mainly baby or sweetheart (at least that’s what I’m thinking, I’m struggling not to cringe 🤷🏽‍♀️)
cuddling with this man… it’s just sickeningly sweet. like he holds you so close to him that you can feel the warmth radiating off of his body. 
i strongly believe he either sings or hums you to sleep 
another avid forehead kisser
his lips are really soft 
his hands are … rough-ish my hands are the same way but they’re not ROUGH rough y’know? In the middle between soft and rough 
he shows his love through acts of service andddd touch 
he can cook. yeah. malewife
maybe if he gets home earlier than you he’d cook dinner so it saves you stress and time. 
but his menu is very limited so uh.. not a whole restaurant 
that being said, I think he reads cookbooks just to try and make new things for you both to try 
trust me, he loves feeding you pastries and stuff. he squished your cheeks together after because you look so cute like that 
another person to go on late night rides with 
he wouldn’t really stop anywhere, but he’d drive you around Tokyo, maybe the city area where you can see the bright lights and aesthetic scenery you’d see in the anime or whatever 🙄
Japan is pretty though, gotta love the scenery there. Also the convenience stores oh my goodness - but I won’t go off topic 
he’d make sure you’re wearing a helmet just so you can look around.. he cares for your safety 
when you guys hold hands, he like.. intertwines your hand with his and it’s like qlmekenekwje he does the little thumb rubby thing 
he probably kisses your hand like a cute prince too, and you’d be the princess/prince
y’know what, maybe he calls you princess or prince too and he most definitely treats you like one 
overall, 20/10 boyfriend to have imo, I just have brainrot.. uhm L + ratio + bozo to the girls that rejected him.. and yeah. 
oh, and he doesn’t like mustard. 
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tojismalewife · 3 years
PART TWO TO General Hc’s for JJK men with a ftm reader.
Part one can be checked out https://tojismalewife.tumblr.com/post/659459121256513536/general-hcs-for-jjk-men-with-a-ftm-reader-this RIGHT BELOW
This part contains; Nanami, Mahito, Itadori, and Megumi
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Oh nanami.
Bisexual energy ngl.
Okay anyways, If you came out to this man he’d be nonchalant about it. Maybe a small nod or a hum.
But he CAN and WILL send you gifts/buy you a binder and T if you need it.
He’s a “actions speak louder then words” kinda person.
When it comes down to people being assholes to you about it- he’ll put them in their place. No hesitation- telling them off in a calm and collected tone before wrapping an arm around your shoulder and walking off,
Will big spoon you at the house and reassure you that you’re a boy no matter what if you ask him.
If you’re not in the mood for that he’ll give yoy your favorite snack and just rub your back, a comforting silence taking over.
Nah wait, if body dysphoria is hitting REALLY bad he’d just- turn off all the lights- only using candles and taking a nice shower/bath with you.
“Hm, it’s okay my boy”.
“You’re a boy no matter what or how you become one, you’re still a boy. You’re still my boyfriend”.
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Pansexual, he doesn’t care. He just loves you.
“What’s trans?”
Cue you explaining
“And why is that bad? You’re still a boy aren’t you? It’s kinda cool that you have female genitalia anyways- do all boys come with that?”
Bless his soul he’s trying his best :(((
After all confusion is cleared- since he can’t really buy you stuff- he’ll either try to steal it or comfort you the best he can with his words. And or bringing up the most random shit in a way for you to avoid sadness. “Did you know the worlds smallest human can grow to-“
Comes to terms of telling people off- they’re already dead. If ANYONE tries to disrespect his boyfriend they’re dead before they can even finish their sentence.
Would automatically hug you after killing said person- comforting you.
If body dysphoria was getting bad he’d hold you- a silence overtaking unless it’s to put an input on how valid you are.
“Guys look at my boyfriend! What do you mean he isn’t?-“ *cue sounds of someone dying lol*
“You mean so much to me my baby boy…”
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Bisexual/pansexual. All I’m saying
You’re another 1st year, yet whenever someone calls your name for attendance you automatically freeze up and shift nervously before mumbling a “here”
Itadori automatically noticed and went to talk to you about it, once you came out as trans to him he AUTOMATICALLY supported.
Was smiling as he told you how it’s nice to have another dude in the class, although he felt bad for Nobara being the only girl.
Comforts with words AND actions, would bribe Gojo to get all your teachers to call you by your given name and to buy you a binder.
When a teacher doesn’t follow by said orders given out and or is openly transphobic, Itadori is coming up for there ass- telling them to F off and to respect his boyfriend.
If you still feel body dysphoric after that, he’ll hold you. You’re crying in his lap meanwhile he rubs your back- nose buried into your hair as he inhales your scent, mumbling about how you shouldn’t listen or that asshole of a teacher. How you’re valid- how much he loves you and how you’re the best boyfriend he’s ever had.
If you aren’t in the mood for that he’s gonna comfort you with his words, gently patting your head as your favorite song plays in the background.
If you fell asleep with him holding you- he’s gonna take a picture- add text that says “he’s so cute when he’s sleeping wtf” and post it on his Snapchat and fall asleep meanwhile Megumi spams his phone with “ARE YOU GUYS DATING??”
I mean, damn leave Megumi in the dark about y’all’s relationship ig 😒
“Hey! It’s pretty cool knowing that there’s tons of guys in this class- sucks that Nobara is the only girl though…”
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Just like Itadori, he notices you’re getting massively uncomfortable with being called by your name when roll call is happening.
Instead of approaching this nicely like Itadori though, he corners you.
He’s looming over you- asking why you’re so uncomfortable with your name you blurt it out on accident.
“… trans?”
He’s a confused bby at first but he gets it the second you explain a bit.
He’s a more actions through words, will “bribe” (read threaten) Gojo to get his boyfriend a binder and will try to pull some strings with Nanami to get you T.
Whenever someone’s being a dick about you being trans he’s already by your side- throwing some rude remarks while glaring and huffing.
Walks away with a pout as he lets his arm rest around your waist/shoulders.
If you feel body dysphoric after the interaction, he’d hold you silently. Letting you cry and rant to him, giving you anything you need- putting some inputs of his own as he tries his best to compliment/validate you.
“You’re valid, you’re a boy. Deal with it”.
“My handsome boyfriend… I love him…”
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